How To Create an eCommerce Website – Online Store With WordPress For Beginners

in this video you're going to becreating your online shop and I'm goingto give you a free domain to do it[Music]I'm going to show you how you can uploadnew products to your shop how you can doreviews and how you can set upcategories for individual products setprices and everything to do with yourshipping and how to set that up as wellI'm even going to show you how you canset up discount codes to give to yourcustomers I'm going to show you how youcan move these sections around so youknow you don't have to have this sectionhere for example you can drag it up hereyou can move this featured productsection up here this online shop iscompletely flexible and you can doanything that you want with it I'm goingto show you how to customize your footerso you can have different links to thedifferent products in your shop you'regoing to have a working menu at the topwith store accessories women's men'sanything you can think of anything thatyou want to have in your shop you'regonna have your own about Us page whichtells your customers and your viewersall about you and who you are whatyou're doing and all about your productsand you're gonna have a Contact Us pagewith a working contact form as well associal media icons in case people wantto visit you there and carry on theconversation so you can carry onbuilding your community this online shophas everything you need to build anonline shop and be successful so ifyou've been wanting to have your ownonline shop this video will show youevery step of the way to doing that andmaking it work and then the first stepis to click on the link here where itsays start here so just click that linkand that's going to take you over toHostgator and we've teamed up withHostgator in and we're going to begetting you 60% off your hosting butalso you get a free domain by doing thiswith us because we have teamed up withthem we've got this just for our viewersso click here to start savingimmediately and then in here type inyour website's name this is what peopleare going to type in to visit you andthen here choose com order website storeanything you want there then scroll downand choose your hosting of your billingcycle I always go with the year'shosting because it does mean I save themost and you're now going to get a freewith it – it's up to you whicheverhosting you go for you're going to saveloads but with a year you get a freedomain 60% off and it is an investmentfor your new shop you're getting thebest head start so I'm going to choose ayear and then enter username andsecurity pin and you want to make surethat you've chosen the business planbecause you need this because you get afree SSL certificate and a dedicated IPwhich you need for a shop to make itcompletely secure then scroll down andhere you want to make sure you've got areal email address because Hostgator aregoing to send you a couple of emails somake sure that's an email that you canaccess then scroll down and uncheckthese it's just added on a few extrasthat we don't need then make sureWordPress hero is validated here to makesure your gain your savings and thenwhen you're happy click on a checkoutnow and you're going to have your veryown domain name ok great so now you'regoing to receive a couple of emails andyou want to open this all up and findthe control panel link which is this oneso click on that to go to your controlpaneland then scroll down keep scrolling downuntil you find these software serviceshere it is and then the first thing youwant to do is click on PHP selectorright here so click on that and then allyou want to do is click here on the dropdown because we're going to update thedefault PHP right now it's a 5.4 soclick here and let's click on let'schoose 7.0 and update that there we gothen click this arrow to go back and nowclick on quick install now click onWordPress and now select your domainfrom the drop down here and click nextand now enter in a few details here likeyour name blog title user name first andlast name and an email then click oninstall WordPress is now being installedto your website and you'll receive yourwebsite login details here so writethese down and then click here then youshould see this page where you can loginto your website to start creating itsometimes you'll get a page saying it'snot available but you just have to waita few minutes and then try again and itshould come up now login to your websiteand you're done congratulations you'venow got a website up and running this isyour dashboard and this is like theheart of your website it's where youcustomize exactly how your website lookshow you can edit the different pages theposts you're going to see you've got atoolbar on the left here which it hasposts media pages comments appearancewhich is where your themes are pluginsand tools and settings and so on andI'll be showing you a few differentthings here further in the video allright let's get straight into it andinstall your brand new theme so let's goto appearance and themes and a theme islike the look and feel of your websiteit's how your website functions with anyimages text and it's just the overalllook of your website so now let's scrolldown here you'll see that the active thecurrent active theme is 2019 but we'renot going to use that let's go to addnew theme here and this takes you intothe WordPressthemes page and in here there areliterally thousands and thousands ofdifferent themes to look up but we'vefound the best one for you to useespecially for you creating an onlineshop and that's called Astra so let'stype that in here it is so now justclick on install and activate when thatcomes up there we go activate that okayperfect so nowthank you for installing up straightyou've got this little message here andobviously it says Astra comes withdozens of ready to use starter sitetemplates so we're going to use one ofthose so let's click on get started toinstall the starter sites plug-inamazing so now it's asking you whichbuilder do you want to use we're goingto use Elementor because that is by farthe best one to use for any website orshop going forwards Elementor has beenan absolute game-changing tool to usefor building websites and shops so let'suse that so now click on next andElementor lets you literally create anytype of website that you can think of itlets you move things around and changetext colors images and put your ownvideos and images into your website it'sunlike anything that's ever been aroundbefore so here we go these are thetemplates that you can use with Astraand some are paid some are free there'sa lot of really really amazing themes inhere or templates but I've alreadychosen the best one to use so now uphere let's click on ecommerce actuallyno let's click on free and this bringsup all the free templates now scrolldown and you are looking for you'relooking for this one brand a store Iscroll over that it gives me a glimpseof what this looks like and as you cansee it is a pretty amazing lookingtemplate he's already built for youyou're going to be getting all of thisso you're going to be getting thisbeautiful header all these differentsections a shop section featuredproducts ofit's incredible so let's click on thisand now you can scroll around and seereally what this looks like you can playaround with it exactly it shows youexactly what its gonna be like whenpeople visit and will look around yourshop how amazing is this it's a fullyfunctioning shop ready to go for you soto import this all you have to do isclick on import site right here and it'sgoing to import everything that you cansee all of the images all of theanimations to do the buttons of thecolors absolutely everything is done foryou so let's click on that so now itsays installing as you can see itinstalling Lu's different plugins andimporting all the images it's just soeasy eyes it's absolutely amazing youhardly have to do anything all you haveto do now it's basically place or put inyour own images and videos if you wantto and just customize your website tohow you want it so just wait a minute ortwo for this to complete and I'll beback with you in a minute okay thattemplate has been imported successfullyso now we can go ahead and we cancustomize the text the images and thedesign to make it oursso you ready let's click on View siteand here we go this is just all beingimported this is ready to go you haven'thad to do any of this this is justunbelievablenever possible just even just a fewyears ago it's created this menu for youit's got a little basket animation hereyou're a beautiful header with thisparallax effect got a couple of buttonsthat people can go straight to your shopor to find out more about you you've gotsome brands here that post possibly thatyou work with or that you sell you'vegot these different beautiful sectionsthat get people to again go to your shopor different products that you want themto you check out and here's a featuredproduct section this is justunbelievablysimple to use and to put together I'vereally hope you're happy and excitedgoing forwards about customizing thisI'm really excited for you so let's getgoing to head back to your dashboardeither click on the other tab thatyou've got open or you can go up hereand then click on dashboard ok so we'reback on the dashboard and you'll seeyou've got a few more options on yourtoolbar so here we've got one calledcart flows and we're not going to usethis so don't worry about it and we'vegot one called WooCommerce and this isone of the most important new tools thatyou've got because this is everything todo with your shop as you can see it'sgot orders coupons and reports and youcan change the settings for us as wellthis is like the behind-the-scenes ofyour shop so it's going to tell you whenyou've got orders and how much and whereto send those orders to and so on we'llget into this a bit later you've thengot products underneath that and thenElementor here so first let's go toproducts and we'll take a look at howthis works so let's go to all productsand I've got loads and loads of new yournotifications up here so I'm just goingto get out get rid of some of these soI'm gonna say maybe later for this andI'm just going to click on skip set upfor the cart flows plug-in because we'renot going to use that and I'm just goingto click on the cross for this and I'mgonna keep this because we can run thesetup for WooCommerce and a little bitand then I've got a little messagesaying your store does not appear to beusing a secure connection we highlyrecommend serving your entire websiteover an HTTPS connection and this isobviously because it's a shop and thisis really really important and we'll besetting this up in a little bit and thisis what the SSL certificate is for andI'll be explaining all about how you canset that up a bit later you have to goover to Hostgator and ask them to put itup and set up for you but we'll be goingthrough that a bit later so I'm going tokeep that up to remind me to do it laterand here itsaying you can try the new version ofWooCommerce but I'm not going to botherwith this but feel free of course if youwant to you can keep this message up andtry it later whatever you want really soyou all you do is click on installWooCommerce admin but I'm not gonna dothis for now so I'm just gonna click ondismiss and at the top there is anotherone saying configure Google Analyticsand Google Analytics is a whole othervideo is really really in-depth to dowith statistics are all about yourwebsite who's visiting and new your yourviewers and your customersit goes into quite a lot of depth it issomething that you could get into afterwatching this video if you want to Iwon't be explaining how to use it inthis video because as I said it caneasily be another hour-long videoexplaining all