How to track Ecom Express courier | जानिये कहाँ तक पंहुचा आपका सामान | Hindi | 2018 || by OTG

In this video, it is explained that How to track Ecom Express courier. By tracking, you can check where your courier or shipment reached. Step by step process is shown in this video with a Live Demo in Hindi.

इस विडियो में आपको बताया गया है कि कैसे आप खुद ही Ecom Express courier कंपनी से भेजे गए सामान को ऑनलाइन ट्रैक कर सकते हैं और जान सकते हैं कि आपका सामान कहां तक पहुंचा I स्टेप बय स्टेप प्रोसेस इस विडियो में दिखाई अथवा समझाई गयी है वो भी एक लाइव डेमो के साथ हिंदी में I

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ECommerce: The Importance of SEO in 2019

By Emmett Brosnan | Submitted On July 11, 2019

Expert Author Emmett Brosnan

The most important function of SEO is to improve the visibility of your website. Your website must be detectable when someone searches for your company, product or service to gain traction.

This visibility is gained by SEO (search engine optimisation) or SEM (search engine marketing).

To run a successful online business your SEO must be perfect to enable your potential customers to find and buy from you.

There are several things you can do to your website to optimise the visibility on search engines.

The main things are:

  1. Strong Content
  2. Ease of Navigation
  3. Speed
  4. Mobile Optimisation
  5. Blog posts
  6. Social Media
  7. Site Errors

As well as improving your SEO the things above can also build your brand awareness, improve your relationship with prospects and position yourself as a trustworthy expert in your field.

If we look at the above in more detail:

Strong Content

Keywords are a major focus for search engines to pick up on content in websites. Focus on these keywords such as in your blog posts, your web title and within the body of text ranks more highly than no repetition.

Although the content is also required to be engaging to your customers to ensure they stay on the page and don’t just jump around the site.

Ease of Navigation

When designing a website, it must be easy for your users to navigate. For example, the ideal amount of clicks a user should make to get to a certain page should be 3 or fewer, enabling your prospects to find exactly what they require in as few steps as possible.

If you do have a site which consists of thousands of pages this may be impossible to do, however, you can have cross links between pages rather than just having content hierarchies.


Research shows the longer it takes to open a web page the less likely a potential customer is to return to that page. Time is important to your buyers, the less time they spend waiting for a page to load the better.

Having a web page which loads within 2 seconds will enable the prospective buyer to stay on that page longer and also come back to that page in the future increasing your SEO.

Mobile Optimisation

All websites should now have mobile optimisation as a standard as over 52% of websites are now viewed on mobile devices and this is rapidly increasing year on year.

If your website is not mobile optimised, this is something to amend as there is a high chance visitors to your website are leaving as they are unable to view it on the device they are using.

Blog Posts

Blogs help your website to rank highly within SEO. A blog shows your expertise in your field so you can establish yourself as a go to person or business.

Your blog can answer questions your customers may have about your products and services and can be linked to the relevant pages too.

Social Media

Social Media supports your SEO ranking through your content promotion. Social Media is a great way to share your blog posts, offers, pages, updates etc.

Social Media may not directly affect your SEO however any promotion you do of material will definitely indirectly improve your rankings by increasing the volume of customers accessing your site.

Engagement can be high through Social Media, any posts you share can be shared between others and create a rapid increase in people accessing your website.

Site Errors

Site errors and broken pages / links can impact your SEO as these areas are then not viewed by Google. For example, if there is a link to or from your website which is inaccurate then you’re not receiving the views you should be.

There are many free auditing checks that companies offer so you can see where the errors are occurring on your website and you’re then able to rectify any issues.

If you require help with the above then please contact Paramount – the eCommerce experts

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Digital Marketing for Beginners: 7 Strategies That Work

