$0 to $1,000 in a Day: How to Build an Ecommerce Business That Could Make You Millions

For our first video in the series $0 to $1,000, ecommerce expert Trevor Chapman chats about the type of site you need, the basics you must have before you launch and how to use email the right way.



Top 10 Most Expensive Gucci Products

today we're looking at the top 10 mostexpensive Gucci products welcome to aluxe calm the place where futurebillionaires come to get inspired helloa lack sirsthanks for joining us today we have adazzling top 10 listGucci is a brand that oozes with thetype of class that only high-end Italianfashion is capable of achieving foundedin 1921 by Gucci Oh Gucci it's ranked38th as the most valuable internationalbrand in 2016 its revenue was over 4.3billion dollars and the company isestimated to currently be worth upwardsof 14 billion dollars the brand has 278boutique stores situated on classycosmopolitan high streets all over theworld but the home of Gucci is theelegant Italian city of Florencerenowned for its production ofhigh-class leather since its inceptionit's been the purveyor of leatheraccessories such as handbags shoes andloafers whilst also offering the finestsilks and nits where's the pattern onGucci merchandise as well as the GG logoare synonymous and utterly unmistakableamongst all the fabulous Gucci productson sale there are 10 in particular thatstand out for their unique style beautyand of course astronomical price tagsinterested of course you are let's beginif you are new here welcome be sure tosubscribe and follow us on instagram ata luxe number 10 gucci Princetown loafer$2,600 comfort and class is combined inperfect harmony with these incredibleloafers the inner lining is made fromthe softest of lamb fur with a goldenstirrup and an italian leather sole ofarchetypal Gucci quality slipping theseloafers on will make anyone feel as ifthey're floating through their day yourfeet will feel as if they're beinghugged by royalty number 9gucchi genius genes three thousand ninehundred and ninety dollars despite beingone of the most expensive pairs of jeansin fashion history this product hasflown off the shelves ever since itsinception back in nineteen ninety eighttwenty years later and it's stillconsidered high-class fashion zara haseven tried to imitate the fabulousdesign but could never live up to thepure class of original gucci each pairof denim pants is hand-stitched by themost skilled artisans of Florenceproudly displaying the phrase made inItaly on the labelthe patterns are embossed with Africanbeads and embroidered with precise andbeautiful patterns of flowers andfeathers they hug tightly to the hipsand will magnify the beauty of anylong-legged model number 8 gucci Sylviepurse $4,000designer alessandro Miceli said that theaim of this purse was to turn heads nomatter where you went in the world wellhe certainly achieved that goal madefrom the finest Italian leather with abeautiful silk handle and ribbonattached to it it can come in almost anycolor combination you could think of thegold chain that wraps itself over thetop of the bag and into an understatedyet stylish buckle just a reeks of thatmodest decadent clasp that has become sosynonymous with Gucci's brand elegantwas enough pretense of modesty to makeit discreetly charming the sylvie purseis a drool inducing bag for any womanversed in the nuances of high-classfashion number sevenGucci men's eye digital Grammy specialedition watch $7,900 this incrediblewatch was originally made for the 2013Grammy Awards ceremony of course one ofits most venerable promoters was KanyeWest the screen is made from sapphirecrystals one of the hardest substanceson the planet so regardless of the pricetag and astronomical value of thislimited edition collector's item it wasdesigned to be worn the sapphirecrystals mean that thewatch cannot be scratched and is almostindestructible usually a watch with sucha priceless global reputation will bekept under lock and key in the safestpossible location but never withsomething Gucci the watch's ostentatiousand reflects all the glamour and glitzassociated with the greatest musiciansand performers of our time anyone whoowns one of these beauties will want toshow it off at every high-class event onthe calendar number sixGucci sequined dress $12,900surprisingly this is the only dress onour list and the design is utterlyimpeccable beyonce knowles purchasedthis dress and is only been seen wearingit once it has the kind of effect thatonly a single appearance will make itlive on forever in the memory of anyonewho saw it made from the finest silkgeorgette it looks as if King Midashimself grabbed it with two hands anddragged it through a river of gold atnearly 13,000 dollars it will satisfythe desire of any woman to draw theattention of everyone and anyone in thevicinity an overwhelming display ofglamour and class so we've reached thehalfway point in this obscenelybeautiful list of Gucci merchandise ifyou like what you're seeing so far thenstay tuned for the rest of our list it'ssure to blow you awayit might also interest you to check outsome of our other top 10 lists if Guccirepresents the very best of italianfashion then loui void song is surelyits french adversary click in the topright corner to check out our top 10list on the most expensive Louis vuittonproducts as well number 5 gucci bikerjacket 18000 $650 Alessandra Miceliincepted this design as a response andtribute to the punk rock scene of Londonthat exploded in the 1980s it's made ofItalian calfskin leather and heavilyembellished with metal studs chains andzippers all over this is the ultimatebadass jacket for those trailblazingno-holds-barred approach to life thathave elevated them to a position offinancial luxury by which they canafford to spend nearly$20,000 on a biker jacket the likes ofSid Vicious from the Sex Pistols and JoeStrummer from The Clash were both theinspiration and targeted audience forthis loud tough design with such ahardcore appearance this truly is aunique and special Gucci product numberfor Gucci 1921 collection mediumshoulder bag 28,000 $990 the design ofthis bag has hardly changed from whenGucci Oh Gucci himself opened his firststore in Florence nearly a century agoit comes in several different colorsbecause because of course the type ofcustomer interested in such a productwould want the choice to match theirwardrobe and for the greatest andrichest enthusiasts there's also theoption to have one in every color in thesame way that avid car collectors willmelt with envy at anything truly vintagethis bag is a pearl of ethereal classthat cannot be ignored by anyone witheyes and taste a firm favorite amongst alist celebrities such as Cameron Diazand Victoria Beckham there are not manyshoulder bags in the world with a betterreputation or a higher price tag numberthree soft stir up black crocodileshoulder bag $30,000what makes Gucci's design and style sosophisticated is the understatement ofits branding on many of its top productsa Gucci shoulder bag like this one isinstantly recognizable simply because ofits shape and quality the crocodileleather on this bag seems to shine in away that could not be imitated theremust be some kind of magic floatingthrough the streets of Florence tocreate such a distinguished class what'seven more magical is the fact that eachone of these artisan stitches are worthmore than most people's weekly salariesdespite the incredible price tag thisbag has never been available for generalsale every time one is made itsinstantly bought along with the highestquality crocodile leather the softstirrup has a buckle made of pure goldnumber two Gucci crocodile tote bagwith bamboo handle $32,000 tote bagshave rapidly grown in popularity inrecent times you can see manyfashionistas sporting high qualitycotton or linen tote bags but in the waythat only Gucci can they're crocodileskin brown leather tote bag sits at thetop of the pile the short bamboo handleis designed to be held in the handswinging elegantly as one princess downthe streetsperhaps the other hand grips ilishstudded in diamonds attached to thecollar of a pedigree Chihuahuaand when that precious dog gets tootired to keep up with the high-classstrut what better place to carry it inthan this perfectly shaped little totemade of the highest quality crocodileleather can you imagine that sightsurely that kind of photo is capable ofbreaking instagram number one gucciStuart Hughes belt $250,000 the doublegigi buckle on a belt is magnified onsocial media as an item of luxuriouswealth and style combining that with theoverwhelming bling of a Stuart Hughesdesign makes this not only the mostexpensive belt in the world but also themost expensive Gucci item ever soldStuart Hughes is famous for escalatingthe value and class of accessories byequipping them with the most expensivematerials he can findhowever this belt sits in a league ofits own for pure decadence and luxurythe 30 carat diamonds that are handencrusted into each buckle make thisbelt worth more than some people's homesat a quarter of a million dollars themajority can only dream of being able tohold up their pants with such class wellI'll Xers that's a wrap on Gucci nowwe're curious when you think of gucciwho is the first celebrity that comes tomind and why let us know in the commentsand of course for sticking with us untilthe end you get a bonus here it is gucciis well recognized as one of the mostfamous brands among hip hop stars infact the word gucci has appeared in thelyrics of more than 3000 different songsthank you for spending some time with usa Luxor make sure to subscribe so younever miss a video if you want more wehand-picked these videos you might enjoyor head over to Alex calm for the bestin fine living content on the planet bea part of the largest community ofluxury enthusiasts in the world and tellyour story


Million Dollar E-Commerce Online Business: Behind The Scenes Look!

[Music]what's up YouTube isn't you rashanna 360way process rashannaand today's i'm budget gives you guys alook behind the team of my e-commercebusiness it's not a million dollarsbusiness excuse me i just use that typeof a clickbait saw to get out here butlook stay here because it's still aprofitable business or try to make abouta hundred thousand dollars this year sojust say when we have a show you guysbehind the scenes of what I do basicallyecommerce business is a business that isramped online respectively like a storebut online stores all my online storesyou guys know I sell precious my ownbrand impression not what I do I gotpackages and stuff here and he flippedit over to I'm gonna give away anyaddress because these are real peoplereal order so basically I just come tomy computer right here I use a programcalled Samsung and then there's amerchant account that PayPal own andthat's how I get my payment or sobasically I come through this step I gotto ask funds in real quick but what Iused to do is I used to get these PollyMiller's right here and I used to writeevery address by handalright and that took me a long timeespecially because my business ismoderately successful and I get look twoorders a day like it was at the pointwhen I first launched my project I wasgetting 20 to 30 orders a day so imaginejust having to figure and writes orderslike my return addressthen the person's address name addressthat labor intensive so now my ecommercebusiness is more streamlined and I haveon technology like cig label printerright here and it just print out theinformation on this all right so let mejust print one out for you guys realquickly if these kind of that's theorder being printed out it's real quickand easy and then I got a bunch oforders right here that I just print itI've got a metal off today so this iskind of what I do is I just paste thisall and not stick them on this righthere and I grab me a breastI'll make sure if there's nothing wrongwith the breastmake sure to my standard because I don'twant to melt off evening of low qualityto my customers you know so basicallyit's put it in here silly and it's kindof that simple at the moment it hasn'talways been this thankful it let's easynow on our YouTube you just print it outand then to ship it off yeahbut it took me a long time I like I haveto build my website I have to createarticles I have to make it valuableright and then I have to drive trafficto my website that's pretty much it it'snot too complex I'll run this businesson my own on my only employee at themomentthat's pretty chill I recommend anecommerce business to anyone who let mesee I'm usually I feel like invest ifyou build a brand so if you thinkingabout starting your own e-commercebusiness I think you should build abrand first because like why wouldpeople bison is the questionlike I get orders every single day andlisten but I believe I know that isbecause I have a brand that people trustso not just one thing I want to let youguys know behind the scenes lizard andthought process like that so now youguys seen the behind the sceneslive as you see it's not too complex ofa thing to do behind the scenes is itsimply making sure it's orders arepackages and Mail to the customers asfar as how I get customers basically Iget customers through organic search andalso our refer customers using myyoutube channel so it helps that I'm aninfluencer or online that also helps meInstagram is a great platform to comparesales but yeah that's pretty much what Iuse now right now I have that finishedtweaking these labels on these polyMillers and just basically goes to thepost office and drop them off also needsto have to wait in long before I gotthis situated right here with theprogram and the printout I have to go tothe post office and wait in lineterrible guys let me tell you man thepeople at the post office hated becausewe're in Haiti but they had a littlekitchen when they see me walk in and Ihope you don't come to me because I comein with like 20 packages and this istake time if they're going to insert onthe computer so this is real simple nowit's all streamlined not just behind thething another one make it sound morecomplicated in what it is I'm justfinished labeling all these and yeahy'all I hope you guys enjoyed this quicklittle video that you can see what I dobehind the scenes of my business I'mgoing to do more videos talking aboutbusiness I know I haven't made abusiness video like that in a minuteand that's just simply because I toldyou guys in that life thing that I did Iwas more focused on schooland I'll put who over my business andYouTube but now that up I'm finishedwith school and I graduated college thenit's all business for me I started atrending videos I know I have a lot ofrunning subscribers I'm still going torun because that's a passion of mine butI'm no longer going to be competing ortrying to compete I just I just can't dothat anymore I don't have the energy tobe on a competitive level because withmy time I just want to spend more of mytime doing business so yeah that's all Iwant to talk to you guys about right nowthank y'all for supporting there's alight button subscribe see on my nextvideo[Music][Applause][Music][Applause][Music][Applause][Music]


