welcome to crosstalk solutions my nameis Chris and today we're gonna be doingsomething a little bit different I wasthinking about ubiquitous product lineand I was trying to think of my fivefavorite ubiquity products which isn'tall that easy given that they have apretty large assortment of products andmost of them are pretty good so thislist is going to be cross talks top 5ubiquity products and I hope you enjoyit also let me know in the commentsbelow what your top 5 ubiquity productsare do you agree with my list of whatwould you add or remove and finallylinks to all of these products are belowin the description if you want to checkthem out these products are all listedin order of my favorites with myabsolute favorite ubiquity product atnumber one ok so let's get right intothe list starting with my fifth favoriteubiquity product my fifth favoriteubiquity product is the UVC g3 camera orthe standard g3 bullet cam now thiscamera costs about 143 bucks and it'sextremely versatile which is one of therecurring themes throughout all of theproducts that I picked as my top 5 nowthis can be mounted indoors or outdoorsthe picture quality is excellent andeven the night vision is really good youcan also extend the night vision with anIR extender right here so this isanother I think it was 79 bucks extraand you can even extend the night visionI'll have a video coming out where Itest this thing out in the near futureso this camera is powered by 802 3 AF pOE or 24 volt passive Pio II and this ismy go-to camera for all of my NVRinstallationsnow compared to the rest of the bik wa tcamera lineup it has absolutely the bestprice to performance ratio or price tofeature ratio these other cameras allhave their uses but none of them is asversatile and as good-looking as the UVCg3 for the price that you pay ok on tomy fourth favorite ubiquity product andthat is the light beam a/c so this I gotit upside down this is an awesome pointto point or point to multi-point accessantenna so why do I like this antenna somuch first of all it's just a reallygreat small form-factor access point forsimple point-to-multipoint deploymentslet's compare the size of this accesspoint to the size of the rocket ACsector and antenna combo there we go soit's off the top of the screen evenright so this is the rocket AC light youknow this actually will work with anumber of the different rocket ACantennas and the 120 degree sectorantenna that it comes with versus thelight beam AC so I mean here you canreally see the size difference betweenthese two access points this light beamAC will do everything that this bigrocket plus sector antenna will do butit'll do it just on a smaller scalewhich we find to be more often the casewith our deployments if you're running awireless ISP and you need to providesubscriber access to 50 or 100 customersin your coverage area then you want therocket AC with this big ole sectorantenna but if you're just trying toconnect a few buildings on your propertyor perhaps give internet to some otherbuildings some outbuildings or set upremote cameras in a few differentlocations then the light beam AC isgoing to be just fine for thatdeployment the price on this accesspoint is 99 bucks and it will work withany of the five gigahertz or ACsubscriber antennas such as the Nanostations the Nano beams here's the Nanobeam the new one the AC gen – comparesthe $99 for the light beam to the over$400 for this setup you know most peoplejust don't need this they can use thelight beam AC and be just fine so let'stalk about specs for a second I'll put alink to one of my videos where I setthis access point up but it's powered by24 volt passive peely it does includethe pol II injector in the box and it'sa hundred and twenty degree antenna itcan push up to 450 megabits through tothe subscriber antennas so if you'relooking for the best subscriber antennato use with the light beam AC I wouldprobably recommend the Nanoa siege n2 this runs $95 or the firstgeneration Nano beam AC is also fine andit runs about $76 it has this reallynice ball joint mounting system for easypositioning and really on top ofeverything elseit's just a sexy-looking antenna it's sosmooth and sleek and I just love thisantenna this is absolutely one of myfavorites and this comes in at numberfour on my list of the my favoriteubiquity products for my third favoriteubiquity product and from here on it'sactually pretty much a toss-up it wasreally hard for me to decide whichproducts I liked best but for numberthree I chose the edge router light nowthis actual this actual one right herethis is the first piece of ubiquityequipment that I ever purchased and Iused it as my own personal firewall forwell over two years the edge routerlight comes in at just under a hundredbucks and in my opinion is an almostperfect firewall for home and smallbusiness use it doesn't have a lot ofextra fluff like some of the otherfirewalls try to throw in but itfunctions really well as a straight upfirewall and router with enterpriselevel features but at a super smallprice point now the edge router lightfeatures three Gigabit Ethernet portsthat can be configured as lands or windsindependently and it has Wizards forsetting up the most common single anddual LAN configurations I know what alot of your gonna ask and that is wellwhy did I pick this router over the edgerouter X which is only about 50 bucksand has all the same features well for acouple of reasons first most peopledon't need the PIO en and peelypass-through of the edge router X sothat's just kind of a gimmicky thingunless you have a specific reason or aspecific need to have that futurefeature excuse me and also the edgerouter X only does layer 2 switchingwhereas the edge router light does layer3 switching and it can do full 3 gigabitper second line speed processing of upto 1 million packets per second it's aseriously fast router for the price thatyou pay for it now you could also saywell Chris ubiquity II just came outwith the edge routerfor why didn't you pick the latest andgreatest edge router well two reasonsthere again first of all the edge routerfour is more expensive it's almost twiceas expensive at a hundred and eightyfive bucks now the reason this is moreexpensive is because it has a faster CPUit has more RAM however if you're usingthe edge router light in a home or smallbusiness environment you'd be reallyhard-pressed to max it out so if youdon't need the extra processing powerwhy spend the extra money the edgerouter 4 also has an F and s FP port forfiber connectivity out to a switch orsome other device which again is niceit's just something that most peopledon't need so one of the only reasons Iwould recommend the edge router for overthe edge router light in a home or smallbusiness environment is if you wanted torackmount the firewall so the edgerouter 4 has an optional rack mountbracket which is really nice if you'rebuilding out your rack but again in mostcases this sub $100 edge router light isgoing to be just fine in thoseenvironments so the price andversatility of the edge router lightmakes it my third favorite ubiquitydevice all right onto the top two and mysecond favorite ubiquity device in thewhole wide world is the Nano Station m5or also the nanostation m2 if you wantedto go with the 2.4 gigahertz spectrumnow I love this antenna forpoint-to-point deployments it comes inright around 82 dollars per unit andonce again it's just a really versatileaccess point for a ton of different usecases the most common use case for thisdevice is just for creating simpleextension of your network wirelesslyover long distances so just by creatinga point-to-point wireless bridge thisthing will shoot an internet connectionup to 15 kilometers however most peopledon't use it for distances that farthere's actually better antennas if youneed to go that far most often we seefolks deploying bees on their propertyto get internet access out to anoutbuilding or something like that sonow you may ask well Chris why choosethe Nano station m5 over the Nanostation local m5 when the local m5 cando the same thing but it's cheaper andsmaller and the answer to that is becuz of the POA passed through port sothis is one of my favorite things aboutthis antenna so imagine a scenario whereyou want to get internet out to a barnor something right you can mount one ofthese on your house where the internetcomes in and then a second one twohundred yards away across the pasture orwhatever right so that's great and younow have a point-to-point wirelessbridge set up but you still need anaccess point on the remote side for yourclient devices so with the nano stationm5s you can use something like the u APAC light or the lr access point which ispowered by 24 volt passive p OE and thensimply hook them up to the secondary pOE pass-through port of the Nano stationnow in one compact pass package you haveboth your point-to-point receivingstation and your access point to provideconnectivity to your client devices infact I have one let me actually justgrab it so here's a UA P AC light rightyou would wire this to the secondaryport and basically you have yourinternet plugged into this one it shootsits internet over to the receivingantenna and then you have the secondarypass through port powering up your u APAC light or other 24 volt passivepowered access point to provideconnectivity to your iPhone or whatevernow same concept for having remotecameras in certain areas you don't needan extra switch or more power you cansimply hang a camera like a g3 cameraoff at the end of this nano station andyou're all done so the next question iswell Chris why would you pick the Nanostation m5 over the latest and greatestversion of this antenna which is theNano station AC you know admittedly thislooks a lot sexier than this one doesthey've come a long way in their designbut again it comes down to two reasonsthe first reason is the price the Nanostation ACS are almost twice asexpensive coming in at a hundred and $59per antenna on Amazon and second whilethe nanostation AC is much faster thanthe Nano station m5 it can do 450megabits versus the m5 which can do 150megabits most people don't need thatkind of speed for what this is used forif you're simply hanging a camera off ofthis thing to have a remote view of yourbarn or something like that the camerais going to be pushing about a half amegabit for an HD video stream if you'reusing the Nano station to provideInternet access to your iPhone whileyou're out there feeding the cows or ifyou're using it to run Spotify you don'tneed a 450 megabit link for that nowdon't get me wrong though absolutely ifyou need to have 450 megabits to aremote location for doing big filetransfers or something like that then byall means you can spend twice as muchand get the AC units instead but by andlarge most people don't need that kindof speed so that's why the Nano stationm5 is my second-favorite ubiquity deviceokay so finally on to my number one mostfavorite ubiquity device and that is theyou ap AC pro access point this is theaccess point that I personally run in myhome I have just one of these set up atthe mid point of my home and it providesperfect wireless all throughout my housenow I've deployed literally hundreds ofthese access points out to clients sitesand for big deployments and I don'tthink I've ever had to RMA a single oneof them this access point comes in at ahundred and twenty nine dollars onAmazon and it has the best price toperformance ratio in my opinion of allof the ubiquity access points out thereand probably of maybe all access pointsthat are in existence period now I'llput a link up here in the corner to avideo where I did a comparison of all ofthe ubiquity access points that were outat that time and all of those differentaccess points have their use cases butthis one the UAP AC pro is absolutelythe most versatile access point for theprice when we're doing a deployment fora business this is the default accesspoint that we use if we have a largeauditorium or something like that wherewe're gonna have a lot of people thatare going to be congregating then we'llpop in a few of the HDS or the S HDS butby and large for a normal officeenvironment this thing is bulletproofand it provides more than enoughbandwidth with it with its three bythree mimal antenna pair that with allof the wirelessof unified and this access point I meanthis just can't be beatI would put this access point up againstany other competitors solution and itwill absolutely be able to compete atthe same level and will be much morecost-effective so I'm very very happy tostand behind this product and that's whythe UA P AC Pro is hands-down myfavorite product that ubiquity makesokay so there's my list of the top fiveubiquity products but of course I'm justone man with some opinions and what areyour opinions would you add or removeanything from this list I can alreadyhear the comments complaining about menot including any flavor of us G on thislist but I can back that decision uppretty easily that however is a topicfor another video so okay my name isChris with crosstalk solutions if youguys enjoyed this video please give me athumbs up and if you'd like to see morevideos like this please click subscribethank you so much for watching[Music]you
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How to Add a Variable Product to Your Ecommerce Website
Hi guys today we are going to see how we
can add a variable productto your e-commerce sitenow let's say you have a
product which comes in differentvariations like thisso here is a t-shirt which comes
in different colors and sizesor let's say you have a food
product which comes in different flavors like thisso if you want to create
different variations on your products like thisyou need to create a variable
productso once you create your variable productyour customers will be able to
choose the option they wantbefore purchasing your productso let's get started we are going create
our variable in just four stepsthe first step is to create your attributesso attribute are the differences which
you have on your productfor example if your product comes in
different colorsyou need to create an attribute called colorso to create the
color attributelet's go to our WordPress dashboardand then go to productsand click attributesnow you'll get this page where we are
going to create the attributenow if you have any default attribute hereyou can delete itby clicking deleteso once you have deleted the default attributeyou can now create a new