SEO, social media marketing, email marketing,
PPC advertising.Where do you start and how do you use these
to get more traffic to your website?If you're a beginner to digital marketing
and you want to cut through the noise,then keep watching because I'm going
to show you how all of these workbased on a decade of experience rather than just theory.Stay tuned.[music]What's up marketers, Sam Oh here with Ahrefs,
the SEO tool that helps you grow your search traffic,research your competitors and dominate your niche.Today, I'm going to share 7 digital marketing
strategies that I have personally usedand gotten results with.And if there's only one thing that you take away
from this video, it's to not try all of these at once.Instead, pick one of these strategies, experiment
and master the channel before moving on to the next.Let's get to it.So before we dig into these strategies, you
need to make sure that you're adopting today'smindset of the consumer.Today, we live in a “content first” world.People are looking for information before they buy.So you need to really put yourself in the
buyer's shoes rather than allowing yourselfto get blinded by how great you think your
products and services are.The mentality you need to adopt is to help
people rather than trying to cold sell them.When you help people solve problems through
free and valuable content that is relevantto your business, you reach larger audiences
and build trust.The best part is that you get the opportunity
to show people how your products and servicescan help them solve their problems and fulfill
their desires and needs.Alright, so the first internet marketing strategy
is blogging with SEO in mind.Now, blogging isn't writing about what you
did today or even something more noblelike an epiphany you had.That's a diary.But don't get me wrong.This kind of content can work well if you
have an existing and loyal audience.But for most of us that just want to get more
traffic, leads, and sales we need to intentionallytarget problems that your target audience
wants to solve.In the world of blogging, this whole process can be summed up as a technique called keyword research.Let me show you two clear-cut examples on
how keyword research works.In the first example, let's say you sell physical
products like computer parts and accessories.What do you think future customers might be
searching for in Google?Probably questions like:Why is my computer so slow?How to build a computer?How to speed up a computer?These are all very real problems and people
are looking for solutions.In fact, Ahrefs' Keywords Explorer tells us
that these exact search queries get tens ofthousands of searches each month.Now, the best part about these specific queries
is that you can help people solve their problems,while integrating products from your store
in the content.”Why is my computer so slow” could come down
to a hard drive, CPU, or ram problem.So help your readers diagnose the problem
and offer product solutions within your post.”How to build a computer” would be a super
easy plug for any computer components.They're already showing intent to build,so it's unlikely that they've already purchased
parts and peripherals.Alright, second example.Let's say you're a real estate agent and you're
compensated when someone buys,sells, or rents a property.Now, the thing that most agents do is boast
about how many homes they've soldor how they won an award that you nor I
have never heard of.My point is that the average buyer or seller doesn't care.And to prove my point, no one is searching
for things like:which realtor won the most awards in New York?But again, potential customers are looking
for solutions to their problems.Problems like:How to invest in real estate?How to buy a house?What credit score is needed to buy a house?And again, these all have the potential to
attract a massive audience.By ranking in Google for something like “how
to invest in real estate,”you're now attracting potential buyers with deep pockets and they likely have intent to buy.Content on “how to buy a house” would likely
require the work of an agent at some point,which could be you.”What credit score is needed to buy a house”
is a great way to show that your knowledgeand intentions go beyond making a sale.The best thing about blogging for SEO is that
once you rank, you'll be getting free, consistentand passive traffic from Google.If you're new to SEO, I highly recommend watching
our SEO for beginners video,which will give you a nice overview of what SEO is,
how it works, and how you can get it to work for you.I'll also link up some additional resources
on doing keyword research that grows trafficand revenue, as well as a video on how to write
a blog post with SEO in mind.For now, let's move on to the second strategy,
which is to invest in video content,specifically on YouTube.YouTube is the second most visited search
engine in existence.To top that off, video carousels nearly doubled
in 2017 in Google's search results.Video isn't just the future.It's the present.And the same principle of helping potential
customers works for video too.When people go to video search engines like YouTube,they're looking to find answers to their questions.For example, if you bought a so-called “new”
iPhone X on eBay, you might search for”iPhone X unboxing” and see if all of the contents
are in the box.And according to Ahrefs' Keywords Explorer,
108,000 searches are happening eachmonth globally on YouTube alone for this keyword.In fact, this video that you're watching right now
was chosen because I can see that people arespecifically looking for digital marketing
tutorials for beginners.To come up with topic ideas that people are
searching for in your niche,head over to Ahrefs' Keyword Explorer, switch the search engine to YouTubeand search for a broad keyword in your niche.Let's use “makeup” as an example.Now, “makeup” as a standalone keyword isn't a problem.So let's go to the Questions report,where you can see popular questions people are searching for on your topic.And right away, you'll see great topic ideas
like “how to clean makeup brushes”and how to cover acne with makeup.Now, when you're creating these videos, try
and keep the fluff out and pack in as muchnecessary value as possible.Doing this has helped us grow our YouTube
views to over 150,000 views per monthand best of all, since all of our videos show
how our SEO tools can help,it's led to thousands of new paying leads and customers,specifically mentioning that they found us through YouTube.Most of our video growth was done through
YouTube SEO, so I'll leave links to a tutorialto help you rank your videos and get more views.Next up is social media marketing.Rather than covering every social media network,
I want to pass on a couple of important tipsthat will help you grow your social channels.The first is to focus on just one social media
channel when you're just starting out.It takes time to build a following.But numbers aren't everything.What you want is a loyal following.When you dip your toes into every possible
social media network out there,your attention gets divided and the results get diluted.So which social media marketing channel do
you choose?That leads us into the second tip,which is to go where your target audience is
and cater to the platform.If you have to choose just one social network,it's not about choosing the one with the
most active users.It's all about understanding the audience
that's there and if you can serve the reasonfor them being there.You really need to think about why someone
is logging into the specific social media network.For example, people usually go to YouTube
to learn how to do something, or to be entertained.But Facebook is different. Think about it.Have you ever logged onto Facebook, hoping
that you would see an unboxing tutorial?Or better yet, have you ever opened your Facebook
app hoping you would find a limited time offerthat's 97% off, only for the next 37 minutes?Probably not.People don't check Facebook with credit card in hand.People like and share things that are helpful,
interesting, shocking or funny.So if you are going to try and bring people
into your world, present your message asa story, video, or something else that will
likely stand out from the endless feedof vacation vanity shots.Pinterest on the other hand is primarily a
