The TOP Ecom Strategies For 2018

so number two the top strategies fore-commerce in 2018 the question is isdropshipping debt now if any of you havebeen on any of the Facebook groups thatover the past couple days on EECOMempires Tim Birds group on the Tanzpages on e-commerce elites is what iswhat that that one's called you seepeople just hammering screenshots oftheir Black Friday sales and so it showsyou that even you know it's just thisthing that the people that entrepreneursand affiliates like to do they like tosay oh that's dead oh that's nothappening but tripping is definitely notdead there are some long termramifications that you want to be awareof if you're getting in to drop shippingand you want to get in to drop shippingagain in a way that that prepares you toadvance your strategies long term butthere's no reason not to get in to dropshipping right away you need to have anidea for a product or just a category ofproducts just do an electronic storepull out a bunch of cool electronics I'mworking on a strategy right now that I'mreally excited about that I I'm notgonna talk about just yet because Ithink it's and something I just want tohold a little close to the vest willlight well I'd build out the strategyfor it but I'm really excited to getgoing on it's something I'm gonna befocusing on 2018 I'm gonna dropshipmy plan is to I have I have a productidea for what I want to evolve toeventually I know what I want to doeventually but I found some stuff that'slike that product on on AliexpressAlibaba and I'm gonna start by justproving the concept to be like do peoplewant products like this is this ideathat I have worth it I'm just gonna testinto that product with a really simpleShopify store using Ober Lo and if itworks I'm gonna contact the you know themakers of this product and I'm gonna sayhey can I can I throw my own label onthat can I do this I'm gonna work youknow through my network and basicallytry to evolve the process from somethingthat I can just get going in anafternoon one time just something that Ican build long-term with the eventualgoal of building my own brand that'swhat I'm trying to do and that's reallywhat I recommend as the top strategy fore-commerce so that everything thatyou're doing on Facebook Ads isessentially a continuum like an elevatorand asklater something that gets you that getsyou in the game gets you take takingmassive action and then and then reallystarts your wheels turning about how youcan extend this long term how you couldbuild a MV MT watch brand or or anythingyou know any one of these things thatyou see out there that have becomemassive successes like that they startednot by paying 50 grand to get aprototype made or or things like thatthey started by dropshipping buildingout an audience of people that they knoware somewhat interested in theirproducts building out their pixel andthen proving whether people are willingto pay for for this idea and thenevolving it from there so that's reallywhat I what I suggest focusing on butyou know buy the products you're sellingnumber one I you know that's I just putan order on the weekend for the productsI want to sell I'm buying them I'm gonnasee I'm gonna go to my handsome friendswho are fitter than me and I'm gonnarent a photo studio we're gonna takesome pictures take some videos of themusing these products and and startcreating video assets essentially tosell these things I just we startedusing slightly it's called promo I thinknow if you go it's called slide ly ifanyone out there is using slightly maybeshout out up in the in the chat thereit's called promo I think when you go tothe site but you go to slide ly and itjust allows you to spin up beautifulvideo ads allows you to they provide thevideo they provide the music you justhave to put the imagery on top I knowit's something that the conference usesas well to create catchy ads to tell youthat you know that ticket prices aregoing up and that you'd better get on itand so so there's all these tools outthere for you allow you to create highlyengaging video ads slightly as one thatI would recommend and then you want tocreate content video funnels you want tocreate essential video assets then youwant to build look-alike audiences basedon people that watch 75% of those thingsthis is essentially the video funnelstrategy that Ezra Firestone articulatesin one of his modules he did for us andhe is the best of it out there he used asingle piece of content and a series ofa few videos essentially and linked themthrough in this basic funnel that haslaunched his you know eight figurecosmetics business with with boom andsome other stuff so the other thing thatwe're seeing on Facebook ads fore-commerce is canvas asset now I'm surea lot of you have testcanvass ads but I can't recommend themhighly enough it's something that we usea lot here at I stack training and ifyou just have to think about it in termsof Facebook what Facebook wants you knowFacebook wants the entire experience ofFacebook ads to be on Facebook ads theydon't want to link out to websites ifthey can possibly avoid it so that'swhat canvas does essentially is itallows you to create an entireexperience from browsing to check outessentially within their portal and youknow that in the long run they're goingto award people using canvas ads thebenefit of the depth they're going tothey're going to prefer people usingcanvas ads because it allows them tokeep that process inside so it'ssomething you should really be testingfor 2018 whether you're doing e-commerceaffiliate or agency work so as wementioned we're doing you know we havethese acceleration modules available oncourses dot I stack trading comm thesefive proven scaling techniques byMohammed Ali are really really highquality really top knowledge stuff thathe's produced for us and of course EzraFirestone breaking into e-commerce amodule as well you can get them both ina bundle for a reduced price so this isanother strategy for e-commerce that Ithink is really interesting that'ssomething that I'm I'm really focused onfor the Europe show that we're gonna bedoing coming up in the summer and andthis is something that is I was justtalking about Jason Chris key as wellyou know his he's built a media buyingteam he's built this amazing team ofmedia buyers who are amazing at goingout there building audiences creatingads you know creating little funnelsgetting people to buy purchases but whata lot of affiliates aren't great at isthe product the customer service theshipping the complaints that all ofthese things that that marketers youknow isn't their number one instinct todo if they're going to be doinge-commerce and that's why I think itmakes a lot of sense to go and partnerwith people partner with people who haveproducts but are shitty at marketingthat's the the number one strategy forme in 2018 and I've already gone outit's funny I went to a UH I'm just gonnaout this one I'm working on this oneright now but I think it's kind ofinteresting is anyone aware of Rafi Rafithe child singer I took my daughter to arappy concert last weekend and it wasawesomeand we met him afterwards and he hadannounced to the crowd that he was doinga baby Beluga game and if anyone'sfamiliar with Raffi baby Beluga is hisbiggest hit song everyone is you knowyou know in North America especiallythis is a you know every kid has beensung baby Beluga he calls people whogrew up with baby Beluga Beluga gradsbut I basically you know he told me hewas selling this game for Christmas Iwent to his website and it was garbageit was hot garbage it didn't look good Idon't think he's using any sort of ofthese advanced act tactics basically butI know he's got the product I know it'sa product it's a beautiful product and Iknow there's a massive audience ofanyone who grew up with Raffi so Iinstantly went to his site and I'vereached out and I'm now in conversationwith them to actually do some marketingfor them and basically like use some ofthese advanced Facebook tactics to findtheir audience and to sell this productlike crazy for Christmas and I'm reallyexcited about because I'm not gonnabuild a baby Beluga game I don't knowhow to you know I don't know what themechanics of the gameplay are on the artI don't know the licensing but if I canjust make this deal with these guys andshow them what I can do and what I candeliver how I can find their audienceusing these amazing skills I'vedeveloped on Facebook Ads it's gonna putme in a really good position and I thinkit just you just have to reach outanytime you see something out there thatyou like you reach out to that personyou find you use your Google kung fu yougo out there and you find who thesepeople are and then you talk to themabout how you could improve help improvetheir marketing to drive results it'sscale and that's the power that you haveif you are a facebook ad builderessentially so this and this bridgesinto the third opportunity for 2018 andit's something that I think you want todo even if you're doing the other twoyou want to create an agency you want tocreate an agency for a number of reasonsone it
