Here’s A Free WINNING Ecom Product (Do This Now!)

there is a plethora of products tochoose from in the e-commerce industrywhen you're deciding what is a winningproduct so how do you narrow that downwhat does it look like what is anexample of that[Music]hey what's going on aboard hand yourcome back at you with the brand newvideo and I'm glad you're joining me inthis one because I'm gonna actually showyou a product that as I'm releasing thisvideo right now and as you'll see basedon the niche that it's in is a winningproduct and probably will be for quitesome time this is something where I knowsome people are gonna look at this andthey will have either never seen it orthey would believe it's saturated it'susually gonna be one of the two howeverdue to the niche that it's in and theway this product is structured the onlyway this product would die out is ifthere were no new people ever being bornwhich is an interesting thing to thinkabout and that's definitely the rightsituation to kind of pick a productbased on that because there's constantlya new influx of people which is greatokay so we're gonna dive through that ina moment however I wanted to talk abouta couple of factors I look at whenpicking a product now before I even dothat a quick statistic just so you guysare aware of my own personal situation Idon't know about for other peoplehowever for me whenever I decide to testa product or multiple products I'm doingsome product research for me about onein every three product works okay one inevery three products so with this numberbeing a losing percentage the way thatI'm able to make so much money still isthe fact that I'm only spending a smallamount of money on you worth like 500 to1500 on a product that before Idetermine it's not working I'll be ableto tell it's not just not getting salesnow we're gonna talk about the marketingcomponent to it because I've actuallyseen people with a winning product getconvinced based on their own wild youknow whatever they're a wild idea thatit's not a winning product but inreality two issues their marketing lookit always comes back to the marketingokay so for me even if I go spend itmost recently about twenty three hundreddollars on a product is what I spent Imade back about sixteen hundred inrevenue that was decent that was closeto the cutoff where I'm like okay it'sworking but just was not hitting theresults I wanted to I was down about itknowledge after product costs maybe alittle more and I decided a couplelosses and just continued on okay I wantto see quicker momentum if something'sgonna work well I'll be able to get itpicking up pretty quick after about aweek and a half to two weeks okay sothat's what I look for now as for thingsthat I'm looking for a lot of peoplelike I get this question over DM all thetime hey Dan how do you find a productbefore it starts trending you don't thewhole point of product research is topick up on something that is alreadymoving I'm not trying to guess whatproduct is eventually going to startselling on trend if I were to do that my1 2 3 ratio would drop I would spend alot more time and a lot more moneytesting which in my opinion isunnecessary you know even if someonelooks at Aliexpress and as you'll see ina moment you might see 10,000 orders30,000 you're like wait is not a lot30,000 people in a world of over 7billion we're at least 1 billion ofthose who are qualified to purchase yourproduct and it can be more niche downdepending on the niche your product butyou get the point there is an ampleamount of people ready willing and ableto buy your product they just don't knowit it exists and you've not put it infront of them in the right way so thatit's convincing enough to make them takeaction it's really simple as that againso the marketing so what I want to do Iwant to show you this product real quicktalk a little bit about dataNisha's why this one's really valuableif you want to test it go for it that'snot really the purpose of this you cango right ahead the reason you should ifyou want to maybe you don't have aproduct you're testing I definitelydon't want this product to get in theway of your current testing if you'realready doing something stick with thatmaybe come to this if it doesn't work orif it doesn't work or if you have somefree time go for it test this as wellhowever I know a couple people haveactually started this recently you knowwithin the last couple weeks as when I'mrecording this who are already atmultiple four figures a day one of whichover $3,000 a day profiting about 700 to1,100 a day which is great really goodmargin so the cooler thing is this isvery very scalable again as I said inthe beginning it is in a niche where theonly way this product would die out isif there were never any new people beingborn which probably will never happen sokind of crazy to think about it I'm surethat makes you guys a little interestedbut it's definitely really interestingproduct you know it's in a good spacewhere if you build data in it the amountof other products you can sell would youcan open other stores and use that samedata is huge and there's a lot of reallycool upsell opportunityso let's show it's not my computer realquick I want to show you guys this justbecause this is a really cool productbut if you want to test go for but Iwant to talk a little bit about theproduct selection end of it that's thepoint all right so this product is thepore remover now again like I said somepeople either have never seen it or youwill believe it's saturated let meexplainfor starters take a look at the amountof orders on some of these supplierstwenty five thousand five thousand eightthousand this is a different productmaybe you don't 200 there justeverywhere thirty-eight thousand that'sa little different variation it isdrastic we weren't even sorting it byorders there it is a massive number youknow ten thousand so there's clearly amarket for this I mean if you thinkabout it logically this is a productthat will almost always be in demand nowhere's why I think it's cool this issomething to me where I always lookabout or look at and think about thebigger picture perspective of this whenI'm doing something this is in thehealth and beauty