eCom Dudes: Rise Of The Entrepreneur Episode #1

what is up EECOM deeds nation and todayis gonna be super exciting becausemyself and my co-host anthony max alonewe're talking about a lot of things alot of things that quite frankly thesewe have sticking them straight over hereif you're listening to this on spotifysoundcloud or lord knows where this willend up if it ends at anywhere yeah wehave we have also our youtube channelthat you can watch the video or reallypiece together a lot of things but idon't want to waste a lot of time and iwant to get right into it there's a lotof topics that that we've been gettingfrom you know a lot of our students andwhatnot and and i think it's time toaddress some of these things you knowwe're gonna we're gonna keep it reallyraw we're gonna yeah the whole premiseof this is i want to i want to keep youknow i want to keep it very real onekeep it open and say say what's on ourmind really go ahead and go out thereand try to help everybody understand ourpoint of view and more so aside from ourpoint of view kind of what we know andwhat the public doesn't know on certaintopics whether that's advertisingwhether that's you know gurus which isthe first thing we're going to talkabout branding is the business modeldead so we're gonna get into a lot ofthese topics but the first one that ireally want to talk about is econ gurusand more so their secrets now this onethis one's pretty interesting to mebecause I hate it when when somebodygoes ahead and and I it sounds reallyweird for me saying this cuz I hate theword guru yeah I mean it's kind of justbeen this over fabricated kind of put ona pedestal kind of word whereas I guesspeople kind of just self claimthemselves as a quote-unquote guru and Idon't know kind of grinds my gears tosome extent but I mean I'm reallyexcited that we're gonna get into thiskind of stuff in the podcast and reallyget to peel back the curtain on a lot ofstuff that we wouldn't normally talkabout also get a lot of good submissionsfrom students as to like stuff that theywant to hear at a podcast or gonna bereal raw uncut footage of us talkingabout this stuff with full transparencyand at the end of the day the only thingthat's really gonna help people'sbusinesses and actually help them moveforward is nothing but sheertransparencyyou have all this fluff and excuse mylanguage but bullshit that comes aboutand people are just trying to at the endof the day pitch you want a specificitem or try to get you to buy some sortof program I mean that's what's reallygonna start to dilute that content andthe pure value of what people truly needto help their businesses so I'm reallyexcited for us to go ahead and getstarted and I mean episode one it'sgonna be a killer in my opinion rightso you mentioned something there youknow people try to really kind of likepeddle their stuff right and it's funnyI was on Instagram I think maybe yousaid it to me but you sent me someteachable dropshipping course and yeahit was verbatim my course like I evenuse my images and I was just like I waslike hold on hold on I'm like youclaiming to be some you know this isthis this guru somebody who knows whatthey're doing yet and and I meant what Imean verbatim my video titles werecopied word-for-word down to the periodnow and I just looked at this I said youhave no idea what any of this even meansyeah because I was reading thedescription in the description wasn'tthe same but I was reading and I waslike okay you clearly are just trying togo out for a money grab and I thinkthat's where a lot of people right noware really confused is that there's adifference between people who are ableto draw attention and get clout andpeople who know what they're doingthere's a very fine line between thatthere's again you could be a great dropshipping marketer and you can be a greatpersonal brand I don't even want to sayentrepreneur because people who arebuilding personal brands right nowthey're not making money no not at alland none of the fact that you know I'veseen people with 70,000 or one hundredforty or two hundred thousand followerson Instagram but at the end of day noneof that equates to money or the factthat they know shit right I mean justbecause you could put up motivationalquotes of you leaning on a rented car oryou know trying to show people exactlywhat you're doing obviously everyonedoes fun shit you're not gonna seesomeone talking about their depressionor how they feel or their struggles onInstagram you're not gonna find thatvery oftenI do yeah there are some people that aretransparent about it and there's nothingwrong with that but at the end of theday so many people and I'm gonna tellyou apply 95 percent of people areliterally just putting up a facade ofpure bullshit when at the end of the dayif you're not in the trenches everysingle dayworking her ass off grinding andfocusing on what is actually gonna helpyour business grow the most then you'renot really hitting your max capacity andhalf the stuff you put out it's justgonna be bullshit you know it's crazyyou know you said you said this facadeand I've been saying this for for abouta year and a half two years now and andI always get I always get those peoplethe the occasional people probably oneout of every 100 say Dan you're you knowyou're a piece of shit scammer all youdo is self course is however the lastcourse I sold was back in March 2018yeah that's almost a year and that'salmost a year that was the last course Ireleased and here's the thing people tryto go ahead and purchase courses for meand I'll either tell them no don't getit yet because I didn't update it or Iactually have nothing – the onlyforward-facing thing is EECOM dudesAcademy yeah you can't buy anything elsefrom me I open it things up and thenclose them down because I like to workwith the people that get inside so youknow that's that's a very clearindicator this is why I hate beinglabeled you know like a guru cuz I don'thave a forward-facing course forhundreds and thousands of dollars yeah Idon't have and I do have this but Idon't actively participate in it becauseI have other businesses to run which islike a Facebook group or a discord groupif a the one thing you have to keep inmind and you should be very worriedabout is if there's an if there's a guruany marketplace and they're focusingtheir time on they're focusing majorityof their time on marketing theirproducts rather than harnessing theirskills that's a bad indicator that's whythe last product I released was March2018 which was dropship Academy which isabsolutely incredible and everybodyknows that I closed it down and you haveto wait an entire year for me to evenopen up something again to come workwith me that personally and you thesebecome gurus now I'm not knocking themor anything and there's nothing wrongwith that it's just to me it's like it'snot very plausible it's not veryreasonable to think that somebody canrun a massive scale business and runanother massive scale business meaning Iknow people that are doing like 20 30million dropshipping or you knowbuilding out like a private label brandand thenthrough Shopify or Amazon and I knowpeople that are doing that sosuccessfully and they try to build apersonal brand and they just can't do itthey cannot fucking do it however on theflip side I do know other people thatcan build an incredible personal brandyet they have no idea how to properlyset up a Shopify store and and and whenit comes down to me and I keep relatingit back to me because it's it's veryimportant you get this is that it's notlike and I would say I'm now one ofthese smaller creators compared to theother people that are now you knowcreating content and they're good atmarketing themselves but when it comesdown to like course material andteaching other people there's a reasonwhy I have more success stories and whythe people who have you know that aredoing like 30 40 million and thestudents that they do get their studentsare so freakin successful it's becausethey're in the trenches every day rightI'm in the trenches every day Anthonynow we're just launching ads a littlebit for an entire week that's all wewere doing and and then we're like oh weshould start a podcast that's theAnthony said I would start a podcast Iwas like okay yeah sure now he reallyhad to push that on me because I just Iit's it's not my it's not my corebusiness I like to make youtube videoson the Dan de Silva channel and I didn'thaven't this is probably that gonna bethe first video back on the econ viewschannel in a year yeah big comeback andum and we're gonna be really seeing alot more concept