DAY 39 How to Find the Top Ecom Stores and Model After Their Success for Your Own

what's up what's up everybody hey Chrisrecord here with another episode of the90 day EECOM challenge and today acompany from the board room here at TECAdemyx headquarters we are driving awaymaking amazing things happen and today Iwant to talk to you about how to findtop EECOM stores and how to be able tosort of reverse engineer and find theirtop products and get ideas and findniches and find passions and find topproducts and really how to look at theoverall structure that top stores thatare questioned about millions of dollarswhat they are using and how to modelafter that so what I want to do is jumpright over if we will and I want to jumpover and actually kind of go through andwalk through this with you okay so withthat being said I want to jump over tothe 90 day challenge group right now andsome of you might have questions we aregoing to we are going live so some ofyour going to be able to jump right inhere right now it looks like we arealready live and what I'll do is I'llkeep this up for people to be able toask questions while we go okay so we'llleave this up and I'll be able to comeback in here if you have questions alongthis training just go ahead and let meknow okay so first things first I put aURL in the description of that videoright there let's see actually we couldfind it it's right here the URL is topEECOM stores com so the first thing Iwant you to do is I want you to clickthat link top EECOM stores it'll bringyou to this page right here you scrolldown a little ways and it'll show you alot of stores here okay so this is topbecome stores it'll show you essentiallya ton of Shopify stores a lot of the topstores ranked on traffic ranked onpopularity and I'm going to show youkind of what to do with each of thoseokay so so go ahead and go ahead andclick on that if you will in fact I'mgoing to go back and chat with you guysa little bit a minute while you guysjump on board okay go ahead and click onthat link and open that up and startbrowsing through that list because whenyou browse through that list you'regoing to notice a lot of like kind ofbig selling big looking stores stufflike that and um you're going to seekind of a lot of ideas you're going tofeel a lot of cool stuff and I want toshow you some cool things that you cando okay I'm going to show you how tokind of reverse engineer and stuff likethat so just kind of browse throughtheir browse out list in fact goingI'm gonna walk through it with you but Iwant you to pull it up in the backgroundif you can browse that list you can hearme talking in the background and thenyou can also watch my screen to kind ofsee what I do okay so let's go back toit really quickly here alright so as youcan see here we are on this top-sellinglist and we can always take a site likelike this one here like Jim shark calmits number four so you can go ahead andclick on that in our case you won't beable to see it so let me just type it inJim shark calm okay you can go ahead andclick on a site like Jim shark and it isa Shopify store and it's big so thefirst thing is look at the valueproposition look at how look at howvaluable it looks it looks like a verybig website it looks like a big storeits Fitness related they got their logohere men's women's and accessories andthen they've got their collections itlooks like a lot of clothing and theygot an email list right here and theywant to get your birthday so they cangive you birthdaydiscounts and stuff like that they'vegot their Instagram where you can tagthem when you're wearing outfit sothey're building a brand here rightthey're really focusing on like thewoman's like the yoga pants style forwomen's right the flexible clothing forwomen so you can go in here and you canstart looking at it men's women'saccessories so you click on this you goto women and see I got a really nicegraphic they got a lot of fit womenwearing their stuff and you go into anyone of these going to leggings orwhatever it might be and you can startlooking at their products okay so youcan kind of see what they're doing nowin this case they might have all of thisin stock they may not be drop shippingbut it's still worth modeling becausethey look and feel like a big site nowwhen you're on these big sites one ofthe first things that I want you to dois anytime to have this sort by featureokay anytime they have this sort byfeature I want you to look at this youknow they have sort by the newestproducts they have prices high to lowprices low to high sort by popular andsort by bestsellers popular andbestsellers is where you're going towant to start you're going to want tostart sorting by let's say bestsellersokayand now it's going to pull up thesebestsellers okay it's going to pull upthe bed of bestsellers in the categoryof women's bottoms and leggings now yougo over here to all products and let'sgo in their whole entire site and thenyou go to all products you get even justto race the women's if you wantjust go to all products together allproducts gay not men not women notfilter it anyway just straight-up shopall products and then you can go to sortby best sellers and now what you have ifyou have a list of their best sellingproducts that they are selling on theirsite which may include some men's stuffin here see its concluding some men'sbottom to men's shirts it's not justlimited it's all stuff it's evenincluding this little sort of waterbottle right here that Jim shark waterbottle you start to get an idea forstuff that they're selling gift cardsthey're selling gift cards here likejust tons of cool stuff so this is amodel that you can you can often find onpeople site if they have a church now ifthey don't have this visible it stillmight be turned on for some sites if youlook at the URL all Shopify sites kindof follow the same kind of URL structureyou have the domain name okay they'vemapped the domain name Jim shark calmbut it probably started as like Jimshark my Shopify dot-com okay in fact wecould even try it really quick dotthat's how a lot of sites that might notbe their user name but let's say Jimshark dot my shop I don't know it didn'twork um but that's a lot of that's a lotof them are going to um are going tostart will see really quick in thesource code I'll be able to see reallyquick or it looks like I don't knowmaybe it's just not even loading myinternet doesn't seem to be loaded ohthere it is okay so um oh that was Jimshark USA so real quick watch so Jimshark USA my Shopify dot-com was thereoriginal was the original URLs so Jimshark got my us Jim shark USA my Shopifydot-com I don't know why it's notpulling up right nowokay there it is Jim shark sealed atwork Jim shark Jim shark USA my Shopifycom forward to their domain name so itall starts is in my Shopify store okaythat's where it starts now after theymap a domain name it's going to be theirdomain name so the first part of the URLis either your user name dot my Shopifycomm or the domain name after you getthe first part of the URL there's aslash then it goes into theircollections collections are groups areprodthey may have so it'll be collection sono matter what your domain name is youcan see people's collections now thenext collection they have is allproducts this is all products okay theseare like basically all the productswhether it's women's clothing men'sclothing hoodies jackets you name itthey might be shut selling shirts phonecases socks tank top whatever it isthese are each different categories soif you look at the collections buttonright here it'll say collections allproducts these are all their productsbut if you look at click on hoodies andjackets now you got collections slashhoodies and jackets now this is actuallyjust a collection of hoodies and jacketson Shopify but it follows the samestructure inside of their site they haveall of these different collections ok soif you go to the domain name.comslash collections you're able to go toalmost any Shopify store and see all thecollections that they've put together inthis case you can see how many itemsthere are ok so you know all productsthey have 435 items right here so allyou do is you go to the domain name.comslash collection so I'm showing you theURL structure okay after the wordcollections is going to be the name ofthe collection in this case all productsokay that's a universal name allproducts just generally stands for allproducts on their site now after thatthere's this other piece of code thatsays sort by best-selling okay sort bybest-selling what this is is this is afeature this is a sorting feature sortby high to lowyou know price descending sort by low tohigh price ascending sort by popularit'll say sort by manual or I could saysort by bestsellers then it will saysort by best-selling so this gives youan idea of the different ways you cansort of site so once you have thisinformation you can generally come inhere and swap out the domain name now itdoesn't work on all sites but on manymany many sites it will like on probablylike at least like half the sites youtry this on so all you do is you swapout this domain name and go so do thisas a do this for yourselfgo to Jim sharp calm as a web site justgo straight to Jim sharp calm okay andthen type in slash collection and justsee what happensokay slash collection and there it is itputs you into the collectionthen click on all products and then itput you into all products and then goover to sort by best sellers okay nowonce you have this this link you cancopy this link and then you can save itbecause now when you come across othersites that you want to just put it in anotepad or something when you comeacross other sites that you want to youknow look into just replace Jim sharkwith their domain name so let's go backto this let's go back to this post andlet's see go to when you go to top econstores com it will open up a list ofthese topping EECOM stores so now youcan start to go through them okayMVM tea watch is calm okay so m VMTwatches calm okay they're obviously inthe watch niche okayso here's their site you can look at itthey got a banner up on topthey've got men's women's instagram ablog they've got more kind of some coolstuff men's watches women's watchesluckily clip sunglasses so you can startto see a lot about them right sosometimes you can go in here and you canjust type in collections okay and whatit'll do is it'll bring up sometimes itwon't bring up anything sometimes itwon't bring up any collections sometimesit will now go to shop men's bestsellers okay and there it is collectionslash bestsellers okayanother chart again I'm not sure why Ididn't bring up