9 Figure Ecom Steve Tan and Alex Fedotoff Talk Dropshipping and Facebook Ads 2019

youyes it's given so so I'm so happy tohave youso we've been we've been chatting withStephen back and forth for a few monthsStephen busy I'm busy and like nowfinally we've connected and Stephen alsointroduced recently his platform whichis amazing which will change I mean alot of things for for dropshipping fore-commerce and overall like like youryour track record I mean it's I don'tknow like anyone who's doing that volumewith the optional quiz II cover sothat's quite impressive and ER not likeyou're not just like sharing screenshotsyou're like here is you know here's mydashboard here's everything you knowit's so real right then so it's it'svery nice eh I remember I rememberskimming from mom like that's likescreenshot you know like 360 thousand aday or so and it's surreallike it's like oh you know because likethe demo said I I you know like like thelevel does maybe like Mad Max like 100kyou know per day but therefore like 300G'snow finally we've connected so so happyto have Steven here thank you and thankyou yesso where did like where is like soyou're from Singapore Singapore is anamazing country like we have one of ourcompanies in Singapore I mean very verylike very good people to do you know todeal with like very serious I mean Imean very like good banking system andthey'll like start it for you like haveyou ever work like 95 job or like youtransition or oh yeah for sure manso I kind of like started back in mycollege days in 2006 so it's kind oflike in China because my mom kind ofwanted to you know try a businessventure there so I didn't really wanther to do it alone in China so kind ofwent there and like to starting mycollege so but kind of like you knowthings wasn't really going very well forme and my family so I kind of like haveto dropped out of university and giveslike you know I don't want my mom tokind of like have such a huge burdenpaying my college fees so like but Ithink things went well so I was actuallytrying out I was trying all sortthings you know I was studying likeinternet marketing Center which most ofthe internet marketing guys wouldn'tknow only the old guys would know it sothose are that's kind of my first go-toguy corey rudl yeah he died tryingracing a car so it was found a big pitybecause he's really good so it's kind oflike my first mentor in like internetmarketing he's like I really have nomoney at that point of time so like nowit's just like you know doing whateveryone's doing I was searching onlineyou know make money online I was tryingto make a living right so I kind of likeit didn't work for me but I kind oflearned my kind of like my basics forinternet marketing digital marketing andso I kind of came upon their secondcourse which is one of the course whichtaught people how to sell on eBay solike so since I was in I was in Chinaand a lot of things that they thoughtkind of like really resonate and reallymake sense for me I could just go toAlibabaI could go to Taobao and I started myfirst I didn't really like kind of likefull like word for word but I can likeyou know make use of what was availableto my resources back then which was likeI don't have a lot of money so I startedbuying from Taobao you know top I waskind of like Amazon off like you know inChina so I was buying from suppliers andjust be selling it on on eBay and itkind of started making good money withit like you know first my first like tenthousand dollars profit per month youknow and I started doing it from therebut after like you know five six monthsin I was really confident and also I waspreparing to drop out of university youknow after I dropped out and the storm came I was my PayPal wasfrozen and you know they want to theysaid all right we come validate whereyou from you know you're fromso they blocked my account I have aboutfifty thousand inside and like you knowthat's kind of like all my savings backthen I was like little literallydestroyed overnight by like PayPal andeBay so like so that's kind of like howI kind of start finding solutions onbuilding something that's not on someoneelse platform so I started with likeHTML sides I went onI went on like the gentle so I finallysettled for a Magento but there wasafter probably two three years you knowI started going havely into Magentoprobably in 2008 and like almost like Iwas really running Facebook ads probablyend of 2008 things started scalingreally quickly like you know the firsttwo months mm-hmm they're doing Facebookads so in my first month I was doingabout a hundred thousand so from fromprobably doing ten thousand a month justfrom SEO SEO traffic I was big into SEOback then because I don't know nothingabout media buy so in 2008 I startedmessing around with Facebook ads andthose like you know I started seeing bignumbers like hundred thousand per month200,000 300,000 not dude I think mymaximum was around like five hundredthousand dollars per month you know justlike you know buying and selling thingselectronics selling a lot of like youknow DVD in in carb DVD playersthose are like huge profits so I wasonly selling like high ticket productsprobably around 150 to 250 dollars I'venever ever sold like low ticket productslike you know what am i doing right nowwith drop shipping so like you know Iwas a little bit ambitious I went intostartups and I did a lot of things I didmy my group on startup I did Mike Riosmy SmartWatch startup so I kind of gotscared by my partner a few milliondollars my reputation was gone andeverything so it kind of was in reallybad shape for like the 2014 region I wasreally really really bad shape I lostall my money I think no money I've nolike no connections everything was goneright so until I kind of like you know Iwas also actually going into like Forexfor like you know probably like sixmonths like I just I just kind of wantto do you really just get back my all mywealth really quickly but it didn't workout I lost like all my money so I kindof have like less than hundred bucks tomy name in my worst ever like you knowcondition yeah so and like so one of mygood friends gonna say like hey Stevieyou shouldn't be messing around withForex you should just go back in to dowhat you do best which is in commercebut that that really struck me reallyhard because like I didn't think that Ishould go back I'm killed my friend toldme so I packed my bags and went back toChina the next day and I started youknow the reason why could anyone go backlike is it because because I I failedconsecutively to startups like it whatwhat most of them like yeah to startupswhich took about three years and I wasworking my ass off like it was likecountless hours of working productbranding every it was a really reallylegit stuff that we're working on bigbrands so you know I've seen a lot ofpeople talk about brands a lot of peopledon't know what's a real brandO'Laughlin thought is like just laughinga probably a private label brand theycall it branding so very rare in theSilicon Valley we do a lot of a userexperience usually interface we do lovelike you know you know product researchbefore we even launch the product soboth a lot of effort went into it but Ihad it wrong I really had a really badand really wrong partner so we shouldkind of like destroyed the whole thingfor usmm-hmm so so long story short so kind oflike you know I didn't want to go backbecause I was so jaded by this wholeexperience but it's fun you know I spentso much time and effort but it didn'twork out why should I just what should Igo backmm-hmm like I just realized that youknow there's there's so many ways tomake money but why should I go trysomething that I'm not an expert inright so my friend gave me a wake-upcall he said to me it's like hey itmight take you 10 years to bepotentially even good at maybe Forex 500 no I know I don't have 10 years towait married to a conclusion that'sunknown or unclear so there was likekind of the wake-up call so we kind ofwent back and we started and we saw someads you know we saw some ads aroundpeople doing drop shipping so I call upmy suppliers I cut off my logistics guysthat I have really good workingrelationship before and they talk allabout the business model they told melike how how I could get into the gameand everything I mean the first momentsdoing drop shipping we're already doinglike we broke seven figures in the firstmonth alone well jeez yeah but that'sonly possible because we had the supportor from like one of my logisticssuppliers he gave me a 500,000 worth ofcredit because like his I'm kind of hisfirst pot of gold I make him his firstpot of gold because I was giving him allmy ecommerce business in the past okaykind of learn of my situationand like he knows I'm a great guy todeal with in terms so he supported uswith no deposit nothing he knows I haveno money at all he gave me a $500,000credit which I could use it to roll formy you know I could use it to roll formy shipping and shipping kicks up aportion of drop shipping and I havedrink supplier who saw that they offeredme a few hundred thousand and credit aswell so that is how I was able to scaleup pretty much all the money I got fromlike you know from my strive for myPayPal I reinvested all into Facebookads and I don't have to pay my suppliersso fast because I have net dirty creditwith all these guys so that's kind ofhow we quickly got back into the gameand doing back and you know profits wasreally really great so we kind of wantto rebuild my entire like you know $100bank account really quickly yeah so thatwas kind of like how we got back intothe whole game and we kind of startedsharing a lot of like you know valueacross a lot of groups and everything wegot a lot of like people following us wealso got some haters after we posted thetreatment 60 cave people were like how is it even possible youknow as people bring a million dollars amonth so uh-huh I mean like we've seenso much like I've known so many bigplace in Asia that are all under theground they're huge huge monsters I meanlike I mean so for us it's just like ohyeah we're just scratching the surfaceof the whole tribe you know there'salways someone bigger than you yeah yeahyeah yeah I mean but for the majority ofthe whole industry a lot of people arejust so seeing like oh yeah you only cando 1,000 2,000 5,000 mmm even back thenwhen I was renting me and my brotherwere just starting out we were like dudethis guy's crushing30k per day I was like oh my god that'slike over a million dollars per monthand you know that we're able to achievethat so fast right so I mean Internet issuch a greatlike business I mean that all digitalbusiness ecommerce is just great manit's like we're so lucky to be in thisera where by like there's so many thingspossible by just doing like you knowhospital a just doing things right youknow there's so many opportunities rightnow yeah cool so what is she not like soobviously you know Facebook like costsince when you started like even lastyear like it's so like it goes up rightthe competition more fierce like moreand more people getting into likedropshipping other markets more peoplestart advertising Facebook so what whatare kind of like your secrets for likemainly maintaining that you knowobviously you want to who you want tobig volume but also you want like higherprofit margins you don't want to be likeyou know having like million-dollarmonth and then having like you know$5,000 profit it's early so what whatare your secrets for like maintainingthat you know like profitability I thinkfor sure like you know so so I think Ihad a post before in one of my groups soit's like it's it's it's a mindset thingso some of those people definitely a lotof people things that if this guy's aremoving huge volume they are not makingmoney but it's kind of stupid in thisway because like you know there is noone in their right mind who's gonnaprocess ten million a month and bebreaking even right if you were gonnaget all this back end info andeverything but you definitely have toprofit on the front and first listen forus his front end is very importantbecause like you know if you can makemoney on the front end you're definitelygonna make some money on the back endyeahso I think you we have to consider thefact that we have to manage things thatare inside all control so some thingslike some things that are not within ourcontrol is first things first our bestfriend Facebook it's not within ourcontrol yeah I mean that much as you cando all that optimization you can do allthe different kind of techniques youknow you know if there's a bug there'snothing you could do about it right youhave to wait for Facebook tell me heyguys we have a bug here but whateveryone is missing out is like all thebackend stuff like the aov the averageor the value you could optimize yourconversion rate you can optimize theproducts your pricing you know you canyou can optimize a lot of things thoseare things that you are in withincontrolyou have control over doing things thatmight make a difference I'm not sayingthat everything that you guys do willmake a difference but you know ifthey're always just focused on like youknow Facebook Ads you're not doinganything on email marketing you're justputting all this money on the table thatis coming from a person no I'm a personthat I know nothing about emailmarketing until I met like one of myfriends who's pretty much handling a lotof big traffickers and also a lot of ourour group members you know I knownothing about email marketing but I haveto commend healthy that pay it's gettingtough you know we have more competitionso we need to do something about itbecause we have millions of like mil andlist and we're just living all the moneyon the table you're not doing anythingabout itso until we met these guys we didn'tknow how important email marketing wasso when this guy started handling allour emails we had our first seven figureemail months yeah so that was crazy itwas like that literally blew my mindI was like dude I was only making likeyou know 10 15 20 % or Mac flute-like onreally good months back then 30 40percent maximum right average months isprobably like 15 20 percent net marginsbut email marketing is like frickin pureprofit there's like just in an email andyou have all this right sequences inplace all the follow ups all the newproducts do this this this emails arelike mad margins we're talking about myclassic in 70% of net profit and if youbuffer the 60 70 % into the 20% itincreases your average net margins everysingle month there are things that wecould be in control and of course I knowit's hard Facebook but who says makingmoney every easy at all in everything ifit's so easy you know ever will befreaking billionaires right you knowthen there's no more competition yeah100% so we have a question so whenyou're looking for for a new product to- do you have a minimum profit marginyour that you're looking at we usuallymark up a product at least 3 X so if Ibought a product for five dollars I'llhave to at leastsell it for absolutely minimal f3x andabove you know so when we do we reallyuse the worst kind of like estimationsfor like our profits so usually well atleast let's say buffer at least fiftypercent fifty percent of the span fromthe product will come from Facebook solet's say if I'm selling a product forlet's say $50 for example right our atleast use fifty percent that's theamount I'm gonna pay to Facebookso the minimum rose I'll require forlike fifty percent that's 2x Ross so I'mvery clear in my numbers on how much Ineed to buffer in or you know in termsof like at span you know I'm not gonnaspend way more than like 30 percent whenit comes to product cost shipping costsmiscellaneous everything return calleverything will be required within 30percent so if I have 50 percent let's goto Facebook 30 percent that's going tomy cards my my shipping fulfillment andeverything I still have at least twentypercent gross right so if I – of mystaffing cost and everything I might seearound a fifteen to twenty percent netmm-hmm deductions yeah so that's kind ofhow we do our calculations mm-hmm yeah Isee a lot of people they even like sonot even one drop shipping but evenpeople are starting their own brands andthey have like such tiny margins rightso I mean they do so much work like todevelop a product is that an eardestructor I mean like what's what's youknow what's the purpose then you knowthey start to advertising they like theycome to me they ask me how old I mean Iwant like CPA a of like $8 you know isthis product or like less than tendollars and say sorry man I cannot helpyou I mean it like no one can help youlike with exactly that's the thing withI mean with brand owners you know theykind of overthink like they thoughthaving a bread is the solution toeverything that's not true yeahhaving brand doesn't mean that you'regonna have a lower CPA it's just it justmeans that you have like a product or abrand that people are more you knowpeople might want to buy more comparedto your drop shipping problem rightthat's the reason why you know I knowthe people preach having a brand I lovedBrent's know that we have some breathcrushing it but dude I was like noteveryone's gonna start off at the sameground as everyone else it's you it's sokey to stay home let's start a brandthat's crush your brand that's how youdo the business in the long term but noone's thinking that this certainentrepreneur right now he's probably heonly has ten thousand dollars to hisnameit's not gonna be able to you likeyou're invested in a solid designer isnot able to invest in a solid productmanufacturing moldings and all this kindof things a lot of like you know gurusare not talking about it yeah so youshould do a brand because drop shippingis dead and all that kind ofright for us right now we're stillcrushing it with drop shipping I meanlike I definitely our focus is more onlong-term brands like that potentiallyexit but I mean why stop what killed acash cow right yeah yeah yeah yeahexactly so what are my students you'recrushing it on drop shipping and theyliterally killed the business and focuson their brand I was like dude that's sowrong it's like it's like why are youkilling it you can hello my gradualright like you can gradually likeintroduce your own brand to email listright and then gradually they that's oneof the products and then you know likedo like move more like smooth onceyou've proven the concept right once youprove the time yeah drop it's a greatway to test concept and also a great wayto use the money to fund your dreamsright it's fun like so I like recentlylast year I see know if you would do allthe like their what the minimal watchesright yeahgreat projects like I've seen one of mystudents did it they had a really greatproduct but like it's not it's probablymaking 1/10 of what they're earning fromthat drop shipping stores so it's verydemoralizing for them uh-huh guys likedrop shipping you got not much effortgoes into like you know like you knowpackaging and all the kind of stuffbut the dude I think you're doing atleast like 1 million per month and withdrop shipping they're only doing like 70K 80 thousand per monthgreat margins for sure probably like 3040 % e drop shippingmillion about only 20% profits so I meanlike it's hard to your heart sometimesbut they have to weigh their options soSteve who do you recommend for emailmarketing we use a guy called Joshua hisfrom Kronos in Kronos agency yeah he'sjust searched Kronos Agency on Googlethere's a we definitely have like wehave so much faith in this guy with allour emails he takes care of our all ouremails he handles for a lot of reallyreally big dropshippers as well I someof my friends doing like 10 million permonth 20 million per month are usingthis guy for marketing as well so Ihighly recommend this guy because he'sawesome like they have great servicethis CEO is really hands down to makingsure it's successful for all their allthe stores yeah do they work with you onpercentage of the revenue or the chargesretainers how they typically work theydo a retainer and a small stitch offemail revenue only email revenue theydon't take the entire stores revenueonly take email revenues don't for forus it doesn't make any it's a no-brainerfor us because like last time it'salmost zero the only thing that we haveis probably remarketing emails orabandoned car emails you know like eyesgonna literally take it from zero fromnowhere you cannot have that really badkind of like ah spam scoring good wedon't know what the hell they're doingwe're just you know spending all ouremail list so these guys came in secondand everything for us you know likescrub this remove the the ones that'sinactive we moved their ones that that'snot buying and everything make sure ourlist is healthy honestly I don't knowwhat he's doing for us but it's justperforming for us like that's kind oflike for us we're working with a lot offew providers as well to you know makesure it's just working out yeah hiso they handle our messenger marketingas well they handle our SMS marketing aswellso pretty much whatever that's likeoutside our expertise we'll just hand itover guys yeah so so is it better tostart withthen building look-alikes or start withstraight website conversion was perhapsfresh pixels assist last time I thinkyou know PPE works really well beforeyou're not getting the bits sorry I beenused for a building social proof youknow testing out so last time if it'sworth if you are getting like if you'regetting purchases from PPE you know youhave a seven figure winning product lasttime for us and whenever PP isconverting or we're getting sales fromit we know we have a huge winner am iright let's we pretty much don't use itat allit's really don't use it much right nowbecause like we start this right away wego we go purchase right away we're justgonna see a lot of garbage trafficcoming in with PPE it's just not likeit's just not like before so we kind oflike scrap that and just go directlywith purchase that's kind of like Ithink the better way to do so yeah samewith us like we found like these looklike just to get like extra engagementon the same post idea once you seethat's like kind of winning and elseit's good for like so overall you knowwhen they have this like negativefeedback just kind of like to landalthis up you know like to have moreengagement like accelerate the post onceyou know it's winning it's only for thatbut then again yeah like like with youit's like 90 99 percent it's likepurchase optimization yeah I think Imean things looks really smart we'regetting this like I don't think we youused to work well but you know Facebookwas just changing so fast you know itfelt like it's not worth the timeanymore to use like PPE mm-hmm so fordropshipping can you create your ownbrands from products to order fromaliexpress meolli express is probablymore for like you know getting yourproduct up and running but if you areplanning to like go for volume and youknow definitely want use all expressingbecause they are really pricey so likedefinitely we go for like you knowAlibaba if you have volume so Alibabaused to be like reallyreally put volume by the whole theentire equation and whole industry haschanged whereby everyone's starting togo down and moq so you could probablyget your own brand your own productsgetting started from like an alley barbar people you know 500,000 units mm-hmmit's like similar to how the Amazonpeople are doing it they're starting offwith like you know 500 thousand it'smore about how you sell your story tothe supplier you have a dream hey I'mgonna sell 10,000 units in a month fromnow you guys support us you know we'llmake sure if they can for you and allthat it's all about the ocean it's allabout you know manufacture its supplyrelationship it's not just about likeyou know buying it's not just aboutpricing you know it's all about thisrelationship so to be honest if I don'thave all these relationships from thepast I wouldn't be able to get that intothe game so fast with no money rightthat's like the core truth you know I'veseen a lot of people do crushing it butthey have to scale down because theydon't have the funds or the cash flowusually to roll and just like stripetakes seven days you kind of wait forthe month and pay for the ads you haveto pay the suppliers before they shouldbe all right you've ever seen seenbefore have it hard yeah yeah exactly solike you know it's it's all these kindof things that matters but I would sayif you guys are crushing it with dropshipping you know definitely pull outthe product create a niche store youknow if it makes sense for you guys andcreate a brand you know I don't thinklike the single product brand is gonnait's gonna last a long while but youknow if you could crush an extra like 1020,000 units you know that's gonna makea huge difference to the bottom line youknow mm-hmm what are your plans likelong term you want to switch more likedevelop your own brand over time or lifeor time yeahso for now like we are building anentire team that's just brand focusecommerce you're not going faster onwith any drop shipping and you like oldtickets so for like you know this arethe guys that takes like products veryseriously I mean it's like products thatwe care about like that design the logothe packaging the unboxing experiencethe interaction the customer support youknow the the fulfillment I'm everythingbecause like to have a strong brand youit's not about just whyequation and the 360-degrees equationthat you have to be like you know um thewhere right you know a lot of peoplejust say oh you just need a good productno you need to have three marketing youfeel good good targeting on Facebook onit that's it that's kind of like themagic Genie like the button one pressbutton and you're done oh no way it'slike we had the best product in theworld and no one sees it or you haveshitty marketing it's not gonna workright I mean I let's let you be out fromhere knows a lot of people knows it'sjust it's just a different anglelike you know branding is just an extralayer of angle to help your product sellbetter but it's not the next buttonright thereso like like so when you're thinkingabout like starting your own brand likewhat what's the pricing point what arethe margins are we lose that brandobviously you won't do it like if thatwasn't like very good margins likehigher price point probably right sowhat were your so somebody usually whatwe look up for is how big is this marketso we definitely wouldn't go into amarket that is super niche probably likeonly one or two hundred thousand peopletargetable ads so we'll definitely seeif there's any good if there's any goodcompetitors your market yeah what's yourword we'll go in will research thembased on like your comments we readabout their views we'll see how we couldchange the product to make it a betterproduct and a cheaper product so that'sthing if they're stalling it for like 99bucks you can probably come in atprobably 69 to 79 bucks and you reallycrush the competition because we arepeople that come in and we won thismarket so it's a matter of fighting forthis market you have to be pricecompetitive we have to be functionscompetitive and you have to like youknow great service great branding doingeverything so that's kind of likebuilding like um a really solid teamthat would be like really I will see alot of different results next year thisyear we have what some brandsit's my would say they're likefull-fledged brands it's like Brentadoing solid three four hundred thousandper month and we have a couple of thoseare like brands that we see about a 35to 40 percent like margins because we'recharging but definitely if when youcomparethose stores with our drop shippingstores there's a huge difference involume right it's like this are probablypotential brand that could you know sellfor a couple million I wouldn't see themselling for like ten million I'm reallyclear about our expectations with allthese brands because it is all like twoproducts but the future Brent that we'regonna sell is usually like big marketsmm-hmm potentially like you scale thisinternationally like with scale this offlines get scale this in online Amazonplatforms everywhere athletes you knowambassadors and all this kind of thingso yeah definitely this are like kind oflike our end goal you know could buildbrands do you probably like it worthtens of millions but like a lot ofpeople just have to understand you knowas much as a lot of you want to do thisit's just not financially feasible for alot of I'm an effort for exam I built mymy crayons and invested almost $500,000and we have had like crowdfunding fundswith 1.5 million and like that's that'sall that all went into productionmarketing branding and everything mightmind after that I started anotherconsumer electronic start I part in fivehundred thousand dollars and we fillbecause like it's not easy building abrand it's like you know like there's somany companies that fail trying to builda legit brand but you know it's it'sjust how business is there's noguarantee in life you know just need tomake sure you do your product right youknow you have to make sure your productresearch is done properly no dropshipping is definitely great for doingproduct research testing the marketingvalue that your idea is great and it'snot right so I think that's greatdefinitely a great weight you cannotmake sure you know like it's not like Ithink this probably gonna do well youknow I think contra print is like oh Iwould buy it myself right or like I seea lot of people think oh they developproduct basically for themselves rightwithout like getting any like I'm askinglike have you got a light any feedbackfrom customers you know my or you knowoh I like this product you don't thinklike or don't like exactly and the thingis like when you're an entrepreneurright you fall into that repent ofmindset it's like my product is alwaysthe best you know whatever fit it's crapyou know whatever you said it's not truemy product is best you know yeah youdefinitely it's your baby right anddropshipping it's like oh if it doesn'tworknext product next round no you're notemotionally attached to the productright so that's all the big differencein terms of our testing products like doyou see any mistakes that people aremaking like like does it lose it that'stoo many products or do they like totest like too little like to you knowproducts like excuse yeah I see a lot ofpeople testing way too many productswithout knowing what's the right productto test right so like of course testingproduct is great but the tested rightyou have to validate whether the productis potentially a great product does ithave to does it have some key factors ofa winning product is have you felt datedthat you know products are done some duediligence you know some research ifthere's a market for this product so ifyou don't if you haven't done all thisand you're just like mindlessly doingall the product testing it's justburning money man it doesn't work youknow I've tested 50 products none ofthem work because you're testing wrongproducts in the first place right thetesting wrong products and you don'teven know what you're doing and you'renot like you're just like watching allthese YouTube videos you know you'reworking from 10 different gurus 10 youhear people talking ten different thingsyeah so I know it's frustrating becauseI've been there I've done that I'vewatched her I've been through thoseshoes and it's kind of like hard in asense if you don't know what you'redoing you know like that is why I reallyfeel like you know there's a need formore guys like you I came a lotta moreguys like in the patch and all theseguys to kind of like really share likefree value that is why we build ourgroup through such a big scale you knowby sharing free value is like you're arobotthanks man and it's like in this thisspace is just like you know some peoplejust I mean I've been in ecommerce since2006 that's like 13 years I'm kind oflike an old man in this space but I seeI've seen a lot of people like you knowit's probably a 10,000 20,000 oh yeah Imean I'm an expert next yeah yeah rightlike they buy a car and then I mean butyeahyou bought a car like you know inSingapore guys like so you know likeit's it's like these cars are expensivetastes like you have but it's you knowpeople just build that impression rightfor themselves and I mean there is notrack record like you you bring amazingtrack record so I don't see I I don'tknow like many people look in the marketthat have I don't know probably anyonelike who has such track record thatSteve like building like such such greatvolume of stores and you know bringingso much value to people like differentproducts the the training can providethe that new platform you introduce so Imean yeah yeah trying to stay out fromlike training so because like you knowlike you get a lot of haters from thatonly way it's coming out with a trainingyou know he's becoming a guru and allthat you you know are we launch ourprogram once and close it till now wehaven't done anything since because likewe don't need the money but obviously wecould have like stopped in here we don'thave time to focus on it you know unlesswe have a really great putter and thatknows digital marketing products andthen you're a kind of like physicalproduct guys that's why we gotta focusour effort in like you know buildingsoftware building different likeplatforms or introducing like you knowwe owe and all this kind of differentthings so then my help like support abetter ecosystem you know using theright supreme because I know it's hardto find the right guys or using theright services the right song word soyeah we're definitely keen to like youknow help build up a better ecosystemfor the entire it not necessarily justdrop shipping like inter cart is notjust for drop shipping it works well forbreads so we're in talks with some bigAmerican like you know influence andbrandsyou're talking to bring them on boardlike how we could use in the car to helpthem skill even more you know it'sprobably better margins betterconversions so that yeah it's it's kindof like our passion and like e-commerceout there no value to all this kind ofentrepreneurs around the world coolstuff so someone is asking what aboutprint-on-demand we have like we don't weare not an expert in prenup in month butwe're definitely trying to explore thisas well so one of my partner's isexploring this at this point of timewith nothing much you cannot share justlike on it when it comes to print ondemand i'm 100% newbie yeah likewatching videos I was going throughdifferent groups or Elias talking tosome of my friends you know who areexperts in print on demand but it's interms of marketing is not it's notdifferent but in terms of like you knowyour SOPs your systems it's kind ofdifferent because you're testing a lotof different designs but the biggestprint on demand guys that I know areusually from Vietnam because these guysare just super huge into pre Odie's butyou know any Rendon top sellers aredoing like 10 20 million like a year andthese guys are like like freaking like17 18 years old kids like that don'teven speak English and they're crushingout 10 20 million per year like justselling purity stuff but Mike with thatsaid a lot of them are selling some someof them are selling some shady you knowI you know copyright stuff gave a frontrow right this guy's like they're sogood at itthey crush this market so like so youcan have like they get this theiraccounts disabled and stuff um they doboth so they have they do have white hatand black hat I don't exactly know theirbusiness model but I know Vietnam is thebiggest biggest p OD place in the entirewall gee man I didn't know that yes andno you know all the I'd like ifnot it's either there first or it's usfirst because you have to consider theamount of sellers right but Vietnam is asuper big important market for all thePOV platforms like you know gear bubblelike all this out print full and allthese guys all of em flock to Vietnamlike nobody's nobody's business theyjust go there so much because likethere's so many big sellers there yeahso how much so basically how many emailswoody Center months for one product itreally depends on how new the product isbut we usually just leave it to ouremail guys our Joshua to handle thatwith me we don't care how much emails wesend as long as the ROI is reallypositive you know basically what we'reseeing every month is whether ourrevenue and our percentage that comesfrom email maintains or improve that'skind of what we're looking for so weused to only do like one or two percentfrom emails mm-hmm and I'm like fordropshipping the average probably isaround 7 or 8 percent for that peoplethat are doing better like you're doingwe're looking about 14 to 15 percent forour properties yeah and like for hoursour brand for looking at about 20 to 30percent on the meal alone so that slideyou know really free money that's comingjust from emails alone and it's a goodstuff yeah yeah the name of the name ofyour partners for email is promise umyeah so this other guys to be outsourcedto I mean like just hit that mob they'rereally cool guys to like you know talkwith Josh are from Kronos like just justjust hit him up on Facebook or I think Ithink they are ranked ly well on Googletoo they share a lot of value hereyeah cool um so what is your scalingstrategy wants to find the winningproduct usually we just filled withbudget like so usually like let's say wetest the product it's working well we'llduplicate it to CBO the CBO has beenlike you know it was a bit crankylike you know for the past few monthsbut after I kind of felt like no scalingis pretty consistent with like you knowCPright now so we kind of like say prettymuch loud skilling pretty much out say60 70 percent on CBO and the brass arejust like huge huge ass like targetingoptions like you know really really likewe're talking about a few million fivemillion 10 million kind of targeting upyeah so that's why I like you you gointo like bigger like markets biggernichesright because the targeting andeverything becomes easier results rightyepbecause like why go into all this effortwent behind you're trying to scale aproduct that probably will get you likereally really high frequency in the nextfew days you want to find a product thatyou could scale internationally yeahyeah so that's kind of like our approachonce we find a winning product we justkill it so hard and probably will dieyou know across a few weeks but you knowthe longer it lasts the better but wealways have the mentality when it dieswe will just try to refresh the ads andtry to like revive it but if it doesn'twork that move on if you're one of thebig problem with a lot of people whenthe products is really deadthey're still like hey how could Irevive this you start approachingagencies distract approaching peoplelike hey you know I did send them to uson this product you know it has greatmargins like but it has died it's justnormal like you know if you wanna be ingame you have to be prepared for yourproducts do just by you know by thenatural death of any product wetypically like so for example once wesee it's like dying we typically give itanother like you know a few thousanddollars just to test different angleslike young musics and then if it doesn'twork then you know just move on yeah alot of people don't move on that's theproblemcool how often do you update or createnew look-alikes and is it viable forboth existing products or new products Imean we really use the same old ones Imean like we created and we also I meanusually we try to refresh it when it'snot working anymore but I mean if youjust use the same old ones it's kind oftoo much work to keep refreshing unlessthere's a really big required reason todo soand you also mentioned like just big Iinstance right like wide interests whybehaviour like they work for you as wellyes we love those most it works betterthan look-alikes you sometimes looklikes don't have don't have enough likeaudience for us to do it yeah I thinkpeople over complicate this part likewas targeting right like because it'slike if you have so a good productthat's reason I choose your market thenyou know like most of the times likeeven like what interests like they justwork like it's it's not least likethere's no magic right there you justnarrow it down like flex it with engageshoppers or pay power you know and andit works right so I think that's youknow I mean that start targeting isquiet like straightforward like wasFacebook yeah I think it's good it'sjust gonna get easier and easier youknow like they just want to make it soda me true for everyone yeah that Ithink a lot of like you know gurus orwhichever they're gonna get out ofbusiness because like it's just so easyfor everyone there's nothing wrong but Ithink some good practices are stillrequired so I mean definitely there's tomarket for this guys but it's just thatI think a lot of people way complicatedlike you know the targeting you know thefrequency the page pick out that thescore draping or it's like you know theycomplicated like but majority of allwhat we do our auto bids like we don't Imean we used to because like that wasthe hype right there's all this manualbeating stuff all going all around butit's just like you know do like we'renot gonna mess around because it's justnot worth the time effort you knowunless you're using some software it'slike smartly or whichever but if you'redoing it manually oh my god there's noway you're gonna be able to like Mattit's like tens of thousands of likeproducts or whicheverlike it's just not possible with manualand with so is creative right obviouslyI do use most of images or videos foryour apps jury 99% videos and how itlooks so how do you like how do youstreamline this process like because youknow like that's II found that's pretty much like in termsof like Facebook ads in terms of likeyou know actually like scaling you knowlike so for example you have a productthen you have to like if you if youtesting different products or if youwant to like scale existing products alot of the times it comes to likegetting like streamlining the contentproduction or you know just having thatcontent constantly being created so forexample here in Europe they're they'reguys who who are making like and I'mseveral million per month like they Istart drop shipping to import productsand they sell them here and they havelike a lot of content like created fordifferent products even like regularproducts that everyone was like sellingbefore you know like but evergreen likeweight loss niche skincare aeneas rightand so they basically refine thisprocess like they they make their owncreative they shoot it like do the samething or like you you have other ways ofcommunities we only should the videos ifit's performing if it's not performingwe won't waste time because it'simpossible for you to shoot all of youso usually our video we have a team ofvia video editors and created himthey kind of like traps all the productwe have a team so every team will likeyou know we have like a product researchteam so once everything is filtered overto you like you know we're gonna testthis products you know the treaty youwill start cracking a lot of differentvideos so usually we have two or threevideos per product so that we can use tolike you know test different angles soif it's working then we'll skill withthe product and and the state using thesink creative got it and at first likedo you just create like edit videos fromlike different videos that are free touse like how do you get or add stockstock videos right you kidding we'lljust we'll just cut it out from a lot offlight available videos online so someif they guys are like huge influences orwhichever will reach out to like buy alicense or pay them the license fee touse your videos transits are usuallyyou'll get like infringement is becauselike you do not have permission usinglike you know we try to avoid as much aspossible like I seen on TV like snippetsand everything those guys will notnegotiate with you withlicensed but you know like for like forsmaller like you know content creatorsand everything it's pretty much just amatter of a few hundred bucks just touse their video like you know like youdon't have to let them know that you'reselling huge ball you just have to tellthem hey I'm using a video can I can Ipay you 200 bucks just for using a videochances are you're gonna get like eightyninety percent of the people to say yeseasily okay cool so that's a great tipfrom for you guys you know in terms ofwhat content production like that'skinda cool I basically shared got it Imean it's not possible to shoot everysingle video like yourself man it's justtoo time-consuming like and also like wehave realized that like home shot videosdefinitely works better than productionvideos you know you know yeah it's likepeople feel it's more legit that's kindof like you know it's kind of like itlooks better so those are the videosthat goes viral the ones that are likeproduction we have never had a singleproduct video that went viral so what isthe most underrated luminaries in youropinion I think like you know regions Ithink is very lot of people don't groupthem to region so we like to group themto like you know your ei EuropeanEconomic Union or something so go overlike you know a pack yeah use a lot oflike groups when it comes to when itcomes to look like audiences I mean itactually helps you know create like welast time we used to create everycountry by itself but it's just like sotime consuming and you know we find aperformance it's like you know waybetter when when it comes to grouping abigger audience so yeah I thinkdefinitely one of the things that Ithink a lot of people are not usingenough cool great tip so what are sometips for bomb linked products togethermodeling products has to make senseright a lot of people like our upselling products random that theyhave in their stores right so they sosome of my song the people using oursare using into cars they hate people arenot buying my up sells so so we're verycool I'm a guy that I I I don'treally care much about like you knowwhat something's wrong so I said heythat's not my problemthat's not obviously inter cart hasdisplayed up cell and why are youputting a bike that's your problemright that's your product because I thenwhen I check its offer I was like dudeyou're selling a your and you're sellingsomething like that's way out totallydifferent so why are expecting people toeven buy your upsell or even your deltasupsells and down cells are kind of likeso bad so so right now when we'rebuilding brands really is really look atwhat would make a lot of sense whenpeople are but upsells it hasn't makesit for example if you're selling atoothbrush you know probably like atoothpaste or you know something thatsrelated to teeth care what makes senseright usually some brush then you'reselling him like maybe are maybe afacial facial cream that relates it orprobably you sell him a shampoo that'skind of like different right people thatbuys your things it has to be kind oflike related to increase your average onvalueI think the great things that weactually do is like we we do take thetime to kind of see what productsactually does make sense and what makesgreat bundles know the easiest way outis just to go to Amazon and go see whatpeople like if you're selling a certainniche product that's saying let's saymaybe yoga mat you can just go searchyoga mat and see what people are buyingit together along with yoga mats andthere goes your products free freetogether right yes that's gonna let yourbest go to bundle those are data thatAmazon is using AI intelligence youcannot show people that what are peoplebuying based on your buying habits biason just product characteristics andeverything know what y'all have to likesomeone has really done the research foryou right should go there check out theproducts then find similar products onAliexpress or whichever and bundle themtogether or for you good stuff helloguys thanks to be here Steve what wouldwe be a strategy with Facebook Ads witha small market like Francelocalize one percent have only 30050,000 people how they manage this whatis different with big markets and how toscale with this constraint thanks a