How To Create An eCommerce Website With WordPress 2020 [ONLINE STORE!]

what's up everyone my name is Darrelland in this video I'm gonna show you allhow to create this professional abeautiful ecommerce website step-by-stepand you need to know a thing aboutcoding or have any program experiencewhatsoever everything that's at Oriel isgonna be quick simple and easy nowbecause i've always wanted to learn howto create your own e-commerce websitefor the very first time and you're kindof tired of the runaroundthen this tutorial is for you because bythe end of this video you're gonna beable to create your own e-commercewebsite from scratch and you're gonnabecome a wordpress expert now as youguys can see this website is super cleanit's professional and your visitors aregonna be really happy about coming tosuch a great looking website with reallymodern designs that's also really easyto navigate now if you look at thiswebsite it will look very similar to bigonline retail stores like VictoriaSecretsTilly's and also PacSun now we tookdirect inspiration from these companiesand applied it to our own shop so youguys can be certain that your shop isgonna look really professional andreally amazing now it really inspires meto make these videos because I'veactually had people who created theirown online store and it started to makethousands of dollars watching mytutorials so again it really inspires meto make these videos because of peoplelike that and if you guys are reallyserious and you really want to build aclean and professional website that'llmake you a ton of money then keepwatching guys cuz right now I'm about togive you a quick tour of this websiteand show you what we're gonna bebuilding in this ecommerce tutorial sothis is the website that we will bemaking today and right here you guys canadd in your own image you guys can alsochange this color to whatever color youguys want here we can add in ourfavorite social media icons such asFacebook Instagram or Twitter here wecan go ahead and add in our logo now ifyou guys don't have a logo don't worryabout it I'll give you a website whereyou guys can get a really clean logo nowhere you guys can go ahead and add in asmany buttons as you want and you canlink them to any part of your website infact in this tutorial you guys will beactually given a list of templates tohelp you guys with design andinspiration because let's be honest youknow creating a website from scratch canbe a little hard but with this templatelibrary right here you guys can simplygrab a templateand add it to your website to get somereally good ideas in inspiration foryour website now with most other themesthey don't really have this so this willmake making your website very simple andvery fast so going back here let's goahead and scroll down so here we have abanner section and you guys cancategorize your items so for exampleright here we have women's products wehave men's products and we have shoes soif you guys are selling multiple itemssuch as like a big store you guys cancategorize your items right here that'llmake it really easy for your visitors tonavigate and right here we have a listof our products now guys this is areally clean setup in fact you guys canactually list your products on salepeople can wishlist it people can alsodo a quick preview of it to see if thisitems for them or not here we have alist of products people can kind ofscroll through the images right here youcan give a quick description of theproduct and I'll also show people thecategory of the products here people cango ahead and add this to the cart andagain you guys can always change thecolor of add two cards or this righthere so you don't have to use these sameexact colors you guys can use any colorthat you guys want so for example righthere we click on add two carts and nowthe products here are added to the carton our website and this is great becausevisitors can actually click on thisclick on checkout and have a very quickcheckout process that will make you guysa ton of money so let's go ahead and goback to the front page right here I'mgonna go ahead and scroll down so thenext section is product categories soagain this is just some more engagementand encouragement for your visitors topurchase products so here we havewomen's products we have men's productsand we have accessories now also in thistutorial I will give you guys access toa large library of images to help youguys get started because I know creatinga website from scratch with Bill imagesis gonna be a little tough so I'll goahead and give you guys some democontent next we have sign up fornewsletter so this section right herewill enable your visitors to sign up toyour newsletter so you can start kind ofgathering emails and even start your ownemail campaign so it's really simplesomeone here going to simply type intheir emailclick on sign up and then there you gothey are now stored in your database andyou can go ahead and send them couponsand advertisements for your websites andagain it's a really clean contact formit's really simple and you can be surethat people will sign up for yournewsletter on your websites next we haveInstagram everyone out there lovesInstagram so I'm going to show you howyou can import and live Instagram feedon your web sites so here we have thesepictures of these girls you know it'scute it's sexy it's an you know it'sencouraging and it basically you knowkind of represents what your site isabout so I'm going to show you how youcan have a live feed of Instagram onyour web sites to help people kind of beencouraged to buy your products righthere we have a blog section so if youguys want to incorporate a blog on yourwebsite this theme makes a super cleanblog so here we can kind of createarticles that will encourage ourvisitors to buy products so for exampleright here we have what's hot in summernow someone clicks on it they can goahead and read the article you guys cansee right here it's a super cleanarticle really easy to navigate andright here people can go ahead and shareit they can also comment on it and allsorts of really fun stuffso right here let's go ahead go aheadand go back and right here we have ourfooter so this is a really clean footerit looks just like Victoria Secrets infact so here we have the about Ussection we have recent reviews wherepeople can leave reviews for yourproducts we have a newsletter sign upand we also have our Instagram feedright here at the bottom and below thatso we have a list of paid methods peoplecan actually use to pay us on ourwebsites so right here this little bluebutton right here I'm going to clickthis and scroll all the way back up andnext I'm gonna go ahead and show youguys our shop page now this is the shopthat we'll be making today and righthere you can add in any kind of imageyou want you can also change this textto whatever text you would like and youcan even add in an overlay color of anycolor you'd like now this right here isa slider so people can actually slidethrough this to see any kind ofpromotions or any kind of sales you wantto add for your e-commerce website nowscrolling down right here we havelist of our products now right here Ihave a list of 12 products and you canhave as many products as you want foryour shop page so if you have 100products you can add a hundred productsif you have 50 you could head in 50however many products that you have nowif I hover over the products right hereyou're gonna see a second image come upso I'm gonna show you how you canincorporate this for your e-commercewebsites now also right here we havethis quick little banner letting peopleknow our products are on sale and alsoany new products that you have it'sgoing to displayed right here on yourshop page your visitors can also clickon this little add to wishlist so theycan you know kind of come back next timeto see up that product you know if theywant to buy it later or not now also wecan click on this quick view preview sohere they can kind of you know navigateour site very simple very easy and againthey can go ahead and set a quantityamount and add it to the carts now righthere we have the option of sorting bypopularity by average rating or bynewness or from prices from low to highon the left side right here we have awidget box right here so this is whereall the widgets are where we can adddifferent various features for oure-commerce websites so for example righthere people can search for certainproducts they can filter by price so ifyou have visitors that are on a budgetthey can filter by price right here andalso right here we have recent reviewsand we have recently reviewed productsrecently viewed products and then alsowe have product categories so let's sayfor example your visitors only want tosee women's products they can click onwomen's and all the products for womensare going to be displayed on your pagemaking it very easy to navigate and verysimple now I also want to talk aboutwhat kind of products that we makingtoday in this ecommerce tutorial so thefirst product we'll be making today is asimple product so let me give you anexample now this is a simple product soyou'll be able to add description foryour product right here you can add inas many images as you want for yoursimple products such as angles orvarious other things you want to talkabout or show scrolling down here wehave a wishlist section where people canactually browse their wishlist here italso shows people what kind of categoryit's inyour visitors can actually share thisproduct to any of their favorite socialmedia websites to tell their friends heyI found this really cool shirt go aheadand check it out it's on this website Ifound also right here this can actuallyzoom in on the product to give people abetter perspective of the image andagain right here people can searchthrough it and check it out now it'sgoing down here we have some moreproduct description where you can add inyou know a little bit more about yourproduct in detail you can also see thereviews people have left your productyou'll be able to enable this or disablethis depending on which you want foryour e-commerce website and right herewe have related products so let's sayfor example we want to show peopleproducts that are related to thisproduct I'm going to show you how youcan incorporate this on your website aswell now scrolling back up right here sothis is a simple product there are novariables for it it just offers the Addto Cart option now also I'm going toshow you what a variable product is solet's say you have products that youwant to sell that have differentvariables such as size color orsomething else so right here you guyscan see we can select a medium shirtthat's blue and people can checkdirectly on your website also if youhave like a different variable color youcan basically display it right therealso you can actually add videos to yourproduct so right here if I hover overthis video section and click on video abox will pop up right here and you canactually display a YouTube video or youcan link them to any other you know linkthat you want to show them what yourproduct is more about in detail so thatwas pretty cool so scrolling down hereagain we have the same thing we have ourwish lists we have social media icons wehave a quick description of it and it'svery simple to navigate guys so let's goahead and scroll back up now anotherreally cool thing I want to show you allis the quick buy feature so let's sayfor example what your visitors are onyour website and they want to purchase aproduct they can actually skip check outand buy the product immediately and payyou right away so right here if I clickon this buy now right here you can seethis little pop-up right here that willbasically tell people click on pay andit'll pay instantly making checkout veryfast and very convenient for yourvisitors now I'm actually going topurchasesomething right now to show you all thatthis is a live ecommerce website andanyone can come to this website andpurchase our product so here I'm clickon Add to Cart right here we have thisreally cool user-friendly interface I'mgonna click on well click on view thecart first we couldn't see our checkoutand also right here I'm gonna show youhow you can decorate your checkout pagethere's various ways you can make itlook so if you want to achieve a certainlook I'm going to show you how you canadd that on your websitehere we have shipping and tax I'll talkall about shipping and tax in thistutorial as well and here we canactually add in a coupon code for ourwebsites we can give any kind ofdiscount we want we can give any dollaramount discount we want as well so hereI'm going to proceed to checkout andright here your visitors can put alltheir information such as like theirtown their zip code their phone andtheir email address they can pay withPayPal or credit card and they cancheckout directly on your website alsoright here people can actually sign upfor their newsletter and you can alsohave the option to ship to a differentaddress but I don't want that right nowand then also right here people canactually leave notes about it saying heyyou know I need this by a certain day orwhatever they want to talk about soright here I'm entering my secret creditcard number and I'm going to go aheadand place the order now your visitorsare going to see the same exact checkoutprocess so it's very simple and easy tonavigate and right now the order wascomplete and you have just made money socongratulations so this right here is anautomated process which makes checkoutreally fast for both you and also yourvisitors now you will also receive anemail that looks just like this righthere where it will let you know of a newcustomer order has been purchased onyour website now your customer will alsoreceive the same email notifying themand giving them a purchase receipt aswell so here we have a new customerorder and we can change this color toany color you would like and we can alsoadd in the logo to let you know thatit's from your store and also them tolet them know where they purchase itfrom as well so here we have the productthat was purchased we have a fashionsweater to is purchased and we made $200and right here we have the buildingaddress and also the shipping address sofor example if the customer wants itshipped to a certain address it willdisplay right here in your email soagain guys it's a really professionalwebsite that's really easy to navigateand I also want to show you that yourcustomers will also have their ownpersonal portal so right here I'm go tomy account and go to my dashboard sothis is the portal that your customerswill have and here they can look attheir orders or download their addresstheir wish list and they can also updatetheir payment methods so here they cango ahead and go explore through thesetabs so for example right here we havethe orders we have the downloads we havethe addresses account details etcpayment methods and you can also add inreally cool things in their portal likeadvertisements or just recent promotionsso here it says take the time to joinour Facebook group you can go ahead andadd an icon I'll show you how to linkyour personal Facebook group or youryour fan page or whatever you want tolink them and below that so we have anadvertisement for newest products andit's a really cool you know hip way todisplay your products so here we havethis little cool slider so again yourcustomers will have their own personalaccounts on your e-commerce websitesnext I want to talk about our shop pageso let's say for example you want totalk about your company you know just tolike let them know how you got startedor you know where you're from etc I'llshow you how you can design your ownabout Us page to let your customers knowabout you and your website as well sohere I just added in some text I had inthis cool image with these social mediaicons as well and below that we have ourfooter again and over here we have ourblog section so again I talked about theblog earlier you can actually design aspecific blog page where people canactually share this to their favoritevarious social media networks such asFacebook Twitter or Google+ or LinkedInand here you can go ahead and see thearticles and you can read about it youcan also leave a comments about it aswell lastly we have our Contact Us pageso for example if your customer has aninquiry about your product and kind ofjust wants to know a little bit moreabout yourproduct in detail I'm going to show youhow you can create this beautifulcontact form where they could put theirname their email their subject send youa messageand it will go directly to your inbox inyour email so if you're finally ready tolearn how to create ecommerce websitesand you really want to start sellingproducts online then keep watching guysin this tutorial I guarantee you by theend of today you will have a fullyfunctional ecommerce website that youcan manage and control that also looksprofessional and amazing so let's goahead now and get started with thisecommerce tutorial so I'm gonna makethis very simple the first thing we'regoing to do is get our domain andhosting and my link will actuallyprovide you all with a 60% discount offyour hosting so for example youre-commerce website com after that we aregoing to install WordPress next we aregoing to purchase and install the numberone rated ecommerce theme which iscalled the flat sum theme and then weare going to design our e-commercewebsite and it is gonna be fun and easynow there is a link in the descriptionof this video it will take you to a pagethat looks just like this right here nowthis is psy chrome comm and the reasonwhy I choose icon comm is because Iactually tested them against nine othercompetitors and these guys came out asnumber one for the most reliable andalso the fastest hosting and Ipersonally use this servers on mywebsite Darrell Wilson comso I know they're reputable and they'rereally really good so we have threeplans right here we have the start up wehave the grow big and the go geek now inall my tutorials I always recommend togrow big because with the grow big youactually get unlimited domains hostedrather than just a single domain so thatis a pretty it's a pretty big differenceso generally you'd probably want to gowith the grow big campaign so right hereclick on order now go ahead and type inyour domain so you know your e-commercewebsite or whatever you want to put I'mgonna put you know just ecommercetorille calm and then right here I mighthave this checked because of course Iwant to register this domain and righthere we click on proceed now if it's notavailable it'll give you like a littlesign saying hey it's not available if itis available it'll just speak into thispage right here which sayscongratulations so right here this iswhere you going to put in your accountinformationso of course you're gonna put your emailyou're gonna put your password confirmyour password and your social securitynumber I'm wrong I'm just kidding don'tgive him your social I'm just joking soright here your your state and thenright here whatever you're from you'dpull that information in you can paywith credit card and you can put in allyour you know delicious informationright here now we do have other servicesthat I do want to talk aboutso as you're purchasing this plan youmight want to consider some of these sofirst I would recommend the 12 monthsbecause of the 12 months you actuallyget the $24 you know fee waived andremember guys you always have a 30 daymoney back guarantee you know all thesecompanies are very genuine and theyreally know that they can win yourbusiness because it's a very goodservice and I can vouch to them it's avery good service so I recommend 12months that'll give you enough time todecide if it's for you or not and righthere we have extra services so we havedomain registration which we sign up fordomain privacy so this will protect yourpersonal information for when someonetries to Whois you on certain domainsnow I recommend the service guys becauseif you don't get this you're gonna getpeople who are gonna be calling you likeand then you just you're gonna get spamemail from people claiming to be fromyou know hosting services are gonna tryto sell you stuff and it's just anightmare so just get the domain privacyand also the psych roundsight scanner I would definitely getthis because for 20 bucks a year you canget someone that will check your websiteevery single day and notify you ifthere's any malicious or any trojans orany you know malicious virus that havebeen injected in your website so Ipersonally recommend it but you don'thave to get it it's strictly up to youand once you're done with that you knowyou can check those and then you knowread through your Terms of Service I'msure everyone that's watching thistutorial always reads through all ofthese but you know it's it's there soit's you know it's it's there so andthen after you're done with that you canclick on Pay Now now I'm gonna go aheadand meet you guys on the next page andwe're gonna go into the customer portalbecause I personally use this service soI'm gonna guide you on where to go fromthere alright so this is the site grounddashboard so this is basicly where allthe magic happens and congratulations onyour newcongratulations that is the first stepin this tutorial so if you guys want togo ahead and browse around here you guyscan go like add services you guys can dolike referral deals if you want I tell afriend you can check out your billinginformation here you can also leavesupport tickets and you can also callthem and also email them as well so theyhave a really good support team and thisis the account section so you guys cansee right here I have cloud hosting withsycron on my website Darrell Wilson command you know guys I would neverrecommend a product I didn't use everysingle product that I recommend I haveused it or I'm currently using it youknow I I'm out those people are like ohyeah I go by that and then of courselike they don't have it but they justtell you to buy it and every productthat I have I've tested it I know it'svery good so this is your dashboardagain you guys can always you know adddomains in here or whatever you want butlet's go ahead now and install WordPressso right here we go to my accounts andthese right here your hosting plans soright here I'm gonna select manageaccount and it's gonna be different foryou obviously it's gonna be like adifferent name and right here I'm gonnago to go to cPanel now also if you guyshave trouble and something just doesn'twork out you guys can always call themand they can do everything for you whichis really cool of Sai crown but I'mgonna show you how to do it it's reallyquick so it'll be really fast so righthere click on WordPress and thenscrolling down scrolling down right hereand I click on install now alright soright here choose protocol HTTP ofcourse because we have free SSL's hereon site ground you know unlike otherhosting where you have to pay for it youget a free SSL with SiteGround so I havetons of domains and I'm gonna go aheadand select the domain that I'm using forthis tutorial so it's gonna be there itis dope you flotsam calm okay and righthere make sure there is nothing thereguys okay you know for reseller hostingyou put something there but for most ofus make sure there is nothing there forthe site name just put like e-commercewebsite or something you can alwayschange this later in the themecustomizer which we'll learn more aboutcommerce tutorial and site descriptionI'm gonna put my dog caddy wack okay soadmin username right here make sure youput a legitimate user name andto write this down so for example I'mgonna put patty-whack and then righthere just go ahead and do like a quickpassword something you know where youcan you know whatever whatever passwordyou use you know you can do it I'm justgonna put something like I don't knowput paddywhack one and then right herego ahead and put in your email addressnot this one put in put in another emailaddress so like your email address soI'm gonna put like PC hoarder PC hoarder@ and right here you canchoose a language and I think we've hadthe debate before but apparently it'snot Mandarin its Chinese so I you knowthanks for clearing that up a fewviewers emailed me because I've alwaysdebated Chinese with Mandarin but it'sapparently Chinese I guess is thecorrect pronunciation not Mandarin theseright here you don't really need toselect these these are just pluginswe'll learn more about plugins a littlebit later choose the theme no and we'reright here we can go to install youready all right install so right nowwe're basically installing WordPress onto our domain which basically allows usto create our websites with like adrag-and-drop builder like you knowcopying and pasting text no coding noPHP nothing in WordPress is by far thenumber one most popular platform on theinternet you know it controls actuallyone third of the Internet which is avery very large amount so right here I'mgonna click on this right here so youryour domain – WP admin click right therealright and this is the dashboard sobasically this is we are inside thewebsite now now if you want to see howyour website really looks right here youcan click on visit site up here and thisis the website it is using a really oldbad theme that we are not going to useso this is one of the themes they theyhave but we're gonna actually going touse a theme that's designed fore-commerce so really quickly let me justkind of show you guys around reallyquick so you guys understand everythingI'm gonna go ahead and close these soright here this one I'm gonna close Idon't really need all this to love thisis just like spam or whatever we don'treally need it so right here under oursettingsi'ma go to general and this is where youcan always change your email addresshere you know you can put your generalsettings like you talked aboute-commerce tutorial right here we havepaddywhack scrolling down here you canchange the time and all this good stuffso if you want to like change your basicsettings you are more than welcome to dothat now one more thing I want to go towe're gonna go down to permalinks nextso under the settings I want you guys togo to permalinks now right here I wantyou guys to click on post name now I'mexplain why we do this so an SEO youknow the world of SEO you want yourwebsite like W you know your website com- shop right not to 0 8 0 to whateverblah blah so you want to make sure thatthis is on our post name because this isthe correct permalink and this isbasically good for SEO and it'll helpyour search your website get inducted bysearch engines like Google Yahoo andBing alright so right here we go to SaveChanges and lastly one last thing righthere under users click on all users andyou're gonna find your name right thereso click on edit now if you want to likekind of you know customize this stuffyou are more than welcome to do that Ithink we're gonna go for a midnight Ithink Midnight's good and if you everwant to change your password in thefuture you're gonna do that actuallyright here so right here generatepassword I'm gonna go ahead and copythis and then I'm gonna go ahead and sayok I want to go ahead and use thispassword I want to click on update theprofile so if you ever want to changeyour password in the future that isexactly where you do it okay so that waspretty self-explanatory pretty easy soagain this is just like the basicdashboard of WordPress it's prettysimple like here's your post your pagesand all this stuff we're gonna gothrough everything guys so you guys aregonna be able to see this screen andknow exactly what to do you guys aregonna be professionals okay so the nextwe're gonna do guys is we are going topurchase the flat some theme now thereis also a link in the description ofthis video it will take you to a page topurchase the flat some theme so this isthe page you'll be brought to now thisis the flat some theme and it is thenumber one best-selling WooCommerce namefor WordPress now the reason why it'snumber one is not just because it haslike five-star reviews everywhere it'sbecause it allows you to reallycustomize your shop and it focuses moreon e-commerce a lot of the WordPressthemes that I've used in the pastand that I've kind of tinkered aroundwith a lot of them you know they'recapable of using WooCommerce but they'renot designed for it so this isspecifically designed for WooCommerceand e-commerce so it'll really help youout with your online store and there aretons of just great things about thispage builder that I'm gonna show you alllike it has a lot of templates itsdrag-and-drop you just simply just dragstuff in and it's really simple to useso I personally have this on my websitethat I'm using and I use it for a lot ofclient websites so right here you'llhave to click on Buy Now or Add to Cartnow I have already purchased this sametheme so I'm gonna go ahead and login tomy account and then I'm gonna getbasically show you guys where you guyscan download it so I've signed into myaccount right here and I'm go to mydownloads so right here I'm gonna goahead and scroll down right here andthis is the theme that you're going topurchase the flotsam multi-purposeresponsive WooCommerce theme so righthere just click on download and righthere you guys can actually look at yourpurchase code but for right now justclick on install or press file only nowif you guys need your code right hereyou can go ahead and download it andthen you can go ahead and open it andtake a look at your