4 Must Read Internet Marketing Books

youthis is the mountain that we're about tohike hey guys Stephanie fromprojectlifemastery.comI just did an amazing hike here in Rioand there's a gorgeous view behind meand it's a good opportunity for me totake a my phone real quickand answer some of the questions thatI've received from you guys so someoneasked me a question the other day on myblog which was what internet marketingbooks do I recommend for someone that'sinterested in getting started makingmoney online now I want to share withyou guys four books okay four books thatcome to mind up at the top of my headright now that have really benefitted meand helped change my life and reallyinspired me to get started making moneyonline so the first book that I want torecommend for you guys is a book thatyou probably already heard of andespecially if you're an internetmarketer you've probably already read itand if you haven't then this is a goodbook to start with but it's a bookcalled the 4-hour workweek by TimFerrissokay the 4-hour workweek by Tim Ferrissand this is a book that I read years agois probably one the first books I readthat really motivated me to get startedmaking money online because it reallychanged my paradigm of what was possibleyou know I was always raised with thetraditional belief that you got to go toschool you got to get great grades yougot to get a good education and then youwork your ass off for your entire lifeso that one day when you're 65 years oldyou can eventually retire and travel andjust live your life and he kind of makesfun of that in the book and he describesthere's a new rich there's a new way ofliving your life and the book is abouthow to escape the 9 to 5 and create alifestyle that only requires about fourhours a week of work so that you cantravel the world living your dreamsdoing whatever it is that you wantmaking passive income and beingfinancially free and so it's a greatbook highly recommended you know in thebook Tim Ferriss describes how hetravels the world how he goes to Brazilhe does jujitsu he goes to Thailand he'sdoing Muay Thai he's doing Samba classesall types of stuff and that is possibleand the possibility of it is what reallyis the biggest thing I got from thatbook and it also goes into a lot aboutautomating your life oats orseeing leveraging herself so it's areally great book to recomm that I'dstart with the second book that Irecommend is a book that I read recentlywhen I was in Bali and it was actually agift from someone on my blog and I heardabout it four years before but I nevergot a chance to read it till just thisearly this year and it's a book calledThe Millionaire Fastlane by MJ DeMarcoand this is a book that was really wellwritten I love the style of this bookand it really changed it's another bookthat shifts her paradigm and yourmindset of how to get rich fast now I'mnot really big and just telling peopleyou can get rich overnight or anythinglike thatbecause getting rich and making money issomething that requires a lot of hardworkfailures experience developing yourselfand everything but there's definitely away of doing it faster than a lot of thetraditional ways of how we've beentaught and you know we've been taughtthat you can get rich by investing inmutual funds and stuff like that and inthis book The Millionaire Fastlane isall about how to get on the fast trackbecause even that strategy of what mostpeople learn from their banks and andother finance books about investing inmutual funds pay yourself first thatstrategy is it gets lowI started get rich slow strategy and souh MJ DeMarco talks about how theinternet is making more people rich thananything and how you can leverage it andtake advantage of it so it's a reallygreat book that I recommend reallyinspired me it's probably one of thebest books that I've read on the subjectso that's why I'm recommending it thethird book I want to recommend is a bookthat is going to be a little bitchallenging for you guys to find butit's a book that I read when I went toThailand when I was first building myinternet business and has a book calledfu moneyok fu money by Dan Locke Dan Locke andI'll try to find links to all thesebooks and link to them in my blog postand in the video description but this isa book that really changed my life DanLocke is from Vancouver and he actuallygave me his book for free at a seminarthat he is speaking at and I read thisbook when I went to Thailand I wasbuilding my first online business and Iwas so motivated driven my goal is tomake $300 a month passive incomeread this book when I was there and itwas just a life-changing book for mebecause it really helped me with mymindset with internet marketing thepossibility of it had some really greatexercises and it just shifted my beliefsso really great book highly recommendedI love his style of writing as well it'svery direct like a few kind of you knowa few money is the book what is calledso it's a very direct powerful way thatreally got through to me the fourth bookI'm gonna share with you guys is a bookthat helped me to build my blog and it'scalled crush it by Gary Vaynerchuk andGary Vaynerchuk Gary Vee is got somegreat books out there but crush it Ithink was his first book that he put outand as all about how to make money doingwhat you love how to edit cash in fromyour passions make profit from yourpassions and it really inspired me atthe time because that was when I wasfirst building project life master command when I read that book it just reallymade me believe and had helped me havethe right mindset to build my blog andbuild it into the success that it is nowso those are the four books that Irecommend for you guys okay the 4-hourworkweek The Millionaire Fastlane fumoney and crush it by Gary Vaynerchukthose four books are definitely amazingan amazing start now there don't reallygo into the practical logisticalstep-by-step how-to of making moneyonline but it will help with the mindsetthe beliefs and motivate you to actuallydo it so I want to thank you guys forwatching this video I'll see you guysagain soonyouyou