but you know thatthat's the thing here is that I hate Ihate this guru shit that's out thereright now it's so annoying and a littlebit is I harbor resentment that I didn'tpush harder on that because it's like Isee I see what I did in the beginningwhere I went wrong and I see these kidsdoing it again and I want a very good Iwant to go ahead and repeat this what Ijust said I see these kids doing itagain when I see 14 15 16 17 18 year oldkids going out there and making millionsof dollars selling courses and then yousay okay where's your student proof andtheir student proof is like two thousanddollars in a month and they bro you'renot actually what bothers you're notchanging anybody's life with twothousand dollars a month all you'redoing is running an elaborate and I hatetobut in an elaborate scam if you willbecause at the end of the day if yourproduct is good it's gonna sell itselfyou don't need marketing to do that okaylook it's look at something like Samovens right Sam the Sam doesn't need tomarket for shit but he's do not get mewrong he markets just as much as anybodyelse okay and he's fucking fantastic atit but his product and and and histeaching is bar none the bestso when you see econ gurus and they havelike you know thirty videos in ateachable course and you have to payfive hundred dollars for iteight hundred dollars for two thousanddollars for it and they're not evenadding softwares or anything they're noteven adding like that like that personaltouch too it's just it grinds my gearscuz they're great at marketingthemselves and that's all they focus onwhich they should flip the switch andfocus on number one harnessing the skillthat they're teaching people so they cangive them the real information thatactually works rather than em and Icould say this wholeheartedly becauseI've seen this happen beforewhat typical course creators will dowhat these typical econ guys will do isthey'll come in and I have so manyscreenshots of some of these kids askingme for help in the very beginning ohyeah they'll learn from somebody make afew thousand and then say we frickinmade it no you didn't yeah I mean I havepeople that are now on YouTube and likeI could say literally bigger than methat I've seen that I've bought myentire funnels in the past it's justcrazy how people just go ahead andrehash other people's content and saylook I I'm teaching you this just cuzyou know they could put their face infront of the right people but at the endof the day the thing that matters mostis can you get results for those actualstudents and the best way to do that isif you're a practitioner of the craftyourself now you'll see that peoplecould go ahead and you know regurgitateinformation and when I think of that Iliterally think of people that are inhigh school or middle school or collegeor as people like all university thatyou know it's not that hard to just goout there and grab someone else'sinformation regurgitate it into your ownwords and then give it to someone elsenow people that could actually you knowpersonal brand themselves to a certaindegree and get these kind of coursesales that they do that but the thing isthe true successin my opinion is hands-down is if youcan get people results now I mean you'veseen the results from your own studentslike Mario and countless others I meanI've gotten videos from my students likeliterally going on for two to threeminutes saying wow you changed myperspective on marketing and how I couldreally approach us and really thementality behind this and exactly how tomake things work and how I got my firstfew sales all the way up to X Y & Z andI mean that's where you know you couldreally see the quality rise to the topand you know that's where you see thingssuch as like Sam ovens for example hefocuses on the deliverable that he'sproviding and at the end of the day nomatter what kind of price he puts on hison his programs or the consulting.comstuff that he runs it's gonna bepriceless to the people that actuallytake that information and run with itbecause the deliverable is BarNone way Ihave to have something to add in herebecause this is this is this is gonna bea point where I don't think I don'tthink a lot of people like would seethis side of it but it's something thatI need to need to say and I won't namedrop any names but if you takesomebody's course and you leave them atestimonial and then you try to buildyour own personal brand and then askthat person who you learn from to removeyou as a testimonial you are a scumbagokay there's because this has happenedto me multiple times now and again I'mnot even gonna name drop here it's it'sdisrespectful as hell it is the mostdisrespectful thing that you can dobecause you're trying to make money foryourself and giving no credit to theperson that you learned from here's thething nothing is original and you werejust saying since what really sparked itis you were like okay you know you youregurgitate information but at the endof the day that's what we do right evenyou and I we regurgitate informationthat we learn we need to learn somethingfrom somewhere make it into our own andthen we could teach it yeah so it's notlike we came up with the idea ofinfluencers that was already being doneit's just the way we were doing it wascompletely different so there's neveranything new and if you reallythere's this book is called um steallike an artist and in that book it'svery clear that the best artists in theworld never came up with anything reallyoriginaljust a mixture of a lot of differentthings or a spin on something else yesso it's and and that's fine that's whythat's why I don't really ever get madwhen I see you know like these gurus putsomething out it's it's more so I get itjust do something unique oh yeahabsolutely like I'll refine my point ofcourse like everyone puts their own spinand own approach on everything you knowlike there's not just you know one thingsaying like oh well you ran a look likeaudience ahead so like obviously youripped his his idea of course everyonehas their own way of doing things theirown approach but I hate when kids go outthere and simply take you know verbatiminformation and kind of Don it as theirown or act like you know oh like I foundthis you know it's really not it's justlike the the practitioners are the onesthat I set at the highest value you knowwhen they actually can show that they'vedone it themselves how it works fromstart to finish rather than just kind ofhalf-ass putting it out there becausethey kind of understand it from a secondperspective because that at that pointyou're kind of playing a game oftelephone and when you get to the endpoint the actual way to make things workis just so altered and diluted that it'sactual just pure bullshit right yeah yepyep because here's the thing a lot ofpeople are learning or takinginformation from people on the surfacethat look like you know what they'redoing so if let's just say you'rewatching you know ecommerce guru X who'sgreat at personal branding yet doesn'tpractice and then you decide hey I'mgonna start a channel or I'm gonnacreate this funnel of teach people whatI learned from econ guru X yet econ guruX doesn't know what the hell he's doingall you're doing is passing alongmisinformation to essentially dilute theentire marketplace so then when thatperson that you're teaching realizesthat you don't know what you're doinghe's gonna go ahead and say okay thenclearly this marketplace is a big scamokay and that's the problem that we'rethat I see right now is that it's kindof like a big game of telephone and bythe time you know we had 20 layers deepand this brand new person comes into themarketplace they're learning somethingfrom somebody who has absolutely no ideawhat they're doing and it's just it'sit's one of those things where I'm justlikehonestly it's sad it's said I knowthat's why that's why I've stopped in2018 like I just I completely gave itand I have no problem admitting thatit's just I gave up cuz I saw first offlike the competition was becoming sofierce it's still as fierce actuallyit's it's the most fierce I've ever seenit and second thing is that I saw amassive change and that people caredabout things and not results yeah rightand that was my that was my big pivotalpoint cuz dude I don't wanna and I'vesaid this countless amount of times Idon't want to sell the fact that I havea Lamborghini I want to sell the factthat I know how to build a businessright but people want to buy the factthat I have a Lamborghiniand yeah it's like a mass-marketapproach you can even have that argumentlike the Thai Lopez approach