collections at firsttime so we see MVT watchescollections oh maybe I put a slashafterwards no I don't know why it's notpulling it up a lot of times it does butit doesn't matter because once you clickon a collection you'll be able to see itI guess in this case they have to happenthey don't have a page setup just fortheir individual collections so sorryabout that but that's how this isorganized right now they have theirbestsellers so just like that I was ableto go in here and find their bestsellersnow try this okay you want to be able totry this on your ownokay so let's talk about this for aminute why is before we go any furtherlet's talk about why is this importantwhy is it important to be able to UM tobe able to go in here and do this youknow it's because it's you want tobasically see what other people aredoing you want to see what are theirbestsellers what are their products whatarethings that they're selling what is hotwhat is popular what is trending theseare sites that are organized based ontraffic so when you go to these copystores they're organized based ontraffic you want to now see of thesesites that are doing very well what aresome of their popular products how doyou kind of reverse engineer and you dothis by going on the site and goingthrough some of their collections and ifthey have a best sellers category do itnow a lot of times we get is copy thatURL and change the domain name and itcould work about half the time it worksand you'll see that as we start goingthrough this you'll see that a lot okayso let's go through and let's look atsome more really quick okay you gotfashionable you got phone DB you guysassume use phone BB in a lot of exampleJim shark MEP watches Kylie cosmeticsthat's probably the Kardashian girl youknow birds kiss City social Yeezys youknow shoes pop sockets as they kind oflook through a lot of these and lookeven RadioShack how crazy is that usinga using shop fight sister James you cankind of go through here and let's lookat go in and look at some examples ofsites in here and go through and kind ofsee like what are some examples that youmight be able to learn from you know andgo several pages in because these aresome of the big sellers so go like sixpages in and start looking at this kindof stuff okay like wigs okay and youmight go okay that might be good wigsand get ideas from it so like let's evenlook over here on all the Express andjust search for wigs and a lot of youmaybe you weren't thinking of wigs andlook at this they got tons and tons andtons of wigs okay so now you can startto look at these sites and kind of startto reverse-engineer from them okay vaporauthority right planet of debates so youmight go okay vapes might be a goodbusiness you know to get into okay soyou can start looking a lot of these andgo through these you know clothing sitesrecipe sites all kinds of stuff you knowso go through and there's there's a lotof value in here you can kind of gothrough when you have some time likewhile while your family is watching amovie or something like that pulp inyour laptop and just and just jumpthrough and like just kind of kick it ona couch and go through some of the stuffwhat you're looking for is you're notlooking for a traditional retaileryou're looking for somebody who's knitspecific who you can get in here and youcan kind of learn a lot from okay so itdoesn't matter like let's just chooseone rebel girl's code it really doesn'tmatter which one it is rebel girls co Ihaven't had a chance to look at allthese but you can basically kind of lookand see the themes that they're usingokay so here's a Shopify store they'regetting really creative with it okay itdoesn't look like a Shopify store soright off the bat by looking at thisyour mind can expand and you can say wowyou can really have a lot of creativefreedom in the design of a Shopify storethis one's really well designed okaylook at this they're doing they're doinga great job with design they're sellingthis this book they probably have a lotof traffic is probably pretty prettycreate pretty creative they're sellingpackages the books they've got a goodInstagram pictures stuff like that soyou could what I was on right off thebat is branding when the time is rightthis brand right here rebel girls couldbuild up and could sell this as a brandto somebody okayso that's I would look at this and Iwould say okay there's a lot I can learnfrom branding from this so as I'm goingthrough wow there's a good one brandingand you just kind of go through a lot ofthese drop dead Co who knows what theseare hopefully I don't hope anything youguys don't that's not family friendlydrop dead Co and you kind of see whatwhat they're doing and what they'redoing with their site so here we gotsome cool fashion it looks like fashionokay you got guys girls they got likeit's a cool fashion coat company jumpershoodies outerwear okay so it's likethey're really big on clothing so yougot this nice clothing company kind ofsee how it's all organized right so youcan kind of learn from this clothing isgoing to be a little bit harder todropship so what I would do is I wouldavoid when you go through I would avoidclothing okay well I don't know whatI'll do amazing likes calm you're goingto go through here and you don't have totype in and like I'm doing amazing likescalm you don't have the type of minutejust opening up in a new tab when I doit so you can't see it look at the UMlook at the branding of this right lookat the branding look at how well this isa nice pop up nice email capture itlooks really clear look at the way thatthis is lighting look at the Lighting'sthey have here all this stuff is cleanokay they got their bestsellers theirglove sets so you come right in heretheir bestsellers and look what they'redohere they got these really cool glovesthat they're selling so look at thesethese light-up gloves right so you cankind of look at those you can go over toall the Express and see all the Expressdon't look at what kind of like light-upstuff they have so let's see likelight-up gloves and see if they haveanything like that look at this justalmost exactly like they're selling onthat side to have light-up glove but seethe difference look at how boring thispicture is see how boring this is thispicture is really boring versus look atthe way that they have these picturesright so if you're selling light-upgloves you might want to take the timeto pay someone on five or upwork to dosome sort of really cool things say saybasically show them like this kind ofstuff they got it when you mouse-overbut see how much cooler this looks and aboring like look at these images reallyquick and then look at what they looklike here look what they look like heresuper boring so that is the power ofselling right these people are doing agreat job by increasing the value oftheir sell and that's what you can learnfrom you can learn from this and go okaythen you can really go okay this couldbe an interesting niche right they'vegot these glove sets all these differentpremium glove sets they got these lightsthese battery lights you could do flowart these glow sticks and things you canuse gear all kinds of light-up gear andand the thing is is they can probablyhave a whole bunch of this stuff here onAliexpress and so what you can do is youcan go through and look at some of thesesellers go through and click on some ofthe sellers and see maybe you can find aseller that has a whole bunch of stuffyou know party supplies festival lightshome party decoration and there'sprobably a great way to be able to findthat a great way to be able to find thatright so you can go in and look at thisnow here's the thing you can model aftera site like this but this is the numberone leader in in gloving and light showso this is a number one leader in theworld so the whole point is yourmodeling after a top site right yourmodeling after a top site that does veryvery well probably millions of dollarsin revenue okay they probably domillions and millions of revenue withtheir own brand but you want to reverseengineer you want to be able to take alook and go okay you don't need to makewhatever they make you know tens ofmillions of dollars but you can you behappy probably with thousands at allover tens of thousandso what you can do is you can learn tothe modeling it's not hard to take theseimages and have somebody on fire orupwork design these some images likethis so instead of having this on yoursite instead of having these littleimages here that look boring okay do youhave them create your own images likethis really cool glowing ones or youknow what order some yourself turn offthe lights in your house and make a coollittle video of yourself doing it make awhole bunch of videos put them onYouTube and show how you're able to dotricks or get a friend maybe you know afriend that's really into raving orreally into dancing it's not like thatand say hey maybe maybe a really cutegirl or something or somebody that looksyou know easy on the eyes male or femalethat these young bike you know what youdo is you have them saying hey could youdo some dancing with this or give them ahula hoop and say hey can you hula hoopwith this LED hula hoop and then you goover here to and you find like LED typein LED and look at all this kind ofstuff look at all these LED light stuffthat they could have there's so muchstuff that can light up LED blink LEDshoes you know so now you can basicallyhave somebody do some dancing with someLED shoes right look at this stuff theygot shoes that light up and you can havea whole entire light store so the pointis is that by knowing the popular sightswe're going to taking sites that aredoing millions of dollars in sales andwe're able to reverse-engineer modelafter them with your own site you giveyourself the look and feel of amulti-million dollar company while atthe same time all you're doing is dropshipping products from China or you'remaking eventually might be pre-orderingyou know bulk ordering and shipping fromthe United States to get to them butthis is powerful this right here is areplicatable model what they're doing isthey're using images to sell more thananything but again that's probably theirown brand they're probably killing thegame with that so this is what I'mtalking about you go through and you gothrough all this kind of stuff so youcan really have a lot of fun there's alot of searching that you can do there'sa ton of stuff you can do in here so youcan do part of their website name orpart of their any kind of name rightthereso whatever it might be you know you cansearch for like a word like canvas youget your search word like print you cansearch a word like