How To Start An eCommerce Business From Scratch: Product-Marketing (Build An eCommerce Empire)

[Music]what does it mean to be an entrepreneurstarting the e-commerce businessstarting a business and tackstarting a business in really anyindustry it's become more of like atrend it's become a fad it's becomesomething that's coolwhen I first got started in business Idropped out of high school in 2002 andbeing an entrepreneur meant for mostpeople you were in between jobs you wereunsuccessful people and MLMs that hadn'tfound success yet use that term and nowit's like the new cool phrase so I justgot done shooting a video here for youguys can check it out go to Kody Hawkdot TV that's my other YouTube channelthat I just started and I do more likeprojects prototypes product unboxing alot of really cool stuff I've beenworking on and yeah kind of getting thatstarted my goal is to actually developmore of my own products that we sell onour brand of companies and that's whatit's kind of cool is it's kind of adifferent approach so I could buildprototypes and then work withmanufacturers plus I can unbox coolproducts and things that that I'm usingso if you're interested in that kind ofthing go to Kody hawk TV to check outthat YouTube channelare you doingThanks you have a good dayour meeting number one downtown meetingup with a friend of mine to talk aboutsome business some business we're doingpotentially doing a couple of tripstogether so you should be over here atthe tomato Streetsome 800 street down there you didn'tknow no I didn't know this used to besomething else like a tex-mex orsomething like that I think I use a niceshirt you gotta see the underwear yourcompany bad down sad all right so youknow what you want to get oh do I knowit all again yeah so that was a reallyproductive meeting with Earle old friendof mine we've worked together for a longtime and now I'm getting ready foranother meeting I won't have this one oncamera because well not everyone likescamera in their face but got thismeeting then we got to head to the bankthen we got to head back to the officeso super busy day full of meetings butthat's really the life of entrepreneuralways on the go I'm supposed to be theother one I thought I was supposed tomeet at this branch but I'm supposed tomeet at the branch on the other side oftown so instead of being 10 minutesearly I got 10 minutes to get about 15minutes to my meetingwhat'd you get for not confirming theaddress I so I think I ended up makingit where I need to go always on the goalways on the hustle through these mazeof these maze of tunnels going buildingto building[Music]and now time to grab our uber and grabour uber and jet we are done fivemeetings down and down well it's beenabout five hours since that last clipwhen I was downtown go from meeting tomeeting but I really want to talk alittle bit more about what it takes tobe successful in this business becausefor a lot of people they think you knowconsistency and I will tell you rightnow consistency is key I wake up everymorning with a fire to run my companiesto run geek buds brands and the fivedifferent brands that we run ourwebsites you know my employees got asmall team there may only be six of usbut there's six of us who work reallyhard really diligent we're reallydedicated to what we do but moreimportantly than that it takes somethingof value it takes a product that peoplewant you see when you're in e-commercewhat you're doing and I've talked aboutthis again and again you're taking aproduct and you're matching it with thecustomer too many people get in themindset of you've got to find thecheapest right we need we need to be thecheapest we need to be the leastexpensive and that is completely nottrue you've got to find who your nicheis you guys have heard me talk aboutKevin Kelly's a thousand true fans timeand time again because I think it'sprobably one of the greatest things everpublished but more importantly than thatyou need to go out and find your ownthousand true customers I know thatmarketing is a scary thought for a lotof you guys but you know realisticallyif you're gonna have a product andyou're gonna have a product basedbusiness you need to be able to get inthe hands of your customers and what Iwould tell you guys how to be successfulin this business is to have multiplesales channels to not just focus on oneplatform or one website but to reallyyou guys hear me talk about you know I'mthe CEO of geek budswe have five different sites slashbrands that we run a lot of you guysknow that but the one thing that you'vegot to realize is the reason I do thatnow I don't want to go too deep intothat if you're new because I don't wantto overwhelm you I don't want you tothink like oh you know Cody's successfuland he's got five different brands so Ineed five different brands because thatis 100% not true in the beginning butit's not even about that it's abouthaving different platforms you can sellon so I wouldn't I wouldn't fall in lovewith just one way of selling yourproduct there's so many differentoptions out there you know for me when Icreate marketing plans for my clientsand we build out you know differentoptions to be able to get their productto people there's dozens of differentways we go about doing that dependingupon the product or service that theyhappen to offer but honestly it stillcomes down to the same thing and that ishow do you get your product in front ofthe right potential customer at theright time that's what you know that'sreally the skill I've honed that's whyso many people signed up for my coachingprogram that's why so many people followwhat I do because that I knew from dayone that was a skill to master there'sbasically two skills you need to masterto get started in this business you needa master sourcing and finding a productand you need a master being able tomarket and scale your business so for methose are two things I set out andpoured everything into and if I were togive you one piece of advice those arethings you need to either wise master oroutsource how do you outsource them youcan hire a coach you can hire a brokeryou can hire a mentor you kid you kidyou know you there's different programsand things you can get into it reallydepends on what you're looking to do buteither wise you master those skills oryou outsource those skills but thoseskills are mandatory and anybody whotells you otherwise is lying to you andI hear a lot of this all man you canlearn all this stuff on YouTube but noone ever tells you where because it'snot really true you need to go out andyou need to hustle and you need to getstarted step one you need to get startedstep two you need to get skilled up youneed tomaster these skills okay don't thinkyou're gonna go out there and make abunch of money the reason I mean there'sso many people who want to make moneyonline hundreds of millions of peoplewant to make money online but the reason98% of them fail isn't because they'rebad people isn't because they can't beentrepreneurs it's because they don'tput the right pieces together rightentrepreneurship is building blocks it'sa puzzle it's like building a battleshipout of Legos right you need to put thepieces together to get the end resultand for whatever reason a lot of thishas got lost in translation over thelast handful of years I've seen more andmore people like yeah man you know justplug into this system this this you knowaffiliate system or this all-in-onesystem and you know there's just so manyof them out there that people don't knowwhere to go and these systems are crapthere's no passive income I coined thephrase a few years ago semi passivebecause anybody who makes passive incomeknows that it takes work to make passiveincome okay there's no there's no I didthis back in 2012 but it's stillchurning out ridiculous money there arethings like stocks and bonds andinvestments but when it comes to onlinebusinesses if you created a business awebsite or an affiliate program back in2012 and you've just been passive sincethen guarantee that websites outdateddead probably won't even load it's justtoast right so these people aren'ttelling you the truth the fact is what Italked about semi passive you need toput in the work but you don't need youknow it's about working smarter notharder it's about creating the systemsand being able to put the resources inplace where those resources are peopleor whether they're automated systemswhether they're some kind of assistantwhatever it may be putting the systemsin place to actually be able to achieveyour goal so where you need to start andthis to be successful product marketingplan if you don't have a solid productif you don't have a solid marketing planyou need to hire someone or find someoneto help you build this or you need tonot do it because I see so many peoplewaste so much money now I'm the lastperson who's ever going toan entreprenuer to give up I don't thinkyou should ever give up but I think youneed to put the pieces in place okay soif you don't have those pieces fine takea step back don't do it until you havethose pieces and that way you don't losea lot because I'm four I'm just sick ofgetting these sad emails these do Ican't even open them anymore becauseit's like Kody hey you know watch thefew in your videos then I went out and Idid this this this and this and I'velost $12,000 and it's like you joinedthis scam fly-by-night program and youyou know I'll give you a watch a few ofmy videos why didn't you hustle why didyou watch my videos and then somehowthink you're gonna join you know andthen they're like oh can you help mepick up the pieces you know it's alittle late for that and so it's thesame thing and I hear people like oh manI wish I would have seen your videosooner oh man you know I did this thisand this and you know you got to knowwhat you're getting into it shocks mehow many people will watch a video thatsays all you could make a zilliondollars in half a second and peoplebelieve that really like how is therestill hundreds of millions of peoplebelieve in this garbage it just blows mymind alright guys well that's all Igotta say about that today make sure yousubscribe if you want to check out moreof these daily videos I've got a lot ofreally cool stuff coming up working onanother little series don't want to talkabout it just in case it doesn't happenbut one of the meetings today my goal isto get someone else on camera with mekind of do that dynamic that way it'smore than just me because getting peopleon camera is not as easy as you mightthink so I've got a couple things in theworks there which could be really reallycool but anyway guys hope you're havingan amazing day and I will see you guysin the next video


5 Top Selling Anti-Aging Products of 2019

In this top five list, I am going to break down my favorite anti-aging products using new advancements and scientific breakthroughs that until now could only be taken advantage of by going to the dermatologist office or high-end salons.

