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How To Take + Edit EASY AMAZING Lifestyle Product Photos For Ecom Stores
we've got a lot to do we are actuallygonna make a video on how we get contentfor our e-commerce store so I gotactually the print movement they hit meup wanting me to do some content forthem they got this sent me like a nicenice little watch right here but immashow you guys todayhow are you about doing that because allyou guys like how do I get content Idon't know photographers how much youguys how to do that with good camerasback cameras iPhones yeah let's get it[Music]honestly we could probably just get anice product over here to just as sopeople that it's not like a crazy likelike it's nothing crazy you know so thenext bit of creative art on the groundyou guys right now it is about what timeit's like see it's for 19 okaysunset here is like around sunset sevenguys which is usually like an hour hourhalf before sunset or after sunrise isusually like the best time to takephotos if you guys are really wonderingabout thatjust like when to go after photos butmost of time any sort of lighting worksit's just like harsh lighting andsomething you want to try to avoid butwith the presets I use it's usually notthat big of a not that big of an issueso we got caught right here Ohfor someone just starting out like justgetting your own contents and moreimportant than like having it be likeamazing which is good I'll take one likethis focus the watch and we're gonnaturn this into something really good forto next the parking garage just becausethat's an easy spot it's something thatpeople should be able find reallyanywhere where they live I think it'spretty if you need to take photos aroundthere so that's where we're off to it'scrowded but I did see a bridge sort ofbridge down here which we can doingdonuts up here at nightit's not something I'd recommend but Ijust there's a lot of photos like thison Instagram something in trying toemulate one you do not try at home we donot condone or endorse this this is acar literally right there we got theshot we got the shot all right guys sowe are now in the office basically I'mgonna hop into a screen share real quickhere for you guys to kind of break downbasically how our editing the video sofirst thing guys we are using theprogram Adobe Lightroom and so with thatthe desktop version is you do have topay for that they do offer a free travelbut guys if you want the free version ofthis it's free literally on mobile so onyour high point you can actuallydownload the free app and see how we dothat so skip ahead if you just want todo the free iPhone app and use thetemplates that way but basically guysfor this for this section right for thisperson I'm sure guys how to edit on mydesktop because for the more you knowcontent centric people this will bedefinitely more vibe with you so mucheach here real quick and now let's getinto itokay so first thing you'll notice guysagain I was kind of messing around butwhat we want to do is actually importall the presets so for example the teamhas presets I'm using which is ones thatI usually use I'm going to go to overagain I have like them open okay guysand I'm gonna go to user presets rightclick and click import so I can actuallyimport my presets in and then from thereI would go click type Atlas and thenit's open up so you guys win for examplefor these Atlas presets they are the youdo get access to the mobile ones likeit's the the the software is free nowwe're going to import all of these oneshere ok guys so we have 40 presets andI'm just showing you guys how to importthis into your section now theyshouldn't be in hereI'm sorry guys as you'll see there's 8different themes for every single one sofor example if I reset this photo soagain this is a photo I took at the gasstation right there you just found thecar at the gas station so if I apply youknow white theme one rightjust smack that on and foremost is formost photos guys depending on you knowthe actual substance of your photos likethe lighting the exposure that there'sthere's only like three or four mainthings you guys will need to focus on interms of using the desktop applicationonce you're using it so again you pick apreset right something that fits youlike obviously this is probably not eventhe best one to pickgiven the current lighting situation butyou guys you know how we can fix thatwith this so I'm gonna break down forthis oneprobably just up the exposure just a bitokay so yeah that kind of just makes ita little bit brighter now my armslooking really orange so I might dosomething a little more advanced andscroll down here to the HSL tab which ishue saturation and luminance and I wouldjust change the saturation of orangebecause you get my arm is really reallyorange so I would just tone that downjust a bitjust to make it seem less you know likestand standout ish okay things to knowguys the big things will be changing ourexposure temperature maybe clarity andthey kinda just messing up thesaturation limits taps guys but it'sreally just those those big ones are theones like the actual exposure willchange the brightness the temperaturewill actually change it you know eitherwarmer or harder you know give it all inthe actual photo and again that that'skind of up to you guys blowing in withthese presets that develop so that it'sjust you smack them on and they're goodto go so this is what I use basicallyfor our product photography and I justcan see this is there's a bunch ofdifferent ones to play with that you canreally just smack on and again withwhatever lighting situation is it's justa matter of increasing you know theexposure curve for ninety percent ofthis which is cool okay so that was theone that we just took out a gas stationnow let's go to another one I wasplaying around with here right so againa photo that we took at the gas stationliterally just me standing in front of acar with the watch on right the productokay this is the edited version of thatright again just slapping a preset oncome be on site now one thing I want youguys to notice with this one right isthis would be done a little bit more ofan advanced tactic and contacted by alittle bit of advanced feature to use ifyou're just brand new to all this rightbut basically what I did is I went tothis topclick the circle icon alright andbasically what I did was I created alittle oval just around the productitself okay and then I did that Iclicked invert and then I just bumped upthe clarity a bit and a little bit ofthe exposure okay so what that does isbasically everything in that oval rightis what you're gonna be changing whatyou're gonna be affecting in the actualimage okay and with a lot like with theproduct photography what you want to door focus on right is it's like it's likeeven like psychology is like you wantpeople to look at your product righteven if it's a really good photo youneed people to actually look at yourproduct or at least eventually drawtheir attention towards the product liketo actually make sure that's the actualfocus of the photo and to help you dothat is again by just making an ovalaround your actual product increasingthe clarity um you know bumming updateor just a little bit and so in somecases right and then proceeding to editlike that guys let's do one more go hereso this is when I was on the bridgeearlier today again we can play aroundwith a lot of these different themesI'm let's go with white number two I forthis one okay for this one we can evenjust turn down the exposure just alittle bit okay and then I might youknow want to make it just a little bitwarmer something that guys so again yousee how we're going from you know animage just like this right to somethinglike this alright again with just amatter of a few clicks which is which isreally nice and again my goal for thisis just streamline the process right soagain with content even with marketingwhatever you're doing right is to makeit as efficient and you know seamless aspossible so you guys are you knowediting these photos and whatnot again Iwant you guys it doesn't take you knowyou don't need to go to these iconicplaces you don't need to go to all thesebig fancy places you can go anywhere aslong as you have your product a cameraand you know at least know how on how toedit which is what I'm to do for youguys it's actually showing you know Ihey there's just a few things you guyscan use here to edit whatever presetsyou have right and then export those anduse those for you know your ads yoursocial media whatever whatever youdecide to use your content for righthere's another one I play around with aswell again we turned that one from thisright so again again wecan literally just play around with somedifferent so this one's white sake soI'm a big fan of white guys if you guysdon't know that this is my Instagramfeed I like to eat needs a very verywhite but for this instance right Imight bump up the shadow just a littlebit this one I gently exposure a bitjust to bring you up but probably don'twhatnot and I might actually change theoranges up just a little bit this is avery deed this is a very very desaturatelook guys but nonetheless it is betterthan the raw okay yes that's just anover over here it's just like okay guysyou can go basically anywhere to getphotos of your product alright the theactual key part is is you know actuallydetermining how to actually edit thephotos right because again it's notnecessarily like the camera that makesit really like it's not the camera thatmakes the photographer right it's theirvisions their their overall process