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How to Find an eCommerce Niche in 2018 | How to Find a Trending Profitable eCommerce Niche in 2018!
[Music]everyone welcome to the finding a nicheYouTube video so this one's gonna bereally good we're gonna talk aboutexactly what you need to be able to finda Shopify image or an e-commerce page towin every single timing this is notgonna be the same old boring stuff we'regonna be looking at watch count we'regonna be pouring through all the subcategories of all the Express this isgoing to be a very different video we'regonna talk about some real lifesituations how to kind of use logic andhow to apply a lot of the same ideas tothe overall process of finding a nicheto be able to replicate it in your ownway add your own creativity and thingslike that guys if you haven't make sureyou join the Shopify dropshipping ninjasgroup we have actually over 20,000members now and people are super superactive here it's such an amazing groupand if you guys do want access to thedocument that we're gonna be using allthroughout this video all abouteverything niches then make sure you doend up joining this group because it'sreally good and you know a lot of peopleare there to help you so it comes downto a few very important things guys Ilike to call it the stupendous 6 so whatthis means is you need to have apassionate audience you are not gonnacreate a Shopify store selling day today items you're not gonna create asuccessful Shopify store you knowselling toilet paper or things thatpeople need every single day liketoothbrushes maybe you will you know youcould create a Shopify stores sellingtoothbrushes that are incredibly cateredyou know to 18 to 21 year old male StarWars fans and you make like a Chewbaccatoothbrush custom or something like thatright so that would have a passionateaudience but you know overall for thebasics that necessities the everydayitems those are not the type of peoplethat are passionate and those are notthe type of people who are gonna clickthrough on a Facebook ad or an Instagramad which is going to be our main sourceof traffic for our store so you need apassionate audience you know think likegolf it has an affluent you know oldergenre of people who are very passionatein the sport they spent a ton of money alot of discretionary income right so youwant to have a passionate audience thinkthink bird-watching right think sportsthink fitness think things that peoplelove to talk about their own friendsthat is what you want that is what youwant to emulate that is the passionateaudience that you are actually after sonumber two out of the stupendoussix is other people are actually makingmoney in this niche so how do you knowother people are making money in thisniche you can kind oftell because you know there's a ton ofdifferent things a ton of differentstores a ton of different people kind ofdoing it think like make up if you guysfollow you know Kylie Jenner she'srunning you know half a billion dollarmakeup lineobviously there's money to be made incosmetics you know you can kind of tellfrom trends on Instagram things likethat Fitness Health you know a lot ofthe different type of kind of staples orwhat I like to call evergreen nicheswhich we are going to talk about in asecond you can tell that people aren'talways going to be perennially makingmoney in those niches because they arejust kind of the staples to human lifepeople need you know kind of all thesame things which we're gonna talk aboutright now basic human designs but beforewe do we want to make sure it numberthree that you can actually target thisniche on Facebook it's incrediblyimportant to be able to target you knowpeople with a very fine-tooth combso to speak or be able to target peopleon Facebook in a way that you'reactually going to be serving ads topeople who are actually wanting to buywhat you have to sell and then you'renot you know just kind of throwing youritems out there because even if you havethe best items and the best niches inthe world if you can't find the rightpeople who want to buy your products itdoes not matter how good they are itdoes not matter how good your niche isso we need to be able to target them andthis is a really important one that alot of people kind of don't think aboutuntil they create their store afterthey've already you know committed allthis time and energy and potentiallymoney to actually establishing theirstore without actually checking first ifthey're able to target that niche andtarget their potential buyers andcustomers on Facebook which is going tobe one of our main sources of actuallygenerating traffic and getting salesnumber four is called perceived value sowhat this means to me and I think thisis a really important one again that'soverlooked too often is you want peopleto think that the item they're buying isexpensive but you want it to be cheap tobuy and so what I mean by that and agreat example obviously is jewelry so ifwe go to you know cat all right let'sjust do jewelry for Mom and so if we goon all the express and we go to jewelryfor Mom you know we can see a lot ofdifferent items here and this is a cutelittle necklace that your mom you knowshe probably obviously wouldn't care howmuch it costs but she would probablyassume it to herself that this was youknow a twenty to thirty dollar item oragain here this is a beautiful littleamuletI'm kind of with a mother's hand in ababy's hand touching each other thiscost a dollar and 85 cents per piece andyou know with a packet shippingavailable if you guys don't know whatthat means you know make make sure youcheck out my other Shopify video to gointo a little bit more depth but I wantto keep this really niche specific sothis obviously looks like something andwould really produce a response from youknow any loving mother that would notmake it seem like you paid a dollar 85cents for it right so obviously yourcustomers would you think you know 1995or free plus shipping or however youdecided to market it but you would onlybe paying a dollar 85 so it per hasperceived value it seems expensive butit actually is quite cheap to buy and wecan go down and down here so what we'rereally looking for guys is perceivedvalue number five of the stupendous sixis difficult to find elsewhere so ifpeople can find what you're going intothe niche that you're going into youknow readily available at Safeway orWalmart or you know whatever your localgrocery store is or a department storeis then they're probably most likelygoing to just go and buy it there it'speople are just as set in their waysecommerce is obviously one of thebiggest trends happening in the worldright now but there still are you knowmost of the globe is used to going toWalmart or whatever they're a departmentstore is to kind of pick up thoselast-minute gifts or whatever the casemay be so we want to make sure that it'sdifficult to find elsewhere you knowbest-case scenario would be that it'snot available on Amazon maybe it's arestricted category or you know there'snot a ton of different options onavailable yet on Amazon and it's not youknow readily available at Walmart orwhatever whatever your local kind ofdepartment store is so difficult to findelsewhere and you would want it to beupward trending and what we mean by thatis you know just heading over to GoogleTrends this is just a random one I justtyped in one second ago so we can kindof see that it's actually on the upwardtrend so starting you know maybe inOctober it was at 82 out of 100 or overinterest and we see it actually istrending upward to kind of that 199range which is you know right now whichis December 19th so you want it to betrending upward definitely the peoplewho caught the phidget spinners forexample on the upward trend were theones who made a ton of money and thepeople who got into the fidget spendersobviously after that trend had alreadystarted to kind of expire and the supplyhad just become so incredibly high thatthe demand couldn't have possibly keptup the people who capitalizedthat upward trend early are the ones whomade out like bandits and made a ton ofmoney so those are the stupendous six Ilike to just keep them in mind everytime I'm thinking about a niche I thinkif you really master these pretty muchyou're gonna be good to go as far as youknow finding a niche but I do want totalk a little bit more in depth aboutsome of these things so it comes down tobasic human desires guys every singleperson on earth you know for the mostpart unless you're weird has humandesigns everyone needs loveeveryone needs sensory pleasureseveryone needs material wealth everyoneneeds self-confidence social successself-actualization these desires areevery human has them for the most partevery human needs them to feel happy tofeel fulfilled and so what we're gonnado guys is we're gonna look at kind ofin a very fundamental way how we canactually kind of not take advantage buthow we can capitalize on you knowpeople's need for these similarities andthese patterns among humanity soeveryone needs love and friendship soyou know and when we we're gonna try tobreak these down into just real worldexamples off the top of my head just aswe go so love and friendship how doeshow does that kind of become a realtangible product that you can actuallysell to me I think you know gift giftsfor best friends and I would look onPinterest and I'll type gifts from bestfriend I'll look on Instagram I wouldlook on Facebook you know I would lookon Amazon and I would see you know whatthese items are actually being listedfirst I look on Google Images I look onGoogle Shopping and how to try to seesome similarities between you knowwhat's appearing out of you know the topsearch results for that niche and then Iwould see you know how I could add myown creativity and how I could have youknow my own gifts for best friends andhow I could add my own kind of take onthat and so there's a ton of differentstuff here you know you're my personcoffee mugs you know gift cardsnotebooks obviously these would be greatkind of with the perceived value off allthe express so we could you know gothrough a ton of different ways and ifyou want tips on product research andmake sure you check out the video in thedescription I will show all right Iexcuse me I will link to the the video Imade that's about an hour long and it'sby far you know the most comprehensiveShopify product research video so we'renot gonna go super in-depth on how tofind the products in this video but weare is going to talk really quicklyabout how to kind ofthese intangible basic human desiresinto kind of a tangible product sosocial success so this means everybodylikes to look beautiful everybody likesto be in shape so social success is onethat you know it comes to mind reallyquickly people are making hundreds ofmillions of dollars every single yearwith cosmetics with beauty lines youknow with health and fitness productswhether it's you know exercise bands orthere's the new types of lipstick thatKylie Jenner is doing or you knowthere's I saw on trend hunter the otherday that there was a precision you knowlipstick applicator which is kind oflike a new trend and I'm not huge intomakeup personally guys but you know itwould be something that if you wanted toget into that niche you'd have to kindof go down the rabbit hole the peoplewho are successful with this guys arethe ones who go a little bit furtherthan the previous person is willing todo so somebody might give up somebodymight go you know