How To Get Started In E-commerce and Dropshipping

hey guys what's going on in this videoI'm going to show you how you can getstarted in e-commerce and essentiallyhow you can get started in sellingproducts online now I'm just hanging outtoday I'm just right here by myfireplace and you know I thought I'dgive you guys this quick video onessentially how you can find productshow you can find your niches and howessentially you can get started withe-commerce okay so the first thing thatyou want to do is you want toessentially find your niche okay so it'snot basically a niche is a subject atopic that you want to sell to a certainaudience a certain group of people sofor example if you want to sell you knowto firefighters that's a niche if youwant to sell to people who like you knowbaseball that's also a niche okay sofinding a niche that you're passionateabout is the first step to gettingstarted in e-commerce because that'svery important for you to essentiallyfind products within that area and sellto that audience okay because once youknow your audience once you know youryour your type of products that you'regoing to sell it's going to be a loteasier for you to get into the marketget going and start selling very quicklyso number one find a niche that you'repassionate about okay number two find aniche that you have a connection withand pick a niche and just get it goingokay that that's very important just goout there and you know don't even thinkabout it too too much don't spend hoursand hours trying to find a niche justpick a niche and get going ken as timegoes on you can always diversify intodifferent niches you can always go outthere and find these different types ofniches that you want to get into andsometimes you'll find the niche thatyou've never even touched and it'smaking lots of money for you and you'dbe surprised okay the next step here isafter you find your niche this is whereyou start searching for products withinthat niche okay fineproducts that people actually lovechoose products that closely fits yourniche and find the hottest products thatare proven okay I'm going to show youexactly how to find the hottest productsthat are provenall ready okay next thing is findproducts that you would even by yourselffind products that you would go outthere and you would purchase and beproud of these products and actuallywant to purchase them okay so let's takea look at Aliexpress here okay soAliexpress allows you to find productswithin different types of niches okay sofor example if you're if you're tryingto find jewelry you would just type injewelry okay and you'd find all thesedifferent types of jewelry on Aliexpressthat you can sell to your market alrightso let's take a look at one right herebracelets and bangles okay so this is mylittle trick my little secret to findingthe hottest selling products onAliexpress is by clicking on the ordersbutton here so once you've clicked theorders button it's going to show you allof the hottest products on Aliexpressright now that's selling really reallywell okay for example this one righthere 14000 buyers okay here's anotherone 10000 buyers okay ten thousandorders ten thousand ordersten thousand orders okay eight thousandnine thousand orders eight thousand sixhundred orders eight thousand twohundred eight thousand one hundredorders so by doing this you essentiallyknow the top selling bangles out thereand you can put these onto your Shopifystores as well because you know thatthese are the hottest sellers okay nowlet's say you want to get into a productthat no one has it's that's completelybrand new it's new in the market andyou've never you never even sold it andyou know it's a fresh new market andfresh new product you want to get intothat because a lot you know a lot oftimes you'll find a lot of competitionwith these products and that they'vebeen you know they've been sold over andover and over again especially if you ifyou hit the same market okay when youclick on newest what this will show youon Aliexpress are the newest productsthat just released that basically thesenew vendors have released these newproducts which you can go into themarket and dominate and sell thousandsand thousands even like what we've shotwhat we see them before you know tenthousand products nine thousands ordersyou can go into the market fresh andsell these hot selling products forexample herewe have here a cellar with five diamondsthat means that this is a really trustedseller and he's selling this one producthere this one jewelry product for fivebucks and only one person has ordered sofar okay so you know that you can gointo the market and you can essentiallydominate this market by putting thesenewest latest products onto your storesokay and that's essentially one of mytricks to finding the hottest productson the market right now the hottest thehottest products that people actuallywant to purchase and get things goingand start making some sales okay becausewhen you're when you're fresh whenyou're brand new and e-commerce is verydifficult to find out what's working outthere to find out what types of productsare selling and who's buying them bydoing this you're essentially you knowthis is like a shortcut it gives you theshortcut to go into the market and sellthe hottest selling products for yourfor your customers and Aliexpress madeit super easy by using these sort thesort tool okay now I also want to letyou know about this service this newstore that we launched a few days agocalled pre-built shops calm that's notover there right nowokay pre-built shops is essentially aShopify store is kind of funny it's aShopify store selling Shopify storesokay so if you go over to pre-builtshops there's one of my agents rightthere if you head over to pre bull shopsyou'll find all of these differentShopify stores which you can purchaseand they're all pre-built for youthey're all done for youShopify businesses okay so for examplewe have here the jewelry pre-built storeokay when you head over here we'reselling them for three hundred ninetyseven dollars and you get an entireShopify business all done for you wechoose the hottest selling products fromAliexpress we put them on to your storeand all you have to do is essentiallyall you have to do is just plug in yourdomain okay we create a brandable logofor your domain as well and plug in yourpayment settings such as PayPal stripeand you know if you have a merchantaccount you can plug that in and you canget started selling right away these are100% pre-built Shopify storesthat you can use and get started rightaway especially if you're a beginner youknow you don't have the time to createall these stories yourselves you don'thave the time to go out there researchproducts you know it takes us 20 to even40 hours just to research these hotproducts to add on to your stores youget all of that completely done for youthese are pre-built stores meaning thatyou don't have to wait weeks you don'thave to wait like two three weeks to getyour stores built okay all it does allit is is basically you