attributeso let's say you want to have different color options on your productthen all you have to do is enter the attribute namewhich is colorand then click Add attributeso once you have added
the attribute namenext you need to add all the optionswhich you want inside the color
attributeso let's click on colornow let's say you have three colors
on your productyou just have to enter the
colors hereand then click add new colorand it'll be added herenow let's add
all the remaining colorsnow once you've added all the colorsnow if you go back
by clicking hereyou can see that
we have the color attributewith three different colorsso now we have successfully
created our attributeso once you've created the
attributewe can now go to step twowhich is to add this attribute to your
productnow to add this attribute to our productjust go to newand then click productnow enter your product nameI'm going to enter t-shirtnow if you see here right now this
product is set to a simple productwhich means we cannot
add our attribute herenow if you want to add your
attribute to this productyou need to
first change this to a variable productso to change it let's click hereand then select variable productso once you have
selected variable productproduct we can now add our attribute to
this productso to add the attribute to this productlet's go to attributesand now if we click hereyou can see the color attribute which we
created beforeso let's select thatand let's add it to the productnow here you need to choose the colors
which are available for this productso if we click hereyou can see the colors
which we added beforeso let's select a colornow if you want to select all colorsjust click select alland all the colors will be selectedso once you have selected the colors
which are available for this productjust enable used for variationsand then click save attributesso now we have successfully added the
attribute to a productso once you add the attributenext let's
go to step 3which is to create your variationsso to create variations on your productjust like variationsand then click hereand choose create variations from all
attributesnow this will create
different variations for your productbased on the attributes you selectedso let's click goand now you can see that three different
variations have been added to our productand each of these variationshave a different colorso now we have successfully created our
product variationsso next let's go to
step fourwhich is to set the price for
these variationsnow to set the same price for all the
variantsjust click herethen select set regular pricesand click gonow it will ask you to enter the priceso I'm going to enter 299and click okayand now the price will be set for all
the variationsokay so now we have successfully set the
price for our variationswhich means we can
now publish our productnow before we publish our productlet's add an image for our productso to add a product image
just click set product imageand in drag and drop an image
from your computerso once you've set the product image
just click publishand we can now see the productby clicking herenow here you can see that we now have
the option to choose the color of a productso if we click hereyou can see all the colors which we
selectedso this is how we can add a variable
product to your e-commerce siteso once you have added these variationsnext let's see how we can
change the image for each variationnow if you click hereand choose a coloryou can see that the
image does not changenow if you want the image
to change based on the color you chooseyou need to set an image for each
variationso to set the image for the variationjust go back to edit pageand then click variationsnow these are the variations which we
created beforenow to add an image for this variationjust click on itand then click here to add an imagea drag and drop an image from your
computerand image will be set for this variationnow in the same way we'll add images for
these two variationsso we'll click hereadd the imageand then add image for this oneso once you have added the imagesjust click Save Changesand then click updateso now if we go to our productand then click refreshnow if you select a coloryou can see that the image changesbased on the color we chooseso this is how we can set an image for
your product variationsso now you know how you can set the
image for each variationnow here you can see that we have the
same price for all variationsnow what if you want to have a different
price for each variationit's very simpleso next let's see how we can set
different prices for your variationsso to set different prices for each variationjust go back to your product pageand then go to variationsnow let's say you want to
change the price for this variationjust click on itselect the priceand then enter the new price hereso once you've set the pricejust click updateand now if you go to our productand click refreshyou can see that we now have a price rangenow if we click hereand then select this variationyou can see that it has a price which we
selectedokay so this is how we can
set a different price for your variationsso now you know how you can
add one set of variation to your productbut what if you want to add
another set of variation to your productlike thisIt's very easyso let's go to the second part of this tutorialwhere we see how
we can add a second variation to your productso to add another variation
first let's create the attributeso to create the attributejust go to attributesand now I'm going to create a size
attributeso let's enter thatand then click Addnow let's click sizeand now we need to add all the options
we want inside the size attributeso I'm going to enter the first size hereand click Addand it'll be added herenow let's add all the remaining sizesso once you have added all the items you
want inside the attributejust go back by clicking hereand now we have created the size attributeso once you created your
attribute you can now add it to your productso let's go to productsand then open the same productand then click attributesnow click hereand in select the new attributewhich is sizeand click addnow here you can select the sizes
which are available for this productso iam gonna
click select all to select all the sizesand then enable this optionand click save attributesokay so now we have added the size
attribute to our productso once you've added the attributenext let's create the variations
based on these new attributesso let's click variationsand here you can see that we have the
variations which we created for the color attributenow to create the variations for both color and size attributewe need to
first delete these variationsso to delete these variationsjust click hereand then select delete all variationsthen click goand now all the variations
which we created before will be deletedand now
we can create the variationsbased on our new attributesso to create the variation let's click hereand then select create variation from all attributesand click gonow as you can see the variations have
been created using both of our attributesnow once you created these
variationsnext you need to add the pricefor all of your variationsso to add the price just click hereand then select set regular pricesand click gonow enter the price hereand click okayso now we have set the price for all of
these variationsnow to save the changeslet's click updateand now if we go to our productand click refreshcan see that we have two options for our productswe can now choose the product colorand the products sizeso this is how we can add multiple
variations to your productsso now you know how we can create these
variations on your productnow instead of choosing from this drop-down menuwhat if you want to display your variations like thisnow these buttons
will give your customersan easier way to choose their optionso if you want to
add buttons like these to your variationsyou need to do four stepsthe first step is to install a plugin in WordPressso to install the plugin let's go to our WordPress dashboardand then go to pluginsand click add newnow search for a plug-in called
variation swatchesand you will get this pluginnow just click installand click activateokay so now the plug-in is installedwhich means we can now go to step twowhich is to choose the type of button
you wantso to choose your button typelets go to productsand click attributesnow first we'll choose the type for the
color attributeso let's go hereand then click Editand now you'll get this option called typenow as we want to show colors on our buttonsI'm going to select the type
as colorso let's click hereand then select colornow click update to save
the changesso now we have set our button typeand now if we go to our products pageand click refreshyou can see that we now have buttons for
the color optionbut these buttons do not have any colorso let's go to step three which is toset the color of these buttonsso to set the colors for the buttonslet's go back to wordpressand then go back to attributesnow let's go inside colorand here you can see all the colors
which we added beforenow to set the
color for this buttonlet's click on the colorand then click select colorand choose your colornow let's click updateand then go backand do the same for
these two colorsso we'll click hereset the colorand click updateso once you have set the colorsnow if you go back
to your productand click refreshyou can see that we now have the colorsso now we have set the colors for these buttonsso next let's go to the final
step which is to create the buttons for the size optionso to create the buttons for the size optionjust go back to attributesand then go to sizeand click Editnow just click hereand select the type as buttonnow if we click updateand then go hereand to refresh the pageyou can see that we have now got the
buttons for the size variationso now you can choose your option by
clicking on these buttonswe add this product to our cartyou can see that we now have the options we selectedso that's it guys this is how you can create variationsfor your product on
your ecommerce sitenow if we go to your storeyou can see that right now your products
are displayed like thisbut if you want to display your products
in this waywhere your customer can choose their
variation directly from the store pageand then add it to their cartyou can do that by getting
the premium version of the pluginwhich is given in
the link below this videoso this plugin also has a quick view
optionlets you view the product without
leaving the pageso that's it guys this is how you can
add a variable product to youre-commerce website now if you don't have
an e-commerce site you can watch thisvideo to see how you can create your
e-commerce site so next if you want toget a domain and hosting for your
website you can click here to get domainand hostingso thanks for watching I'll see you in
the next video bye bye
Top 10 eCommerce Companies in India
Top 10 companies and How can we benefit from Top 10 list.
1. Amazon India: World leader e-commerce company Amazon is one of the top e-commerce in India as well.
2. Flipkart: Founded in 2007 by Sachin Bansal and Binny Bansal, Flipkart is one of the best e-commerce companies in India. Now it is being acquired by Walmart.
3. Snapdeal: Started in 2010 by two graduates Kunal Bahl and Rohit Bansal, Snapdeal is one the best ecommerce company.
4. Paytm: Or ‘payment through mobile’, in last two years it has achieved more than 300% year-on-year growth, thanks to demonetization.
4. Jabong: Launched in the year 2012, this e-commerce major basically deals in fashion products.
5. EBay: eBay is also one of the prominent e-commerce companies in the world and in India.
6. Shopclues: Rendering great deals every day, this e-commerce company was commenced by Sandeep and Radhika Agarwal.
7. MakeMyTrip: MakeMytrip is a travelling site which sells bus, train, and air tickets, holiday packages.
8. Homeshop18: Having launched India’s first 24-hour Home shopping TV channel, this e-commerce is one of the most visited site.
9. Bookmyshow: Bookmyshow is the leading portal in booking tickets for entertainment purposes like movies, plays, sports events etc.
10. Zomato: This is a platform for ordering food online.
(Education for Online Selling in India on Amazon.in, Flipkart.com, Snapdeal.com, ebay.in, shopclues.com, paytm.com, rediff.com, myntra.com, jabong.com)
11 Online Marketing Tools
11 online marketing tools that can
help your business. Now, these are toolsthat I use in my business. I currently
make millions of dollars in my marketingbusiness. And you may just be starting.
But I'm going to explain why each of thesetools is useful and going to help take your
business to the next level online. So,let's go check them out. So, eleven online
marketing tools. These are all tools Iuse in my business. I do millions of
dollars a year. But even if you're juststarting, these, all these tools I'm going to
go over can help out your business insome distinct way. Now, I'm going to be
talking about email marketing, keywordtool, site builder, ad spy, deep analytics,
marketing automation, SMS text, analytics,photo editing, screen capture and an
integrations tool in this training. AndI'm going to be doing it right here on my
computer. So I'm going to walk through eachof these 11 different tools. I'm not
going to go deep into each tool but I'mgoing to explain what my favorite tool
is in each of these categories and how Iuse that in my business so hopefully you
can learn how these can help you in yourown online business. Let me get
comfortable. I have a bad knee I don'tknow if you know. I ACL soccer injury. It
might got severed. And might I have tohave a reconstructive surgery on my knee.
I won't bore you with the details.But let's check out these tools online.
So, for email marketing, one of the besttools there is is MailChimp. Now,
MailChimp is a free email marketingsoftware. It's very easy if you want to
build an email list. MailChimp is perhapsthe best place to get started because it
doesn't cost you anything. And you canemail people and create a big list of
hundreds of thousands of people so thatyou can reach out to the people you want
to consistently with your business.MailChimps a fantastic tool. Once again, the
price tag it's one of the only freetools in the marketplace. Most other
email providers also, they don't want youto put up any affiliate links whatsoever.