shirt you get shirtall do all kinds of stuff so right hereI just typed in the word canvas now I'vegot canvas home store comm the canvasworks canvas arts rocks onto your canvassee all these canJunction so maybe you want to sellprint-on-demand canvases right so youjust can basically start looking at thesite and start looking at how they lookokay so switching over here you mightwant to sell print-on-demand canvasesokay and there's companies like printfoal interest print if you've watchedour print on demand there's a lot ofthem and notice how they're selling itthey're basically selling through abeautiful-looking picture like this upsome modern art and then they've got thefive panel canvas or the four panelcanopy behind it so what they're doingis they're taking an image and printingit across several panels and they'reputting it with a nice backdrop this issomething that you can do okay this isdefinitely something that you can do andyou might be looking on the internet forphotos but you know what the reality isyou can actually have you can actuallyhave a somebody on Fiverr be making youphotos like this for five bucks and youcan basically find like a really cleanstock image of just some rooms and thenbasically just put the paintings behindthem or even find images like this stockart with paintings behind it and swapout the image go to the designer andstay instead of a cheetah or a leopardor bicycle motorcycle errs on this canyou make one like this for me butinstead of motorcycles can you do itwith this image and so now you see whatlike a canvas shop can look like you canhave a whole store niche type 4 canvasesor a category on your store next operacanvases and you can go through and lookat a lot of these you know look at thedifferent styles these are all Shopifystores you know canvas freaks and stufflike that so that's what you're lookingfor right so let's go canvas freaks andyou just kind of keep looking on yoursite you'll be able to just click thoseand open them but you can see these areall Shopify stores so you can learnthese are all stores you can model outthere with no coding whatsoever you canhave your own see I don't know if youguys are resonating yet but you can havea store like this that has all of thesecanvases and you don't have anyinventory you have no inventorywhatsoever all it is it'sprint-on-demand you're uploading animage to canvases it's print on demandyou know there's so many companies thatyou can use like this one right hereinterest print you know interest printhands look at allthese different things that you can dothere's tons of different stuff likeyou're down here wall art and canvasprint and look at this you can go in andyou can um you can literally go in andchoose different canvas print sizesokay hundred percent camera it's underpretend cameras look at all these rightso this is just an example there's somany there's so many examples of whatyou can do right and there's companiesthat connect right with Shopify likeprintful okay so you can come here andlook at t-shirts sweatshirts they'llprint your custom design on all kinds ofstuff canvases see they'll do canvasesfor you okay so you can go in here andyou can literally go in and print yourprint your designs or whatever just ontoa canvas just like this so what you'redoing is you're coming up with nicheideas and just uploading the image andyou can instantly put it on a wholebunch of stuff okay this is the power sowhat you want to do you want to go inhere now maybe canvas isn't your isn'tyour niche right so now maybe in so theword canvas maybe you're in the pitbullniche so you just type in pitbull okayand this gives you the ability to beable to you know look at different siteslike pit bull gear calm loving your pitbulls pit bull store pitbull clothingpitbull mansion my pit bull shop so youcan look at a lot of these okay and seewhat they're doing like let's go to pitbull gear calm and you can do it foralmost every breed of dogs and you getto see an example of what a good sellingsite looks like okay look at this theygot all the different categories men'swomen's leashes harnesses callersthey've got print-on-demandhoodies for dogs you know you click onthis they got all kinds of cool stuffthat you can have and they have allthese like you get it's literally chooseone to choose it's saying look at allthese sayings right here they got itnice right nice cool idea okay look atall those kind of stuff harnesses theysell all these different types ofharnesses and now you go over to all theexpress if you have a pitbull shop yougo over Aliexpress with your pitbull andlook at all the typical stuff they haveright they've got all kinds of pitbullstuff they got a like a nice like littlepit bull ring right there that would bea good seller pit bull ring they've gotum like a light on here retractableleash would light look at these gotspikes dog collars and you can do thatyou could do like type in pitbull andspace and love pickle necklaces ringstickers t-shirts jewelry dogs phonecases bracelets you know and you canbasically do like you can all search anykind of word like you can do maybe youwant to do callers rightpitbull callers and you type in pitfallcallers just like this okay and you canstart to it you look at this this isinexpensive these things are you know afew bucks for a few bucks and you canmark them up to ten bucks or you giveaway free plus shipping these literallycould qualify for free plus shippingoffers spiked dog collars so there's alot you can do here you can model afterthese side to look so what I encourageyou to do is I encourage you to go to goto this link let's could do it once morefrom the beginning go to this link topEECOM stores comm go in here and type inwhatever niche you're in nurse ornursing or whatever niche you're in andgo through and look at these differentthings you know like look at thedifferent things like awesome nursescalm patriot the patriot nurse calm youguys got it like the patriot nurse calmand you go in here to just startreverse-engineering these sites okay andstart looking at all kinds of thingsthat people are doing okayyou kind of look well that might not bethe best example actually that one let'swrite nurse that back well and you tostart learning okay their sites down ori spelled it wrong or something likethat nurse FX calm let's go nurse homesupplies nurse home supplies calm andjust kind of go through oh I guess I'mnot I'm guess I'm doing a bad job herelet's type in a better word like nursingbut you guys get you guys get the pointrightI'm live so and I'm just freestyling sonursing Nirvana stuff how about let's dolike let's do like the words phone forlike the phone niche phone cases allkinds of phone stuff okayheadphones own magnet phone cable calmlook at that magnet phone cable calm andlike look at this product right here sohere's what here's a great example I'veshown this product already twice duringthe 90 day challenge and look look whatthese guys did these guys basically saidhey this is such a hot sellingthey're willing to pay an entire Shopifyfees of $79 per month just for this oneproduct just to basically lock it uporiginal magnet magnetic phone cableright magnet phone cable and let's seemagnet phone cable maybe it's an SEOplay maybe they're trying to optimizefor it you know so look at this righthere magnet phone cable when you whenyou type it in it's literally right hereit's this is the vid right here of paidadvertising so then you have magnetphone cable magnet phone cable see sothey're number one for that term magnetphone cable okay then if you go magneticfoam cable they're right here magnetphone cable magnet phone cable so thisis them as well okay so look at thisthey what they did was they did an SEOplan so they what they did was theyliterally built an entire store just offof the focus on this one product rightso that's a kind of a cool idea it'skind of a cool concept it's somethingthat some of you might want to mightwant to consider as well if you if youcan ever come in what they did was theysaid you know what we're going to driveSEO and look at that they've got a niceBig Easy theme focused right there onthe product really simple really easy upand look at how simple that is okay yougo to the catalog it's just one productthey're putting all the focus around theone product right original magneticphone cable this is a cool idea if youhave a top seller you could take yourtop seller and branch it out and runmassive campaigns for this and you couldbuild an entire pixel just for thisentire campaign and they could sell bitand all they got to do is the orderstock of this since they have oneproduct they probably ordered you knowtens of thousands of units of this andthey're just shipping it probablyshipping it out themselvesyou guys can always try by adding it tocart and purchasing yourself one thingyou could always do is learn from othersif you ever want to reverse engineer thecompetition go ahead and spend ten bucksand order it for yourself okay so thisis what you can learn from just off whatI did right thereokay so hopefully you guys takeadvantage of this hopefully you guysjump in here and learn from this all yougot to do is go to top EECOM stores andrun with that okaytalk to you calm scores and there you gohome let me go saw so that was thetraining I wanted to give you guys todaywe don'tspend a whole lot of time the trainingon to give you guys today is simple islearn to reverse engineer top stores outthere okay and then build your ownbrands you if you have a print on demandif you model after print on demand onethen you might want to use a site likegear bubble or viral style or printfulor any of these sites that have said ifyou're modeling after a store like thatLED lights company that you might wantto jump in and type in LED lights orrave or type in stuff like that and findlight-up shoes light up watches light upjewelry light up necklaces light upeverything until the whole sort if youdon't want to do a niche store then juststarted out as categories on yourgeneral store and go from there okay sowe wanted today's training to be directstraight to the point get you guys asmuch value as possible we come out hereevery single day to serve our communityhopefully you guys enjoyed it and I lookforward to catching you on the nextepisode of the 90 day EECOM challenge


¿Qué Con ECOM 2019?

Esta vez Ryuta aprovecha para entrevistar desde San Luis Potosí a los invitados estelares del evento: José Arenas y José Antonio Toledano, las voces de ‘Hora de Aventura’, así como a las talentosas Shirahime, Kokoa Yuki y Shika; sobre lo que anhelan para esta Navidad, y sus propósitos para el 2020.