make yourpurchase for three hundred ninety sevendollars we ship out your store for youyou get the login information within oneor two days okay usually it's withintwenty twelve two point twenty and fourhours my team will send it to you andthese are all pre-built done for youbusinesses that you can start sellingproducts in different markets okaycurrently right now we have over seventyeight different pre-built stores if youhead over to our catalog look at this wehave a parallel room Oh therapy as seenon tv products all auto electronics babyclothing cape books camping candles catscat niche is actually a big bitch okaycoffeeokay coffees huge right cooking cookingniche cosmetics we have all these dogniches right drones first-aid fishinggaming health and fitness health andbeauty jewelry leather packagingpaintball Kate promotional productsright Sporting Goods tattoo niche toysweddings okay we have all kinds of yogaall kinds of niches here that you canpurchase right away and get yourbusiness going as fast as possible okayso the whole point of this is to ensurethat you're not wasting your time outthere trying to find products you're notwasting your timetrying to find the hottest templates andthemes and creating the graphics and thelogos and you know this can literallytake you hours it'll literally take youweeks okay the first Shopify store Ibuilt it was an outdoors hiking storeokay basically that took me over threeweeks to build and that was that wasjust building it I wasn't even sellingthat was just the building part it wasso frustrating I had to find the perfecttheme I had to find the perfect appsokayto find I had to input all the productsmyself I had to go out there find theproducts find the how to sellingproducts create the logos create theslider images and this right here is alldone for you okay you can spend you knowthere are other Shopify builders outthere that are selling these stores foryou know tens of thousands of dollarsfifteen thousand dollars twenty-fivethousand dollars just for these storesand you can get a complete Shopifybusiness all done for you for threehundred ninety seven dollars andespecially this especially if you're abeginner this is huge this is liketime-saving this is money-saving you canyou can spend that money you know thatmoney that you're going to spend onbuilding a store you can spend it onadvertising and start getting traffic toyour Start stores and start making moneywith it okay we actually we actually wehad a prebuilt store for this one whenone of our testimonial collect customersher name was Leanne okay she was making$1,000 per day with our stores and thenshe was making an additional three tofour thousand dollars per day byswitching to a new theme that we gaveher okayin this this theme you get this withyour store as well let's take a look atthis Shopify theme right here okay okaythis is just a sample store you're goingto get something similar to this and notall stores are the same okay they're allstores are different okay so for examplewe have all these different categorieshere anklets bracelets earrings necklacerings watches okay all these beautifulcategories and slider images and you geta custom logo with your domain as wellnow that all comes with it okay allcomes with its complete business that wegive for you okay let's take a look atone of the products here let's go clickon necklaces okay look at all thesedifferent necklaces we have here a pandanecklace really cute looking pan andnecklace for 12 bucks that you can sellto your customers okay theme also comeswith related items and upsells okay tohelp you make more money this theme isactually designed to help you convertmore sales all right and you get thistheme on top of everything you get theentire business um this is this is likethis is crazy guys you get an entirebusiness for only three hundred ninetyseven bucks andbasically comes with its everything iscustom design comes with 50 productsloaded comes with all the shippingsettings and all the spreadsheets withthe supplier information so you don'thave to worry about you know if I if Imake an order how do i how do i how do ifulfill that order how does my customerget the order okay you don't have toworry about that because all thesupplier information is given to you andthe best part about it is that all thesestores are dropship stores soessentially you can just you don't haveto purchase any inventory okay what thatmeans is that once your customer paysyou on your storeyou take that payment and you go to yoursupplier and you make the purchase onbehalf of your customerokay that's huge because you don't haveto you don't have to go out there youdon't have to purchase hundreds andhundreds of products just to get startedall you have to do is literally thissimple all you have to do is just plugin your domain okay put in your domainput in your plot your payment settingslike how your customers can pay you suchas PayPal stripe or even a merchantaccount and get started selling rightaway you can get started you can startselling the next day so we actually hada client bought one of our pre-builtstores and also did one of our Facebookad services they started getting saleswithin three days okay this is this ishuge because these are these this showsthat our stores actually work okay ourstores actually convert and it makesmoney you can get started in thisbusiness okay while others are chargingyou thousands and thousands of dollarswe've created this service calledpre-built shops com where you canbasically purchase an entire businessfor three hundred ninety seven dollarsokay for example here coffee store righthere right a coffee pribyl pre-builtshop let's take a look at it look atthat boom a beautiful coffee ecommercestore that you can sell all thesedifferent types of mugs all thesedifferent types of you know here's oneright here a camera lens mug okay boomright here beautiful website withdescriptions you get this entire storekits it's actually it's brilliant youcan sell this to photographers okay soit's a coffee mug with it's basically alens with for a coffee mug okay I don'tknow how it works butthere we go but essentially this is whatwe're giving for you okay you get anentire business for only three hundredninety seven bucks and you can't evenyou can't get better than thatright you get a a proven theme you getall these products and you're all goodto go all you need to do just startselling okay now I hope you guys I hopeyou guys are really excited because youknow what we've done here at pre blowshops and salt and social stinger iswe've cut the time for you to getstarted in e-commerce we've cut the timefor you to essentially go out there findproducts you know do this do a B C and Dand and basically search through nichesand find products and find yourcustomers and find out what's hot outthere create the logos create thegraphics find the themes we do all ofthat and you get them all at pre-builtshops calm alright I hope you guysenjoyed this video I hope you guys gotsome value out of this and I'll see yousoon