lothmm what would be really faced with asmall market like France France is not asmall market man to be honest it's stilla huge market so I'll definitely likeyou know start off with like I'llprobably group the 1% to 3 to 5%together instead of like splitting inthem up to 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 hourprobably group that 1 to 0 it's not 1 is0 to 1 1 to 3 3 to 5 5 to 10 I'm holysplit sorry 10 until I probably three toform different groups and target themimmediately start together because if it1% is only 350,000 it's kind of like asmall stretch mm-hm so only one go belowtargeting a million people if we arestarting to like you know go into anymarket it's just too much effort to tofor the two little results mm-hmm yeahso you you've got the audience to workand then like next day just hug andpeople are gonna say oh it's uh youknow it's not working anymore FacebookAds performance getting lower becausepeople all the people that are supposedto buy it has really bought it rightyeah so you are you people that are notsupposed to buy you know that's whathappens whether you're targeting peoplethat's not supposed to buy it yeahaudience like 350,000 people there'slike if you optimizing for purchase likethere may be like twenty fifty thousandpeople that have indicated like person'sbehavior the Facebook will try to reachand so is that like your audience not350 but like fifty right and then youhit on those people and there are onlyso many of them on their devices on anygiven day they're only only so many ofthem like in a buying mode so I think Imean and I mean it's it's and so likehave you found success with like biglike audiences like like zeroretargetingor like for sure man this you'retargeting really one of our favoritelike ways to scale yeah so gotta see howyou can listen to this because like it'sactually does not involve any targetingbut it's only works like wish more likeseason peak so strike we like where wehave a lot of dataI think it's more it's more with the adaccounts right I mean like people peopletalked a lot about the data with pixelbut it it has a lot to do with the datawith at Economist Wow so every adaccounts have different performancesright so we split test a lot ofdifferent at accounts too but I meanit's really like you'll see some ataccounts have better performance when ityou're targeting like purchasessometimes very kind of initiate checkout every at some is why sometimes youyou realize some different ad accountseven though like they're both the sametargeting the same products some havedifferent performances but they are allusing their same pixel so I know and saylike at accounts has a lot a big factoras well in its ability of course the thedata from pixel is also important butit's the pixel is more just like atracking tool but it also it sends databack to Facebook so that ideallyFacebook could use the data coming fromthe pixel that account and optimize theads better for anyone yeah so it's whatpoints like would you like do you alwaysfast like like for example you want toask me probably do you always test itthrough several at accounts or just likewhen it doesn't work like then you starttesting I believe me test it with like afew I mean we wouldn't has the sameproducts but we usually spread out let'ssay we have 10 products to test todaywe'll split it across probably 2 or 3accounts so that you know it's allspread out so that we're not putting allthe eggs in one basket when testing younever know when Facebook's comes crankyand you say hey Steve we're gonna we'regonna freeze all your ant accounts rightand you're kind of screwed so we have somany different at accounts or so manydifferent BMS we're so many differentlike personal accounts running the appeverything so everything we do is justlike you know it's more like commonsense like you know a lot of people arejust doing things way too comfortablethey're just not like you know they justfelt like hey nothing's gonna happen tome you know I'm paying for these goodhundred thousand dollars per monthdude there's people paying them 10million a month and you're just shuttingthem down so like causing the goo by heywhy wouldn't it Facebook shut me downI'm paying them like six figures formoney I was like dude there's nothingyou know yeah that's probably a bigthing back in the basebut it's nothing right now because theyhave like fortune 500 people paying themyeahhow's it mod right so yeah it's just howit's just surprising how things changeback in 2008 when I was standing likehundred thousand per month dude I waslike it's like you could you could havean entire team from Facebook helping youout you have access to the API team yesyeah how many you have like literallyfive to six people treating you like godthey're like dude Jenni think I couldhelp you out with how could we get youto spend more and I think that that wasback in the days man it was so good theyare all robotsCPC everything oh mantell me about it alright so you alwaysbeen after like US market or like youyou go like world like what's yourstrategy what's your reason that'sprobably it comes for like 40 50 percentit's you I mean you hasn't at least knewa huge market man but we still try todiversify a little bit more and when itcomes to like you know European Unionyou know in case you I mean it is hugemarket man like homie halls pressspending huge spending poweryou know like I mean definitely likeSouth America I mean we we haven't hadsuccess with Brazil yeah but I thinkit's it's definitely a big country and abig market to watch out for it'sdefinitely gonna boom in the next fewyears I mean I mean definitely I'mhundred percent sure that's peoplecrushing it in those markets it's justwe haven't found like you know wehaven't cracked that code yet but anyonethat cracks the code dude those guys aregonna make a ton of money from thisof markets yeah yeah it's like 200 150or 200 million people so huge countryit's and it's just and it's just gettingstartedit's gonna like the early days of Chinathe early days of all the developingcountries man it's it's just super sofast yeah cool so how do you validatethe product and test it right there's somany ways to validate the product youknow there's like you know SEO ways totrack whether product you know hassearch volume these you could check itwith Googleyou could search you know you couldsearch where there's competitors sellingthe product you check whether they havea traffic or are they all like trash youknow websites that are trying to sell aproduct right let's say here's tryingfor example let's say fidgets spinnermm-hmm let's say in 10 10 differentsites that it's selling fidgets spinnersand all of them are only selling one ortwo products on the site and all themhave like 10 like you know like fewhundred thousand traffic per month thenyou know definitely this product isdefinitely like you know a goodpotential but one thing is that if youwant to validate the product so much youknow it's gonna like you know you mightnot have the first mover's advantagebecause you might be holding back likehey you know some of thevalidations might not be true but itstill has potential so sometimes inbusiness you have to still take the leapof faith and kind of like you knowthat's the amount of you're willing torisk it's how much you're gonna make forsure so if you're not really like thehigher risk the higher days the lastrace to the left games that's you knowthat's how that's kind of like there'sno way you could avoid that mm-hmmcool when did you see B or didpreviously do you first do horizontaland/or vertical scaling on winning cutsets I mean we do vert like that's theup one of the budget is vertical rightyeah pretty cool yeah vertical firstthen we'll try to duplicate out to scalea bit more but usually the duplicateones will not work as well as the onesthat are performing better so usually wewe still prefer skilling it verticallyand if it doesn't work then we'll scaleit out with like you know duplicate adscool hey what are the marketing offersthat were the best in your experience tosee a lot of websites having a reductiondirectly on the product from 20 – 20 to50% off plus coupon or an exit intenseright away it looks like everyone used acoupon to make the purchase more moregenerally what is it matter to find theright offer Thanks I think if everyoneuses a coupon they're kind of like youknow you know some stores have like youknow off like 50% off the entire storyjust doesdo well when it comes to like you knowtrust right so we don't usually offerlike coupon codes unless we're doinglike you know the last model ofretargeting so usually we'll do thatfirst like first first first day we willdo a retargeting we will say hey here'sall the testimonials you know here's allthe best features that why you shouldbuy this product and if they don't buyit we'll start targeting people thatfrom first day to second day will showthem like hey here's your last chanceyou know and on the third day they looklike you know their second day willprobably give a 5% discount coupon totry the style page and for your thirddate on where it's it's pretty much saleloss we'll just we'll just give thetop-tier discounts because we will tryit trying to tell which usually thesecond the the meet here retiring fastbecause like you know those are peoplethat are still on the fence and like youknow a low 5% or $5 $10 discount code iteasily converts very well for these guysbut I wouldn't usually do any like frontend discounts unless I really need tomm-hmm close the corporate structurequestion any advice from someonestarting from outside u.s. it's usuallyhard to get accepted to stripe andShopify payments any advise me besideLLC no I'm not I'm not based in the USso I couldn't give an advice and likeyou know when it comes to any tax or youknow corporate structure but I highlyrecommend you guys check it out settingup a company in Singapore or probably acompany in like Hong Kong but Hong Kongis kind of hard right now use them allday like you know any money launderingthing so bank accounts are pretty hardto get so Singapore is easier butSingapore like has a seventeen percenttax and like yeah it's way easier itsupports PayPal stripe Shopify paymentseverything you name it so Singapore iskind of like Switzerland off Asia soeverything's really expensive buteverything really legit you know youdon't mess around Singapore like copperlaws are really straight that's why allthe big banks all the you know stripePayPal everything's available here it'sall about how how you set it up so youyou're sure companies I think definitelySingapore is definitely one of the bestchoices it has like really really easybanking systems like you could get setup in less than two weeks and probablythe bank account set up in probably lessthan three weeks yeah if I just strivelike payouts are a bit low and Christlike seven days I mean if you're movinghuge volume you definitely couldnegotiate that to like you know threefour days you know but yeah it's it'sall about for this guy's it's all aboutlike at the volume like more you pushthe high leverage you could negotiatewith these guys okay cool Oh what aboutscaling at CBO should we collect allbass performing old performing accentand that's on large budget the CBO ortake single accent CBO campaign at 5100sent budgets it doesn't really matter aman like it's all about doing what worksright you know don't they're differentlike there's there's definitely gonna besituations where by their single LSATsCBO is gonna outperform all the combinedso there's no guaranteed methods andthere's no way to like be hundredpercent sure what's gonna work forFacebook right it's all about likemaking sure that you guys have our testaccount both by everyone that arming andone that's grouping all the ad sets intoa single CBO campaign and differentaccounts also behave differently rightso usually what we like you know weusually let the data that's the speakingyou know there's no just makedata-driven decisions I think that's theeasiest way to like decipher what'sworking what's not working if the singleassets not working let's try the othermethod it's it's feel like you knowbeing experimental with Facebook everysingle day so if your media buyers aretrained by you and you know you kind oflike train them in a sense that theyhave to be like really like open abouttesting and experimental they're gonnabe they're gonna be able to crush it foryou guys as well cool hey Steve why doyou think what do you think when so manypeople find a winner it goes really loudfor the wayand we personally do about 10k days andthen it tanks completely despitechanging creatives and audiences happento lose four plus products nowyeah products is dead so time to move onto saturate it you saturated too manypeople selling it people selling it thenlower pricing than you you know likeyeah you probably exhausted a lot of thea lot of the audience that's potentiallygonna buy or you probably have nofeedbacks for low performance low pagefeedback score you know there's so manything that's they could potentially gowrongmm-hmm like products dying there's nodefinite if one answer to it there'smany ways for example if you're sellinga product for $30 and I come in and Isell it for 990 you know it's kill ityou're definitely I'm gonna probablymuch I pretty much get all the trafficand I'm gonna crush it and you're gonnaget a weight lesson um you know trafficfrom Facebook that's gonna that's goodright so you don't know I'm Q like allthese things happenmm-hmm cool any advice for launching anew product on the same niche use localappearances or save interest from yourwig Adsense yeah this is the same customaudience of you know people that boughtfrom you the purchase or initiate checkout whichever and then build a customcustom audience then look-alikes fromthere and just scaled it from there Ithink that's the easiest way if you havea huge enough like buyers list just usethe retargeting option to you know showthem targeted buyers what is the beststrategy don't ask for a crowdfundingcampaign oh that's a huge huge differenttopic here but I mean I've read crushedit with crowdfunding before we did 1.5million then like beats soda and amillion dollars from our link ourecommerce sites that's all that's alldone with like a lot of like pre-launchit's kind of like we kind of like followthe Jeff Walker kind of like launchstyle no mailing list we creative findthe problems you know we start you knowsalting all these people to get themreally excited for the launchyou know we incorporated a lot of tell afriend sharingfor a kind of how we launched for likeyou know in the car too small you knowit's like people like to wait for likegood products you have to make sure yourproducts good in the first place it sureyou have a very targeted audience so ifyou have like great products you caneasily cultivate your list from Facebooktraffic then start building you knowstart people are adding people to thelist and you know once you launch youcould you know go make sure you can goviral better if you have to you guysyou're doing yeah yeah that's a highchance to go viralcool um so you can do any discount andall and only for retargeting yep that'sright why are you offering Scouts allthe time it's just gonna make your storelook too bad you know would you buy froma store that's always on sale no rightso that's kinda like I know that's kindof the easy way out I see a lot ofpeople doing it like it's just it's justgonna affect your branding I mean evenif you don't care a brand like you knowyou're most probably not gonna buy froma store that has the entire store onsale right it's just yeah sketchy rightI mean a lot of people I mean a lot ofentrepreneurs are smart but they don'tapply common sense and a lot of thingsyou make I mean a lot of marketing a lotof like business doing a lot has to dowith common sense rightit's like how you work with people howyou incorporate that you're normal likeI mean like for an example I just sayyou wouldn't buy from some some storesthat's like you know selling like youknow all this kind of like things that'salways on sale you know people are gonnacome by you probably the first time youknow the second time they're probablynot gonna buy from me because oh it'salways on sale you know so it's kind ofthings that like a lot will need toapply common sense when it comes tomarketing and selling your products tookay so how do you get scarcity andurgency then we don't use a lot ofscarcity and urgency it's kind of like athing in the past you know like you knowit's it just becomes so scary you knowwhen you put a ton of time count on youawesome man I have to say like you knowwe got emails like people say hey couldyou remove that because it's just makingmy heart attack because I was trying topurchase and you guys have the cowbelltimer and everything but I mean it's wedon't use any scarcity timers anymoreit's just like it's just like somethingin the in the past it's it's notimportant now it just looks can me itjust doesn't look good but we only putthe scarcity countdown timer in thecheckout page I mean in the cart allowyou to put in will all you to adjust thetiming and everything it's not necessarybut I mean it we put it there so thatlike people who likes the feature itcould use it personally we don't use itmuch anymoremm-hmm you have ordering right sorryordering from your hand on your fingerdesaad yeah yeah or what's your what'syour food score let me see probablypretty good nothing else like 8080 myreadiness was 88 all right what are yourbest tips like for firfer house or likemaintaining like good like productivityand stuff oh manI'm the newb when it comes to dad but Ikind of like felt I felt I need to kindof get my energy level up so you know Ican't do a lot of exercises go for allmy injured shoulder from my snowboardingtrip so I'm planning to kind of like getback at all like I was into gym withAthens and I kind of like you know Idropped out of the whole Jim thing butI'm trying to like get back into like abetter morning wake up trying tophysically both wake up earlier and likedo some greeting exercises like no Iforgot why is it like the wind path wedo yeah yeah so my good friend MarkJoyner kind of introduced us to the moonoff grid and I'm probably gonna kickstart doing some light exercises andprobably you knowheard some of my friends when they wakeup they start listening to podcast theydo their face of the water fade they dothat everything that you do X like sevento ten minutes short exercises to getthat be to like the whole morning andI'm breathing meditation yoga whicheverI'm not doing any of things right nowbut I'm looking forward to doing thatand probably like see if I could getmore energy but I'm taking a lot ofsupplements though do you like you knowsure I'm in shape even though I don't doa lot of exercise you know probablynotice you can protect a little bit moreyeah mm-hmm cool yeah I mean that's kindof like I think that's a bar that youknow like we you know a nurse like theywork hard to heart and then like youknow it's like here's like hurts to hearit I mean with all that like so mucheffort goes into building your Wells youknow a lot of effort goes intoprotecting your your health is like ohoh health no wealth right so yeah Ithink that's definitely one keeping thatlike we're gonna be very so I'm prettymuch drinking like green juice I'mvegetable fruits every single day likejust to keep my body a little bit morealkaline not so as unique right wherethat's kind of like where a lot ofproblems starts coming we kind of hurt Ialways want to adjust my ideal scheduleto kind of sleep at ten o'clock so I canprobably wake up at probably 6 or 7 a.m.the morning because I've heard like alot of cancer tumors come from like youknow sleeping very late the body yeahyour body needs to heal after like leftI mean the best time the body heals isprobably like like around 11 12 you'restill awake the body doesn't have theopportunity to heal the best rightso that is why even with or on it alwaysreminds you you're slipping timing isoff my stick coming off yep so I think alot of things are there for a reasonlike so we shouldn't like you know Imean a lot of people that sleeps verymade like party late every single dayyou know these guys have kind of likeyou know probably a little bit moreproblemsyou know very different people that hasvery good lifestyle cool huhso let's let's do a few more questionsand I know you're busy you're busy myhands so uh you know and I will alsohave to get back to work so we'll try tohelp us as many possible isn't it harderto start with sorry – absoluteconversion because you can have any datafor your pixel it's more like a shot inthe dark huh yeah but it's better thanthrowing money down the drain with likeyou know PPE because like me it's notgonna work for you that's okay prettymuch like it eighty ninety percent ofthe time right so if you're trying moneydown in dark why not try it it'ssomething that deals the pixel bettermm-hmmyeah that's kind of my point of view butI mean feel free to try it but like ifyou're asking how we do it that's how wedo it yeah mm-hmm cool how often mustone update creatives on winning productswith Adsense we only update it when it'sdying when it's not die we don't touchit yeah you should never touch somethingthat's working that's gonna like whereeveryone she hands you know like youknow the enterpreneurthey just wanna they just want to see ifthey could improve it more and screw upso yeah yeah yeah I know several likesome of my some of my clients in thepast like they had like you know workinglike websites like like business sellingbusiness doing well like seven hundredeight hundred thousand dollars per monthand sales they like they hear somethingthat like conversion optimizationconversion optimization tricks like sobasically like not just you know likesmall tweaks like you're not just so youknow partial tweaks but like like changethe team like overall electrical how tobuild a website like conversion rateslike drops like in half you know salesdropped like two hundred thousanddollars a month he has to like fire likehalf of his team so it's yeah yes whenpeople do all these optimizations theydon't treat it like an experiment theytreat it more like I know I know what'sright you know yeahyou know the right thing I should bedoing you know it's not much energy yeahit should be working so well you knowpeople that got burned including myselfI did that in the past I was likechanging all this different elementswithout knowing what exactly am itesting for so if you want to do testingright do it with like you knowconversion rate optimization Zhai fiatVW or all the same kind of toolsOptimizely you know all this tools youkind of like make sure you know you'remaking the right data driven decisionsinstead of like trying to fly hey I'mtrying the prize I'm testing the productimage i'm changing the headlines peopleare cheating all like 10 things on thesite driving traffic probably one hasboosted like 200 percent but they didn'tknow the other element might be causingthe negative 500 percent right so yeahso yeah I mean there's so much thingsthat that goes into like a weeding likeproduct as well but a lot of people justlike ignoring so many differentpotential things that they should bedoing right so I'm having a problem withFacebook arts that is geolocatorI'll try all the option but keep sendinglinks from other places that's probablymore a Facebook problem that can helpyou here it's like hey you have to reachout to Facebook they probably check outwith your account manager to ask them todo an audit for you to see what's what'sthe problem do you ship the productdirectly from suppliers or do usefulfilming centers yeah we do like we usedto have our own fulfillment centers butwe kind of like transition everything towheel but I mean recently just like helppromote it we owe in our group andeverything kind of like I've been me andNick Nick Maroney kind of like launchedthem like on the internet scene andFacebook groups and they kind of likethey were slammed with like you know newcustomers and everything so I had a callwith the CEO I was like hey what's goingon he was like dude you guys sent us toomany clients man we can't we can'thandle all of them so they were kind ofslammed but there's new like they'restill fulfillingproducts at the same time but I'llprobably wouldn't like kind of like I'llgive them a little bit more time beforelike I jump off with them because you'rejust having way too many clients theyare like it's really the best suppliersthat I've worked with in the past he'sin my 10 over years in China I'm the CEOit's really honest guy you know hedoesn't like nickel and dime you likewe've all different services they go allout the wait but it's hard when it whenyou're dealing with an extra fivethousand like you know ecommerceinterpreters you know you know you don'tlike you know they didn't know the powerof Facebook group that we couldliterally send them like five thousandnew users literally within 48 hours sothey're destroying so I'm like you knowcustomer support orders and everythingso yeah but there were still like greatoptions to work with once they get thereyou know one once again all the thingsworked out so yeah highly recommend thisguy's too cool um so what is the bestway to scale things up I have fivehundred plus purchases in my country bigso but urges look likes want to 10% notworking well miser trading purchaselook-alikes for other countries frompurchase pixel or shop customer list ifall that look-alikes are not workingwell start forgetting big big targetingoptions that's that's kind of like theYadier solution that you guys could havebecause like look-alikes can generateyou huge audiences but huge are hugetargeting like you know like reallybrought targeting could actually help interms of like you know collects are notworking well that's the outer solutionor it goes you're targeting mm-hm sobasically like related so for example ifyou're selling like a toothbrush rightyou would target like tees or like youwould target sounds like related broadinterests or like engage shoppers orsomething that yesnow go we've brought brought I wouldn'tgo easily wouldn't go with engageshoppers because that's gonna Bob CPMit's really high so and I just I preferto just go broad and just let Facebookup despite itself okaythanks for the answers Tim do you thinkit could be just it could just be anaction think on the contrary we aregetting to eight 0.323 roads and thenone random day it thanks to below – allunder two weeks that's not a lot of timeand how important our automated truthwith the current Facebook automatedrules are pretty much used protectiveCPAs you know you're you don't want themto be like spending like if you'retesting huge budgets or you have a lotof big assets that's running you youdon't want to be like spending like $100cpa is where your product cost is onlylike $20 right so all rules are more inplace for us to kind of like you knowprotect ourselves and like when it comesto awesome singing it's really hardunless you you know you use tests whileyou go test out all the Facebook auctionyou have a lot of different that's usingmanual bidding different pricing that'sa whole different story down there manlike I usually don't like to go downthat road because like it's just a lotof work and find out the problem becauselike there's thousands and thousands ofproducts you guys could sell why whatsettle for only one product and itdoesn't think you know I mean given theamount of time that you guys arespending trying to like decode thiswhole why it doesn't work you probablyif you spend the same amount of time andeffort you probably find your nextwinner already yeah that's kind of mytwo cents and do you do you like do workwith like some specific niche or youwork with several niches so how is thatlike with all of the products that yousell do it we pretty much sell everysingle that makes us money like wethe only thing that we don't sell islike things that like you know that'sedible no we don't to get it full withpeople like edik and dye and whatever sowe only we don't sell them if it's likeconsumable yeah or like it's like likeyou know we don't sell that like thoseneedle stuff and all that kind of thingsthat's likepenetrable to skin or acne stuff wedon't we don't do all kind of that thosestuff like whatever that's we sell likekitchen babyno just kitchenware you know apparelsyou know everything's like the preneurso everything that's making us moneyyeahcool thank you any tip to be morespecific in the geo-located annotate asusual I'll try everybody that is herebut I know it's if it's better to useanother option to target one place or asmall area in specific I didn't reallyunderstand this question well what doesit mean yeah it's so yeah it's say yeahif you can explain I don't know whoasked this question if you can explainthis question is it if it's possible toask one more question how can you addvalue to product brand how do you addvalue you have to make sure your productis more price competitive you have tomake sure it has more features and youhave to make sure why like people arebuying this product because it hascertain like you know brand sentiment oris it better in every in every aspect ofthe competitor so prior to when welaunched creo so you know we are morelike a feature base because we knowexactly the people that are gonna use aSmartWatch are people that are likeearly adopters your gadget like geeksso what they are looking for isperformance they're what they arelooking for is like the features youknow like it has like connection withlike mark is that our competitor theydon't have for example our competitoronly supports iOS so we go Android wesupport Microsoft right that's kind oflike a two big markets that we'reopening up so that's kind of addingvalue to your product in a certainfeature way and we have like we havelike microphones that you're able tospeak directly to our SmartWatch what mycompetitor don't have so these are allthe different kind of like features thatwe're adding like you know features toit and adding value at the same time topeople that are potentially gonna buy aproduct the easiest way you can I findways to improve on a parodicproduct is just go see what yourcompetitors are doing and their what arethey are not doing well you knowwhatever they screw up you know what arethe problems problems what are their youknow the frustrations what are theirone-star reviewyeah those are things that you couldeasily find out how to improve theproduct and make a better bread cool soso basically it's not like I'll createlike a better cop rightI'll go it's my competitors if they'recops like what's wrong cuz they're copsand then I'll make yeah I mean like Imean it's always like you know like Idon't have fall into the same problemlike you know are just trying to improvethe product without like you know justjust guessing myself not doing productyou know market research and everythingI think that's kind of like verycritical in terms of like you knowbuilding the right product that there'sdemand there's people that are actuallyyou know you know real demand for thiskind of products mm-hmm cool Steve whodo you think Facebook focuses on morethese days the advertisers the users orthe shareholders or the governmentregulations has the Albert changedbecause of the trouble that they got inand I think that's really hard that's atough question man like you know I meanfrom a company standpoint I definitelythink Facebook is great you know I meanI understand they're working really hardto kind of like protect the interests ofthe users and just like if Aaron justscrews around with Facebook you knowlike and like they're just gonna pissoff all the users yeah and when theusers are pissed off they are not goingto use Facebook and it's just like acycle so like you guys have to thinkfrom a company standpoint on whyFacebook is so strict because there's somany scammers there's so many unloadedlike people selling shitty producteverything it's I mean a lot of theblack hat guys you know kind of likesometimes they ruin it for everyonebecause I you know for the shot spent oftime they're gonna make huge amount ofmoney but they're gonna cost a lot ofproblems to the bar like white hatpeople all that white hat harness it'slike the white hat marketers are kind oflike you know they're not scaling ashard as this black hat guys they aremore in for the long game right so can iI'd say it's a balance so I mean faithyou have to protect the users interestsbefore they protect the advertisersinterests because my users aredefinitely the god of like Facebook youknow for uh customers is our Godright but from Facebook deftly likeprobably politics first or I don't knowabout probably most likely users firstand politics that I think our market isis definitely the lowest there's manypeople I mean I mean Facebook is therefor a good reason right so theredefinitely like you know a great companyto work with if you know how to workwith these guys because like we speakwith so many Facebook guys internallylike they're doing a lot of things tokind of like improve the whole ecosystembut we're talking other like freakin topfive company don't entire world rightit's not easy for companies this size topush out you know things like quicklylike as they want to have to validate alot of things you know it's just hardfor like big companies like this to likeyou know hear your feedback immediatelywell they've been enough time I thinkdefinitely things might be better youknow like and also ideally I thinkprobably ten years down the road youknow you could just slap up an ad andstart getting close you know I thinkthat's kind of where they want to be yesyeah yeah yeah I was I wasn't likeFacebook had order so they likebasically their vision is like for allof the targeting likes to like disappearso all of these settings it probablywill be like simple like survey likewhat is your market like putting one getout you know all of the stuff and thenall you have to focus on is your likecreative your message your ads likethat's basically all you so I mean Ithink a lot of like agencies like theymeans they all either will disappear orthey'll have to like refocus on on justlike creating that you know content andyou know the ads like because that'swhat would be like a lot more focus andall that so I think like Facebook wantsto take like CEO like campaign budgetorganization they want to take this youknow so they can control that part andthen gradually spread a little just wejust go more and more in that directionwhere they want to have more controlwith all of their like automation andstuffyeah for sure man the CBO is definitelyone first step that you could see thatthey're gonna like start improving interms of like you know all this kind ofdifferent things and yeah fully you knowI don't think ten years man probablylike one or two years later we might seea huge like difference mm-hmm cool soyeah it's probably the last question sodo you use influence abroad blogger andwould you recommend an exclusivediscount or general code now we doinfluence this only for our brands andyou have to use an exclusive discountcode to track how is the performancebecause like if you're just giving thesame coupon code for everyone you'reable to track which influences bringingyou the among the backup the sales sonefeli exclusive code is recommended andyou probably need that influencer likeyou know manager or social mediamanagers to kind of like manage all thisfor you if you're serious aboutinfluencing outreach you know you you'regonna have like you know somewhat tomanage just 24/7 for you mmm-hmm cool umyes so skew how do people find you andwhat like so you have the solutioncalled inter cards right so you tellmore about that like what it does andhow it helps advertisers yeah for sureman so in the card is basically a newsoftware that we have developed in-houseit's pretty much for our own use backthen but like you kind of felt there'sthe need in this market to kind of likefor people to increase their conversionrate increase your average value so asI've told you just now like you knowit's not just about your average ordervalue right it's also about like youknow how you can optimize differentfunnels different upsells or greenly tofrankly become people coming fromdifferent countries different productsyou know different card items so there'sso much flexibility inside into cartwhereby you know people could like youknow seasoned marketers like yourselfand a lot of people doing huge numbersthey are able to benefit from theflexibility of in the cart becausethere's no solution out there that'sdoing this and there are some solutionsthat kind of like helps boost yourconversion rates with the one-pagecheckout and alsoupsells' but the thing the thing is likeyou know I paint palace you a hugeplayer in the market you know as much asa lot don't like a pal because of allthe different policies their refundrates you know but we have to face itthere are still like one of the biggestplayers in the market and they're sowell known it's nationally that justremoving PayPal by itself it's like areally bad position you know and likebut it would be an even worse decisionto make if you have to remove PayPal foryour card or whichever just to use somesofter worse so basically our softwareallows like you know upsells even thoughif you're integrated with in the cartyou can do post purchase one-clickupsells you could use one funnel upcells one piece checkout you could addit every single thing every elementunder one please check out and like youknow I mean we do allow the users to dothe testing so for example let's say Ilecture from us and you wanna and youhave like are you you kind of arrived onmy website you know I did setup I intercart and sense whereby like I couldallow like 50 percent of the trafficcoming from the US to go into one pagecheckout and fifty percent of the trackgoes into the direct to checkout paid aPayPal option so like I mean for us wedon't like to guess what's working thenkey I want to guess what's working liketo know what's really working by theconsumers and by the big data right solet's say we will test it and we'll sayall right option B is better why becauselike this outweighs in by like 30percent better conversions so like wehave seen insane like differences likepeople just start changing some smalltweaks there they double theirconversion rates from like you know 1%3% 4% you know and and that's just adifference like just like making reallyminor changes like you know changing thecheckout button to go directly to PayPalas I mentioned to you we need you I liketo check out our act and PayPal soinstead of going to the one page checkout that into cart has it goes directlyPayPal so you could seethat even here even it even inside itscart we're not biased about tellingpeople hey you have to use inter cartone page checkout no we allow you tosplit test on me whatever is importantbest for your own demographics becauselike people from us have differentbuying behaviors compared to people inEurope in Asia so that is why we areable to use the funnel settings no notuse the zone settings whereby you couldtweak you know like different countriesto go to different funnels and differentfunnels will be up sold differentproducts based on like you know based onwhatever you have chosen or your enoughsell the same product or the base ondifferent products you up sell differentseries of SKUs there's a lot offlexibility that's I think that's thebeauty of the whole it's a cart thing itenables you to you like you know it's ifit's an easy way to for you to boostyour conversions and definitely youraverage order value that I could haveseen people will have it having an extra10 20 percent daily increase in revenuethanks to you yeah so if you're doing10,000 per day you're looking at anextra $2,000 for every basically was thesame amount of expense right that thinkit's the thing because you see if you'respent let's say for example let's say ifmy revenue is 10,000 let's say my me netprofits percent let's let's give it theabsolute minimum let's say if I'm ableto boost it an extra 20 percent andrevenue and we're talking about the sameat spent that's pretty much you'redoubling your profits in a single dayyou just like we're talking about anextra $2,000 revenue boost withliterally no extra add spent you're likecome to the 1,000 net profit you'retalking about it's an extra two hundredpercent increases that way then we haveemail on the on the back ends right andthen another two percent so yeah thereare you are in control which is why weare storing I mean like we're definitelya movie front end guy we just blast alot of traffic on the front end beforebut you know things you know you have tokeep up with the change you have to makesure that you're taking a lot ofdifferent aspectsseriously for example like email but youhave to acknowledgefact that you're not an expert so whenyou're not an expert you have to lookfor an expert that knows their youknow if you're like hey I know my stuffI'm gonna do it alonethese guys are expensive when when youhave that kind of mentality you're gonnascrew up and you're gonna fail you knowyou're white and you stop working youknow it's working for a lot of peopleit's just not working for me so yeah Imean like we acknowledge our weaknessand we help that's kind of like you knowone of the big ego thing that a lot ofentrepreneurs have is like they kind offelt they're the biggest thing in theworld you know they don't want to seekhelpthey don't wanna you know find solutionsthat people could actually help so yeahI mean that's kind of like how we are itbe being able to stay competitive in thegames you training out you know seven toeight kickers per month you knowmultiple stores doing big numbers soyeah I mean definitely I think intercart has a lot to do to like you know tooffer in terms of value for doesn'tmatter if it's drop shipping doesn'tmatter if it's brands it's here to helpa lot of people good off ship to youlike you know have that people have moreoptions when it comes to testing outdifferent funnels for conversion ratestuff and do you have so do you have anylike link where people can sign up orcan learn more about thisyeah for sure um I could definitely sendin your link for you but it's a triple wdot into cartio I'll send you the link laterlet me just maybe you could let's seeyou know three – hmm yeah if you candrop yeah yeah I could I could send youlike a view or something that you couldwant it you're gonna see it yeah 60people ahead of Daman and I have toapologize in on behalf of like in thecarton cuz like you just want to makesure we're focusing on quality hereright now for all our users that's onboard with usso like that is why we're getting a veryvery high success rate we've like almostall the users because like you're justputting so much time so once everythingis all figured out it's betterwe have more customer support we'regonna start onboarding more and moreusers mm-hmm yeahwell yes so definitely once once it'sbasically ready to you know just justlet me knowlucky I'll let my guys know as well sothey can you know they can join youryour classroom because I think that canbe I mean I think it's it's definitelylike I've been talking about this forlast few years it's all about like howmuch can you afford to get a customerright and if you can afford more likethen you'll be able to advertise morespend more and so all of these things wehave discussed this is like exactly whatit like improving your average ordervalue your conversion rate your emailmarketing like back end profits and Imean these are like crucial Saints onFacebook especially you know it's moreand more competitive and and it's notgoing to be like you know it's nevergoing to be like 2016 yeah 100% coolwhat is that tell me more about thatbanner behind you it's like Super MarioBrothers mmm yeah so we kind of had likean artist drop the whole thing it'sgonna like we call it the super tonbrothers they're like you know our groupmembers gonna like had give us anickname so we can have someone drawn upso I'm Mario and Evans Luigi this guy soyeah it's kind of like our backdrop sowe we kind of use that to remindourselves we have we have a few quotesas well so if you see that here I'mgoing to see like yeah different thingshere as well like some quotes that welike you don't build the dream you knowsomeone who hire you and everything yeahso I never liked all that things behindus to remind ourselves everyday who weare and everything yeah so what is whatis your like what is your superpowerlike you know your browser then and youlike you have different likepersonalities you do different thingslike like yeah so everything runs theentire ecommerce things for us right nowso I'm probably more like investor likeyou know the the chairthe whole group so we have over like 12companies we have different partners wealways we always want to look out for agood partner as good the invest likeproject that we can invest in toincubate then can I like be part of ityou know in exchange for like ourguidance and our advice yeah I mean it'sbeen a great journey um that'sdefinitely something that we want tokeep on moving towards to to kind oflike you know fine you know it's alwayslike it's always great if you have likegreat working partners she's not thesame level with you and in terms of oreven better than you so that they couldguide you or like everyone has the samegoal to work towards – it's just amazingthe kind of that's the kind of synergythat like everyone can can like you knowcan't ask for more you know this is justlike it's just amazing working with someof my partner's because like Erin's justlike so dedicated everyone just knowslike you know what's in for everyone youdon't need to be like like hey is thisguy slacking off you know are this guydoing apart everyone's just like sofocused so thousand this is great yeahyeah I've heard say free from electronso Bronson you know like he wastraveling with sleek finance like he'stried to launch it several times he'stried to build it I mean he's not verygood at it and then he found his youknow his partner like Todd and you knowthen they partner up and I mean likethree years or like four years like 100million color company so that's for sureman so yeah I mean it's it's definitelylike it's definitely something that Ithink all entrepreneur should look outfor everything working with the rightpartners is amazing so definitely youknow like Evans one of my partner's tolike you know what's what's one so Ihave a been in you know I know I know Ican trust my brother hundred percentright so he runs like a major import inbusiness or for hours while I'm alwayson the lookout to finding more dealsthat could be beneficial to our entiregroup so you've been in a field at worldin a 2p nature are you being and inDecember I'm not I'm not sure yet but Iprobably bein Bangkok you know for her meetingsomething but yeah I mean if you guys ifyou come down to Singapore a man hit meup I'll be more if you don't catch upher for some beers and some like youknow high-level Facebook discussions Imean I like Singapore like SentosaIsland like I mean you have I meaneverything is so perfect it's like it'slike you're thinking is it like -perfect it's like Switzerland as he saidit's like Switzerland yeah yeah cool yesgiven pleasure speaking with you I'velearned a lot from you I you know I'msure guys learned a lot too so it's yeahit's it's pleasure speaking with youlike you you provide so much value somany like resources for you know toimprove are all like ecosystem make youknow our life's easier like asadvertisers as entrepreneurs so it'sit's it's amazing to have you and yeahpleasure pleasure speaking with youthank you Alex for like I mean like it'sit's been a long while back and for yeahlike being patient like you knowreaching out again to kind of thisinterview appreciate you very much andyou guys have great value in the groupyou know I'll be looking forward to haveyou over as a guest as well in our groupas well so you're like how or how youcould share all this kind of differentscaling strategies as well to youthanks so much man thank you thank youfor watching – thank you hey see youguys all right all right[Music][Applause][Music]