So, if you're in mybusiness model which is affiliate
marketing, companies can be kind of hardon you because they don't want you
constantly marketing stuff. MailChimp isgenerally alright with a lot of that
stuff as long as you're on a paidsubscription. Once you start building
your email list, you want to get on apaid subscription. So, check it out and
again, you can sign up free. So the next3 tools, I'm going to go over actually
all keyword tools. So, I you know, I knowthat I said the numbers 11. This kind
of brings up to 14 or something.But these tools are very useful.The
first tool is Google's keyword planner.So, it looks sort of like this. Choose the
right keywords and Google's keywordplanner is probably the original
marketing tool and it's also probablythe most commonly used marketing tool
around even today. And it's 100% free.Okay? Free. So, what you're doing Google's
keyword tools, you can find how muchsearch volume in there is for a
particular keyword. So, let's say you'rethinking of creating a company around… let's say you're
thinking about creating a company aroundUber for you know find… You know, finding
a personal trainer. You know? Find apersonal trainer. You can get an idea of
how many people are searching for thatterm in your particular area. Now, this
can be very useful if you're marketingsomething. Or if you just want to know
how expensive that term may be if youare bidding on it. So, you can see here. We
have… Let's let's zoom in. You know, we cansay, “Okay, we'll cost us $2 to place an ad
on this, on the search term for everytime somebody clicks.” Or you can also see
the amount of number of of searches… Youknow? Of clicks. You can expect to get for
somebody searching. Find a personaltrainer. Whatever business you're looking
to go into, you kind of want to have anidea of if people are searching for that
product or service that you are offering.And also, how much that costs. So this
this helps me out a lot. What I use thisfor in my business is you know, for my
YouTube videos for instance, I want tomake sure I'm putting out content that
people are ininterested in. You know, a good example
would be if I searched the word “Bestclick tracker” Okay? That's something that
I think is pretty important. How to findthe best click tracker. But what I'm
seeing here is that nobody actuallysearches for that term. And what I could
do is I could actually just you know, Icould go back and I could try to type in
multiple different ways. Best clicktracker
top click tracker, click tracker. Andclick tracker. And I could see if people
are searching any sort of variation ofthat word. And what we're seeing is that
people search for click tracker withspaces in it. And but nobody… Very few
people are actually searching for bestclick tracker. Only about 2,000 people
per month around the world or evensearching for that term. –Click tracker. So,
maybe that's a video I put on YouTube.Or maybe that's a blog post I put up or
maybe not. Again, I use Google's keywordtool to figure out what's important to
people because I'm biased. What I thinkas important to people may not
necessarily be important people on abroad spectrum. And you always need to
keep that in mind when you're marketing.Again, in marketing, there is no ego.
You're giving the audience what theywant. Another tool that I really like is
called answer the public. Now, this isit's got a really funny homepage. Like
you see right here it's this weird guywith the beard kind of pacing back and
forth. And what you can do is you canfind ideas about keywords that people
search for. So what I might search for isclick tracker. And I want to see what
questions people actually ask aboutclick trackers, okay? So, I would just type
in my term right here and then I'd askeddo this. Now, questions are great because
if people are asking questions about aparticular topic. It generally means they
are interested. The topic is important tothem. People only ask questions or type
questions into Google about things thattheir actual pain points. And this gives
you insight into the customers mind andwhat they're thinking.
So here we go, here we have a search howto create a click tracker.
Okay. And let's let's actually find thedata. “What is a click tracker?” And we
also have “How to create a click tracker?”But we have very few terms. But maybe, if
you know, I would want to do a video onwhat is a click tracker, so I could
explain what a clique tracker is justthe people who are wondering what it is.
Again, nobody's asking how can it help meor other stuff. There's it seems like
there's not a lot of action on thiskeyword. So it might not be something
that I actually pursue. Where as if Ityped in a… You know, let's type in my own
name actually. What's interesting? If Ityped in get questions, let's see what
questions pop up. I get 0 questions. Sonobody wonders anything about me which
is good. I guess I'd like to keep it thatway.
Now, the next thing the keyword tool thatI really like is called ubersuggest. And
ubersuggest helps you find longtailkeywords about certain topics. Now once
again, this helps us give us insight intothe customers mind. Doesn't necessarily
give us those questions that people areasking but it gives us an idea of what
other things people are thinking aboutin relation to whatever we're doing. So,
I'm going to enter in my keyword here whichis click tracker. Let's check it out. Now,
what's nice about uber suggests is NeilPatel, who is the guru bind that says,
“This keyword is easy to rank for. There'sa 76% chance you can rank in the
top 20.” So that's kind of cool. I knowthat simply if I put up a video about
click trackers,I can probably rank pretty high for that
and get some traffic. And you know, I didsee that 2000 people were searching for
that word. So here it says 2,900people a month. So, that
could be pretty cool. That's a very easyterm to to rank for. And you know, just by
putting up a video on YouTube, I couldget some traffic for that. So, you know,
maybe there aren't specific questionspeople are asking just what it is. So, if
I were to do a video, maybe I just put upa video about what is a click tracker,
okay. That's kind of interesting. There'sa lot of searches in September for it.
But here are the other words. This iswhat's more interesting to me is here
are the other words peoplein relation to clique tracker. So people
are looking for click tracker, clicktracking Google Analytics. So, knowing
about click tracking in relation toGoogle Analytics might be something I
want to address if I put up a blog postabout this topic. Also, I see here free
click trackers. Again, if I put up a blogpost or a video blog about this topic, I
might want to address whether there arefree click trackers out there. And I
would want to up, you know… And that kindof gives me insight into… I wanted to
talk about prosper 202 which is a selfhosted tracking and analytics platform
for digital marketing. So that'syou know, it's free. so that
could be something pretty interesting toaddress if I'm talking about click
trackers. Software, double click tracker.Click tracker URL. Then we have some
weird thing right here which I'll justcross out. Okay, so that gives us some
information. We know, I know if I'mputting up a video or a blog post about
clique trackers, I'm gonna want to bringup the topics of Google Analytics and
also a free option for a click trackerwhen I talk about this subject. This has
really given me insight into what peopleare looking for in relation to click
tracking. Obviously, I use volume and Ihave no qualms about paying 300 dollars
per month to use volume. But in this case,it's, you know, it's clear to me that
I should be talking about you know, thefree versions and the Google Analytics
integrations.The next tool I'm going to discuss is a
site builder. Now, a site builder is suchas click funnels, helps you just build
websites without knowing any programming.Now, I'm a big advocate of click funnels.
I use it for my websites. I'm a hugeaffiliate for click funnels as well they
have a great affiliate program. It's agreat company overall. And I use it quite
a lot. We have a million visits to mysites every single month. And we're using
click funnels to manage all of thattraffic. So click funnels is a great
company. If you don't have programmingskills or technical skill
like I do, I mean I don't have thoseskills. I suggest you use clickfunnels to
help you run your internet business. It'sa great option and there will be a link
in the description of this videowhere you can sign up for clickfunnels
if that's what you want to use to buildyour websites. So, great option right
there. Now, the next set of tools is adspy tools. Ad spy tools are pretty
important. The 2 tools I like the mostor ad beat. Which lets you look up a lot of different ads on displaynetworks and native ad networks such as
Google or Outbrain or whatnot.Everything except Facebook essentially.
But it's very effective and their searchfeatures are amazing. I've been using ad
beat for a while.Another great ad spy tool is Spyfu, okay?
Spyfu allows you to find google searchads very effectively and what I could do
is I could simply search you knowsomething like TaiLopez.com and find
where else they are advertising and whatkeywords they are showing up for. Okay, so…
That's very helpful if we're doing… We'retrying to find competitors or keywords
to bid on. Last ad spy tool is socialad scout. Now, social ad scout will allow
you to see Facebook ads. And it's an adspy tool specifically for Facebook ads
as you see right here, you can just spota bunch of Facebook ads to spy against.
There's a very easy way if you… If youdon't have swipe files for the affiliate
program that you're advertising, you cango on social ad scout and find some… Find
some ads from from competitors and copythose so you can advertise whatever
product you want. Really great andeffective. Volume is our next tool. This
is what I call deep analytics. And thisis a tool I use very often in my
marketing to get deeper insights into mymarketing campaigns so I can optimize my
ads. This allows me, Voluum allows me tosplit test my landing pages. It also
allows me to figure out which landingpages are working
with which adds and it automaticallyoptimizes based on what's going to make
me the most ROI.What's going to make me the most money. It
also allows me to get insight into whatUS states or what countries are the most
effective. It allows me to check out whatis PS or IPS or devices or device models
or device types are the most effectivefor my advertising to allow me to figure
out whether to optimize a certainlanding page, experience or to change out
my landing pages for a different country.And a lot of other very advanced things
that are really important to affiliatemarketers such as myself who are doing
big volume. You don't need a deepanalytics tool unless you're making over
$10,000 a month. That's whatI tell people. But after you're making
$10,000 a month. A deepanalytics tool will help you take your
marketing game to the next level bygiving you better insights and the
better allowing you to split test whatyou're doing in your marketing. So, big
fan of volume. They helped me scale mybusiness from doing $50,000
a month to $500,000a month. And I just found this is
kind of funny. They actually have a quotefor me here. So, volume contributed
massively to my business growth from 1million a year to 3 million a year.
It's intuitive and user friendly givingme the ability to manage large sets of
advertising data. That's pretty cool.They've featured my quote on their
homepage. I'm also friends with the owner.So we hang out sometimes but he doesn't
really run the company anymore. We justjust kind of go off and do fun things
like… I don't know, smoke cigars and jacuzzisand stuff like that. So, that sounds
really douchey. So, here's the nextprogram which is… This is this is called
a marketing automation program. It'scalled keep or Infusionsoft as it's
known.Here's Infusionsoft through advanced
automation. And Infusionsoft is software.Really, it's a CRM that I use very often
in my marketing to help mefigure out, you know, sending emails to
people. Sending texts to people. Sendingyou know, I have a bunch of different
marketing channels that I use in for myown product which is my 6-week course
called the super affiliate system. Thisallows me to talk to all of my customers
effectively and people in differentstages of learning about my educational
courses. So, great product, it costspricing I think it starts at about $200 per month. It's more ofan advanced software for when you start
building an email list. MailChimp isgreat as a free program for email lists.
But Infusionsoft is really the nextlevel. Once you start moving beyond email
lists and doing other forms of marketing,this really helps you manage you know,
attribution and all these other thingsthat MailChimp… MailChimp is just kind of
a little tool whereas Infusionsoft issort of a toolbox where you put all your
tools and helps keep out all yourdifferent marketing channels organized.
The next marketing tool I'm going totalk about is CallLoop. Now call loop is
something I like a lot. This allows me tosend SMS texts and also RVMs, ringless
voicemails to my customer.So, RVM –ringless voicemail, SMS text
messaging is right there. And thisis a great way to market. If you have the
phone numbers of your customers, if it is…You should be sending them text
messages, you should be dropping themvoicemails. Now, don't overdo text
messages or voicemails. People will getvery annoyed. I send about, you know, maybe
one text message a week. Maybe oneringless voicemail week is kind of good
on the annoyance scale. You might, maybeyou send more, maybe you send less. Donald
Trump sends me one text message 5hours. It's kind of crazy he sends a lot
of text trying to get more money out ofme. But the point being is this is a
great cheap effective software thatallows you to reach your customers in a
very, very, very effective way. And I can'tstress enough how effective SMS text
messaging and ringless voicemailif you do indeed have your customers
phone numbers. So, totally use this. It's4 cents to send a text. 4 cents to
drop a voicemail on somebody's phone. Soit's cheap, its effective and it's easy.
