10 Top Male Enhancement Products

By Kelly Purden | Submitted On October 29, 2008

Sexual pleasure is one of the most primal needs of man, male or female. And in most societies, a man’s ability to perform the sexual act is something that is expected. This is the reason why the inability to perform the sexual act used to be a matter that is kept hidden. While it is still treated with some degree of discretion, the want or need for better sexual performance is now an accepted subject of discussions medical or otherwise. When it comes to enhancing one’s manhood, there are a lot of options that is available. A closer look at 10 top male enhancement products would show that improving sexual performance has much to do with blood circulation. Thousands of products advertising increased sexual performance, including 10 top male enhancement products, claim to enhance penile size, girth, and performance.

Here’s a rundown on the 10 top male enhancement products available in the market today. These products may be available in online stores, retail stores, pharmacies, medical facilities.

1. Synthetic Pills are often phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors. They work by stopping the chemicals responsible for breaking down the chemical that allows the penis to reach and maintain an erection. The three most popular, and most definite part of the 10 top male enhancement pills, are Viagra, Levitra, and Cialis. Side effects on these pills include hypertension, kidney damage, headaches, blurred vision, and angina among others.

2. Herbal Pills are considered to be the safer alternative to synthetic drugs. These are taken orally in recommended dosages. Gingko biloba and Asian ginseng are a couple of the most common herbal ingredients for male enhancement.

3. Supplements like vitamin C, E, and B complex are essential nutrients for penile functioning. These along with other minerals as zinc and L-arginine boost sexual performance through increased blood circulation in the penis.

4. Extenders are devices that are worn on the penis to stimulate tissue production in response to pressure. A longitudinal force is applied by the device on the penis causing it to adapt and increase in length and girth.

5. Creams and oils are applied to the penis in a massaging technique to improve sexual functioning and achieve a harder and longer erection. This topical medication stimulates blood flow to the penile area.

6. Implants are surgically inserted into the sides of the penis to allow it to achieve erections anytime and for any desired period of time. The implant is an inflatable device made of semi-rigid silicone or polyurethane rods that can be controlled as needed.

7. Pellet suppositories containing alprostadil or prostaglandin E1 can be inserted in the urethra for successful erections. This method takes anywhere from 15 to 30 minutes to take effect with the erection lasting for about 30 to 60 minutes.

8. Pumps make use of a hollow tube that is placed over the penis. With the tube in place, the pump sucks out the air causing a vacuum that pulls blood into the penis. When penile erection is achieved, a tension ring is set at the base of the penis to maintain the erection until after sexual intercourse.

9. Patches enhance sexual performance through active ingredients that are transported into the bloodstream transdermally. These male enhancement patches are applied to the body where the active ingredients can be absorbed through the skin. Patches, like pills, increase blood flow to the penis.

10. Injectibles are usually medications that are injected directly into the corpora cavemosa to make the penis erect. One or a combination of drugs such as papaverine hydrochloride, phenotolamine, and prostaglandin E1 are preferred. This procedure can be painful and can cause penile scarring.

Whichever of these 10 top male enhancement products you choose, remember to consult with your physician to discuss your options. With the right guidance on which of these 10 top male enhancement products will work best for you, a pleasurable sex life is not impossible.

Want to learn how to get rid of your small penis problems today for free? We teach you how to become bigger and have better sex TODAY with the 10 top male enhancement [http://www.makingyoubigger.com/] products! Learn what millions of males have already learned at [http://www.makingyoubigger.com/].

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Kelly_Purden/255406


How To Manage $25,000/Day In AdSpend | eCommerce

This is how I manage over $25,000 a day in adspend for my eCommerce businesses, sometimes even double… Instagram @BOWLES

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EcommSeason YouTube Channel: http://bit.ly/ecommseasonyoutube


How To Manage $25,000/Day In AdSpend | eCommerce

Today I share with you how on average, I spend nearly a million dollars a month on marketing efforts for my eCommerce brands, some of which are Dropshipping!

The majority of this spending is through Facebook Ads, and the second highest are influencers, primarily Instagram Influencers.

The goal is always to spend more money to make more once you have a proven system that works so that you can continue scaling your sales and revenue!

I also touch on the direct management side of things, how it does get stressful and some tactics I use to stay on top of things, look over the data and make as few mistakes as possible.

Drop a LIKE if you enjoyed the video!

