How to Start a Business: Online Store Checklist

Thanks to the rise of dropshipping and ecommerce
it’s never been easier to run your own sidebusiness online.Yet it can still be a daunting process, and
oftentimes knowing exactly how to start anecommerce business – one that actually makes
money – can be remarkably difficult.If you’re thinking of starting an ecommerce
store, maybe you know the feeling too.But don’t worry, because in my hands is
a clipboard that changes everything.___Hi everybody, it’s Jessica from Oberlo,
and today I am going to share our How to Startan Ecommerce Store Checklist.We’ll go over everything you need to know
to setup your online business.We’ll cover ecommerce marketing, we’ll
talk about where to source products, and we’llshare a few other tips and tricks.By the end of this video, you’ll see that
creating an ecommerce business is much moredoable than you might have thought.Ready?Let’s get started.Our nine-point ecommerce checklist begins
with finding the right platform.By platform, we mean a virtual space for your
ecommerce business.Just like a brick and mortar store, you’re
going to need a virtual location to showcaseyour products.We use a basic ecommerce store template made
by Shopify.Their software is intuitive and used by millions
of ecommerce entrepreneurs all around theworld.If you want an in-depth tutorial guiding you
through each and every step of building anonline store with Shopify, just click the
link in the description below.The next item on our checklist: finding productsIf you’re a complete newbie to the world
of ecommerce, you might be wondering whatexactly you should sell.There are literally millions of products to
choose from, so finding the right productfor you may seem a little daunting.In fact, not knowing what to sell is one of
the most common reasons why people don’tfollow through with their ecommerce ambitions.Here are two things to think about when it
comes to picking a product to sell:First, is the product trending?And second, is the product easy to find elsewhere
or available on popular ecommerce sites likeAmazon?You can check if a product is trending or
forecasted to trend by using Google trends.Google Trends tracks how often a particular
search-term is entered relative to the totalsearch-volume across various regions of the
world, and in various languages.This gives you a sense of how often people
are looking for a particular product.If more and more people are searching for
a product every month, we can safely say thatproduct is trending.At Oberlo we have lots of resources to help
you find great products to sell online, fromOberlo search tools to our product recommendation
videos on YouTube.There is a link to one of those videos in
the description below – so head there todiscover some great products on Oberlo.If a product is easy to find elsewhere, it
might be a generic product.Generic products like jewelry or books are
already widely available.New dropshippers trying to sell products like
these will struggle to compete against biggerecommerce stores.The better strategy is to find a niche product
or set of products that appeal to a particularaudience.How do you do that?Start by making a list of product ideas you
want to sell in your ecommerce store.Ask yourself what your friends, family, and
other like-minded people might be interestedin buying.Then go online and see how easy it is to find
the products on your list.What can you find on sites like Instagram,
Pinterest, or Etsy?If there are limited options on those sites,
you might be on to a great product idea.Moving on now with our checklist to: product
sourcingNow that you’ve picked your product, it’s
time for you to find a supplier.This is where the dropshipping business model
is worth mentioning.Among entrepreneurs, dropshipping is growing
more popular every year.Why?It requires less investment up front, because
there’s no requirement that merchants stocktheir own inventory.Here’s how dropshipping works: You find
products on an ecommerce marketplace likeOberlo.Then you import those products into your store.When a customer purchases one of those items,
you then place the order with a third partysupplier, and they ship the item directly
to the customer.With dropshipping, you never have to handle
merchandise.You can also swap out products in your store
in minutes, giving you the flexibility tostay on top of current trends .In addition, apps like Oberlo automate a lot
of this process for you.This gives you more time to focus on things
that will help you to scale your business– like coming up with a great ecommerce
marketing strategy.We’ll get to that later.If you’re looking for products to sell on
Oberlo, make sure you also look for the blueOberlo Verified badge.These are top dropshipping suppliers.Suppliers with the Verified badge have successfully
completed a minimum of 1,000 orders with Oberlo.They deliver on time, meet
expectations, and they provide fast supportOberlo vets all of these suppliers to ensure
they have their paperwork in order, maintainexcellent warehouse conditions, and consistently
get positive merchant feedback.Then and only then do they become Verified
suppliers with Oberlo.Next on our checklist: Ecommerce marketingAlright, you’ve set up your store and are