through onesubcategory or might go down you knowjust this this link and that link to thenext website are down the rabbit holebut not go far enough and the people whodifferentiate themselves are the peoplewho are willing to go the extra mile andgo just a little bit further Google justa few more things you know go onFacebook just a bit longer or Instagramor Pinterest and find that product allit takes guys is one niche or oneproduct to totally change your Shopifylife and to totally change youre-commerce life it just works and somaterial well you know material wealthdoesn't necessarily translate as wellwith Shopify and physical products butif you are you know in the digitalproduct area how to make money you knowhow to make money on Shopify how to makemoney on Amazon FBA how to invest inreal estate you know building emaillists with these type of things and thenyou know you could probably transitionit into like a noveltyyou know t-shirt store or something likethat for people who are interested inspecific topics on email list but youknow this one's probably more suited fora digital product so entertainment is anamazing one people love to laugh peoplelove funny people love novelty items andthere's people making you know tons andtons of money selling just novelty itemsor funny you know t-shirts or thingsrelated to whatever their niche there isright you block a seat belt cover Santastocking flask right these areridiculous this would be a great item todropthis probably cost like five cents eachand they're selling it for 1495 and sothere's a bunch of different sites outhere for novelty gift items menorahmenorah yeah so some of these are justreally great so you want to look throughthese shut up and take my money is agood onethis is yeah this is why I'm broke isalso a good one I think I missedactually yeah so this is why I'm brokeis also a good one so they have you knowlike mechanical suits of armor for likeit's 80 grand and they have all types ofdifferent stuff like modern glass cerealbowl you know they have things like thiswhich are obviously gag items but it hastwenty two hundred and eighty eightsales guys and you guys can see thesocial proof on these to see what peopleare interested in what people think arefunny ultra telephotos 426 per and youknow there's just a lot of funny stuffto look through here so novelty andentertainment it is just a huge onethat's never really going to go anywhereself-actualization a personalfulfillment so this kind of is that avery profitable niche if you know how tokind of approach it correctly and what Ithink about when I see this one is youknow people who want to you know developtheir spirituality or to find furtherfulfillment in life in you know somearea of their life and I think of youknow yoga I think of yoga accessories Ithink of essential oils on this one youknow I think of candles maybe I think ofBuddhism or you know decorations for afunction way of a house you know there'sall types of things that you kind ofhave to get yourself into the nicheproduct research mode to kind ofunderstand how to actually capitalize onthese universal things that every singleperson kind of needs to really feel thatsense of fulfillment and happiness thatall humans obviously want so so heavilyso we're talking mass media here youknow celebrity stuff the co Fifi stuffwhen Donald Trump did that ridiculoustweetI'm just staying up to date on what'shappening in real life is a really goodone obviously diet and weight loss isabsolutely huge you know in Americaobviously we're dealing with someobesity out there and it's always kindof going to be a staple in what I liketo call the evergreen mass market niches that are kindof going to you know people are makinghundreds of millions of dollars everysingle year and there's no shortage allyou have to figure out is how to carveout your sub niche obviously youwouldn't like you know just go make aShopify site on weight loss pills butmaybe you know you'd make a Shopify siteon you know how to diet as a teacher inthe urban markets and you sell thingsrelated to that and you know these arejust examples off the top of my head butyou want to kind of take these ideas andthen add your own creativity and do yourown research I could just show you nothis is what you should do you shouldlook at drones you should look at 3dprinting you should look at this thatand that but you know thousands ofpeople are gonna watch this video andthen kind of the dilution of me justtelling you exactly what to do kind ofmakes it useless for everyone so what Iwant to do is show you how to do theresearch yourself so everyone out therewho's watching this video you know ifit's thousands of people or if it getspopular and it's hundreds of thousandsof people that everyone's going to beable to do their own research and findtheir own you know niches and beprofitable themselves so that's why Idon't like to show exact differentthings and even though we're going to ina few minutes I'm going to show three ofthe ones I'm kind of excited about in2018 but you know the point of thisvideo really is to teach you how to doyour own product research from the startso Fitness like we talked about isabsolutely huge self-development cookingis absolutely amazing on Amazon you knowwe sell in the kitchen arena and we didsome pretty pretty awesome numbers inone of our accounts this year just inone of our concert for kitchen sokitchen is absolutely huge there'salways gonna be little items that you'dnever think about one of my favorites ofyou are fan of the channel is obviouslythe garlic press it was very popular onAmazon FBA and then it got verysaturated but there's always the greatpart about kitchen and cooking is theresewing like little items in your kitchenlike a you know a pan holder so we don'tburn yourself on cast-iron or you knowlike I said garlic presses or you knowlemons esters and you really just haveto go down the rabbit hole and find yourspecific niche I'm dating relationshipsgifts for husband gift for wife gift forgirlfriend gift for boyfriend you know Ithink of all of these different thingswe have a very gift oriented account onAmazonas well and we do do drop shipping a tonof drop shipping volume for the you knowromance niche and for kind of the motherfather grandma grandpa Anish as well soyou know just kind of taking advantageof taking a badge but you knowcapitalizing like I said before onpeople's relationships people are alwaysgoing to have relationships as thecenter of the important things in theirlives so another great one is gaming andso gaming is very very interesting it'sonly getting bigger right with eSportswith Mark Cuban investing in eSports fora you know League of Legends andStarcraft and all these different gamesthat even you know I watch them probablymore often than I should because it'svery interesting watching these peoplemaster these incredibly complicatedgaming you know niches and so what whatpeople are doing what people have doneand you know the gaming industry excuseme the gaming niche for Shopify isgetting slightly more competitive butyou know what is it what is always goingto be true is that if you do a littlebit more research to the next personyou're a little bit more creative andyou find your own niche in gamingwhether it's you know maybe it'sNintendo and you make t-shirts with yourown little renditions of you knowpopular characters like Zelda or orwhatever the case may be then maybeyou're going to be able to actuallycarve that out we actually are going totalk about how to add a print on demandwhat's called a print on demand sectionof any Shopify niche a little bit laterin this video which is a great way it'sactually a way that I added you knowabout $10,000 additional revenue permonth to my Shopify stores simply byadding you know a couple clever funnycute designs that relate to what I'mselling on Shopify so for example maybeI'm selling golf stuff then I'm gonnayou know I'm gonna have my graphicartist create me five or ten you knowt-shirt designs or a hoodie designs orwhatever the case may be related to golfand I'm going to sell those on my storeyou know in a new in a differentcategory so that when people come to mystore maybe to buy something that I'madvertising they see this cool shirtthey add it to their car and it's justadditional cart value an additionalrevenue that I wouldn't beotherwise getting and so the last thingthat I want to talk about obviously wetalked about making money up above thelast thing I want to talk about is beaware of current events guys so you knowdon't let yourself just be an inactiveobserver don't let yourself be a passiveobserver of what is happening in thereal world so right now you know there'sobviously a huge upward trend related todrones you know drones are becoming veryvery much more accessible and people areable to actually purchase them now thatthey're down more in the impulse-buyrange you know you can get some specificdrones for I think like 399 now yeah 399for the DJI spark which is you knowobviously incredible for an HD cameraand a fully baked Knisley ready to godrunk and so I just wanted to say beaware of current events so what we'regonna discuss is three stores that Ijust happen across you know that peopleare obviously very intelligentlycapitalizing on of three upward trendingand up and coming kind of niches goinginto 2018 because what you want to doguys is you want to be you want to bethere at the ground level you want to bethere when we're actually going into2018 and you want to capitalize onthings that are obviously becoming moreand more mainstream you know unlessyou're hiding under a rock you realizethat bitcoin is absolutely explodingright now electronic cars Tesla is notgoing anywhere you know if anything theother big manufacturers are desperatelytrying to catch up to them so electriccars are not going anywhere and no wearen't going to be necessarily sellingdrones themselves or bitcoins themselvesor electric cars themselves but all ofthese things guys all these hugemass-market you know misha's needaccessories they need you knowcustomization kits they need skins theyneed all types of things that you knowthe smart people help there arerealizing and capitalizing on all rightso let's talk about this first one thatI wanted to kind of mention is the droneso the drone for those of you who youknow haven't been watching anything atall and for the last few years ourlittle basically devices that allow youto film unbelievably beautiful kind ofaerial perspectives that we're basicallyonunavailable to anyone except for youknow big movie production companiesuntil recently when the technologyactually allowed them to be available tothe mainstream market so drone fly is apretty popular website obviously ane-commerce site and you know I was justlooking through here and I saw a bunchof cool little things that it would bepotentially worth taking a look at andso what we're gonna do is we're notgonna look at the actual journalsthemselves but you know there's a ton ofother stuff here like drone repair dronecomponents maybe we can look at dealsand see what we seebut there's flight controllers asbatteries those remotes there's you knowthere's datalink accessories there's and10i there's all different types ofthings that you know if you can targetpeople correctly and you have areasonable looking site and you knowpeople are just going to buy it from youand a lot of these things I'm sure areincredibly achieved to actually ship andthese these items are not