Top 10 eCommerce Product Page Mistakes and How to Fix Them

would you like to know the top tenmistakes that you're doing on yourproduct page that are absolutely justkilling your conversion plus of coursehow to fix them if so stay tuned[Music][Music]hi I'm Elle McCann from curious teamsweb development studio in NashvilleTennessee and I've been a Shopify expertfor over five years now I am so excitedto be collaborating with Lisa frompretty fabulous to bring you this jointyoutube video collaboration so whatwe're doing is I am doing my top fivetips for how you can best optimize yourproduct page and the mistakes thatyou're making and then she's doing fiveon her channel as well so Lisa is agraphic designerwho helps online businesses createbeautiful digital downloads using AdobeInDesign and she has a great youtubechannel that's really focused on helpingyou so I'm so excited to be sharing herwith you today and again I'm going to belinking her video in the descriptionbelow as well as the info cardssomewhere and so make sure you check outher top 5 tips after you watch thisvideo so of course the goal withe-commerce is to get people on your siteand get them converting into a salequickly but there are some things thatyou're doing on your product page thatmay be preventing that so my top 5 tipsthat I'm going to be giving as well assome pet peeves in there as well aregonna help you get those people toconvert better on your online store somy first tip is about your productdescriptions I see so many stores onlinewhere the product descriptions read likea boring spec list like it's for like acar or some kind of super manufacturinglingo where yes it's important to putyour features and sizing if that'sappropriate however you don't want tomake it sound like a robot wrote it youwant to make sure that you're writingyour product descriptions with youraudience and mine so think about how youcan incorporate your branding into yourproduct descriptions and yourhighlighting those features in a reallynice way so think about exactly whatyour customers hopes or fears are andhow can you incorporate that into thedescription itself to make it a lot morerelevant to your customer and make themreally interested in that product mysecond tip is about your productdescriptions actually being too long Isee this as well if it's either this bigor it's this big and because of thatyou're just not going to convert peopleso you have to think that there are alot of people that are on mobile devicesor they're just distracted actually in2017 over 47% of e-commerce sales weremade on mobile devices so what thatmeans is is there's a lot of people thathave small screens or they're on the goand they're not going to read a hugeproduct description so my tip here is tomake sure that your product descriptionsare easily scannable so you want to havesome bullet points you want to have yourparagraphs a lot shorter instead ofthese huge long paragraphs so that wayif someone is on the go they can quicklyscan your descriptions to make sure thatyou know the product is going to berelevant for them and that way they'renot stuck there reading this huge thingthat they're probably just gonna clickoff of my third tip is that your productphotos just aren't good quality I seethis so many time especially if you aredrop shipping products of bringing inthe drop shipping products and it'sgreat that they already allow you to usetheir product images that they have ontheir site however a lot of times theimages aren't really nice or they're notlifestyle images or they're super smallso whenever you put them on your sitethey turn out being super pixelated youhave to think about it in the sense ofthis is your customers or potentialcustomers first interaction with thisproduct so having really greatphotography is going to sell them ordetract them so you want to make surethat you have great product photographyand this is easily done by just orderingthe products if you're dropshipping themand getting your phone out and takinggreat photos with them there's so manysmartphones that have really nice lensesand produce really great quality photosso just slap on a white backdrop andtake some really nice close-up photos mytip also here as well is to make surethat you have a product zoom enabled onyour site so whether you're doing a shopstore are another ecommerce platform alot of them offer this functionalitywhich is where you can kind of hoverover the product image and it zooms infor you so you can see a lot more detailinto the product imagesagain if someone's going to bepurchasing something especially if it'sa higher end product you want to makesure that they know exactly what it isthat they're going to be getting sohaving these really nice zoom andquality images let people look at thingslike the the gears or the mechanics ofsomething or stitches if it's soimprovin the quality of the productwhich is great so to do zoom in ofimages you need to make sure again thatyou have really nice high quality imagesthat you're uploading to the site so youget that nice zoom in and it's notpixelated my fourth tip is that you haveway too much color on your site so itkind of looks like a rainbow justvomited everywhere because there's somany colors and you're not really surewhere to click so my tip here is to makesure that you are adding in acall-to-action color on your site soLisa in her video which again make sureyou check out over here she goes overthe benefits of Add to Cart versus buynow and that lingo for your product pagebutton which is great and I also want toadd to that of having a specific colorso by having a specific call to actioncolor on your site it's going to reallybring in that action of letting yourcustomer know hey this is what I wantyou to click on again we're alsodistracted and we're super busy and whatwe're doing they say that the averageattention span is seven seconds which iscrazy so you really need to give yourcustomers kind of subtle hints throughcolors of what you want them to click onso if you have so many colors on yoursite they're not going to know where toclick they're not going to know what isa link and what's not so having yourlinks all a specific color that you keepsite wide and making it a very prominentcolor is going to really help increasethat conversion rate as well my fifthand final mistakes that I wanted to highlight of what you're doing wrong on yourproduct page is that there's no socialproof so if you think about it wheneveryou go on Facebook now how many times doyou see people that are your friendsasking for recommendations ofrestaurants to go to or businesses tovisit or places to travel to you seethat so many times because people arelooking for recommendations andreferrals so why not incorporate that onyour site so a great way to do this iswith reviews already on your site soyour customers that have alreadypurchased from you can leave a reviewand that helps your new potentialcustomers feel really safe aboutpurchasing from you and they knowexactly what they're going to be gettingso there are a lot of great testimonialapps in the Shopify app store if that'sgoing to be your platform that lets youadd in that functionality on your siteand also some of them lets youautomatically email them after theirproducts been shipped out to ask forthat review if you don't want to doreviews on your site you could dotestimonials from past customers overalland not have it just as a review on thatproduct or even embedding an Instagramfeed to where you're highlighting yourproduct images and you're seeing theengagement on those Instagram postshaving some kind of social proof isgreat and it lets people know thatyou're credible that if they enter theircredit card information on your sitethey're actually going to get thatproduct in the mail and that you aresomeone to be trusted so I hope youfound these five mistakes and how to fixthem on your product page super helpfulnow remember there's ten total so I didthe first five and Lisa is doing thenext five on her channel so make sure tocheck that out again a link in thedescription below thank you so much forwatching and if you haven't yet makesure to subscribe and check out ourother videos over here more tips andtutorials all about Shopify and how togrow your online store


How to Create an eCommerce Website (Online Store) in WordPress for Beginners 2019!