How to build Successful Ecommerce Business on Flipkart | Tips for New seller

In this video we have discussed How to build Successful Ecommerce Business on Flipkart in high competitive product category. Best tips for new seller to grow ecommerce business on flipkart. How to get 10 order per day on new ecommerce business with flipkart.

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Top 7 Trends for eCommerce in 2020

20:19 is almost over a decades almostclosing and we're looking at the futurefor 2024 ecommerce so in this video I'mgoing to share seven trends that I seehappening in e-commerce for 2020 andthings that you can implement on yourstore today to make sure that you'reahead of the curve so stay tunedhi I'm Elle McCann and I am the owner ofcurious teams web development studio inNashville Tennessee and if you're newhere consider subscribing I have been aShopify expert for over six years nowand I post videos every Monday Wednesdayand Friday all about Shopify and how togrow your online store so in this videoas I mentioned we're gonna be talkingabout the top 7 trends that I seehappening for e-commerce specifically in2020 which it's crazy that we're herealready every year just goes faster thanthe last I guess that's what it means tobe getting older but I want to go aheadand share these trends with you so thatyou can start implementing things onyour site now with the remainder of 2019so that way whenever 2020 happened youcan make sure that your site's alreadyset up and optimized and ready for thesetrends so the first trend that I see isstill an increase in mobile shoppers soin 2016 2017 it was estimated thataround 50% of shoppers were on mobiledevices and we're gonna continue seeingthat statistic rise there are somestatistics that are out there expectingit to be around 70 percent of onlineshoppers will actually be doing theshopping from their mobile device whichis hugeso my tip here is to make sure that yoursite is optimized for mobile devices nomatter what the mobile screen or tabletyou want to make sure that your sitelooks goodso the best way to do this is toactually pull out your phone your tabletwhatever it is and make sure your sitelooks good on those devices if you'vepurchased a Shopify theme you go andcontact that theme developer if you seeany issues on your site or you can hirea Shopify expert to fix any issues orcreate any specific experience that youwant your mobile viewers to go throughso make sure that your site is set upand optimized for mobile devices becauseif it's not and it doesn't look good onmobile devices with 70% of trafficcoming for mobile devices you're gonnasee a huge decrease in your conversionrate and your traffic because people aregoing to come to your site on a mobiledevice and go ooh this doesn't look goodand then leave so you want to make surethat you were set up and optimized andyour site looks greatno matter whatvais they are viewing your site on thesecond trend that I see is that videocontent will continue to surge so we sawthis in 2019 of a lot of onlineplatforms like Google and Facebook andother social media platforms reallyemphasizing video content so thatdoesn't mean you have to create aYouTube channel like this one you couldinstead just focus on how to createvideo content for your products so thatcould be something like creating ahow-to demonstration video of showinghow to use your product in a video youcan also experiment with video ads ifyou're running any paid advertising orreach out to influencers who alreadyhave YouTube or Instagram channels thatthey're implanting some video on and youcan go ahead and try and see aboutgetting your product featured with themany way that you can create contentthat's going to feature your productespecially if you have any kind ofinstructions of how to actually use itwould be a great way to incorporatevideo on your site for 2020 the thirdtrend that I see is that customers arereally looking for more transparencyfrom brands so this is actually in acouple different ways you see a hugerise of people incorporating socialcauses in their branding so eitherthey're showing that a portion ofproceeds go to a specific cause orthey're showing that their products areethically sourced materials areethically sourced and people are payingbeing paid a living wage so this is hugefor just showing the transparency ofwhat goes on behind the scenes of abrand and we're seeing more and morecustomers who are really involved andwanting to make sure that they're votingwith their dollars and what they'respending their money on is actuallygoing to help people and not hurt peoplewe can also see transparency in terms ofjust brands showing behind the scenes ofan order placement so Amazon has reallybeen the frontier for that but withtheir prime shipping of orders beingshipped in one to two business dayspeople are really starting to expectthat level of engagement where they cansee where their order is every step ofthe way and they're expecting fastshipping so if you were drop shippingyou're really disadvantaged here becausethose arelonger shipping times an app that Ireally like that is new is called markso what this app mark lets you do isactually set up a video recording thatshows the customer and sends in thevideo of their order being packaged theycan then see that everything is beingpackaged correctly it's being packagedwith care and then they can get thatvideo sent to them and also the trackinginformation as well so it really shows alevel of behind-the-scenes where peoplefeel a lot more engaged and they're alot more excited to get that order inthe mail because they've seen it gothrough the process so I really likethis new app called mark and I reallyrecommend that you check it out as wellI'm gonna put a link in the descriptionbelow so that you can check it out andsign up for a trial on their site it'sjust another cool way to add additionalconnection and engagement with yourcustomer while they're waiting on theirorder to be received which is typicallya time when people can get the mostantsy so it's a great way to hopefullyminimize your customer support emails aswell as reduce the amount of returnsthat they get because they're seeing alot of the actual packaging and theprocess behind the scenes of their orderso make sure to check that outthe fourth trend is focusing onuser-generated content so we can seethis a lot with reviews specifically onsite or different influencersrecommending products so this is a hugeway to get your brand and your productsout there more so it's one thing for abrand to be saying oh look at my productit's great but whenever you can see theactual customers have purchased theproduct and also really liked it and itare recommending it as well that canreally give a lot of social proof to aproduct where someone may not becompletely sure if they want to purchaseit or not but as soon as they see thosereviews on your site then they're a lotmore likely to actually go through withthat transaction so one of my favoriteapps to do this is called looks and Ihave already done a video tutorial onthis before so I will put that in thedescription below as well as a link to afree trial that you can get set up tointegrate this on your Shopify store butwhat I like about the looks app is thatit actually letspeople submit photo reviews so it makesit even more of a social proof becauseyou're seeing actual user-generatedcontent which is the photo review ofthem using the product and giving theirreview as well so you could then takethese photo reviews and showcase them onother areas of your site or on socialmedia or on paid ads as wellso I really recommend setting up thisapp on your site and getting those photoreview start coming in for your productsalso think about reaching out todifferent influencers and getting themto review your product and interact withit as well and have that be some of theuser-generated content for your site aswell again the more people that you canget their hands on your product andreviewing it to a bigger audience thebetter so the fifth trend that I seehappening for 2020 is a rise in voicesearch so in 2016 one of every fivesearches online was done through voicesearch for things like Google home andAlexa this is going to continue toincrease and we can see some statisticssaying that 50% is estimated to be voicesearch in the year 2020 so this meansthat you need to actually have your siteset up and optimized for voice search sothis means actually optimizing your sitefor longtail keywords for SEO so youneed to be thinking about what peoplemay be searching for whenever they maycome across your product any questionsthat they may have that can lead them toyour product as well and create contenton your site both in blog posts and inyour product post that go through andanswer these questions and have thoselong-form keywords in there so we're notgoing to go too much into that in termsof SEO in this video but I'm going tolink below to a full playlist that Ihave on how to optimize your site forthe search engine so make sure to checkthat out the sixth trend that I see for2020 is a rise in chat bot so I may saychat BOTS and you're like no please nobut they're actually super helpful sothink about it your customer supportteam whether it's you or a whole team ofpeople can't be around 24/7 to answerquestions so this is whereat BOTS come in you can actually setthem up to have programmed a list ofresponses based on what the customer isasking either if it's about your productspecifically or about your brand andthey can go ahead and give automatedmessages back plus whenever someone isaround to answer your messages they canthen respond directly to them about anyadditional enquiries that they may haveso my favorite for this is mini chat andit's a great way to set it up to workwith the Facebook messenger chat programbut we're gonna see a huge rise of chatBOTS because just consumers are wantingto get their questions answered as soonas they have them so if you have a chatbot like this on your site you're a lotlikely to get those questions answersand actually get that order or thatpurchase because they feel confident inordering from you then and are going togo through with the sale so I reallyrecommend setting up a chat bot for yoursite and we actually have a tutorialcoming out soon for setting up the minichat chat bot so make sure to subscribeto this channel if you haven't yet andbe the first to see that tutorial assoon as it comes out so my last trendthat I see for 2020 is inpersonalization so this doesn't justmean personalizing your products andhaving it to where customers cangenerate personalized material like thatbut more just personalized experiencesfor customers so email automation ishuge for this but making sure that youare segmenting your email marketing listand you're reaching out to customerswhatever point they are at in theirjourney with you online not sending youknow just generic one-off emails topeople but making sure that you'resegmenting your list and you're talkingdirectly to your customers so we'vetalked a lot about ideal customeravatars on this channel and knowingexactly who your ideal customer is somany people say that their audienceseveryone but the truth is if youraudience is everyone and you're tryingto speak to everyoneyou end up speaking to no one so makesure that you take the time to go in andactually personalize your automatedemails and responses if you're doingchat BOTS as well and that you're reallysegmenting who you're talking to and youarebeing really personalized with themessaging throughout that way you cangive a better experience and peopledon't feel like they're just one of manybut you're speaking to them directly sothat wraps up my top trends for 2020 forthe e-commerce space I would love toknow what you think so make sure tocomment below this video let me know ifyou think that there are going to be anyother trends that I didn't mention aswell as let me know if you areimplementing any of these apps orfeatures on your site to make sure thatyour site is ready for 2020 and beyondthanks so much for watching and if youhaven't yet make sure to hit thatsubscribe button to be the first benotified about any new videos that comeout all about Shopify and how to growyour online store also check out thesevideos over here for more ways tooptimize your Shopify store for moretraffic and sales thanks so much forwatching and I'll see you in the nextvideo


September 2019 | Top 10 Selling Products in Daraz Bangladesh | দারাজে সর্বোচ্চ বিক্রিত ১০ টি পণ্য

Bangladesh e-Commerce has been going rapidly for last few year. And in that Daraz Bangladesh is number 1 e-Commerce shopping site in Bangladesh in many ways.

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To Order the Products :

1 . Nokia 3.2 – Smartphone – http://bit.ly/2pbZzJ7
2. Google Play Gift Card $5 US – http://bit.ly/2otjSBK
3. Chocolate Leather Formal Belt For Boys – http://bit.ly/2nK7cX0
4. MI BAND 4 – http://bit.ly/2nzKJfm
5. PUBG Mobile 700 + 70 UC (Direct Top Up) – http://bit.ly/2pcfGX7
6. DM10 In Ear Earphone – Black: http://bit.ly/2oqIM4K
7. HBQ I7S Dual Mini Wireless Earphone with Power Case – http://bit.ly/2mTbif5
8. Mi Compact Mini Bluetooth Speaker 2 Global Version – http://bit.ly/2mQnv3Z
9. USB 3.1 Pendrive 32GB-Silver – http://bit.ly/2mVr4WM
10. Natural Organic Beard Growth Oil for Men – http://bit.ly/2mQHYpn

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On Facebook: http://bit.ly/Daraz_Bangladesh_YT
On Instagram: http://bit.ly/Daraz_Instagram_YT
On youtube: http://bit.ly/Daraz_Youtube_YT
On Twitter: http://bit.ly/Daraz_twitter_YT
Visit Daraz app: http://bit.ly/2HJ8Mj4