where I'mkind of just like mass-market but that'snot the type of person I want to attractI don't want to attract the 17 year oldkid who wants to not go to college oruniversity and wants to become amillionaire overnight that's not what Iwant right but a majority of the peopleout there that that's what they'repromoting right now yeah and then youhave on the flip side people like EzraFirestone now the customer qualityincredible oh yeah because this contentis incredible Sam ovens customer qualityincredible content incredible in golflike like there's a big big differencebetween between biz op and businessbuilding now the big thing is thatthat's all contextual to the very frontend now this can be from literally anopt-in page like like they were talkingabout the other day you know if forexample your opt-in page is convertingat 30% that doesn't necessarily meanthat's a bad opt-in page because if thevalue of the customer is 3 times thevalue of an optimal converting at 70%yours getting a higher-quality customerright which is what you want yeah ahundred percent and the thing is thatyou know I think that they are able toreally harness that higher qualitymarket just because you could see wherethey're coming from you could see thatthey're truly good at what they do andwhat they speak about and the wisdomthat they share is legitimate you knowit's not you know a kid talking toanother kid and trying to sell them onon a pipe dream there's a big bigdifference in a fine line between peopleof that level such as onic Ezraand other people Sam and so many othersthat are really doing a truly amazingjob at what they do and kids that arejust trying to sell a dream right whichis a quick search on YouTube there yougo just just look down that list butanyway let's move on to our second topicI think we've really closed enough onthis yeah let's talk about building amassive brand which is what everybody Ithink realizes that's where they need togo yeah and yes so there's so much thatwe can talk about when it comes tobuilding a massive brand now I will saythis okay because a lot of people haveasked me what happened with the veerBevier was not my vision okay so firstthings first I'd never it's not that Inever wanted to do it I like the conceptI like the idea and everything waslaunched already now if you don't knowif a veer is if you're brand new hereit's a teeth whitening company that Iwent ahead and started and I orderedlike 2,000 units yeah something likethat that was not units thousands oh noit was super easy I think from start tofinish we spent like 15 G's with yeah Imean the custom packaging and everythingyeah everything was legit too and lookgreat yeah everything oh it lookedphenomenal but you know I came to thatcrossroad where I realized that's notwhat I wanted to do at the time okaybecause I think drop shipping is still agreat model it's still a huge andphenomenal model that's why when peoplesay is drop shipping dead and they'relike yeah drop shipping is dying rightI'm just like yes please tell everybodythat like like perfect great like Ohtell everyone that yeah so I think it'sjust another skewed perspective I meanthe the real answer is that bullshitdrop shipping is dying like people thatdon't know what they're doing or youknow provide awful customer support orcustomer service or deliver awfulproducts they don't check and make surethat every part of their business is youknow operating well by way of the stuffthat they're actually sending in totheir customers the shipping time thatit gets there the the actualrelationship that they're building withthe customers is making people losefaith in the fact of drop shipping butat the end of the day it's whetheryou're running a well-oiled business orlike you're not and simply put if you'renot paying close attention to it and notactually dedicating legitimate time andcaring about your businessside and out and how it affects yourcustomer then that's gonna happenobviously it's gonna seem like dropshipping is essentially dying so overallI mean you're gonna be able to tellwhether you're able to move forward withthis by simply being able to check intoevery single part of your business it'sreally it's not to over complicated it'sjust that the quality is always gonnarise to the top so if you're the bottomof the barrel and you think that youcould just skate by by the seat of yourpants and yeah it drops Whitney's gonnabe dead to you but if you actually careabout your customers care about theproducts that you're providing andfocusing more so on brand building thenI think that's pretty much gonna be yoursaving grace and what's really gonnaactually allow dropshipping to live onmore and more it's just that the qualityis always gonna be at the top and I meanyou see that from top to bottom whetherit's education info products or sellingphysical products quality's always gonnarise to the top of course quality willdefinitely always rise to the top that'skind of that's with anything that's withany market no matter what quality willalways out trump anything but again youknow building a massive brand issomething that and just a time what Iwas saying before and just to kind ofclose that chapter it it wasn'tsomething that I wanted to pursue anylonger so I decided to go ahead and letthat project die even though I dumpedthousands of dollars into it it justwasn't something that I wanted to go anyfurther I mean not even that we have todeal with a lot of a lot of clearanceslike government clearances because itwas something you put in your mouth sothere were just so many logistics to itwe were making sales definitely weremaking sales but I decided even evenwhen we were making sales I decided topull I decided to go ahead and just pullthe project without even sellingeverything because again it wasn't myfocus and that's what I realized is thatI don't want to focus on on that becauseit's notit wasn't my bread and butter yeah ohand and I think maintaining focus andbeing able to build something like thatis huge I love the drop shipping model Icame into the drop shipping model andyou know quite frankly 50% of theproducts on Amazon are sold by thirdparty now what does that mean exactly isthat it could be like the filmer byAmazon where it's into an Amazonwarehouse but just keep in mind thatalso in that mixture is you knowcompanies that are fulfilling from theirown warehouses and smaller companiesthat are fulfilling from their own youknow facilities and from that 50% of allproducts on Amazon you know a part ofthat 50% is essentially drop shippedproducts right because it's you knowwhen you go on Amazon you see you knowshipped from or shipped by that's athat's a that's basically drop shippingamazon is drop shipping so you know it'skind of it's it's one of those questionswhere it depends on how much time andeffort you're willing to put in buildinga massive brand has it's upsidepotentials where you can sell it formillions heck you can sell it forbillions of dollars yeah if you playyour cards right I mean those look atmovement watches or MV MT whichever wayyou'd like to say they got acquired bythe model group for about a quarter of abillion dollars yeah yeah I mean yeahthey started out drop shipping watchesfrom China right yeah and now look atwhere they are I mean this is phenomenalgreat of course it didn't happenovernight this is like what like a sixyear process a your process I want tothink it's something around that theyplay the long-term game I did it reallywell oh they did nobody and nobody whois coming in and finding and this eventies into what we talked about beforewith these gurus is that nobody's comingin to the Shopify and drop shipping orjust Shopify and building a business viaShopify nobody's coming into that withthe mindset of I can't wait eight yearsfrom now when I go ahead and you knowfinish this project they're thinking ohmy goodnesshow much money can I make in two weeksyeah that's the problem that is theworst perspective to have on I meanstuff takes time you know you come inwith that mindset you lose yeahyou you start to say people will goahead and say Shopify is a scam becauseyou came in with the mindset that youcan make ridiculous amounts of moneybecause that's what somebody told you ona Facebook ad or through a funnel orthrough a YouTube video right that'swhat you were led on to believe soessentially we can't even blame you andand I want to say we cuz I've been apart of that problem too I've said youknow look how much money I made in andI'll even and I've been a part of thatproblemand that's why it's what I'm coming backnow like you know let's let's