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The Risks of Internet Marketing

By Dave Morrison | Submitted On July 28, 2010

Internet marketing is a highly appreciated internet service. The possibility to shop online for any item, starting with the daily groceries and ending with luxurious objects, has been a solution for a lot of people. The big amount of time people now spend at their jobs has diminished the time for other activities. The solution to the time problem is the speed of Internet marketing and the fact that the internet has become accessible since it is not a luxury anymore, but a necessity.

Besides having so many advantages, Internet marketing has its disadvantages also. The disadvantages regard some risks. Online marketing is not a perfect service, but the traditional marketing is not perfect either. The simple fact that someone understands that there are risks when online shopping will prevent most of the unpleasant situations.

Fraud can come from both small companies, belonging to just one individual and from brand companies. The risks which can appear from brand companies regard the contract terms. They can make you pay for who knows what fees. The risk from small companies comes from the fact that it is the possibility that they do not exist. Pay attention to the contact information they provide. If the geographical zone of the telephone number does not match the one of the address, then you are in front of a swindler. You can order for an item and it will never be delivered to you.

The most common internet risks regard the payment method. Use PayPal as much as possible. It is one of the safest payment methods. Credit cards can also be used, but make sure that the information you provide, especially the financial one, is one hundred per cent secure. The fact that there still are persons who do not use Internet marketing is due to their mistrust.

Some fear that their personal information won’t remain private. Why is that? Because there have been cases in which online companies have been giving away the private information or worse, they have been selling it. This has brought a series of problems such as identity stealing and money stealing from credit cards and bank accounts.

The e-mail marketing is also a risky service. Many internet marketers use it in order to advertise. They send the loyal clients e-mails in which they give them information regarding the newest offers and services and the newest items. If you are a loyal customer of a website, do not permit them to send you these e-mail if you don’t want them to. A great number of viruses can be transmitted through these e-mails.

The risks do exist when online shopping, but it is not as bad as it seems.

Being aware of their existence is one of the biggest steps in their prevention. Risks also exist when doing offline shopping so this should not stop anybody from trying the wonders provided by Internet marketing. It is a very useful device and problems should not appear if you inform yourself before using it for the first time.

Dave has been in the internet marketing business for almost 5 years now, 3 of those years being full time from the comfort of his own home. If you would like to learn about the company that taught Dave this business from the ground up, you may want to check out his Wealthy Affiliate Review. Also if you want another resource, you may want to also check out The Power Of Article Marketing.

Article Source:


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How to Make an E-Commerce Website in India – Build an Online Store