*Disclaimer* I am not in any way a certified financial advisor, nor do I pretend to be one. Any information or advice I give you on any social media platform is simply my opinion based my own own experience and research. There is no guarantee on anything due to the fact that there are many variables that play a factor in your success. Do your own research, do the work and take everything as an opinion.


Start Your Home-Based Online Business With These eCommerce Platforms

By Rob Stephen | Submitted On April 23, 2018

Expert Author Rob Stephen

Starting an online venture these days is super easy. There are many inexpensive or free open source platforms for eCommerce store development.And, with the right development team, you are just one step away from getting your own website. Starting a home-based shop to trade your handicraft items, or other locally sourced products is a great idea as a startup. Starting an online business is trouble-free with ample of flexible open source and inexpensive eCommerce platforms available. The only secret of success is not to stop halfway but go on expanding product categories and store’s features to convert from a small startup to a leading online business.

While we know that for any individual who is not much aware of the functioning of the eCommerce world and how things go live overnight, selecting a platform rightly to set their own online shop is a backbreaking job. So, here’s a list of most powerful and easy-to-use platforms which can help owners to successfully transform their startup idea into a vibrant reality.

#1 Magento

Acclaimed as the leading and fastest evolving platform, Magento is the benchmark platform. It supports all trades and can accommodate up to 500,000 products and 80,000 orders an hour. With a number of advanced features, easy integration, SEO oriented and versatile content management, it stands to the best solution available within the budget.

Further, it is modular and customisable, means you can gradually expand your store and add new features over time.

#2 OpenCart

If there is one simple platform for startups, then it is OpenCart! This is the reason it is exceptionally popular amongst small retailers or the home-based ventures. Easy backend functionality, extensive feature plugins, unlimited products capacity and less server load are few of the perks bestowed by OpenCart.

#3 Shopify

It comes as a befitting platform for eCommerce stores that simultaneously wants focus on mobile shopping and also social shopping. Easy integrations, lightning-fast loading speed, versatile payment gateway integrations, SEO features, direct social selling are the key features Shopify offers.

#4 WooCommerce

Those who are at ease with WordPress, then WooCommerce is the right platform for them. Based on the WordPress, it is easy to install and start and hence developers will charge you less. Further, there’s a large number of additional plugins or templates and themes of WooCommerce, which will help owners to deck up their stores as per the business category.

#5 ZenCart

The whole reason for putting ZenCart in this list is its user-friendly approach and easy store management. It bears a set of far-reaching tools that offer full-scale customisation options to the owners. Moreover, it focuses on the store security features to safe keep all customers and products information.

For a household person who is new to the eCommerce world with zero technical knowledge, selecting a platform that serves their business interests fully is tough. So, the wisest decision lies in choosing the one that offers best user-experience and inherent SEO features that will help the store outshine on the Google results.

Rob Stephen is one of professed Magento developers in Melbourne, who works at PHPProgrammers, a pioneered company for eCommerce solutions development. It houses a pool of talented eCommerce experts, not only in Magento but other platforms like WooCommerce, Shopify and ZenCart. Follow the Facebook page to have more insights on our services, markets we cover and solutions we offer.

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Rob_Stephen/2369700


Letters From A Small Island Newsletter

Product Name: Letters From A Small Island Newsletter

Description: Monthly Newsletter With Tips, Tricks And Tactics About Being An Entrepreneur, Internet Marketing And Living On A Tropical Island On The Proceeds!