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Internet Marketing for Beginners | Online Digital Marketing Tutorial | Internet Marketing Strategies

so what is internet marketing and whyshould you carewell internet marketing simply entailspromoting your business on the web anymarketing activity that is carried outonline is considered internet marketingand that includes search engineoptimization otherwise known as SEOcontent marketing social media marketingPPC advertising influencer marketingpress releases email marketing and morethese various pillars of internetmarketing can each help you to bringmore visitors to a website or a blog andthat in turn gives you the opportunityto promote your business and hopefullydrive conversions in other words turningvisitors into customerswhat makes internet marketing soeffective is that it doesn't have tocost a huge amount to be successful nowyou can spend an awful lot on SEO oncontent marketing and thereby try to getyour site to the top of Google butsometimes it just takes one smartlyplaced link to drive huge amounts oftraffic to your site and if you'rewilling to put in consistent time andeffort then anyone can build a massiveloyal audience then therebybecome a big influencer in their nichethus internet marketing is the greatequalizer marketing no longer requires ahuge budget is now something that youcan do just as well as the largestcorporations as long as you're smartwith it internet marketing has otheradvantages too it allows you to actuallyengage with your audience for instanceusing social media or running contestsmeans that you're able to interact withthe very customers you're trying toobtain and get feedback from them thenthere's the simple fact that the web iscapable of reaching such a huge audienceincluding people from all around theworld if you are selling something withinternational shipping then this is byfar the best way to reach a globalaudience for all these reasons internetmarketing is for everyone no matter whatof business you're running you should beable to benefit from internet marketingand find that it can help you toincrease your brand disability grow youraudience and to make bigger profits nowsome businesses are only able to existthanks to internet marketing these arethe entirely online businesses such aspeople who sell ebooks now ebooks aredigital products with no overheads bymarketing them correctly it's possibleto make huge amount of sales which wouldbe almost entirely profit ebooks can besomething of a hard sell but the factthat you can reach such a massiveaudience and engage with them directlymeans you can get enough turnover toearn big profits these businesses onlyexist thanks to internet marketing otherbusinesses also rely heavily on internetmarketing if you service online such asweb design or copywriting then usinginternet marketing will allow you toensure that the maximum number ofpotential clients see your website andconsider hiring your services knowinghow to reach that audience online is thedifference between long dry spells whereyou aren't bringing in any cash and asteady flow of orders and income ofcourse the same is also true for ane-commerce business which exists to turnwebsite visitors into paying customersin a similar wayAmazon Ashley spends over 1 milliondollars a day on Google AdWords alonewhich shows you just how much thecompany values its internet marketingbut it's not just online businesses thatcan benefit from internet marketing bigbrands like coca-cola Red Bull MarvelFord Best Buy they all spend hugeamounts on internet marketing becausethey know that it is now more effectivethan spending that same money on printmedia or television and the same goesfor small businesses like hairdressersrestaurants and high street stores andsoul traders like plumbers builders andlawyers as we will see anyone canbenefitinternet marketing and it is the singlemost efficient way to increase footfallfor your company the only thing holdingmost people back of course is the simplefact that they don't know how to goabout internet marketing they don'tunderstand how SEO works they're notsure how to reach influences and theyfind social media awkward if you findyourself in that situation then don'tworry this video series is going toteach you everything you need to know inorder to develop any kind of internetmarketing campaign with confidence bestof all will help you to learn to createsmart internet marketing campaigns theguys that get maximum results with theleast amount of cash and time we justsaid that Amazon spends a milliondollars a day on AdWords and that mightmake you wonder how on earth you'resupposed to compete the answer wellyou're not our aim is not to take onhuge corporations head-to-head butrather to find the path of leastresistance to identify those corners ofthe web where lots of potentialcustomers are waiting and no one iscurrently marketing to them you're goingto learn how to do that and much moreover the course of this seriesspecifically you'll learn how to choosea niche and find your audience how tocreate a stunning website in no time atall how to drive conversions so thatvisitors equal customers how to climbthe ranks of Google using smart SEO howto provide value through a blog andbecome a thought leader in your industryhow to build and run a mailing list howto create a thriving and popular socialmedia channel how to write stunningarticles and killer sales scripts how touse press releases video sales letterssales pages and other tools how to workwith other internet marketers how tocreate your online business and a wholelot more so let's get down to it andwe'll do that in the next videoas we saw in the last video internetmarketing is for everyone and can applyto many different types of businessesfor the purposes of these videos thoughwe're going to broadly categorizedviewers into two groups those with anexisting business they want to promoteand those want to set up an onlinebusiness or make money directly throughinternet marketing and for now we'regoing to concentrate on the second groupif you already have a business this isstill worth watching but if you're in arush to get to the good stuff fastforward to the section on websitecreation if your plan is to build anentirely online business and to makemoney either directly from a blog orperhaps by selling digital products andthe first thing you need to do is tochoose a niche or niche as some peoplepronounce it the term niche in thiscontext essentially refers to a subjectmatter in industry and an audience inother words a niche can be health or itcan be knitting this is what your blogis going to be about its what theproducts you sell should be about and itwill determine precisely who yourbusiness is marketed at choosing yourniche is one of the most important stepsin creating a successful online businessand the reason for this is that it willdirectly impact the amount ofcompetition as well as the size of youraudience so if your subject is healththen you're going to be going up againstmillions of other websites and this isgoing to make your life very difficultindeed when you write a blog post on howto get abs is going to be incrediblydifficult to get that to the top ofGoogle seeing as there are so many otherblog posts on getting abs likewise ifyou post in a fitness forum I mentionyour ebook it's not going to stand outor be interesting because there are somany others conversely though you alsoneed to avoid choosing a niche that istoo narrowif the nisshin's is earwigs asthen it will only be a matter of timebefore you've marketed to the majorityof that audience and there's no one leftto buy from you another importantconsideration when choosing a niche iswhat you can offer the audience and howmuch they're likely to spend whencreating a product it's always useful tothink in terms of the value propositionnow this basically refers to what yourproduct is offering to the buyer andwhat gives it its value which should bemuch greater than the face value whenyou set an e-book on getting fit forexample the value proposition comes inthe fact that your buyer will hopefullybe much fitter after reading your bookand applying the knowledge that theylearn so you're not really selling abook at all but rather a sexy toned bodyyou're selling confidence you're sellingenergy first thing in the morning andyou're selling physical attractivenessto the opposite sex and people arewilling to pay for a lot of thingsmeaning that you can afford to chargemore for your eBookon the other hand if you have a book oncats then you can only charge people forlearning a bit more about their petswhich isn't something people are willingto pay as much for it's also importantto have a very clear target audience inmind draw up a buyer persona and thinkabout the exact kind of person who willbe interested in your product did theyhave enough disposable income and do youknow where you can reach them in orderto market your product if all thatsounds a bit confusing then the best wayto pick a niche is often to find a verybig unpopular niche with a strong valueproposition and we're talking thingslike Fitness finance business dating andso on and then to narrow down to find aspecific section within that niche sofor example you might have fitness forthe over 50s fitness for nerds and as asidebar nerd Fitness comm is a highlypopular website you could have Fitness4x condition whatever you want to put infitness for Marchartists online businesses for studentsmaking money online for stay-at-homemoms you know the list just goes on andon and try and think of something thatis as original as possible while at thesame time making sure that there's a bigaudience there and that you can solve aspecific need at the same time thoughtry and choose a niche that yougenuinely have an interest in and someknowledge about and this will help youto write the better blog posts and itwill ensure that you don't get bored ofyour business over time and this isactually one of the most important tipsso don't be motivated by money alone oryou're likely to find your business likestaying power finally think about anyconnections you might already have andany contacts if you happen to know theage of gardening magazine then creatinga business in the gardening niche justmakes sense likewise if you're aprominent member of a big forum dealingwith health then this is a very logicalniche to choose as you'll be able topost about your blog there and hopefullyget a big reactionin short try to have an entire businessplan ready before you even begin writingknow your strategy know your endgame andlet your niche dictate all that the nextthing you need to do is to create astunning website now this is highlyimportant as your website is what'sgoing to create the first impressionsfor your visitors and give them theconfidence to buy from you now thismakes all the differencethink about your own experience whetheryou're looking online for a place to eatfor a specific prior to buy or a blog toread if the website is well-designedthen the chances are that you'll feelcomfortable there if the font is largeand crisp then it will be pleasant forpeople to read if the logo is welldesigned and high definition then itwill create trust for your brand if thenavigation is simple and fluid