code that you canactually use to register it so you'llget updates and support for yourWordPress theme and I think by defaultyou get like I think six months or ayear of a support for your theme and ifyou want to extend it you can just clickon extend now it's only like I thinkit's like 20 bucks for another like sixmonths it's really really well prized soit's it's a very good deal so right hereI'm gonna go back to my domain up hereand right here under appearanceI'm click on themes now we were going toupload that specific theme so right hereI'm gonna click on add new upload themechoose the file and I'm simply gonna goahead and select d-flat some theme righthere so flat some and click on openclick on install now so now what we'redoing is we are installing the theme onto our websites alright so the flat sometheme has finished uploading right herewe'll click on activate and this isreally cool so right now you'll bebrought to a like a wizardand this basically like helps you withyour WordPress theme and alsowith settings so right here is hook onlet's go right here this is where you'regonna enter your purchase code so justlike we talked about earlier where youhad that little file you downloaded withyour purchase code on it you can goahead and copy and paste it and put itright here for now I'm gonna go aheadand skip this step because this is atest domain so right here skip this stepand then right here we have the optionto do a flat sum child theme now ifyou're not a developer you don't need toworry about this so most of you don'treally need to mess around with this notunless you are developer and you'remaking websites for certain people sofor now I'm gonna click on skip thisstepplug-in so we have some plugins that itit's actually asking us to install nowwe're not actually going to install allthese plugins so we're not going toinstall half of these the only ones thatwe really want to install is contactform 7 and maybe the wish list one righthere so right here I'm gonna go aheadand click on skip this step becausethese plugins actually are a littleoutdated and don't work properly and Iknow that because I've used and testedthem and I'm gonna give you actually a abetter plugin to install than some ofthese ones so these basically give youthe ability to have a social login soyou'll be able to do that on yourwebsite I'm sure you've seen sociallogin on a bunch of different websitesright here it says install demo contentdo not do this this is a total waste oftime so right here click on skip thistab they're basically gonna give you abunch of demos with empty blockseverywhere and they're gonna import allthis like just stuff on your site andit's just it just takes up all thisspace and you're not gonna even need itbecause I mean it's just it's not neededwe're gonna do this all by scratch soyou guys know how to do instead ofrelying on any of this demo content theydon't give you the images so it's reallynot even worth it so right here is wegonna upload your logo and we will talkmore about logos a little bit later andalso right here is asking us for apreset do not do nothing because we areactually going to do this by ourselfall right here click on skip this stepand right here it's asking us for helpand support so if you guys want to youknow look over this you guys are morethan welcome to but for those of you whojust want to get this done just click onagree and continue and pull-off we areall done and right here it's saying youcan join their Facebook group if youwant you know I don't use Facebook toomuchthink I don't know I think I'm gettingtired of social media right here youclick on visit your new websites alrightso this is what you'll be brought to andit doesn't look good at allit doesn't but not to worry it's gonnalook really really good and it's gonnalook amazing now before we continuelet's go ahead and take a look at ourprogress so we've already got our domainand hosting done congratulationsafter that we install the WordPressafter that we have purchased andinstalled the flat sum theme and nowwe're gonna go ahead and create ouramazing ecommerce websites so let's goahead and go back to the tutorial andyou'll move out to this page so let's goahead now and get started let's go aheadnow and actually install some pluginsand some pages and let's start learninghow to use WordPress so in this sectionwe're gonna learn how to create somepages I'm also gonna show you how youcan create a menu and then I want toshow you how we can design the websiteso first let's go ahead and make somepages so to do that we can go over hereto plus new and click on pagealternatively you can do it through yourdashboard so right here in our pages youcan go to add new and we're gonna goahead make some pages right here so thisis gonna be our homepage and click onpublish now I do want to note somethingif you guys like that full width stylekind of like I have it right here youwould change your page which should betemplate right here to full width if youguys kind of want that box look likeyou've seen in some of their demo so youguys can leave it as default templatesso right here I'm gonna click on fullwidth and make sure I click on updateall right and then right here again I'mgonna go to add new and I'm gonna go toabout so we're making our about Us pageand then here same thing pull thetemplate and lastly we're going tocreate our Contact Us page now the otherpages such as the shop page andeverything else they're gonna beautomatically created for us when weactivate the WooCommerce plugin which isbasically the plugin that gives us theability to sell online so here I'll docontact us and then right here fullwidth oh yeah I just saw bike manThursday it was pretty good I give itlike a 70 I gave an 80 percent BlackPanther 80percent good movie anyways so right herewe have the pages now we need to makethis basically we need to assign it to amenu so if you go to our website righthere and go to visit sites we don't havea menu right here so we don't have likethe the home they bow etc so let's goahead and create a menu for itit's right here under dashboard we'regonna go down to appearance and go tomenus and just go ahead and give you mynew name so I always do menu one man youone because good see I do it quite oftenI menu one and then right here we haveour pages now if you want to see all thepages click on View all so here we havehome about us contact us and we haveanother home page just going add themboth I'm gonna explain why there's twoso right here add to menu now by defaultWordPress creates a home page with acustom link so we don't want a customlink a custom link is something whereyou can basically put in a title likehere like you know our SoundCloud orsomething and then you'd put in likeyour SoundCloud address right here youknow you can put in anything so you'rebasically just creating a menu item anda link to anywhere you want but I don'twant to do thatbut that's basically what a custom linkis so right here you can like you knowcreate them but we'll talk more aboutthat a little bit later so right hereI'm gonna go ahead and say alright thefirst one I want to do home about us andcontact a contact us and I wanna make usa main menu and click on save menu soright here is basically where all yourmenu settings are so if you ever want tochange something on your menu this isgenerally we're gonna do it so forexample let's say you want to have adrop-down menu so first before I showyou that so I'm gonna go to visit sitesand show you now that our menu now isactivated so we have home about us andcontact us now if you want like adrop-down menu I'm gonna go ahead andshow you how to do that right here underthe dashboard section you can just clickon menus to make it looks like ashortcut section and right here I wantto take this and drag it and have aboutus as a submenu if I click on save menuand go ahead and visit the site againyou're gonna see that if I hover over itit's now going to have the about us if Iclick on it it's gonna take us the aboutUs page of course there's nothing thereso that's basically why there's nothingavailable there so I'm gonna go back andchange that really quick just giving youguys an example they also have likeposts and categories and custom linksthat you can add like for example youclick on add to menu and add a it'spretty simple for your post when we talkabout blog so we'll I'll talk more aboutthat how you can have it to your menuand also product categories when we talkabout product categories I'll show youhow to do that as well so right here I'mgonna say no I want this there and I'mgonna click on the Save menu ok and thenright here again we can give it click onvisit sites and then voilaso home about us contact us now we needto assign our homepage as our primarypage so when someone visits your websites what page do you want them to goto so right here under our customizesection you click on customize and thisis basically the theme customizer so inWordPress guys every theme has aspecific theme customizer with theirdifferent specific options and every onespecific settings so depending on thetheme that you use every customizer isdifferent so for ours right here we havehomepage settings and we want to displayour homepage as a static page and we'regonna select this home page as a homepage pretty simple too hope you guys arewith me so far pretty you knowself-explanatory that was part the mostcomplicated thing static page so now oursite is gone because we have nothing forour home page so we're gonna go aheadand create you know stuff on our homepage so right here click on edit with UXbuilder alright so now we're at our homepage so now we're designing our homepage and they have tons of templates youguys can use but I personally wouldn'tuse any of these because a lot of thetimes these modules are designedspecifically for certain images and Iwant you guys to kind of understand howthis page builder works and kind of likeyou know learn it so let's go ahead andget started so right here under add tocontent now we have a bunch of differentlayouts right here so they havedifferent layouts they have differentcontents and they have you know a bunchof different widgets and modules youguys can use so for example if you wantto add a Google map so you click onGoogle Maps you can add it right here ifyou want to click on like a search boxyou can add it right here you guys wantto do like you know an icon box etcetera so they have a bunch of differentlittle modules that we can use but Iwant to actually give you guys a quickpreview of the flotsam studio which isprobably themost impressive thing about thisWordPress theme so right here click onflotsam studio and guys they have tonsof pre-designed templates so rememberearlier how I kind of talked about Idon't have to design everything fromscratch and you know do everything likeother WordPress themes this flat simstudio is gonna save you a ton of timebecause they have literally coveredeverything so they basically have allthese demos and templates out here andyou don't have to specifically usetheirs but you can kind of get ideas andinspiration from a lot of their layoutsso right here they have a full widthlayoutsthey have another one right here anotherone here and you guys can just click onimport and simply just go ahead andupload it to your website now you guyscan also click on preview right here andI'll give you an example of what yourwebsite will look like so if I click onpreview you guys can see now this is allyou know looks really really amazing soif you guys want to add something likethat so you guys can mess around withthat but I'll go ahead and add in oneand then I'll basically show you guyshow to get rid of it's just in caseyou guys want to delete it whichprobably some of you are gonna have alot of fun to trial and error you knowso let me give you an example I'm gonnaclick on ecommerce right here and it'sgonna simply select one you guys don'thave to follow me here I'm just doingthis just for toll purposes so I'm gonnago ahead and select something like Iwill select something very simple likethis right hereor we'll do this one we'll import thisone all right and I want to import theimages as well and I'm click on tostarts so now it's basically importingthat layout all right and right here Iclick on update so update guys is likesaving so whenever you do something makesure that you click on update and saveyour changes so I want to see how thisactually looks on our website right nowso clicking on this X feature right herethis is exactly how our website looksright now so you guys can see it alreadylooks amazing you know so it's it'spretty amazing so the layouts are reallysimple really fast and amazing andthat's why flat sum is probably thenumber one selling WooCommerce theme outthere but let's just say for exampleit's like you know what this isn'tworking for me you know I just don'tlike this right here on our edit page Iwant to click on edit with UX builderand guys the UX builder is what we useto basically design the weblike with so right here I'm click onthis gear icon and say you know what Iliked it it was cool but I'm just gonnago and click on clear right here and sayyou know what's let's try something elseand that will basically get rid of theentire page and right here click onapply and update so remember don'tforget to click on update guys becausehave you guys do not do that it won'tsave okay but let's just go ahead andkind of learn how to use the pagewheeler itself so I've shown youbasically a little bit about theirflotsam studio but let's just say youwant to go ahead and you know add intomic a slider or something else let's goahead and get started so right here I'mgonna click on slider and right here wehave different options for the slider sowe have like you know draggable orbackground color etc but what I want todo right here is add some slides soright here I'm gonna click on plus and Iwant to add in a banner so now you canadd in a banner an image a logo etc butright here and click on banner alrightso this is basically our banner withinthe slider okay so remember the slidersetting just controls the actual slidersettings the banner is like the actualappearance of everything so the banneris basically your slider so right hereyou guys can kind of select differentsort of presets and guys these guys havedone an amazing job at doing thisbecause you know I've been doing webdesign for a while and the fact is theyhave this whole inline template oflibrary stuff is just so incrediblyamazing so let's go ahead and take alook I'm gonna say you know what's Ithink this one right here is pretty coolI like this one right here I'm gonnaclick on apply now guys there is a linkin the description for demo images so ifyou guys choose to use the demo imagesyou guys can use those to follow alongif not don't worry I'm gonna give you afew websites where you guys can actuallyget some free images for your website soright here we have like differentoptions right here right here we controlthe heights so if you want like a fullwidth you can do a full width andalternatively you guys can kind ofchange how this looks by just draggingit like that you guys can also click onthere presets of their Heights okay soright here I'm gonna do something likeI'm just leave it as like regular or I'mjust gonna do 16 16.9 16 what is goodand then right here we have the adminlabel so basically the admin label guysis just titling it so I'm gonna putright here because I'm not a girlpicture so if I'm editing later I kindof want to know what I'm adding so I'mgonna put in girl we have the high righthere the slide effect so the slideeffect is basically the animation whilethe image is there now you can't see itright now but I'm gonna go ahead andjust type in something like zoom out andit's gonna look like this right now butonce I add the background image and Iexit out you guys are gonna see whatit's actually doing so right here I'mclick on image and I'm going to click onupload files and I'm going to go aheadand upload my files now and you guys aremore than welcome to upload those seeright here images for tutorial and I'mjust gonna go and upload these nowthere's some websites I want you guys togo through so unsplash is great hehasn't go to unsplash calm and typesomething like night sky or somethingthey have tons of amazing and highresolution images as you guys can usealso pixels is really good I'll put allthese websites guys in the descriptionof this videobecause I know it's kind of hard to youknow find free images and this site isalso amazing for images and I think theactual image I used is here somewhere Iput girl where is she where is she she'shiding see it was like oh there it issee this one right here that's the one Iused also you guys can use free pickfree pick is also a very good websiteand this site is alternatively more forlike mock-ups and stuff but they havesome really cool stuff you guys can useand we'll talk more about like editingimages when we talk about logos andstuff but so this is another website youguys can use as well pixabay is anotherone and yeah I think those are reallygood so I'll leave some websites for youguys in the description of this video tohelp you guys out but I want to go aheadand say you know what I want to go aheadand grab this one right here and I'mclick on use this image alright so Ihave this girl now we can't really seeher we can't see the text too well andthe great part about this theme is thatwe can add in and overlay so right herewe have size color and overlay now Idon't want to put a color because I'madding a background image so the colorreally won't apply the size I alwayswant to leave it as original whenever Imake it bigger or like smaller it kindof comes out a little pixelated and itdoesn't work out for me so I want to dooriginal now right here under overlayI'm gonna click on thisblue section right here and right hereI'm gonna take this and slightly bringit to the left and it's gonna kind ofcreate that overlay right there so nowyou guys can see the image looks greatand also the you know that we can seethe text right here so it's not fullywhite we can kind of see it so that'swhy the overlay is is amazing and youguys can change the color of it you knowto anything that you want you knowwhatever whatever kind of color you wantto use but I just kind of want to usethat same blue color sorry here againclick on that and simply drag it downright there okay and another really coolthing guys let's just say you don't likethese positions now you can always dosomething like you know we'll talk aboutmargin and padding you can just click onthis little gear icon and kind of justmove it around to however you want soyou know the the inline editing is justamazing you know this is just so coolyou guys can do this because of otherthemes you have to manually type in thepadding and type in where you want itwith the padding and the margin but hereyou can just drag it wherever you wantit you know as long as it's within thesquare so that's pretty pretty amazingso let's go ahead and go down right herewe talked about position so the positionis basically where you want to put itsuch as the this section right here wecan kind of say what I want to emphasizethe image you know what I want toemphasize it more so we can kind of likeput it right there but I just want toleave it as something like standard sofor the position I'm just going to goahead and leave that blank because Ilike where it is but that's where theposition is and also hover so if youhover over its what do you want to do soright here you can see the hover optionits blurring out there we'll dosomething else like grow or glow wellthat's cool huh so she's glowing nowshe's glowing and then we have like anoverlay you can add an overlay color toit so you see now with the Blues comingin and you know you can add an overlayand other stuff so these are prettyself-explanatory guys like blur fade inglow it's just really what you want soI'm just gonna say you know what I'mjust gonna do none I don't want anythingelse I just want to keep it same you canalso add a parallax effect to this sothe parallax effects guys what it doesis that see how it kind of creates thatillusion that the the the image issitting still and you know we're kind oflike following you guys can add aparallax effect to your website now youguys can't see it really well right nowbecause we don't have any more contentat the bottom right here but we'll goahead and add inin just a second and also a really coolfeature I want to talk about is theeffects so here I'm gonna go and say youknow I don't want any parallax noparallax so the effects we can have it'sknow we can have it confetti and this isa great idea if you're like doing like asales page or something I mean thisright here is beautiful this is aperfect professional landing page thatwill probably generate you a ton ofmoney cuz people come here and say oh mygosh this girl's happy there's thisstuff I don't know what it is I want togo head and buy it you know that's kindof how it works in the world of webdesign and then you can have slidingglass you guys can have sparkle you guyscan also do some like rain but this isterrible I wouldn't do this this alreadyit's making my eyes bleed I don't likethat but the confetti is greateverything else is good so right herewould you know effect really quickly I'mgonna talk to you a little bit aboutborder now the borders I usually don'tlike but just particular purposes I'mexplaining what they are so for examplelet's say we have let's just add in someborder right here so we're gonna add 20what let's see maybe widen 10 11 10 1010 10 and then 10 so you guys can seeright here we have this kind of borderaround our image now the only thing Ikind of like that we can do is righthere in their style we can kind of likechange how the border looks so now wehave these little Brits and then we canhave dotted so essentially you can kindof you know decorate it with the borderand I kind of like that look because itlooks pretty cool now the margin issomething where where does it start fromso right here so you don't put 50 so nowbasically it's starting from 50 pixelsso 50 pixels it's gonna start right hereand we know we can do the same thingright here and right here and right hereso basically it's basically saying Iwant it to start from a certain positionso I wanted to start from 50 pixels fromthe top from the left from the bottom orfrom the right margin and padding guyscan be a little complicated but a betterexample of it would be when we actuallyuse modules but this is just a referenceof how you guys can use it and also guysremember this theme you can left-clickon it and just drag it you know you cansimply drag it instead okay but forright now I want to say I don't want anymargin so right here will click on X andalso for the border I'm gonna click on Xas well because I don't want any bordersalthough that looks pretty cool andagain you guys can always change theradius of it and you guys can alsochange the color of it as well so righthere you want to add a specific coloryou get some go ahead and do that rightthere so that is basically a quickrundown of borders and how to useborders and the great part is guys isthat these settings are basicallyuniversal so if you learn how to use itfor one module you basically learn howto use for all the modules in theWordPress theme so when you learn onesection you kind of master the rest ofthe wordpress theme which is pretty coolso here i'm click on X and say art I'mdone now video backgrounds I do notrecommend video backgrounds whatsoeverone of the main reasons why is becausevideo backgrounds do not play well oniOS devices so what that means is ifsomeone comes to your website via mobilewhich 50% of most users do now yourvideo slider will not play they might bebrought to a gray screen that looksreally ugly and they can't you know seewhat you're talking about and they couldpotentially leave your website so Idon't recommend video backgroundswhatsoever another reason why is becausesometimes the video backgrounds don'tplay well like for example you'll put iton your site and then people will cometo your site on a computer and sometimesit might not work because of theirbrowser or compatibility issues andthere's just tons of problems with videobackgrounds so I don't recommend if yourbackgrounds guys and I know many of thebeginners love video backgrounds butjust don't use them they're really notgoodhowever alternatively if you really wantto use them you can go ahead and grablike a YouTube video or upload an mp4and everything else I might have a fulltutorial on video backgrounds in anothervideo and that link may be in thedescription of this video but for rightnow I'm going to skip the video sectionbecause I really don't recommend them Idon't think you should be using thembecause again I've been in WordPress fora while and they can cause a ton ofproblems so I'll have a second tutorialjust for video backgrounds a little bitlater and we'll talk about that inanother section so basically guys wehave covered the banner section so righthere click on apply now let's just sayyou want to add in a second slider soright here that's a slider and righthere and click on a banner so now whatwe're going to do guys is we're actuallygonna create a second banner so again wecan click onany one of these right here and you knowmessing around with these and take alook so these are pretty cool so let'ssee here I'll go ahead and grab insomething it looks like this right hereI'll use a black one like that's okayand then right here I'll click on apply'and again right here we have the sameexact options guys so alternatively it'sthe same exact thing so you can go aheadand mess around with these now you dowant to make sure that the height issimilar to your first one because youclick up here right here we can go tothe second one and if they are differentsizes it's going to come out a littledifferently so I think right here we setit to 16.9 so on the second one righthere I'm gonna click on this gear icongo to options and that will basicallygive us the ability to edit this sectionso right here 16.9 alright andvisibility don't leave it on we willtalk about visibility let me talk aboutmobile optimization so for right nowwe're going to skip this but later thisisn't all we're gonna talk about mobileoptimization and I'll be a little bitmore transparent about visibility andreasons why you might want to use itso right here slide effect we can dolike zoom in and again you guys can'tsee that because of the there's no imagebut I'm gonna go ahead and put zoom infast and must select an image right hereI'm going to select something looks likethis right here so I'll add this girlhere alright and then right here we canadd in like a a background so for sizewe're gonna be like a original large etcbut I always leave it on the originalguy so it looks so much better and thenright here we can set like an overlaycolor so we want to keep it consistentremember guys in web design but it'sit's everything you know contentposition colors it's everything peoplereally buy products based off yourcontent positioning and images it'spretty funny it's really how the humanbrain works and also let's say you wantto move this around we can take this andjust kind of move it wherever you wantbecause you know it's just it's amazingthis is this team is amazing right hereso I'm gonna put it right here alrightit's going right there all right scrollit down here guys same options now it'sgoing to click on apply and update andlet's go ahead and take a look at ourslider so you can click on X you guyscan see how it's kind of zooming inbecause we added a zoomin effect andright here I'll click on this and nowit's zooming em so the first one waszooming zoomthis one is sorry zooming out and thisone is zooming in so hope you guys canunderstand what that's what thoseoptions are so let's say you want toedit this again again right here editwith UX builder if you guys don't likethose zoomin options which I think theycan get a little annoying you can goahead and go to options right here andjust take them offall right so now it's it's coming outgood and also the size again put it asoriginal because if you put it as largeit comes out very pixelated that's why Ikind of looked a little strange okay nowlet's just say you want to go ahead andtime the slider really quick so overhere in the slider click on options sothe options section for the slider guysis basically controlling how the sliderworks so like this is basically theoverall setting for the slider and ofcourse we have like focusedwe have shadow so another really coolthing guys is like when you have focusright here you can kind of like ifsomeone is someone scrolls through righthere it'll look like that which isreally cool really beautiful so that'sreally amazing going back over hereagain options so we're here there'sdifferent things settings you guys canuse like free scroll drag elbow like youwant to draggable if you want to dragonball people cuz I like kind of click onit and drag it wherever they wantclicking back here again slider optionsif you guys click on the actual sliderit's going to actually bring you back tothe banner section but this sectionright here is controlling whatever isinside the slider okay and again guysthese are pretty self-explanatory soright here we have navigation of coursewe can have it like offer on positionyou can have it inside you can have itoutside the size the arrows the