16 Considerations Before Starting eCommerce Website

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Starting eCommerce website? Read this 16 Considerations Before Starting eCommerce Website.I will share what is the best eCommerce platform for your online business and what thing you should avoid, nowadays everything is possible for beginner or people that don’t know about coding to start their online business. To create an eCommerce website you need to put a time to develop or some investment to create the system. once your online store is ready the system must 24 hours online, can be accessible by anywhere and can receive payment.

Considerations Before Starting eCommerce Website

There are many Things and consideration you need to think before you put your investment into this business, you must have a plan and careful decision. Here what I write below that you need to think before running e-commerce business:

1. Business Model: are you running as a direct seller, drop ship or selling as an affiliate?
2. Type of Product: is the product that you sell as a physical product or digital product?
3. Research what you want to sell: is your product is a hot product? is your product is needed by the market?
4. Scale-able: is your product need to have stock and keep it in some warehouse or no need? is your website able to hold huge traffic?
5. Test and Trial: You need to test your own product if the market needs your product or not. you need to trial and test of your product, marketing method, price, sales pitch or anything until you gain the best results and keep trying again.
6. Logistic Issue: if you are selling physical products you need to know what logistic are able to deliver your item from seller to buyer and is your item is in the blacklist/not allow to deliver by logistic?
7. Delivery Fee: If your website online means that you need to know how much is the fees to deliver 1 item from one place to another place, the weight, volume, delivery day, items that allow delivering is part of considerations as well.
8. Tracking: You need to Track if your items are already received by the buyer or lost when delivery.
9. Payment: You need to be able to receive the payment from buyer and vendors.
10. Refund: you need to provide Refund for the items if the items damaged/lost.
11. Website Design: your website design play an important part as well, you don’t want to miss a visitor that using the mobile version. nowadays people spend time more in mobile as well, so your website must have to support mobile version.
12. Optimized Website: Nobody like a slow website, you need to optimize your image, CSS or Javascript of your website or activated CDN.
13. Software/CMS Platform/Plugins: Software/Plugins can help you to run your business it has some important value some themes/plugins cost a lot since the development is tough or bring valuable value to the website owner.
14. Marketing: Yes, You need to involve in marketing part promote your website/online store. you need to have a strategy on how to bring as many visitors to your website and they purchased your product or services.
15. Consistency: this is important things, you need to schedule your time to really run your business. don’t lack in focusing on what you do.
16. Persistent: Never give up. everything needs time to develop your success. keep trying this is different between you and other people is you have experience in failure but you won’t quit.

From 1-14 I can provide the solutions and can assist in this eCommerce Website articles meanwhile for Marketing part you can read more in Internet Marketing Section if you want to know more but for Consistency and Persistent need you help to make it happen. Beside this 16 things you need to consider, I want to share some of my experience. I want to have a simple online store to sell DSLR Camera

The Story

I’m a Perfectionist person and Thought too hard how to save expenses of my eCommerce Business and the most expenses to running an online business is paying the fees to my Hosting company.
I did some research on how to save the money and the best way is to build my own Hosting server so I don’t need to pay any recurring fees if I’m hosting my website. that’s the brilliant idea.

well, I put my effort to learn and build this system by using hard and longest way it’s not just an easy things to build all these things from scratch and start with some limited budget that I have at that time. with my engineer skill, I will try to set up this website all by myself This is What I try to archive at that time:

I want a cheap web hosting since this is the cost that cost me monthly expenses at that time. rather than keep paying for this, in the end, I paid, even more, it’s my time and energy for focusing on my business. slowly I’m facing some issue on my server, I’m not sure why suddenly my website return 404 error code and some service or system hang and it did take me a longer path to understanding the system, I need to find a solutions on the internet since it’s open source and the hosting didn’t help me since I purchase cheap web hosting that basically not include their support.

so, in the end, I learn to dismiss this weakness by enhancing by learning. I’m willing to put dedication and effort to learning the system, I bought book, ebook, video and I spend my entire weekdays and weekend by learning and maintaining my server, website, domain, system security of the operating system. now it’s even wider and wider. there is one time I need to deal with the attacker try to access to my server and spreading the virus into my server.