10 Easy Steps To Start Your E-Commerce Business | Dr Vivek Bindra

In this video Dr Vivek Bindra talks about the E-Commerce Industry & How it will grow double by 2021.
He share in detail, 10 Tips for starting a E-Commerce Business.

Watch the video till the end to know about all the details of E-Commerce Industry and
how you can expand your business with the help of E-Commerce Industry.

Read Our Article

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How to Scale an Ecommerce Business to $60K/Month in 3 Months

[Music]thanks for having me halfway across theworld so he said it was the log flighttoday yeah I left Atlanta Monday eveninggot here Wednesday ordered so I think Iwas technically traveling travelingabout 26 hoursyeah well that's incredible well thankyou so much for taking the time to behereso just for some background for anyonewho's watching this video pretty muchfour stars go course you know we ranthis competition when we first launchedit and you know come on vest in thecourse and absolutely killed it in thecompetition grew his business and arapid pace and part of that so we weinvited him then they do like a littlelittle mastermind list with the topthree winners and yeah it's just beenabsolutely incredible it's a reallyreally impressive growth hacker businessperson found up and yeah I'm reallyexcited to connect like a 5-man onlineof a fresh heritage I love what you'vegot going on I just want to saycongratulations on will you success thusfar appreciate that man appreciate thatwell can you give everyone like a littlebit of a background around freshheritage how you got started becausewhen you when you when you start at thestands ago course you had alreadylaunched but you just kind of just kindof getting excited to get things goingmm-hmm yeah so my background for the forthe past four or five years I've been adigital marketer more so solopreneur onaffiliate marketing launching a bunch ofpaid social media type of businesses andI always had a beard a lower beard andhad problems with it and so I realizedthat a few years ago ethnic ethnicpeople in general have unique hair careneeds our hair as the type of hair wehave it dries out a lot yes and so a lotof the products on the market have a lotof alcohol and things like that on theharmful force it helps our here breakand we get a lot of dandruff and sothere's not a lot of options for us andso how was a result of that I had ahorrible looking beard I now it's notthat poor a little but at the time waspretty bad and we took a trip to SouthNorth Africa my brother and I did and wejust learned about some of our groomingtraditions and some of the oils thatthey use all over back in the day and soI started using that stuff and realizedthat my whole bathroom pantry was filledwith female products and so like 10years agoethnic women had an epiphany where theystarted making natural and organicproducts specifically for female hairand I realized that I was using a lot oftheir products to grow myself and a lotof my friends were also and so the ideato make something with those samebenefits but marketed specifically formen kind of grew during that trip toAfrica and just like that awakening thatI had a lot of products in my ownbathroom that weren't for men so yeahman that's an amazing story dude onething that comes to mind is you do youhave the bevel product yeah man thattrician walker guy I even I think thoserazors like they look amazing dude andsame kind of concept right yeah so he'slike a pioneer in this he's raised a tonof money on in Silicon Valley and hefocuses on just once again we haveunique hair caring grooming issues hefocuses on men who shave and my focushas been on men who have a beard whohave hair on their head and have thoseproblems so yeah it's been well receivedboth products he's a phenomenal productand when I launched I did a an up viralcampaign and we actually gave away abevel care package yes I like them a lottheir packages on point their message inzone point Arabiayeah yeah they've got some good sitedesign similar position and yeahpremiere product together yeah awesomeso I wanted to touch on you know you inthat three month period you grew yourbusiness you blew it up from you know tocare month to 60 cameras so rapid growththat's really impressive man so what I'mcurious around is you know we spoke afew months back and I'm gonna say acouple months back what's happening nowwhen's the business act you know whatwhat's biggest challenges I have what alot of people have said good challengesa good problems to have so we'vecontinued growing over the holidays thatkind of November to December rush weblew up even more we did around like 90K yeah those and that kind of 30 to 40days over the holidays but then thatcreated a whole bunch and she swore mebecause like returns were sending outthe wrong stuff and just customersupport and I was kind of a bottleneckup a lot of that so yes just followingup with email campaigns and making surethings are in process so we've actuallyhad to tone down a bit with our ads justto give us time to like really focus onsystems and operations and procedures sothat you know we're not having to stepon again I stepped on the brake step onthe gas step on the brakesyes so hopefully once we wrap this upwe'll be able to continue to growsmoothly and probably grow in a hundredtwo hundred percent a month sounds goodon paper but there's a whole lot of realissues with that in real life cash flowmanagement ordering inventory in timesjust a lot yeah andI using a fulfillment said – no yeah yepso we knock that out right in Novemberright around the time we started scalingup like literally the week ourfulfillment center started we just likeour daily revenue double and triple thenthey got up to like four or five timesthat we're seeing and that's becausepeople look at you're like this issomething I'm known as people look atthe site and they look at how fast theycan get it and if the faster they canget it the higher increasing conversionsthat's correctabsolutely absolutely and we were havingI come that was a lot of our complaintsbefore that his hand ordered the stuffand it's been a week what's up and itwas just a lot for us to do when we'redoing fulfillment internally so we justhad to you know cough it up and pay upfront for the long-term perceivedbenefit so are you sending up do youhave a fulfillment center in East Coastand West Coast or was it playin and I'mcurious yeah so the first priority wasjust to pick a stop these fulfillmentcenter that could get to the majority ofthe country and judaize and then we wantto tap something on the west coast andpossibly look at a base in Canada or theUK as well gotcha yes because we've hada couple of orders starting to come ineven though we're not advertisingthey're just like word of mouth hasspread it we've gotten a lot of ordersfrom both those countries andfulfillment they're such like anightmare clearing customs and all thatstuff yeah so you're saying that there'sa market in Europe and Canadaabsolutely and surprisingly we've gottena ton of military orders so that'sinteresting too but they normallyshipped to an address in Europe toodon't youso when it comes to manufacturing theproduct when you produce it that's themain of the US yes yeah for a lot ofreasons I think like the components ofour product like maybe the box on theirpackage and I could go from like a Chinaor something yes but we're really big onmy customer experience and like providedhigher-qualitylike experience with using our productsand so for that reasonour manufacturing costs are a littlehigher yes but we think that's muchbetter for life just customer experienceand long-term value so it's stillmanufactured or assembled in the US gotyou and when it comes to SKUs how manydo you have right now and what's theplans there because I started with mygirlfriend like a little fun business onthe side and that's time to take off nowand dice we're talking about the SKUsand you know you talk about cash flowit's very expensive to start playingaround with all the SKU samples breakingbowls doing this doing that and thenhaving develop making sure you validatecorrectly for sure using like a starscale framework or social pressure sotell us about the skewed spacesurprisingly man we've done all thiswith like 95% just one SKU one productour classic beard oil donor and we getquestions like daily from people who arelike hey you know I need that what abouta watch right about a bomb what aboutthis and so we're getting to that it'sbeen like just juggling what's the snakethat's gonna kill us first right yesdealing with that and making sure weknow that in the head first thing whilethat's important they're just like likeactual management of like justoperationally customer support withfellow it's better we didn't win justthrowing other products on the market ifwe didn't have each person buying ourproduct having a good experience from itbut we're starting to develop additionalproducts yes and what's cool is we had afeedback loop with our customers justabout hey how are you using our productand they're using it in like reallyunique ways we didn't even think aboutit so it gives gives us some good ideason how we should start positioning ourproducts or what other types of productswe should start considered don't you andI think when you do have more SKUs thatshould increase your average order thatsort for sure which would in turn helpyou grow the business for sure for sureyeah because we're looking at the dataat the end of the air we've had you knowa couplecustomers purchased our products likeseven times and you know we startedtechnically in April but like June wehave like 2k in sales I had generallycount so just in the last six months ofthe year you know we've moved thousandsof thousands of units and some peoplehave even brought our one product likeseven times so yeah yeah further we'vegot a real cool customer base they'rebuying into the community we're tryingto be as thoughtful about beingauthentic as possible and just makingsure that once again we're not selling aproduct what we're focusing on theperson behind the product and makingsure they're happy and I think it'sstarting to show ya know 100% I thinkyou've got a really good friend I likewhat you do with your branding I alsolike what you're doing the videos tooand I mention the station and the spokeon the on the podcast so you know wetalked about on the podcast as wellwhether you're you're not oneacquisition channel is PPC that's donethe case yeah yes and because I thinkyou know even for found and we don'twant a lot of paper say yeah we have theother channels organic they're gettingto beat for us for sure what your plansthere do you have other plans well asliterally just talking to David aboutthatI'm gonna be bothering you about all ofthat over the next few days yeah I justsome on some idea it's like literally aswe were talking with David that's mynumber one priority just other customeracquisition models outside of paidacquisition yes what general are youthinking so we've been looking atpartnering with a lot of ambassadors todo like part of our community like a biggap and where we get a lot of questionson it men just aren't new to groomingespecially like ethnic men it's like nota lot of content and information outthere so just literally videos about youknow how to line up your beard or whatto do if you get razor books or what youdo with your patches or if your hair isbreaking off or a dandruff or whateveryeah there's so much topics on justgeneral health and wellness and hownutrition plays a part in the like hairloss or receiving the hairline so reallyfocus on likepartner with thought leaders who couldprovide high-quality subject matterexpertise and content yes and pushingthat out properly through YouTube orsome sort of like some regular type oftype of distribution that's why apartnering with high-end Barbara's towho they're they're marketing theirbrand partners and aligns with ours aswholesale partners yesI'm and educate our consumer alright sothose are some of the the two main waysand just like really just happening towe pretended nothing with like SEO inGoogle or even Amazon yes which from ourfeedback we people go to Amazon to lookfor our products and are surprised it'snot there and come back to where Istarted by so mmm yeah people like tobuy from Amazon we've found that even wedon't even try and we got this book andpeople like to buy from Amazon versusyour site because Amazon has so muchtrust I know that's a big thing becausewe do need new brands do why but thereis so much skepticism oh yeah so if youown Amazon they trust that it's just nogoodthey give their money back yeah andAmazon have this incredible reputationwith customer support and I believe frommy experience that builds very kind ofbratty kind of customer base from whatwe've experienced yeah that one at fastare there yeah it's crazy yeah yeah it'sit's really crazy but at the same timewe recognize that that's where a lot ofour customers are and so yeah that's agood opportunity for us so there's youknow it's kind of a few channels reallypowerful yeah for sure for sure yes I'msorry to cut you off what we going tosay so go after worked was wrapping upour curious around your experiences withthe start of scale course you know a lotof people I think when they get startedthey are worried about creating theperfect business and they're worriedabout you know if they're going to failyou've had incredible success you youship fast and what would you say toanyone that's on the fence watch thisvideo or doing the course and you knowjust kind of you know your takeawaysfrom doing the core sales it reallyhelps you so two main takeawaysone is do not underestimate theimportance of validating your productand then making that productdifferentiated to what's in themarketplace and I'll go deeper on thatand the second thing is starting scaleis a really cool mentor that can helpyou bypass potential problems deal withissues once they arrive and that's justlike worth its weight in gold so thefirst one is product validation so a lotof people are gonna come at you withideas and like feedback on your productbut it's very important for you not toget distracted and to do you know theunique value prop and then go throughwhat your customers problems are ithelps like in my case that I was like umI'm one of the customers and I know forsure that outside looking into may notseem like a big deal but something Istruggled with so if you'recontemplating an idea it would be veryhelpful if it's something that you'repersonally interested in something thatyou're personally struggling with orjust something you spent money on soyou're not asking someone to tell youabout a customer you're maybe like livein it um so that's one and they'remaking sure once you have a problemidentified you position it differentlyto make sure you stand out from the restbecause that's definitely gonna help youdon't really need to sell people on ifyou understand their problems so startstill under gonna did a really good jobof like explaining that and I thinkpeople cross over there that's extremelyimportant and the second piece is man alot of the problems you touched intouched on in starting scale like yourfirst tirescustomer support for filming it'salready there and so I think it's coolbut then when you actually go out andbuild a brand and you actually need thatadvice it's right there and so if youdon't if you're not experiencing youdon't have a lot of access to mentorsit's just like a really good place whereyou could skip through the differentmodules and just play a video help youget your answer is faster and so forthose two things I think it's just likeworth its weight in gold and what wouldyou say to anyone that's on the fencecuz usually pretty fast men like likewhy why do I sit fast yeah what youdon't seem like you afraid to fail so alot of problems with my personalexperience in entrepreneurship for myhair a lot of people it's like a lot toomuch theory like everyone has a planuntil you get knocked out or you getpunched in the face and so that's usfrom failing you're gonna learn a lotmore most things you can recover fromyou know don't go taking out your 401kand like risking it in some uneducatedmove but like if you have thismentorship relationship where you have awindow which you can operate in just goout on trial it's gonna be the bestfailure it's gonna be the bestexperience and I also think people whodon't have much to lose you don't reallylike it doesn't challenge you enough forlike really get creative my best ideashave come where like I had no optionsleft and I was just forced to work withthe pennies I had to come up with anidea and I think if things were like toonice or there was no fair feeling itwouldn't challenge me to like thinkcreatively and outside the box and sothat's when a lot of innovation happensand so I don't think people who have anexperience failure or a hardship reallyget that value a net benefit of justhaving to force yourself to be creativethe founder mission is to help youcreate an ass-kickin business and helpyou learn straight from the mouths ofworld-class founders get your freeprinted edition of founder magazinefeaturing Sir Richard Branson just covershipping and handling at founder comforward slash Branson