How To Build A Brand Online for Ecommerce Businesses in 2018

well hey there what's up it's Scott and in
today's brand building tip I'm gonnashare with you three pillars to build
your brand so this way here you candominate your market your niche or your
niche and I'm gonna show you on thewhiteboard here exactly how everything
fits together we're gonna cover thesethree but then I'm going to show you how
they work together to really round outyour foundation in your brand now if
you're just starting this is definitelysomething you want to pay attention to
if this is something that you havealready currently running right now you
might have one or two of these we needto make sure we have all of these so
it's feeding your business all the timealright so if you're interested stick
around cuz that's what we're gonna becovering here on the whiteboard all
right so now before I do jump into thesethree pillars I just want to let you
guys know this is exactly what I've doneover and over again and so many
successful businesses if you really lookat their business have these three core
pillars the other thing I want to sharewith you and I'm going to share this at
the end of this training is really howwe were able to do this in under 12
months and a new brand brand new juststarted and we were able to get 30,000
unique visitors to our blog our websiteevery single month from using this right
here and it's just building we've had afew months that we've touched 80,000
depending on the times of year butconsistently 30,000 unique visitors
basically traffic coming to our platformour own platform in our business now if
you're starting from scratch this isdefinitely for you if you're building a
business right now and you're in the thebuilding a business stage this is
definitely definitely for you all rightso let's just dig in I think every
business needs to have this and that isa home okay
they need a home to call their own okayand what I mean by that is you need a
place that you can have people come andfind your stuff and you control the
traffic or as far as the experiencealright let's just call this home base
all right now what do I mean by homebase well let's go over here and write a
blog now a blog could just be anextension of your website so I'm just
gonna write website alright so we haveboth of those things are technically the
same thing homelet's call that our home base from now
on okay our home base is where we canbring people over and we can then
control the experience we also get a lotof benefits from having our own home
base when we're posting things I'm goingto share with you in here how we can
post things and get traffic over to ourhome base happening automatically which
is pretty pretty awesome all right sothat's what we need to understand okay
a home base now it doesn't have to befancy to begin with it can be just a
basic blog that you are going to beposting information or reposting
information or repurposing which I'llshare with you here in a second and how
we're gonna do thatall right and that's really really
powerful the second part of this is andI think right from the beginning
everyone needs one of these is an emaillist all right now our email lists dead
no they're not alright right now we'restill getting about an eighteen to a
twenty two percent open rate which isstill really really high in the industry
some of them get as high as twenty-fiveso email list is still really really
strong and I'm gonna share with you whythis is so powerful because we can use
this email list to do more than justsend emails all right one thing that we
can do is we can take this email listand we can upload it into Facebook now
and we can start targeting people thatare like our email list so we've already
got these people to raise their handokay and then we are able to now
retarget those people or find morepeople like them all right really really
powerful now this channel right herethat you're on this is what we will be
doing especially on these Wednesdayepisodes all right I'm gonna be digging
into more of this here and this hereonce we get to it but right now I'm
giving you kind of like the over theoverview of everything that we're going
to be covering but this is like theoverview that the 10,000 foot view and
then we'll put everything together allright but you need to have these
components in place in order to do whatwe're gonna be learning here and what
we're gonna be doing moving forward allright
so email list that's really really bigso the third thing moving on is
something that you can do one or you cando two or you can do three or more but
we're going to start with one and inthis example we need to think about
external traffic where are we going toget people to
notice us and then we will bring themback to our home base we will get them
on our email list and then we can eitherdirect these people over to more of our
content or we can post or we can post upon our home base and get them there I'll
show you a diagram here in a second howthat can all work all right but what I
want you to start thinking of right nowis where is your market hanging out is
it YouTube okay maybe they're on YouTubea lot of people are on YouTube looking
for things probably pertaining to yourbrand or your market how to stuff if you
have a product that lends itself tohow-to okay like how to catch more bass
in a pond YouTube's probably a greatplace and you can get great ideas by
just going to YouTube going in thesearch bar and typing in how to catch
more bass and then let it fill in andI've already done this it said in a pond
in a lake in Coldwater right so allthose things could be future content for
you but you need to know if that's wherethey are hanging out now we started on
Facebook I'm just gonna put FB to makeit easier right
we started on Facebook for a couple ofdifferent reasons our market was there
and my partner in this new brand isactually pretty good on Facebook so why
not go there so we did some facebooklives we posted some content on our
fanpage we had stuff starting to getshared we were able to test content
ideas and all of that stuff but both ofthese are basically the same thing we're
posting content and we're getting aresponse or we're getting traffic from
these platforms and then once we havethese outside channels we can then start
to direct them to other placesespecially our home base and our email
list all right so let me let me drawsomething out for you here and I'll show
you exactly how we can tie this alltogether all right so with the magic of
editing I went ahead and I paused and Icame back and I drew this out for you
it's not the best drawing in the worldbut you'll get the idea I wanted to do
this this way I'm not wasting your timedrawing so this is one pillar that we're
talking about right here this is yourhome base all right this is the blog the
website this is where we get to controlthe full experience all right that's one
thing that we want in place now this isan example that if we're using YouTube
alright tooeducate people but then also get traffic
from YouTube because we're posting thesehow-to videos we're going to get traffic
naturally right and you're going tostart to build up that you know that
subscriber base and you're also going tostart getting organic traffic and this
is a piece of content that will beevergreen meaning you create it once it
could get you traffic for years alrightand then what we're gonna do is we're
gonna embed that video okay yet there'sa little embed code in YouTube and again
I'll do more of this stuff as far aslike how to dive into just YouTube or
how to dive into just the blog or how todive in just the email I'll do that in
these upcoming videos in this brandbuilding series all right so YouTube we