shakethings up right because I I see theproblem and I saw last year the type ofpeople that I want to work with and I'mvery selective on on what I do in theprojects that I allow even got askedthrough you this morning if I want totalk somewhere said no like I'm not I'mnot I'm not talking publicly I'm not I'mnot going anywhere and talking on astage right now it's not my focus and Iwant to focus on dropshipping buildingstores and creating content yeah I meanrealizing what you really want to do isyou know superbly important just for thefact that you know arguing to spend thenext few years going up the wrong ladderand just losing that time and at the endof day that's the worst possible feelingat the end of that like shit was I doingthe wrong thing for the past year or twoyears but having your focus ishands-down the most important thing andthat even goes for Shopify and gettingstarted with dropshipping so many peopleare coming in with this skewedperspective but at the end of the day ifyou could really wrap your head aroundhow all of us could work and how it'sall scalable and it'll longevity more sothan just trying to make a quick youknow a thousand or two thousand dollarsit's gonna allow you to go ahead andyeah if the build-up could be gradualand slow at first but that doesn't meanthat you're doing something wrong stufftakes time you need to build data youneed to invest in Facebook Ads peoplesay oh I wasted this is the thing that Ihate the most people message me and saylike that were just like in my publicmaster mind they didn't get a chance towork with me because they didn't want togo ahead and move forward with likeprivate training or something like thatbecause I only take a few people becauseI want to be able to work with themclosely because if you're not workingwith them closely at the end of the daythey're just gonna get veered off in thewrong direction ninety-five percent ofthe time so they'll mess up you be likeoh I wasted $500 on Facebook ads likecan you please tell me what to do and Ihate when people say wasted because youknow in retrospect $500 isn't a lot ofmoney but you essentially if you did itright you invested into Facebook adsbecause you need data you need knowledgeyou need experience in the trenches ofexactly how things work with thebusiness in order to really wrap yourhead around and say oh well maybe if Iedit this audience or if I excluded thiscountry from my targeting or if I wentahead and focused on this age rangethat's only gonna happen fromrepetitions I mean if you look at peoplelike athletes they didn't get to thepros makemillions of dollars by you know spendingtwo years on the field and you knowworking out three times a week it's allabout repetitions and getting better atyour craft and at the end of the day youhave to go ahead and keep working at itand getting better at your craft if youwant to try to build something that Imean not to like MVM VM T's like statureor even something short of that or afraction of it that would be remarkablefor countless people watching thispodcast right now and I can promise youthat but it takes time it takesrepetitions it takes dedication don'tget me wrong you could still reallyfigure this stuff out and really startto wrap your head around and start toharness and hone in on your skills evenif you have a nine-to-five job but youhave to make those sacrifices you knowto not just sit on the couch and watchNetflix in your free time and ratherlearn more about your craft and getbetter at your craft but it's all aboutrepetitions and really investing yourtime and not looking at those thingsthat it's on cost but really settingyour focus and being able to moveforward with building a legitimatebusiness on Shopify rather than comingin with that skewed perspective as I'mgonna get rich overnight ya know it'sit's all mindset you know it's all it'sall what you think about it and andthat's the hardest thing to get peopleto understand no matter who I could talkto higher-level entrepreneurs as welland they don't they don't get that thisis why I think I clicked so well withSam and like and and I see eye to eyewith Becker with a lot of things becauseof the fact that higher-level thinkingand thinking certain ways is thedifference between success and nonsuccess like like you just said somebodywho looks at it as wasting moneycompared to investing money that's ahuge huge thing so recently I think Ispent like 10,000 you know listen let'snot even do it with recently let's justtake a look at at the vr1 just to tiethis all in is that I spent around 15G's and I said whatever right I investedthat and realized that I didn't wantthat so it's not like I I look at it isa complete waste of money it's not Ilooked at it as everything that Ilearned from there all everything that Igained whether that's working with youknow the FDA clearanceyou know ordering massive like thousandsof units with batteries in theparticular in the particular devicethere's there's so many logistics – Ilearnedso much throughout the process I've madeso many friends that are influencersbecause of it so that 15 thousand that Iessentially spent on products and and afew thousand on advertising that cameback to me tenfold with everything thatI've been able to build in regards tolike a personal network if you will sothat to me was a cheap investment that'show I looked at I don't look at it as afail project because it essentiallyisn't a fail project I really want topick it up we still have it all in awarehouse and we can go ahead and juststart redoing it again over and over andover again and selling as a matter offact there's literally probably like Idon't know a hundred units right there Imean we're looking right at it and andyeah so it's not it's one of thosethings that I can easily pick up it'sjust I don't I'm not really that's not amarket that I want to be in it's niceit's not something I'm super passionateabout yeah and I just couldn't getmyself to wake up every morning like yesI can't wait to message this beautifulInstagram model and tell her that herteeth need to be whiter so like it'sjust I mean I like the first part but wegot to the second part so so so yeah Imean it depends on what you want to doall right everybody's built differentlyI even last year funnel hacker alive Ispoke to somebody we were in the samehouse who was doing like around twentysix million dollars every single yeardrop shipping products on Amazon okay sothat's that's not even a business modelthat we've we've ever even talked aboutwe talked about drop shipping fromAliexpress but this guy's sellingproducts on Amazon that he's buying fromWalmart and he's just taking that littlemargin but if you're doing like 8% of 30million dollars a year you're livingpretty comfortably right from dropshipping from moving data over from oneserver to another server from you knowone platform which is Amazon to anotherplatform which might be Walmart forexample and that's that's how we skim inthe middle he's just skimming themargins and eight percent of 30 millionlike I said that's that's incredibleit's almost three million dollars rightnet for what for touching for touching abunch of products you don't even ownyeah I mean just solving some sort ofproblem whether it's saving costs forsome sort of business I mean whateveryou can really find a gap in the marketor you know see potential or fulfillingsomeone's needsat the end of the day the bigger problemyou solve the more money you make it'ssimple as that but it doesn't have to bethe biggest problem it doesn't have tobe you reinventing the wheel to actuallymake an impact or change your careerpath or get supplemental income toreally do the things that you wantwhether it's like taking a vacation orbuying a car you want what everyone hastheir own like different desires andgoals and really like I guess what youcould say what's really firing them toto go and start this business or dowhatever they want that is really gonnaget them that gratitude and like wherethey want to be it's just solving aproblem but at the end of the day it'stoo many people going back to like youknow the song cost and everything peopledon't stay dedicated and they think thatit's just gonna happen within 1 2 or 3months I mean even I myself I lost like15 grand or ten to fit yeah 10 to 15grand the first time I try to develop myfirst software and ever since then Istuck through it I looked at it I waslike alright that was lesson learnedmove forward recreate it with a new teamand a new mindset and a whole lot ofknowledge and I gained from you know howto actually manage a team and build outsomething