Guess what, guys. Today is a really amazing day because finally I've been working on this ecommerce tutorialFor so long and, finally, it's out. Okay, so in this tutorialIt's going to be a simple Basic Ecommerce storefor example if you want to sell clothing if you want to sell arts and crafts if you want to selldownloadable products or virtual products for example logo design services then this is your tutorial.This isn't a tutorial like building a store like eBay or Amazon so don't expect thatI also wanted to announce that I'm going to do a giveaway for3 Apple iPadsso make sure to subscribe and also click the link in the description to actually verify that andIt will be awesome if this video can hit 200 likes as well. Okay, so in this video,I'll be going through everything from the start for example getting your domainsAnd getting that up and running firstAnd then I'll be going through how to build a really professionalhome pageusing the Drag-And-Drop builder which is super importantI'll also go through design techniques with you as wellSo to make sure that your website is really polished and they don't show you how to add in productsI'll show you how to add in variable products which is likemaybe like a jumper you might have a small size or you might have different colors of itAnd then I'll show you how to set up the tax settings. That is really hardI've been working on that for ages, and then finally I understand it so I can actually teach you guys about thatAnd then I'll go through the shipping options for exampleSetting in different prices for different areas and also different prices for different productsAnd then what we'll go through isThe coupons to show you how to set that up and also the payment options so you can actually get paid before youSend that product out and of course the most important part is actually setting in the colors, okaySo I'll be showing you how to create the perfect color palette and then apply it to your siteSo what we're going to donow is basically is go to into the screenAnd then I will walk you through a live transaction, and then we'll start building. All good?Ok so we're inside the store, so I guess I can get changed into my pajamas now(chuckles)just kidding. Anyways, so we're inside the store as you can see it's fairly basic, butYou can add all the bells and whistles and things like that later which I'll have additional videos forSo for example if the customer clicks on shop now they'll be directed into the shop pageWhere you'll have a product filter and let's say they're looking for a jumperThey can use it and just click on the jumper and they click into that jumperOkay, so they can read about the products and they can also select the different variations that they might likeFor example, a small onemight be cheaper, and they can read the description as well as the shipping information people can alsoleave reviews. They can also add to wishlist so basically that will add it there and if you add that to cartOkay, that will go there, and then they can just click on checkoutso once they check out they can also create ausername and login and then set in their information so that every time when they come to your storethey can justLog in and then check out really quickly, so for example as I said I'll show you how to add in a couponSo it might be Black Friday, and then they can apply that couponWhich you should get a discount. Okay, so you can get free shippingFlat rate or local pickup as well, so what we're going to do is I'll just quickly fill in that informationAnd we'll do a quick testtransaction. Okay, so I filled in all that information andthen what you can do is select the shipping options here as you can see Black Friday gives me a 90% discountSo I'd only have to pay $7 so if people don't have a PayPal accountthey can also use credit cards via Paypal. So they will click on proceed to PayPal andthen they basically log in to their PayPal account andIf they don't have PayPal they can pay with a credit or debit cardOkay, so let's click on Loginjust click on Pay NowOkay, so basically I've sent the amounts right now. We're going to go and check the emailsSo this is the order receipt that your customer will receive and you can actually change the design of it laterYou'll also get an email as well, so you can actually fulfill the orderBut you'll also be able to log into your dashboard areawhere you can manage the orders you can complete it and you can view it andAlso, you can click on the report section where you can get a report on your sales per yearlast month, this monthso you can actually track it accurately and you can also track the customers as well as the stock andTaxes as well, so that is basically itI will be going through an overview of exactly what we need and alsothe steps that we're going to be taking so the first thing that you guys will need is aDomain name and hosting. So domain name is basically like your web address so for example yourname.comOkay, Google's domain name and hosting is basically where you actually save all the website files. You'll also might need aSSSL and basically this is the little green lock which is next to your web address. If you go to should see it in the browser sectionSo this is recommended for most ecommerce websites because you're actually collecting data from yourcustomers and you want to make sure that's secureso that's what that does. Then I'll show you how to install WordPress andWordpress is a content management system. In short, that basically means you're able to build a websitewithout needing to know how to code.And then I'll show you how to configure the settingsokay, and then the third step is installing the theme andPlugins so the theme is basically like a skin of the website and that would include the drag-and-drop builderand then I'll show you how to design the website and actually build the home pageby using the drag-and-drop builder andAlso show you how to add your products in so your simple products is variable products,And then I''ll show you how to set up theShop page and also add in the filterThen I'll show you how to configure the WooCommerce settingswhich includes the taxes, shipping, payment and coupons. Then I'll go through adding in your logo andChoosing colors and applying it properly to your websiteSo what is the cost of everything? So basically for your domain name the cost of that is around $5.99 per yearnow the hosting is around $10 a monthAnd the SSL normally is paid by the year, and I think that is around 19 dollars per yearOkay, so those few things are definitely required because you definitely need to addressYou definitely need somewhere to save it andDefinitely, I would recommend at least at SSL because you're an eCommerce websiteSo WordPress will be free and the theme is also free as well, but you do have the option to upgradeWhich means you get one-year support and also updatesSo this is the same thing that I use for my website at, and it's awesomeIt's the best thing that I've come across. That's why I recommend it andThat's about it. So the total cost is around$15 to get started if you don't get the SSL but if you do then it would be around $35So it's much better to build your own site because then you'll have zero listing fees for exampleSome websites might charge you a listing fee to list your productsAnd you also have total control of what to display so for example. You can display which reviews that you wantThere's also fewer on-page distractionsso you're not listed against your competition and you also get more overall control andthat you can actually build a brand that people remember, sopeople won't say, you know, “I just bought it on eBay” or “I bought it from Amazon”they'll actually say your website name and I also want to point out that you can also email me if you haveany issues at [email protected]. But the fastest way toreach me is through YouTube comments. I normally back to those in 24 hoursYou can also follow my Facebook page. that's where I post updatesBut I do recommend you actually send in your url or at least a screenshot of your problemAs it helps me determine, you know, what's the problem and send you aFix for that. You can also press the left and right arrow keys on YouTube to rewind and fast-forwardIt's something that I learned just a few months ago, so I'm not sure how many you guys do it but for tutorialsIt's really, really usefulAnd also if I speak too fast or too slow you can actually speed and slow that downby checking the speed settings on the bottom right of the video, so let's get into itOkay, so to get your hosting and also your domain name, You can go to www.hostgator.comand basically HostGator is what I use for my website, but you can actually use any host you wantJust make sure that they have an uptime guarantee because you don't want your websitenot up when people actually go there, and you also want to make sure that you're able toeasily install WordPress and also look for services which provide really good support as wellBut I personally wouldn't recommend any free hosts because they have many limitationsare just not reliable in generalSo what we're going to do is click on web hosting but as you can see there are different services up hereFirstly, for beginners I recommend starting off with web hosting and if you get more trafficThen you can upgrade the plans later onSo basically there are three different plan: the Hatchling, Baby and also the Business plan. Personally,I'd go for the Baby because you can host unlimited domains so basically you can haveYour domain, your friend's domain, and you also have the option to get the SSL certificateSo that's recommended for e-CommerceSo just click on the sign up for it. So once you're here basically you'll need to choose a domain nameSo basically let's try and enterShop Demo 23and then you need to click on the outside here so basically sometimes it might be taken alreadySo you might need to be a little bit creative with your domain namePersonally I would recommend a .com because that's what normally people type in up here andalso, if you have a domain name already for example you might have it fromNameCheap or GoDaddy or something like that, then you can enter in your domain hereBut it actually won't connect to the hosting until you change the name serversAnd basically all you need to do is after you've purchased the hostingyou'll get the name server from HostGatorThen you need to log in to your domain registrar for example Godaddy to change the name serversAnd then basically you'll need to add the domain in your HostGator CPanel,and that's basically it and then you can follow alongSo let's scroll downOkay, so for the Package Type. Make sure to select Baby. Billing Cycle, we're going to selectI'm going to select 12 months because you get a bigger discount or you can go Month-to-month orif you want more discount, then you can go for36 months. Okay, so select that then I'm going to just type in a username andalso, a security pin, and then we're going to scroll down here andI'm going to enter my billing informationSo maybe pause the video and enter in yours and also your credit card detailsOr select Paypal if you have PaypalOkay, so I've filled it in and I've selected PayPal, and I'm just going to select Paypal agreement hereAnd then I'm going to scroll downOkay, so these are the additional services, so these are all optional so let me explain it. So the Domain Privacybasically means thatPeople can actually search up your website domain name add a website called(I think) WhoIs. And they can check your name and also your email and also your addressSo if you want that protected then you have to select this option here. So basicallywhat I recommend is if you're like a brick-and-mortar business andyou might want to put in the information anywayThen I probably wouldn't select it, but if you're like operating from homeAnd you want to keep all your details private then you would select itSo for the Hack Alert Monitoring. So what that does isIt will scan your website for any malicious code personallyI wouldn't select it because you can actually use some free WordPress plugins to actually scan andKeep your website safe, but if you're going to get it, then I would actually get this serviceAfter you've purchased your hosting and things because then you can get the onewhich actually scans your website and alsoautomatically cleans it. So it's a little bit more expensive, but I think that's way better andAlso for the professional email you can actually create your [email protected] in the CPanel section. So you don't need that then for the site backupI actually have a tutorial on how to backup your website using a free plugin on my channelSo you can check that out. For the HTTPS, this is basically the thing that you see here and the little greenlock symbol and you'll see a lot of e-Commerce websites will have itFor example: Apple, eBay, Amazon. They all have itBecause people are entering their information for example the shipping informationcredit card details, passwords, and things like thatThat's why they have the HTTPS that helpsbasically secure all that data and so I personally would recommend it because you're an e-Commerce storeBut if you were like a blog or a website, then I wouldn't select this option here. So you can also get it afterwardsbut I believe it's$29.95 so I would get it. And for the coupon code, we're going to enter shop nowAnd then click on validate, so this will give you a bigger discount. So if you scroll back upYou'll see that you get a 40% discount as wellAnd also the 36 month is 60. Let's scroll back down hereYou might see that they might check this again. So you might want to unselect that again scroll back downSo you've got your domain here. Which is also cheaper so 6 dollars and also your hosting for 12 months,and we'll come to $124.00 which is around$10.00 a monthOkayOnce you've done that then you can just click on “I read and agree to the terms and service”I also wanted to point out that if you do use this coupon I will get a small commissionand it basically helps me support these tutorials, okay. It'll be greatly appreciated but you don't have to use itThat's it. So we're going to click on checkout now andBasically I'm just going to log in with my PayPal account and pay for thatOkay, so for some odd reason not sure why because unable to processI think you might need to select the PayPal one-time agreement instead of the pre-approved paymentsSo I'm going to pay the bill and hopefully this time will actually workso I'm going to scroll down and then select to use PayPal and select PayPal one-time andRecheck these things here, and then click on pay now; or you can pay with the credit card in caseok and then click on continueokay, so I've successfully paid for that as you can see andbasically now you will either maybe receive a confirmation page if you pay by credit cardBut you'll receive an email which I'll go and check the emails nowso this is the email that you'll receive andbasically all you need to do is you need to click on the control panel url, and that will basically take you hereAnd then you'll need to copy over your username and also your password to login to your CPanelAnd that's where we install our WordPress. So I'm going to click on loginSo this is your WordPress CPanel and as I said before,You can actually add on the domains here, okayIf you got your domain from somewhere else and if you do have any issues, you can contactthe HostGator live chat supportSo you can just go to their home page, and it's on the top right hand sideSo what we're going to do is install WordPress. All you need to do is click here the one-click installationand then you need to select your domainand leave the directory part empty and then click on nextOkay, so for your blog title, I'm just going to set in logo, you can change this laterOkay, so don't worry about that. Your username, Tthis is what you login with your name and last name as well asYour email addressSo make sure this is correct because that will also send you their login information there as well,and then we're gonna click on accept andWe're going to click on installOkay, so that should take a minute or so or less than that, not sureOkay, once the installation is complete sometimes if you just bought your domain it might not have propagated yetAnd what that means is basicallyHostGator is setting your website up on the back endHopefully it will be up. If not, you just have to wait maybe 15 to 20 minutesHopefully, my one is up so what we're going to do is I'm going to copy over the passwords firstOkay, once you do that. Then I'm also going to actually just open this in a new tabOkay, so as you can see it's not up yetSo it might take 15 to 20 minutes for that to actually set upSo what I'm going to do is take a little break and then come back. Okay, so I'm back and the website is upSo we can actually login. I also wanted to point out that if you actually, for example, let's say we type in theURL here, and then you can type in WP Admin and then that will take you to the login areaso if you click on thatThat will take you to the login hereSo what I recommend is bookmarking that. So that also sends you a email with your detailsSo you can use the password there and basicallyenter in the usernamepaste in that password and then click on login okay, so we're in the WordPress dashboardI'll be showing you how to set everything up, so I'm just going to click onI don't need help and as you can see there's a lot of stuff popping upI'm going to close all of these to just clean things up a little bit and click on Dismiss; close that, close thoseOk so the first thing that we're going to do is go to users and click on all usersSo basically users. You're able to add in new users. So that's for exampleYou might have someone to edit your websiteThen you can create a username for them so they can log in with their username and you can set in differentroles as well. So we're going to click on edit for your usernameand then we're going to scroll downhere to the account management. Click on generate passwordso I'm going to set in my password which I remembe. Try to set astronger password than me. Okay, confirm the username password and update profileSo once that is done then the password is updated. So what we're going to do now is actually go toPluginsNow plugins are basically sort of software for your website to add functionality to itso for example you might haveApplications on your phone for example: social media apps, productivity appsbasically plugins are the same thing but for websitesSo it does come pre-installed with a lot of pluginsWhat we're going to do is actually deactivate them because sometimes they might conflict with ourBuilder and there's just too much stuff. So I'm going to clean everything up, and I'm also going to delete themBut you can actually add them on later as wellOkay, so once that is done, then we can actually go and open a new tab to view our websiteOkay, so as you can see this is the default WordPress website, and it looks nothing like a eCommerce storeSo what we're going to donow is actually install the theme and also the required pluginsSo we're going to hover over appearance and then click on themesSo what we're going to do is click on add newOk so we're going to upload our own theme, so there's a lot of free themes hereBut they're not really flexible and they don't have the drag-and-drop builder, so toupload the theme, first of all, we need to download the theme and the theme is actually inthe description down below. So make sure to download that to your computerand also download the images to computer as wellso you can actually follow along with the tutorialSo you'll probably get two files like this, okaySo what I want you to do is unzip it and then they'll become folders and then for exampleI'll have all the images ready so you can actually follow along with the tutorialAnd also the theme and also the required plugins will be in hereso what we're going to do is go back to our websiteand click on upload theme, choose fileso what we're going to do is find the folder which is the shop theme and plugins andmake sure to upload Themify Make sure it's the .zip file otherwiseit's not going to upload properly and click on open andInstall Now. So as you can see, the progress briers down on the leftLeft hand side bottom. If you have any issues then you can go to and then click on FAQSo I normally list out the most commonly asked questions on my website FAQSo you can actually go there and check out the solutions so for example if you have any problems installing the themethen you can check it outSo you can scroll down to the theme installation and a common issue that people have is the upload file exceedsSo what you can do is you can follow this video tutorial where I'll show you how to upload the themeVia your CPanel sectionWhat we're going to do is after you have actually installed it then we need to actually activate it to beActivated on our website. So skins and demos will actually pop out what we're going to do iswe're gonna close itOkay, make sure you close that so as you can see the version is 1.11 andthis is the version we're actually usingsometimes you might get an update so basically it means that a new update is availableBut you don't have to updateWhat I do recommend is that if you finish the tutorial then you can email me at [email protected] I'll be happy to update it for you, okayBut you can also update it automatically with a username and passwordso you can actually get the membership which actually includes the support and updates at andthen this is the theme that we're actually using , the Themify Shop theme, andYou can actually purchase it for $49.00You can use the coupon “hogan” and that will give you a 30% discountSo it will actually be something like $34.00 or something like thatAnd that will give you access to the updates for a year and also supportSo it's actually really good if you actually want to customize your website even moreand it's just pretty useful in generalSo you can get itBut I do recommend updating once you finish the tutorial because sometimes the buttons and things changeSo what we're going to do now is let's go and head into plugins. So we're going to click on plugins hereand then click on add newand then we're going to upload plug-in, choose fileAnd we're going to upload the builder WooCommerce which is basically aplug-in which helps us easily add the products onto our homepage or anywhere on our website. Click on Activateadd newso click on upload plug-in again , choose file, and select the product filters zip and click on openand install now. So basically that is the product filter that will add to our shop pageand activate that pluginOkay, so as you can see it's not activated yetBecause we actually need to install the WooCommerce plugin and WooCommerce adds the e-Commerce functionalityto our website. So we're going to click on add newand we're going to click on search plugins. Type in WooCommerce here and click on enterthen we're going to click on install nowWe're also going to activate thatSo it's got over a million installs. Make sure you get the right oneOkay, so it's going to walk you through a quick setup. We're going to click on let's goAnd this is the page setup. So add the required pages to your websiteSo we'll be able to add in additional pages later which I'll show you. We're going to click on continueAnd then we're going to set out our store location so set in your locationI'm going to set it up to Australia and select your currencyI'm going to select yes. I'll be charging sales tax. We'll be going through the tax settings later onSo you'll probably just select yes, and then I will enterprises exclusive of taxNormally it will set up with the default tax rate. So just leave that as is and then click on continueSo for the ShippingI'm just going to set it as kilosand centimeters because that's the most common measurement in AustraliaYours might be in pounds or inchesSo that's optional. Click on continueafter that for paymentsI'm going to select PayPal StandardBut you can also select check payments and things like thatSo for your PayPal email address, you can put it in here. If you don't have a PayPal account yetthen go to www.PayPal.comand sign up for a PayPal business account. So you just need your basic information andBasically Paypal is really convenient because you can receive payment instantlyand then you can deposit it into your bank accountonce you receive money. So set that up andafterwards, just put your PayPal email in here and then click on continueI'll also be going through the payments settings later as wellOkay, so we're pretty much doneYou can actually click on watch the guided video tours, so I'm going to open that in a new tabSo WooCommerce has its own video Tutorials and also documentationwhich you can go through, but I'll be covering most of the stuff in the video anywaySo you might find it helpful for additional videos so you can bookmark thatWe're going to return to the WordPress dashboard. So with the framework versionsYou can actuallyupdate that for freeautomatically so you can update that now if you need toSo what we're going to do next is add in the pages set in the navigation menu and also set in the static homepageSo once your plugins have been added and set up then we're going to be adding in pagesSo just click on Pages hereAs you can see the pages were set up by WooCommerce are here alreadyWhat we're going to do is actually delete the sample page herethis is the default page WordPress has added and I'm going to delete it from the trash as well,so delete it permanentlyThen we're going to click on add newSo the first page, we're going to be adding is homeSo this will be where we're going to build our home page layout and then click on Publishwe're going to click on add newwe're going to add in the wishlist pagethen click on PublishSo you can add as many pages as you want. We're going to click on add new againI'm going to add in the about page, but I won't be showing you how to build a layout hereIt will be in another video because I didn't want to make the video too longclick on add newThe same for the contact page, you can add that in, and I'll show you how to buildthe contact page as well as add in the contact form inanother tutorialOk so as you can see the permalink here. So if you actually click that linkYou'll see that it has the index.php in thereBasically we want to remove that and to do that all we need to do is go to setting, click on PermalinksThen change it to post name. So basically you want the post name in the URLAlso the page title in the url, you don't want it to be the index.phpOr even ?p=123 because this is better for search engines and also for people as wellso they know exactlywhat you are talking about in that page alright? So once you've done that then you can actually save the changesOnce you're done with that then we're going to do is actually set up the menus. So with the menus herewe're going to go to appearance and then click on menusOkay, so we're going to click on the menu name and set in top nav for top navigation and click on menuOnce we've done that then you can select the page that you want to display on your menu. Which is up hereAlright, so the pages. I want to select is maybe my about page, contact pageshop pageAnd I think that is it. So I'm going to add those three pagesto the menu and you can rearrange it just by dragging and dropping andthen you can also make sure that it is a drop-down menu if you actually pull it in like that, soIn case, I'm going to show you an exampleSo select this if you want to add new pages directly to this menu when you add new pagesThat's optional. For the display location you have to set it to the main navigation though,So click on Save and if we refresh that page, then it will actuallyshow you a menu there and as you can see the contact page drops down from aboutbecause you put it under as a sub-itemSo I'm going to put that back where it is and then save menu so once that is doneI'm actually going to add the my account's little icon up here as well. which is the IconNavigation. So to do that we need to actually create a new menuSo for this one, I might put in icon nav. So this name is just optional. It's just for your own referencecreate menuSo this is the my account pageOkay, so people can actually come here and login and also register for an accountwhere they can actually put in their details so they can check out quickerOnce you've done that, click on Add to MenuSimply just click select icon navigation, okay, but I also want to click here on the down arrowAnd I want to insert an icon. So as you can see there's icons here. I want to insert like a littleuh, person. Click on Themify here. So as you can see there's tons of different iconsbut I'm going to click on the Themify one and let's look for the user icon. Click that in there andthen what we're going to do is save the menu, so if that is set in thereThen if we refresh the page then it should appear next to the heart thing. So once that is donewe'll actually need to set in a static home page so basically if you actually type in home hereYou'll be directed to your home page that you just created. So we want to set that home page to just be ourdomain name. So you want people to go to your home page just by typing your domain nameSo to do that click on the customize option up hereas you can see you'll be automatically directed here to Themify options. Click on the back arrow, andClick on static home page or static front page. Click on a static pageSet that to your home page there, okay, and save and publishAnd then close itSo basically as you can see, you'll be directed to your home pageWhich is where we will be building our home page layout and having the featured productsI'm going to show you how to add the social links and also go through the Themify settingsso basically changing the appearance of the layouts and also the pagesSo let's just go to our dashboard section andthen we're going to go to Themify shop andclick on Themify settingsWhat we're going to do is I'm going to scroll downOkay, make sure you're on the general tabScroll down to a lot of settings here, but I just want to go through the most important onesSo for your Google fonts to click on show all Google fontsso you'll be able to select more fonts and then click on savethen click on the default layoutsOk scroll up here. So you'll see the default archive post layout, so this is for your post layoutsWhich is for your blog post if you add in blog postSo we're not going to be going through that in this videoI'll go through that in another video, but this is actually where we change the default layout of thatthose posts. So we're going to scroll down to the default page layout andwhat I'm going to do is actually open it in a new tab so we know what's going onFor example, this is our home pageand we're setting in the default page layout for it. So what I want to do is select no sidebar and also hide thetitle in all the pages, and I also want to disable the page commentsas you can see this is title, this is the sidebar. And if we set those settings in, click on Saveand if you refresh it, then it would disappearOk so basically this gives you a blank canvas every time you create a new page. So