ready to take orders.You have a great product and you’re working
with a great supplier.Now what?It’s time to find some customers for your
store with a sensible ecommerce marketingstrategy.We can’t emphasise enough how vital it is
to focus your energy and time on marketing.Before you do anything else with your store,
ensure that you can generate traffic and reachpotential customers.The key to ecommerce marketing is to find
the right channel for your products.After that, fine tune your strategy so that
the cost of finding a customer is less thanwhat you earn from the sale.This is quite a meaty subject, with lots to
get your teeth into.In fact, we’ve written an eight-chapter
ebook with all you need to know about marketingchannels – click the link in the description
to download your copy for free.The marketing to-dos on our ecommerce store
checklist don’t stop there.The next point on our checklist is Customer
Service.Research suggests that 45% of US customers
will abandon an online transaction if theirquestions or concerns are not addressed quickly.Having customer service is critical to your
online store’s long term success.Luckily, there are several ways to offer great
customer service:First, you can create self-service content
and a detailed FAQ page.This helps your customers answer their own
questions without emailing you, which savestime and energy for both of you.Second, you can offer live chat support if
you have enough time.This might be a good thing to do in the beginning,
when traffic isn’t quite flooding in.And you’ll learn a lot about your market
by addressing customer questions directly.Finally, you can ask your first customers
to give product reviews.These reviews go a
long way towards answering other customers’questions about how a product fits or functions.Plus, reviews give your store valuable social
proof and create repeat customers, which arefive times cheaper to acquire than new ones.Yep, five times !Our checklist continues with: Conversion OptimizationOn average, 69% of your website visitors will
leave your site without completing a purchase.How much more profit would you make if that
69% completed a purchase?It’s certainly worth investing some time
to find a way of capturing your abandonedcarts at the checkout.We’ve seen several tactics work well for
dropshippers.For example, you can create limited-time offers.Or you can launch a cart abandonment emails
campaign.You can even set up a retargeting ads campaign.Get creative.This is an aspect of entrepreneurship that
requires constant experimentation.If something comes to mind that you think
will make customers more likely to buy yourproducts, try it out.Measure the results.And try again.We’re almost at the end of our checklist
with: Store OptimizationHere’s something worth remembering: 44%
of online shoppers will tell their friendsabout a bad experience online.This is why you should always keep the performance
of your website in mind, and seek to optimizeit wherever possible.Improve your website speed.Create an intuitive navigation bar.Focus on creating a great product page.Display related items.Optimize your store search.Lastly, check how your store looks on mobile
and tablet devices . This is when those littlestore tweaks can add up to a big impact on
your bottom line.Let’s tick off the final two items on the
checklist.Starting with: InventoryBest selling products come and go.After all, remember the fidget spinner?That’s why your
inventory is vital.As an entrepreneur, you should always be curious
about new product ideas that could enticevisitors to your store.At the same time, you should always be revisiting
your stock of steady-selling product.If something isn’t selling, replace it with
an item that’s flying off the virtual shelf.Get into the habit of testing products every
day.Research new products using Google trends,
and add promising new products to your existingones to help drive sales.And the last point on our ecommerce checklist:
Learn by doingIt’s all part of the fun of being an entrepreneur.It’s fine to make mistakes.In fact, that’s often how we learn best.And anyway, what are you going to do if you
mess up?Fire yourself? Probably
not.Be curious, be bold, and build your store
sooner rather than later.You can see how the creme de la creme of Shopify
store owners set up their stores in our BestShopify stores YouTube videos.Simply click the link in the description and
get inspired by the most successful storeson the Shopify platform.What do you think of our ecommerce store checklist
– did we miss anything?Do you agree with how much emphasis we put
on marketing?Are there any apps that you would recommend
to first time store owners?Tell us in the comments!I personally read the comments and will get
back to you.For more tips and guides on ecommerce and
dropshipping, click subscribe and turn onthat notification bell.Thanks for watching – until next time: learn
often, market better, and sell more.

Source By Kelly Felix

Product Name: By Kelly Felix

Description: How I Took An Ebook From Doing $3,000 Per Month On CB To Becoming An Infomercial That Did $50 Million In Sales, And The #1 Half-hour Show In America, Ahead Of Lifelock, Shark, Beach Body, Guthy Renker, Total Gym.

The Best Website Builder for Ecommerce!