Hi guys!I'm Shyam from Website Learners.comToday I am going to show you,how you can create an
Ecommerce websitefrom start to finish.Okay!So first, let's see the website
we're going to build.So here it is.After watching this video,you will be able to make
a website,which has products like theseand then we're going to
create pages like these.And people will be able to add
your products to their carts.and they will be able to pay
you, through your websiteand buy products from your site.So let's get started.its going to be very simple.We're going to make our
ecommerce site in 4 parts.The 1st Part is to
Launching Your WebsiteNow this is where you get a new
website, Live – on the internet.So to launch your website,
we're going to do 3 steps.The 1st step, is to
choose your website name.Now to choose the name, just
click the link below this video.So i'm going to click this linkand it will take
you to this page.Now enter the name
you want in this box.So i'm going to
enter tryshirts.comand click 'check availability'So now you can see that
this name is available.So once you get your name, you
can go to the next step,which is to get your
hosting & domain.So hosting is the place, where
your website's files are storedand domain is your
website's name.So to get your hosting
and this domain name,just scroll down this pageand click 'get hosting'.Now it will take you to this
page where we're going to getour hosting & domain.So to get it,just click get started.Now enter the same name
which you selected beforeand click 'search'.Then click 'select & continue'Now to get this domain and hosting,we need to create a new account.So let's click hereand then fill up these detailsand click create account.Now, here you can see that we're
getting our domain,which is,and our hosting.Now both of these are going
to be valid for 1 year,which means once we place this
order, your website will be liveon the internet for
the next 1 year.So, now let's go ahead
& make the payment.Just choose your payment method,enter your detailsand then make the payment.So, now we've successfully made
the payment,and we've gotour domain and hosting.So once you've got
your domain and hosting,you can now go to final step of
launching your website,which is to install WordPress.Now, WordPress is the tool,
we're going to use, to build ourecommerce website.Wordpress lets you build websites easilywithout any coding or programming.So, let's see how to install WordPress.To install wordpress, all you
have to do is click 'Add site'.Then enter a username and
password for WordPressand click 'add'.And now wordpress will be
installed on your new domain,which is! So WordPress is now installedand this means, your website
will Now be LIVEon the internet.So to check it, let's
go to our website.We'll open a new tab.Now if we type,and press enter,you can see that,we have a brand new website,on the name which we selected.So, this is how you can launch,
your website on the internet.So once you have
launched your website,you can now go to part 2 of
this tutorial,which is to Start Building Your
Ecommerce siteNow, instead of Building your
ecommerce site from scratch,we're going to first import a
sample ecommerce site.And then we're going to edit it, to make our own site.So, this is going to really speed-up
the processand will let you build your site in
a much faster way.So, to import the sample site,we're going to do 2 steps.First we're going to
login to our website.So to login to your website,all you have to do is,type /login after your site's address.Now press enterand it will take you to the
login page of your website.Now enter the login details,
which you selected forwordpressand then click login.So, now we've successfully logged in to our wordpress site.So this is the place, where
you can control your website.So once you've logged in, we can
now go to step 2 of importingthe sample site, which is to
install a theme in wordpress.So we're going to install
a theme called 'astra',which is going to let us
import the sample site.So to install the theme,just go to 'appearance'and click 'themes'.Now click 'add new theme'and then search for a theme
called 'astra'Now this is the theme which is
going to let usimport the sample site.So to install the theme,
just click 'install'.And then 'activate' the theme.So, now we've installed
the astra theme.Next, to import the sample site,just click 'astra' optionsand here you can see thatwe have an option called “import starter site”.So to import a site, first
click 'install importer'and then click 'see library'.Now once you're on this page,
just select 'Elementor',which will make it
easier for youto edit your site in future.So, we'll select that.And now as we're going to build
an ecommerce site,just click 'ecommerce'and then choose this site,
called the 'brand store'.So, let's click here.And here you can see a preview ofhow your site is going to look,once you import this sample site.So to import this site into
your site,just click 'install plugins'and click 'import this site'.So now the sample site
has been imported.So let's see how our site looks.Now if we go to this tab,you can see that, this is
how our site was before.It was completely empty.Now if we click 'refresh',you can see that we have got the
entire ecommerce site,into our site.Now this is the fully working
ecommerce site,which means if we click on a product here,you can see the details
about the productand you can add it to cart.And then, we can view the cart,and then we can also
proceed to checkout.So we get all of these
options right afterwe import the sample site.So now we have
successfully importedour sample ecommerce site.Okay!So once you have imported the
sample site,we can now go to Part 3,where we see how you can start
using this e-commerce site.So to start using our
ecommerce site,we're going to first set up
our store.Our store is the place, where
your customers can see your productsand then purchase them.So once you set up your store,your site will have your own products.and your visitors will be
able to buy those products.So let's go to our storeand you can see that we
have these sample products.Now to set up our store,
we're going to do 4 steps.The 1st step is to delete
all of these sample products.So to delete them, let's
go to our dashboardand then click 'Products'.And here you can see
all the sample products,which we have here.Now to delete the sample
products,just click here,to select all the productsand then click here,select 'Move to trash'and click apply.So now we've deleted
all the sample products.So now if we go to our
store and click refresh,you can see that all the
products have been removed.Once you've removed all the sample
products,next let's see how you can add your own product.Now to add your own product,just go back to your
products page.and click 'add new'.Now to add a new product,all you have to do is,Enter the product nameit's priceand some details
about the product.So first, let's enter the product name.I want to sell a tshirt,
so I'm going to enter that.And here, I'm going
to enter the price.and then some details
about the product.Okay, so once, you've added
these details,you can now, add your
product image.So to add the image, just
click 'set product image'and then drag & drop your
image from your computer.And as you can see, Your
image has been addedSo now we have added all the
details about the product.So let's click publishand now if we click
our store page,you can see that we
have our product.Now if we click on this product,You can see that,we can now add this
product to our cart.So now we have successfully
added our product.So you can add any number of
products you wantin the same way.So to add a product
all you have to do isjust go to productsand click 'add new'.Okay!So, next let's go to the 3rd step
of setting up our store,which is to change our
currency.Now here you can see that,
we have a different currency.Now to change this
currency to rupeejust go to your dashboardand then, go to woocommerceand click 'settings'now this is where you can change
all the settings,related to your store.Now to change your currency,just scroll down this pageand here you'll find
the currency to change this to rupeejust click hereand then type Indiaand select this option.Now click save changes.and now if we go
to our product pageand click refreshyou can see that our product
price is now shown in 'Rupees'.So now we have successfully
changed our currency.And we have completed the third step of setting up our store.So next let's go to the 4th step,which is to setup our
payment method.Now if we try to buy this
product by clicking 'Add to cart'and then click
proceed to checkoutyou can see that it says “no
payment methods are available”.So in order to allow your
customersto pay for your productsyou need to setup
your “payment method”.So, to set up, we are going
to create a free account on awebsite called 'instamojo'.So once you create this account,
you'll be able to receivepayments directly to your bank