you can actually createWhatever layout you want using the Themify Builder. So once you've done that, click on the theme settingsscroll back up. So for most of these just keep them as defaults, but you can edit them laterFor the theme appearance, so we're actually able to set in different header designsWe're able to select all these different options, but personally as a eCommerce storeI recommend either option 1, 2, orheader strike option here because it's just really good user experience to have your navigation bar on the topSo for the sticky header and if you disabled the sticky headerThis basically means, for example, if you're scrolling down,then the header stays there as a sticky. If you disable it then basically the header won'tscroll down with you all right. PersonallyI'm just going to keep it as is. You can also exclude the site logo and the tagline herewhich is that; which I might do. So I might exclude that site tagline you can also exclude the search icon andSearch icon here and also the menu navigationI'm going to leave those as is. So for your footer design you can also edit the footer design as wellSo personally I'm going to keep it as default but this is where you can actually change it alrightso I'm going to exclude the site logoleave everything as is. You might want to exclude the back to top buttonBut I think that's pretty cool when you press it scrolls back upThen we're going to scroll downNow for the footer text section. So as you can see it has “Powered By WordPress andThemify WordPress Themes” You might want to disable thatOkay, so to do that, all you need to do is hide footer text 2So footer text 1 is this thing here. So I'm going to keep it and then I'm going to click on saveand then I'm going to go back here and refreshSo we've removed the logo, and we'll also remove the Powered by WordPressOkay, so that's nice and cool. Then we're going to be doing is click on shop settingsSo your shop settings is basically editing the layout for your shop page herebut we haven't set any products in yetSo I'm going to be walking you through later on so you know exactlywhat each of thefunctions do. Alright, we're going to click on image scriptAnd I want to disable this because I want to be uploading the images which are cropped alreadySo I want to disable that and make sure this is set to original and then click on saveso if we use social links you can click on that andBasically you can open up all your profilesFor example, my Twitter. You just copy in your urlLet's just paste the link into there. Okay. That's all you need to doyou can also change the icon color here, but I'm going to leave it as defaults because we're going to be putting theThe links down below here, and we'll be changing the color for the footer links togetherSo just leave it as default as isFor Facebook, I'm going to copy that and you can also follow my FacebookThis is where I mostly post updates all right paste that into there. If you don't have a Google+ account youdon't have to enter a link and it won't show upFor YouTube. I'm going to grab my channel URL. Just copy that, paste that in there.And also you can follow that for more videosPinterest, I don't have a Pinterest. But let's just say you have an Instagram, you can click on the add link andtype in “Instagram”Then for your link, I'm going to copy my Instagram profileSo you can follow me if you like, but I won't be posting any website stuff on there. It's just generalWhat I do besides making tutorials. Let's paste that into there. For the icon we can click on insert iconOkay, so there's bunch of brand icons here. So you can be adding inOther accounts, which you have as well. So I'm just going to type in Instagram hereAlright and click on Instagram, and that will basically add it in. So we're going to do is click on saveSo once we have saved that then we actually need to set it into the footer section. So what we need to do iswe need to hover over appearance andclick on WidgetsBasically these are the available widgets which we can add to the widget areas. So for examplewe're going to grab the Themify Social LinksWe're going to grab that widget and put it below footer logo widgetAnd because these links are external pages. I'm going to open the link in a new window for the icon sizeI'm just going to keep it defaults and then saveOk once I've done that if we actually refresh itthen it should show up like that, okay, which is awesome andFor the footer widget 1, footer widget, footer widget 3, you can add in all sorts of widgetsand they will show up hereSo footer widget 1 will be here, 2 will be here, 3 will be there as wellSo I'll also make another tutorial where I'll show you how to make a advanced footerSo you can add different pageslinks and stuff like that. So what we going to do now is I'm going to go through somereally important design techniquesOnly after that I'll show you how to build the layout for the home pageBecause I think it's really important to understand it first. So you know why I do the things I do, alrightSo for those of you who actually got the SSL certificate from HostGatorYou should receive an email within 24 hours that they have activated the SSL for your websiteSo if you haven't got that then you can contact them but you should have that installed onto your websitebut as you can see if its been 24 hours and you don't see that sign which says that the HTTPSOr that lock icon then you can actually download a special pluginto display that. So if we go to our dashboard sectionIf we go to plugins, and then click on add new and then here we're going to search for a plug-inI think it's called Really Simple SSL and then click of enterSo we're going to install this one by Radiaokay, so click on install now, and then what we're going to do is activate itthen once that is done, then I think you can just go to the settings herethen as you can see in Detected Setup, you'll see that anSSL certificate was detected on your website, and then what you can do is go aheadand actually activate the SSLOkay, so that has been activated and let's go and refresh and see how that goesOkay, awesomeSo as you can see, it locked me out by basically you have the secure icon as well as theHTTPS thing appear for your website now. So I'm going to loginOkay, all good. So I've compiled a web design guide on my websiteYou can come here at, hover over resources and click on it hereSo I wanted to go through this becausePeople don't really have that much issue with the technical part of building the web siteBut since I've seen a lot of websites 'cause people have, you know, asked me to solve problemsThe web sites don't really look professional, and I think that's a really important thing that you need to actuallyensure because if it's not professional, then people are going to click off your website,and you're not gonna make any salesSo I don't really want to create a tutorial which just shows you how to like do everything like step by stepBut I also wanted to ensure that you actuallywill become successful and actually sell stuff, so this is really important,and that's why I wanted to cover in this videoso if you click on the contentsYou can actually click on each of these things and it'll skip downto each of those sections which you can refer to afterso the first thing I want to talk about is I recommend sticking to one font family andBecause you are beginningIt's really important to make sure that everything is consistent and a lot of people choose too many fontswhich I think is just too much because you don't really need it. For example, apple only hasOne font family they useso you can download the plug-in or chrome extension called WhatFont and you can check out websitesYou can also go to Amazon and they're using the most basic one: ArialOkay, so you don't need anything fancy. I would focus onreadability rather than being fancySo there are two different typefaces one is called Sans Serif and the other is called SerifSo the difference here is, as you can see, the edges are plain and the strokes are also even withSo it actually appears more clean and modern and most websites that you see these days areusing the Sans Serif typeface. For example, Apple, that Sans SerifAmazon, that's Sans Serif as wellFor the Serif typeface, they have curves on the edges and also thick and thin strokesFor example, thin herethicker strokes there. So these websites a little bit more traditional and elegant. For example this website herethey use theSerif typeface in the navigation and also within the content itself, so it looks a little bit morehandcrafted, sort of. So if that's what you want your brand to represent then Sans Serif–I mean Serif is a good typeface to choose, but if you just want sort of like a simple web sitethen I recommend just sticking with Sans SerifThe font that we're using for this tutorial is Libre Franklinbut also a really good one if you don't know which one to choose is Open Sans andthese are some other good ones here as wellSo Serif typeface is also really good for long readingIf you have a lot of content, for example, a blog on your websitethen setting the blog post to this Seriftypeface is also a good idea because the lines sort of guide the eye a little bitThe second thing is making sure that your body font size is readableSo you don't want to change your body font size to something like this which I see a lot of peopledo. You want to make sure it's between 15 to 25But I think 16 to 18 is pretty good, really readableYou don't want to be too big because it just looks really sillyBut if it's like a headline or sub headline that doesn't really have any limitbut you want to make sure your body text is readable now the third thing is the line lengthYou'll want to keep it in between 45 and 90 characters long per line so it's an easy readYou don't want to go from one side to the other because itjust makes you feel like there's a lot of text. You don't want thatOtherwise people are just going to you know skip everything not read it, and yeah, that's just that badAnd also be consistent with capitalsupper case words will actually slow people down by 10%so I wouldn't use it for the content or any sort of long headingsI would recommend it if maybe your heading was like one or two words or something like thatNavigation menus, you can use it for that and also buttonsSo normally I would stick to using sentence case most of the timeSo basically a capital to start it off and then for the rest of its is just lower caseSo, for example, Amazon you've got just sentence case here right,. I think that's just more friendly as wellThe title case, you can use that for your blog post titles and also your product titlesso your product titles on your shop pageSo product titles, capital, capital, that's the title caseSo you want to make sure that is consistent for all your products, so it make sure that your website isjust really professional and really polishedThen for your headlines and sub headlines. You want to make sure you defineHierarchy by reducing the size andalso the font weights and also the colorYou don't have to use all of theseBut you just want to make sure that the headline stands out because that's the most important thingYou don't want it to be like this where it's sort of like you don't know which which team to focus onso if you look onwebsites like Apple's website: headline, sub headline. It just looks really nice orhere which is bold and then the sub headline is not boldSo that is really important to make a website really polishedNow I recommend using a lot of neutral colors especiallyfor separation of content for example this divider line andAlso, so Paypal actually uses this as well and a lot of professional websites will use it. For example hereIt's a white backgroundBut you'll see a neutral sort of background, a gray background for itbecause it separates the content and if you scroll down they also use their maincolor to separate content, and then they use the gray again, and you're scrolling downthey use a dark grey herescroll down and then they use a grey againSo it's really useful to separate content and alsofor your headers and footers. So for example, your header section up there and also your footersUsing neutral colors is really good and also using the colors when you don't know which color to useBut at the end of the tutorial, I also be covering how to choose colors and apply it to your websiteSo don't worry too much about it for nowSo another really important thing is actually adding text over imagesThe first thing I recommend is actually focus on relevanceyou'd want to pick the most relevant image to your business and brandSo personally I would recommend getting images done by a professional photographerSo you can get really nice grounded images for your businessAnd you can also get them to do your product images as wellIf you actually need to chooseimages like from free websites such as UnSplash which I'll show you in a second. Make sure to pick an imagewhere we e can actually apply text over easilySometimes it may not be easy to find the right imageBut you can actually edit it to make sure that the text is really visibleSo you need to add in like an overlay color which I'll show you and you can also use different methodswhere you just move the image a little bitand then move the text as well so as you can see you can't really see that white textSo if you move it on the left hand side, then you can easily see itOkay, you can also blur the image nowthis is really good if you want to add a lot of text because it blurs the details and it makes theText in front stand out moreOkay, so you can check out these examplesand I'll also try to make videos to show you how I did it as well using the builderPaypal does it really well. So as you can see, they added gradientand then for this part where they want it to stand outThey put a white background on top of that. Also a neutral colorSo the next thing is how to set in button colorsSo this is something that you probably didn't really pay attention to but it's also really important as wellSo let's say you hover over a button. As you can see, it goes a little bit now a lot of websitesthey use the formula whereIt goes darker and sometimes they might use itFor example, we might go lighter as wellso there's a formula that I will show you in a secondBasically it will keep everything consistent so your website isProfessional and also your images should be cropped before you actuallyupload it to your websiteSo for example, sometimes if you upload it directly from your camera, it might be just like a huge image andyour website's going to load super slow so you don't want your website to load super slow becausepeople are just going to click off your websiteso this is a basic image guide that I createdto explain itbasically, if you want an image about this size on your websitethen this is the approximate size that you can proper toall right, so I made one formedium images, large images, and also Hero images,I'll show you how to crop it here an image. The product imagesI will walk you through this when we're adding in ourProducts. So right nowwe're going to start building the home pageSo for your home page hero image, what I personally recommend is actually hiring a photographeror if you're good at taking photos then just do it yourself for your business. That wayit's way more relevant, and it looks more authentic, but you can actually go to website called Unsplash.comAnd they have free images which are really high quality that you can use for commercial and alsopersonal purposes, and you don't need to create them. So what I recommend is choosing a really good imagewhere you can put the text over really easilyFor example, this one is really good because you add it on top here this one's not too badbut something that is sort ofmore detailed like that, it might actually not be as goodSo try to pick one which you can easily add text over for example this oneso basically if you've been following along, I've already included the image in theImages folder, but if you want to choose your own then you can choose it here againanother really popular site is called And basically it compilesall the free image websites as well so you can check out them here and also video backgrounds as wellOkay, so download the image onto your computer. Just click on that button there, and that will downloadLet's go to This is basically we can edit your images. Click on editOkay, we're going to click on openComputer, and let's look for that imageOkay, so at the uncropped version here of our hero imageAnd you can click on that or you can just use your own imageBut I just want to show you how I crop it and you can use this software tohelp you crop all the other images on your website as wellso click on got it, skip all tutorials. Actually, close that so as you can see down herethis is the size of the image, and that is really big so we want to resize it. Click on resizeMake sure the lock is selected here, so once you put in the number hereit'll actually resize the height of it proportionally to the width of itOkay, so click on apply. Once that is applied,you'll see the change in the size here and then click on CropThe size that we're going to crop it to is about1800 and and also about a height of 1000so basically drag it to where it's most suitable for you to put the text. So somewhere like that andthen click on apply. And then you can actually click on one tab enhance which basically will actually enhancethe photo a little bit and you can also click on the basic settings to adjust itSo you can adjust the sharpness and things like that. You can also click on effectsSo you can add in different filters to your image as well, so you can play around with thatBut I'm just going to save it nowAnd just name your image properly, so name it like heroimage1800 x 1000. And you also want to save it as .jpgYou might want to save it as high-qualityBut all you need to do is log in to your Facebook account or you can create a new accountif you do want that and then that will download basically to your computer and thenwe can actually go to our home pageSo what we need to do is I recommend refreshing the website firstSo the builder will actually show you the live preview. So let's click on turn on builderso this is a rowyou can click on the row options hereWhat we want to do for the row width, we want to change it to full width row containerSo it goes all the way acrossIf you change the full width content, then the content area will actually go to the sides as wellBut I personally just select full width row container. And then I click on stylingNow for the background imageThis is where you can upload the image. Make sure to click on browse libraryinstead of upload because WordPress will automatically crop your image. So click on browse library andthen select filesSo we want to find the file from your computerSo let's say we want this imagewhich I cropped before. Click on open and then that will upload to your website and then insert that file URLFor the background mode we actually want it set it to full coverYou can also set it to Parallax scrolling, which is kind of cool as well, but I generally set it to full cover andFor the background position. I'm going to set as center itand then what we're going to do is we're going to scroll down hereAs you can see, you can't really see the full image, so we need to add some spacing. You want to click on — deselect that andSet the spacing to 17.5%The bottom, you want to set it to be the same as well17.5. So that way you can see the image more. We'll also be adding some text in the middleSo it's going to stretch it out even more. So once that is done, then you scroll back up hereAnd you can also select a gradient background. So you can select the different colors ingredientsyou can play around with that, as well as adding a video backgroundI personally recommend uploading your video to YouTube first andthen paste in your Youtube URL here. That way it actually loads a lot quicker, and you can disable the audio as welland for the slider, all you need to do is insert the gallery andupload the filesSelect the files. For example, this one this one and this oneand then once you've uploaded that for the image size, you want to set it to original imageFor the background slider mode, you want to set it to full coverSo make sure those are the settings . As you can see you can't really set in different text for each imageTo do thatI recommend using a plug-in called Smart Slider 3. So it's a free plug-in andhopefully, I'll make another video on that as well, but I wanted to really show you how to use the Themify builderSo I'm just going to select a default image. I personally prefer just one because it loads a lot quickerrather than loading three imagesSo once that is done, then I'm going to click on here oopsand then I'm going to click on this lock icon to set it there so does it move andThen we're going to drop a text moduleNow for the text, you'll want to type in your heading: eCommerce. I'm going to set it to heading 1Okay, so the reason why we set it to heading 1 is because it's good for SEO purposesso when Google actually scans your entire website, they'll look for the source code andif it's under the heading 1 tag, that means thatIt's basically like the title of your website. It will give whatever key word in here more importanceSo they actually know you know what content your website is actually talking aboutand that way, they actuallydetermine your ranking and of course you know you'll need to have backlinks and all that other stuff,but this is the basics ofOn-page search engine optimization and it's also good to keep things consistentSo anytime you want this size and this font for your headingsthen all you need to do is select heading 1 rather thanSetting the sizes and manually. I wanted to point out you can actually change the heading 1 font hereBut we don't want to do thatWe want to actually edit the heading 1 font universally, so that's when we actually go to the customize sectionand I think that is way more convenient in the long term becauseeverytime you set the heading 1 font youdon't have to set it here againIt will automatically apply to all the heading 1 fonts,so don't worry about that too much. I'll walk you through thatAnyways, you can actually go to the general tab here and we can text align everything to the middlejust like that. For the color you, can set it here on to white andthen click on save andBecause that is a text modul, what we can do is if you want to add the sub headlineYou can actually duplicate the moduleSo that's two modules there. And you can double click on that modulewe're going to add in the sub headline. So for example “create a beautiful online store for your business”Something like that. And then what we can do is go to stylingFor the fonts, as you can see, the settings have been savedpreviously already, but I do want to change it to 24 pixels for the sizeI think that is it so save itOkay, so that's pretty good then we're going to scroll down here and then click on the button and drag that inSo for the button text what we're going to do is type in shop nowOkay, or whatever text you want to put in there. For the linkwe're going to link it to our shop pageSo what I normally do is just copy the domain name (oops) and paste it into thereAnd then type in shop. So whether built the shop page yet, but that is the URL for your shop pageSo copy your domain and then type in shopOk just leave those as defaultsNow you can select the button style as wellso generally I recommend either circle, rounded, or squared.You can also select the outline but as you can see it's not very visible andI don't really recommend itLet's click on roundedLet's click on styling as wellYou want to make sure to click on button link because you want to edit the button onlyyou don't want to edit the moduleSo for example ifLet's say we add a background colorAgain that's going to add it to the moduleAll right, you don't want to add it to the module. You want to add the button linkOkay, so as I said before with thebutton hover colors, what you'll need to do is go to a website called 0 to 255So once you're there click on enter a colorOkay, so if we look at the background this depends on your own background. My background is kind of lightSo to make the button stand outI'm going to choose a darker button color. So the button color that I'm going to choose isthree 6s (666) which is a dark gray as a neutral color. Click on enterAgain if your background is a dark oneThen you might select a lighter neutral color. So once we have that, you can copy that therePaste in the color thereThat will change the background color. Now for the background hover,we're going to either select 2 shades darker here or 2 shades lighterSo this really depends on your preference and also on. The background as well the main purpose of it is toensure that people know that they're actually hovering over a buttonso that they can click it so whatever is more visibleThen just use that one . So you can also choose three shades lighter or three shades darkerJust as long as you keep everything consistentthroughout your entire website and then it's fine. So I might choose this onepaste that into there like that andFor the color of the link, I'm going to choose to be white , like that, and also the color hoverto be white as wellText Decoration, you want to select noneI think that is it. So if we actually save it. So as you can see, the button is herewe can actually move it to the middle using the button styling andtexting align it to the middle here. But I also want to show you that I can do it for the row options as wellso you can click on styling andbasically set the text on lines in the middleNow what that does is it moves everything within this rowInto the middle. So any of the settings that you setting here will control thisentire row only. So for example if you drag the button thing down to the new rowIt will actually won't applySo you actually need to set in the row options here again and set that to be in the middle all rightso once we've put that in , then let's just save it andClose the builderSo what we need to do is actually move the whole entire row up ensuring there is no space there and to do thatWe need to click on an edit pageOkay, and then scroll down to Themify custom panel, set the content with to full width and, then updateOkay, so I also wanted to point out if you scroll down to the custom panel, if you click on the page appearanceyou're able to set in the header design and all the other settings, for example, the footer design as wellspecific for this page onlySo what that is useful for is sometimes you might want to build a landing pageand you might not need a header or you might not need a footer then you can select no footerand no headerSo let's go back to our home pageOkay, so as you can see that's moved up. So what we're going to donow is edit the heading 1 font universally. Click on customizeAnd then I'll show you how to move this text up a little bit as wellSo once you at the Themify options, make sure you've selected the advanced tabWhich gives you more options and then you should see the headings tab. Click on heading 1 fontsWhich is the one we're editing and the size that I'm going to set in is 95so that's a good size and the font then I'm going to set in is Libre FranklinThen for the font weight I'm going to set it to be aroundBold, I think. That looks goodThen I would personally not edit anything. For example, these ones down here and also the colorsBecause if you set a heading 1 font somewhere elsethen you might automatically align it to some other place where you don't want it to alignSo only edit the size line height and also the front weight hereThen just Save and Publish. And close the optionsOkay, so if you actually want to move this text up a little bit, then I'll show you how to do thatAnd I'll also show you how to add in a overlay color so to make a text stand out a little bit moreso you can turn on the builder, and then we're going to click on this text moduleDouble-lick on that, go to Stylingand scroll down to MarginDeselect apply it all. Now, we're going to minus the bottom part some space. So – 2.00%(Whoops) – 2.00% like that, that will be good, or you can set it to 1.00% ; that really depends (on you)That looks alright, and then we're going to click on saveThen we're going to click on the row options here. Click on the styling. Now for the row overlayWe're going to add in an overlay colorLike that. And then you want to set it down to about15.00% or 10.00% depending on your imageFor the overlay hover, this is when you actually hover over the imageThen you can set it to that specific color. In this case, I might want it to be maybe 5.00% so it may be lighterSomething like that, and you can also select a gradient overlay as wellJust click on that option and select it inSave itSave itClose itHopefully that will be cool. And you can also add in animation effects if you want to as wellSo I'll just quickly show you guys just some really cool stuffclick on edit hereAnimation. For example we can set that to, let's say, fade inlike that andthen you want your other one to fade in as wellSo fade in. But this time you want it to delay it a little bit0.25 seconds delay, and then for the button as wellAnimation. Set that to fade in as well1 second DelayAlright, and you can also – let's say you accidentally moved somethingYou can also click on the undo button and you can also redo and undo. So let's say we finished our hero imagethen you can actually save as revision. So basically hero image done andIf you make any big mistakes, then you can actually click back here and reload that revision as wellYou can also save as layoutsSo for example, if you want to build a similar page and go want to rebuild everythingthen you can actually save it hereThen just name it a title and then what you can do is go to your new page and load that layoutSo you don't have to start all over againAnd if you want to create like a completely new domain and a new website you can also export layout as file andbasically import that onto your new page as wellSo we're pretty much all done. Now what I'm going to show you is how to add in your productsSo before we actually add in our productsI actually want to show you how to edit some image settingsotherwise the images uploaded will be really blurry on your shot pageso let's go back to our dashboard areaThen you want to hover over WooCommerce. You want to click on settingsSo for example, if you guys have added in your products alreadyThen what you'll actually need to do is download a plug-in called Regenerate ThumbnailsAnd it has over a million installs, and you'll need to install and activate it and then you'll need togo to tools andhere those show you aregenerate thumbnails optionsand then you need to regenerate the thumbnails after you've done the settings that are going to show you nowso click on the products tabthen click on displayThen scroll down. So for your product images, for your catalog images, we want to set it to be400 andfor the height you want to set it to 320for the single product image, you want to set it to 720and 456. And for the product thumbnails, you want to set it to 150and you also want to disable the hard crop because it's