arrowsare basically these little things righthere you want it to be like a simple oryou want it to be like a reveal oreither you go over it like that or youcan have it as is this circle which isthat section like that I think that'spretty good right and you can change itto like dark or light or you can havebullets so right here in the bottomsection if we close this out there'll bebullets right here and people cannavigate your slider with bullets butyou know it's just you know if you wantto have that you can also have an autoslide so for example let's say you wantto have this slide automatically you canset the timer right here so 6,000 msequals six seconds so if you want it toslide automaticallyyou can put something like three secondsand then it would slide every threeseconds so that's basically what theauto slide is and again auto slide willit'll just go through all of your yourslides automatically without peoplehaving to touch it or navigate it andyou know pause on hover so that means ifthey hover over it it won't it will notdo an auto slide if they go away from itthen it will auto slide okay so that's aquick rundown of this section so I hopeyou guys understand this section it'spretty self-explanatory like I said youknow there's you know the draggableoption the free scroll infinitive aswell again you guys can change themargin of this as well but I think zerois pretty good so we don't want tobasically push the slider anywhere elsewe want it to stay right there so hereI'm just gonna go and say okay so yoursfine anyway so site align we can do likeleft you can do rights because rememberwe want to choose which way we want theslider to look like basically come fromfour that's exactly if you have thisstyle set though so this corresponds tothe slide align and then right here youguys can do shadow which is pretty coolso for example right here we can set itlike that okay and I hopefully by nowyou guys understand how this kind ofworks so right here we have the sliderand remember any any banner within thisslider that's what we reading okay so Iwant to go ahead and make thisfullscreen I don't want to have to do itlike that but that's a beautiful littlestyle so if you guys want to do that doyou guys can so right here I'm gonna goto my style and just go to default andclick on apply and click on updateso we basically created the slider nowlet's go ahead and say maybe you want toadd in a link like for your slider rightso right here you see the button youjust hover over the button you click onit and these are other settings that youguys can change right here so right hereyou guys can go ahead and you know dolike the letter-case you guys can giveit a class so for example like buttonfor men you can change the color so youlike these are like quick sections youguys can you know you guys can changethe color but to where what you want butthese are like quick sections you knowlike alert success Y etc the outline youguys can change the outline here as wellthe size large larger or just normal andthen you guys can animate ityou know like it'll basically Adam eightonce the slider appears it can animateshere you can change the radius so youcan make it a little bit more circularthe DEF you guys can change the DEF ofits and it's going down here def hoveras well so a lot of these options guysyou guys can kind of understand whatthey are just by messing around with itso this is like a box shadow basicallyit's the same exact thing icon if youwant an icon you guys can add an iconsee now there's an icon you guys seenthat icon you can add a vision to theright or to the left sorry here I willsay no icon but they have tons of coolicons and you know you guys can misteron with that and then again here youguys can like you know just if you guyswant you guys can put it over here youguys can kind of drag and drop it Idon't recommend it though I do liketheir default settings and we'll talkmore about the drag and drop feature alittle bit later in the next sectionso basically also if you guys wants tolink this somewhere you guys can put itto like you know something like whateverlink you want now I'm actually going totalk more about this a little bit laterbecause we're gonna link our productcategories on this section I know I keepsaying that a lot that we're gonna do itlater but there's a lot to cover and Ijust really want to make sure you guysunderstand how this thing works beforewe you know go on to the next section soright here we click on apply and I'mclick on update so basically right herewe added a you know we did some featureswe added a link so now if someone clickson this button it will take them to thatspecific link ok but let's go ahead nowand move on to the next section wherewe're gonna go ahead and create the nextsection which is this section right hereso we're going to add in this sectionright here so let's go ahead and do thatso let's just say you want to keepdesigning your website right herethere's this + icon click on plus now wecan add in a row we can add in you knowwhatever you you know widgets that wewant right here but I kind of want toadd in something like I want to add inanother template right here so righthere I'm gonna go ahead and click on theplus and then go to fossum studio and Iwant to go ahead and find the categorysection so right here I'm going to go tocategoriesand then I'm going to go ahead andselect one of the ones that I use forthe demo which is this one right hereand click on import and then click onstart alright so now you guys can seethat we have this specific section righthere so this is great for a category solet's say for example that you guys wantto go ahead and add in productcategories which we're gonna talk aboutin just the bits this is basically agreat way to enable categories and againyou guys can always change the positionof this to wherever you want such asthat right there so we basically createdthis section but let's say for exampleyou kind of want to start using theactual you know the actual modulesinstead of relying on the flotsam studioso we have page title we have all theseother different things right here thatwe can use now I want to use one and I'mgoing to use this for probably theremainder of the actual tutorial whichis the title one so right here and clickon title and now we have a title downhere so I'm gonna go ahead and give thisa name right here so I want to put likeour categories and then right here wehave like an icon or different settingsnow I want to go ahead and you knowactually modify this myself instead ofusing the templates because you know ifyou want to modify the website you don'twant to rely just on the templates rightso right here I'm gonna say alright wehave the style I want to in the centerand this kind of creates a division it'sbasically introducing the next sectionof our area with this header right hereso right here we have color you guys cango ahead and change the color of its butagain I just want to leave it assomething like black so I'll just I'lljust click on nextI think that's an okay kind of colorwhat you guys think it looks good icon Idon't want an icon right here you can gochange the width of it so again you guyscan just simply drag it's something likethat's you guys wants to have like acustom width like that but I don't wantto so I'm gonna leave it blank marginand padding I'll talk about this in justa secondthe size so right here I want gonnaincrease the size a little bit's to makeit something that looks like that rightthere we'll use 100 we'll use like 150from now on 150see you 100 and sit there one more time1 5 I'll just go and do it like thisit's being weird it does that sometimeswelcome to WordPress well do you want 55and I don't want to link this anywhereso I want to actually kind of drag anddrop this saw right here my click onapply' now there's a few ways you guyscan do this we can take this right hereand simply left click on it and drag itabove our section like that or we can doit like this right here like that eitherway so you guys can use this section oryou guys can use this section so I wantto go ahead and take this and put it upthere now we have too much space righthere now we have a gap and there's a gapright here because when we inserted thistemplate there's a module for a gap so Iwant to take that out to put it likewe'll put zero so now we have thissection here now let's just say forexample you just kind of want to youknow reduce it a little bit more youknow so right here under my title wehave the margin top and we have themargin bottom so you can actually kindof mess around with the margins here tokind of get it to where we want itremember we talked about margins earlierwell this is a great way to use marginsand again you guys can kind of find outwhere you guys want it so I'll put itaround somewhere around there looks goodright so this is a great section guys soright here you guys can see that we haveour categories and is introducing thenext section right here which looksreally professional looks really reallygood so again this is a great example ofhow you guys can use this these littledividers to kind of introduce the nextsection of your websites to yourvisitors so I'm a click on apply andclick on update now let's just say forexample really quickly before we talkabout products that you want to actuallydo this yourself you don't want to usetemplates well I'm gonna go ahead andshow you how to use a page builderwithout using the templates sectionso right here I'm click on plus and Iwant to select a three column row nowthey also have grid they have all theseother things that we can use but I wantto first put a row in here so we have arow and you guys can choose differentrows so if you guys can see right herewe have oops let me go back there goback to options actually imma go aheaddelete this really quickly just becausethat um I I miss collect assess allright so here I'm gonna go ahead andtake this off I'm delete thatand right here and click on add tocontents and go to row again so we havethe row right here so we have a let's goback here let's see okay well one onemore time one more time at the contentand then the row okayso we have these different sections andwhat I'm just basically trying to tellyou guys is that you can have differentcolumn rows if you choose againI really recommend using their templatesection because it's amazing so if youwant a three column row that's fullwidth you guys can use the full widthsection do you guys want a three columnrow like this you guys can use the threecolumn row right there so I'm gonna gotype in three columns which we alreadyhave right here and then let's go aheadand add in something to these columnsright here so right here I'm gonna clickon this section and I want to enter inwe can enter in a first we'll enter in abanner alright so we have a banner righthere here me go ahead and click down soyou guys can see it so we have thissection and again you guys can move thisto any party that you guys want butright here I'm gonna change it somethinglike 450 I want to you know just alittle bit shorter you guys can alwaysmanually type it in as wellto make it easier for you guys to seeand then for the image click on selectmedia and I'm actually gonna use thatsame image that I use that the demo gaveus so right here we have the image theimage sizing is 1000 by 667 so here weclick on use this image now we have thisimage pretty cool so here we can havelike the color we can have the overlayetc now we I don't want any like kind ofuse the banner anymore because you knowwe've already set the banner but I wantto actually modify the stuff inside thebannerso right here I'm click on back nowright here if I want to check out what'sinside the banner I'm gonna click onthis little icon and it's gonna choosethe text box so in the text box we havetext so right here I'm gonna click onthis icon right here and go to optionsso this is basically controlling thetext box guys so we're basicallycontrolling now like the actual boxitself so not the text but the boxitself so right here we can selectsomething like circle square and thenyou know you guys can do light or darkwe can change the width of its we canscale itbut I kind of like it fitting like thatthat looks professional we can changethe margin and padding so if you guyswant to change the position of this ofthis bubble you guys can do that righthere you guys can also added padding toit so we talked about padding before youguys can kind of just you know messaround with these two kind of you knowjust check it out you know these arejust like they're prettyself-explanatory guys it's just how youwant it to look in it because there's somany options that you guys can you knowmess around with like fade and left soagain that's how we would set up thissection all right so then again we canalign it to the center or wherever youwant but I want to just go ahead and sayyou know what I want a kind of one asquare all right yeah square like thatand now I'm going to go over here andthen we can actually click the text boxand then here we can actually modify thetext so if I click on the gear icon fortext and go to options now we'reactually modifying the text itself righthere so if you guys want to mess aroundwith this you guys can add in more textit'll look something like that rightthere okay so I'm basically just kind ofexplaining to you how that works withthe the module now let's say you want toadd in a button here so right here andclick on this and let's find the buttonmodule so now we added in a button andright here we can change differentstyles of buttons you guys can kind ofsee how the buttons look all right clickon apply now we have different optionsfor the buttons so you guys can do lowercase small case you know you guys canchange the color the style the sizewe'll talk more about the font a littlebit later we're gonna talk about thatwhen we introduce plugins but I'm justgiving you guys an idea of how you guyscan you know mess around with this thebutton if you guys choose to you knowchange all the settings again guys theseoptions are pretty self-explanatory so Idon't want to get too much into everysingle button or every single modulebecause again a lot of these moduleshave these same exact settings as eachother and they're also prettyself-explanatory you know so hopefullyby now you guys are kind ofunderstanding how this works so againhere I want to move this down leave itlike that so the text box I'm gonnaclick on the text box again and I kindof want to make this a little bit biggerso for the width right here we can kindof increase the width maybe scale itdifferently like that'ssomething like that right there and thenmaybe right here we can you know put itto the center now let's just say forexample you guys don't want to do allthis work again you know because thiscan be a lot right so let's go ahead andduplicate this instead of actuallyhaving to manually create it all overagain so for the banner section righthere under the gear icon I want toactually duplicate this section so herewe have the banner now I'm gonnaactually left click on this and drag itover here to our other section righthere so I'm gonna click on this drag itright to the add elements alright prettyeasy and then do that again so I'm gonnaclick on the the banner section hereagain and I want to actually duplicateit so you guys can do it right here andagain you guys can also do it right hereso again you guys can see the bannerright here and then right here it'sthere again so I'll click on duplicateand then voila there you go and then wecan simply take this and drag it up hereand there you go so that is a very quickway and simple way to kind of makethings yourselfyou guys can always just click on theplus icon right here add in a row andthen simply go ahead and add in whatevermodules that you guys want in those rowsand columns and since you guys know kindof how to use like the other settingsand stuff it's pretty self-explanatoryis pretty simple but we're gonnapractice a little bit more or later whenwe talk about the about us page andcontact this page but for right now Iwant to go ahead and forget all thiswe're gonna go ahead now and create someproducts so I'm gonna go ahead and justdelete this whole section so it's adelete it right here I have this rowright here that's controlling thesethree columns I'm gonna click on thatand click on delete so I don't want thatno more I just like this section righthere I think that is perfectly cool solet's go ahead now and update this andwe'll talk a little bit more aboutdesigning our site a little bit laterwhen we talk about the about us and thecontact us page but that was a quickwarmup guys on how you guys can decorateyour websites so first I'm gonna showyou all how to create products throughe-commerce websites then I'm gonna showyou all how to create product categoriesand lastly I'm going to show you all howto customize yourshop your account and your checkout pagenow this will puppy the most difficultpart of this tutorial so if you have afavorite beer or drink now's the timeso let's go ahead now and create someproducts so to do that we're going toinstall the WooCommerce plugin so righthere I'm gonna go to my dashboard and goto plugins and go to add new right herewe're gonna type in WooCommerce againWooCommerce is probably the most popularplatform you know originally whenWordPress first came out it was intendedonly for a blogging platform and thepopularity kind of grew and people saidyou know what we can do a lot more withthis platform so right here underWooCommerce click on Install Now andclick on activate and you guys webrought to a page that looks just likethis right here now guys in the futurethis might change but I just want tokind of help you guys understand youknow the basic settings so we're gonnago through this setup wizardso where's your store based at well I'mgonna put mines in California and goahead and put your address so I'm gonnaput likeI'll use my dummy address I've alwaysused before and then right here we havewhat currency so put your currencyI am United States so I'm going to useUS dollar are you gonna sell physical orjust digital products well I might sellboth so I'm gonna go ahead and leaveboth right now and then right here I'mgonna go to let's go payments so righthere we have stripe and we have PayPalnow if you guys uses my recommendedhosting such as psych round com you guyscan use stripe because it comes with afree SSL congratulations but if you guysuse something like Hostgator you'regonna have to go ahead and pay for yourSSL or any other hosting company usuallymakes you pay for it so we will actuallygo ahead and create a stripe account alittle later you guys can always clickon and create a new tribe account for meand then do it yourself but we are gonnause stripe and PayPal because I wantyour visitors to have access to checkoutdirectly on your websites and also havethe option to go through PayPal as wellso we're gonna go ahead and use both andthen also we have off live and paymentswhich is like this is like the weirdstuff you know like you can take checkon cash on delivery and all this otherstuffbut let's be honest you know like whothe hell is gonna do that I that's crazyyou know like oh maybe we'll pay youlater no I'm not gonna do thatsorry here we go to continue so righthere we have shipping in guys the greatpart about WooCommerce is that they justintroduced live shipping rates so whatthat means is you guys can actually haveyour site linked up to USPS toautomatically pull the correct shippingrates and not to worry guys I will talkabout how you can set your own customshipping rates in case you want to makea little money or you want to give yourvisitors a discount on shipping so righthere we have the way unit so you knowhow heavy are your products are you guysselling fridges you're selling fridgesyou might want to do pound if you'reselling some my clothes might want to doounces and also dimension units you knowthe United States we use like inches andyards but for like other countries I uselike they're on the metric system sothey use like centimeters and meters buthere I'm gonna go ahead and say you knowwhat I just want to go ahead and clickon continue I do want to use the liverates so right here it's going toautomatically install jetpack and whocommerce services for us so click oncontinue so right here we have theautomated taxes so for those of you whoare in the USA congratulations we canget automated taxes I think this worksfor parts of Europe I'm not 100% surebut we will be using this and I willalso show you if you're not in theUnited States how you guys can actuallyset up your taxes no matter where youare so I know how to set up the taxesfor specific rates I'm a pro I knoweverything so I actually wants toactually set up jetpack so here we go tocontinue with jetpack and this is forpeople who want automated taxes youdon't have to do this but I'm going toshow you all the methods for taxes justin case so you guys will need to have account so here I'm clickon continue you guys can always go aheadand make your own all right so this islike my you know it so it's free to makea account guys so it'sit's pretty simple so right now it'sauthorizing my connection and again guysdon't worry if you guys don't have aWordPress account I will show you how toset up your taxes regardless but I alsowant to show people how they canactually set up their taxesautomatically so we've done everythingguys congratulationsthe next thing we're gonna do is we'regonna create our first product this isthat exciting and I hope it is so righthere and click on create a product soagain I have demo images in my file ifyou guys choose to use those you guysare more than welcome to alright solet's go ahead and get started so nowwe're making products so what are youguys really selling you know I don'tknow what you're selling but whateveryou're selling this is where we're gonnacreate the products alright and I wantto go ahead and just dismiss this youknow we don't need that we really don'tneed that and we have all these noticesup here I just want to dismiss all thesethese are really annoying they're justtrying to like you know warn you ofstuff they're actually being helpful byreminding you of things like you knowthis isn't connected or that's connectedbut we don't really need to do thatalright so I'm just gonna go ahead andclose all these just because I don'twant themalright closing those and dismiss thisokay so you'll be brought to a page thatlooks just like this right here and guysin the future if you ever want to makeproducts you go to your products and goto add a new product so if I click onadd new product it's gonna bring me tothis page again right here ok my websiteis running a little slow because myinternet connection is not the best soanyways so let's go and make a newproduct so right here I'm gonna do somelike woman's shirt women's woman's shirtnow right here this is called the longtail description now really quickly I'mgonna go ahead and go to my demo websiteand basically show you what I'm talkingaboutso I'm gonna make it very easy for youguys to understand so woman sure ok sothis section right here this is calledthe long tail description this is goingto show up right here on the bottom nowI know that's kind of weirdthat's the top part it's like inversedbut that's just the way it works so thispart right here you'll probably talkabout stuff like you know made withcotton this is like the technicaldetails you can say now you don't haveto put this this is just if you chooseto have it sorry here I have the productdescription then right here we addedsome you know some text and fonts if youguys want to add in like a big headersorry here like a product descriptionI'll go ahead and highlight this and addthis as a header so a heading is justlike a title it just emphasizedeverything and then right here you putlike this is made in Chinawhatever you want to put and then hereyou there's other options like gingka'scan align it to the center to the leftyou can have these in quotations if youguys use Microsoft Word these are likethe same things like bold italicize butI don't wanna get into much this becausethis is pretty you know this is prettyself-explanatory you can change the fontsizes the color everything else you guyscan do all this right here so you guysgonna kind of have fun changing allthese settings but for most of you youknow you might not care about that toomuch you just want to like list yourproducts so I'm gonna go ahead and justpaste this in all right now it's goingdown here we have product data so simplegrouped external and variable we'refirst gonna do a simpler product so howmuch does your product cost how muchwhat do you want to make well I want toput $200 is your product on sale if itis you can put a sale it's for $100 nownow how long is this sale going to lastwell I want to schedule it to I'm gonnado February 20th to the 28th so this ison sale is this taxable most likely yestax class we will talk about this alittle bit later when we talk about taxclasses you may or may not need thismost people don't use tax classes butjust for the toll purposes I will talkabout that a little later next let's goto inventory do you guys have a Scoob soif you guys are a store you guys can seeyour screen number here do you want tomanage stock so basically what this doesis it's going to tell people how manyyou have left so for example I'm gonnasay you know what's I got 10 left that'sall we got time left that's all we gothere back orders do you want to allowback orders so what that means is if youweren't out of the product if you haveno more do you want to give people theability to still purchase the product ifyou have no more if you do you click onallow if you don't you click on no allowsold individually never check this boxthis is very rare circumstances this isbasically saying if you have thischecked and someone wants to buy thisproduct they can only buy it by itselfnow in veryour circumstances you would use this boxbut for 99 percent of you you would notcheck this box shipping so how much doesthis weigh well it raised about uh Idon't know sixteen ounces what's thedimensions of the length well you knowit's ten ten inches and then for thewidth we have you know nine inches andthen for the height I'm gonna do 15inches shipping class we're gonna talkabout that a little later but for againfor most of you you might not need touse that link products so what is across sell and what is an upsell so anupsell guys is something that yourecommend when someone's actuallylooking at the product have you guysever been in and click on anitem and it recommends you differentitems that is what we call is an upsellcross-sell is something that yourecommend at checkout so when someone ischecking out you know it's gonnarecommend whatever items you put here soonce we make some products will add someupsells and cross-sells but personally Idon't recommend upsell or I'm sorrycross-sells the reason why I don'trecommend cross-sells is because ifsomebody's already out the door to checkout you know authority says someone saysyou know I'm gonna buy this productalready I'm gonna buy itI'm going to check out why confuse themeven more by recommending more items Idon't even think Amazon does that Ithink Amazon will recommend accessoriesfor the products but not other productsso I am all for upsells cross-sellsit can be a little gamble you could makemoney you could lose money that's mypersonal opinion about cross-sellsattributes don't worry about this we'lltalk about this we talked about variableproducts advanced purchase no so ifsomeone buys something what do you wantit to say thanks brothere we go thanks bro so they get itpurchased no same things bro if they buythis product menu order this can be alittle outdated because a lot of thethemes such as flat sum we can actuallyposition certain categories but if youwant to change the specific ordering foreach specific product you can do thathere by saying like minus 1 or minus 2and basically let's say for example wehave minus 9 or something this productis going to show up first and then thenext item – 4 – 3 – 2 so it's basicallynoonEric Lee numbering the items in yourshop which can be very tedious and notuseful I don't recommend menu ordersbecause you can always categorysomething to say like our feature itemsyou know men's items etc so I don'treally recommend menu order it'sbasically the order you list productsbut again you know you can use thatextra so extra is theme options just forflats um but let's just go ahead andcreate the product first before we talkabout extra so I'm gonna skip extra andwe'll talk about it in the next sectionwhen we talk about another product soproduct image you guys need to give yourproduct an image so what do you wantpeople to see when they first look atyour product well we got this growerhere yeah she's sexy she's having a goodtime so we'll add her okay so we haveher right there now what other picturesdo you have of this girl or a productsorry here click on gallery images andI'm gonna select this one right herealright and then we'll add on one moreokay so now we have two gallery imagesscrolling down here now this is probablythe most important part guys this partright here controls this partso right here I'm go ahead and copy andpaste this and paste that right therepaste it right there we go so I justbasically added a dash and then you knowtyped in something and again these arethe same options as the