about it and the bestways to use it and how to use it but wedo have a video on my channel if you dowant to get into that and also on ourblog so take a look at those if you dowant to start using Google Analytics andto get rid of this message you justuninstall the plug-in because you'vealready got the plug-in installed bydefault so here we are in products nowyou've got some default products alreadyset up which came with your shopstemplate and this is really good becauseI'm gonna it lets me explain how theseproducts look and kind of function andwhat all this means so obviously you'vegot the name of the product here thenyou've got an SKU and an SKU is a stockkeeping unit it's a number assigned to aproduct by a shop and you can use SK useto track inventory in your shop and theycan be really helpful but I'm not goingto use it in this video or in the shopgoing forwards then you've got stock andthis is going to say if the product isin stock or not then you've got a priceand if you see a price like this whichis crossed out that means it's on saleso this used to be 150 but now it's a120 then the category this is women'sand then there's men and whatevercategory you assign for that productwill be here then you've got tags andthis little starit's something that you can choose foreach product if you want it featured inthe featured product section on yourhome page and we're going to be gettinginto that in a moment I'll explain allabout that in a minute and then the dateis when you created this product solet's now scroll over one of theproducts here so let's take for examplejust this this white shoe right soyou've got edit you've got quick edityou can trash it you can view it and youcan duplicate so if I click on a quickedit you can change simple things likethe title even the date when it wascreated you can make it private if youdon't want it to show in your shop andhere you've got the product data so theSKU again the price if it's on sale youcan put a price there even the weightand the length the width and the heightthat's to do with shipping of course andthen shipping class which we'll begetting into a bit later this is reallyreally important to set up your yourpostage costs and your shipping costsand then the visibility and if you wantit to be managed the stock managed stockso that means you can automatically putit out of stock if you've only got a fewof these or something like soil they'llautomatically say to your customers oron your website that it's out of stockif it's been bought a certain number oftimes for example then you can add someproduct tags up here you can even changethe template and you've got categorieson the right and then you can change thestatus of this product if you don't wantit published anymore you can put it as adraft or anything that you want so I'mjust going to cancel to come out of thisthen I'm going to click on edit andyou're going to most likely just clickon edit for most things I have barelyuse quick edit really it's just as quickto just go into the main product hereand then you can change the title of theproduct of the yearand then in here you would change theproducts description so this is whereyou would type in what the product isand information about that productbelow you've got the product data so youcan change the price and the sale priceagain the inventory is here like I justexplained with the SKU and if you wantit to manage the stock for you and youcan change these stock status here aswell if it's out of stock or onbackorder or if you've only got oneversion or one one of these products youcan click here to only allow one of thisitem to be bought in a single order thenunderneath you've got a shipping whereyou can assign these shipping classeswhich I'll tell you all about soon thenyou've got linked products which can bereally useful if you want to upsellthings so if you've got another productyou can add that here so if I type inshoe it's going to search for all theother shoes in my shop and then I canadd one of these as an upsell it's likewhen you're in McDonald's and they askyou if you want to make it a meal so youget chips and a drink with it or make ita large or an extra-large whateverthat's that's an upsell then you've gotattributes for a product which can be soif you've got t-shirts you can add anattribute such as small or large mediumwhatever then in advanced you've gotpurchase notes and things like that thenunderneath here you've got a shortdescription and for example this isgoing to be the description that is justunderneath the title of the product andnext to the picture like you see here sothis is going to be the shortdescription and then the maindescription that is above is here downhere then these products look absolutelyamazing as you can see if I scrollaround it zooms in and I can change theimage just like that it's justincredible people can add as many asthey want and then add to but add tocart' and then you've got relatedproducts underneath this looks just sogoodso let's keep going so here we are againand underneath you've got reviews andobviously there's no comments yet thisis just a demo site on the right you'vegot a few things to consider so you'vegot product categories herenow a category can be really useful ifyou want people to find other otherproducts in that category so this one isin women's so obviously if someone isviewing this product they can click onthis category and it will show themother products in the same category sothat can obviously be good to get yourproducts in front of people and thenproduct tags underneath there your postattributes and these settings for thesethemes so Astra settings now I wouldn'tchange it I wouldn't change any of theseI just leave them as they are becausethis is all working really really wellproduct image and product gallery issomething you want to have a look at sothe product image if we if we have alook in the featured product sectionhere this is the product image the mainproduct underneath my cursor here so ifI now click on that see it changes as Iscrolled over it that would be the otherimage the product gallery so again thisis the product image and then the otherproduct other image is the image in theproduct gallery you've got tools here tochange how the text looks if you want tochange any of those that they're rightthere really easy to do that and againyou've got those there and it's as easyas that to create products in your shopso we'll be coming back to the productsand creating our products in a minutebut now let's go to pages and all pagesand as you can see in a minute you'regoing to have some default pages thatare already created with your with yournew shop so again it's done all of thisfor you you haven't had to create any ofthese pages and you've got about you'vegot a cart page checkout contact us homemy account we're not going to use anaccount in this in this video but youcan you can always set that up afterwatching this it's prettystraightforward you've got a privacypolicy a sample page a store which atthe moment is your shop page and a WPforms preview so I'm just going toremove a few of these pages that wearen't going to useI'm gonna click on those two and I'malso going to remove the account pageyou can keep this but I'm not going touse it and that's it for that I'm goingto keep everything else so now I'llscroll up here click here and click onmove to trash and apply alright so I'mleft with the about page and so on andwe actually only need two it looks likewe've got a lot of pages here too toedit and customize but we really don'twe're only going to do the about contactand home page and that's it the otherpages work on their own they're alreadyset up and functional they're going todo everything for you don't need tochange anything there the only thing wemight have to do later on is come backand edit each of these pages and justchange a couple of settings but I don'tthink we have to right now I thinkthey're all working completely fine sonow I'm going to go through doingcustomizing the home page and you dothat by clicking on edit with Elementorso let's do that right now I'm going toactually open this in a new tab so I canchange and click between windows righthere make things it just makes thingsmuch easier so here we go it's goinginto Elementor and as I said Elementoris just incredible as you can see or asI so this is your your header here thisis if I click here it opens up and makesit full width and this is really reallylooking amazing so if I bring back thecustomizer again as you can see as Iscroll around each of these elements hasa blue line around it and this means Ican edit anything here even thebackground image you can move textaround and change colors and fonts andeverything you can add in your ownimages and videos and I'm going to showyou exactly how to do that right now sohere I am on the finished website andthis is my header now all I've done ischange the background image and got ridof one of these buttons because I thinkthat looks much better and I'm going toshow you how to do all of this how tochange this textthe colors or whatever you want to do solet's go back to the home and so tochange the image is really simple you'vegot these different buttons up hereyou've this middle one is exactly howyou would change you image you can editthis section and then here is you canadd a section and if you click that it'sgoing to add a new section above hereI'm not going to do that but that's howyou do it so and then here you can clickon the cross to remove it so let's clickthe middle one to edit the section andthen this brings up the settings on theleft let's go to style and then in imagethis is exactly how you change the imageyou just click here and you can go toyour media library where you're mostlikely going to have lots of new imagesbecause these came with the templatesand you could if you wanted to you coulduse any of these if you do want to theyhave completely free features or you canupload files so I've put together areally really good selection of imagesfor you to use and you can find thatover on our blog if you just go towebsites made easy TV forward slash blogforward slash start your dream shop andyou can download that image pack righthere you just click here and it willdownload and then if you go back inElementor and you click on select filesand then find that image pack you've gotthese background images or whatever theyou newsies anywhere but these are thebackground images I think look reallygood and then you've got some images touse as products and you can just usethese for the video so you can followalong with me if you haven't got yourown products yet this just means you canfollow along with the video keep goingwith me and learn how to do this onceyou've got photos of your own images youcan then just re-upload those and and soon this just makes things really easyfor you so let's go back and I'm goingto use one of these background images Ithink I'm going to use this one becauseI just love this one it looks reallygood so click on it and click on openand that's going to upload as you cansee it's uploading right now and therewe go it's uploaded and in the future ifthis comes up with an error or anythingjust come out of here save anything thatyou've done by updating and then refreshthe page then do it again and it'll worksometimes you just need to refresh thepage for things to start working againfor some reason anyway so that'suploaded so now all you do is click oninsert media here and there we go it'sinserted out straight into your headerand that is looking absolutely amazingit's looking so much better so if I makethis full web how good does that lookWow okay I just like to love it so herewe go here you've got some settings forthis imageyou've got position which is at themoment on Center Center you can