ofdelivering that piece of content to theend consumer right and again editing isa big big portion of that not justsnapping the actual photo so yeah that'sjust it I wanted to show you guys thatwe're gonna hop into the mobile editingone right now so I can show you guys howto actually do that with an iPhonepicture with Lightroomwhich is the free version which isavailable on mobile and how to actuallyget the presets that I have availablefor you guys on the mobile app for freeand just start smacking those on alrightso let's do thatthis Apple can be using as a Lightroomcc okay guys which is basically theAdobe version of this except for mobilebut this is free okay guys so again ifyou're really really trying to bootstrapit you can you can grab the mobile appfor freeand you just have to be frozen beginwith with our Atlas presets that we madethey are for mobile as well okay soyou're getting 40 desktop ones and 41whether you can they just slap onprivation now I want you guys so againwe're just seeing on my phone screenright now this is just one of our whitepresets so again if you follow meInstagram there's eight white presetsthat you guys can basically choose frommake presets in life but in LightroomMobile it's it's a little bit it's veryhard because you can't just have a fileand you knowand put it into lightroom so basicallyit's a picture all right I'm just calledAtlas presets okay and each each picturehas the different reset applied to itbut when you first get these presetsright once you've imported them on yourphone or air drop them or sent them toyourself because they are just picturesbut they're saved in a special fileformat that you guys can actually taketo be take the editing from that pictureand apply it to any of use one we havethis photo now if I go back here this isan iPhone photo that I took right at thegas station that you guys that you guyssaw all right this is again just a rawiPhone photo nothing special about itand I'm just literally going to go tothe Atlas preset photo okay click thetop right I'm gonna click copy settingsalright and then again you don't want touncheck anything sorry any press okayright after you do that go back to theiPhone photo okay guys I'm here thisisn't crazy now this is all we're allgonna go click the top right button andthen when click paste settings boom thatlooks like a professional camera tookthat photo holy all right now againthere's small things that you guys canalways you know adjust and crop and workon with the colors and whatnot so likethe temperature I might make it a littlebit more yellow right so yeah this looksreally really good with just literallyalmost no no touches okay guys like thisis a professional but like this could beon a huge Instagram page with this withthis photo okay guys again this is likejust a very quick edit that you guys canslap on basically if you you know have apreset you can import it and then copythe settings onto an iPhone photo andmake it look really really really goodokay guys again that's really just how Iedit my photos you don't need anythingcrazy you guys it's just a little bit ofcreativity a little bit understandingespecially with products guys there's adifference between you're takingpictures of a person versus takingpictures of a product and it's it's it'sjust being creative guys you don't needto go to these crazy places all the timeor the special meeting just starting outyou can really really be created likeyou'll see what I mean kai did was wewent to a gas station took the photos wewent to a parking garage we went to abridge and just took some photos andthen again with these presets it'salmost like you don't you don't evento be really good fun it's just slappingstuff on and then editing it slightly toadjust it and then guys that that'sreally how you can create a reallyreally good on it's like honestly thisis just like something actually meposting for everyone because I meanagain like this is like I have stuff inthe course that's a lot more but this ispublic for you guys to be usingliterally right now so if you guys dowant the presets link is in thedescription guys there's 40 so get 40presets for your laptop and then 40presets for your phone you guys can usefor everything okay so there's whitepresets there's warm presets there'scool presets cool as in like thetemperature so like a little bit moreblues warmest would be a little morelike sunset yellow it's Hollywoodalright and white preset in a vintagepreset group okay guys so there's 40presets all bundled into that you guyscan check that out in the descriptionthere's also the course guys I haven'treally talked about it yet I don't wantto make a full dedicated videoexplaining it but basically the courseis out now there's three times morecontent in this new course platformright and it's not even officially outbecause I haven't made of like aofficial announcement yet I haven't evenyou know again if you're in the oldcourse you don't need to buy it againI'll be making an announcement theprivate group there to send everyone tothe new platform and yeah guys so I hopeyou guys enjoy the video because thehoping that gave you a bit of anunderstanding I'm just like how you guyscan go about getting content fore-commerce orders or just you knowgetting content in general and editingcontent guys again it just takes a lotof experimentation and playing aroundwith the programs understanding that butagain I hope you guys enjoy the videodon't mind my purple hair here I went toa salon and yes I'll talk about that butI hope you guys enjoy the video makesure to leave a likemake sure to converse about all yourcomments and don't forget to subscribeguys I will see you guys in the next onedon't forget to check the descriptionfor all the important stuff I'll see youin the next video take care[Music]
5 Most Usual Mistakes That Could Break Your eCommerce Business
By Rob Stephen | Submitted On January 17, 2018
Creating a downright online store isn’t that hard when there are plethora of platforms available including Magento, Shopify to WooCommerce or Zencart. However, considering the fierce competition in the eCommerce segment, starting an online venture is more about building credibility and making things perfect to boost conversions. For online retailers, success is a sure instance only if they know how to fetch new customers consistently and fill all the gapings on the website. At every step, they have to be careful not to fall prey to the costly mistakes that most retailers make and ruin their scope for earnings.
Whether retail merchants wish to launch an eCommerce store or get their existing store optimised, here are the most-obvious mistakes that they should be aware of to offer exhilarating user experience to their visitors.
#1 Not having a proper plan for targeting
For an eCommerce site, one does not need a formal strategic plan, but still a simple plan on how to proceed and target the specific segments. You do not need a business plan as a roadmap for success but simply be aware of who are your customers, what they like, what you can sell to them and what customers are willing to pay for the products offered by you.
#2 Not having a definite value proposition
Research manifested that most buyers stay for some fraction of seconds on any online site before deciding whether they will purchase or leave for another shopping destination. The only thing that can affirm their decision to stay is a Unique value proposition of your store. Your value proposition will make you different from the rest sellers and exhibits what you have in offer for them. More precisely, the value proposition is a promising prospect from the retailers’ end to deliver specific benefits to the customers and telling them why they are the best.
#3 Hiding product details and information
Most online retailers make the mistake of hiding a lot of details like the complementary items added to the product, rebate or discounts, certain less-important features or the surcharges needed for delivery. They think that customers will love surprises and might get exhilarated after placing the order. But, the truth is customers feel tricked down in the instances where they have to pay more and did not know about it. Thus, even if you have best intentions of hiding some information, do not go for it as people like you to be straightforward especially about shipping and prices.
#4 Ignoring after-sales customer treatment
You just cannot forget the customers who have bought something or other from your store because they might be the one to return for their next purchases. Thus, make sure you offer them good experience even after the product sale. For this, retailers need to promote some prominent way of interaction with the customers afterwards like email, messages, push notifications, live chat and so forth.
#5 Not emphasising on SEO strategy with understanding of the market
SEO for eCommerce or any website predominantly involves studying the competitors in the market and what are the keywords or key phrases they are targeting. You must not act silly and consider only keywords relevant to your business but should consider those quality keywords that can elevate your ranking in search engines above your competitors.
It is always better to learn from the mistakes of others than your own. These above illustrations are to make you and every aspiring retailer aware of the pervasive mistakes that might happen in eCommerce development. This will probably let your mind buzz with different ideas on how to avoid these mistakes and improve the scope of revenues for your store.
