How To Get Sales Online- Fashion Ecommerce

a lot of times clients come to me andask me what is it that they can actuallydo to help generate sales for theire-commerce platforms now if you're asmall designer and you're just gettingstarted it's kind of a complicatedanswer right you probably don't have alot of traction on your website you'reprobably still building out all of yourkeywords and tagging and starting toreally get get your website together andlaunched maybe you've had your site forabout a year or two years believe it ornot that's still a really short amountof time to have a website some of thebiggest websites out there are drivingtraffic and getting sales because of tworeasons one is history and how longthey've had their site and the second isoptimizing it in order to get it on thesite and on the first page of GoogleBing etc but today we're really going tofocus on what is it you can do to gettraffic to your site and then ultimatelyhow you're going to get that traffic andhow to kind of keep it a little stickyand get that person to convert seemslike a lot to cover and we'll keep itkind of short and sweet so the firstthing you want to start to do whenyou're really optimizing your site isyou know dig on the back end take a lookon the inside make sure that you'reactually tagging everything properly getthose meta descriptions down make surethat you know what your top keywords arethat you're going to be indexing forremember the sooner that you're actuallyable to do SEO on your site the sooneryou're actually gonna be able to benefitfrom history history doesn't happenovernightright you actually have to work towardsbuilding that history so I would suggestdoing something like that pretty earlyon when you've launched if you haven'tdone it yet go back through make sureall of your photographs are properlylabeled and make sure you have all theright meta descriptions and taggingsthis is kind of on the inside right onthe outside when it comes to SEO anddriving traffic the other thing you wantto start to think about are where yoursite is being featured do you have anypress clippings are people actuallytalking about your website are theylinking backto your site this is also superimportant for Google rankings it's alsoreally important in terms of wideningyour outreach right ultimately you wantpeople who are your customers toactually be able to find you on otherpeople's websites right and how do youdo that well you have to start pitchinga little bit you need to start puttingyourself out there right you need tostart pitching about your brand you needto start getting other bloggers andother websites to start to link back toyou again we're just talking about SEOthese are very very basic kind ofpreliminary ways of driving sales toyour ecommerce platform other ways wewant to think about as far as optimizingsales and getting someone to come backto your site is what you're doing on thedigital marketing side right how are youactually positioning your company infront of your potential customeroftentimes I hear from clients that theyspend $50 this time $100 this othermonth on buying Facebook ads and whileyou might be thinking Oh Facebook justsent me a coupon I should go ahead andtry that out if you don't launch your adin a more targeted and specific wayyou're actually wasting a lot of moneyduring the year if you look back on yourspend on digital marketing and youdidn't do it in a concise and correctway you could have spent upwards of$1,500 on crap what are the times ofyear that I want to drive traffic to mysite you know pick a few key holidayspick a few key moments that you'reactually going to be able to leverageand do some marketing once you've goneahead and picked that event go aheadthen and start to figure out what yourgraphic assets are going to look likefor that digital marketing right afteryou have that figure out how you'regoing to translate that back to yoursite make sure that those graphic assetsand if it's a banner ad or a coupon orwhatever it is it's properly translatedon the homepage of your website if it'snot back on your homepage and thecustomer doesn't see the connectionbetween that ad and your website you'velost them so really bring it full circleand then choose really specifictargeting it's not about getting thenumbers of people to your site it'sabout getting the right people to yoursite who are going to convert you don'twant to just get everyone you don't needmale and femaleall between the ages of 15 and 55 comingto your site you probably need a muchsmaller segment of that so the betterthat we are able to actually target onthose markets the easier we're going tohave when it comes to converting andgetting sales on your platform right thethird thing when it comes to thinkingabout sales on e-commerce is really tothink about your brand outside of thee-commerce platform right your customersare people right they want to be engagedwith in real life right so things youmight want to think about would becreating some kind of post cards rightyou might want to think about partneringup or being a part of some type of eventor doing some kind of sponsorships wheremaybe you're actually handing outpostcards or doing a little freebie or agift or gift bagging events and thingslike that find other ways getting yourbrand in front of your customer asidefrom just being online so there are afew different ways to drive trafficright once you get people to come toyour site your number one priority is tomake your homepage as sticky as possibleand by stickyI mean engaging content there's a reasonwhy they're coming to your site if youdon't do your best to keep them therethey're actually going to leave right sothe other things you want to do in orderto help to convert first of all somepeople and this is kind of a taboosubject whether to do pop-ups on yourhomepage or not by that I mean you know10% off if you sign up for ournewsletter I'm personally in favor ofthat I think you need to push people tobe a part of your community as much aspossible other people want to do thingsa little bit less in-your-faceI say I leave it up to you but the moreyou can do to get people to engage andthe more you incentivize your customersto actually work on your platform and godeeper besides just being on yourhomepage the likely you have to increasesales right so you're a homepage toobviously have things like you know asocial media feed on there I want to seeimages of your Instagram somewhere onyour page I want to see things likelifestyle shots from your recentlookbook I want to see any type ofspecial as far as like promoany type of news anything that I need toknow about your brand in order to go astep further but the first bearing thatyou actually have and your firstresponsibility is to sit down withyourself and say what is my budgetwhat can I afford to do of all theseactivities and then how do i optimizethese different activities to bettersuit my needs which is optimizing andgetting more sales and conversion one-commerce again I could go on and onand on about this topic there's so muchto talk about when it comes to drivingsales but for that and for moreinformation I really encourage you tocheck out my book creating fashionwebsites that sell should give you a tonof information on that please leave yourcomments below feel free to email me I'dlove to continue the conversation thanksso much
