20 Best Free eCommerce WordPress Themes 2018

[Music]hey what's going on guys my name isDarrell and in this video I'm going tointroduce you all some twenty reallycool free ecommerce wordpress themes foryour website now a lot of these arenewer designs and newer companies thathave kind of come out so I'm not goingto talk about old e-commerce themes I'mgoing to be talking more about the newones that have come out and the designsI've introduced and a lot of these newWordPress themes have a lot of potentialand I've kind of scoured the internetlooking for a lot of the WordPressthemes like I want on wordpress.org Ichecked out a lot of other variousindependent websites because those blogsI've seen on the internet they just kindof like rinse and repeat they justupdate their old content and claim itsnew so in this video I'm going tointroduce you guys to new free ecommercewordpress themes for your website andthese don't really come in any orderguys they're not really like number oneto twenty they're just basically reallygood ones that i've found and they'refree so let's go ahead and get started[Applause]alright guys so this theme right here isthe master theme and the master themeactually has a lot of cool premiumfeatures that are introduced and itactually has two different style ofhomepage so this right here is theircurrent home page and they have nicecool animations over their categoriesand they have little little bannersright here and this company I'm sorrythis team actually really really well sothe company actually decided to releasesix child themes that sort of followthis same exact style now this themeactually has two home pages and this istheir second one and it's a really coolfree theme you know it is easily matchedup with a premium theme now the colorscheme is somewhat limited so I thinkthe pro version might offer somethingabout changing the color but nonethelessyou know it's still a really nice freee-commerce theme now the next one righthere is a child theme of the Mac storenow these do have some similarities butstill they are very different so it'sgrowing down here you guys can see thatit does have some similarities howeverto kind of basically change somesections right here so right here youhave like sixI'm sorry five sections right here andthe animations are a little differentand the colors are very different aswell and it's still a good child themefor it you know I recommend it I've seenit on the internet being used a fewtimes and it's still looks really reallycool alright so this is the store themeand the next is a shop in a shop againis another child theme for the Mac Storeand it does vary by you know some somedifferences so looking at it you know itdoes look pretty good it does lookstandard now you can see somedifferences but it does look verysimilar to the other theme right thereyou guys can tell but it's still a goodtheme you know like this right here is ais definitely worth getting you know Ithink it's a good you know simpleecommerce theme and you guys can tellthey do keep a lot of the animationsfrom the other themes but it's stillnonetheless a very nice team and thenext one we have is also the onlinestore so this one is another child themeof the mask store and like I said thereason why they really so many differenttypes of versions of the Mac store isbecause it was very successful onwordpress.org so the company basicallydecided to say look it's doing reallyreally well let's go ahead and keepintroducing new themes that are verysimilar to Mac store and offer Proversions for it so for each of thesethemes over here they do actually havepro versions for all of them so thecompany might be making some good moneyhere because these are actually reallycool themes and now you see over herethey've added the Add to Cart and thewishlist and it does carry this bluescheme so it is a child theme of theMaxtor theme so this is the online storenext is fast shop now or fast store andthis is a very cool WordPress theme andit's actually a child themes for accesspress and I've actually done a tutorialon access press and I think I'm going todo a tutorial on this one because thisis just a really clean style WordPresstheme it has a lot of these coolanimations and it has a lot of thesereally cool effects right here now youcan change the color scheme with somecustom CSS I've actually talked to theirsupport forum and they said yeah you canchange some of these colors right herewith some custom CSS and also rememberthat this company is access press andthey do actually giveyou a free support form so if you haveany questions or problems about yourtheme they'll help you for free now alot of companies do not do that and Ilike their animations you know thesethis is easily matched up with a premiumtheme and they've kind of added like ayou know much an Asian girl back doorit's it's a cute theme is it looksreally good I like it you know it's goodand it's made by Access pristine so restassured that you actually get prettysupport for this free WordPress themeand it is very similar to the accesspress store but it does have somedifferences so I think I might do toturn this one I really like it it's justreally clean looks really good and I caneasily match this up with a premiumtheme so this again is the