Rob Stephen is one of professed Magento eCommerce developers at PHPProgrammers, a top-rated firm for eCommerce solutions development in Australia and keeps himself up-to-date with major tricks, strategies and methodologies of online businesses. Follow the Facebook page for more of interesting revelations about the eCommerce development.
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TOP 30 WINNING Products For 2020 For Shopify Dropshipping
alright in this video I'm gonna revealincredible winning products that youneed to test right now with Shopify dropshipping these products have thepotential to do thousands of dollars foryou and your business with Shopify dropshipping we're gonna jump on thecomputer I'm gonna show you exactly whatthese products are how to test them whatinterest to use all of that but beforeyou do that keep in mind that I'm stilldoing free one-on-one coaching calls forall members of the dropship fortuneprogram so if you jump in the dropshipfortune program right now you canactually get on the call with me andI'll go through build a game planspecific to your business your brand orhelp you scale with Facebook Ads allthat so definitely check that out in thedescription box below also before wejump into if you guys could please helpthe engage them on the video by smashthe like button hit subscribe if youhave already definitely leave anycomments or questions down below I lovegoing ahead connecting with all theanswering any questions you guys havelet's go ahead jump in the computer andI'll reveal all of these winningproducts for you right now all right solet's jump into so we're gonna do thingsa bit different today I've got about 30products to show you typically when I dothese product reveal videos I'm actuallygiving you products that are alreadyworking with brands I found them eitherthrough you know Facebook product briefsor spy tools or using other productresearch methods to find products thatare proven and are actually working towhere you can get you least a small tomedium piece of the pie today we'redoing things a bit different I've talkedin other videos about how I useAliexpress as my favorite productresearch method and I use adiversification strategy where I usehigh orders class meeting orders Castlelow orders counts to essentially findthose huge undiscovered gold and winningproducts so that's what we're gonna bedoing today today I'm gonna show youproducts that may or may not already beworking some of these products arealready working with some brands some ofthese products are completelyundiscovered but have potential for youto test out on your brand so I've gonethrough on how to express found a lot ofproducts that are definitely worthtesting right now especially with thestart of 2028 coming up so we're gonnago ahead and bang out all 30 of theseproducts the very first one I've got foryou is this light bulb home camera soright now home security is absolutelyhuge you see all these differentyou know doorbell cameras all of thatthey're huge but you know a lot ofpeople would want theirs to be kind ofdiscreet so you know this light bulbcamera makes it to where it doesn't looklike you've just got you know a cameraup around your house so this isdefinitely one that if you have a textor you've got you know you know youcould have a home security store homesecurity stores would be a greatspecific nice to be in right now but ifyou have any of those stores even homegoods this is gonna be a great one thatconnects over to your phone so you canactually see the camera off your phoneit's gotten great reviews this one isalready selling it's already got abouteighteen hundred orders which is kind ofin that medium orders council rangeespecially with tech I mean that's lowto medium orders custom this isdefinitely one that with the right videoright with the right image you canreally really kill it the great thingabout this product is this is gonna haveworldwide demand in with the targetingyou're gonna be able to target a veryvery great amount of people and not avery very specific demographic so you'regonna be able to scale very very widehorizontally and along with that govertically with it as well so this isgonna be a great product for you to testif you get the right store definitely gofor that oneI mentioned other light bulbs like thisone before especially for kids I'm to golight up the room this is a little bitmore of a unique one this one already isselling as well has over six hundredorders this is just a bit of a uniqueone compared to some of the others ifyou get home boost or you're selling anyof this type of lights this isdefinitely one that at a absoluteminimum you should have as a cross-sellupsell if not test as an actual winningproduct but this is one that you know ifyou already have that home goods typestore I would go ahead and put this onyour store and build a funnelyou know either with a cross sell appsomething like that to where you can goahead and test this product withoutactually testing or with ads but youknow if you're already having successwith some of the other bulbs you mightwant to go ahead and test this withFacebook Instagram ads as well the nextone I've got for you are these coffeemeasuring Springs now the reason I havethis and the reason why this has a tonof potential is because the coffee spaceis huge right now just like craft beerhas blown upCoffee has blown up as well people arereally really getting into the you knowthe coffee presses and the differentcoffee beans all of that this is gonnabe not only a great stocking stuffer forthe holiday season this is gonna be hugegoing forward in 2020 if you wanted tomake a very specific niche store justaround coffee that has a ton ofpotential now the product price on thisis great you're gonna be able to markthis up this is an undiscovered productand this one does have a lot ofpotential so I would definitely go aheadTessa's keep you out of home goods storeit's gonna be perfect if you get ageneral store and especially if you'vegot a specific niche copy store thisone's gonna be perfect and if you goahead and you want to go down this routethere's a lot about the products thatare gonna be very specific to coffeedrinkers that you can go ahead andtarget as well this one I'm very veryexcited about definitely go ahead andtest this one another one I got for youis this is more in the fitness space soI'm sure you've seen all the pull-upbars that you essentially just put inyour doorway you know there's a lot offill videos out where people put thoseup and then they fall back on their backthis is a little bit different this isgoing to you know have different gripsand you can actually change the way youdo it so it's gonna increase gripstrength actually I have another similarproduct for you on here as well on thislist but this is just you know changingit up from what everybody else sees youknow this one is undiscovered right nowit's got great reviews this is one ifyou've got a fitness fitness storeanything like that you definitely wantto go ahead and have that rock climbingis blowing up right now as well that'sgetting more and more popular kind ofyou know totally towards the populationright now so this is only gonna helpthat definitely go ahead and test thatyou've got the right store for it thisone's gonna be great for the kids thisis a remote control submarine what Ilove about this one is one it has greatreviews you want to look for toysespecially tech especially you want tolook for the reviews this one has greatreviews but the price on this is greatyou're really really going to be able tomark up the price on this and have greatgreat margins so definitely test this Ilooking at another remote-control boatand the margins on that would be way tooslim there's a much more higher pricedremote-controlled boat this one has theperfect room for four great greatmargins and right now with you know theholiday season Christmas season beingright here you know if you get thisgoing immediately you can still takeadvantage for Christmas season but thisis gonna be one that's gonna be greatthroughout 2020 so definitely check thatone outthis is a car vacuum this is a littlebit higher priced product but this isone where people are going to spend moremoney for this type of product this isone that it's essentially a vacuum thatcan get in those hard-to-reach spots ofyour car so you know the crevices ofyour seatsthe vents you can even use it on youknow stuff around your house all of thatit's it's kind of more of a high-techvacuum this one already is selling it'sin the medium orders counts range andthis is one that you're gonna be able totarget many many different types ofpeople you can go ahead go hard with theautomotive route with this and you knowtarget everybody with luxury cars oranything like that or you can go hard inthe home good space you know using itfor home goods all of that and this alsodepends on which way you want to do thead you could go ahead and make multipleads for this make one for you knowspecifically showing the benefits foraround the house and then you can makeone specifically showing the benefits ofyour car so there's multiple ways to goahead and target this and sell it thisis a great product I highly suggest youtest this one out next I've got for usein the pet niche this is a differenttype of pret pet grooming brush so we'vetalked a lot about different groomingbrushes and there's a lot of great onesthis is another great one to testespecially if you've a pet store andI've talked about how the pet