going to hard crop your images outand you don't want thatso we're just going to save the changesOnce you've done that, you'll want to go to your settings here, and then click on MediaNow for the medium size, you want to change that to 400. For the max height, 400. And then save changesSo the product image sizes the one that you upload should be cropped to around 800×800 pixelsOkay, so it's sort of like a square. It can be 700×800 or something similarBut just make sure that all the images you upload are the sameAnd you also want to make sure that is proportional. So it's actually zoomed incorrectly for all images. So you don't want to be different, you want them all to be like thisAnd then I also recommend using white background because the image size will be smallerthat means load times will be faster.But if you want you can also add in other images for your product gallery. So basically onthe shop page will be a white background, but when they click into that imagethen you can actually display your image like in the house or something like thatso people can imagine what that product will look like in their room,And then that's it. So let's go back to our dashboard areaYou want to hover over the products. And then just click on add newSo it's fairly simple: what you'll need to do is set in a product name so the first one that we're going to do isthe black dressNow this section is for the long description. Now, I've basicallytyped out the long description on my web design guide on my website,so I'm just going to directly copy that into here andand paste that in. So as you can see,I also recommended some books. For example, “The Everything Store”which is about Jeff Bezos and Amazon and also “Delivering Happiness”I think these two books are really eye-opening because you get some reallyinteresting information that will inspire you toto sort of build a better businessSo I highly recommend that and to check it outThen we're going to scroll down to the product data so for this section hereyou want to select sample productThen for your regular price, you want to set it in. So for example, $109.00Sale price, you might be $89.00. You can also schedule it as wellThen click on inventory tab. You can set in a SKU which is a specificidentifier for that product but if you don't have that many that you probably don't need itFor managed stock, then you click that and then you can set in a stock quantity. For example: 5You can also allow or not allow back orders. Then for your shippingThis is basically the shipping weight of the actual product which people receiveSo you want to set that in because you want to let people knowAnd the dimensions, set that in as well. 30cmx30x3And then for the linked products, upsells and cross-sellsso basically upsells is related products which will appear below yourproducts on your product pagesYou might have a more profitable item or you might have something similarthen that was where you can actually search for that productSo as you can see, we haven't added any products in yetbut once you have then you can search for that product andSet that in to appear below this black dress product. So for the cross cellsthis is basically your products which will appear in thecheckout section. So basically let's say you have a camera a nice cost cell might be a memory card orcamera batteries, so that is basically where we can actually set it inSo for attributes, that is for the variable products which I'll walk you through in a secAdvanced options, so you can add a purchase note. So the purchase note will appear in the orderemail which people will get. And you can also enable reviews as well, so the short descriptionI'm going to copy it from our website hereso you can include a summary of your products or you might even include shipping informationhow long that will actually take andIf it's a clothing, you might have a size guide, so you link it to a size guide. And to link it,you just select the text and then you click on insert link, click on the gear icon andthen link it towhatever page that you have the size guide onAnd then you can select open link in a new tab which I recommend and then click on updateNow for this one here, you might want to change the colorso to change the color as you can see there's no coloroption thing here. You want to make sure you toggle that toolbarand you can select the color here. So I'm going to select a custom colorSo I'm going to use this color code hereBecause it's the same as the stock count color and you'll see why in a momentDelete that space, Click on OKThen let's scroll back up here. You want to add a category for your productsFor example, Dresses. And click on Add NewFor your product tags, it might be the brand of dressYou might have maybe the colorof dressor maybe the material of the dress and then you can separate it by commas and then click on addso that will add two tags there. And then for the product image, you'd want it setSelect upload files, select filesNow go to the images that you have downloaded from the description belowand then click into the product imagesSo there I will have all the images for you to upload and follow alongSo I'm just going to select all of them and upload them all togetherselect the black dress and then click on set product imageNow if you have additional images you might have it on different anglesor you might have her in a different backgroundThen you can add in additional images here. So it pretty much is donethen what we can do is just click on PublishWe'll view that image and see what that looks likeSo I'm just going to right click and open that product in a new tabSo that look's pretty good. Image is nice and crisp and can click on that and then they canzoom in like that. As you can see here, the green text is the same here. So it all matches and is consistentI'll show you how to configure this page later. Don't worry about thatLooking good. So now what I'm going to show you is adding in a variable productAll right, so just click on add new herenow we're going to type in JumperThen I'm going to go here and copy my long description again. Just copy thatpaste that into hereScroll down. For the product data, you want to select the variable productThen for the inventory you can also set in the unique identifierFor a managed stock you probably want to manage it individuallyFor shipping, since they are pretty much the same, then you can set in the weight of the product here30, 30, and maybe 4cmThen you're linked productsSo let's say you want to link the black dress, then you can search it up like thatAnd it should appear as I said beforeBut we're not going to link. So then we're going to click on the attributes , we're going to add in the attributesThen we'll set up the variations. So we're going to click on addOk so this is, for example, the colorOk so we have a green jumperNow what we need to select is the pipe symbol and to do that you need to click onthe shift key and also the forward slash (/)button on your keyboard, so it should be above your enter button and below your delete button.So it looks something like that, so green,purple and then another pipe symbol, graySelect useful variation, save as attributes. And another variation would be sizesso we'll need to click on add againthen type in sizeSo we're going to have small, pipe symbol, mpipe symbol and large one. Click on useful variations, save attributesOkay, so once you've added in the different attributes you can add as many as you wantthen we need to create the variationsSo click on variations hereAnd then click the tab here and create variations from all attributesselect go andIt will create all the variations that you set. So click on okclick on okAs you can see, you've got the gray option with all the different sizes, purple with all different sizes greenwith all different sizes so you need to click on the down arrow,if you click here, you can upload specific images so click on thatLook for the grey jumperAnd then set variation image. So for example the large size I might charge$89.00 and you can also manage stock here by clicking this item hereYou can set in specific sale prices and specific sizes and even specificdescriptions for each and every product that you have here, but I'm going to leave them as defaultSo I'm going to click on the next one then what you need to do is select the jumper againNow the price might be a little bit cheaper because it's medium. $79.00scroll down to grayenter that in and then this one might be $69.00so I'm going to quickly do that for the rest of these so selecting the purple jumper and also the green jumperSetting in the specific prices, so I'm going to quickly do that nowSo I'm done and then just click on save changesThen we're going to add in this short description, so I'm just going to go back here and copy that overPaste that into there , change the colorEnter in the color code from my website, copy thatPaste it into there and click on ok. So we need to set in the categories. Click on thatJumpers. Add CategorySo for the tags, we're going to select brand ofjumper. Or maybeCotton jumper as well. And then click on addFor the product image, you want to set that in. And this is the default image that will appear on your shop pageSo I might choose the green one. Set that in. And you can also set in additional gallery images as wellso what we can do is I'm going to Publish it now andThen I'm going to open the product in a new tabso as you can see if you actually change the color option and also change the pricethe prices will change like that andsame with the color of the jumpersSo if you want people to actually arrive at yourProduct and have a default option set in , then you can go back to your product, the jumper products,scroll down tovariations and youcan set in the default form values to be whichever you wantso this one might be green and to set it to mediumclick on updatelet's say if we refresh the product page then it should show the default form values thereThat is pretty much it. We've set in the simple and also the variable productAnd I just want to quickly run through how to set up the downloadable. So it's fairly simpleLet's just say we go toAdd New againOkay, so scroll down here. You can do everything the sameall you need to do for a downloadable is select the downloadable tabAnd because it's downloadable, It's not shippableSo you need to select virtual and then you upload your files as well as setting in the download limitsand things like thatNow if it's just a virtual item, for example, logo design services, then you'll deselect downloadable and thenJust do thatSo for the advanced option, what you might do is you might leave a noteFor example, if it's a logo design service you might actually create aspecific form for themSo basically I created a form on Wufoo.comand it's basically like a little brief that I want people to fill outso and what I'll do is just copy the URLThen paste it into here and say “Thank you for the purchase. Please fill in this form here”So people will actually get the purchase note intheir order confirmation. So that's pretty much it. There's not much to it and just basically set everything asbefore. So what I'm going to do now is pretty much add in the rest of the productsBasically you can go to this demo websitewhich I will have created. Then you can just check out what I've typed in if you want to copy everything as is orwhat I suggest is you just add in your own products and things like that. If you had any questions,make sure to just drop it down below in the comment sectionSo once you've added all your products then you can click on all products here andYour products will be all listed hereand you can click to edit them or anything like that if you need to. And if you actually visit our store hover overyour little house thing here and right click open in a new taband your store should look something like this. All the images should be crispIf they are not, then maybe you need to regenerate the thumbnails as I said before. So what we're going to donow is add the products to the home page. So all we need to do is go and visit our home pageThen we're going to be turning on the builderScroll down to the second row here. What we're going to do is add in a text moduleSo this will be a title forfeatured productsSo it could be your featured products orspecific category products or most popular productsDoesn't really matter what you name it. I'm going to set it to heading 2Then I'm going to bold it a little bit like thatWhat I'm also going to do is because I'm going to set in the products below hereI want to add a little bit of spacing between the text and also the products. So I'm going to go to stylingScroll down to padding. DeselectFor the bottom padding I'm going to set around3.00% or 2.00%. You can see what's best for your website click on saveAnd then I also want to add some spacing between the text here and the hero imageand also align it to the centerSo click on the row optionsstylingScroll here, and since we're here, text align it to the middleScroll down to the padding. Deselect that. For the top padding, I'm going to add maybe 3.00%and also the same for the bottom. 3.00% as wellSave itAnd then we're done. Scroll down to the very bottom. You'll see the WooCommerce Builder ModuleIf you don't see that, then make sure to install the WooCommerce plug-in and install and activate itSo you need to go back to the plug-in sectionSo let me walk you through one important thing for us. So just watch this partI'm going to set the product to 8Then I'm going to order by price, set it to ascendingAnd change that to grid 4Okay, so I'm going to save itSave it and then close itrefresh the pageSo as you can see the product here, the title of the product, takes up two lines because it's super longSo as you can see it moves everything down and the second row will be moved down as wellSo if you want everything to be aligned like in one lineThen what I suggest you do is toDisable the masonry layoutSo most of the time you might have only four products, and you might not have a second rowAnd then don't need to do that or you can just make sure to keep the titles reallyshort or change the title size to be a little bit smaller then you wouldn't have the problemBut if you can't solve it using those solutions, then you can disable the masonry layout. Go back hereFor masonry Layout, select noHopefully if we select yes, and then save itClose itOkay, so right nowwhat happens is it adds the space for the rest of the products here. And the second rowis also aligned all evenlySo let's go turn on the products, and I'll show you some more of the features of the moduleClick on that so you can select specific categories to be displayedI'll also show you how to add specificfeatured products onto your home page in about a minute or soYou can select on sale and also top rated as wellSo for me I'm going to set in four products for the home pageFor the layout I'm going to select grid 4It's nice and simple. Or you can use the slider as well and you can play around with the settingsFor example for the slider options you might want to display 3Four the slider paginatio, you can hide that which is these little dots. For the arrows you can hide thatSo I'm going to go set it back quicklyto listNow for the content layout, for example, overlay. What happens isthe add to cart everything disappearsBasically what will happen is when you hover over the item the add to cart and also the name of the productwill actually overlay on top of the productSo the polaroid is also similar, but I'm just going to keep it as defaultThe post gutter is the spacing in between the products so you can change it to noand everything will basically stick togetherIf we do thatSo there's less spacing in between. I'm just going to keep it as default sobasically you can play around with these settings hereSee which one you like the best to actually display for your website so right nowI'm going to set in the featured products, so I might click on featured products here and click on saveLet's save it and close the builderWe need to go to our dashboardWe need to go to products. All productsSoyou can see the little star icon here. All you need to do is to select the star iconWait for it to actually save and it will become solid. So that's a featured product nowSo I'm going to select maybe a few morethis one hereThen I'm going to select one more. Maybe a dressOkay, so once that is done, we're going to go back to our home pageThen basically the featured products will show up thereOkay, so basically that's it and you can actually add the WooCommerce module to any page,so you might want to create otherproduct pages, and then you can add it in as well . So what we're going to donow is actually go to a shop page and basicallyconfigure the shop page layout and also add in the product filterThe first thing we want to ensure is the product filter being onso we need to go to dashboardWe need to ensure that the plug-in is actually activatedAll right, so we need to activate it hereAnd then it should show up on the product filter, and then it should show up hereSo we need to click on product filters andWe need to add a new oneWe're going to set in a title so “Shop Page”, perhapsSo for these settings here, I'm just going to leave it as defaults. You can come back and adjust thembut I like them just the way they are. So what we're going to do first is drop in aproduct titleSo this is basically a searchSo I'm going to type in a field title and I'm going to name it searchThe next one I'm going to put in is maybe a price widget. ThereAnd I'm going to display it as a slider or you can display it as a range where you enter in the priceI'm also going to put in a categoryOkay, so for the category one, I want to display it as radioNow if you select radio, that means you'll have the option to select all the products so that's importantSoo let's go to here and then dropit in on saleThat is pretty much it, the ones that I feel that is most usedSo once you've saved it, then we can scroll back up here and close the window . Once that is doneThen it should add your new shop page widget thing here. And then the shortcode, copy that to your clipboardSo what we need to do is actually go to appearanceoops, and click on widgetsSo we need to add that on our shop page sidebar. So we need to scroll down hereSo we need to drag a text module into the shop sidebar widget areaI'm going to paste in the shortcode right there. Click on save. Now if we go to the shop pageThen it's not going to display yet because we need to edit the layout for the shop pageSo go back here.Themify Shop, Themify Settingsnow scroll downto the shop settings tabSo for the product archive, You want to set the shop sidebar to appear on the left hand sideAlso for the product archive sidebar to be on the left. So those two have to be the sameclick on saveLet's refresh the pageAnd as you can see thefilter will show up, and it looks goodWhat we're going to do is I'm going to walk you through just some basics of the layout settingsso you can change the product layout. I'm going to display it as a grid of 3 so 3 images per rowYou can disable the masonry layout if ,for example, you might have a productlike this one and you want to make sure everything is alignedthen you would disable it, so I'm going to disable itFor the content style, as I showed you before, you might want to change it then I'm going to keep it defaultKeep that as defaultSo for each of these settings here, what I suggest you do is to maybe open up your shoppage like this in another tab and thenJust play around with the settings hereThese are basically all the display things on the shop pageAnd then you can just set it in, save it, and then refresh your page to see what sort of layout you want to displayAlright, so for example, I might want to hide the product shareThat one there. What else do I want to hide?I think that is pretty much it and let's say if I save itThen the product share thing which is this thing herethen it probably will disappearThen we're going to scroll down to the single product page. So what I like to do is just click into a productAnd we can edit the product page layout. So by default this is the layout and I personally like itIt's pretty goodYou might want to remove the tags and also the SKU if you set that inSo what you might do is you might hide the SKU, hide the product tagshide the product share buttonBecause I don't think that's that useful these days. Most people would probably justshare the link with their friends rather than using that to share itSo that's why I want to remove it, okaySo you can also change it to the default light box. I want to keep it as inNow for the wish list settings, you want to change it to wishlist pageFor example if – let's just save this firstNow for example if I click on this hot icon, then it adds the wishlistSo that will be added to the wishlist pageinstead of the contact. Now for this spark animation, and you want to disable that, then you canFor example if we go back to our shop pageLet's say we click on thatThat's the spark animation. So you can change the color and I'll show you how to set in the colors laterand then we can change it to our primary color or you can just disable it , keep this as defaultBasically that's it. So if we save itThen we're pretty much good to goSo what I'm going to go through next is the WooCommerce settings. For example, the taxesshipping, coupons andPayments. So right now,I'm going to go through the tax settings now what you want to do is hover over WooCommerceclick on settingsThen you'll be directed here. Then click in the tax tabSo the tax settings is something that I've found to be the hardest especially for the people in the US 'causeYou don't actually have a nationwide, like a standard tax rate. You have different rates for differentStates and different areas and things like that. So adding it into WooCommerce can be a little bit troublesomeBut I spent a long time trying to figure out how to do it the best wayso I'll show you how to do it in the tutorial. So it's going to be like semi-automated forthe people who are in the US. So the first thing is I do want to explain it forthe rest of the world where most places are actually just using a standard tax rate. So for exampleAustralia it is just like 10% standard for the entire country that meansit's just really simple. So to include it in Australiathen you just need to click on like standard ratesandIf you really set in your country then it should already add it for you, so AustraliaYou just need to add in your country code, and then just add in the rate for the country and then the tax nameLeave the priority as 1Compound is only for places like Canada where they have like a federal tax and also a province taxwhere you need to actually add them both together. But generally for most countries., you don't need to use itFor shipping, you just need to check if your country charges taxes on the shipping as wellFor example, I might show you an example, so insert rowLet's say you're in the UK. You need to click on this thing here in a new tabYou need to look for the country code for UK. And I believe that is GB because I checked it a while agoso scroll downGB . So put that in hereThen I believe the tax rate was, I think, 20%So we're going to put in 20%. And it is called thatAnd that's all you need to do. So if your country has just a standardnationwide tax, then that is all you need to do and just click on save changesAnd then you can click on the tax options as wellSo right here is basically you can display the prices in the shop excluding tax orincluding. So for example, in Australia most stuff like on the shelf the prices will include the tax alreadySo depending on the country and what people expect, then you can either excluded or includedSo for people in the US, you might exclude it because you might have different rates for differentcustomers, and that way you won't confuse themSo probably for the US, you set in excluding. For other countries which havestandard nationwide taxes like Australiaor you're just used to having prices included then select that. And then you can alsodisplay prices during checkoutand the cart as well. So you can select including and excluding for that. And then just save the changesIf we click on the standard ratesSo I'm going to basically explain it for my US viewersBecause I was looking like for information about this like all over the internetAnd I couldn't find it and even WooCommerce didn't really explain it properlyThey just told us to refer to our accountant and things like that. But I actually want to explain itSo what I do recommend is probably contacting an accountant, but againthey're not going to tell you how to add it in to WooCommerce. So that's something that I will show youSo what we need to do first is, if you're living in the United States, is you want toDetermine which type of state you are. So if your origin based or destination basedSo you can look at this map here andcheck out which type you areSo, for example, if you're living in Texas and your businesses operate in Texasthat means you'll be a origin state andwhat that basically means is the tax rate will be based on the location of your businessSo for example, your business is located in Houston, Texas. Your zip code is 77001What you do is you go to a website called TaxJar, Sales Tax CalculatorFor example77001. You just click on lookup rateYou can check your rate. So the rate 8.25. So basically you only need to pay and charge sales taxfor people who are in your statethat you're operating in. So for example, if someone from New York buys your productsThen you don't need to pay or charge sales taxOnly if the person is living inTexas then you charge them. So basically to add that in, it's also fairly simple as wellSo just click on insert row and if you're in the US, I can just type in USlike thatSo for the state code, you can look at the map hereSo that's TX for TexasPut that into there, so leave this one as empty, check your rate which is 8.25Then you just put in8.25 in there, and that will be your sales tax. Keep the priority as 1, compound as antiquesShipping, you need to make sure whether or not they charge shippingso you can check that out on TaxJar.comor just Google it or ask your accountant. So once that is done, then you can just save the changesSo if I go to the store page nowAnd if I add a product in, add to cart, and then I will check outFor the country I'm going to select, for exampleUnited StatesFor the state, this is going to be TexasZip Code, I'm not sure. Maybe 7705?Scroll there. So the tax is not going to show up yet. So I'm going to quickly put in the address, a random oneSo as you can see, the sales tax will be added. So that would be the8.25. And if for examplesomeone from New Yorkbuys your product, change the zip code to 001Then it won't actually add in the sales tax. So I'm going to explain the destination based one nowso if you go back hereThen if you're for example you live in and operate in the New York state then that's your destination basedstate. So what that means isyou'll need to charge the tax rate based on the location of your customer's shipping addressSo basically since every single area in the state will probably have a different rateThen you basically need to know thousands of ratesSo basically what we need to do is actually import the rates into ourTax settings, so I'll show you how to do it right nowWhat we need to do is we need to go to PluginsAnd click on add newNow what we're going to type in here is tax rateupload. Click on enterYou want to scroll down here. Tax Rate Upload by Adam Bowen. Install now and also activate itAlright, so once that is donethen you'll need to go to and then click on download sales tax tables here on top andselect New Yorkcontinue andall you need to do is enter in your name email. Just your name here again, and probably a phone numberI don't think it has to be real because after you click on download then it should download to your computerSo the file should look something like thisIn a .zip file. What you need to do after that is you need to actually double click itThen you'll actuallyopen up in a folder like thator unzip it. And inside the folder, they'll have an excel file with all the tax ratesSo we need to go back to our websiteand we need to upload those rates. So hover over settings, click on tax rate uploadYou want to choose file and then we go to our desktopClick the Folder and upload the CSV fileClick on open and thenselect add tax rates. So that's going to import everything from the CSVAnd I'll actually show you an example of basically how it worksSo scroll downYou want to change all the priority to 1. Click on yes and submitSo you also want to check if the shipping is taxable and I belive for New York it's a yes. So I'm going to submitNow you can also change the tax name. By default it will be thearea and also tax. You can actually change it to for example sales tax you can need toBut let's just leave it as default for nowSo as you can see it's added in 2000 zip codes for the New York StateThen what you can do is let's go tothe WooCommerce and click on settings. And then if you go to the tax options hereclick on standard ratesYou should see over 2000 rates added . So as you can see for this zip code hereyou're rated 8.625 and for other onesIt's 8.875. So it's all different per zip codeSo that's why we need to add in every single one.Sso once we do thatthen let's actually go to the storeLet me explain a little bit furtherso if we go to checkout nowSo basically let's sayyou're operating address is atzip code of 10001So if you actually check the rate here1001. Look up rateSo iit's 8.875. Now your buyer is fromSyracuse in New York. Hopefully, that's how you pronounce itBasically if we set in that zip code it's13201You will see that if you get the calculator out then it should be 8.00% . Different zip code which maybe14201 which is in BuffaloThen the rate is different again. So that is if your destination based stateSo by the way you also need to only pay and charge sales tax if you have a nexus in the stateSo that basically means that if you have a significant presencewhich means like do you have a shop there or employees there,and I recommend reading on that on the TaxJar Blog andThen I've explained all thatexplained all that andthen basically you'll be good to go. So what I want to walk you through now is setting in different tax classesSo for example, in the United Kingdomthe standard rate is 20.00%but you might also have different products, for example, home energy andproducts for renovation, and that's only charged at 5.00%Or you might have zero rates for life's necessities such as groceries and things like thatSo to set that in to the WooCommerce then you can click onsettings, taxes here, and then click on reduce ratesSo let's take the UK as an exampleJust insert row, set in GB for the country codeSet in the rate. So for example 5.00% for the reduced rate. This one might be a reducedrate and then save changesOnce that is done and set in, You can also set in the zero rate % for this tab herebut all you need to do is go to your productsLet's just say this thing is a life necessity, and it's set to 5.00%then just goes to productsscroll down to the