thenvisitors will be able to find their wayaround the site and if the Buy Nowbutton looks official and secure thenpeople will be much more comfortableentering their payment details how manytimes have you loaded up a website toget some information or total food onlyto be immediately put off by the dateddesign and leave now don't let this bethe experience that your visitors haveof your website make sure that it looksclean and professional and don't acceptanything that is less impressive thanthe very top players in your niche ifyou want to be taken seriously then thatis what it takes so how do you go aboutcreating such a website well the goodnews is that these days it's very easywith WordPress WordPress is of course acontent management system and sitebuilding tool you install it on yourserver and this is usually availablethrough the tools provided by yourhosting provider or you can download thefiles from here at be sureto come to is wherethey host the site for youand then you'll be able to log into aback-end and choose a theme and layoutwhile adding posts and features easilyand WordPress is by far the most populartool today for building websites and itpowers many of the biggest brands on thenet for example some of the BBC websitesrun on WordPress as do the blogs thatForbes magazine hosts and wired also isrun by WordPress and it's free and ithas a huge number of different featuresit has support from a massive onlinecommunity and nearly endlesscustomizabilityin other words there really is no reasonnot to use WordPress it's a tried andtested commodity and it makes thingsquicker and faster for you while stillresulting in a highly professionallooking end productnow once you've installed WordPress youshould then look into adding aprofessional-looking theme nowthankfully these can also be added verysimply by looking at the themesavailable through WordPress itself or bybuying them from various theme storesand a good one is andyou can see here they've got at the timemaking this video thirty one thousandfifty six website templates and themesand as you can see here prices start ataround two dollars so it's worth a visita professional-looking theme with goodcustomization options will generally setyou back about forty dollars and this isa very worthwhile investment as it canmake your site considerably moreprofessional-looking help it to stayresponsive that it fits the size of thedisplay that's being viewed on andgenerally ensure that it's polished andable to compete with those top playersyou also need a great logo which willhelp you to brand your business and willgive you more marketing options a goodlogo needs to be unique it needs toencapsulate what your business is allabout you know trying to communicate thevalue proposition if you can and itneeds to be crisp and high definition tolook professional if you create yourlogo yourself then it's very importantthat you use vector files via softwarelike Adobe Illustrator in order to makeit look the partbetter yet outsource this job to someoneelseconsider using 99designswhich is 99designs comm or if you're inthe UK like me it'll redirect you to 99designs co-taught UK or perhaps fiberwhich is fibre with two R's comm thereare many different aspects to goodinternet marketing which include SEOpress releases social media marketinginfluencer marketing and more once upona time internet marketing could meansimply picking one of these facets suchas SEO and then trying to spam it untila site got to the top of Google andstarted getting thousands of views todaythough this method just doesn't work andin fact is much more likely to get youpenalized by Google today the only wayto succeed online is by deliveringqualityand the best way to do that is byupdating your blog regularly this is thecentral tenant of content marketing andas you'll see content marketing canprovide the backbone of your entiredigital marketing strategy so just whatis content marketing well essentiallycontent marketing means that you'regoing to promote your website viacontent and you're gonna use this tobring more people to your website andget them to engage with your brandpeople are not going to visit yourwebsite or blog out of the goodness oftheir heart they will go there becausethey're looking for something and thatsomething will normally be contentpeople use the web to find informationfor entertainment or for news all ofwhich means content your core strategyis going to be publishing content on ablog regularly and using this as a wayto gradually bring in more and morevisitors eventually this should allowyou to establish trust and authoritywithin your niche and build up a bigfollowing of regular readers who want tofind your content your content is alsowhat you're going to use to succeed inthe various other types of internetmarketing over the next few videosyou'll see how content is essential forSEO as well as for social media andthat's because content is what peopleare searching for on Google and it'swhat you will mainly share on socialmedia but the aim is not to bring peopleto your site in the short term to makesales rather your aim is to get peopleto subscribe to your site to bookmark itand to read it regularly the way thisworks is simple first a visitor findsyour site on Google or virus socialmedia post the article looks and soundsinterestingthey read it and hopefully they have agood experience but that's not going tolead to a sale and it's not going tolead to a subscriber in most casesrather they would just make a mentalnote that your site was reliable andinteresting andif they see a post on you again on theirtravels they will be more likely to readit next time it's important that yourbranding and web design is strong andthis will ensure that they recognize thefact that they retained to a websitethat they've already been through oncebefore eventually you'll get to thepoint where they have a question andthey decide to turn to you for advicethey know you're reliable they know theyenjoy the way that you write and so itmakes sense that they'll seek you outwhen they want to know something at thispoint you have their trust and it willbe much easier for you to persuade themto make a purchase or to read your siteregularly eventually they'll becomeregular subscribers and they'll startand to be looking into whatever you'reposting next this will mean you have acaptive audience and the next time youwant to sell a product you'll be able toand know this strategy is not just foronline businesses or ebooks thisstrategy can likewise work for a highstreet store or a hairdressing companyit's all about getting more people toread your content regularly so that youhave built that audience and that trustof course some internet marketingstrategies might rely less on contentmarketing than others but this is anactivity that every business should beengaged in and it all revolves aroundproviding value for free that may soundgreat but the next question is how areyou going to go about doing thishow do you go about adding content toyour site that is so exciting thatpeople will want to read your site on adaily basis yep especially if you are awriter naturally well the first thing isto understand the type of content thatgets read and the type of content thatgets shared and a clue here lies in aterm the generally looked down upon bythe community clickbait clickbait iscontent designed to get people to clickand very often it provides little to novalue you'll probably have seen thistype of content on Facebook and theseare posted with titles like you'll neverbelieve what happens next or top 10xnumber seven will shock you these titlesget people to click by leveraging thepower of curiosity the titles arepurposefully vague while also beingemotionally charged you know by tellingyou that you'll be shocked or outragedin some way to look at the articlesappears to offer something completelynew unexpected and shockingunfortunately when we click on the linksvery often we are met with somethingrather disappointing and the realityfails to live up to the hype now I'm notabout to tell you to write clickbaitcontent but what I am going to do is totell you to write content that issimilarly shocking and interesting whatyou must absolutely avoid are titleslike 10 great ab exercises or SEO forbeginners these titles are contrivedwe've all heard similar things countlesstimes before and they just fail to standout or to look exciting your aim is towrite something as intriguing and asshocking as a clickbait title but thento actually deliver on the promise bymaking sure that the reality is everybit as impressive as what you arepromising in the title so instead of 10great ad exercises how about whathappens if you do 100 sit-ups everynight or anatomy of your abs the abmuscles you didn't know you had and howto train them instead of SEO forbeginners how about the psychologicalimpact of making dolla dolla dollaonline or how I make $200 a day from asite I built last year these titles areinherently more interesting becausethey're different because they have ahuman element and because they promisereal value if you use those kinds oftitles you'll get clicks especially ifyou post them to the right forums and ifyou deliver great value within yourcontent people will eventually startseeking you out for more unique andexciting stories oh and stories is avery key word herepeople love stories giving any post andnarrative structure in other wordsstructuring like a story and talkingabout real people who have been affectedby your advice is one of the best waysto ensure that people will want to readyour content some other tips space outyour content well and avoid large chunksof text use lots of highly descriptiveheadings that will inform your readersas to what each chapter is about use anice big font decorate your content withattractive images write in a manner thatis concise entertaining and easy to readand provide lots of links to otherresources within your content from thereit's simply a matter of postingconsistently and I mean at least once aweek ideally more and keeping thequality high the length of each postdoesn't matter as much but occasionallyposting long-form posts that I mean 800words Plus will stand you in good steadwith Google and help you to provide evenmore content to your visitors but whatif you don't know how to write what ifEnglish is at your first language inthat case you need to consider hiring awriter there are lots of writers onlineand they charge anywhere from $1 per 100words to ten dollars per 100 words youdon't need to spend that much but it'shighly recommended that you avoid thevery cheapest writers you know anythingunder $1 50 is risky and that you payfor better quality content this is animportant investment as you won't beable to build trust and find regularreaders if your content is written inpidgin English one concern here is thatyou might not know how to check if thecontent is good seeing as you won't beable to read it in the native languagethe solution here is to find someone whocan tell the difference and to get themto check it for you andI can't stress enough how important thisis the key to effective social mediamarketing is the exact same as the keyto effective content marketing providingvalue unfortunately this is somethingthat a