Anish isone of my favorite niches for 2020 it'sbooming right now and is coming back youknow was doing amazingly well a fewyears ago and the guy oversaturated wellright now it's on its way back this isanother great one to test this was gonnacome down to you know how well you cango ahead and create your ad for this butthere's a lot of potential for that knowwith the targeting you know it isextremely easy to targetpet owners and with this you can go bothfor cats and dogs definitely go aheadcheck this one outthis is a mini camera this one isalready selling as well in the mediumorders counts range and this one can beused and you know the spy camera can beused for pictures all that so there'smultiple ways you can Detgo ahead and create a video add aroundthis or even use image as but for this Iwould definitely go ahead and highlightthis with video ads keep in mind thatI've talked in the past about when youshould go ahead and start your testingwith video ads versus image ads justquick simple you kind of rundown of itand you know I've done huge videos onyou know that as well but the the kindof quick simple rundown is four simpleproducts ones that don't need a lot ofexplaining start with image ads forcomplex products ones that the customeris not gonna know exactly what it is orwhat it does right off the bat use videoads typically tech stuff fits within thevideo ad range so definitely keep an eyeout for that this one is one that hasbeen selling and it's a hooded blanketor hooded bath towel for babies and asyou can see a lot of these are alreadysold out so what you'd want to do iseither one go ahead and find anothersupplier or wait for these to come backin but this is showing that there'sdemand and there's early demand with thesupply I haven't seen if other suppliersare selling this exact same thing butthis is one of those good signs you wantto look for because you've got loworders counts on this so if this is anew product and it's already sold out ofthis it means that the supplier wastesting out the demand for themselvesand now they're obviously going to begetting everything back in this showsthat there's demand for the product soif you have a you know motherhood orbaby store or children's store this isdefinitely one that you should keep aneye out on at least and I would highlysuggest testing once they've got theseback in this is gonna be you knowpotentially a huge winning product foryou this is another one in the fitnessniche so weighted vest for working outare huge and the reason I like this oneis it's more unique than some of theother ones you know typically they looklike you know the middlevery best all of that and I've workedout with those several times this ismore unique this one honestly looks alot more comfortable than some of theother ones I've used some of the otherones I've used you know you can't usewithout a shirt on or you'll chafe thecrap out of your back this one and youknow actually looks soft and a lot ofpeople are gonna appreciate that this isgonna be great one for you know your adson Facebook Instagram you know thefitness niche is huge and people spendso much money in the fitness niche thisis gonna be great for CrossFittersyou're gonna be able to targetCrossFitters you're gonna be able totarget you know just general people inthe gym like bodybuilders all of thatthis is a great product to test ifyou're in the fitness space this isessentially undiscovered so definitelygo ahead test that one another productI've got for you is this headlamp thisone is already selling this one alreadyis a bait pie so this is one that youwould essentially you know be getting asmall piece of the pie this one is oneif you have an outdoors an outdoorsbrand I would definitely put this on ifyou've got home goods store but thisone's gonna be specific to you knowoutdoors if you get an outdoor space youdefinitely want to roll with this thisis a very very high-powered headlamp youknow I've got many many headlamps frommy time in the Army from old to runningall of that and I definitely do not haveone that's this high-powered and this isvery very unique product so I definitelygo with this and the price point on thisis great you're gonna be able to mark upthe price because you know most of thetypical headlamps are anywhere from tento twenty-five dollars anyway and sosuper super high-powered one you knowyou're gonna be able to mark this oneabout forty dollars plus so definitelycheck this one outanother one I've got for you this isanother one of those kind of uniquelamps if you've got a home goods storethis is one for you to test this is onethat's a essentially dashcam these onesare huge if you've you know seen onYouTube especially fail videos a lot ofthem are you know off of dash cams sothis is a dash cam that's very veryreasonably priced you're gonna be ableto mark this up and you've got differentopswith memory cards so this is definitelyone if you get a text or automotivestore this one's gonna be great for youyou know the automotive space is onethat always works out that's the onethat's not gonna go away and it's onethat you know is always gonna have a lotof potential so definitely check thisone out another one I've got for you arethese solar-powered lights if you got ahome goods store this is gonna beperfect as since it's just lights youcan put up outside they look very niceand they're solar powered so you'regonna be able to hit quite a fewdifferent demographics with this you'regonna hit people that you knowessentially just went nice lighting butthen you're also gonna get people thatwant solar-powered stuff as well anddon't have to worry about you knowenergy and all of that so this is gonnabe one that you definitely want to goahead and test especially if you gothome good store another one I've got foryou this is in the beauty space and thisis a nail drawing a nail dry and thingwhatever it's a nail drawing lampthis one has thirty six thousand ordersso in the beauty Miche this is actuallymore in the high medium orders countsthis isn't in like extremely high orderscounts but this shows that this productis dominated so if you have a beautyniche store I would definitely go aheadand have this on your store definitelytest it if you don't have a beauty nichestore this one might be too saturated togo ahead and take advantage of so thisis gonna be really really store specificwhen you get into this super high ordiscounts range that's when it reallydoes depend on what type of store youhave if you have a general store orstore that's not specific to thatproduct typically you're not gonna beable to get nearly any piece of the pieor we get a couple sales and it won't beworth you testing but if you have abeauty niche stork definitely have thison there these are unique wall clocksyou know they're pretty cool you can goahead and hang them up you can have themonto desk all that and they're just youknow digital clocks these ones alreadyworking so if you have a home goodsstore this is another one perfect foryou this one has high orders these aregonna be perfect for anybody with athome goods store another one I've gotfor you this is in thethe beauty or jewelry niche this is acharm for a bracelet now typically Istay away from jewelry jewelry is veryvery hit-or-missyou know if you have the right storewith the right products they absolutelydominate but many times they'reperceived is too cheap and it ends upbecoming a nightmare this is a type ofproduct right here though that I wouldtest if you have a jewelry store I wouldabsolutely test this product and charmsare ones that you know they are a littlebit safer in the jewelry niche to goahead and test so if you have a jewelrystore keep in mind that charms are agreat way to go and you can create awhole store around charms when I talkabout specific niches that's what I meanby specific not just creating you know abracelet store but creating an actualcharm store that's when it gets veryvery specific and you're able to make avery very very strong brand out of thatand so keep that in mind because it'sdefinitely one to test right here you'vegot more home security this is awireless smart doorbell you know theseare huge right now and they're a lotmore expensive than this you're gonna beable to mark up the price quite a bit onthis and for people that you knowessentially want you know a differenttype or you know they want a you knowcheaper version than kind of the mainbrands out there this is gonna beperfect for them you're gonna be able toput this on and this is why I mentionedhaving you know possibly a home securitystore there's a lot of great homesecurity products and you know it's it'svery very popular right now a lot ofpeople are looking into home securitystuff and this one has a lot of greatfeatures so definitely test this one outeven if you just have a home good storethis is gonna be great home goods storeif you haven't seen a bring up homegoods a lot because that niche formid-level niche has some of the mostpotential and this some of the mostdifferent ways you can attack it you cango with more decor you can go with youknow different lighting you can go withhome security there's so many differentways to attack home good so you can evengo you know with the kitchen stuff sofor mid-level niche that one has a lotof potential these are more lights youknow you can never to essentially putthese wherever you want around yourhouse they look niceand these are gonna be ones that aregonna be you know even fine for imageads the price on these are great and youas