Best eCommerce Templates for 2018 | Top 9 eCommerce Templates That Follow All 2018 Trends

however in the following video I'm gonnashow you top 10 best website templatesfor e-commerce websites the first themewe're gonna have a look at is a hugesale PrestaShop theme which is forselling clothing and accessories if yougo to a live demo you can have a look atthe theme on a desktop but also you canview it on a mobile screen and a tabletscreen which means that this theme isfully responsive and mobile-friendly sothe people who are going to view it ontheir mobile phones or other tablets arenot gonna have any troubles with it andgonna see all the content that you wantto show them all the themes here areanimated they have beautiful transitionsthey have smart design they are sleekthey are minimal and they are verystylish and modern looking the nexttheme is monster a two multi-purposeWordPress theme when you see hereWordPress you're probably wondering howyou're gonna turn WordPress into ane-commerce platform but it's pretty easyif you have a WooCommerce plug-in thistheme goes with it as a pre-installedplug-in so you don't want to bother andinstall it yourself the theme itself isvery beautiful very smartly designed andif you have a look at the demo you seethat you have how many oh my that youhave over 16 free my demos what aredemos demos are the pretty muchready-made websites that you get insidethis theme so buying monster 8 2 4 6 8bucks you get 16 other themes inside inthe package so you can choose any ofthose and just use it right out of thebox the next theme is a big bag Shopifytheme when you see that it is a Shopifytheme you have to make sure that you useShopify CMS and you look for the propertheme for your CMS for your platformthis seems to be multi-purpose whichmeans you can sell any type of productsin here and it's designed and layoutit's gonna suit to any type of goods butmostly it is for closing because you seethat the template is pre-designed withthe samples of closing of accessorieslike bags like purses etc but you seethat you can put any type of goods hereyou just you know put your own contentand the template adjusts to your needsif you use magenta this is the themethat will suit your needs and yourplatform which is important it ismulti-purpose which means again it canbe used for any type of goods like hereyou get five premiere layouts for anyniche which means they are pre-madedesigns for the following types of itemsfor spare parts for cars furniturelingerie bikes and spare parts andmedical equipmentlet's check I don't know this one whichmeans you get an entire pre-made websitewith its own pages with its own elementswith blog layouts with shop pages andtailored specifically to suit aparticular type of products so if I goback and no I didn't want to go here ifI go back and if I click this put mydemo I'm gonna see the entirelydifferent website the entitle differenttemplate which is you know you see thedesign is different the layout looksnothing alike the previous one that Ichecked with the injury so when you getit you get five different themes in onethe next swimwear hot shopify themewhich is intended for swimwear but againyou can just change it content put yourown items and it can be anything thatyou want the beautiful slider you seethat a lot of things are animated whichadds to user experience which keeps yourcustomers interested and the cool thingis that when you hover over the imagesof products you see that they they showyou another image from a different angleso you can or maybe they show youdifferent color variation like here yousee so it helps the customer engagementso when they scroll down they may wantto see what other options are presentedhere and they may want to click on thisitem to check some other variations thenext theme is called Sharpie fashionstore Shopify theme you see it lookspretty modern it has over 13 pre-madelayouts which means you don't have tobother creating those Leonce yourselfyou just take the ready templates andput your content in them looks veryminimalistic but still it's interestingto scroll down and see what it has topresent here everything is animated andlooks cool all right other parts Shopifytheme this one is called Cardenagain it's for Shopify and Shopifythemes they can see any purpose becausewe're on tablet must have a whole lot ofthem and Shopify is famous for being areliable platform and very convenientand comfortable to work with so if youwant to stick with Shopify you knowyou'll not regret it because you'regonna find a whole lot of beautifuldesigns for this platform so in thistheme you get three three may 12 isfashion for a fashion story for toolsand equipment store and auto parts storethis one is called manner way which isclothes and accessories PrestaShop thingfirst the shop is another platform thatyou can use for an e-commerce storelet's have a look at a demo you see it'spretty minimalistic when you're creatingan e-commerce website you wanna stickwith something minimalistic and nothaving a lot of elements that coulddistract the customer from the productsso of course you don't want to you don'twant to a too crazy color scheme goingon because you want the products to bethe center of attention so thisaccording to its look and the colorscheme would be the best choice for ane-commerce fashion store and the lastbut not least is ever pressedmulti-purpose press the shop themethe demo looks quite good and if you seethe word multi-purpose in the title itmeans that oh there are two of themlet's have look at the newest one if theword multi-purpose it means that you canchoose any type of goods to sell on thiswebsite and there is a whole lot ofpre-made websites right here so in thefashion section there are four in thefurniture section four of them in theelectronics section so in total they'relike seven x four will be 28 pretty mildwebsites in one so you pay for onetemplate but you get 28 which is crazyyou see and it's also very verygood-looking and let's actually have alook at this one again the background isminimalistic the color scheme isminimalistic so the main attraction onyour website will be the goods and itemsthat you are presenting thank you forwatching this video I hope you liked itand found something usefulof course I remind you to go to thedescription down below and check for thelinks to all all the items that wereviewed today meanwhile let me remindyou that on tablet slashElementor marketplace you can find cooladd-ons to element or page builder andcool elements or WordPress themes thatgonna make the work with this pagebuilder way way easier thank you forwatching and I see you the next time[Music]


How To Be Successful At Your Craft Business

Product Name: How To Be Successful At Your Craft Business

Description: Learn Tips And Tricks For Getting Your Craft Business On The Road For Success. 20 Years Of Experience With Shows, Booth Design, Photography, Accounting, Etc. When To Spend Money And When To Do It Yourself. Suitable For Jewelry, Floral, Stuffed Toys, Etc.