that is your true vision andever since then we've had thousands ofusers we're starting to get enterpriselevel users are just absolutelyphenomenal and that kind of stuffhappened through perseverance and youknow if you lose 200 dollars in a weekthat's the hard-knock life of being anentrepreneur like starting your ownbusiness right if you don't like it thisisn't for you it's simply simply put Inot easy at the end of the day you haveto realize that if shit goes wrong it'son you number one and number twoeverything's your fault like you justhave to own up to it and move forwardand look at everything if things havegone wrong as a learning and lesson andreally an investment into yourself andbecoming a more well refined and smarterand wiser entrepreneurs so like this isjust stuff that comes with time rightand then and here's here's here'stypically what happens and I want tospeak for around 96% of anybody whocomes into the market they try they losemoney they quit and call it a scambecause it didn't work for them that'show it works that's that's the wellthat's what happens when yourexpectations are sky-high and you thinkthat this is gonna be the easiest thingthat you've ever come across but andthen you realize that a holy crap thisis a businessright I don't think people get that Ithink people think this is a hobby ofmillion dollar hobby yes it's a it's abusiness and if you do have a milliondollar hobby let us know because youknow we don't drop a comment right yeahlet us know yeah me because we are we'retotally willing to do whatever you do asa hobby if making significant amounts ofmoney was easy everyone would do it truewell I mean nowadays he this is this issomething I find so interesting becauseI think this topic is so skewed I thinkit really is easy to make a lot of moneyit is if you're if you're trying buthere's a here's the thinga lot of money now doesn't go as far asit used to that's true so I think lastyear there was like 46 like or it wassomething like 46 billionaires hadwhatever percentage in the u.s. of likelike the total wealth of the only here's the thing you ready you knowthis year it's like 20-something 2020-something billionaires yeah have thesame amount of wealth that 46 had lastyear so there's there's a certain groupof rich people that keep getting rich ohyeah but yet this the rich people thataren't a part of that 26 group now or 20whatever group now that were part of the46 last year they're I mean are theygetting poor no they're they're notgetting poor it's just go to the wordpoorer no I think I think with inflationright things become completely differentmoney is not hard to make now but butthings keep getting more expensive soyou know a million dollars 20 years agoa lot of money it's a lot of not anymorenow a million dollars is still a decentamount of money but you can't get asmuch as you could now as you could backthen absolutely so but it's easier tomake a million dollars now than it is tomake it a million dollars then so in mythe way my mind works and again thiscomes back down to a mindset thing isthat it's very very easy to make a lotof money nowit's it's formulating a plan andsticking to that plan consistently togetting the end result you need to knowwhat the end result is however you needto understand that when you make a lotof money and this is this is somethingthat I know firsthand is that it can goextremely fast okay just because youmake two three four million dollarsdoesn't mean toyears from now you're gonna have twothree four million dollars right so justkind of keep that in mindoh yeah definitely definitely burns by alot quicker than you think I meanespecially when it's like lifestylestarts to get more expensive and then itjust becomes normal you got to staydedicated to like keeping that up anddon't forget you know more money moreproblems yeah this is very true Mo Moneymo problemslosing cardio bracelets not good ooh butnow I mean even even more problems moremoney right yeahyeah and I mean just going back cuz I goI want to say this before it's not thatyou know just making that money isessentially easier I just think rightnow it is far more accessible than everit's oh look when 16 year old kids aremaking millions of dollars yeah we arein a time that nothing is unattainableit's just how lazy people are that theycan't follow through with something thatthey said so again that's why thequestion back to what the question wasbuilding a brand you know is is thatwhat should be done right now building abrand is only for those that are cut outto be able to build a brand okay and howdo you know if we're cut out to be tobuild a brand is that if you can endureabsolute dog should have a life foryears on enduntil you hit that breakthrough yeahlook at look at Bezos okay he enduredcomplete dogshit of Amazon gettinglaughed at and and at the end of the daywho has the last laugh right definitelyJeff right off and his ex-wife okay nowfor nothing that's a that's a wholedifferent subject now we're gonna talkabout that right now it's a part of itbut let's let's let's cut to the chaseokaywoody do you think she deserves themoney yeah your name hell no you arewrong I don't see eye-to-eye with you onthat how because she was Amazon firstemployee she built it up with Jeffthat's if we see Jeff as the face yeahyou know I usually I don't know enoughon the topic I don't know enough on thetopic I'll say that because if she wasthere working day in day out with Jeffthen I'd say she definitely deserves adecent cut butseventy-six billions a lot of money yeahyou're right but but what makes youthink if she was working day to day inthe trenches with Jeff what more welderswhat what cut would you say is fair Ohwhat was that cut how did they come upwith that number do you know it's it'shalf its had it's half okaythere's no prenup it's have ham I mean20 years ago when he when Amazon wasn'tAmazon you think he'd be like aw like Ineed your sign a prenup cuz I know I'mgonna be the world's richest man yeah Imean if she was there work in the entiretime and let you think she deserves halfI think that she she definitely workedfor it then if she was in the trencheswith Jeff but if she was how much Idon't know his half is having a reason Ithink half is excessive oh I don't Idon't think that I don't think half isexcessiveI think if she's there in the trencheswere and at working day to day doing thesame things as Jeff and again this issomething that would be really hard toprove yeah outside looking in I do thinkI do think she deserve if she was in thetrenches working just as much as Jeffthat she deserves half but not only thatnot only that not only that they havekids okay yeah so I think that buthere's the thing seventy billion dollarsis is it I'd say I think it's more thanenough that's you know reasonable to thereason I say less than half and ofcourse like a monumental child supportbill is in play and you know that'sgonna happen that's one of the things Isay I think it should be half butanother thing is at the end of the daywas she the visionary that broughtAmazon to life and the answer is mostlikely from like from what I know Ithink it's no cuz I mean using his JeffI think it's Jeff using his Jeff thatthat brought the I that honestly I wantto create something I don't know enoughon the topic but I mean looking from theoutside in Jeff is the face of thecompany Jeff was most likely the onethat brought the vision to life and dideverything of course there are tons ofand countless people working under himthat actually made everything happen butthat's someone's vision you know and Irespect someone's vision coming fromlike you know building a small softwarecompany up to like a few thousand youI respect someone's vision greatly andsomething that they've dedicated youknow their entire life to and liketreating it as like their own likeadditional child almost giddy but I likeif she doesn't deserve half it's notlike Jeff is gonna be sweating overhaving an extra thirty billion dollarsand here's the thing what if she'sphilanthropic I mean good for her knowat that point I say fuck Jennifer giveher away more cuz Jeff it just made itvery public he's not giving awayanything really you didn't know this noI haven't dug too much on it I just JeffI just kind of bow down basically Jeffyou've that you've conquered the worldit's not like Jeff is against it butJeff doesn't contribute like he's notpart of like the Bill and Melindafoundation he doesn't he doesn't heedyou don't stand by its facts look it upyeah I don't mean uh I mean I'm justsaying like I don't agree with that thatoutlook to not give