social search enginewhere people can control what they want to search for.The primary intent of users on this platform
is to get inspired, learn things, and plan to do things.So create content that caters to their intent
for being there.So if this is your audience, take advantage
of a less competitive landscape from bothan ads and organic perspective.Speaking of ads, that's the next digital marketing
strategy on the list for today.When it comes to paid advertising, please do not
throw your money blind into an ad networkbecause you read that it was good.What works for one person won't necessarily
work for the next person.Instead, think about the ABCs of paid advertising.A is for audience, B is for budgetand C is for commerciality.We've already covered the audience part.You want to engage on social networks where
your target audience hangs out.Budget is the next one.Bloomberg reported that Google and Facebook
own a combined 58% of the $111 billion dollar market.Now, the way ads work are usually based on auctions.The more advertisers there are, the more expensive
it gets for you and I.So let's say you're in the ultra competitive
industry of conference calling.If we search for that keyword in Keywords
Explorer with Google set as the search engine,you'll see that the cost per click from Google Ads is $20!If you have an ad budget of let's say $1,000
per month, then you'd only be able to get50 clicks before your budget was depleted.Instead, you can do two things:The first option is to look for keywords that
have a lower cost per click.Just go to the Phrase match report to see
all keywords in our keyword database thatcontain your target keyword.Next, set a filter to only show keywords that
have a maximum cost per clickof something lower like $5.From here, you can filter through the list
and see if there are some more lucrative opportunitiesrather than spending $20 per click.This one for a “conference call app” might
be a good one since it's a quarter of the price.Another benefit is that the reason behind
the searcher's query is more clear.Someone searching for this is clearly looking
for an app that does conference calls,whereas someone searching for just “conference
call” could be looking for many different things.The second thing you can do is experiment
with less popular ad platformswhere your target audience might be.Finally is commerciality.Now, all major ad platforms are able to bring
ROI for their advertisers.Otherwise, they wouldn't exist.But you have to find a way to bridge the gap
between the intent of the platformand how you monetize your products.And the solution is going to be content.For example, let's say you sell boutique furniture
and think that Pinterest will be a good platformto run some ads.In my opinion, it wouldn't be a good idea
to advertise a bunch of links to high-endfurniture like couches and dining tables.Instead, blog posts could work really well
here since people log on to Pinterest mainlyto get inspired, and learn new things.Here's what that bridge might look like.Pinterest ads would be the discovery tool.You pay them money and they'll show your pin.The bridge would then be a helpful blog post
on let's say, “11 Interior Design Tips ForYour Living Room That Won't Break the Bank.”And within that content, you could showcase your products where it supports the tip you're speaking of.Nail the ABCs of paid ads, and increase your
chances of actually converting your hard earneddollars into ROI.Next up is one of my favorites and that's podcasts.Now, there are two ways to look at podcasts.First is to create your own and the second
is to be interviewed on someone else's podcast.Creating your own podcast can be great for
brand and building an audience.But if you're just starting out, it can take
quite a bit of time to get any sort of traction.Getting interviewed on podcasts is a different story.Podcasters are always looking for interesting
people to interview.Even if you don't have a ton of experience
in the online world, your offline experiencesand expertise could be a great way to land
yourself a position on a popular podcast.Now, if you don't know which podcasts you
should approach, an easy way to find opportunitiesis to look at your favorite podcasts and find
someone in your industry that has been interviewed.Looking at the podcast page for Entrepreneur
on Fire, you'll see this episode with Jim Kwik.Now, if we click through to the interview,
you'll notice two things.The first is that the guest's name is in the title.This is very common for podcast interviews.Second is the link on the page.The host will almost always link to the guest's
home page in the show notes.Knowing this, we can use a tool like Ahrefs'
Site Explorer to find all podcasts they'vebeen interviewed on.So I'll enter in and I'll also
set the search mode to a URL search so wecan find pages that are linking specifically
to the homepage.Once the overview page loads, go to the backlinks
report, which will show you all of the pagesthat are linking to this URL.Finally, let's use the Include search and
type in Jim Kwik.And to keep our results super relevant, I'm
going to set the filter to search for hisname only in the titles of the referring pages.And we now have around 120 podcasts we can
pitch to get interviewed.So filter through relevant podcasts, and pitch
the host as to why they should interview youand the value you can give to their audience.Next on the list is email marketing.If you've ever looked into email marketing,then you've probably heard people claiming
that “email is king.”But I promise you that once you get into it,
you'll quickly discover that it's not as turnkeyas online gurus make it sound.And don't get me wrong.Email marketing is great.But first, you need traffic to get email subscribers.It also requires opt-in forms to turn a visitor
into a subscriber.In my opinion, email is a great long play
to build connection with your audience andand even sell high ticket items.So my tip for you on email marketing is quite simple:First, focus on building your email list from day one.It's important and you might as well collect
emails from interested people from the start,even if it's not a substantial list.But be realistic with your goals and as you build
your audience, put more time into your emaillist and see how it can serve your business.The final strategy is to use forums and
community boards.Community forums like Quora, Reddit, and Facebook
are great promotion channels.But before you go off and start posting links
to your product pages,there are a few things you need to understand.And these are all based around the unspoken
rules of spam.First: don't promote your products or services
pages within these groups.The intent of users on these platforms is to learn.Not to be sold to directly.Instead, think of these networks as a place
to share your expertise,build relationships and help others.Second: use links to your content sparingly.If you're constantly posting links to your
blog and have justified in your head thatthat this is non-promotional, then you're most
likely wrong.Links can be more appropriate based on the
network you're posting on.For example, Quora generally has longer answers,and linking to your content where it supports your point is a good idea.Facebook groups on the other hand are a different
story.Let's say you're a real estate agent and you
join a “first time homebuyers” group on Facebook.If someone asks a question like:
“I'm looking to buy my first home and waswondering if I can even get a mortgage?”Now, if every agent on that group posts links to their website,can you see how spammy that could get?Instead, it would make sense to post a link
to someone else's affordability calculatorsor offer introductions to b-lenders.The point is that helping first will go a
lot farther than self-promotional contentthat can taint your reputation.Now, I'd love to hear from you.Which digital marketing strategy do you think
is most effective in online marketing?Let me know in the comments and if you enjoyed
this video, then make sure to like, shareand subscribe for more actionable SEO and
marketing tutorials.So keep grinding away, focus on one marketing
channel before trying the next,and I'll see you in the next tutorial.