you can see these ones are alreadyselling so these ones you might not youknow they might not be golden winnersfor you but you might be able to get apiece of the pie these ones right hereif you've got a baby store these oneshave been dominating for a while you'vegot 24,000 orders on this one if youhave a baby store you definitely want tohave this if you have a different typeof store I probably would stay away fromthis since this is on the higher orderscounts side of it but this isessentially a baby thermometer you canrub it across the forehead when I was aparamedic we had these tore we couldessentially use these on babies insteadof doing more invasive things and sowith this you can go ahead and get thetemperature if the baby's really reallyreally quickly and this is gonna be hugefor parents you know if you don't knowalready the the the motherhood and thebaby niche are some is some of the mostpassionate niches out there because youknow where people buy or spend the mostmoney is around births deaths andweddingsthat's when essentially budgets go outthe window people don't really careabout how much they spend and they justwill spend anything so if you're in thebaby nation this is definitely the typeof stuff you want to attack when you gointo you know baby clothes and all thatthat gets really really tough with Alexrestaurant shipping because typicallyyou know if it takes two to two to threeweeks to get to the parent the baby isalready gonna be outgrown with theclothes but the tech and the towels andthat type of stuff the toys that stuffis always selling in big numbers forparents for babies so definitely checkthis one out you've got this one theseare different couch covers and cushionsthese I don't think we'll be goldenwinners for you but you know these couldjust definitely be those evergreen typeproducts that sell in pretty goodnumbers throughout the whole year andI've talked about this so many timesthat you don't necessarily need thesebig golden winners yeah those are theproducts that will do six figures permonth on their own and those are amazingand those can you know change your lifeovernight but evergreen products aregreat I've hadproducts that sell very consistentnumbers month after month for literallyyears on some of my stores and in inthey're great those are ones that youcan you know rely on time after time andonce you get going you don't have to domuch work with them and it's justconsistent income consistent revenuecoming in so definitely test this ifyou've got a home goods store this isdefinitely a great product type to testand there's many different variants forthis another one I've got for you thisis another pull-up type exercise typeproduct this is one that instead ofthose you know kind of wooden sticksthey're balls and so these ones aregonna be great for a grip strength aswell you know you get the rock climbinggym they've got things like this andthis is gonna be you know very very easyto make a quick video ad and these wouldsell incredibly well on Instagram youknow Instagram is really really whereyou want to go hard on fitness all youhave to do is get a really really fitguy or girl and make a video ad withthis and you know the Instagram adsdestroy with fitness stuff so deftlycheck this one out these are more youknow home goods lamps these ones arevery unique now I would just want tocaution you I would go ahead and try tolook for ones that have better reviewsin this you know these this isdefinitely getting on the low side ofwhat I would test with reviews if youcan find this type of product withbetter reviews I would definitely goahead and test that but for this one inparticular I would be pretty cautious ofbecause you don't want to be selling aton of products haven't actually takeoff and then have a ton of orders that'swhere I see a lot of people getdestroyed with drop shipping sodefinitely go ahead you know if you wantto try to sell this if you have a homegoods store which I would I woulddefinitely recommend go ahead and try tofind one that has better reviews or atleast look more into what with bringingthe reviews down this is another lightnow this one does have good reviews andthis is on the low order Scout side sothis is one that I definitely would testand a lot of these lights they just theysell in greateven if you don't have active adsrunning to them that you have a homegoods store in the fda's cross sells upsells a lot of times you know lightshome you all different kinds of lightsso really well you could frankly do ahome goods light store very veryspecific to lights and you can brandyourself as the the best store out therefor the fort for for getting lights foryour house for unique lights and all ofthat so another one I've got for you sothese right here so this is one that italready has 1400 orders it's at fiftydollars now this is a higher pricedproduct but the reason why or this thisis actually pretty cheap I know someonethat just bought a three hundred dollaroversize blanket right now these likehuge weighted oversized blankets and allof that are huge and this is gonna beone that yeah you might not do you knowthree hundred orders per day but if youget even you know five to ten orders perday you know with something with thiswhere you're gonna have high kite highmargins you're gonna be bringing in somepretty big numbers now the great thingwith this is this is gonna haveworldwide demand so you act if you getthis going you're gonna be able to domore than five to ten orders per day sothis is one that I would definitely testthis is gonna work on many differenttypes of stores and it's definitely onethat I Sealy suggests testing this isanother unique one this is more for kidsyou know this is one that especiallyaround the Christmas season which we'renow getting pretty late on these are thetype of products that really really killit with that but these are ones that forkids if you the kids store this isdefinitely one to have on your storeright here this is in the kit guy thecooking and kitchen space theseessentially you know make thesedifferent design cookies now these onesyou know these have been around for awhile these different types of designsbut they always works if you the kitchenspace or a kitchen store or cookingstore you definitely want to have thesetype of products on your store this isanother one of those nightlight typelamps especially for kids and this isanother unique one that's gonna make youknow constellations and all thatthis one has okay reviews I would youknow look around for different ones it'sdefinitely one to have you know withthese is your more decorative thesearen't gonna be probably a golden winnerbut these are gonna be one set a few forhome gifts or you have even a weddingstore you know I can think of manydifferent ways that these could be usedthis is one that I would at least haveis a cross sell upsell and then this isanother one that I'm very excited aboutso this is a you know it's only twentydollars twenty twenty to twenty fourdollars it has two thousand orders whichfor this space is on the actual you knowlow to medium orders counts so that'skind of this is kind of the sweet spotfor finding pretty pretty high goldenwinning products now the reason I reallylove this one is this is a you knowreally really high tech scale so thisone can tell your body fat percentageand all kinds of stuff so this is onethat right now especially with the newyear coming up and you have New Year'sresolutions all of that people arereally really focused on their healthyou know on their weight all of thatthis is definitely one that right nowyou want to take advantage of and thisone's can work on many many differenttypes of stories if you have a fitnessstore this one's gonna fit in perfectlyif you even have a general store at Techstore this is gonna be perfect but rightnow Dearing you know the new year comingup this one's gonna be perfect you knowmost of these scales you know they getpretty pretty expensive so you're gonnabe able to you know have a discountedversion for people that want that sodefinitely check that up I hope you guysenjoyed all of these recommendationsdefinitely check these out try these outdo you have the right store for theproducts you definitely want to go aheadand test it and you know keep in mindthat you want to make this brandspecific when doing product research ordeciding to test a product you firstwant to think brand think brand beforeproduct and then you know success willfall with that but I hope you guysenjoyed this if you did please go aheadand smash that like button hit subscribeif the Emma already please leave anycomments or questions down below I lovegoing ahead and connecting with all ofyoube happy be positive be powerful andhave a great rest of your day
Top 6 Ways To Promote Affiliate Marketing Products
By Adrienne Dupree | Submitted On June 21, 2013
If you are an affiliate marketer, you are always looking at ways to promote your affiliate products. The top 6 ways to promote your products are email lists, article marketing, video marketing, your blog, Squidoo lenses and signature lines.
If you are promoting affiliate products, you still need a way to build a list. You should create a give away that people must opt-in to your list to receive. This way you can continue to market to them even if they don’t buy the first time. There is research that states that you have to touch someone 6 to 7 times before they buy. If you only send out affiliate links you will not have a way to contact them in the future.
