Top 5 Dumbest Building Products

on the build show today top-five dumbestbuilding products let's get going tothis one right here number one on mylist this one has bugged me for yearsthis is a cardboard sheathing basicallya paper-based sheathing product can youbelieve that this is used all over thecountry this has been in use probablyfor 20 or 30 years in America and stilltoday I'm in a brand new house in anunknown location look at thatcardboard sheathing here's a littlesample of it right hereprefer not to show you the manufacturerno need to have them call me but look atthis this is basically a cardboardsheathing a paper-based sheathing thathas some kind of a plasticy finish onthe outside but think how well that isgonna last on this building and this isalso the waterproofing layer look atthat I can literally rip the sheathingand that's what's doing the shear onthis house that's also what's keepingthe water out of the house how do you doanything for this this is terrible lookit's also super susceptible to thejobsite damage probably the Mason orsomebody poked this on the outside we'vegot a big rip right here the only thingthe Builder can do to waterproof it isuse some spray foam around there butlook at this I mean this is thesheathing for the house and this houseis meant to last I don't understand howwe're paper-based product is gonna workokay number two on my list pin punchedplastic house wraps you know these aresold this particular one is sold underseveral different brand names I'm sureit's third party labeled but you cantell by the kind of crosshatch label ifyou look up close on here and if youhold it up to the Sun or a bright lightsource you can actually see pinpointlight sources out of there it'sbasically a plastic wrap that they punchpin needles through there and that's howthey get the permeability but check thisout this house wrap is totally notwaterproof here's a little test you cando for any house wrap to see how well itdoes and let alone we're adding let'ssay we're adding some staples when weadd it to the wall of a house but let'scheck this out real quick quickdemonstration I put some water on thetop of the house wrap I put a papertowel underneath we're gonna let thissit for about five minutes and come backand see what it looks like okay it'sbeen likefour minutes let's see how this housewrap did on a waterproofing test againremember there's no punctures in this wedidn't do anything to this we didn'tstaple through it and let's look at ithere's my little bounty right therecheck that out look that hold it up tothe light this is not a waterproof housewrap we do not want this on ourbuildings because our sensitive buildingmaterials are going to get wet this testwas for five minutes and this test isclearly showing this house rap let'swater through you do not want apin-basedhouse rap number three on my listrecessed tankless units now this one isset up for a brick or a stone facade onthe outside but look at this recess unitright here they had to cut it into thesheathing and the tank is actuallyrecessed back in here now it's not thetankless unit itself it's this recessedkit that I think is terrible terribleproduct and let me show you why let'swalk around the inside I'm going to showyou what's back there follow me it'sthis right here that I don't like sothis this guy's flushed out with a 2x4wall on the inside you can see this hereand see how much light we've got showingaround here so it's really hard to airseal these now we are in a garage inthis particular location but my biggestissue with these recessed tankless isright here look we've got all our supplypipes coming in here we've got a gasline looks like we've got water supplyhere and then hot is coming out howwould you ever both air seal this buthow do you keep the water out – andyou've got a recessed tankless like thiswe just have a one or two foot overhangon the outside there's gonna be waterinside this unit and then it's going toleak down into here which means that tenyears fifteen years from now this wholecavity is gonna be a mess there's evenbe mold growth in here there's gonna berot I just don't like them it's not agood idea we should either mount thistankless in the garage and then thenpipe it through the roof or a directline out or we should mount it on theoutside of the cladding and let the letit show these recessed boxes dumbproducts not a fannumber four in my list paper baseflashing look at this you see thisdetail all over Texas where the framersput this on but before they put thesheathing on on the outside of the wallthe idea is this is meant to protectwater from coming up underneath thisbottom platebut what it's not doing is notprotecting the sensitive edge at thebottom of the sheathing now Huber zipgreat product but on this cut edge weneed to protect that from moisture comeon around here and I'm going to show youwhat's happening so here's our brickledge right here and this paper-basedflashing this is gonna degrade within areally short period of time I remodeledthe house just a couple years ago thatwas maybe six seven years old and thiswas absolutely mush you could pull itapart after just a couple of short yearsso this is number one not gonna protectthe water from coming back underneaththat bottom plate but it's also notgonna protect this cut edge on our OSBsheathing right here that's not good wewant to protect that sheathing the wayto do this correctly is to use aflashing that's gonna come down here andcome on to the brick ledge I madeanother video on this a while back onhow to do this correctly with some prosto go products and protect this bottomedge I'll put a link in the descriptionto do this right but paper base flashingdumb product and last but not leastnumber five direct vent gas fireplacesthis is a dumb building product weshould stop using these these cheapmetal boxes with these cheesy log setsyou're not fooling anybody no one thinksthis is a real fire in your house buthere's the real problem I have withthese see how this flue right here goesthrough the sidewall this is a directevent unit these flus have two bigproblems number one it's a huge hole inyour thermal envelope see how you haveno insulation around that that flue getsreally hot because we've got those hotgases going through there so we can'tlet anything touch it no combustiblescan be around there number two it's alsoa huge air leak and most installationsI've seen see where we've got thatcaller right there around that fluecoming through we can't seal that callerwe can't use spray foam in there wecan't use a cocking because it needs tobe able to be combustion ready and wedon't want it getting super hot as aresult you basically have a giant airleak every time you put one of these inthe house air leak means energy loss italso means any time air can get in thatalso could be a source for bugs get inyour house this is as if we have awindow that's cracked in our house thatwe can never close for the life of thebuilding we don't want one of these guysdo not youa direct vent gas fireplace and whilewe're on the topic don't put a ventlessfireplace either either in that is ahuge nono guys hope you join me on thistour of five dumb building products ifyou're new to our channel we publishevery Tuesday and every Friday so hitthat subscribe button belowalthough wise follow me on Twitter andInstagram we'll see you next time on thebuild show[Music]you