Why Magento Is the Right ECommerce Platform for ECommerce Startups

By Rob Stephen | Submitted On July 26, 2019

Expert Author Rob Stephen

While billions of eCommerce sales are generated worldwide, it is giving a strong push to the retailers and startups to sell their things online with an impressive store. However, developing their store with just any platform is the biggest mistake they can make. There are plenty of platforms like WooCommerce, Shopify, Magento or BigCommerce. So, if you are one of them and wiling to start your online business putting all your money, decide the platform first with great care.

Magento is presently the most promising platform for startups and there are a number of reasons behind that. It is not just affordable and easy-to-use but is also enriched with lot of powerful features that can help your business maximise sales in every way. Have a read to know how Magento can power your startup business with great opportunities.

Open-source and flexible

Available in two versions, namely Magento Community and Magento Enterprise, the platform is completely free for you. Depending on your business requirements, you can choose any of the versions and then rest is on the Magento developers. You need a team of expert developers who can adapt the platform and tailor the code to build your store just the way you want.

Cost-effective development process

With no major expenses in buying the licenses, you can easily have a user-friendly Magento store at the most reasonable rate. You just have to pay for the development of the store and its integration with other technologies to the expert team.

Makes online presence powerful

Creating an online store will not make any sense if it’s not visible enough in the search results. Your store will have more market outreach when it is optimised for search engines and rank higher. Magento takes care of the SEO aspect too. It has advanced toolkit and extensions for SEO that helps in making store’s URL, content, title, descriptions, meta tags and everything else friendly for search engines.

Easy third-party integration

Third-party integration has never been as easy as it with Magento platform. From integrating the store with Google Analytics for analysing website traffic to payment gateways like PayPal, Amazon Pay or Google Pay, developers can do everything with Magento.

Most advanced security

Any website built with Magento is perhaps the most secure. It releases security patches from time to time that enhances the protection level of eCommerce solutions. Apart from that, Magento provides users with the best authorisation practices like CAPTCHA equipped logins, prevention of MYSQL injections, encrypted connections, use of SFTP(Secured File Transfer Protocol) and so forth. In short, Magento will completely make your site PCI compliant, assuring that your customers’ data are safely stored.

Great library of resources

Magento is powered with a vast library of extensions that helps developers to customise the store by adding diverse functionalities to the store. It is the best perk you can get using Magento as you can enhance your store sometime in future integrating the features like Social login, cart recovery mail, coupon and slider, banner slider, and many more.