there are a lot of e-commerce softwarecompanies you could use to build youre-commerce website shopify bigcommercewith gentle illusions Squarespace and alot more so how is anybody supposed toknow which one is bestfortunately I have the answer for youhere's what I did is I found ninehundred and forty four users of the topseventeen ecommerce companies I askedeach user one simple questiondo you recommend the e-commerce softwarethat you're currently using I use theirresponses to calculate a customersatisfaction rating don't worry aboutpausing this video I've linked to thechart in the video description below soI'm going to go through each ecommercecompany and give you a short overview ofwhat I learned from talking to theircustomers you can find a link to each inthe video description below here we goone user summarized 3d Cart well it wasfine 15 years ago when we first openedour company but we're now moving to anew platform basically 3d cart isoutdatedVolusion has the same problem it's anolder company in users complain it'sbuggy and outdated the 27% of people whoweren't satisfied with Magento so it wasdifficult to use users kept mentioningthat Zoe gets expensive for examplehere's one user of you we have to moveto Shopify which costs 25% of sillyhere's another review Zoe's prices go upfast and you can only use importantthings if you use the power plant whichis $500 a month core commerce users wereunsatisfied with the poor customersupport in limited functionality bigcommerce has a lot of flexibility iteven has its own App Store that lets youadd new features to your online storeunfortunately users complain that it canbe clunky and difficult to use GoDaddyonline store was best summarized by oneuser I would recommend it as a basicsite with essential functionality that'seasy to use a fairly priced it justlacks some of the luster andfunctionality of other store builderssupa dupa is simple and being simple hasupside it's easy to use and it's greatfor stores starting out but it also hasa downside it's limitedmarry commerce has had a weird historyit was bought by capital 1 and chapter 1changed the name to spark pay thencapital 1 sold it back to the originalowners who changed the name back tomarry commerce one thing I kept usingfrom America mercy users customersupport is very prompt Big Cartel issimple and like I mentioned with supadupa being simple has upside it's easyto use until it's great restores juststarting up but there's a downside it'slimited wigs is a website builder andWix commerce adds ecommerce to the Wixwebsite builder I'd recommend it forexisting with users but otherwise you'rebetter off with something differentone user summarized PrestaShop bestsPrestaShop is a generic ecommerceplatform that can be adapted with theaddition of modules but it is quitecomplex ecwid is unusualall the e-commerce software in thisvideo will let you build a websiteexcept for equity instead ecwid lets youadd ecommerce onto an existing websitebasically you add their embed code to awebsite and that then embeds ecommerceonto your existing website so if youhave an existing website and you need toupgrade it in order to have oure-commerce you might want to give it aquick I try almost all jump seller usersmentioned the same thing they use jumpseller because they live in Chile andChile has unusual conditions foraccepting credit cards which jump sellersupports Squarespace is a really popularand excellent website builder a coupleyears ago they launched their e-commercefeatures and have been building it upsince then I'd recommend it if you wanta website that mixes in some ecommercerather than just being a simpleecommerce website WooCommerce is awordpress plugin so it runs on WordPresswebsites one user explained it well ifyou use WordPress WooCommerce is thebest e-commerce option out there if youhave never used WordPress before settingup an e-commerce website using muqaamand WordPress can be tricky Shopify thehighest rated ecommerce software userslike it because it's easy to use and ithas a huge app store that lets yourstore become super powerful Shopify alsohas a point-of-sale system for sellingoffline and honestly a long list ofother features you really can't go wrongwith Shopify 97% is just a really highcustomer satisfaction rating there yougo let me know in the comments if youhave any questions I'm happy to answerany of them you can find a link to eachecommerce company in the videodescription below thanks for watching


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Top 10 WINNING Products To Sell Right NOW | Shopify Dropshipping 2019 (Q4)

what's up guys welcome back to a newvideo and in this video I'm gonna showyou 10k per monthwinning drop shipping products and whatabout these videos that I've seen a lotyou know 10k winning products and 10 top10 winning products or top seven winningproducts whatever is that they only giveyou the product and maybe they give youlike the profit you can make on theseproducts but what I want to make on thisvideo really different from all thevideos you've seen before and even in mychannel is that in this video I'm gonnagive you a marketing strategy in alittle secret that you can use so youcan actually be target you caneffectively target when you're trying tomake money with these products so whatdo I mean with this for example there'ssome sort of products that just peoplego jump into and they just want totarget buy what there are or what theproduct is itself right for example ifyou're selling something for for examplejewelry alright so what they willeventually say is like you know you cantarget people that are already lookingfor jewelry and that is cool you canactually do that in spilitt testwhatever but what in my experience hasbeen really