Many of the anti-aging products on my top five have already topped the best selling lists of many outlets like Amazon, Sephora and Ulta.

Now that I am in my 40’s, I am more motivated to stay and look youthful and want to share what I have learned with all of you.

I have sorted through countless beauty gadgets and smart tech devices to find anti-aging technologies that use the latest in science and innovation to stop the effects of aging. Or at least slow it down.

I believe the products on this list are for almost any age.

If you are interested in how to look younger, then check out the links to all of the products on my 2019 anti-aging device list below:

Top 5 Anti-Aging Devices Using Smart Tech (2019)

1. Foreo
a. Foreo Luna 2 –
b. Foreo Luna 2 for Men –
c. Foreo Luna Mini 2 –
d. Foreo Luna Go –

2. Foreo UFO Smart Mask Treatment Device –

3. Neutrogena
a. Light Therapy Acne Treatment Face Mask –
b. Acne Light Therapy Acne Spot Treatment –

4. Vijuve Face Massager –

5. NuFace Trinity Face Trainer –

Highly Rated Skin Care Products
1. TruSkin Naturals Vitamin C Serum –
2. Aztec Secret – Indian Healing Clay –

AWESOME and FREE Skin Care Resource:

Dermveda –

PERSONALIZED Skin Care Products

Curology –

Visit to discover new and awesome health products and services to help you live your healthiest life and make life easier.

Note this description contains affiliate links that allow you to find the items mentioned in this video and support the channel at no cost to you. While this channel may earn minimal sums when the viewer uses the links, the viewer is in NO WAY obligated to use these links. Thank you for your support!