space slash thepersonal wellness it kind of correlatesin both of those so what happens is whenyou build data inside of here there arenow probably three hundred other doorslegitimately good products that justopened up for you to sell so these couldeither be products you decide to add onyour current store maybe make as anupsell a down sell across sell or maybeyou decide to use the data and openanother store with the same data becausethe same type of person buying whichwill let you blow up that next door veryquickly okay so this productspecifically let's kind of dive in andtake a quick look I guess well we'll gowith this one where it's a little bitmore this one that looks a little bitbetter in my opinion I want to show youguys how to find an ad I'm gonna talkabout that here in a moment but take alook24,000 of these that is a massive amountthat's already been sold to have 10,000currently available that's huge youprobably will not run into an inventoryissue now here's the cool number take alook at this forward to 10 days ship infor free okay to the US for free that ishuge we're turning off my ringer this isa mark actually dealing with someonecrashed into my Lamborghini so dealingwith that as we speak I was not in thecar maybe a video on that soonregardless this right here this is crazybecause four to ten day shipping youshould be building your pixel inside theUSthat's something I always recommend forthose who jump into the beta circle atthe end of this month for the Academyideally if it opens at the end of thismonthwe haven't set an exact day there'll bea waitlist down below by the way you'llsee exactly how we build out that pixelin that whole process it's very key tobuild it in the right wayjust because building that data in avery specific type of audience is goingto help you expand in a worldwide fasterand more effectively without having alot of issues with your CPP your costper purchase okay that's something I'vestruggled with myself a little bit okayso you know free shipping in the US youcan see four to ten days we're justactually like that's like brand speedyou know if you were a real brand you'regonna expect to wait about a week for aproduct to come it that's normal to meunless I'm ordering from Amazon so areally really cool to see you know shipsfrom China 24 days and then Kingdom blahblah blah but take a look at the pricehere okayChina's 1351 with 24 days or okay shipsfrom the United States you get freeshipping to the United States for the 10day which is really cool now thisproduct is not very expensive it's onlycosting you $13 no matter where you pullit from you get free shipping okay sothat's one thing that's really reallycool because you can go sell this for$29.99 all day long you're gonna bematching I've seen brand sellers for$100 all day long so it depends on howyou want to brand it you can reallyincrease your price and manipulate thatit's a very valuable looking productthat to be honest I just for personalexperience you'll be able to get thiscost down well below 10 probably 7 to 10once your work with the private supplierand your ordered a little bit this inadvance so you can be increasing yourmargin by you know anywhere from 10 to20 percent which is huge pure profitso that's something where it's can bereally cool down the road but this gotype it in on Google this is how I findads it's how I get a sense of what'sworking let's go to videos here okay andactually we can just look it up onYouTube regardless what I'm gonna lookat here I want to see other videos likethis okay so you know you can go pull itup on Amazon we'll kind of see thepricing there we'll see exactly whatpeople are selling to that ok $27.99 andfree shipping this is not Amazon Primeis this even Prime I want fast Shemaprime okay they have it there this it'sthe same price is what you'd be sellingyou could jump in and sell this for$4.99 I'll give you a little three alittle bone here a little tip one thingI like to do in a certain situation if Ithink of products gonna be a little moredifficult to build data in whichsometimes can be the case in the healthand fitness and wellness space typicallymore so in the clothing this is one goodstrategy of how you can kind of getaround the tough data building in thebeginning to get momentum lower yourproduct price now some people might beconfused by this but if it's on Amazonat 27 we wanted to sell for 29 you cantotally sell this all day long for$29.99 to like $39.99 but what if youwere to start it maybe 20 $2.99 or$24.99 come in even lower than Amazonlower than almost anyone's ever seen itbefore you might be like well wait aminute hey Dan I'm probably not gonnamake any money I'm in at best I'm gonnabreak even who careseven if you're losing a little bit ofmoney I understand some people who mightstart with a smaller budget that mightnot be possible but this strategy isvery very relevant for people buildingan e-commerce business who are focusedon data the strategy is to just acquirea customer why do you think these bigcompanies are willing and able to loseso much money on the front end sometimeseven for years it's because they knowthe lifetime value of their customer soeven in my perspective I'm not doinganything crazy like waiting years tomake a profit on some ecommerce storehowever if I can get 50 to 100 sales onmy pixel for breakeven or a small loss Iwill do that for the purpose of gettingmore momentum through Facebook havingdata to retarget and then eventuallydata to run look-alikes off of that tome is worth it because it's that 100sale mark in one country where you canbuild that look-alike for purchase okayand that's what you really want so I'mwilling to invest to get towards thatgoal that's what will excuse me that'swhat will really let me identify if theproducts gonna work or notokay so it's actually great to see thishere on Amazon we're gonna type in meagain just to look at multiple listingslistening to pour remover okay 21 doesone right there27 let's see which one 500 reviews thissays a thousand get if it's not twentythirty seven twenty three forty five 31so people are paying about thirty bucksfor this people are not gonna be youknow taken aback by the fact that youtry to sell