getting better results it'snot targeting the actual product itselflike the interest of people do lookindirectly for the product because youdon't know how much like of ads they'regetting and the bid for that interest inreally high so what I would do forexample just to give you an example whatyou're gonna see on this all these tenthof winning products is that I'm gonnashow you that in that case for exampleyou should target couples and eventuallyyou should target the guy and you caneven target people for example that havefriends that have birthdays coming soonand that's something really cool you canuse on Facebook that people are notusing and another thing for example isthat you can target people that aregirls for example of girls specificallythat their birthday is coming soon sothat they are going to tag theirboyfriend that could be obviously youknow from 18 to 20 to 24 becauseeventually you know older people are notgonna tell you don't tag theirboyfriends for things like that butthat's just a quick example what I'mgonna show you and how you can actuallytarget so it's really gonna be cool andthe further the product like those onetwo three the tenth productis gonna be the cause and it's gonna bethe the one you actually gonna learnmost like and it's 7 it's better thanthe 6 because of the marketing tips onI'm going to show you so let's get rightstart with a video when you if you wantto find more products like this oncelike these that I'm gonna show you go toEast I per and that's gonna be the firstlink on the description it's a greattool that gives you everything you needthe Facebook ad the Aliexpress productthe Amazon a product also she canactually you know see how much thepricing is and you can compare pricingalright and how the marketing is sharingso I'm gonna show you the first productso the first product is this one for asofa and that is really cool what that'sone of the simplest price you can selland what I did like about this productand that I actually noticed it was awinning product is what because when Isaw the product the fan page had 400lights now has 800 and look at the howmany like and interactions this ad hasso it really tells you that this is thewinner you know this this stores winneralright so what I would do really forthis product is target people that arejust moving you know they don't want toyou know get all their sofas all youknow messed up whatever so this is athis is a product that what I would dois definitely target all little peopleand that's something really you need totake in consideration people are tryingto target like every age but you need totarget you know your demographics knowyour audience so you can sell them likenobody else can sell them so I woulddefinitely target people that are olderor be lightning from 30s and there arerecently moving that's something that'sreally gonna help them because ifthey're recently moving a really coolthing that you know you know we're likemarketing if they're recently going tonew homethey're gonna try new things right maybewhen they're already living in their allactual house or like you know we've hadthese sofas with no protection for like10 years five years why would I putsomething new but if they're moving thenthey're gonna try new things are gonnatry to you I don't know new sofas newnew new TV whatever a lot of thingsthey're gonna be new and this is a newprotection that we like you know webought new sofas so let's protect themthat's a really cool thing and when youknow people come we're gonna take it offso that's the first product and that'swhat you actually need a look at thisproduct and also number them one thingthat is gonna be really importanttatra captured their attention and howyou talk to them so don't say like wehave a protection for your cell phone nobe like make your sofas last way longerand when you have visits they're gonnalook like you so that's a better way toactually take things around so secondproduct that I'm going to show you isthis one and this is really funnybecause I really have a lot of strugglewith my bed like it the sheets everylike they get really messy and this is aproduct that I would really need andthere bill the good thing about thisproduct for example it solves a problemso this winning product is really cheapand that's also something good so youcan actually sell like for five dollarsyou know nine dollars and people wouldget it this sound yeah like trash likeone dollar so you can get really greatprofits if you sell high volume of theseproducts so this is a probably that youwould really think up really fast likeyeah I have a problemso video would be really great for thisproduct so the next product that I'mgoing to show you is this one it'sreally cute now here's another thingthat I want to show you in this in thisin this product so I see a lot of peopletrying to sell dog products and petproducts a lot of things so what I wouldreally recommend so this is a productthat is really unique it has the wowfactor which is really really cool andit's a product that people that lovetheir pets would really want to usebecause they want to remind their padthat wanna you know it's it's a they useobviously ink that doesn't hurt your dogso this winning product is really cutewith a video now what I would recommendinstead of just hiring in the whole dogstarget all the reads and that actuallytalks specifically to each read ownerokay so that's gonna actually make yourads more effective and more efficientand you're gonna optimize your budgetremember there's a lot of interest thatyou can actually target but you're notthe only one so if you can actually findinterests of not a lot of people aretargeting or less people are targetingit's gonna be even make your ad moreeffective so