Ecom 2019 | Unleash your ecommerce empire

wait a minute is this thing even on ohcool okay hey guys this is Seth can eatand I have something for you unleashyour e-commerce empire and just one dimeto come 2019 in beautiful Los AngelesMarch 8 to 10 you're going to get insaneworld-class ecommerce training you willlearn how massive brands who startedwith a single sale built theire-commerce empire crush it on Amazonwith Amazon's exclusive qa4 brandregistry okay one more time for thepeople in the back Amazon is going to bethere this is the event look I know whatit feels like to be stuck in thatnine-to-five death by paycheck slavery Iwas there I started with just one dimein debt stressed in my marriage but Ichose to take that step this is theevent to start it all that's a con 20nights to take a tiny dream and let itgrow into something huge


How To Start A New eCommerce Brand (2019-2020 Strategy)

what is in this big box that is actuallypackaged pretty intensely it took melike five minutes to open the other onestake a quick look and this picture thatI will put up right here I've got sixmore just like this sitting upstairsright now inside of here is 180 units ofa product that I started running a fewmonths ago and in this video I want toexplain the exact brand buildingstrategy that I implement into everysingle Shopify store I run every singlebrand I build whether it's on Shopify ornot everything I do relating to physicalproduct marketing online that is whatwe're going to talk about today[Music]hey what's going on everyone Haydenyou're coming back at you with a brandnew video and in this one I'm excitedfor this because this is a very veryfrequently asked question on how I buildbrands and what steps you can take to dothe same thing but I want to explainfirst of all why I have this becausenormally I don't and I want to explain alittle bit more about what I do thethree main things plus a bonus pointthat I'm gonna give you on things thatyou can do to start building out alonger-term brand okay so for those ofyou who are not familiar with what I doit's really simple okay at least what Ishow here on YouTube the simple side ofit is my e-commerce businesses now itgets technical with the advertise in themarketing you know there's skills thatgo into it however I sell productsphysical products online and most of thetime I don't touch themthat doesn't mean they just come fromChina I work with private suppliers aswell but I do not house the productsagain I'll talk about why I have I thinkit's 1,500 or 2,000 units of thisproduct I will explain that a momenthowever what if the things that I do Istart out drop shipping so for everyoneout there who might be looking at thetypical drop shipping business model Itypically if I'm not able to getfulfillment one by one with my productsfor a new product I'm starting for mysupplier I'm gonna go to Aliexpress I'mgonna start drop shipping the productregularly and once I have a proven modelthat is when I start moving into themore branded side of things okay so Ihope that makes sense if you guys arebuilding anything ecommerce related youhave any questions throughout the videofeel free to leave it in the commentsection down below and I'd reallyappreciate it if you smash that likebutton let's try and break a thousandlikes if we do that what are we gonna doif we do that I will possibly build abrand and show you the link show you thestore show you everything I don'tusually have a problem with like showingmy stuff publicly it's just more sopeople would go spam stuff and do weirdinternet thing so I don't know maybeI'll post a brand publicly and show youone of the things I'm working on anywaysthis right here there's a hundred andeighty units I think this is the girlspart of the those like girls and guysstuff it's the same product it's onething however the reason I have again Ithink 1500 or 2000 of these which costedmethat much it was like 3200 it's a verycheap product to sell for 20 bucks getit for like a dollar 40 so the reason Ihave these right here is because we'redoing a huge bulk order starting ourprivate supply so again I've been dropshipping this products like the lastthree months successfully I got my datamark so what what that means for me is Iwant to get my first three to 500 saleson my pixel on Facebook and at thatpoint I know that it's working if I'm atbreakeven or better once I'm at thatmany sales I know the product can workwell so we ordered the product that'sgonna drop our product cost by about 25%which is huge I am not actually I amright now I'm not gonna be the one doingit but normally I don't ship outproducts myself for the next 1500 ordersI'm going to pay a friend to ship themout because we are starting in awarehouse okay it's not our warehouseit's not here it's gonna be a separatethird party fulfillment center this isjust the test order to make sure thateverything is working well okay so Iwant to explain once I like like thebeginning stage once I break out of thatI want to talk about what I do withBrandon but first of all let's talkabout that beginning stage so if you'reregularly drop shipping a product theway that I think about this entiresystem it's like a three month flow okayso take the three months you're buildingthis store as long as for me I can provetwo things then I will start branding itthe first thing is it's a winningproduct how do you know that you'regetting sales whether you're makingmoney or not if you are this is how Ithink about it roughly you can be losingmoney but roughly breaking even it is awinning product because there's alwaysthings you can do you can make yourstore better you can optimize thingsbetter better retargeting better ads butour creatives like everything you couldhave a lower product cost that'll helpyour margin so you can even raise howmuch you're selling the product forusually you can do that without anychange in the conversion rate so for meI want to make sure that a I'm provingthat it's a winning product that for meis huge and B I want to prove that thesystem in which I'm marketing that isworking that means how I am running myads which it's usually all-or-none withthis because if you're not running yourads properly you're not going to get theproper sales which tells you that yourproduct is not a winnerand I see so many people who definitelydon't know how to run ads say that theirproduct is a losing product and I kindof chuckle because there's been timeswhere they're saying it's a losingproduct and I'm making $10,000 a day onthe same product so really make surethat you've nailed down the marketingfirst and you don't just cut a producttoo early thinking it's the productsfault because that's not always the caseso let's jump into more the interestingthing of the brand building the threethings I do and again I'll give you abonus point at the end however thereason the way that I jump into this isonce those two things are proven I'mgonna start doing three things okay thefirst one is I'm gonna order the productthe exact product that I'm selling notthousands of them I'm usually gonnaorder like three to five okay and Iactually don't even have to order it offAliexpress if you find the exact sameit's very key that it's the exact sameproduct find the exact same product withno differences on Amazon then order iton Amazon get it sent to you and you canget custom content of this product okayso that's what I like to do in stepnumber one use your the first thing I'lldo is once the product is working I willplace an order I will bring the productto me and I will get three things I willget custom video ads that are watermarked and everything I'll have my adguys do that the second thing I do is Iget photos really unique product photosthat are just not on a white backgroundso for an example let's say I'm sellingon a toothbrush it's gonna be in a cupin the bathroom if I'm selling alawnmower I don't know it's it's gonnabe on my yard outside you know it's noton a white background it's in itsnatural element for whatever the productis so I'm gonna get product photos thatI can use for the website some of thoseyou could actually use for retargetingas well and I'm also going to get somemore content that I can use on thesesocial media because once you get astore that's working you want to startbuilding out as a brand and a piece ofthat is engaging with your customers onsocial media so primarily for meFacebook and Instagram Instagram usuallytakes dominance unless it's like anolder audience like 55 plus so that'sthe first thing that I do there that'salways what I try to nail down becauseyou can significantly increase yourconversion rate by having custom contentnow one thing to think about a lot ofpeople always throw around the wordsaturation okay everything saturated isthis you know someone else is selling itcan I sell it okay this product I'm notgoing to tell you what it is but thisone in here is related to the fitnessindustrysimple as that so this industry probablyhas 500 million to 1 billion people Idon't care if anyone else which they areis selling similar productsit doesn't matter there is so manycustomers out there for basically everysingle niche you don't really have toworry about that so it really all comesdown to the marketing strategy so that'swhy we like to have the custom contentbecause if you're using like you know avideo you took off youtube and youchopped it up you're probably going tohave the same type of ad as multipleother people who are selling it so assoon as it starts working you're gonnawant to set yourself apart buildyourself up for the long term ok sodefinitely the custom content is a hugepiece of an order you can take a videoyourself pay someone to edit it or dowhatever I mean the photos aren't thathard you know if you have an iPhone justuse portrait mode or something get somehigher quality content that definitelysets you apart because for me that islike