faster themenext is the Sara luxury theme now thisis a new theme that the thing thatfemale has introduced and it's sort oflike a child theme for the Azera shopbut it's still a really nice lookingtheme and it's kind of carrying thatelegance like professional superhigh-class look you know for like highrollers and stuff so it looks likethat's what they're trying to followhere but nonetheless it's still a reallynice WordPress theme looks like righthere they kind of forgot to add theirpictures in this is from the demoactually and all these links are in thedescription so I have actually done atutorial on this specific child themeI'm sorry on the apparent theme whichwas is there a shop and it's still areally good theme you know let's goahead and check out their shop here sothis you know it's pretty basic righthere if use a card at the cart looksgood and I recommend it so if you guysare looking for sort of a luxury styleWordPress theme I think the isère shopluxury is pretty goodnext is ecommerce store and just bylooking at this you guys can probablyalready tell that this is an appearancefor the MAC store theme except they'vekind of mixed it up a little bit righthere they have this asset cart righthere they you know changed it to like awatch scheme the colors are a little bitdifferent and you guys can see it doeslook very very similar to the Mac storetheme except they have no footer sogoing here let's go ahead and check outone of their items right here so this isthe ecommerce store theme it is verysimilar to Mac storeprobably you know I probably wouldn'tget this team you know but it's still itstill would work because you guys noticethe animations are different so forevery little team that they have thereis something different for it but Istill recommend it you know I probablywouldn't get itbut for something very simple very easyyeah I would work so this is theecommerce storenext is the lair store and this again isthe last child theme for Macsyeah the MAC store theme and itbasically follows the same sort ofconcept of this except they allintroduce different styles so now thisone right here it has a front sliderright here and they kind of pop aboutyou this one actually is a little bitmore different than the other ones itdoes have a lot of different featuresthe animations are the same for thecategories but still it's pretty cool Ilike it and right here they have thatdifferent animation and they kind ofchange the color scheme to red so thisis a pretty cool free theme I probablyget this one over the last one I thinkthe layer store does look a little bitmore better let's go and check out theirproducts right here so their productpage is basically the same and they dohave of course pages right here and theyonly have one homepage d-max storeactually has two different stylehomepage so this is the lair store themeand this last one is e store so this isactually a newer ecommerce theme thathas come out it looks really nice and ithas a built in slider and store Villa isactually very similar to this WordPresstheme and this right here I can easilymatch up with a premium theme this isprobably better for something where ifyou are having a lot of products thiswould be a ideal theme and right here ifyou scroll over it they do haveanimation now right here they kind ofhave like men's collection and thenright here they have women's collectionand you can you know which listed youcan add it to the cards they have aregoing to cute grower here banner youknow say you know 50% off you know so itdoes have a lot of style to it I like ityou know it does look pretty nice justby looking at it so this is the e storetheme and does it introduce a blog on itthis is actually a really nice team youknow I really like it I think it's aeasily premium theme right so this isthe e store theme let's go ahead andcheck out their shop pageand again guys all of these wordpressthings are in the description if youwant to check them out right here solet's go ahead and add this to the cartand then let's go ahead and view thecart and there you go so actually theydo have a cool car page you know they dohave this band that you can put righthere maybe something like a 34% off youknow but wait there's more so you knowkind of thing right so this right hereis the East or theme next isCoquina and Coquina is actually aseparate child theme I'm sorry aseparate theme from the other couplethat makes Mac's store however it is nota child theme so this is considered awhole new theme however just by lookingat it again you can tell it does carrythose same animations but they do havesome loose that's pretty cool you knowyou hover over its it kind of squeezesout those other weapons I didn't evennotice that that's actually really niceso this is the Coquina theme and it'spretty nice you know looks pretty goodthey've kind of kept that blue conceptright there so they might have adifferent color in their pro versionlet's go ahead and check out their shopright here so again they have thatreally cool automation let's go see if Ican add it to the cartsmaybe their car page is different let'sgo ahead and use a cart and supercededcheckout no thing is the same butCoquina is also you know it's a it's acool WordPress theme and you know theydo have a different little