this is a product that ifyou're selling dog items you alreadyhave a store go check it out any of youhave it make sure you use the link on mydescription which is gonna be a 14-dayfree shop buy try because I'm gonna showyou a marketing plan and I'm gonnareview your store completely free if youuse that link so go click that linkand check all the other bonuses you canget with that 14-day free shop I drawwhich is a special link alright so I'mgonna show you the fourth product nowthis is a private I really enjoyedbecause couple products is one of thebest products you can actually sell I'vetried a lot of products but when youreach couple and when you reach emotioneasier with these products it's reallyeasier to sell products okay becausenormally people try to sell products bylogic and that's the wrong way to domarketing you know people don't buy bylogic they buy by emotions so theseproducts is gonna be probably your bestbet when you're trying to go and reachthat emotion so what I would do in thiscase is the example that I showed you inthis video is obviously target couplestarget the man so they can actually gether this or maybe target young youngyoung males right for like max like 23I'll say their have their anniversaryright because they're probably sharingthat anniversary that's not serious notlike not wedding anniversary but it'slike you know in relationship so that'swhat I would do and eventually thatthat's the the key to actually sell thisproduct now obviously this is a way hotprobably this is a really really hotproduct in like 10k 20k 50k winningproduct when it's like for exampleChristmas or Valentine's so you canreally take advantage of those time likefor example Christmas now Christmas youcan also target the demographics forexample of dads for example that havelittle kids blow the daughters becausethis is a jeweler it's really like cheapjewelry but it's really really cute sothey can give their Donald's but orsomething really cute right that's notreally expensive and that if they loseit doesn't really matter that much it'snot like really expensive gold so thisis also so you need to think outside thebox guys some be like okay I'm gonnasell this to everyone in the worldworldwide then I'm gonna actually seewhat would best fits the my audience I'mproduct then I'm gonna you know startadjusting my ads no it's all you'regonna Swiss a lot of money and then addthe other today you may get a sell theend but if you have like a thousanddollars to actually test a lot you needto know exactly who you're targetingexactly who you're talking to exactlywhat the message is gonna be for thatwinning product because a winningproduct is not a winning product unlessyou actually know whoyour audience and you actually make it awinner for them I thought that makessense so this is what you need toactually make sure you understand forevery single wing product every singleproduct that you want to sell have aproduct have an audience and do thematch and that's gonna work better foryou so the next product is gonna be thisone now this is a probably that reallyobviously has a WOW factor one key thingthat if you would really want to sellthese products they're really like theycan break or you need to know thatthey're really works review the supplier100% don't go down for five four pointfive reviews because this product canhave a lot of like you know scams andpeople that are trying to sell a productbut it's not really you know true somake sure you actually see the productin the suppliers but if it is like ifthe suppliers to legit and everythingand talk ran this is a really productbecause one thing you can actually wrapthem this product is that it has a deepbow factor from anywhere you want to seeit next product now this product isreally cool and I'm actually thinking ofbuying it myself because I have whitesneakers I don't want to get them with Idon't want to get them dirty so it'sreally really cheap product look at thereviews look at the comments like it'sreally insane like look at these 16thousand reviews like it is in same as 3million you don't views and it's reallyreally incredible two thousand commentsand the product is just from one monthalmost almost two months alright so nomore than two months and it's reallyreally incredible it's really cheap andit really solves a problem that's whattwo of the best products you canactually sell niche passionate nicheproducts and problem-solving productsthose are you the best ways you canactually make in to do a drop shippingalright so if you really want to makewinning products by winning products gothose too and remember to actually checkthe link on my description you actuallyeventually say like wow aren't we givingjust great ideas of what products I canuse and how I can actually match with myaudience we're targeting what interestwhat to use go to that link on mydescription both your store get all thebonuses and I'm gonna review your storeand give your marketing plan that'sgonna be really really special andthere's a completely free that's just await so I can actually connect betterwith my audience and grow this channelway better that what I'm alreadyrunning with you guys alright so makesure if you enjoy the video like thevideo and also comment down belowbecause I'm gonna pick one person for a20 minute three coaching call rightthat's gonna be really insaneso next product mosquito I'm gonna gofast with this one this is really easyit's really a good software problem nowwhat you would target as demographicfind the places that have moremosquitoes more problems who could beoutside the US inside the US butobviously is gonna work more on summerand in places a house mosquito so doyour research and that's what you'regonna doso investigate go to Google