Article marketing is a great free way to market your affiliate products. Your articles should be informative and not just a sales page. You should provide good relevant content in the article. In the resource box, you can include a link to your product.
Lots of people would prefer to watch a video than read an article or a blog post. You can create a video that talks about or demonstrates your affiliate product. You could also turn your article or blog post into a slide show video as well. Make sure you include your URL in the description of the video. Also make sure your video description includes long tail keywords for your product.
If you have your own blog, you can create a blog post about your affiliate product. It could describe the product or give useful information about the product. You could create a Question and Answer format blog post. The good thing about your blog, is that you are not restricted to the rules of the article directories. You can include links throughout your blog post.
Another great way to promote your affiliate product is by creating a Squidoo lens. A Squidoo lens is a page that describes a single topic. They are very simple to create. You do not need to know HTML or be super technical to create a Squidoo lens. The good thing is that they are free to create. You can create a review lens for your product.
A lot of people do not take full advantage of their signature lines. You can create a link to your affiliate product along with a tagline as part of your signature line. This way, every time you write or reply to an email, you are promoting your affiliate product.
As you can see, there are many ways to promote your affiliate products. You should start with a couple of ways first and branch out to the others in the future. There are even more ways to promote your product than were discussed in this article. Be as creative as you can with your promotional techniques.
One of the ways that I am marketing affiliate products is by creating Amazon aStores. If you would like to learn how to create an Amazon aStore get How to Create aStore Checklist []. Visit The Online Newbie if you are interested in learning more about Adrienne Dupree or starting an online marketing business TODAY to get out of the rat race, take control of our own destiny and stop trading time for dollars.
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The 5 Best Shopify Dropshipping Niches in 2019
In this video, I’m going to share five great
dropshipping niches in 2019.These niche ideas are super relevant if you’re
dropshipping with Shopify and Oberlo.I’ll tell you why I recommend dropshipping
products in a niche over a general store.I’ll also share winning products to sell
for all the niches on this list.By the end of this video, you’ll know:How niche stores can increase sales for a
lower costHow to use niche content to keep customers
coming backWinning product ideas for every nicheWatch to the end, because one of those winning
products has racked up over 9,000 sales inthe past 30 days.And you definitely haven’t heard of it before.Ready to get started?Watch on.Hey everyone it’s Jessica from Oberlo.Today I’m talking about the best dropshipping
niches for 2019.Before I get on with the list, let’s make
sure we’re on the same page about dropshipping.Dropshipping is one of the easiest ways to
start an online business.Instead of buying tons of inventory for your
Shopify store, you only order products whenyou get sales.Your supplier ships your orders for you, so
you can sell all over the world!But being a successful dropshipper requires
constant learning.Make sure you hit subscribe so you never miss
our weekly tutorials, dropshipper interviews,and dropshipping product recommendations every
Tuesday and Thursday!Whether you’re new to Shopify, or an experienced
Oberlo dropshipper opening up a second, thedecision between a general store or a niche
store is as old as dropshipping itself!First, let me explain the difference between
the two.A dropshipping niche store carries products
that fall under one specific category.They are complementary and share a similar
audience.Niches can be bigger or smaller depending
on what you want to target.An example of a big niche would be baby clothes.An example of a smaller niche would be streetwear-style
baby clothes.A general store carries a variety of products
that don’t necessarily have anything incommon.Most often, they carry trending products from
a variety of different niches.Big retail stores are a real world example.General stores might carry trending kitchen
gadgets alongside baby clothes and jewelry.In dropshipping courses and videos, most instructors
strictly suggest one or the other.In complete fairness, I have seen both work
many times.However, there are a few reasons I suggest
choosing a niche on Shopify over selling productsin a general store.First, a niche store makes it much easier
to target a specific audience.When your dropshipping store is all set up,
the next stllep is finding an audience toadvertise to.This is one of the biggest challenges for
both the beginner and experienced dropshipper.If your audience is too broad, you’ll see
very low conversions.When you’re selling kitchen gadgets and
skull rings in the same store, it is verydifficult to find a small and targeted audience
to advertise to.I’ve seen dropshippers make this mistake
time and time again.If you’re running low-budget Facebook ads
to a huge audience, they will not convert.Imagine casting a small fishing line into
a random part of the ocean.While there are billions of fish, you might
use the wrong bait for the fish in that areaand end up empty handed.With a niche store, you’d be casting your
small fishing line in a smaller lake.You’d know exactly what type of fish is
most popular there, so you could use the rightbait to catch them!There’s a second advantage to having a dropshipping
niche store.Once you do have some customers and traffic,
a niche store will allow you to lower yourcost per sale.When running a general store, you need to
run ads individually for every product.Each individual product requires a unique
audience and ad.Your Facebook Business Manager bill will quickly
add up!With a niche store, you can advertise a carousel
of similar products to one audience.Even if you advertise a single product, that
customer is more likely to be interested inchecking out the other products in your store.The last advantage dropshipping niche stores
have over general stores is returning customers.Once you’ve made a sale, you’ll have your
customer’s email and can use it to sendrelevant content and product suggestions.For example, If you’re selling streetwear-inspired
baby clothes, you can confidently send yourcustomers emails with baby clothing trends
and similar products in your store.Make sure to check out this video to learn
exactly how to use emails to increase conversions!If you’re running a general store, it will
be much harder to convert previous customersagain.If a customer buys a skull ring from your
store, they will most likely not be interestedwhen you suggest they buy a microwave cleaner
next.Alright, now you know that niche is the way
to go.Let’s get started with the list of 5 growing
Shopify niches for dropshipping in 2019.1.Wedding NicheThe first dropshipping niche you can feel
confident building a store around is weddings.Millennials have seriously changed the wedding
industry today.The number of weddings in the United States
has increased year after year.However, the way millennials plan their weddings
has changed dramatically.One reason is cost.On average, couples expect to pay $16,000
but end up spending roughly $29,000 on theirweddings!While the bride might be attached to a pricey
ring and gown, you can rest assured she islooking to save money on wedding decor.And these days, 80% of wedding planning is
done online.That’s a huge opportunity for a wedding
niche store!Another advantage of this niche?When planning a wedding, customers are shopping