embed it here okay inside of our blockalright now by doing that we're getting
a couple of benefits here number onewe're getting a link that is being
pointed over here the other thing we'redoing is we're giving that that embed
okay inside of here so this way here theuser stays inside of our home base right
if I directed him over to YouTube whichI would sometimes I would take my email
list and let them know I have a newYouTube video that'll actually spike the
algorithm just like if you're selling onAmazon or if you're doing any type of
push on a platform you might want to dothat for that reason but in this case
and in this example we're just going tosay we embed the video there so now we
have a video that resides over here allby itself we embed it here and then we
take our other pillar okay is and thisis our email list and we let them know
that we just posted something on ourblog or our website right so now we
drive traffic over hereokay which gives these people the
opportunity to share this post alrightwhich might bring more people over to
our to our blog post okay to get moretraffic and also maybe buy something and
maybe email or opt-in and get on ouremail list alright because on here we
can create content okay which educatesthem but also it can introduce them to a
product okay it can also get their emailright we can also drop a Facebook pixel
on that so that we can start building acustom audience inside of Facebook again
a little bit more advanced butthese are the things we can do when we
own our own home base okay and we get tocreate that experience the email list is
another part of the equation right thisis another pillar so we have these and
this would probably the order number onenumber two and number three now it
doesn't have to be YouTube this the samething can work for Facebook okay
same exact thing it can work forInstagram okay same thing now we can't
you can embed video over here you can dothat if you want to but the cool thing
with Facebook which you might want to dois you might want to do maybe a
highlight of a piece of content and thendirect people over to that piece of
content all rightor here's another thing you can do maybe
you take your email list and you letthem know about something that you did
overhear on Facebook but then that'sgonna drive people back over to your
home base okay but you see these are thethree pillars that you can use to build
your brand and once you start to do thisyou're building more momentum you're
really starting to grease the wheels andover time this can really get you a lot
further than your competition becauseit's giving you all of this leverage now
in the beginning I talked about how Iwas going to share how we recently did
something similar to this and how wewere able to get 30,000 unique visitors
every single month and growing and we'veactually touched upwards of 80,000 in a
couple of months of unique visitors toour home base and how we did that I'll
show you that right now all right sowith the magic of editing here we go
this is all drawn out so I'm going to gothrough this and explain exactly how
everything tied together you can noticehere we have a pillar we have a pillar
and we have a pillar okay we have homebase one email list – and this here is
an external platform that we're goingover to that platform knowing that our
audience is there and we're puttingstuff in front of them that will then
bring them over to our email list okayone way that we did it right from the
beginning is the contest all right weran a contest getting people to raise
their hand that are in our marketplaceand then getting them on an email list
and once we got them on an email list wecan then start educating them
seeing what they like what they don'tlike we're driving those people over to
our blog we're also driving people overto our Facebook page ok and our group
and the reason why we're doing both ofthese is because when we have an email
list we can let people know that we justposted something valuable and then if
they share it it's going to get freetraffic back to our email list back to
our blog our home base our other piecesof content our stores and now if we have
a product to release whether that'sdigital whether that's physical it
doesn't matter we can let our list knowwhat we're up to and what we're going to
do all rightand so all of this stuff works really
well together so we did Facebook livesok so we got to see what the audience
liked what they didn't like we gotquestions and comments and all of that
stuff we did just general posts that wethought that they would like and again
some of this research was by going onYouTube even though we weren't on
YouTube and seeing what they want how towrite so we just used YouTube as a way
for them or us to get intelligence onthe marketplace the other thing we did
is we we started paying attention toother groups on Facebook that were in
our market and listening to theconversations there which by the way
another tip is to pay attention to whatproducts they wish they had or products
that were better in the marketplace andthat's a great way for you to find
products that you could sell to thatmarket but that's a side note all right
and then surveys work really good againwhat's your three favorite things about
this get that conversation started andthen you can start to follow up with
content all right and then the contestthat's something we do pretty much all
the timewe'll take breaks here and there but we
generally have a contest going on every30 to 60 days it's a great way to keep
building that email list and gettingpeople to raise their hand all right
so that that is it right there there'syour three pillars all right so if I was
to start all over again today this iswhat I'm starting with home base
starting to build an email list and I'mpicking a channel that I'm going to go
out there and get attention and get themto raise their hands so this way I can
continue to build that email list thenthere's a whole bunch of stuff we can do
with that email list as far as marketingto them and delivering content but then
also what we can do to leverage thatemail list on places like Facebook and
creating custom audiences all that stuffone other side note and this is
a big one if you have this platform hereyour own platform your own home base
what you want to do is you want to add aFacebook pixel on day one by adding this
pixel you're able to from day one evenif you're not collecting an email list
you're able to start building a customaudience inside of your market because
anyone that lands here is probablyinterested in what you have to offer or
to talk about and then you can startbuilding that custom audience and when
you are ready to spend money on ads youcan then use that custom audience to
either target those people or targetpeople that look like those people
here's what I want you to do I want thislittle question of the day have you
started this yet and if you have let meknow how it's going or maybe you've
started just one of these or two ofthese let me know what are you going to
be doing in your business right nowafter what I just shared with you put it
in the comments down below I'd love tohear about it alright now the other
thing is subscribe to this channelalright because we're gonna be doing
more stuff like this every singleWednesday I am going to deliver this
type of training on this channel but youmust subscribe to be notified and then
the last thing I'm gonna go ahead andinclude a couple of additional trainings
on this page go ahead and click one thatyou want to watch next and this way here
you can continue to get this type ofeducation to build your brand alright
take care and as always take actionwe'll see