other ones soyou guys can go ahead and add inwhatever options you know you guys wantyou guys can add in a small image righthere by clicking on add media and addingsomething else but again that's kind ofworthless because we already addedproduct images and product galleries soyou know I don't really find a use foryou know adding media or a contact formfor a product you know maybe for like aninquiry or some like that but generallymultiple sites don't have this like I'venever seen that actually and then we'rehere we have sharing buttons make sureto do that because you never knowsomeone can share a product so webasically made the product but let'sjust say we want to go and edit sometags so right here I'm gonna add in likewoman's shirt and then I don't knowwoman's shirts like these are basicallytelling people what your product is soif someone sees your tags they click onit it will take them to related productsso women's shirts I'll do like sexyshirt all right and this section righthere is probably one of most importantones so add a new category so thissection is just for women's productswoman's and I'm gonna add that to thecategory guys this is very importantbecause categories are the best and onlyway to categorize your items withWooCommerce so if you wanna have like amen's woman in accessories categories iswhy you add categories so let's click onpublished let's go and see this productnow and guys people can actually buythis like immediately like if when youwhen you set your stripe options andyour paypal options they can come toyour website and buy this right away soit's not like we're really far from thestore the store is actually very closeso here I clicked on view products andthere you go so we have the sale icon wehave women's shirt and we have you knowthe in stock and then right here we havethe images so and then they can like youknow take a look at it look at it andkind of check it out pretty cool andthen right here you know we can zoom inyou know zoom in however you want it sothis is a great way for your customersto kind of you know look around righthere we can add in reviews and also wecan set something later where people canactually set reviews that have onlypurchased a product so if you have abunch of trolls out there who just likehate your sites don't worry you canprotect it by having people who haveonly purchased your product make reviewsso we made the product now before I goon any further I want to show you how toedit this page that's the great partabout flotsam is that you can actuallyedit this page you know by default guysother themes you cannot change anythingon this page whatsoever so right hereclick on customize so we have differentsettings over here we have heading styleblah blah blah so right here we click onshop product page and we have differentoptions guys so you can have like a leftsidebar a no sidebar will talk aboutsidebar guys when we talk about widgetsand stuff like that but for right nowwe're not going to use those because wedon'thave any widget sorry but right here wehave different things like you knowproduct header we can add in a colourheader or a title header right here nowlet's just say for example that you wantto like you know make this look a littledifference you guys can go ahead and dothat so there's tons of options righthere guys where you guys can add a lotof stuff so you know you guys can have atransparent header next and previewnavigation you guys can you know takethat out so the transparent header nowit's not transparent here going downhere we have the product image style soyou can have it like that or you canhave it like this where the images areat the bottom cool huhand then right here we have differentlight boxes like the flat sunlight boxthe light box is basically this style ofwhen it opens so when you click on itand that little light box opens up it'sjust different styles you guys can useto navigate it also product image hoverzoom so if someone actually hovers overthe product it's going to create thislittle section right here where it's oomzin so you can choose to have that ifnot so you guys can go ahead and takethat out right there product summaryproduct title divider so we can add aproduct title divider or you can goahead and add it in or you can go aheadand take it out and also you guys canlike do text alignments so you know thecenter and then right here we up to theright and then to the left all right andthen forum style you know we can changeit to defaults or we can change it toflat as well for the forum style as wellyou know you guys can show categoriesyou guys can show the social iconsproduct inline tabs so right here thiswas control this section right heresorry here let's go ahead and changethese up let's see we can do producttabs align so right here you can see thetabs are moving around and we do theleft and of course guys you know thisthese are you know I would say you don'treally need to have these but you knowif you want to get customizable you cando that I like pills the best I thinkpills is cool see how it's like that nowor you can just do it like line tabssound like that you know but it's agreat way to decorate your shop and youknow I'm sure there's a lot of usefulways youcan use to decorate this stuff righthere so here we have like OpenCart righthere products and upsells now you guysdon't have to have this because we canset this in the theme options or you canyou know add them here it's really up toyou custome it custom HTML you guyswon't need because most of you aren'tdevelopers so if you guys want to goahead and you know add in something likeNats you guys are more than welcome to Ithink a lot of these options guys arejust amazing you know especially likewith the product header and stuff likethat you guys can you know change it towhatever option that you guys want andthen again you guys can go ahead andmess around with these settings becauseyou know it's just it's just cool tomess around settings you know you cankind of change this with their titledivider etc okay so it basically shownyou guys a little bit about how todecorate the product page and everythingelse and like the product header andstuff like that so I'm gonna go aheadand add in the I want the a menu back Idon't want it to be transparent so I'mgonna go ahead and take out thetransparency because that looks kind ofugly okay and then right here we'll goback and then we have category page aswell so we talk more about categorypages I'll talk more about this like forthe headerI think the header actually is better toactually change so right here for theheader click on uncheck it'll give itthis blue section I think that's muchbetter than the image itself so this isactually a category guys so this sectionright here controls the category page sothe other options that we were using wasif you have no categories then again youguys can always change like the liststyle and everything but this we'll talkabout a little bit later when we talkabout the actual category page itselfokay so this is the actual product pageand here you know this is the header forthe category so we can like you knowshow the title and stuff like that solet's go ahead and make another productand then we'll talk more about categorypages in just a bit so we just kind ofcustomize the product page okay so let'sgo ahead and go to plus new and go toproduct so let's go ahead now and makeanother product we just made one and itscored make one more so we're going todo like a woman's sexy shirt woman's arewe do that woman's clothes woman'sclothesfor for cool I don't know woman'sclothes what does the woman's clothesand then right here I'll go ahead andtake this description again and thenright here I'll put it right here justscrolling down here I'm just gonna goahead and add this price now you guysdon't need to follow me here because I'mjust simply going I'm just basicallymaking product categories so I'm justgonna go ahead and just you know brushthrough this really quick just to giveyou guys an example of the category pageitself because you might want tocustomize that sorry here it's gonna goahead and paste this in there we gopasting it and then set a image righthere so here we'll go ahead and selectthis curl right here and then I'll goahead and select an image like that andthen this is woman's and I think I'm allready to go so I'm gonna go ahead and goto publish now all right it ispublishing alright so let's go and clickon View product and again right here wehave the same product you know andpeople can always like you can kind ofbrowse through take out the next onewhich is pretty cool that's anothergreat part about this theme guys and alot of things don't have these optionsso this is really amazingso we basically created a category forwomen so without going into the nextproduct I kind of want to show you allhow you can actually customize yourcategory page itself so I'm gonna goahead and go to our menu and I'm gonnago ahead really quickly and show you howto add categories to your menu it'sreally simple so over here I'm gonna goto menus and now we have more optionsright here so we have product categoriesand we have women's I want to add thatto the menu alright and we have awoman's right there alright also if youguys go to the other see we got we gotWooCommerce endpoints you guys can dolike the orders downloads accountdetails lost password etc for yourcustomers but for most of you we're notgoing to go ahead and do that also herefor pageswhat you guys have to click on view alland add the shop and the cart thecheckout actually no we're gonna do myaccounts and yeah my account in shop andclick on add to menuso I'm we basically created these pagesbecause when we activated will commerceit automatically created those pages forus so we don't need to do all the hardwork so right here I'm gonna go aheadand just kind of categorize these towherever I want and go to write here sayvenue now a good strategy guys is totake your category and drag it underyour shop like that and that's how mostwebsites habits so let's go ahead nowand take a look at our site alright sowe have the home Beebe out and we havethe shop and right here we have women'snow if I click on womans it's gonna showus all of the categories for womens soevery product I made for the women'ssection is going to appear right herewhich is really cool this section righthere guys we talked about widgets don'tworry about that we're going to talkabout that when we talk about pluginsbecause there's a lot of differentplugins and things you might want to addto your store but for right now I'm justgonna go and show you if you guys decideto customize this section you can dothat so right here I'm gonna go tocustomize and go to category page okayso let's go ahead and scroll down hereand we have list style so we canactually change how this specificallyworks so let's go ahead and actually youknow let's go back here I'm gonna giveyou guys a better preview of this bygoing to our woman section sorry hereI'm gonna click on customize now okaythat's what I want to see so now we canvisibly see the category page that was alittle weird so over here we have ourshop and we have our category page soyou guys can add a sidebar or you guyscan you know not at a sidebar but Ireally want to show you guys is thissection right here where you guys canclick on this and kind of change how itlooks like thatalso you guys can have a messy grideffect so basically this theme willequalize the images for you however ifthese are all different image sizes itcan kind of create that grideffect look so that's basically what Ikind of wanted to show you guys aboutthis and again right here we have theproducts so you guys can like view himif you want to look like thatthat's another style that you guys canuse here you guys can click on equalizethe height column and then you guys canactually change the height columndepending on how you guys want this tolook so you know that's pretty cool sogoing back down here how many productsyou want per page well I want twelveproducts products per row you guys canhave two you guys can have one you guyscan have three you guys can have a lotso it just depends on how you want tocustomize it also for the header againwe talked about that it's gonna show upright here okay so you guys can kind ofhave fun you guys can show the titlewhatever you guys want to do and thenright here a products per row for mobileusers so just for mobile users you guyscan set a specific amount of products toshow and then right here we can add abackground to it or you can add a titlebackground color so you guys can goahead and change the title backgroundcolor as well something that you guyswants right here you're not changing thebackground color for this section okayand then you know you guys can go aheadand go through some of these you knowset featured images background orwhatever buts everything wouldn't add apicture guys it's it's not it's notideal and it could come up really weirdand then right here you guys can changelike the the category box so for exampleguys another thing I'll talk about isyour prices so let's say for example youwant to change this pricing to make itlook like this or like this you see howthe prices are now aligning differentlythat's the great part about this themeguys you guys can change how what thisspecifically looks and then right herewe have the product box style so wecan't see this yet because we don't haveany other categories so once you makedifferent categories you guys will beable to understand that a little bitmore here we can add in a drop shadowyou guys choose to add a drop shadow sonow you guys can see that there is ashadow around our products which lookspretty cool then right here like a dropshadow hover so with the hover means ifsomeone hovers over it it's going tocreate a different box shadow so againguys this is amazing it's an amazingtheme and there's just so much you guyscan do with itso Add to Cart button right now we haveno Add to Cart buttonso if you guys want to add an Add toCart button on the picture you guys cando that so right here we have thisreally cool Add to Cart if someoneclicks on it it will make this littlepop-up and then they can add it to thecart and here you guys can see theproduct is inside the card so that'sreally really coolhere again we have a different style Ilike this style I think this is the bestbecause it has the product yeah it looksreally nice you know and yet the cart isreally convenient you just click on itand add it to the cart really fastso it doesn't take you to another pageit doesn't take you anywhere elseit just does everything right there soit's pretty incredible here we can showthe ratings let's be honest let's justsay someone gives you some bad ratingsand you don't want it to show up wellyou can just say you know I'm not gonnahide those we're gonna show it we'regonna hide the ratings but we don't addany rings yet to our product so it's notgonna show up but once we add someratings it will show up on our productshow-short-description if you guys wantto show a short description you guys canhave it like that now this is only goodin conjunction with the other style ofproduct that we talked about which isthis one right here now this would beideal now it doesn't look well righthere because we have to change theactual image height and stuff but ifyou're gonna run this list style youmight want to add a short description ofit so that looks really badbut um you know you guys can change thatby adding more column or more productsto the row so I'm gonna go ahead and goto or change this back to this righthere and then right here scroll down andlet's keep talking about what we'retalking about so right here at the cartbutton show categories disable quickview so if you don't want people to havethe quick view option which is thisright here you guys can actually disablethat but I think that's really coolbecause it's super clean do you knowit's it looks great you know it looksamazing and then we have the cut of thesales bubbleso right here its circle now it's squareand now it's kind of you know it's it'skind of falling off the page but youknow that kind of counts as a look rightthere it looks really cool and then hereinstead of saying sale you can say likesuper hot super hot wait wait wait waitwait wait there we gosuper hot and also guys instead ofhavingonce you guys put stuff on sale insteadof having like the actual like like thesale thing you guys can actually addlike a percentage and settle the salelike on so how much was this off likehow much is it off well instead ofhaving a sale you can live I'm sorry youcan put a percentage right there sothat's really really coolso that's basically guys a quick rundownof how you guys can you know fullymodify your product category pages so umif you guys don't understand it fullyright now don't worry about it becauseum you know we're gonna go ahead andkeep talking about products and alsoshow you guys how you guys can add animage right here with this sectioncalled blocks so we'll talk about blocksa little bit later in this tutorialso let's go ahead and click on X so wehave our product category page which ispretty cool so we've only done oneproduct we've done a simple productlet's go ahead now and create a variableproduct so if you guys don't know what avariable product is if I go to my shoppage right here this is my my other oneright my demo website here we havedifferent variables so right here I havesmall and I can just a blue or red andwe can change the price of this guy's wecan change you know we can basicallychange this to any which way you wantyou can add one variable you can add twovariables so let's just say you haveonly one color you can add as manyvariables as you want so size color menare women you know whatever you want toadd you can add it in as many variablesas you want so let's go ahead and keepgoing so we did our product page whichis really really cooland we'll talk more about the productpage a little bit later in this tutorialso right here I'm gonna go to plus andgo to product all right so we're nowwe're going to create a variableproducts sorry here I'm gonna do men'sshirt and I'm gonna go ahead and justsimply you know take this and stuffright here just you know just just copyand paste this stuff you know okayso right now under a product data I wantto select a variable product okayand right here again same options guysso nothing has really changed herenothing has changed whatsoever so theshipping everything else everything isthe same so the only thing we need to donow is add some attributes and somevariations so right here it says beforeyou can add a variation you need to addsome attributes on the atributes tabso right here I'm click on attributesand click on add so basically what kindof attributes you want well I want sizeor I want color sorry here sighs so whatkind of size well we have small now thesign above the enter sign so usuallyit's like that you must hold shift andthen press the button or but it's a good- so it's the key above the enter signokay so hold shift and press it so wehave small medium and large so we werecreating just one attribute right now ohI saw that wrong sorry here I'm gonnaclick on used for all variations and goto save attributes so right now we onlyhave size okay so I'm gonna go ahead andfirst just do one just to make sure youguys understand how just to do just oneokay maybe you guys only want one I'mnot really sure but if you guys don'twant to I'm just gonna show you how todo one and two you guys wanna do threeor four and five I'm sorry you guysdon't have to do it by yourself but whouses you know that many attributes soright here under variations we're gonnaclick on create variations from allattributes and click on go and they'rewarning you saying are you sure you wantto do this just say yes never look atwarning signs just always put yes youknow that's what most people do thoughokay so it's it's creating ourattributes all right so three variationshave been added so we have small mediumand large so first I want to select aproduct image right here so I'm gonnaselect uh well select this one righthere okay and then we'll go ahead andset a well add in a product galleryimage for that right there as wellso right here we click on productgallery image and click on this oneright here all rightso right here at our small click on thisarrow right here put the image so we'reusing this one right here now how muchdoes this cost for the small well thesmall is $19.99 and again guys this isthe same options as the single productso a sales price is it in stock how muchdoes it weigh shipping class we'll talkabout later this fly by later anddescription talk about the same thing soif they buy it what do you want to sayso yeah good good deal good deal allright so we basically made the small onenow let's click on this and go to largeI'm sorry medium upload an image sale$19.99 now guys you must put the priceif you do not put the price the productwill not be able to be purchased so ifit ever is missing you know why you canprobably miss the price somewhereso right here upload an image so likethis and then again I'm gonna go aheadand put the actual price right here okayand then again you know I'll go aheadand click on Save Changes now I'm gonnago ahead and add in some dummy contentsright here so I'm just going to simplygrab this and put this as our short taildescription alright and I think we'reall ready to go now really quickly Iwant to set this to men's because wewere making products just for the mennow now really quickly guys undervariations it says default form valuesso by default where do you want it to beat by default medium small or large thatso that means when someone actuallyviews the product and they see theproduct what size does it want it to beon default well I'm gonna put it onmedium for now and right here and clickon publish alrightoh it's being a little weird publish theanimal WordPress guys sometimes thingshappen that's kind of weird so righthere and click on view product alrightso now we have the product and we havesize small medium and large ok so that'spretty simple to understand so againit's it'sthe same price it's 1999 that doesn'tmatter what we put it up so let's sayyou want to add a second variation whichis something like color right maybe youwant to add a size and color orsomething else so let's go ahead and goto edit the product now guys I'll bevery honest variable products areprobably the most confusing productyou'll ever work with every otherproduct you guys have seen like groupproduct single product split productsit's very self-explanatory so if this isa little confusing for you don't worryabout it just because now I know that'sit can be very it can it can be veryconfusing when you're first learning howto use these stores for like you knowvariations so really quickly guys I'mgoing to go ahead and go to attributesand I want to go ahead and remove thiswe're gonna start over from scratchso right here I'm click on add and let'sdo it againso sighs and then oops I spilled itwrong so small medium and large used forall variations say view tributes nowwe're gonna go ahead and add in anotherone we're gonna add in color so we herecolor so we have striped blue and thenwas add in red and then right here I'lldo use for variations and go to saveattributes all right now undervariations again I'm gonna go ahead andremove all these because we're gonna goahead and add in some more so I'm gonnago ahead and just get rid of all thesethree right here all right it's going alittle slow remove and let's remove thislast one all right now right here kreivariations from all the tributes and goto go and it's saying you're sure youwant to do this just put yes guys justbut yes all right so now it's basicallyadding in our attributes to ourvariations so it's going to basicallygive us a few options this time so it'sgonna give us nine options now so righthere we have small stripes small blueand small red medium striped medium bluemedium red large stripes large bluelarge red so you guys will have to goahead and put a namein price for each of these so I knowthat can be a little annoying but if youguys have like 5,000 variation items Ifeel bad for you that's a lot of work soright here upload an image and uh yeahit does this sometimes guys you knowwhat people tell me like hey you know itdoesn't work well on your website or youknow sometimes you get no errors I doget air sometimes so here I have thatone $19.99 I'm gonna close it small blueand then I'll use this right here ofcourse you know this is just front oftrial purposes you know so these itemsdon't really quarterly quarterlycorrelate correlate oh we have a smallred right there and then again 1999 allright so we basically made it for thesetwo items or these three so the nextthing we have to do guys is make it forthe rest so I'm gonna go ahead and justdo that really quickly you guys can youjust kind of watch me medium blue $19.99you know a lot of people like when Imakes Heights for them they have reallylarge websites with a lot of productsI'm just like man like a lot a lot ofproducts it's really hard but you'reselling like just like 20 items it'seasy but if some people have likethousands of items I'm just kind of likeman like that's a lot of work yeah likehire some guy to do before you knowlarge blue did I put a price here – Iput a price for this one right here Ithink I might have missed it yeah guysremember you must put a price it isrequired okay so it's not gonna work ifyou don't have no price so right hereI'll do large red okay I'm so large redand then $19.99 and go to Save Changesso we added in all the variations guyslet's go ahead now and take a look atour variation product so here we go toupdate and go to view product so we havethe size so remember meeting by defaultsmall striped small blue and small redand someone can just click on Add toCart and voila and guys that's a reallyclean style like it just looks so cleanlike it's it's it's user friendly it'seasy and then from here they can clickon you the carttake a look at their stuff they can addmore right here they can add less we canactually decorate this specific sectiontoo but before we do that before we getahead of ourselves let's keep with theproducts in the front page and we'll getthere we'll all get there you know we'reall gonna have fun it's it we're workingwe're working we're making progressso we basically made a simple and avariable product so hopefully by now youguys know how to make products and it'spretty simple pretty easy so let's goback to our home page here and let'sfinish the rest of the home page on ourwebsite so let's go ahead and go to mydemo websites and right here you guyscan see we have these specific productsand then we have products latestproducts on sale so the next thing we'regonna do guys is we're gonna actuallyput in a categories on our front page soI'm gonna go ahead and make one moreproduct right here I'm gonna make a yougot the follow me here I'm gonna goahead and make a woman's product just sowe I have three products so you guys cankind of understand how this worksso I'm gonna shirts and then right herejust gonna put like demo and then righthere I put $19.99 and then right hereI'll do women's set product imageI'm gonna go ahead and select a image okdoes that sometimesthere goes ok it's just being weirdalright so then I'm gonna go ahead andselect another image so I selected thisone and this one and I'll just go aheadand select this one now I'll just it'slike the same image and then right hereI'll do like I did some short taildescription you have to follow me hereI'm just gathering some demo contentjust to make it look clean you knowall right and then women's and thenclick on publishall right so let's go ahead and go toour front page now and now I want to goahead and add it in the categories rightthere so let's go ahead and turn on theBuilder so edit with UX builder to ourfront page and I'm gonna show you nowhow you can actually add products toyour pages okay so I'm gonna go aheadand scroll down right hereand I'm lazy you know I don't want torecreate another section right here soI'm just gonna go ahead and duplicatethis section and you know just changethe title of it so right here I go toduplicate and I can actually just clickon this again and just drag it downright here now the reason why its offthe page right there is because I havemargin over there remember so rememberwe had a our margin so I'm gonna goahead and take out that margin okay soright here I'm gonna put women'sproducts because we're making a productcategory section for women so right hereI'm gonna put women's products now allright here mythical on+ and I'm gonna goto products so scrolling down here I'mgonna go to products because we areentering products now guys this nextsection it's you really got to payattention because the great part aboutthis theme is that this theme can doimage resizing it can do imageclarification it can do a lot with yourimages and a lot of themes don't offerthat so I really want you guys to kindof pay attention here to kind of reallyfully understand how we can edit thisand make sure your image is fit becausehalf the time guys images can be a totalpain in the butttrust me images can be a total pain soright here I'm gonna click on apply andclick on update all right so we havethese four images now I kind of want tomake our screen right here a little bitmore full width so let's go ahead and goto the theme