5 Steps to eCommerce & What You Didn't Know About Google – Grant Cardone

[Music][Music]hey welcome to ask the program car downhere today I have with me Fred Lam fromVancouver beautiful I mean it got to beone of the most beautiful cities in theworld Vancouver when you live inVancouver I was just writing Richmondwe're not live up in Whistler on youknow I wish I would you go to ski I usedto but been hustling haven't be reallyhow do you call them I guess come on 8.5haha29:20 nothing in this dude right hereokay is it ecommerce specialist he'sgoing to show you what you need to dowith your website today right how toconduct your business at that which Imade a huge mistake with four years notusing it correctly nominated forentrepreneur the year which means whatbasically I mean it when I didn't knownominated and you're an owner yeah and Iguess for CEO and found I'd never beennominated for Entrepreneur of the Yearso good for you Fred Thank You CEO andFounder ipro academy okay God doesonline marketing get eight milliondollars last year 29 years old bro youway ahead of a brother okay I mean ifyou stay on the same trajectory I'm onI'm on you're going to be a billionairethank you thank you because I didn't seeeight million dollars until I was 40years old did you keep any of it wellobviously I invest a lot back into thebusiness I'm investing into a newbusiness right now as we're speakingright now and hopefully hitting 210million dollar mark by next year intwelve months period beautiful so alldone through e-commerce yeah and ifanybody understands the eight point fivecomment earlier I bet you I'll bet you850 dollars just post them comments okayall right now I got to ask about thedishwasher dude okay Wow I mean what'swhat's the big deal about a dishwasher Iwash dishes to I didn't put in my resumewell one of the most biggest thing is alot of people think that they can'tbecome an entrepreneur they have to goto school they want to get college yougot to do all the crap but honestly atthe end of the day right now we'reliving in a worldwe're living in the digital world whereevery single human being on earth rightnow will have the ability to become anentrepreneur regardless of their firstdog win a few words if even if yourdishwasher didn't go to college I didn'tgo to college I almost lose one highschool uh-huh yeah I barely pass Englishyou can see my English sucks so I barelypassing English primary passing whichand I grew up here yeah no big dealright don't worry about itwhere are you from originally ah HongKong okay so your parents came in HongKong to Vancouver yes and because youcouldn't get into the state's I don'tknow why and I maybe I wanted to be theythey wanted me I never asked actuallyyou should ask them I said man I get -oh they in Banco yes they are and whatare you one of your parents – ah they'reall retired now okay they did thetraditional thing yes your dad was ahard worker yes really hard worker andwhat did he do is on he was aconstruction electrician okay I reallymanaged projects that like Astrakhansites so so how did how does spread Lamokay discover ecommerce which is areally interesting question I kind ofstumbled upon on it actually so washingdishes I thought that was the end of mylife right I'm just going to work up theranks at a dishwasher become a waiter orwhatsoever so no matter and I was likeI'm just so young I'm only 17 years oldI should be doing something better soback then Internet was huge GoogleAdWords for basically just launched alot of people making millions of dollarson Google AdWords and you're inVancouver and you're in your parentshome yeah and you're like what are youdoing you're seeing people make moneyyou're seeing these stories yeah I'd seeall the stories inspired me so I startlooking on money be rich well I can'tsay rich were why intention was releasedI want to care back my family that'sright my dad was always in Hong Kong mymom's always growing up with three kidswe don't really grow up with a lot ofmoney so we're a length really I can'tsay we're broke but we're like belowaverage so I'll say I need to dosomething to take care of my mom madamyes that's really where myentrepreneurship really started say Iwant to make more money and then fromthere yeah so back then and obviouslyGoogle AdWords was big and people wereactually paying like Pandey's a clickand I was actually in that realm but Iwas such a young kid back then I didn'tknow a lot about businesses then what Ireally discovered and what I'm reallystarting togood at is become traffic acquisition soI know how to buy ads on YouTube GoogleFacebook like all those large platformsthat's where I've been and I spendmillions of dollars just to Googlebefore Facebook even take off so that'swhere I start growing the businesses andone of my ex business party came up tome and say hey we have this gasperformer later and fabulous you're 1/8an X this is partner I'm not and this isnot new anymore but what was the productit was a gas reform earlier but sothat's yeah gas so like gasoline forcars yeah so back in 2008 the the gasprices skyrocket Alegre right and we sawlike this is the perfect time let's getthe product and we don't actually haveto own the product the manufacturer onthe product so we're basically dropshipwhich I peach exactly out so wedon't have the paper inventory all we dois just set it up sell and basically runads to our site so and you can do thison a lot of different products oh yeahgasolineoh yeah he's gonna gasoline it was a gasreformer later so any gas free formulayeah so basically enhancer gasolinewhich you can actually write a long alot but were those the pills it was aliquid it was liquid to $1,000 and thenin four months based on just reallybeing able to use traffic you actuallyselling e-commerce product online andwas back then was really hard so aphysical product online yeah but we didfour point six million dollars and fourmonths well yeah all with traffic andproduct so go back to the Google Adwordsokay you said hey Google ads were we'rea big deal I don't really even know whatthat meanslike like well right now to be honestwith you before Facebook reallydominated space uh-huhGoogle what's the one that's dominatingthe online space you know they're searchengine traffic so if someone actuallysearch for grant cardoneyou haven't control exactly what your adphase and really dominate that space soif someone were to look into real estateinvesting you can dominate say I'm gonnabe the first I'm gonna carry all thetraffic those are going to be the mostresponsive traffic that you'll ever getthe highest quality because people arealready in the search query verysearches they're interested in realestate investing or they're interestedin a book on sales or yeah and tomb andyou basically just pitch them orbasically offer them go through aintroduction transition story and allthose other suburbs right right right onthe smart right there's also DisplayNetwork a lot of people actuallyoverlook thatoh boy display the network so when yougo on cnn.com right you always feel likea banner ad in all those others so wecall it Display Network Google owns 98percent of the display network in theentire world and it's hardly ever tappedand right now there's an opportunitybecause everyone that's pushing intoFacebook right now Facebook but Googleactually has a lot more inventory forads than on Google Wallet so the DisplayNetwork yes it is why do we put ask thepro together so I can learn you don'tlearn shame on you I'm taking notesevery ask the pro I'm sitting theretaking notes leg leg leg I know somepeople like I don't need to writeanything down well good for you I needto write it down because I might notlook at it today but I'll be reminded ofit later so educate and educate me brobecause I want to make some money sohere's the most important thing right alot of people's are online they may belooking at stock watch calm like that isgoing to be one of your most prominentprospects well while they're ininvesting already right there I just sawdoc watch calm yeah so there there's alot of spikes out there like I can tellyou but just investing alone there arethousands and tens of thousands ofwebsite up therethat really has to be also what happenedright there ok so right here I'm CNN soright here you see demon markets rightnow yeah yeah that is a banner adimagine you can actually dominate aboner that's call a better ad and here'sthe beauty and what's that ad cost youthink you wanted to really know yeah Ihave a Pacific strategy which I usecalled retargeting non-google yeah um soI was on CNN for calm although largemajor websites spent 300 bucks and Imake $20,000 back yeah yeah so I make anry I don't even look at this assomething that how much I'm going tobasically pay because I know I'm gonnamake an ROI back yeah so why do I haveto worry about how much I pay but thetrip is the pain is based on we call CPMcost per thousand views so every 1000contracts are being show and Googlecharge you X amount of beat but you'regoing to be alright were you were yousuggesting earlier that because Facebookhas now is now dominating Google didthis cost less to use right now it costsway less because people are peoplearen't and here's what here's anotherbeautyfor example we have their own sales teamto sell the inventory but they cannotsell all their inventory on their sitetheir sales team can't sell at all whatdid they do they're not gonna put ablank spot up right to Google and Googleand with the Celtic guru said well Ineed a cheap I mean a dirt cheap run bythrough Google so we're getting what wecall remnant traffic so a minuteyeah because these are basically unsoldinventory but hey you're still oncnn.comthese are basically people that workinglet me I'm gonna pull up CNBC that wouldbe a good place for me right yes the NBCthere's a lot of site there been aroundevery single media web sites half a turnass look like they're Adobe right nowimagine if you're right they're terriblean extra guy's terrible add obviously noI mean I would do my real-estate thinghere oh there you know there you go yeahthat's awesome dudeyes so there's a lot of ways to actuallydrive traffic YouTube's a huge one notjust the organic side but the ads sideYouTube is dominating right now you'veseen a lot of people we call what theycall in-stream ads right what's the nameof your company again I four Academyipro academy yeah so when people come toyou um how's it as a motorman ah anymoredude getting kicking it and she's isgood guys he has once one drop oftequila so I'm not feeling it all rightyeah all over the place man okay so sowhen you say YouTube well when you playa video on YouTube you always see likean ad that's running right like a TVspot how like a TV plus you justbecoming the next TV yeah that's what itisso do you Bob do Google Ringo – notthrough YouTube no usual Google ownsYouTube and here's the beauty if youknow how to gain system the first fivesecond if a person actually skipped thead you don't have to pay a penny thenyou get five second free exposure justlike that good they skip the ad so whenyou're running the app when you're whenyou're watching a video basically seethe ad and yeah they count down and sayskip the ad right I got five four threetwo one yeah when it's when it hits fiveI'm sorry which starts first flirtingsecond I mean so when they actually skipthe ad in 2015 yeah you don't getchargedso in in 25 seconds you can get yourmessage acrossyeah so so I think we did a bunch ofsix-second head and we didn't weigh morethan six you want a says you in it yougoogle is out here last week in this andthen the six second ad I love Google butI'm not going to talk behind their backrings yeah yeah they're not really builtfor direct response like we care aboutare a lot we care we do for ads and whatwe teach about at its investment likeit's an effect me that you're gonna makean ROI back it's not an expenseyeah yeah it's great yeah ii ask you canactually get a lot of big reach a lot toactually watch it but it's going to bean expense how are you are you gonna getan ROI from six seconds but but wellyeah I amoh that's great I would imagine eveningI mean I'm gonna raise awareness yeahI'm gonna get out of obscurity and stayout of it and to me to meet peopleshould be calling you every day sayingdude how do I get known what is the ROIall not be a no I don't know you youknow what do I sayI can't flow you yeah you know and so Imean I know all you guys get into thiswhole space and you're doing oral eyesreturn on investment of the cost of thead add the clicks and all that I'm likethis what is the freaking cost of notbeing enough but what if my frienddishwasher Exodus or so what if that adcan get you knowing and scaring ROI notjust of having just a known aspect ofthings get an ROI at the same time soit's more like saying right now yesyou're running a six second ad thatyou're