product data. For the tax class, select reduced rate and then you just update theproducts and then pretty much you're good to goSo I'll also be making a separate video about how to add in the tax rates for Canada as wellwhich is a little bit complicated, but I've tried to make it as simple as possiblebecause we'll also be uploading the rates andit's sort of semi automated. So what I'm going to be walking you through now is the shipping optionsSo right now. I'm going to walk you through setting up the shipping zonesSo you'll need to hover over WooCommerce, click on settings, and click on to the shipping tabThen we're going to click on add shipping zoneOk so the first zone that most people will have is a domestic one. So that's within your own countryNow for the zone regions. For example, if you're located in United Statesthen just type that in. Now if the price to ship to Canada is very similar or the sameThen you actually might include that one as well in the zoneOkay, because it just saves timeinstead of creating so many zonesSo what I'm going to do is click on add shipping method. The first one that we're going to add is flat rateSo you can add that in. So basically offer a flat rate shippingmethod. You can click on edit and you can change the cost of it here. So $10.00Save changes and add shipping methodYou might also offer local pickup and then add shipping method like thatOkay, and you can also edit as wellAnd let's say you want to offer a express rate, then you can add shipping methodJust add in the flat rate so add that in. Now you can actually change the name from flat rate to expressrate and maybe change the pricing to $20.00. Save changesSo we're not going to add the free shipping here because it doesn't give us too many optionsWe're going to install a special plugin that gives us a lot more optionsso you can set it up with advanced parametersSo let's close that for now, and you can also rearrange everything just by dragging and dropping like thatSo once you're done, then you can click on the save changesI want you to click on the shipping zonesSo once you click on that, you'll see the domestic zone setup. So you'll need to setup all thespecific shipping zones that you ship to. If you don't, then it actually won't show any shipping methodsso if you ship to Australiaand New Zealand, you're going to have to set up a shipping zone otherwise when people actually checkoutand then it'll say there is no shipping to that area. So once that is donethen I'm going to show you the shipping classes. So if you click on shipping classesThen we're able to set in a shipping class. For example, a heavy item shipping classSo I'm just going to copy that and paste into the slot and descriptionso that's for your own reference, and save shipping classesSo once you're done, so this is really good if you have, for example, if we go to our productsFor example if you and heavy items such as a sofa or maybe a televisionThen you might set that to heavy item. So look for black leather sofa and click on editAnd then basically you can scroll downScroll down here to shipping and for the shipping class. I'm going to select heavy item and then just update itOkay, so once when you've done that, then you need to go back to the WooCommerce settingsThen click back to the shipping areaOkay, you need to click on editNow basically I'm going to show you how to set the price for itSo for your flat rate. Obviously it's not going to be $10.00It's going to be a little bit more expensive. So you can set in the price hereSo for example, if you want the total cost to be $100.00 then you're going to put in $90.00 because thestandard is already $10.00And then you can set it to be each shipping class orfor it to be the most expensive shipping class. And then click on the save changesAnd you probably also want to edit the express one as well. So for examplewe're going to change it to $180.00. So it's going to be a total of $200.00save the changesAlright, so once that is set in, I'm going to show you an examplelet's go to the storeand let's add, okay, we got the black dress in there. So we're going to click on checkoutThen we're going to scroll downSo as you can seeif we set it to United States, then the flat rate will be 20–I mean $10.00. Express will be $20.00. Now if we change it to maybe a different countrythen it'll say that no shipping will be off it because you haven't set in the shipping zone to the UK yetSo if we add the sofa in thereadd that to cartThen we go to checkoutWe need to set the country to United States firstSo as you can see, it is $100.00 nowAnd $200.00 forexpress. So once we've done that, then I'm going to show you how to set in the free shippingSo what we need to do is go to Plugins . Click on add newThe plug-in that we're going to download is Advanced…………Free Shipping. So it will be by your own sole money with20,000 installs. Click on install now and thenactivateSo once I've done that, we need to go back to the WooCommerce settingsThen click on the shipping tab and then click on advanced free shippingand then click on add free shipping rateOkay, so this one, I'm just going to name it free shippingFor example you might want to offerfree shipping for people who have spent more than $50 then you need to set in subtotal, equal toor greater than$50.00. So free shipping will only be enabled if it exceeds $50.00And then you can add in another conditionSo for this condition, since we have the heavier item which is the sofayou want to select contain shipping classSo you want to set to not equal toHeavy item. So what that basically means isfree shipping will only be enabled if in the cart there is no heavy itemActually you want to name it as well, so I'm going to name it free shipping in capsulesUpdate it againSo I'm going to open up a new windowI'm going to go to the shop pageLet's just add this black dress into the cartand click on CheckoutLet's scroll down, change the country to United StatesSo as you can see it offers free shippingbut let's just say we add a sofa in there. So we're going to go back to the shopThen we add the sofa to the cart which is the heavier item shipping class and we check outSo as you can see once that is added and free shipping will be disabledSo this plugin is really useful because you can also set in, for example, if you ship to Australiayou can actually add a different groupLet's say for Australia, you only want togive free shipping if they spend $100.00 or moreThen you set it to $100.00. Also add a conditionSet the country andthen set the country to AustraliaLike that. And then you can update it like thatSo you're going to make sure you set in the Australia shipping zone in firstAnd another Plugin which I think is really useful is the advanced free shipping validationso you can go to PluginsThis will basically tell the -click on add new- will tell the customer why certain items can't be shippedIt might be usefulI'm going to search it upSo if you want that plug-in, then you can install and activate it and set that upSo that's pretty much it for shipping. Right now, I'm going to walk you throughsetting up the payment and also the coupon options. So for your payment andcheckout options, you want to hover over WooCommerce and then click on settingsSo if you scroll down to the currency, make sure that is correct then you can save changesOnce that is done, then you can click on the checkout tab up hereIf you have the SSL from HostGator, then you can actually force secure checkoutScroll down, leave those all as defaultOkay, and then click on save changesNow let's say you want to enable bank transfer, then you can click on bank transferAnd you can enable it just by selecting that andleaving your instructions and also your account information to finish the transferSo you can also do that for the cheque payments andalso the cash on delivery. So for example, the cash on deliveryyou might actually do not accept it if it's a virtual product. So save changesNow generally I recommend Paypal as thedefault payment method because it's the easiest most efficient and probably the safestand PayPal also has its ownHTTP which they have the SSL certificateSo the payment is done on their platform and that means they handle the security as wellSo once you've enabled it, then enter in your payPal email. If you don't have oneI recommend signing up for a business account because you're going to be accepting moneySo if you scroll down, if you select Paypal Sandbox, so that will enable you to test paymentsSo you need to create a developer account and I do have a tutorial on that at my YouTube channelso scrolling downYou might also want to enable the API credentials so you can process your refund via PaypalSo you can click on that to learn how to get the APIand then just paste it into these sections and then save changesSo if we actually go to the accounts tab as wellYou'll want to enable customer registration on my account pageSo once that is done, scroll down and then click on saveIf you click on emails here as well, then you can actuallyset a different header. So for exampleyou can change a header image to your own header image. And what I'll do is click on media hereso open it a new tabLet's say you have a different header design you would add that via here and then after that you'll have a URLwhich you can copy andthen you just paste in the URL here andYou can change the footer text to your brand as well as changing the colorsso I'll be going through the colors in a second, but this is what you can actually edit. So save itAnd right now I'm going to walk you through how to create coupons as well. So click on the couponsAnd you can just click on add couponAll you need to do is set in a coupon name. So “Black Friday”. So I don't believe it's case-sensitiveSo people can type in all lowercase or uppercaseBut I think they will need to put the space thereYou can add a description, though you don't need to. For the discount typeyou can do percentage discount. So for example, 20 that would equals 20.00% discount. Or you could do afixe-type discount of like $20.00And if you want to allow free shipping you can tick that but you do probably want to put in a expiry dateSo let's say it expire at the 31st. And you can also set the usage restrictions hereminimum spend specific products or exclude products, that's all up to you, and also usage limitsSo depending on how generous you want to be, you might set a limit per userBut I normally just leave it as is . They can use it as much as they want because, you knowthey're just buying more stuff from your website. Click on PublishBasically that is done. So if you actually visit the storeLet's say you want tocheck outPeople will enter the coupon code here”Black Friday” and then applySo it says it'ssuccessfully applied. If you scroll down it would minus $20.00 from the checkoutSo that is pretty much it. So right nowI'm going to walk you through how to add in your logo and Favicon which is the little icon up hereAnd then we'll go throughchoosing your color scheme and also applying it to your websiteSo now I'm going to show you how to add in the favicon and also the logo up hereSo you need to click on customizeNow while that is loading you can also go to Fiverr.comYou can also search for logo design here. Click on search. So you can get logos for $5.00 hereAnd you can also get them to send you the favicon versionwhich is basically just the icon without the text alright. So if you go back hereThen, so click on Site Logo and Taglineclick on site logoSo if you don't have a logo yetjust set in a logo site title. And you can change the font weight to maybeBold like that and you can also change the font thereYou can click on logo image. If you have an image, click on that to uploadupload files, select filesAnd search for the folder if you have been following along. So there's two different logos hereWhat I recommend isensuring that is a PNG file which basically means that there is no background on that imageNow if you're doing it yourselfthat's what you have to make sure because sometimes you might save it with a white backgroundAnd you don't want it because if you have like a darkheaderthen that means the white background will actually show up. Now the recommended size is128 for the Height. For the Width,it doesn't really matter as much. But for the height you want to keep it 128 or belowSo let's just upload that one in there, click on insert image, and then it should show upSo this is the height setting, this is the width setting. So since the height is 128, you want to half itSo by halving it, it is 64So once you've set to 64, then it should be goodLet's just zoom out a little bit so you can actually see the whole menuYou can also arrange the position by clicking hereSet it to relative, and then you can adjust it padding for the top and also for the bottom like thatSo maybe plus two and then you move it down andjust play around with that until you get it exactly where you want it. So we can click on saveAnd close it and then I'll show you how to add in the faviconSo now for the favicon, we need to go to our dashboard areaAnd then we want to click on Media and then click on add newThen I'm going to select filesSo I'm going to select my favicon. It's also transparent and, as you can see, the size is 64 pixelsso it's 64x64And make sure that you crop it as the actual icon as possible and then click on openThen once that is uploadedthen you can click on editGrab the URL here. So double-click and select all copy the entire URL. Go back to the Themify settingsAnd then paste it into here, the URL. Click on saveAnd then we're going to go to our websiteThen it should load up on the top left here. And then you're pretty much good to goSo in this section, I'll be talking about choosing colors and creating your color paletteand then actually applying it to your websiteSo colors are really important because they evoke emotions and also ifpeople lgo to a website and they don't like the color scheme of it, then they might even click offSo it's really important to choose the right colors for your audienceSo the first thing now that I want you do is really understand your audienceThink about how old they are. Are they mostly male or female?What do they like? Where do they live? and things like that. And then once you have an idea ofwhat emotion you want to evoke as well, then go to a color meanings website, so you can go to HoganChuaWeb Design Guide and then you can click on this, the color meanings websiteBasically it will explain what each of the colors meanSo for example, I'll be applying the color to a hypotheticalmeal delivery service like fresh food and things like that delivered to your houseSo I'm going to be choosing the base color of GreenSo some of you might be selling clothes andBlack might be a really popular choice because it is kind of stylish and elegant and a lot offashion websites will actually use black or dark graySo choose a base color and then what I want you to do is go toMaterialuicolors.coSo I also have that link here if you click on it as wellBasically you want to select the right shade ofyour base color. Because, let's say if you move it here then it's like really darkFor example if you choose a dark blue, then it's more sort of corporately, it probably suits like a older audienceBut if you choose likea lighter version of it, then it's more young and energeticSo choosing the right shade for the, you know, right age group is really important as well. So for exampleI'm going to be choosing this light green hereNow if you want to choose like a black color, I would suggestmoving it into 900and using this really dark grey instead because most of the time on most websites, it is not 100% blackBecause the contrast between white and black is a little bit too muchso I prefer using really really dark grey insteadSo once you have your color code, my one is the green one, let's move that 600I want you to go to a website called, and then put in your base color code into here. Click on okSo once you've done that then click on add complementarySo that will use the Color Theory to select the best color that goeswith your base color. So if you don't like that color that they've chosen using the color theory, you can also usethese different ones here as well. So click on each of these ones andpick a color or you can also use the free style option hereAnd if you hold shiftyou can actually drag one of the color wheel things and it will select a color for youSo it keeps it on like this track thing so that ensures that it's like the same toneSo personally I'm going to selectthis color here and then what I'm going to do is copy itI'm going to go to color.adobe.comAnd if you go there click on customThen for the secondary color, I'm going to paste into there, and I'm also going to paste my primary colorSo my primary color is there. I'm going to paste it into hereand then click on enterAnd for the Middle one I'm going to set it to whiteSo this is going to be our accent color which is going to be used for our buttons like sale icons or things thatYou want to bring attention toThe other ones,I'm going to set it as neutral colors because you don't really need that many colorsIt's sort of like choosing colors is sort of like choosingwhat color to wear. So you can look good injust like one color , black suit or like a white dress or something like thatYou don't need too many colors, so especially if it's a eCommerce store. This oneI'm going to set it to be a dark graySo basically this will be your color paletteThis is going to be a base color, accent color andneutral colors that you can useSo you don't have to use exactly these color codes because sometimes it might not be visibleor it's just not practicalWhen that is the case, then what I'll do is copy the color code hereGo to 0to255.comEnter in your base color and also open up another oneThen I also want to copy over my accent colorand put it into there. So you can use different shades of your base colorif sometimes you can't use that color. And it's alsogood because if you have it open, then you can easily set the color in for your buttons and things like thatFor your button hover colors. So once we have that all set, then we're going to go to the websiteSo this is the other demo website which I've builtBasically I'll show you how to apply it on this website hereI also wanted to point out that if your –
let's say your base color isBlack here, then you can pretty much pick any color that you want alright. So maybewhat I'll suggest is just pick an accent color from here. If your were like a fashion storewhich will be mainly selling toteenage girls, you might pink as the accent color,.But if you're like a clothing store that sells likefor women and men, then you might choose a blue color because blue is the most popular color in the worldSo it might be a good choice as your accent colorand then just paste it into hereIt might also be a good idea to actually save it so you need to probably create a AdobeID if you don't have one andsign in. Or you can just make sure to write down the hex code on a piece of paperThen whenever you're building a website and just enter it hereSo you can just copy and paste every time you need to change the colorsWhat we're going to do now is go to our website and then click on customizeOkay, so make sure you are at Themify options and select advanced optionsThen you can click on the body. So for the body backgroundyou can change the background color. But I'm going to keep it as white because you are an eCommerce storeSo you want to bring the attention to the products rather than the actual brand of your websiteSo for the body fonts, you can also change the font colorBut personally I'll just keep it as default because it is alreadydark gray and it looks goodFor the body link, what I would set here is probably your base color so if you go to yourColor Palette here, you can copy overyour base colorThen go back to your website and then you can paste it into there. And as you can see it's changed to green nowSo if your base color is for example like the dark grey, then you might want touse your accent color. So as I said beforeyou might have picked a blue or a pink then that might be yourLink color. If it's sort of like a color which is like too light, for example, like this yellow hereit's like way too light,then you wouldn't use that as your link color at all. You'd probably use a underline insteadSo whatever you do on your website, you're going to make sure thateverything is visible. Then for the body link hoverThis is when you hover over the link what color it changes to. So as I said beforeearlier when we're setting in the buttons, we use the formulawhich you either choose 2 shades darker or 2 shades lighterSo in this case, I'm going to choose 2 shades darker and then I'm going to put it into the body link hoverSo when you hover over it, then it should be darkerSo it gives that little feedback there. So we're going to minimize this and we've set in the bodyThen we're going to go to the header sectionOkay, so as you can see, you can't see the header menus and things like that. So I'm going to zoom out a little bitSo I can see thatSo the header section affects everything up hereSo if you click on the header wrap, you can change the header wrap background colorSo, for example, if you were a fashion store, then I might change it to a darker colorSo the 3D3D or your base color which is that really dark grayBut since I am selling fresh food hereI'm going to keep it as white because it just looks really simple and sort of friendly. So I'm gonna keep that as isSo I wouldn't put the base color in there unless it's like a dark grey or something like thatBecause let's say if I put like a green in there, then it's just too much. So let's saylet's grab that greenLet's put that in there. So I just think that's just too muchSo it looks a lot better just white. So once you've done that, then you can go to the header font sectionSo the header font is actuallyanything without a link. So everything up here is actually a link so we don't need to change anythingSo if you click on header link, then this changes the color for all the links in the header sectionSo you might want to change this to a dark grey. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to use this color codeCopy that. Let's paste that into here like that. And as you can see that changes all the link colors to that dark graySo I would use a neutral color. If I put it to be the green one then it wouldn't be as visibleThat's why I like to use in you to a color for that. If your background was darkthen I will change the header link to whiteThe header link hover is when you actually hover over it. So you want to give it a nice effectSo what you can change it to is maybe like a green, your base color, or you can actually choose adarker version or lighter version of the color that you put in here. So for this instance,I might go for a 5D5D. So it goes a little bit lighterLike that. So it gives that slight effector you can choose your base colorSo as you can see when you're hovering here, you see that yellow underlineSo to change that color, you can actually go to the accent stylingClick on that. And I believe that's the accent border colorSo I'm going to set it to 5D5DAnd that will change like that and then I'm going to save itNow for the site logo and taglineThe tagline I might remove it to none so it's nothing thereLet's close that. For the main navigation, this is actuallythis here. So this is your main nav. So you can actually override the header link colors if you change it hereSo I'm going to leave it as is because I don't need to but you can if you change these settings hereSo for the menu active link, let's say if we click on the shop pageThen as you can see, if we change the menu active link andlet's change it to maybe like a green or something like thatLet's change it to a red. So that is the active link color. So for the active linkI'm just going to leave it as default because I think it just looks simple like that alright. And then for themenu active link hover, this is basically when you hover over the link then what color it changes toFor the drop-down container, if you have a drop-down container or link hereyou can change the background color and also the link holders hereAnd then if we click on the shop sectionSo we're able to change the product title, the price,and for the add to cart button what I'll change here is the background colorI'm going to change it to my base colorSo go here and copy that code overPut that into there. Now for the base hover color, I'm going to change it totwo shades darkerand then paste it into there. So when you hover over it, it should go darkerI'm going to save and publish and refresh it, then it will change. So for the sell tagThis is the tag here. For this, I wouldn't use the base color. I would use my accent colorSo I'm going to go hereGrab the accent color, paste it intobackground color andfor the text color, I'm going to change it to whiteSo change that to white like thatThen that's pretty much good to go. So for your sidebar hereYou can also change the colors hereSo for example, as you can see, the price slider background color, you can change that if you go tothe accent styling andI believe that should be the accent background color. So I might change that to a greenSo what I'm going to do is grab my green colorAnd then put that into there like thatand it should change that and it also changes that one. So once we've done that, then we can scroll down tothe footer sectionSo this is your footer. The footer wrap is basically the background colorSo generally you would choose a neutral color for this sectionYou wouldn't put your base color. Again, the green color is tooheavy. So what I do is I put a light gray. If you're a fashion store or something like thatYou might choose a dark dark greySo I put a light grey and because the footer section is not that importantI like to normally tone it down so I normally like to make it sort of lighter grey for the links and things like thatIf we go to the foot of fonts. So the footer font is this hereSo it's not a link, that is your fontI'm going to keep it as that color as default but we can change it there. For the footer linkthis is the footer link here, and I'm going to change it to alighter gray. So maybe let's try 5D5DLike that. So it's lighter and I think just looks nicerFor the footer link hover, so this is the color when you hover over itWhat I'm going to do is put a different shadeMaybe, let's say, a darker version. 3D3Dlike thatSo when you hover over it, then it gives you a slight effectJust really subtle and nice. So once you've done that then you can close it and that's pretty much itSo let's saveThen let's close itSo I'm going to briefly walk you through how I actually applied the color onto the homepageSo the first thing that you want for your homepage is picking the rightimage. So as you can see, I picked a image with fresh food. PersonallyI'll probably put some green like veggies in there or something like thatBut I picked it from UnsplashSo picking the right image is really important. The second thing is I would use the base color if you canfor your text. If you can't, then choose a neutral colorFor your button, you would probably use your accent color as I have hereAnd I've also put it so it's a darker red when you hover over itScrolling down, I've used the accent color for the iconsAnd also for the links, I've used the base colorI've also used the light gray for a divider sort of backgroundSo it separates the content really well. And then scrolling downFor this one, I put a sort of a outline button or a ghost button. The reason why I did that is becausethese buttons here are solid andthese are more important that people add these to cutSo that's why I use a ghost button because it's been statistically proven that they will be clicked lessAnd it looks just really subtle and niceScrolling down. So as you can see, the divider color hereI didn't use a light gray. The color that I used was , I think, it's really light green insteadSo basically you can choose like a shade of your base color and put it onto your websiteAnd it will actually still look good. Scrolling downI used a dark grey for this section here because my footer is light graySo if my footer here was dark gray then I probably wouldn't use the dark gray againbecause then there wouldn't be anySeparation of content. So that's how I applied the colors, it's really simple. So if you look at it, we just use thebase color for most of the website and accent color for buttons and things that you bring attention toNeutral colors for areas which you don't know which color to use and thenYou can use different shades of your base color as well as using it for your buttons and hover effectsSo that was pretty much it for the colorsI also want to briefly introduceYou to the responsive styling options that you have with the builder. So for example,the website actually is pretty responsive already. So as you can see all the content will align properlyBut sometimes for your hero image, the text might be a little bit too muchOr it might not be visible anymore because, as you can see, the image will shrink but you'll still have a lot of textSo you can actually, um, let's go backYou can actually remove or set the visibility for it. So for example, if you don't want too much text to appearfor the visibility, you can actually hide it. So you can hide it for mobile devices and if you set that insaved it. So if we close itThen if we reduce the screen then it will actually disappear like that. Then there's also another thingwhere you can just turn on the builderI'm going togo back here, show that instead, but let's click on this styling options here. Click on mobileYou're able to set a background colorLike for example a white background color or you can choose a dark one like thatdepending on your backgroundAnd then you can set the opacity here like that. So it increases theVisibility for your text. So for me, I'm going to change it to whiteand 0.75%Like that. And then click on save. And then for tablet as well, so I did that for the tablet as wellSo that text is visible. So landscapeYou might want to do it for landscape as well. I'm going to just leave it as that. For desktop,It will look good. So you can check all those options and alsoI forgot to show you that you're able to set in columns as well for each of your rowsSo for example, this row hereyou're able to set in columnsAnd then it will separate into columns. You can separate as many as you want like that, and then you canbuild your websiteAdding in the modules there. So that's pretty much it forthe tutorial. If you have any questions, drop it down below andalso, I will be uploading additional videos at my Udemy course. So if you go to Udemy.comIf you search for courses here, just type in my name “Hogan Chua” and then click on enterSo basically my course isn't up yet. So I'll upload it in the coming daysBasically you can sign up for the course for free. You don't need to pay or anything like thatSo I'll upload additional videos there and things like that. So that's it!So if you liked the video, make sure to give it a likeand share it with your friends. And hopefully, you found it really useful. Thanks!