customizer really quicklysorry here I'm gonna go to customize nowright here under layouts I want toselect under this site content with Iwant to go ahead and put 1400 because Iwant to basically make our page a littlebit bigger so it is full width but Iactually wants to you know basicallymake it a little bit longer so now youcan see our our categories are getting alittle bit longer and thenwe have women's products right here butdon't worry we're gonna change thisreally quick now if you guys want to adda description in you guys we'll do thatthrough the theme customizer but let'sjust first continue with putting women'sproducts there so I'm gonna go ahead andedit the UX builder again and guys ifthis ever happens or it just crasheslike this just refresh it it'll it'llwork it'll go back to normal there we goso going back over here so right hereunder productsI'm click on options now I want toactually go down and I first want to goahead and filter this by categories soright here under posts or we havecategory I want to select women'sbecause I want to only select women'snow I did add some products like I pausethe video and said some products becauseI want you guys to kind of see how thisworks maybe you guys you know don't have5 or 6 products right but I want to kindof show you guys you know how this worksso I basically put in products rightthere and there's different ways youguys can kind of style it so there'slike normal there's overlay where youwould like to go over it there's anoverlay right there and then there'salso all these other ones but first youknow if you guys look at this right hereit kind of looks the images kind of looka little like cut off it doesn'tliterally look correct so I would putthis under normal right here now I'mgonna go ahead and scroll down righthere to the image section so I justpassed it we have image now the greatpart about this theme guys is that wecan fully edit the images to make themlook correct so the first thing I wantto do is for the size I want to go andput original so these are the originalimages that I uploaded and you guys cansee it looks crisp it looks reallyreally clean and looks really good rightand also I want to select the height soright here I put half so this isselecting half now I'm selecting ahundred percent now I'm selecting 200%so now I'm selecting 4.3 so this themehas a full image resizing module builtinside of it to make it really reallysimple for you to fix your images andagain we can kind of just like scale ita little bit to get the exact heightthat you guys want so right here up withsomething like 155 or we'll putsomething like you know 125 you know youguys can kind of you know understand howthat worksand then also for the width we canselect the width right here and then wecan also select the radius as well tokind of give it that look right therethat's circular look which is reallyreally coolso I basically added these in but I wantto add in maybe more images right Idon't want to have to add in you knowjust four so I want to add in a littlebit more so to do that I'm gonna go backover here to our columns and add in fivecolumns so now we have five images righthere and now for the the type right hereyou guys can do like different styles soagain the layout they have a lot ofreally cool ones you guys can selectlike row missionary and then also wehave grid which it basically createsthis little kind of like look right hereso there's different ways you guys canreally customize your shop and thenright here you guys can choose like thegrid height you guys can go through likethe grid high and each specific type oflayout to kind of achieve what look youwant for your e-commerce websites butfor the style right here or for thelayouts I'm just gonna go ahead andselect like a slideralright so we have our images right hereand I want five columns and then ofcourse we can add in some def right hereyou know it can get some emphasis of theproduct and then def hover someonehovers over it and of course we can addin like a animation so it'll slide in tothe left like that so it looks reallyclean and our products look reallyreally goodand all this stuff right here can kindof control like you know left/rightmedium size etc small large you know youguys can kind of like you know fix thetags and you guys can you make the textfade in and out yeah so it looks reallyreally cool you know you guys can do allsorts of different stuff for hover oryou guys can add in some backgroundcolor to whatever you want to reallycustomize your shop but you know I don'twant to kind of go through all the basicsettings you guys kind of understand youknow the post Auto slide of the slidersettingsyou know fade into left etc so this is aquick rundown guys of how you guys canadd these specific products to your pageand make them look really really goodand also if you guys want to add in thedescription of the products you would dothat through the theme customizer so forexamplesay you want your products to show upnow this is being weird sometimes so I'mjust gonna go ahead and do that and goto customize so sometimes um you know ifthe Builder gets a little backed up youjust got to kind of mess about with itand fix it so scrolling down right herenow you guys don't have to follow me butI just want to show you something so Iwant to basically add in like theproduct description so for the productdescription I believe I'm gonna go aheadand do that through the it is throughthe shop and then I think it's theproduct page I think the product pagewill actually apply it to our imagesthat are not even in the product itselfso let's see if I can do this right hereI believe it issorry I don't memorize every theme inparticular you know so if I if I don'tmemorize it you know don't don't be madat me but let's see right here so wehave I think it is right hereokay so right here we can actually clickthis and this will actually show theshort description so a lot of theseother ones in the theme customizer can'tcontrol it like for example we canchoose to have like the Add to Cart herenow you guys can't see it but if youguys click on publish and then close thepage it's going to show so remember I'madding the Add to Cart right here andI'm also adding this short descriptionfor the products so when I close thispage and I open it it's going to showthe short description and it's alsogoing to change the way it looks righthere so right here now we have Add toCart right here and we have thedescription of the product right thereso it kind of correlates each other andit looks really cool really clean nowthere's others different styles you guyscan use for your product categories soyou know this is just one of the methodsguys there's tons of other methods sofor example let's just say you guys wantto have a flip book you guys canactually I have like a flip book on yoursite instead of having that defaultsetting right hereso right here I'm click on plus scrolldown and go to you know there's aflipbook product list but I'm just gonnado flip book and then here you knowpeople can actually just scroll throughyour products to see how it looks likethere so there's different styles andmethods on how you guys can display yourproducts on your shop and again I'llclick on plus and just simply do thisone right here a product listand then you know we can do like on saleor featured products or best part itgoes by category guys so you can't seeright there but it would go by yourpresets for your categories so I'm gonnago ahead and just you know delete thatone section because it just does notlook good that does not look goodokay so that is an example guys of howyou guys can add in different styles orproducts to your page this was by farguys the biggest section because thetheme has a lot of ability to do a lotfor your products so I hope that was nottoo hard to understand and again youguys can always change the styles righthere and everything else okay so I'mgonna go ahead and delete this sectionlet's he right here so I'm gonna goahead delete it all right I'm gonna goahead updates okay now let's go aheadand take a quick look at our shop soright here you can see our products andif someone clicks on the product theywill be brought to the product and againthey can always like check it out andeverything else so that is basicallyguys how we do that now I want to goahead and keep talking about theproducts in the shop and all the thingsthat we can do for it so I want toactually talk about the shop and I alsowant talk about the product extrafeatures so when I first created thewhen I first created a simple productright here we talked about extra so theextra feature right here guys itactually gives you the ability to add adifferent stuff for your products soright here we can put like a hot salecustom tab title like amazing now ourproduct video so I'm gonna actually showyou guys how you guys can add videos foryour products if you decide to have thatso I here I'm gonna do models walkingand just simply just I'm just gonna goahead and take this and I'm gonna copythis right here alright so we got thisvideo right herenow I'm just gonna go ahead and postthis right here now we also have alightbox so I'm gonna leave that asdefault now these right here are fourblocks so we're gonna talk about blocksin just a little bit but you guys canalso add content above your actualproducts itself so right here butsomething like howdyand then you know great dealnow I'm just putting this here just toshow you where these are going to showup on the product pageso right here I'm click on update andI'll click on it view the products sonow you guys can see we have howdy upthere and then right here we're gonna goahead and see a great deal now thereason why it looks like that is becauseit's actually meant for blocks and we'regoing to talk about blocks in just alittle bit but right here if I click onthis the video it's gonna actually showthat YouTube video so for example let'ssay you have products that you want tokind of display you know as actual videoyou can actually do that with thisWordPress theme so it's it's pretty cooland then this right here this is bulimicor there's anorexic girls talking aboutlike modeling or whatever but she needsto gain weight she's way too skinnyso right here i'ma go to edit theproduct and I'm gonna actually take outthat section right there but that wasbasically the extra section okay so nowthat we've talked about products andI've shown you how to display productsand everything I want to talk about howyou guys can basically change your yourshop page and all of the everything hasto deal with with shopping and productsand all that stuff I'm gonna go aheadand show you guys how you guys cancustomize all of those pages to makethem look how you want them to look sofirst let's go ahead and go to our shoppage so this is our shop page right hereand I want to go ahead and click oncustomize ok so this is our shop pagenow I want to add some widgets to this Iwant to add some things like you guyshave seen over here on our other shoppage I want to add in some like productor filter by price I want to enter insome other really cool stuff right hereso over here under the let's see underthe shop sidebar we're gonna add awidget and I'm gonna go ahead and add ina search by priceso guys widgets are just basicallylittle things that you can have on thesidebar and also have on the footer ofyour website as well so let's go aheadand go to let's just do this searchproduct search and also over here wehave a filter by price and recentreviews so I'm gonna go ahead and justdosearch by product search productsalright and next I'm gonna do filter byprice because maybe you got some cheappeople on your website you know they'renot cheap but you know they're on abudget you know so I'm gonna show youhow to do that I filtered by price andpeople can go ahead and filter this andit will basically filter it by price sopeople can kind of you know if they'rehurting for money you know we can helpthem out you know we don't want toexclude anybody out of our shop right sofilter by price add another widgets andyou guys get the idea now there are tonsof widgets you guys can add we can addin categories so right here we have youknow like the women's I'm sorry we haveto add product categories that's for ourblog so add a widget and then right herewill type in products product categoriesso this way right here we have men'sthen we have women's and then we have ofcourse on categories because we have toactually delete that one because bydefault WordPress creates one and don'tworry I'll show you guys how to actuallycreate or delete that so I'm gonna clickon publish now just to make sure it'ssaved and let's go ahead and add in someother products so right here well dolike I know we're gonna do a filter byprize filter by rating upsells productcategories product by ratings so righthere it would be a list of like you knowtop rated products you guys can add andyou know you guys get the idea it justhelps people to navigate your website sobasically you guys can see it looks verysimilar now I do want to show you guyssomething I do want to show you how youguys can kind of you know change youractual shop page and be a little bitmore customizable so right here we haveour shop page right here on our themecustomizer we have our shop and we haveour shop page so the category page isthe actual page were all your productsare at the product page is this is thepage where your product resides so firstlet me just show you guys how you guyscan customize your shop page so click oncategory and right here we're gonna dolet's go ahead scroll down you guys canput the sidebar on the left side or onthe right side and there's differentways you guys can kind of like messaround your images right here I likethis fact that you guys can equalize theimage hibecause you know image sizing guys isprobably one of the most annoying thingsabout WordPress you guys can change theimage height right here to make it lookhowever you want it so I'm leaving 100you guys can list the products per pageyou guys can also list the product perrow so if you want you know fourproducts per row you guys can do thatalso you guys can go ahead and changethe how it looks for tablet mobile nowthe reason why this product right hereis slightly off is because the title istoo long so men's amazing shirt so theoption is basically saying we are goingto you know equalize the image heightwhich is correct however since the titleis so long it's actually bumping down alittle bit so that's basically why ithas that feature right there so yeah sonext we're gonna go to our header sorryhere we have our home nav and then againyou guys can kind of understand how thisworks these options are pretty simplecategories so if you want to displayspecific categories on your page youguys can also do that through theWooCommerce settings we'll talk moreabout that a little bit later but forexample let's just say you want to listonly categories like men's women's andaccessories on your shop and if someoneclicks on it then they'll go to the thatproduct category we can do that as wellso I'll talk more about that when wetalk about the WooCommerce settingsbecause that would be under commercesettings and of course right here we cango ahead and change these settings youguys understand this probably by now sonow let's talk about the actual productpage itself so I'm gonna click on aproduct and right now I will go toproduct page so this is right nowcontrolling the actual product pageitself so we can actually customize aspecific product page so for instance wecan you know change the image size tomake it look like that we can change thenavigation up here to whatever we wantwe can you know go ahead and go throughall these and make it look however youwant you guys can do like a flat somelightbox instead and again the lightboxis when someone clicks on it it opens upthat is a lightbox so that's basicallywhat it means when someone says a customlightbox and then there's product titledivider we can align this to the centeror to the right or to the leftor however you want to do it you guyscan show categories you guys can showedsocial icons etc all these options righthere are pretty self-explanatory guys sowe talked about up cells so up cellswould appear in the sidebar if you choseto have a sidebar remember up cells areproducts that you recommend instead ofthe current product you're viewingso I basically shown you guys how tokind of customize your product page yourcategory page and the account page or nonot the cabbage yet but I want tointroduce you all to blocks so whatblocks are is blocks basically allowsyou to basically build this page itmakes you so you guys can add stuff toit now by default you cannot do thiswith any other WordPress theme butflotsam you can so let me just give youan example of what blocks are so righthere I'm going to click on publish andclick on X now you guys all have tofollow me you guys can kind of sit backand relax and just hang out and I'mgonna show you all what blocks are soover here under blocks we're gonna go toadd new and right here I'm gonna do shoptitle and I'm going to enable the UXbuilder oh stay and then publish thisalright and I'm going to enable the UXbuilder so right hereI'm add some content I'm going to inserta which I insert will do uh I don't knowwill do a let's go to awesome studio youknow I'm really lazy here you know we'lljust do like a banner it will add insomething like let's see here featuresI'll we'll do new arrivals that'sperfect so we have a campaign our banneralright so over here I'll do somethinglike call to action new arrivals here wego import I'll go and import thisall right so this is the section that Icurrently have and of course we can goahead and edit it here the height is alittle bit too long maybe I want alittle bit shorter so like do somethinglike 300 or something and in thissection these buttons right here I don'treally want these buttons because wealready have product categories on ourpage on the widget section remember soI'm gonna go ahead and delete these Idon't want any buttons we can always addbuttons but I'm choosing not to becauseI don't want to distract our customerswhen they're on our shop I just wantthis new arrival section okay and I'llclick on X really quickly so I basicallymade the page now I want to take thisshortcode remember how we talked aboutthe header section and that footersection when we had products and itlooked kind of weird well now we'regonna actually going to use that andutilize it for our shop page so I'mgonna go ahead and go to our site now sonow we've made our block I'm gonna go toshop and I'm gonna go to customize allright so we're I'm gonna go to my shopright here I'm gonna go to the categorypage and right here I want to go aheadand paste that shortcode in there nowand now it looks like that so that looksmuch better than what it looked likebefore so if you guys want to add thisor something else onto your shop pageyou would do it through the blocksection so I know this section is alittle a lot to absorb guys with theproducts and everything but I just wantto make sure that you guys kind ofunderstand you know how it works out andeverything else so that is an example ofwhat blocks are and you guys you guyscan add blocks anywhere so there's tonsof places where you guys can add blocksso right here we added another blockactually below that but you know that'sstupid because that actually will deleteyour products so don't do thatso right here I'll click on publish sonow that you guys know what blocks arewe can actually add blocks on ouraccount page our checkout page on all ofthe pages that you normally couldn'tcustomize with WooCommerce so let's goahead and decorate it so I've shown youguys how to basically customat the shop page and again if you go toyour product section and go to editproduct you can add those blocks even onthe specific products so over here underextra under the custom tab section righthere it says short codes are allowed soyou can go ahead and enter it there youguys can also do it through the themecustomizer so right here I'm gonna go toproduct page okay product page and Ibelieve we can go ahead and enter theshortcode also on our product page umyou know I'm not really sure if we canor cannot yeah you know I don't think wecan but then again I don't think youwould really want to because that wouldbe crazy adding a specific block foreach specific product I think that wouldbe a lot of work I thought you couldthough I really thought you could I youknow I guys I don't use this theme allthe time so I use a lot of themes soanyways I'm gonna go ahead and just youknow save this right here yeah we can'tyou know that's so said oh wait I thinkwe can here so I think we can under theUX bowler so let me actually show youone more time we can actually edit thiswith a UX builder now I believe with theUX builder guys you guys can actuallyadd content below it so you guys can'tadd content above it but you guys canadd content right here and then maybeyou want to click on this and then wehave the blog section or you can add inwhatever you want and customize it'sjust like a regular page so right hereremember yup the block I can go aheadand select the block and then make itappear right there but again it's onlygonna appear and just in the bottomdescription of this section so sorryabout that I thought you could but I'mgonna go ahead and just leave this butagain you know I don't think people outthere who really wants to decorate eachspecific part of the shop cuz that wouldbe crazyadding a custom page for each productwould be a lot alright so right here I'ma click on exit so we I've shown you howto categorize those specific sectionsso the shop page the actual product pagenow let's just say you want to go tocheckout so view the cart now thissection right here we can also edit thissection as well so right here under theEdit with UX builder we can click onedit with UX builder and we can actuallygo ahead and customize this specificsection as well so right here we havelike the card section so right here wecan add content and then maybe you wantto go ahead and add in like somethingelse and this is great guys where youcan enter like something like coupons inso this specific section you'd want toadvertise those coupons and not to worrybecause we're gonna talk all about theWooCommerce settings in coupons a littlebit later in this tutorial so I'm justgonna go ahead and just import somethingreally quickly just to make sure you canunderstand how this works so I'm gonnago ahead and take this and drag it uphere and now wallahwe have this section right here belowour cart now that of course that is waytoo bigso we could always reduce this size tomake it look a little bit smaller andthen maybe right here we can advertisesome coupons to make it look reallyreally cool so you guys can kind ofunderstand how you guys can customizethis section right here to make it lookreally really cool so again you knowalso the WCM cart do not delete that ifyou do delete that guys this sectionright here is gonna be history it'sgonna disappear and I know you guysdon't want that okay so I don't do thatthat's a no-no don't do that okay sobasically we can customize the car pageright now let's just say your customersmake you know they have an account rightso we want to be able to customize ourmy account shop and guys it's the sameexact way so my account and right hereedit with UX builder and then right herewe can go ahead and put some stuff innow by default guys do not get rid ofthat because these are the short codesthat Commerce needs for all this stuffto generate but we can always customizetheir portal so this right here is theportal guys and I think a great thing todo here is to add in your Facebook groupor to add in future sales or to add inproducts that they might be interestedin so for example add contents well justsimply select maybe like aI count down for sale and then here youcan probably put like a countdown to asale now I'm not gonna go ahead and gothrough these options I think you guyscan kind of read this and kind of youknow get the idea of it and then mayberight here you want to add in somethinglike social icons to your to your shopand then right here you can just put inlike the you know I'm just gonna put inthe number science this will make theicons appear okay so then maybe click onapply' and click on update now thereason why I'm showing you this guys isbecause other themes cannot do this sothe fact that this theme can do this isnothing short of amazing so by defaultguys when you use other themes you can'tdecorate any of this but with fot someyou can so I just want to introduce youall to this and show you all that youcan edit all this stuff so I'm Finn youguys how to you know customize youraccount page so if I go to view thecarts oh let me go ahead and close thisbuilder really quick okay so right hereI'm gonna go to view the carts and nowthat I've shown you guys how to decoratethis section let's go ahead and go toproceed to checkout now there arevarious forms that you guys can use todecorate the checkout page you guys canalso edit this page as well so righthere you guys can go ahead and entersomething else in here like right hereplus Fossum studio and then maybe righthere you want to add in like a thank youbanner or just something to kind ofencourage you know a future sale so nota countdown don't put a countdownbecause that would be like they're gonnacome like they're not gonna buy anythingand they're gonna want to come back whenthey get a better deal you know want toput a countdown you don't want to put acoupon you don't you know you don't wantto put anything that advertises cheaperprices because that's just going to makepeople want to leave it could be seeright here could do something like Idon't know maybe you could you guys caneven put in products you guys can add inmember product categories onto the pageor something or whatever you want I'lljust do something really quick just soyou guys can see it so I'll just do likechristmas is coming maybe you canactually link them to a specific part ofyour next sale so right here I'm gonnago ahead and click on options and I'mreduce the height of this banner causeit's way too big okayI'm gonna click on apply now for thisshop section right here this buttonmaybe you can link them to a sectionwhere only they will have access towhich is pretty cool you know you canlink them to like something else toright here you put like or T HTTP andthen we'll do like a new window click onapply click on update so what I just didis basically if someone clicks on thisthey're gonna go to whatever part youwant them to go to so you know that'skind of a quick understanding of how youcan link them to different parts of yourwebsite now if you guys don't know howto link them to different parts of yourwebsite I'm going to show you right noweven though it's pretty simple so righthere let's just say let's go to thewoman's section you're just going to goahead and copy this link go back to thecondo go back to your check out whateverso check out and then we're just goingto insert that link so this is where youget the links so wherever you want tolink them it's just like you knowputting the link in and you know righthere so I'll just go ahead and pastethis right there and apply and then doneso when someone clicks on that link thatwe brought to the woman's shop and againyou can link them to any part of yourwebsite guys you can link them toanywhere so it's just really using yourimagination at this point to kind ofmaking you know making it so you knowyou navigate your customers and tellthem where to go ok so again this themeis amazing we can decorate this page butthere's also one other feature that wecan do so right here under cart andcheckout layout there are differentlayouts for the checkout page so youdon't have to use that there's likeanother way like a simple new and thensimple focused now that is clean that isreally super clean the fact that we canadd it like this right here so I thinkthat's really cool cart sidebar contentyou guys can add in some more contentright here floating field labels that isnew floating field labels well they haveall sorts of options guys you know youguys can look out hereso I like the focusone I think thisright here is a super clean super simplecheckout form I would recommend it soI'm gonna go ahead and close that nowthe last thing I want to do before wetalk about the products or before we goon to the next part of this section isin the beginning of this tutorial Ishowed you guys how to do the thissection right here so I just want tobasically quickly show you guys how youguys can display categories on your pageinstead of having single products soreally quickly I'm gonna go to mydashboard we're gonna go to our productsection and click on categories so righthere we have an categories men and womenso really quickly I'm gonna edit thisand just do accessories just just forspell purposes we only have to uh youknow categories but so I'm just gonna goahead and just show you guys how thisworks okay no I want to add an image forthis so right here I'm gonna add in animage I'm just like that or maybe theglasses and then click on updateokay back to categories for men's youguys don't have to follow me here I'mjust kind of giving you guys an idea ofhow how to add first off images to yourproduct categories and then how todisplay categories as wellso right here women's I'm gonna go aheadand