Ecom Express – Fulfilling e-commerce and beyond…

in the recent years ecommerce has grownby leaps and bounds in India andseamless technology back to logisticsmanagement is the backbone of thisindustry that's us with the ban Indianetwork that has more than 20,000employees 2,500 offices and serving morethan 25,000 in codes EECOM Expressconnects ecommerce shopping portals to92 percent of India's population throughour homegrown technology we offer asecure and seamless logistics servicehow let's show you say mr. Gupta fromDelhi orders birthday gifts online forhis twin daughters CR into hot AssamAndrea in Pune Maharashtra that onlineshopping portal sends us a notificationthrough secure web services and thejourney begins the shipments are scannedon field triggering a real-time updatevia acknowledgments and carted toprocessing centers in our GPS monitorvehicles at the center's the shipmentsare sorted using robotics processautomation systems ensuring Swiftconnections to hubs bags with bar codedseals are swiftly scanned for inwardoutward movements both at origin anddestination hubs before proceeding foronward connections once at the deliverycenter the parcels are d bagged scannedand assigned to across the deliveryassociates backed by state-of-the-art AIml navigation call bridge and othertechnology tools our delivery appenables the associate in on groundassistance to ensure on-time deliveryand enhanced productivityand hey here we deliver the smile Tasyain jorhat Andrea in Pune and throughoutthe process real-time updates predictivedata feeds and dashboards enable ourcontrol tower to keep an eagle eyeensuring seamless operations EECOMExpress with its strong IT backbonegeographically vast but much optimizednetwork and empowered workforce deliverslakhs of smiles each day to every cornerof the countryEECOM express fulfilling ecommerce andbeyondyou