TOP Products To WATCH In September (Shopify Product Research 2019/2020)

Here’s some of the hottest trending products in September 2019 to Dropship on Shopify! Instagram: @BOWLES

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TOP Products To WATCH In September (Shopify Product Research 2019/2020)

If you have struggled to get sales on Shopify, it could very well be because you did not have a winning product.

In this video I share 3 winning products that are trending right now in September 2019 that you can Dropshipping from AliExpress and sell on your Shopify store.

I also show you exactly how you can find dozens more winning products just like it through my product research strategy. Theres a few main things I look for when doing my research, and finding some sort of Catalyst is a MUST.

You want to see orders trending upwards, or see the product being a best seller on Amazon, finding an ad with tons of engagement…. you want something that shows clear signs of momentum.

I hope this helped, leave a LIKE if you enjoyed!

*Disclaimer* I am not in any way a certified financial advisor, nor do I pretend to be one. Any information or advice I give you on any social media platform is simply my opinion based my own own experience and research. There is no guarantee on anything due to the fact that there are many variables that play a factor in your success. Do your own research, do the work and take everything as an opinion.


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Searching For Ecom Suppliers In China (Real Life Edition)

all right you guys ensuring productquality is absolutely essentialwe're on Aliexpress right now and I'vetalked about a few things and you can gothrough look at the reviews that'simportant make sure other people havehad a good experience because first comeI mean first of all your customers ifthey get a bad product you're gonna getrefunds you're gonna get customercomplaints which it's very annoying todeal with that customer service even ifyou have a VA so going through thisstuff that's great you can look at allthis feedback but how can you really besure can you order the product that'lltake about two months you know if theyhave a packet two three four or fiveweeks that's a long time and as Abdulpointed out you can just order on Amazonright pan out show Abdul Abdul set inAmazon right you can find most productson Amazon two days shipping but I'm likewhat's faster what's faster than twodays shipping oh my goshlet's go to kayak flight to China 18hours you know I I dropped out of highschool hours is is less than two days solet's just go to China test his productquality what do you think I'm doingthat's a move bro let's do it let's doit I would I think that's the only way[Music]six figures a month water wait is therea 1%is there uh it's not commercial it's aprivate line oh my bad my bad[Music]see see I cannot see all this paranoia[Music]but I slept through most of it so we'retwo guys we made it to the guangzhouchina i think major keys to bringsomething on foods I really don't knowwhat to expectyeah we're Smee out here as I saidtesting product quality and see what ispowder Ollie don't even know how did shedrag me out look okay you're gonna thankme later once you find the hottestproduct you see there's a ton of streetthat's half it's like a 100x amplifiedversion of Hollywood Boulevard wherethere's people sound stuff in thestreets tell me you're not gonna find atleast one product that nobody else isselling it's like a propand former relationship with thesupplier that's so much I really don'tknow what we're doing here I honestlydon't even know where China is on themap but it is you show him this it'slike smog yeah I thought it was a foggyday apparently we need this oh we'restill in the airport been here for likean hour trying to struggle actually butseriously struggling to get into thecountry these 24 hour visa things arelike super skeptical or whatever sowe'll see where this goes but you guysare gonna enjoy this videoit was over if they're struggling withthe ATM I put my camera every numberfive number 10can money babies not that's not what theguy was saying but I don't stack star MByen look all I've never hired is thatvending machine over there that has acold water did not take credit cards Iknow every season[Music][Music]oh hey there buddyatchoothat's[Music]we're rollin bro you guys as we wait forthis food place to open cuz it's like 9a.m. right now in China we left LAX atmidnight like 12:30 or whatever barelymade the flight by the way got to Chinaafter a 14 or 15 hour flight at 5 a.m.China time so I don't exactly know howthe time zones work but I wanted topoint out this is extremely extremelypeople very peaceful vibe here so I wantto point that out it's very relaxedpeople seem to move I don't wanna saythat it moved quick but not in a hurryit's very efficient yet calm nobodyseems tense that's what I want to say soI don't know let go measure out thesekids whatever but this is it's kind oflike a tropical the next destinations inthe truck but I can't tell you guys youguys gonna see the videos and whatnotbut this right here definitely on itsown vibe let's go grab someI can handle of you know small talk inyour eyes oneit feels just right I'm gonna baby wecan make a knife out of every littlething you like but that's just bad[Music]Bonnie's a guitarby[Music]wait achoo achoo the way thatyou know who's dangerous back in Caliwhen I was in the kitchen with how wewhip it up in here wait on Richards thatso that's a bowl of spices over therethat's tomato on the right and then wegot spices on the left let's do this[Music][Music]double double no tomatoes keep it cleanand fake hose it for psychedelicmama I can say come eat Scholes watch amovie maybe break down right when it'sover smoking kids so we say[Music]the Canon 1dx mark – what the x2 sentmen she said the next mark tumors biggerflicksthis is what everything has been shot onup to this point the battery died wecame here had to go like four differentspots to get a battery and now they'recharging both foot ports so we just gota battery of tripods some other stuffthis is everything while the beautifulcontents coming from while we're hereelectronics that can sell really well atshop 1 so we're gonna do we're gonnacheck out a few these lenses somedifferent products show them around alittle pan there's a ton of differentelectronic tools and stores Societybasically I'm going to bethat I know stuff like phone casescharges whatevertesting the quality and seeing who cangive you the best deals for shop fun nowwe got to figure out they supply if theycan do all that stuff and actually keepup with that demand or whatever biggestproblem we have is this guy doesn'tspeak a lick of English look and try touse like Google like what does this meanto Mandarin and all this I don't reallyknow how this is gonna go but we'regonna do our best to find some goodproducts oh and by the way one thing Ido want to mention out here you guys seeall this stuff like street vendors allthese little I don't even know you canfind a lot of products that maybe didn'tthink about it they never come acrossbecause they haven't been blown up onthe Internetalmost like I say don't bring a newproduct to the market this is where youcould potentially find 100 foot so Ilike to normally pick you back up it'salready moving but this should be a goodopportunity to find something that hasthat sort ofyeah so let's get on with this theiPhone 10 charging he calls us a case ithas even protected nice protection broits voyage just buy this one confusednice for how much they want like threehundred bars I'd love to good here nowthere we go yeah we just we got them tothrow in a free tripod with the camerapretty tripod first ones that see orsome phone cases this one Allredfashioned case trying to see all this alot of the stuff is off-brand Chinesestuff it's 69 qui I believe is how yousay it which is like I don't even knowthat's like a few dollars four or fivedollars got a lot of different chargedyour stuff and your phone cases can doreally well stuff like this the basicones I think they're kind of faded offon Shopify it's more selective coolprints on-demand stuff that works likestuff fit I mean the fake Gucci andsupreme that can work really well justbe careful because you can definitelyget sued for all that you definitelyjust like the boring stuff is it'sharder to markets you want some sort ofdesign like a dog case that was thefirst case that is really well for mebecause that dog case in itself I canmarket to the dog niche whereas like aplain cool red one you know who are yougonna market it I've had one of thesethese you can probably get for like fouror five bucks sell them for $15.99that's actually there's little ones likethat where it has a phone clip on it andthis look these are actually I'd mindkind of broke off some of these you wantto test the quality these are prettygood yes this stuff like this this issmall so you compared to my hand herethis would be actually don't know ifthis would work like a g7 X but you canset little cameras on these this Ibelieve yeah this issee this adjustable this probably costyou six bucks on Aliexpress you can sellit for twenty twenty-five see this righthere where it's expendable or whateveryou want to call it this is for a fauxlook this one even goes out toand this looks into your phone the oldones action this one use theadapter plug into your phone you pressthis button down here it'll take youfive six bucks on Aliexpress you canprobably sell this for like 30 40 bucksor is anybody yet 10 15 20 30 40 bucksyou could sell it for 30 bucks obviouslyone of the biggest things way of findingproducts you're gonna want to think okaywhat kind of margin can you make on thisbut also you're gonna play with theprice one I like to start lowyou know I'd sell this for $15.99 forcoffee under six seven bucks and if it'sworking on the race of rice and we'regonna do is keep raising the price untilit doesn't start converting as well thenyou kind of find the sweet spot sothat'swhat could potentially sell also beingable to test the body because I got oneof these a bigger one on Amazon yeah seethese pop right now but you can put itback in so mine it was actually possiblehe was loaded just like you'd move it alittle like this oh oh just break oh soterrible boy you want to be testing thisstuff that's why we're in China you guyssee this brother quality let's go seewhat kind of deals you don't go upstairsthere's a lot of products upstairs let'sgothe real beats yes you might get suitedto sell theseAmazon eBay dropped by any of that stuffguys we're gonna go bird-watching let'stest it out what if I set it down itonly works up its its own oh you gottayou gotta hold it up you put it in itsfins the scoop is this it's just a newshot set by changing product it could bethat's the problem isn't subscribe tothis reform make sensefind the flood this to be I've neverseen 35 that's about five dollars fivedollars that's a lot of money bro butnot pick I'm building should you guyshave a lot of these can you get a lot ofthe kids to see how much image right nowAlex press you can look at their totalorders how many quantitythis is even fitting your phone[Music]okay okay now that's cool that'sactually sick I can't hit my home buttoncuz I'll be chopped off but that'sactually cool five pieces you'll give mediscounta discount of $4 85 cents$2.95 we're negotiating here about 50that kind of deal to the unitthey had at the beach yes ago she ations10 o'clock for us to not a dollar eightywe progressed from five dollars andfifty cents two dollarswell we got about fifty all right we'regonna pick it up thank youappreciate ita black one do many other colors yeahI'll do bluelaser pointers see this guy's it's greenand I'm gonna draw shop cut symbol s[Music]is a scam that's kind of sick theyup-sell you so hard over here hi youguystime to continue on with the journeyyeah up so upset upset upset[Music]look you're not gonna get the deal giveme a lot of shop hours for me as a wholesellers supplier we're in a wholesalemarketplace you're not gonna do it ifyou're not blond my cameraman Phil soone thing I learned is after learningjust enough Mandarinto talk to them and negotiate to themthey get a little bit intimidated theyknow that you know China and they knowthat they can just mess with you likeany other foreigner so I Hayden was ableto get the other one for what 95 mine Ithink we can get it for no I think Ithink I can get it that one for 50 butthat guy was a dick so good dick you'renot gonna get my business let's see ifwe can get this one for 9.50 who's gotthe the best ones herewell they had a lot more stuff you lookall this stuff you guys could sellChargers power banks cases do whilecharging cases sell you or now prettymuch all right 90 quiet right he wasoffering 90 I know I know he wasliterally asking me to make an offer soI could have made an offer for cheaperno the other one was 135 he'd originallysaid 150 and I said no then he droppedit to 90 so he almost caught his pricein half and how what did he start withhe started 152 lo Julian assaultedokay so she's trying to tell me rightnow that this one has doubled the amountof power that that one has that was5,000 how's it going I don't speak anybit of that language seems simple underwater now what you're going to gothrough the pimp I pick up you goyeah she's telling me that this brandright here is a very well entrustedChinese brandthis is why it's cost more than theother ones I'm so confused wait why doesthat go in there I'm so calm why wouldit be able to oh that's how you chargeit you can turn it you can charge itwith the landing cable so you plug thepower bank into the wall that is smartso it's not a different charging portthat's that's a good one Wow whoa byeokay so charge your phone and then youcharge yes the charger for the batterypack is a lightning cable yeah that isgood that's good so Android and iPhoneso that right there could be a winningproduct that's a good product that'sactually a good one I've never seen thatbefore I've actually never seen them payattention this stuff so what about[Music]lyosha war come onsometimes you got to start walking awayand no cover I just told her that theguy next door said why and she's tryingto telephone 400 so she's gonna have todo less that's how it worksback to you the ocean 575 now from 100okayso progress how many times will thischarge your phone this is the sameamount of power as this one's so um howmany times I charge my phone three timesI think your phone's 2,800 I'm prettysure it is pretty don't quote me on itbut I'm pretty sure your phone's socharge my phone Li three timesshe wanted to charge me like threehundred five years how much did you giveher for a favor US dollar Tomneighbors in Concordokay guys you just don't even thinkabout how much soap or it's too high buthe wants it possible type whele 100hundred what about how many for ahundred about 165 I drop the twin manliterally like negotiated in fractionsof a cent another spot let's try anotherspot see what we get yeah let's see whatthe guy next door will do alright we areon level 3 of this wholesale marketwe're on a feud for missions identifyhot products but now I need a power bankfor this next flying district travelingbecauseit's kind of annoying not having one ofmy laptop always died so let's even getsomeone down what's the lowest we got it- 75 75 75 okay so 75 is the lowestwe've got where you see who can do itcheaper Neal for a 10,000 ma thisuniversal converter for all of ourtravel needs that we might Universalconverter that's actually it could be agood product to drop should be to shutthe target travelers that's one of thosethings there might be more limitedaudience with depending on the targetshe can do this okaydude it's less than any other place andI kind of like her she's fully chargedit comes to the charger too as joinedthey point out real estate we're on theoh there's another floor third floor outof four on this Lake wholesale market Iguarantee you the less people come uphere so they get less offers lots moremotivatedgot a good deal here man I be done he'slooking at this Europe we might needthatit feels very flimsyit feels flimsy he said that's not agood feel we going to Europe we're gonnaactually I'm gonna scratch all that outwe I can't tell them where we're goingbut I mean they kind of nosed a year wedon't know where we're going exact Imight come in handy so I think thatconcludes this beautiful trip at thiswhat even is this honestly I have noidea some sort of wholesale market justmessing around looking at a lot ofdifferent products stock pool a coupleof cool things you guys already saw thelittle fan I'd never seen anything likethat how do we get down out of here hopethrough the light tunnel whoo but yeahhopefully it was an interesting videofor you guys just jumped out to China todo this and uh got a few ideas for a fewproducts I saw obviously I can't putthem all in camera one of which I amplanning on actually testing out becauseI found it on how they express but Idon't understand this language at allthankfully my buddy Julian speaks alittle bit of it just a little bit wasslightly successful with the negotiationbut other than that we're gonna go findthe boys dip out of here China's beenfun I don't know if I can stay here Ireally don't the food was all right it'sjust a big culture shock but it was funfun fact that Range Rover right therelet's see if there's any other nice carsyou see that Range Rover which isseventy grand or so in the US that'sabout two hundred thousand dollars hereMaserati that's 60 grand there 180thousand everything's like two to fourtimes as expensive so Julian X used tolive here for six months or eight monthsin China if you see how someone in aFerrari quarter-million off Fri that'slike almost a million dollars yeah it'sa luxury attack hereanything luxury Louis Vuitton cars suchas sonic sports cars everything's likedouble triple the price yeah we we sawsome Gucci bags and stuff literally like$1,400it's like 800 over Udall the MCM bagsliterally everything yeah that's crazyso he pointed out that's why when you goto Beverly Hills like Rodeo Drivethere's a lot of you know the Asiandemographic inside of the store becauseyeah I love all the agents over in RodeoDrive and Louboutin so our goods are theones that are buying all the bagsthey're usually buying them not forthemselves but to ship to relatives overhere in China because they can sell themfor a profit over here yeah it's crazyhow things work all that luxury tagstuff so we're gonna see what otherstuff we can the crazy thing too is whenyou buy adidas or Nike that are madehere but designed in California and theysent them to America and then importthem back into China and to have aluxury tax on a product that they makein their own countryall right we were actually going back upreal quick because I need another 1/3g7x battery but anyways if you guys didenjoy the video I would appreciate it alot if you drop a like down below andalso comment if you want me to goanywhere else I think there's otherparts of China I'm in gangs ow I believeit's called right now there's any otherparts of China or other countries Stateswhatever would it be some fun creativevideos to make drop it in the commentsdown belowalways interested in traveling to thatstuff and if you did enjoy the video ofcourse drop that like but hit done icingand subscribe button for thisever-growing family I appreciate youguys I don't see it's more on the nextvideo