one of its kind of my favoritething to do because you get to see yourbrand shift let's say you go from likerun in one week where it's working wellwith the old content and then you plugin new content you will see an increasein your revenue without necessarilyhaving to spend more on ads and you'lltypically see your conversion rate go upa little bit your profit margin go up alittle bit so that for me is somethingthat I really like to see just becausewell hey it's all about acquiring morecustomers and making more money andbuilding out a brand and to do that yougotta have sales coming in now numbertwo inside of here is one that has to dowith why I have all this crap and numbertwo if I'm drop shipping still at thispoint once it's working I will get intouch with one of my private suppliersso I have multiple I have three mainpeople one in California one in RhodeIsland which is near New York and thenone in Miami and they sorts allthroughout the US all throughout theworld they're different warehouses sothey can help me out significantly thoseare just industry connections I've builtyou know even when I flew to China I meta bunch of people over there I don'treally fulfill through them much butthey introduced me to more people aswell so for me the second point hereonce the product is working is I alwayslike to get in touch with my supplier ifI'm not allfulfilling through that okay sodepending on which one I use he or sheis gonna be able to ideally drop myproduct cost by like ten to thirtypercent which is very typical andideally I have consistent daily sales sothe thing is if your drop shipping youcan go unit by unit but when I'm workingwith my private suppliers they're notgoing to do that it doesn't make sensethe logistics the cost is just not thereso I have to be ordering in bulk but ifI'm getting twenty orders a day righttwenty orders for one type of unit of aproduct well you know they can just waituntil a hundred orders stack up and thenplace their order and we're just kind ofkeeping in advance and we'll orderenough inventory based on how manyorders we're getting and we can kind ofgrow with that so that's something forme like for an example we have threehundred unfulfilled orders for thisstore right now and I have fifteenhundred products I will get the rest ofthe twelve hundred sales by the end ofSeptember this month so we're planningfor that because it took three weeks forthese products to get here so now wehave more products this next week beingsent and I'm filming this on the 1st ofSeptember because I'm traveling all ofSeptember we have products right nowthis week that are going to be sent outto the wholesale manufacturer likeideally the warehouse where we're gonnabe shipping out these products okay sothey're sending it from the manufacturerin China they're sending it over to thewarehouse where they're gonna do all thelogistics and all of the shipping sothat's kind of how we structure but tryto get in touch with the supplier and Iwant to put this out there because it'svery practical for those of you whodon't have an industry connection withthis what I would do is try to messageAliexpress suppliers typically you cantake your business off of Aliexpressit's just like if you pay for a logo onFiverr and it's five bucksyou're gonna pay five fifty or sixdollars there's always up charges andthere's always margin and negotiationroom built in so usually if you can kindof pull someone off of Aliexpress buildthat private relationship they caneither introduce you to someone or helpyou fulfill themselves so just becareful of getting scammed I've seensome people have some very very badexperiences so just be careful whensending a wire because you can't everget that back okayso that's huge now the third piece whenit comes into the game of branding againso that first one custom content thesecond one there is the suppliers whichare huge those alone can help yourmargin so so much I mean that's why I'mwilling to break even because as soon asI do those20 30 40 percent margin those are hugeabsolutely absolutely phenomenal so makesure that you get those nailed in placereally before you get anything elserolling okay so now when someone getsthis product what I like to focus ononce I'm building a brand is theirexperience so this is the third point isthe entire customer flow okay and thiswhere the bonus points going to come inin a moment but this third point there'stwo main things that I do once it'sworking I'm gonna have my websitedevelopment guide go through it customcode a bunch of stuff make it aphenomenal website number two I'm gonnaput a customer support person in placeon more so regular basis okay the waythat I start my stores I have one guywho does all of my customer support forall my storesI'll have them look at it like everycouple days like a real quick checkbasic replies send out tracking numberssuper simple but now I'll have themchecked like twice a day to make surewe're on top of it because think aboutit like this let's say you have an issuewith your order or you want a refund oryou want to ask a question and theydon't respond for three days that doesnot make the company that you orderedfrom look good so think about it from aconsumer perspective about your owncompany if you're able to reply withinlike a 12-hour window that is superprofessional you know that is like youcan't really beat Amazon and their livechat live support and stuff but you canget pretty close with VA s that reallyaren't all that expensive so I focus onthat customer experience I want to makesure that everybody's taken care ofwe're good to go because that will downthe road as you're building the brandeffect your Google ratings the commentson your ads you know the the rating ofyour Facebook ad account you know I meanthat can actually get your ad accountdisabled that people rate it negativelyso that is something that's huge now thebonus point that kind of I guess thefourth one that does go into thatcustomer experience a little bit as wellis the email sequence I call these emailflows so I don't set this up until Iknow the product is working but I'll goin an email software personally I useklaviyoyou can build up a sequence that peoplereceive as they're being funneled intoyour store so let's say someone goes tomy store they buy this product and thenI have a whole series of other productsI'm gonna sell them I'm gonna have acompletely automated you have to writeit out one time it takes a lot of timeto do which is why I don't do it tillit'sworking there gonna get an emailbuilding a relationship boom I'm a videothis that you know letting them know whowe are what we do what our mission isthen BAM three weeks later they'regetting a little off for a big discountyou know you want to get your customersto re-engage with youso that's what I'll set up you knowabandon cart flow is that our veryin-depth I'll set up post purchase flowsbecause not only do I want existingcustomers to buy again but there are somany people and people neglect thisamount of you know potential customersthat might have abandoned their cart orthey might you might have theirinformation but they haven't purchasedyet so that can be a huge amount ofpeople especially when you're scaling upyour store and you can make a lot ofmoney and you can typically get thosecustomers back and make them purchasefor not as expensive as cold traffic sofocus on that those are you know threethings plus that bonus point that Ifocus on when it comes to building abrand it is the exact thing that I'mdoing with this store right here withway too many products and you saw thatpicture it is annoying having to havethat here in the living room but it'sall good you know having fun buildingbrands you know so I highly recommend itpeople ask miss all the timedo you still dropship I do but that'snot the goal right you know I want tobuild out something that's longer-termcustomers are gonna have a betterexperience I'm gonna have a highermargin people are gonna enjoy theproduct more they're gonna feel likethey're a part of something when youhave a brand and it's something that youcan sell down the road okay this companyfor this product within a year I couldprobably sell it for a million bucksmaybe a million five depending on howfar we really go with it so building ona brand consistent sales growth and youhave all these pieces in place withdifferent streams of revenue there ispotential for an exit if you choose todo sodown the road okay so if you guys haveany questions about this please do leaveit in the comment section down below cuzI'm going to assume that some peoplewill you know if you're trying to buildout a brand feel free to ask me anyquestion or thing that you've beencurious about take this opportunity todo so and while you're down there Iwould greatly appreciate if you guysdropped a like on this video again let'sget it to a thousand likes and maybewe'll start working on like a communityproject where I build out a store I runit I work on and I show you guys the adsshow you the product the storeeverything and we just kind of build itout maybe on like a weekly live streamokay maybe we'll do that over on theEECOM season youtube channel which iskindsecondary channel check that out it'slinked down below that's just like verydirect marketing content it's not goingto be as high-quality like this withlights it's just alright I'm on a phonecall it's something important let merecord real quick or I'm in a meetinglet me pick up my camera so I reallylike the concept of that channel goahead and check it out we're juststarting to post this month in Septemberso starting to get that one rollingagain I appreciate you guys if there'sanything else I can do for you please dolet me know in the comment section downbelow I hope you enjoyed the video andwith that being said I'll see you in thenext one peace


What are the hottest trends in e-commerce in 2019?