Your Way to Success Through Magento eCommerce Development

By Adina Morem | Submitted On May 04, 2015

Several successful Magento eCommerce websites are efficiently deployed by leading Magento development companies. Their talented Magento team helps clients in delivering one of the best eCommerce stores having amazing facilities for managing the products, orders and invoices of consumers. The expert designers would help your eCommerce store get a brand name. Wonderful services would help you make your website shop turn into a profitable business of eCommerce. Magento has advanced level support. It also has a hosted version known as Magento Go. Small to enterprise scale websites of eCommerce make use of Magento.

Many of these are affordable Magento eCommerce development companies where your requirement would meet them and you will be delivered with excellent solution quality looked for by you. Such companies’ unique understanding of Magento design, development, deployment and optimization make them special. All these play an important role for these companies to gain a better achievement in the market of eCommerce development.

Some of the Magento eCommerce development features offered by these companies

– The provision of multi store functionality with the use of single administration for a Magento platform.

– SEO friendliness for managing sitemap, index status, meta details, URL Rewrites and many more.

– The ability of installing unlimited extension for making more features for eCommerce.

– The tracking of sales report with reports of advanced analytics.

– Easy to manage CMS for handling clients’ products, order, invoices, categories and many more within few seconds.

– Multiple payment gateway integration including Amazon, 2Checkout, GoogleWallet, PayPal and the likes.

Core services that are provided in Magento

· SEO services for the store’s online promotion

· PSD to Magento web development

· Magento support and maintenance

· Magento theme design and development

· Magento module development

· Magento eCommerce shopping cart develo0pment

· Magento customization

· Magento eCommerce web development

Key features of leading Magento eCommerce development companies

o A/B user testing solution

o 10+ expertise Magento eCommerce developer

o Successful and valuable experience in eCommerce development

o Delivery of excellent around 40+ eCommerce store

o Delivery of quality of solution in affordable prices

The leading companies’ portfolio regarding Magento based eCommerce stores

– Education

– Hospitals and healthcare

– Entertainment

– Hospitality and hotels

– Sports

– Real estate

– Travel

– Technology

– Media and publishing

– Retail

Thus the leading Magento eCommerce development companies can help you out. You can hire a developer of Magento for the individual project of yours at monthly contract of yours. So go ahead and All the Best. High end solution is provided by Infosolz in the realms of web design, web promotion, web development, desktop application, mobile apps development etc. Some of the Magento services offered by Infosolz are- installation and configuration of Magento, online store development, theme creation and template designing and integrating, integrating Magento including technical assistance etc.