Big Payment Processors Don't Care About Ecom and Online Biz

it was a strikeout for strep gettingbanned and I even went some of myfriends and use some of my friendstripes and all everyone strapped keptbeing banned[Music][Applause]basically tell me where were you youknow what kind of situation were you ininitially before we started workingtogether yeah absolutelyso my name is pres McHugh I'm 18 andcurrently live in Las Vegas and before Ifound cause and electronic commerce Iprocessed a lot through stripe andPayPalthe first issue was PayPal whenever Iprocess 10 grand a little under threedays and they permanently blacklisted mefrom PayPal so I can never open a PayPalaccount again and the next was withstraight so with stripe you get a max ofabout four accounts being banned beforeyou get permanently been like to whereyour name and social security numbersband so the first account I processed alittle under 100k and they completelybammy and my money still being lockedand the second account I processed Ithink it was like 20k and it was astrike after strike getting banned and Ieven when some of my friends would usesome of my friends stripes and alleveryone's trapped kept being banned andI got introduced to cause and electroniccommerce so my first initialintroduction with the electroniccommerce was not great because I alloweda friend to use my electronic commerceaccount but luckily electronic commercebeing more of a concierge service theywere able to work with me and theyunderstood that that happened and we'reable to move past that and now I haveseveral open accounts with electroniccommerce and they all run smoothly verylow charge back percentage very securepayments next-day funding anything thatyou could want in a payment processorsand electronic commerce I think Iunderstand so with what happened if I'mcorrectas I understand it so no this other guyof the friend former friend or whateveror a person who portrayed himself as afriend you were trying to help them outand like you know some people would helpyou out with the stripe O'Connorwhatever and he basically took advantageof it right did some things that werejust way way way way above you know wayundergroundpast the board or whatever things thatjust weren't ethical from a paymentprocessing perspective and just anethical period to the point whereclients weren't happy with what theywere getting exactly and unfortunatelysince I guess your name was on thedotted lineyou were he'll sort of left holding thebag or you were responsible whereanother housing transactions okay andthen that's what kind of like made itnot so much of a good experience agocorrect right okay and I guess if theyhad have been let's say a stripe squarea PayPal or a bank and one of those kindof institutions it would have just beenshut down that's it yeah it would havebeen said that it would have been a muchworse experience okay and so he liketrying to converse in our back officeyou guys work together we worked it outand we're back you know we're backsmooth sailing again we back in goodstanding okay good because that's so Iguess the whole point is like it youknow something like that happens andthat's like the lifeblood of yourbusiness just like what can you do rightyou can't get you out of processingokay you can't merchant process anymoreokay so now that we have that fix haveyou been receiving like has there beenanything – I guess gonna help preventyou know issues I have you been gettingthat kind of assistance for maybe liketo do an account all right and say heywell you know do this to that or makesuggestions that I hope when you areyeah electronic commerce is superhelpful with that okay now are youhaving like any issues with getting incontact with you know say operations onthe right of risk huh private servicesas soon as you died pick up the phoneroom as long as it's in that hour thatthe the supports on there mmm-hmm alwayspicked up okay and I'm not coaching himto say this because this is a hundredpercent honest yeah this is just from myfrom my experiences and that wasn't evenfamiliar with all the differentincidents because I'm not necessarilyworking in operations on a day to daykind of the bigger picture likeoverseeing different things and seeinglike what's happening and being actuallytold what's happening so I'm notcoaching him but I'm super glad that itabsolutely worked out and this isprobably that this is our first daymeeting there's our first action meetingyeah so I had no freaking idea of allthe like the different particulars Iknow the person he's referring to andpick us up you know that's like Walmartjust being out of business or anybusiness like if you can't make moneyhow can you be in business exactly soyou know and you don't have there's notlike 18 years old to be doomed to 18right yeah did we do what you're doingthat's freaking awesome rightthat can really discourage a lot ofpeople though you can't like it getdiscouragedespecially 18 or 28 or 32 foot it woulddiscourage you if something like thathappens and you can't move forward itcould be super discouraging so for youman to be able to bounce back from thatand to handle it in a mature way I thinkthat's a plus as well hey I wouldn'thave been able to do that withoutelectronic commerce okay you guys aregonna help that outis it's a concierge based um and I wasable to talk with Darnell okay and kindof work out the situation after I senthim on the phone and care about whathappened Tokrahe was like yeah absolutely like we'renot opposed to doing business anymoreand we've been working out and now we'reback where it's so that's good manbecause um I know it so there's somesuper big companies out there and youcan't really get a hold of theunderwriter or the risk personaloperations or even if you do they don'tknow the difference between a DBA and alegal business name it's just like somuch like like basic something's commonsense you know you would think commonsense but obviously not and things aremaybe much more complicated but becauseof person like Darnell who totally islike a freaking guru on the operationside in particular he can you know thatpersonal relationship I think in myopinion that's where really serves usthink that helps remedy situations likethe limit reaching the outside becauseif you just relying on email or textlike you know you don't know the personyou knowpeople in the Philippines and yeahespecially these big big merchantprocessors a lot of them are outsourcingall of their work and you don't know whoyou're talking to right and do you thinksometimes maybe there's like acommunication barrier but they don'treally even understand what the businessreally does and it's kind of like lumpat all this econ but everything is thesame you think that happens a lot reallyokay it happens all the time okay so yesI'm glad man so that's what we that'swhat our focus is is to really have aconcierge cypress service just like yousaid where you know Darnell or somebodyelse in the back office and we chooseDarnell because he's just like sofreaking good at it man and I'm glad manI'm glad he's able to help you out wellwhere we can help and if you need helpmake sure you messages there will be alink somewhere in here maybe maybehearing I don't know once we edit it orwhatever we'll put it in there butthere'll be a way to give us to kind oftack this as well so Preston thanks alot man absolutely thank you gottaappreciate you man[Music]