getting awareness out in thesixty second or a two minute video thingyou'll still get you the awareness yeahyeah but you can get a much bettermessage across because you can nowbasically have ginger saying Googledoesn't know what they're talking aboutI'm not gonna say that hey when theywere here the other day telling me dudesat six second ad run the six second adis that what you're sayingjust look that's it test fit okay that'sit split test means what this puts SP isbasically a testing a six-second adversefor 60-minute up Joe second at friendLam said it I have ithe says googy don't know what this Igotta say that I didn't say thatI didn't say that 20 but look look thisdude ain't 29 anymore this dude like hestarts dropping into his freakin prohe's like you don't care about his ageanymore you know I'm saying yeah when Iwas I actually was one of the marketingyoungest marketing manager at BMW when Ihad an agency everyone didn't listen tome like now you're such a young ageespecially like I was stupid yeah andthen I just blew them away yeah that'sso stupid people shouldn't you shouldnever like Alexander the Great when heinvaded a freaking city a village amountain he was 16 years oldokay he's taken he pillages everythingtakes the whole debt takes all the goldnobody says oh he's only 16 he took overthe place he only 2/3 of the planet soage has nothing to do with it if you'reprofessional age doesn't matterI have students that's going through mye-commerce system at an age of 22 yeahdoing a million dollars here yeah yeahsewing you can hear stuff keep braggingright now no he's not he's not he can'tbe bribed I don't know you live on amillion dollars here so so check thisout now so you're not really aboutwebsite I thought you a website expertyour commerce becoming is what ecommercemeans selling physical products onlineyeah physical product is my servicewhich would not be a physical product ornot not so much I would not go so muchon the service side of things I focusmore on like physical products first andthen you can actually go when you'vebuilt the relation of the customers thatyou can actually offer services Edwardso the key things of this ecommercespace we're going to get one running anad well the first there's five stepsokay please number one you've got tohave an e-commerce site up and right nowthanks to our basic or revolutionary ofInternet you know having this website upis actually pretty cheap like right nowwe were in Cordova calm yeahand our sofa yeah I fell put yourself infive Robert yeah we tell people youShopify we were actually fullyintegrated with Shopifyokay so number one get a Shopify storestaff to cost you a lot of money yeahI'm on it cause you're like what's thatcost twenty seven bucks a month yeahthat's it once you have that you got anutshell but I know what they're doingoh yeah they do good absolutely Googledoesn't do you guys know what they'redoing I'm not gonna see you know youcouldI didn't say that I didn't say that asmuch as the paper way it relies when hecrosses the border Google will be righttherehello I don't want that to happen I'munique coming back I have one key sourceof customer support not gonna happen notgonna happena commission dishes for EM okay okay sofirst I got to have a side cost 27 bucksso if somebody's got a website right nowthe only reason they would have aShopify though is because they have somehard tangible product rice whichsupposed to step to unique productsitselfoh now a lot of people are like wellFred I don't want to invest tens ofthousand dollars one hundred thousanddollars on inventory yeah so what we dois we do drop shipping so through thelast 13 years of my life I think youdrop shipping I don't carry product Ibasically number one gopannamanufacturer I say hey you got productsright now I'll sell it I'm not going tobuy it you ship it directly to mycustomer yeah yeah so we give you anexamplegive me an example so right now youheard about Aliexpress or Alibaba yeahso Alibaba is one of the largest BBBcustomer where they manufacture productso they create an Aliexpress wherethey're selling to end consumers butultimately all defenders on Aliexpressare actually manufacturers from Alibabathat's how they were able to speed upthe platform so now you can actuallysell individual pieces directly from themanufacturer and basically just dropship to your customer so let's saythat's all right what about some wiffleballs yeah they're gonna come from Chinayes okay so I'm about similar footballsyou're gonna be the guy in between yesyou grab the traffic yes I'm the wiffleball guy I want to buy the wiffle ballsI'm buying from you Alibaba ships andfrom then you get paid to do thatexactly you never had any woofle ballsyou know you know to work with all inall though I married an invalid oh yeahit is yeah and you get paid a sliver todeliver yeah because you're collectingthe money and here's the beauty you'recollecting the money firstyeah so let's say that you're sellingthe 10x last look is it tickets rightnow like I select the money and I giveyou basically say hey I collect themoney yeah I marked it up here'sbasically where your share is and I'd becalled money more or we could have anaffiliate program where you don't needto mark it up and you get a piece thereyou go okay now up now so yesterday welldelivered some Amazon sent out to alltheir merchants okay I think a letterthis week you do business with Amazon nothey don't know what they're doing nothey know what they're doingthe absolutely no wonder you guys don'tknow anything man okay so no it's justthat so when does this happen Amazonsent an email out to all their merchantsand said hey you have to take returnsokay so I mean how does that affect youit done well at the end of the datethere are going to be returns butbecause there's a fiscal product uh-huhthere nothing really going to get amassive return to be really honest and alot of people online they basically buybased on impulseyeah and what you want to do is alsosell products that are not like superexpensive right out of the gate you wantto work on those new customers you wantto basically sell them or basically givethem a free cup charge some shipping youstill make your money still basicallypretty even but now they actually startto come into your brand right you'regoing to start selling them other stuffand that's when you make all your moneyback now when it comes to physicalproduct again the refund rate is notgoing to be a huge issuedelenn– what the refund rate the refundrate yeah unless if you are basicallyselling a bottle crap that's a differentstorythen people will really reap it but ifyou here's a bit of a physical productsbecause Amazon really changed the waythat people buy online right they lookat the image you look at the descriptionyou pull their credit card they cannever see touch smell the product sothat's what also dropship works becausehey you're offering the same thing yourbut they offer a refund dude so how doyou come in we offer a refund to youwant to offer reason we're going to goback to let's say about the wiffle ballsfrom Alibabayeah you got paid on it oh yeah okay youtook the money you got paid and then Iget the Whipple balls and I'm like Idon't want these ruffle loves since therefund rate is so lowwhat I usually why do you say it's alittle man it is going to be low why whydo you say this because you're gettingat an idiot rata and people you knowpeople bought something on impulseparticularly people to build things onimpulse oh yeah they're like I bought itbut I don't really want it because I'mso now that they can put ecommerce likewith physical products you're not goingto see like drastic increase of refundrate you're going to hover around lessthan 5% uh-huh listen if you can'tbasically run a business that you canafford the 5% in yourgonna be out of business right but atthe end of the day you're also buildinga customer relationship let's say thatyou come to my store bought a productfor me yeah and say hey I don't like youfor X amount of reason I'll say you knowwhat that's fine I'll keep it I'llrefund your money keep it as a gift nowyou build a relationship and you're likeno I like that oh that's what we tellpeople to do is I hate just do thatbecause you're building a relationshipwe're comin right they will feel thatyou're legit you're not basically justmaking money or you're not damminguh-huh and that basically now you willcome back and buy our refund policyRobert if I'm not right I mean this iswhat I want it to be yeah we'll give youyour money back and then we put you on ablack list and never do business withyou again you say you say I should justsay hey keep it and and you know yeahand also depends on what kind of myLords are me again yeah well italso depends on where it is knows itright any no no no look man my brothersin a business okay call it's calledchargeback 9-1-1 yeah and basically he'slike the fraud online is so severe it'slike one of the biggest problems on theinternet today is that people are buyingthings it comes to the house three dayslater they're looking at their billssent now you know what I really didn'twant this this is a huge problem andwhen those when those refunds get highenough when when the chargebacks not therefunds when the chargeback claims getto 1%yeah the merchant cuts you off okay thishappened some really become verysuccessful online companies cut off allthe proceeds sitting over thereMasterCard or Visa and say hey we'refreezing your account because a 1%charge back and 99% of my liquidity issitting in a bank I can't it's frozen sohold on let me actually go ahead even ifthat okay it really also depends on thetraffic that you're getting we'regetting that traffic the quality of thattraffic this happening to MicrosoftStarbucks it does happen to your ownbusinessyeah it does but at the end of the dayyou can control it too because right nowespecially Shopify you have fraudmonitoring system X at the same time youcan see if these people are basicallyknown to be fraudulent and all thoseother stuff so there are marks okay okayright and again like I said the trafficquality is also very very very importantand that's true the bigger your brand isthe more people would try to game thesystem because Microsoft they can go andbuy an xbox or a fake credit card rightcall a credit card charge bags onyeah exactly and that's the point andlook you're going to have some lossright I mean what you you would tellpeople you're going to have chargebacksI like what you said about hey man keepit through with buddies okay no problembut but I don't want to keep conductedbusiness where the God is gaming me yeahyou know I'm saying yeah but I like whatyou said but don't don't even send itback just keep it bro we lovers man welove you you love us okay so what numberone ecommerce site number two productsnumber three products traffic trafficright you want to get traffic to yourstore I guess having just a website adyou're not going to get yeah peopleare gonna go you want to get traffic soyou want to use Facebook you want to useYouTube you want to use Google you wantus Bing you want to use all thesedifferent mediums to drive qualitytraffic to people that will most likelybe interests on mine so how do I make adecision how much money to spend onFacebook YouTube Bing or Googlewell I always help you with start a fivedollar budget because we get instantdata right away from these platforms weknow how many people click on the ad howmany people went to Add to Cart how manypeople purchase what are why am I makingyou go fast would you know thatin 24 hours okay so after spending fivedollars you'll know and there'sindicators that we use run an ad rightnow for the millionaire booklet spendfive dollars I want to see what happensand then we'll report tomorrow whathappens and if it didn't work we'll addhim to the list of people you don't knowokay well you got to also keep in mindone thing you've got to set up the asscorrectly – okay you got to know exactlywhat the setup structure is that's whatwe teach yeah because let's say theywere running on Facebook right now youcan't be selling a 10x product tobasically a person in Africa thatdoesn't have any heard of the or you acustomer right so targeting is not areally really key thing and when you'regoing we're talking about Facebook rightnow yeah the set up structure is veryvery very important and I've seen a lotof agency a lot of other businesses thatset it up the wrong way uh-huh so let'ssay for an example if you guys want toactually sell a 10x book right now rightaway here's where I will tell you to doit right away number one create an adthat's based on website will do fivedollars on the millionaire booklet let'sdo five dollars and we'll give it awayall right we're going back to evenbetter okay we're going to give it awayso good website conversion based on thepeople that's going