availableelsewhere which is the which of thebeautiful part obviously some of themare but you know DJI does not have manyactual physical locations these would begreat things to actually take a look atit just kind of meets the criteria ofthat you know there's two kind of sixthat we're talking about original and sois it a passionate audience dronesabsolutely are other people making moneydrones absolutely can you target onFacebook we're gonna talk about this onein a second perceived value so dronesseem expensive you know it's a littlemachine that you can control that fliesthe definition of perceived value to medifficulty to find elsewhere absolutelyupward trending we can take a look onGoogle Trends but you know I just Ialready know that it is upward trendingand it's a very interesting niche thatI'm personally passionate about as I usethem myself and I spent a ton of moneyon drums so let's talk about the nextone Bitcoin this is a website called AllThings D central and so they arecapitalizing on the Bitcoin crazethey're literally selling Bitcoin cardsyou can actually buy them in Bitcoin orin cash so they're doing a great jobhere great get crypto gifts they haveBitcoin socks they have Bitcoin mirrorfinish they have Bitcoin you knowkeychains they have Bitcoin playingcards beginner box all timesthings that are just hilarious like youknow encrypt Google pixel so this islike an encryption product virtualreality system popular swag will workfor Bitcoin Bitcoin magic internet moneywith a wizard on it and you know theseare just great Bitcoin not bombs theyhave all different types of merchandisethey have most popular items open dimeBitcoin stick and you know not even justconsidering merchandise here guys thereis going to be a larger mask need forhardware related to Bitcoin so you knowif we're looking here so here's so herewe go so you know those of you out therewho know about Bitcoin you know that youknow there's a lot of different hardwarewallets that are becoming more and morekind of popular and necessary for peoplewho want to protect their Bitcoin alittle bit more and if you guys want meto I can make a kind of an introductionvideo about Bitcoin and how to keep yourBitcoin state because I've had friendswho've had big hacks you know peopleporting their cell phone numbers astheir dual authentication and you knowgetting access to a few hundred thousandof their bitcoins and you know if peoplewere a little bit smarter and used likea treasurer Hardware wallet for exampleoh nice oh so this one sold out and alsoshipping now which is kind ofinteresting but like a treasurerHardware wallet for example you know toreally just transfer these offline andreally create like a 24 a fret keyphrase key that would be that makes italmost impossible if not impossible forpeople to actually hack your bitcoinsthat when you do store them on a centralrepository such as coinbase or Gemini oryou know bit recs or whatever is muchmore possible to actually hijack andsteal your Bitcoin so you know this thiswebsite is doing an absolute fantasticjob of not only taking advantage of thehardware necessary for kind of the moretech tech geeks like myself out thereyou want to keep their Bitcoin you knowas safe as possible but they're alsocapitalizing like I talked about beforewith apparel merchandise crypto art evenI haven't even looked at this one yetactually I'm curious about this socrypto art you know their sons with$10,000 which is absolutely crazy to mebut obviously these are beautifulthe Winklevoss twins that's awesomeyeah so this is just another greatexample of you know somebody who kind ofcapitalized on an upward trend and ismaking a ton of money from itI assume pretty much right right away sothe next one I want to talk about iselectric vehicles and so are we going tobe selling Tesla's on our Shopify storeand no we're not but we could be sellingyou know the accessories for electronicvehicles you know maybe the signs maybethis could be a commercial buyer andthey want to get you know at theiroffice building put up a sign forelectric parking or you know a vehiclestencil or the extension the replacementextension cables or the carrying caseall these accessories guys are verydifficult to find elsewhere I canpromise you these are not being sold atSafeway and they have an incredibly youknow in this case affluent target marketyou know they have a lot of money andthey're very passionate about their carsif they're gonna spend you know close to$100,000 on a Tesla and so those arejust three examples that I wanted totalk about really quickly let's talkabout actually how to see whether or notlike I said you can target it onfacebook so this is the first one dronefly so this is one of the larger Jeroncompanies so if we're talking in theUnited States and this is audienceinsights rossum you don't know I do havea facebook advertising video that talksabout this more in depth we're not gonnatalk about it a bunch right now but itshows you basically whether or not youcan actually detailed or narrowingnarrow target your actual Facebookaudience to really further target youradvertisements to reach people that aremost likely to buy your products so wetarget the United States and we're gonnaput in drone here so we see drone musicthe drone drone metal so let's put it ingeneralokay so here's I just actually saw thisis drone fly so this is literally thecompany that we were just talking aboutwhich is as perfect as it gets so we seethat 97% of the people who areinterested in drone fly are men soobviously when we're creating ourFacebook advertisements for droneaccessories in this specific case wewould not target women because we seethat 54% of all Facebook in general iswomen but only 3% of Facebook whoexpressed interest in the company dronefly or women so we obviously target allmen we'd probably target25 and 44 year olds as we see that'smost of our market and if we can see abunch more info about about people wholike turns which makes it so much easierwe can we can target the multicoptercamera house excuse me the multicopterwarehouse we can target polar Proskyrocket Empire tactical all these yeahDJI one of the biggest drone companiesall these different companies are youknow target is that we can actually usein our detailed targeting section whenyou create our Facebook ads and if youdon't know what I mean by that check outmy Facebook advertising video and Ipromise you will understand it afterthat so that is kind of how you checkwhether or not you can actually sell iton Facebook which is super importantguys everyone always forgets to do thisand it's so so important that you don'tforget how to do this because it's gonnasave you so much time creating a storeputting all this effort in before youactually know whether or not you canreally target your actual perfect buyersthe people who are actually going toconvert at a low enough cost to give youa 50% 75% profit margin which isobviously what you know would be idealso we're gonna talk about Aliexpressreally quickly you know everybody elsekind of talks about all Express we'renot gonna talk about it a ton but youknow the best way to use all Express isto not let yourself get overwhelmed guyswe're not gonna go through all of thesedifferent subcategories and every singleone of these right there's hundreds likeI can go to jewelry and watches and gothrough all like million of these andall of these million have their ownlittlesubcategories as well we're not gonna dothat what we are going to do is go tobest-selling and my cookies are kind ofconfused right now and all they expressbecause I'm in Australia and New Zealandtomorrow but you can always just go tobest-selling Aliexpress calm and this isgoing to show you the best selling itemsfor the week on Aliexpress so you knowpeople always talk about going to allthe different subcategories and lookingthrough all these hundreds of differentthings like everyone else's I just liketo look at the best selling products amI gonna sell this exact product probablynot but I'm going to get the idea youknow ideas from this of what is actuallyselling and then I'm gonna try to useyou know my own creativity and my ownkind of experiences and my own kind ofsearching for related products to sellsomething similar and so what we can seehere is eighty thousand two hundredninety one orders from Aliexpress nowsome of these people are you knowcustomers ordering it for themselves butfor the most part these are people youknow drop shipping these are people whoare selling these on on Facebook ads Icould I could easily see like a like a995 free plus shipping or 695 I meanyou're paying 88 cents a bag and sendingthem out and you know pocketing thedifference after your advertising costany packets shipping so you know I wouldlook through a lot of these we can seethat there's categories you know maybemen or women I would go a little bitfarther than a lot of people most peopleprobably only look kind of at this thesemain ones and then they don't realizethat they proceed into the next sectionbut what you can do is actually go toview more and now you're gonna look atall the best sellers for the week in themen's category you know with a lot ofdifferent kind of specificity and moredetail than you would otherwise have onthe previous page so we see a lot ofdifferent like liquid cases for a dollarninety nine that'd be great againperceived value this kind of seems to meare not gonna be more expensive it looksreally cool obviously it looks nice on afacebook video especially if you'reordering samples for yourself and kindof showing it off and making a nicelittle HD video of it I mean so that'skind of how I would do Mali Expressagain if you want a ton more info on howto do shop with my product research moreso than just you know finding a goodniche then check out the video in thedescription of my Shopify productresearch video I hope you guys will likeit so kind of the last two things I wantto talk about we're gonna talk abouttrend hunter it's a great website that Iuse all the time and then we're gonnatalk about how to actually add t-shirtsto your store for any new sheets shoesand how that you know allows me to addmultiple thousands of dollars ofadditional income I wouldn't otherwisehave simply by adding a print-on-demandt-shirt section to all of my Shopifystores it's very easy and it's obviouslyworth it it's made you an extra you knowten thousand or more dollars per monthevery single monthso what trend hunter is is its kind ofan aggregator of information obviouslyit shows a ton of different you knowwhat's trending all these differentarticles from across the across the webnow you can talk about hundred giftideas for sneakerheads 38 innovations inSmartWatch technology and you know justliterally sitting here for one secondsmartwatches is one that Ithink about smart watchbands or you knowsmart watch cases or smart watch coversor you know smart watch charging dots oryou know all different types of thingsthat I never even would have thoughtabout if I hadn't have just beenrandomly playing around with thiswebsite so we can go to you know gameshere virtual reality is a great one thatyou could you know has tons of differentthings that you could potentially lookinto maybe skins for your oculus riftyou know putting stickers on them tomake them more personalized on theoutside maybe googly eyes or somethinglike that Harry Potter Hogwarts gamesnose controlled those controlled mobilekingsthat's ridiculous I'm intensive gamerrouter so this would