huge number of businesses haveabsolutely no idea how to do and thatresults in some very poorly managedsocial media take a look at the socialmedia pages of your typical local b2bcompanies and you'll find that they tendto post some rather uninspiring andvapid statuses and posts you'll seethings like find out why our contentmanagement solution is the best in thebusiness and order our EP OS systemtoday and start serving your customersbetter well this is nothing but blatantself-promotion and not even interestingself-promotion yet ask yourself whywould anyone be interested in followingthat what are they gaining by readingyour posts one of the single mostimportant questions to ask when lookingat your social media or your content iswould you read it if not then you needto do something to make it moreinterestingthis means your social media now needsto provide some kind of purpose for theviewer it should be interesting itshould be entertaining and it should beuseful or it should be inspiringinspiring social media can workparticularly well take a look atInstagram and you'll find lots ofaccounts filled with people wearingstunning clothes posing to show offtheir rippling muscles or even justshowing off their wealthy lifestyle thenthere are the travel accounts with lotsof pictures of beautiful mountain ragesand sunsets why did these work wellbecause people see those channels andfeel inspired they live vicariouslythrough them and enjoy day dreamingabout having a life like that they knowthat if they follow that account they'llbe shown many more similarly inspiringposts and they continue to live thedreamguess what when you then promote a pieceof clothing or an e-book on how to getfit they listen examples of popularFacebook pages are things like IFLScience which post links to articleswith some really eye-catching titles andgets tons of likes and tons of shares asa result the best Twitter accounts areones run by personal brands that letfans feel as though they're really gainsand know them with insights into theirdaily routines with jokes or with insidethe tips wanna make a splash onPinterest then how about creating aboard to show off life hacks or todemonstrate great outfit choices forworkout inspiration the aim again is toprovide real value and the way to knowif you're doing this well is to askyourself would people be disappointed ifyou stopped posting to your account notjust your blog but your social mediachannels your social media needs to beable to stand on its own two feet and besomething people enjoy in its own rightthat's how you gain followers and sharesand it's how you get people to visityour site and buy your products onceagain from there the key is to postregularly and to be consistently ontopic don't create a blog on fitness butcontinuously post on social media aboutyour love of gardening or people willget tired and leave how frequentlyshould this be well ideally the morefrequently you post the better severaltimes a day is generally recommendedespecially since the likes of Facebookwill only show each post to a smallpercentage of your followers now let'slook at some more tips for getting yoursocial media right one thing you mightbe wondering is how you can provide thiskind of entertaining engaging value whenyou run a website about life insurancewhat could you possibly do on Instagramor Pinterest that would be appropriatewell the answer is not to think aboutthe service directly but rather aboutthe value proposition and the audienceyour aim is to post things that will beinteresting to the same demographic andwill be relevant but this doesn't haveto mean you only ever post directlyabout life insurance one example of thismight be to make an Instagram accountabout all the ways to spend time withyour family and take care of them as amum and dad this has a very broad appealbut it's also directly relevant to lifeinsurance because after all lifeinsurance is all about looking afteryour family once you're gone people whowant to be better mums and dads canfollow your Instagram which will be inthe same spirit as your business andonce you have the rear you can recommendlife insurance policy X likewise youcould do something similar with aPinterest accountno how about making all this about waysto save money as a family you could showmoney saving hacks budgeting tips etcand use that to promote your lifeinsurance as the best financial optionor your website as the best place tolearn about life insurance anotherimportant tip is to think about youraudience and who they are if you wantpeople to share your posts and this isthe best way to ensure they reach themaximum number of people then you needto be sure you're targeting youraudience specifically this is importantseeing as trying to reach to widenaudience will ultimately mean that youdon't specifically appeal to anyone thisis the mistake a lot of people make withtheir posts on how to get abs they thinkthat they need to appeal to everyone andthus they end up with very safe and verygeneric content but content performsbest when it's targeting specifically ata particular type of person this allrelates to the psychology of sharing whydo we ever share content well there aretwo simple reasons to express ourselvesor to communicate we communicate bysharing things that we think will appealto someone we knowif you see a post on how working fromhome turns your brain to mushthen you're gonna share that with yourfriend bill who works from home as acheeky joke as a way to help them workfrom home better or perhaps just a wayto show that you're thinking of them ifyou work from home yourself then youmight post it to express how you feelabout working from home and to helpothers understand you better but noticethat in both scenarios the post onlyworks because it applies so specificallyto people who work from home while beingvery specific might appear to excludepotential customers it makes it mucheasier for you to market to a particulartype of person who is likely to buy fromyou and to make this work you need tospend some time profiling what thatperson is like how old are they whatgender are they what are their hobbieswhat websites did they spend time onyou'll see why this is even moreimportant shortly once you've decidedhow you're going to provide valuethrough sharing your blog posts or byposting images you'll then need to makesure you have a strong brand that willhave some good visibility and tie yoursocial media channels neatly to yourwebsite it's important that when someonesees a post from you they know it's fromthe same website that they saw the otherday so make sure you have a good logoand use that as your profile picture oryour cover image on each accountlikewise use the same name whereverpossible another tip is to integrateyour social media and your website asclosely as possible it'll take a whileto build up momentum on your socialmedia but one thing that you can do tohelp that along is to add social mediabuttons to your website so that peoplecan check out your Facebook pagedirectly from your website ideallyyou'll gain new followers each timesomeone goes to your website that waythey'll be more likely to see yourfuture posts andthem bringing in yet more visitors whocan subsequently become followers alsoimportant is simply to ask people tofollow you on social media this isparticularly effective in video so ifyou have a YouTube channel then don't beshy to simply ask the people watching tofollow you on Twitter and give them somegood reasons to do so similarly at theend of a blog post why not just ask yourreaders to share the post with theirfriends using the Handy sharing buttonsthat you provide it's also a good ideato integrate your various differentposts to save time and to ensure thatyou fill each channel with as muchcontent as possible for example you canmake it so that you post or your tweetson your Facebook page or that each newYouTube video is automatically shared onTwitter don't forget that social mediais still primarily a communication toolone of the best ways to ensure peopleare engage with you is to actually talkwith them and to do something as simpleas just following people or liking theirpictures if you've ever used Instagramthen you'll be familiar with howpleasing it is that someone has startedfollowing you especially if they looklike a professional brand likewise it'sgreat when they comment and say nice picthis will motivate you to check outtheir channel and in many cases tofollow it so just spend some timeposting and of course be sure toactually respond to people runningcontests and surveying your audience canalso be a very good way to increaseengagement and to get a better idea ofwhat your followers want to see from youa good example of a contest is to awarda follower with a free gift if you getover X number of likes this can help youto build more shares and likes as wellas being a great way to thank your fansnow it's time to look at one of thebiggest pillars of internet marketing ofall SEO SEO is search engineoptimizationthis basically means that you're tryingto get your website to show up in thesearch results of course you're notgoing to be able to show up high inevery search resultso this is where keywords and targetingcome in a keyword is essentially a wordor phrase that people are going tosearch in order to find your site whenpeople go shopping online they're almostalways stuck with Google and when theystart with Google they will begin bysearching for the thing that they wantit very often this will mean that theysearch for something like buy hatsonline if you can target that precisephrase so that your page is the topresult you will not only be able toreach the right demographic but you'llbe able to target them at the precisemoment they're actually planning onbuying something the same thing happenswhen someone looks for information theymight search for how to lose weightafter Christmas or they might search forfitness articles again you can bringmore people to your site and that wayhopefully create more loyal followerssimply by making sure your pages come upas top results for those terms so SEOhas the huge advantage of being highlytargeted and allowing you to reachanyone rather than just people who areyour followers or who are part of thesame network as your followers the onlyproblem is that SEO is also arguablymore complicated than the other forms ofmarketing we've looked at so far it'snever guaranteed that is to say you canspend years doing SEO or pay the verybiggest SEO service in the world andstill not see any improvements let'stake a look at why that is and how togive yourself the best chance of successin order to get to the top of Google theaim is to try and understand how Googleworks how Google decides which sites areworthwhile and how you can manipulatethose factors in order to move your siteto the top Google works using spiders orrobots these are small programs thatsearch the web by following from onelink to the next each time they find anew website they add it to a giant indexand we'll assess the subject matter andthe quality of the site by looking atwho is linking to the page how the pageis laid out and what the subject of thecontent appears to be if we knewprecisely how Google's algorithm workedthen we could get at the top of thesearch