back oh right rightthat's yeah I think that's one of thebig reasons why I have I'm like yes gogo I don't know her name go Jeff'sex-wife yeah let go you because in thein like the slightest bit of hope I dohope she's philanthropic oh yes for usbecause to be the world's richest man togive nothing back legitimately nothingnothing bad yeah thanks man and andthat's been that's been a huge focalpoint about about Jeff's career is thathe's not feeling throb you know and notonly that now one thing that I could saythat I have heard is like the obscenelike working condition of course yeaheverybody's heard that to everybody andI mean there's one thing to give backbut at least take care at minimum takecare of the people that are working foryou to make it happen right you knowwhat I mean so Jeff come on manshame shame shame shame put Jeff in thecircle of shame today with this billionsof dollars now I like Jeff just in casehe watches audio because the cases videogoes viral I want to make sure that Jeffknows like I love him no yeah Jeff it'sall of like I respect it I respectAmazon respect division but yeah mantake care of it take care of the companytake care of the people their grind andeveryday for you but I mean what elsewhat else we have slotted for fortoday's episode one of the econ dudespodcast dude do you not realize likethis is pretty groundbreakingyou know for the viewers us I guess youcould say I don't want to speakselfishly on that but like this is coolwe're venturing into something diffthis year I wanted to start 2019 fresh Ithink there's some new wave to kind ofget in touch with with the people andkind of help help them out I agree Ithink yeah I think I think we're doingsomething cool I think we're doingsomething that has been done before butnot in our marketplace yeah I thinkeverybody's recording podcast putting itup and not showing the video side yeah Ithink a lot people are doing that Ithink it's gonna be different you knowso I guess I guess we'll see how it goessee how it mascots let's get creativelet's have fun all right so a lot upcells on the way nowdo we end it here or do you want to askone more question well I mean cuz I haveone more oh well dude we're only like 40minutes in here we can keep going for atleast another 40 I don't care let's keepit going but we'll chop it up whateverso there's dropshipping dead no pull themagic conch no no no absolutely notabsolutely not dropshipping is not deadin like any way shape or form we kind oftouched on this a little bit before it'sreally just the fact of who is actuallygonna do it well I mean this goes foranything like people trying to becomeprofessional athletes there's a reasonwhy the masses don't make it to the prosI mean there's literally like it'sliterally like a hierarchy you have allthese people that are playing in in highschool college is less and less peopleand when you get to the top at the prosor making the most money they'resuccessful because they did it the bestand they earn their ways they're likeyeah but but you know not for long theNFL stance or not for longalright that money's there but not forlong I mean if they invest it properlyit's just like all about theirs latelyyour eyes that it's right don't go outfor their money yeah but like that's 1%of the leagueoh yeah like like Russell Wilson didsome fantastic stuff he invested into aton of companies and and I can't evenspeak enough on it because I don't knowenough about it but I know that he madesome really smart investments there's alot of other players that are makingsmart investments and a lot of them thatare doing it's like rocks in their handI mean yeah but regardless no matter howyou slice it what they do with the moneythey got there because they worked ontheir craft and they did it properlyyou're right you're right we're nottalking about the the money as it wereso no Godexactly getting there getting to theactual end point now I mean the samething applies to dropshipping like wesaid before repetitions and dedicationslike there's really nothing else it'sgonna get you to where you want to bedon't get me wrong there are people thatstart dropshipping and you know they'llroll out you know one of their first 10ad campaigns on Facebook and it will popoff and kudos to them you kind of hitthe little I guess you say Facebook adsor dropshipping lotto and you gotresults right away it doesn't happen foreveryone though everyone has their ownpath moves at their own pace and gets totheir breakthrough point at a certaintime there are very few people that youknow actually get there at the verybeginning kudos to them they do it it'snot impossible but at the end of the dayeveryone goes at their own pace somepeople find their breakthrough point onemonth down the line three six twelvemonths down the line there are peopleI've seen saying I've been trying thisfor a full year and I just had my firstprofitable month and I'm like god blessthat person someone that actually canpersevere through this and stayconsistent and keep trying and bededicated everything happens at its owntime and you know it's really differentfor everyone yeah everyone moves attheir own pace yeah and and you're rightabout that it's I've and I've and I'veseen this again firsthand also it justsucks because I think that the thingthat makes so many people ready to quitis everything they see on social mediaand all these standards that they haveto live up to oh yeah and I mean therewas more focus on on everybody givingvalue rather than showing what they'redoing with the money oh yeah thatthey're getting from people that aretrusting them there'd be a huge hugemindset shift in the market yeah andthat's why if like that that's why Ireally don't like to post like forexactly my lab I'll be I'll post out onmy story but I don't really to have itas like pictures all the time on yesbecause here's the thing at the end ofthe day people are following me becauseI have a Lamborghini people arefollowing me because of the fact thatI'm able to teach them something on howto better their lives and I canpiggyback off of hooking people in withstuff like the fancy car right and thenhere's the thing once you hook them inthey that's all I want to see peoplearen't following you because you'regreat at what you do they're followingyou because they're intrigued on whatyou haveand what you do not that doesn't meanain't wanna do it right so it's easierto convince somebody who's doing Shopifyalready like I'm like my side Hey look Ican help you make more money by thesetechniques that I have or thesestrategies that I know or I can help youwhatever it is right yeah rather thansaying okay this is what Shopify is andthis is how I got my car yeah like andnow I got a teacher what Shopify is andthen I have to hope that you stick withShopify and then I have to you know andthen all this and and I think that wasum I think that was one of the the bigthings that that I realized once onceShopify in so many words they they giveme the boo-yeah for being an affiliateand I never till this day dude I stillcan't understand why and it all sparkedfrom that one video where I took out aplaque from my Lamborghini and I saidand I Batum said that's not importantmeaning I was pointing at the Lambo Isaid that's not cool you know what it'scool this plaque that's what means moreto me than the car because that's me wasan accolade the car was just a byproductof that particular accolade where I gota million dollar plaque and then I got amessage from somebody at Shopify sayingokay you're done I'm like why andthey're like you have to remove thatvideo I'm like I'm not removing thatvideo I'm like it like what did I dowrong I'm telling people here yet youhave everybody else going and postingyou know all these like cars and andthat's what really really grinds mygears and I have no problem likeadmitting that as wide-eyed sign noNDA's or anything so yeah I got the bootfor no reason and and I I hinted at theone of the affiliate managers like whatI thought it was and I thought it wasbecause like an image that I wasportraying yeah and and that was likethat was one of the things that Icouldn't really understand was what youknow what image am i portraying that'sso negative compared to everybody elseand and then the shame and and basicallyI I got screwed over because either Iwent with the market or I had to goagainst it so what everybody else isdoing if I go against it fade outI become useless nobody because themarkets attracted to a certain thing ata certain time period like for examplein six months from now everybody mightbe attracted to post sale sequences