Lancome best products! My top 5!!!

hi guys it's Eve and welcome to mychannel today I want to share with youmy top 5 products from Lancome I workfor different brands of cosmetic I workin cosmetic for a long time and I knowit can be a little bit overwhelming whenyou go to the department store and yougo to the cosmetic counter there's somany products and it's difficult tochoose which one is best which oneit suits you which one you should try soI thought I will do a top 5 product fromdifferent brands that I'm very familiarwithso those are my favorite actually andthe one that I want to share with youand I think maybe you should try or theone that I prefer from different brandsso I will start with Lancome Lancome isone of my well it is my favorite brandI've worked for Lancome and was acounter manager for Lancome my mom usedLancome and grew up with Lancome so Ilove Lancome and does have a specialplace in my heart so I decided to startwith knockoff the one that I want toshare with you firstit's the lip liner from Lancome I keepbuying them those are my favorite lipliner on the market and that's the onethat you sharpen and it comes also witha brush on the other side I personallydon't use it if you want to use a brushto apply your lipstick well you have thebrush there but I just like the formulaof the lip liner it just creamy itglides on perfectly and it stays on thisis what I like see how it just glidesperfectly and it gives you a verynatural-looking lip and it lasts all daywhat I like to do is I draw my lip and Ifeel my lip with that pencil and then Iput my lipstick but sometimes I justwear the lip pencil it's so creamy andso you can wear it by itself and onecolor that I want to share with you thatis fantastic on almost everybody it'scalled fresh air I'll put all the linkof the product below but fresh air it'sjust that beautiful color it's not toocool it's not too warm it's just almostperfect for everybody the lip liner fromLancome if you never try those they'remy opinion the best on the marketthen another product that I love fromLancome it's their mascara base it's theseal booster so this is a mascara primerand I've tried other ones but I alwayscome back to themkomm primer it just have fibers and it'sgood for your lashes it just makes yourlashes longer and thicker you with anymascara that you are using and it makesyour mascara last longer also theLancome seal booster XL in my opinionit's the best mascara primer on themarket I've tried other one evendrugstore or even more expensive oneChanel I always come back to this one Ireally like this one and I think it theone that makes the biggest impact sotalking about I make up there byfacility mover they're well-known forthat and this is a new bottle that Ijust got this one will remove everythingI make up waterproof eye makeup lipmakeup I keep coming back to this oneI've tried cheaper one just thinkingit's all the same but the by facilityourthe best eye makeup remover that I foundso it's a oil and water so you have tomake sure you shake it before you use itand a little bit on a cotton and it justremoves everything so bi-facilI makeup remover to me this is the beston the marketI've tried other brand and I always comeback to this one then we're gonna go toeye makeup I have those eyebrow pencilfrom Lancome again I've tried other oneanastasiya the little one from Anastasianow has come back to the Lancome one itis called Susi defini it comes in a lotof different shape it's just a very tinyeyebrow pencil so it's you can have avery defined very small stroke or youcan have them you can put more so youwant something a little bit moredramatic but it comes in that what Ilike is it comes in different shade andthe shade I have my shade shop thingit's called short thing for me it's justthe perfect shade and it comes with thatlittle brush at the other end I don'tuse it it's not the brush is not goodbut the formula for the eyebrow pencil Ireally like it and I leave a commentthis one so staying with eye makeup Idon't see a lot of people talking aboutthe eye shadow from Lancome and I thinkthey have wonderful eye shadow they havesingle's that you can buy with a lot ofdifferent color their formula is creamystays on does increase it comes inshimmer matte color a lot of differentneutral – very vibrant colorthose are reallynice and also they have their palate thelittle palate like that this is a veryneutral and it comes also this oneyou'll have the liner include you havealso a matte shade some shimmery shadessome highlighter shade and it comes in alot of different colors from neutralfrom neutral this is the matte taupe -very very colourful color I'll show youthis one here it's think it's calledrosy flush see and again you have yourliner eyeliner your matte shade yourshimmery shade I don't see a lot ofpeople talking about the Lancomeeyeshadow but they're just fantastic andthey're very small palette they're verynice to travel with you have five colorsright there in this little compact andall the colors you don't have to use allthe colors can use one or two altogetherso I'm I highly recommend looking atthis eyeshadow palette if you're lookingfor an eyeshadow they don't creasethey're beautiful on aging eyes also andthen they last all day and as forskincare the genifique serum is myfavorite skin care from Lancome it issomething that I've used every day sinceI've worked for Lancome when you use itit's not very dramatic you don't seeresult dramatically it just keeps yourskin healthy and radiant and sometimesyou just wonder does it do something butthen when you stop using it you see thatit does something just can get dull anda little bit more patchy so I'd keepusing the genifique since I really likeit it doesn't have any scent and what Ilike is it comes with a little dropperso you have the perfect amount to usefrom the product so you don't over useit so that's a little long time I have alittle bottle sometimes I buy a biggerbottle but the genifique becomes it'snot anti-aging really it's more forradiance and keeps a healthy lookingskin but when you start using it it'shard to stop so there's anything byLancome I really like it and one thing Iwant to mention also from Lancome istheir fragrance they have beautifulfragrance they well main and all I dofind that all of the Lancome fragrancethey long lasting so they are veryfragrance for everydaymore heavier fragrance of course theyhave their left here bell at the Abelacross my favorite one the Tresor eventheir order Twilight from the Ohcollection they have owed a 300 denariiand the original order Lancome theirlighter fragrance but they last all dayalso so there was my favorite productfrom Lancome if you stopped by a Lancomecounter please make sure to check themout and I hope you enjoy guys pleasemake sure to LIKE and subscribe if youdid and I'll see you next time withanother[Music]