The Basics of Internet Marketing with Guest Neil Patel: MakingBank S1E35

I have Josh Felber and you're watchinmaking bank where we uncover the successstrategies of the 1% to help you elevateyour life create the business that youwant and be able to have the time andthe freedom to spend with your lovedoneswelcome to the show today there are somany options to market our businesswhether we have a retail establishmentand it's putting ads in the newspaper wethink one of the Groupons and the livingsocials or as an online business withanything okay well we can put our postson Facebook we can try to figure outthis whole internet marketing approachbut just how do we do it how are we ableto figure this out as well as not getdown the wrong path with this internetmarket you spend a lot of money and goto run directions and I have I've beenthere before and as I was growing mybusinesses there I just didn't take thetime for myself to learn internetmarketing and to really figure out theins and outs of it and so I just paidsomeone to really help me do this butunfortunately there's a lot of peopleout there that say they know internetmarketing I have no clue what they'redoing and so I spent a lot of money noresults no results person after personafter person and finally it's like okayI gotta figure this out I have to dosomething because I didn't know if theyknew what they were talking about or notit sounded like they did and maybeyou've been in this situation beforeyeah they say all the right buzzwordsthey sell the right clues but just don'tdeliver they don't get the results foryou it's not your fault you just don'tknow and so I took the time I learnedI've been educating myself and reallyunderstanding all the ins and outs ofonline internet marketing and what ittakes to be successful in that field andwe have to start with the basics thevery first basics are what we have tostart with even before we go out andstart running Facebook ads andstart posting and trying to do paperclicks and click throughs and all thesedifferent kinds of things the very firstthing that we want to do is make sure aswe have our website as we have our salesfunnel whatever that may be is we wantto make sure we have it optimized searchand for search engines whether havingthe right content on the page for thesearch engines to find two specifickeywords that relate to what we're doingand be able to utilize that in a waythat it pulls our ranking higher on thesearch engines and it's it's it can be acomplicated process and so with that foryou the basics are you know it's makingsure you have the right content on yourpage making sure you have your imageheader tags making sure that yourwebsite or your funnels are optimizedfor mobile as wellthat's a really big thing that Google istaking a look at these these days is howis your website or funnel optimized formobile and so for myself working withall these different people not gettingthe correct results spending way toomuch money on people that didn't deliverwhat they said they were gonna deliverand now learning it myself and learningthis process I've now been able toimplement and I've implemented indifferent various businesses that I ownhow one of my businesses I'm someCrossFit gyms and I was able to takethose and have them ranked number one onGoogle through the different searchengine optimization techniques that Ilearned about and that I was able toimplement and for you what I challengeyou is don't rely on someone elsedon't think that they know what they'retalking about don't go and try to thinkman this person knows what they'retalking aboutdo some research do some learning onyour own study figure out hey you knowhere's how I need to learn how to dosearch engine optimization and go in andstart adding it to your website or youknow if you have a website guy he shouldknow how to do it but make sure you knowso here you know he's doing it rightbecause once you have the rightinformation here people can't takeadvantage of you anymore once you havethat right information you're now makingsure your website is doing what it'ssupposed to be doing your sales funnelis doing what it's supposed to be doingand getting out there and getting infront of people so once we have all thatkind of optimized something else then wegotta take a look at okay how do we getpeople more people to come to ourwebsite how do we get traffic to come toour website and we can do that withvarious different ways all over theinternet that could just be jointventure partnerships with otherlike-minded peopleit could be driving traffic fromFacebook from Google it could be havingthe inter ads on related sites whetherthat's our key demographic and so afterwe need to really know who our targetaudience is and we're going after it wecan now then get specific on who ourtraffic is and where we want thattraffic to come for our business andthat doesn't matter if you're an onlinebusiness or retail business you canutilize these techniques to build yourretail business as well as your onlinebusiness and so we'll actually have awhole nother episode on driving trafficand Facebook traffic and also check outmy interview with Russell Brunson andhow we talked about online marketing andhow to build your business online andmake it as successful but I'm reallyexcitedup next we have a search engineoptimization expert a internet marketingguru that all the other people looktowards for help when they're buildingtheir businesses online how to taketheir business and maximize its resultsand actually start generating a profitI'm excited to have Neil Patel who'staken several different companies builtthem up sold some of those off and nowit's just how is out there and withoutpassion helping entrepreneurs helpingentrepreneurs by giving back so muchinformation so much advice and I'mexcited today have Neil on the show sostick around and we'll be right backI am Josh Felber and you're watchingmaking Bank[Music]I am Josh Felber you're watching makingBank I am here today with an awesomeguest Neil Patel is the co-founder ofcrazy egg hello bar and kiss metricsNeil has helped companies like AmazonNBC GM HP and Viacom grow their revenueand the Wall Street Journal calls him atop influencer on the web andEntrepreneur Magazine says he's createdwanted the 100 most brilliant companiesin the world he was also recognized asthe top 100 entrepreneurs under the ageof 30 by President Obama and one of thetop 100 entrepreneurs under the age of35 by the United Nations Neil has beenawarded the Congressional recognitionfrom the United States House ofRepresentatives wow man that's awesomePresident Obama United Nations you'recrushing it thank you I'm like I couldbe doing better that decent right so farno that's cause some good creds there Ohwhat just kind of start off you give ouraudience you know you know they're allentrepreneurs they're business peopleyou know trying to you know highachievers looking you know kind of themove their business of that next levelgive a little bit you know of yourbackground and how you got started as anentrepreneur I guess started asentrepreneur the fact that I just wantto make money awesome okay yeah I grewup the middle class of America and myparents didn't do that well they weren'tdoing that bad either and I wanted to berich because I saw these rich peoplearound and I was so young I couldn't geta job like you're 16 years oldbecause you know half you can't get ajob that pays law right kind of hard Iwas thinking of trash and cleaningrestrooms at fifteen and a halfhundred grand a year doing that and mybook as a kid was to be just make sixfigures that's all I want I lost likeI'll be rich by make a hundred grand ayearnice that's awesome so what was thatfirst business then when you're rightaround that you know which 16 17 youknow that you got started in it was ajob boardI'll sircheaper job and I couldn't find one butI found out that the job board I wassearching on sure hundredsand millions of dollars so I was likelet me copy them I wasn't that creativeeither so I copied them I couldn't getmuch traffic to the business field Ithought you pop up a website people cometo you right but I did learn how togenerate my own traffic because I didn'thave much money so I was readingpractice on site and that's what I gotgood at and that was my first realbusiness was a agency that helped otherpeople generate more traffic to theirsite awesome and so with that you knowyou still have that business then todayor I do still have that business todaybut it won't kind of in kind of mob okayso with the agency we and the the job ordoesn't exist right but with the agencydid it for a long time stop doing it ranI just get so many consulting inquirieslike four or five thousand a month thatwe did cherry-pick projects like likeright now I'm helping Google get morecustomers to AdWords right it's coolit's some good clients that pay well andthe work isn't that hard for the moneysure no that's awesome and so with thejob board and everything what you knowand I guess you know driving trafficwhat were the three maybe three keycomponents that you found you know as anentrepreneur though I guess so there'stricks of the trade that you know forour audience that this is they hey Icould implement these today and starthopefully getting more traffic there soa few things times have changed but I'llgive you the modern version sure enoughof that because I was probably 13 14years ago for hatred so Google and allthese search engines have changed butthe main one was SEO okay there's youthings link building which is stilleffective okay so I would use like aeight reps or open site Explorer to seewho link to the competitors you're goingabout one by one and beg curling'sit's a tedious task people hate itthere's like ah this sucks it's boringbut it workssure that was one – just make sure youron-page code is optimized so use googlewebmaster toolsyou look at your urlyou add your site and I'll tell youerrors that they see fix all thoseerrors you'll be shocked google tellsyou the errors I think they call itsearch console now that you got all theairs that google tells you and you fixthem magically you'll get more trafficright then the next one that we ended updoing is content marketing so when youblog posts it's hard to get your blogposts all promoted out what we ended uplearning is when you link to otherpeople in your blog post when it makessense you don't want to link for noreason or at least make sense and yousay hey so-and-so you know i link to youwhat ends up happening is a portion ofthose people will actually share yourcontent because they're flattered thatyou link to them so I would be like heyJosh just want to let you know I link toyour site your confidence amazing feelfree to check out the post that I linkedto you in if you like it share it onyour paper your favorite social networkthat's it so those are three tacticsthat work really well awesome and thosesound pretty simple obviously it may bethe link building like you said it'stedious you gotta get out there find outwhat your competitors are doing and youknow just re you know kind of model whatyou know with who their work you knowwho they're connecting to and then thenext part would be then just optimizingyour website you know utilizing Google'stools to figure out hey what's wrong onmy website you know what if I got holesif I have you know links that are deadthings like that pages that are notthere and then just optimizing that willhelp us get a better ranking so that'sreally awesome and then the last part iscontent marketing you know I think wesee a lot of people you know that arehaving blogs now and you know doing wellto some degree with you know the blogpost but I think you know as youmentioned that key is is being able tolink back to certain people you know inreference to them you know in that blogpost you know hopefully then they'llshare it out with their audience andeverything else as well that's correctawesome man so got you know age you guysare listening to this make sure you'retaking notes Neil is a world expert ininternet marketing and he's gonna be youknow filling you guys with lots of greatinformation to take your business to thenext level and soone of the things that we want to dowhen we come back here shortly is ifNeil's willing to stick around for onemore segment with us it has you knowdive into a little bit more about whathis other businesses are doing how he'sbuilt his consulting business and wherehe can cherry-pick who he wants to workwith as well as you know maybe a coupleother you know really cool tips andtricks to help us launch our business tothe next level so real quick Neil whatwas one of your secret ingredients thatyou found that's made you so successfulin your career so far as an entrepreneurI'm gonna pass executors fast executorsexecute extreme that's it that's one ofmy best qualities awesome and so youfind something and then you just get outand do it you don't sit there and try tostudy it and learn it you just make ithappenyeah and care if it's perfect I just I'mawesome and that's and that's a greatthing I think so many times as we try toroll out a project or do something welike oh this has got to be perfect andthen you're trying to get it righttrying to get it right and all yourcompetitors have gone by you becauseyou're still sitting there trying to getit right so I think that's a great youknow strategy a great tip is you knowgrab it and start running with it andjust you know tweak and modify it as yougo you know and that's gonna help youbecome more successful in the long runso awesome Neil stick around for a fewmore minutes with us sounds goodgreat I am Josh Felber you're watchingmaking Bank and we'll be right back[Music]watch a making bank and we'll be rightbackI am Josh Felber you're watching makingBankwelcome back today we have neil patelwe're discussing discussing SEOstrategies internet marketingentrepreneurship and how you can takeyour business to the next level Neilwelcome back thanks for having mesure thing and so so you have what crazya KISSmetrics those are your companiesthat you still have today or still havetoday I don't work at KISSmetricsI spent almost all my document Razia canwhole bar okay so crazy a gonna hellobar so wouldn't crazy off do there yeahso crazy ik helps you maximize yourconversion rate if you have the firstcome to your site you're not generatingsales why crazy helps you figure out whyand helps you generate more sales likethrough keymapsa be testing all that kind of stuffcrazy will help you determine what makesyou more sales what makes you lessamount sales and then hellobar it'ssomething you put on your website it'slike think about it as like a welcomemat someone comes to your house itgreets you if you want to collect emailsyou want to get people to go to a salespage if you want to go to checkout pageor offer a special discount in there oreven get more social media followers soyou can do that all in the hello barthrough bars pop-up sliders all thatkind of stuff okayso base joeys so as hello bar basicallya plugin then for your website thatallows you to do all of those items likethe pop-ups in the bar you know thatjust slider bars and stuff it's a pluginor it's a script however you want to doit and then we're now adding marketingautomation to it as well so if youcollect emails in our system you can dotrigger based emails you know you cansay hey this first email I want this Ican eat mall I want that and we'reactually writing all the email templatesfor you so that way you just have done alot out that's awesome so it almost it'splug-and-play that's right that's cooland so that's where all your focus isright now with these two businessesthat's correct yes okay and so and Iknow you know we never buy out in yourright off is you've worked with peoplelike NBC Amazon GM you said you'reworking with Google you know helpingdrive more people you know to them nowhow did you get to that position fromwhere you were just starting out whenyou were 16 17 years old it really camedown to word-of-mouth so people will beshocked at two things I learned once youget conferences blogging networking likedoing a bit of everything helps you getcustomers the bigger clients are tend tomeet during conferences there's so manyof those companies at these big events -these big companies typically don't paythe best the midsize businesses are muchmore flexible with their budgets sureand more likely to get them the bigcompanies spend the most money with thebig agencies if you're not one of thosebig agencies you're not going to get theyou know the majority of their budgetthen middle sized medium-sizedbusinesses they're really flexible ifyou can provide them on ROI they'rewilling to pay you more okay cool sowith with the bigger accounts you knowyou've connected with them at the eventsmore likely they don't pay well but foryou and your anybody that wants to tryto go after and work with them it givesyou a good resume builder it's like heyyou know I'm working with Google whichleads into a lot of other opportunitiesfor you I'm Betty that's correctcool awesome him and you know what wastime you know in your career I know youmentioned initially with the one thejobs board they took off you knowstarted to get going and it just failedfor you what was another time you knowthat you've in your entrepreneurialcareer that you had a business or hadout you know you were working onsomething and it just completely failedjust no matter how hard you tried tomake it happen there was a lot ofbusinesses like that right all rightyeah what was a hosting company we'retrying to cloud hosting before was evenpopular okay and they failed because wecouldn't execute and get something outfast enough and we tried for so manyyears but just like with everythingright if you can't get something outfast enough or you can't figure it outyou're not gonna succeed right yeah notall businesses are meant to succeed lookat Mark Zuckerberg right smart guy noteverything he's done has succeeded evenElon Musk I bet you I don't know aboutany issues but I bet you he's run into alot of roadblocksright right so I I'm probably will neverbe as successful as either of those twoor anywhere near it but what I'm gettingat is even some of the most successfulguys out there on the web or just ingeneral in business have had theirfailures or the ups or downs are wellsure and what was the big component foryou you know Wade you learn from thatwhat is used to take to move yourselfforward you know in the next business weall make mistakes right is it's notnecessary one learning experience thatsaid alright I'm not gonna do this inthe next business it's more so handmadeall these mistakes throughout my careerwhat could I do to avoid making the samemistakes over and over again sure do youavoid making the same mistakes overagain you'll increase your odds andsucceed and definitely know asentrepreneurs you know I think we just alot of times we get into position likeman I just don't want to go try thatbecause I might fail or you know what orwhat are those people gonna think and wejust kind of get it in that mindset thatfailure mincer that fear mindset and youknow we really like you said is have towork to push through that and you knowhey what's you know we fail we you knowwe're not perfect you know mistakeshappen and it's it's the incompetencescene of the whole thing that allows usto move forward and become moresuccessful awesome man well cool so whatshare you know if you maybe have a quickmoment share with you wouldn't you knewyou were on something it wasn't a dreamanymore and you're like man this is areality this is I'm loving this this isa passion even though I make you know Iwant to make money but you know you feelyou have that passion in you about thatbusiness that you were doing it whatwhat is it I guess how'd you get to thatpointyeah so once you have something thatyou're like hey this is working out it'smy passion the way you end up getting tothat is just two iterations sure no thisis perfect out of the box what your theidea you start with is typically notgoing to be the idea that you end upwith or the kind okay just learning fromiterations and continually of onlinefrom point A to B to C to D etceverything is an evolution rightFacebook is the same as it was when theyfirst came out Tesla's probably changeda few times Spacek etc right all modelschangecool and so what was one of yourbusinesses that you can you start it outone way that's totally different thanwhere you started from today crazy itwas just supposed to be a heat maptechnology but it shows you where peopleclick on where they don't right now it'sa be testing product right okay whatwe're deciding he maps are cool that'sgreat you should still keep them butisn't the goal conversions how can wejust make it as automated as possible sopeople don't have to look at reportsright what kind of current reportingtool now we're just trying to do as muchfor themcool awesome him and then what's thebest advice you ever received focus Ihave a TV issues in which I try to dotoo many things someone once told me tosmoke someone business and go for ityeah I know entrepreneurs we had thatwhole shiny object syndrome and you getdistracted too many ways and like yousaid it's you gotta have that focus andI think that's what gives you the mostyou know drive forward and the mostmomentum and everything as well so wellcool well so what's one device you can'tlive without and my phone but I don'teven need a fancy phone I have an oldphone do you want have Gmail on thereI'm good to gooh nice no iPhone or Samsung nothinglike that huh well I have an iPhone isso really old by the old model okay as Idunno if you're still like hey I got myflip phone I get I just got an iPhone 5this year I used to have a four foreverlike over two years old and once theydid a software upgrade it really sloweddown the phone sure such a lag that oneof my buddies gave me that old five andat that time the six was already out sojust the 5s but the six and now the newversion of the iPhones coming out orsomething like that I think today ortomorrow but okay this phone she'll askme another year or two yeah no that'scool as funny as I get a lot of peoplethat do say the phones and then theother day he was Tucker max he's like ohmanyeah you know everybody has their phonebut I gotta have my Mac that's that's mything I write and I can't I have notmade the full transition to writing onmy phone so no that's definitely cooland then what's one big nugget from ainternet marketing standpoint that youshare with our audience before we gohere one big nugget from an internetmarketing standpoint it really comesdown to test so most people think likeSEO or content marketing or PPC is thenext hottest thing or CROright and I comes down to testing okaywhat one business even if it's in thesame space may not work the best you gota continually test no and that's verytrue whether it's I think internetmarketing whether it's your regularbusiness and you're going out there andyou know you're selling your product onthe street with a REIT I mean you got totest and find out what's gonna work bestwhat's gonna connect with your you knowthe audience that you're looking toattract to your business and everythingso hey man it was a an honor to have youon making Bank Neal and I reallyappreciate your time today thanks forhaving me yeah for sure again thanks toNeil Patel for coming on making BankI am Josh Felber and it was great to behere today get out and be extraordinarymaking Bank is also available fordownload on iTunes and stitcher


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How to Start an eCommerce Business

hey everyone I'm Jamie Davidson with amzinsiders a little bit about ourselvesmyself and my two fellow co-foundersJason and Brad we combine to sell overseventy five million dollars on Amazonjust last year and this year we're onpace to sell over 100 million dollarsall via selling on Amazon and a questionwe get very frequently is how do youeven get started in e-commerce all rightwe have so many friends family peopleall over the globe asking us how do youeven get underway what are the firststeps oh you know frankly the mostsimple step would be would be to getmentorship for someone who can actuallyshow you everything right you thinkabout anything how do how if you want tolearn how to do something find someonewho can just teach you at all from A toZ and you can certainly do that and Ireally encourage you at the end of thisvideo we have a free workshop that's ata link below here that you can check itout and I go through everything from Ato Z how we we help people and that inthat area but before we even get to thatis you know in terms of how to getstarted with with e-commerce the firstthing really is you're educatingyourself because you know most the firstthing I do is kind of understand whatthis is is it right for you is justsomething you can do is it something youwant to do is it something that you knowyou think you could have some fun withbecause you know when you get into a anykind of business it's got to besomething that's sustainable you don'twant to get into it for you know a monthand then say yeah I don't even like thisand drop out but you know now we're alittle biased because we absolutely lovee-commerce we think it's awesome it'sbeen life-changing for us and we thinkyou know again there continues to bemassive massive opportunity in in thespace you know in particular when wetalk about e-commercewe always think you know Amazon we wereAmazon Amazon Amazon even though weactually have like a 10 million we havea 10 million dollar plus business onthese other platforms but Amazon is somuch bigger because by far it's the mostpowerful platform there there arecertainly other platforms out there youcan look at and there may be some reasonif you only wanted to sell you know on awebsite for example it's just so muchmore difficult because you have to drivetraffic Amazon has all the traffic rightwhen you want to go buy something you goto Amazon right so if you're gonna sella product where you want to sell it youwant toon Amazon all right so it's just so mucheasier so much more lucrative in termsof the potential for sales andeverything else but you know you'vereally got to do some homework you knowinitially to get a sense of where youhave it you know one thing I would sayif you're gonna sell on Amazon is ifyou're gonna launch any business youknow this day and age the beauty of itit does not require nearly as muchcapital as it used to so you know 20years ago if you want to start abusiness and there's so many you lookedat all the opportunities to say you wantto start you know start a car wash youwant to start an oil change you want tostart you know a franchise and all thoseopportunities exist today as well – anyof those opportunity may be a net youknow maybe a tutoring business whateverit is most those business probably gonnarequire 50 100 200 thousand dollars toinvest to get started right and so ifyou're thinking about getting into ane-commerce business it does not requirethat much money but if you can't investany money into your own learning or intoyour business self then it's probablynot you know you should probably shouldnot be looking at trying to start abusiness really any business rightbecause it's it's not a lot of money toget going but you have to do typicallyhave probably you know three thousand tofive thousand dollars to torealistically get under way with abusiness you know which really isn't alot of money but and part of that moneyyou know I would encourage you to investin and someone you trust and can rely onto actually show you the ropes so youdon't make $10,000 mistakes or you cando things that you know make you tenthousand fifty thousand a hundredthousand dollars right so you know bothyou need money to launch your businessto promote your business and you alsoneed you know some portion of money toinvest in yourself to train yourself andteach yourself how to actually best goabout it so that's why I say upfront interms of you know how to get started alot of it is educating yourself rightunderstanding it and again there's tonsof free resources here your our YouTubechannel here we've got tons ofinformation on it so we teach you kindof A to Z so many different thingsthere's a we have a Facebook group youknow our amz insiders we've got largecommunities so there's lots of placesyou can learn from for free to getstarted with and just kind of understandis this something you want to do youknow in general I would say if if someis you know motivated to do well topotentially create financialindependence to have control of buildingsomething of your own have the controlof actually picking something maybe thatyou have a passion about or you haveinterested in or you have some insightin a certain category that you know thatthe general population does not it givesyou a little bit of an edge all thosethings and you're again willing to putsome time in you can absolutely you knowbe successful in e-commerce but you havethose things if you don't if you don'thave any interest to like put any timeinto it you have absolutely no moneywhatsoever then I would say ecommerce isyou know ecommerce are really any kindof entrepreneurial endeavors probablynot the thing for you you shouldprobably you know go back and just kindof keep working the job try to save upand then get to that point where you cando it but but truly you know ecommerceto get started is really hard I mean wehave a separate YouTube video literallyon how to set up an Amazon account I gostep by step on how to actually set itup so if you want to get going yourAmazon account is only $40 a month youcan literally set up a seller's accountfor a professional sellers account for$40 a month and actually begin sellingon Amazon and begin learning right awaybut again to me the most important stepthe first thing to do is to reallyeducate yourself and learn the you knowthe basics learn about the opportunity Ican tell you definitely the opportunityis absolutely there it's still a longways to go as I've said before that youknow we're very much still in the veryearly stages of e-commerce there's goingto be huge growth and if you can educateyourself and take the right steps andyou know you're motivated to buildsomething of your of your own you canabsolutely absolutely be successful withit and you know in that case then Iwould definitely encourage you reallyjust to make sure you take action andtake kind of those first steps oflearning and taking and you know thoseinitial steps of getting underway tosell on e-commerce and again we stronglyrecommend that first platform beingbeing Amazon for for numerous reasons soif you're interested in selling onAmazon or an e-commerce in generalreally encourage you click the linkbelow check out our free workshop allabout selling on Amazon where we showexactly our exactprocess how we built a 75 million dollarbusiness on Amazon and more importantlythe exact techniques and steps that youcan use to get under way with your veryown e-commerce business and Amazonbusiness and if you've already have someexperience or how you can take yourbusiness to the next level and reallyreally grow and have a successfule-commerce business of your ownso if you like this video be sure togive us a thumbs up and I reallyencourage you to subscribe to ourchannel here because every week we comeout with brand new content all aboutinsights and tips and how you can besuccessful with Amazon showing you theexact techniques and topics that we useto grow our business to 75 million nowpaste over a hundred million and we'dlove to hear from you be sure to commentbelow with any questions you have aboutthe e-commerce space any insights thatyou have as well – again we love we lovethe feedback and we'd love to hear anyquestions you have[Music]you



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