How I Became Successful In Ecommerce At 20! (Shopify Dropshipping)

so in this video I'll go over exactlyhow it became successful in e-commerceat 20 years old what is that you teachboys a rich background on the video ifyou have it already Michigan thatsubscribe button down below so thischannel has been growing a little bit wejust hit 45,000 subscribers and that'sunbelievable to me I'm always trulygrateful to provide value to each andevery one of you it's one of my passionsand to provide even more value I decidedthat every video I'm gonna give away apriest or personally paid by me so allyou have to do is comment on each videoand you have a chance to get a freestore mate but me so this video thetrack all the comments make sure you putI don't know something like e-commerceShopify Josh shouldn't plus your commentso but ecommerce Shopify Josh somethingplus your comment to enter in for achance to win a free store maybepersonally about me so if you haven'tseen this video I basically explain mywhole life story even before Josh livingand how I fundamentally started thiswhole entrepreneurial world I'm notgonna go into details and all that I'mgonna go straight to the point and talkabout exactly how I became successful injob shipping so back when I was doingemail was always shipped down a bunch ofitems on one day this guy at the postoffice sees me with a bunch of packagesand tells me that I should look intodrop shipping so I don't have toactually touch the products so I did aton of research even back then wherethere wasn't too much information as itis today and I learned that it wasextremely easy and extremely cheap tostart so I just jumped in the thingabout me is that I always think thingscome and go so I don't want to ever missopportunities that are presented to meso I always jump right in so I thinkit's a good thing honestly if you thinklike that because you always have asense of urgency to take action andtaking action is one of the most if notthe most important habit of a successfulentrepreneur so I was 19 at the time Ijumped in this whole drop shipping worldI learned that Shopify is the best andeasiest platform so I started withShopify and I was like whoa this ispretty complicated by the way back thenShopify's interface and back in andwasn't as clean and simple as it istoday it took me a long time to figureouteverything took me a long time to figureout add products to the website boooverload and at that time I was sellingmen's watches because I heard that wasone of the most successful niches andlet it alone it took me about two tothree weeks to learn how to doeverything in the website editor so ittook me two to three weeks to create mywebsite which is unbelievable to me nowso keep in mind fire to drop shipping Inever had to do with any kind of websiteor anything of that sort I just uploadthe price on eBay and that's pretty muchit so the website was completely new tome Shopify and everything was absolutelyforeign it completely new to me but Iwas super excited because I was startingsomething new one of the main reasonswhy I was super excited because Ilearned that Shopify dropship and youcan become successful really really fastso I had it in the back of my mind I wasgonna upload these men's watches startshop I built the website charge twentybucks for the watches and basically Iwas gonna become rich and successfulovernight well that was not whathappened what I actually happen was notonly real inspired other ads funsuccessful I just kept pouring my moneyinto them increasing the budget changingup different ad tests like I learned andI was getting cells at the time but Iwas spending a hundred dollars a daywith ads to get forty dollars in salesso keep in mind I also have to pay forthe product and children to thecustomers so I was basically spending ahundred dollars a day to make twentyfive dollars a day so not a goodtrade-off and I was completelydevastated because I did this for alittle over a month and I've wastedthree thousand dollars which was a lotto me at that time so I was about togive up and go back to eBay which wasworking for me at the time but the thingI didn't like about eBay was that I wasvery limited to what I could sellbecause I only sell what I had stuck andnot only that also eBay has selling theminto all its sellers so I was capped atfifteen thousand dollars a month insales and of course I stock profit so inreality I was capped at around seventhousand dollars a month on eBay so thatwas my absolute highest potential oneBay so during that time because I reada lot of books I was always wired tostay persistent and everup but I really stay persistent becausethe limited potential cost shipping Ican basically sell as much things aspossible and basically have no limitsbecause I could virtually sell everysingle product in the universe so I knewin order for me to become successful inJoshua I'm gonna have to really figureout this marketing thing so I did justthat and I remember coming across thisform of marketing called influence andmarketing so back then the informationwas very vague and was a lot ofinformation as it is today it wasbasically just basic information sayingyou pay a handful in search to promoteyour product they promote your productin front of that thousands of followersso I was very intrigued by this becauseI felt like it was an amazing way toreach a lot of people at a low cost asopposed to paying for Facebook Ads everysingle day and not getting as muchresults as you know hundreds of thousandfollowers from influencing anotherreason why I was very intrigued by itbecause I feel like people would trustand influence or you know somebody theyfollow promoting the product versus somerandom Facebook gather Instagram apppromoting some random website so Ijumped right into influencer marketing Irealized that I wanted to change thatjust to because I felt like a lot of theInstagram influences were woman so theywouldn't be interested in these men'swatches as I was selling at the time soI decided that I wanted