changethis to top left and this is going tomove the image around slightly dependingon the image that you use but I'm justgoing to leave on Center Center that canbe useful as I said depending on whatpicture you're using what you want toshow it in and so on attachment I likeit to be on fixed because that's whatgives it this really nice parallaxeffectit keeps the image in place when youscroll about and that looks really coolbut you can always keep it on a scrolland that will make sure the imageScrolls as the viewer looks around so itscrolls with the website I'm going tokeep it on fixed you don't need to worryabout repeat and size you generally youwant to keep it on cover and that'spretty much about it in backgroundoverlay this can be useful if you wantto darken or lighten the image at themoment it's got an overlay which is ablack and the opacity as you can see ison 0.4 if I increase this it's going todarken it and then if I decrease it likethat it's going to lighten it so I'mjust gonna probably keep it on a whatabout something like that or somethingyeah no it's good just like that andthen you've kundur Neath that you've gotborder shape divider and typography it'sgoing to shape divider that can be quitefun sometimes so if I go to bottom topand bottom the top is thetop of the section or your header hereand the bottom is the obviously thebottom of it so let's click on bottomand then you can select the type ofdivider so you'll see what I mean when Iadd on so let's add in let's just add ina tilt and there we go so it's added adivider I know it's long it's prettygood you can change the height a bithere just like that so you could justhave it a slight slight divider orsomething like that at the bottom thatdoes look really nice I'm not going touse one but that is there if you want itso it's going to click on none andthat's going to remove it like thatand that's it for changing an image thisis basically the same for every sectionon your on your website you would clickthis middle button and that will bringup the settings on the left here you canalso change the headers margin andpadding here as well so as you can seeit's got a top padding of 12 if Iincrease this it's going to move thingsdown if I decrease it moves up it'sgoing to keep on what it was becausethat looks really good and you messaround with us see how you like it itdoes change things slightly so it can bereally useful on depending depending onwhat you want to do with your header andthen layout you've also got some somedifferent options but you really don'tneed to change these if you don't wantto play around with things if you wantand see how things work because you canalways you know learn more and you youmight find something that you like to doanyway so that's the image done tochange text it's as easy as clicking onit so let's just click on this one thenyou would write anything here you'dwrite what you want in here you cancreate a link out of it as well if youjust paste the link in there you canalign it to the center or the left andthen in style this is where you changethe typography and the text color so ifI click on typography you can changewhat font that you want to use and andso on and the size you would justincrease and decrease this really reallyeasy to doand then the way this is this can bereally good if I changes to 300 makesthe makes the writing thinner which canlook really really good I'm just goingto keep you on what it was because I dolike the look of this and then obviouslyin text color you can mess around withthis and change it to any color that youwant I'm just going to keep on what itwas though and you know you don't reallyneed to do a lot here it's as I saidthis is the beauty of this video andthis template it's done everything foryou so really you don't need to changethis text just right in what you wantand leave it as it is make things easierfor yourself then you've got a couple ofbuttons here these are just as easy I'mgoing to remove one of these you cankeep it if you want to but I'm justgoing to remove it by right-clickingthis pencil icon and clicking on deleteand for this button all you do is clickon it then in here the text you'd writewhat you want so SHOP NOW or find outmore or whatever you want you can alignit again and here you would paste in thelink for that button so if you wanted totake people to your shop you would pasteyour shops link in there and to do thatprobably the best way is to open up yourshop in a new window while probablybetter to do it while you're not loggedinto your your website and thenobviously up in the address bar up hereis going to be the link and you justcopy you copy that while you're in theshop you copy that link and it's mostlikely gonna be something like your shopcomm the forward slash shop or somethinglike that and then all you do is justpaste that in there then you've got somelink options and this is probably quitegood open in a new window that canalways be good so I'm gonna keep thatand that's about it then you've got thesize you can change it to a medium orsmall and in style this is where you canchange the color of the button so at themoment the text color is black thebackground color is white and that is onnormal so this means while this meanswhile no one is scrolling over it so ifI make this full screennow scroll over here changes just likethat so it changes so the background istransparent and the writing changes to awhite that looks really really good andso that all happens in hover here so asyou can see the text color is whitebackground color there is none it'stransparent and as well the border coloris transparent – you can also have ahover animation here so if I chooselet's go with grow there we go so itmakes it as have a look so the buttongrows in size when I scroll over it allit's good as well so that's all therefor you I'm not going to have that one'sgonna remove that and then you canchange the width and the border radiusand padding of the button here this isall really useful to again customizeexactly customize your shop – exactlyhow you want it in advanced you've gotthe margin and padding again so this isreally useful if you want to again moveyour move different elements around soit's completely flexible so if Iincrease to the top padding you're goingto see that the button goes lower downthe header and then of course if Idecrease it comes back up again and youcan do this any way you want right leftany anything that you want here you gotthings like motion effects andbackground border a custom positioningresponsive responsive can be useful soif you've got so if you want tocustomize how your website or your shoplooks on a mobile device compared to alaptop or desktop you can choose to hidethis whole header on a mobile so itwon't show to people that visit yourshop on mobiles and then you can createa separate header for those peoplebecause your header might not lookexactly perfect to someone that visitson a mobile thankfully though we don'tneed to use this because this theme soif I just move this windowto how I move our looks so that is howyour shop would look on a mobile that'show the header would look and it looksperfectly fine it looks amazing in factso you don't really need to use thosesettings but they are there if you wantto use them and that's your header doneyou know everything of how to customizeyour header that's all done now so let'sgo to the next section which is andthese could be the different brands thatyou work with all the different brandsin your shop that you that you sell thisis really easy to do you just click toeditor and at the top it's got an imagecarousel and then you can add images youjust click to edit that you can edit thegallery here you can add to gallery soan edit gallery you can cross and youcan remove these images or you can addto gallery you can add in your own logosof the brands that you work with forexample and that's just just as easy asthat you can change how how big theimages are the slides to show and how itscrolls and stretching the images andall kinds of things you can add in alink as well to a custom URL so it couldbe to your shop it's all all so easyjust look around it's all here ready foryou in style you've got navigationoptions so arrows and what positionthere insert inside or outside I'm justgoing to keep it on the outside and thenin image you've got some some optionsthere too and in advance again you'vegot the margin and padding just likebefore so that is that section donealready so now let's scroll down and thenext section is this one right here andthis is actually a really really goodarea where you can get people to go toyour shop or different areas of yourwebsite using these three beautifulsections or elements here so first let'sdo the images and change an image youwould just scroll over here and clickthis button right here then go to styleand you can change the image right hereso let's do that let's click on styleand then upload files and select filesand again find the imagesnow let's go to products and I'm gonnause this image right here and as you cansee this has come up with an error andremember earlier I said if this doescome up with an error when you'reuploading an image all you do is do thefollowing I'm gonna show you so youwould come out of hereyou would then update right here to saveeverything that you've done then refreshthe whole page just refresh this page itwill go back into Elementoryou would find this section again clickto edit the image upload select filesand choose the image that you want againand then that will upload no problemthere we go perfect now click on insertmedia and that gets placed in there thatis looking fantastic so now I'm going todo the other two images again so styleselect the image upload files and selectfiles it's the same as we've been doingyou should probably be used to how to dothings now I'm going to use this imageand for the next image I'm going to usethese paddles and there we go perfectand remember you've got these optionsdown here to edit your images you canuse position to change exactly how theimage looks so if you know you can moveit around and select which part of theimage shows up the most for everythingelse though this looks this looks greatso I'm going to leave them as they arethen you can edit the text easily justby clicking it again that's what I'mgoing to be doing I'm just going tochange this it's going to do it just forthis demo website I'm going to put 20%off long boards cuz I'm doing like asurfing website or outdoor website thenfor this text I'm going to change thatagain to latest sups stand-uppaddleboards and then let's get paddlingfor the paddles there we goI know you've got these buttons here aswell and these are what you you want toadd your links to because this getspeople to look at the different pages onyour website so let's say you've got adedicated shop area just for yourpaddles or just for surfboards you takethem to that page obviously so now allwe do is click on it you can change thetext and here is where you add in yourlink and like I said before you can getthis link if you go to your own websitebring up the page that you want peopleto go to and you copy the link at thetop it's really easy and you type thatin here you paste that in here it's aseasy as thatyou can also align the button any wayyou want and also the size here butthat's all looking fantastic there we goperfectso the next section if I scroll down isthis featured products section and asyou can see I don't have anything hereright now but we're going to fix that wejust need to add in some products so ifwe have a look at the finished website Iscroll down here is what it actually issupposed to look like and as I scrollover these these products as you can seesome of the image change they go toanother image and I think this