Number One Internet Marketing Tip

By Leonardo Wood | Submitted On October 04, 2010

Expert Author Leonardo Wood

Give people a compelling reason to give you their contact details

When people arrive at your website they are inevitably looking for information, information that may end up fuelling a future purchase.

However, your website visitors may also visit your competitor’s website straight after they leave your website, that’s why they call it ‘surfing the web’

So, it’s crucial you get your website visitors to stop, and the best way to do that is by offering a compelling reason to make them stop and give you their contact details, and one of the best no-risk ways of getting your website visitors to stop and give you their contact details is by offering some free information in the form of a free report or eBook containing information relating to the very thing that led them to your site in the first place, in exchange for their name and email address.

Then, once you have their name an email address you can continue to market to them in the future, long after they have left your site to go to your competitor’s website.

People arrive at my website looking for SEO information, so my free report gets a large proportion of those people to stop and give me their contact details, and then my autoresponder continues to keep in touch with them, until eventually they decide to buy from me or unsubscribe.

But the trick is, to continue delivering great advice until you are ready to offer them something for sale, and when the time is right, these prospects that have been on my list for a while may end up becoming my clients, providing what I offer is right for them.

But, if I didn’t have a free report on my site they would have arrived at my site, had a look round and then went on to the next website looking for SEO information, and I would have missed the opportunity to develop a relationship with those people.

To take this one stage further…

If you are driving traffic to your site from Pay Per Click or from article marketing I recommend you have a squeeze page (landing page) specifically set up so that when people arrive at your page they only have 2 options, either fill out the form to receive your free report or leave.

The thing is, when you give people too many choices they end up doing nothing.

Having a free report on your website is one thing, but if people can navigate all over your site they may form opinions about you before they get round to filling out your form for your ebook, so by using a landing page that only offers the free eBook you are giving people what they want, information relating to what they searched for online.

Then, once they have filled out your form they can then be directed to your main site, and you now have their details to continue to keep in touch and market to them over the coming days, months or even years.

By the way, do you want 10 Steps to getting Your Site on Page 1 of Google FAST?

Download my Free Report ==> SEO Tips.

It will help you propel your business online, guaranteed. Leonardo Wood.

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Dell – Inspiron 23.8″ Touch-Screen All-In-One – Intel Core i5 – 8GB Memory – 256GB SSD – Silver

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Esse é o nosso primeiro vídeo de uma sequência de 8. Nessa masterclass eu vou te mostrar os passos que me levaram do ZERO até atingir o LUCRO de 350 MIL REAIS em 45 dias.

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Local Lead Plan

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SEO Is a Cost Effective Internet Marketing Strategy

By Jim Mau | Submitted On May 19, 2011

Nowadays most internet users are using search engines on daily basis to find either a product or information related to their needs. On the other hand, internet marketing professionals need to implement the most adapted and profitable strategies to increase their visibility and get traffic toward their websites. By promoting your products or services widely, you can build a good reputation and make money out of your traffic and also out of the money you will have saved by using SEO as your main internet marketing strategy. Internet is now fastest growing market place and to stand out from the crowd you need the right route.

Search Engine Optimisation is the process of optimising a website to make it reach the highest search engine ranking position on a given set of keywords relevant to the purpose of the website. Search engines such as Google are users orientated and only want to give them the most relevant results so they can find the exact match on the first spot. To be able to reach highest position using this internet marketing strategy, there is a number of tactics to make your site search engine friendly. Most of these tactics require few investment but just skills and good attention to details. Google relies mainly on high quality content with an emphasis on keyword placement and relevance. SEO can subdivided in essential parts; On page optimisation which consists in acting and optimising on the website’s pages and; Off page optimisation is more about promoting your website on other websites using link building for example. The more this optimisation will be relevant to your targeted keywords the more you will have the odds on your side to reach the highest ranking positions which will give more traffic. The need to be the highest as possible in search engines is justified by the fact that most internet users are looking at the first three results so that means that if you are lower then you will get few or no traffic at all.

Using SEO as your main internet marketing strategy requires extensive knowledge and patience. In fact, it is a long-term investment that only paying with regularity and hard work. Internet is a fast changing environment and you need to be on top of new trends and concepts so it is vital that you keep your knowledge updated. The only way to be rewarded by a SEO campaign is to work hard without losing patience and you will surely be rewarded.

Jim Mau is the founder of a successful internet marketing agency and an experienced online marketer that proves himself working with the biggest names. He is always looking for new trends to achieve the best results for his clients.

Learn more about Jim on his marketing online blog.

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Dell – Inspiron 23.8″ Touch-Screen All-In-One – Intel Core i7 – 16GB Memory – 512GB SSD – Silver

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