andeverybody's gonna be talking about thatand they're not even gonna be showingany cars or anything they're just gonnabe showing like the inside of their postyes he wasI'd be a thing right but right now orduring that time period everyone wasjust showing their lifestyle liketraveling and you know being in certainlocations with certain people and thatwas the lifestyle that was attractingthe market like we were moving to thatand obviously I'm not gonna go againstthe grain there so I'm not gonna be likeyou know what you guys everybody theentire market is used to seeing this I'mnot gonna show them that nowtheoretically that would be smart rightwhich is why I mix things up like withthat video where I pulled out theclickfunnels plaque yeah where I showedthem like what I had but I also toldthem that's not that's not the importantpart like that's not what I want to showyou that doesn't matter I was like I waslike yeah I was you know what's coolerthan on Lamborghini making a milliondollars with a funnel and like somethinglike that like that and and that's why Inever really got like what and and clickphones had nothing to do with withShopify so that's a serious read yeah Ithink they were just waiting to boot meoff I don't know why they're out for youlike that because I feel like you'vejust sent them such a significant amountof users and I mean oh I know I havefirst off in second and I and sayingthis would almost make me sound arrogantin a way but I was one of the first likethree four creators talking aboutShopify yeah ever like I would say Iwould say somebody like Devin Zanderreally put Shopify on the map oh yeahand the reason why he did that wasbecause he was a first ever course everto talk about Shopify which was EECOMsuccess at note and that Adriane youcome from America you come from yourAcademy yeah and before that there wasthere was one more and it was beforeecon premier Academy EPA it was therewas one more and it did decently wellthey four hundred thousand and then Imean they killed it with the yeah andthey were the first ones to do it and Iwas one of the top affiliates with Chrisrecord and Chris Beck was coming out ofI think maybe MLM I think it was andyeah he crushed and then you know we allmoved into e-commerce and that was justlike a huge eye-opener for me and I wasthe first person that went to youtube with or one of the first few peoplethat went to YouTube with Shopifycontent so I cornered that market andthe next thing you know everybody elsecomes into it flooding it with look whatI have and I got it cuz the shop lineI'm like no you got it cuz you'reselling courses and stuff yeah and uhand and yet at that point and I stillask someone I still ask some of thesepeople you know are you still on Shopifyting like yeah I'm like like so so I gottargeted for what though like yeah Inever really understood that but yeahthere's there's so much to it I mean I Idefinitely know if I put this out I'llprobably get contacted by Shopify legalteam and then I'll just slap me on thewrist maybe I'll take my affiliateaccount away next oh no oh no yeahhere's that he was the craziest part andI didn't know you had an account Ididn't even a promotional fight likethat but yeah actually I did pretty wellpromoting shop buy really yeah it wouldwork well so the funnel for mail funnelsthat you created yeah yeah that's coolbut yeah even I have okay I have likeobviously you know some friends to dovery very well with jump fly affiliatepromotion and they were just like andI'm not gonna name any names cuz it'sthe last thing I want but he was likeyeah just use my accountand I'll set up a sub ID for you so wecould just track her payments you stillget paid now I mean I I didn't take himup on that offer he didn't want anythinghe's just doing it this is a greatfriend of mine and and I said no justcuz it wouldn't make sense cuz clearly Iwas doing something off and and I willadmit that I had public-facing links andthey asked me to change and I did andevery video that they told me to takeoff your public facing links meaning thedirect link to Shopify right in thedescription of a YouTube video that's metaking on which I had no problem becauseat this point in my in my business Iwant to get all the leads anyway so Ijust created an opt-in page capture theleads still got the lead and still gotthe free the free shot around ratherthan so it straight right off so for meit made sense how's it cool yeah noproblem I have no I have no problemdoing that it makes more sense for me umso so yeah and you know obviously I havefriends that's out there Cassady yeahyou can use use mine like we we have noproblembut it's like one of those things whereIget it you got you guys were burned bysight Ron site research and he's callingout literally site Ron's calling outeverybody who's making YouTube videosand my face wasn't anywhere on there isbecause I wasn't making fuckingridiculous claims like he was like yeahShopify is being fluffed up by a bunchof you know like a bunch of scammers andpeople that just keep promising bigthings and he like this page waselaborate this was an elaborate pagewith screenshots of YouTube videos withscreenshots of other people like otherecon gurus and and their video titlesand all that and I was nowhere to befound in the video or nowhere to befound on the page and that's when theircrackdown happened but I wasn't evenshown I wasn't mentioned I wasn't Iwasn't anything there was a ton of otherpeople that were on that page and Iasked them if they got their accounttaken away and he did not get theiraccount taken away and that's why I waslike that's what got me so angry wasbecause and it's not like it was alittle bit of money either it was asubstantial amount of affiliateCommission's that I was making becauseguess what it just so happens that myentire business is built around thatplatform teaching people how to use itso boom you know it just makes sensethat I my affiliate commissions werepretty big but maybe they don't want topay it out I don't know that's I think Ithink they're cracking down on me on theaffiliates side I you know they theyhave they have a lot of liquid cashthey're publicly traded but againthey're it's not it's not like what theyhave is something incredible okay yeahat the end of the day look at somebodylike John Mack who has what's a softwarecalled I can't I can't think of it it'sit's on the tip of my tonguecommerce HQ yeah yeah yeah so commerceHQ if if I and I talked to John aboutthis the the software is a beautiful itis incredible if Shopify didn't have allthat funding behind them I think Johnwould blow them out the water oh yeah Imean I mean just at the end of day tohave that much capital to work withyou're you're gonna have you know 10 20steps ahead of anyone else I meanregardless of self funding or whateverlike shop Pfizer on on a wholelike literally a publicly traded companylike there's just so much cash to burnthrough almost like but I have a theoryI have a theory my theory is that if themarket if the Shopify gurusyes I'd to drop Shopify and go tosomebody like John Mac's platform rightI mean what happens with Shopify itwould shift of tremendously because hugebecause here's the thing Shopify haswhat seven hundred thousand max storesthat were created yeah that doesn't meanactive right now yes okay and that's oneof the big problems as an investor yougot a look at how many stores areactually paying oh the churn rate thatthey have is unreal and I mean as asoftware owner like because my app isdirectly for Shopify the churn rate iscontextual right or like across theboard like you see like our our billingrating like the 14-day trial istremendous like we convert probably like70 to 80 percent of people from a 14-dayfree trial signup over to the lowest$9.99 a month plan which is tremendousfor us it converts like hell but as yousee as it goes down the line the dropoff is is tremendous and of course butthat's that's any software companythough but 100% but but I think a lot ofthis has to do with everything that wetalked about earlier yeah context comingin the quitters the people that don'tstick around long it is just literallytied in with Shopify buddy-buddy likethere are 90 percent of the people thatare gonna start that Shopify free trialand you know I'd say ninety ninety-fivepercent of them are not gonna go pastthe first two months yepand and one one thing and I want to Iwant to close this particular thing thatI said before out with site Ron now Idon't want to say that I condoneanything that he said I don't want tosay that I agree with anything that hesaid he had very valid