stylehomepage right here by shop too categorythey have their social icons they haveother email all the stuff up here so goahead and check these guys out you knowit's a free wordpress theme you've gotnothing to lose and the next one is shopIsle now guys I really want to talkabout shop Isle and people who have beendownloading it on wordpress.org do notdownload this theme from wordpress.orgthey've actually created two differenttype of versions they created one onwordpress.org and they created one ontheir website the problem is the one onwordpress.org is a really bad version oftheir real free version which is ontheir website now why do they do thisthey actually did this becausewordpress.org has some requirementssaying that you have to follow ourconditions to be on WordPress so sha-powwas kind of forced to lower theirstandards down to get on WordPress andas a result it created two differentversions so this version right here hasa lot of different templatesit's a beautiful free e-commerce themeand I have actually done two tutorialson this because it's just such anamazing free wordpress theme and itcomes with pre-made templates guys soyou don't even have to make a pagebuilder everything is done automaticallyfor you and it's really really simplereally really easy and I can easilymatch this up with a premium theme sothis is shop Isle and again guys makesure you download it from their websitesthe link is in the description do notdownload it from wordpress.org or yourlife will be hell it's going to be verydifficult because you lose the fullwidth slider and you lose the about Uspage the template so you're kind of leftwith like a like kind of half-assedtheme it's like ah doesn't include a lotof features it's supposed to so Shawfile is a very recommended theme of mineI think it's an amazing theme and youknow go ahead and check it out it's forfree and the next is a store now I dohave some good things to say about thistheme and I do have some bad things tosay about this theme I think this is avery very nice WordPress theme I reallylike it I think they've done a reallycool job you know they've introduced alot of these little like graphics righthere you know they're trendy coolgraphics you know they're nice and funnice and hip I do like their cart pageright here I think this is really reallycool I love the animations but I justdon't like the color you know this thiscolor right here is very very tacky youcan say like this is kind of like whatyour aunt your old aunt where she don'tlike those teal pearls or something likethat but this is actually very similarto the fast store theme you know thefast or theme carries you know this samedesign right here and right here thatfaster theme actually has a YouTubevideo but still it's very very similarand if you guys are looking for a freeecommerce wordpress theme I think thisone is pretty good too you know it'svery nice it does its job I think thisis a very nice free ecommerce thingthere are a lot of other free coverseems I've seen that just they're justcrap you know but this one right heredefinitely matches up with a premiumWordPress theme the only issue is theircolor is just I don't like it maybeyou guys like it I don't like it butalso their shop page right here isactually really nice you can have up tofive thousand five to six products onyour shop page as a row and it's areally clean one guide it's really nicego ahead and check it out I think it'sgood and you know they do have thislittle cool thing down here but againyou might want to contact them aboutchanging the color I guarantee it theyprobably make you buy the pro version toget the color scheme different becauseit's so ugly but it's still a very verybeautiful thing okay and next right hereis the Azera shop theme I have actuallydone a tutorial on this on this teamright here and what stands out mostabout this theme is its page builder ifthe page builder is for dummies it'slike super easy it's so easy to make aecommerce theme with this sorry I make awebsite with this theme because the pagebuilder itself is really easy to makeit's literally everything is on frontend so you don't do anything in thebackend anytime you make a change orsomething with this theme you actuallysee what's going on on front of yourscreenand it's just a very simple ecommercetheme now the one drawback with thistheme is that you cannot change thecolor for this so you might want to havea developer help you change it but I dolike to shop pageI think the shop page is really cool Ilike the graphics they've introduced usea car very simple it's a super easy andif you guys are like brand-new toWordPress and you know you just want tocreate ecommerce site I would probablyrecommend this one and shop aislebecause of the page builder it is likethe easiest thing you could possibly dookay now the next one it is a verystrange ecommerce thing that I havefound I have found this on templatemonster by doing a google search andthis right here is a free WooCommercetheme now I don't know if this issupported or not still but I was toldthat this is a free ecommerce theme andthis looks really really really good nowI probably think this might be their proversion because you know they do have alot of features that Pro versions wouldinclude but I'm not