account, when someone purchases,your product.So to create your account,just go back to website learnersand then scroll down to step 4.And click 'Create Free Account'.And it will take you to this pageNow just click 'sign up'And then enter your
email and password.And click ' sign up'.Now choose the type
of business you haveAnd select 'No' hereand click next.Now, once you reach here,you need to enter your bank details,where you want to receive your payments.So you need to enter your
bank's account number,and then click 'Find IFSC'Now select your bank details.And click 'use'So now when someone buys a
product from your site,that money will be sent to
this account.So once you've entered
these details,just click 'create account'.And now we have successfully created our Instamojo Account.And now your customers can use
any of these payment methodsto pay for your products.So, let's click
'go to dashboard'Now how do we connect this
account with our websiteNow to let customers make
payments on your site,you need to connect this account with your website.So to connect itlet's go to our
wordpress dashboard.and then go to pluginsand click 'add new'and now we need to install the
instamojo plugin on our website.So just search for 'instamojo'and you'll get this to install it,
just click install.and click 'activate'So now we have installed
the instamojo plug-inon our website.Now to connect this
account with your site,just click settingsand now, you need to get
these details from instamojo,So to get these
details, just go hereand click API & plugins.and click 'create
new credentials'Now Click hereand select
wordpress from this list.Then click 'generate
credentials'and instamojo will
give you these details.Now, all you have to do, is to
copy these details,and then paste it here.So let's copyand then paste it.and click save changes.Now as soon as you
click “save changes”your instamojo account, will
be connected with your website.So this means our payment
setup is now complete.So we've successfully setup
our payment methodand now your customers can not only view your products,they can now buy them.So next let's try buying
a product from our siteSo just like a
customer would do,we will go to our storeand then add the
product to our cart.Now let's click view cartand click “proceed to checkout”you can see thatinstead of the error
message, we can now pay onlineSo just like a
customer would do,If we enter our detailsAnd click place orderYou can see that we have
different options,to make payments.So let's say the customer wants
to pay with their Debit Card,they can click hereand then enter the
detailsand click if we enter the OTPand click 'submit',you can see that the payment
has been madeand we have ordered the product.Okay!So this is how a customer can
buy a product from your siteSo now you know how your
customers can buyproducts from your site.Now, what happens when
someone orders your product?How do you know, that
you've got an order?Now as soon as someone buys a
product from your site,if you go to your inbox,now this is inbox of the emailyou entered while creating
your siteOnce you go to your inboxYou can see that, we
have received 2 emails.the 1st email is from
our 'wordpress website',and the 2nd one
is from instamojoSo if we open the 1st
email from wordpress,You can see that we have all
the details about the orderSo we have the name of the
product,which the customer has orderedand, their address.Now if we go backand open the 2nd mail,you can see that
instamojo confirms,that we've received the payment.So this is how you can know,when someone orders your product.And once you get this email, you
can go aheadand deliver the product to your customer.So now you know how you can track,new orders placed on your site.But what about your customer?How can they view and
track their order?So next, let's see how your
customer can view their orderafter making a purchase.So let's go to the
customer's inbox,So this is the
customer's inbox.Now, once a customer has
ordered a product from your site,their account will be
automatically created.And now If the customer
goes to their inbox,they'll get one email,
with their order detailsand another email, with
the details of their account.So if we open this email,here, you can see that the
customer has got the password,Which they can use
to login to your site.So after placing an order if the
customer wishes tologin back to your site,all they have to do isgo to your siteand click 'account'.And now they'll be able to login
back to your site.So they need to just
enter their emailand the password, which they
received in their email.So let's go back to the inboxand then copy this passwordand paste it here.And now if they click login,you can see that the customer
can view all of their orders,they've placed on your site.And now if we go to “Addresses”,they can even update
their address.So this is how your customers,can view their orders on
your site.Now let's go back to our storeOkay!So now we've successfully
completed setting up our store.And this means anyone who is
visiting your sitewill now able to buy your productsSo Next let's go to the Final
PART of buildingour ecommerce site,where we see how you can change
the look of your website.So next we're going to see how you can change 4
different places of your site.Let's go to our homepage.First, let's see, how you can
'Edit, the contents' of your pages.Now let's say you want
to change this text.How do we do that?Now to edit any
page of your site,just make sure you're on that pageand click 'edit with elementor'.and now it will take you
to this 'editing section'.Now let's say you want
to change this text.All you have to do is,just select that textand then start typing
anything you want.So I'm going to type”***get the best products***”***From our store***NEXT if you want to change
the text on this button,you just select that textand then enter your own text.So the same way, you can edit
any text you want on this page.Just Select the textand then start typing.Next! let's say you want to change this image.To change the image, all you have to do is,just click here,then make sure
you're on the 'style' tab.Now, select the image you want
to changeand then drag & drop your image.And as you can see, the
image has been changedNow Once you're done with all
the changes, just click updateand now if we go to our siteand click refresh,you can see that all
the changes are here.So this is how you can edit
any page of your website.So next, what if you want to
show your products on your home page.Now if we scroll down
to this products area,you can see that we
have no products hereSo next let's see how you can add
products like this to your home page.Now to add products
to your homepage,all you have to do is
just go to your dashboardthen go to products.And here you can see all
the products,you have added to your to display any of these
products on your homepage,all you have to do is
click the 'star' button,next to your product.So I'm going to
select these productsand now if you go to your siteand click refresh,you can see that the products
we selected,now appears on our homepage!So this is how, you can add
your products, to your homepage.Next, let's see how you
can change your logo.Now to change this logo,just click 'customize'and you'll find these
blue iconnext to the items you can change.Now to change this logoall you have to do, is click
this blue icon next to itand you can change your
logo here.Now if you want to have your
logo in text,you can remove this image, by clicking hereand then show your Site Nameby selecting this option.And now you can see thatwe've got our site
name,instead of the default logo, which was there before.So this is how you
can change your logo.So next let's seehow you can change your menu.Now to change your menuall you have to do isjust click hereand then click 'edit menu'.Now once you're here, if you want to remove any page from your menu,just click here.and click 'remove'.and the page will be
removed from your menu.Now you can also rearrange this
menu as you want,and it will be changed here.So this how you can change,
the menu, on your website.So once you're done, just click
'publish'And then click here, to see
your site.So you can see that all the
changes we made,now appears on our site.So this is how you can change
the look of your website.So now you have complete
ecommerce site,which we made in just
a few minutes.So to make your ecommerce
site, all you have to do isfirst, launch your site by
getting your domain and hosting.And then import the
sample ecommerce site.Then setup your storeand then finally change
the look of your website.So that's it guys, this is how
you can buildyour ecommerce site, in just a few minutes.Now if you're ready to start
making your own website,just click here.And it will take you
to the page,which we saw in the first step,which is choosing
your website name.So just choose your website nameand then build your website.After you have
built your website,make sure you share that
link in the comments section.And we'll pick our favourite
websites and will highlight itat the top of the comments.So thanks for watching, I'll
see you in the next video.Bye Bye.