These reasons say why your eCommerce startup can achieve great results with Magento. Besides making your eCommerce store diverse, secure and user-friendly, it also boosts the site’s SEO. Being a startup, your website will get proper visibility on the search engine before you start making any efforts for marketing. And above all, Magento is cost-effective and is hence suitable for your pocket too!

Rob Stephen is a skilful Magento developer in Sydney at GetAProgrammer, an industry-leading Magento development company which has delivered 150+ engaging eCommerce solutions for businesses worldwide. Serving as team lead at the company for 6 years, he has earned rich expertise and in-depth experience in Magento development and knows how to use every aspect of the platform to build tailor-made solutions. You can follow more of his writeup in the company’s LinkedIn page.

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Internet Marketing For Beginners – 13 Tips For Massive Traffic

hey guys Justin Bryan here fromself-made and in this videoI'm going to show you 13 tips andresources for getting massive trafficand as a beginner in internet marketingyou may realize that traffic is reallythe name of the game for just gettingenough people to have that sales volumeyou need to be able to support yourbusiness pay the bills support yourselfand I'm going to give you 13 tips forgetting traffic 13 of the best ones youcan ask for and I'm also going to giveyou resources to go along with these sothese are blog posts these are ultimateguides these are courses that you can gothrough to get startedlearn from people that are really thesome of the best in the industry at eachof these strategies and really just getyou on your way as quickly as possibleto getting results so the first thing isyou need to start blogging if you haveany kind of website you want to blogbecause it gets you more traffic to yourwebsite it allows you to build yourbrand it allows you to get more sales itallows you to help people find you insearch engines and the best way to dothis of course the best way to makebetter blog posts the best way to marketyour blog posts are covered in thisultimate guide it's called the completeguide to building your blog audienceit's on quick sprout calm so you cansearch quick sprout and then or just putin the name of this right here thecomplete guide to building your blogaudience it's a very long multi chapterguide that teaches you step by step howto build up a very big successful blogit's by Neil Patel who's the main writerthis course but Neil Patel is thefounder of quick sprout KISSmetricscrazy eggneil patel calm he is known as one ofthe best bloggers in the industry hewill show you how to get massive amountsof traffic in no time he built a blogwith over a hundred thousand visitors amonth in just a year just to prove apoint that it can be done so Idefinitely recommend this guide and Idefinitely recommend blogging to gettraffic number two you need to make aYouTube channel or if you're interestedin creating content you need to have amain stream of content now you might notbe into blogging so you might do aYouTube channel and then just repurposethings to your blog from your YouTubechannel but I'll get more into that in aminute a YouTube channel is one of thebest ways to appeal to Millennials andyounger demographics because people goto youtube usually when they're betweenyou know teenage and under 30 years olda YouTube channel is very easy to makecontent for you just get your camerafrom your smartphone you can have a fullgreen screen set up if you want to govery professional you can have a crewyou can do it all by yourself you can doscreen captures like I'm doing right now- if you want to show more of apresentation to show people kind of howyou're doing things but a YouTubechannel is one of the best ways to gettons of traffic to get over billionviews a month and YouTube is the thirdlargest website in the entire world sovideo is really taking over it's reallythe future of traffic in its growingyear after year the best way to make asuccessful YouTube channel is to followsome of the points in this article onconvince and convert this is one of thebetter articles out there one of themost comprehensive that goes over how tostart a YouTube channel they go over thenumbers they go over exampleschannels that do well why some succeedwhy some fail they take you through thenumbers they take you through thestatistics they take through casestudies and it's just a great postoverall from a very good marketingcompany if you want to start YouTubevideos a great resource to check out onconvince and convert but a YouTubechannel is one of the absolute best waysto get traffic especially for a youngerdemographic number 3 build a socialmedia presence so social media of courseFacebook has over a billion usersTwitter has hundreds and hundreds ofmillions of users there's hundreds ofmillions of users on Instagram and someof these other ones there's PinterestGoogle+ you need to have social mediapresence if you want your business tothrive and doing that you want to getthe best info from the best experts andsocial media examiner is a great blogthat I found to be very helpful forfiguring out the latest social mediatactics what experts are saying insocial media what the trends are for thefuture of social media what the besttools to use our social media examineris one of those top resources there'stop websites that you can go to wheneveryou have social media questions so it'sone of the best ways to get traffic andbuild a brand show people who's reallybehind your brand and just reallyconnect with your people on a whole newlevelbut you need to know what you're doingand social media examiner is one of thebest resources for figuring that out andbefore considered to starting a podcastso podcast of course is basically likeyour own little radio show that you canstart through Apple and of course thereare other podcasting sites now but Appleof course still dominates the podcastingspace and there are many successfulpodcasts now there's like the TimFerriss show there was entrepreneur onfirethere's a lot of different podcast fromcelebrities to businesses to personaldevelopment strategist and starting apodcast is something you want to learnfrom the bestyou want to study the best peopleentrepreneur on fire is one of the toppodcasts one of the top entrepreneurshippodcasts they interview people all thetime and they have a very good model tomodel after and podcasters paradiseis the course that they created forpeople who are looking to create theirown podcast like a successful brand likeentrepreneur on fire so they createdthis course for people like you ifyou're looking to start a podcast Ifound that this is the one of the mostpopular podcasts and courses out thereand if you want start podcast this isthe place to go just go to podcastersparadise calm but it can get you a tonof traffic just ask Tim Ferriss just askJohn Lee Dumas just as packed when thesepeople make a living off a podcast andtrust me it can take your business to awhole new levelnumber five repurpose