looksreally really good and I'm going to showyou how you can make that happen and howhow to make that work in a moment whenwe create off our products and I tookyou through obviously like how whatproducts look like but I didn't show youexactly how to create them so now we'regoing to do that so that's update tosave everything that we've done herethen go back to your dashboard if you'vegot a key tab open just click on thatotherwise you can go back to yourdashboard from element I like I showedyou earlier so now let's go to productsand all products and here you're goingto see that you've got lots and lots ofdefault products already created andthis came with the the template when weimported it so no worries about that butwhere we obviously don't want these sowe're going to delete these and we'regoing to create some new productsthere's quite a fair few defaultproducts here so what I'm going to do isclick here to select all of these andthen from this drop-down select move totrash and apply and there's a few pagesof these so I'm going to keep on doingthat until I get to the last page andthen here I'm gonna select all of thembut take off one or two keep one or twoof these and then apply and there we goyou should be left with a couple of justdefault products because um well this isjust for the demo website so you can seeit working and so on but obviously youwould create your own products I'm goingforward you don't want to use thesedefault ones and over here you can seethis star this is what you want toselect to make an individual product afeatured product so you just click onthis to make it featuredand then it would show up in thatfeatured section so I'm going to clickon this to under feature that productthere we go and now let's create ourfirst product so up here let's click onadd a new and this is the page whereyou're going to be creating yourproducts for your shop so I'm going toshow you aroundit's the same as I showed you earlier soyou'll probably know what it reallylooks like and how it works but nowwe're gonna actually be creating productso let's go let's go do itso first things first is your productname so all you do is type that in hereso I'm going to put sunset surfer girlposter and then scroll down and then inhere is where you enter your productsdescription so I've already got someI've written so I'm just gonna pastethat in here there we go and then I'mgoing to scroll down and you've got yourproduct data here so this is this islike the price sale price inventory andshipping and so on so first of all I'mgoing to put the pricethere we go and then in inventory youcan use an SKU like I explained earlierI'm not going to use one though and inshipping you would want to change yourshipping class you'd select a shippingclass and this defines the cost of thepostage for each individual product solet's say for this poster obviously it'snot going to be as much as a surfboardsso then based on what someone wants tobuy the postage will change in thecheckout so it's pretty clever it worksreally well and it isn't complicated butI will show you how to do it you justneed to learn how to do it and then onceyou've done it once or twice you'll geta hang of it no problem and we'll bedoing that in a moment I'll show you allabout that soon and then I don't use anyany of these other options here so thenI'll scroll down and I'll paste the samedescription in here this is the shortdescription which shows up to the rightof the image or your product so I'mgoing to paste the same thing in therethen I'm going to scroll up and on theright you've got things like categoriesso as I explained earlier categories arereally useful if you've got lots ofdifferent products so for this demo siteI've got surfboards I've got paddlesI've got wetsuits and posters so eachproduct has its own category so postersis always obviously posters surfboardsor surfboards and if someone comes to myshop and goes on one surfboard productthere you can then click on the categorywhich will be underneath and it willshow them all the other surfboards in myshop so this this is obviously reallyuseful to get more of your products infront of your customersso let's now click on add a new categoryhere and then just type in your categoryname I'm going to put posters and thenclick on add new category and that getsadded I'm then gonna create some morecategories so I can so I've got themgoing forwards so surfboards and thenwetsuitsand there we go I'm going to uncheckwetsuits because this is a poster so Ijust want it in a posters category youcan also use product tags if you likeand you don't want to change any ofthese settings down here the last thingyou want to do is add in a product imagehere so let's click on set product imagethen upload files and I'm going to usethis image for this girl carrying asurfboardthat looks amazingso let's you choose that that'suploading perfect and then you want toclick on set product image and that getsuploaded there we go perfect and that'sabout itso you now scroll up and click onpublish and that is your first productcreated well done it's as easy as thatso all your other products are the samethat's all you do to create a productremember though you want to add in ashipping class which we'll be doing in amoment I'm just going to show you showyou I'm going to probably show you howto do that right now in fact becausethat is really important going forwardsso let's go to WooCommerce and settingsand so the first thing you can do is addin your store address I recommend you doall of this add in your store addressand your zip code and select from yourgeneral options where you're sellinglocation is your shipping location andthings like this you can enable taxesand all their sideand then go to product yeah let's go toproducts first and this enables you tochange which of your website's pagesshows up as your shop page and right nowit's on store so that's fine and you canchange things like Add to Cart behaviorand all these different settings likemeasurements and and so on I mean youdon't have to change any of these butthat's there if you want to and ininventory you've got things like managestock and you can hold stock for acertain number of minutes for for unpaidorders and that's entirely up to you ifyou want to do that or not you've gotnotification recipient email and thingslike that so now at the top let's go toshipping and this is where you can setup your shipping zones so down hereyou've got your different shipping zonesobviously you haven't got any right nowso let's click on add shipping zone hereand then in here you've got his own namezone regions and shipping methods so inzone name if you scroll over thequestion market that tells you what eachthing is so zone name is this is thename of the zone for your reference sono one's going to see this zone regionsare the regions inside the zonecustomers will be matched against theseregions and then you've got shippingmethods okay so for the zone name I'mjust going to put USA and zone regionsI'll put United States this is where soI'm basically selecting where I able toship my products to and you can add asmany zone regions as you like you canput a United Kingdom you can put Africaanywhere in the world that you can thatyou want to ship to you can just putother and then shipping methods let'sclick on add a shipping method here andthen from the drop-down you can selectwhat methods you want to let peoplechoose from so you've got a flat rateyou got free shipping and local pickupso I'm going to add a flat rate shippingperfect and then you can edit this andyou've got a method title tax status andso on and the cost now you don't want toput in the cost here you want to useshipping classes to to set up the costfor each of your productsthis means the as I said the cost forthe postage will change depending onwhat someone is trying to buy so youwant to use classes instead ofand they're shipping classes right thatbut before we go there let's click onadd another shipping method and I'mgoing to add a local pickup to allowpeople to come and pick up the productfrom me and you know you'd have to dothis I'm just doing it just for thisdemo website okay so here we've gotshipping options and this has gotdifferent different options for you tohave a look at and play around as a fewif you'd like to and I'm going to changethe shipping destination to default tocustomer shipping address because thatkind of makes sense to me that if theyput a shipping address in there theywant it shipped there so I'm gonnachoose default for that and then SaveChanges then I'm going to go to shippingclassesand this is where you set up yourshipping classes so this is reallyimportant so just follow along with meit's really easy let's click on add aship in class and in here all you do istype in a name for let's say each ofyour products so I've got surfboardslike I said so I'm going to putsurfboards and then I'm gonna add ashipping class again and then I'm goingto put wetsuits and add another one I'mgonna put paddles then I'm gonna saveshipping classes perfect and you canedit them if you want to but that alllooks great now I forgot to add one moreso I'm just gonna add in anothershipping class and posters then I'mgoing to go back to shipping zones thenedit this USA shipping zone and in hereyou want to scroll down go down to theflat rate again click on edit and inhere is where you can put in each of thedifferent postage costs for eachdifferent type of product so as you cansee you've got puddles posterssurfboards wetsuits so each of these hasa different cost the cost of a wetsuitis going to be different to a surfboardso this is how you differentiate thatand in the calculation cost I'm going tokeep that on charge shipping for eachshipping class individually ok perfectthey're not going to save changes andyou're all done that is your shippingsetup that should be all workingperfectly so now let's go back toproducts and all products and we've gotour product that we made here as well asa two other default ones so you canclick on quick edit to quickly add inthe shipping class here to this productand here it is down here shipping classand you just click here andselect I'm going to select postersperfect and then just update that andthat shipping class has been added sonow I'm also gonna actually I'm going toclick on the star here to make this afeatured product perfect okay so nowlet's add in a few more products I'mgoing to click on add new again andwe're back on this screen so obviouslyyou want to put in your product namehere we go a hydro force paddle I'mgoing to add in a puddle then add in thedescription and remember you've gotthese tools up here to change how thetext looks you can use all of thesetools to you know bold or make aheadline italic you can align there youcan add in a link even if you want toall kinds of really nifty tools therethen scroll down and do the product dataso I'm going to put in a price then inthe inventory obviously you can do theSKU again you can click to manage thestock if you want it to manage stock ifyou've perhaps you've only got one ofthese paddles you can click to enablestock management it's a product leveland then the last view harmony you'vegot and it's real easy so that's therethen you've got shipping and obviouslyin here we can select our shipping classso let's do that I'm going to selectpebbles so we're done and then just addin your description again see how easythis is and then remember yourcategories on the right here I haven'tadded a paddle one so I'm going to dothat so paddles and then it's going toselect that for me perfect and then I'mgoing to scroll down and the productimage can and uploadmilesand I'm gonna choose this image for thepanels this is a really cool-lookingimage remember you can use any of thesethat you want to any wear on