hey guys welcome back to my channel ifyou guys just randomly stumbled acrossmy channel and you are new here my nameis Andrea I film videos all aboutcruelty free beauty products and today Iwanted to chat about Physicians FormulaI've recently kicked off a series whereI started talking about my favoriteproducts from drugstore brands so Ialready covered essence which I'll linkin the description box below and in caseyou guys are watching this video at alater date I'll just link my playlist inthe description box below but let meknow which brand you want to see next solike I said in today's video we'rechatting about Physicians Formula theyhave a ton of products it's crazy to mebecause whenever I go into a drugstoreor I look on their website I'm alwaysblown away by how many products theyactually have available so I reallywanted to narrow it down to my top tenand share them with you in today's videothey are one of the more expensivedrugstore brands but I think a lot oftheir formulas are on par with high-endformulas but like I said in today'svideo I'm sharing my favorites let usknow in the comments section below whichproducts are your favorites because Iwould love to you check them out if Ihaven't already and let's get into it solet me start with a newer product to mycollection it is the organic wear brightbooster oil elixir this retails for$14.99 and you get one fluid ounce it'sa very lightweight oil it's very fastabsorbing so it sinks into the skinreally nicely so you can actually usethis a bunch of different ways I believethey marketed as a skincare oil but alsoas a priming oil before you apply makeupI personally have other oils that I usein my skincare routine so for mepersonally it's actually a great primingoil to apply before I wear makeup so Iactually take the smallest amount I taketwo tiny little drops for my entire faceand just really blend it into my skinbefore I apply foundation like I saidit's definitely more on the lightweightside so I don't find that it's superheavy it definitely doesn't clog mypores or cause my skin to break out andit sinks into the skin pretty well butwhen I apply foundation on top it justlooks really naturally beautiful reallyradiant and it blends out so easily sothis is definitely one of my favoritePhysicians Formula products it issomewhat newer to my collection but I'mjust really impressed by the qualitythere is another serum that I reallyenjoy this one is the rose a all-dayoil-free serum this one retails for$12.99 and again you get onenow again this is one of those productsthat they kind of market as a skincareproduct but I personally use it as likea base before I apply my makeup you canuse these products as skin care productsif you want so this is basicallysupposed to write in and tighten yourskin and give you again a little bitmore of like a natural radiant glow youcan rub this into your skin and get thatnatural glow but at the same time itfeels matte on the skin so if you haveoily skin this one's going to be a greatoption it has a little bit of like aniridescent to it or like a pearlescentglow it's a subtle peachy undertone andit looks really pretty on the skin and Idon't find that it's super strong so ifyou apply foundation on top you won'tsee that glow underneath but it justhelps all of your makeup products to goon really nicely when you do use it as aprimer I don't find that it irritates myskin at all I will say the scent is veryvery strong compared to the oil the oilis very subtle this one is very strongso if you are sensitive to fragrancejust keep that in mind and the drop is alittle bit difficult to use I don't findthat it dispenses a ton of product sosometimes you have to go in multipletimes to get the amount that you wantbut if you can overlook that it is anice product it's worth looking into ifyou think it will work for your skintype okay so moving on to the PhysiciansFormula the healthy foundation this oneretails for $12.99 it's available in 16shades I were the shade lw2and this is one of my favoritefoundations it just looks so beautifulon the skin and it really does make yourskin look healthy it looks like skin butyou can build it up to be a little bitmore of like a medium coveragefoundation it is very lightweight verycomfortable to wear on the skin and ithas more of like a healthy natural satinfinish so if you have normal or dry skinI do think you would enjoy this again Ihave oily skin but I like more naturallooking foundations that have like thathealthy satin finish because they justlook more lifelike more natural on theskin so for me it lasts about eighthours before it starts to get reallyoily it kind of goes from like lookingnatural and looking beautiful to likeinstantly looking oily once I hit thatlike seven to eight hour mark but for methat's something I can deal with on dayswhen I don't want to wear a super heavycoverage foundation because this one'svery comfortable very blendable reallylightweight and I just enjoy it thisfoundation does have a pretty strongscentit's like a very strong a fresh scent itdoes apply with a doe foot applicatorand I will say that it has a tendency tooxidize on me a little bit okay so Ireally love the Physicians Formulahealthy lip velvet liquid lipsticksthese retail for $6.99 and they have 13different shades I'll swatch a couple ofmy favorites for you guys but the pricepoint is amazing on these because theyare so high-quality is so beautiful theygo on really nicely like they feelreally soft really moosie on the lipswhen you apply them and I'm wearing onetoday I'm wearing the shade fight freeradicals which is a really pretty brightred they are liquid lipsticks butthey're not as drying a super intensematte liquid lipsticks they have more oflike a natural satin finish and the morethat you wear them throughout the daythe more that they do kind of dry downto a matte finish but they're verylightweight very comfortable really easyto apply a couple of the shades I dohave to build up which is perfectly finelike some of the darker shades are alittle bit streaky when I first applythem but I just go in with a secondlayer because generally that's what Iwould do anyways with a lipstick and Ilike them because they last on the lipsbut they're a lot more comfortable thanlike super intensely drying matte liquidlipsticks a couple of cons they're notcompletely transfer proof which you knowcan be a pro or con for you it's nicebecause they're not impossible to removebut at the same time if you're eatingand drinking and talking and touchingyour lips it will come off throughoutthe day they do have a tendency to bleeda little bit like I'm wearing the redtoday and I don't have like a super youknow defined lip line with this productbecause it does tend to move throughoutthe day I've had this one on for a fewhours all of that to say I do reallyenjoy the formula you can't beat it forunder seven dollars I mean they'relong-lasting they're really pretty andthey just look nice on the lips theydon't look as dry if so many of theother liquid lipsticks so I wouldrecommend checking them out if you guysare interested in them another lipproduct that I love is the organic wearlip treatment this is such a good lipbalm it retails for is 795 and it's justa really nourishing lip treatment Ithink had it subdue for the fresh sugarlip balm which is significantly moreexpensive this one is under $8 and Ithink you can get it for an even moreaffordable price at Walmart it's reallycomfortable really moisturizing and Ijust love applying it to my lipsthroughouttoday so if you guys are looking for agood lip balm this one's a great optionit has a really nice like soft butteryglossy feel to it and it's so luxuriousfeeling and it honestly beats out thehigh-end alternative I do love thePhysicians Formula eye booster two andone lash boosting eyeliner and serumthis retails for $10.99 it does come inthree different shades my favorite isultra black I find that the shade blackis a little bit too light it's more likea charcoal grey and the shade ultrablack is like a true black this is thefirst brush tip liner that I ever triedit and made winged liner so easy for meI always struggle with winged liner andI think that sometimes felt-tip linerscan kind of pull or tug on the eyelidand brush tip liners just glide over theeyes so easily so if you guys typicallystruggle with a winged liner try thisone out because it really makes a bigdifference it just slides on the eye soeasily I wouldn't consider it like awaterproof or a smudge proof liner so ifyou have very watery eyes or youreyeliner tends to run on you I wouldprobably skip over this one but if youhave dry eye lids or you don't typicallystruggle with that then this isdefinitely worth a shot obviously thisvideo would not be complete if I did notmention the butter bronzer there arefour different shades and I have theshade of bronzer which I believe is thelightest or second to lightest I willsay that the darkest shade definitelywon't work for super dark or deep skintones Physicians Formula needs to workon their shade ranges and I think thatthey are doing a better job than theyhad done in the past which is great Imean I love that there's improvement butI would like to see even moreimprovements that people who have darkand deep skin tones can enjoy theirproducts as well it's very smooth veryblendable it works extremely well and ifyou're just looking for a good everydaybronzer this one is a great optionbecause it is so smooth and blendableit's just quick and easy to use I thinkit kind of has like a coconut scent or atropical scent but again if you aresensitive to scents just keep that inmind for me a lot of bronzers tend toskip on my skin and it's weird because Idon't have that issue with blush orhighlight but when it comes to bronzersor contours they just tend to skip alittle bit I do not have that issue withthis one at all it's just smooth andseamless and buttery and I love it somuch now along the same lines they didrelease their butter blushes theseretails for $12.99 each and there arefour differentagain these are a little bit on thelighter side so if you have a lighterskin tone they'll work well for you Ithink some of the shades will work foryou if you have a darker skin tone andyou can build them up but just keep thatin mind when you're ordering if you areordering online some of the shades mightbe a little bit too light it has areally beautiful smooth blendabletexture it does not enhance any textureon your skin natural glow is a littlebit more of like a highlight this isvery light so I don't think it typicallyworks as a blush for a lot of people butyou can use it as a blush topper or evena highlighter the other three are Macyou know how some matte blushes look solike flat matte on the skin like they'renot flattering because they just lookeddry and matte matte is not the case withthese matte blushes they look like skinthey look really beautiful so I dorecommend checking them out thereblendable beautiful and again they dohave the same scent as the butterbronzer there is one product that Iwanted to mention in today's video thatI don't currently have it is the bronzebooster highlight and contour palettewhich retails for $14.99 they have twodifferent options one is more of like ashimmery glowy option and one is more ofa matte option I tried the matte optionwhich comes with three different mattepowders again they only have two optionsso if you have a really dark skin toneor a really light skin tone thisprobably is not going to be ideal foryou hopefully they will create otheroptions in the future but a lot of timescontour palettes aren't really like aone one-stop shop a one size fits all Idon't really know what I'm trying to saya lot of times with contour palettesthey're not going to work for a varietyof skin tones it's probably more idealto go into stores and find a powderthat's like one or two shades darkerthan your skin tone that will work wellfor you when it comes to contouringcontour pilots aren't always the way togo but if you're looking to try one I dolike this one the powders are very softthey're somewhat similar to like thebutter powders they're blendable andsmooth and they're just easy to workwith it's more of like a natural contourpalette rather than something like superintense so I just wanted to include thatagain I don't have one because mineexpired fairly quickly which is the onecon mine didn't even last a year beforethe powders got like hardpan that whichdoes happen to powders on occasion but Ijust wanted to throw it out there it isone of my favorite products but it didexpire pretty quickly on me okay Ishould have mentioned this when I wastalking about the foundation and theprimerbut the spotlight illuminating primer isa really nice primer if you wantsomething super glowy this one retailsfor $12.99 and basically like I saidit's a really luminous glowing primer Iwould say it's a dupe for the beccaprimer which looks very similar to thisa lot of people say that it's a littlebit different but honestly if you wantto save money and you don't want tospend that much on a primer this one's agreat option it gives your skin a superradiant glow it's really reallybeautiful a lot of people say that thisactually has like full-on glitter in itbut mine does not I've checked so somany times because I have gottencomments saying that your primers haveglitter in them I wouldn't even say thatmight have shimmer in it it just givesyou a really gorgeous glow but I havehad comments where people say theirshave glitter in it so it might justdepend on the batches how they're mixedbecause this is so intensely glowy it'snot going to be ideal for you if youwant more of a subtle glow and it's alittle bit of a thicker primer so I donotice that I can feel it on my skinlike it's a little bit heavier it doeskind of fill in any pores or fine linesor texture on your skin and it looksreally pretty if you have a oily skinit's not necessarily going to make youlook matte throughout the day it is alittle bit thicker and heavier on theskin so just keep that in mind but ifyou want a really pretty illuminatingprimer this one's going to be a greatoption for you I did want to mention onelast like bonus products because it'stechnically a limited edition productbut it is available on their website sothey have this a limited edition ofbutter collection box which retails forI believe 2995and at the time that I'm filming this itis still available it comes with fiveproducts so you get a full-sized ofbutter bronzer in the shade bronzer afull-sized butter blush in the shadenatural glow which is again like thatlight shade so it's probably more idealas like a blush topper or a highlightand then you get their butterfragrance which is amazing I honestlywant them to make that a permanentproduct because it smells so good it haslike a tropical coconut beachy scent itdoes smell similar to the butter bronzerbut even better it's very warm it's agreat summertime fragrance and then youalso get the limited edition body butterand then a butter highlight I believethe highlight is in the shade pearlwhich is like a really prettywhite highlights so that's actually agreat value I believe the value in thebox is at least like twice the cost ofthe box so if you do want to try out allof those products it's a great optionbut I just wanted to include thatbecause I do love that set it's justlimited edition so I don't know how longit will be available but that's the endof my video I just wanted to go throughand share my favorite Physicians Formulaproducts with you guys so I hope youenjoyed it please let us know in thecomments below which products you loveso I can check the mouth I haven'talready there are quite a few productsthat I haven't tried because they dohave such a large line so if you haveany recommendations let us know but I'llsee you guys tomorrow with a new videobye


