Here Are 6 Simple (Not Easy) Steps to Profitable Internet Marketing

I’m feeling rested because I took the week off from working out. My body has gone through some rigorous training the last couple of months and I just felt exhausted.

That’s usually a sure sign to just take it easy.

My younger self would have just pushed it and probably got hurt. I’m older and wiser now, over the years I’ve learned to listen to my body. Especially, when it comes to lifting weights.

The weights are merciless.

It’ll break you if you’re not careful.

Yesterday, I covered the 7 powerful strategies to implement before you start Internet Marketing for your local brick-and-mortar, e-commerce and start up business.

These are areas the majority miss the boat on and it costs them in money and time.

My intention with yesterday’s article was to help you get up to speed quickly without making costly mistakes. Click here to read yesterday’s article.

A client asked me earlier this morning: Eric, if you were to distill down the most important steps to start profitably Internet Marketing, what would they be?

I thought the answer to this question to be the perfect follow up to yesterday’s article because it’s scary when you first start Internet Marketing. I know from personal experience.

Not to mention a little bit intimidating. However, if you follow these six steps, you can begin Internet Marketing with a solid foundation.

A solid foundation is key to growing a successful business that leverages proven 21st century marketing strategies and technology.

Here are 6 simple (not easy) steps to profitable Internet Marketing:

1. Decide on an Internet Marketing (IM) model. There are 3 proven IM models you can deploy now.

Tomorrow, I’ll go deep into these IM models that are proven time and time again to work like gangbusters!

You’ll then be able to decide which model to deploy that suits your style and unique talents.

For now, let me give you a quick introduction to these IM models so you can get started in the right direction:

First, there’s Affiliate Marketing that involves promoting someone else’s product or service for a significant share of the sale.

Typically, most affiliate programs are commission based.

The second IM model is Info-Product Creation where you create a digital product such as an eBook or multi-media course. Your content is protected in a membership site.

Third, there’s Service-based models that involves you providing a service. The service can be delivered online or offline but you’re advertising and marketing that service online.

Dahl Integration Marketing is a great example of all these IM models.

We have our own Info-products that we promote, we also promote others products and services.

And we have our own Funnel Vision Method suite of services that helps businesses grow their lead, customer and patient base.

Fourth, you can sell products using online shopping centers such as Amazon and eBay.

2. Decide what you want to sell. After choosing an IM model you prefer, it’s time to decide what you want to sell. Let’s use affiliate marketing as an example.

What product or service do you want to promote? ( ) has tens of thousands of digital products that you can promote as an affiliate.

You can promote e-business products, health & fitness, spiritual products and more. The best way to decide on what to sell is to start with your passion.

What are you passionate about?

What is it that really drives you to get up in the morning?

From my experience, you’ll find out that pursuing something you actually love (or interested in) makes it a lot more fun and interesting.

If you’re going to go the “services” route, you need to decide on what you want to offer as a service.

Are you good at writing?

How about designing?

If you’re already an established business offline, like many of my clients, then consider taking your proven service online.

3. Create or prepare your offer. Let’s say you go the product creation route. The next step is to create your product.

If it’s an eBook you’re creating, either write it or outsource the writing (more on this topic will be explained in later articles).

As a general guide, if you have time, create the product yourself. On the contrary, if you don’t have time, outsource it. Both paths have its own pros and cons, but I’ll explain more in later articles.

If you’re promoting a service then all you need might be a simple sales page. Obviously, without exposure you won’t make any sales, so you need traffic.

Follow these next 4-6 steps to make sure your business thrives with more leads, clients, patients and referrals effortlessly…

… Contrary to popular belief successful Internet Marketing goes way beyond just maintaining your website.

It’s also about growing your business strategically so you can EXTRACT profits in the long run. Here are three essential steps to follow to ensure your business stays profitable while you make the offline-to-online transition.

4. Attract More Traffic. No, this doesn’t involve driving around town avoiding city traffic. The term means increasing the number of times people come to your website through searches and links on other sites, because they’re looking for the products and services you have to offer.

This requires you to find as many ways of attracting traffic as you can. There are never any guarantees that one method for getting traffic, will even work, let alone, work well enough to bring in plenty of extra business or keep working long-term.

Diversification is the name of the game when it comes to traffic generation.

You can use:

Article marketing

Email marketing

Pay-per-click advertising

Solo ads

And other methods to help get more people to check out your offers and hopefully become leads and ultimately loyal customers.

NOTE: If you’re interested in mastering traffic, I recommend you purchase one of our best-selling products, Internet Traffic Mastery.

5. Make sales.

PRO TIP: Once you have people visiting your sites, send new traffic to a landing page (I’ll share more on this strategy in later articles).

You’ll start seeing sales happening as people find you through your digital advertising methods and join your email list.

The success you experience will depend on how consistently you advertise and market your business. Repeat customers are the best so always look after every client you attract.

Eventually you should start to make regular sales but it won’t happen overnight. You have to give yourself time to build your pipeline.

For instance, just having 20 people on your list, although a great start, isn’t going to lead to serious success.

It’s the consistent additions to your list over time, that’ll lead to serious success…

… Levels of success you can’t even dream of…

… until it happens to you!

Stay consistent my friend!

6. Keep your clients coming back for more. Making the right first impression on your clients will get you that first sale.

It’s critical to take good care of current customers because it’s far easier to keep a customer, than to acquire a new one.

Do everything you can to outperform your competitors, in every possible way, so that your customers have no reason to go elsewhere.

In conclusion, I just gave you a taste of how Internet Marketing works and tomorrow I’ll start a deep dive into the 3 IM models to help you choose the one that suits you best.

I know there’s one that will suit your interests and complement your skills.

In reality, the Internet can give you countless possibilities in business and earnings. I’ll focus on the most proven ones.

These 3 IM models are known to have launched thousands of Internet businesses all over the world, help startups become successful and scaled local brick-and-mortar businesses…

… to heights you couldn’t even fathom.

By the way, if you’d like to take the guesswork out of growing your business online then click here to get the ultimate shortcut.