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How to Create a Marketing Strategy For a New eCommerce Website

– You have all these products
that you want to sellon your eCommerce site.They're so beautiful, your
website looks amazing,but hey, you launch a
site, couple days go by,no orders, no traffic.And if you're lucky and you get a order,chances are it's your momor one of your best friends.Hey, everyone, I'm Neil Patel,and today, I'm going to
break down how to createa marketing strategy for
a new eCommerce website.(energetic music)Before we get started,
make sure you subscribeto this channel, and if you're on YouTube,click the alert notification.That way, you'll get
notified when more videoscome out like this.So step one, I want
you to focus on a nicheor a segment.You don't want to create a eCommerce storethat sells everything like Amazon.You're going to get crushed.Be a expert.It's too hard to be a big eCommerce storethat does everything,reason being is the bigger companiesare going to outdo you on pricing,you won't be a expert on anythingso you don't really have
any advantage over them,plus they're going to offer
faster shipping than you.So when you pick a niche,
you can be a experton that niche and have the best productwithin that category.People will get to know you for that,even if your product's
a bit more expensivethan the competitors, you
can still do well and win.And when you're in a niche,
it's easier to do adsto your eCommerce site and generate salesversus having a big, broad eCommerce site.Step two, create a killer,
unique selling proposition.Why should people buy from you?For example, one of my
friends sells insoles,like those Dr. Scholl insoles,
but she sells custom onesjust for high heels, and her
brand isn't Dr. Scholl's,but she makes over six
figures a month in profitjust through Facebook ads
going to her eCommerce store.Why, because she created amazing videothat breaks down her life in high heels,how she loves these
high-end luxury high heels,and they're all uncomfortable,
and she broke downhow she created the best
insole to make it comfortablefor women of all shapes, all sizes,to be able to walk in these high heels,feel amazing, and be comfortable 24/7.So that was her pitch,while someone like a Dr.
Scholl's, they're always like,”Hey, we make it comfortable
to walk for anyone.”Well, what's anyone?It works well for maybe my Nike shoes,but it doesn't work
well for my dress shoes.So when you have a killer,
unique selling proposition,you're more likely to get sales.So specialize and have your
unique selling propositionto be all about that specialty.Step three, create a
fantastic user experience.I love Shopify.If you're going to be in the
eCommerce world, use Shopify.Their user checkout flow, their designs,their sites, their templates are amazing.Another good example of an
amazing eCommerce experienceis Dollar Shave Club.Just think about ordering
from the Dollar Shave Cluband unboxing your first order.Now, same with Shopify, even
though Shopify is amazing,when you ship a product to someone,you want to make sure it's an
amazing experience, as well,from the design of the product,the way you make people feel.All of this will help you
generate more sales, as well.Step four, pick one traffic source.Look, you want to do SEO,
great, it's a long-term gain,or if you want to do ads, you
can do Google Product Ads,Amazon Product Ads, Facebook
Lookalike Audiences,or you can even do the same
thing on Google AdWords.Either way, pick one ad
source and go all in.For example, if you're in eCommerce,I would recommend that you
start off with Facebook ads.That tends to convert really
well for Shopify storesselling one or two products only.Then from there, after you
do well, you can expandinto Google AdWords and other channels.But first I would recommend
that you start offwith Facebook ads.Step number five, maximize
your value per visitor.Do you have upsells,
do you have downsells?All that will help you generate more moneyso the ads are more profitable,or even your SEO's more profitable.You could also use Hello Bar
to collect email addresseswhen people are about to
leave your eCommerce store,so that way you can
market to them afterwardsand email them and convince them,hey, here's why you need to buy from us,or here's $15 off, or
here's why we're specialand you can tell your storyor your unique selling proposition.It'll all help, that's why
you should collect emails.You should also do the same
with push notifications.You can use tools like subscribers.comto maximize your eCommerce sales,because when someone goes
to your checkout pagebut they don't buy, you
can use push notificationsto get them back and
then get them to convert.These are all simple ways
to maximize your trafficand the value you're creatingfrom each and every single visitor.Step six, maximize your
average order value.So we talked about checkout bumps,but you also want to do
things like free shipping.We found that free shipping increasesaverage order value size.Heck, my buddy sells HDMI cables for TV.He saw a interesting experiment
where he changes shippingto free shipping, increased
the costs of his product,and even though it ended
up being the same, right,instead of charging for shippingand having a lower priced product,he had a more expensive
product and free shipping,so the total math of the final
purchase price was the same.He saw that he got more sales
just because it was free.Do that, leverage your checkout bumpswith a irresistible offer.ClickFunnels does an amazing
job at using checkout bumps.You can see their own
site, how they're using it,get some inspiration from them,and then figure out how you want to docheckout bumps, as well.You also want to do post-purchase bumps.Skin Care by Alana does
a great job of this.If you buy some wrinkle cream,they may sell you some vitamin C cream,and they continually do this after you buyand sell you more and more productsthroughout the next year,
two years, three years.They don't stop.That's how they get the most revenuefrom each and every
single visitor, as well.Step number seven, and
this is the last one,use technology to make
your eCommerce storeto work better.From cart abandonment sequences,to product recommendations,to win-back sequences, to contests,there's Shopify plugins
that do all of this.Heck, there's even Shopify pluginsthat do holiday sequences.Heck, there's even plugins
that do cross-sellsor one-time offers, or promotion offers.Whatever it may be,
there's tools out therefor any eCommerce platform
that you're using,whether Shopify or Magento,
or even WooCommerce.So use the technology that's out therethat makes your job easier,such as live chat on your eCommerce storewhere people can communicate
with you back and forth,so that way you can maximize your salesby answering any questions or issuespeople may be having.If you need help growing
your eCommerce store,check out my ad agency,
Neil Patel Digital.If you enjoyed this video, like it,share it, comment, thank you for watching.