So, use it.Now, another analytics program that you
can use which is I just kind of considerfoundational analytics is Google
Analytics. Google Analytics is right here.You see is the base foundation for
really all marketing analytics. If youdon't have Google Analytics on your site,
you are missing out on a huge amount ofdata that is available to you. So here we
are in my site, we see there's… I don'tknow, like a 118,000 people. There's 116 peopleon my site right now and it's late at
night, okay? So we have… I mean, I don'tknow why so many people are on my
website and it's so late at night. Soundskind of crazy. But you can learn
a lot about your customers. You can seewhere they're coming from. Where
in the world they're coming from. Youknow, 35. I mean, this is kind of
interesting.Only 35% of the people
that visit my website are from the US.And we can also look at various
other information how manypeople are using desktop computers
versus mobile devices. I can see… You know,I can also look at the demographics. So,
let's say I wanted to look at thedemographics of my users. I could say,
“Okay, most of them seem to be kind ofyounger and then it's kind of… We have
you know pretty even distribution ofolder people.” I can also see that I'm
more popular among males than I am amongfemales. It's about two-thirds male and
one-third female. Now, if you're a femaleI highly suggest you visit my website to
get this ratio more even. But there's alot of other interesting information
that you can gather from GoogleAnalytics that can help you make
marketing decisions. Again, if I'madvertising on Google, this will allow me
to figure out what categories that myaudience is in. For instance, in market
segments is a really important categoryin
Google AdWords. Now, if you you can be anaffiliate for my program, this
information is pretty helpful. And we seethat most of the users are in this
category. Business services, advertising,marketing services which makes a lot of
sense. We can also see that thesecategories are pretty niche down. These
are pretty specific categories. And thesewould be categories that we'd want to
focus on. Categories like employment arebroad. So almost everybody's going to be
in them. Again, the correlation might beoff. But this is all data that can help
us be more effective at what we do whichis advertising and marketing. It gives us
more data. And that's that's the point ofanalytics is giving us more data, more
options available to us to really bespecific and get the most bang out of
our buck. Now, we have 3 more tools togo through. I know this has been a
mammoth episode. But I hope you'resticking with me and learning some stuff
here. Give this… Give this video a big fatlike first of all if you are getting
some value out of this. Because, yeah… Imean, if you're still here you are pretty
crazy because we're going through allthese tools. And also, by the end
of this video, let me know what tool youlike the most. I'll talk about that in a
second. Now, for photo editing, what I use…I use this I've been using this since
2009. I never took a course in photoediting. I took some like… You know, I
watched some videos online and it tooksome tutorial courses. But I never
actually took a formal course in videoediting. But I use Adobe Photoshop.
Photoshop is my preferred go to photoeditor. Now, photo editing is a super
essential skill if you're marketer. Ifind it very helpful. It's not super
essential but it's very helpful.Especially if you're putting up ads that
include images. You can also impressfamily and friends and what-have-you. But
being able to edit photos has helped mea lot in my career as a marketer because
it's allowed me to be able to createadvantages for myself that other people
may not have. It's allowed me to makephoto stand out more. It's allowed me to
make things pop. It'sI'd meet another layer of optimization
that has been very helpful for me. Now,photos have been moving towards video.
Video is actually I'd say the new bigskill in advertising. Back when I got
started in advertising, there was novideo. There was no way to advertise
video back in 2009. So, that brings me upto my next software, online marketing
software tool which is Camtasia. Camtasiais so cool.
Okay? I'm a big fan of Camtasia. It allowsyou to record your screen and capture
video. I'm actually using it for thisvideo on YouTube right now. Isn't that
cool? And it allows allows me to draw onmy screen. It allows me to highlight
things, it allows me to point to things.And allows me to do all manner of cool
doodads that allows me to share morestuff with the world. Now as an educator,
I'm on YouTube and I also have trainingprograms. You know, I have my six-week
training course. And I also have an armyof affiliates that want to learn how to
better advertise and how to bettermarket my own products. And part of
the reason why a lot of people market myproducts is because I try to be a good
teacher and show people how to market myproducts in the best way possible. And to
do that, I need a very good screenrecorder and video editor to share with
people what I'm doing and how to marketeffectively on the computer. So, this
helps out a lot. And there's a free trialof it. If you are going into YouTube or
if you are sharing things with otherteam members, let's say you have virtual
assistants or whatever, contractors.Camtasia is a fantastic tool to help
share stuff with them. This brings me tomy last tool. And I'm actually going to give
one bonus tool on top of this whichyou'll like. And you'll have to
subscribe to my channel for the bonustool. No, not really. But you just keep
watching the video. But zapier. And thisis an automation software. Zapier helps
connect all of the different kind oftools that were working
with. Google analytics or can help youconnect slack with with SMS or all these
different things that we're using. It canhelp piece together the puzzle. If
certain puzzle pieces don't fit together.Zapier is really it's like a one size
fits all. It's an essential thing tokind of mop up whatever… Whatever.
MailChimp doesn't connect withInfusionsoft correctly, zapier will make
it connect correctly. So zapier is greatat just connecting all of these
marketing programs together. And makingsure everything in your business runs
without you having to touch my businessruns. Without me having to do anything at
this point. I didn't really domuch in my business today. But everything
runs. And everything runs without mehaving to worry too much about it
because I use tools like Zapier to keepeverything connected. Now, the one bonus
tool that I'm going to show you is a… Isactually a really cool one I just came
across. I totally forgot about. It'scalled gifiam. This is how you make
animated gifs. Very simple, very effectiveand it's a free gift maker. I've gotten
really big into gifs lately. So thesemoving gifs. I'm not going to go too deep in
that. But if you enjoyed this video,please give it a big thumbs up, make sure
if you want to learn more about onlinemarketing and learn how to make money
online, you know, make sure you subscribeto this channel. I do affiliate marketing
and by subscribing to this channel, youwill get a free course. It's 10 videos
on affiliate marketing. It will show youfrom soup to nuts how you can get
started and help you understand thebusiness model so you can go out there
on your own. Also, I have my own course. Ihave a 6-week course on affiliate
marketing showing a more advancedstrategies and kind of longer… You know,
takes a while to go through. 6-weekcourse. But basically, we're going through…
You know, I'm going through advertisingplacement on these different ad networks.
Also, leave a comment. What tool was themost useful to you?
Okay? Once again, comment below what toolwas the most useful to you because when
you comment what the tool was mostuseful to you, I may make a video on
going deeper into using that tool moreeffectively for my business and for your
business. So, looking forward to seeingyou in future videos. Thank you for
tuning into this mammoth episode onInternet marketing toolsto help your business.
DashNex PowerTech Review Demo – Instant eCom Store And DashNex Pages
all right so right now we are inside ofthe – next pages a dashboard this iswhere you can create any kind of HTMLbased website very very quickly so letme run through a quick demo here to showyou really what you can do and I willshow you also a couple of websites thatwe have for our own business here at -Nick so when you will log in and this iswhere you will see basically all thewebsites and obviously in the beginningyou will not have any websiteswhatsoever but you'll be able to clickthis button add a website and simplychoose a subdomain name and title anddescription and launch a website nowonce you launch a website you will haveability to go to the settings page andon the settings page this is where youcan provide all the basic stuff so youdon't have to repeat that on everysingle page for example you can add alogo you can add an open graph imagefavicon you can add all the scripts likeFacebook pixel Google Analytics whateverscripts you are using then if you areusing templates you can upload thesource files and to our source hostingso that you have them right there onyour domain we also have a legal pagegenerator built in so that you don'thave to create them on your own you canjust click the button and generate themyou can also generate about and contactpage so you don't have to think aboutthose things and then finally if youwant to you can obviously add a customdomain we have the instructions how toconfigure that it's very very simple andit also comes with the free SSLautomatically so that your website issecure and really is trustable from theday one and once you have provided thesesettings you can go to pages here andliterally start to add any kind of pageand typically you have one of the fourpage types so you can use a leadgeneration page if you want to use ourbuilt-in templates so if we go here youcan see that we have a bunch ofdifferent lead generation templates andthese are really proven squeeze pagesthat you can use to build your emaillist quickly and there is for examplethings like dynamic thank-you page whereyou can deliver digital content like youcan upload your digital file here anddownload it automatically from the ThankYou page there are all kinds ofdifferent timers built in to increasethe scarcity and things like that and sothere's a lot of features right awaybuilt in so you don't have to thinkabout them and you don't have to addsome plugins or applications or thingslike that then we also have thesweepstakes page and currently we havetwo templates there but they are bothproven to work on facebook and again youcan just choose the template andconfigure the template by going throughthis visit and literally have it donewithin you know minutes and then you canrun a sweepstakes campaign whichobviously is very powerful when buildingan email list right now the other twotypes of pages are the redirect page andredirect page is simply where you canyou know redirect links like for exampleif you have some affiliate links thatyou wanna use or for example you have alink that you want to send to your emaillist but you want to make sure that youknow you don't enter the affiliate linkbecause then it will be considered as aspammy link and so you can cloak thatlink with with our redirect page andreally create a nice you know linkthrough your own domain and typicallythis is a problem for majority ofwebsite builders that they don't havethis feature built in and since we areusing – next pages for all our ownwebsites then you know this is you knowimportant to us and then finally blankpage and this is the power of – nextpages because blank page provides yourability to copy and paste any kind ofcode from any template and you can justhost absolutely anything on the web siteand this is a beauty because there aretens of thousands of different templatesofvailable today where you literallyeither you can download them for free oryou can purchase them for a one-timesmall fee and then build the website andyou know host it without ever touchingit again or just updating some you knowsimple things for example here is one ofthe templates that we give away this isthe portfolio template this is designedfor freelancers and people who aretrying to sell their skills so again youwould just replace these things in thebracket with your own text you wouldenter your own name there and that's ityou provide your skills provide the textand you have the website ready and younever need to touch it again so whywould you you know pay recurring fee orsomething like that for the website likethis and here we have instructions howto find a perfect template for you andyou know we host everything like thiswebsite – next pages that come is builton a – next pages platform instantlycomes store.com you see with thismulti-level a sort of navigation is alsohosted on – next pages platform agencywebsites you know webinar registrationpages a bunch of different stuff andactually the page that you are on rightnow is also hosted on – next pagesplatform so that's a quick overview ofthe – next pages obviously you can goinside we have the easy opt-in optionswe have integrations with theautoresponders for the sweepstakecampaigns and things like that we alsohave a referral program inside sothere's a lot of things that you can dowith – next pages platform now thesecond part of the – text powertechpackage is obviously the instant eekumstore platform and this is a realpowerhouse because it's built based onall the marketing requirements in orderto sell product and really convert youknow people from facebook to sales andso here you know obviously this is ademo account so I'mgoing to quickly run through thisbecause this is a large platform there'sa lot of features in there but just wantto show you a couple of things right sofirst of all you can integrate autoresponders merchants tracking productfulfillment shipping and other thingsare right here right and then you canbuild a store and again the principalbuilding the store is the same you justclick the button you provide the storename let me do a quick demo here so thisis going to be a – next power demo let'scall it that way let's select the timezone and the time zone is importantbecause you want to link it with youknow your your for example PayPalaccount right so that your data issynced together right next you canprovide you know a physical address letme just type in this and then on thefinal step you basically select amerchant that you integrated before andyou can select two merchants for exampleif you have a stripe account and PayPalaccount you can integrate both and thenyou just click Launch a store right andyou'll see that your store is ready sonow this is your individual storedashboard and inside of hereI will just run quickly through somestuff so here under the main storesettings this is where you do kind ofthe main store configurations you canadd a custom domain you can you knowprovide some SEO details social linkscustom scripts you know badges enablefor the check out for example right dointegrations for the for the check outfor example once people type in the nameinside of the check out we captured themand add them to your autoresponderautomatically currency conversions youcan enable it and show all the settingsso those are general settings andtypically on platforms like Shopify youwould need to buy additionalapplications or download additionalapplications right and every singleapplication would come with you knowaddition upgrade because those guys alsowant to makeso they will try to sell you somethingelse and so we have built everything inso you don't have to buy anything rightwe have the for example the marketinghuh but marketing hobby is where youcreate abundant campaigns you know cartabandonment campaigns where you createupsells where you can create conversionstuff right so things like that andthere is a lot of things inside here andthen when it comes to the products youknow you can obviously import productsfrom Aliexpress we have a Chromeextension that will allow you to do thatbut you also can add you know a productjust just like that just copy andpasting and there are so many variablesand so many features right here thatallows you to really customize yourproduct page so that you can you knowbasically maximize conversions becauseat the end of the day that's what thisis all about right and so you know youcan you know add any kind of product youcan create private product pages forexample so when you build an email listand you want to you know create aspecial offer just for folks and youremail list and you don't want to displaythat on the home page of your store thenobviously you know you can createprivate pages and things like that youget the product feeds which you canintegrate them with with Facebook sothat you can create dynamic ads andthere are lots of lots of differentfeatures but what's cool about this thatyou don't have to download any newapplication you don't have to you knowbuy some plugins and things like thatyou can just literally add productsstart to run traffic Ted you know makemoney and grow your business like thatand the story is very simple on adesktop you know there is no themes nono some kind of weird stuff obviouslyyou can customize the color you can addthe logo and things like that but it'sgenerally simple because 95% of trafficwill come from mobile phones and onmobile we have what we call Mdedicated mobile store which allows youto basically customize stuffspecifically for mobile phone right sothat people when they come from yourmobile phone you know they see abeautiful page it's easy it's intuitivefor them and things like that and wehave about 2,000 users on instant incomestore right now and that are using andbuilding stores and selling productsevery single day and all the you knowemails updates notifications everythingis automatic you know there is nothingfor you to buy or add to this you knowthe version that you're getting with the- next power tech bundle is you knowthat the top version so everything isliterally included and you can start toadd products on the store and start tosell in minutes from now
The TOP 3 eCommerce Apps for Increasing Sales IMMEDIATELY in 2018!