[Music][Music]you[Music]I think the biggest trend and by that Imean sort of tension that we're gonna becontending with in 2019 is Big Data andby that I mean how we personalize theonline experience with the data pointsthat we have and by trend I also meangolly sort of pros and cons so theconsumer experience can be tracked canbe measured in so many ways and you haveall these tools that do that you canfrom the basic you know algorithmssaying recommended for you topersonalized email marketing to specificlanding pages being customized to usersso a vegetarian might be looking forlooking at knives and they might see animage of a knife chopping a cabbageinstead of a knife chopping a steakright we can be so personalized with bigdata but and people want this peoplereally want this in a cloud IQ studyrecently over over half of people saidthey want personalized shoppingexperiences online but they're alsoafraid of it and so we have the gdpr istaking us for victims we have a similardata privacy law just passed inCalifornia we have more countries andStates looking at data privacy issuesand we also have Cambridge the Cambridgeanalytical scandal which really tookdown Facebook in a way and make peopleeven more afraid of data so people wantit and fear it and I think that is goingto be the biggest thing we're dealingwith in 2019I think perhaps one of the hottestreturns if not the hottest trend is themove to voice for our customers forcustomers overall customers areexpecting that they're going to be ableto search through voice and to interactwith brands through voice as well and wesee that both on the customer the demandside but we also see that a lot ofe-commerce companies are planning tomake their move they're both on themobile side but also on these boys firstplatforms like Alexa and Googleassistants I like the questionbecause it is I mean on the fair hereyou can you can take a walk around andyou see all the OD trends in 2019 oreven further on and what I really thinkin my or my own opinion is that yeahartificial intelligence it is actually amust have at the end of this year andthere are also voice commerce I thinkthat is coming with Alexa with Cortanabut GRE etc there's so much potential ininvoice commerce which some companiesalready use but most of them right startgetting into it so and yeah we have anice pretty showcase with us broughtwith us the hololens where you can seewith the microsoft hololens someapplication and you can take out partsand order single parts out of a completecomplete machine for example increaseimportance of ai and mushroom learningright and this is basically giving thepersonalized content on the websiteprediction analysis for each shoppersright so when the customer will buy nextthis is what I think would would becoming in next year and the third thingI would like to mention is RCS richcommunication services so this issomething like text message but itcontains a rich messaging right soimagine that you can send over differentcolors of the background of the textmessage you can add 100 people to theconversation you can send for exampleclick to action button in the message soI think this is something that Googlehas worked on in the recent you knowthree or four years so I hope it willcoming soon to the market I think itwill be everything around theintelligent customer experienceeverything needs to be tailored aroundthe customer experience we see a lot ofgreat ecommerce players who would tailortheir offerings in order to provide areally great custom expertand to make that intelligent to makethat scalable I think this is one of themain challenges and one of the hottesttrends in 2019 I think this this trendgoal will prevail for a couple of yearsand yeah will be absolutely interestingto see how companies are going to tacklethat topic I think that what we see inthe e-commerce business right now isthat it's going to be quite a narrowfield everybody is going into e-commerceeven if they the companies we used tojust sell in their own channels beforeright I also think that what we see is aSalaamu is a good example of this whereactually a lot of the retailer's want togo more into marketplace action so tospeak in order to be able to handle muchmore products but not necessarily haveto do the fulfillment themselves for myto my point of view I think there are afew interesting trends one trend isabout the growth of the b2b market we'redealing with a lot of b2b customers andthey now heavily investing in in onlineinfrastructure because today they stilldo a lot of a lot of the businessactually offline and I think this is aninteresting moving movement it's alsovery challenging because the purchaseron the other side and your b2b is aprofessional purchaser so they put a lotof let's say high expectation on theexperience and also on the product datawhich we are actually supporting so Ithink everyone is trying to reduce theirstock risk we see shorter and shortercollections thinner and thinner stocksand many retailer is moving into eitherback orders or drop shipping as theirfulfillment methods in a way tocompletely avoid any having any stockmm-hmm so this is pretty tricky but fromour past experience we have some clientsthat asked us the same question or weasked them that same question andbasically the most important thing forthem is to interact with the client sobasically you need to adapt to the needsof the client that's probably the mostimportant thing that we need so how canwe do that we dovia random channel so you have Omnichannels right so basically we are herewith web push notification channel soour successor is email marketing so wego well together with those and we'rekind of the next big thing when it comesto that to just reach a person from adifferent perspective because that's fore-commerce the most important thing isto finalize the person bring them toconvert them and that's how that worksyou



Link com Todas as Informações:

Curso Ecommerce do Zero – O Passo a Passo para Iniciar seu Negócio


Quando a gente fala que alguém começou do zero, não significa que essa pessoa não tinha um centavo no bolso. Zero é o ponto zero, é o ponto de partida. Não estou falando que precisa de muito nem de pouco, mas começar sem nem um centavo não dá. Você precisa de capital pra começar esse negócio, mas você pode começar do PONTO ZERO.


Como você faz um planejamento eficiente? Eu quero que você comece com um planejamento bem simples. Você precisa, pra começar, escolhe um nicho de mercado pra você atuar. Links para ideias do que vender e como escolher nicho no final da descrição.

As pessoas acabam procurando fornecedores no Google, mas esse não é o melhor lugar. Tem dois caminhos pra você encontrar fornecedores: online e offline. Procure por essas 4 categorias: fornecedores, distribuidores, importadores e fabricantes.


Você pode começar como MEI ou como Limitada, lembrando da limitação do faturamento.

Faz parte os meios de pagamento e os meios de envio. Você pode utilizar, por exemplo, o Pagseguro como meio de pagamento e os Correios como meio de envio. A maioria das pessoas começa assim. Mas outra opção de envio é usar o Melhor Envio, que tem parceria com os Correios e outras transportadoras.


Os canais de audiência são a parte mais importante do seu negócio, pois é aí que você vai começar a impactar os seus clientes.

Aqui você vai colocar conteúdo relevante para a sua persona, engajar pessoas e construir um relacionamento. Eventualmente, publicar ofertas e vender.

Cria o Instagram, cria a fanpage no Facebook e começa a produzir conteúdo e gerar engajamento e aumentando progressivamente a sua base de fãs.


Você vai construir respostas personalizadas, construir um email profissional, criar listas de transmissão em um Whatsapp empresarial, você vai se relacionar com clientes e com prospectos.

Cria um script pro Whatsapp, cria um momento do dia em que você vai responder todas as suas mensagens no Instagram e no Facebook e se você já está usando sua loja virtual, cria um chat online na sua página. Tem alguns apps que você já consegue ficar online no seu celular, então é bem tranquilo fazer isso.

Com isso rodando 24 horas por dia, você começa naturalmente a vender.


Aqui é a parte que você vai começar a sorrir, porque vai vender bastante. Aqui você vai focar em poucos produtos pra começar. Compra de 1 a 3 produtos pra você criar um marketing mais direcionado e se especializar mais nesses produtos. A variedade você deixa pra depois.