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Internet Marketing Psychology: The 5 Laws!!! Online Marketing Tutorial

hey what's up guys chris said from fulllike freedom com-pub girl doing well asalways and in this video which is alonger video than you usually puttogether i've put together thepsychological aspects in the mindsetwith five laws that I adhere to andfollow and abide by that I have done foryears that I'm gonna help youhopefully it's a tailor and understandthe best practices in which it comes tothink about your marketing with youronline business and he's hopefully goingto get you to the next part of successthat you're after it's things thathelped me and things that I never kindof deviate from because I understandthat if you want to sell someone thenyou need to know what makes them buy andafter doing which relate tens ofthousands of sales online and in personface to face there is some coreprinciples that which I'm never going tofail you so I've put together in thisvideo which is a bit of a longer formata kind of a step by step walkthrough asto the ways in which you need to thinkwhen it comes to strategizing andpositioning yourself with your marketingonline anyway guys we'll get to it nowand hopefully it's going to deliver youthe the value that you're looking forand it'll take you to hopefully the nextlevel of success that you're after sohopefully enjoy it and I'll ER gothrough now hey guys what's up so inthis video we're going to be learningsome strong fundamentals and coreconcepts and principles that you canhave which will allow you to grow yoursuccessful online marketing your onlinebusiness and just some walls that I'vealways added to and followed for yearshave been involved with internetmarketing and growing my business to sixfigures plus easily within a relativelyshort period at sign and over personallyselling six million dollars worth ofproducts and services in a time thatI've been involved with marketing ingeneral so with this particular videothis first one I want to get straightinto the first thing which is psychologyandmindsets now the reason I start withthis I think it's best to start with thepsychology and mindsets because then atleast you are able to have a goodfooting and a good understanding isgoing forward to when thinking aboutwhich methods which structures to deploywith in your marketing with yourbusiness against a specific targetaudience that you are trying to go afterit's always blood to understand thepsychology behind the customer firstbefore record recklessly going intotrying to deploy certain aspects ofmarketing that you have no real grasp ofor understand as to why they will orwill not work first things firstwhy psychology – first as mentioned theway I see it very simply I believe thatthe psychology is 80% of the workbecause if you understand in depth indeep deep depth as to the way a personthinks when come when it comes to makinga purchase purchasing decision thenyou're gonna have a hell of a lot betterchance in selling to those people if youare in no pre and premeditate youmethods and marketing and tailor it soto the thought process of thatpotentially cost and prospects arehigher it's as simple as this and andthis is the hardcore reality if you wantto be able to sell something to someoneand you need to be able to know whatmakes them buy what triggers whatemotions what things do you need topaint a picture of to make them believethat what they're handing theirhard-earned cash over for is going togive them the redesign outcome resultwhatever it may be that the rafterinternet marketing in general all it isis just applying theories and methodsand ideas and concepts in a practicalway and testing a marketing systemagainstpotential buyers out there they're afterorange semi interested in what it is youhave to offer the first log that I'mgonna go into in the first guideline inprinciple of five I'm gonna give youfive in this video I've always a did toget you know and kind of just followedjust naturally followed one same stoneunderstood the fundamentals the coreconcepts the first ones this people whobuy customers quote-unquote aretypically irrational now believe it ornot most of the sign if it's somethingthat you are spending a lot of money onor just you don't have to be asignificant amount of money but justmorning in general you will have thoughtirrational things prior to making thataction of purchasing that products areservice what do I mean by thisI'll give you an example for instance ifsomeone was to purchase a luxury carlet's take a Ferrari for instancesomeone who's not buying that for thepracticality of it driving them frompoint A to point B for its actualpurpose of what a car is meant to do thereason they are purchasing a Ferrari isfor usually a secondary need or benefitthat they are thinking about that isrational for instance if someone buys aFerrari typically they are looking formaybe respect from their peers from thefriends from the family they are youknow this is at the age all theexpression of they are compensating forsomething okay but which no it's nottypically the case it's just that peoplewant some kind of secondary payoff nowlaw to customers buy on emotion andusually impulse I can tell youcategorically that this is 100 percentthe strongest piece of knowledge that Icould give anyoneto understanding the psychology behind acustomer purchasing products I havespoke to in my previous Gerben previoushistory I could tell you I've spoke toliterally 50 thousand plus people byphone over the four-year window now whatI can say is in order for me to get asale to get commitments get a dealwherever they may have been I wouldalways try and heighten the state of theemotion that most appeals to that personafter I gazed what it is specificallyturns them on or off let's give youexample right for instance customersusually buy you know customers do buyany motion and nine times outside it'susually on impulse there and then ifthey are going to buy it for the reasonnow what I mean by this let's give youan example is if you can paint a picturefor the customer of the result thattheir desired results strong enough thenthey grab the belief that what you haveis going to work for them those commitsfulfill their needs the impulse aspectscomes from it is it's usually aparticular let's say a discount it's asense of urgency why they should bebuying it now today there and then so ifyou were to offer it discount or if youwere say something was unlimited thenyou know say for instance you have alimited supply of X you buy now and geta discount today of X that creates asense of urgency is it gonna work foreveryone no sales selling anythingwhether it be person to person orwhether it be online is always going tobe majority at the time and numbers gameis the law of averagesenough people who see that you're gonnaget sales some will some won'tso what text kind of thing as the countyidea the practicalities behind thispsychology aspect customers do buy anemotion and the higher the state of theemotion that is leading them for reasonsto buy what it is you offer a longcombined with the sense of urgency as towhy another reasons why they should buynow and today then that is an impulsethey think impulsively yes it should buythat now because of this someone soreason so understand that the strongerthe emotion you can create that isgiving them reasons to buy whether it befear or pleasure everyone should haveheard of the you know the aspects andthe concepts of humans who ever act onfear you know let's say not doingsomething the fear of loss or thepotential of gain the pleasure of gainshould say so understand that customersbuy an emotion the higher the emotionthe stronger in emotion the more likelyto buy if those emotions are leadingtowards reasons why they should buyimpulse comes from a state of urgency ofwhy they should believe they've giventhe sells reasons or you should supplythem with reasons as to why they shouldbuy today now etc it could be in theform of a discount it could be in theform of a limited supply of that productso announced soon selling out fast allthese different ways of which you canimply and kind of propose as to why theyshould buy today and they will buy onimpulse there and then so that's lawnumber two moving on to law number threeokay so law number three get into it nowprospects potential customers people whoare somewhat interesting whatevs youoffer what is you're trying to sellonline don't like to be confused theyprefer and you will convert a hell of alot more successfully if you give themone percent crystal-clear clarity onwhat it is you're offering on what it isyour product can do what are thebenefits what the features etc butprimarily they need clarity in whicheverway you want to construct it constructorand offering them because ultimatelyit's about impressions if you confusethem about too many things about whatyour comprar duct can provide them ifyou go overboard and list five 10 15different things of the which ways itcan help them then he's trying to solvetoo many problems that are going to givethem too much confusion as to whether itreally helps their core need that theyweren't looking for in seeking so therewas a rule of thumb that I was taughtwhen I was very very young when I wasselling in my you know the corporateNance five here in being a sales managerfor a marketing service company now therule of thumb was this if you are kindof selling them on the core benefits ofwhat you can products can deliver aswell as the options of the type ofproducts and different variations in theproducts always stick to two maybe threemax now it was the case of black andwhite its offering them would you likehere in this color how would you like inthat color would you prefer it alongsidethis item would you prefer it alongsidethat item if you offer too many thingsall at once you're going to give themcomplete confusion which leadsultimately as you may know it will leadyou to or lead them the cost potentialcustomers so not making a purchase atall they're not going to make a decisionall you're looking for is for them tomake a decision on your protowhy they should buy it there and then inthat moment so never over confuse andgive them complete clarity of what it isyour product does and how it can fulfilltheir needs that they're looking forafter you've done your research andtarget audience and nation market thatis that one of the best pieces of advicethat can kind of give to you when doingyour online marketing do not overcomplicate things and give themconfusion as to what it is you actuallyare offering it needs to becommunicating what your product does oryour service with absolute clarity andonly stick to to call benefits 3 max itdoesn't need to be any more complex thanthat that one I can promise you also ifyou give them two or three