just select an upload image it'slike that one no one's sound sexy huhwell I didn't uh so many picturesalright well I don't that one and thenupdate there we goso let's go back to our sites and youguys have done an amazing job by now ifyou guys are still with mecongratulations the next thing we'regoing to do is show you guys how toinsert product categories so us growingdown here I'm gonna click on this plusand just go to product categories soright here we have product categories solet's go ahead and scroll down rightthere so alright here we have men'swomen's and then we're gonna go aheadand do something else like well the likedefault normal now the reason why theaccessories doesn't show up actually isbecause we didn'tany products for that category so I'mjust gonna go ahead and just put in liketwo columns now it does look a littlestrange but again remember how we talkedabout the image sizing you guys canbasically edit this to make it lookhowever you want like you guys can makeit a little bit more fixated like thatand then you guys can change like theradius like to make it a little morecircular etc so that's basically how youguys can you know do categories for yourspecific products so again you know wewouldn't do this before so I'm not gonnago through it again but that's how youguys display product categories and ifsomeone clicks on this they're gonna bebrought to that page where yourcategories reside so let me just showyou quickly I'm gonna click on this andit's gonna take them to the womanproducts okay so I hope you guysunderstand how that works it's prettysimple pretty self-explanatory and againyou know there's our shop page okay sothis whole section we cover guys waseverything about products decoratingyour products shop page widgets blocksproduct categories this was probably thehardest part of this tutorialeverything else is pretty simple but nowthat you guys understand how to uploadproducts how you guys can fullycustomize it's the next section we'regoing to do is we're actually going tofinish the home page after you finishthe home page we're gonna do the aboutand contact us and then we're gonna goahead and talk about the themecustomizer and WooCommerce settingswhich is probably the most importantsection okay so in this section we'regonna start using more widgets I'm goingto introduce you all more to the themecustomizer and we're also going to usesome more plugins all right so let's goand get started[Music]so let's keep going and right now we'regonna go ahead and finish the homepageright here so I'm gonna go ahead andclick on this right here now I'm goingto show you how you can add an emailsubscription for your website we willneed a plugin for it alright so thatkind of froze a little bit it's weirdbut it's okay it does that sometimesso let's crawling down here I'm gonna goahead and delete the product categoriescuz I don't really want it and I want toadd in content and a flat some studio soI want to go ahead and add in somethinglike like a signup form and there'sbunch of them we can add in I'm gonna goand add in this one right here now wecan always make this ourself guys butpersonally the theme has kind ofdesigned it around itself you know whywould we do everything complicated whenwe can just simply go ahead and use someother templates click on it edit it oreven just change the text position wherewho wanted you know this this way is somuch easier so I highly recommend to usea template system more than the actualpage Buller cuz the page boiler againyou can always make it yourself but whywould you if they've made thousands oftemplates for you you know so right herethe this is a shortcode now we need toactually install a plugin so let's goand do that I'm gonna go ahead and closethis so if it ever does that guys whereit resets just do this right here justgo to your domain and it should workfine alright so let's go ahead andinstall a plug-in that will allow us toadd emails so right here plugins add newso in short guys plugins are basicallyapps for your website just like there'sapps for your iPhone or somethingplugins are basically added features foryour website so for example this oneright here helps with SEO this one righthere will commerce which is what we usehelp sell there's very there's so manyplugins out there guys there's likeliterally 50,000 of them so there's tonsof them like this one right here willlimit your login on your WordPresswebsite so someone's trying to hack onit it will basically lock your WordPresswebsite this one is for security thisright here helps with caching this righthere Zulu analytics and so on and soforthnow the one that we need right here iscalled contact form seven so right hereclick on install now and go to activatealright so we basically activatedcontact form seven now right here andclick on settings and we have a contactform by default so I'm gonna go andclick on add new we're gonna add a newcontact form this would be called signupand right hereI'm click on save just to save it justto make sure everything's ok so righthere is a simple contact form this is anewsletter and this is a newsletter formvertical now this is what we want righthere so I'm gonna go ahead and copy allthisI know it's code it looks a littlecomplicated but it's really not andunder form right here I'm gonna go aheadand just delete all this and paste thatright there and right here and click onsave ok so I basically made a signupform from contact form seven so nowlet's go ahead and insert it on ourwebsite so right here I'm gonna click onedit with UX builder and I'll go aheadand scroll down right here and righthereI'm gonna click on this right here leftclick now right here which says form forthe form I want to select sign up sothis will basically create our ourcontact form for us so it does look alittle distorted right here so we cankind of move this around to make it looka little bit more cleaner something likethat and then right here to click onapply and then update all right so nowif someone signs up to this it's goingto actually go to the email that we wantregistered for it so if you guys go backto your contact form you guys are yourI'm sorry the the plugins so I'm go tomy dashboard I'm gonna go to pluginsinstalled plugins and go to settingsfrom my contact form seven under thesignup section we actually can list anemail of where we want these emails togo so right here under mail you can seethat – it would go to this address sowhenever they sign up it's going to sendthem a notification saying hey you knowyou actually got aa subscriber and then from there youguys can use a subscription service likeMailChimp to build an email list now Ido have a full tutorial on MailChimp inthe description of this video but inthis tutorial I'm not gonna go overemail marketing or signing up for emailsubscription because that is that willtake a lot of time guys and I don'twants to get off topic and start talkingabout email marketing and stuff so thatwork there is basically how you guys adda contact form I'm sorry an email formon your website and you guys can test itso let's go ahead and test that reallyquickly just to make sure it's workingso I'm gonna go to my gmail and I'mgonna go back to this websites and I'mgonna go ahead and you know type in anemail so and then right here we'll clickon signup so now you guys see this formright here thank you for your message ithas been sent so if we go ahead and goto the email which is the one Icurrently have right here you see howit's the email is right here and thenagain the email that we subscribed foris right there so that is a way peoplecan send you their emails and you canbuild a subscription list okay so let'sgo ahead and keep on going we're gonnago ahead and keep pushing to the end ofthe section right here and guys if youguys are here congratulations we aredoing really really wellso the next thing next X that we'regonna do is we're gonna do the theInstagram and then our blog section andthen our footer section so right hereI'm gonna go ahead and click on plus orfirst we gotta edit that you watchedbuilder of course and I'm a refresh itsso it does do that sometimes just letsyou guys know it does get a little weirdso scrolling down to the bottom I'mgonna click on this plus icon and we arenow going to keep making sections now Ican always just you know duplicate thatother section that I have with the withthe title which is kind of what I wantto do and then I'm gonna go ahead andtake this and drag it down woman'sproducts and right hereI'm gonna put InstagramInstagram and then right here we clickon plus and then we're gonna go aheadand add in a widget actually you knowwe're going to do we're going to goahead and add in a we can add anInstagram feed right here or we can usea plug-in but I'll just go ahead and dothe Instagram feed because it's it'smore simpler so right here you guys canalready see that it's starting to comeup so right here we have in theInstagram feed oops one thing aboutoptions again so there's different waysyou guys can style this but the with theyou know with the the type with theslider you guys can select a columnamount of images etc and it's just areally beautiful Instagram model theseguys I've added there are a lot ofplugins that do the same feature thatare usually a pro features like you gotto pay like 50 bucksetc so here you guys can go ahead andadd in all of the you know the settingsright here such those columns and allthese guys are the same exact option soI'm not going to go ahead and go throughthese you guys kind of understand howthis works you're gonna go ahead and putin your user name right there so I use auser name from another WordPress themelet's see right here if I can go aheadand grab it for you guys again so youwould link your Instagram right therenot not mine not anyone elses you wouldput your so your user name right thereit would just display your feed righthere and again you guys can use it tokind of customize it and make it lookhowever you want so let's go ahead andload this huge pillar on my otherwebsite right here I'm gonna go aheadand go ahead and do options and thensimply grab this I'll go ahead and takethis right here and I'm going to goahead and paste this this is this isanother WordPress theme and then youknow we we can edit it so like you knowcolumns maybe four columns so it lookslike that you know something cute reallycute and then again you know we can youknow go to these settings maybe justeight images okayso I'm gonna click on apply and click onupdate alright so the next section guysis the blog section so let's keep goingwe're doing really good so right herethis Instagram title I'm gonna go aheadand just copy this again click on backand I want to go ahead and just takethis and drag it down and this is goingto introduce the next section which isour blog section and then we want to addin some margin to the toplike that okayso are you hearing click on apply' clickon update and guys a blog post workedthe same way as pages so just like wemade a page let me go ahead and click onthis go back the same way we made a pageis the same way we make a post so righthere under + new I'm gonna go to postand then right here we can just put inlike you know 10 things about or 10 bestvacation spots vacation I can't evenspell vacation spots and then here we'llgo ahead and scroll down and we can seta featured image for it and we'll putthis or I don't know we'll do somethinglike this right here or I don't we'llput that one right there and then righthere you can go ahead and put in yourcontent and you can also use a UXbuilder to create a custom post so justlike you made a page you can do the sameexact thing for your post which ispretty amazing because a lot ofWordPress themes do not allow you to dothat so right here under categoriesagain and you can make a category so forexample let's say you want to listspecific categories on the front pageyou can do that right there but I don'twant to really make a full blog postguys I don't really want to go throughall that so I'm just gonna go ahead andprobably just steal the other thecontent I have over here and just simplyjust you know take that content rightthere and just use that content insteadof you know making everything all overagain I actually just used a blog postfrom my website Darrell Wilson comso let me go ahead and go down here andclick on this and there is my blog postsimply take this right here copy it nowright here guys I just added some imagesand I did this basically using the UXbuilder so if you guys want to you knowget more customizable you guys canalways use the UX builder insteaddefault it'll look like this right hereyou guys go and publish it let me giveyou guys an example of how this looksall right and I'm going to go ahead andview the post and there you go so thisis the actual post we have the featuredimage we have our content people canshare it people can comments and allsorts of stuff and again guys also justlike we did the the shop page we can addwidgets on our blog page and we're goingto talk more about that when we talkabout the footer and that's the lastsection we're gonna talk about likewidgets and footers and plugins etc soyou guys are definitely getting there soalso if you guys wants to edit this withthe UX builder you guys can do that aswell I did like the templates I thinkthe templates are great that you guyscan just kind of add a template heremake it really simple and then just youknow make a full post really quickly somy builder is being a little glitchy sothere we go so right here you guys canjust add in like a template you knowlike a blog or something and this isgreat for you know whatever you want todo so you know you guys can get the ideaI'll just import it just to give youguys an idea of how you guys can messaround with the blog and use a UXbuilder so here you know now we can seethat we have this blog and yeah so youguys get it you guys totally understandright hopefully by now you guys kind ofget how that works but I don't reallywant to go ahead and use that so I'mjust gonna go ahead and delete all thisstuff I just like the actual the defaultstuff I think too much on the blog pagecan be very distracting so I'm gonna goahead and delete this and I just wantthe text so just like it was before butagain you can always use the youexpeller to go above and beyond and addimages and all sorts of cool stuff okayso let's go ahead and keep going I'mgonna go to exit builder nope so if itdoes that guys just go ahead and deleteall that and go to our domain I know itdoes that weird glitchy stuff sometimesbut you know what are you gonna do solets going down here we have ourInstagram and we have our blog so wemade a blog post now we need to actuallyincorporate it on our website so righthere I'm gonna go ahead and scroll downand right here under the add to contentso we're gonna go ahead and add an ad inthe blog section so we need to add inthe blog post right here so I'm gonna goahead and just do C I'm gonna go aheadand scroll down right here our desktopand right here is our blogbut they're gonna show up and again youguys can decorate it with columnseverything else but all your blog postsare gonna show up there and it looksreally really clean so it looks reallygoodand that's basically how you guys enteryour blog post now of course I canalways enter in more like the demo but Ithink by now you guys understand howthat worksI just basically made three blog postsand all my blog posts will show up righthere okay so that's prettyself-explanatory alright so the nextsection we were going to do the funstuff we're gonna do the footer sectionand we're also gonna do the widgets andthe sidebar and guys we are nearing tothe end of this tutorial so you guys arehere so far congratulations becauseafter we talked about this the lastthing we're going to talk about isdesigning and then commerce settings andyou're gonna be all set and ready to gowith your e-commerce website so let's goahead and do the footer section now soright here I'm gonna go to update clickon close now all right here are ourcustomized section so in order todecorate the footer we will need to goto the theme customizer so right hereyou guys can see we have footer and Iwill go ahead and scroll down and customfooter block remember how we made blocksearlier for the shop title andeverything else you guys can do the sameexact thing right here for the footer soyou can actually make a custom footer sofor example you can kind of like designit to look like this so maybe a textmodule text module text module textmodule etc or you guys can use theactual default settings for the themewhich we are going to use we're notgoing to make a custom footer in thistutorial but you can so I'm justbasically telling you that you know youcan make one in a block and then add itto the bottom but let's go ahead now andgo to footer area one so right here wehave four columns and I want to edit thefooter widgets so we have footer one andfoot or two so this thing comes with twofooters I think you should only use oneof them however you are more thanwelcome to use a few of them and if youguys go to the flats um let me give youa quick examplewhat I'm talking about so the flotsamdemo I'm gonna show you exactly what thefooter 1 is and the foot or two just incase you guys decide to to use it solet's see right here I'm gonna go to mydemos really quick and give you anexample let's find it let's go hunting aclassic shop all right okso this section right here is footerarea 1 where you can add best-sellingproducts you can add its arbitrary textyou can add featured or top-ratedproductsthis right here is section number 2where you can add tags your bloginformation about us social icons and asignup form now it's strictly up to youif you want to have a footer this bigpersonally I believe this footer is alittle bit too large you know mostfooters are pretty small and this comesoff as a little bit too spammybut then again whatever works for youand your store you are more than welcometo do so for footer area 1 we can add awidget and I'm gonna enter the arbitrarytext and then right here you can dosomething about us and then right hereyou can go ahead and talk about yourselfso I'm just gonna go ahead and maybegrab some dummy text really quick andsimply go ahead and just paste thatright there and then you're gonna seeall that text come up right there sothis is the footer area 1 now I don'treally want to decorate footer area 1because I'm just giving you an exampleof what footer area 1 and footer area 2is so I'm gonna go ahead and just sayokay I'm gonna delete this and I onlywant to have one footer and I want tojust use it for the arbitrary text I'msorry the the bottom footer which is thegrey area so here I'm gonna do about usand paste it in there like that alrightnext I'm gonna add a widgets and maybeyou want to add in some products soright here we enter products we can addproducts by rating so when customersrate your products it can go up there orwe can add product categories which iswe have accessory men's and women's andthen you know you cantype in product categories and it'llshow up there so you know it's up to youyou know by now you guys kind ofunderstand the idea of itso product categories and people canselect it clicking this click on addedwidgets we will do contact info and mapwe can do that as well so right here wecan enter like a contact information andmap right there so that's pretty coolgoing over we can actually show them outI think we'll need a Google API key forthat you know guys I do have anothertutorial on Google Maps to display itsso I'm not gonna really go through ithere but it's very very simple it'sreally really easy but um I'll beputting that for another tutorial I'llput that in the description as well justbecause I don't want to go to Google APIand all that stuff it's annoying soanyways let's go ahead and add insomething else we'll add in we'llcommerce products so products we will dosome just basic products and right herewe have a list of products that we'llshow but I only want four to show allright so there are some products andlastly I probably want to add somethinglike a Instagram widget right here atthe bottom so right here we click onpublish now in order to get that we needto install a plugin so remember we useplugins for various reasons so we'regoing to use a plug-in now for anInstagram widget and guys there are somany I'm sorry let's here installplugins because there are so manywidgets for a bunch of different thingsI'm sorry go to plugins I go to add newthere we go so we're here we're gonna doInstagram Instagram and there's you knowplugins for there's plugins forvirtually everything now the one I wantis WP Instagram widgets so this one I'ma click on Install Now and go toactivate and this is basically going tocreate a widgets so I can use this forparts of my blog or parts of my footerso let's go ahead and go to customizenow so now that we have the actualplug-in installed it'll give us theability to have that on our bottom pageright here so I'm gonna go to click onfooter widget tonow right here out of widgets and simplyfind the Instagram widget nowso Instagram there it goes and I'm gonnago ahead and put the actual just therandom theme that I grabbed so righthere there is the pictures and if theyclick on it it will take them directlyto the at Instagram so here you putInstagram where you give us um likefollow us or any other various thingsthat you need okay so here click onpublish and click on X so I basicallygone over widget skies also on your blogpage you can actually add widgets so ifI click on this blog page right here youguys can see I have widgets right herenow you guys can also edit this with theUX builder and you guys can also editthe actual post in the theme customizerso there's a lot of ways you guys canedit the blog so right here on her blogblog layout you guys can use it to likeyou know various various different waysyou guys can decorate the blog layoutsas well so I'm not gonna go too muchinto the blog guys cuz it is it is awhole nother ball park like this springfor example was a single post so if I dolike you know single post to the leftit's going to show up to the left nosidebar etc so the single the singleblog post will actually control thespecific blog post itself okay you guyswant to decorate the actual blog layoutyou guys can actually add the blogsection to the menu so let's do thatreally quickly just so you guysunderstand how to do thatso i'm gonna click back right here youguys don't have to follow me here i justwant to make sure that you guysunderstand how to add certain parts toyour menuso right here i'ma go to view all allright see right here we're gonna go toour posts and right here we have ourblog posts so you guys can simply goahead and add in your blog posts or youcan make a page for a blog and then youcan actually add the blog module insteadso let me just give you a quickdemonstration of both to make sure youunderstand how to do this so right hereadd to menuyou guys could always make like blogcategories or something like that so youguys can see now we have 10 bestvacation spots and if I go to visitsites you're gonna see test 10 bestvacation spots and if I click on it it'sgoing to take them todirectly to that blog alternatively youguys can make a page for it so righthere we can do a page and just like blogclick on full with templates and publishnow again you guys don't have to followme here because this section right hereis totally optionalso you don't have to do that but I'mjust basically explaining the overviewhow you do thisso right here add to contents and thenright here we have the can add in like arow or whatever but I want I want tofind the blog module so that's all Ireally want is blog posts and then righthere you guys can see we have the blogpost so we can make a specific page forit and then with the theme customizer wecan actually design it and we can alsodesign right here too you know there'sthere's two ways you know how for theproducts section we have like the theyou can edit through here and then wecan also edit it through the themecustomizer so there's various ways onhow you can edit your blog post and it'sbasically guys the same exact settingsall over againit's just with blog posts so blog postsact very similar to products so I hereclick on apply click on update I'm gonnaend right here and click on X all rightso we have a blog page now let's justsay you want to go ahead and add this toyour menu so again guys same exact thingappearance and menus and you guys canalso do the same thing for your post soif you guys just want to have like acategory like 10 best vacation spots onit you can do that or you can just goahead and you know add in the entireblog section so right here blog and dragthat up here click on save menu and nowlet's go ahead and click on visit siteit's a visit site blog and voilathese were all your blog posts are gonnashow up now I do want to change this alittle bit maybe I can add in like animage here just to make it a little bitmore customizable or just make it alittle bit more better you know becauseby default guys you always get a defaultblog post and you also get default pagesas well so something like this righthere where we could add something so I'mlike this right here a little bit more alittle bit more neater you know it's alittle uglyall right and again guys same exactinghis products so you can add postcategories you can add tags to your postblog posts work the same exact way asproducts so right here you guys can seewe have a really clean section righthere and again you can go to customizeand you can fully customize your blogsection your layout and everything withyou know through the theme customizer aswell so you guys can add a sidebar nosidebar etc so I'm not gonna go too farguys into blog posts because again it isyou know it is a whole new ballpark butum yeah this is basically where you guyscan you know customize everything tomake everything like however you guyswanted to look so there's a lot of waysyou guys can customize this and againthis is for the single post so when youclick on it it will actually it's goingto basically the the single post is forthe actual section like this right hereokayand also you guys will need to assign ablog page so right here under homepageand settings under posts you will needto select this to blog and if you clickon publish go back to you here to blogand now you guys can see that the actualtheme settings are working becausebefore they weren't working so that'sbecause we had to assign it first sosorry if I was a little too quick thereI just kind of I don't want to spend toomuch time on the blog section but I alsowant to show you how you can customizeit so again you know the blog layout youwill need to set it as a you guys willneed to assign it to a page but there'stons of different ways you guys candesign the blog guys and I know I'mgoing a little quickly over the blogmodule but the customization you guyscan do to this is incredible it's it'samazing and there's just so much stuffyou guys can do with the blog and I cantalk about it for another hour but I'mchoosing not to just because now we'refocusing more on e-commerce and I don'twant to talk more about blogs and youknow because we can talk about you knowcategories and all the sorts of stuffbut it's it's yeah you guys get it youguys get it congratulations you guysgraduated alright so we've basicallydone that we've done the blog sectionwe've done the footer now one really bigsection I want to talk about is the headour section right here so we can fullycustomize the header section and alsoget a logo now if you guys do need alogo there is a link in the descriptionof this videoto and fiber comm guys is agreat resource where you guys can get alogo for really really cheap so righthere I'll type in like logo services andthen right here these guys will makeyour logo for like 5 bucks it's reallygood and I got my logo from them soagain the stuff they provide is reallycool actually I know it sounds like kindof scammy but it's actually really coolso let's go ahead and click on customizeand now in this section guys we're gonnatalk all about the theme customizer andalso the flotsam customizer so righthere we have our header section and wehave different presets guys so I want toclick on presets and kind of get youguys a little bit more familiar withthis so right here I'm gonna click onthis one then I gonna see our headerlook like that I don't click on thisnext one now you're gonna see it lookedlike this so basically the logo is inthe center we have some a search icon amain menu and then we have our secondarymenu our account in our cart we can alsodo something like this or we can dosomething like this and we can kind ofyou know keep messing around we can alsosee how it looks on mobile and tablet aswell so it's fully optimized for the youknow for the phone and tablet but we'lltalk about mobile optimization a littlebit later this theme by default isactually very mobile responsive I haveto use other themes that really aren'tbut I gotta be honest this theme ispretty good out of the box so right hereare other presets you guys can usealright I think the one I used wassomething like this right here so wehave like a signup form and join and allthis other stuff so Oh or we click onthis right here click on buy and guysthe idea behind this like for examplethis header right here is that we canactually link them to different parts ofyour shop so if you guys