really sure so youknow I'm just going to go ahead and tellreach out to you guys and tell you guysI don't really know if this theme isavailable or not I've actually done alot of research I found it I wouldtold it was free but nonetheless I amnot sure yes but still hey you know ifyou want to check it out be sure tocheck it out the link is in thedescription and it's a free theme so ifthey ask for money don't buy it just youknow say I want it free yes I'll do oneof those guys though so let's go aheadand check out their shop page right herethis sounds like pretty cool this is areally super clean free ecommerce teamso be sure to check this one outthe link is in the description it iscalled muscle farm right next is theAlpha Store and you guys have seen alphastore WordPress I like it I like it Ilike it I think this one's cool this isgood for something like multi-purposeand it's it's just really really cleanand this company is the same companythat makes the MAC store theme you guyscan tell right again that it does havesome of the same animations and featuresthat MAC store currently does have butthis is actually sort of like for amulti store this is for a much biggerstore it looks like because you knowthere's a lot of products you can haveright here they do have a pro versionlet's go ahead and check out their shoppage so the shop page is pretty neat Ilike it they do have that red scheme andright here you can add it to the car yougo they have they have a compare pluginthat's pretty cool so they do have acompare comparison plug-in so you knowthat would be pretty cool to have onyour website as well and they doactually have a second style homepage sothis right here is their second homepage and it is a little different totheir first one and this one right hereprobably be good for something like youknow selling a lot of like those dronesor you know those other websites wherethey have a lot of different products sobe sure to check out alpha store I likethis team it's new it has good ratingsand it's available on wordpress.org nowa new thing that has come out Hestia sohisty a– is a new e-commerce WordPresstheme that is created by shop aisle andthe thing I love about shop Isle is thattheir page builder for beginners is thebest it's super easy to learn how tomake a website with shop owl becausetheir page builder everything is on isI'm sorry is front-end so when you'recreating stuff you can see all thechanges that you make with this themeright here and that's not a lot oftutorials with Shaw filethen to there almost two or three oftheir Dean's so I know the companyactually you know has a really promisingtheme so this is their shop page andthey've kind of you know have this likekind of cool look to it where you hoverover it the icon kinda goes over likethat it kind of makes that cool littletransition so let's go ahead and checkout their other shop page right here sothis is a actually pretty nice designshop page right here so let's go aheadand see right here we'll check it outand yeah this is a really cool one inthe back right here they do have thiscustom background right here for theshop page let's go to the cart let's goand see what the car looks like alrightcool look they've even added a customcar right here so they have this cooldesign so when you're creating yourwebsite they do have this you knowoption probably to add in an image righthere and this right here is their freeversion so they do have a pro versionfor it so be sure to check that out nextis a very simple one but this one iscalled I think it's shopper or shop areaor I don't know how to really pronouncethis but this is actually a nice team Iactually checked it out this is actuallyseen on a lot of different blogs it'spretty famous pretty popular so youhaven't seen it you probably haven'tbeen doing any research but it is areally really cool ecommerce team and bylooking at it they have this nice hoverover animation they have these effectsright here of a slider and it's justreally cool so let's go ahead and checkout one other one of their posts righthere alright so this right here is oneother page this looks like you takes youto their contact form that's not what Iwant to do so let's go and check outtheir shop and also if you hover overtheir logo right here does it have thatlike like that woo look we're so cool soit has that right there so that is alsosomething to look out for right there sothis is a shop right here and they dohave the sharing icon so if you want togo ahead and share this with your bestfriends they do have this available onthis theme and they do have some coolanimations right here you hover over itthe Box gets a little bit bigger sothat's a you know some cool designthey've added you know for a free themeso let's go ahead and click on one addit to the cart and let's see if theircar page is any different and they havejust a basic standardcart all right so be sure to check thatout they do have some really cool stuffabout this team I've seen it on a blog Ithink it looks really really cool andthe next one is store villa now I thinkI'll be doing a tutorial on this themebecause it's really really it's reallyit's really nice you know they have alot of animations they have a lot ofcool stuff they have a lot of coolsliders and