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Anatomy Of An Internet Marketing System

Please let me tell you about the Internet marketing

systems I use and find helpful. This information may be

of some benefit to you, especially if your goal is to

monetize your site or earn an income from your online


My name is Titus Hoskins and I own and operate a very

modest marketing website called

I have been designing web pages and sites since 1998.

I have an Art/Education background but in the last

couple of years I have been studying online marketing

systems and using them.

Yes, studying them, since I have an art background I like

to examine beneath the surface of things or structures in

order to get a clearer picture. I like to see the whole

picture. The big picture. But the underlying elements behind

these complex systems interests me the most. What’s beneath

the surface excites me, the structure holding everything

in place. How they are designed, the methods and tools

used to make these marketing systems work.

Keep in mind, I still feel a bit funny calling myself an

Internet marketer. Last week my marketing efforts make me

around a thousand dollars; don’t know if that qualifies me

as an Internet marketer or not. Probably not. Most of the

people I associate and have contact with, usually make that

in a day — the real smart ones make that in an hour.

A thousand dollars in one hour?

How is that possible? Well, the marketing experts who

earn the big d’s — usually have complex automated marketing

systems set up and operating on the Internet. These systems

start with their own products but quickly expands and builds

with large opt-in lists or ezines, 1000’s of affiliates,

large JV networks, multi-sites, viral marketing, membership

forums, brandable ebooks, online marketing tools/resources

and the list goes on…

No doubt you may have stumbled across some of these

marketing systems on the Internet… one of the first

I really encountered was Internet Marketing Center run by

the late Corey Rudl who died tragically in a car crash at

the young age of 34. I made my first affiliate check

through Corey’s system and it changed the way I looked

at the Internet forever. And the check was only $5!

What made me earn that $5 was not only my own efforts but

more importantly the whole marketing system behind IMC.

It took an ordinary webmaster and showed him how to market

on the web. It showed me the way. More importantly, it

also taught me Internet marketing is a skill anyone

can learn.

These marketing systems can be good places for the

beginning marketer to learn those skills. There are many

marketing systems quietly working the Internet. Some of

best (in my opinion) are Ken Evoy’s whole Site Sell system,

Marlon Sanders Higher Response Marketing, John Reese’s

Traffic Secrets, Bryan Winter’s PushButton Publishing, Jeff

Mulligan’s CBmalls, Nitro Marketing…

These Internet marketing systems are all different, yet

they all have common elements or features that make them

very effective and very powerful marketing systems. A close

examination of the different components or parts might

give you a better understanding of what makes these

Internet marketing systems work.

Here’s a list of different parts of an effective Internet

Marketing system:

* Founder or Helm: All these marketing systems have a strong

leader or founder at the helm. A very vocal and forceful

communicator or spokesperson is needed as a focal point.

And like any company, its only as good as the person leading

it. Because the Internet is still a very ‘scary’ place for

the average user; a friendly outgoing spokesperson is

needed to break those barriers (real or imaginary) down.