options ofthe product and variation of what it isyou offer then you're also implyingwhich one would you know that they havealready made decision what I mean bythis is if you say to a customer okay Ihave let's say this pen for instanceI've just picked up here would you likeit in blue are you after that the thispen in blue or in black will give itwhat you're doing there is you areimplying that they've already made thedecision to buy a pen preferably up andof course because there and then lookingat your products in that moment andyou're just giving the option of whichones are like well you are black ratherthan the saying do you want to buy itbuy a pen yes or no because then itgives them an option to decide no if youcome for foreign and imply but they theyhave already made the decision of whichvariations to go for are that they'regonna buy the products then you're justoffering them one or the other and whatthat does it will increase yourpurchases it will increase conversionsthat is just the name of the game so Iwas always taught the principle of blackor white do you want and they saw thatas opposed to do you want this yesNo so if you communicate what yourproduct does and give them limitedperceived options as to what you offerI can guarantee you you will sell moreproduct whatever it doesn't matter whatit is that one has just always been alog but have followed dear to you knowgone by for years and years and yearsand it's always served me well everyoneshould know the old concepts theneighborhood for too much confusion in apurchasing moment is gonna lead to nopurchase a tile table that is just thename of the game so that's law threeguys moving on to lawful coming up solaw number four people are mostlyrisk-averseso you need to limit the perceived riskthat the customer may feel on their endnow this particular law and principleguideline wherever you'd like to call itvery simply is known throughoutmarketing worldwide doesn't really sayagain it just relates to general salesnow there's been studies done where ICameron which there was a studybasically done from the University Ithink in New York that it shown thatpeople were nearly twice as motivated tonot take risks as opposed to beingmotivated to take risks and potentiallyhave an upside they would rather belet's say for instance twice is motivatenot to lose a hundred dollars themgained a hundred dollars so I want togive you some kind of quick tips thatyou may already know what you familiarwith as to how you can limit perceivedrisk let's say for instance your productis a hundred dollars or let's say it'sten dollars doesn't really matteror typically someone doesn't necessarilywant initially to give you their moneythey do you know what to hand over theirhard cash so how can you limit that kindof perceived risk on your end for themto believe that is worth taking the riskwell it calls obviously from previousmaking sure that the clear and what itis the getting all the benefits out howit's going to fill their needs what tomake sure that it's limited on their endthat there is no risk there is a coupleof ways one you can offer a money-backguarantee if you can't do that then whatyou need to do is fill them withtestimonials testimonials so you need togive them stories from previouscustomers and as to why they have had agreat experience with what it is yousell there is you know if you've everseen a sales letter on the internet ifyou've ever seen some kind of productstypically they will I don't if you willhave got these in your emails or mostpeople will have done at some point nowhunt you know by now in some fashion orother where so let's try to sell yourapproach through an email now whatyou'll find typically nine times out often is these emails that you'll justscroll and scroll and scroll and theyare just bombarding your testimonial atone after the other after the otherthe reason doing that is to 1% limit theperceived risk on your end to make youfeel comfortable and at ease withparting with you money to purchase thatproduct is as simple as that they willtypically also offer a 30 day or a 60day window or you can get a refund youcan return the products return you knowwhatever it is you're purchased in theguarantee that they will refund you themoney andif those ways are the future startingout with business if you cannot supplythem with real testimonials and youcannot at that moment in time offer arefund which to be fair in my opinionthere's no reason why you shouldn't beable to offer a refund it's extremelyeasy with online businesses to givemoney back if it's especially if it'sfor a digital products or purchasedonline those methods and payment methodsof PayPal there is other ways it meansof what you can all about it but if forwhatever reason you cannot go throughthe testimonial route because you've nothad any previous customers that give youtestimonials or you can't offer the butmoney-back guarantee then you need to goweigh heavy on the benefits and thereasonings as to why II will fulfilltheir need it's a very simple law verysimple basics book will understand thispeople do not want to part with themoney initially you obviously need tosell them on the concerts the idea as towhy it's going to work for them and youneed to limit that by hopefully ifyou're in the position to offer and youshould always do this if you are in theposition to a money-back guarantee alongwith some testimonials personally I hatethose emails that have you know 75 pagesof testimonials that keep scrollingthrough on and on and on until you haveto find out the prices because usuallythe price is so high is why the bombardyou with that you know risk-aversetestimonials so that you can hopefullyhave some kind of connection between theperson who has purchased it variety IIsell for the customer who you try itsell to that makes sense hopefully guysso that's law number fourmoving on to the fifth and final war inthe next partokay so law number five one of theconcepts I've always understood in indepth is that customers the need valuetranslated now what I mean by this it'sagain sweet very simply is customersdon't always understand the fullbenefits and the bad products of whatyour products can deliver for them itcould be you know enjoyment for aspecific period of time it could be anexperience that we'll never forget buton the forum they do not typically seethe value instantly straight up so theyneed it translated in all the ways andmeans out I have approached this beforeis well it's a Princeton to give you anexample weight loss if I was let's sayselling a diet pill that is going to beable to deliver the result of thirtypounds in weight loss over a six weeksix to eight week period and this dietpill could make you lose that weight nowif let's say a woman for instance isthink about losing an extra thirtypounds in weight and they feeloverweight whether they are or notthat's just how they feel so they'relooking for something that can fix thatproblem and the way I would translatethe value of this diet bill would bevery simply as such I would go deeper asto why the woman would want to lose theweight in the first place after doingresearch first and finding out what theactual real want and need is cosultimately having the extra thirtypounds on a person's body isn't thebe-all and end-all as to what'smotivating their what's motivating themthat in itself to look for a product Ican fix that problem usually it's theproduct of a fear of say for instancetheir boyfriend or husband lookingelsewhere and cheating on them not justyou know it's bit of a harsh exampleBritish true if someone wants to lookgood it is usually for a secondarypayoff it's usually to make sure thattheir spouse doesn't stray it might betheir single to attract a partner so ifI was to position the diet pill myproduct in a way where I said to theperson who was looking at a product pageon you know the product itself I wouldask them are you fearful of your spouselooking elsewhere because of the extraweight you have I would ask the questionare you trying to get the partner thatyou've always wanted and want to get inshape by losing 30 pounds over the nextsix to eight weeks question mark afterthey would internally answer thosequestions whether it's they would bemotivated to do it for fear of havingthis apartment you know spouse orpartner straight or whether it be forthe pleasure of gaining the partner thatthey want I would then say what's thatworth to you what's the value in that toyou what is that worth thirty dollars isthat worth fifty dollars whatever theproducts the costs so in any which wayyou can tackle it rather than just thebenefits on the forefront of what theproduct can do you need to dig a littlebit deeper as to why they are lookingfor that type of products in the firstplace it is typically not just for itspurpose is going to be for a secondarypayoff that's more of a deeperirrational fear or motive as to whythey're looking in the first placeif that makes sense so understand thatthat one Shore giving the benefits ofyour products in a product descriptionor your online marketing in any wayshe'd before me trying to sell thisother than the products benefits youneed to also dig deeper into what's thereal value of the results that you'retrying to sell in other ways and meansif that makes us so you guys hopefullydoes so can it just so wrap this up guysvery simply I want to offer you bit of aquick flush exercise in how you canapply this knowledge in psychologymindsets of what I just spoke aboutfirst if you have a product are youconsidering a product so you have anation and market that you can have anyidea about you already have that wellwhat we need to do is list all thelogical reasons why someone would buyyour products so that they can filterinto your market in bit by bit so youcan slip them in here there as and whenis necessary but I also want you tofocus on listening all the all of thepossible illogical and irrational andreasons the customers fears theirdesires what it isthe secondary payoff some money isthey're trying to get from the productitself as opposed to just getting theproducts on the front of itso once you've listed all the illogicaland irrational reasons why someone wouldbuy that the deeper reasons then I wantyou to focus your time on marketing tothe irrational reasons and make them youstronger points so why shouldn't someoneshould buy your product as opposed tosomeone else's and the one you'll end upselling more that one I can pretty muchguarantee it guysjust wrap this up thank you for watchingit really means a lot to me that youstill would need this far if you havedone and yeah if you like what I have togive you about appreciate thumbs up andsubscribe as Avenue more content likethis hopefully helping you out with youronline marketing business and Yentl nexttime guys see you themyou