Somehow I need to take care of my own self since they don’t provide any support. that’s the terms of cheap for me at that time. and beside that i need to know some skill set to setting my web hosting, learn the programming, setup and maintenance the system all by myself, install the operating system of the server, setting the security, settings disk space quota, web server, permission, domain and it’s spreading that the skill set to understand my server needs to know this thing :

In the end, it more suitable for me to running the web hosting company rather than I’m running my online camera store.

Lesson to Learn

So my lesson to learn base on my experience is, in the end, I put more dedication and time to be a web hosting engineer rather than running my business I lack focus and the momentum. I realized that learning all the things and doing all the things it will save hundreds of my expenses, but I’m losing chance to get thousands or chance to get millions since I’m putting my effort all to do it by myself and by the way it’s doesn’t really save me a lot since I need to pay the electrical bill, internet, buy new server, some equipment is spoiled and everything it divide the cost it just the same cost that I’m using 3rd party solutions and actually having all the system and taking care of yourself it’s even worst since I need to pay everything up front for the equipment.

the word cheap must together with the quality. it has cheap things but something you need to be sacrificed

well, what I did is a wrong direction. you don’t want to do all the things by yourself if you want to learn about efficiency and pay a little more for the company that provides solutions for you then go for that solutions it’s the best advice I can give. in the end, I manage to setup my online camera store. I named it Best DSLR Camera. with the some of my experiences what I have to go thru I wish to share in this articles and help you to build your eCommerce Website.

The Solutions for Ecommerce Website

One of The solutions for Ecommerce Website is you need to have a good ground base but less headache. Many online successors use Shopify as their best eCommerce platform. with Shopify, you don’t need to be involved in some programming part and setup your own hosting since it’s cloud base.

With Shopify, you can have complete eCommerce solution that allows you to set up an online store to sell your goods physical or digital, but most of the time they selling physical products by using Shopify since they have great plugin integrate with the courier. It lets you organize your products, customize your storefront, accept credit card payments, track and respond to orders

What Shopify did is helping you to start your online business and your retail business. they help you to handle marketing and payments.

Shopify Features
– Website builder and full-featured blog
– Unlimited bandwidth and products
– Search engine optimized
– 70+ international payment gateways
– Global tax and currency support
– Gift cards and discount codes
any much more.

You are in control for your store
– Fully customize your online store
– Add new sales channels in seconds
– Manage unlimited products and inventory
– Fulfill orders in a single step
– Track sales and growth trends

Shopify has function and ability to scale-able your business and without worry for limitation for your server. since it has unlimited bandwidth and you can growth your online store without worrying having downtime if having huge traffic or visitors coming to your server. well, I ever experience with my cheap server not able to hold 1000 users at same time when advertising using Facebook Ads and the worst part I don’t know that my website is having downtime and return 404 error since it’s already out of resources visitor will only see the page which is 404 Error Page and I keep spending money to advertise my error web site that’s really bad experience and I take it as lesson to learn, at least using Shopify you won’t experiences with this same issue.

beside that you can learn the features and functionality by using the test drive 14 days trial here. if you are having problems they have 24/7 support helping you by using this 3 channels Email, Live Chat, Phone. they will help you to take care of the system so you just concentrate on your business. Use this link to get free trial 14 days.

My advice is using Shopify at least with the package that cost $79 /month. it has Abandon cart Recovery it’s an ability to track and follow up the customers who don’t complete their purchase and the system will automatic follow-ups the customers to complete the order.

For Advanced Shopify monthly price is $299 /month it has a huge benefit, with Abandon cart Recovery included inside and your web store has an ability to real time automatically calculating shipping rates base on your product weight, dimension, and customer locations. besides that, it has fewer transaction fees

Shopify can support your business if you running as retail you can use Shopify POS app to sell in any retail setting using iPad, iPhone or android. if you are running restaurant or Cafe and need POS you can consider using Shopify POS solutions.

With The Story and Solutions that I share, I Hope you can make your own judgment to use Shopify as your solutions for Ecommerce Website, Shopify is the best eCommerce platform for running your online business. Follow our Facebook or Share this article if you find it useful.

FREE 14 days Trial Shopify

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