* Unique Product or Products: Most of the effective

marketing systems have their own products to market.

These can be digital info products, web building/hosting

packages, or even self-contained marketing systems. Or all

of the above. Some popular products that come to mind would

include Ken Evoy’s whole Site Sell and SiteBuildIt line,

or Jeff Mulligan’s CBmalls promoting the well known digital

download affiliate site ClickBank.

* Databases or Lists: All these systems collect and keep

large databases or opt-in permission contact lists of

customers and potential customers. The real net value of

any marketing system is in the quantity and more importantly

the quality of its lists. All deliver a weekly or daily ezine

or ezines to these lists. Consider these Databases as the

engines that empowers any Internet marketing system.

* JV Networks: Most have large Joint Venture Networks or

contacts that will kick-start any new product. Momentum and

sales are created with these JV partners. An ideal JV partner

is a well respected online marketer with very responsive and

very large opt-in lists. If Databases are like engines, JV

networks will fill those engines with the fuel they need.

* Affiliates: The best marketing systems use 1000’s of

affiliates to promote and market their products. This is

usually done in-house with their own affiliate program or

onsite software set up. Some use third party affiliate

programs like ClickBank, 1ShoppingCart, Commission Junction,

LinkShare, or Shareasale. Your ignition.

* AutoResponders: One of the most effective marketing tool

these systems use, autoresponders are essential for delivering

the sales. A series of follow-up e-mails will increase those

sales dramatically, studies have shown that it takes 6 or

7 follow-ups before someone purchases your product. Consider

the autoresponder like a fuel injection system.

* Tracking and Marketing Resources: All have extensive

tracking and marketing resources, usually located online

within a membership site. An easy to use and accessible

tracking system for affiliates is needed. So too are

marketing resources such as banners, links, coupons,

graphics, seo tactics, landing pages, lead capture pages,

brandable reports, articles and ebooks. Obviously, your toolkit.

* Viral Marketing: All great Internet marketing systems

use viral marketing techniques. This can be as simple a

brandable reports, articles, software or eBooks. Affiliates

can embed their own IDs and pass these viral products along

to their friends and visitors, these useful viral products

then get passed around all over the web. Creating links,

contacts, buzz and funneling prospects back to your

marketing system. Consider it your Turbo Charger.

* Online Forums: Many of the better Internet Marketing

systems will have an online forum where members can network

and interact. Offering workshops and tutorials. This is a

vital community building tool that must not be overlooked

or underestimated. It will greatly enhance the effectiveness

of any marketing system, building a foundation and launch pad

for any new products. Your gas station.

* Cross Promotion: These marketing systems can become very

complex: promoting programs within programs, cross networking

whole systems within systems, joint ventures within joint

ventures… Marketing seminars, conventions and workshops

are other lucrative features these systems use to market

their products and to network with other marketers. Hybrid fuel.

* Corporate Blogs: Most have company blogs or a network of

members’ blogs. Realizing the importance of these relatively

new mediums for getting the word out. RSS feeds are also used

to syndicate your sales message and content. That would be

your satellite radio.

* Affiliate Incentives: The better marketing systems have

affiliate incentives and contests to motivate the sales force.

From cruises to Ferraries…

* They Pay Their Affiliates On Time: Might seem trivial, except

for the affiliate. The best Internet marketing systems pay

their affiliate regularly and on time. They are trusted and

respected by affiliates and online marketers. This trust have

been built up over many years of good solid business

relationships. The best marketing systems are the ones that

can harvest and develop those relationships with thousands

or even millions of affiliates. Your accelerator.

* Automation: The one key element that makes all of the above

possible. These Internet marketing systems are automated to

the highest degree possible. Without automation these large

marketing networks could not function. Therefore, almost all

the day to day running of a marketing system is automated and

can run smoothly without much work or maintenance. The grease

that makes everything run.

* Internet: These marketing systems have taken full advantage

of the world wide web and used it to their benefit. It permits

global marketing with affiliates in every country around the

world. A large multinational marketing force that is made

possible only with the creation of the Internet. Consider it

the clue that connects the whole system.

The computer and the Internet make these whole automated

marketing systems possible. Closely studied and dissected,

these systems are complex, intricate creatures solidly

embedded into the Internet and the lives of millions around

the globe. Enabling lifestyles that offer mobility, freedom

and enrichment never before seen this side of a PowerBall


When you picture these complex marketing systems, don’t think

of computers, databases, autoresponders, wires…

Rather, picture a sun drenched tropical beach with a light

breeze and a clear blue sky. Picture a person sitting to one

side, checking daily sales stats on a cool sleek shinny laptop…

don’t forget to zoom in real close and you will notice a slight

smug smile. But don’t stop there, if you stare really hard and

think about what you have just read, you will have a clear view

of an Internet marketing system.

The author runs a modest Internet Marketing web site where you will find helpful online guides on RSS/Blogging, SEO, Affiliate Programs, List Building, Laptops, Internet Fax and quite a few Internet Marketing Tools. Including the very popular Free Desktop Calendar & Planner Copyright © 2006 Titus Hoskins. This article may be freely distributed if this resource box stays attached.


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