is that Mentos ready for the bestShopify apps I know I said I was gonnado the top three but I always like toover deliver to you guys so we're gonnado a few more than three but these aremy favorite apps for getting more salesimmediately in your store which is themost important part so the first one iscalled hurry by a lot of people haveprobably heard about this one it kind ofgives a little sense of urgency for yourstore everybody kind of uses urgency youknow as today is the last day for the20% off sale make sure you get your youknow final christmas deals black fridayright it's just kind of human nature toappeal to scarcity it's in a lot ofbooks that I've read on kind of thepower of influence and persuasion andthings like that and it simply works formy specific store it actually increasedmy conversion percentage by four percentand as we know it is only $6.99 a monthso literally on your very first saleit's paying for itself so if you get oneadditional sale just literally one notone percent one additional sale permonth it pays for itself it gives you afree trial it's very easy to set up wedo go to it you know extreme detail andexactly how to set this up in the bestway in the Shopify ninja master classbut this is one of my favorite favoriteapps just for kind of assigning a littlebit of scarcity for your buyers the nextone is called sales pop buy be kiddingand these guys do a great job Irecommend just looking at their entirestore they really understand kind of thebiopsychology and you know the Shopifycustomer credentials and kind of thedemographics so what sales pop is isit's similar to a couple apps you knowuse FOMO is another one proof is anotherone have you ever been browsing awebsite or something like that you'veseen a little pop up in the bottom lefthand corner that says you know Kevin inQueenstown New Zealand just bought thisamazing widget and so you know it kindof just shows you it gives people kindof the idea that other people are buyingthis as well and nobody likes to be thefirst one nobody likes to be the firstone to review a product on Amazon nobodylikes to be the first one you know tolike a Facebook page nobody likes to bethe first one to buy a product they liketo see that other people are doing ithuman beings kind of just havecrowd mentality it's just like walkingdown the street and if you see a bunchof people looking at something you'reprobably likely to look at it too sothis is beacons version of sales pop itjust basically says you know AnthonyRoberson in New York just bought thisproduct also so people say oh otherpeople are buying it right it appearsbeautifully both on desktop and onmobile and it makes a huge differenceguys and this one is absolutely free andthat's why there's probably 8000 reviewshere just because it simply works andit's a very very effective product thenext one is called frequently boughttogether so for those of you who knowanything about Amazon obviously I have alittle bit of experience there Amazon isthe biggest most influential platformfor e-commerce ever built in the historyof the universe obviously and so whatthey kind of pioneered or at least kindof spread into widespread adoption isthe idea of frequently bought togetherso what this kind of means is if youhave multiple products or multipledifferent kind of products in the sameniche or sub niche it shows what isfrequently bought together so like let'ssay for example that you had a camerastore so this would be you know likeyour Canon camera and it would sayfrequently bought together and wouldhave maybe a camera strap and a camerabag and a camera lens and a cameracleaner or something like that right sopeople don't know what other kind ofcomplementary products are also you knownice to buy with the product that theyare purchasing and so the frequentlybought together section says oh well youknow other people are doing this thatseems smart I might as well get all ofthese things that I need all at the sametime and it increases your average cartvalue by a ton which is extremelyvaluable for you obviously as a sellerso the frequently blocks togethersection is absolutely great and as wecan see here this one is you know verycheap again 500 $5.99 per month and theyhave a 14-day free trial so this isdefinitely a good one to use guys andit's black belts which is representativethe ninjas um but I don't have anyaffiliation I just use the productmyself so the next one is called spin asale so for those of you who don't knowwe leo or spin a sale they kind of werethe pioneers of this particular nicheit's kind ofthe next evolution of pop ups so a lotof people don't really like pop upsthey're kind of annoying you immediatelyclose them every time because they don'treally add any inherent value inthemselves you know sometimes peopleoffer you like a percentage off if youenter your email but people are justkind of so tuned out from it and soagainst it by nowthat they just kind of close it out ofhabit without even looking at it spinassailing wheelie Oh kind ofrevolutionized that by bringing it likea nice beautiful kind of spinner pop upthat has kind of like a Wheel of Fortunetype feelwhere you can literally win you know 10%20% 30% 40% off coupons literally justby clicking this little button andentering your email to claim it so thisdoes a couple things first of all numberone most important thing of building asuccessful Shopify store is an emaillist of interested customers so youcollect emails number two is you'reactually giving them a discount codethat they can use in real time whichincentivizes them to actually make apurchase on your site and number threeeveryone loves gambling everyone lovesyou know some people love it too muchbut everyone loves the game of chanceeveryone loves you know winning thingseveryone loves kind of just little gameslike this so it does so it appeals tothree human emotions all kind of at thesame time all of which are helping yourbusiness it's getting you more sales andit's collecting you email lists andpeople are having fun instead of beingannoyed by your pop-up so it's probablyone of the most important apps of all ofthe apps that I use integrates directlywith both clavo and MailChimp which wewill talk about next which are yourautoresponders this is how you sendemails to everyone so an autoresponderfor people who don't know basically justmeans if you have a hundred people whosign up to your email list instead ofyou know going to Google and Gmail andtyping a hundred emails to these peopleautoresponders send you no mass amountsof emails all at once so it'll send thesame email to all a hundred people whoyou've collected so let's talk aboutthis MailChimp there's two kind ofchoices here for your autoresponder forShopify the first is MailChimp very easyto use it's free up to I think 2000 yesyou can send 12,000 emails a month and2,000 subscriberscompletely for free which is absolutelyincredible they understand the value ofbuilding these templates to people andyou know once people start to build moreand more subscribers it becomes more andmore values with them and they arehave their templates built out and sothey don't migrate away from theplatform so MailChimp very intelligentlyallowed you a lot of value completelyfor free kind of to build marketdominance and so MailChimp is extremelyeasy very intuitive I go into a veryvery detailed kind of explanations ofhow to set up abandoned carts right soif somebody's coming to buy from you andthen you know their dog pees on thefloor something like that and then theyclose out of their window becausethey're mad at you know poor Rover who'speeing all over himself and then theylose the cart right so they were goingto buy from you but something came upand they weren't able to complete thetransaction so MailChimp has acapability of what's called abandonedcarts where it automatically sendsemails to people saying hey Kevin youknow you had this awesome droneaccessory in your cart and Shopify didyou want like did you want to buy itright and then you can send follow-upsaying hey we noticed as you had this inyour cart we wanted to offer you like a20% off coupon to come back to us and soit really makes the biggest differenceof anything you can basically possiblydo on Shopify is setting up yourautoresponder your email marketing andyour abandoned cart correctly all threeof which are possible and easy to dowhen I go in a very very detailedstep-by-step exactly how to do this inthe biggest way that's going to give youthe biggest results in the Shopify ninjamaster class so that is the choicenumber one this one is a little bit moreattuned to beginners it's free for youknow most of the things that a lot ofbeginners would need it for you knowonce you get past the 2,000 subscribersyou start to pay which is you know veryfair from an autoresponder perspectivethe one that's a little bit moreadvanced it's a little bit more advancedfrom you know an intuitive kind of setupperspective you can do some reallyadvanced stuff with itbut it's only free up to 250 contactswhere MailChimp gives you you know 2,000subscribers and so Clabby o is a littlebit more advanced if you already kind ofhave a store that's working you alreadyhave you know generating some revenueand you're okay with paying slightlymore kind of from the start for thesecapabilities and it allows you kind ofto do a little bit more you knowdirectly integrating with Facebookadvertising and just a few more advancedtopics and if you guys want me to gointo a video you know on reallyemail marketing I think it's probablythe number-one thing that differentiatesbeginners who aren't necessarily makingas much as they want to on Shopify andyou know a little bit more advancedpeople who are making significantly morebecause once you have an email list guysit's just completely night and day youcan click one button and you can send anemail and you print money it's literallylike having your own bank and when youpress one button all of a sudden youknow your hundred people in your emaillist or your thousand or your 10,000 oryour 50,000 or your hundred thousandpeople are reading this email and thenyou know even if you're converting atone percent it's just money flowing inso email lists are incredibly valuableextremely extremely profitable and it'swhat differentiates people who aremaking a ton of money online and peoplewho aren't necessarily making as much umthe next app I want to talk about iscalled confer CEO so conversatio and itused to be called receive full if you'vebeen around for a whileconversatio is a cool little app thatbasically instead of just sending thenormal kind of receipt that Shopifyautomatically sends out when people makepurchases from your store it sends out alittle bit more fun of a receipt so itautomatically will generate discountcodes and it'll say hey David you knowthanks for purchasing that awesome dronethat you bought today you know as a wayof saying thanks for shopping with ustoday here's a coupon for 10% off onyour next purchase within the next twoweeks and so it does this all for youit's all automated and it automaticallysends out emails and then highlights thediscount code to kind of try to you knowget additional value out of eachcustomer because anybody who runs anonline business knows that the cost of anew customer is exponentially higherthan the cost of selling to a anexisting customer that you already haveand who's already bought from you beforeit's just night and day difference andso receive or excuse me conversatiomakes it very easy to actually convertmore pre-existing customers just simplythrough the receipts and through thediscount codes that you're distributingthere and they're pretty good they giveyou a one of your main dashboardfeatures they'll show you you knowconversatio made you this much moneythis month just through receipts so youknow if you can generate an additional$19 a month from this app then it isworth it and it's it's obviously doingthat for all the stores that I run andthat I use for it you know it does itwithin an hour or you know much lessthan a single day but if you're juststarting out the $19 price might be seemhigh but you know they give a 30-dayfree trial so it's definitely worthchecking out and setting up and if youwant more details about exactly how youknow to set up conversatio to get themaximum conversions um I could do a kindof a more detailed video on how toactually set up these apps or as alwaysit's obviously available in the Shopifyninja master class which is available inthe description the last thing that Iwant to talk about so Facebook chat isthe future Messenger is the future it'sthe future of customer service it's thefuture of email marketing right thepeople who are understanding many chatmany chat is the most valuable thingthat you can possibly pay for right nowin my opinion onlineBar None I paid I think I pay $60 amonth for you know a ten thousand plusyou know quote-unquoteemail list where I can send broadcasts Ican create sequences I can answercustomer service requests and how thisworks and so just just because I wantedto make this a little bit more beginnerfriendlywe're gonna talk about Facebook chat byagain by diecutting this companiesabsolutely makes a killing but many chatis a little bit more advanced you can doa lot more with it it's for people whoare kind of have a little bit higher ofa budget and are really scaling for thefuture so eventually I'll probably makejust a complete video on money chatbecause it's unbelievably valuable it'scrazy it's weird it's where the futureis going it's moving away from email andit's moving into messenger BOTS andthat's what many chat is so if you guysare interested in me doing a mini chatvideo for Shopify just in general leaveme a note in the comments and I could doyou know just a super in-depth kind of atutorial for beginners on mini chat andhow to