what are theplaces that has more mosquitoes andtarget those are those places obviouslytarget people that have kids under eightokay so kids on the rate also narrowdown well it's not called narrow down bydemographics then narrow down if youwant further from family and things likethat but obviously the two intereststhat you need to need a target obviouslyit's gonna be the demographic the placeand people that have kids on their ateokay so that's gonna be really greatproduct it's really if you can it'sreally and there's obviously places thatpeople haven't even seen these productsso it's really new it really has the wowfactor solves our problem showseverything you need for winning productsthey actually make it to 10k per monthalright so it's a really good niche alsoso it's also problem and it's reallypassion in it with just kids and I canrelated to that because obviously whodoesn't want to take care of their kidsso this is an amazing product you cansell let's go to the other productalright so this product is really reallyamazing because it's a trend you knowyou see this elastic guys has blue lightprotection so I can protect myself frommy laptop from my phone so I don't get alot of things that affect my my my retiknow I don't know if that's the exactword but it doesn't affect my eyes so Ijust bought these and I had do have ID Ineed a glasses but they also have theblue glare protection and kids nowadaysuse a lot of tablets lose a lot ofcomputers their phones so that hurtstheir eyes so if you can actually targetthis and so you know market it that waylike protect your kids from actuallygetting their eyes hurt Wow guys peopleare gonna love this product this productsaws a really important product problemfor any parent okay so it's it's almosta prompt for any parent okay becausewhat pen doesn't want their kids toactually have their eyes protected whatcare would be soonmean or bad actually don't care abouttheir eyes so they see this one thingthey're gonna shut nor the laptops andeverything or them like I need thisproduct cuz I know my kids not gonnaleave the iPad in their phone so or theTV whatever you don't so they're gonnaeventually even look at it and buy itand he can retarget a lot okay you canrecall you be like hey don't be a be abad dad right stuff like that imaginelike getting a lot of emails and be likebro you're a bad dad not buy your kidsthese glasses second email bro I'msecond day and you're still bad dad mmmI imagine an ad like that that would bea really marketing not obviously youwant to do it like that but you get theidea so people really could get the likebro oh really it really hurts their eyesso you need obviously I'll target and bespecifially specific with what theproblem is so they can actuallyunderstand it and how your productsolves so that's a really good productright now because it's a new trend youknow blue eyed protection so the lastproduct is this one and this is you'regoing to enjoy because I seen a lot ofpeople trying to target this product andthis is really insane guys I went tosend a dress really like two threemonths agoalright it was really fun by the way Iyou I already show you a lot of theimages pictures and everything so this Isaw a lot on Ali onto its own address soone thing that I would really recommendis that you don't target people that arelike looking for swimming or beach andbe gentle the trick here is to look forpeople that are going to travel to thoseplaces that have like really exoticbeaches and that they really want to seeon the water so that is a marketing damnthey I mean I'm giving you really reallylike 1000 class or even more withmarketing class right nowwhy because okay I'm gonna show you whata lot of people would do they'll be likeokay you know breathe Natalie on thewater now okay what a long face maxenjoys the full experience of the whatwhat I would do be like I know youtravel into 10 dressed nice week orwhatever you know you're shown intereston sent address or Cancun all theseplaces that you need to see on the waterbecause he there's a lot of faces a lotof things so I'll be like use this soyou can actually get the full experienceof your trip so like yeah I need thisthis is exactly what I look and youso please breathe in the water because Ithink it gives you like a time do youactually be I use these thingsunderwater when I went to San Andreas Ididn't use this one that much I used onethat I just got like just only with thethings that I could breathe in the wateronly if I was obviously touching asurface and then obviously I went down Icouldn't breathe but I I still got theair so I can actually get more time onthe water looking at all the beautifulfish a fish that there are so this abetter way to market ok so imagine youactually go into San Andres like I wasalright like one month before I wasalready buy my ticket I bought it liketwo weeks before but imagine I saw an adthat was like you won't go into SanAndres are you going to a beach right anisland and I was like yeah you know allyou need and you need of this productbecause you don't you're not gonna enjoyall the experience and all the beautyand all the beautiful things that thoughthe underwater you know experience hasso this is something that I you wouldnepheline you know target this wayalright now target you really general soto cut this video and to finish thisvideo finding a product finding audienceknow how to match it and actually sendthe message correctly so you canactually make these top ten winningproducts really winning products alrightso I hope you enjoyed this video andI'll see you in the next one make sureyou subscribe you hit the notificationbell and as you next video bye bye guys


Dux Forex Accurate Signals System With E-mail And Mobile Alerts!