How To Make a WordPress eCommerce Website (Online Store) at SiteGround – 2020

Hey guys, I'm Greg and honestly some days I can't even remember all the stuffI've bought on the Internet, but if there's one thing I know for sureIt's that ecommercein other words the act of selling and buying online isHuge and if you want to get involved and create your own online storeOr you can sell whatever you make then you're in the right placeBut there's one problem when people make an e-commerce website with shopify bigcommerceWeebly or maybe Big Cartel these people don't get to see the e-commerce processYou don't get to play around with the checkout page the cart the my account and a lot of that stuff is stored separatelyInside the website where you make it because they're actually charging you feesso then I see people making an e-commerce website from scratch and they have to design the cart and the checkout and all thePHP and JavaScript that goes into actually processing a transaction on their own which obviously takes foreverSo I've found the perfect. Happy medium for you guysAnd that's to use SiteGround plus WordPress to create your online store with no coding neededSo all you need to focus on is just uploading your products and making it look pretty because we're using WordPressThat means you get the same powerful content management system or CMSUsed by tons of name brands and it's the same thing a local web designerIt would probably charge you about five thousand dollars to use if you contact them in your local townbut of course we're gonna do it for free together and because we use SiteGround when we install WordPressIt's actually gonna come with all that ecommerce goodnesslike a cart a checkout page a your account all sorts of stuff people need to actually process theTransaction through PayPal and credit cards because SiteGround partnered up with WooCommerceThe number one ecommerce solution on WordPress to make sure you get all those things prepackaged with your WordPress installationBelieve me guys ever since I made my first e-commercewebsite for a woman in New York City's Lower East SideWho sold bracelets and fashion gear until now when I make ecommerce websites for bigger brands?WordPress has only been growing in strength and today I want to give those tools to you and make sure you watch till the endBecause we'll be running an e-commerce giveaway and I'll show you how to get one on one personal website consulting with yours trulyAll right. So if you're ready, I'm ready grab yourself something to drinkLet's run the intro checkout the steps that we need and let's learn how to make an e-commerce website with WordPress. Let's do itIn today's video we're gonna feature cottage Sullivan's website and try to create a website like ConnersConnor is a famous youtuber and I really like watching this video is from Germany USA Asia and beyondsuper inspirational and thanks so much Connor forShowing us how to live out our dreams every day and just get out there and do it a really cool shopSo we're gonna try to keep it simple like Connor and create inspirational products that sell. All right, kind of hope you see thisThanks again, manAll right guys to get started and make your e-commerce website with WordPressYou can visit wordpress.org if you wantBut you don't need to click get WordPress or download anything from this site because our web host of choice todaySiteGround has unlimited copies that they're gonna help us install super easilyBut you might want to click on showcase to check out all the other household brands that run WordPressWebsites that you get to join today when you join WordPress, so to get the ball rollinglet's open up the description beneath your videos and click on the site ground link to get you the best SiteGround discount andthe newest WordPress tools at SiteGroundAlright guys, so welcome to SiteGround. So you might wonder why do you want to be on the managed wordpress hosting page right here?Instead of on the normal web hosting page right hereWe can see we get all sorts of other essential WordPress featuresobviouslyWe don't want to miss out on that and that's basically the reason we're gonna get managed wordpress hostingInstead of the web hosting same price more features. OkSo now that we all understand that we can just move forward and even though they're saying the best sell it is to grow bigWe're on the budget todaySo we're just gonna go with the start up crafted for a great WordPress start and now you can click on the get plan buttonOkay, guys so step one was just choosing the plan that we did right thereSo that's done and now I'll walk you through all of step two and step threeSo that you can move forward and install your WordPress softwareFlawlessly, and I'll try to answer any questions that might come up along the way but also let me know in the commentsAll rightSo the next order of business is to enter your domain name if you have a new oneClick the top box here and pop in your new domain name or if you already own a domain like from GoDaddy or somewhere elseJust check this bottom box, but in my caseI have a new idea for domain name and I want to get everything at site ground todaySo I'm gonna click register your new domain and then pop in site groundWebsite WP e guide alright then on the rightYou'll see a drop down menu for dot-com but there's also plenty of other options. That could be cool like net orgDUP is the dot-com is the most recognizablethat's probably what people will think of when I think of your site like nobody imagined visiting face book org when someone tells them togo to face book and the.com is also the most profitable if you want to sell your website someday, howeverAny of these other domain names?It might be helpful to tell people what you're about like your about clothing or coffeeAnd you can rank in Google pretty much just as good with any domain name extension here. Alright and click proceedAlright cool the next order of business is to create our accountSo with Sega and we just need an email and a password and you have an accountAlright confirm the password and we're done with thatScrolling down you can give yourself some client information if SiteGround asks for your full postcode just google yourself and you can get the fullnine digit postcode andthen phone numberAlright good job. Now. We come down to payment information hereAll rightSo just pop in your payment information like you would at any sort of online shopping experience like at Apple AmazonEBay Ebates wherever you shop online, so I'm just gonna blank this out here and enter in payment infoAll right, sorry guys getting a lot of text here you'll see that site grown also accepts Visa Mastercard, DiscoverSo I hope that helps you out, but if you can only pay with PayPal or Van Melle or something for some reasonLet me know I'm sure we can figure out a solution for you with SiteGroundSo now we're done with that. We're gonna come down to our purchase information and this is basically super easyWe just have to confirm that we're getting what we wantSo we have a plan start up if you want to change the planI think you can hit this little refresh button, but we're good with startupWe like that because that's the cheapest way to install WordPress at site ground data centerYou might want to take a look at if you have an audience that's in a different part of the worldThen you might want to opt for one of the otherHeadquarter data centers at site ground so that your servers and information are closer to your audience next upWe have our term period which is how long you're registering hosting forI really like 12 monthsmy first hosting order ever I gotWas for 12 months and I gave me a perfect amount of time to learn how to blog how to use WordPressHow to make money with WordPress and set me up for successBut if you choose 24 months or 36 monthsYou will see that you get a slightly better value and that is just because you pay a little bit less per month12 months though is great for today. We're going to keep thatHosting price is coolAlright, and of course you get that discount locked in it's normally 1195 with the regular priceBut because you use my linkWe've secured the best discount so congrats on that and now we can just come down to extra servicesalrightso like I said before we're on a budget soJust gonna keep the domain for now and I believe we can add these later on if you wantAlright, so that brings us to our total for this price right here in our case. It's63 and change which comes out to about five dollars a month if we divided it by 12 we get the amazingWordPress services of SiteGroundyou can install WordPress with one click in the next step without any coding knowledge and then you basically get the same website asThe major blogs like Mashable Forbes. Jay-zBeyonce Katy Perry Walt Disney Time magazineThey're all using or and it's really awesome to me that for this small priceYou can be on the same level playing field with those brandsAnd if you're interested in learning how to make money with WordPress just drop me a note in the commentsI have some fun resources on that. Alright, so that's all I'll say for now. I'm super excitedLet's go ahead now and just check I confirm and I'd like to receive news and offers sure. Why not?We like safe ground and then the next step will install it your own copy of WordPress togetherAlright, so let's click pay now and let's move on to the next step. Let's do itGood job guys, so now we can click proceed to customer areaYou might notice a ton of cool things to play around with and learn it now that you have your own psyche gun custody areaBut most of you are probably eager to get WordPress set up on your new blog. So let's just click set up siteAlright guys, so here we are on the add a new website screenI've chosen a slightly different domain name to build our website together today on I have a pretty big plan at site groanSo sometimes ologists pick a different domain but in your caseYou'll just continue with whichever a domain name you started with and now we obviously want to start a new websiteSo let's hit select down hereandHere's where we get to choose the really cool powerful combo of WordPress plus whoo Plus WooCommerceAgain, WooCommerce is going to help us set up the account page the checkout pageThe product page is all the basic pages that you see when you shop on something like Amazon, for exampleThose will all be set up automatically on your siteSo you won't have to like build them manually or code them or anything crazySo this really takes care of a lot of the thinking and effort that goes into when you create an e-commerce websiteSo let's hit selectAll right, we're just gonna pop in our email to get the WordPress process goingAnd a password, so make sure that is strong anduncommon words because we'll be usingThe email and password here to log into WordPress and you probably keep that for a long time. All right, and continueAll rightSo now on the extras window set grants gonna say do you want any of our other cool products like the site scanner?Which lets you know, if your website's been hacked, but I feel like you probably be able to tell if you've been hackedSo we don't really need that daily scanningYou can kind of just look at your site onYour own on day to day basis should be safe because we're press and taking are very safe and then domain privacyI'm gonna add just because lately I've been getting a lot of calls from spam likely what you don't really likeBut if you're not worried about people looking up your website or your information then don't worry about that oneI'm gonna come down and it should say zero for you or just$12. I'm also just paying for it my mein name. So it's a little bit more. Don't worry about thatAnd now I'm just gonna pay now get that done withAll right now set guns during their famous two minutes site creation processso I love SiteGround because other web hosts can take like up to an hour or asSome of you have probably seen even 24 hours to get your site live, but this is mas rapidoOkay, awesomeOur new web site has been successfully created next we can either access the WooCommerce adminBasically log into our WordPress sites backend or we can go to site toolsWhich is the tool at site ground to manage our site details, so we're gonna log into the admin and check out WordPressAnd as we saw there the WordPress admin screen opened in a new tab and it wasn't quite ready for us to start using itThat's okay because we just setup the domain and hosting so it can take a few minutes for WordPress to settle into placeThen I went and clicked on site tools, which is workingSo we were taken to this screen and site cons bringing up an important stepWhich is the name server notification right here?Your domain is not point to this site and that's something I want to make sure you allUnderstand and know how to fix if you see something like this ever. So while your WordPress is settling into placeWe're gonna learn about name servers for the next manager. So what I want you to do is just copy downThese two piece of information in a separate file like a word document or a notepadSo this is named server one at the top and then name server two right beneath it. So I'm just gonna copy both of themAnd drop them in a blink text edit fileAlright now we have and now I'm gonna go back to my account so follow me back to your accountThen we are going to click on servicesAnd we're gonna hit domains at the top and then under the domain we're using today. We're gonna hit manageJust scroll down a little bit and on the right you'll see name serversso we're gonna click manage name servers andWe want to make sure that name server 1 and name server 2 in this window here match what we wrote down intextedit window that site God gave usWhen we first went to site tools make that a little bigger and in our case the nameservers do not match, which is goodWe get to change them and it's kind of fun because I can show you what changing nameservers looks likeSo we just need to paste the first oneIn the right box over here in name server onedelete andPaste and then put that second one in. All right copy itRemove the second name server and pastenow the reason I wanted to show you how to change name servers here is because if you bought your domain name at GoDaddy orNamecheap or somewhere else and you're using a domain name? Not at site ground you 100% need to do this stepSo like we saw here set grand will give you your name servers insight toolsYou need to go to GoDaddy or Namecheap or wherever and complete this process over thereIt'll obviously look a little differentBut you have to enter in your first name server and your second name server from SiteGround wherever you bought your domain nameSo in our case we bought the domain name at site groundBut the name servers were slightly off just because they have a big account and they were just going to like a different websiteThat I had on my account and the most important thing about name servers is when they're entered incorrectlyWhen people visit your domain name?It'll take them it'll point them whatever you want to call it to the proper website that you want people to see which of courseIs what we're going to build today if you use the skills from this second tutorial to become a professional web designerYou'll definitely use name servers eventually because they're a great way of pointing a domain name from an old websiteTo a new website that you've built for our brand for example and making a website go live. Alright, that's it. Let's just hit confirmYour name servers might not even need to be changed if this is your first domain name and web siteIt's a con. There's a good chance. They were already entered incorrectly so you don't got it to anythingAlright, and the other thing you have to know about your domain names is if you bought one today at site ground like we sawIn the tutorial then you'll need to check your email inbox for a verificationRequired email from site ground. Basically just a couple links. You need to click to verify that you own the domain nameAlright, we've given WordPress a little time to working now. So I'm more confident that we can log-inLet's go ahead and go back to our websitesLet's click on site toolsthis little notification should be going away in a second and we're gonna click on WordPress now and then click install and manage andThen down here. There's this really nifty button that looks like an arrow going through a doorWhich we can click to login to our admin panel. So let's do itAll right, so it says welcome to your will commerce sitewhat we're looking at here is the site crown plus woo wizard kind of cool because it's gonna give us somerecommended cool plugins andSome themes to look at so you don't have to start with just a completely blank WordPress and wonder like what it isYou're installing or what you're putting in thereWe're actually gonna have some things to play with and make our site look good right away. So let's hit start now togetherAll right. Awesome guys, so right away SiteGround gets us into the fun stuffWe're gonna choose a fancy design for your website. Meaning it's time to pick a fancy WordPress theme for your websiteSo right here they say they've gathered some of the best free and paid themes for a site to look professional and awesomeFortunately for us all of the 12 ecommerce theme options here are free to use and if you want to go the extraMile and get a premium theme you can check out theme forestI'll leave you a link to theme forest in the description below the videosBut these themes are more than enough for us right nowSo as you can see here the site ground AI has us on the online store tab alreadyBut if you want to check out other themes maybe you've decided you just want to make a wedding website. For exampleAnd go ahead and click on these tabsOr maybe you just want to type in a keyword like portfolio and maybe you'll get lucky so pretty coolbut back on the online stereo tabI know the template we're gonna use today because I've tried out a lot of themThis one is fastAnd it looks good and uses a lot of white space which helps sales I've foundBut if you want to preview a few of themYou can just click to open them like this drone oneand maybe you'll preview a few of them or show them on your computer to your fan and friends and have them narrow down likeFrom four or five to like their top one or two to help you make your decisionSo in the olden days when you did install a theme by the way, you'd get a demo like this before you bought itbut then once you install the theme you'd have to put in your own images your own buttons and colors and you wouldGenerally have to do a ton of work to get it looking like you wanted it to look but now with these templates from sakeGrin, for example what you see is what you get and it's gonna look good right away with all the cool contentOkaySo once you've done your homework a bitmaybe you'll check out coffee shop because a big coffee fan here in the debug community that wouldBe something that we'd go for. So if you like coffee shop, you're gonna fit right in with usThis one's particularly good because it has the testimonialsWithout doing any other work, you have testimonials you have this nice grid, which is good for SEO. It's like a table andso on and so forth, but the one we want to use today isJust called fashion storeLe fashion serves so much because it looks a little bit differentIt has the logo on the upper left and then the nav menuSo right away without someone like hovering or finding some buttons somewherethey know that their shoes Thai suits wedding and when I'm buying clothing from likeUnder Armour or j.crew or something?Sometimes it's hard to find like the different sections. But here you have them like right awaylike I mentioned this theme also uses white space really well andThe homepage is just super simple. There's a coupon area. There's contact informationFeatured shop with usYou have these ad banners which you can put up like your ownadvertisements orOther promos and you have a really nice skinny menu at the topSo someone can get around to your different pagesif we open up Connor Sullivan's websiteYou'll see that a lot of Connor's features are actually found on our template that we're going to use todayJust in slightly different formatsSo he has the large banner image at the top and we have this largeAdvertisement image and then when you have the social media icons here, we have the social media icons in the lower leftalrightAnd then he has like about him down below with a cool image and we have about here with the shop with this sectionSo obviously psycho and picked their 12 best e-commerceThemes to show us right here Retin we're getting started and I know that the fashion store one is actually stored on a linkThat's just called shopS GWP demo, which means it's probably the first one they made and probably a theme they spent a ton of time onAll right, so we're gonna get this look so back in your sec round windowLet's click on fashion store and hit select in the upper, right?Alright, it says great choice, and now it's telling us that it's recommended to use ElementorIf you're not familiar with elementarythat's the best WordPress drag and drop page builder right now at the moment meaning if you want to put likeThese social icons over here you can do that or if you're gonna put these icons over here. You can do thatYou just click and drag and drop them in there and you don't have to like rebuild anythingBasically Elementor makes it a really big treat to make a ecommerce website with WordPress in 2019Because not too long ago in memory all these things were a lot harder to accomplishso let's confirm and nowWe're gonna choose some plugins. It says the recommended useful functionality for your site. So that just means the recommendedPlugins for your site and let's start at the top. So contact form is selectedThat's a good one buy WP formsreally trust them and create brand by Sayyid bulky and this makes it so we don't have to like custom design aContact form that you can use on your contact page. It will already be there. Keep that oneJetpack is useful. If you want to connect to wordpress.comfeatures, but we don't want to use anything from wordpress.com today and then obviously a calendar is useful if you're creating an event sort ofWebsite or some events web pages on your site, but I generally don't even know what day it is of the weekso I'm gonna skip that one but by the wayThese are all free so go for it if you want and continue now, we have some marketing pluginsSo Google Analytics is cool. But I like doing that on my own through the actual Google Analytics websiteYou just paste some code from that on to your site and then you can start tracking analyticsSo I'll leave you a video on how to set that up from scratchwhich I recommend and that way the moment you launch you can track your pageviews and others -We are gonna optimize for SEO because that's by Yoast and every site should use Yoast they are fantasticBasically, it makes it so your posts and your pages have little checklist on them that tell you likeHey, you should include more of this word or hey, you should put this word in your little SEO snippetSo everything looks better for Google and being a total beginnerYou can learn how to rank blog posts in Google and the gross subscriber listWe're gonna skip because I recommend Constant Contact for that again link in the description and completeAlright and once again site guard has installed everything faster than really anyone could expect we didn't even have time to go take a breakOr get a snack but we're having so much fun. You might as well just continue and go to the dashboardAlright guys and gals so welcome to your e-commerce website with sake groundYou are now ready to goWhat we're looking at here is a custom WordPress dashboard that SiteGround made for us so you can get to your site pages themeOrders create meta products check your SEO or create forms right from this pageAnd as you go down you might want to use the useful links like SiteGround has a wordpress tutorialThey also have a knowledgebase and some ebooksHopefully all that's free. I think it will be and they've even found me like WordPress events near meSo like if I was bored tomorrow morningI could just drive to Redwing and check out a wordpress hacking or watch movies about WordPress with peoplesoHow cool is that very?intuitive and if you want to get to theDefault WordPress dashboard that you'd see if you just made any old blog just click switch to default down hereSo we're gonna do a little tour and then we're gonna check out our site and to start we can just click on blog postsSo these are where all your blog posts will be locatedIf you want to create an e-commerce blog about your products and use like inbound marketing to pull people into your siteThat's where you'd find all your blog postsYou could just click add new and start writing and publish one today if you wantBut we're not really focused on the blog at the momentNext we have our media tabThis is where all the images on our site are and of course because we installed thatAwesome theme of the fashion store from sight gun. We're gonna have some fashion imagesLoaded up for usAlright super cool, you can easily delete any of them next we're gonna click on pages andHere we see the beauty of WooCommerce right awaySo a basic WordPress site installed at any old host without WooCommerce won't have the cart page checkout pageaccount page or shop page those four are specifically given to us by Luca murse andWe're gonna check them out on the front end of our site Sutan, of courseWe also have a home page and for good measures a contact page next we can click on our commentsAlright. So once your site starts getting some traction people should be commenting on your content great job there. We can also click on WooCommercewhich is where you'll see your orders pop in once you start getting them andHere you can also make coupons reports and so on and so forthOf course WooCommerce is known for its productsso we've been given all these demo products like snow shoes colorful bag and we're gonna see how to make new products andProbably end up deleting these even though I'm sure they're beautifulDown below we have the WP form sectionAll rightSo we have one simple contact form on our site super good just for getting people to respond or ask you questionsafter forums, we have elementary which is our page builder andOf course a lot of these things we're gonna see on the front hand of our siteSo this is just like the back settings area. So now you just know where they are. We also have templatesnot sure what those are we're not going to use those andThen we have appearance and if we have round appearance we can click themeswhich is arguably the most important area of your site because this decides the entire theme or look that your site isWearing when we chose the fashion store look from site. KarimThey gave us ocean WP theme which is easily one of the top-five best WordPress themes of the year right now known for being fastBeautiful and great for drag and drop see don't need to know any codeSo I don't think you'll need to make any changes to your theme anytime soonBut if you did want to try another theme you can just click on these ones open them up and hit activateAlright, you can also delete themes like these default themes from WordPressIf you chose to you can do open one of them like 2016 great one from the past and click delete in the lowerright and then okay, you can also add new themes at any time just click add new andYou can bring new themes into your little personal library over there just by searching for themlike searching for a businessSeeing what you findClicking on them to preview and then you can of course install them all these thingsYou see here will be free. The only downside is there are so many themes in WordPress that a lot of themwe haven't vetted and we just don't know what they're gonna be fast or pretty or even look like theyShould look right away for youSo let me know any questions you have if you want to change your theme, but like I saidWe have a really good one next up we have pluginsthese are just the plugins that we told Sakura to install for us Elementor isthe page builderOcean extra is part of our theme to give us extra features as she optimizer is custom built by sycron to optimizer siteThen we have our e-commerce plugin WooCommerce. WordPress importer helped us get our template liveWordPress starter also helped us get a template live. This is the former's plugin and then we have our free SEOsolutionDown below. We also have the users tab. This is where you can find yourselfYou can always click on yourself at any time and change your passwordJust scroll down to where it says generate passwordClick that and then write in a new one and then save it at the bottomNow eventually you might want to fill in all your details here, but it's not too important right nowAs long as you have a working email in for email address, then you'll get the WordPress notificationsAll right, cool we're almost done here we have tools alright soNo one really goes to toolsUnless you want to import or export something. So that's too complicated for now. Then we have WordPress settingsWordPress settings is where you can change the title of your site like instead of my wordpress mye-commerceSay grant amazing or pests and that'll show up in the tab up here when someone's on your site andThen a tag on alright, so we just want to get rid of that down belowWe have your WordPress address and your state address. If you want to add the www you can do that hereJust make sure you add that WWN in both boxes right here that I'm clicking onotherwise your site will break so I don't like changing this but if you want to put theWWN go forward just make sure it's up here and it's also down hereAlright that's the settings there's writing reading discussion so on and so forthI'm sure you know as you get your coffee in the morning, you'll click around you'll browse the settings and you'llDiscover all these new powerful tools that you have at your fingertipsAlright, and that does it for our tour because SEO team panel and esti optimizer are gonna be a little too complicated for nowBut as it is for everything this tutorial played out with it. LaterDon't be afraid of breaking something and if it's something like plugins, for exampleAnd you delete one of them you can always get them back at no costyou know without really much harm to your site if you delete one of them or you think you made some terrible mistake and notSure what to doShe's supposed to comment and let me know you can most often get these plugins back for freejust by clicking add new and searching for them andIt's not like your site's gonna break if it's not relying on one of these plugins. Alright cool guysI made you learn all about these different dashboard tabs in advance before we check out our site just so you're more confidentNavigating WordPress, you know about all the powerful tools we have and now it's time to finally look at our siteSo look at our site at any time. I always just click on the site title and upper leftAnd there you have it so this is how the world sees your websiteOf course, they don't see this black navigation bar at the topThat's only if someone is logged in that they'll see that like you are now and yeahLike I said when you use site down and their templates, it looks good right awaySuper cool. So we're gonna edit in a momentBut if you want to get back to the dashboard at any timeJust click on your site title, or you can hover on it and click dashboard sort of the same thingAll right, it just wants us to log in againCan happen from time to timeAnd that is how to use the button in the upper leftso now we are gonna start designing our site from top to bottom from left to right just like a normal web designer wouldLet's start with something relatively easy, so you can get a couple WordPress changes under your belt right nowso the first thing we're gonna change is ourNavigation menu on the left and then our social icon and if at any point you get stuck or things on your screen don't behaveLike things on my screen then just stop the video and post a comment and I'll get back to you the same dayAll right, so we're gonna hover on our site title and click menusAnd here we are in the WordPress menu areaYou'll see right away thatWe can also right-click on the site title and open it in a new tab so we can see what we're changingSo you'll see right away that this menu is sort of just WordPress guessing. What should be over hereThere's not actually a menu built right now because this is blankAlright, and so the first change we're gonna make is upload images to our website so we can swap out the stock imagesSo to upload some images we can go to new in the skinny nav at the top and click mediaAlright, and I've gone ahead and emailed myself some images and also done airdrop. So if I open up Gmail, they're gonna beSitting there. Yep, that works pretty good. So if you have images on your phone, you can email them to yourself, tooand then you can just open them up andThen do a bunch of downloads might want to name them quickAll right in all to speed up that process downloading all those imagesAlright and a good best practice idea is just to make a new folder for all the images going on to this specific websiteNow we can just click and select all of themExcept for this one because it needs a little photoshopping and drop it in the folder. GreatThen I'm going to downloads too because we have a cool video and another image which are also gonna go on the Satan'sAlright, so I'm gonna copy those and put them in the folder nextWe'll go back to web press and we'll do a bulk upload. So we're gonna click select files open up our folderYou're super easy. We can select all of them again and click open in a lower rateAlright, and if a file fails to upload like this one right here, no problem. We can justDismiss it and then we'll try to rename it and upload it againSo if we look at that file that one air dropped as a dot hei C which is no goodSo when we learn PicMonkey a little bit later in the videoWe'll just have to open this image and then resave it as a jpgalright now that our images are uploaded you can click media and see all your good work andThere they are so that part is doneNow if you're like meYou're probably ready to make this site your own and to do that what better way than to upload and create our firstProduct once we have a prodigy to made we can learn how to position it around the site like here and hereAnd then learn all the interesting WooCommerce features, like how people can actually buy it funny enoughYour site is actually pretty much ready for sales right now. It'll accept paypal and credit