to buy your productyeah okaybecause you want to tell Facebookpacifically that I only want people thatactually buy stuff on a third-party siteto look at my ad uh-huh and you tellFacebook the reason why my advertisingon your pop-up on that is that adrop-down is that up yeah so waithearing people that buy yeah so whenyou're choosing your objective and athird-party site yeah but I say athird-party site they're going to buy itfrom my site well because at the end ofthe day you want to find a pool ofpeople that will most likely buy off ofFacebook because Facebook tracks everysingle behavior every single activityfrom click and pressure what you likewhat you share and all this other stuffthey also have some with all the pixelsnow fixed pixels in a lot of websitesright now so Facebook knows exactly whatyou bought and when you said that I wantto go after people that will buyproducts from Facebook ads they willmost likely deliver those people becausethey want you in are they want you tohave an ROI that's why you tell facespecifically my objective is tobasically get purchases yes that's thatone right then you want to choose thetargeting all right now while you'rechoosing the target in my past trafficwell we're talking about topic no yeahwe're so how about Facebook trafficright now and then number day what youwant to do is you want to basically findyour ideal customers now this will besmart enough to help you basically finda demographic after you start spendingbut you know we're demographic let's sayyou know your demographics got to belike 35 plus men majority of them oh noI'll give a book to anybody but optimisttrue all right I mean you can read idealif you want to be a millionaire it'scalled a millionaire booklet idealcustomer let's say we can reach 18 plusfemale yeah we have to look look I don'tI don't I don't you know my internetdepartment told me that snapchat wasn'ta place for me to be we have you don'tthink so eitherAlan you don't think scratch that noteswith video neither so let me just tellnobody back to later doing I'm wrong onthat you're rolling that because becauseI got people spending five grand everyweek I get somebody off at snapchatgiving me $5,000 so so you young dudesjust i'ma throw you age back at you yeahokay because everybody in the internetoffice is your traffic's not theirquality out there it's not there man Ilove snapchat okay they have beenquality people that have bought stufffrom me had a guy yesterday hit me mymom wants to invest 200 grand in yourWow you know so why would you think it'sa person that might aim it Mike I guessmy game is I want to help people right Iwant to help people so if he's 18 or 88yesI know where you're going in and you'rebasically working two wars and helpingthem through the journey in the process- I'm not saying snapchat is not yourideal customers good sirI didn't today I didn't think I didn'tsay one thing I did say I didn't theywould get wounded by Robert make surethat we got chatting right now rightthere and that chat right now and yousay – I don't know what I'm going tobasically someone that you need to workwith to be really on a lot becauseyou've got to feel the relationship withthe younger demographic and slowly movetowards basically games and you don'tit's not yet I don't subscribe here Igot that – I don't hate snapchat it'sgreat again I don't use Instagram I'mjust a Facebook guy straight up Facebookguy why oh man I don't get that man lookI just want you to consider this whenyou leave for a lamp yeah I don't cashit you or a your expertise is ecommerceand what does ecommerce need ecommerceelectronic commerce right what does thee stand for yeah electronic electroniccommerce so what do I care whether it'sInstagramyep it's the spam Facebook YouTube beinglike I don't use Bing you know orAlibaba what is the Chinese YouTube aChinese YouTube is yuku yeah dude I'lluse yuku I should be on Youku yeah youknow right yeah there's a lot ofactually people starting to use you alot and not a wash thing what would youtell me to be on Youku should I be onYouku you can give the try you candefinitely give it a try I'm not gonnasay yes or no why wouldn't I be on youCUDA you see I should be on it I wouldjust require that I trained I trained atranscript transcribe my like drivingand I'm in Mandarin so so all I'm sayingto you is like people use what they'recomfortable with rather than saying heyman there's people there now do younotice ared lamp that that people change whenthey go to these different places yeahyeah I know your personality I do needto know that right yeah okay you seethat but you don't go to snapchat orInstagram I don't I don't you don'tfollow me on Instagramwell I don't use this to Graham thisthing yeah I love the Leone's I justcan't have enough that time to do theall the social media stuff and really beout there and whatever I want out thereis social media e-commerce social mediayou can say this e-commerce you can sayit's not so big right you can use socialmedia to actually try to really immerseyour identity the Facebook I asked nowFacebook respond enough to go byInstagram but you know yeah I know thatway to use you know what I'm sayingI don't what you're saying this placebooked know what they're doing theyabsolutely know what they're doing goodokayI'm done with the shake equipment Idon't make it ever no this is good thisis good because everybody just watchingyou guys need to understand man thisspace is so fluid yeah doing is changingso fast it is so disruptive yeah likeyou can't think that you're an experttoday because tomorrow you're historyman like like this thing is shifting sofantastic rate on bleep unbelievableopportunities for you whether you're 29how do you think I am40 59 dude okay so you don't guys youdon't know what people are doing rightnow you don't know he would say hey I'mnot his target audience I am so freakinginterested in the space because I'msitting here saying in when I'm 79 yearsold I could be I can make more moneyfrom 79 to 100 dude I can make moneytoday I can make more money when I'mdead because of what's about to happenthan I ever made when I was a lot yeahyou agree with that I agree I actuallyvalue going back to washing dishes no Iabsolutely lost dishes again it'sbecause I wanted to you know I'm sayingyeah step 4 step 4 is the profitmultiplier which is the more importantpart muhammad multiplier okay because alot of people when they actually run adsand all those other stuff they go likewell I'm breaking even I'm not going tobasically continue what business orthey're losing a little bit of moneyyeah and they're like this is notworkingyeah but at the end of it you got tolook at it for a long-term game planyeah yeah a lot of people that aretrying like individuals that is tryingto become an entrepreneur they want likequick quick quick quick quick but in thereality in what Brady actually succeedand in order for you to actually startreally generatingit you're going to look at down the roadof what is happeningso what we do is we use something calledthe proper multiply there are severalthings number one we actually build afunnel so obviously if a person actuallywent to your website by the Denix cupright now yeah before any checkout yousay hey do you want to buy that big niceinsult bottle right now yeah by themsaying yes hey guess what you justincrease your average order value rightright and right away there's your profitthat comes in yeah now the next thing iswhat we call the so this is where thefree thing would work yeah but peoplebail on it because they're like I'm notdoing anything because they don't havethe inventory to move a guy the secondproduct that would make the freebieworth something yeah so you want tobasically turn freebie that's calledwhat funnels funnels yeah you want tobuilt the funnels right and here's thebeauty part what we also do not just bybuilding funnels and asking them hey doyou want to take on this product we alsobasically have a coupon giveaway rightat the Thank You page that a lot ofpeople missed out on so it's like whenyou walk into a retail store and you'rebasically checking out and all excitedachieves you something in hand and youlook at it it's like we coupon to thetennis court on next purchase forexactly that's exactly I like that weneed to get the coupon working dudepeople order be dying to use that couponbecause they don't want them to stop onthe deal yeah ain't going to be specificthat this will expire yeah because a lotof people in retail like they willbasically go like well I either go backin the store and I finish it off or Ibasically put it in my pocket andbasically use it a lot of people wouldactually use the round spot if you don'twant the jobokay step 5 so now step 5 is going to berinse and repeat rinse rinse and repeatback to washing dishes dough not back towashing dishes xmax is that one which iscreating another ecommerce store becauseyou can either build an e-commerceEmpire having got multiple niches orjust sell it out Fred lamb dudeecommerce ok Fred I want you toreconsider a couple things though whatare you going to reconsider after thisinterview what am I going to reconsiderafter this n3k on the I got shot that'sright ok and quit talking bad aboutgoogyok so look look set up an e-commercesite have product how many productsshould I have my side start with 25 butyou can havesurprise most people don't have they gottwo or three products man your buddythat you brought down here I'm like doyou have any products man how can you bein business 25 years and have threeproductsI got another guy's super supersuccessful dude right now he there's noproducts like like I like I mean yougotta have some products right have youbeen to my website you like I like itfinding lies it's really great yeah yeahwhat would you do different what would Iget different build funnels yeah morefunnels yeah and then the funnel shouldI have as many as possible that goes andreally sells you're saying every the cupwould have a funnel I would I was justlike consider hey I was just because itare you doing try and try this out likegiving it away for free and just rippingyes on your cup yeah yeah yeah I wouldsay you need like an opt-in somewherelong do you have an often somewhere dowe have an opt-inalright thanks to the website thereanyway right throughout there I see itcan opt-in to get updates in my strategynow you have to pop up there you go yeahit's just like you've seen popping righthere you can actually have that in yourThank You page when someone actuallybought from you that is not from the 10x10x con you can actually probably sayhey get X about a percentage now there'sso much to learn man I'm so excited manI'm sitting here yeah I love you a longtime and that's all I know Fred man Ineed I love you a long time cup you knowright don't you I would love that youknow that's another song man I love thatman okay Fred Lam the company thecompany is ipro academy where can peoplefind is that zero like calm yes you'reup like calm actually have a ten-partfree video training series with thatterm zero Club part yeah it's a ten partvideo training series where it's goingto have enough more than enoughinformation for you to get your firststore up and start generating a sales soI talked about everything okay go therego there get your 10 part video seriesget your ecommerce site up he's going toshow you how to get twenty-five productsof show you how to start making banginto our oh I show you how you don'thave to go back to washing dishes and ifyou do it's just because you want to youwant to rub it out rub it out the dishesrobot the dishes late at night I do I goin there I go into the sink you ever gointo the sink at you and you're like manI seditions anything I just want afreaking yeah I'm a manit reminds me of back when I was washingthis yeah okay yes Fredgreat to have anybody okay thank youfollow this dude not on Instagrambecause he won't be there I'm going tobe there now I'm going to be there nowHey look look if there's some expertthing you do some unbelievable thing youdo something you know that nobody elseknows contact Roberts is slow at GrantCardone tv.com Grant Cardone TV comm setthat up today Robert and we'll have yousit in the hot chair okaywe'll both learn something everybody'sgoing to learn something you're going toget exposure i'ma learn something we'llall get better so we don't have to goback to washing dishes unless we want tookay if you're on iTunes or stitcher manplease comment let me know what you likewhat you don't like is Fred's rule amthe real deal or not okay drink thatwater dudedrinking Gatorade and and and if you'reon YouTube man please please come on outif you're going to hate on me throw itdown in the comments man okay did youthink I was too hard on the laughterokay just post it down in the commentsokay come out don't be a coward and ahater thanks for watching