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Adina_Morem/1598761


Amazon Shopify #1 Course Ecom Income Blueprint Done-for-you Funnel

Product Name: Amazon Shopify #1 Course Ecom Income Blueprint Done-for-you Funnel

Description: Top Amazon Shopify Course With 75% Commissions On The Front-end, 50% On The Back-end And A High Converting Sales Funnel – Making Money By Promoting Ecom Income Blueprint Is Easy. Check Out Our Advanced Jv Center = Http://ecomincomeblueprint.com/affiliates

How Digital Marketing Will Change in 2020

In this clip,we're going to talk about how digital
marketing is going to change in 2020 butbefore we do, don't forget to subscribe
or follow whatever platform you are on.If you're interested in marketing,
business, entrepreneurship, growth,whatever it is exactly. We got you
covered. So let's talk about this.Digital marketing is changing
every single day. In fact,I have a clip from the marketing school
podcast where we talk about how it'schanging every single day. If you
think about it, search is changing. We,in our days when we have questions
that we would've just googled it,but now people are just asking things
like, Alexa, what the answers are,and because of that,SEO is going to change into more and more
voice search and when it changes intovoice search,what you'll see is like you have rich
snippets and Google taking your data.It's going to get even worse in which
they're going to just take your data andshow it through a microphone or a speaker
and you're not going to get anyonecoming to your website because of
that. In fact, look at this. Google,I think in the last, uh, in 2018,I believe they made over 13,000
changes to their, to their algorithm.So things are changing all the time.
So if we think about this like, look,guess what, Linkedin,we now have access to linkedin life
and this is as of recently and a lot ofthings, look, Instagram has
live, linkedin has live,Facebook has live, there's
Lyme everywhere, right?So video is just going to continue to
get bigger and bigger and bigger. Um,and I just don't see that changing.
Like technology is getting better.Our bandwidth is getting better too.
People are talking about 5g I don't see,I don't see that going anywhere.So video has to be in your
strategy now because we feel,look at a video like this,we actually repurpose this into
short little a social clips as well.We also repurpose this into audio.We also might repurpose this into a blog
post. So we have a lot of different,um, we can create a lot of different
pieces of content just by utilizing video,you know, if we're wearing microphones.
So the quality is pretty good. And, um,you know, if you're listening
to this on podcasts,this actually came from a video
in the, in the first place.So video is going to
get bigger and bigger.The engagement that we're getting
from these live videos is super high.Like the next thing we're going
to say is, sure video is big,but like when you go live you can
simulcasts. So we simulcasts to Facebook,youtube, twitch, also the linkedin at
the same time just to go live. Look,that's great, right? Engagement
is great around delight videos.You think about the
gamers that are, you know,people that watch spend hours and
hours watching gamers play. Um,that is from live streaming.So live streaming is going now where
video is going to get bigger and bigger.Amazon is actually coming
out with live streaming too,so that if you have products out there,you will have the ability to
run live streams on Amazon too.Next thing that I want
to talk about was voice.Even though you have a Amazon
Alexa, you have all these different,or maybe you have a Google homes, like
it's very, it's very primitive right now.You can ask all, I talked to my, my
Alexa belt is the weather right now.How's the weather?And then my second command is how's
the weather for the next seven days?Those are the only two things I asked
for right now. The weather. Okay. Um,it's gonna get stronger and stronger.
And also when you ask for when you,when you're doing searches,
I think on mobile right now,I think it might be like 40% or so of,
of, of searches our, um, our voice,right? But it's very transactional.
So what you have to be,be paying attention to is if
voice search is getting bigger,you have to try and get that regs
zero snippet because those are what,like an Alexa or Google home pull from
when they answer a question, right? Like,you know, um, you know,what is the capital of
California Sacramento, right?
That, that like, that's,that's, that's how it works. Voice is
going to get bigger and bigger. Um,you have to think about optimizing for
rank zero and let's move on to the nextthing. Rand Fishkin actually
did a study, um, this is, uh,he did a study with jumpshot and
this is on his blog, spark Toro.But the number of zero click
searches are continuing to rise,meaning that when people
land on a search result page,the actually aren't able to, they aren't
going to click to go to the website.They're getting their answer on the page.So what you have to do is see if you're
ranking for ranks are on that page,you have to make the most of the on Syrup
SEO meaning you have to optimize thattoo. So if you, if you rank for
a query, like how to tie a tie,maybe in that query you
say, Hey, by the way,if you want to learn
more about ties or style,go to Noah's tie blog.com.
Okay. Um, and you know,there's a little branding
opportunity in there,so you have to learn how to do on
Syrup SEO. Also on the other side,the reason why we developed a software
that we have called click flow, um,is so you can optimize titles and Meta
descriptions to rank higher to get ahigher click through rates when it
comes to when it comes to Google.Cause if you rank for something like
a red shoes, and I'm another one,another title called a red
shoes, uh, top review for 2019,you're probably going to click
on the second one, right?It's got a better title.
It's more enticing for you
to click on. So on Serp SEO,optimize your titles and Meta
descriptions, um, all that good stuff.I have a podcast called marketing school.I talk about marketing every single day.
I do videos on this every single day.Um, and you know, these are the
things that I'm hearing all the time,but what I think is not going
to go away too is, is in person.Like we had our conference,
a marketing school live,and a lot of people showed up for that.
Um, we kept it at about 200 people.I think about ball and
150, 160 people showed up.I think it's around that range. Um,I talked to a couple of other people that
they think it's around that range too.Um, my team kind of thinks
it's different. Um, but anyway,so marketing school live
the, having that live event,having those live touch points, right. Um,we had a client that just