utilize the unbelievable powerthat many chat gives you but for nowfacebook chat is just a very simple kindof version of some of the things thatmany chat allows you to do and what thisis is it'll give you this it gives youthis little pop-up you know both onmobile and on desktop and if somebodyhas a question and you might think youknow my products really simple you knowI only sell t-shirts or a golf club orwhatever it is you have no idea thenumber of ridiculous questions that Iand my virtual assistants get everysingle day saying you know hey is thisis this golf polo going to shrink in thewash I'm allergic to cotton like is thisgonna be okay or you know somebody mightsay is this with this golf club fitsomebody that's 510 or can women usethis like you just you don't understandhow many questions people have andthey're just they're very close tobuying and just that little final humantouch of having a virtual assistant oranswering these your questions yourselfgives you such a huge advantage from aconversion perspective just giving themthose that final little thing becauseone of the biggest things that I'velearned from using these type of appsall the time is that people are oftenone little answer away from making apurchase whether it's you know a tendollar purchase or a hundred dollarpurchase or a thousand dollar purchasepeople just have these little kind ofyou know questions in the back of theirhead and if they get a human being who'sthere and they feel that kind ofpersonal touch and they get their finallittle question answered theirconversion rate goes from you know onepercent to fifty one percent with thefive minute conversation and having Ihave you know virtual assistants that Iuse full-time for all of my Shopifystores to just answer customer servicequeries 24 hours a day and it has beenone of the number one biggest factorsfor increasing my conversions and so thelast thing that I want to talk aboutreally quickly is Google Analytics sothis is Google Analytics for one of mysites we see that there's 15 activeusers right now but what were what we'recurious about here is what's called thee-commerce settings and so ecommercesettings is one of the most importantthings that you can do for your Shopifystores it gives you all types ofinformation about you know what pagespeople are most often visiting how longthey're staying on those pages whetherthey're leaving your website from thosepages so maybe they're getting you toyour car and then they're kind ofconfused and they leave and if younotice a pattern with that then maybeyou spend more time you know making yourcart more clear maybe you're maybe therewas an error on your cart page that'snot allowing people to proceed andeveryone's leaving your website rightyou would never know these type ofthings unless you actually enabled youreconsettings and so this specific website isnot an e-commerce site and so I don'thave it enabled but all you have to dois go into your Google Analytics comedown to e-commerce settings set up yourShopify store and then just click andNabal here and you can do some reallyadvanced stuff that I go really indetail in it's it's a little bit morecomplicated so I'm not gonna do it allin this video but if you guys areinterested you know I'm happy to do thatthe e-commerce settings that GoogleAnalytics gives you completelybeautifully synergistically integrateswith Shopify and so at the single clickof a button you can get all of theanalytics that you possibly need tocompletely optimize your store from acustomer perspective and from aconversion perspective and that's goingto give you the information that youneed to make very important profitabledecisions so those are kind of the appsthat I to use guys I hope you enjoyedthis video if you did make sure you dome a huge favor and click that littletiny subscribe button the red one slapit directly in its face and hit thatlittle notification bell so you stay upto date on all of the ninja knowledgethat's going to be dropped every day andall in the future guys so I hope youenjoyed this video and we will see youon the next one[Music]
How To Start An Ecom or Importation Business With Just ₦50,000 – Step By Step
Access The 10X Ecom Blueprint: http://bit.ly/10XOffer
Access The 10X Ecom Blueprint: http://bit.ly/10XOffer
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How much can I start my Ecom Business with? or ow can I start ecommerce with just N50,000, N100,000 or How much do you recommend I start with?
This is one question I get asked all the time… and today in this video, I’m going to show you exactly How You Can Start Your Importation or Ecom Business With as Little as ₦50,000 and Scale to Making ₦100k – ₦400k Monthly.
Just stick with me to the end to find out more…
But before we begin I want to assume you already know what ecommerce or mini importation is all about.
If you still don’t know, I’ll advice you to STOP this video, click on the first link in the description section or currently displaying on the screen to gain access to an In depth Training on what Importation Business is all about and how to get started even tomorrow …
Do that first before you continue this video or every other thing you’ll hear will look like a mystery and jargons to you.
So, I assume you’ve watched that video and know what Importation or Ecom business is all about about… or you know what the business is all about but you want to learn how to get started, grow the business and hit the big figures… Then stick till the end of this video… lemme shock you… lol
Now i’m assuming you only have N50,000 to start your ecommerce/importation business with, and you’re serious at it… here’s how to grow that money to millions…
1. Get your domain and hosting N9,000 – Which I recommend Namecheap. To get a domain name at namechep, you’re going to be paying just $9.06 (which is just N3,300 – less than 3,500). And Hosting plan for $15.44 (which is just N5,600 – less than 6k). So that totals, approximately to 9k for both domain and hosting.
2. Get a website builder like Instabuilder or Elementor – These are paid plugins. Though Elementor have the free version I feel is good for you to start with IF you know how to properly use it. You will get this plugins for FREE and how to create top-notch 7-figures sales funnels to sell your products when you become a 10X Ecommerce Blueprint Premium Member. this I will show you later on in this video…
3. Find a product that solves real life problems… Product that are high in demand… Products that are will sell like crazy…
To me, I feel having the ability or skills to finding HOT and High in Demand Products is the KEY to your success in ecommerce business and to what I am talking about today… and in the case of this video, you have to find a product that sells for maximum of $1 and is also light weight. Many newbie make this mistake when starting out…
How to Buy an eCommerce Business with Jaryd Krause
hello their bread idea hunters welcomeback to another episode of the brightideas podcast I am your host as alwaysTrent dear Smith and also as always I'mhere to shine a light on what is workingin the world of e-commerce and I do thatby sharing with you the tactics and thestrategies that have been proven to workby proven entrepreneurs and in thisepisode my guest is a fellow by the nameof Jared KRAS did I pronounce thatcorrectly Jared yeah Kraus Kraus JaredKraus and we're going to be talkingabout how jared has built his businessby buying existing businesses and if youmay recall I actually interviewedanother fellow on my show a couple offellows on my show one by the name ofShaquille Peraza and one by the name ofPhil D'Allesandro and so this is yetanother interview with someone in thespace of acquisitions before we get tothat we do have a sponsor message thesponsor for today's episode is HR F'sthat's a href Escom and when I am priorto discovering this tool I have to admitI wasn't really a fan of SEO I thoughtit was too technical I thought I waskind of late to the game and mostly Ididn't think I was ever gonna get anyresults but now that I've been usingtheir tool and have had the opportunityto have deeper conversations with a fewof the really smart folks on their teamas a matter of fact I interviewed theirCMO his name is Tim Timsoh gosh now remember getting the namebut I'll put a link in the show notesanyway I've learned a great deal abouthow when you have access to the rightdata SEO is not nearly as complicated oras scary as I thought it was so forexample what kind of data well wantingto know which keywords are drivingtraffic to a competitor's site supereasy to discover I could then target thesame keywords wanting to know how toimprove the rank for my youtube videosor wanting to easily perform detailedkeyword research to identify acollection of keywords that I shouldbuild my cornerstone content aroundor wanting to see for example popularpages on a competitor site all thatstuff and quite a bit more is reallyreally easy to get out of their toolit's actually a very amazing onlyall-in-one SEO tool that does far morethan just help you to build backlinks soif you want to grow your traffic and youwant SEO to be a part of that I stronglyencourage that you check it out and theyhave actually just launched a new betafor their keywords Explorer and addednine additional new data sources so lotsand lots of data for you to access so ifyou haven't tried it yet you can get atry out for just seven bucks and you cango to their website a href s.com and Istrongly encourage that you go give it ashot because you will be amazed at howpowerful it is so with that said Jaredthank you so much for coming to makesome time to be on the show pleasure tohave you here for the folks who maybebecause you're from down under maybe thefolks here who aren't too terriblyfamiliar with you yet let's start therewho are you and what do you do yeah I'mfrom down on des I've been to the USactually used to live in Park City for acouple of months I was just snowboardingbut what do I do I justI buy website businesses and most of mytime now goes to teaching people how tobuy them started off with the I used tobe a plumber and I just really hated itand I wanted to saw everybody have thislifestyle of being traveling around theworld and making money I was like yeahthat's that's what I want and I foundmyself and I was I was working in Egyptand I was working as a dive master and Irealized that enough was enough I don'twant to go home broke back to plumbingand Haiti in my life I want to mm-hmm Iwant to just jump online and work outhow I can do this so I jumped on aliterally just pulled up Google this isback in 2013 I typed in how to travelwell and make money onlineyeah and there was a lot of differentthings that came up but what was mostprominent was like travel bloggerstrouble bloggers travel bloggers and Ithought alright cool I put my hand upI'll become a travel blogger and I didthat for so long just hustling reallyhard and realizing how hard it was tomake money from trouble bloggingespecially now everybody with an iPhoneyou know they're your competition righteverybody wants to be that lifestylewhere they get paid to travel mm-hmm andso I had to give that away had to givethat up and I decided I'm gonna startyou know building a website at a properbusiness and I started to build my ownfirst drop shipping businessand I just failed miserably because Ididn't know what I was doing like I Iwas started selling travel Floridaproducts and I came up with like againstlike the biggest competition there isand I didn't know how to do marketingvery well and it just flopped I've madeit sold a couple of products and made alittle bit of money but I went home withmy tail between my legs and for I've gota you know stick it out of plumbing andwork out something else and I cameacross the stat that 90% all startupsfail and I thought well I startedlearning about how to run somebusinesses online businesses why don'tgo and buy onelet's pass that failure rate and that'swhat I did I just dumped on my trustyfriend Google again with this the mostamount of education you can get andtaught myself how to buy our websitesand I bought one and then I've made areally good return on a matter of yourthirty percent return on my firstbusiness and I thought well this is thisis much better than investing in thestock market and which I was doing froma younger age and then I decide what wasthe first site you bought what did it doso it was I don't really have it now itdoesn't exist because it's just sort ofoutdated and website where people couldsign in and become a member to getaccess to a whole list of whole sales toyeah to start their own drop shippingsite it's kind of membership based modelso I bought that one and I grew that andI look a lot how to do really goodcontentknocking through that and then I boughtyou know seven months so it was aboutseven or eight months later I thought Ineed up the ante if I wanna get out ofthis this plumbing gig and I boughtanother one and then you know after youknow year from my first one to the earfrom buy my first one I was making morefrom my full-time because a plumber so II quit and I went traveling and then Ibought another one and then peoplestarted finding out and that's why Istarted teaching people like can youplease teach me this stuff yep so thesecond one what was the second one dudethe second one was a dropship business Ibought it off the back end of flipper wedid a we did a little deal just awful ifI found on flipper and they were on adifferent broker and they just weren'thappy with how it was goingnobody showed interest so I've got areally good deal and I was lucky enoughand I was lucky enough to get a seven Imean a hundred percent return in sevenmonths but the thing with that businessis it took me a lot of time to do thedue diligence on financials because theyit