card via the paypal appSo theoretically you could get sales already for like a colorful bag, but you'd probably have to cancel them from within your WordPress dashboardOkay, so to add our first new product, let's use the skinny now at the top again and go to newproductAlright and our first product is gonna be something everyone needs and something everyone's deadWe're back in the 70s and that is gonna be a leather jacketBut this time it's worn by Christo next we can write a description of the product in the text area hereWe can give the product a category which is really important for how we put the products in our navigation menuso let's go to add new category andJackets and add that now let's scroll all the way down to where it says product image and click that linkMedia library and now it's time to choose the main image for our leather jacket, so we conveniently have three of themWe're gonna create a little gallery. But right now we just need the best one. So we'll go with the head on imageAnd click set probably damageNow we can add product gallery images and grab those other twoI'm just holding command and clicking on two of them. So they're both checked and clicking add to galleryAwesome. Now we need to scroll down to the product data, which for some reason is down here product dataSo we need to drag this up. This is really importantSo I'm clicking and holding and dragging it all the way up to so it's right underneath our text area like so coolNow it's time to set a regular price. So I'm gonna go withseventy-five years and then a sale price if it's on sale, which is because why not of60 euros very cool before we publish I'm gonna take you down to the bottomWhere it says product short description and we're gonna write a few things about the productI'm gonna make a semicolon and then use WordPress is bullet feature. SoComfy softHumanly and that's a clay made affordable and stylishAll good things and then come to the top and publish just so we can see what this new product will look likeObviously as your products evolved, you'll add in more settings and more descriptions, tooBut the goal is to get you familiar with creating products right nowso let's click – so let's click view product to the top to see what we made andWell out, we have our very own first product pagesomeone could add to the cart and then someone could view the cart and proceed down the usual use your experience of checking out andBuying it from you. We can see we can zoom on top of the productSo we can get up close visual. They're really coolAll right, looking stylish in an alleywayAnd then we can go down and click on our gallery to nice to change the currency of our productWe're gonna go to the WooCommerce settings. Let's go back to our dashboardAlright and click on WooCommerce now, we're gonna click on settingsSo welcome to the wonderful world of WooCommerce settings and we're gonna scroll downto where it says currency so we have pound sterling and we just want to search forUS dollar or just jealous should do it don't even know my own currencies called there. It is United States DollarsSo there's obviously tons of currencies to teach them to satisfy all sorts of people and Save Changes nowLet's click to the home page and see if our product is on the home pageSo if we scroll down there, is it fill itself in on the right?Cool, great job now that we know how to add a productThere's no since in having these stock products posted on our site. So let's learn how to delete products. Let's go back to our dashboardcome down to products again andWe can just select all the products that were made with the site when we get first got itNow that this is selected we can go to bulk actions and move to trash and then applyAlright and if for whatever reason you want to get those products back you can just click trash and then click restore underneath themLet's go back to allNow I'm going to open up the leather jacket product and show you how to make a product that has variations like colors and sizesAlso known as a variable product in WooCommerceso let's scroll down and let's see that this product is a simple product and it has a place andHas a simple price and then a simple sale price, but what if we choose from the drop-down?variable productAll of a sudden the price goes away which looks bad at first so we would want to keep that price because it's the mainCharacteristic of the product now, we don't even know where to put in a priceBut what I'm going to show you is actually really valuableBecause this is how you create items like t-shirtsBracelets shoes. You name it that have different sizes and colorsSo let's do it and we'll be able to add in multiple prices for different sizes, etc in just a momentSo let's do it now that we were on variable product. We're gonna go down toAttributes and click on add andGive this attribute a name like size. That's an easy oneand then the values separated by the vertical bar should be things likelargevertical bar mediumVertical barSmall now just check use for variations and save attributesSo we have a size attribute with three different typesPerfect. Let's add one more attribute, which is going to be color and the values are gonna begrayblack andBrownCheck you serrations and save attributesBeautiful now we need to go to variationsUnder add a variation click on the drop-down and choose create variations from all attributes and go and okAnd okSo what it did was it added a variation of every combination possible that which there are of course nineThat's mathI probably couldn't do in my headBut we can clearly see that nine variations make sense because we have three different sizes and three different colorsOne color for each different size and I totally get how little sense this would make if you didn't previously know how to do thisI've been there. So now we're going to click on one of these white spaces because that makes sense and open up theVariation itself and give it a regular priceSo you're going to need to go through your inventory and figure out what the real prices should beBut a large gay for example, it could be$75 in stock and if it's on sale, then you can drop it down to the sale priceHow about for a large black? That's a little more valuable. Maybe the regular price is $85 and it's on sale for$70To close one of these windows just click on the white space againalright, and we're gonna want to do is go ahead and assign a different price to all of theVariations and again, they don't have to be different prices for each of them unless that's just how your business worksAlright and medium brown and the smalls are going to be a little bit less materialSo that would be a little bit cheaper and we're good to see this in action in a moment on the home pageAlright and a little bit lower price for that oneOkay, once you've entered in all your different prices and you've factored in other detailsLike weight length width height all that important stuff like description. We can save the changes. Okay, beautifulSo now we're gonna update the product and we're gonna view the productAnd we should have a few more options. All right, so now when someone wants to buy your product, they'll first choose his sizeLarge medium small I'm feeling like a large today and then color I thinkyou know a nice brown would look good andThen someone's allowed to add to the and they'll see the right priceAll that's left for you to do is to upload a picture of each different color like you'd see onAmazon when someone chooses a product when they click on the color then the product changes color. Alright, it's super coolI'm gonna flick back to the homepage now andNow that we know how to create a simple product in a variable productI'm gonna add in three more products just so aesthetically it looks good on the homepageSo let's go to new product again, and let's create a product calledmatchingFormal attireNot the best copywriting but you get the picturealright, we're gonna go to category now and we're gonna do men and women and then we're gonna add a new one which is gonnabe formal anew categoryAlright now we're gonna pop in a regular price of a nice cool 180 because this is a combo product you get two thingsIt's gonna be a little more expensive and it's not on sale because this is always good in every seasonWe're gonna set the product imagemedia library and choose this image of Chris and I here on the blue carpet and set product image andThen we're gonna add the gallery images of just more of us wearing the same stuff if you upload an imageAnd it comes in upside down or sideways that's done and that's not good enough for your siteYou need to select it with the check mark and then click Edit image then you can just click on one of the rotate buttonsAnd this is all and this is also where you can crop an imageyou just click on top of it and drag the right region andThen you click the crop buttonwhich is up here that's crap so we can crop this image and rotate it and then make sure to save it and thenWordPress will understand that it's updatedWhat you might need to do though is actually just close out and like refresh this page somehowSo if you publish it that will effectively refresh the whole screen. Alright, there we goNow I'm gonna click on add product gallery images media libraryIt'll know that we flipped that imageOf course, we have to flip other images so I probably shouldn't have done that so soon. Okay, and we're gonnaupdate this page to refresh again now go back toproduct gallery imagesOkay, and here are the other images for the gallery. I'm gonna hit ctrl or command and select them and add to galleryBeautiful going down. We can also give our product a short description. So this product is known for beingMakes you look wealthy and great for photos andWe get those bullets in just by putting our cursor right by the letter and making a bullet point then delete enter delete enterDelete enterAlright, and we'll update this product. So now that we have two products when we go to our home pageYou should see that next product lined upalright, and there it is and what I'm gonna do now is zoom ahead and add two more products that are simple products just likeThe matching formal attire. So again, it looks good, aestheticallySee you in just a secondNext to create a downloadable product like an e-book or maybe an mp3 or mp4File that someone's going to download or maybe a set of imagesLet's go to newproduct and the most important part here is clicking downloadable andThen choosing which type of file it is. So let's say we have an e-book which is just the e-book from to your bloggerand things doFor youLiveIt's actually the second evokeThen we'll come down and give it a price that's technically freeBut maybe we want to sell it for a little bitso five bucks and then we click Add file andIt'll bring up the file name and the URL option so we can choose the file if we don't know the URL off the topof our head select files andWe're gonna grab a PDF for my desktop. So I'm gonna look at 10 things to doand insert a file from URLBeautiful. So now we have our ebook uploaded. I'm just gonna call itits nameAll right, and then in product image we're gonna get that ebook cover imageupload files select filesAgain some things to do you get the pictureOne of these is just a cover this I'm just gonna double click itNot sure why those file names are grayed outBut we can set prior to image works. Great andthen here we go with our downloadable product and we're gonna give it a category ofEbooks and publish it. Oh forgot that short description at the bottomAnd when we look at our homepage we can see that we now haveFive products, but it's only showing fourTo get more products on your homepage or just to show certain products and not other productsI want to introduce you to commerce shortcodesAnd to do that we need to actually click Edit with elementary at the top of the pageSo once we're in elementary, we'll see sort of the bare bones of what's going on in our homepage. This is all the contentArranged neatly in this little drag and drop window so you can always click on an item and hold and drag it to a newspotSuper easy drag and drop technology, but we're gonna cover all this in the elementary section of the videoI'm gonna hit command Z. And for now, what we need to focus on is our products right hereOur products are living in what's called a text editor so we can see there's like blue boxes which are sectionsthis is a big section as you can see it says edit section if we hover on that six dots andthen there's a section within the section which is a header and then some sub header text and then the products andWe know this is a text editor because if we click on the pencil icon over here on the leftit says edit text editor what's going on here is that all this is is like a text box or a text widget and thenSaiki on has written in this short code which WooCommerce understands to meanproducts limit equals four just for products andcolumns equals four just for columnsNow the beauty of WooCommerce when it's built with elementary and these short codes is you can just write in differentCommands to the shortcode and get it to do different things with your productFor example, let's say we wanted the product limit to be a little bit higherWe can change that four tosevenClick away and then it'll show the five products we have because we only have five we don't have seven yetLet's edit that and let's change that to five just to be preciselet's say we want the columns to be three because you know, we only want three columns from people to look at andThere you goNow the image automatically becomes bigger if you want to just display a certain category your productsLike maybe you only want to show products for men in the specific section or for women. You can just click on that pencil andGo ahead and give it a category command and to do that. I'm gonna refer to this cool guy by cloud waysso I'll link you this in the comments below but I just found this from google and like how to use WooCommerce short codes forCategories and there's tons of good information out therenow I click product category andI learned here that you can do product category by slug. SoThat's gonna look something like thiswe are gonna copy that shortcode andThen delete it and then right at Open bracketProduct category space category equalsLet's say women close quotes and thenclose bracket and then click away andThere you have the two products that are categorized for womenYou can do that for any categoryOf course and you can also mix it up with different commands like columns order by dateWhich I love ordered by ascending. So for example, if we go back to elementary and we bring back our previous shortcodeJust gonna paste that back inAnd maybe we want the order of this to change so we can do editMake a space right before the closed bracket and do order byequals dateAll right, and that should change the order of the productSo now the product that we created first is first and the product we created last is lastAll right, so really cool stuff guysYou can play around with the different short codes and use them just to display what you need. Of courseThere are like infinite millions of combinations you can do once you have more products and we're gonna updatenow we can click on the hamburger in elementary andclick view pageNext we're going to setup free shipping on all of our products because I believe we should bake in the shipping cost into our pricesor just try to figure out a way to ship them for free to people because that increasesThe customer experience there are of course ways to charge for shipping or make it so you can ship based on weightBut that's too detailed for now. So to set up free shippingWe're just gonna go to the dashboardand we're gonna hover around mu commerce and click on settings andThen we're gonna click on shippingandnow we're gonna add a shipping zone and you can really call this whatever you want like Sweden or world orWhatever is most descriptive and frozen regionsYou can choose a country but we're gonna go with just everywhere and then we're gonna add a shipping methodThere are gonna be three shipping methods flat rate free and local pickup. So, of course, we'll choose for you and add shipping methodMake sure it's saved it is saved because it's on and it's saved itself already andThat should do it. So now when someone is on a productThey've got it in their cart and they're gonna check out their on the checkout pageIt should just say free shipping and that'll obviously make people happierI am happy to show you how to get really detailed with your shipping cost thoughIf you have any questions on that, just let me know in the commentsto add reviews to your productsSomeone would just need to be logged out and visiting as a customer so we can simulate that by hitting command shift n onMy google chrome here and visiting our safeAnd then someone would be on your product like on the matching formal attireThey'd like it so much they would be in the review section and they would be like, yeah, I really want to do thisI'm gonna add a review because it was a great experienceHi this productSave me when INeeded last-minute formal gear meshed my partnersAll right, and then someone's gonna need to put in their name sowe can go with James my middle name and nickname and then an email isnecessaryTo post this review, which is a lot like a comment and someone could save it and then just submit. OhWe need a rating so we gotta get the star rating. Maybe just like four stars pretty good night. That was and submittedAll right, it should say something like your review is posted and there it isso now when you log in each morningYou'll need to check for reviews so we can close this incognito window. We can go back to our dashboard andInstead of going to WooCommerce that review will import right into the commentsSo just visit your comments and then you can approve that review from JamesAll right. Ideally you get a lot of reviewsSo then you can be like one of those companies on TV that says we have over ninety nine hundredFive-star reviews on Amazon and that's why you should buy usOf course yours will all be real though to set up the easiest form of collecting payment through your e-commerce websiteWhich is PayPal we're gonna go back to the dashboardAnd we're going to click on WooCommerce and then hit settings of course and now we're gonna go to paymentsSo this really is why WooCommerce is so preferredmost of it works alreadyWe just need to check a few boxes enter a couple emails save it and then you're ready to collect payments from your customers onlineSo let's check the boxes to enableAll these ways that someone might want to pay us most importantly PayPal and Save Changesnow we can just click on the PayPal link itself andIt'll take us to this screen, which is the PayPal setting specifically, we're gonna enable PayPal standard which just means enabling PayPalTitle PayPal is great. This is what it'll tell customers that they can pay via PayPalYou can also pay with your credit card if you don't have a PayPal accountWhich is perfect make sure your paypal email is in there correctly. So mine is actuallyat gmail.comotherwise it won't work andthen don't do PayPal sandbox because that just makes it like a testing area where it's not real andif you want to do this stuff you can but I like these settings just as is right here andWe're gonna save those changesAlright now when we're back on ourWebsite now someone actually has payment options. So if they're on the checkout pageandThey get past the billing screen right here down belowYou'll now see these options to pay with chequeWhich we all like bellick getting cheques direct bank transfer wouldn't hurt neither a cash at the door, but most importantly PayPalSo most people go with when someone clicks proceed to PayPalIt'll give them the option to go through PayPal or to enter in their VisaMasterCard, etc credit card number soThat's now workingCongratulations, you can now accept payments in the most common most standard wayso Before we jump intoElementary ed a– ting. I want to show you one way to earn money on your ecommerce site before your products actually start selling andThat's what the site called like to know itSo like to know what lets you organize collections of your favorite gear and then you promote them on a site like instagramso this is Krista's cousin my girlfriend's cousin and she obviously does a lot of cool photographs andReally nice setups in nature. I think she's out west somewhereso if you went to like this photo right here andYou go to the top you can see that she is talking aboutWhat's going on in her life and then has a link to like to know it?That's a short link and then when you visit that linkYou're gonna get her own collection of gear all the stuff she wears. You know, you got some joggers got some creamBoots and a fleece. This is an image right here of her favorites, which she pride me. That's really pretty. Good jobJessica and then there's also this product link and this product Lee when someone clicks on them if they like what you're wearingThen they get directed to the site where it's foundso this is a broker me calm and someone can make a purchase to look just like you andthen you probably get it cut of that ifUnderstand this correctly. That's pretty basic affiliate marketing and that's how a lot of bloggers like me make moneyI just do it through tech companies like hosting and domain names and it helps keep the channel free for everyonebut if you're into fashion like Jessica and you now have a fashion website like the one we're makingIt's really easy to sign up to like to know it and then just put your link on one of the productsRight hereLike maybe someone's not ready to buy it from you directlyBut they trust a site like Abercrombie a little bit more just put a little link to check out your like to know what collectionOkay, now that we've covered all the stuff we need for our products pretty muchmaybe we'll do a couple more edits before we launch we're gonna move on toEditing with elementary because you're probably tired of looking at this upper section and middle sectionSo first, let's learn how to edit some simple text in Elementor. Let's click Edit with elementaryAll right in the Edit any text you can just point and click on a header andchange it to whatever you want and you can right on top of the text right here with the point and click or you canChange it in the editing window on the leftSame goes for the subheading down hereAnd you can see that's also just called a little heading if you look at the elementary element nameSo these are all elementsAlright, so that's how to change some text in elementary to change the iconsYou can just click on these little icon boxes as they're calledThen you can hover on the icon and click icon libraryElementary comes with all these cool icons for your own personal needsSo I really like how the ship is for shippingBut maybe we'll go with like a shopping cart just cuz that's standard ecommerce and now the icon box comes with some textSo we're gonna edit that right here on top of the screenAlright moving on to our next icon so this one we're gonna change from the rewind buttonWe can also do a search at the top left nibble on YouTubeSuper cool. We can go with like a stock YouTube or a alternative YouTube iconAnd answer I'm gonna call this oneDesigned by youtubersAnd change the textAlright look and get it and then moving on to the third icon. So this one work shouldn't keep the dollar sign andsave time and moneyOkay, so that is how to design your own custom text area in elementary nextWe're gonna do something important, which is choose a color scheme for our websiteSo we probably should make a logo that matches our color schemebut right now I know that colors like orange andMagenta are really good for taking action, and I want to utilize those colors in our icon to youAnd then also use them when we make our logo in a little bitso we can easily do that just by clicking on top of one of the icons like the shopping cart andthen we can go to style anddo primary color andNow when you click on any of the colors below it'll change, but it'll also bring up the entire color paletteSo I really want this one to be like a bright orangeif you can't get the right color, sometimes you just have to kind of maneuver thetabs on the rightSo we're gonna go a little bit brighterAnd get ourselves a nicepopping Orange thatShould do it awesomeAnd once we have the right color, I'm gonna double click on the six-digit color hexCopy that and put it back in our text file where our name servers wereSo this is like our little notes that we're gonna use to make the logo laterAlright next we need a magenta. So I'm gonna leave the middle and gray and go with the far right dollar signWe're gonna click on style again and primary colorAnd we're gonna click on blue to bring up the colors and then drag over to magentaSo it's pretty clear the colors at the top of the window are a little more striking down here you get darkermore pop and strike up topand this actually looksperfect right aboutThere and this actually looks perfect right about there nailed it. All right, we're gonna copy the color hexYou'd be amazed how these simple decisions have like long implications on your business. So take your time and get the right colorYou might be using it for years to comeAll right, and we'll update the siteNext to move sections in elementary. That's obviously what they're known for is being drag-and-drop, so it should be easyyou can just click on the six dots for this section andhold and drag and I'm scrolling at the same time andThen dropping it at the top because we've got to be able to see the products on our home page above the foldabove the 50% markIn the upper part of the website right when someone lands on itAll right, and then we're gonna replace feature it withClothing and gear we loveAnd you can change subheadingIf you think there's too much space above a heading like thisYou can edit the spacing Elementor by clicking on the section settings now going to advanced and we're gonna see what sort of marginWhich is spaceOutside of a section and padding which is space inside of a section currently lives in this sectionSo there's clearly some padding on the top and we reduced that toJust 24 to make things a little tighter and do the same on the bottomBeautifuland we're gonna come down and do that to ourText section as well. Click on the section settings advanced and drop that padding and so the page is consistent lookingAnd we can do that for our 20% off as wellAnd a little bit less space now to change the background color in element 2for exampleWe have two great backgrounds next to each other gray and gray and a white and white and we really want to just go whitekykJust click on the section settingsClick on style and then background type will be classic and you can click on the colordouble click on the hex and copywe're gonna change that to white and then we're gonna come up and change the background color of ourclothing in gear we loveAlright style color just paste that in nowbeautiful a little bit easier on the eyes to navigate now and if you want to go crazy with like a blue orwhatever else stands out, maybe one of ourBranded colors like the orange or the magenta. Go ahead go right aheadyou can also add cool and funky borders in elementary just by clicking on the elements tab andThen do a search for a border or a divider as it's called and then drag that divider in between two sectionsAlright so here we have a full width border we can adjust the width in content just by bringing it in a little bit andThen centering itBringing a little bit more super cool. You can also get a style and change the color of that borderMake it. Umgrayand then you can actually go toAdvanced and add emotion effect so that this border will actually come in in a cooler way than just being thereLet's go to bounce inAnd one of the ones I really relate to and like is rubber band, so let's play with rubber bands as a kidSo let's choose that and updateAnd now click on the hamburger and exit to dashboard and let's see how it looksLet's click to the home page and now we can see a super cool animation comes in right awayPeople went out if you notice it, but it should draw their attention towards your products where of course you want them. Okay?So now that you know all about elementary page builderIt's time to do some of our own graphic design and get these images looking more like something our brand would want up topso the images I have for our header or hero section are located in that folder that we made and we are gonna usePicMonkey for all of our graphic design here needs including but not limited toresizing the images to the perfect sizeIncreasing their resolution and sharpness and also putting a shape like a circle on top of the images and embedding that with some textSo it looks like a real advertisement. So let's open up our PicMonkey windowAnd I'll leave you a link to get started with a pic O'Keefe retrialI think they still have a really good free trial going in the notes below the video. So make sure to check that outI use PicMonkey every time I need to make a YouTube thumbnail or a graphic for one of the websitesI'm building. It really saves youIt's so much easier than Photoshop and it makes you look totally amazing and marketable to clientsSo definitely, I would recommend signing up for PicMonkey if you haven't already. All right, so we're gonna click on the edit button first andthen we get the computer option to upload something from our computer and I'm just going to upload ourbanner one imageAnd my goal for this image of Christa walking down the stairs with the blue carpet andEveryone's setting up the beautiful flowers is to put this image on our home page in this large sort of square rectangle sectionAlong with some promotional content on top of it like a shape and textSo this image you can't even see the person really it looks cool because there's like a fun city background and shoppingBut we can definitely do better. So let's go back to PicMonkey and achieve our goalSo first thing I need to do is figure out the right size to shape this image as so let's go back to our dashboardandClick on media and find that stock image that we're usingThere it is so we can open it up and see that this is 800 by 800 pixelsSo that's the size we should go with now. Let's go back to Christa in PicMonkey and scroll down toResize and we could change the size down to 800 by 600But I personally don't want us to lose the resolution of making it smallerso I'm gonna cancel that and we're gonna go up to crop andJust size this down to a perfect squareSo we can choose a width right here of something larger than 800. So we keep a little more resolution maybe1600 for good measure and a height of1600 then click scale photo and we're gonna click the boxTo position it and just drag over the perfect square image that we wantSo we're gonna highlight the entire right hand side of the imageThat's really cool because there are some people doing fun stuff and it also left aligns Christa in the image. SoWe can put some text to the right of her and click applyAll right now our sizing is perfect. Let's go ahead and change up the sharpness and the clarity click sharpenEvery image you can see needs a little bit more sharpnessMaybe not a ton. But if you get used to it with the sharpness and then go back to non sharp, it'll look blurrySo then you know that it does need a little bit more sharpness. Iusually like somewhere in the middle of the range just to get the crispness of the light on our hair standing out andThe greens to pop a little bit more. So 21 is perfectAnd then with clarity we can see what happens when you go to the far right so that's not realisticbut again, if you go to the far left, it looksLess clear. So let's bring that up and trail it behind the sharpnessBy about that much. All right now we'll click apply coolNow we're ready to start designing the circle and the text on top of Krista. All right, let's go to the butterflyAnd we're gonna click geometric and grab a circle and there's our circleWe're gonna pull these little panels out of the way so we can see everything going on and drag our circleTo the upper right and then pull the corner to make it biggerPerfectOne trick I like doing is also floating part of the shape off the imageJust sort of looks bubbly and cool. So that's what we're gonna do there. All rightSo the key here is that Krista is facing the circle and that way it'll direct people's attention or it should at leastTowards our message. All right, let's work on the color thereSo on our site the default was like a nicestockPastel gray, we're gonna click on color 2 and do a little bit better than thatOne of the coolest things is you can click on the eyedropper and PicMonkey and then select colors from the image itselflike the green of the tree isthe pink on her dressWhatever you want to doSo I'm a big fan of that pastel pink and I'm gonna click just to select itBeautiful and we can also change the fate if you want people to see through that image a little bitNice, rightAll right. Now it's time to add some text. We're gonna click on the TNext we'll choose a fontScroll down and see what suits us todayWe could try something like Laura or maybe QuattrocentoYou just click on the font and then click add textYou can also click to drag then just click in the middle of the box and start typingAnd click the text box and drag to position it and if you don't like the fontIt's a good read. You can just leave the text up like this and maybe change the color so it's clearAnd then go ahead and just go back to fonts and change the font. So we're gonna go back behind this little tab andmove the tabOver there and then we can keep our fontsChanging and pick the right one because we can preview them nowOkay. So a lot of good options Pacifico is a classic play ball is good. IThink today Pacifico could totally work but write a couple moreObviously we have lighter thinner fonts and we have more engaging fontsSo really geo sans light though is pretty coolOkay. So after trying a lot of fonts, we like PacificoI'm gonna go ahead and put that one up topOnly downside of Pacifica is it doesn't come with a bold and an italic like a lot of the more stock fonts, tooBut that's okay for us now because we can use two fontsso we have join us at the top and then we are gonna haveShop and travel in the middle and I want to use an and signed from PacificaSo to do that you can just copy one block of text by having itselected like thisBy selecting the text like this so you don't want the blue highlight in thereYou just want it selected then hit command C and command paste. So command C and command V and you'll get the same text twicenow we can highlight