want to linkthem to like a specific area of yourshop that's how we can do it so forexample right here we have button 1 andbutton – now I know right here it looksa little different but for exampleright here you can just go ahead andtake this drag it and it'll delete itand right here under button one you canactually say by now and then right hereyou can link them to your shop rememberhow earlier we talked about how you canlink them to different parts of yourwebsite that is exactly what thissection is right here so I'm gonna goahead and go to my presets again andlet's just say for example you want tojust you know customize this yourselfyou don't want the presets which I thinkyou should because they're amazing butyou're more than welcome to do anythingyou want so let's say for example righthere under the HTML one I don't wantthat there instead I want to add in asearch form so I'm gonna go ahead anddrag and drop a search form now you guyscan see a search form shows up righthere so this first row right here is theblue section this middle section righthere is this section now if you guyswant to add a third section you guys canjust simply go ahead and do like a checkout button or a newsletter right hereand then a navigation icon so that'sbasically how that kind of works okay soI'm just kind of giving you guys a quickunderstanding of the header section youguys can totally build your own you'remore than welcome to but again you knowif you want to add buttons so you canadd a button here you can add a buttonhere HTML guys don't be scared by thatit's just text so right here you can seethat add anything here or remove it sofor example right here we have HTML 3right here in the middle now if I wantit like for example this one right hereif I want to change anything I cansimply just go ahead and take this righthere and put like check or use Daryll orcouponand now you guys can see that that rightthere is a custom form and then ofcourse right here you guys can just goahead and copy and paste this and forexample HTML 3 which is right here wecan just go ahead and use that rightthere so now you guys can see it'sshowing up right there and then righthere you can type in something else andthen you can mix and match you can putthis there or there etc now I highlyrecommend guys to use the presetsbecause these guys actually do a verygood job with the presets and I don'tsay that too much because I want peopleto customize the site themselves but Imean they have just one two three fourfive six seven eight so many differentstyles so I like this one right here Ithink this one right here is very idealbecause it just encourages engagementencourages people to buy andalternatively I just think it's it'sreally really good so right here we havesign up and join which is basically thesame thing now your customers will needto go to the account page in order tomake an account so I'm gonna show youguys really quickly on how to do that soI'm gonna go ahead and open up a new taband again you guys don't have to followme here this is strictly optional but weneed the account link to basically bringpeople to that page so right here underpages all pages we're gonna find theaccounts section which is right here weclick on view that's fine and I want togo to my account right here so copy andnow sign up right here we're going tolink them to my accounts now if they donot have an account guys if they do nothave one it will actually link them to aregistration form so for example we'regonna go to my demo website right hereand I'm gonna give you a quickdemonstration on how this works so I'mgonna go ahead and log out so I loggedout on my website right here now I'mgonna go to my website right here andright here I'm gonna go ahead and put inthe my account section so basically ifyou're not logged in you're going to bebasically be brought to a registrationform so let's go ahead and do that soI'm gonna go click on back right hereand it's gonna give you guys an exampleof how this works so right here I'mgonna click on sign up now if you lookat the bottom left of my screen it saysmy – account so by clicking on sign upright here you'll be brought to thispage right here it's a verya beautiful contact form and right hereyou guys can decorate it just like wedid earlier so your users will see thesame thing on the my account section nowreally quickly I have a full tutorialguys on social login and I highlyrecommend it because right here someonecan just click on login with Facebookjust like you see all those otherwebsites have and it can basicallycreate an account for them via Facebookso for example if I click on this righthere it's logging them in with Facebookand if you guys see the speed of thatthat is pretty fast so basically italready created the account everything'sdone and they have an account now viathrough Facebook so I have a fulltutorial on that as well it's only aboutfive minutes long the reason why it didnot add it in this tutorial is because Iwanted to put it on YouTube becauseother people might be looking for it andalso you have to create a Facebook appso also really quickly if you guys wantto change the color of these buttonsright here just like how I have it righthere you guys can see color so right nowI'm on the button section so here I'mgonna click on secondary and then youcan add success or alert or whatevercolor you want and then right here youcan change like the outline you canshade it you know whatever you want todo you can mix and match and you knowget customizable now you can get here byclicking on the button one section it'lltake you to that section as well so guysthere's a lot of different ways you guyscan customize your header right here soI think I did something like it's asecondary and then the other one righthere I just did like primary stuff likethat to make it a little bit more um youknow make a little bit more userfriendly it's a very user friendlyinterface right there and so now thatI've shown you guys how to do that let'stalk about the actual theme customizerand all of the settings so I've kind ofshowed you guys how to use the actuallike you know the header how you guyscan customize it yourself now the reasonwhy it's not showing up at the top rightthere is because we have to actuallyenable the top bar so right here at ourtop bar we've got a click on enable thetop bar and you guys can control theheight of its you guys can change thecolor the background the navigationstyle it is fully customizable and youguys can have tons of fun going throughall of these settings so first let'stalk about the presets we did thepresets let's talk about logosite so here's where you can change thesite identity you guys can display thelogo below you guys can change the logoposition however that's really notnecessary because remember right here wecan already change it as well soremember a lot of these options can kindof conflict each other and this is whereyou're going to upload your logo and youknow you can upload a little go here alite version a different style you canadd the logo container with you can youknow kind of change it to however youwantetc logo padding a site icon now a siteicon guys is also called a favicon ifyou look at these top pages right hereyou see this picture of this camera ofthis YouTube thing of the fibre logothis is basically what you want for yourwebsite when someone visits it so righthere it's just a blank page but we cango ahead and select a quick image righthere and it should be around 512 by 512you guys can actually use a fiber youguys need image resizing or somethingbut I'm just like this guy right hereand then you guys can see right here howthis guy's face is showing so this isprobably where you want to add in yourlogo or something and you know make it alittle bit more decorative I'm justusing this as a you know a demo just toshow you guys that's basically you knowhow that works but okay so next sectiontop bar of course we can go over thatheader main you guys can change like thewidth of everything the style you guyscan change like the height of everythingas well and remember if sometimes itdoesn't work it's because the theme thetheme customizer can override certainsettings so if it doesn't work it'sprobably somewhere in the themescustomizer that you have a differentsetting somewhere that's basicallyconflicting it header bottom so here youcan change the header bottom but this isdisabled so if I want to enable it wecan have something on the header bottomright here and now we can control likethe height and everything so that'sbasically how we do that the nav the theheight right here navigation etc so thisright here controls the section righthere and again we can change the thefont you know make it bigger etc okay soremember you must have the header bottomright here to kind of you know decorateit make it a little bit bigger so Idon't really want it though I think thethat's kind of ugly you know I don'tthink that we really need it so I'mgonna go ahead and takeand delete the bottom header all rightand sometimes guys you see how I changethe height it didn't work it's becauseyou need to actually publish it and thenview the page some of the settings whenyou're working on it require like you topublish close and then go look at thesite and then it'll show up sometimesjust depends on you know how it happensso right heremobile header height you guys can get anexample of how this looks on mobile andwe can also change the icon so you guyssaid I mean it's just so incredible wecan change all these settings right hereand right here you guys can do likeheader elements you guys can decide likewhich one comes first or seconds by kindof like just you know dragging anddropping it so right here when theyclick on this venue it's gonna basicallyshow up how you want it to show up rightthere but I would leave it by defaultsyou know you can always make a separatecustom menu but what's the point youknow it's it's not really necessarygoing back here sticky header you guyscan add a sticky header to this if youguys want I personally don't reallythink that you really need a sec yeah notoo much it's you know it's it's reallyit's really up to you if you want to adda sticky header you guys kind of like atop bar sticky on scroll so the stickyother guys is when you scroll down youstart the and you see things that thistogether will show up as a secondarymenu okay going back down here drop downstyle so this might be needed now whenyou actually click on something and ithas a drop down menu like we talkedabout before you can actually decoratethe background of that drop down menu solet me see me give you as an example soright here we have shop and we have thissection so if I want to go ahead anddecorate this I can go ahead and changethe actual drop-down menu color so thedrop down style guys fully controls thedrop down section of when someone hoversover your menu okay so you guys can goahead and go through this you know I'mnot gonna really go through thesesettings because this is just you knowrepetitiveness you know the radius makeit circular or whatever you guysunderstand the point buttons this willactually correspond to these buttonsright here any buttons that you put inyour header will corresponds to theheader section your account section youcan actually make your account sectiona bit more customizable I don't have themy account section here added so I'mgonna have to go ahead and add it inright hereso go ahead and add it right there sonow I've added the my account sectionnow if I click on these right here nowit's going to correspond to the accountso that's basically how you wouldcustomize the account you must use theaccount module in order for that to workall right now cart right here so thiswill actually control how the cart iconlooks so right here if I go to cart andadd it in you can now basically displaythe cart and you can always change theway it looks and you know see you knowhow that works maybe adding it up tohere might be a little bit more you knowit looked a little bit more nicer and itdisplays your products really nicely soit's it's a really good feature so youguys basically get a quick concept ofall these modules right here I'm notgonna go through each and every one soyou guys kind of get that but next wehave our our style right here so here wehave colors you guys can change thecolors of the website to something thatwill fit your need a secondary colorsuccess color and the widget color soearlier how we talked about how thosethose those buttons correspond tosomething like secondary success alertyou can basically control that here alsofor the base color right here you guyscan go ahead and change the base colorright here for anything but again youcan always change all these a little bitlater for links as well you can changethe links and if someone hovers over thelinks it'll actually change to thatcolor so see you guys right here howit's how it's a little bit darkerbecause that it was the hover over linkcolor and shop colors you guys can goahead and change the sale bubble youguys can change all sorts of really coolstuff so for example right here we havesale and right here we can change thecolor of it to something like red andagain if it doesn't work for you guys itwould basically just have to save it andthen just close it and check it out youcan also change the color for the reviewstars and also for the new bubble so allthat's we can change I'm gonna go overhere and click on publish going backover here again you guys can change thetypography or something so for exampleright here we contain the typography oflike the headers so forexample we have the header section likethat controls the h1 section so rememberyou guys set like an h1 h2 h3 h4 or sosee right here how it says this willchange the font for it so right here youguys can see the font has changedbecause this is an h1 section now if youwant to change just the base textsection we can do something like thissection or this font or whatever and youknow you guys can kind of get the ideaof how that works you guys can alsochange the size but again remember thisis a universal setting so this willactually change it for mostly all ofthem so I recommend to be very you knowcautious when you do that so let'schange this to something a little bitmore regular base color or base well Idon't know will do I think a good oneslike Ledo Ledo and Roboto are prettygood you know I like later on a bottlefor most of them just because they'rereally clean latofor bottle and before we have to usegoogle fonts but now we actually havethis embedded in the theme which makesit a lot easier and you guys can kind ofgo through these and kind of check theseout it's like you know if you wantuppercase or whatever but again rememberthis is universal so this will change itto all the settings and navigation thisis gonna basically control thenavigation menu up here as well andagain you guys can always change it tolike you know bold italicize or ultrasuper lights or whatever you guys wantso I'm not gonna go through all of theseyou know you guys kind of guys kind of Iget it and again if it doesn't changemake sure to actually save it and then -yeah so save it publish it and then goahead and check it again if it doesn'twork okay alright so that is all abouttypography again it's a very importantpart because many people would probablywant to go ahead and change how all thislooks on their websites so headlinesagain you guys can see this is allchanged so it looks really you know itlooks really ugly as a really ugly fontokay so you guys get the idea you guysget the pointalright publish I'm gonna go back customCSS if you are not a developer don'tworry about itimage lightbox you guys can change thebackground color of the lightbox so forexample when someoneclicks on the image and that pops upwith your product you can change thebackground color for it right therepretty cool so we've basically done allthe options guys we've done the layoutswe've done the shop the pages the menusthis is basically the menu up here it'sjust a different way how you can assignmore than one menu many of us won'tassign more than one menu sharing socialicons you guys choose to have socialicons so you guys can use this shortcodebut quite frankly I don't really thinkthat's ever needed because there's alsomodules for this kind of stuff but ifyou guys want to have these social iconsyou can use this shortcode and it willdisplay these specific social icons andyou guys can kind of decorate it etc soif you guys would choose to like if youguys want to add social icons anywhereyou just need to add this shortcodeshare anywhere and then here you canjust display the type of icons okay soremember shortcode is like this littlething right here so that's a shortcodeyou just paste that into any sectionwhere you want to display social iconsWooCommerce we have a store notice righthere this is more for the WooCommercesettings but you know you can always canalso access it in the theme customizerso we have this little store notice andthis will display at the bottom of yourwebsite when someone comes to yourwebsite but I don't want it enabled soyeah product category you guys can youknow show you guys can show eithercategories you guys can show product andcategories or you guys can just showproducts or whatever you want to doremember how earlier I talked about howyou can just show categories and that'sin the WooCommerce settings so basicallywhen someone comes to your shop page youcan have it like this right here whereyou have like men's or women's and ifsomeone clicks on that category it willtake them to a list of all of thoseproducts so it's just another way howyou guys can design your shop if youwant just categories you can docategories but I think the best one todo is probably products because it it'sone less button to click you know what Imean it's like you just click on it andyou go there so that's what I personallyrecommend product images you guys canalways go ahead and change the imageshowever this theme has custom imagesizing so you won't need to really evenbother with thatall right going back over here we haveadditional CSS which is you knowdeveloper stuff and then reset the themeoptions which will reset everything backto normal view so that's a quick rundownguys of the theme options prettyself-explanatory pretty simple reallyquickly I want to go ahead and talk moreabout the design of the site and thenwe're going to talk about mobileoptimization and then we're going totalk about through commerce settings andthen congratulations guys you guys aregoing to be on your way to creating ane-commerce websites alright guys so inthis small section right here I actuallywant to show you guys how I added thewishlist section so on your productsright here there's this little heartright here that says add to wishlist nowthis is simply done with a plug-in so ifyou guys want to add this to yourwebsite I'm gonna show you how to dothat really quickly and again people cango ahead and click on add to wishlistand then they can browse their wishlistand then it can actually display all ofthe wishlist products in their accountright here so it's another really coolway to kind of encourage engagement onyour e-commerce websites and you knowit's just good to have in general youknow why not so I'm gonna go over mywebsite right here and I'm going toquickly go ahead and install this pluginso I'm go to my dashboard plugins and goto add new and right here simply type inwishlist so again remember plugins arejust added features for your websiteslike little things like you know compareand wish lists they have this wishlistplug-in they just have so many plug-insfor WordPress but the one we are goingto use is this one right here Y ithWooCommerce wishlist and click oninstall now all right click on activateand the great part is this willintegrates with your account so righthere they have a premium version now youguys do not have to install it so we'rehere we click on dismissed or rememberthat's how most of these developers makemoney because they offer the plug-in forfree but they also want to make moneytoo so they offer like a premium versionof stuff so right here under the ye ithWooCommerce wishlist I'm gonna click onsettings and here are some basicsettings for this plugin now you guysdon't have to you knowchange all this you guys can you knowyou guys continued if you want but youknow most of this stuff is prettystandard I mean you can change like theproduct added text at the carpet whywould you do that you know just justkeep everything basic they have someother things like if you want to shareit on Facebook etc all right here mywish this on ecommerce tutorial Irecommend leaving this because this willactually get ability for the customer toshare their wish list on social media soI'm gonna click on Save Changes and guysthat is basically its hope now let's goahead and view our products and ofcourse right here now we see we have thewish list and they can add it to thewish list and if they click it againit's actually going to take them totheir account where they can actuallybrowse the wish list so it'll bring themsome like that then right here they havesome social icons there at the bottom sothis was just a small quick tutorial onhow to add the wish list also I had totalk about the theme customizer nowflotsam does have a theme customizer anadvanced theme customizer now many ofthe stuff in here it's really not neededfor I would say 95% of you all but forthose of you who want to do custom CSSif you're a developer this is whereyou're gonna enter it a site loader thiswill basically enable a site loader Idon't really recommend it's because siteground is really fast anyways we reallyneed its site search you want to enablea live search for your products etc sothese guys are pretty self-explanatorylike the UX builder I don't know whyanyone will leave that unchecked youknow that basically takes off theflotsam studio so they do have someother options right here many of themare not necessary and I don't recommendmost of these except for the Google APIs but we'll talk more about the GoogleAPI s in a different tutorial on myyoutube channel so for this specificecommerce width tool we're not gonnatalk about it but again setting it uptakes about five minutes you just needto create a gmail account at an API keyand it's all setup okay and again if youguys need the setup wizard the setupwizard is right here and this willbasically run the setup wizard all overagain in case you guys want like thechild theme or the plugins installed etcbut again most of you don't need thechild theme and most of you shouldn'tuse those plugins becausejust not ideal okay so I'm gonna goahead and go back to the tutorial whichwanted to add in this quick section onthe flat sub section and also the wishlist many people who actually watch mytutorials are kind of like man I didn'treally think I can do this I thought Ihad to do coding a lot of people weremuch older like 60 60 plus you know soyou know if you guys are this farcongratulations so next let's go aheadand make our about Us page reallyquickly and I'm gonna do this because Ikind of want to show you guys how mobileoptimization works as well okay guys inthis section we're going to create theabout Us pageOctonauts we're gonna create the contactthe state and contact form and thenwe're gonna focus on mobile optimizationmake sure your site is fully mobileoptimized so all you have to do now isjust kind of sit back relax and you knowjust let me worry at the pro do italright I'm gonna go ahead and show youguys how to basically make a quick aboutUs page so right here I'm just gonna goahead and do something like a slideralright right here I'm add a quickbanner and then I'm going to justbasically put in one of these and guysthere's really no right or wrong way todo this so there's tons of differentways how you guys can just kind of makesomething yourself so over here I'm justgonna go ahead and delete this buttonand I want to actually add in abackground image here so here I'm gonnaadd in a background I'm just gonnasimply select something really quicklyI'll enter in something like this righthere and I want to add a quick overlylet's see here let's do this this colorright here alright let's add this colorthen I'll go ahead and reduce thetransparency now here I'll go ahead andjust delete this and I want to add in atitleso here I'll put something like aboutabout usI'll make this bigger and then we'll goahead and reduce the size of this bannerbecause the height of its just a littlebit too big so we'll make it a littlebit smaller you know just something tointroduce the next section or somethingso then here I'll go ahead and add in aquick template or we can use somethingfrom we can always use stuff guys fromother other templates and then kind ofjust mix and match stuff so for examplelet's just say I want to go ahead andimport this section alright it isimporting but I don't want this headlineright here so right here I can click onthis right here I can change it or I cango back over here and somebody justdelete this right here because I justdon't want it and then divide it righthere same thing and then right here Iguess you can say this looks good we canalways change whatever we want righthereyou know it's pretty pretty simple Iwant to add in another section righthere and I'll go ahead and I'll probablyjust leave that right here I want toclick on this and add in a flotsamstudio for the about a section righthere I'm just going to select somethinglike this right hereand import it alright it is inPortuguese II this guy's to make awebsite like this is just like so easylike the bodice page is already done andall I need to do now is just click onopen text editor and just simply changewhatever text I want right there so Iwas being a little glitchy there let'ssee right here so right here we'll justchange it like this you can change likeabouts are about our company and thenhere we know we can add something in butyou know I just think this is reallysimple you know it's it's a quick aboutus page we don't need to do anythingwith it now the main reason why I madethis was because I want to show you howmobile optimization works soright here we have desktop now righthere we have tablet so this is what itlooks like on a tablet this is what itlooks like on a phone right here now ifyou guys want to make any changes to ityou'll need to basically make thechanges to it and then you can you knowsee how it looks on your phone so forexample we have this section right herewe have this banner now guys we talkedabout visibility earlier remember how Ibrought it up we don't really need thissection for mobile I mean do we reallyneed this picture to show up for mobileno we don't so right here I want to dohidden for mobile because I'm sorry onlyfor desktop so that means that you guyscan see it disappeared because on mobiledevices it's not going to show upbecause we don't really need that imageto show up so that's an example of youknow how you can use the visibilitysection to kind of get rid of stuff youdon't really want you know and let'sjust say for instance we want thissection to be a little bit bigger soright here under the size we can make ita little bit bigger or smaller so maybesmaller like that and then you know forthis banner section I'm gonna go aheadand reduce the height of it more likethat so this is what it's going to looklike on our mobile device and it's fullyoptimized I think it looks good let'ssee how it looks like on a tablet now soI'm click on tablet and right now youguys can see that this kind of looksweird because this column right here isnot displaying anything at all so maybewe need to go ahead and change thiscolumn so right here I'm gonna go onlyfor desktop as well so I'm gonna goahead and just hide that I don't thinkthat looks good for this banner sectionwe can probably just get rid of this tooguys for visibility so for this righthere we can just do only for desktop aswell you know we don't don't have tohave it we can always make a new sectionright here such as here I'll go aheadand add in a new section we get evenmore customizable so maybe you want togo ahead and add in something like thisright here team of sliders this is whereyou can display like your team orsomething etc now for this section righthere this looks really good now I wantjust display this just for the tabletonly so right here only for tablet soright here this section right here isdisplaying for mobile this sectionright here is displaying it for thetablet and then this section like thisis displaying it for the computer so themobile optimization guys is amazing soif you guys want to have a fullydifferent site just for mobile users youcan do that so that's a good example ofmobile optimization will check out ourother home page once we're done with ourcontact section so right here I'm gonnaadd in a quick contact section go aheadand edit with the UX builder and thenright here we do the same thing in factwe can actually just use one of theirtemplates so right here under add tocontent so I'm gonna go to flotsamstudio and go to contact and I havevarious contact forms that we can use sothey have like something that like thisreally simple really easy you can alsogo to their full pages right here and sowe just go ahead and browse around andsince they have such a large amount oftemplates and resources I would highlyrecommend to use their templates becauselet's be honest these guys are probablydesigners or