was an Aussie based business but itwas being sold in US dollars but theyhad a foreign currency as well so it wasthree types of currencies all all justlike jumbled up and I got my dadinvolved and I was like dad just tell mewhat to do like I don't know how to lookat these numbers properly and he he toldme don't go I am by this website it'snot a not a good investment and he wasjust trying to keep me safe but I I hadthis this gut feeling that was a goodinvestment and I was prepared to take onthe risk you know as a calculated riskand I was prepared to take on what riskcould have happened compared to you knowwhat I could have achieved and luckilyenough the stars aligned for that one soyou got it off the back in the flipperand had some currency issues to make itdifficult to do the due diligencewhere did you borrow any money to payfor it or did you just pay cashyeah this one was all my websites I'vebought of cash yeah okay it's hard toget financing for websites there's somethings coming out now and you can usit's not it's easy here yeah you've gotLen though have you heard of lenva calmso they do lending particularly forwebsites and their terms are quite harshwhere you've got to really pay like abig deposit like I'm talking sixtypercent deposit to get financing but Iguess you can you know you can getbusiness loans I don't know how easythey are to do this taste it's prettyeasy it is in the States there's aprogram that we have called the SmallBusiness Administration or SBA and sothey're kind of commonly called SBAloans and essentially the SBA tells thebank you know we'll guarantee halfbelieve it's half alone so it makes it avery low risk low risk proposition forthe bank and you can get as many ofthese loans as you would like as far asI know I've got a couple of them alreadyand I know that other people she loseput on my show he's got a bunch of themand it makes it very very easy and youcan finance up to ninety percent of thepurchase price which is also prettyphenomenal so you can get a incrediblecash on cash return if you buy a healthybusiness so in your case and you'vebought more since the the second one Ithink you're up to three you've bought athird is that correct yeah both three intotal want the first one I'm not usingand I've just got three that I run nowokay and the three that you run now arethey all in the same niche or they alldrop shipping sites or are theydifferent what's what does it look likeyeah so what I run now is the mybusiness where I teach people so that'sa you know it's like a coaching type oneand then I've got to drop shipping onethey're both two very different nichesone is selling hanging chairs likehanging egg chairs and hammocks inAustralia and I just bought that becauseit was a quite a good business and Ibought I want to remember flippers andthen thethe one before that was the the one thatwas in foreign currency and had all thisall this fun stuff with the financialsthat one I sell tailor-made suits andtailor-made shirts and pants and stufflike thatfor men and women so it's not they'renot niches that I'm particularly I wasparticularly strong in but I knew thebusiness model really well and Iunderstood it and this is something thata lot of people come to me when theylike want to buy website they say Jaredwhat sort of you know I wanna buy awebsite with something that I'minterested in man they don't realizethat it can be quite hard to find thosebusinesses I've been I've looked forbusinesses in surfing and stuff that Ilove but they're just you know I haven'tfound a whole lot that are available forsaleyou know it's better to stick to whatyou know and what I mean by stick towhat you know is not black if I know alot about surfing try and find one ofthose but if you if you know how– dropshipping site works or FBA site worksand you understand it then work outwhich one makes more sense to you FBI ordrop shipping and then go with that yepso for someone who's never dropshipbefore this guy to me it seems like okaywell all I have to do is find a sourceof traffic which there are a number ofsources many many sources of traffic andthen I have to find suppliers who aregoing to agree to dropship it doesn'tseem like it would be any morecomplicated than that yeah that's that'sthe easy version so with shipping andthis is a debate you know drop shippingverse FBA and and that goes on and withdrop shipping yeah you can find productand here you can find traffic but thequickest way to grow is throughmarketing and you do get better profityou know you get your I wouldn't saybetter profit margins because depends onthe different products and where you buythem and how much you buy them from bulkif you do do the FBA model but the coolthing about drop shipping is that youdon't have to put up some upfront cashfor buying bulk of inventory so you canput thatin SEO if you wish or marketing like PPCmarketing so when you buy for the sitesthat the to drop shipping sites thatyou've purchased did you know in advanceyou wanted to buy drop shipping sitesand if you did was there certaincriteria that you were specificallylooking for or are you just kind ofbrowsing Empire flippers or wherever yougot them thinking that one looks cooland that one looks cool how did thefinding it process work for you yeahso I did want to look for drop shippingbecause that's what I had learnt Itaught myself a lot through that firstone that I made many blunders thatmm-hmm and like the I like that Iwouldn't say niche about the businessmodel and my criteria for buying themwas like is it a product that is easilyreplicable ma'am and if that's notsomething I want and the reason being isbecause when you go on Flippa or allthese other different types of sitesthat don't make you sign an NDA which isa nondisclosure agreementhmm you can take that information onlike what products are selling reallywell and just easily replicate thatbusiness like you said just find thatsource of traffic and find us a lot andsomebody could be can you can becomeyour competition overnight so that's notwhat I wanted and I threw a lot ofcaution to a lot of people to reallyconsider like are they buying a sitethat is easily replicable because youknow then you got a lot of people thatare in that same pool in the sameindustry so that's something that Ididn't want so that's why I stuckI found a hanging chairs and I thoughtwell this is this is you know somethingnot a lot of people doing thisespecially where the business is thatI'm I had perhaps sorryin Australia I checked out mycompetition that wasn't you know wasn'ta whole lot in the same of the suits atthe time there weren't a whole lot ofpeople doing tailored made suits andbringing them into Australia and sellingthem to Australians mm-hmso I bought that one and it wasn't theseproducts weren't something that was afad it wasn't something that was gonnadie off in 3 2 3 4 5 years people alwaysget me so that was a criteria ofsomething that I really wanted as welland I also looked for profit marginsbecause I didn't want to buy somethingwith like just such small profit marginsbut had to like really rely heavily on alot of traffic I wanted to have a higherprofit margin and have like stabletraffic for the site where I didn't needto straightaway invest heavily in SEO toensure that that traffic was gonna staythere or grow so what are some of theoperational challenges that you've runinto now that you have more than onebusiness that you've purchased uh so mythe second business I bought I wasspending a lot of time on my firstbusiness and then when I bought thesecond is business I had done a lot ofcontent marketing and I had a lotscheduled in so the challenge be like mychallenge was having a job and having totwo businesses so when I bought thesecond business the challenge wasensuring I could make it run really wellwithout me now the cool thing about thesecond business that I bought is thathad two employees and that allowed me tohave a lot of it automated but then Iautomated another process and thechallenges is severe honest I didn'treally have challenges because I didn'tI didn't buy businesses that were toomuch work for what time I had except forwork wise and then I knew when I boughtthese businesses like maybe there was ashort amount of time that I had like Igot a really hostile hello for a goodmonth or two months to get this partautomated once I did that then it wasvery streamlined and that's why I wasable to buy my second one and then mythird one and then start teaching peopleand that was the goal my my initial goalwas like I don't want to get intothis industry of buying sites to buymyself many jobs of like I've got thisone here that takes me 20 hours aninsulin the takes 20 and this one thattakes 20 hours and all of a sudden I'vegot three businesses taking me 60 hoursa week and that's like exactly what Iwas doing plumbing but I'm stuck in abox of a room trying to run thesewebsites when I'm not outside which iswhat I really love so my biggestcriteria and that's a great thing thatyou brought up is that my strongestcriteria is that I didn't want to dothis to become super rich and superfamous I did this because I wanted tohave a lifestyle absolutely the samereason I'm in the online space as wellas it allows you to accomplish a certainvery desirable lifestyle so it wouldseem that now from the trafficperspective the two that you bought werethey getting the bulk of their trafficfrom SEO or from ad campaigns yeah sothe first one was or both of themgetting him from SEO actually and then Iknow sorry this the sec the last onethat I bought bulk of it was coming fromor was a mix it was coming from SEO soorganic and then also they were payingfor Adwords and the AdWords account wasquite consistent and getting sales in soI've just looked more about Adwords andI'm not a gun and Adwords unfortunatelybut I you knowyou know I've been on the phone on thephone with Google and they've all helpedme optimize my campaign here there andthe the second one I bought was SEOparticularly SEO and I did start runningFacebook ads when I started getting goodat Facebook ads and I had some otherpeople help me with it they were no goodand this is a big blunder than a lot ofus make as we go away and we outsourcehelp and we spend a bit of money and wedon't really get the results we wantthat's something we've got to be carefulfor but absolutely yeah the foot so mixreally the the suit business mainlyorganic SEO and a mix for the chairbusiness okay so do you have folksthat are now running in managing andmonitoring the campaigns for you do youhave folks that are creating content foryou because you know obviously if you'renot continuing to grow then essentiallyyou're dying so you can't just leavethem sitting there and think thatthey're just gonna print money forevercorrectso I have had people help me with SEO onthe suit business and I do the work forthat for the chair business a little bitas well I've still got one employee forthe suit business that runs it and doesthe customer service and the orderingand dealing with the tailor and all thatsort of stuff and then somebody thatdoes some of the work as well with thethe marketing and then myself I do alittle bit of AdWords with the chairbusiness and the day-to-day maintenancewhich is very it's quite a seasonalbusiness nobody bought wants to buyoutdoor chairs in in winter so at themoment it's not a whole lot of work tobe done with it and roughly aroundChristmas time that's when we get busybecause we have a hot Christmas sure nowI gotta forgotten the question I wasgonna ask yourself to come up withanother one terms of managing the thepeople that worked for you are are thereany mistakes that you've made along theway that actually sorry I remember myquestion I'm gonna go back and ask butwhen I ever want to ask I like yellowinto the I thought well yeah we remindme of that one when we get this one donewhen you're doing the due diligence onthese sites how did you ensure that youweren't buying a site that had builttheir SEO on black hat tactics there yougo so this is why I hate refs is goodright that's how I'm gonna say I wasgonna say just after that I had tripsit's a really good tool and I used a Hrefs there's there are other tools SEMrush was free when I was using it aswell and there's a really cool tool Idon't know if you should know it now theneil patel it's go tool so using thesedifferent tools to help yousee you know if they've done like ifthey've got heaps of like spikes intraffic because of like pbn or somethinglike that and what a pbn is a privateblog network so I would stick away froma PBM now that's not so like I don'tknow whether you call that blackhatbecause people are still using it andGoogle does I think depending on thesites that are linking to it if it'slinking to it and it's got no relevancethen it's I feel it's dodgy and that'ssomething I like to detect is like whereis that traffic coming from and and whyand that's how I would detect like theirshady blackhat no-go SEO tactics ifyou're gonna buy a website yeah actuallyhref makes that ridiculously easy to doyep yep where all the links are comingfrom there's just so much reporting youcan do there's a site audit tool inthere and you just punch the URL in andyou get just scads of information like Iwould punch your site in while we weretalking and I can see you know how manybacklinks you've got how many referringdomains you've got how many organickeywords your ranking for what thetraffic looks like with a graph ofgrowth of referring pages growthreferring domains new and lost referringdomainshow are we looking since it's such ayoung site cuz I haven't used I haveseen colonial yeah your rank is stillpretty high at 35 million two hundredand sixty three thousand eight hundredthree so you've got some work to do onthat one since maybe four months ago youmight have seen some changes then yeahyour