your shopand that's all done I'm not going to usea product gallery image I'll explain allabout that in a moment so then let'spublishperfect and now let us create anotherproduct we'll create another one or twoso let's click on add new product againput in the product title or the name ofthis product and then the descriptionthen the product data the price and soon you should have to do this by nowit's really easy really straightforwardit's the same every timeshipping classshort description and the product imagei'm gonna upload another image selectthat one that looks great and now i'mgonna upload a product gallery image andthis can just be one other image itdoesn't need to be lots of images butwhatever you upload here so the firstimage that you upload so i'm gonnaupload this one this is going to be theone that it changes to and someonescrolls over so just keep her keep thatin mind obviously if you might have youknow ten images of one product butwhatever product is first that's goingto be the one that shows up after whensomeone scrolls over that product imageif you know what I mean I'll show youhow it works in a minute but then let'sgo back to all products and I'm going tomake a few of these featured products soI'm going to do that one then I'm gonnamake the paddles feature and I'm justgoing to make all of these productsfeatured so let's just do three of themfor now there we goso I'm on the finished website right nowand as you can see we've got fiveproducts in the featured productssection here so I'm going to add acouple more products so you know this islooking all good and all this is how theimages look when you've got a productgallery image set up so when you scrollover it changes is really really niceeffect that's really very nice soengaging I love itso it makes people you know want to seemore and click on your products find outmore I definitely recommend doing thatand you most likely will young you'rehardly ever going to have just one imageof your product so make sure you use theproduct image gallery so for this demoshop example I'm just going to use thesedefault to default products here just tomake them featured so they are in thefeatured section so I don't need tocreate any more product so I'm justgoing to use theseso again if these are highlighted ifthese stars are like you know if they'recolored like this then that means it's afeatured product so now if we have alook at our shop there we go I've gotthose two as featured products as welland they're looking so good they've gotthe product gallery going on there aswell it's looking amazing and if I clickon one of these let's click on thissurfboard product right click on therethere we go it's ready to go so I canadd that to my cart so if I add that tothe cart it's going to show up up herelittle notification saying it's beenadded and it's in the car shopping bagright up here and it's just so nicelooking it's so professional and looksfantastic really really hope that you'rehappy your shop is really comingtogether so nicely you should be reallyproud and this product is looking sogood absolutely beautiful it's just itjust works flawlessly and as fluidlyit's really goodokay I am back in the products and nowwe're gonna set up WooCommerce now we'vegot our products set up we're gonnafinish doing all of this by making surewe commerce is properly set up andrunning well and that means you can setup payments PayPal as well as card usingstripe so here let's click on run thesetup wizard and it's going to take youthrough a few steps and it's really easyso it's going to ask you where is yourstore based so let's just select wherethe stores based and then enter youraddress here what currency you want toyou accept payments in what kind ofproducts you sell and you can choosewhether you want to select that or notand then click on let's go and this nextpage is going to ask you about paymentswhether you want to use stripe andPayPal and yeah we do so I'm gonnaenable keep stripe enabled and I'm gonnaenable PayPal right here and it's gonnaask you if your paypal email addressobviously this is really importantbecause this is where you're going toget payments to as well as your stripeemail but we're gonna set stripe up in amoment so just enter your email therefor both just make sure it's an emailthat you can access because I is officeLea really important you can also choosewhether you want to accept offlinepayments such as cash on delivery or acheck or whatever you want right therethen click on continue and here you canhave the option to print shipping labelsat home and of course you know this isentirely up to you you can then choosewhat product weight and dimensions youwant to use kilos grams pounds and so onfrom there and then just click oncontinue and then it's asking you aboutautomated taxes MailChimp and Facebookand of course this is entirely optionalso go ahead and check or uncheck thesethen click on the continue if you wantto use MailChimp and Facebook it's goingtoto install these plugins for you so dothat if you want to then click oncontinue and here it's asking if youwant to connect your shop with jetpackjetpack is just a plugin which enhancesyour website a bit better and but I'mnot gonna go ahead with this have a lookat it and see if you want to but I'mjust gonna skip at this step because youdon't really need it then you can signup for product updates and so onand you're done now you're already alldone there we go so you can obviouslycreate a product straight from there butwe've done this already so that's allgood you can also import products ifyou've got them in a CSV file rightthere but all you have to do now isvisit dashboard you're gonna have a fewnew notifications up here so I'm gonnakeep this area organized I'm gonna crossthis one out I'm gonna cross this one aswell and I'm gonna keep these two up toremind me to do those you need to set upyour stripe account keys so people canpay with their credit cards and all thatand this is the SSL certificate that weneed to do to make sure that your shopis 100% secure so we're going to do thatin a moment just before we get into thatlet's set up our menu at the top thisone right here that enables people tolook around your shop and and get yourother pages so to do that let's go toappearance here and then menus and thenin here you've got all your your shopsand menus and we've got a few that arecreated by default so we've got one forher for him main menu and Quick Links soI am gonna go into the main menu hereand select that we only really need onemenu so there's going to be a few thingshere that we don't need so I'm gonnajust clean this up a bit so this is howyour menu looks this is the structureright here and to delete anything hereyou would clickremove so I'm gonna do that for a few ofthese things so I'm gonna just removethe ones I don't really need remove thatone because you can create your ownpages or menu your menu items in amoment so I'm going to removeaccessories I'm gonna remove account I'mgonna keep the about and contact uspages and that's it I'm gonna click onhere and I'm gonna actually change thename of the label here I'm gonna make itsay shop instead of store so I'm gonnajust type that in here just like thatand so that's how the menu is looking atthe moment and you want this to be theprimary menu right there okay so to addnew pages to your menu all you do isselect them here so let's say so if Ididn't have the about page here let'sremove that if I click on the about andthen add to menu I guess I didn't justlike that so I can rearrange by clickingand dragging choose where or how I wantit to look now one thing for the shopyou're going to have obviously differentpages for your different productspotentially so I've got surfboards andwetsuits so if you scroll up here andclick on screen options and then enableproduct categories right there thenminimize that again then scroll downhere and you've got product categoriesright here so open that up and you canadd in your different categories as themenu items so I'm going to add insurfboards posters paddles and I'm gonnamake that do I think surfboards postersand paddles yeah just for now that'sfine so I'm going to add to menu andthen obviously that's just going to beadded to the menu has its own menu itembut really I want that to be part of theshowso if someone Scrolls over the shop it'sgoing to drop down so you do that byclicking and dragging putting puttingthat over the shop just like that andyou can see there's a rectangle box thatcomes up just so that it goes to theright not like that but like that thenyou just drop that in it becomes a subitem of that shop so that's what you doso do that again there we gofour paddles and then paddles posters sothey're they're all set up perfectly andthen you can move those around as wellif you want to and there we go so thatis really all you have to do for yourmenu and then that's linked to all thepages that that you want there you mightwant to have let's say you might want tohave your checkout page on there orsomething of course or the cart it'sentirely up to you I mean people caneasily check out using this icon at thetop and then clicking on checkout orcart easily from there so there's noneed to clutter up the menu if you don'tif you don't want to so then all youhave to do here is save menu and that isyour main menu complete so now if we goand have a look at the websitethere's our new menus you've got theabout contact us and there's your shopwith the drop down going to eachindividual category page so if you hadlots of surfboards if I click on thisit's going to take me to that page whereall the surfboards would be there we goand then have all my products here thisis looking just amazing and then you'vegot a bestsellers section there a searchbar there absolutely amazing people canbrowse by categories and then filter byprice all right guys so you've done yourmenu and now all you want to do is carryon doing your homepage we've nearly doneit so we've just done this featuredproduct section and they're not comingup it doesn't matter they are there sothat's all good let's just scroll downand we've got this section next so if welook on the finished website this iswhat it looks like it's absolutelybeautiful it's got parallax effect thisis just normal text like you've donebefore you've got a really really coollittle discount code right here whichI'm going to show you how to set up godbutton background image looking allgreat and I'm going to show you how toset up a coupon code in a moment so youcan change this one right here so let'sgo into home and our Elementor I'malready in it I've got my tab open ifyou haven't and you're new on thedashboard just go to pages and all pagesfind your home and open up withElementor so here is the next sectionthat we want to edit and to do that wejust click here which edits thebackground image same as before this isexactly the same as you've been doingreally really easy you just go then goto style and you click here to changeimage just as before and all of all thistext is the same you just click on itand you can write in anything here go tostyle you can change the typography anda color same as before this is just textas well you can just type in anythingyou want here you can change the couponcodeor the discount code that you want toset up in a moment I'm going to show youexactly how to do that in a minuteand you can enter the new code righthere and you've also got a button andsame as before guys you just click it toedit it in your content you can changethe text and add in your link rightthere you can align it it's exactly thesame as I've been showing you and instyle change the typography the textcolor and the background color and thenhover change colors for that as wellright there but to be honest you don'tneed to do much