Top 10 Best-Selling Retail Products

Brand X brand y Franzi not once takesbut ab and a plastic strip with newsuper stick sticks tight instantly thesecommodities are the cream of the cropgenerating respect and dollars from theeveryday consumer my name is dean itrust my heart to lipitor welcome and today we're countingdown our picks for the top 10 mostsuccessful retail products for this listwe've looked at items that are on saleto the general public and whichdominated the segments in which theywere categorized we've chosen Goods withhigh and consistent sales numberspositive customer satisfaction andfavorable reputations number 10 red Bullchakra way known for their quirky adsand endorsements of extreme sports thisproduct introduced in Austria in 1987was inspired by an earlier Thailandversion of the energy drink introducedby Chile oh you Whittier who wasapproached by his Austrian partnerDietrich Mateschitz to take the beverageglobal beautiful night guysyou take it the lemon I respect that hitme on the cell this week with changes tothe formula to cater to internationaltastes and account for the West's loveof carbonation as well as ingeniousmarketing the duo scored thebest-selling energy drink in the worldwith average sales of over 5.5 millioncans a year spread across almost 170countries it's no wonder this companystands by the slogan that its productgives you wings how shall we escape umI'm afraid that might take some time noRed Bull no wingsnumber nine band-aid we can lift the eggeven boil it and the band a plasticstrip never comes loose maybe you don'twant to boil eggs this way but you dowant the extra protection of band-aidplastic strip conceived in 1920 byThomas Anderson & Johnson & Johnsonemployee Earl Dickson this medicalproduct was invented to provideDickson's injury-prone wife with quickfix solutions to dress her cuts withouthelpinitially an unprofitable material whenfirst introduced to the public thisbranded product was not successful untilafter it was sent to aid in World Wartwo it has since become a generictrademark used as shorthand for adhesivebandages and general quick fixesband-aid brand waterproof tough stripsdesigned with a four sided seal theJohnson and Johnson brand itselfcontinues to top competitors in thissegment through design collaborationswith Disney comic book publishers andother pop cultural phenom this one isthe cloak of Bandai eat I here it'ssuper painful to take off you want totry it on well no but thank younumber eight Nikes Air Jordans thoughhis Airness didn't need a trademark tosecure his immortality this brand whichrakes in between one and two billiondollars a year certainly reinforces itthe ha1 was first worn by Michael Jordanin 1984 and this imprint from Nikestands as a flamboyant and profitableNike subsidiary with prices that haverun between fifty and two hundred andfifty dollars per shoe Jordans wereoriginally marketed on the strength ofthe fact that the shoes had beenoutlawed by the NBA but Jordan wore themanyway and accepted a fine of five grandfor every subsequent infringement of theruleit's all in the imagination today theAir Jordan brand is not only associatedwith the NBA but also with sponsorshipsof NFL errs major leaguers and Hollywoodstars I got six kids you know how muchmoney that is to put them through schoolyou know how many Air Jordans six blackkids we're number sevenNescafe get your day off to a greatstart with the rich full flavor taste ofthe original good morning boom grab lifeby them woke also known as Taster'sChoice in the US and Canada this productwas created with convenience in mind allcoffee lovers have to have their coffeeand since its introduction in 1938Nescafe has given it to him instantlyrestart your day with the new Nescafethe product was developed by the Swisscompany Nestle in conjunction with theBrazilian government as a way to ensurethe South American countries excesscoffee crop didn't go to wastebut the caffeine high doesn't end therewe tend Nescafe SCAP into an alarm clockaside from their beverage productsNestle's rebranded their coffee empirewith new products and marketing tacticshaving introduced a line of instantespresso machines in 2006 and recentlyimplemented relationship marketing as apart of their core strategy is thiscoffeeit's Nespresso virtual line how do theymake this froth it's coffee crema numbersix Android OSdeveloped by the leaders of everyone'sfavorite search enginethis mobile operating system currentlysits at the throne of the smartphoneWars commanding a global market share of85 percent by 2014 noted for its lowercost and flexible customization AndroidOS much like its parent company wasdeveloped with accessibility in mindlolli lolli girly wooden ding with over1 million apps published for the OSGoogle's little green mascot has foundmillions of homes not only throughsmartphone users but also tablet usersand with