O jeito certo de fazer impulsão é sabendo as métricas que você tem hoje. Se, por exemplo, você vendeu 5 produtos e 100 pessoas viram, você já tem uma métrica e sabe que isso vai se multiplicar. Ou seja, já está funcionando e você vai só impulsionar essas vendas.


Aqui é uma parte mais de mindset. Sem a sua parte, esse conteúdo não vai valer de nada. Existe essa brecha no mercado e a gente quer que você aproveite essas técnicas pra você agir agora. Toda semana praticamente eu gravo um vídeo com um passo a passo pra você fazer alguma coisa. Com esse passo a passo, você pode chegar nos seus primeiros 10 mil reais em 90 dias.

É claro que tem muitos detalhes desse passo a passo, essa aula já ficou um pouco longa. Cada passo desses que eu falei é um módulo do Ecommerce na Prática desdobrado em várias outras aulas pra que você saiba todos os detalhes de cada uma dessas etapas. Lá você vai encontrar tudo que você precisa fazer, inclusive links pra você clicar na tela e ir pras páginas que precisa ir.

Independente disso eu quero que você deixe um comentário. Gostou dessa aula? Fez sentido pra você? Por que você não está agindo agora?


Links citados:

Os 10 Maiores Mercados do Ecommerce no Brasil

O que vender na internet? 67 Ideias para a sua loja virtual



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How To Get Started In E-commerce and Dropshipping

hey guys what's going on in this videoI'm going to show you how you can getstarted in e-commerce and essentiallyhow you can get started in sellingproducts online now I'm just hanging outtoday I'm just right here by myfireplace and you know I thought I'dgive you guys this quick video onessentially how you can find productshow you can find your niches and howessentially you can get started withe-commerce okay so the first thing thatyou want to do is you want toessentially find your niche okay so it'snot basically a niche is a subject atopic that you want to sell to a certainaudience a certain group of people sofor example if you want to sell you knowto firefighters that's a niche if youwant to sell to people who like you knowbaseball that's also a niche okay sofinding a niche that you're passionateabout is the first step to gettingstarted in e-commerce because that'svery important for you to essentiallyfind products within that area and sellto that audience okay because once youknow your audience once you know youryour your type of products that you'regoing to sell it's going to be a loteasier for you to get into the marketget going and start selling very quicklyso number one find a niche that you'repassionate about okay number two find aniche that you have a connection withand pick a niche and just get it goingokay that that's very important just goout there and you know don't even thinkabout it too too much don't spend hoursand hours trying to find a niche justpick a niche and get going ken as timegoes on you can always diversify intodifferent niches you can always go outthere and find these different types ofniches that you want to get into andsometimes you'll find the niche thatyou've never even touched and it'smaking lots of money for you and you'dbe surprised okay the next step here isafter you find your niche this is whereyou start searching for products withinthat niche okay fineproducts that people actually lovechoose products that closely fits yourniche and find the hottest products thatare proven okay I'm going to show youexactly how to find the hottest productsthat are provenall ready okay next thing is findproducts that you would even by yourselffind products that you would go outthere and you would purchase and beproud of these products and actuallywant to purchase them okay so let's takea look at Aliexpress here okay soAliexpress allows you to find productswithin different types of niches okay sofor example if you're if you're tryingto find jewelry you would just type injewelry okay and you'd find all thesedifferent types of jewelry on Aliexpressthat you can sell to your market alrightso let's take a look at one right herebracelets and bangles okay so this is mylittle trick my little secret to findingthe hottest selling products onAliexpress is by clicking on the ordersbutton here so once you've clicked theorders button it's going to show you allof the hottest products on Aliexpressright now that's selling really reallywell okay for example this one righthere 14000 buyers okay here's anotherone 10000 buyers okay ten thousandorders ten thousand ordersten thousand orders okay eight thousandnine thousand orders eight thousand sixhundred orders eight thousand twohundred eight thousand one hundredorders so by doing this you essentiallyknow the top selling bangles out thereand you can put these onto your Shopifystores as well because you know thatthese are the hottest sellers okay nowlet's say you want to get into a productthat no one has it's that's completelybrand new it's new in the market andyou've never you never even sold it andyou know it's a fresh new market andfresh new product you want to get intothat because a lot you know a lot oftimes you'll find a lot of competitionwith these products and that they'vebeen you know they've been sold over andover and over again especially if you ifyou hit the same market okay when youclick on newest what this will show youon Aliexpress are the newest productsthat just released that basically thesenew vendors have released these newproducts which you can go into themarket and dominate and sell thousandsand thousands even like what we've shotwhat we see them before you know tenthousand products nine thousands ordersyou can go into the market fresh andsell these hot selling products forexample herewe have here a cellar with five diamondsthat means that this is a really trustedseller and he's selling this one producthere this one jewelry product for fivebucks and only one person has ordered sofar okay so you know that you can gointo the market and you can essentiallydominate this market by putting thesenewest latest products onto your storesokay and that's essentially one of mytricks to finding the hottest productson the market right now the hottest thehottest products that people actuallywant to purchase and get things goingand start making some sales okay becausewhen you're when you're fresh whenyou're brand new and e-commerce is verydifficult to find out what's working outthere to find out what types of productsare selling and who's buying them bydoing this you're essentially you knowthis is like a shortcut it gives you theshortcut to go into the market and sellthe hottest selling products for yourfor your customers and Aliexpress madeit super easy by using these sort thesort tool okay now I also want to letyou know about this service this newstore that we launched a few days agocalled pre-built shops calm that's notover there right nowokay pre-built shops is essentially aShopify store is kind of funny it's aShopify store selling Shopify storesokay so if you go over to pre-builtshops there's one of my agents rightthere if you head over to pre bull shopsyou'll find all of these differentShopify stores which you can purchaseand they're all pre-built for youthey're all done for youShopify businesses okay so for examplewe have here the jewelry pre-built storeokay when you head over here we'reselling them for three hundred ninetyseven dollars and you get an entireShopify business all done for you wechoose the hottest selling products fromAliexpress we put them on to your storeand all you have to do is essentiallyall you have to do is just plug in yourdomain okay we create a brandable logofor your domain as well and plug in yourpayment settings such as PayPal stripeand you know if you have a merchantaccount you can plug that in and you canget started selling right away these are100% pre-built Shopify storesthat you can use and get started rightaway especially if you're a beginner youknow you don't have the time to createall these stories yourselves you don'thave the time to go out there researchproducts you know it takes us 20 to even40 hours just to research these hotproducts to add on to your stores youget all of that completely done for youthese are pre-built stores meaning thatyou don't have to wait weeks you don'thave to wait like two three weeks to getyour stores built okay all it does allit is is basically you make yourpurchase for three hundred ninety sevendollars we ship out your store for youyou get the login information within oneor two days okay usually it's withintwenty twelve two point twenty and fourhours my team will send it to you andthese are all pre-built done for youbusinesses that you can start sellingproducts in different markets okaycurrently right now we have over seventyeight different pre-built stores if youhead over to our catalog look at this wehave a parallel room Oh therapy as seenon tv products all auto electronics babyclothing cape books camping candles catscat niche is actually a big bitch okaycoffeeokay coffees huge right cooking cookingniche cosmetics we have all these dogniches right drones first-aid fishinggaming health and fitness health andbeauty jewelry leather packagingpaintball Kate promotional productsright Sporting Goods tattoo niche toysweddings okay we have all kinds of yogaall kinds of niches here that you canpurchase right away and get yourbusiness going as fast as possible okayso the whole point of this is to ensurethat you're not wasting your time outthere trying to find products you're notwasting your timetrying to find the hottest templates andthemes and creating the graphics and thelogos and you know this can literallytake you hours it'll literally take youweeks okay the first Shopify store Ibuilt it was an outdoors hiking storeokay basically that took me over threeweeks to build and that was that wasjust building it I wasn't even sellingthat was just the building part it wasso frustrating I had to find the perfecttheme I had to find the perfect appsokayto find I had to input all the productsmyself I had to go out there find theproducts find the how to sellingproducts create the logos create theslider images and this right here is alldone for you okay you can spend you knowthere are other Shopify builders outthere that are selling these stores foryou know tens of thousands of dollarsfifteen thousand dollars twenty-fivethousand dollars just for these storesand you can get a complete Shopifybusiness all done for you for threehundred ninety seven dollars andespecially this especially if you're abeginner this is huge this is liketime-saving this is money-saving you canyou can spend that money you know thatmoney that you're going to spend onbuilding a store you can spend it onadvertising and start getting traffic toyour Start stores and start making moneywith it okay we actually we actually wehad a prebuilt store for this one whenone of our testimonial collect customersher name was Leanne okay she was making$1,000 per day with our stores and thenshe was making an additional three tofour thousand dollars per day byswitching to a new theme that we gaveher okayin this this theme you get this withyour store as well let's take a look atthis Shopify theme right here okay okaythis is just a sample store you're goingto get something similar to this and notall stores are the same okay they're allstores are different okay so for examplewe have all these different categorieshere anklets bracelets earrings necklacerings watches okay all these beautifulcategories and slider images and you geta custom logo with your domain as wellnow that all comes with it okay allcomes with its complete business that wegive for you okay let's take a look atone of the products here let's go clickon necklaces okay look at all thesedifferent necklaces we have here a pandanecklace really cute looking pan andnecklace for 12 bucks that you can sellto your customers okay theme also comeswith related items and upsells okay tohelp you make more money this theme isactually designed to help you convertmore sales all right and you get thistheme on top of everything you get theentire business um this is this is likethis is crazy guys you get an entirebusiness for only three hundred ninetyseven bucks andbasically comes with its everything iscustom design comes with 50 productsloaded comes with all the shippingsettings and all the spreadsheets withthe supplier information so you don'thave to worry about you know if I if Imake an order how do i how do i how do ifulfill that order how does my customerget the order okay you don't have toworry about that because all thesupplier information is given to you andthe best part about it is that all thesestores are dropship stores soessentially you can just you don't haveto purchase any inventory okay what thatmeans is that once your customer paysyou on your storeyou take that payment and you go to yoursupplier and you make the purchase onbehalf of your customerokay that's huge because you don't haveto you don't have to go out there youdon't have to purchase hundreds andhundreds of products just to get startedall you have to do is literally thissimple all you have to do is just plugin your domain okay put in your domainput in your plot your payment settingslike how your customers can pay you suchas PayPal stripe or even a merchantaccount and get started selling rightaway you can get started you can startselling the next day so we actually hada client bought one of our pre-builtstores and also did one of our Facebookad services they started getting saleswithin three days okay this is this ishuge because these are these this showsthat our stores actually work okay ourstores actually convert and it makesmoney you can get started in thisbusiness okay while others are chargingyou thousands and thousands of dollarswe've created this service calledpre-built shops com where you canbasically purchase an entire businessfor three hundred ninety seven dollarsokay for example here coffee store righthere right a coffee pribyl pre-builtshop let's take a look at it look atthat boom a beautiful coffee ecommercestore that you can sell all thesedifferent types of mugs all thesedifferent types of you know here's oneright here a camera lens mug okay boomright here beautiful website withdescriptions you get this entire storekits it's actually it's brilliant youcan sell this to photographers okay soit's a coffee mug with it's basically alens with for a coffee mug okay I don'tknow how it works butthere we go but essentially this is whatwe're giving for you okay you get anentire business for only three hundredninety seven bucks and you can't evenyou can't get better than thatright you get a a proven theme you getall these products and you're all goodto go all you need to do just startselling okay now I hope you guys I hopeyou guys are really excited because youknow what we've done here at pre blowshops and salt and social stinger iswe've cut the time for you to getstarted in e-commerce we've cut the timefor you to essentially go out there findproducts you know do this do a B C and Dand and basically search through nichesand find products and find yourcustomers and find out what's hot outthere create the logos create thegraphics find the themes we do all ofthat and you get them all at pre-builtshops calm alright I hope you guysenjoyed this video I hope you guys gotsome value out of this and I'll see yousoon