results with guaranteed certaintyas we don't know this though all we cando is make educated guesses and hopethat these get us to the top of Googlewhen Google first became the dominantsearch engine the algorithm was fairlystraightforward and was generally quitewell understood by marketers back thenwe knew that Google found sites byfollowing links on sites already in theindex Google thought of a link astestimonythe more people link at your site thebetter your site must be Googleattempted some matched search terms withthe content on your pages if yourepeated the same phrase often enoughyou stood a better chance of ranking forthat term back then it was easy enoughto manipulate Google into doing yourbidding all you had to do was to createa website with lots and lots of contentrepeat the same keywords over and overagain and get lots of other sites tolinked you it was literally a matter ofwhoever worked the fastest could get tothe top of Google the quickestunfortunately though this also led tosome very bad practices people wouldstuff keywords into their text repeatingthe same few phrases over and over againpeople will pay for links people wouldsteal content and spin it helped swapwords for synonyms and generallyGoogle's results started to becomedominated by spam so Google clamped downand introduced some smarter rules andalgorithms these updates to its systemwere known as penguin and panda andreally shook up the internet marketingcommunity now Google is much smarterwhen it comes to looking for contentand now values quality over quantity toa large degree a few examples of thechanges first off Google will nowpenalize websites for keyword stuffing adensity of once a 2% is generallyrecommended Google now prefers long-formcontent and will reward it Google willpenalize sites that associate with spamsites low-quality links are worthlesslinks from established authorities meanmuch more a single link from Harvard isworth a million links from spam sitesGoogle now understands synonyms andrelated terms and we'll look for you tohave written around a subject googlepenalizes links that are from sites thataren't related to yoursGoogle clamps down hard on paid linksGoogle clamps down hard on stolen orreworked content Google can now monitorhow long people spent on a website orpage if your visitors are only stayingfor a second before leaving Google willtake this to mean that your site doesn'toffer any real value and you will bepenalized this sudden change resulted ina lot of sites being removed from Googleor together which badly hurt manybusinesses as you can imagine thiscaused quite a lot of outcry but what'simportant to remember is that websiteowners are not the customers Google iscatering to Google is catering to userswho want to use Google in order to findhigh-quality content thus Google's mainand only objective is to ensure that thecontent it shares is relevant andinteresting to the people searching foritso what's the best way to handle goodSEO simple make sure you are providinggreat relevant content when you do thisyou are aligning yourself with Google'sgoals therefore every change Google masewill ultimately help more people to findyour sitewhile the sites that tried to spamGoogle or Trickett will only be damagedeach time that google has an update sowith all that said how'd you go aboutcarrying out SEO for your site in thisday and age we'll cover that in part 2with what we covered in the last videoyou may be wondering whether it reallyis possible to get your site ranked nowhow'd you go about carrying out SEO foryour site in this day and age well let'stake a look at some modern SEO practicesthe first thing to do is to fill yoursite with as much relevant content aspossiblenotice how SEO and content marketingnaturally go hand-in-hand already againthis content should be long-form atleast occasionally and should containlinks to other sites again the samethings that make your content highquality for your readers are the thingsthat Google wants to see do some keywordresearch to find what people aresearching for and what you should try totarget to get the ideal traffic to yoursite you can find the volume of peoplesearching for specific terms by usingGoogle's keyword planner come here toAdWords Google com forward slash keywordplanner and then sign in using yourGoogle ID it's all very straightforwardtry to make sure that the terms yousearch for aren't too competitivehowever otherwise you can end up goingagainst too many other sites and givingyourself an impossible taskas mentioned earlier Google just doesn'tlike you to keep repeating the same keyphrase over and over instead theobjective is to lace it into the contenta few times as naturally as possiblewhile also including synonyms andrelated terminology this should happennaturally and it should never distractthe reader from here you can go aboutbuilding links from high qualityrelevant sites these are certain sitesthat Google already trusts and youcan spot these by looking at which onesare already at the top of Google andwhich ones are featured in Google NewsGoogle also likes big recognized brandsand it likes dot e-d-u and dot o-r-gdomains while it might be hard to getlinks from those sites you can think ofthis a bit like degrees of separation inother words if you can't get a link fromHarvard University look for a site thatdoes have a link from Harvard and see ifyou can't get a link from them one ofthe best strategies you can use to buildlinks is something called guest postinghere you're essentially going to contactbig blogs and offer to write content forthem for free this content needs to berelevant and high quality so they willbe tempted to go ahead and publish itrather than charging for your writingwhat you then do is make it part of thedeal that you'll get a link back to yourwebsite within the body of the text oneway to avoid going head-to-head with thebiggest players in your niche is tofocus on local SEO local SEO is simplySEO that places local keywords front andcenter so if you live in Santa Monicaand you run a hairdresser then you aretrying to rank for Santa Monicahairdresser and you are build links fromother local companies it's much easierto become number one for a specificsearch term like this even if you'rerunning an international business it canbe a good idea to start local and thenbranch out once you've built a localmomentum lastly a few things that canhelp to keep you in Google's good booksavoid anything that looks spammy ormanipulative try to avoid patterns andencourage of visitors to share yourlinks online that's what Google reallylikes to see sites with lots of links onthe strength of their quality one way todo this is to write link bait this iscontent that is so useful so interestingor so shocking that other people want tolink to it and include it in theirdebates or share it with friendswhen creating your links avoid trying touse only your keywords in the anchortextsometimes the best anchor is just clickhere or this article again it looks moreorganic and natural and means Googlewon't think that you're paying for yourlinks now don't try and trick Googlejust create high quality content foryour readers while keeping Google'salgorithms in the back of your mind oneof the great things about SEO is thatonce you've climbed to the top itdoesn't have to cost you all that muchto stay there the problem is it can takean awfully long time to get to thatpointPPC meanwhile offers you that preciseopposite strengths and weaknesses PPCstands for pay-per-click and is the mainform of advertising online pay-per-clickessentially means that as an advertiseryou only get charged each time somebodyactually clicks on one of your advertsso in other words it doesn't cost youanything to have your advert publishedon a website if no one ever clicks on ityou'll never pay a cent but each timesomeone does click on it you'll becharged X amount of money this has a lotof Handy advantages as do many of theother features of PPCso let's dive in and take a closer lookso how much exactly do you pay for eachclick and where will your ads showwhat's the best way to make the mostmoney from it well essentially you getto decide precisely how much you want topay for each click the caveat is theless you pay the lesser advert will getseen that's because ads are shown basedon a bidding system whenever a spacebecomes live all of the relevant adswill be compared and the one that paysthe highest will get shown that meansyou can get clicks for one cent ifyou're in a niche with zero competitionbut for a much more competitive industryyou can end up paying as much as fivedollars per click the good news is youonly pay the amount you need to beat thenext highest competitionif your maximum bid is $5 but there'sonly one competitor who is paying $1you'll get the add for $1 and one centas well as setting how much you'rewaiting to pay which is known as yourminimum bidyou can also set how much you're willingto pay per week or per month this isyour budget and by setting this you canensure that you never spend more cashthan you have the great thing about thissystem is it means you can actuallyguarantee ROI for your business you dothis by calculating how much it's goingto cost you to bring each new visitor toyour site which will be equal to yourCPC or cost per click you then look atyour conversion rate in other words whatpercentage of new visitors become payingcustomers and then you compare thesenumbers so if one in every 100 visitorsbuy something from you in other words a1% conversion rate and your productearns you $50 per sale that means eachvisitor is worth $50 divided by 100 or50 cents as long as you're paying lessthan that per click you should earnprofit from the campaignthis also means you'll need a dailybudget of a certain amount in order tosee daily returns there is another greatbenefits of PPC advertising – it allowsyou to target specific types of visitorsvery precisely targeting means ensuringonly people you really want to see yourads will see them and that can preventyou from wasting money advertising topeople who won't be interested in buyingfrom you if you're selling skateboardsto skaters you should find yourconversion rate goes up significantlyversus trying to sell pens to skaters sohow does all this work well there aretwo main PPC programs out there at themoment these are Facebook ads and GoogleAdWords there are some others but theyaren't so big Google AdWords show ads onsearch termsand in that way it works just like SEOyour aim here is to make sure thatyou're paying for your ads to show up onsearch terms with enough viewers andthat are targeted to your preciseaudience you can do this using localsearch terms again or you can do it byusing search terms that specificallyrelate to your niche and you can see theads are here at the top where it saysadd quite often then also have them downhere on the right-hand side in a searchresult as wellnow Facebook ads on the other hand givesyou even more targeting options withFacebook ads your adverts will show onusers Facebook pages on the right or intheir home feeds you can then ensurethat people only see the ads if they arethe right agents X or if they have theright hobbies and interests or have theright income and if they're in the rightlocation Google has