How to Create an Ecommerce Brand

[Music]hi guys Greta here and today I'm goingto be covering how to create ane-commerce brand over the last six yearsI founded for multi-million dollarecommerce brands including skinny meatyv and drop bottle what I've learned isthat there's a fundamental difference ine-commerce the difference betweencreating an e-commerce store andcreating an e-commerce brand a lot ofaspiring entrepreneurs I talk with don'tunderstand why brand is important oreven what the concept of brand is abrand isn't just your branding it's notjust a name a logo or even a product abrand only exists in someone's mind abrand is a perception created both viaexperience and Association this can beboth factual for example the productcomes in a yellow box or emotional forexample it makes me happy I'm luckyenough to work in the same space as oneof the world's top digital brandingagencies love and money in Melbournethey've worked with top brands likePolaroid and Frank body and won awardsfrom the likes of Shopify love and moneyand my go-to for all things branding andthey've worked across all of my brandsto date so when I was thinking aboutwhat I chat with you guys about todayI turned to Toby their creative directorand asked that annoyingly broad questionwhy is it important to have a brand andoff the top of his head he answered abrand is something that you can selleven if you no longer have any productsor services to sell if you have noequity in your name something peoplebelieve in buy into and see valuing thenyou have no brand his answer was perfectexactly what I was looking for as ithighlights the importance of building abrand think of an ecommerce store youneed products on that store for it to beworth anything if you just want to makesome money in the short term go for itrun a store make some sales sellsomebody else's products I get that it'smore than fine but it's just not whatexcites me I want to build somethinglonger-term and more sustainable thenone day if I- I want to be able to sell it not justfor a sales multiple I want to be ableto create the brand equity and goodwillthat will skyrocket the valuation of mycompany so if you like me and you wantthat – you'll need to consider brand sonow that we understand why building ane-commerce brand is important we canmove on to how to create an e-commercebrand so I had a chapter shell thefounder and director of love and moneyabout what a good starting point theecommerce startups is when they'rethinking about brand and Showell saidnot all businesses need a full brandstrategy what our businesses do need isa clear idea of what why and how they'redoing any great business is defined byideas and action plans and these need tobe as succinct and distinct as possiblewhat love and money offer most startupsis what they call a brand 101 which isdesigned to be short enough to beunderstood easily sharp enough toclearly differentiate your business fromthe market and fluid enough to includewhatever might be pertinent for yourbusiness so what elements exactly shouldyou be considering in your brand 101personally when I think about creating abrand I always start with the four V'syour brand vision values voice andvisuals and the way there's need to becommunicated needs to be consistent andcreate a connection with your targetaudience the end goal is to build amemorable and long lasting relationshipwith your customer so in terms of it forthese let's quickly cover how we can goabout determining means for your brandso again according to love and moneyyour brand vision is what your businessaspires to achieve beyond your bottomlineyou should be proud enough to share thiswith everyone shareholders employees andconsumers alikeremember that your product should be thesolution to a problem so think back tothe problem that your product wassolving in the first place for exampleyour brand might be a Bri usable coffeecup or keep Cup and the problem yourbrand is solving could be the wastecaused by everyday disposable items andthe damage that causes to our sharedenvironment so your brand vision couldbe to encourage the use of reusableitems to reduce the waste caused byeveryday disposable items and protectour shared environment for futuregenerations when it comes to determiningyour brand valueshave a think about what's trulyimportant to you as a founder your brandand your audience your brand values likethe core of your culture staying ontheme with our reusable copy cup examplethese values could revolve around theenvironment transparency and thecustomer for example I particularly loveWarby Parker's core values which includetreating others the way that you'd liketo be treatedcreating a working environment whereemployees can think big have fun and dogood serving the community and thatgreen is good so do your research aroundother brands you love and see whatresonates with you most strongly when itcomes to establishing your brand's toneof voice I'd start with your brand'spersonality again here love and moneylike to say that every brand has apersonality if it doesn't have apersonality it's not a brand it's just alogo they use what's called the MillwoodBraun index that breaks down humancharacteristics into 20 different traitswhich can be characterized by certainbrand archetypes so there are 10 brandarchetypes from the Joker to the dreamerto the friend to the seductress do yourresearch around these archetypes andpick one to truthy a brand should embodyamong other things this will help guideand direct the tone of voice for yourbrand so moving on to the fourth andfinal V which is visuals which refersdirectly to your branding this is whereyour logo typography or fonts colorspackaging and visual branded contentcome into play a couple of great placesto start when creating a brand a 99designs or canva so do some researcharound these tools otherwise you canalways work one-on-one with a graphicdesigner or a branding agency like loveand money so that's the four beerscovered one last thing I'd like to touchon before we finish up is your brandpositioning and creating a unique valuepropositionthese are a really important way todifferentiate your brand from a sea ofothers on the market your brandpositioning can be seen as the way inwhich you design your company's offeringto occupy a distinctive place in themind of your target audience one greatway to think about this is throughcreating a unique value proposition oruvp this is a single clear compellingmessage that states why you're differentworth buying for example at my brand vour brand was different because we onlysold our watches on the fifth of eachmonth for five days so you want to findyour point of difference within themarket and articulate exactly what thatis to your target audience again herewhat you want to think about is theproblem that your brand is solving andhow you can solve it in a different waysome areas where you can highlight yourpoint a difference are your productsdesign function price and time that it'savailable so when it comes to designsome trends to look at could bepersonalization or customization trendslike adding your customers initials toyour design when it comes to changingthe functionality of their product youwant to solve an existing customer painpoint with that product so for exampleif you drop your iPhone a lot aprotective phone case or if you take alot of selfies a case that creates theperfect lighting when it comes to priceyou want to consider whether you'regoing for a lower direct to consumerprice point which is more accessible tothe masses or a more exclusive higherprice point so consider how your brandis different and how to communicate thiswith your target audience so that's aquick intro in how to create ane-commerce brand if you need moreguidance I'd consider checking out mycourse with founder called start andScalia online store which takes youstep-by-step through finding a trendingproduct idea branding manufacturingbuilding an audience launching andscaling your e-commerce brand so thanksfor watching guys and if you want morecontent from myself and the founder teambe sure to hit subscribe below thefounder mission is to help you create anass-kickin business and help you learnstraight from the mouths of world-classfounders get your free printed editionof founder magazine featuring SirRichard Branson just covered shippingand handling at founder com forwardslash Bransonyou