How to Make an E-Commerce Website in India – Build an Online Store

Hi guys!I'm Shyam from Website Learners.comToday I am going to show you,how you can create an
Ecommerce websitefrom start to finish.Okay!So first, let's see the website
we're going to build.So here it is.After watching this video,you will be able to make
a website,which has products like theseand then we're going to
create pages like these.And people will be able to add
your products to their carts.and they will be able to pay
you, through your websiteand buy products from your site.So let's get started.its going to be very simple.We're going to make our
ecommerce site in 4 parts.The 1st Part is to
Launching Your WebsiteNow this is where you get a new
website, Live – on the internet.So to launch your website,
we're going to do 3 steps.The 1st step, is to
choose your website name.Now to choose the name, just
click the link below this video.So i'm going to click this linkand it will take
you to this page.Now enter the name
you want in this box.So i'm going to
enter tryshirts.comand click 'check availability'So now you can see that
this name is available.So once you get your name, you
can go to the next step,which is to get your
hosting & domain.So hosting is the place, where
your website's files are storedand domain is your
website's name.So to get your hosting
and this domain name,just scroll down this pageand click 'get hosting'.Now it will take you to this
page where we're going to getour hosting & domain.So to get it,just click get started.Now enter the same name
which you selected beforeand click 'search'.Then click 'select & continue'Now to get this domain and hosting,we need to create a new account.So let's click hereand then fill up these detailsand click create account.Now, here you can see that we're
getting our domain,which is,and our hosting.Now both of these are going
to be valid for 1 year,which means once we place this
order, your website will be liveon the internet for
the next 1 year.So, now let's go ahead
& make the payment.Just choose your payment method,enter your detailsand then make the payment.So, now we've successfully made
the payment,and we've gotour domain and hosting.So once you've got
your domain and hosting,you can now go to final step of
launching your website,which is to install WordPress.Now, WordPress is the tool,
we're going to use, to build ourecommerce website.Wordpress lets you build websites easilywithout any coding or programming.So, let's see how to install WordPress.To install wordpress, all you
have to do is click 'Add site'.Then enter a username and
password for WordPressand click 'add'.And now wordpress will be
installed on your new domain,which is! So WordPress is now installedand this means, your website
will Now be LIVEon the internet.So to check it, let's
go to our website.We'll open a new tab.Now if we type,and press enter,you can see that,we have a brand new website,on the name which we selected.So, this is how you can launch,
your website on the internet.So once you have
launched your website,you can now go to part 2 of
this tutorial,which is to Start Building Your
Ecommerce siteNow, instead of Building your
ecommerce site from scratch,we're going to first import a
sample ecommerce site.And then we're going to edit it, to make our own site.So, this is going to really speed-up
the processand will let you build your site in
a much faster way.So, to import the sample site,we're going to do 2 steps.First we're going to
login to our website.So to login to your website,all you have to do is,type /login after your site's address.Now press enterand it will take you to the
login page of your website.Now enter the login details,
which you selected forwordpressand then click login.So, now we've successfully logged in to our wordpress site.So this is the place, where
you can control your website.So once you've logged in, we can
now go to step 2 of importingthe sample site, which is to
install a theme in wordpress.So we're going to install
a theme called 'astra',which is going to let us
import the sample site.So to install the theme,just go to 'appearance'and click 'themes'.Now click 'add new theme'and then search for a theme
called 'astra'Now this is the theme which is
going to let usimport the sample site.So to install the theme,
just click 'install'.And then 'activate' the theme.So, now we've installed
the astra theme.Next, to import the sample site,just click 'astra' optionsand here you can see thatwe have an option called “import starter site”.So to import a site, first
click 'install importer'and then click 'see library'.Now once you're on this page,
just select 'Elementor',which will make it
easier for youto edit your site in future.So, we'll select that.And now as we're going to build
an ecommerce site,just click 'ecommerce'and then choose this site,
called the 'brand store'.So, let's click here.And here you can see a preview ofhow your site is going to look,once you import this sample site.So to import this site into
your site,just click 'install plugins'and click 'import this site'.So now the sample site
has been imported.So let's see how our site looks.Now if we go to this tab,you can see that, this is
how our site was before.It was completely empty.Now if we click 'refresh',you can see that we have got the
entire ecommerce site,into our site.Now this is the fully working
ecommerce site,which means if we click on a product here,you can see the details
about the productand you can add it to cart.And then, we can view the cart,and then we can also
proceed to checkout.So we get all of these
options right afterwe import the sample site.So now we have
successfully importedour sample ecommerce site.Okay!So once you have imported the
sample site,we can now go to Part 3,where we see how you can start
using this e-commerce site.So to start using our
ecommerce site,we're going to first set up
our store.Our store is the place, where
your customers can see your productsand then purchase them.So once you set up your store,your site will have your own products.and your visitors will be
able to buy those products.So let's go to our storeand you can see that we
have these sample products.Now to set up our store,
we're going to do 4 steps.The 1st step is to delete
all of these sample products.So to delete them, let's
go to our dashboardand then click 'Products'.And here you can see
all the sample products,which we have here.Now to delete the sample
products,just click here,to select all the productsand then click here,select 'Move to trash'and click apply.So now we've deleted
all the sample products.So now if we go to our
store and click refresh,you can see that all the
products have been removed.Once you've removed all the sample
products,next let's see how you can add your own product.Now to add your own product,just go back to your
products page.and click 'add new'.Now to add a new product,all you have to do is,Enter the product nameit's priceand some details
about the product.So first, let's enter the product name.I want to sell a tshirt,
so I'm going to enter that.And here, I'm going
to enter the price.and then some details
about the product.Okay, so once, you've added
these details,you can now, add your
product image.So to add the image, just
click 'set product image'and then drag & drop your
image from your computer.And as you can see, Your
image has been addedSo now we have added all the
details about the product.So let's click publishand now if we click
our store page,you can see that we
have our product.Now if we click on this product,You can see that,we can now add this
product to our cart.So now we have successfully
added our product.So you can add any number of
products you wantin the same way.So to add a product
all you have to do isjust go to productsand click 'add new'.Okay!So, next let's go to the 3rd step
of setting up our store,which is to change our
currency.Now here you can see that,
we have a different currency.Now to change this
currency to rupeejust go to your dashboardand then, go to woocommerceand click 'settings'now this is where you can change
all the settings,related to your store.Now to change your currency,just scroll down this pageand here you'll find
the currency to change this to rupeejust click hereand then type Indiaand select this option.Now click save changes.and now if we go
to our product pageand click refreshyou can see that our product
price is now shown in 'Rupees'.So now we have successfully
changed our currency.And we have completed the third step of setting up our store.So next let's go to the 4th step,which is to setup our
payment method.Now if we try to buy this
product by clicking 'Add to cart'and then click
proceed to checkoutyou can see that it says “no
payment methods are available”.So in order to allow your
customersto pay for your productsyou need to setup
your “payment method”.So, to set up, we are going
to create a free account on awebsite called 'instamojo'.So once you create this account,
you'll be able to receivepayments directly to your bank