it's kind of meant for avery large e-commerce store you can sayand I like the design you know I like towrite them blue I like how to kind ofmix it up if you hover over this youknow it gets bigger they have a reallycool fighter and this is the samecompany that makes fast store and alsoaccess press store so you do receivefree support with this theme becausethat's what they offer on their websiteso going over it I like it looks goodbut here they have a category of you alland they have a blog section right hereand they have another section right hereon the bottom and they have testimonialsand they have their widget section righthere and they have this cool littleslider right here where it's like yeahour companies and you can actually kindof move it around yourself so that'spretty coolbe sure to check out my channel Ibelieve I will be doing a tutorial onthis team because access press does makesome very promising pages I'm sorrytheme so it's going to check out theirtheir products right here alright that'sgood it's good I like it let's go aheadand click on one of them all right sothis is a pretty nice page right hereyou know they've added this category toshare this and you can add it byquantity right there so let's go aheadnow to the cart and use a cart and theybasically just have a standardWooCommerce page right here but you canalso compare so I can click on compareand it will basically show you like youknow different comparisons betweendifferent products that you have in yourcart let's go and add this one and thenadd this one then let's see what happenslet's go ahead and compare alright it'sbeen weird so all right well nonethelessit does it does work you know Popeyejust didn't do it right so um be sure tocheck out store villa this is a reallynice free e-commerce theme next isshopper shopper is you know its it haselegance it's like those retro likehippie people I guess you can say whokind of just want likeyou know box you know and you guys cankind of get it what just by looking atit you can kind of understand the typeof market that it's in so like thisright here like like bicycle you knowand like something like that somethingreally simple and this company righthere they don't have a page builder fortheir theme right here so you guys mightwant to use something like maybeelements or page builder but you knowit's still it's still nice it still doesits job let's go ahead and see if theyhave added a custom shop I'm going toadd this to the cart and no no so thisis basically just a standard WooCommercecheckout and standard shop so be sure tocheck out shopper next is I store andagain this is another child theme forthe Mac store and they've actually addedsome different features in they've madeit green and they kind of introducedsome different animations now you guyscan see they do store sort of carry andresemble those same animations but it'sstill a nice looking theme excuse meI like the and I don't like the green Igot to be honest I don't like the greenI think that the green was a little tootacky but you know it's still nice andthey do have two home pages for thistheme and they also of course have a proversion so be sure to check out I storeyou know this would probably the leastone I'd recommend out of all of them Ijust don't like the green I really don'tbut hey you know for people that areinto like those like the motorcycle thedirt biking odd stuff this actuallymight be a good color scheme for thatbecause I know that's kind of like whatthey like to you don't mess around looklike those green colors or somethinglike you know like those motorcycle guysor whatever so be sure to check out Istore next is Giga store now this isactually made by the same company and itdoes have its own slider looks reallyreally good I like it so let's go aheadand scroll down here and this is one ofthe same companies that makes Mac storebut this is actually a biggerimprovement this is not a child themefor the max or theme but it does looksimilar however it does also look verydifferent you notice they probably keptthe same pictures around they've keptthe same text but this one does lookmuch different and includes a slidertestimonialsection right here so this right here isthe Giga store theme and it does lookreally nice you know they have a blogsection right here and they have afooter that is basically very small it'snot like the other ones so this steam isvery different from the other oneshowever it's the same company so let'sgo ahead and see if they have actuallychanged eShop all right so I'm gonna goahead and view the cards and I'm gonnago to proceed to checkout and this isbasically a standard WooCommerce when Iaccepted this header right here you canactually browse by different categoriesright here they have their social iconsat the top so be sure to check out Gigastore and right here it's probably whereyou put in your logo so right here theyprobably just entered in text but youknow you can probably change thatyourself once you get you knowcomfortable and start using it now I wastold that a lot of these features werepro however I am not sure so if you guysuse this be sure to let me know in thecomments okay next is smart flow swordnow this one actually has differentstyle home pages except they don'tinclude