My Friend Who Makes Millions (eCommerce)

all right so we are here with Noahbrewer who I'm gonna let introducehimself like I said he's been a goodfriend of mine for many many years Iwant to have him give you his take onwhat he does between commerce and how hegot into that so give a quick rundownwho you are where you're from your agewhat you do yeah so basically I'm fromConnecticut and my main focus isFacebook Ads not not really a huge lightShopify guy you know like running my ownstores and stuff I'm just getting intoit but kind of how I started was youknow taking people that already had awinner and moving them into look-alikesthrough Facebook you know about I don'tknow two years ago I mean two to twoyears ago and two months ago to be exactand basically just this whole time I'vejust literally solely focused onmastering Facebook Ads you know justlearning through doing and you knowthrough you know along the journey I'vebeen able to to help out a lot of peopleyou know there's clients students youknow they're gonna grow a lot of storesand see there's the specific angle asidefrom the bonus point of having a hugewater bottle which is key no single-useplastic even this is shameful anywaysthis should be metal by the way what sothat's the angle of what he's takenwhich is an interesting thing and kindof jumping in a more of a clientperspective people who already have abusiness that doesn't necessarily haveto be on Shopify but doing e-commercenonetheless for the most part you knowsome things for other offers and like atone point other companies right you'redoing Luminess ma yeah but stillFacebook ad so that was his angle istaking something that's already workingand then being able to really scale itand see success and find new audiencesthrough the use of look like audienceswhich for those who don't know that'sbasically a piece of data it's anaudience on Facebook that can allow youto reach a lot more people that youhaven't reached before we're similar toan existing customer yeah so explainkind of what that's been like over thelast two years and it kind of the fineindivid you know what you've learned andyou know how you were able to scale itand kind of where you're at now witheverything yeah so I follow I followed afew different methods over the past twoyears starting out was really reallyconservative with budgets and all thatbut in the first six months that I wasactually doing Facebook ads I managed togenerate my first million in salesacross like maybe I don't know four orfive stores you know just basicallytaking testing products finding a winnerand then scaling it up you I was usingone method in the beginning and then Iwas following another methodI don't know mid well last year that'skind of when I discovered worldwidetargeting yeahgoing really broad and then and then youknow so on that first strategy that Iever learnedwe basically generated about a milliondollars in sales in six months yeah thefirst six months like six months beforethen I didn't even know what likeinterests were it's a good good start toyour e-commerce career yeah exactlyand I had a mentor which helped me outinsane the amount because I hadobviously no clue what I was doing andhe kind of held my hand and let me youknow let me down that road he lives downin Florida right yeah so he startedgoing down to Florida – and you've beenable to travel as well she's been coolyeah I went to Florida to meet him I methim in Ohio which is where he lived youknow a couple years ago and when we wereworking together but after I discoveredworldwide that's like when everythingchanged because just with worldwidetargeting alone I've been able togenerate over 5 million you know there'sno big there's like you know that thatone little curve and this is why Ialways say that people think FacebookAds are like getting worse or whateverbut they're actually getting betterpeople think that different means worsebut it really doesn't it just means thatyou have to adjust and take might likeyou might have a couple down monthsbecause you're trying to figure it outagain but once you get back in thegroove it always comes back harderthat's true because Facebook alwayschanges you'll see that every few monthsis a big shift and there's big shipsduring the month every couple weeksthey're changing something right the waythat they have something to react andsomething that might have worked a yearago doesn't workwell now oh yeah so and then you'reimplementing the huge changes which CBOis we can touch on that real quick youknow I don't want this to get into toospecific of like a Facebook ad video butas you were starting to grow you knowwhat was that jump from the first 1million to 5 million like what were youdoing during the time not just you knowin the the Facebook ad side of thingswhich was to kind of the worldwidetargeting but in your personal life wereyou you know did you live on your ownrecently with your parents you buyanything were you traveling like I wantto also give them an insight into whatyou did and how you reacted to that howyou changed yeah so I think it's animportant piece I mean in terms ofmoving out I moved out after I did Imoved out at the beginning of this yearso the beginning of 2019 which was afterI've you know just to give you a moneyperspective it was after I generatedabout three and a half million so I meanthe whole time I was literally just inone bedroom like I didn't even have adesk I was working on my bed you knowand like yeah that'll give you a goodperspective of you know what I did andby the way I'm I just turned 19 so I wasstill like 17 or 18 at the time so itwasn't a big deal you know staying withthem which was probably a mistake like Ishould have left earlier but it's hardto regret when things work yeah I meanby the way after I moved I made way moremoney you know that's interesting that'san interesting point moving out you canmake a lot more money because especiallysurrounding yourself with the rightpeople which you didn't get to do a hugeamount of you were still in Connecticutat the time but you know the amount offocus you don't have like you know kindof people around you're just in your ownspace there's nobody bothering youyou're not hearing the noise of a forkdrop in the kitchen like little thingsthat do throw you off wanting to thinkabout but nobody's telling you to takeout the trash yeah like the trash pileup yeah but like the biggest differencewas like after we hit the first millionwhich was a huge like accomplishment forme we we actually I met up with a bunchof guys out in Lausannethis was like Juna last year and youwere there as well but there I had a fewclients with us you know a couple of theclients that we made really successfulyou know like Patrick and John you knowpeople like those and that was like thewake-up call that you know this is areal you know this is tangible becausethe whole time I was just sitting in myroom so like it doesn't really I meansure the money comes in but until youget out in the world and use it itdoesn't really feel like anything yeahso it's you know seeing that was reallythat's what made it real and you knowyou know you mentioned the differencebetween what it took to get to 1 millionand what it took to get the to 6 nowit's literally just which is probablymore than six now I don't know how tosay don't really keep count anymore butit's it's literally just putting my headdown and just keeping keep keep onreplicating you know like I could easilyyou know just sit back stop growing somany stores like right now I think I'mworking on like 50 stores with differentpeople so how are you running 50 storebut that's a lot to put it inperspective for you guys I'm working onabout a dozen which is a lot for me cuzyou know normally I have my couple mainbrands and anything else I'd do is extraits additional trying to really reallyscale horizontally how are you running50 so I mean I'm not necessarily runningthe stores I'm basically controlling themarketing for them so obviously otherpeople do the work like I don't reallydo anything besides consulting so youknow these are people that are lookingto get their stores you know asuccessful like they're looking to findwinners test better products theyalready have a winner and they want toscale so basically they just do all thework and I just take control of theirwhole system so we just meet a coupletimes a week so I have a lot of meetingsalright you meet with a lot of people soyou're partnering with people whoalready have something going and youjust scale to the note yeah exactly Imean it's more about taking takencontrol you know for the better of meand the better the people you know it'sit's kind of like you know would yourather work with somebody that has grownlike three or four stores and and theyhaveI guess success a few times or would yourather gross work with somebody that isdoing it with like 30 different peoplecurrently yeah you seen every littleangle I got a total bird's-eye view of alot of different accounts so ifsomething goes wrong I know right awayyou know if if something new is workingreally well I know right away ifFacebook changes the policy I know likeliterally the same day so it gives youan edge yeah and and and like I said Icould easily like like just like youjust like most entrepreneurs out therewe can easily drop everythingstop working 10-hour days and just gosit somewhere and just do nothing ortravel the world or whatever and andthat's how you don't get from one tofive million you know I think it's trueyeah so so you know in order to get fromone to five you really just have tocontinue doing what you're doing likedon't let don't let it get to your headand keep your eye on a bigger goal it'sthe same thing as your first thousand tofive thousand your first ten to fiftythose are all big ships your 5x seensomething at any point that 5xmultiplier is a huge huge movement ofyour your income your net worth whateverit is I mean five is big so do you thinkonce you're at 10 million going to 50you're gonna slow down or there's itlike you know what's kind of the wholething of you know when is enough enoughit's not really the money it's that'syour career it's working that's what youlike to do you're helping a lot ofpeople and since you're so spread outhorizontally there's so many things youget to be on top of it but there's alsoa bunch of different income streams yeahI know I believe when you're testing youknow that much horizontally thatbandwidth you're gonna eventually evenif a bunch of them you kind of work okayyou know but the 13th one is gonna boomyou're right in the twenty ninth oneboom so you're gonna be able to find alot more really big winners out of thatthen you know divert most to yourattention on of those yeah I mean onewhen I hit those numbers it's it's gonnabe no different than right nowI've always been focused on you knowjust making the right moves and you knowthe the revenue or the money will followyou know so right now I'm literally justfocused on you know you knowdoing the right things with Facebook inthe accounts you know testing the rightproducts and and you know when I am at15 million 20 million I bet I'm gonna befocused on the same exact thingnothing's gonna change yeah it'll justtake more time and sure I might havebigger stores and like I think thebiggest store that I've grown so far is1.4 million in two months so they coulddefinitely go bigger like we can do wecan do two million in 30 days righthonorable you know it's always smalltweaks with Facebook guys we're at onelittle angle one difference boom youknow that's why him being able to have50 different things he's working onallows you to find that thing a lotquicker so I do want to touch real quickyou're reeling it back again kind ofmore on the back and not just thebusiness because I believe this is socrucial I used to be curious about thisnow that the money is flowing in andit's been flowing in you know how haveyou handled taxes anything you'vepurchased are you doing otherinvestments you know where you addacross the board with other thingsyou're trying to do obviously yourattention is on e-commerce yeah but areyou puttin money elsewhere we know howare you structuring the back end becauseyou know I believe it's not just gettingmoney it's also managing them well yeahso accounting I don't do I don't worryabout accounting at all I just paysomebody to do it it's literally soconfusinggood timing Zubat it's a pain in thebutt it's time-consuming it's everythingthat I don't want it to be so I just youknow I think I pay somebody like 6 or 7grand a year just to do bookkeeping so Iknow you know it so I can have estimatesand stuff yeah so which is a lot ofmoney I might move to a cheaper one butI mean at the same time I don't knowmuch about it so I just kind of wentwith the one that I trusted and that'sthe one that I trusted so now that Iknow a bit more I might shift into adifferent thing in terms of likeinvestments I have I bought one rentalproperty about three months ago there'sa little triplex and then I'm gonna buyanother hopefully four unit when I getback to Connecticut so hopefully in thenext month and then after that I want toget another four unit and and those arejust strictly cash flow byes you knowjust to get you know the monthly incomenot a lot of appreciation or anythinglike weirdlike you know 12 to 15% returns everysingle year so that's just the marketwhere I'm at it's different everywherebut yeah you know with that with thatcash flow I think it's a really goodtime to buy there and a lot of peoplesay it's not but it really is so what doyou want to do long-term with realestate is there something specific isthere you know you're starting to buylike you know three or four unit placesdo you want to get a 50 unit a hundredyeah yeah so I go to hotel developmentthere's a bunch of different angles yeahI mean really after after I have likefour or five you know based residentialmultifamily buildings I'm probably justgonna 1031 them into you know I don'tknow four or five would probably beworth about three hundred thousand so Icould probably I'll probably end upputting three hundred thousand down onlike a 1.1 1.2 million dollar apartmentprobably 15 units ish somewhere aroundthere maybe actually pulling closer like20 to 30 units if I buy it where I'mdead depends on what I wear yeah andhe's solely an investor he's not youknow the tenants are not calling youyou're not at the property like you knowdealing with anything you know propertymanagement company so strictly afinancial investor for it just forpassive income yeah I mean whereasattention is on e-commerce I want tomake that very clear yeah I mean likeright now I only have two tenants youknow cuz I gotta get I gotta get onerented out and then I'll have three butlike they I mean I don't have a propertymanager right now and I haven't hurtlike the only time I heard from them waswhen they were asking me how to pay rentso I mean even even then it's not a painin the butt but you know I need to goout and get a property manager and doall that when I get back to Connecticutyeah it's mainly because I'm so focusedon e-commerce I move so slow in realestate it's kind of like I had to getthis damn unit renovated and it's takenme like two and a half months forsomething that would take a normalinvestor like a week just because it'slike do I go fix this and that so I canget it rented and make $900 or do I stayhome and make six grand opportunity costbut that nine hundred would be a monthsix grand would be one time so you knowit's move slowerget it do the math so I like that butyeah so it's kind of what he's focusedon you know in the now and long term Iwould very much so like to open it up toany questions or if you want to checkback in the comment section over thenext few days once we post it I'll gothrough it as well to kind of pointanything out to him and make sure we getsome answers going but we'd love haveloved to have a discussion with you guysif you have any questions ecommercerelated and real estate anything for himfeel free to either drop in the commentsor follow him on Instagram I'll leave itlinked in the description down below butit's been an interesting journeywatching you do that I mean I've knownyou since we were sleeping on a couchthree people in a room you know doingdoor-to-door sales and negative tendegrees in the snow I mean it's it'sthree years is a quick period of time soit's been crazy got to appreciate whatyou have so definitely keep working keeppossible in an e-commerce is somethingyou want to do feel free to check outother videos on this channel feel freeto ask us any questions either onInstagram or here on YouTube we'd loveto help you out with that being saidmake sure to drop a like subscribe tothe channel go check out his stuff Iwill leave it linked in the descriptiondown below but that being said weappreciate you guys tuning in we'll seeyou in the next one peace