grasp of referring domains so backon July 14th you had zero and now youhave 49 referring domains there was abig spike in referring pages from aperiod of about July 21 through toFebruary 17th and then it dropped off ofher amount and then it's been climbingsinceand a good portion of your traffic'scoming from not surprisingly Australiaand then the United States and I've onlyjust getting that happening yeah andthere's there's even i mean i i've beenusing the tool a lot but there's still awhole bunch of stuff that i've nevereven used inside yeah cuz there's justso much there it's crazy yeah it's agood investment right like yeah ifyou're really you know if you're reallygoing to plug away and do SEO and learna lot and not put that responsibilityinto somebody else then it's worthwhilegetting and that was your next questionwas like i was going to talk aboutputting responsibility into somebodyelse yeah where you were gonna ask wasthat what you know something about stufflike how do you how do you so when youone of the great so having staff isincredibly valuable there are I thinkthere's two mindsets out there there'swhat I call the 4-hour workweek mindsetwhich is hey I just want to delegateeverything and then there's the employeemindset which is I want to hireinternally and we use a hybrid model wehave a fair amount of delegation tovirtual assistants because for somethings it just doesn't make sense for meto pay like a u.s. wage and then I haveemployees as well but for both we relyheavily on our documented standardoperating procedures I don't know howpeople do it without operatingprocedures because how do you ensurethat things are getting done the way youwant them done so I'm curious maybeyou're one of the people who doesn'thave procedures or maybe you do I didn'tout of time and now I dowhen I first cuz I bought a black I hadmanage staff lots of stuff previously inmy like my role as a plumber I was asupervisor for quite a large plumbingfirm and running big shopping centersand stuff like that so and you had alike manage hey that work but I knew howto work with people but they were notbuilt my first businessit was using two VA s and they alreadyhad you know some SOPs and theirdifferent systems that they use in waysthey ran things and the cool thing thathappened with this and this is a massiveadvantage to somebody is buying a sitewith the VA or with an employee asthey'd taught me so much about thebusiness and so much about how they workand I came in with an open mind andreally allowed them to share like thisis how we do this and this is why andwith my skill of going all right cool Ican see where you're coming from and seehow you're doing it that way and whylet's see if you can make your jobeasier and quicker by doing it this wayhow would you like that and then we justlike I just changed a few little thingsthat they had already been doing butthey were already quite efficient in anyway so I was lucky like I was very luckywith that and then when I started hiringdifferent salespeople for you know thecoaching business and stuff that I'mdoing now I didn't really have systemsin place and I started then I got amentor and he was just like full systemsfocused and I went through and I createdthis massive like flow chart of systemsthrough Google Docs and stuff like thatthat could allow people to see like thisis what you do when this happens or thisand that and then you do it this way andeverything they needed all the trainingwas there everything and now that I hadsystems like it's just it is it doesallow you to do the 4-hour work weektype deal where you mention like you canhave videos as long as you've got themrunning through the right system andthey reach out when they really need toor they can't work it out for himselfthen it's it's so good it allows you tohave that lifestyle and work great manwhen I didn't have them when I didn'thave themI was working harder and like managingand trying to like micro or firefightingmaybe yeah exactlywhereyour systems of resided I still inGoogle Docs yeah yep well at the risk ofshamelessly plugging my own softwareprogram we we have an applicationdesigned specifically for that calledflow stirrerit's a wholesome Closter app and one ofthe biggest cuz we started off with themin Google Docs as well and one of thebiggest benefits of putting them intoputting your SOPs into a proper softwareapplication whether you pick mine orsomebody else's is the ability to toknow what's going on so for exampleyou've got a VA you've assigned in thisworkflow they have questions about itand rather than having them just sendyou an email which is maybe unrelated tothe document you can add mention eachother back and forth we can upload filesI can give them I can if I have a reallylong workflow that has multiple stepslike for a podcast episode as an exampleit's broken up into a pre-interviewsection the interview section thepost-production section the promotionsection of the YouTube section and I candelegate the tasks and each one of thosesections to different people on my teamand give them different due dates andthe whole system alerts them and alertsme and if things could go past two datesthen you know I would know and theywould know and so forth whereas withGoogle Docs when we were there we youknow we just relied on email and itbecomes a bit of a tangled mess becauseyou got all these emails flying all overthe place but how do you connect themall to which document and so forth andso on yeah and that's why you can dothat with that slack but I daresay youknow having jumped between two is justnot idea and I agree so thanks for thatyeah no problem and we also have ifyou're into HRF in particular we have amarketplace in the app where if youdon't want to build your own standardoperating procedure if you'd rather buyone on the marketplace is increasinglygetting more and many of them are freeat this point in time because we'recreating them but I'm also recruitingother influencers who have specificareas of expertise that for example Idon't and they also have an audience andthey're starting to create SOPs thatwill be in the available in themarketplace in the near future to beable to do you knowwhatever it is that's aligned with theirparticular expertise and that can be Iknow in my experience I've sold severalmillion dollars worth of SOPs now so Icame to realize almost by accident thatpeople really value them but they don'twant to make them because it's a lot ofworld I don't know how or they don'tknow how and it's much easier to buy youknow like to use a simple metaphor toget a much easier to buy a dinner recipeand then edit a few things to your ownparticular liking then to start yourdinner recipe from scratch becausethat's a lot more work totally agreetotally agree so let's finish off withbecause I'm running up on a hard stopfor timeif you were to so someone's listening tothis and they're thinking you know hey Ikind of want to buy a site I like theidea by an existing business but Ireally don't know where to start solet's give a two-part answer one how doyou think they should go aboutdeveloping their criteria for what kindof business they should look for andthen number two when they maybe findsome candidates what are some of thethings they should really watch out forto make sure they don't make a badinvestment yeah great so how todetermine what business should you buyfor yourself depending on where you'reat in your journey old your knowledge oryour skill set and I talked to Gregsorry Alex champagne from Empireflippers about this and when we talkedabout this we realized that people havedifferent skills and different hobbiesnow when you don't know anything aboutwebsite businesses online business thefirst thing you want to do is learn afew different business models and I'mtalking like drop shipping amazon FBAaffiliate sites and there's a wholethere's a whole different bunch likeyour SAS businesses and lead generationbusiness and brokerage types websites aswell once you learn a few of thosedifferent ones then see and feel whichone you gravitate tomost because you understand it mostdoesn't mean that you have to look for asite that's like that's like I saidbefore I want to look for a site that'ssurfing you really narrow your searchdown and you're almost narrowing it downso much then then you can't for that youcan't find them yeah so like to tellpeople is to find the site find thebusiness model first that suits youfor me that was drop shipping because itwas a girl out it was going to allow meto do the Tim Ferriss 4-hour workweekand then when you when you have thatthen start working out what you likeabout different types of drop shippingmodels or different types of affiliatesites and then you can start to buildyour own criteria of what's gonna workfor you and the biggest thing that Iwant to throw a caution to people isthat when you find this site and sayit's selling and I'm not into likephishing or like I'm not into suits alot and sitting down and hanging chairsand stuff is that to really beopen-minded about the business model andlearn how to because what people tell usis that we need to follow our passionright the your whether they say your petyour passion forget what forget the andthe saying but I believe that there'snot just we don't just have one passionI believe that we can be passionateabout different aspects of what we do Irealize this with my my job that Ididn't like plumbing I didn't want to doit but I knew that when I found bitsthat are better alike I could reallystart to enjoy my job a lot more andit's the same one you're gonna go andbuy a websitedon't be so closed off to a product oran industry or whatever it is thatyou're like that just doesn't gel withme be open to it because you can usethat as a really good investment to helpyou achieve a lifestyle goal and you canfind passion in as well so the firstoffers I would look for the businessmodels what resonates with you the mostand then what sort of skills do you havefrom either your job or a childhood orwhatever that you could instill into abusiness that you are looking at likefor myself like I had worked with a lotof people and I was able to managemanage people and work with people andthat's a massive skill set and that'swhat I have the foundation of how Ibuilt like what I'm what I'm buildingright now is because I can connect andtalk to people and listen so if you caninstill different skill sets and see anddetect where you can install differentskill sets into different businessesthat's gonna help you sort of narrowdown your criteria so make sense it doesand I would add for the 8 for thelisteners I would add one other thing tothat whatever you're buying today isn'tthe thing you have to run for the restof your life and that you know you cango and take courses and go to school anddo stuff to learn things or you can buya business to learn things and I willassure you that you will work far harderfar far far far harder to land sudden tomake a business that you've purchasedmore successful and the lessons youlearn will be phenomenal in thatexperience and so maybe in the beginningbecause analysis paralysis is a hugeissue for every person who has a braineyes and ears and especially whenthey're new and so when you know you seeall these businesses is very easy to getin the habit of going oh well no thatdoesn't fit this criteria no no no no nono no no no no no and then you never buyanything and then you never make anyprogress you've got to figure out onethat you think you know what I could runthis for a year I could learn a greatdeal I could make a bit of money andthen but I could increase the value ofthe business during the period of timethat I own it and then I could turnaround and sell it in this exact sameway that I bought it and now armed withall those lessons and that experienceway more so than the money that you madebut if you do a good job here and sellit for more than you paid for it nowyou're in a position to to do maybe alarger acquisition the second time roundor something more aligned in a certainindustry or niche because you discoveredsomething alongthe way of being in the trenches thatyou would have never ever learnedhad you not rolled up your sleeves andgot in there and started digging ditchesevery day because books and courses andpodcasts and videos you know you'resitting there listening but it's only soonly so much sinks in right yeah exactlyand so to sum that up exactly what yousay is like the best way to learn aboutbusiness is to be in business and likeyou saying rolling up your sleeves andgetting in there and doing it is I whenI hear this it was an ounce of theory isequivalent to a pound know a pound ofpractice or something like that yeahyeah and yeah it's and you get what I'msaying it's like so much by just goingin and doing the amount of people thatcome to me and is like they've just gonefrom seminars seminar to seminar andlike I'm gonna change my life and changethe world I'm gonna do this and likeawesome you don't need any moreinformation we've got the freakinginternet here like we've got all thebooks that we can get free you know ohno I get the library app and I can getfree audio books I didn't even needaudible like you can get information forfree everywhere we don't need any moreof that we need exactly what you said islike rolling up your sleeves likeabsolutely so on that note we do need towrap up because I have another interviewthat I have to record in ten minutes andI have to get ready for that so thankyou very much for being on the show forpeople who want to learn more about youthey can find you at buying onlinebusinesses calm so buying onlinebusinesses plural calm or just type inJared Krauss in anyway okay thank you somuch for being on the show Jerichohaving me try and really appreciate it
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