signed on with us, uh,potential clients that we're about
to sign on with us and I think we're,we're in contract, um,fight on negotiations or reference
checks right now with one of them.It's because we had an in
person touch point, right?All the things that are talking.We were talking about all the
people that they got to meet,all the speakers that we had. Um,
being able to do those live events,which is why that's leading to us. Um,Neil and I doing our growth accelerator
mastermind, which by the way,you can go to marketing school.io/live
that's Liv to apply, um,for our mastermind. But the we, we are,we've realized that the
power of live events is, um,it's unparalleled because people want
to have connection with other people.And those of you that are listening
right now or are watching this right now,look, we're planning to do another
conference in January or February.You might my aim for 500, 500 people or
a thousand people or so. So live events,um, are not going to go anywhere and
they're just gonna get better and better,stronger and stronger over time. Oh, and
we have a live stream that as well. Um,and by the way, going back to live
streaming, um, I want to talk about,because live streaming is so good
for increasing your watch time.You want to like if you
are optimizing on youtube,you got to think about having
longer videos for watch time,which is why we're trying
to convert videos like this
to longer watch times. Um,because that's going to
get people to stay longer.Your videos are going to
show more. Um, and you know,that that is something that
is going to continue more.People are good at continue to trend in
that direction because everyone's makingthese short form videos.
Moving on from that, look,we talked about voice search, we
talked about zero click searches.We talked about live streaming. There's
all these different things happening,right? Also ads, these ad platforms,
even though we all love them,they're going to get more and more
expensive. Okay. Um, 10 years ago,Facebook ads wasn't around. Twitter
ads weren't around. And um, Google,Google is reaping and all the
dough, right? And you know,they're auction based systems. So ads
are gonna get more and more expensive.Facebook as an ad ad based system or
auction based system where ads are gonnaget more expensive as well. Um, so
what's gonna happen is, you know,all the LDS people are playing the,
this a return on investment game. Um,you know, um, cost of acquiring
a customer, CAC ratio, LTV ratio.These are important games to play and,
but if you keep just relying on ads,you're going to be in trouble.
You cannot just rely on on ads.So you have to think about how you can
diversify and protect yourself. Um,the good news for you is Pinterest and
Amazon are going to continue to getstronger and stronger. Um,
Amazon especially is rising
very, very quickly. Um,so pay attention to dos as well.And then the other thing I want to say
around how digital marketing is going tochange is, um, all the data that
you're ingesting if you're building,if you've built an audience, um,is you want to utilize customer
data platforms or cdps.We use one called hole hole,
that's h u l L. Dot. Io.And we're able to look at Cruz visiting
our site and then put them into accountbased marketing sequences where we can
market to a bunch of people on theirteams. The other thing I want to
add is, um, when I think about the,the marketing school podcast, if
I look at over the years how, um,Neil and I have done things
in the very beginning when,especially when I was learning marketing,Neil already had his
blog quicksprout and all,he would do his blog and over the
years I would talk to him and I'd say,hey look, we probably
should take a look at video.You should probably take a
look at podcasts. You right.The reason we have a podcast is and
kept telling him podcast is amazing. Um,and I told them videos amazing
too. He got into video two. Uh,I'm not saying I told him to do
everything right, but, um, it's, you know,he realized the need to kind
of have to take this, um,multichannel approach and same, the
same thing for what we do, right?We have our blog, we
have our youtube channel,we have our podcasts that
we have to podcasts, right?
We speak around the world.So for us it's content is
what we love doing, right?Teaching is what we love doing,cause to be able to articulate what we
already know makes us stronger at it. Um,and at the same time we're helping a
bunch of people at scale and some peoplewant stuff for free. Well you
should want stuff for free.Check out a free content. You want
to pay us, you can pay us. You know,we have another chair if you want
to, if you want to pay us even more,if you want more attention from us, you
can pay us even more. Right? So, um,it's having that ladder going up. So
funnels are still very important. Um,and also taking that
multichannel approach,an omnichannel approach where people
pay a lot of lip service to but theyactually aren't, are doing. Um,you have to do that to be
able to cover yourself.So that's going to help you in
terms of building a brand. Um,who else does a good job with this?
Gary v does a really good job with this.In fact, I think he produces a hundred
pieces of content every single day.And he has, uh, he has like a, an
iMessage group with like 30 people in it.And you know, they'll start with
a piece, like a video like this.They'll throw a video in there and
then everyone jumped on the video,chop it up into different pieces,
chop it up into blog posts, you know,and then chocolate into podcast
distributed into like soundcloud, Spotify,apple podcast, Google podcast,
stitcher, just everywhere, right?And it becomes just this
giant machine. Um, and they,they produce so much content. I think
they, um, they're, they're always,you know, um, last time I checked,they would be like two to three days
away from running out of content.So maybe they could improve that,
that, um, that process now. But um,that's the level that, um, you know,
some people are at. And um, if you,if you can play a little bit to a level,maybe like five pieces a
day or 10 pieces a day,I think you're going to be in a good spot.And if you can get up to a hundred a
day, you know all the more power to you.So those are just a couple of things to
pay attention to when it comes to wheredigital marketing is changing in 2020 I
do have a another video for you to checkout that's related to this. So don't
forget to check out the next video.If you're watching the video right now
and also whatever channel you're on,don't forget to rate, review and
subscribe and leave a comment.Let us know what you think.Which one of these is going to make
the biggest impact in terms of digitalmarketing for 2020 and
we'll see you tomorrow.