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How To Build An Ecommerce Website | 7 Steps To Build Your Online Store

hey guys how's it going John Santos andwelcome to this channel where we helpentrepreneurs start and grow theirbusiness ASAP now in today's video whatI'm going to cover is the seven easysteps you can follow so you can launchyour online store ASAP so stick aroundso I've been getting a lot of questionsand I think there's a little bit ofconfusion as to like the process toactually launching an online store soI've launched multiple other videoscovering websites your different optionsand if you guys want to link to any ofthose just click the description downbelow and you guys will see an expandedlist of the videos that I have availableon there but I wanted to create thisvideo for everybody out there that stillmight have a little bit of questions asfar as like okay what does a websiteactually do or like what steps do I needto take to collect payments you know solike all the basics that you may bewondering if you're wanting to launch astore like next week you know so I'mgoing to cover those really quickly thatway you guys have a really good overviewas to what's involved with the websitewhat comes with it what do you maybeneed to go and outsource all your basicquestions will be answered right in thisvideo so with that being said let's jumpright into it so the first step you needto take is choose your platform you'regoing to need to decide what platformyou want to launch your website on nowthere is free platform such as BigCartel Etsy and all these other ones butif you truly want to establish a brandand have full control over it you'regoing to need to choose a platform tohost your website and to also provideyou with the tools that you need tolaunch your online store so with thatbeing said I'm an advocate for Bluehostand I'm also an advocate for Shopify nowI'm a little torn apart and you guysknow that I talked about what willbenefit you so Bluehostis a low-cost way to getting startedthat means that if your budget is lowBluehost is going to be the way to gobecause what they have is a package thatallows you to pay for once a year andyou're able to host your website and youhave a full control over it nowShopify's for all those that are reallywilling to take this seriously invest alittle bit of money to get enhancedtools and easier workflow either wayboth of those platforms are really wellsome people love to use a Bluehost andWordPress other people prefer Shopifyit's really up to you but ultimately ifyou want to move on to a platform it'sit's really going to be between thosetwo the internet has voted and those arethe top two dogs that are really killingthe game right now and offeringentrepreneurs all the tools that you'llneed so choosing your platform is afirst step that's like choosing the homeso now you need to choose the name ofthe home you need to choose the name ofyour website Bluehost offers the abilityto buy a domain name on there as welland so does Shopify so once you choose amein name whether it's WWE Bronco calmor WMI brain calm whatever W name youwant to choose you need to choose it andthen you can associate it with theplatform that you choose that one youhave the links so you can create themarketing materials you can establishyour social media sites and everythingwill be good to go for you to launch sonow that you have your platform and youhave your dome name the third thingyou're going to need to do is choose thetheme of your store now don't go outthere and spend thousands of dollars forsomebody to design a website for youthere's so many people out thereoffering those services that a couplethousand dollars to start off is not thebest investment especially if you'rejust getting started and you're notreally sure what you want there's freethemes available both on Bluehost and onShopifythat allows you to get started quicklyand easily that way you're not investingany more money than then the photographythe products and the time that it takesto create a very good looking websitealright so you're going to need tochoose the theme now there is otheroutside platforms that offer themes tobuy and that's a great option foranybody that wants something above andbeyond the free stuff that's alsoavailable through the Shopify website orit's also available on Envatowhich has thousands of themes for you tochoose from so you can literally scrollthrough it and find something you'regoing to love and it's going torepresent what you're selling so themescan range anywhere from a couple dollarsto a couple hundred but if you go to thefree route you can literally start awebsite for less than fifty bucks you'llhave full control of it and you'll beready to go and start selling now thefourth step you're going to need to dois edit your theme now most themes areplug and play that means that youliterally upload your photos yourdescriptions you choose your fontsupload your product and you're good togo but if you want any kind of colorcontrols or any kind of special uniqueofferings there's a marketplace for thatthat allows you to outsource for thesepeople to make those custom changes toyou Shopify has it available and so doesBluehost and there's a community ofpeople that will literally do the littlechanges that you're going to needwithout charging you an arm and a legbut for the most part guys every themethat you start with should be enough foryou to get started with so don'tnecessarily think of customizedevery little thing at this moment reallytake the time to photograph though tocreate the visuals that you're going toneed to create the graphics that you'regoing to need and with that in mind youmight consider looking into fiber fiberwe'll give you some freelancers for aslow as five bucks or upwork which allowsyou to outsource some design work sothen that way you're able to communicatewith a freelancer that'll create thefront imagery very important that youcreate a really good aestheticallypleasing website especially if you'rejust starting out take