it on their demo so I wish theydid you know I wish they got a like youknow today this is our different stylebut this is actually a really reallynice theme includes a video sliderI know people out there are crazy forvideos fires they love them but rememberthat these don't appear on mobiledevices so it will probably look likesomething else and they have reallyreally coolyou know sliders right here looks reallyreally good I like the color scheme thisis a very simple standard new WordPressthing that's come out and I got to behonest guys I'm kind of upset with thoseblogs and all those other things I'veseen on blogs where they just basicallythey rinse and repeat they just spit outthe old stuff there you know from alltheir old their blog post and they kindof just update it and say oh this is newbut it's really not new so these are allnew WordPress things that have come outand they're promising you know so let'sgo ahead and check out so check out oneof their things right here it's going togoing to add this one to the cartalright it's a cool shot page it lookspretty good I'm go ahead and view thisto the cart and this also looks kind ofsimilar to gigas or you guys can tell soright here they still do have thatsearch something right here this is astandard style WooCommerce checkout pageand they havea sidebar and they have their footerright here and also social icons righthere so this is actually a cool footerit is kind of a bigfooter I've neverseen one this big they got pages righthere you know more things right herehere here and that is kind of a lot butyou know it's still nonetheless guysthis is a good theme so be sure to checkout sparkle store now another reallycool what I've seen is shop star so thisone is very very boring it's very simplebut it works you know you go to the shoppage right here they do have a simplethree you know category and then have afeature item and that's it it's itselegance and it's it does its job but Ithink this one is actually really reallynice-looking even though it's somewhatbland I still think that's part of theyou know part of the style that theyhave you know like they're kind ofboring but it's kind of like working forthem you know what I mean so let's goahead and check out some of theirproducts right here now this Dean doesnot have a page builder so you guys willhave to probably use something likeelements or page filler to you know getthis going right here you know this is astandard WooCommerce page right here butit's still nice you know they have thesocial icons at the top right here theyhave a good sign in checkout and theyhave this fully controllable sliderwhich looks really cool so be sure tocheck out shop star okay and the nextone is styled store so this one actuallyhas its own his own custom check out sothis is solid sword I've seen this onsome blogs and everything and this isreally nice you know it looks reallyreally good you have animations overthere if you hover over it right herethey have this banner section right herewhich is girl and this guy right hereand they have different sort ofcategories and it has that that zoom instyle right there that's pretty cool andthis looks like their footer no it's notthis is just more categories right hereand again they all carry that animationscrolling down here we've got recentposts so we got the blog all right andthen right here we got the footer that'slike cool I guess that's the hips footerI don't think they really need thesepages here at the bottom you know Ithink that's a little unnecessary butit's still nice it looks good and thisis a five column footer looks like let'sgo ahead and check out their shop Heyeach oh and they also do have a secondlayout so that you can also check thatout so I'm gonna go ahead and just clickon one of these right here and you knowview the basket this is actually apretty nice new looking shot page aswellcool the standard looks good alright soI'm going to you the basket and herelooks like they kind of mess up thepicture right here they're probably likeyou know that I had a bad Photoshop youknow job but you can actually probablyadd in your own picture right here likea thank you and then right here they canactually increase the quantity andupdate update that right there and youknow there you go and proceed tocheckout and there you go so they dohave somewhat of a custom one howeverthey also have added a special featureright here in the card section okay andthe last one what is the last one that'sit guys that was is so all these righthere are free e-commerce teams and Iguess that they're all really reallynice be sure to check them out you knowI didn't want to do a tutorial on someof those old you know like they willcommerce themes but everybody talksabout like missile and all those justboring ugly things that nobody reallyuses anymorethese here are new things that I've comeout a lot of them have a lot ofpotential a lot of these can be easilymatched up with premium ecommercewordpress themes so be sure to checkthese out guys okay now if you guysdon't like what you've seen go and giveme a like and a subscribe and you knowcomment and say this was the worst listever or whatever you want to do okay sothat is not guys thanks for watching andI'll see you guys later[Music]Oh[Music]