Mike Filsaime and the Death of Internet Marketing

By Jennifer Carter | Submitted On November 15, 2006

Expert Author Jennifer Carter

Mike Filsaime is a seasoned internet marketer who got started in internet marketing early on in the game.

His release of Butterfly Marketing earlier this year was a huge success. The Butterfly Marketing manuscript is a detailed information product that shows how to create a successful product launch.

With people like Michael Cheney giving credit to Mike’s product for his own hugely successful launch of AdSense Videos earlier this year ($250,000 in 7 days), you can understand why Mike’s manuscript sold so well.

His latest, free, product, the Death of Internet Marketing, follows closely on the heels of Scott Boulch’s stunning viral success, “The Death of Adsense” which certainly got people to sit up and pay attention.

The viral success of this “bad news” product may well have been what inspired Mike to launch this latest report.

When someone as well known as Mike writers a report titled “The Death of Internet Marketing”, you can be pretty sure it’s not going to sit on a shelf and collect dust! Mike talks about being overdosed with product launches – if you’re signed up to any lists of well known marketers you’ll already know what he means. I think my own inbox had at least twenty offers to download Mike’s report from various well-known names!

So is Internet Marketing dead?

Whilst Mike bemoans the difficulty getting attention amidst an increasing number of successful launches, it seems that he’s almost a victim of his own success.

By creating such a successful product (Butterfly Marketing) to explain how to get people’s attention and create a successful product launch – that’s exactly what people are doing – with the result that the market is swamped with product launches.

It seems that Mike’s main concern is that it’s getting harder than ever to make money from our fellow internet marketers. Yet there is better information that ever on how to successfully build a list, create products and sales pages in many other very profitable niches that the seasoned marketer shouldn’t worry.

It seems that the time has come that selling products to those new to the internet business or the seasoned experts is over. So what can we do?

Don’t rely on one source of income, but have several streams of income.

Market to a niche – you’ll notice that experts like Rosalind Gardner earn good money from their internet marketing colleagues, but also have sites in totally unrelated areas, such as online dating.

After the ups and downs with their AdSense income for many, the message is clear, diversify to survive.

Jen Carter has several successful internet businesses, using the principles learned from the experts. You can find free books from the internet marketing experts [http://www.onedollarbookstore.com/Learn_from_the_Internet_Marketing_Experts.html] at her website, One Dollar Bookstore [http://www.onedollarbookstore.com].

Jen is also the writer of How to earn a million dollars on the Internet [http://www.internetmillionairess.com/index.html] – which describes how to create building blocks to your own successful online business.

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Jennifer_Carter/26066