some time into iteither do it yourself or outsource or tosomebody that's goodask for outside opinion too because youmight think it looks pretty good but assoon as you get it to somebody that hasa good design knowledge design eyethey're going to say dude what are youdoing you know so like don't alwaysovertake that process because at the endof the day that website theme and how itlooks and how you present it is going tobe your store and if you want to makemoney it needs to look good alright guysso that's going to be the fourth stepfor you guys to take is to edit yourtheme so the fifth thing you're going toneed to decide on is a pricing andpayments so luckily for you you don'thave to manually process any of thetransactions yourself like when somebodygoes on the internet and wants to buysomething they're not buying it from youlike you're not processing the paymentthere's a third party involved whetherit's PayPal whether it's striped whetherit's Shopify whether it's Amazon there'sa lot of plugins that come in to whenyou're creating your site so there'sgoing to be payment plugins that youchoose so that's the third party thatcollects the payments so don't thinkthat you have to oversee the process andinvoice customers for their orders orwhatever that is like the website itselfcomes with its built in system orplugins that allow you to do all thatso that way the buyer and you are bothprotected you know that you're gettingfunds the buyer knows that he's notgetting scammed by somebody so in thisstep you're going to need to set theprice points for your products you'regoing to need to set how much inventoryis available for those products andyou're going to need a connector paymentsystem to it that way it's a seamlesscheckout and everybody can go onto yoursite see how much it costs by it you getthe money in your bank so now the sixthstep that you're going to need to takeis figure out your shipping if you wantyour website to automatically calculatethe shipping cause it does cost a littlebit more if you want it to automate theprocess but if you're just starting outI recommend that you head over to USPScomm thats USPS comm and they have flatrate boxes so if you're selling a pairif you're selling anything that's asmaller size go on to the USPS commwebsite and figure out what dimensionwill fit your product nicely becausethey have flat rate boxes and what thatmeans is they can go across the countryand across the world for a set price sofigure out what that set prices for yourproducts and then add that as part ofthe cost to your checkout option so thenthat way you're collecting for shippingas soon as the payments come in you canprint off your label ship the box andyou're good to goone thing I would say is don't go crazywith the shipping cost and try to makemore money on the shipping cost likeit's always better to pretty much eatthe shipping cost that way somebodychecks out your product and they get towear it they get to use it because I'veseen so many times guys the websitesthat are pretty much like they'll chargeyou $25 for shipping and as I do it isjust going across the country you knowyour shipping costs probably eight ornine you know and they want to makeextra money on it it doesn't make anysense don't do it get it as low as youcan get it because that's the way you'regoing to get customers you know ifyou're selling a shirt for twenty fiveand now you have fifteen or twentydollars on shipping they're not going tobuy it you know you're just starting offso try to do is minimum as you can stillcover your cost oh so USPS comm is agood option for you to do a flat rateshipping but still consider UPS andFedEx when it comes to bulk items whenit comes to bigger boxes that you mayneed to ship out that USPS doesn't havegood pricing on cool so now you haveyour shipping you have your payments youhave everything decided and now what doyou got to do the seventh step is tosell and start getting paid so whatyou're going to need to do is you haveto set up your bank account whateverbank account you decide on will be yourbusiness account you connect it to yourwebsite that way payments can go and bedeposited into your bank account andthen you can go and use that money tobuy more inventory for your marketingdollars and continue growing yourbusiness more importantly guys whenyou're ready to have this websitelaunched and already selling productsyou need to focus on the cells focus ongetting traffic to it focus on peoplegoing to it clicking on it figuring outwhy people aren't checking out you knowso like it's always going to be aconstant work but you're constantlyworking to make it better so I hopethese steps help paint a clearer picturewhat it takes to launch a website I knowsometimes it can be overwhelming andthere's a lot of information outthere and sometimes it doesn't getconnected so I hope that these sevensteps allows you to take a look at itstep back have a breather and be able torealize that okay I can do this you knowand always use the links in mydescription in my videos I reallyappreciate that if you're already goingto buy any of these website services oranything I recommend use my links downbelow because there is a small creditthat they give to me that helps mecontinue producing more videos and helpsme sharing my knowledge so I reallyappreciate that guys it doesn't cost youanything extra it's the same price thatjust gave me a little small Commissionon it I just want to make sure that youguys are going to know that and if youcan do me that favorI always appreciate it if you have anyquestions comment down below or hit meup on Instagram snapchat and let's getto going let me know what you got inmind and I'll continue answering be onthe lookout for new videos once a weektrying to lunch on every Friday but Imay even lunch from Friday and Sunday sojust be on the lookout I'm organizingthe whole entire channel double you guysget some better content and continue togrow your businessI guess stay in touch and let's talksoon bye


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