for $29.99 so there is somany different brands so so so manydifferent cosmetic brands health andbeauty brandsProactive acne based stuff whateverthere is a plethora of differentinterest to target here on Facebookagain you're now opening up your doorand I don't think a lot of peoplerealize this the doors that you areopening up based on building data inthis niche is ginormous take a look atthis you could go like this do the poremover upsell to a face mask that'sperfect you get those four so so cheapbut let's literally go look face maskokay I hope that it's not gonna be likea Halloween mask we'll see okay perfectyeahlook it up cheap bizarre okay 70 cents adollar 85 cents are you kidding me thisone is a nice black mask$1 to $3 look look at what Amazon isselling it for $15 all day long all daylong what if you go sell it for $7 okaywhat if you're selling your paw removerfor $29.99 and you up sell it to a $7face mask okay that gives you like yousay there's 30 face masks worth insideof here or 45 treatments you know one aday like you know yeah you can make somesort of video ad that like show is thepore remover and then like the face maskgoing on after like talking about likethe healthy radiant skin all thebenefits that would be so so amazing Iguarantee you you'd get a twenty thirtyforty percent take rate maybe not fortybut you know twenty or thirty percentprobably if you charge cheap on theupsell which is a huge take rate and ifyou're only paying a dollar or twoyou're selling it for six or sevenyou're making extra five dollars whichon a thirty dollar previous cart valuethat's like a fifteen or more percentbump in profit on your entire averageorder value that is big like if I have astore that's doing two hundred thousanddollars a month and I get a fifteenpercent bump in profit that's thirtythousand dollars a month in profit extrain my pocket for one little thingokay so that right there is just oneidea again you're opening up the door tosell so many different products insideof here like so so so many you couldbuild a makeup brand off of that too youcould have that as a section on you knowon your website it just depends on whatyou want to do so here's one example ofa product you know there's one exampleof what I look for a couple of mythoughts behind it when I look at it Iam not selling this product I have neversold this product will I sell thisproduct maybe I have no intention toright now just because I don't have theI already have my main stores that I'mfocusing on I started a few new oneskind of maxed out at my time but there'splenty of winning products to go aroundyou're not gonna be able to capitalizeon them all and that's why I said at thebeginning if testing this is going toget in the way of whatever you'recurrently testing or focusing on do notdo it okay stick with the way you'redoing take those little pieces of tipsand information on the upsell you knowstructuring it the pricing and what youcould possibly do that should be morethan enough to get you rolling but youkeep trying products keep cyclingthrough because remember for me and I'vebeen doing this a long time so yourratio might not even be this high youknow I'm just selective but for me it 1out of every 3 products I test works nowit does work mean make 100,000 make amillion make a couple million you knowone of those sales numbers looks likealmost every single time in my opinionworking means a minimum of $100,000 insales over a couple months minimum okaybecause when I'm running with theproduct and starts working you can justrun with it much further the scalabilityis huge you go on Facebook right nowlook of any of the audience's for thisyou're gonna be seeing 20 million 39 50million a hundred and fifty million forhealth and wellness the beauty space bigbrands you could target Kylie cosmeticswhatever there is a massive massiveamount of people to target there's noshortage of audience so if you're maybesitting on the bench and you haven'ttried anything yet go ahead and testthis product get your feet wet withe-commerce test it out it's not likeyou're selling a very high ticketproducts gonna cost you a lot more andmarketing spend to acquire the customerso only have $30 price point roughly youcould go run a mix of five and $10 twoads just to start testing get your feetwet see what audience has worked andbuild from there okay so I really hopethat helped if you guys have not yetgone ahead and subscribe to the channelgo ahead and do that below and if you'renot on the wait list for the 30 dayAcademy fingers crossed that it's comingat the end of this month here in May shespent a lot of stuff putting it togetherwearing me open in a very small betagroup for that to let people go throughit first for one month to see we need tochange but we need to add and how we canwork with them directly assist me a lotof direct health there's a lot ofexamples of over 20 hours worth of stuffall I basically did was sit down andrecord everything myselflike sit down inside my computer as I'mrunning my own stores I had to like cropout you know the names of one of mythings in an ad account and I literallylodged about fiveand dollars worth of new ads in one dayI was doing aggressive scaling so reallyreally trying to break this down tosomething I've been working out for oversix or seven months now so super excitedto finally bring it out and have a fewselect people test it at least againhopefully right at the end of this monthjust to start hearing some feedback andcriticism on it so super excited forthat the waitlist alone is about to bemaxed out which is gonna fill up thebeta groups don't really need to mentionit anywhere else however if you wantsome more information on it go ahead andjust don't be some link down belowprobably two or three lines into thedescription with a waitlist if you checkthat out and we'll send you some moreinformation once we get that puttogether okay so other than that if youdread this video if you want to testthis product or if you've got any valueout of this at all I greatly appreciateit if you drop a like down below anddon't forget I'm posting three times aweek on the channel Monday Wednesday andFriday so I will be seeing you in thenext video[Music]