content so there'sno point in just making one piece ofcontent with a lot of great stuff in itand then just leaving that as the onlyversion of it you can really reach awhole new group of people if you justrepurpose it and recycle it so if youmake a really good blog post just sayyour brand is born into blogging andthat's your main source of traffic youcan take a blog post and you can turn itinto alternative posts you can post themon LinkedIn pulse you can post them onmedium you can post them on hub pagesyou can repurpose them into sections soyou can create individual social mediaposts from different points that youmake in that blog post you can turn ablog post into a YouTube video then youcan share that video on multiple siteslike Vimeo and dailymotionyou can turn into a podcast episode orturn it into multiple podcast episodesyou can turn it into SlideSharepresentations where you take it and turnit into a slideshow there are so manyways to repurpose your content so oneway to figure out how to do this in thebest way get the right resources go tothe right websites for repurposing getsome great ideas you can go tooptinmonster comm and check out thispost called 40 ways to repurpose yourblog content and why you should it's avery it's a very timely post it's beendone recently so it's updated with allthe latest trends in social media andblogging and all the updates that aregoing on on the Internet and it givesyou 40 different ways to republish yourto repurpose your content and differentsources that you can use for doing so soit's a really great way a great greatresource to study and take some notesfrom and just kind of jot down what kindof resources to use when you want torepurpose your stuff so you canrepurpose it through ads you can bepurpose it through like I said you knowdifferent content mediums differentwebsites all kinds of stuff so check outthis post and consider repurposing yourcontent into many different forms to getthe most traffic number six you need toadvertise on Facebook if you're going toadvertise because advertising onFacebook is cheaper than Google AdWordshas more more targeting options thanbeing and it's just the best overall foryour money as far as my experience goesso Facebook advertisingyou create a Facebook page you mark itthrough sponsored post or write : adsbut the best way I would think to getstarted in Facebook marketing somethingI wish I knew when I started is study apost like this from digital marketerdigital marketer is one of the bestcompanies I've seen at Facebookadvertising they get the most for theirmoney they get the best qualifiedprospects that are most likely to buythe products so they know what they'redoing and they have some great posts andresources that you can use to help youget the same kind of results that theydo so go to digital marketer and checkout this post right here called thecomplete guide to Facebook ad targetingso you can go through and figure out howto target the best people for yourFacebook ads and they give examples theyhave other posts that they wink to thisone if you want to go even more in-depthbut they go over location they go overdemographics like age gender they dolanguage they do interest targeting youcan target things like peoplesoccupations you can target what the kindof magazines they read there's all kindsof stuff that you can target throughFacebook ads and there's some prettyspecific tricks that you can do to savemoney and get the most value per clickfrom Facebook so I recommend you readthis post to get started as a beginneron Facebook advertising and I recommendFacebook advertising if you're lookingto do any kind of advertising if you'reon a budget you don't have to do paidads you can do very well which iscontent marketing but Facebook ads canbe very worthwhile if you do themcorrectly number seven you can collectemails and this is something you have todo in today's world if you're running abusiness you have to collect emailsespecially if you have any kind ofwebsite becausethat's how you get people to return toyour website that's how you get peopleto see your product your offers multipletimes so that they can really understandwhy they should make a buying decisionand people are not going to buy thefirst time they see your business forthe first time they see your servicethey have to see it about five six seventimes before they make a buying decisionand people tend to do the research soyou need to collect their email whenthey first come to your site so that youcan not worry about being out of sightout of mind you can work you can focuson giving them value giving them blogposts and YouTube videos and things thatteach them that show you why you knowwhat you're talking about why yourbusiness works and how it improves theirquality of life and then of course youcan send them to sales pages from theseemails so it's the best way to marketoverall and the return on investment isamazing from email marketing so if youwant to get started in email marketingas a beginner I would recommend you reada post like this one on KISSmetricsdot-com where it talks about abeginner's guide to successful emailmarketing just look that up on Googlecome right up and you can go throughthis you have how you how to getpermission how to get whitelisted how toavoid being a spammer how to useanalytics and things like that to getthe most out of your emails when topitch when to give value it reallycovers a lot of great aspects of emailmarketing and as a beginner and you needto know just how to get started on theright foot without shooting yourself inthe foot and this is a great post tohelp you do that so another thing Iwould recommend for getting traffic isjust leveraging analytics so technicallythis doesn't directly get you trafficlike say blogging like say advertisingthe analytics is what helps youknow what gets the most traffic and whatdoesn't work so if you don't knowanalytics you don't keep track of yournumbers you're not going to know how toget more traffic from the best types ofblog posts so in other words you'regoing to be blogging or doing videossome of them are going to do poorly someof them are going to do well you need toknow which ones are doing poorly andwhich one they're doing well so that youcan stop doing videos and content likethe ones that don't get any results andyou can do more and build on thestrategies that work that got bigresults and you don't know any of thosethings without knowing the numbers inanalytics so the best analytics that youcan get for free is Google Analyticstells you all about your website allabout your demographics your attractingwhere people are coming from whereyou're getting the most traffic fromwhich kind of blog posts are doing thebest how you're converting all thatstuff can be done with Google Analyticswhich is free to start using and the altthere's a great guide for beginners touse Google Analytics on Moz comm andit's called the absolute beginners guideto Google Analytics it's very long postit really goes very very in-depth on howto do every aspect of Google Analyticsand I recommend you read that if you'rebeginner and don't