its recent expansion totelevision automobile and wristwatchinterfaces those numbers will only growok Google what's the syracuse courseyeah number five lipitor I stoppedkidding myselfI've been eating healthier exercisingmore and now I'm also taking a lipitorcardiovascular diseases are some of theleading causes of death in the world soit was a matter of time before a productwould come along to help lowercholesterol one mechanism that canexacerbate heart disease if you havehigh cholesterol you may be an increasedrisk of heart attack and stroke don'tkid yourselfenter the miracle drug that is lipitorknown to the pharmaceutical industry asa torva statin this statin pill becamethe best-selling drug of all timegenerating over 125 billion US dollarsin sales in under 15 years thoughlipitor esperen company Pfizer hassuffered profit losses since theirpatent for the drug expired in 2011 andgeneric brands began to flood the marketthe product success for the company wasalready clear do what you can to takebetter care of yourself my name is DeanI trust my heart – lipitor number 4Toyota Corollathe all new 2014 Corolla Corolla likeyou've never seen it beforelaunched in 1966 this line of compactand subcompact cars managed to becomethe best-selling car worldwide by thestart of its third generation eightyears after its introduction itsaccumulated sales have since made itToyota's crowning jewel as thebest-selling car model in historyhitting 40 million units sold across 11generations by 2013 the Toyota Corollais just the car to get you from A to Bwhen a is an intern and B is the CEOaffordable reliable and safe Corollasstill sell like hotcakeseach year hundreds of thousands are soldacross the world proving its broadappeal to global consumers yogayou know this ain't no roll well you seeme when I roll obey my AG bout to blownumber three evie in bottled water fuelI am a VN Muta the French are admiredfor their excellent taste in fashionfood and more so why shouldn't we trusttheir judgment in water the water itselfcomes from an area near Lake GenevacalledEvian lid bang and that h2o wasoriginally sourced due to its so-calledmiraculous properties this brand ofwater has been portrayed as a high-endversion of the world's healthiestbeverage and transformed the bottledwater industry you know what Eddie youshould be really embarrassed becauseyour parents named you have two bottledwater in addition to bottled waterEvans name has also been used by itsparent company clipped and on for a lineof organic skincare products as well asa French resort how appropriate for amulti-million dollar year brand with theslogan live young and whose name spelledbackwards is naivenumber two the iPhone today today Appleis going to reinvent the phone and hereit is let's face it almost everyone youknow owns at least one eye something anda lot of them are likely I phones withover 700 million units sold worldwide byearly 2015 it's the best-sellingsmartphone in numerous countriesincluding the US where it's creditedwith breathing new life into thesmartphone industryApple is renowned for its innovation andcustomer service so it's no surprisethat all generations of the iPhone havegarnered consistent praise among userswho in turn have made it Apple's mostpopular and profitable product when Igrow up Bobby good and strong I'llcreate a worldI belong when I grow up before we unveilour top pick here are some honorablementionsthe truthlooks like pooping is easy these daysand familial I'm is an everyday formulathat has a blend of two prebioticsdesigned to promote soft comfortablestoolsin three weeks all of my big kind ofstick out bumps have gone flat it was anamazing blessing to have clear skin newProactiv sells for $40 but get it herefor just 1995 number one coca-cola hedid modeled on May that wrong forcoca-cola wrong for anything with nearly130 successful years and an average of1.8 million servings of the stuff downevery day it should come as no surprisethat this product takes the gold on ourlist first sold in 1886 by JohnPemberton as a health tonic that waspurported to cure ailments like morphineaddiction headaches and impotence thisproduct has definitely evolved since itsintroduction by removing the cocainefrom its formula for one thing for himthe coca-cola is spinning his senses atale of surprisingly contrasting flavorsand tingly flourishes today it's foundin over 200 countries with the trademarkcalligraphy and the sweet beverage itrepresents being seen experienced andloved by billions whether they enjoy itfrom a bottle or poured from thefountains of fast-food establishmentsalways coca-cola do you really want tolive in a world without coca-cola do youagree with our list which retail productdo you think crushes all competition formore mass produced top 10s publishedevery day be sure to subscribe Nespresso where to alignexperienced a revolution of coffeeyou