account, when someone purchases,your product.So to create your account,just go back to website learnersand then scroll down to step 4.And click 'Create Free Account'.And it will take you to this pageNow just click 'sign up'And then enter your
email and password.And click ' sign up'.Now choose the type
of business you haveAnd select 'No' hereand click next.Now, once you reach here,you need to enter your bank details,where you want to receive your payments.So you need to enter your
bank's account number,and then click 'Find IFSC'Now select your bank details.And click 'use'So now when someone buys a
product from your site,that money will be sent to
this account.So once you've entered
these details,just click 'create account'.And now we have successfully created our Instamojo Account.And now your customers can use
any of these payment methodsto pay for your products.So, let's click
'go to dashboard'Now how do we connect this
account with our websiteNow to let customers make
payments on your site,you need to connect this account with your website.So to connect itlet's go to our
wordpress dashboard.and then go to pluginsand click 'add new'and now we need to install the
instamojo plugin on our website.So just search for 'instamojo'and you'll get this to install it,
just click install.and click 'activate'So now we have installed
the instamojo plug-inon our website.Now to connect this
account with your site,just click settingsand now, you need to get
these details from instamojo,So to get these
details, just go hereand click API & plugins.and click 'create
new credentials'Now Click hereand select
wordpress from this list.Then click 'generate
credentials'and instamojo will
give you these details.Now, all you have to do, is to
copy these details,and then paste it here.So let's copyand then paste it.and click save changes.Now as soon as you
click “save changes”your instamojo account, will
be connected with your website.So this means our payment
setup is now complete.So we've successfully setup
our payment methodand now your customers can not only view your products,they can now buy them.So next let's try buying
a product from our siteSo just like a
customer would do,we will go to our storeand then add the
product to our cart.Now let's click view cartand click “proceed to checkout”you can see thatinstead of the error
message, we can now pay onlineSo just like a
customer would do,If we enter our detailsAnd click place orderYou can see that we have
different options,to make payments.So let's say the customer wants
to pay with their Debit Card,they can click hereand then enter the
detailsand click if we enter the OTPand click 'submit',you can see that the payment
has been madeand we have ordered the product.Okay!So this is how a customer can
buy a product from your siteSo now you know how your
customers can buyproducts from your site.Now, what happens when
someone orders your product?How do you know, that
you've got an order?Now as soon as someone buys a
product from your site,if you go to your inbox,now this is inbox of the emailyou entered while creating
your siteOnce you go to your inboxYou can see that, we
have received 2 emails.the 1st email is from
our 'wordpress website',and the 2nd one
is from instamojoSo if we open the 1st
email from wordpress,You can see that we have all
the details about the orderSo we have the name of the
product,which the customer has orderedand, their address.Now if we go backand open the 2nd mail,you can see that
instamojo confirms,that we've received the payment.So this is how you can know,when someone orders your product.And once you get this email, you
can go aheadand deliver the product to your customer.So now you know how you can track,new orders placed on your site.But what about your customer?How can they view and
track their order?So next, let's see how your
customer can view their orderafter making a purchase.So let's go to the
customer's inbox,So this is the
customer's inbox.Now, once a customer has
ordered a product from your site,their account will be
automatically created.And now If the customer
goes to their inbox,they'll get one email,
with their order detailsand another email, with
the details of their account.So if we open this email,here, you can see that the
customer has got the password,Which they can use
to login to your site.So after placing an order if the
customer wishes tologin back to your site,all they have to do isgo to your siteand click 'account'.And now they'll be able to login
back to your site.So they need to just
enter their emailand the password, which they
received in their email.So let's go back to the inboxand then copy this passwordand paste it here.And now if they click login,you can see that the customer
can view all of their orders,they've placed on your site.And now if we go to “Addresses”,they can even update
their address.So this is how your customers,can view their orders on
your site.Now let's go back to our storeOkay!So now we've successfully
completed setting up our store.And this means anyone who is
visiting your sitewill now able to buy your productsSo Next let's go to the Final
PART of buildingour ecommerce site,where we see how you can change
the look of your website.So next we're going to see how you can change 4
different places of your site.Let's go to our homepage.First, let's see, how you can
'Edit, the contents' of your pages.Now let's say you want
to change this text.How do we do that?Now to edit any
page of your site,just make sure you're on that pageand click 'edit with elementor'.and now it will take you
to this 'editing section'.Now let's say you want
to change this text.All you have to do is,just select that textand then start typing
anything you want.So I'm going to type”***get the best products***”***From our store***NEXT if you want to change
the text on this button,you just select that textand then enter your own text.So the same way, you can edit
any text you want on this page.Just Select the textand then start typing.Next! let's say you want to change this image.To change the image, all you have to do is,just click here,then make sure
you're on the 'style' tab.Now, select the image you want
to changeand then drag & drop your image.And as you can see, the
image has been changedNow Once you're done with all
the changes, just click updateand now if we go to our siteand click refresh,you can see that all
the changes are here.So this is how you can edit
any page of your website.So next, what if you want to
show your products on your home page.Now if we scroll down
to this products area,you can see that we
have no products hereSo next let's see how you can add
products like this to your home page.Now to add products
to your homepage,all you have to do is
just go to your dashboardthen go to products.And here you can see all
the products,you have added to your to display any of these
products on your homepage,all you have to do is
click the 'star' button,next to your product.So I'm going to
select these productsand now if you go to your siteand click refresh,you can see that the products
we selected,now appears on our homepage!So this is how, you can add
your products, to your homepage.Next, let's see how you
can change your logo.Now to change this logo,just click 'customize'and you'll find these
blue iconnext to the items you can change.Now to change this logoall you have to do, is click
this blue icon next to itand you can change your
logo here.Now if you want to have your
logo in text,you can remove this image, by clicking hereand then show your Site Nameby selecting this option.And now you can see thatwe've got our site
name,instead of the default logo, which was there before.So this is how you
can change your logo.So next let's seehow you can change your menu.Now to change your menuall you have to do isjust click hereand then click 'edit menu'.Now once you're here, if you want to remove any page from your menu,just click here.and click 'remove'.and the page will be
removed from your menu.Now you can also rearrange this
menu as you want,and it will be changed here.So this how you can change,
the menu, on your website.So once you're done, just click
'publish'And then click here, to see
your site.So you can see that all the
changes we made,now appears on our site.So this is how you can change
the look of your website.So now you have complete
ecommerce site,which we made in just
a few minutes.So to make your ecommerce
site, all you have to do isfirst, launch your site by
getting your domain and hosting.And then import the
sample ecommerce site.Then setup your storeand then finally change
the look of your website.So that's it guys, this is how
you can buildyour ecommerce site, in just a few minutes.Now if you're ready to start
making your own website,just click here.And it will take you
to the page,which we saw in the first step,which is choosing
your website name.So just choose your website nameand then build your website.After you have
built your website,make sure you share that
link in the comments section.And we'll pick our favourite
websites and will highlight itat the top of the comments.So thanks for watching, I'll
see you in the next video.Bye Bye.