it and make aplus signAnd it gets smallerAll right. So the next two words, I need are gist shop and travelso to do that, we're gonna move this panel again andNow we can choose the right font, which is gonna be a little bit more his font. All rightRoboto is always good and add textclick and rateEnter and travelI'm gonna pull that overPicMonkey takes a little playing around once like you'll have to click on the text and off the text sometimes to get the right optionsTo drag it aroundBut with a little bit of practice you'll definitely get itAll right, we're gonna Center this text and move it back to the middle and then we're gonna pull the size upwardsThe big as we can get there it is and now we can move our plus sign click right on that PlusWhere is that plus we're gonna try to put that dead center of the circleAnd move shop and travel so that we have shot plus shellThat'll do it. You can also click and highlight just one word like travel and change the color of one wordSo how cool is that? And let's say we want our orange that we used in our iconsWe can open up our little sandbox editing windowCopy the hex bring it back and paste that right here where it says color andHit enter and you got itLet's go to effects from none we can do drop shadow and that'll make it stand out moreAnd in this case, it looks like you do need to make that orange for the travel a little bit lighterAll right, we're gonna do one more copy of join us and paste thatWith the command C command V and bring it down hereAnd we're just gonna rightAll year long and pull it inAnd click lit and beautiful we've just designed our first fashion advert togetherOf course, if you don't think the text or the colors are the designs look good. I'm110 percent sure, you can do better over there. In any case we're ready to put it on the websiteso let's go to export and we're gonna name this soKrista shop travel advertisementAnd if you make it a PNG it's a little bit bigger you can see the size of it will go up in megabytesSo we're gonna go with jpg to sell it loads a little fasterfuse is good and now export to computer andIt'll come up as where we want to save it. Perfect save it upNow, let's go back to WordPress. Let's click on our home page and go back to our favorite edit with elementaryClick on top of the image we want to replace and we can see it weirdly enough. It's just a spacerSo what we want to do is click on the plus icon at the top to get a new sectionAnd we just want to go to elements and drag in a text editorAlright so now we have our text editorWe're gonna highlight the text and delete it and add media and we're gonna upload our new advertisement so select filesdouble click itAndThere we have it and sometimes images won't upload in WordPressIf you saw that last one came in blankI think that's because the word advertisement was in it and I have an ad blocker on the browser right nowSometimes you're not sure and you just have to play around with different factors of the image and then it'll uploadLet me know if you have any issues with that sort of thingAll right. So then in attachment display settings we can change the size to large and insert into postAnd we have our huge travel banner that we have to fit into this small area right hereSo what we can do is just come down and drag this image by clicking on the pencil and holding it to the rightTo make space for a new image then click on the pencil up top and drag it into the lower sectionBeautiful so for our PicMonkey design of the images on the rightIt's probably in our best interest to make one exactly the same size as the cristaAdvertisement and then just put a white space in the middle of that image. So it's one image on the right instead of twoso we can right click delete these skinny images andNow we can just right click and duplicate the crista advertisement and we can see like by clicking and draggingHow that would look if we had two images so it would look really nice and lined up on the bottom and on the topOr if you want to be cleverYou could put in a Google Adsense advertisement or a sovereign advertisement or somethingYou learned in our video on 10 ways to make money bloggingThat could get you some revenue too in our case. We're gonna keep it real though with an image. So let's go back to PicMonkeyAnd I like opening a new window just in case it want to change that old design and go to PicMonkeyinstead of editWe're gonna go to design and custom size and we want this one to be1600 by 1600 because that's how big the krista advertisement was and click make itSo on krista travels his instagram, I know I want to steal this image of la terraza and the image of the eiffel towerSo I went ahead and emailed myself those direct photos cuz I don't know a way to steal images from Instagram if you doPlease hit me up in the comments and let me knowAnd I'm just gonna downloadThese two and then show you how to design our own little custom collage in PicMonkeySo save and save and then back in PicMonkey where you're going to click on the butterflyWhich is also where you add images on top of an image. So we're gonna click add your own my computerHit up the Downloads if you have one image and open it and the canvas will stay the right 16 by 1600 sighsAlright we can just position it wherever we want and add another one my computerGot our second image beautifulAlright so given that these are long images we might want to make the gap in the middleSo what we're gonna do folks is just rearrange the images perfectly with this nice z shape asSuch so there's equal amounts of each image on the screen and equal white space around themthen we're gonna head back to our text tab and grab some more of thePacific L. So it remembers we like Pacifica just click and add text click in the middle and start typing. I'm gonna write out yourThen try to get that you're the right size cuz that's going at the top of the screenNow we're gonna click on the Pacific o text command copy and command pasteI'm gonna bring it down and I'm gonna rotate that vertically an easy way to rotate vertically is to hold shift andthen click on the rotator in the middle and drag it and it should lock in once it gets to a vertical position andnow, let's hit paste again to get that one more time andDown below we're gonna write guideSo that's down the text so it fits a little bit betterAnd what we're going for here, not sure we accomplished itBut I think we got close is to have it look like a streetIt's walking down your Travel Guide to a cool destination down that Street. Alright with a couple more movements of the imagesI think we're all done and we can put this on our websiteAlright, and the look we're going for here is to make the your Travel Guide take us down a cool Street to a cool destinationjust like Krista is walking down this street here andYeah, I think we got it. You can always find arrows also if you're in the butterflyTab over here. There's gonna be some arrows down belowSo if you want to use them go ahead that's obviously a common choice, but right now we are ready to exportLet's click on the export buttonNemeth your travel guidethe Hana andNow it's ready for the webexport to computerJust like before save it now go back to elementary and then click on the right-hand javert IsemanAnd now in the left-hand window, we're gonna click on the MA and delete it add media againupload files select files anddouble-click on your travel guide bannerAlright and it's already large so perfect inserting the post and well you did itSo now it lines up on the bottom and on the top and we have two cool ways of looking at an image. IGot to admit that took us a little bit of time and work, but I think the lasting impressionThat this sort of beauty makes on your visitors will be worth it. Make sure to update nowLet's click the hamburger and we're gonna view pageandvoilaAll right guys and gals nowIt's time to talk about promoting your e-commerce website so you don't hide from the worldBut you make a big presence when you launch and hit the garden running as they saySo we're gonna set up your emailnewsletter withMailChimp and we're gonna also set up all of your social media buttons so that people can easily click and follow to set up yourEmail newsletter. We just need to go to edit with elementary and scroll down to our MailChimp form right hereThen just click anywhere in the form. We can just get rid of this except GDP our thing and now it looks super cleanSo we just want to actually set up a MailChimp because it already looks goodSo then it says you need to set up your API key and let's ID on the settings pageSo let's update and then click on that. Alright going to settings pageWe're gonna skip thisAnd this is where MailChimp lives along with a lot of other advanced stuffGo to integrationsAlright, and then it's gonna say we need an API key and a list ID and we can follow this article to get themAlright, so we're just following the links here. We're gonna first login to our MailChimp hereWe set one up together brand new in our how to make a wordpress blog. It's a crown videoSo if you don't have one and you get confused on how to create an account, then you can reference thatBut it's super easy and free all we did before. We just click create an accountTell them a little bit about us like our business name or addressOur website and like what we want to do and then they give you a free accountSo once you do that, you'll be able to log in like we're gonna do hereSo MailChimp is really cool and freeI'll obviously leave you a link in the description to MailChimp and a lot of people like them because they let you sendnewsletters and campaignsTo I think up to 2,000 people before you have to pay anythingSo darn good deal and to get that information that WordPress me is that API key and a list ID?We're gonna hover on our name and then click onaccountnow click on extras and API keys andyou'll have to create a new API key, but we already did so we're just gonna highlight it andCopy it and this will connect to your MailChimp list with WordPressSo when people enter their email on your WordPress blog it gets stored right here and you start building a listOkay, so we're gonna feed WordPress with the first piece of information. It needs paste that in nowthe list ID is a little bit harder to find we have to go back to MailChimp andWe're gonna click on audience this timeAgain, you don't have to do much in MailChimp or really even know what any of this means just get it going and start collectingSubscribers and we'll figure it out later togetherView contacts and then we're gonna click on settingsAudience name and defaults and here we have our audience IDSo just highlight this guy without the period copy it and paste it into wordpressBeautiful and save it and now MailChimp will be working and you have your very own free wordpress newsletterAlright, let's go back to the wordpress siteNow to set up our social media icons which look kind of bland right there without the little iconWe're gonna click on customize at the topSo customize if we didn't cover it already is like where all the extra wordpress stuff goes on synonymsYou'll have theme options or you'll just be able to edit wordpress in Elementor. You can't find something nowIt's probably in customizedSo at the moment, I actually can't find where to insert our social media links to get the buttons to show upso one good strategy if you're stuck is to copy your link andTake it to Twitter and I'm gonna ask Nick from ocean WP who have chatted with beforewhere that isBecause I know he made the themeAnd tweet it off andNow we can keep working and hopefully he'll get back to us before the end of the videoSo now that we have some products and those products have categories like jackets formal men womenNow is a good time to put those categories in the sidebar and replace this default menu to create our own menuWe're gonna go to customize thisand then of course, my news will open up the main avenue andHere we can just click to open one of these product categories and then click removeBecause we don't have any suits yet don't have any shoesAll right now we're just gonna keep the homepage thereThen we're gonna click add items. All right and now here we can go to product categories and we can choose men womenJackets formal swimwear with the check mark and anything else you wantAll right, I'm gonna close the product categoriesYou can also just do normal categorieslike if you have a topic on your blogthat you want to put in the menu or if you haveIndividual products that you want to put in – we could put in like the stripe swimsuits the badass yellow beretformal attire a leather jacket and the e-bookOkay. So now if we want to indent the item so there's like convenient lists for people to shop under you can just take oneOf them to the top and then drag it to the right a little to create a drop-down menuand we can do that with the swimsuits and the Yelp array andIf something applies to both men and women, then we're gonna need to create a custom linkWhich is the same as this link for a matching formal attire, for example?Alright, let's just make sure we indent the right things and the e-book can just be its own little menu itemWe're just gonna open it and change the nameSo it's not too long so you can change the menu tab just by writing in your own little version of itAnd now we'll publish and see what we madeAll right, so I'm gonna keep this menu window openI'm gonna right-click on this X just a little chick and open the thing in a new tabAlright so now we can open up men with a nice plus sign and we can get to the matching formal attire. For exampleand if we want to put this under womenLet's just click it in the URL bar and copy the link thenGo back to menus. Alright, and we're gonna click additemsGo with a custom linkpaste in that URLFor the link text you're just gonna also write the same thing so matchingFormal tired andAdd to menu and now you'll be able to tell the difference because this one is a custom link and the other one is aProduct but really they do the same thing because they go to the same page. So let's put that under women and publishClick back to home and now both men and women have the matching formal attire. How cool is that?Alright guys, so people can buy whatever they want now through your own custom menuCustomize is great because this also lets us control the upper menuWe can just go back and then we can click on top navAnd that's where we have the things like my account checkout contact and so on and so forthI just want to capitalize account because that's been bothering me for a little bitClose that one and I'm just gonna write inMany labels because it looks like WordPress was just guessing what they should be calledAnd we want to and we want to actually call them what they're calledAnd publishAccept and see we made a great jobTo change your contact info in the top bar in the upper right cornerwe're gonna go back to customize then navigate to top bar andContent and here we have a little bit of HTML and CSS that ocean WP rip forestsSo we just have to edit the right partsOkay, so I'm going to look for where it says info at your domain comm and we can write in your email address. IHave a video on how to create your own custom email address with your web hostSo I'll leave you link to that belowLooking good, and then we can change the phone number easily – that's not a real phone number at allsoPlease don't call it and publish with their top and they have done we might as well change our bottom nav aka our footerSo to change the footer we're gonna go back to you guessed it customize and then head down to footer widgetsAnd this is the style that goes on the widgets. So we're gonna go back up and just go to normal widgetsNow we have footer one, two, three and four. Let's open the first one which is a custom header logowe're gonna remove that once we have our own logo, and now we're gonna go to put her toOpen the text and get rid of the demo textBecause our sites not about lemon drops and cake bear clawsBut we are a demoecommerceandThen the social icons we're gonna leave alone because I actually tried entering in our own links already, but they're not workingSo we got to hear back from Nick. All right, that looks goodWe can have move on to footer 3Open up the contact info and add in your own contact info for your businessIf you have your own street addressYou can of course change the icon classes if you know like the shortcode to the iconLet me know if you need help finding those individual iconsbut right now they did a pretty good job with the pin phone and so on so I'm just gonna change up ourstreet name I'm gonna go withChelsea Market where I have a little space at the YouTube studio over thereIf your YouTube spaces definitely come give me a knock see what's upMaybe we could make something together. All right, so that's the addressYou can just copy it right out of Google come back to element 2 and paste it inAll right now, our phone number is 1-800-218-4243And the last part of our footer that we want to change is our Instagramlet's go back to footer for it's probably the most fun part of the footer open the Instagram andAll you need to do to get your own Instagram to show up. It's just choose a username or hashtagso ours is a hat and a rag IJust a nickname that my best friend in college came up with and we're gonna need to change the settings a little bitSo we don't want the whole post to show upMaybe we are better off for now with just a hashtag and we'll ask Nick about that one, too, and we figured it outSo just including the word is what we wantWe don't want the at or the hashtag because that will actually bring in the whole postSo it must be a setting on Instagram itselflike if I put SiteGround it shows normally but if I put at second it also shows normally, but if I put no reigaiIt shows like all my posts and I tell you what, I'm gonna ask the communityI'm going to ask you guys if you know how to fix an Instagram widget here or if you're an Instagram expert and you knowWhy it would pull in like all of our posts and our hashtags and our little emojis right here what's going on at Instagram?So so let us know in the comments. Thanks a lot for now. Just having sake go in and that looks goodYou can learn a little bit more about the people behind the machine and yeah, go ahead and click on thisWe're gonna publish and we're done with our footerbut there's one more step in the footer which is the bottom bar so we can go back out of footer andWe're gonna click onfooter bottom andThere we have to copyrightso this looks okay right now with the copyright and if you want to put in like an affiliate link to your theme this isa great place for itYou can write, you know ocean WP theme and put a link on ocean to BB themeSo people can click if they like your look and go ahead and buy the same theme in our caseWe're gonna leave the credit which give me your it of the by Nick put a vertical bar and then rightSit downecommerceYeah, um just because I've always liked having a link to our site in the footerSo then we can grab our URL from the top copy that and to insert a linkYou just want to write an Open bracket a href means linkequalsquotation mark paste in the URLWhich for some reason didn't get fully copied. There we goand now after the second quotation mark make aAlligator bracket to close it and then anything after this bracket will be the anchor text. So this is perfectI just closed off a bracket andClosed off an AAnd we've just made a link in the footer lastly we just need a copyright symbol and we can grab that from GoogleAll right right here in the resultsYou happy that little piece of text come back. We're gonna put that right afterGreat, and then we're gonna write another bar and all rights reservedWhich I still don't really know what what that means and publish great job and except and see what we made nextIt's time to make a unique logo. That's totally used. So you have a logo ready when you launch your storeSo we can go to logo maker. That's elegio Mak R with Fe comm where we always make our logosClick in the gray space and then I always like searching a graphic you can always make something unique because they have over a millionof them andPalm-tree usually works well for meBut you can literally search anything like car or baseball or couch or whatever and I want an icon where the logo isSeparated a little bit in its design so I can put in two colors and it's not just one consistent imageSo I'm gonna try this guy right here. And again, this is just a demo logo so you can probably make a better logonow we're gonna hit T for some text and it's right in C andG andWe're gonna move it to the top and hit text again in case you want to make a different fontwe have another text block and right shopping cool so we can just position and Dre it a little bit andYou can see like maybe the C and G could be the big one and then the shopping could be beneath itProbably not under it, but just like beneath it. All right, and we can line it up with the little helper linesBring shopping in a little bitBeautiful all right, then we're gonna get to changing the color. So we're gonna open up our text editor where we have our color paletteWe labeled them with orange and the pink because it's hard to read them just the letters and numbers nowWe're gonna copy the orange without the hashbrown sign just the letters and numbersCome up through the color wheel up here and make sure you selected on the text. You want to change the color of andThen just double click on the hex and then paste it overBeautiful and then we can do the same for shoppingso open the text editor double click on the pink and copy and come back to the hex andPaste it overNailed it if you want to change part of the imageYou can just click on the Paint BucketAnd then you'll be changing it to whatever color is selected here. And then you can just click on top of itHow cool is that? Alright, nice guys. Alright to change the font. We can just click into the text again andThat might open up some new texts. We're gonna delete but we mainly want to get our arrow backSo now we can click on the C and GChange it from a font category maybe to fancy and cursive and then change it to the different file. We might wantAnd there's Pacifico so he can be super consistent to our brand all right and then move it to the leftWe gotta Center things again cuz specifically made it a little smallerAll right, Oh make shopping a little smaller, too. AndbeautifulSo once your logo is readywe just need to hit the crop button in the lower, right and then pull in the whitespace if it didn't get it perfectly andThen hit enter and then we're gonna save it in the upper, right?We're gonna hit no, thanks because we don't want to pay anything right now, but you do need to give credit to logo makerSo make sure you do that and they'll have instructions for you on that previous page then just name it. So that's you ecommercethose go version one andSave it beautiful now to publish your new logo. Let's go back to WordPress and click customizeAnd we're gonna hit headerBecause that's where logo lives and then we're gonna click remove and select logoselect files to find our logo on our computer andThere she is. So just select and open andwe're gonna select it and skip cropping andNow we have a new logoIf you want to make it a little bigger, you can play with the max width and max heightJust keep in mind that then you'll actually have to choose on a sizeAnd so it's not an amazing logo, but I bet you can build a better oneAll right, and we'll publish now let's get that logo in our footer section down below. Oh wait, it already showed up coolSo we're pressed knew that because we changed our header logo. We wanted to change our footer logo. So that is doneAll right, guysWe're gonna X out and you might notice it's been saying notSecure in that red or gray and I'm starting to really kind of bother usso now it's time to set up ourSSL certificate aka how to get the green padlock icon?And in SiC go and you already have oneYou just need to activate it and we're gonna do that with a plug-inSo this stuff really gets a lot of people to stumble but I'll show you how to solve it right nowlet's go back to the dashboard andwe're gonna click on plugins andWe're gonna hover around plugins and click add newand then we're just gonna do a search forReally a simple SSL. It's kind of the coolest plug-in ever install now and activate itAll right, and that's gonna help us get our SSL going just click go ahead activate SSLAll rightAnd now let's click to our dashboard and see if it's working and it is how cool is that?So you don't have any mixed or insecure content on the home page? You just get the padlock and right awayConnection is secure great jobSo I thought our social icons were not working because why would they just show a little box right there?But then I looked at this demo website. We're making together on my spare laptop and they showed up just fineSo now I'm thinking it's a cachet issue and we need to really do a hard delete of our browserCachet. Now I have this cached tool in chrome that you can just click and it says clearing cachet andThen you can like delete it but still things aren't showing upSo why don't we try to purge the SG cachet and then refresh go to the dashboardWe're gonna go to s G optimizer and now click – it hereopen set a new tab andEven that didn't work. So we're on a classic WordPress hunt together and we're gonna need to go to customize to find itlet's click on header because that's where our logo lives andsocial menuAnd now it looks like we need to actually figure out how the social plugin works. Sosocial menus enabledWe're gonna check that now basically gonna go down the settings until we figure out how to get those icons to show upLet's choose a templateOkay, that's nothing link style. How about simple? Okay, that's not gonna do it now. Let's go downLet's give some social media links. So instead of the hash brown. Let's trythe full link to our TwitterStill didn't work. All right. Let's try the full link to our Facebook nowWe're gonna right click and open a new tab and see if we have any changesStill nothingBelieve the cachet again and the social icon still don't show so I'm pretty sure it's my browser acting upIt's some sort of icon in the background which is like getting in the way of the actual icon showing upOr maybe there's duplicate icons because I've installed so many themes here in any case I'm gonna open it up to you guysI'm gonna ask you if you knowWhy social icons don't show up and to tell me if they do show up on your browser and what you did?Which means you have two assignments now, you have the social icons and you have the Instagram widget, but if anyone can do itI know you guys can because you usually solve everything for us that I can't do on my ownalright folksWe have one more ecommerce setup step to work on and that's to link our cart pages to our checkout pages to our account pagesAnd we do that in our e-commerce setting so let's go to the dashboardAnd that's actually the WooCommerce settings. I should say so we'll come our settingsThis one's pretty hard to find we're gonna go to advancedAnd we actually need to assign a cart page and so on and so forth for this page setupso obviously cart page is cart checkout pages checkout andSo on and so forth and then we don't have a terms and conditions yetBut you definitely should make one of those just to explain to people all those little details and then we're gonna Save ChangesAnd check out the site againSo now when we click on one of the productsAnd we add it to the cart. We got to choose to size. Of course in the color first andThen add to the cart we'll go through the normal flow of e-commerce. Just like you would on AmazonNow we can view cartand we can apply a coupon andupdate the cart and then checkout andwhy don't we get a coupon going right now so that we can actually test out our own shopping carts here and see if itworks to collect money for youSo we can go back to our dashboard now to create a coupon. We're gonna go to WooCommerceCoupons. That's how important they are. They have their own settingSo create your first couponAnd the coupon code is just like what people type in so this would be something like summer2019 orWhatever you're you watching this, you know, like summer 2020 I guess cuz summer 2019 is overdescription sothis is my50% off option but because we're gonna make a purchase actually we're gonna go with something higher like98% so I don't have to spend a lot of money right now. And then this is gonna be aPercentage discount see if some options here fixed car fixed product or fixed percentageAnd then we have the coupon amount we're gonna do ninety-eight percentAny question mark and say like what the value of the coupon isYep, a lot of free shipping and you can say when it expires. So let's go with the calendarThis is gonna expire and I've ever first so no one could take advantage of it for too long and we're gonna hit publishAll right. So now I'm gonna go back to our cart. We're gonna refresh the pageSo the coupon is working and we're going to X out of all these expensive thingsBecause why would you need to let the jackets and then we're gonna hit the coupon code of summer2020Apply italrightWe get a really nice discount. So removed was ninety percentI'm gonna pay this one twenty guys. Don't worry about it. I got you covered here. I'm gonna go to checkoutWe're gonna make sure I e-commerce website worksSo we're gonna go with billing details of just ourselves, which is exactly what a customer would put inThey don't have to put the company name, but if they want you to know their company, that's the followingcountry street addressAlright, so I'm probably have to blank out some of this stuff might as well start nowAll right got our details in there now we're gonna hit PayPallike I said before this is the most common because someone can hit it up with theirBecause someone can pay you with their PayPal balance or with any sort of credit or debit card and now proceed to PayPalAll right so sessoms to log in with PayPal and you knowI collect money to my PayPal balance from a lot of blogging paymentsYou know different blog and gigs I have set upBut a lot of people don't use PayPal so they're gonna go with pay with credit or debit card down hereso let just click that andThen it's time to enter in the PayPal guest checkout, so it's super niceIt's a guest so, you know people don't have to worry about too much information being storedAnd we're gonna go with our credit card number and then pay now. Alright, so got a blank this out againAlright you successfully paid $1 20, let's see the results hereAlright, so your customers get this standard neat and clean PayPal receipt and then we're gonna go to our email and see what it sendUs so it says so-and-so sent us money. And by the way, I had to use Krista's credit cardSo if you try to do this with your own credit card on your own siteDon't expect it to work to all so here's our payment. It's really awesome. Someone bought the leather jacket feeling good man, first saleawesome from a total strangerSort of looks like we got Plus 87 cents. How about that when I open it up? So people does take a feeThey don't charge you to have a website and they don't charge you to be on your websitebut they do charge e when someone pays through PayPal through your websiteAnd that charge is in this case of a dollar 20It was 33 cents. So we got 87 cents profit, but don't worry that 33 cents looks big but it's actually2.9 percent the PayPal charges plus 30 cents and obviously you're a merchant or business thereso if we do the math there, so we see that we got a dollar 20 from the sale andThey're gonna charge us 2.9 percent of that. So the low twenty timespoint zero to nine equalsthree centsSo three cents is the first number that came out of what we receive and they round down so it's just three cents notThree point four eight cents or something. You can multiply that by a hundred to look at it like actually three centsThere we go. And then in addition to that three cents PayPal charges an additional thirty cents just for doing businessSo that's thirty three cents total three plus 30 is thirty threeAnd that's what we goteighty-seven cents for that purchase know as you can imagine if the cost of the leather jacket were more like the real cost of aNew leather jacket it might be more like 80 bucksThat you got and so 2.9 percent of that would be eighty timespoint zero to nineequals two dollars and thirty two cents plus point threeSo out of eighty bucks, you'd only have to pay two dollars and sixty two cents. For exampleAnd you'd keep a lot more of the proceeds in any case nowYou know how to receive payments from your ecommerce website to your PayPal from one of your customersPayPal or their credit cards or debit cards andMost importantly of all it all worksAlright, so we're gonna go back to our site now and this is where I'm gonna leave you guysAlright guys and gals so that brings us to the end of our tutorialI'm super sad to go because I really enjoyed making this for youI hope you learned how to make your own e-commerce website using set ground, and I hope you love the final resultWhatever theme you ended up choosing now for how to enter our giveaway and get free coachingI want everyone to click on'contact and we're gonna use the awesome contact form that our website came with to enter the giveawayAll you have to do is pop in your first name last name emailMake sure to choose sales and for the issue chooseorder andThen I want you to paste in your site ground receipt from your hosting orders to prove to me that you took that small stepAnd committed to setting up your own wordpress.org websiteYou can also enter in whatever questions you have or comments and then click SubmitThat'll go right to my email and I'll automatically enter you in our giveaway where we give out realAmazon cash gift cards every month to real people like you so just make sure to hit submit and send that over to us andAlso, let me know in the YouTube comments that you entered. Alright guys. Thanks so much again for watchingI really hope to inspire you and I hope to be your wordpress teacher your WordPress guruWhatever you want to call it into the future. I'm here for an hourAwesome, YouTube and blog community is – you are not alone, and I guess yeah, welcome to WordPress before you leaveplease make sure to smash that like button if you support free WordPress help and if you learned anything here and also make sure tosubscribe and hit that Bell for notificationsSo you'll get the latest psych ground tutorials right when we release them so you can keep your website running fast and up-to-dateAlright guys and gals. I'll talk to you very soon. I'm Gregg Narayan. Thanks for watching