be a great veryhighly niche you know big spendingcategory illumination VR pcs you knowmaking your computer sexy or kind ofcreating that gaming station that's kindof become you know a sign of pride forin the gaming world I can do that myself60 gaming ideas for gamers I definitelytake a look at this smart yeah soaugmented reality smart phone gamecontrollers which is fantastic there'snothing that I would ever have thoughtabout without looking at this you know Iwould look at all these gifts ideas forgamers gamer couch culture you know Iwould look through trend hunter with youknow the niches that I'm interested inthe niches that I think will be trendingand issues that I've proven will betrending and have a lot of buzz andother people are making money on againfollowing the stupendous six alwaysfollowing the stupendous you know andyou want to make sure that wow these areactually really cool but I bet these arealso really expensivebut just look looking through these 100gift for college kids you know lookingat neon lights of Pizza nostalgic giftideas for sunglasses all types of thingsas you wouldn't or I at least wouldn'totherwise think about unless I was onthis website it's a fantastic aggregatorof information motion controlled musicalinstruments streaming comic books watermanipulation LED lamps that's absolutelyfantastic remember guys when you arebrowsing through Facebook next time yousee an ad remember what catches yourattentionremember what catches your eyefor what is actually making you click oreven watch for a second longer thanotherwise and then start to think aboutapplying those same things that make youlook to your own Shopify storesself-cleaning quarts bottles you know Ican look through this forever but I knowI don't want to bore anyone and so Iwould just you know recommend going ontrend hunter spending an hour 30 minutes10 minutes whatever it is look if youfollow the vlog obviously no zero daysright so do it for one minute and if youonly do it for one minute that's okaybut at least do it for one minute but Ipromise you you're probably gonna getinterested when you start to lookthrough this stuff because it'sincredibly interesting rollable papertorches you know all different types ofthings so we're not gonna keep keeptelling through that but it's justsomething that I wanted to mention soRedBubble is a cool one it's big it'sbig with YouTube influencers you knowYouTube influencers sell a lot ofmerchandise if you want to see peopleyou know who are selling a ton ofmerchandise take a look at you knowLogan Paul store for example or you gethe you guys or some of the huge you knowyoutubers out there they're making a tonof money and so what I like to use redbubble for is just looking at the topselling men's t-shirts or women'st-shirts you know this is one that out100% buy will cut grass for rupees andyou know that I could make this you knowwill cut grass for Bitcoin or somethinglike that with link or someone else youknow you can always add and that's justliterally off the top of my head you canalways add your own little you knowspins on things this is how amazing thisis for those who recognize this one Fearand Loathing in Las Vegas Mario sellingyou know a variety of different items inhere obviously mushrooms but we won'ttalk about that totally straight if yousee the police warn a brother yeah so Imean these are just great so you knowlooking through these to kind of getideas of how you can actually you knowadd a t-shirt store just a supplementalcomplimentary additional income streamto your Shopify store of t-shirts so thelast thing I want to talk about anothergreat way to find t-shirts that areselling like absolute crazy is usingAmazon and so this is we're looking atthe top brands here and if you guys wantme to make just like a total tutorialfrom start to finish on how to make anadditional you know 10,000 or moredollars every singlewith your Shopify store just usingprint-on-demandyou know there's no upfront inventorycost guys you literally just integratean app that takes you know five minutesand then you all you have to do is pay adesigner five dollars off five or upwork to you know create designs for youand upload them to the app on Shopifyand all of a sudden you have a fullyfunctioning completely ready to go astore for t-shirts for coffee mugs forhoodies for all this stuff so if youguys want me to make a tutorial on how Iconnect to ten thousand dollars everysingle month for my Shopify stores justusing print-on-demand t-shirts leave acomment leave a like obviously make sureyou subscribe guys because I hope youknow you are enjoying this I hope thisis bringing value to you and if it isthen click that subscribe button downbelow and make sure you hit thenotification bar as well because youknow I am lonely so what we're lookingat here is kind of the top brands onAmazon so you know we could look at anynumber of different things here let'suse golf because we talked about itbefore and so obviously these are veryfunny already grab your balls I can'treally that says but it says grab yourballs something we're going golfing yeahso they see me rollin they hatin with agolf tag or XP a golf cart these areabsolutely fantastic you know all wehave to do guys is have them recreatedwith our own designs you know it caneven say pretty much the same thing aslong as it's not trademarked and youreally you don't have to worry as muchabout trademarks and things like that onShopify as you do you want Amazon that'snot me telling you you know don't thinkabout trademark don't think aboutcopyrights or anything like that butit's just not as you know rigorous of aprocess as it is on Amazon where you dohave to worry a lot more just because ofthe visibility and things like that sothese are just some great examples wecould look at all these different topbrands here and I can talk about how toactually find this it's actually kind ofan annoying process to find the topbrands on Amazon but it has a ton ofvalue that is just so valuable and notmany people really know how to do itNeil deGrasse Tyson has is a homeprotection you matter you energy y'allneed science yes so some of these arefantastic so I hope you enjoyed that oneguys remember like let's just have alittle summary reallywhen you're finally needs you need apassionate audience you need people whocare you need people who are going toclick a facebook app go to your Shopifysite and buy the product you need youneed other people that are making moneyyou need it to be a proven age you wantit to be an evergreen something thatappeals to all human beings right and sothey're always going to be a demand forit it's not gonna be seasonal it's notgonna be something that's trending it'snot having something that goes out offashion can you target it on Facebook wetalked about exactly how to figure thatout you want perceived value whetherit's jewelry whether it's you know droneaccessories whether it's electronic caraccessories whether it's 3d printing oryou know maybe it's a I watched chargingdock or any type of things that you findoff trend hunter or creating LEDdisplays for your gaming setup right soyou want the perceived value wanted tobe difficult to find elsewhere and youwant it to be upward trend and guys solet me know if you want me to make thatprint on demand t-shirt video and I hopeyou enjoyed this one guys and I will seeyou on the next one we're going to be inQueenstown New Zealand so I can't waitto talk to you guys all again and makesure you subscribe comment than justthat we will see you next time[Music]you
Is Your Ecommerce Website Free From Bugs? Software Testing Can Help
By Prince N | Submitted On March 19, 2018
For ecommerce business organizations looking for delivering a quality user experience and innumerable alternatives to the customers, it is very important to test the e-store thoroughly to avoid any errors and bugs. Testing an ecommerce website comes with its own challenges, but a testing professional can always be innovative and uncover hidden issues before the users can spot them and the post can go live. Besides adding quality, a software testing company can also add additional value by offering usability suggestions to improve the overall user experience.
The retail industry is moving very fast in varied sales channels offering the customers a common view, irrespective of where they choose to shop. There are various key areas where ecommerce software testing should be focused. A lot of attention is needed in the requirement gathering and the design phase. Here is what you should test in your ecommerce store:
User experience:
This is a vital aspect of your e-store and it consists of the look and feel, text, color, logos and etc. While testing your site thoroughly, consider the bottlenecks that can lead your customers to abandon the shopping cart, identify similar scenarios that might increase the bounce rate of your site. In case of any errors, the message displayed should be appropriate and clearly convey the meaning. The earlier you are able to identify the faults; the less cost will it involve while implementing any changes.
Cross browser / cross device:
Today, the market is flooded with many new mobiles and customers are also using them to access applications and websites. These devices use different OS combinations and browsers. Since it is very difficult to identify the most popular browsers and customers keep on changing their preferences, ecommerce business owners prefer to create application that can run on varied devices. Thus an essential part of software testing is to check the compatibility of the site on different devices and browsers.
Shopping cart:
This is one of the prime features of an ecommerce website and thus forms the center of testing the website. Since this enables the customers to select and store various items in the cart and purchase them in one go, any issues with this section can leave the customer frustrated and never come back. A through testing should be done so that the users can easily add items to the cart, increase and decrease the quantity, add items multiple times, sorting and filtering and also remove any items from the cart.
Create an account and login:
Some ecommerce sites allow you to make a purchase only after you create a proper account and login to the site. It is very important to conduct a thorough software testing with all the variations along the user journey. Some areas of consideration are creating account and login, login redirects, login sessions, logout, existing and new accounts and etc.
Payments and transactions:
Any errors in this section can lead to serious damages. A thorough testing of this section is essential so that there are no security flaws and customer transactions are safe. The data that they share with the website remains safe and is not accessed by any unauthorized person.
Testing an ecommerce website is challenging and often involves a lot of expertise. A thorough testing can ensure that each feature has been correctly implemented as per the requirements.
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Starting From Zero Audiobook By Fred Lam – Lifetime Commission!
Product Name: Starting From Zero Audiobook By Fred Lam – Lifetime Commission!
Description: Launching April 9th To April 19th With $100,000 In Prizes! Earn 50% Commissions & Up To $195 Commission For A $1.99 Audiobook! This Audiobook Converts On Cold Traffic And All Niches! Foreword By Robert Kiyosaki & Insane Student Results!