this is lookingfantastic already so you don't need tochange the text or the colors if youdon't really want to but of course it'sthere and it's easy for you to do if youwant to do it so that's pretty much thatsection done it's as easy as thatso let's head down to the next sectionand you've got this really cool littlesection here with different differentlittle bits of info such as worldwideshipping best quality best offers securepayments and you can change thisobviously to whatever you want if Iclick this you'll see that this wholeelement here is a is an image box it'san image box so the top image here thisis the little icon that you see so youjust click like before to change thatyou could go to your media library whereyou can use any image you want or youcan upload one I would recommend youobviously using an icon that istransparent as you can see there'ssquares in the background all that meansit's transparent and that will lookperfect against the white background soif you've got that that would be betterto use you can obviously edit the textand you can change the title anddescription right here add in any linksthat you want you can change how theimage position is right here and instyle you've got optionsfor the image such as spacing the widthyou've got hover animation which if Ichoose grow that's gonna give a reallylittle cool little animation right therethe best thing to do is to play aroundwith all the settingsyou can't break anything just playaround to see how you like it but anywaythat's that's that section done as wellevery one of them is the same change theimage if you want to whatever you wanttitle description and if you don't wantto use this section just remove it byclicking the cross right thereand I am really happy to say that you'vejust finished your home page the onlything left to do is your footer which isdown here and you've got lots of reallycool links that you can use if you wantto and I'm going to show you exactly howyou can edit that right now but look atyour home page isn't this looking justamazing I really hope that you're happythis is going to change your businessand you're just how you do how you sellyour products it's really reallybeautiful so remember to update to saveeverything that you've done here andjust before we come out of this I'mgoing to show you how you can add indifferent elements if you want to so ifI just find a section so let's here ifyou click on this little icon it'llbring up all of these different widgetsare available for you to use so you'vegot a star rating you icon boxes imageboxes like what you've got down thebottom there you've got testimonialsyou've got social icons which can bereally cooland all you do is click and drag to useeach one and they are so easy to to setup and start using just like everythingon here is super simple straightforwardso just play around like I saidso once you've updated go back to yourdashboard by opening up your other tabif you've got it open and now we'regonna have a look at the footer so let'sgo to appearance and widgets okay so inhere you've got different footersections so you've got one two andfooter widget area one two three andfour as well as a WooCommerce sidebarthekamar sidebar is a sidebar that we sawearlier when you're looking at a productso you've got a search you got theproducts by rating bestsellers thecategories and the filter by price sothat can be obviously really useful ifyou want to edit any of these we're notgoing to though I'm going to leave it asit is it looks great so let's go tofooter area one so if we go to thefinished website and down to the footerso we've got Quick Links and so we'vegot about cart and contact us right nowand if we go back to the widgets sowe've got a navigation menu and this isQuick Links so if we open that up thetitle is Quick Links select menu sothese are the different menus that youhad in your appearance here and in menusso if we I'll open this up in a new tabto show you so if we go into that you'vegot all your different menus in here ifyou remember so here is you here areyour menus at the top so if you're gonnado Quick Links right here and selectthat and here are the menu items thatshow up in that Quick Links menu I'mgonna remove that because it's not validanymore remove this one and there we goso you can add in anything you want hereobviously into that menu and it's gonnaand it's going to show up in your footerdown here under this Quick Links menuyou can change and move these aroundchange what they say you don't even haveto have any of this if you don't wantyou just delete all of them but thisdoes look really really good soobviously in this menu you would add inwhat you want then save the menu and itwill update and you'll have whateveryou've put in there on your footer if wego back into the widgets area let's goto footer area or widget area to gotanother navigation menu got one calledfor her so obviously this is like a menufor women and that's going to have itsown menu items so if we go back into themenus and select forand it's really easy you just selecteach one of the navigation menus andthen customize it to what you wantinside that menu so depending on whatyou sell you can change what's aroundhere to make basically it makes it easyfor people to get around your shop andfind all your different products so youknow you might not have women's jeans ortops but change it to whatever you dohave change this menu to prove to whatyou do have and then save it and it'sgonna update on this footer and lookincredible and be really reallybeneficial to your customers unless andthat's all you have to do for thatfooter your different areas here like Isaid just update each one and it's aseasy as thatokay now we're done with the menu andfooter you've completed your homepagethe footer is set up and workingperfectly that's going to update on allof your pages so everything's comingtogether really really nicely your shopis looking incredible all we want to dois a about page and contact page if youwant to do those you might not have acontact page you want to have an aboutpage but if you do I'm going to show youhow to edit each of those so the nextthing I'm going to show you though thisis really important is to set up yourstripe account keys so let's click setup your Skype account keys and it's nowgoing to take you to this page and thisis the WooCommerce settings and inpayments so now if we scroll down herewe're in stripe as you can see and youcan enable or disable stripe by clickinghere and you can change the title if yougo over here it's gonna this controls atitle which the user sees duringcheckout so you don't have to have itsaying stripe so I'm going to removethat and then the description and thenyou've got something called web hookendpoints and this is really importantto set up your stripe account settingsand down here you've got some test keysandtests secret key and you need to enterthese right here but you get those whenyou set up your stripe account so let'sclick here to create a stripe accountand it's going to take you over tostripe and then all you do if you're onthis page you just click on sign up itmight have taken to the stripe main pageor something but just click on sign upwherever that is because we need to signup for a new account unless you've gotstripe already and then enter your emailyour name a password and click on thatyou're not a robot and then click createyour stripe account right there now youwant to click here on the stripe API andyou'll be on the stripe dashboard andthen you want to click on get your testAPI keys there we go then you want tocopy this publish buki just click tocopy it and then paste that in here thengo back and get the secret key and copythat and then paste that in secret keybox and there you go you're all done andthen just scroll down you've got thisstatement descriptor as you can see itwill appear on the customers statementso you give it anything you want herecould be your business theme or anythingthen you've got a few or differentoptions down here but you just want toit all works fine play about but youjust want to save changes down here andyou may see this error so I'm going toshow you what to do if this comes up goto plugins and installed plugins and youwant to look for any WooCommerce pluginsthat may need updating see this one soI'm just going to update this and nowyou'll see that that will work so saveand we're going to go to the shop nowbecause now we can test I'm going to goto a product we're going to test buyingsomething so I'm going to here's thebeautiful products looking amazing whenI add to cart and there we go you get areally cool notification you can go tothe box there we go I'm going to get ridof that one this is looking so good lookat this you can view can't checkso I'm gonna review cards and here we goit's so flawless I'm gonna put that toone an update car it all works so wellhope you excited it's amazing so therewe go 150 so proceed to checkout therewe go so here you just enter yourbilling details your address and so onand you want to make sure you're incredit card and now you want to enter infour to four to just enter in what I'mputting in here then any expiry doesn'tmatter what you put in here and then anyCVC code just make sure you've put youraddress in and all that and then placeorder and here we go there we go that'sall working beautifully so it gives youyour order number date email how much itwas and so on so that is workingperfectly okay so now let's go toWooCommerce and orders and you'll seeyou've got one order and that's theorder that we just did here it isthere's our order so it's processing atthe moment let's click on there and itgives you all the details on shippingbilling the dates and all of that goodstuff you can know you can change thestatus here as well once you'vecompleted it you can change it tocomplete it or anything you want hereand also to you want to update it on theright there but you can also is here'show much that would be the stripe feeand so on and to refund you would clickhere and then you can enter a refundhere and refund via stripe or manuallyand that's how you do a refund so thennow let's go to settings then paymentsand we want to go we want to find thestripe again so find stripe here it isclick on manage and now we want to takeour test mode so uncheck this and wewant our live keys to make this live sopeople can actually buy things so youwant to go down to get your live APIkeys but it says you need to activateaccount so click on activate your stripeaccount here and just click on start onthe right there then it's asking you toverify your email so go and do that youcan resend the verification just go andverify the email then uncheck these andyou want to enter your live keys in herethat's what you need to do and thenyou're going to be all set up and thenyou want to make sure to save at thebottom and your show up will be live andpeople can buy things and that is howyou set up WooCommerce on your shop youare all done so I want to show youcoupons so let's go to coupons andyou've got a default one here so to get15 off coupon but let's add a new one soscroll up click on add coupon here andhere you enter the coupon code this iswhat people will be entering so I'mgoing to put 10 off then a descriptionand this is just for your this is noone's gonna see this just for you so 10%off and then the discount type so you'vegot fixed cart discount percentagediscount or fixed product discount sothat's good we're gonna go withpercentage discount and then down hereyou enter in the percentage so I'm goingto put 10 and below that see it saysvalue of the coupon below that you'vegot a allow free shipping so if thiscoupon allowed the customer to have freeshipping you would tick that here and itwould get them free shipping so it's asimple like