Top 5 eCommerce Niches For 2020 | SAMIR CHIBANE

all right what's going on everyone'sMisha bein here founder of the econincubator and in today's video I want toshare the top 5 ecommerce niches for2020 okay now it's actually New Year'sEve so before the shenanigans start Iwant to record a quick video to providesome value and hopefully help any of youguys out that have just been thinkingabout starting an e-commerce businessall of 2019 to make it a reality 2020okay so the one thing that I want toshare with you before I actually diveinto it is what the great Jim Rohn saidwhich is nothing changes unless you doso unless you change your habits unlessyou change your actions your thinkingthen unfortunately you're just gonnahave the same exact results that you'vehad throughout the past year okay now tobegin this topic right here I first wantto clarify on why you want to go nicheokay why you want to go specific as amatter of fact in 2020 you want tobecome very very specific and the reasonfor that is because consumers are justreally looking to belong to a communityand no longer just buying products forthe sake of buying the product when wefirst started our e-commerce business mybusiness partner foine and I hadactually been doing door-to-door salesand we had no clue what type ofproducts to sell you know what thingswere already selling what niches wereyou know what kind of tools of resourceswe should be using what type of data weshould be looking at to determine whatkind of products we sell so therefore bythe fall and this is the exact mistakethat a lot of people make one decidingor thinking about what kind ofbusinesses are is we looked in wordsokay so we were thinking about hey whatkind of products do we want to sell dowe want to buy to our friends and familywould like to buy or sell and at the endof the day it's it's the worst thing todo because you and your friends and yourfamily are not going to be the onesbuying the products off of your store sowhat you want to do is you really wantto look out into the market and analyzewhat the trends are what's going to bethe next big thing so that way you canride the wavealright and my mentor tie loop has alsoshared a great quote which isyou never want to be the first person tosell something and you surely don't wantto be the last so again it's all aboutcatching the trends as they come and gonow these niches here are by no meansthe absolute best you know niches to getinto it's just really the top five basedon some data and based on some researchthat I did myself okay so the first oneis going to be eco-friendly products ifyou've been paying attention or keepingyour awareness levels high you'll noticethat people are really really takingthis whole global climate change thingvery very seriously I myself don'treally have much of a clue what's goingon but all I know is that people outthere are going nuts about theenvironment and they're really reallybecoming more conscious of the everydayproducts that they use to not you knowmake it even worse so for example I wasat a restaurant the other day and I sawthis girl take out a straw out of herbag and it was a metal straw so that gotme really thinking there is somebody outthere willing to carry it strong withthem everywhere they go and there mustbe a ton of other people out there alsodoing the same thing and besides juststraws you're talking about renewable orreusable diaper bags that I saw on SharkTankreusable dog pads as I saw on Aliexpressand tons of other products likeeco-friendly toothbrushes and the listgoes on and on but really you should payattention to eco-friendly productsthat's the first one the second one isgoing to be car accessories okay so Ihopped in an uber the other day and thishappened a couple times and I'm sure youguys can relate if you take ubers aswell and I hopped into an uber it waslike an old Honda old Honda Civic andthe driver actually had a rear-viewcamera installed to the car okay so it'sa pretty outdated car and he literallyhad a rear-view dash camera hooked up toa camera tied or stuck on the back ofthe trunk to be able to drive moresafely and obviously record whatever isgoing on on the car for his safety aswell okay so car accessories a lot ofpeople out there trying to tune up theircars without having to buy a whole newcarand rearview cameras and other caraccessories like car mounts or just tomake you know your car more comfortablelike backseat massagers for the car aswell that's the second issue the thirdniche is going to be weight loss okayobviously there's tons of people goinginto 2020 hoping that they get you knowin better shape and better health and sotherefore you could be one of thosepeople to provide them with the solutionto their problem by providing eitherworkout tools or unique you knowtechnology like cellulite removers thosewere real big in 2019 I'm sure there'sgonna be new variants coming out in 2020as wellthe fourth niche is going to beshapewear okay and the reason whyshapewear is huge is because a lot ofpeople are just too busy to workoutdon't want to work out whatever the listis so they'd rather just hide their fatby wearing these things called shapewearand we're actually going to start ane-commerce brand around this producthere but we decided to go with somethingelse and therefore I just want to goahead and share that with you I thinkit's gonna be a huge huge industry hugemarket in 2020 for shapewear and so beon the lookout for that you candefinitely google some other brands outthere now the fifthokay the fifth niche out there is goingto be print on demandokay people unfortunately are no longerreally just trying to go to the mall orgo into a random story they see to findsomething they want people nowadays arereally really into expressing theirpassions with the things that they wearso if you're able to tie somebody'spassion like either did the love fortheir dog or their cap onto a pillowcaseor a t-shirt or a hat or socks then youcan be the person to really help themexpress that passion of theirsokay now the three things that you wantto consider before picking one of theseniches is actually doing your researchto see if you can actually get yourhands on those products if they makeeconomical sense for you and theposition that you're starting in sothat's the first thing the second thingis you've got to be able to understandthe target market okay you have tounderstand where they hang out whatblogs they follow what magazinesthey read what celebrities they'rekeeping up with okay and more importantI think I already said this but whatsocial media platforms they hang out onso that way if you're trying to go aftereco-friendly products you're nottargeting people on I don't know on Bingor on Facebook because it's mostly theelders are on those and obviously thepeople that are more environmentallyconscious are gonna be millenials sothey're gonna be hanging out onInstagram maybe even on tick tock onPinterest so that's very very importantand the last but not least the thirdthing that you need to consider beforepicking one of these niches is you haveto understand that it's gonna be a hitor miss okay because when you go superspecific you have to be really committedto those products that you're sellingand if that means doesn't really kickoff for you then you have to understandthat you're gonna have that scrap it andmove on to the next niche now the onething that I want to encourage you to doif you are actually very serious aboutbuilding your ecommerce business in 2020is to join us at the 2020 EECOMresolution workshop okay two dayslivestream that you can access fromanywhere in the world where we're gonnadive in and really just pull the curtainback on our whole ecommerce ecosystem toeliminate the guesswork for you okaymassive right now if you're watchingthis on New Year's Eve it is still theearly bird special so you can get yourtickets for a lot less than whether itwould be the day or the week before theactual event because that's gonna behappening on January 11th and 12th againit's live stream you can access fromanywhere in the world and we're gonnacover literally every single step of theprocess starting off with how to pickthe exact products that you want to sellin what niche how to develop them into alittle micro grain because again in 2020people are not just trying to buy aproduct they're trying to be part of acommunity part of a story part of acause and we're going to be talking allabout micro branding in the workshop andalso the 2020 marketing strategies okaywhat worked in 2019 in 2018 or 2017 whenwe first got started with e-commerce isnot gonna work in 2020 okaya whole lot different of a ballgamegoing into the new year so you got to beready for that otherwise you're justgonna keep getting the same results thatyou got in 2019 okay so it is theperfect perfect way to completelyimmerse yourself in a weekend full ofother like-minded individuals that sharethe same goal as you do so that way youdon't have to go at it alone okay lookforward to seeing you on there hopefullyyou got some valuehopefully gave you some ideas on whichniche to go into and why all rightlook forward to seeing you in the 2020econ workshop happy new year thank youguys so much for subscribing and likingand leaving a comment below on yourthoughts and what kind of videos youwant me to share going into the new yearall right peace out love you guys byebye