really know everypart of Google Analytics and need toknow how to track your results and getthe most from your marketing so you'renot wasting a lot of time on things thatdon't worknumber nine you can get traffic fromanswering questions on Cora and Cora isa fairly new brand they are basically adifferent type of Yahoo Answers in a wayso Cora is a place where you answerquestions for people but you can wink toresources after answering the questionso if you give people very qualityquality answers to their questions thatand really just answer the question butthen you want if they want to get moreelaboration on the topic you can letthem know hey if you want to see evenmore on this topic you can go to thiswebsite or this page or this blog postor this video and you can link to it inthe answer of these questions andhundreds and thousands of people seeeach question in many cases on Quoraso when you have all these people seeingthese the percentage of them will clickyour link if your answer is good so it'sa great way to get extra traffic fromjust another type of resource and thispost on smart blog or calm how to turnCora into a traffic driving machine foryour blog very popular post will showyou how to really get the most trafficfrom Cora that you possibly can and itwill go through case studies examplesnumbers you can expect kind of how to dothis without becoming a spammer how todo this the right way so Cora doesn'tkick you off and how to actually providevalue while still winking to yourwebsite so it's a great post on smartblogger check it out Cora is a great wayto help people and get more trafficnumber 10 you can publish books onAmazon and wink back to your brand orringbut wait back to your YouTube channelyour website your social media profilesso you can get their emails you cancollect their information you can getmore followers you can get more visitorsto your blog and your channel allthrough Amazon books and if your booksare good you'll notice that bestsellerstend to have very popular blogs as welllook at somebody like Tim Ferriss hewrote the 4-hour workweek a 4-hour bodyin the 4-hour chef look how popular hisblog is and he really doesn't even dothat much SEO he doesn't even rank for alot of terms he just gets so muchtraffic because people know him throughhis podcast and through his books and hereferences his websites through hisbooks by having resources on his websiterelated to the material in his books sothat is a great way to get more trafficas to write a very well-done bookpublish it on Amazon and as people readyour book you can reference differentadditional resources on your website andone of the best ways to rank books thebest way to learn how to do this is totake a course that I took called K moneymastery you can go to / K – money – mastery itlooks like this page and it's a very lowcost course that will teach you allabout how to rank books and Amazon howto promote yourself in the books at theend how to get reviews how to publishbooks almost automatically withouthaving to even write them yourselfthere's all kinds of tricks andstrategies in this course for publishingon Amazon and it will get you tons ofextra trafficnumber 11 you can promote stuff on viralcontent buzz viral content buzz is asocial media community where you sharestuff you earn points and then you getpeople to share your content by creatingprojects and paying them in these pointsso it's basically like trading sharesfor shares and you can also get apremium account where you don't have toshare that much stuff of other people'sand you get points each month for yourprojects but the way it works is you goon here you log in and you're on a pagelike this you can go read this materialand decide whether you want to promoteit on StumbleUpon Twitter Facebook orPinterest and when you share it Oh tellyou how many points you'll get or howmany credits you'll get when you shareit you use these credits to create yourown projects like these where peoplewill see this and they will share yourstuff so you get more social mediashares you get more traffic to whatevercontent you put on here so viral contentbuzz is a great way to get a lot ofsocial media traffic and a lot morepromotion for your content if you don'thave a big following yet it's completelyfree to use number 12 you can get moretraffic from just retweet just retweetis similar to viral content buzz exceptyou basically promote a tweet instead ofpromoting the actual page of yourcontent but the link to your content iswithin the tweet so people can retweetlike or +1 these tweets on TwitterFacebook and Google+ and they paidcredits that you give them when they doit so these people are trying to earncredits to get shares for their contentso they have to share your content toget those credits and it's just a way toget everybody on thismore publicity more traffic to theircontent and if it's good you'll you'llget stuff that will even go viral so ifyou don't have a huge social mediafollowing yet use viral content buzz andjust retweet to share to people'sfollowings that are already establishedwithout having to do things the hard wayor pay them for doing it and last butnot least you can promote contentthrough empire cred Empire cred used tobe known as Empire Avenue but Empirecred allows you to do something similarto just with just retweet and viralcontent buzz and you create missionswhere you pay people credits to promoteyour stuff and it's all fake credits youdon't have to pay anything you can payto upgrade if you want but you don'thave to and what you do is you also havea stock market so it's actually morelike a game than the other two optionsbecause you can play stocks you caninvest in people who have really goodsocial-media followings who are trendingup in social media and you can sellstock to create more credits foryourself so you get you get credits forinvesting as well as doing missions andmissions are when you share otherpeople's stuff you visit their posts youdo all these things whatever they askyou to do but then you create your ownmission up here and then you have peopleshare your stuff in exchange for thecredits so if you combine viral contentbuzz just retweet and Empire cred foreach piece of content that you do youcan get a huge boost in in traffic andit will help you grow your socialfollowing a lot faster if you will havea big one already so if you gotsomething from this video if you feellike you learned some ways to gettraffic that you didn't already knowabout an internet marketing please likeand subscribe so I can create morevideos like this for you if you want tolet me know about some other great waysfor beginners to getethic through internet marketing that Imissed in the video that you thoughtshould have been in this video or youwant to just let me know what youthought about it just leave a commentbelow I'd love to hear from you and ifyou want to contact me directly if youwant to get more in-depth blog posts onthis stuff and you want to get coursesand tools that you can use to help youget better results and go to other than that I hope youenjoyed the video and I hope you have agreat dayyou