that usage restrictionyou've got minimum spend maximum spendindividual use only got all kinds ofoptions here you can exclude things youcan make it so it's only available oncertain products or you can excludeproducts categories and so on usagelimits you can limit it to just wantone-time or usage limit per user as wellnow they can be probably pretty usefuland then just publish and you are alldone with coupons and now anyway you'vegot a coupon you would just enter in thethis new coupon code to allow people touse that and you could use this inpromotionsor to build up your email list there areall kinds of things you can do with thisthey're really really useful obviouslyit goes without saying you know givepeople percentages off they're going tobe a lot more inclined to you know it'sa very good incentive to buy somethingso it's a great way to build up yourcustomers on your email lists and so onso there we go that's how coupons workso let's go and so I'm going to testthat let's go to paddles and I've addedthese paddles to my cart so now if Ienter the coupon code here ten off andapply here we go you're going to seethat it's going to get me ten percentoff just making sure this works there wego temps on off so I've saved $15 lesshow it works it's looking absolutelygreat I mean this website you know yournew shop works flawlessly for you I'mreally happy I'm hope you're excited sothe next thing let's go to pages and allpages and I'm gonna show you now how toedit your about page so you want toyou've got about on contact but we'regoing to start on about let's click onElementor edit with Elementor and ittakes us right here so this is yourabout page and this is a really reallylovely looking page on your new websiteit's got all kinds of sections here thatlike a follow us section and a teamsection let's start the top this is whatit looks like on the finished website Ihaven't really done much right but I'mgoing to show you how you can edit allof this it's really easy so let's jumpin so obviously to edit this image youwould just as before click here and thenstyle and that's what you change theimage this has got anbackground overlay as well and you'vegot these options right here just likebefore you can change these to how youlike and attachment and so on so that'show that works there's obviously thesizes on cover and as I said this is gota background overlay so in here youcouldn't changeshe's overlay and change the opacitydown here I'm gonna make this a bitlighter I think that looks better Iquite like that right like that justlike thatthat looks great and the text is thesame and this section is just as easythis is what it looks like you've got animage on the right here that's just aseasy as it was before on this text justlike you've been doing so to edit thetext you click and there we go it comesup on the left you've got all thesedifferent tools to edit it it's just asyou've been doing on all the other pagesyou should know how to do this now andso is this is the same as well andyou've got this little line here whichyou can change the weights I'm probablyjust going to keep as it was I think itlooks fine it's good change the colorthe width just like this and thealignment and so on you've got advancedand you'll see if I increase it there wego it goes up and pushes that text downremember you can always you can do thatwith any element on your website toreally customize it and this image youdon't click on here to change this imageyou don't click here you don't clickthere either this one's a bit differentto change this image you go over hereand you click on this icon because thisimage is on the whole like elementthere's that image so that's how youchange that alright let's go to the nextsection so the next one is a teamsection so this is this is a greatlittle place if you have got teammembers to just tell people all aboutyou and who you are and who does what inyour company and to do that you just youdon't click here this is the wholeelement or section you click theindividual images and this brings up theindividual personal person's our imagebox change the image and the text herereally easy you add a link there if youwant to completely customize all to whatyou want to do this spacing and widthright there and a hover animation let'stry grow so that last adds someengagement that's really niceand yeah that's that's about it guyssame for all of these other ones youjust click here and you can change theimage and the text it's all reallystraightforward and to edit the textabove is the same so next section we'regetting through this really quickhere is a follower section and you'vegot some social media icons here andI'll show you how to do that in a momentbut this so the background image youclick here to edit that and then styleso that's straightforward simple justlike before and to change thisit's like box here you would click hereand then style and then in color you canchange the opacity or the color see as Ichange this it darkens or changes to adifferent color let's just keep it likearound what it was and then there's aline again and some text so these socialmedia you just icons you just click andyou can click on Facebook or Twitter orwhatever and add in your links righthere to your social media platformschange your color there and and in styleyou've got the color you can change itto the official color which I quite likeI'm going to change the size slightly sothat's slightly smaller I think thatlooks really good and then you've gotpadding and spacing and all that goodstuff and then icon hover you can I'mgonna add in a grow I think this looksreally good yeah that looks great so I'mgonna keep that and that's about it foryour social media you can obviouslyyou've got margin and padding andadvanced but that is about it so I'mhappy to say you've got this sectionunderneath actually but remember we'vedone this before you click to edit andin fact this as you can see is the sameas your team member section it's thesame kind of same kind of element you'vegot the link down here so you'vefinished your about page and that islooking absolutely amazing hope you'rehappy you've got you can you can clickhere you can move things around byclicking and dragging just like this ifyou wanted to now that can be reallyuseful obviously torearrange how your website looks or howyour shop looks I'm just going to movethat down there againwherever there's a blue line you canmove it too and I'm going to remove afew things I'm I'm not gonna remove thiswhole section but you would do you couldby clicking that I'm not gonna removethat I'm gonna remove this one now andI'll remove one section of these I thinkjust here there we go I notice thatlooks better and then always remember toupdate when you've made some changes andthere we go there we go guysthere's your about page just play aroundhave some fun make it how you want to doyou go back to your dashboard click hereexit the dashboard okay so now let's goback to pages and all pages and I'mgoing to show you how to do your contactpage so again click on edit withElementor and here it is so the image atthe top is just the same you've got textit's all the same as you've just donebasically there's nothing different hereapart from this contact this contactform which I'll be explaining in aminute so and as here's that sectionagain this is looking great as usual soto edit the image you click here as youas alwaysstyle and you can change that imageclick here for the text and style youknow this already by now and then thenthis text is the same all this is allthe same apart from this email link herenow this hasn't got a link right now butto do that you just highlight it on theleft you highlight that and then youclick insert link right there and thenyou would type in mail to comma or colonand then your email right there and thenthen confirm that by that by clickinghere and then that has turned it into aclickable link so people can click thatand that will open up thereup or whatever and they can email youdirectly from their phone or or a laptopthat's what it looks like on thefinished website so perfect so as I saiddown here you've got a contact form sothis this is a completely optionalit looks amazing but as you can see if Iclick it you've got a little short codehere that says WP forms now to use thisthis is actually a paid plugin and it'snot very expensive it's only I thinkit's around 30 or 40 dollars for theyear and it works amazingly I'm notgoing to explain how to use it in thisvideo but it's so straightforward if youdid want to keep this and use it it'llbe on your toolbar on the Left it's veryvery easy just go and have a look butI'm not going to show you because I'mgoing to show you a free way that peoplecan contact you and both ways are reallygood it's completely up to you what youwant to do if you want a free way if youwant to pay for it right now I'm goingto show you how to do that right now butyeah this is WP forms and it's a paidplugin so I'm just going to remove thisjust like that and then I'm gonna removethat as well and okay so I'm going toadd in some social media icons byclicking here and I'm going to click anddrag those those social icons there I'mgoing to align them to the left andresize them so using social mediaplatforms people can contact you but italso grows your community so is doesboth both ways it's fantastic and againyou just add in your Facebook page linkthere and your Twitter and so on you canadd new items there adding anything youwant all kinds of platforms so that is afree way of doing it instead of payingfor WP forms or another plug-in ofcourse getting people to enter theiremail on a form is a hugely beneficialway of building up your email list andI'm not going to go into that in thisvideo but we have many many videos onour channel that tell you all aboutbuilding an email list our word deaf anddefinitely recommend starting to buildan email list especially if you've got ashop it's really really important tostart doing that so yeah go and have alook at one of our videos that explainsall about that that will that would be avery very good step for you and also ifyou ever want to undo something or goback in time on your shop you can clickhere and you've got history here and youjust click this to go back to somethingthat you had before this only works ifyou haven't updated though so if youhaven't updated for the last half anhour or something you can go back a halfan hour ago to help whatever it was ifyou if you did something you don't wantanymore something that is how you can dothat okay now I want to show you how tocustomize things on your shop thingslike the logo at the top and the defaultcolors as well as some really reallyuseful other things so we want to go toyour parents and customize here this isgoing to take you to the customizer andit's kind of like the kind of the insideof your shop or your website like abehind-the-scenes or something like thatso here you've got some differentoptions as you can see shows you a livepreview of your shop here which isreally useful for when you're editing itand as well you can see you've got someof those shortcuts pencil icon is goingto take you to the menu options andthings like this this is going to takeyou to the logo we're going to be usingthose in a minute so on the Left you'vegot different options you've got alayout and you've got a header siteidentity so it looks like we can do ourlogo here in fact so yeah I'll explainthat to you right now since we're hereso you can obviously change the logo oryou can remove it they've also bydefault got a retina logo you can changeto have a different logo for mobiledevices and that is really usefulbecause obviously mobiles or iPads aremuch smaller so you don't need a such ahigh resolution imageso that can be good logo widthyou've got