eCom Cache Review Tutorial Bonus – Instant Access to Best Selling eCom Products

what if in minutes from now you couldliterally just log in to a secret vaultand inside that bowl you'll have accessto dozens of breakthrough econ productsthat you can launch right now and startcrushing thousand dollar days twothousand dollar days and even as much asthree thousand dollars if you're readyto scale listen the only thing standingbetween you and massive ecommercesuccess right now is the products you'reselling it doesn't matter whether you'rebrand new to e-commerce or you've beenselling the calm products for a longtime anybody who's ever made any moneyin e-commerce will tell you this treeyou're only as good as the products yousell in the grand scheme of things youre-commerce success has really nothing todo with if you're selling with ShopifyWooCommerce scoreless BigCommerce clickfunnels or whatever everything comesdown to the products you sell regardlessof whether your ecommerce store is uglyor beautiful once you have winningproducts to sell you're going to crushit and this is the reason 93% ofe-commerce vendors fail because findingwinning EECOM products to sell is likefinding a needle in a haystack it's hardyou have to go through hundreds ofproducts just to find v1 you'll have tosort through a ton of metrics compareproducts suppliers prices markets anddemographics spy on other stores andeven with all this mega research you'renot guaranteed to have a winning productthe other option is to waste a ton ofmoney on Facebook ads and GoogleShopping Ads testing different productsto find a winnerbut do you really have the budget forthem and this is why thousands ofecommerce marketers are failing anddon't take my word for itgo see for yourself if you searchShopify's own Fork what you will seewill shock they click search for a termlike gum high traffic low sales throughfuels over 41,000 different vendors notmaking money also search score notmaking sales or store not converting andwhat you'll see is hundreds of thousandsof ecommerce vendors who are failingevery day and listen it's not becausetheir store is ugly and because theydidn't optimize their store or theydidn't install conversion apps heck thisis happening to millions of people ine-commerce vendors across AmazonWooCommerce and even Etsy and it's allbecause of one thing they're selling thewrong products now imagine if you couldget access to the exact products thatsold 10,000 100,000 and even ones thathave sold 300,000 for me and my studentsand I connect you to the suppliers whatif you could get access to the exactecomp products to launch in your storesthis holiday season and absolutelycrushing introducing econ casha brand-new revolutionary software thatreveals to you the exact breakthroughecomp products killing right now thatyou can deploy to your stores formassive ROImany of these products are bringing in2000 to 4000 dollars in sales every dayfrom less than $250 enhancements ecompcash is a game-changer it changeseverythingno more wasting hours research no moreguesswork no more wasting weeks andthousands of dollars testing products tofind winners no more failing will handover the winning products to youproducts that are producing two thousandand three thousand dollar days you justdeploy and launch in almost two years ofcrushing e-commerce we've launched someof the most profitable ecomp campaignswith many of them bringing in a hundredthousand to two hundred thousand inrevenue these successful campaigns are100% a result of the breakthrough econproducts and that means we haveperfected the art of picking winningprofits beyond that we've workedone-on-one with hundreds of students inour different coaching programsBPM ewc and the vsf frigerators andpersonally helped them choose theirproducts and launched winning campaignsas a result we have access to a cache ofecon products that are 100% killing itfor us and our students right nowimagine if you could lay your hands on acache of ecomp products guaranteed tomake you money but wait it gets 10 timesbetterfollowing our immense ecommerce successearlier this year we launched our owne-commerce platform scoreless and nowused by over 4 thousand activee-commerce vendors worldwide as a resultwe have back-end access to see exactlywhat the top vendors are selling andwhat products are bringing in the mostprofits this is the kind of guaranteedinformation you can bet on what we havehere is an unfair advantage that's whatyou need in business we now havebackdoor access into the e-commerceindustry no guessing no testing nohoping it will work we know exactlywhat's selling right nowand that's exactly what we're handingover to you inside the compact all youneed to do is step one login to ecomcast step to access our cashbreakthrough econ products and stepthree deploy them in your store inminutes from now you'll have anavalanche of proven winning products tolaunch in your storethere will be no excuses for you to failno wasting money on bad products theseproducts will work for your Shopifystores store las' funnels click funnelsAmazon stores WooCommerce BigCommerceand Etsy stores and regardless of yourniche we have got you coveredfreakin awesome right listen this isyour golden ticket to econ bridges we'reflipping the table in your favour andhanding over closely guarded secret econproducts where you'll have a completemonopoly and generate 500 percent to athousand percent are aligned if youscroll through this page you'll see someof our results and I guarantee they'llblow your mind we'll be envious becauseit's the type of success you've alwayswantedbut there's a catch only available thisweek as you already know our econtactics revolve around no stores andcomplete monopoly so we can only give avery few people access to thesebreakthrough products that means wecan't keep this open for too long as wedon't want too many people on thisplatform so we're making it availableonly this week as I write these verywords more than 5000 people havereserved their slot to get the ecompcash once we open and we only have a fewspaces available so this offer is verylimited and will be sold out fast if youdelay you miss out any smart personknows that this is the true goldenticket to ecomp success getting theexact products to sell you'll never haveto second guess yourself you'll run acampaign with 100% confidence knowingthat will rake in sales and don't forgeteverything is backed by our 30-daymoney-back guarantee so go ahead andenroll in the econ cash Club withconfidence get access to secret productsand start killing them to find out morejust scroll through this page and makesure you order before the timer belowhit zero see you on the insideyou