How to Create a Marketing Strategy For a New eCommerce Website

– You have all these products
that you want to sellon your eCommerce site.They're so beautiful, your
website looks amazing,but hey, you launch a
site, couple days go by,no orders, no traffic.And if you're lucky and you get a order,chances are it's your momor one of your best friends.Hey, everyone, I'm Neil Patel,and today, I'm going to
break down how to createa marketing strategy for
a new eCommerce website.(energetic music)Before we get started,
make sure you subscribeto this channel, and if you're on YouTube,click the alert notification.That way, you'll get
notified when more videoscome out like this.So step one, I want
you to focus on a nicheor a segment.You don't want to create a eCommerce storethat sells everything like Amazon.You're going to get crushed.Be a expert.It's too hard to be a big eCommerce storethat does everything,reason being is the bigger companiesare going to outdo you on pricing,you won't be a expert on anythingso you don't really have
any advantage over them,plus they're going to offer
faster shipping than you.So when you pick a niche,
you can be a experton that niche and have the best productwithin that category.People will get to know you for that,even if your product's
a bit more expensivethan the competitors, you
can still do well and win.And when you're in a niche,
it's easier to do adsto your eCommerce site and generate salesversus having a big, broad eCommerce site.Step two, create a killer,
unique selling proposition.Why should people buy from you?For example, one of my
friends sells insoles,like those Dr. Scholl insoles,
but she sells custom onesjust for high heels, and her
brand isn't Dr. Scholl's,but she makes over six
figures a month in profitjust through Facebook ads
going to her eCommerce store.Why, because she created amazing videothat breaks down her life in high heels,how she loves these
high-end luxury high heels,and they're all uncomfortable,
and she broke downhow she created the best
insole to make it comfortablefor women of all shapes, all sizes,to be able to walk in these high heels,feel amazing, and be comfortable 24/7.So that was her pitch,while someone like a Dr.
Scholl's, they're always like,”Hey, we make it comfortable
to walk for anyone.”Well, what's anyone?It works well for maybe my Nike shoes,but it doesn't work
well for my dress shoes.So when you have a killer,
unique selling proposition,you're more likely to get sales.So specialize and have your
unique selling propositionto be all about that specialty.Step three, create a
fantastic user experience.I love Shopify.If you're going to be in the
eCommerce world, use Shopify.Their user checkout flow, their designs,their sites, their templates are amazing.Another good example of an
amazing eCommerce experienceis Dollar Shave Club.Just think about ordering
from the Dollar Shave Cluband unboxing your first order.Now, same with Shopify, even
though Shopify is amazing,when you ship a product to someone,you want to make sure it's an
amazing experience, as well,from the design of the product,the way you make people feel.All of this will help you
generate more sales, as well.Step four, pick one traffic source.Look, you want to do SEO,
great, it's a long-term gain,or if you want to do ads, you
can do Google Product Ads,Amazon Product Ads, Facebook
Lookalike Audiences,or you can even do the same
thing on Google AdWords.Either way, pick one ad
source and go all in.For example, if you're in eCommerce,I would recommend that you
start off with Facebook ads.That tends to convert really
well for Shopify storesselling one or two products only.Then from there, after you
do well, you can expandinto Google AdWords and other channels.But first I would recommend
that you start offwith Facebook ads.Step number five, maximize
your value per visitor.Do you have upsells,
do you have downsells?All that will help you generate more moneyso the ads are more profitable,or even your SEO's more profitable.You could also use Hello Bar
to collect email addresseswhen people are about to
leave your eCommerce store,so that way you can
market to them afterwardsand email them and convince them,hey, here's why you need to buy from us,or here's $15 off, or
here's why we're specialand you can tell your storyor your unique selling proposition.It'll all help, that's why
you should collect emails.You should also do the same
with push notifications.You can use tools like subscribers.comto maximize your eCommerce sales,because when someone goes
to your checkout pagebut they don't buy, you
can use push notificationsto get them back and
then get them to convert.These are all simple ways
to maximize your trafficand the value you're creatingfrom each and every single visitor.Step six, maximize your
average order value.So we talked about checkout bumps,but you also want to do
things like free shipping.We found that free shipping increasesaverage order value size.Heck, my buddy sells HDMI cables for TV.He saw a interesting experiment
where he changes shippingto free shipping, increased
the costs of his product,and even though it ended
up being the same, right,instead of charging for shippingand having a lower priced product,he had a more expensive
product and free shipping,so the total math of the final
purchase price was the same.He saw that he got more sales
just because it was free.Do that, leverage your checkout bumpswith a irresistible offer.ClickFunnels does an amazing
job at using checkout bumps.You can see their own
site, how they're using it,get some inspiration from them,and then figure out how you want to docheckout bumps, as well.You also want to do post-purchase bumps.Skin Care by Alana does
a great job of this.If you buy some wrinkle cream,they may sell you some vitamin C cream,and they continually do this after you buyand sell you more and more productsthroughout the next year,
two years, three years.They don't stop.That's how they get the most revenuefrom each and every
single visitor, as well.Step number seven, and
this is the last one,use technology to make
your eCommerce storeto work better.From cart abandonment sequences,to product recommendations,to win-back sequences, to contests,there's Shopify plugins
that do all of this.Heck, there's even Shopify pluginsthat do holiday sequences.Heck, there's even plugins
that do cross-sellsor one-time offers, or promotion offers.Whatever it may be,
there's tools out therefor any eCommerce platform
that you're using,whether Shopify or Magento,
or even WooCommerce.So use the technology that's out therethat makes your job easier,such as live chat on your eCommerce storewhere people can communicate
with you back and forth,so that way you can maximize your salesby answering any questions or issuespeople may be having.If you need help growing
your eCommerce store,check out my ad agency,
Neil Patel Digital.If you enjoyed this video, like it,share it, comment, thank you for watching.