points but histhe points that were valid were more soon the fact that it was how Shopify isbeing promoted was a lot of was a lot ofwishy-washy questionable marketingtactics he's right yeah oh yeah that'sthat's absolutely right I have I haven'thave nothing I said that was I think hisbig you know he was trying to like I wasa huge shock compared to like Herbalifeor something like how it's likestructured like that or somebody lookhow they're paying affiliates and andall that stuff andit was again I don't I don't rememberexactly what it was compared to so Idon't want to say it was horrible lifebut he was just trying to say it's justa big scam what's your take on do youthink Shopify should have cracked downan earlier or do you think like I mean Isee it from both sides like I can playdevil's advocate both ways I feel likeyou know you have money to burn throughyour gonna reward people that are gonnado whatever they can to get you theusers that are right for your platformor people that are having some level ofinterest for your platform whetherthey're sticking around for one month or24 months I feel like from Shopify'sperspective I think that they did allthey could do properly you know but whatdo you think do you think that theyshould have taken some sort of adifferent approach by way of crackingdown on that um yes I do now it's notlike I harbor any resentment cuz I getit at the end of the day it's a businessand and you have to look out for yourbottom line yeah and I think I think theway they handled it could have been donea little bit differently I think andagain don't get me wrong my my affiliatemanager there went up to bat for me asmuch as he could but there was somebodyelse who I just didn't know who and Iwas never told just was like no so it'salmost Arabs just out for you and thatin that case you know I think there'spotentially just someone that you knowdidn't want you there because it's justin the line with their vision or theyneed to know anything may have needed toset an example almost I don't I don'tthink that I think it was more so of a Ithink was I think it was a kind of likea who you know type of job yeah I thinkI think somebody else out there was andI'm stepping on toes it's it's no it'snot like a stepping on toes but it wasmore so of a it might have been it mighthave been I'll never know I'll neverknow it might have been a message butbut you know it's not like yeah theaffiliate Commission's were great it wasit was a decent chunk of money but it'snot like it stunted my business or how Idecided to grow or where I decided to goI'm still gonna be here and I'm if Iwant to talk about clickfunnels I'lltalk about phones if I want to talkabout shelf I'll talk about ShopifyShopify sucks publicly which they don'tyeah I guess I did you say publicly butif I want to say they suck I'm gonna saythey say okay but they don't suck youknow but like I said before somebodylike um like John Mac's platform Ihaven't I've seen it okay I've neveractuallyreally is it right yeah there's a bigdifference from what I've seen from whatI've heard and what I mean seen is seeninside the platform what I've seen fromother people as well what I've heard isthat that platform is absolutelyincredible because they they do stuffthat Shopify like they have funnelbuilders right within yeah like reallyyeah and they're and they're you knowthey're they're themes if you will theyare some of the highest converting I'veseen yeah cuz I've been on the stores atthe demo stores and other people'sstores and I've seen it I was like holycrapola theme is descent I went to golook at a theme the theme research forShopify stores and and then I realizedthat it wasn't it wasn't a Shopify storeyeah I'm like you know I think Shopifyprobably doesn't expand to that just forthe simple fact of how much they makeoff of the App Store yeah yeah I guessyeah their App Store is the bread andbutter for them yeah but you know goingback to like that whole thing where itback who was it that called Shopify outsaying that they were getting usersthrough the shady marketing techniquessite Ron yeah like honestlywhy wouldn't Shopify what look the firstquestion that pops in my head whywouldn't Shopify just punch back ifthere are people really getting allthese results on Shopify and I know thatthere are people that truly are it's notlike fake it's not bullshit there arelegit people I think damned if you dodamned if you don'tI know but like I feel like you have somuch like momentum behind you in such alarge user base I just was I just wishShopify was you know a little bit morefor the people that helped them becomeShopify I think I I agree I couldn'tagree morebecause without without the peoplewithout the affiliates about theyoutubers without people informingpeople on what shop you guys arebasically traded a company that justfucking stood there wouldn't even be apublicly traded company yeah yeah whynot I don't think it wouldn't be I thinkthey were doing fine before us but Idon't think they'd have the users noabsolutely not like because everybodysay like oh the low-quality users nah nomatter no matter how you slice it theyhave users well you guys you guys wouldhave had let's see you know that bearsthe question – its if if all themarketers talked about itsWix right big whatever what would theperson who set up Kylie Jenner store goto Wix I don't know but we'll never knowwe don't know we'll never know and and Ithat's one thing I don't thinki whatever no either it's not like it'snot like somebody from Shopify calledKylie Jenner purses and hey come and setyourself up yeah now she probably has ateam who built it and they're like let'suse Shopify now why was shopping on thefirst thing I came into their mombecause it was so widely used and whywas it widely used because the markexactly so so again it's like you knowtry not to bite the hand that feeds youyeah actually it's messed up but oh yeahanyways we're gonna we're gonna stoptalking about those big old Shopify guysI again I want to make it very clear Idon't hate them no not at all I get it Iget ithelp me build my business so but yeah sothat's cool um I think that's kind ofwhere I want to end it off today yeahyeah I think we talked about a lot hereand I think I think that's enough foodfor thought for everybody oh yeah forsure I mean we did talk about a lot ofstuff we don't wanna overwhelm you guysyou know we don't we still got a lot ofpodcast in the words you don't want toover pack one episode here I meaninaugural episode man yeah dope stuffyeah and and I want to end this off justby going ahead and saying make sure yousubscribe to us and I can't tell youwhere to subscribe to us cuz I don'tthink we have that stuff set up yetdepending on the e-comm dudes channel orwhether we're putting on the econ newschannel or we're putting on anindependent channel or just chopping upall the clips I mean regardless our maingoal is to literally just over deliverand value whether it's you know we'regonna have links in the descriptionbelow where you can subscribe and ifyou're watching this on YouTube which Ihope you are make sure you subscribe andset up notifications we're gonna bedoing we're gonna be doing some livestuff eventually yeah on your quest liketutorials yeah okay yeah I mean that'sthe things if you get really good andI'm excited for that dude I'm so excitedbecause we're gonna be able to reallyinteract people in real time more sothan just one-on-one where we kind ofget like this little small classroom ofthree to five people yeah feeling youknow and I think you can't beat that atall and it's gonna be just tremendousvalue that's gonna be pitched out hereon on this on this very podcast and theYouTube channel and I'm really excitedfor it cool so II comedy's nation it'sbeen real I'm Dennis Silva it goes can'tcan't any Campanian yeah and that's thelow there we go are weare super excited to go ahead and startthis venture we're gonna chop up theseclips as well we're gonna make it onelong podcast you can probably find thaton iTunes probably Spotify once we gotapproved for all that definitelySoundCloud cuz we can just upload itthere or beyond SoundCloud make sure yousubscribe to this channel make sureyou're subscribed through our podcastsand make sure you have notificationsturned on and also we're gonna have oursocials down below make sure you give usa follow so you know whenever we releasestuff and it's gonna be really awesomeso ladies and gentlemen econ news nationit's been real and we'll see you nexttimeso tomorrow soon soon soon timestomorrow yeah bye Avery tomorrow ifyou're luckylet's see bye