better designers than youare and you kinda just want to borrowtheir work you know a this is reallynice I want to use it so I'm gonna goahead and just go to our tell you whatI'm do I'm gonna do the let's see whatwe can do here we'll do something like aquick banner right here maybe right herewe'll go ahead and just import thissection well use this header only so Ijust kind of want to use that header Idon't want to use this other stuff andI'll delete the buttons so right herethis banner I'll go ahead and delete itand I'll go ahead and also and deletethese buttons right here because I don'treally need these buttons on a ContactUs page and then here I'll just add insomething like contact us and then wecan added some dummy text below thatclick on OK then right here we'll clickon the Fossum studio again and maybejust add in something like a call toaction or not call to action well Ididn't something like a a contact formright here where we can go ahead andjust simply well I didn't something likelooks like this right here this onelooks really nice and you guys canalways add in like content in betweenits so right here the contact form isnotbecause we need to actually select thecontact form so there you go we haveselected the contact form this sectionright here is some padding that we don'treally need so we can either extend thisrow on the column or we can just goahead and delete it as well it's up toyou I think that's we should probablyjust see we can do here we can actuallyincrease this to full and then alsoincrease this banner right here to fullas well to kind of give it that fullextension look so we'll do this last oneright hereand I think about it it's not that niceof a contact form so maybe you want togo ahead and redo this one you know II'm not satisfied with this so I don'tthink it looks great so I'm gonna goahead and just delete this whole sectionright here and then we'll try it againwe'll add in another contact form andlet's see right here you guys can tell Iam NOT on a script you know I I knowWordPress so well that's I don't reallyneed to use a script I have seen otheryoutubers for you scripts but personallyI don't need it because I think it'svery simple to understand so here we'lldo contact form one and maybe in themiddle you guys want to add like somecontent you know so under the flotsamstudio under the ballot they do havesome like just like demo content you canadd something like this right here thisis totally doable right here so maybelike about us and then simply add inyour content right there and then we'llclick on update now is this optimizedfor mobile let's quickly check it it isupdating let's see if we can check itreally quick so for mobile or for tabletit looks just about fine and also let'stake a look at mobile right here soagain guys the visibility you know somesections just aren't neededyou know this section right here weprobably don't need this text right herethis text right here is probably justyou know not necessary so we can justkind of leave it like that for formobile users but when you guys areediting your website you kind of need togo throughout the entire website andoptimize it for mobile guys cuz Googlewill actually penalize you now if youdon't have it fully optimized for mobilebecause they recognize that there aremore mobile users and there aren'tdesktop users so let's go ahead andcheck out our home page we've neverchecked out our home page and Iguarantee you there's probably at leastone thing that needs to be changed hereso tabletlet's go and take a look and that's whyI love their templates their templatesare already fully optimized so it'sreally cool so there is probably onething we need to change here which isthe spacing right here with our with ourour format here for our text box so wecan add in some spare some padding righthere see here now we're gonna change itup a little bit maybe added somenegative like that there you go that's alittle bit better all right so we addedsome negative margin I'm updated and Ithink it all looks good for mobile guysso it's a fully responsive website itlooks great now last thing is check howit looks like on a mobile phone so hugesale we can probably reduce the size ofthis we don't need it to be that largeso we can reduce the size of that okaysing else we got products look great thesignup form looks great Instagram looksgreat and then right here I probablyjust need to reduce the size of thisguys to something just a little bitsmaller you know we can add it like youknow like a smaller heading or somethingto kind of make a little bit smaller andthen we can also position the the textto a certain other position we want itto be so maybe something like that'smaybe make it a little bit smallerall right maybe sound like that you knowsomething you know you guys get thepoint you know just kind of kind of tinkaround with it make sure it's optimizedfor mobile so now when people come toyour site they're just gonna see hugesale up to 70% off and I think that'sfully optimized right there so again Ithink this site looks greatso guys you know we've basically createdthe entire website now the last thing weneed to do is I just want to make surethe contact form is working so contactus I'm gonna go ahead and put in myemail right here best website ever clickon send now if it doesn't send directlyto your inbox guys just check the emailof the settings of where you put wherethe email is going to so right here I'mgonna refreshand there you go howdy awesomecongratulations so the contact form isfully working guys so again you guys areamazing for making this far by now youguys know how to upload products youguys know how to do all of the technicalstuff now we're gonna go ahead and moveto the next setting we're gonna talkabout the WooCommerce options which isthe very last settings guys this is thestuff so easy so by yourself on the backalright guys the last and final sectionin the WooCommerce settings so firstwe're gonna do a little bit more of thegeneral WooCommerce settings then we'regoing to talk about taxes and shippingwe're also going to talk about checkoutmethods and lastly we're gonna talkabout coupons so I'll see you all thereso let's go ahead and go to ourWooCommerce settings now I'm going to goahead and disclose all these because weare done we're done with all this stuffso next let's go ahead and go toWooCommerce and go to settings so righthere you're gonna put in your storedress you're gonna put what countriesare you selling to now guys I also havea full commerce tutorial that's an hourand a half long so I'm gonna quickly goover basically like the essentials butif you want to get very very advancedsuch as like a discounted shipping andstuff like thatI have a full tutorial on it so it isn'thour and a half long but it's everythingyou need so after you watch it you'll belike good but for most of us will justgo ed and go through these options soright here you know what countries areyou selling to you can actually restrictthe countries that you want to sell toso for example sell to all countriesexcept for maybe who's the bad guy todayBamm Marshall Islands Marshall Islandswe are not selling to you shippinglocations shipped to all countries youwant to sell to you can leave that theregeolocate which I highly recommendenabled taxes and taxes go ahead and Evethat and that's basically our generalsettings right there pretty simple nottoo hardproducts sorry here we have our productson our shop page and a lot of thissettings guys when we first entered withWooCommerce these are basicallyeverything all over again so if you wantto go ahead and change stuff you canchange it again here and this stuff ispretty simple to understand likeenabling product reviews reviews can beleft by only verified ownerwhich I recommend because you don't wantpeople to buy stuff on your site or I'msorry people not to buy stuff on yoursite that's giving reviews right thatwould make no sense so let's go aheadand talk about something else a littlebit more complicated like tax so taxesit can be a little complicated guys nowthere is a tutorial on my blue commercetutorial you guys can watch but forthose of you who want to just kind oflearn about what taxes are and how theywork let's just go ahead and do that I'mgonna set a tax rate now so for examplewe have the United States or the UnitedStates and let's say we're selling inCalifornia so California the tax ratethere is around nine points or we'lljust put eight point two five I'm notreally sure of the tax rate inCalifornia now is shipping taxable ifshipping is taxable you're going toleave that checked can you tax with theshipping and the products together ifyou canyou're gonna put compound and again youguys can always read what it is righthere as well and then right here you canclick on Save Changes now what isreduced rates well reduce rate isbasically saying are there certain areasthat have a reduced rate tax probablywithin that state or city so for examplenot every county in California has asales tax of around eight point two fiveand there's also zero sales tax so whatthis is guys it's basically categoriesfor taxes so like just like we did men'swomen's andaccessories this is the same exact thingso standard rates reduced rates and zerorates now you guys can go to tackoptions now if you guys are selling in aspecific state like California orArizona you're gonna be charging salestax base off where you're from howeverin certain states it is recommended thatyou charge sales tax based off wherepeople are buying from so that can be alittle complicated so that's really whyI recommend doing the automated taxesfor your for your commerce websites okayso here we have a you know do you wantto base tax where they are shipping fromor they're billing address papí they'reshipping address right that makes themost senseall right here display prices in the taxor I'm sorry in the shop excluding taxor including taxlet's do executingyou know we don't need to tell them thetax rate because it just makes ourprices a little higher right we don'tneed to do that display prices duringcart and check-out no I'm just going tosay no we'll just excluding tax they canalways look at the tax as they'rechecking out on the last page it's goingup over hereI'm click on save so you guys can goahead and go through your standard ratesand set up specific tax rates forspecific places or you guys can go aheadand use automated taxes which I highlyrecommend if you guys don't know if youare subject to origin based or theorigin base or I think state basedI have a an article you guys can readfrom tax jar that will basically tellyou what kind of tax you should becharging for your products and if youguys are selling digital productsespecially in California there is nosales tax however some states have salestax for digital products so while Icannot sit there and recommend I can'tgo through every StatesI will leave resources for you guys sojust simply go ahead and look for yourstate's I think right here you guys canjust simply do a quick one on tax jar sotrack star sales tax now this is if youchoose not to have if you choose not tohave automated automated sales tax soright here for example let's say you'rein Nevada their sales tax rate is sixpoint eight five percent another stateMontana would be zero sales tax that'spretty crazy you know we in Californiaright here has seven point two five Ithink it's raised I think it's like ninepercent or some like that maybe didn'tupdate it or something like that so youguys can use tax jar as a resource forhelping you guys understand tax C byorigin based and then another thing Iwant to show is origin based firstdestination based so depending on yourstate's you're going to charge sales taxeither where you are based out of likehere so I would be charging the samerate no matter where I go or no matterwhere I charge however if I'm from thesestates right here I'm gonna be chargingsales tax based off where they arepurchasing the product from so it'spretty simple just go through this andyou'll get it and also just just do theautomated shipping guys it make yourlife way easier so that's a quickrundown of taxes it's very dynamicthere's a lot ofyou can go with it and I highlyrecommend reading those articles abouttaxes okayshipping all right so you must haveshipping SEC guys if you don't haveshipping sets it's not gonna work soright here we have United States and I'mgonna click on edits so by default it'sit's actually doing the automatedshipping so this right here is allautomated we don't need to do anythingelse everything is done for us now let'sjust say you don't want it automatedalright so I'm gonna go ahead and deleteautomated shipping because maybe some ofyou don't want automated shipping rateswhich is crazy because it make your lifeeasier but I'm going to just basicallyadd a shipping zone and show you how todo it from scratch sorry here USA and Iwant to do the United States Unitedsometimes even someone's leaving stuffon my website oh cool is nicealright so United States right hereclose that okay alright so right here Iwant to add a shipping method now whatkind of shipping do I want to charge Ican charge a flat rate I can charge freeshipping oricon charge local pickup nowwe can use this in combination so forexample someone who spends less than $50we can give them free shipping I'm sorryyeah is that right yeah so let me justgive you an example flat rate all rightso what's the flat rate how much do youcharge for shipping I want to charge 10bucks for shipping no matter what nowthere is other things that we can dothat you like you can do quantity andfee and cost and you can charge per peritem you can be a little bit more youcan be a little more in control howeverthat tutorial guys is in the descriptionof this video because I'm not going togo really really far in depth on adynamic shipping cost because I have ittutorial on it already for you guysbecause I love you guys so much so herethe the cost right here is 10 bucks sonow I'm basically saying cost is $10 toship that's it and let's just say I wantto add in another shipping methodso let's go ahead and say okay out ofshipping method and I want to providefree shipping and I want to provide freeshipping for certain people so freeshipping requires what a valid shippingcoupon which we'll talk about in just asecond a minimum order amount a minimumorder amount or a coupon or both wellI'm just gonna say under $50 they'll getfree shipping or a minimum order of $50and they will get free shipping so thatis pretty self-explanatory so shippingoptions and shipping classes we're notactually gonna cover this because againI have a full tutorial on shippingclasses and packages and shipping labelsand all that other stuff in thedescription of this video and they'llreally help you guys out okay but forthose of you who are just using basicshipping that's all you need is a flatrate and free shipping that's really allyou need guys you guys can you know sellsomething else or I'm sorry change it towhatever you want but most of us eightypercent of us are just gonna use a flatrate or friction so let's go ahead nowand test our store let's see if ourstore is actually working so here I goto view the cart and buy now our taxesand our shipping should be workingso let's going down here we have ourflat rate shipping of ten dollars butsince they spent more than 50 bucks theycan qualify for free shipping and righthere you can see the taxes arecalculated and if they go to proceed tocheckout they can simply move on to thispage right here where they can go aheadand check out and place the order now weneed to set some payment processors sowe don't have PayPal setup and we don'thave stripe setup and hopefully you guysare using my recommended hosting so thatyou guys can have a simple and automatedcheckout process for your customers sohere I'm gonna go to my dashboard whocommerce and settings and here I'm gonnago to our checkout and I want to goahead and click on Pay Pal and I'm goingto enable PayPal now guys PayPal is afree service it's it's it's super simpleto use so I highly recommend it sohere's PayPal and you guys can click onget started and you guys can just youknow sign up and you guys can use apersonal account or a business accounteither one you guys can use you guys canuse the free service right here like thePayPal standard which doesn't charge youanything at all which I recommend andonce you're done going through theprocess of setting up your PayPalaccount and all that stuff all you needto do is to simply take your paypalemail address and simply paste it righthere and make sure PayPal standard isenabled and every time someone purchasesyour products it will go directly toyour PayPal account and you can withdrawit any time you want and have a fullyautomated business so here I'm gonna goto Save Changesnext we're gonna go to stripe and stripeis the number one recommended service Ihighly recommend that you guys usestripe so let's go ahead now and go tostripe really quick so I'm gonna go toGoogle and go to stripe and stripe atlower fees than PayPal so right here I'mgonna click on stripe and go to mydashboard so you will need to make anaccount with stripe it's free it's veryeasy and once you guys are here I'mbasically and let you guys know what todo so you guys can go ahead and gothrough your profile now you guys willneed a bank account because what they dois they basically send over paymentsfrom this right here to your to yourbank account automatically you guys canalways change it you guys can make it goto your bank account daily you canbasically make it however you want it tomake and it's really really simplebut I want to show you how you can getmoney from your websites to stripe soright here we have api's and I want togo ahead and view test data so you seethis key right here publishable key Iwant to take this and I want to put itright here where it says publishable keynow over here I want to go ahead andtake this key right here this is a fakeaccount it's not a real one it's justMaya it's you know it's my secret demoyou know my demo account so here I'mgonna take this and copy it and simplygo ahead and paste that right there andI want to go ahead and click on the SaveChanges so let's see if this works solet's go ahead and go to our website andI'm actually gonna buy two grand or theright now so this is the words gettingcrazy so here I'm gonna go ahead and sayokay now you guys see we have the BuyNow option now if you have paper oh I'msorry stripe enabled people can actuallyclick on that and go directly to yourwebsite and check out immediately andthey can do that for any single productnow you can always disable that in thestripe settings as well if you'd likebut I think that looks pretty cool butanyways I'm gonna go to proceed tocheckout and then right here we havestripe now right here I'm gonna just putit in my secret credit card there we goyeah it is secret and then one two threeso everything looks good right here wehave our let's go ahead and put ourfirst name last name everything else sowe have our demo information right hereand then uh-oh I need to enter this alland I love again all right and thenright here went through this in and thenone two three now when your customersare ready to checkoutwe're gonna go click on place order nowright now the credit card is processingso we're just waiting for it to processall right duh so there you gocongratulations we have successfullychecked out with stripe and you mademoney that's it that's how easy it isand over here if we go to our events youcan see that it was logged in so it'ssuccessful payment was made for twothousand two hundred sixty-eight dollarsand seventy six cents and it'll show upright here in your account so right heretodaymm blah blah blah blah and of course youguys want to go to your profile and makesure that your bank account is enabledbecause they will need Bakke accountinformation so you guys can just goahead and you know just contact stripeguys and just say hey what I need to doto get my money out and it's prettysimple you know the balance right hereand they've got to tell you like it'sall automated so like right here you canexpect your payment February twentyseconds super easy to set up guys so ifyou want to make this live you're gonnaclick on this right here now under APIthe testing is gone so right now if youclick on all this stuff right here andyou go back to your settingsit's going to be live so let me give youan example of how to do that just tomake sure you understand how that workswoo commerce settings let's see yoursettings and then right here we havesorry checkout and we have a stripe soright here we're gonna uncheck that andnow this is live publishable key soright here you can see this ispublishable key and the secret keyyou're just going to do the same exactthing copy and paste it and simply putit right there and also we have inlinecredit form so it's just a nicer way todecorate the the form for stripe andthen if you decide to get rid of thosebuttons you can take off the above thebutton payment requests and also likeyou know charge capture immediatelywhatever no you probably get that onactually that's that makes more sensebut right here if you don't want thoseBuy Now buttons you can disable that andthose will disappear as well so let's goahead and check our email to see if ourpurchase actually went through so I'mgonna go to my email really quick andright here you can see that it says anew customer order so right here a newcustomer order and then right here wehave our receipt as well and this willgo to the customer so thank you for yourorder and this is gonna go to yourcustomer so lastly guys let's just makesure that we know how to decorate thoseemails so we've done checkouts let's goto accounts right here and again guysthis is like you know your account pagegenerally this is for themes that don'treally offer much but since our themeoffers a lot so we don't need to reallymess with this because this is just likepermalinks and stuff so right here us goto emails and we can always decorate theemails so right here where it says fromname you can go ahead and put your shopname right there from the address you'regonna put your shop address header imageso where do you get this from if youwant to display a logo on your on yoursite you need to go to your media and goto library now you're gonna go ahead andselect an image and probably your logoso usually you know you probably got itfrom Fiverr comm or ever soI'm just gonna go ahead and add in aquick logo right here I'm gonna go aheadand see if I can find something reallygood really really quick maybe somethingI might on my downloads or something seeif I can find something here all rightI'm just gonna I'm just gonna use thisright here the money sign you know moneyit's all about moneyeverything's all about money you know sothis is a very large image guys so thisis not the best idea to to use let mesee if I can find something a little bitsmaller I can find a little bit smallerimage well use this one right hereokay so let's just pretend this is yourlogo you're gonna go ahead and copy thisURL right here okay now if you want toknow sizing for logos I would say 450 by450 or 500 by 500 either way it's goodso we'll commerce and go to settings nowright here under emails I'm going to goahead and paste that right there nowfooter text you can put whatever phototext like you knowthanks for the purchase and then thesite title right here will display Iwant to change the base color tosomething else a little bit more youknow you better you know that was areally ugly color you know by defaultbackground color body color and textcolor now if you want to see a previewof it I'm gonna click on Save Changesand we can actually see a preview of itright here so there's the image ofcourse way too big and then there's thattemplate and then right here ecommercetutorial thanks for your purchase okayso if you guys are looking for aspecific you actually know it let's dosomething really quick this is do let'sjust grab my logo from the internet hereI'll Wilson logo and then images that'sme right thereI'm sure we can find my logo on heresomewhere there it isso 512 by 512 you know it can be alittle big you knowbut I think that will work so right hereI'm gonna go to save image as actually Iwill go to link address oh man this wecan find it here huh there we goalright so I'm gonna upload this reallyquick just to give you guys a betterexample of that so right here I'm gonnagogo to my media and add new and simplyjust go ahead and add in my logo so 512it's like yeah you know I think theflotsam logo like something a little bitmore skinnier is probably just a littlebetter let's see right here it's out ofmy downloads they pass it let's see herethere it is there we go we got it we gotit we're in luck okay so clicking onmedia again we can find a my logo andthen click on copy go back to commerceand settings and simply add that logo inso here we go to emails and then we'regonna go ahead and put that right thereall rights and then we can save it andthen we can preview it so people can seehow it looks on an email a little toobig maybe something a bit smaller guysbut you guys get the point you know soyou guys might want to reduce the sizeof its the actual ecommerce I'm sorrythe logo that from from flotsam was areally good size I think was like 300buy something if you guys do get theFossum theme of course you guys have ityou guys can look at the logo size orjust ask someone hey you know whatchoice I'll use the logo and they canactually run it through there and youguys can kind of get it so guys I thinkthat's basically the entire tutorial Ithink I covered basically everything sohopefully by now you guys can have youre-commerce website running the lastthing I want to talk about before thatyou go is coupons which is really reallyreally simple so if you guys want tolearn how to make coupons it's almostlike foolproof so right here coupon plusnew coupon I'm gonna put Pattie and thisgives 50% off so we can have apercentage discounts off the cart afixed cart discount such as a dollaramount or a fixed product discount off aspecific product but generally you mightwant like something like 10% off rightcoupon time-outs well just do like 10%all right they'll do 50 let's getaggressive here does this give freeshipping if it does click on that if notdon't press anythingwhen does this expire well I'msay you only have a week to use this andguys this is great for email campaignswhatever it's it's great usagerestrictions so minimum spend how muchdo they have to spend for this coupon towork well I'm gonna say 50 bucks what'sthe maximum well there is no maximum youguys can spend as much as you want checkthis box if this cannot be used inconjunction with other coupons so canthis stack with other coupons I don'twant this to sack with other couponsso I'm gonna put check does this alsoapply for on sale items well I'm gonnasay this does not apply for on saleitems here you can go ahead and list aspecific product so like you can putlike a women's specific shirt now thisis if you selected or if you want aspecific product and you can alsoexclude products from your sale the samething with categories you can includecategories or you can exclude categoriesfrom your sale lastly is usage limitsuses limit per coupon so how many timescan this coupon be used well I'm gonnasay 100 limit usage 2x items so how manyspecific times can a coupon be used fora specific item I'm gonna leave thatblank because I'm not really selectingitems and usage limit per user so howmany times can a specific person usethat coupon I'm gonna say only twice andgo to update all right so before I letyou go let's go ahead now and test thisout you know let's go ahead have somefun here I'm gonna I'm gonna go to shopand let's go ahead and we're gonna addin this we're gonna add in this and thisand yeah oh I have to select somethinglike thatokay that's a cart alright and I'm gonnago to view the cart okay so we have ouroh.look coupon look at that so so ourswas patty so right here i'm gonna typein PA TTY and apply the coupon now thisshould give me 50% off all my items soright now the total is 250 dollars 89centsclick on apply coupon and voila now wehave 130 dollars and 45 cents and theyclick on proceed to checkout and thenhere they can go ahead and purchase allof their products right here socongratulations guysbye now you guys know everything that Iknow on how to basically create ane-commerce websites so give yourself abig pause you know you guys made it youguys have a favorite beer now is thetime to buy it because you guys now knowhow to build ecommerce websites you knowmore than most people out there a lot ofpeople out there think that this stuffis super complicated and it's really notguys this stuff was super easy we had alot of fun you know and now you guys oweme beer so my favorite beer is Modeloall right and if you guys are buyingchampagne it is Korbel I know I likethat I like the cheap stuff the cheapstuff is really good so again guys Ihope that was really helpful if you guysneed any help just refer back to thesesections of this video you guys needhelp linking categories or you knowproduct categories or anything feel freeto let me know in the comments just letme know if you guys need help more thanwelcome to help anybody out there thisstuff's pretty simple and pretty easy tounderstand ok so make sure to LIKE thisvideo make sure to share it and I willsee you all later congratulations