hello welcome today I'm going to betalking to you all about my favouritepolish choice products I chose five mytop five fall my top five polish choiceproducts I'm gonna asked about this allthe time probably because polish choicehas a really extensive catalog and it'svery difficult to know where to startwith their products and also becausethey have tons of really great sales andtheir products are not super overpricedand by overpriced I mean they're notsuper expensive I'm not saying thathigh-end products are overpriced I don'tI have no idea what the pricing scale isbut polished choice is kind of likemiddle and like it's not drugstore it'snot high-end their prices fall likedirectly in the center I think they'repretty comfortable prices for a lot ofpeople and they have really greatformulations with a lot of integrity andtheir brand is really well trusted so Iwould say that my favorite branch ofPolish choice products is theirtreatments I do love their SPS I thinkthey have good cleansers theirmoisturizers are also really reallygreat but their treatments are where Ireally find my loves okay my number oneproduct the product that I probablytalked about the most that I've emptiedthe most 2% BHA liquid exfoliant this isholy grail status I think if one you'renot sensitive to salicylic acid and twoyou have any type of congestion proneacne prone skin this is obviously a BHAproduct and be a chaise targetcongestion under the surface stuff youknow blackheads pimples spots whateveryou want to call them they also targetinflammation and pigments so they helpbrighten the skin as well as decreaseredness from breakout this can be usedby any skin type but the people who aregoing to see the most benefits from itare people who are congestion prone oracne prone and if you have drier skin oreven if you don't if you've never used atargeted product like this this is aspecific BH abhi scan be harsh and canbe irritating so if you've never usedsomething like this I would definitelyrecommend introducing it slowly goingeasy with it and not overusing itbecause they can definitely dry theout of your skin but this stuff isamazing I've been through so manybottles of this it is so good next isanother treatment that I think would begreat for congestion Pro and acne proneskin it is there 10% oz lahic acidbooster oz alike acid is a superunderrated ingredient it is great forall skin types it is in my opinion agood alternative to salicylic acid ifyou are sensitive to salicylic acid it'sa lot more gentle but it has similarbenefits albeit more subtle benefits sothis is a product that I highlyrecommend I've recommended it to a tonof people it's one of my holy grails Ilove it so much but it's not somethingthat you see immediate results from it'snot something that you put it on in thenext morning you're like oh my god myskin is totally new because honestly Ikind of feel like this is like that forsome people this is more subtle it worksover an extended period of timeit helps brighten the skin it helps apigment it helps with clarity it helpswith all manner of things and this is acream whereas this is a liquid so youhave to apply this using like a cottonround or something but this is a creamnext is the antioxidant pore purifierwith salicylic acid and white tea sothis is an antioxidant serum antioxidantserums are really hard to judge becausethe results are not something that youcan visualize especially not immediatelyyou know like they're meant to protectagainst environmental aggressors theyare supposed to help like preventcongestion to some extent but if youjust get a regular ol antioxidant serumit's just really difficult to tell if itdoes anything but I believe inantioxidants and I love polished choiceand I love salicylic acid so again ifyou're a sensitive to salicylic acidthis is probably not the one for you butthis has all the protective benefits ofantioxidant serums like I said protectprotects against environmentalaggressors if you live in an urban areaor if you are just subject to pollutionin any way antioxidant serums her greatand that is why I use one eye I live ina city but this also has the addedbenefit of salicylic acid so if my skinis feeling a little bit more sensitiveand I don't want to use myliquid exfoliant I will use this as myantioxidant serum for the day becausethis is more gentle it has more packedinto this formulation so it's not asharsh or irritating but it still doeshave those cells to look acid benefitsso I personally think that any skin typecould utilize this but the people whoare going to see the most benefit aredefinitely the acne Pro and thecongestion bro next is a moisturizerthis is the Paula's Choice Omega complexmoisturizer I love this this is a mediumweight mousse chur Iser it's very likebasic in that it's you know it's notreally super frilly this is a moisturebarrier building product it is supposedto enrich your barrier strengthen yourbarrier help you maintain a healthy skinand it's just really solid so my skin ismost reactive to moisturizers for somereason I tend to get a lot of congestionfrom them I break out from them oftenit's just a thing it's we deal with itit's annoying but it happens this onedoes not break me out it absorbs intothe skin really easily I think that anyskin type could definitely use thisbecause it's not so lightweight that itdoesn't you know provide any hydrationbut it's not so heavy that it's tooheavy for oily skin so this in myopinion is sufficiently hydrating but itjust covers all manner of bases and it'sreally really solid and last we have anSPF so this is not an entire routine butit is a lot of her routines this is theyouth extending daily hydrating fluiddespite the name of this product I donot consider it to be hydrating so Iwould definitely say that this is moresuitable for normal to oily skin typesI have combo skin this works really wellfor me my husband has what I wouldconsider to be more oily skin and thisworks well for him this is a very serume consistency SPF it has antioxidants init as well as plant extracts so it hasthat protective benefit fromenvironmental aggressors without havingto use an antioxidant serum alongside itthis is SPF 50 so it does have agenerous amount offactor in it and it doesn't break me outso I'm a really big fan of serumconsistency SPS because I think thatthey blend into the skin really well andthey don't make me throughout the daythis is also supposed to minimize theappearance of pores so it's got a littlebit of a blurring effect to it but allin all I think that this is a reallygreat step if you have more dry skin andyou want to use this just layer it overtop of a moisturizer there's nothingwrong with doing that if you have oilyor normal skin you can layer this over amoisturizer or you can use it on its ownit's totally up to you and that's itthose are my top 5 polish choiceproducts now obviously like yes a lot ofthese products work for all skin typesbut you're gonna want to calibrate basedon what you feel your skin type is ifyou don't know aestheticians are helpfulI took me forever to figure out my skintype you may think that that stuff isreally intuitive but it's often not soyeah but these are my fave 5 my top 5love them have backups of all of themand yeah I would love it if you wouldlet me know down below what your topchoice for polished choice products areis our what are your top polish choiceproducts I'd love to know and thank youso much for watching I'll see you allnext time bye