How To Build A Niche Online Store And An Introduction To Ecommerce
hi and welcome to my free six day minicourse on how to build a niche onlinestore now what I'm going to do today isI'm going to give you a very briefintroduction to e-commerce and talkabout all the different ecommercebusiness models that you can choose fromso what are you going to learn in this 6day mini course first of all you'regoing to learn how all the differentonline e-commerce business models workyou're going to learn how to find andevaluate profitable products to sellonline and how to find wholesale vendorswho will sell your product at costyou'll learn how to create a greatlooking website without any technicalexperience whatsoever and essentiallyI'm going to be teaching everything youneed to know to create a niche onlinestore including all the setup and how toaccept credit cards online now thiscourse is for you if you're a parent whowants to work from home in order tospend more time with your kids thiscourse is free if you want to replaceyour income and eventually quit your jobthis course is for you if you want aflexible schedule to do what you wantand spend more time with your loved onesand this course is also for you if youcurrently run a brick-and-mortar storeand you want to move the operationonline now it doesn't really matter ifyou don't currently have any products orservices to offer if you're not exactlysure what you want to sell onlinebecause I'm going to show you how tolaunch a profitable online store fromcomplete scratch and you don't need tohave any prior knowledge whatsoever sobefore we begin I thought I'd just takea little bit of time to talk about someof the students who have gone throughthis course who have gone on to runsuccessful online stores now thisparticular students standing is a singlemom and she actually launched her onlinestore in order to spend more time withher childand so she ended up launching get onrogue comm which is an online storeselling personalized bridesmaids robesand today she makes a healthy for figureper month salary running her store nowthis particular student Sean started anonline store called fine leather workingcalm which is an online store that sellsleather leather working supplies onlineand within 1.5 yearssean has managed to make over sixfigures with his online store andfinally this particular student run hestarted an online store sunny decalscalmselling fabric wall decals online andonce again Shawn makes a healthy fourfigure per month salary selling his ownbranded wall decals online so before webegin I just thought I'd take a coupleof minutes to tell you a little bitabout myself my name is Steve and I runthe popular blog my wife quit her jobcomm where I write about building wealthin entrepreneurship now I started thiswhole entrepreneurship thing back in2007 and I remember that you're verydistinctly because my wife and I we werestuck in a rut now we both workedfull-time and we were both making sixfigures but here's what our lifeconsisted of we would work our full-timejob we would come home we would eatdinner then we watch TV for a couplehours and then we'd go to sleep next daygo to work come home eat dinner watch TVgo to sleep and the cycle went on and onnow normally this wouldn't be so badexcept my wife just really hated her joband you know every single morning beforeshe went to work she would come up to mewith this really long face and she'd belike honey I'm off to the hellhole Icall my job now now if you could imaginesince I had to watch her do this everysingle day it was actually quitedepressing and deep down I knew that sheshould quit her job and I knew that weshould start our own business but wejust couldn't get the courage or findthe time to begin and then somethinghappened she became pregnant with ourfirst child and I remember that day verydistinctly when I saw the pregnancystick because I was super excited but Iwas scared at the same time and thereason is you know I knew this was theperfect excuse for my wife to quit herjob and take care of the kids full-timebut on the flip side we live in a veryexpensive area where you pretty muchhave to have two incomes in order to geta house in a good school district and Iwasn't really willing to sacrifice ourlifestyle and so what we ended up doingis we started brainstorming differentbusinesses that we could pursue and wekind of stumbled upon ecommerce and soin 2007 or online-store bumblebee linenscom was born and this in this store weended up selling wedding linens onlineeven though things started very slowlyfor the first couple months we actuallymanaged to make over six figures in ourfirst year of business which completelyreplaced my wife's salary and so weended up my wife quit her job for goodas soon as her maternity leave was overand she ended up just running ourbusiness from home while taking care ofthe kids so if you look at our livestoday and this is a picture of ourlovely family my wife is just so muchhappier now that she's running ourbusiness she earns a lot more money withour business than with her day job sheonly works a couple of hours each dayshe gets to stay at home the kids shehas a very flexible schedule and thebest part is that our business hascontinued to grow in the double andtriple digits ever since so that itactually blows all of our day jump incomes out of the water today okay and sothat's just a little bit about myentrepreneurship story and I thought I'dalso talk a little bit about myphilosophy for entrepreneurship that I'mgoing to be talking about in this coursefirst of all this six-day mini course isnot a get-rich-quick scheme and it's notabout starting a large company like anAmazon of Facebook or Google it's notabout working 100-hour weeks to makemoney it's mainly about creating abusiness that suits your lifestyle it'sabout creating a business that willallow you to spend time doing thingsthat you love or hanging out with thosepeople that you love and it's basicallya business that increases theflexibility of your lifestyle allows youto set your own schedule and I know ifthat for my wife and I we started ourbusiness so that we could spend moretime with our family and so that's kindof the objective of this course now ifyou are unfamiliar with selling online Ithought I'd just go over some of theadvantages of creating an online storeas opposed to a physical store so forone thing you do not have to bephysically present to make money byusing a computer server who runs yourwebsite your computer can take ordersfor you essentially while you sleep andone of the best parts of having a serverrun your company is that there's verylittle overhead to maintain a websiteand most of the software is actuallyalready written for you all you have todo is customize the website to yourspecific business and you actually haveall you have to do really is load upyour products onto your online storewebsite so with that in mind one of themost common questions that I do getasked is why should I go through allthis trouble of starting my own websitewhen I simply can sell an Amazon Etsy orebay and I have a couple of responsesthat I'm very passionate about this thecompanies like eBay Etsy and Amazon theyreally don't have your interest in linetheir primary concern is their owngrowth in their own stock price they canraise prices at any time they can changetheir policies at any time they canactually change their algorithm to makeyour business harder to find so you getless sales at a moment's notice andoftentimes these sites you know they'rejust very vanilla shopping websites theydon't provide any sort of designflexibility and if you ever shopped oneBay Etsy or Amazon you'll notice thatall the listings on their store they allfollow a similar template and as aresult it's very hard for your businessto stand out amongst the rest of thepack and the fact that every listinglooks the same it actually also hidesyour brandeveryone who shops on Amazon for examplethinks that they're buying from Amazonand not from your online store and soyou're not really building up a brand byselling on these platforms and the worstpart is they charge a percentage of yoursales a significant portion at that eBayfor example it takes between eleven andfifteen percent of your revenue Amazontakes fifteen percent of your revenuesright off the bat and the fact thatthey're taking such a large percentagemakes it that much harder for you tomake money in the long run coupled withthe fact that they could change theirpolicies at any time raise their pricesand put you out of business so that iswhy you need to own your own website youdon't want your business to be at themercy of someone else you want completedesign flexibility to express yourpersonality and your business in orderto stand out from your competitors andmost importantly you want to be incontrol of your own destiny you want toestablish your own brand and essentiallyfuture-proof your business and that'sone of the reasons why you need to ownyour own branded website in the long runnow a lot of people who want to starttheir own business they're kind ofafraid to begin because of the mediamainly have you ever heard the media saythat9 out of 10 businesses fail now this isactually very common saying and I reallyhate to sing with the passion because Ihonestly feel that none of those 10people they start their businesseswithout knowing what to do and I'm afirm believer that if you know whatyou're doing and you have the rightmentor to teach you your chances forsuccess are going to be drasticallyincreased okay so today I thought I'dfirst start out by dispelling some ofthese common myths to make you feel morecomfortable about wanting to start yourown business so the first myth of courseis starting a business is too risky wellwhat if I told you that my wife and Istarted our online store on the sidewhile both working full-time jobsessentially by doing this we had zerorisk because we were collecting ourpaychecks while we were working on ourbusiness and as a result we risked nextto nothing to start our business wedidn't have to pay for a programmerthere were no real development costs wedid everything on the side and soeverything was pretty chill granted ittook a little bit longer but we hadpeace of mind every step of the way aswe were starting our business anothermyth is that starting a business issimply just going to cost too much moneyand just speaking from experience mywife and I started our online storespending only six hundred and twentynine dollars in the main cost of thatsix hundred and twenty nine dollars wasa digital camera and a computer and therest of it about three hundred dollarswas what we spent on our initialinventory for our online store butrealistically speaking you couldactually get started for as little asfive dollars a month and the best partis that the overhead for maintaining anonline store is actually extremely lownow if you look at our business a dayeven if sales were to grind to a halt itwould only cost us about $80 a month tomaintain our store which would allow usto weather any sort of downturn in thelong run now one of the myths also isthat people think that starting anonline store they actually have to carryinventory but one of the business modelsI'm going to talk about in a little bitis called drop shipping where youactually don't have to carry inventoryat all you simply take orders on yourwebsite and then the vendor is actuallyresponsible for shipping the product tothe end customernow one of the other myths that Iconstantly hear about is that starting awebsite is too hard if you're not techsavvy now back when my wife and Istarted it was much harder than it wastodayand honestly today starting an onlinestore is so much easier than it was backin the past you absolutely do not needany technical knowledge to begin and thebest part is all the software is writtenfor you now you basically have twooptions one you can actually find a webhost and install a shopping cartyourself and all the shopping cartsoftware is free because of open sourceopen source essentially means is thatthe software is free and the source codeis essentially given out and maintainedby the community so Linux is an exampleof open source software and there's awhole bunch of open source shopping cartflop platforms out there for you tochoose for free that are very robust nowif you don't want to deal with theserver or installing software and oranything along those lines there areactually companies out there likeShopify or big commerce that willessentially do everything for you andthose are called fully hosted platformsif you ever used one of these platformsthey actually allow you to design yourwebsite very easily and some of themeven offer a drag-and-drop interfacewith which you can just customize yourstore very graphically which makes itvery simple to get started now my minicourse is going to present you with allthe different options for launching youronline store website depending on yourtechnical skill and depending what youwant to do I've done all the shoppingcart research for you all you got to dois do a self assessment of what you wantto spend your time doing and then pickthe appropriate platform for you oneother complaint that I also commonlyhear is that I don't have enough time tostart business well if you look at mylife I have two kids I still work afull-time job I run a blog I run anonline store I run an online storecourse and I also run a podcast andthose of you know me know that I'm notSupermanand in fact I'm quite lazy for exampleif I'm sitting on the couch watching TVand the remote is not next to me there'sno way in hell I'm getting up to get theremote I'm going to watch the samechannel for a long time so the keythat I found being a lazy person myselfis to actually break tasks down intovery small pieces that can beaccomplished in 20 or 30 minutes do alittle bit each day make working on yourbusiness part of your routine and thinkin the long term now if you look at mye-commerce course todayit currently has over 200 plus videosspanning over 60 hours of material andno there's no way in hell I could