months in advance.That means shipping times are less of a concern.One winning product to consider selling in
a wedding store is silk rose petals.With flowers costing an average of $1800 per
wedding, artificial rose petals can help couplescut costs without cutting romance.There are hundreds more products in the Oberlo
marketplace to sell in a wedding-themed store.Make sure to check out our 100 Winning Products
for 2019 eBook in the description for morewedding-themed product recommendations!The next niche for Shopify dropshipping has
seen a steady growth over the last 5 years.Now is the perfect time to jump in.2.Smart Home NicheIt is, the smart home niche!The recent introduction of smart speakers
has changed the way we live at home.While smart speakers started as a novelty
item for techies, they are now popular amongmany different types of people.They’ve changed the way we interact with
other products in our homes.What started out as one smart speaker in the
home has grown into more and more productsfor the modern smart home.You might be wonder why a customer would be
interested in more smart home products ifthey already have a smart speaker.Well, 70% of people who own one smart device
express interest in buying another.This is the perfect audience for your smart
home dropshipping store!Once a person has a product that helps them
daily, they want more.It is estimated that 477 million smart home
products will be shipped globally in 2020!So now is definitely the time to build a smart
home niche store.If you are wondering what products to sell
in this niche, I suggest the bluetooth tracker.Yes, you’ve seen one before.No, it’s not too saturated.Bluetooth trackers used to be a helpful novelty
product for technology-driven folks.However, they required a smart phone to operate,
and 10 years ago not everyone had one.As smart phones have become more common, the
market for this product has grown.This tracker is perfect for a slightly older
audience.It’s helpful for anyone who has trouble
keeping track of things.As an added bonus, this bluetooth tracker
comes with a video ad.You’re free to use the video ad to market
this product yourself.Six-figure dropshipper Ross Madden suggests
you sell this product too.To find out why, click this video right here.The next dropshipping niche to consider selling
in 2019 is the beauty niche.3.Beauty NicheIf you know anyone who is a self-proclaimed
makeup fanatic, you know there is no suchthing as enough beauty products.The global cosmetic products market was valued
at around $532 billion in 2017 and it’sexpected to reach approximately $863 billion
in 2024!This market is exploding, creating the perfect
opportunity for the savvy dropshipper .You can think outside the box when it comes
to selecting beauty products to sell.Although you can sell makeup, most makeup
fanatics have brands they are already loyalto.However, there are plenty of related products
that you can sell to this audience.If you start a Shopify store in this niche,
I suggest selling a portable ring light!If you enjoy wearing makeup or know someone
who does, you’ll know that lighting is extremelyimportant.Not only for doing your makeup, but for showing
it off too!This ring light is an inexpensive way for
your customers to take their makeup selfiegame to the next level.If you’re running Facebook ads for this
product, I suggest researching the most popularmakeup companies and building an audience
around them.Makeup fanatics want to share their obsession
with the rest of the community.Taking well-lit photos of their look is the
perfect way to do it!In addition to the ring light, consider selling
makeup bags, or organizers for makeup palettes.If your audience is splurging on makeup, they’ll
want a neat way to display and organize theircosmetics.You can advertise your beauty niche store
anywhere, but I suggest looking into Instagramor Youtube beauty influencers.Their followers are loyal and take their suggestions
seriously.If they see that their favourite makeup guru
using a portable ring light, they won’tthink twice about ordering one.The next dropshipping niche I suggest looking
into is health and wellness.4.Health and Wellness NicheThis one shouldn’t come as a surprise.The health and wellness obsession is no longer
a trend; it’s here to stay.Everyone is paying more attention to their
well being and finding ways to live healthier.The health and wellness industry is a 4 trillion
dollar market.In the last three years, the industry has
grown at double the speed of the entire globalmarket!That’s why this niche represents a great
opportunity for dropshippers.The product I suggest for your health and
wellness store is going to becoming increasinglypopular over the next few years.It is an air quality monitor for your home!Air quality monitors have seen a steady growth
over the last 5 years.That should be no surprise considering the
increasing worldwide concern of global warming.Cities are growing and so are air pollution
concerns.That’s why, When advertising this product,
you should build your audiences around cities,not entire countries.Alongside air quality monitors, consider selling
other wellness products, like water purifiersthat attach directly to a sink.If your customer is concerned about one area
of their health, they’re most likely interestedin others as well.The last dropshipping niche on our list is
the baby niche.5.Baby nicheAlthough the baby niche has always been popular,
the baby care industry has shown consistentgrowth in the millions over the last few years.This is the perfect niche to start selling
in for a few reasons.The first is that you are selling to an extremely
passionate audience.Parents are willing to buy anything that will
improve their lives, and the lives of theirchildren.The second reason is that the baby niche includes
a pregnancy grace period.Expectant mothers will begin ordering products
for their infants before they’re even born.That makes shipping times less of a concern.Finally, 130 million babies are born each
year, which means you’ll always have newcustomers.While they may not all be new mothers, they
will be looking for new products to make theirlives a little easier.For that reason, the product I suggest selling
in your baby niche store is silicone teethingmitts!I’m sure many mothers wish this product
was around when they had children!These are the perfect product for your store
because they solve a huge concern mothershave.Teething is a frustrating and painful part
of infancy for both child and mother, butthese mitts help by giving the baby something
soft and safe to chew.If you don’t believe me, just look at the
sales data.These mitts racked up over 9,000 orders in
the past six months.Even if a mother is still expecting, she’ll
be anticipating teething terror in the future.This is a perfect product that not only looks
cute, but will solve a major problem for yourcustomer.Consider joining baby Facebook groups and
looking into Instagram influencers to marketthis product.If an expecting mother hears another mother
back this product, she will be far more inclinedto purchase it.To stay ahead of your competition in this
niche, look for really unique products inthe Oberlo marketplace to add to your Shopify
store.Although baby clothes will always be a good
product to sell, there are many new gadgetsand accessories that solve problems new mothers
have.Do your research and stay on-top of what new
products parents are buying to make theirlives easier.Solving problems makes sales!But hey, that’s just my opinion.I’d love to hear from you.What niches have you have you tried selling
in?What worked and what didn’t?Leave a comment and let me know.I’ll chime in with my thoughts.Thanks for watching.Until next time, learn often, market better,
and sell more.
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Product Name: Motioney – #1 Picture To Video Creator
Description: Make Massive Commissions With #1 Groundbreaking App Which Makes Brain Awaking Video Ads & Posts From A Single Picture.
