Top Ecom Product? Let's Find out! Galaxy Glass Pendant Unboxing

hi everyone and welcome back to dropshipping product reviews if this is yourfirst time tuning in please don't forgetto Like and subscribewe are your go-to source for honestreviews of popular drop shippingproducts today we are looking at thecosmic Galaxy glass pendant offAliexpress so let's get to it I'm justgoing to be opening it up I'm going totell you a little bit about the item[Applause]alright so the item name is the lkoNebula cause cosmic handmade galaxyglass pendant with rope necklace luckyman women couple jewelry Valentine's Daypresent if you wanted to search it onAliexpress or I can just leave a link tothe in the description box below for youthis is how it came sorry this is how itcame in the mail the item cost is 14.51cents the name of the store is lkoofficial store it came from China from apacket the method of shipping is apacket the days after ordering the itemwas shipped was two days and then thedays after ordering item arrived was 10days reminder we're on the west coastand so that the shipping times will varyacross the u.s. let's see what we gothere it looks like very nice packagingof a felt box that opens up into thisnecklace the necklace is not damaged atall it doesn't look like and thepackaging is not damaged eithersometimes we have a when a box it justcomes and you can hear it rattlinginside and so you're a little concernedabout that when that comes that way itlooks likea little bit that this glass piece evenconnecting to the necklace is not brokenso that's really important I think you'dbe confident that this item would showup unbroken to your customers if youwere to order it because it comes insuch a box such a nice box I would sayfive of five on the scale of one to fiveand shipping packaging item condition isalso a five it's beautifullet me just take it out of its packagehere it looks like even the back thechain it's not a chain actually that'sum well actually it says with rope it'sa rope type chain so it looks prettylong and you looks like you're able toadjust it based on the size of your neckand then it looks like it's on the theitem quality looks well and the visualappeal is beautiful so you can kind ofsee y'all zoom in for youand then on the backand then the rope it doesn't feel toolow-quality it actually is very nice itdoesn't seem like it would bend or breakunderneath I'm distressed with my nailand then these wouldn't be to make italso very nice it doesn't have a lot ofextra packaging to so that's really goodI don't like a lot of extra bubble wrapI could probably sell this necklaceprobably for fifteen to twenty dollarson my online online store so I don'tthink it would have a huge profitabilityor a market of it but it does definitelyhas marketabilityum you see the little swirls in therethat's pretty coolmakes it really unique the other thingto kind of think about is also how heavythis would be around your neck I've hadnecklaces that I don't really like atall because they were so heavy that theywere uncomfortable to wear but this oneI think would be okay here we go do yousee the swirls that are kind of in thereit's very cool okay well that's it fornow make sure that you join us next weekwe're gonna be posting a video everyweek for more 100% honest reviews of topproducts you want to add to your dropshipping store thanks for watching