havedone all that in one sitting I did itgradually over time across several yearsI basically just worked a little bit onit every single day and before you knowitI had all this material to present tothe class now one of the key things tokeep in mind when it comes to time ifyou can't wait for that big block oftime in order to begin it doesn't existbreak the problem into small manageablechunks and then set aside a specifictime every day to work on your businessit doesn't have to be a long time Irecommend just working on working onyour business for five hours a weekthat's really all you need at thebeginning and once you do launch youronline business I can't tell you howexhilarating it feels I still rememberthe joy of getting that first sale inour online store I still rememberstocking the customers who came on ourwebsite to to see how they navigated ouronline store I remember all the highs ofwe got a hold flood of customers Iremember the lows when we first launchedand we didn't have that many customersbut basically every single sale that wedid achieve I felt the tremendous senseof pride and accomplishment because Iwas my own boss I got to set my scheduleI got to call the shots and the bestpart is is that our business providedfinancial security that no one couldactually ever take away from us okay sohopefully with that I've gotten you alittle bit excited about starting yourown online store now I'm going to switchgears a little bit and talk about thespecific online store models that youcan choose from so I mentioned thisearlier but one of the business modelsis called drop shipping and the way dropshipping works is that you put up yourown website and you take orders butinstead of having to pack and ship theorder yourself the vendor is actuallyresponsible for shipping the product tothecustomer and so what happens is you takean order and usually you'll fight off anemail to the vendor and then they'llactually ship to ship the product to theend customer as if they were your storeso the end customer doesn't know aboutthe vendor at all for all intents andpurposes the customer thinks that theymade the purchase from you this iscalled drop shipping and one of theadvantages is that you don't have tocarry inventory and it makes yourbusiness very scalable because as theorders come in you don't have to do thelegwork of shipping and packing orderssomeone else is doing that for you okaythe downside of course is that themargins are going to be a lot lower themargins for job shipping typically areon the order of ten to thirty percentand oftentimes the vendor will chargeyou a drop shipping fee on a per orderbasis as well now one of the otherbusiness models is the traditional modelwhich is where you sell other people'sgoods while carrying your own inventoryokay and one of the advantages ofcarrying your own inventory is that yourprofit margins are a lot higher they'retypically going to be on the order of50% which will allow you to make a lotmore money per sale than with dropshipping but of course on the flip sideyou do have to store your product andyou do have to ship it to the endcustomer but there are a bunch ofthird-party fulfillment houses out therethat you can use to actually act kind oflike a drop shipper for you the nextbusiness model is where you actuallysell your own branded products and thisis essentially where you go out and youbuild products on your own put your ownbrand on it and then sell it as your ownnow a lot of people are intimidated bythis tip but it's actually not thatdifficult to do typically what you cando is you don't really have to inventyour own products you can actually haveexisting products manufactured put yourown brand on them and sell them as yourown and this practice is actually calledwhite labeling another thing that youwould also do is you can take anexisting product make a couple of slighttweaks to it have it made put your ownbrand on it and then sell it as your ownand of course when you're selling yourown products under your own brand theprofit margins are going to be a lothigher often as high as 90% or more okayand finally the final business model Iwant to talk about is selling as anaffiliatethe way affiliate marketing works is youhave a website and you actually refer acustomer to another business where theyactually make a purchase on the otherbusiness's website and essentially whenthat happens when you refer a customerover you actually get a cut of the saleand one of the advantages with affiliatemarketing is one when someone signs upon a referral from you you don't evenhave to support the customer afteryou've referred the sale your job isdone all you do is collect the money andmaking it the simplest business modelecommerce business model to pursue butof course on the flip side the profitmargins are the lowest among all thedifferent types of e-commerce models outthere now if I were to put all thesedifferent models on a nice table andkind of measure the effort level versusthe probability dropshipping would rankkind of on on the order of seven out often in terms of effort level but interms of profitability it would be onthe order of three out of ten becausethe margins aren't that great if youopen a traditional store with inventorythe efforts going to be a little highersince you have to pack and ship ordersin addition in addition to customersupport but the profitability is goingto be much higher I rated it a seven outof ten because your margins are going tobe on the order of 50% if you sell yourown goods under your own brand theeffort level is that much higher becauseyou have to manufacture your own goodsand you have to worry about thelogistics of buying products and higherbulk but the profitability is off thecharts as I mentioned before oftentimesthe margins are going to be 90% or morewhich will allow you to ramp up yourprofits that much fasterand finally affiliate sales model iskind of on the other end of the spectrumit's the easiest model to pursue but theprofitability is also the lowest as wellwhen you're making between five and tenpercent per sale with affiliatemarketing you got to make a whole bunchof sales you got to have a whole bunchof traffic going to your site in orderto make significant money with theaffiliate marketing so that's the end ofthis first lesson I hope it gave you anice overview of all the differentbusiness models that you can pursue andjust remember this is actually step zeroof your six-day mini course in thesubsequent lessons I'm going to show youhow to research a profitable niche howto find vendors to sell you products atI'm going to show you how to launch yourown brand website using open sourcesoftware and I'm going to teach you howto accept credit cards onlineessentially everything you need tolaunch an online store from completescratch so stay tuned for the followinglessons and I hope you enjoyed thelesson
Top Rated Folica Beauty Products
By Imran Al | Submitted On June 01, 2008
Folica is a popular name in the world of beauty and skin care. There is a wide range of Folica beauty products available that include makeup, products for hair styling, hair removal systems, and skin care products like hand creams and acne treatments.
Folica is not a brand name. It only provides popular products from other companies coming under the above-mentioned categories. One of the top-rated Folica beauty products is Clarisonic Skin Care Brush. It is actually a device for cleansing and exfoliating of skin. It can be used as an alternative to facial treatment provided by professionals.
Colorevolution is a mineral powder foundation that works as a concealer as well. It does not make your skin shiny and gives an overall natural look. However, it contains some ingredients which might cause acne and skin irritation in some people. If you have sensitive skin, this product is not recommended to you.
Some other popular products from Folica include Sorme Fresh Start Under-Foundation Makeup Enhancer, Sorme Believable Finish Foundation, Biosilk Silk Therapy, and CHI Silk Infusion. All these products have received positive user feedback. If you want to try Folica beauty products, then these products are recommended.
Zeno Acne Clearing Device is available from Folica beauty products. This device is hand-held and battery operated. It can be used by people of all ages, especially those who suffer from regular acne breakouts in the form of red bumps and pimples. Zeno clears away blemishes in a matter of hours and is not very expensive.
In fact if we compare Zeno with medical treatments we find that it is only a one-time investment, whereas creams and lotions require you to replace them after every three months or so. It is also the fastest acne treatment known to date. The only disadvantage of Zeno is that it does not cure blackheads and whiteheads.
Learn more about best acne treatment methods and other health related issues like teeth whitening [] and how to lose weight fast [].
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Rocket Korean: Earn Top Dollar Selling A Top Product That People Love!
Product Name: Rocket Korean: Earn Top Dollar Selling A Top Product That People Love!
Description: Earn Up To 70% Commissions With Rocket Korean. We Have Been In The Language Learning Business For 15 Years, So We Can Help You. Feel Good About Selling A High Quality Product That Actually Works! This Is Proven By Our Very Low Refund Rate. Apply Now!
Top 10 Ecommerce Store Mistakes You Are Making – Printful 2019
Hey guys my name is Nora. My name isMarianna and we are with Printful'smarketing team so we've been withPrintful for a few years now and overthe course of this time we have had thepleasure to work with a lot of reallyinspiring and fascinating store ownersand over this time we've noticed that alot of people are doing really greatthings for their stores, but we've alsoregularly noticed a lot ofdon'ts or mistakes that we see peopledoing as well that come up prettyfrequently. So in this video we want totalk about some of these 10 mistakesthat you're doing in your online storeand how you can fix them, so you can yousell more and grow your store evenmore. Let's get started! Mistake numberone – store isn't optimized for mobile.Whatever it is that we're looking on theinternet we're used to looking at on abig screen on our laptops or whatever,but as soon as you put it on a smallerscreen – whole another story. Make surethat it's optimized for mobile. It'simportant because people are becomingmore and more used to shopping on theirmobile phones. Almost 40% of allecommerce purchases during the 2018holiday season happened on asmartphone. So this isn't a trend that'sgoing away. It's just gonna get more andmore popular and more and more peopleare gonna shop on mobile. One good wayhow to test if your site ismobile-friendly is to check… What'sit called again?”Google mobile-friendly test”. You plugin your URL and then Google will tellyou right away whether or not it ismobile-friendly and if it's notmobile-friendly, what are the things youshould work on. You can also justtest it yourself by opening your storeon different devices like a smartphone,different size smartphones, tablets. Youget the picture. Exactly, and if youyou're a bit too close for comfortor getting too accustomed to your siteyou can also give your store or yourdevice to a friend and see how theyinteract with your site. Because that's avery good way to figure out what worksand what doesn't. You can alsohave your friends test and actually makea purchase on mobile. Because it's onething whether or not it looks good onmobile, it's a whole other ballgamewhether or not you can actually checkout and follow through with a purchase.That's also an important thing totest out. Few other things you can doto make sure your store ismobile-friendly is making sure all theicons are fitted to the screen,thesize isn't too small. Make sure yourimage sizes are high quality, but alsonot super huge, so they load quicklyenough and generally you want to makesure that you also have responsivedesign. What that means is that thedesign of your store expands andretracts depending on the size of thescreen you're looking at. Any developercould help you do this, but you can alsotake a look at the themes that yourecommerce platform offers and make sureyou go with a theme that is alsoresponsive and looks good on mobile.Mistake number two – No “About us” page. Inthis day and age, you may have heard, thatstorytelling is a big deal. You have totell your story to be heard, becauseyou've got a lot of competition outthere, a lot of e-commerce stores goingafter your click, so you have to tellyour story. One great way how to doit is through “About us” page.That's a way to build credibility, tobuild this connection with your audienceand just tell your story. A lot ofpeople might think it's just anoverlooked page, people don't actuallyread it. but that's wrong. People do readthe “About us” page and it does helpbuild credibility, because if your brandisn't well known then peopledon't know is the store legit, who am Ibuying from, what is the idea behind thestore? And it also gives you an advantageover the big-box retailers. Theymaybe don't have a unique story thatyou do and it's like a David and Goliaththing, where you can stand out becauseyou're a small business and you canshare your story and who you are.Some of the things you can talk about inyour “About us” page – who you are, aboutyour brand, about your brand values, maybesome brand history. Is it familyowned? Are you building yourbusiness with a friend or is it maybe forcharity? What's the reason for youcreating this business? It also helpsto add a few pictures just so people seethat there's a real human being behindthat store. Mistake number three – poorquality product photos. In the digitalage media is primarily visual. Peopleare still attracted to pretty photos andthe eye is immediately drawn tocolorful visuals or just aestheticallypleasing visuals. It's very importantto integrate things like that on yoursite as well. It also helps to sellyour products, because you're selling thevision