Top 3 eCommerce Tips on Becoming Proficient in Conversion Optimization

By Rosario Berry | Submitted On May 07, 2018

Expert Author Rosario Berry

Furthering your website traffic is a key element, which is required for any prosperous and successful eCommerce online shop and/or business. However, perhaps it’s even more crucial to learn and know how to boost your website conversion rates. Besides, what would be the point of having visitors to your website if they’re not going to stay?

Typically, the most fruitful eCommerce websites are the ones that put the majority of their focus onto conversion rates. When thinking about the average click through rate being at approximately two percent – even the smallest changes can cause a huge difference.

You don’t want to reinvent the wheel, so one good way to boost your website’s conversion rate would be by focusing on what leading eCommerce websites are doing.

Below you will find the Top 3 eCommerce Tips on Becoming Proficient in Conversion Optimization:

1. Provide Category Navigation for Smartphones and Other Mobile Devices. This is most certainly perceived as a best practice, which means it’s not a necessity. However, the majority of successful eCommerce websites have this particular feature in common, so maybe you should consider it a “necessity,” rather than a “best practice… “

You see, category navigation on mobile websites will spotlight your website’s homepage. Rather than simply having a header and a menu – you can also, add item categories, which are displayed on your homepage. This will save your visitors and customers a ton load of time!

As you may already know – the majority of people are doing most of their shopping online utilizing their smartphones or other mobile devices rather than using their personal computers or desktops. This basically means that you need to optimize both mobile and desktop versions of your eCommerce website and soon! Per, Alliance Data – 63 percent of millennials buy things everyday using their mobile devices.

Your mobile version does not have to be identical to your desktop version. However, more often than not – it is advised that you implement categories on your mobile version homepage of your website.

2. Guide Your Customers to Their Shopping Cart When They Click On – Check Out. This is considered a convention and this means that it is something that customers expect to have and see while shopping online. If your website strays away from this convention – it can possibly throw off the entire user experience and result in less sales.

Per KissMetrics the initial step for online checkout processes is where the majority of users and potential buyers are lost or they leave carts abandoned. When you take customers directly to their shopping car when they click on “Check Out” you might prevent the likelihood that a visitor may be lost or a customer leaves an abandoned shopping cart.

For this particular convention it’s required that all buttons on your website that say “Check Out” – take customer to their shopping cart first. eCommerce websites have been doing this since the beginning and therefore, customers know that when they click on that button they will be directed to their shopping cart and not a sign in page. New eCommerce merchants don’t always know this and just how very important it is.

3. Add Prominent Subcategories to Support Navigation. Another thing that customers have gotten attach to is subcategories on menus. It’s so important to visitors and customers, that it considered another convention of sorts. Unless you only have but a few products – is advised that you utilize this convention for best results.

Each category on your website menu should have at least a few subcategories. However, you can go more in depth with your navigational options and make subcategories out of the initial subcategories. The idea behind this practice is simply to make navigation as easy as possible for customers and visitors. An array of subcategories will allow for visitors to find what they’re looking for with just a few clicks. You see, 27 percent of abandoned, shopping carts are the cause of long or tedious checkout processes.

We realize that these three suggestions will take sometime before you can actually implement them, but when you follow these approaches, which are correct, you will take notice of your website’s conversion rate increase. Follow these invaluable eCommerce tips for a successful and fruitful eCommerce business operation!

Rosario Berry is a professional freelance writer, like to introduce Mystic Web Designs. The most fruitful eCommerce Online Shop are those that put the majority of their focus onto conversion rates.

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