Best Chrome Extensions For Ecommerce With Shopify

hello and welcome to today's video myname is Nick and on this channel I makecontent about online marketing aboutgrowing a company and a business onlinetoday I prepared this video which isgoing to be about the extensions forGoogle Chrome that I use in order tosave time and they're specifically fore-commerce so if you're selling physicalproducts these extensions are gonna helpyou and the first one that we're gonnalook at is gonna be commerce inspectorand you can see the extensions here inthe top right corner in your GoogleChrome browser and it looks like amagnifier if you don't know how toinstall Google Chrome extensions youneed to go to your settings and then togo to top left and then go to extensionsand again top left and go to the storeand here you'll need to just look forthe extension so in our case will becommerce inspectorso commerce inspector and you can justadd the chrome I already did itand how do you use it you just go on ourwebsite that you know is a Shopifywebsite so for example we're gonna go toblue crate which is a really popularShopify store and if you if that websiteis built on Shopify the icon themagnifier is gonna be colored like thisand you can click on it and you're gonnasee different stats and details aboutthe Shopify store you're looking at soyou can see this website uses the themeratinaand then the last product was added likea couple days ago which means that thestore is active which is a really goodsign if you're spying on other storesfor products that you can sell and youcan see other details about sales butfor this you're going to need the proversion which costs which which costsabout $49 per month but you there aredifferent plants and you canstart with $1 I think just to try it outand then you can see details aboutproducts you can see how many productswere added and when and then you can seethe apps they're using sometimes by theapps they're using you can tell if it'sa serious drop shipping store or aserious ecommerce store or not so thisapp costs 200 dollars per month whichmeans they're really profitable ifthey're using this app it's calledcard hook so you can see the apps hereand just decide for yourself if it'sworth your time to spy on this store andthen you can click on this and you'll beable to see best selling price of thewebsite some ecommerce website wouldclose this and would make it unavailablebut they didn't do it so you can spy ontheir best sellers another website tospy on is the gadget it was reallypopular but it's not active anymore butyou can still apply this extension soyou're gonna click on this oneand then you're gonna see details thereusing turbo theme by the way guys if youwant to check out there will be links inthe description for all theseessentially you don't have to do anyextra work some of them are free some ofthem are paid but they're gonna reallyhelp you out so you can see the samedetails with this really useful commerceinspector the version I'm using is freeso all these tasks that I'm seeing youcan see for yourself the second onewe're gonna look at is going to besimilar web which is another extensionwhich shows you details about thetraffic that comes with the website andthis is how it looks like so you'regonna go through the same process you'regonna go to your Chrome Web Store andtype in similar web and then installthis extension and you're gonna be ableto see details about traffic so if we goto blue crate again and we go to thefront page and then we load thisextension which is similar web you cansee details about the traffic so you cansee the head three million visitsall of us 2018 and then you see it kindof slow down over time which meansthey're not fighting they're not pushingso much traffic probably because theydon't have any winners and it productthat are winners at the moment wherethey are just closing down their storesmaybe they found another niche and youcan see other details like they'rebringing off the website you can testthis with any other web stuntnecessarily Shopify watch it so if wellyeahfor example so if we go aGoogle account you can see that it'snumber one website global United Statesand then search engines and it's it has43 then 64 billion visits per monthreally useful extension and the next oneis gonna be fine Express privateimporter so if you're doing Shopify dropshipping this is really useful you canjust install it it's from Oberlinso you go to Oberlin and you can installit from here he installed the app withShopify and then you go to an Expressand you're gonna be able to to justimport products with one click so ifwe're gonna type here for examplephotographer watch and then you secretdispatch you're gonna if you're gonnaclick on it and the price will beimportant in your Oberlin dashboard andfrom there you're gonna be able to editit and then it's gonna appear in yourShopify store then after that when youget a word you can easily fulfill itwith a couple of clicks using the sameextension which is uber logo product apartner and when you're on Aliexpress isgonna color in blue and it's gonna savea lot of time when fulfilling and whenyou're putting products if you're doingShopify drop shipping then the next oneis going to be big so helper which willtell you if you installed your yourFacebook pixel correctly on youre-commerce forany other website you can install it soif we go to for example the same bluecrate and we can see they have twopixels installed on blue crate so wehave the pixel ID and we can see whatdata they're collecting and even thougheven if you're not using your anythingecommerce you can use this expansion tosee what other data our website iscollecting about you and then based onthis data that they're collecting theysee that I view the page they will showme ads if they have retargeting campaignset in facebook ads and it not onlycollects they about page views forexample if I'm gonna go to visit aproduct and add it to cart so pixelregister this action and they alreadyknow and Facebook knows that I click Addto Cart for this product so they knowthat I added it to cart and they'regonna show me ads with coupons forexample to try to persuade me to buythis product and if I'm gonna just visita specific product they are going toshow me as with this specific productsbecause Facebook pixel helper andFacebook pixel we should be installed ontheir website is gonna transfer data toFacebook and then they're gonna be ableto pay Facebook to show me ads so that'show this process works and the next oneand the last one that I'm gonna presenttoday is going to be loom which is useloom comm which is really one of thebest extension that I think is helpingme right now so if you have visualassistance and you want to tell them forexample you want to change something onyour website you're gonna use thisextension and just record something thatyou don't like when your website orsomething you want to change or just ifyou want to send a video or a voicemessage or share screen and sendsomebody you're just gonna click hereand record it and when you're saved yousave this you can just have the link ina matter of seconds and you can sendthat to the person and it's a reallyeasy way to communicate and to make sureyour virtual assistant understands whatyou're talking about and what you wantdone and it's gonna save you a lot oftime so I hope you find this review ofChrome extensions helpful and if youlike this video make sure to leave alike and subscribe to my channel if youwant to receive more video reviews oftools that I use and more content andvaluable information on online marketingcontent about e-commerce and I'll seeyou tomorrow in my next video


How To Start A Digital Marketing Agency With $0 Investment [Part 1]