Top 5 Internet Marketing Books 2017

yo what's going on guys it's Bashar putoand in about nine hours time 2018 willbe upon us so I just wanted to take thisopportunity before I get into the videoto wish everyone a Happy Happy New Yearand also a Merry Christmas in case Ididn't get to say to you so with thatbeing said I wish 20/80 brings you lotsof positivity lots of great success andwith that being said let's jump intoday's video so in today's video I'mgoing to be sharing with you what Ifound to be the top 4 internet marketingbooks that I've come across this yeahnow they may not have come outnecessarily this year but these arebooks that are that I've read and I'vefound really resourceful on my internetmarketing journey okay so they're notthey're not going to be in anyparticular order so let's just jump intothe first oneso book number one is dot-com secrets byRussell Brunson and this is a must readif you're in the internet marketing bookin the internet marketing world even andit's just packed full of value and oneof the three key takeaways that I gotfrom Stockholm secrets by RussellBrunson is how to sell a sales funneland create a a funnel of value so forexample if you take a dentist a dentistmight offer like a free checkup and thenhe might offer some teeth whitening fora little bit more and then after that hemight offer like braces which cost a bitmore and then he might offer somethingwhere the whole your whole self teethcan be replaced which is the highestthing that he might sell for a cup oflike $5,000 he teaches you well it makesyou think about what kind of productscan you offer to your clients to kind oftake them through this funnel of valueand the second thing that I I reallyliked about this book was it tells youhow to communicate with people via emailhow to tell stories the right way how toget people to want to read your nextemail and the stuff that I've learnedfrom this book I've also implementedwith my messenger marketing'sand how I can tell stories via messengerand the other great thing is it givesyou scripts so it gives you full emailscripts on how to do on how to sendemails and you can just tailor that towherever whatever is that you'reoffering and the last thing that Ireally like about this book is how doyou create an attractive character I'mnot attractive aesthetically like me butattractive in the sense that how you cancreate a personal brand where peopletrust you like you and want to buy forme and there's there's a lot of advicebook number two is by the same authorRussell Brunson and that is expertsecretsand this is a second book which actuallycame out not too long ago a couple ofmonths ago and as it as you can tell bythe name expert secrets this book isgoing to teach you how to become anexpert within a given niche and and thegreat thing is it teaches you how tobecome an expert but in a in a new nichewhich you can create in your own so itmakes you think how can you go deeperinto a certain niche and create a a subniche which is brand new and you can bethe leader off that leash the next thingthat I really liked about this is thatit it goes deeper into how to create anattractive character and how to have amass following of people who kind ofbelieve in you and believe in your kindof like how you create your own tribe sothat's the other thing I love love aboutthis book and one of the most importantthings that I got from this book wasthat when you're trying to sellsomething online you want to try in andexplain it like you're explaining it toa baby okay so let's just say you'retrying to sell this laptop okay what youwant to do is you don't want to explainit technically but you want to explainit in a way that even the child canunderstandand that was a big epiphany for mebecause what I was doing was I wastrying to sell my bought products and myBOB services and I was explaining it ina way that only a hardcore internetmarketer would would understand and whatI did was I switched it and I explainedit in a very layman's term kind of waythat even a baby could understand andthat way you're gonna reach more peopleand make more sales so number three islaunched by Jeff Walker and this guy'sbeen around in the internet marketinggame for a very long time and I thinkthis one's a best seller as well and oneof the biggest things that I learnedfrom launch was the importance of havinga list either via email or messenger butnot just having a list for a sake ofhaving a list by list that is fullyengaged in what you're communicatingwith them so you can have a list of ahundred thousand people but if no one isengaging with you and reading yourcommunications then what's the pointwhere it's not going to make you anymoney right and this book basicallyshows you how to kind of build thatrelationship with those people and andmake money from your list of but thisbook is all about launching your productand how to create an insane amount ofhype before your product is is islaunched and how to get people who aredying and and desperate for what youhave to offer and your product is thenrelease yeah so what what happens is itgives you the kind of the build up thatyou need on the day that your yourproduct is launched and that's wherethis book really shines it's also gotgreat section on joint ventures so jointventure is when you partner up withsomeone or another company and you worktogether to sell a product or a serviceand then you split that with them andthere's a great section on line numberfour is confessions of an advertisingman by David oh gee I don't know how topronounce his second name so I'm justgonna call in oh gee now this book waswritten nothing quite a while back andyou can definitely tell in the languagestyle but there is so much fundamentalknowledge that you can gain from thisbook it's going to- how to get clients how to keep clientsand what makes a good advertisingcampaign so he talks about advertisinglike on the TV and stuff like that butthe fundamental principles apply eventoday and that's what I love about thisbook it's not like some fancy magicalthing that's gonna make you like Xamount of money but it gives you a goodfundamental understanding on what makesa good ad the title number five is abook that I read about two three yearsago and I wanted to put it in this listin case some of you guys have missed outon it and it's Jab Jab Jab right hook byGary Vaynerchuk and you might have heardof it but if you haven't you have toread this book because it's going toexplain to you the key differencesbetween all the different social mediaplatforms and how specifically you needto be posting on them so the type ofcopy you should be writing the type ofimages you should be using the type ofcall to actions you should have on thesespecific social media platforms andthere's a bunch of examples screen justturned off there's a bunch of exampleson there that's going to tell you whatyou need to be posting on social mediaso if you haven't read that definitelycheck out Jab Jab Jab right hook by GaryVaynerchuk so that concludes this videoI'm gonna try and leave links in thedescription where you can check out someof these books definitely do and withthat being said I'll see you guys in2018 have a lovely new year and makesure you subscribe for lots more newvideos in the New Year peace


99.9% Of eCommerce Products Will NEVER Sell Without this! | eCommerce Marketing Strategy

– If you wanna make money from the web,it's not as simple as
setting up a Shopify storeand just generating sales.If it was that easy, no one
would be going into an officeand working in the normal workforce.Hey everyone, I'm Neil Patel and todayI'm gonna share why 99% of eCommercewill never sell without this.(calm beat music)Before we get started,make sure you subscribe to this channel.That way when we release
more marketing tips,you'll get notified.Question for you.How many sales are you generating?Leave a comment below with the number.Could be five sales, 10 sales, 50 salesbecause once you listen to this video,you're gonna be getting way more sales.So you wondering what that one thing is?It's persuasive copy.No, I'm not talking about a
tool or anything like that.It really is copy.Just think of it this way,
someone lands on your site,whether you do ads or
SEO or email marketing,they check out this product
that you're selling,but then, they don't see much.They just see a few
sentences, maybe a picture.You think they're gonna buy?No, that's why over 95, 98, 99%of your visitors don't convert.And it's why you're
creating eCommerce products,putting them on your
store and you're like,huh, why am I not getting any sales?It's because of the copy.You're not interacting with the person.When you go to a physical
store, you're interactingpotentially with a salesperson.That salesperson guides
you, they help you,they, oh, you need this size
to try on for this shirt?Oh, this looks good,oh no, that doesn't look
good, you shouldn't get that,but instead, you should get this.You don't have that on the web.So, what do you have to do
to convince people to buy?You need persuasive copy.So now that you know that
it's persuasive copy,let's go over a few things that youcan do to make sure that your
copy is truly persuasive.One, talk about the benefit.It's not just about hey,
I'm selling this product,it's about the solution that, that productis giving people to their problems.For example, if you're
selling toilet paper,and toilet paper, the one
that you're selling is so softpeople don't have a rough bum from that,your solution is ultra-soft toilet paper.It'll make you feel like your
bum is sitting on clouds.I'm making it up.And if your reviews on
that page enforce that,you're gonna get more sales, right?So, you have to talk about the solutionand the benefit that your
solution is providing.The second tip I have for you,persuasive copy isn't just copy.A picture says a thousand words.So, if your pictures are amazing in youreCommerce product, you'll do really well.Taking professional pictures,360 degree view cameras,
showcasing your products,all this stuff will help
boost sales and conversions.The third thing, reviews.The copy isn't just about how much can youconvince people to buy your product,it's also how much can other peopleconvince others to buy your product.You need a lot of reviews on your site.Whether they're bad
reviews or good reviews,let them all through because
they'll help tell other peopleif they should be buying your product.And the fourth tip when it
comes to persuasive copy,you need to make sure
you go really in-depthon every little thing that
your product provides.Every feature, every
nook and cranny of it.Think about any objections
someone has when itcomes to buying your product.If you answer all those
objections in the copy,you'll get more sales.And the last tip I have for you,your copy doesn't end
on your product page.From your checkout page
to the thank you page,all of that's copy.If you can optimize your checkout pageand be like get this delivered to youwithin two days,
emphasizing free shipping,things like that can
help boost your sales.Using a two-step checkout
instead of a one-step checkout,that of course, helps boost sales as well.Doing things like on your thank you pageafter they checkout, upselling
more products and services,that of course, boosts sales.If you do those things,
you'll start seeing that moreof your products will start selling.If you need help with you eCommerce site,check out my ad agency,
Neil Patel Digital.And if you enjoyed watching this video,make sure you like it, share
it, subscribe to the channel,and leave a comment below
if you have any questions,and I'll be there to answer
you and help you out.