How To Choose A Good Ecommerce Website Development Company

By Naveen Kalra | Submitted On October 25, 2013

Expert Author Naveen Kalra

The trend of creating the ecommerce sites has become viral these days, which has further enhanced the competitions. And the need to beat the competitions has naturally come forward. To facilitate the business companies who have their set up on the online platform, there are web development organizations available. But selecting a random such service provider can leave you nowhere. It is not possible for you to improve your own site all by yourself, when there are loads of things to focus on. This is where choosing a good ecommerce site development service provider is required. While in the act of choosing, you must be aware that your final selection must fulfill the discussed criteria.

The ROI Factor

The ROI factor or the return on investment is vital in every field, and so it is in the concerned matter. A web development company may be expensive but is able to provide the best ecommerce solutions. If you can select the company without worrying about the investments, things can turn out to be in your favor shortly and to a great extent. On the other hand, a service provider with lower price rates but poorer results can leave you in the losing side. And who wants to lose when there is already an option to win?

Having a Strong and Composed Team

Web designing is a matter of a lot of subjects, and not just one or two. There are the likes of SEO boosting, proper marketing, providing facilities to the customers, and so on for your business site. Not one or two professionals can handle everything in this case. Ensure that your appointed website development company is having a strong and composed team. This is most likely to be possible when the respective company is quite experienced in the field. Following the reviews closely and carrying out the interactions with the service provider can prove to be beneficial in this regard.

Taking the Workload but Under your Nose

When you are investing on the ecommerce website development company, you must be looking to have the convenience that the experts will take care of everything. At the same time, you would most certainly not look to give away the saddle to them. Thus, your service provider will be responsible enough to not just take the workload, but also to allow you to follow their works. This aspect has two benefits, the fist being that you are able to keep yourself well updated regarding the progress of your site. And secondly, you get to know a lot about web designing. Therefore, your service provider should have the ability to maintain both these criteria simultaneously.


On a concluding note, choosing a qualitative ecommerce development company is not very tough. Going through the company portfolio and talking with the experts employed by the company can give you enough insights to let you know whether to progress with them or not. And with following recommendations of the specialists, you can have the best service provider that your business site needs.

The Author of this article is associated with Webxpert India, a professional Ecommerce Website Development Company in Delhi, provides creative, effective and affordable Ecommerce Website Design and Development services to your corporate and individuals businesses.

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How To Start Your Own Ecommerce Store & Sell Product Online – Complete Details

This video is complete detail about How you can start your own ecommerce store and sell product online. All Basic points are covered like Domain Registration, Building Store, Marketing, Payments & Shipping.

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