of your brand, you're selling animage of your endcustomers wearing your products. Whenyou're shopping online you can'tactually try on a product or touchit, feel it, see what it's like, so ithelps your customers get an idea of whatthey're buying and what they're shoppingfor exactly. It's also useful to adddetails like the size of the model andcomments on the fit. Maybe it's abit tighter, maybe loose fitting?Remember, your customers can't touch ortry on the product so it's very usefulto provide as much as these details aspossible.You can try lifestyle photos for the fit,for the overall look of the garment orwhatever product that you're selling andalso flat lays are cool, they justlook nice and they build thisenvironment, this vibe.Make sure your photos are alsogenerally zoomable so people can zoomin on the details that they'reinterested in. Mistake number four – boringproduct descriptions. What we'retrying to say is product descriptionsthat don't really stand out and don'treally inform the customer aboutanything, that's what qualifies asboring. As we mentioned earlierstorytelling is still very big, peoplewant to know you, they're interested andinvested in telling and learning stories.So that also applies to your productdescriptions. You want to sellyour story and really sell your productsto the customer using language andimagery to help visualize themselves inyour product. Make sure to addinformation which is relevant to thecustomer, remember, there's nothing wrongwith adding that technical information.Do mention the fabric for at-shirt, wash instructions,wash and care instructions. On someof the well-known ecommerce sites outthere you'll notice that the productdescriptions have this balance ofthe creative side and the technical side.Sometimes they're split up in these twolittle tabs with shipping or careinstructions and then they have thebrand language description. Then,going along with your productdescriptions, you also want to include asize guide as well. Then payattention also to grammaror spelling mistakes. You need to usethis opportunity to show off your brandand show how legitimate your store is.When you're writing productdescriptions make sure to include thosekey keywordsabout your product. If it's a t-shirt,make sure to add the actual word “t-shirt”,if you're selling, I don't know, a mug, acoffee mug, do mention the words “coffeemug” in the description, because thatmakes your description and your productthat more searchable. Next step, mistakenumber five and that is confusing a productcatalog. Basically, when a customer landson your site, they should know justintuitively where they want to go orwhere they have to go to find the productsthat they want. That means laying themout andn all of your products out inunderstandable categories or creating anunderstandable collections, just socustomers can easily see “Okay, I want amen's t-shirt – where do I go to find thatexactly?” You don't have to get tooelaborate, if you're running an apparelbusiness, I think, for starters you canjust go with “men's”, “women's” or maybe”t-shirts”, “bottoms”, “accessories” justsomething super simple so there isn'ttoo much overlap between categories.That's something we see oftenwhere people want to simplify theprocess by making severalcategories thinking that you'll justclick just the one you need, but if theproduct appears in several categories itgets a bit confusing. That'sanother thing we also notice – a lot ofcategories, but also too few categories.When you land on a page and it'sjust like a huge list of products andthen it's a little bit overwhelming,because there's so many productshere, I don't know what I actually amlooking for, I don't know what I want, howdo I get through all of this? So it'sfinding that balance of okay whatproducts do I have and how do I showthem and organize them in a way that mycustomers will be able to find what theywant? It actually goes hand in hand withproduct photos, so make sure they'reall similar, that they're of the samestyle so when the person gets to seeyour product grid, when they've opened acategory, it's not too chaotic, so therearen't photos with white backgroundsand suddenly there are lifestyle photos.So it's just more easy on the eye.Mistake number six – no social proof. Justto get started a quick reminder on whatsocial proof means. It's some kind of evidenceof people enjoying your product. Thesedays it takes shape of social mediaposts that are incorporated in the site.Those could be testimonials,user-generated photo.For example, reviews things likethat, just evidence of people using yourproduct and it's important because andthis kind of ties back to your “About us”page, where if you're an unknown brandpeople don't know who you are, they mightnot want to buy from you if they justdon't know if your products are actuallygonna be legit and quality. It justhelps lend your store credibility if newcustomers can see “Oh! This otherperson brought this product and loved itso I must be on the right pageand I could buy from the store as well.”Customers are generally gonna trustreal people over a brand telling themthat this product is quality. Becauseof course we're gonna be tellingeverybody that you're great, but that'sfor people to decide. The easiest way toget more customer reviews and socialproof is just to ask for it. People, ifthey are fans of your product and theywant to help your brand succeed, they'reprobably gonna be more than willing tohelp you out, especially if you'rea little brand just getting started.You can send out an email.In Printful we have ourpacking slips, we can add custom messagesso even there you can say “Hey, leavea review, I would love it!”You can even offer aspecial incentive to everyone who leavesa review by giving them Xpercent off for example. Another coolthing you can do is just make yoursocial proof a bit more personal.Try to connect your story with yourcustomers story. If you see somebodywho's particularly interested in yourbrand or maybe sharing a lot of yourproducts on social media, sharethose photos again, give them a shout-out.Maybe send them thank-you note orsomething, just built that bridge,make it more solid. It'salso always a good idea to reach out tomaybe an influencer orcelebrity becausethey also have a lot of clouts. Iftheir fans see that they are wearing oneof your products, that's also gonnareally help spread the word. Mistakenumber seven – no incentives to buy. Peoplearen't going to want to necessarilyspend their money, especially if it'stheir first time on your store. It'sreally a good idea for you to help nudgethem in the direction that you want togo in. There's a lot of subtle ways,or not so some ways, of doing this so youcan also, for example, in your productdescriptions make the product sound alittle bit more exclusive. “It'sunique product”, “handcrafted” or if you dohand design for example. You can alsodrive the sense of urgency by sayingthat it's a limited time collection.Offer free shipping, this is huge, wealways recommend offering free shipping.We've seen it ourselves in our ownEB tests for our “StartupVitamins” store – people are going tobe more likely to buy even if youincrease the price to take into accountthe shipping. People are more likely tobuy a product with free shipping. Make sure that people know about yourfree shipping offer as soon as they geton that page. You see this all thetime with the little free shippingbanners on the top of the page. I'm sureyou've seen those,it's super effective. Holdingsome kind of a sale or promotiondiscounted prices that's also been howto motivate them to buy more.Those are all good ways to boostsales, but make sure not to be a bit tooeager. Especially for things likepop-ups and and emails. Don'tget too excited, don't jump all over yourcustomer as soon as they land on yourstore just give them a few minutes totake it all in and then go “20% discount”For pop-ups especially werecommend doing like a scroll kind ofpop-up or a time to pop-up so it's notlike your customer lands on your pageimmediately and “Uh 20% off? ButI don't even know why do I wantthis!” Let them browse a littlebit, let them get to know your store orsee your products, peaktheir interest a little bit first.Another good idea in terms of pop-ups isan exit intent to pop-up. That iswhen pop-up software can tell based onwhere the cursor of the mouse is goingif they're about to leave a page, then apop-up will appear “Hey, areyou sure? You know you can stay put onthis page buy something, get a discount.”It's kind of a last-ditch effort tomake them stay. Mistake number eight – too much stuffgoing on. This ties in a little bit withwhat we just talked about in terms ofcreating incentives for people to buythings. Like we just said, youhave to incentivize a little bit, but youhave to be careful with that balance andmake sure that you're not overdoing it.It's a good idea to keep yourstore kind of clean andminimal. You don't want a lot ofdifferent gifs, orlittle illustration pop-upshappening. Keep your store veryneat, clean and easy to navigate. Anotherthing that sometimes is a bit annoyingis that people want to get you tosubscribe or log in too eagerly, create anaccount to check out. People arereally, really sensitive about what dataor what information they share aboutthemselves and surprisingly enough theymay not be willing to share their emailaddress with you. If you do, andagain this also ties in with the last point alittle bit, if you do ask for an emailaddress at the check out, then make sure youalso understand what value they get outof it as well. Thinkof it as currency. You're not justgonna give your email away for no reasonat all, you have to offer somethingthat's gonna be of value. Whether thatis a discount like we mentioned in thelast point or like a free ebook,if you're selling phonecases like a free home screen.Something like that, just something thatmakes them kind of want to actuallyoffer their emails. Mistake number 9 -broken links and broken things. Why is it important? Because it justbums you out to go on a site andsee a broken link. You want to buysomething and you can't, so you just leave.It also kind of damages yourreputation and your credibility if afirst time customers on your pageclick a button and it doesn't work,it's not a good look. They mightnot think that you're credible, yourbusiness is legit and they're probablynot gonna want to leave their creditcard information with you. That's justa very basic bottom line thing thatyou should do – make sure everythingworks. You should testyour store on your desktop, on yourmobile device, make sure there's no bugs, allyour links work and they're all clickablewhen they should be. You can also testyour checkout process to make sure thatyou can go through it that it's smooth,that it's quick and you know it actuallyworks. Make sure that people can submit their paymentsand get their orders. One little thing we've alsonoticed are these little social mediaicons that tend to appear at the bottomof the page. Make sure that they gosomewhere. If you don't have an Instagramor a Facebook account or Twitter, thenjust don't use them.If you do have one make sure thatyou actually have some content on therebecause that's another level of sort ofsketchiness.That's an example of social proof,somebody scrolls down to the bottom ofthe page see your Instagram accountclick and there's no posts, no nothing. “Oh,do I want to buy from this store? I don't think so.”We've arrived at mistake number 10 whichis difficult checkout flow. Which isarguably the most important one.In this case let's imagine a customerhas landed on your store, they're reallyinto it, they love your products, theyactually click on one, add it to theirbasket and they're on their way tocheckout and they expect that “okay,couple clicks and this product is gonna bemine.” But then they're asked tocreate an account, they're asked todo something else. Check this box andtype this information. “I don'twant to, nevermind this is too mucheffort I'm putting this product back andleaving.” You're so close to the finish line,with the checkout you almost have thatsale. You just really want to makesure that the process is super smooth.You want to ask for the least amount ofinformation as possible to get that.If they have to type a milliondifferent things, they're just gonnaget annoyed, they're gonna get lazy andthey're not gonna do it. So make surethat it's as few steps as possible, aseasy as possible. Make sure thatyou have the payment methods thatthey're used to paying,accepting credit cards, PayPal thatkind of thing. Exactly and another veryimportant thing is that the checkout flow islike the Holy Grail.It's just super focused, no distractions,no sales, no promos. Your customerhas already placed a few items in theirbasket and now you got to getthem to the finish line, no distractions.That's the one CTA – purchase.And that's all you should be focusing onat this point. A thing you can doto make sure your checkout is easyand seamless and we've already touchedon this before throughout this talk,is to test it out yourselfMake sure that you can buy aproduct you know give it to a friend,make sure they can buy a product.Go through theprocess yourself and then make sure thatthe product also works in thebackend as well, that it actually syncs withyour e-commerce platform withPrintful and that it actually goesthrough. Remember to check if it'seasy to buy in Mobile. Alright andthat's it from us guys! We hope you foundthis very helpful and we'd love to hearfrom you as well. If you have anyquestions about what you might be doingwrong, what you might be doing right. Ifyou have noticed what others are doing wrongwe'd love to hear it, so post it in thecomment. As always keep hustling,keep doing your best and keep workinghard and good luck! Good luck! Hey, there!It's a Wes from Printful! I hope you likedthat video. Leave us a comment below onwhat video you'd like for us to make next.Subscribe to our YouTube channel andclick on that Bell icon, so that way youalways get a notification when we have anew video.