to get into thewoman's fashion niche so I didn't pickan exact product at the time I wanted tosearch for the influencers you know getit looking for exactly what was workingat the time so I just started searchingfor fashion influencers to give you guysa good idea of how I found influencesduring that time all I did was goingInstagram search up fashion then find afashion page and then use Instagramsuggested feature to find relatedaccounts to that accounts so then Ibasically just repeated that wholeprocess and that was it so it was verytime consuming it's a much outdatedmethod I teach a lot of doing my courseor more effective strategies to find aninfluencer without spending a ton oftime but surprisingly that meant thatstill works and the best thing about itis free to use so I was just finding 50to 100 influencers then organize theminto a Google Doc and then startcontacting them so during the process offinding fashion influences I noticedthis one influencer was promoting thisproduct called the strapless bra so Iwas very intrigued by because I lookedat the comments and people were ecstaticoverand they were saying it was the bestidea ever and that they were gonna buytoday so what I did was I just want toAliexpress I tried to find that exactproject come to find it was only two tothree dollars and that website wasselling it for twenty-five to thirtydollars so that was a lot of profit andI realized that this was the part that Iwas going to start selling so to showyou guys I actually have the product inhand right now for those of you that donot know how it works basically just putit to your chest you tie up this littlestring right here I'm gonna put yourbreasts together and it makes it seemlike you have nice breasts now this isactually the last one and I have itslightly different than the other onesas you see in my youtube video just thesides are more circular but my girl sheabsolutely loves using things and sheused all the ones that I had before sothis is I think the last one that I hadso I like to keep these it's kind of myprized possession you know because ifyou really think about it one productcan literally change your life and thisis that one product for me so I'm out tohide this so she doesn't take this whenwe got this last one that I got so areally cool thing about this product isthat you'll see a lot of the sellers onAliexpress mention that it's onlyreusable up to about fifteen and thirtytimes now my girl she uses these and shesays it's really only reusable – aboutfive to ten times so that means thatcustomers are gonna have to keeppurchasing them from you and whencustomers purchased this product theyabsolutely fall in love with this thingbecause it actually works so that meansif it's only reusable up to five to tentimes once they use it and it's notusable anymore they're gonna have tokeep mine for me so that's a lot ofrepeat customers a lot of repeatpurchases and so that recurring revenuesgoing straight to your bank accountevery single month so once I found theproduct I knew that it was time to startthinking about what kind of app that Iwas going to get to the influencer sofor those of you that do not know whenyou use an influencer for promotion youneed to give them some kind of ads topromote to their followers so this meanssome kind of image or video so they canshow their followers is exactly whatyou're promoting so in this case what Idid to create that was I just combine apicture of the actual product along witha picture of somebody actually using theproduct so that they could show thefollowers exactly what this product doesso I basically just combine those andthen I formed it into a meme and for thetextbut who needs a boob job you can get oneof these so this is the final result ofthat ad as you can see and once I finishad you guys it was time to get startedso I started right away this time I wasable to start more sooner because I wasmore familiar with Shopify and how itworked and once I finish up the websiteand everything it was time to find aninfluencer to promote the product so thevery first influencer I use was at stylefreaks as you can see you guys that postgot a lot of engagement and that veryday I did seventeen hundred dollars insales which was completely unbelievableto me so at that moment I knew that thiswhole influencer marketing method wasextremely powerful and that was what Iwas gonna focus all my efforts and moneyinto and it's still what I do to thisday because it's the only marketingmethod in the world we can reachhundreds of thousands to millions ofpeople at the lowest price possible so Ijust went all-in my influence ofmarketing and put the rest of my budgetinto retargeting into Facebook Instagramads and that's what made me successfuland dropshipping at 20 years old it'sfunny because I guess you could say Ibecame successful and 19 since duringthat time in February I was 19 years oldbut the following month was my 20thbirthday March 3rd actually so later onduring that month that's when I actuallyhad 100k in sales so that's when Iactually became successful so although19 sounds much better 20 is the samespent to say that's what I actuallybecame successful and e-commerce Shopifydrop shipping so that is a video youguys super straight into the point thisis kind of a response to my previousYouTube video mentioned but in thisvideo I wanted to go with indep and talkabout exactly how I became successfuldropshipping at 20 years old so as youcan see influencer marketing was areason and it's super super extremelypowerful it's why I always talk about itwhy I still use it to this day so beforeI go you're not gonna do all your futureReno'swatch this Pope and that code is in 20years from now you will be moredisappointed at the things that youdidn't do rather than and things thatyou did so make sure you're takingadvantage of all the opportunitiesaround you and whatever it is that youwant to do whatever it is that you'retaking about do it because this life isso short and so then my friends be great[Music]