How I Became Successful In Ecommerce At 20! (Shopify Dropshipping)
so in this video I'll go over exactlyhow it became successful in e-commerceat 20 years old what is that you teachboys a rich background on the video ifyou have it already Michigan thatsubscribe button down below so thischannel has been growing a little bit wejust hit 45,000 subscribers and that'sunbelievable to me I'm always trulygrateful to provide value to each andevery one of you it's one of my passionsand to provide even more value I decidedthat every video I'm gonna give away apriest or personally paid by me so allyou have to do is comment on each videoand you have a chance to get a freestore mate but me so this video thetrack all the comments make sure you putI don't know something like e-commerceShopify Josh shouldn't plus your commentso but ecommerce Shopify Josh somethingplus your comment to enter in for achance to win a free store maybepersonally about me so if you haven'tseen this video I basically explain mywhole life story even before Josh livingand how I fundamentally started thiswhole entrepreneurial world I'm notgonna go into details and all that I'mgonna go straight to the point and talkabout exactly how I became successful injob shipping so back when I was doingemail was always shipped down a bunch ofitems on one day this guy at the postoffice sees me with a bunch of packagesand tells me that I should look intodrop shipping so I don't have toactually touch the products so I did aton of research even back then wherethere wasn't too much information as itis today and I learned that it wasextremely easy and extremely cheap tostart so I just jumped in the thingabout me is that I always think thingscome and go so I don't want to ever missopportunities that are presented to meso I always jump right in so I thinkit's a good thing honestly if you thinklike that because you always have asense of urgency to take action andtaking action is one of the most if notthe most important habit of a successfulentrepreneur so I was 19 at the time Ijumped in this whole drop shipping worldI learned that Shopify is the best andeasiest platform so I started withShopify and I was like whoa this ispretty complicated by the way back thenShopify's interface and back in andwasn't as clean and simple as it istoday it took me a long time to figureouteverything took me a long time to figureout add products to the website boooverload and at that time I was sellingmen's watches because I heard that wasone of the most successful niches andlet it alone it took me about two tothree weeks to learn how to doeverything in the website editor so ittook me two to three weeks to create mywebsite which is unbelievable to me nowso keep in mind fire to drop shipping Inever had to do with any kind of websiteor anything of that sort I just uploadthe price on eBay and that's pretty muchit so the website was completely new tome Shopify and everything was absolutelyforeign it completely new to me but Iwas super excited because I was startingsomething new one of the main reasonswhy I was super excited because Ilearned that Shopify dropship and youcan become successful really really fastso I had it in the back of my mind I wasgonna upload these men's watches startshop I built the website charge twentybucks for the watches and basically Iwas gonna become rich and successfulovernight well that was not whathappened what I actually happen was notonly real inspired other ads funsuccessful I just kept pouring my moneyinto them increasing the budget changingup different ad tests like I learned andI was getting cells at the time but Iwas spending a hundred dollars a daywith ads to get forty dollars in salesso keep in mind I also have to pay forthe product and children to thecustomers so I was basically spending ahundred dollars a day to make twentyfive dollars a day so not a goodtrade-off and I was completelydevastated because I did this for alittle over a month and I've wastedthree thousand dollars which was a lotto me at that time so I was about togive up and go back to eBay which wasworking for me at the time but the thingI didn't like about eBay was that I wasvery limited to what I could sellbecause I only sell what I had stuck andnot only that also eBay has selling theminto all its sellers so I was capped atfifteen thousand dollars a month insales and of course I stock profit so inreality I was capped at around seventhousand dollars a month on eBay so thatwas my absolute highest potential oneBay so during that time because I reada lot of books I was always wired tostay persistent and everup but I really stay persistent becausethe limited potential cost shipping Ican basically sell as much things aspossible and basically have no limitsbecause I could virtually sell everysingle product in the universe so I knewin order for me to become successful inJoshua I'm gonna have to really figureout this marketing thing so I did justthat and I remember coming across thisform of marketing called influence andmarketing so back then the informationwas very vague and was a lot ofinformation as it is today it wasbasically just basic information sayingyou pay a handful in search to promoteyour product they promote your productin front of that thousands of followersso I was very intrigued by this becauseI felt like it was an amazing way toreach a lot of people at a low cost asopposed to paying for Facebook Ads everysingle day and not getting as muchresults as you know hundreds of thousandfollowers from influencing anotherreason why I was very intrigued by itbecause I feel like people would trustand influence or you know somebody theyfollow promoting the product versus somerandom Facebook gather Instagram apppromoting some random website so Ijumped right into influencer marketing Irealized that I wanted to change thatjust to because I felt like a lot of theInstagram influences were woman so theywouldn't be interested in these men'swatches as I was selling at the time soI decided that I wanted to get into thewoman's fashion niche so I didn't pickan exact product at the time I wanted tosearch for the influencers you know getit looking for exactly what was workingat the time so I just started searchingfor fashion influencers to give you guysa good idea of how I found influencesduring that time all I did was goingInstagram search up fashion then find afashion page and then use Instagramsuggested feature to find relatedaccounts to that accounts so then Ibasically just repeated that wholeprocess and that was it so it was verytime consuming it's a much outdatedmethod I teach a lot of doing my courseor more effective strategies to find aninfluencer without spending a ton oftime but surprisingly that meant thatstill works and the best thing about itis free to use so I was just finding 50to 100 influencers then organize theminto a Google Doc and then startcontacting them so during the process offinding fashion influences I noticedthis one influencer was promoting thisproduct called the strapless bra so Iwas very intrigued by because I lookedat the comments and people were ecstaticoverand they were saying it was the bestidea ever and that they were gonna buytoday so what I did was I just want toAliexpress I tried to find that exactproject come to find it was only two tothree dollars and that website wasselling it for twenty-five to thirtydollars so that was a lot of profit andI realized that this was the part that Iwas going to start selling so to showyou guys I actually have the product inhand right now for those of you that donot know how it works basically just putit to your chest you tie up this littlestring right here I'm gonna put yourbreasts together and it makes it seemlike you have nice breasts now this isactually the last one and I have itslightly different than the other onesas you see in my youtube video just thesides are more circular but my girl sheabsolutely loves using things and sheused all the ones that I had before sothis is I think the last one that I hadso I like to keep these it's kind of myprized possession you know because ifyou really think about it one productcan literally change your life and thisis that one product for me so I'm out tohide this so she doesn't take this whenwe got this last one that I got so areally cool thing about this product isthat you'll see a lot of the sellers onAliexpress mention that it's onlyreusable up to about fifteen and thirtytimes now my girl she uses these and shesays it's really only reusable – aboutfive to ten times so that means thatcustomers are gonna have to keeppurchasing them from you and whencustomers purchased this product theyabsolutely fall in love with this thingbecause it actually works so that meansif it's only reusable up to five to tentimes once they use it and it's notusable anymore they're gonna have tokeep mine for me so that's a lot ofrepeat customers a lot of repeatpurchases and so that recurring revenuesgoing straight to your bank accountevery single month so once I found theproduct I knew that it was time to startthinking about what kind of app that Iwas going to get to the influencer sofor those of you that do not know whenyou use an influencer for promotion youneed to give them some kind of ads topromote to their followers so this meanssome kind of image or video so they canshow their followers is exactly whatyou're promoting so in this case what Idid to create that was I just combine apicture of the actual product along witha picture of somebody actually using theproduct so that they could show thefollowers exactly what this product doesso I basically just combine those andthen I formed it into a meme and for thetextbut who needs a boob job you can get oneof these so this is the final result ofthat ad as you can see and once I finishad you guys it was time to get startedso I started right away this time I wasable to start more sooner because I wasmore familiar with Shopify and how itworked and once I finish up the websiteand everything it was time to find aninfluencer to promote the product so thevery first influencer I use was at stylefreaks as you can see you guys that postgot a lot of engagement and that veryday I did seventeen hundred dollars insales which was completely unbelievableto me so at that moment I knew that thiswhole influencer marketing method wasextremely powerful and that was what Iwas gonna focus all my efforts and moneyinto and it's still what I do to thisday because it's the only marketingmethod in the world we can reachhundreds of thousands to millions ofpeople at the lowest price possible so Ijust went all-in my influence ofmarketing and put the rest of my budgetinto retargeting into Facebook Instagramads and that's what made me successfuland dropshipping at 20 years old it'sfunny because I guess you could say Ibecame successful and 19 since duringthat time in February I was 19 years oldbut the following month was my 20thbirthday March 3rd actually so later onduring that month that's when I actuallyhad 100k in sales so that's when Iactually became successful so although19 sounds much better 20 is the samespent to say that's what I actuallybecame successful and e-commerce Shopifydrop shipping so that is a video youguys super straight into the point thisis kind of a response to my previousYouTube video mentioned but in thisvideo I wanted to go with indep and talkabout exactly how I became successfuldropshipping at 20 years old so as youcan see influencer marketing was areason and it's super super extremelypowerful it's why I always talk about itwhy I still use it to this day so beforeI go you're not gonna do all your futureReno'swatch this Pope and that code is in 20years from now you will be moredisappointed at the things that youdidn't do rather than and things thatyou did so make sure you're takingadvantage of all the opportunitiesaround you and whatever it is that youwant to do whatever it is that you'retaking about do it because this life isso short and so then my friends be great[Music]