AMAZON AFFILIATE MARKETING for Beginners in 2019 (Tutorial) – Make $100 A Day

Make sure you watch this video ‘til the
end because I will be sharing with you a lotof secrets that I’ve learned of doing affiliate
marketing for over seven years.Well who am I to even teach you affiliate
marketing, right?Well I have been doing affiliate marketing
for over seven years now, and I have a portfolioof over 11+ websites, apart from that I also
do paid consulting, I’m a speaker and atrainer.And now comes the big question, what is affiliate
marketing?In affiliate marketing, three parties are
involved.There’s a merchant or an affiliate network,
let’s consider it to be Amazon.Then there will be you, as an affiliate.Where you will be promoting the products of
the merchant through a special affiliate link.So when someone purchases a product through
your affiliate link, you get a commission,that is, you make money.Now in my affiliate marketing playlist, I’ll
show you step-by-step on how to sign up tothe affiliate network, how to generate your
links, how to promote these links to thousandsof people for free and then make money from
your links.Almost all popular companies use affiliate
marketing to drive customers.Be it Amazon, Flipkart, Ola, Uber, Swiggy,
FoodPanda, Zomato- almost all popular companiesare doing it.But the important question is, how affiliate
marketing will help you.Well the biggest benefit is definitely online
earning on autopilot.Today my websites are driving free traffic
every month from Google and making me affiliatecommission.So now let’s talk about who can learn affiliate
marketing.You don’t need any special qualifications,
you don’t need any technical background.All you need is one laptop, or a computer,
and an internet connection.This is all you need.The best part about affiliate marketing is
that you are making money from the comfortof your home.There is no age limit, no massive course fee,
only your willingness to learn, and your willingnessto earn money online.I’m friends with people who are making $100,000
per month to $300,000 per month from affiliatemarketing.So now let’s talk about what is the best
way to learn affiliate marketing.Well when I started there was no one to guide
me.No one to tell me the best tips, tricks, tools
or strategies that actually work.Well lucky for you, I’ll be teaching you
and guiding you in every step.You need a guide, a person who has made the
mistakes, so that you don’t repeat thosemistakes.So now let’s talk about which affiliate
network to focus on.There are thousands of affiliate networks
in the market.I myself use 50+ affiliate networks to make
money for my affiliate websites.So which one should you choose?While there are more complicated ones like
Clickbank and the Commission Junction, whereyou need the knowledge of advanced digital
marketing in order to make money.This is because the competition is just way
to high.For beginners, who are just starting out,
the one I recommend is Amazon Associate.It’s easy to run and promote and now I’ll
be showing you why you should be focusingonly on Amazon.in.Amazon is the world’s biggest ecommerce
website.Amazon.com is driving more than 2.5B visitors
per month.Amazon India or Amazon.in is driving more
than 360M people per month.The best part is that every experienced affiliate
marketer is only targeting Amazon.com in theUS market.But there’s usually zero competition in
Amazon India.So making money from an Indian Amazon associate
account is a hundred times easier than promotingin Amazon.com on the US market.Apart from this, there is many other reasons
why you should join the Amazon affiliate network.Once you promote your Amazon affiliate link
the cookie period is for 24 hours.So whatever the customer ends up purchasing
in the next 24 hours, you will be gettingthe commission for that.The second good point is that you will be
getting paid the affiliate commission forthe entire cart.So let’s say you refer someone to buy a
t-shirt.But the person ends up buying a jeans, a cap
and the t-shirt as well.You will be getting the affiliate commission
for the entire cart value and not just theproduct that you recommend.This is the best part about the Amazon affiliate
link.And since Amazon has so much data and optimization,
majority of the people end up buying so manyother products and not just the product you
recommend.You can see in the image on the screen that
majority of the products that I sold are notthe products that I was promoting but the
other products that people purchased whenI referred them and I still got the commission.The third benefit is the Amazon brand.Amazon is now one of the biggest ecommerce
website in India.They spend millions in advertising and now
everyone knows about Amazon.So there’s a trust from the consumers from
Amazon, so the conversion rate of people buyingfrom Amazon is very high.This also helps in getting more sales and
hence, making more affiliate commissions.I am getting a massive 3.5% conversion rate.So every hundred people I refer to Amazon,
almost 3 – 4 people end up buying the products.So that’s just amazing.So now let’s talk about how can you make
money from affiliate marketing.The easy answer is create a website and scale
it.Don’t worry, I won’t just tell you this
and end the video, in our next lesson of ouraffiliate marketing playlist, I will tell
you how to select a profitable niche.In lesson three I’ll show you a step-by-step
in how to create an Amazon affiliate websitelike a pro.I will be sharing all my strategies that I’ve
learned in the last 7 years of building andscaling affiliate websites.So make sure you watch our complete playlist.I even created a comprehensive ebook on how
to scale an Amazon affiliate website from$0 – $1,000 per month and also how to scale
it further to $10,000 per month.If you want this ebook, all you have to do
is like the video, subscribe to our channeland comment with “Yes, I want it” in the
comment section below.Once we reach a thousand likes, subscribers
and comments, I will make the link of thisebook public on the description section of
this video.There are many benefits of starting and scaling
affiliate websites.Just as I mentioned, the competition in India
is very low.So if you watched our lessons and follow them
to the heart, then I can guarantee that withinfew months, you will be making money.You don’t even have to work on your website
when your article ranks on Google search results.It’s free traffic, month on month.Unlike other platforms that come and go, Google
is not going anywhere.So you don’t have to worry that Google will
go out of fashion in a few months.People will keep on searching on Google.There are many others ways apart from affiliate
links that you can make money from your affiliatewebsite.You get sponsorship opportunities, branches
will start emailing you… you’ll also bemaking money from sponsored links, sponsored
reviews.Like I am charging Rupees, Rs10,000 – Rs20,000
for one sponsored review.And also in the end, let’s say you decide
you don’t like the Amazon affiliate website,and you want to sell it.Then the website sells for 30x its monthly
revenue.So let’s say you’re making Rs10,000 from
your website on a monthly basis you can sellit for Rs300,000.Now I know that many of you will ask me in
the comment section the other ways of doingaffiliate marketing.Like opening a YouTube channel or doing it
through Instagram.So let’s take each option one-by-one and
share its pros and cons.So let’s start with opening a YouTube channel.Yes, you can open a YouTube channel in any
niche.Like many other YouTubers are doing, and they
are also making good affiliate revenue.You can create a fashion-related channel and
promote fashion-related products.You can also create a technology-based YouTube
channel and promote just like Technical Gurujiis doing, but the main point to stress is
that YouTube is getting competitive.Already for all the popular categories, be
it fashion, be it gardening, be it technology,already YouTubers are dominating that niche.It was easier a couple of years back when
the competition was low, and also becauseof the Reliance Jio wave.Now already majority of the profitable niche
has a channel dominating.Now, I’m not saying that you won’t be
able to do it.Yes, you can open a YouTube channel and you
will be able to scale it.But it is extremely difficult.It will be difficult to scale, you’ll have
to be patient.You also have to show your face and you’ll
also have to invest in expensive equipment.I will be creating a YouTube marketing course
very soon on this channel so make sure yousubscribe to get notified about that…But then again YouTube is more competitive
compared to the Amazon alternative that I’mtelling you.Now, let’s talk about promoting affiliate
links through Instagram.One thing that I should mention is that every
social media platform comes and goes.So Instagram might not be able to survive
in a couple of years.Also getting followers in 2019 is extremely
difficult compared to a couple of years back.Every social media platforms is going with
the pay-to-play mode.Like the case of Facebook, earlier the organic
reach was very high.So let’s say you have 10,000 page likes,
if you post a new post, you’ll be able toreach that 10,000 people.But now Facebook wants you to pay money in
order to reach the people who even like yourpage.Now the competition on Instagram is also growing
because the people know that there’s moneyto be made.And also Instagram wants you to pay money
to get those followers.So the organic growth is down.And the worst part about Instagram is that
there is only one place where you can addthe affiliate link that is the bio.So the number of links of the affiliate links
will be far less and hence the oral commissionthat you make in a month will be much lower.And this is why I don’t recommend Instagram
as the only source of promoting your affiliatelinks.The same goes for a Facebook page or a group.The organic reach is dead, so you won’t
be able to promote your affiliate links ina profitable manner.So I don’t recommend either going into Instagram
or YouTube or a Facebook page or a group…rather the smart strategy is to go into a
low competition area and dominate it beforeit gets too competitive.Also, once your affiliate sites start getting
traffic, you can move to these verticals eitherYouTube channel or Instagram account.Trust me I’ve been doing this for almost
7 years, I have tried and tested everything.The best strategy is to first start a website,
scale it, and then move to the various verticalsof YouTube and Instagram.This has given me the best results.So what is the process of making money from
affiliate marketing through a website.Everything is explained in detail in our affiliate
marketing course playlist.But right now, I’ll be giving you a general
overview of how all these works.The process will be something like this.The first step is to do niche research.I will help you find a low competition and
profitable money-making niche.Then in the next lesson I’ll share with
you how to start a pro affiliate website.I’ll be sharing with you my tips, tricks
and strategies that I’ve learned in thelast 7 years of doing affiliate marketing.Also, I’ll be telling you the mandatory
things that you need to follow so that youraccount doesn’t get banned.The third step is keyword research.I’ll share with you the exact strategy that
I use to find low competition keywords thatmake you money not in years, but in months.The fourth step is to write articles.Either you can write it yourself, but I’ll
also tell you how you can outsource it tosomeone else.I have spent thousands of dollars in knowing
the best article structure.How many words your article should have?What should be the button color?I have tested everything.And I’ll be sharing the perfect article
template with you in one of the lessons.The next step will be signing up to the Amazon
Associate account.How to sign up?How to get approved?And how to not get banned.The next lesson will cover the most important
detail.How to get your article on rank number one
on Google search results.So let’s say your website is about guitar
and you write an article like “best guitarsin India”.So I’ll share with you all the strategies
that I use to rank number one for my targetkeyword.And the last step is for you to send me a
thank you email for introducing you to affiliatemarketing.I would love to see some success stories if
I like your site, I might even collaboratewith you for other projects.So now let’s talk about money.How much many can you make?Now this depends entirely on you.How much time you are willing to invest on
your website.The more time you invest, the more money you
will be making.If you follow our complete playlist then I
can tell you for sure that you will be makingmoney in few months.In the beginning, it might look a bit complicated
because you are new at this.But given a few days of implementing, you
will become a pro.Once you scale the website, then you already
know all the secrets.Then you can create many more websites, build
a team, and scale even further.Like I started as a one-man-army, but today
I have 9 full time people working on my affiliatewebsites.You are planting a tree.Once it’s grown up, all you have to do is
spend a few hours on your website and it willkeep giving you fruits for many years to come.Now let’s talk about common affiliate marketing
mistakes.New affiliate marketers make these following
common mistakes.Even I made them when I got started.The first mistake is not showing patience.You won’t start making money on day one.Rather, slowly and steadily you will be scaling.The second mistake is not implementing.Majority of you will just be watching the
lessons, but very few of you will be actuallyimplementing.But the people who implement, will be getting
the best results.So make sure you don’t just watch the lessons,
but also implement everything I tell you.And not just implementing, you’ll be getting
a lot of questions in your mind.So don’t just implement, you can ask your
questions in the Facebook group or you canalso ask them in our YouTube live sessions.And I’ll try my best to answer all of you
guys.Third mistake is getting greedy.Now few of you might watch our complete free
affiliate marketing course playlist and thenstart implementing everything on multiple
websites.If you’re a beginner or just starting out,
even if you are an experienced affiliate,I would recommend you to open only one single
website, and try to focus entirely on that.Your goal should first be able to create a
website and scale it.Learn all the advance strategies, then build
a team, and then open multiple websites.You don’t have to work hard, you have to
work smartly.I have already made the mistakes, so you don’t
have to make the same mistakes again.Rather follow the working strategies that
actually work.One big advice that I can give to all of you
is that practical is what matters the most.Don’t just watch the videos but also implement
everything that I tell you in this free affiliatemarketing mastery course.This is the right thing for you guys.Don’t be confused, I am here for you.I’m so happy to have a new member who will
be our future success story.I’ll make sure that this journey of helping
you, making money from affiliate marketingis fun, exciting and as easy as possible.So what are your next steps?Click here to watch the next lesson of our
free affiliate marketing mastery course.And click here, if you want to watch all the
videos of our complete free affiliate marketingmastery course.Where I show you on how to scale an Amazon
affiliate website from $0 – $1,000 per month.


The First Rule of Marketing Online

so what's the secret to marketinganything online whatever you want tomarket let's talk about it I'm gettingready to go to a Seth MacFarlane the guywho started her or the creator of FamilyGuy he's doing a party with Charlie'sTheron at his house so I usually wear aseersucker shirt but I wanted to recordthis real quick for my daily vlogbecause here's the dealwhatever idea you ever have in lifenumber one obstacle will be marketing itbecause humans have a natural aversionto anything new that's why brands likecoca-cola keep winning because if youcome up with a sodanobody naturally trusts it until it'sbeen proven over and over so marketingbecomes the key to anything no matterhow great your idea if you're an artistmusician social media personentrepreneur online entrepreneur you'vegot pizza restaurant you know whateverit is you have to acquire clients andkeep them happy and so here's the numberone rule that everyone forgets don'tmarket narcissistically what I mean bythat is don't market something that onlyyou're interested in and I know thatsounds so obviouspeople are like I already know that timebut not really people don't reallyunderstand the extent to which I'mtalking about ah I'm walking here's alittle cooler that are light peopleunderstand the extent to which our brainwill naturally build our marketing onnarcissistically selfishly so let's justtake an example I saw the other day thismattress commercial you seen those everlate at night look how nice it is outtoday they call this the magic hourbecause the lights real nice but thismattress commercial has the owner andhe's not very good he's not very good oncamera and he's there talking about whyyou should buy a mattress from him and Iwas thinking dude nobody really wants tosee you like you know you're not good atdoing your commercial why don't you staybehind the scenes and I know why becausehe thought it would be cool for him tomarket himself in that way but muchbetter to make a persuasive marketingpiece you know commercial you don't seethe shirt you don't see the CEO ofcoca-colain all the commercials now there is atime if you're good on camera you canuse your own you know you can use yourown images your own videos but that wasjust an example that came to mind I wasthinking who's this guy building themarketing for himself and at the end ofthe day if you build your market foryourself you're gonna be broke period sohow do you get into the minds of peoplethat's what it really comes down to andI'll tell you the simplest way to getinto the minds of potential customers isto do rapid experimenting Rapide RapideRapide you know I did some of you haveseen some of my youtube videos thatwoman viral and they've had I justlooked check my stats in the last yearyear and a half did 540 million minuteswatched it's a lot YouTube told me theywon't tell me if it's the most but it'sa lot half a billion minutesnot just views minutes and part of thatpaid advertising and part of thatvirality there's a formula I'll talkabout that another video but when Ifirst made my very first video I evenwon with the Lamborghini it didn't notthat many people liked it it was me andJeremy just driving around and it wasn'tthat persuasive of marketing so you knowmaybe got a hundred thousand viewsversus the other one got over 100million and I was in Paris I shot thatone first one that did not go viral andI went to Paris for New Year's and thenI came back and I was like let me justkeep experimenting get inside the mindof people but instead of me presupposingI knew what was inside the line I builtsome rapid test I record about 20 30more tests and one of them was the herein my garage video which was kind of thebeginning of a lot of the social mediavideos that I did and that one's gottenno one knows exactly how many peopleviewed it maybe 100 million peopleglobally lot 50 to 100 probably more butI'll be conservative with that and thatcame from rapid experimentation Iexperimented that whole process was intwo months I did enough experimenting soif you can experiment then you won'tbuild this selfish narcissisticmarketing that just doesn't work muchtime you watch TV you'll see it all daylong and then you'll see those fewcommercials that really catch yourattention so whatever you're trying tomarket get inside through rapidexperimentationI was talking to I got a guy a friend ofmine kind of a were loosely affiliatedand his name is Adrian Morrison and hebuilt out a system what he does he goeson Facebook and he just like rapidlyexperiments products that people want tobuy he does Facebook advertising adifferent internet advertising and hediscovers through a process of trial anderror but rapid trial and error whatpeople want to buy and he can buildbusinesses extremely quicklyyou know ecommerce businesses someonewill make whatever thousand bucks amonth ten thousand and fifty thousand Idon't know the numbers are fairly big Imean he's out making 100 million bucks ayear but it's making seven figures maybeeight I'm not sure I'll have to ask himhis exact numbers doesn't matter makes agood living just selling all kinds ofstuff that you wouldn't think thatnecessarily it would be able to makethat much money but he does and heactually wrote a book I'm gonna put alink to his book he I got him to give afree download of it it's like how tobuild a profitable ecommerce businessand it's this whole system of testing alot of you asked me for how to stuff andthe daily vlog is more just generaladvice I don't have time to always layit all out especially because I got toleave in a second but I'll put a linknow he's gonna take this link down I gothim to put it up for much for how manymore days but a few more days I got himto give it away you can get the e-bookfree so he can read all the stuff and healso has a link for a workshop you canwatch I told him I'd be an affiliate forit because he's done some stuff for meon Facebook marketing because I do a lotmore on other channels but he reallyhelped me with getting my Facebookmarketing up we work with them everyweek just giving tips and advice so he'shelping me I can tell you that and somaybe it'll help you out there'll be alink somewhere here annotation or belowclick that link get his free ebook it'scompletely free and then you can sign upfor the free workshop he has a paidversion of it but you don't have to dothat if you don't want you could justget the free stuff and then for those ofyou really interested I think he has alink to some paid more advanced programbut start with the free stuff checkget out and just remember whateveryou're trying to do you must be amarketing guru a marketing master youmust understand persuasionyou must understand the mindset of yourtarget market and very few people can dothis but those who can get a huge rewardso wish you luck on what you're tryingto do trust me I've been in themarketing game my first mentor JoelSalatin was a direct marketer I was 19years old I've been learning andlearning you know from mentors alldifferent type of mentors that firstmentor and I was a 19 Joel Salatin andon and on and on and go everybody I meetwho knows a thing or two about marketingI'm picking their brain tell me I'mshowing up at their conferences I'mlooking at their online you know I readyou know I read a book a day I'm readingbooks I'm investigating I'm watching TVcommercials I'm watching and clicking oninternet banners trying to rereverse-engineer what the heck it isthese guys are doing and and I look atcelebrities look at how Oprah markyourself now Ellen Ellen DeGeneres Showyou know dj khaled now killing it onsnapchat I watch movie stuff on office Iwas in a movie yesterdaypop star that big movie Andy Sambergcame out funny as hell if you watch mysnapchat I posted it but I watched howthey marketed that thing Judd Apatow isa genius he did trainwreck so makeyourself a follower and a seeker ofevery marketing technique and tip as youcould ever come up with marketing it'snot cheesy marking his way of persuadingpeople if you're selling something goodto do what's in their best interest I'mso happy thankful that there's goodmarketing out there especially for goodstuff you know like this Rolls Royce Ijust got it's Branson custom look at 11miles just came off the boat the goseries – it's on my snapchat and stuffum I wasn't going to get a Rolls Royceyou know I was going to get him aglaring and then I was at the dealershipand they were telling about this RollsRoyce and they were so persuasive on howwell it drives and all that and I waslike maybe I need to look into thisthat's marketing and I'm glad they didbecause it's a badass cars better than aMcLaren in terms of quality ride andstuff like that little different appsTurin jizz but everything I'm glad youknow Joel Salatin marketed to me to goand work on his farm I'm glad he waspersuasiveI'm glad differmentors at different times persuading meto take a different path than then Iwould have gone on naturally so clickthe link download his ebook learn how touse the Internet is powerful look I'mhere on the internet connecting with youI looked at 103 countries I'm connectedto people I'm following my stuff andthat's all ecommerce that's the power ofe-commerce so learn how to do it foryourself even if you don't want to be ahuge entrepreneur you know you could useit for art use for reading book I meanyou can use it for art you can use itfor your music you could use it like Isaid stores you can use it even as anemployee if somewhere elsethe better to market yourself the morepromotions you can get so download itcheck out his but make sure you go intohis free workshop – I told her I'm beingaffiliate because I like his stuff andthen he's got a paid program that Ipartnered up with them so you know ifyou decide and he shows you even if youdon't know what to do in business heshows you how to figure it out how tosource and decide what products willsell easily that aren't that hard tomarket and so it's kind of a you knowstep by step approach click the link letme know what you think leave a commentbelow after you check out his ebook andworkshop what you thought of it okaytalk to you soon