I think one of the most frequently askedquestions that I get is how do you starta marketing agency so if you're lookingto start a marketing business in 2018 19and beyond feel free to stick and watchthis video hey everyone it's ruinin backagain with another youtube video andtoday I wanted to give you kind of astep-by-step blueprint and to starting amarketing agency because when I startedit was very difficult was very rough andluckily you have someone like me here toteach you some of the stuff so when yougo out and start your own agency it'snot gonna be a huge hassle so before westart I just want to give somedisclosures number one this is not astart a business in 30 days and make twohundred million dollars very fastwithout your grandmother it's not one ofthose videos I'm going to be very honestwith you what it is though is a verypractical video on the experiences thatI've had in the past that will help yougenerate business and start out yourmarketing career without having a bunchof hassles okay because unfortunatelywhat it is today is there's a lot ofpeople on the internet giving falsehopes and telling people all thesedifferent types of stories but thesedifferent products and services butreally comes down to a few differentthings that I'm gonna talk about thosefew different things today so gettingstarted I want to talk about what is itmarketing agency and what exactly doesit do so basically what a marketingagency is it's an agency that bringsleads to businesses that's it bringsleads to businesses if you are notbringing the business customers itdoesn't matter how pretty you're makingthem look online doesn't matter how manyviews you're getting them they're goingto fire you now this is not for everytype of client we have had clientsbefore that just wanted brand reachwhich is basically like okay we wantthis ad to be seen by a hundred thousandpeople okay that's very easy to do nowit's different though when you say okayI want this ad to target this manypeople and get this many leads this manysales so if you are gonna start amarketing agency you always remember thefirst thing is sales that's number oneis sales once you can bring a businesssales you are in business now there's afew different ways to go about thatright so how can you bring a businesssales well the first way is searchengine optimization if you're workingwith a local small business I highlyhighly highly recommend that you lookinto search engine optimization now whatsearch engine optimization basicallymeans is if you type in a keyword intoGoogle and you click on the first resultthat company is most likely to get aphone call that is the easiest way tobring a bidas customers I'm telling you this rightnow from a year of experience that thatis the easiest way and look I am no I amno noob at Facebook advertising I'm notI understand it very well I understand aCEO very well I understand emailmarketing very well and I can tell youthis that the money is in the SEO themoney is in the follow-up meeting theemail marketing and you can do Facebookads to accelerate some of this stuff butI found that the traffic from Facebookads is not as sticky and converting themthe traffic some search engineoptimization with that being said youneed to understand what types ofservices you're gonna offer as amarketing agency now when I started backin 2017 I was offering Facebookadvertising primarily and I think thatthat's a really good way to startbecause Facebook ads you don't reallyneed to know much all you need to do isunderstand the psychological behaviorbehind people on Facebook now if you cando that you can become very successfulFacebook advertising here's the otherthing I really like about Facebook Adsis that it doesn't really require anycostso you can literally pick up a backpackgo to every state in the world and startselling Facebook advertising servicesnow when you're going about this Ihighly recommend that you take some typeof training course or series now look Iknow everybody's weird about courses butit's the best way to learn acceleratedso find somebody in YouTube that youlike and literally just follow them stepby step and purchase their coursethere's a lot of people out there goingoh I don't want to buy a course peopleshouldn't be selling courses why notthese people sell their books right it'snot free it's not free information yougot to pay for it and if you pay for itguess what you buy your way to successmy buddy Eamonn Godsey says if you buyyour way to success they're gonna see itmuch faster just the reality of the wayit works so now that you understand picka service right you can specialize inFacebook you can specialize in video youcan specialize an email what I don'trecommend you to do when you're startingout your marketing agency isspecializing in everything because Iguarantee you that is a blueprint tofail in business if you specialize inthose focused things such as SEOFacebook ads email marketing videowhatever it may be you're going to see aton of success and here's the reason whyso if you're starting your own agencyguess what you're gonna have to doyou're gonna have to get customers andwhen getting customers it's a lot easierto say ok like we especially focus onFacebook Ads right instead of trying tosell somebody SEO but you suck at it andyou'reconfident in it specialized in Facebookads look what I did when I started andyou can take this tip away was Iliterally started off by just doingrestaurants and if you're just doingrestaurants guess what you can literallysay que mr. customer I only dorestaurants hey mr. customer check outthis ad idea for a restauranthey mr. customer check out this video Idid for a restaurant it's gonna keeppeople really trust it's gonna keeppeople trusted in your brand and it'svery key to specialize down when you'refirst starting out now the second thingis make videos okay a lot of people theywant to start their own agencies andthey can't even bring themselvesbusiness with their own marketingstrategies if you can't do that you'renot comfortable with your marketing andguess why you're marketing probablydoesn't work if you can't bring yourselfbusiness using marketing which you sayyou do it doesn't work okaycustomers feel really comfortable whenthey see it when they work with amarketing agency agent person youtuberor whatever whatever it may be they feelreally comfortable with the fact thatpeople make videos look I get clientstelling me all the time we want to feelreally comfortableyou already are making these videos Isee your landing pages I see your SEOlet's work together if you have anagency where you don't even have awebsite you don't have a business cardyou don't have a nice shirt you don'thave traffic you don't even have a salesfunnel they're not gonna trust you lookit's just that way and I'm tired of allthese scam artists telling youlook you don't need a website you don'tneed an email who the hell is gonna giveyou money without you having a businesscard you know a nice nice shirt websitesocial social traffic whatever whateverthe metrics you want to use the KPI isyou want to use nobody's gonna do thatokay you need to have tangible resultsthis is why I always recommend beforestarting out your marketing companyspend six months still in your full-timejob if you have one spend six monthsliterally building out traffic and anaudience or videos or build out yourbrand before you quit your job I quit myjob like a freakin idiot and I justliterally just one day stopped coming towork boom is income with a seventythousand to zerogreat now I'm stuck here with no trafficno brand awareness no videos actually atthe time I had about one YouTubeand that was my first video I ever madeon this channel which is kind of whatpropelled me to keep making videos so Iguess it wasn't blessing in itself butthe point is is I had no content and Ijust went out there deep dive into thewater and acted like people were justgonna start hiring me guess whathappened nobody hired me for the firsttwo months I had to put a bunch of moneyon credit cards this is why I'm tellingyou that before you quit brand outbranch out make sure you build somecontent initially study your freakingass off I mean I can't even tell you howmany hours I've spent watching coursesit was thousands of dollars watchingcourses so specialized in a product orservice build your brand out before youquit your job or get some case studiesslash testimonials and here's the thirdpart is start doing a lot of stuff forfree I know a lot of people are againstthat doing stuff for free part but lookguess what the richest people worked forfree in their life and that's just thecase scenario okay the reason being isbecause when you work for free youactually get to test your abilities andyou get to actually see what you can doto impact the business if you'rewatching this right now and you don'tfeel comfortable starting the marketingagency simply because of the fact youdon't know how to get results don'tstart an agency okay I'm just gonna bereal do not start an agency if you'venot gotten somebody results here's whyyou start an agency thinking that youcan bring somebody results in you don'thave actual facts bringing somebodyresults or you don't have actual data onthis you're gonna have a very hardproblem and this problem is gonna beyou're going to eat on somebody'saccount they're going to complain aboutyou and now you're going to have a badreputation in your local area that's notwhat you want okay start by testing outon your gear your mom or dad's businessyour friends business your auntsbusiness start out like that Neil Patelhow he started a new hotel him one ofthe most famous internet entrepreneurtoday he owns Neil Patel communes kissmetric healings crazy egg he started outby doing SEO for free for somebody forsix months the reason being is becauseNeil Patelyeah he's the greatest SEO guy now butwhen he started he had no idea what hewas doing and he even him did somethingfor free so I know a lot of the trainingcourses kind of go above and beyond thisthey say look you should never dosomething for free you should know yourown Worth look when you're a star you'vegot no work I don't care who you areyour ego is at the door you are nobodyokay your ego is at the door you need todo stuff for freeeverybody's done stuff for free why thehell do you think they have internshipsokay it's just a way of proving yourselfand getting yourself experience beforesomebody actually pays you so with thatbeing said start charging more so onceyou have gotten this specialized productonce you've gone out and tested thisproduct and you've brought somebodyleaves and services guess what you cando now you can start charging for thisstuff now the way I charge for myservices does that go by the hour youcan go a little differently that's justthe way I like to build the rates and ifyou you know if you want to check outhow I build the rates just go ahead andleave a comment down below and I'll getback to you anyway so start chargingoddly okay or so let's think about itright if you can bring a business onenew customer and that customer is worthtwo thousand for them how much can youchargerealistically your charge should be athousand because you want to doubletheir ROI so if you start bringing themto customers per month now you cancharge two thousand and three thousandand four thousand look it all depends onwhat the average return on investment isfor that business so one of my favoritequestions to ask and how I determinepricing is you know what is your averagecustomer spend what is your averagecustomer lifetime value right do yourcustomers refer people because a lot ofthe times if a customer works with likein here in Connecticut we had like thishuge like tornado hurricane thing thepast week and three companies arefreaking going crazy okay their treecompanies are slammed I have a treeclient he can't he doesn't know what todo it himselfokay so more of the being is the treeclient makes two thousand dollars everytree he pulls out so if we can do SEOand we get him eight sales a month wecan charge three thousand four thousanddollars per month just for the SEO thisis extremely powerful when you thinkabout it and it should completely throwout what you think about pricing becauseif you can bring a business testifyresults right and you can do it you cando it consistently that you should knowhow much you should charge now here'sthe here's the other side of this if youhave a customer that makes $5 for everycustomers they get you're gonna have ahard time charging $1,500 to $2,000 sowhat I recommend you do is find thehigher ticket higher return oninvestment customers charge them a lotmore it'll be a much better time foryour money I can almost promise you thatso guythank you so much for watching thisvideo remember this is part 1 of theseries I'm gonna go in-depth intostarting a marketing agency I'm going tointerview some clients you guys aregonna see a lot of this stuff on theonion the backend side of ruan's YouTubechannel anyways if you enjoyed the videoplease leave a like comment andsubscribe and I would love to know whatyou guys thought about the new videothank you talk later


How to Make a Multi Vendor eCommerce Website with WordPress like Amazon & Flipkart using Dokan 2018

How to Make a Multi Vendor Marketplace eCommerce Website with WordPress like Amazon & Flipkart using Dokan The Complete Multivendor e-Commerce Solution for WordPress and TheGem – Creative Multi-Purpose High-Performance WordPress Theme 2018
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★★★eCommerce Video Playlist★★★

00:00:00 Introduction & Special Features
00:07:53 Demo Website Tour
00:20:46 Getting Fastest Hosting
00:38:16 Dokan Multi Vendor & WooCommerce Quick Setup
00:49:51 Basic Settings
00:51:15 Woocommerce General
00:54:30 Woocommerce Taxation Settings
00:58:55 Woocommerce Checkout
01:04:15 Other Woocommerce Settings
01:04:51 Creating Coupons
01:09:11 Increasing Upload Memory Limit
01:13:11 Dokan Basic Settings
01:23:15 Paypal Adaptive Payment
01:26:20 How to Signup as Vendor
01:32:58 Dokan Basic Settings
01:36:17 Adding Products as Admin
01:42:42 Creating Variable Product
01:57:41 Adding Products as Vendor
02:02:28 Demo Payment
02:05:38 Woocommerce Shipping
02:08:42 Coupon as Vendor
02:11:02 Vendor Staff Manager Module
02:14:18 Store Review Module
02:16:52 Store Support Module
02:20:22 Seller Vacation Module
02:22:22 Vendor Verification Module
02:25:34 Vendor Subscription Module
02:32:42 Color Module
02:33:42 Import Export Module
02:34:41 Live Search Module
02:35:12 Single Product Multiple Vendor
02:38:05 Product Enquiry
02:39:46 Creating Slider Revolution 5 Sliders
02:57:35 Home Page Designing
03:49:17 Footer Setup
04:00:47 About Us Page Designing
04:15:15 Contact Us Page Designing
04:25:31 Shop Page Setup
04:31:30 Track Order Page
04:33:24 Menu Setup
04:36:11 Setting Home Page
04:37:10 Useful Tips & Tricks

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