20 Must-Do Push Notification Best Practices For Ecommerce Marketers
Mobile marketing is the recent buzzword and push notification is definitely an indispensable part of this promotional journey. Reaching the users out of the app usage was not an easy task but the push notifications have made it possible. It has the power to stay apart without getting lost in the colossal crowd of unread messages. Although push notifications are the ideal way of grabbing user attention, they can be easily manipulated – if, in wrong hands, it has more influence to do wrong than anything right.
According to a report published a year ago, people find push notifications really annoying. The fact is push messages are nothing but attention seekers. They like to grab user’s response being a direct communicating line between the customer and the app. It is important that only relevant messages reach the app user without infuriating them. The problems that usually arise in case of push notifications are-
· When the user is giving consent for push notifications, marketers must ensure only the relevant updates are reaching the customer by knowing their set of preferences.
· It must be realized soon that push notification is a privileged tool that must not be used for spamming users with all day frequent messages.
· Wrong timing can annoy a user and make them instinctively delete the app. To avoid any such thing set the timer right for relevant alerts.
· Before sending any push messages certain criteria like age, time, basically all user info is must because otherwise you are bound to send wrong messages to wrong people.
· Push ads through notifications are a complete no for any user who wishes to stay with you and likes your app.
· Late messages can annoy people to the core.
· Marketers must ensure that opting out of push messages must be as easy as opting in for notifications. Easy settings can stop the customers from deleting the app completely.
Industry Overview
The year 2015 was considered as the game changer for push notification industry. From general push messages, the focus shifted to segmented notifications to target users based on their preferences. The changeover from spammy, unrelated push messages to planned tactical ones significantly enhanced consumer engagement, retention, and experience. Every industry must be flexible enough to remain in the forefront of the varying flows of customer needs. The fashionistas and creators struggle to imagine the subsequent popular trend, whereas, the medical scholars try to retort to nature’s hardest queries. To become a leader in a particular industry setting trends is more important than just following them blindly.
Push notifications are the most economical and best way to drive app retention and engage your customers. But, often it is applied in a thoughtless, insensitive, and honestly indecorous manner. A new report from Accenage that is based on more than 38 billion push messages suggests, if such notifications are applied and used fittingly, push messages can be very influential on Android (until the launch of Android M OS), with 100% opt-in rate.
20 Interesting Solutions
The Push Notifications are as important as the user experience (UX) of your app because the researchers believe that more than 71% of the app uninstallations are usually triggered by the push messages. The bottom line is bad push practices can be harmful as push notifications directly hit the users and not the devices. So let’s check out few of the best push practices to hit the bull’s eye.
1. Respect to the Specific Local Timezone
It is quite easy to think and act according to your own time zone like “its 8 p.m. in India so let’s start circulating the push messages”. The push notification doesn’t work that way. When your customers are involved it becomes vital that your messages hit the user at the right time when they are ready to receive it according to their time zone. A decent push service will definitely reduce the server load and stagger the messages over a window if required.
2. Internally Prioritize a Message
What is prioritizing a message? The marketers often think, the more, the better. Right? It is not the same in all cases. Many times, more can reduce your revenue, your users, usage, feedback, and everything. Sending 23-50 pushes a day to the customers can not only irritate them but also make them uninstall an app. Thus, internally prioritizing a message to 5-10 maximum per day can help and suit most of the applications.
3. Avoid Generic Pushes
Considering a hard limit to multiple pushes per day can be an effective practice. You might be thinking of sending various services that can help your app interact with the user, inform them and gain user preference knowledge. But, generic pushes can be termed as bad practice. Giving preference to the transactional messages can grab more attention of the user.
4. Value Your User’s Sleep
As far as night is concerned, people usually want a good night’s sleep in order to start a fresh day. Mobiles are usually put on silent or do not disturb mode while people are asleep. Considering this, do you really think people really have time to go through all the push messages pouring in throughout the night or in the early morning? So, marketers must also value the user’s sleep and limit the notifications till day time. Maybe a summary push notification in the morning can be more effective than 10 odd messages at night.
5. Personalise Content For Users
The push messages can be personalised and sent to the users to make it more valuable. Except for junk and irrelevant messages, news alerts, deals, and chats based on user preferences can create a positive impact. Numerous marketing automation are possible with some very basic data inputs. Like how long the app is installed on your device, what level of the game you are at present, your last usage, and many such small things can help in personalizing push messages for the users.
6. Favour the Transactional Pushes
The 1:1 push messages that are usually directed to the single user and are not commonly unique with audience division, is termed as a transactional push. For instance, their package is being shipped or there’s a new like, and more. Such notifications are seamlessly bespoke as per the definition. Yet, timeliness is one of the best practices that one must adhere to.
7. Personalize with User Name
When a message is purely meant for a user and is indicated with the user’s name in the push messages, like Ronit, it is time for your doctor’s visit in another 4 hours; people take it more seriously and truly like such notifications.
8. Make it Simple and Short within 10 words
To create impact in minds of the users, 10 words are more than enough to convey the right message what you wish to let your user know.
9. Correct Implementation of the Technology
To keep the 71% stats shown above at bay, implementing the notifications rightly is very important. It is not just about certificates and provisioning.
10. Seeking Permission is Indeed Vital
The pop-up alert appearing at the beginning of installing an app seeking permission is ideally the most vital checkpoint. Without the permission of the user notifications cannot be pushed.
11. Seek a 3rd Party Service
Setting up push notifications is not an easy task to do it on your own. Seeking help from the 3rd party service is the best option in terms of topping, consistency and good features.
12. Opt Content Preload
If you are directed to some in-app content by a push message, preloading it with available API is most likely to do. This can delay the push by few seconds but you get the ready to go UI, without waiting for the irritating loading screen.
13. Easy Availability of the Notification Settings
Difficulty in locating the notification configurations can be annoying for the customers. Easy availability of the setting to turn off or on the notification is vital.
14. Personalize Message as per Location
Appropriate location-based significant messages will develop engagement with the customers. Personalizing messages according to the location of the user can be a great practice.
15. Out of the Box Thinking
It is important that you deliver specific value and unique content to end users while incorporating the push notifications in your planning strategies. This requires out-of-the-box thinking. The push ads are not just a slice of your communication approach; it is a portion of customer’s mobile involvement with your brand.
16. Smart Segmentation
The CRM software or the in-app behaviour must be the intelligent factors for smart segmentations. The user behaviour and profiles are both required for a solid division planning.
17. Defining KPI
The mobile key performance indicator can help you understand the real engagements, long-term retention or conversion, and lifetime or revenue value of the product whereas, the click and conversion rates just helps in understanding the preliminary achievement of a campaign.
18. Content plays a Major Role
The content of your message creates a strong impact on the success of push notifications. Such as, “off”, “discounts”, “promo code”, etc. have a strong interest of the consumers.
19. Rich Pushes
Apart from the text content, the Android forever lol and iOS 10 brings forward rich pushes. Now, your push previews can include GIF images and videos. For arbitrary views from your iOS 10, you can study in detail.
20. Expired Message Removal
Once the message loses its relevance, it must be automatically removed. For instance, 50% off on shoes was an offer valid a week ago but at present is of no use to the user, so it must be removed automatically.
Why is Betaout All In One Ecommerce Marketing Automation?
Betaout empowers the E-Commerce businesses to upsurge conversions and identify with the user engagement procedure using real-time user personality and committed data. It offers a tailored set of tools that the marketers of e-commerce businesses can utilize to distinguish themselves and thus address precise client needs. The hassle free Betaout tool is an easy-to-use marketing solution that enables the e-commerce companies to bring their marketing efforts into a strict line, offering them the much-required edge over the competitors.
All Magic Spells ™ : Top Converting Magic Spell Ecommerce Store
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Description: 2018 ~ Custom Shopping Basket, Dozens Of Products, Repeat Customers – This Is A Huge And Under-exploited Niche, With People Willing To Spend Serious Money. Great Cross Sell For Wicca, Witchcraft, Magic, Spells And New Age Spiritualism And The Occult.