your site title there andyour tagline so make sure to fill thosein does the site title whatever you knowwhat your company name is or somethingand your tagline just say a you knowhave a brief description of what you dowhat your company does and you candisplay the site title or site titletagline here you can have it in linewith the logo and site height or anothersite icon which is the icon next to yourweb address here you'll be up hereyou've probably seen it before like inGoogle they've got a thing they calllike a G or something so that's the logothat's pretty straightforward you justyou know change it and or you remove itcompletely you don't have to haveanything now if you don't want to solet's go back then you've got primaryheader got different layouts here youwant to kind of be careful what you playaround with here you're not going tobreak anything because if you dosomething you don't like to save it youhave to publish anyway so you know youcould just you know play around and seewhat happens with things but just becareful that you don't completely messeverything up and then click on publishyou know you can always just click outof here or go back so let's go back andthen we've got a transparent header andagain this is uh different logos and youcan enable on desktop so this means theheader is transparent you see it'ssee-through like up here the the menuthere's nothing behind it it's just theimage on the header that looks fantasticso I wouldn't change anything now solet's go back again you've got all kindsof things here so you've got a blog hereas well if you're thinking of having ablog it's a hugely beneficial thing tohave we've got a video all about it it'svery very easy to get started but I'mnot gonna go into that in this video butagain if you've got a shop obviouslyyou've got a shop pewters made yourwebsite but having a shop and uptogether is really really as such a goodidea having a blog brings people whichyour website brings people to your shopit's just another way to get yourproducts and your brand and your companyin front of in front of eyes in front ofpeople out there you wanna make it aseasy as possible for people to get toknow you so having a blog does exactlythat it's really really good yoursidebar options you've got your footeroptions here footer widgets we wentthrough that already footer barso you've got we scroll down you've gotthis copy of right these copyrightdetails down here so you might not wantto have that and you can disable thatright there just click on disable or youcan change what it says here in adifferent section section 1 and section2 so that's really easy you've gotfooter bar width is why you can changehow it looksthat's all straightforward and easyyou've got WooCommerce here as well andshop so you've got your shop columns howthe products are structured so the titleis gonna be first then the categoryprice ratings you don't want to showsomething such as ratings you can justclick on I here and because it's grayedout it's not going to show that sothat's easypretty straightforward again you canchoose how many products per page thereand then your container all kinds ofoptions herecolors and background I like the defaultcolors to your to your shop so you canlike a theme color link color thingslike that you can change those inElementor as well so you've got theheader kind of colors there as wellso the go up to the menu you've got themenu colors there and you can possiblylink archives of the menu this has menucolors there you can change those thereand footer widgets again at a bartypography is the overall typeagra fee for your shop and you have blogthere as well you've got buttons themebutton there we go that's how you canedit that and yeahI would literally got menus here changeyour menus but I think it's probablyeasier to do that how I showed youearlier it's much betterwidgets home page settings or wouldn'tchanges us once you do have a blog youwant to change posts page to blog andthen it will start showing up then itwill start showing your blog for thedifferent with different blog posts thatyou've created you've got a WooCommerceoption here so you've got store noticeso if you wanted to you can enable astore notice which is going to show upif we enable this it's going to show upa little notice at the top so this canbe really really good if you've got asale or something people will see thisimmediately when they go to your to yourshop that can be really really good yougot product catalog so the shop pagedisplays products or categories oranything you want their categoriesdisplay the products product images youcan change the main width and thethumbnail ratios there and the checkoutcompany name and all of their privacypolicy all kinds of options so look intoit and based on your company in who youare you might want to change a fewthings but it all is all workingperfectly so there's not a lot to doyou've got additional CSS here if youwant to ever use that and that is yourcustomizer it's a it's just a good wayof getting into like I said the behindthe scenes of your shop or somethingthere's just some a few settings youmight want to have a look outso let's come out of here by clickingthe cross all right and you have nowfinished your online shop and this islooking so so beautiful guys I reallyhope you're happyand going forward you've got somethingyou've got a platformto sell your very own products orwhatever you want to do here and it'slooking so beautiful you've got somereally really good sections here to showoff your products get people engaged getthem to go to your shop and get buyingfrom you is so fantastic and I've shownyou how to set up this features featuredproduct section of course you can makethis bigger by just duplicating it likeI showed you earlier you've got thisbeautiful section here again and and soonI really hope you're happy with this andlet's take a look at the about pagequickly we've got one more reallyimportant step to do after after thisskip having a quick look around ourcompleted website it's looking reallyreally great and the contact us page ifyou're wondering why I sound differentmy voice has gone I think it's formaking all these amazing videos for youI might sound a little bit different butbut yeah so I just quickly mention thatand here's the contact us page lookingfantastic so people and get in contactwith you and and you can grow thatcommunity which is really reallyimportant ok so the final step to todoing this is you want to head over because we need to set upour or your SSL certificate make surethat you've got a dedicated IP addressso head over to Hostgator and now youwant to do is click on live chat hereand this is going to take you directlyto a Hostgator employee or you knowsomeone that can help you out and allyou do now is log in using your detailsand what you want to explain to them isthat you have got you've bought abusiness hosting you want to make surethat you say that because you get a freecertificate and then a free dedicated IPaddress so you've got the businesshosting and youonline shop and you've just set it upit's ready to go but you want your SSLcertificate activated and you want adedicated IP and both of those thingsare going to make sure that your shopextremely extremely secure so people canbuy from you basically just makes thingssecure so people can use their cards andwhatever to buy things for me and thenonce you've done that there they willmost likely advise you or they shouldadvise you if we go back to the websitethat they will have set up yourcertificate for you now it may take Idon't know an hour I don't know I can'tremember but it might be instant so whenthey've done that you want to go toplugins and add new and when you're hereyou want to search for a plug-in calledreally simple SSL and it's this one hereso search for that and this is going tomake sure that your certificate is setup and basically working with your newshop so what you want to do is click oninstall now for this plug-in and when itcomes up you want to click on activatethere we go so activate that and thisthis plug-in couldn't be easier it willtake you probably a few seconds to do sofrom here you want to go ahead andactivate SSL I'm not gonna do thisbecause I haven't gone as a sell on thisdemo website for this just for thisvideo I haven't got one so but obviouslyyou do so you won't just want to clickon go aheadactivate SSL and I'll do it for youyou'll take probably a few seconds andthen it's all set up and you will becomplete you'll be ready to go and readyto sell your things so now I want toshow you a little bonus step which isgoing to make sure your webs your shopis completely secure it's a plug-in thatwe have started using at websites madeeasy it's one of the most popularsecurity plugins on WordPress and I'mgoing to show you that now so let's goto plugins and addand this is just gonna you know give youa peace of mind make sure that your shopis secure people can buy from you withno problems so now go to search pluginsand type in word fence here is wordfence security and you can see it's gotfive stars that's amazing and it waslast updated a week ago and that'sreally important so now let's click oninstall and then activate and now you'veactivated that you're going to have ifyou scroll down on your toolbar you'regoing to have a new option word fenceright here and you're also going to havea notification on your plugins so if youscroll down it says plug-in activatedand then please complete word fenceinstallation so you can enter your emailhere if you want word fence to send yousecurity alerts and this can be a goodidea so you know what's going on so justenter email in there and then they'vegot a mailing list as well you canchoose to join and then accept and thencontinue then it might come up with thislittle notification so click on resumeinstallation okay it looks like you haveto put an email in here so they can sendyou a security alerts and this is goingto install or finish the installation ofword fence so I'm going to enter anemail and now it's asking you if youwant to activate premium but the freeversion is completely fine so I'm goingto click on no thanksthere we go and now it's finishing theinstallation so now if we scroll downyou can you'll see you've got you've gotlots and lots of different options -such as firewall blocking scan you don'tyou can learn all about this on wordfences website or blog there's quite alot you can do here I'm not going to gointo itword fence is working for you now it'sset up and it's going to be scanningyour website and making sure there's noone trying to get in so you can be justrest assured and be happy that it's allsecure obviously I would definitelyrecommend going to learn about wordfence this is new to me as well so youknow go and learn about it make surethat youyou are using it to its full advantageand and that your website really issuper secure because obviously you'regonna be selling things people gonna beusing their cards and all that and thatis it guys you've you've just finishedyour first shop online you should besuper proud of yourself because now iswhere it gets incredibly exciting youcan stop selling stuff and growing yourbrand and your business so I reallyreally hope you've enjoyed this videoand I hope it helped you loads I reallylook forward to seeing what you'vecreated using this video so pleasecomment in the comments and les leteveryone see websites made easycommunity see what you've made and I'dlove to see what you've done by watchingmy video I'd love to see what you'vewhat you've created also remember tolike this video if you enjoyed it and ithelped you and subscribe to our channelbecause we are always making new videoswe always want to help you grow and besuccessful online so thanks for watchingand I'll see you in the next video