Best eCommerce Templates for 2018 | Top 9 eCommerce Templates That Follow All 2018 Trends

however in the following video I'm gonnashow you top 10 best website templatesfor e-commerce websites the first themewe're gonna have a look at is a hugesale PrestaShop theme which is forselling clothing and accessories if yougo to a live demo you can have a look atthe theme on a desktop but also you canview it on a mobile screen and a tabletscreen which means that this theme isfully responsive and mobile-friendly sothe people who are going to view it ontheir mobile phones or other tablets arenot gonna have any troubles with it andgonna see all the content that you wantto show them all the themes here areanimated they have beautiful transitionsthey have smart design they are sleekthey are minimal and they are verystylish and modern looking the nexttheme is monster a two multi-purposeWordPress theme when you see hereWordPress you're probably wondering howyou're gonna turn WordPress into ane-commerce platform but it's pretty easyif you have a WooCommerce plug-in thistheme goes with it as a pre-installedplug-in so you don't want to bother andinstall it yourself the theme itself isvery beautiful very smartly designed andif you have a look at the demo you seethat you have how many oh my that youhave over 16 free my demos what aredemos demos are the pretty muchready-made websites that you get insidethis theme so buying monster 8 2 4 6 8bucks you get 16 other themes inside inthe package so you can choose any ofthose and just use it right out of thebox the next theme is a big bag Shopifytheme when you see that it is a Shopifytheme you have to make sure that you useShopify CMS and you look for the propertheme for your CMS for your platformthis seems to be multi-purpose whichmeans you can sell any type of productsin here and it's designed and layoutit's gonna suit to any type of goods butmostly it is for closing because you seethat the template is pre-designed withthe samples of closing of accessorieslike bags like purses etc but you seethat you can put any type of goods hereyou just you know put your own contentand the template adjusts to your needsif you use magenta this is the themethat will suit your needs and yourplatform which is important it ismulti-purpose which means again it canbe used for any type of goods like hereyou get five premiere layouts for anyniche which means they are pre-madedesigns for the following types of itemsfor spare parts for cars furniturelingerie bikes and spare parts andmedical equipmentlet's check I don't know this one whichmeans you get an entire pre-made websitewith its own pages with its own elementswith blog layouts with shop pages andtailored specifically to suit aparticular type of products so if I goback and no I didn't want to go here ifI go back and if I click this put mydemo I'm gonna see the entirelydifferent website the entitle differenttemplate which is you know you see thedesign is different the layout looksnothing alike the previous one that Ichecked with the injury so when you getit you get five different themes in onethe next swimwear hot shopify themewhich is intended for swimwear but againyou can just change it content put yourown items and it can be anything thatyou want the beautiful slider you seethat a lot of things are animated whichadds to user experience which keeps yourcustomers interested and the cool thingis that when you hover over the imagesof products you see that they they showyou another image from a different angleso you can or maybe they show youdifferent color variation like here yousee so it helps the customer engagementso when they scroll down they may wantto see what other options are presentedhere and they may want to click on thisitem to check some other variations thenext theme is called Sharpie fashionstore Shopify theme you see it lookspretty modern it has over 13 pre-madelayouts which means you don't have tobother creating those Leonce yourselfyou just take the ready templates andput your content in them looks veryminimalistic but still it's interestingto scroll down and see what it has topresent here everything is animated andlooks cool all right other parts Shopifytheme this one is called Cardenagain it's for Shopify and Shopifythemes they can see any purpose becausewe're on tablet must have a whole lot ofthem and Shopify is famous for being areliable platform and very convenientand comfortable to work with so if youwant to stick with Shopify you knowyou'll not regret it because you'regonna find a whole lot of beautifuldesigns for this platform so in thistheme you get three three may 12 isfashion for a fashion story for toolsand equipment store and auto parts storethis one is called manner way which isclothes and accessories PrestaShop thingfirst the shop is another platform thatyou can use for an e-commerce storelet's have a look at a demo you see it'spretty minimalistic when you're creatingan e-commerce website you wanna stickwith something minimalistic and nothaving a lot of elements that coulddistract the customer from the productsso of course you don't want to you don'twant to a too crazy color scheme goingon because you want the products to bethe center of attention so thisaccording to its look and the colorscheme would be the best choice for ane-commerce fashion store and the lastbut not least is ever pressedmulti-purpose press the shop themethe demo looks quite good and if you seethe word multi-purpose in the title itmeans that oh there are two of themlet's have look at the newest one if theword multi-purpose it means that you canchoose any type of goods to sell on thiswebsite and there is a whole lot ofpre-made websites right here so in thefashion section there are four in thefurniture section four of them in theelectronics section so in total they'relike seven x four will be 28 pretty mildwebsites in one so you pay for onetemplate but you get 28 which is crazyyou see and it's also very verygood-looking and let's actually have alook at this one again the background isminimalistic the color scheme isminimalistic so the main attraction onyour website will be the goods and itemsthat you are presenting thank you forwatching this video I hope you liked itand found something usefulof course I remind you to go to thedescription down below and check for thelinks to all all the items that wereviewed today meanwhile let me remindyou that on tablet slashElementor marketplace you can find cooladd-ons to element or page builder andcool elements or WordPress themes thatgonna make the work with this pagebuilder way way easier thank you forwatching and I see you the next time[Music]


MasterClass #1 @ Jeff Ecom Do ZERO à R$ 350.000 de LUCRO

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Fala, galera!

Esse é o nosso primeiro vídeo de uma sequência de 8. Nessa masterclass eu vou te mostrar os passos que me levaram do ZERO até atingir o LUCRO de 350 MIL REAIS em 45 dias.

LUCRO. Não estou falando de dashboard com boleto, apenas o que entrou no gateway de pagamento!

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