the advantage ofshowing ads to people who are currentlysearching for services and productswhereas Facebook ads can be interruptiveyou can even use Google AdWords as a wayto test whether certain keywords areworth pursuing with your SEO but byclosely targeting only people who arelikely to be interested in your productFacebook ads allow you to avoid wastingmoney on clicks from people who wouldnever have bought from you in the firstplace if you're selling a digitalproduct there is another very effectiveway to gain a lot more sales and that isto get other marketers to promote it foryou and learning about affiliatemarketing is important if you want tostand a lot of the conversation you'llfind in marketing forums and elsewhereessentially an affiliate is someone whopromotes an online product in exchangefor a commission so if you sold ane-book for 40% Commission that will makeyou an affiliate to do this you simplyuse a URL that is unique to you and thenwhen someone clicks on that link theywill be redirected via page that willhave a cookie on their computer and theywill be identified as having been set byyou the great thing about gettingaffiliates to help you promote a productis you're essentially building an armyof salespeople all of whom will be ableto help you get more sales for yourproduct if you can sell 30 ebooks ormonth yourself imagine how many ebooksyou'll sell when you have a thousandaffiliates the keys are getting lots ofaffiliates is not to be greedy create agreat product you know will sell welland that affiliates will believe in -and then be willing to give away a goodproportion of your profits over 50%ideally you can then look for affiliatesby listing your product on affiliatenetworks like JV zoo which is jvzoo.comClickbank which is Clickbank comm or CJaffiliate by conversant this used to becalled Commission Junction and you canfind them at CJ comm making money as anaffiliate is also a very importantstrategy for internet marketers internetmarketers make money by promoting theproducts of other Creators this allowsthem to make big money without having toinvest lots of time or effort intocreating their own products what's moreis that by selecting an existing productrather making one from scratch you canremove the risk element by focusing on aproduct that is already selling verywell affiliate marketing is a great wayto monetize a website and to build abusiness with zero upfront investmentwhether you are an affiliate or aproduct creator you're going to findthere are a few different materials andterms which come up regularly and thatyou'll end up using to build yourcampaign these materials and termsinclude sales funnel now a sales funnelis a selection of free blog posts orarticles perhaps a mailing list maybe afree report followed up by a paid reportand increasingly high ticket in otherwords expensive items the idea is thatyou're gradually introducingpeople's your brand and then helpingthem to invest more and more in yourmessage to become increasinglyinterested in spending more with you intheir sales page a sales page is a pagewhich is entirely dedicated to sellingyour product that means that we knowexternal links no distracting content orimages you know just one sales scriptdesigned to promote the product and makeit sound highly desirable this will beinterspersed with Buy Now buttons andwe'll use persuasive writing then thisfree report and a free report is a smallexcerpt or example of your sales funnelthere's VSL and VSL is a video salesletter this is a spoken script thatworks like sales copy to engage thevisitor and get them to buy and finallythere is squeeze page and email swipesnow email swipes are ready-mademarketing messages will look a littlemore at how a squeeze page and mailinglists work together in a moment as amarketer you can either create thesematerials yourself get them free whenyou sign up as an affiliate or use otherstrategies to promote the productseither way though understanding theseterms is going to come in very handywhen you're learning about internetmarketing it's worth understanding thisconcept as like I said it comes up a lotin forums and online communities in factfor many people internet marketing andaffiliate marketing are somewhatinseparable you'll find this when youcheck out sites like blackhat worldwhich is blackhat WorldCom and thewarrior forum which is warrior forum comthese are forums where internetmarketers can discuss ideas and tipswith one another as well as findingopportunities business partners clientsand services the warrior forum even hasits own affiliate network spending sometime on these forums is a verygood way to get acquainted with theworld of internet marketing and all itentails you also find a ton of goodadvice as well as being able to hirewriters SEO companies web designers andother professionals to help you get yourcampaign up and running here you willoften find lots of people selling linkbuilding services but you should be waryof these as the links are oftenlow-quality spend some time here thoughlearn the ropes and find out what itreally means to be an internet marketerthere are many many more aspects tointernet marketing and we only reallyhave just scratched the surface thatsaid you should now know all of thebasics and have a deeper understandingthan most people regarding what isactually like to work versus whatultimately amounts to spam before we gothough there are just a few moreconcepts you need to familiarizeyourself with if someone lands on yoursite for the first time and you try tosell them a copy of your ebook or aservice you should expect to find thatthis is more likely than anything tojust drive them away think of it alittle bit like asking for someone'snumber before they've even had a chanceto get to know you much more successfulis to spend some time establishing trustand familiarity but you do need toensure that they come back in order todo that and this is where a mailing listcomes in it gives you a way to contactyour visitors directly and moreimportantly it represents permission tomessage them your objective then is toensure your members actually keepreading your mailing list rather thanignoring your messages in order to dothat you need to ensure that you are youguessed it providing value emails can belessons they can be exclusive updates orthey can be full articles just make surethat they are providing value in orderto start collecting emails and save themout you'll need a tool called anautoresponder this is what will enableyou to create forms as wellletting you manage new subscriberspeople who want to leave your list etcetc good examples of autoresponderservices include Aweber which you canfind here Aweber comm get response whichis get respond stock coat UK in the UKand get response comm everywhere elseand MailChimp calm don't ignore thisaspect of your market secure many gurussuggest that this is the most effectivetool in your arsenal press releases areshort documents you send out to bigbloggers and websites the idea is tomake your website or your product soundlike news so that they will considerwriting about it the mistaken a lot ofmarketers make is to think they can justpromote their product and that the newsoutlet is going to be happy to writeabout it and essentially provide themwith free exposure now this is not howit works like you magazines and websitesare predominantly interested inproviding value to their readers so theyonly tell your story if it's genuinelyinteresting or exciting so ask yourselfhow can you make your brand somethingpeople will be interested in readingabout a publicity stunt is one answerdoing something completely unique isanother rather than targeting big blogsthough why not consider targeting thesmaller influences these are individualbloggers youtubers social media stars onthe like who have thousands or evenmillions of followers if you canconvince them to give you a shout outyou can sponsor them to do thisgive them some for free or exchangefavors then that can give you instantaccess to a gigantic audience andpotentially transform your businessovernight finally no matter whatstrategies you are using in yourinternet marketing campaign isabsolutely essential that you areregularly checking your stats andanalytics to ensure that you're actuallymaking progress look at how manyvisitors you're getting daily look atwhich activities are bringing you themost customersuse this information to hone and improveyour campaign over time there areseveral different tools that you can useto do all this but by far the mostpopular and capable is Google Analyticsif you're serious about internetmarketing then the two of you need toget acquaintedthis video series has thrown a lot ofinformation at you all at once andthere's still more to learnunfortunately that's the nature of thebeast internet marketing is a hugesubject and you will never have learnedeverything moreover it's also a subjectthat is continually changing andevolving so you'll never know absolutelyeverything that there is to know butwhat this series has hopefully done isto a give you a solid foundation ofknowledge to get started and be help youto make some smart decisions and avoidsome of the biggest mistakes that newmarketers make the biggest lesson I wantyou to take home from all this is thatyou should work smart not hard now thatdoesn't mean that you're going to beputting out a load of dross though farfrom it the key to getting easy wins isto create things people actually want tosee and want to share content Googlewants its users to find and content towill build trust and authority with yourfollowers this means writing aboutsubjects you're passionate about and itmeans bringing something genuinelydifferent and unique to the table and itmeans creating a stunning website withglorious images and a strong brand goodSEO and good marketing means tellingamazing stories and creating amazingcontent and I wish you every success


How To Create High Converting One Page Ecom Sales Page To Sell Your Products – PART 1

hey my friend thank you so much fortuning into this videotoday's video is going to be very veryvery valuable valuable and you're goingto gain a lot in this video now I wantyou to pay attention and follow me inthis video because what you're going tobe learning today is something that manypeople would charge for right how tocreate an high converting one-page EECOMwebsite or funnel to sell your productnow I'm going to be showing youeverything in detail step-by-step allright I promise this in our last videothat I'm going to be showing you thisbecause I added this on my paid coursebut I'm going to be showing you guys howto do it for free on this last video Idon't know if you've watched this videoif you have not watched this video howI'm able to make over 500k on Jimmy Isaid it just lead to products on one ofmy store make sure you come back hereand watch this video last part of thevideo I showed I explained this new thisnew video I'm doing right now so I justwant to tell you that a very problem isthat I'm going to make this video so I'mmaking it alright how you can createhigh converting sales funnel to sell offyourEECOM I term so for us to create a cystor never good ability a couple of thingswhile we're going to be needing a domainname which is around ten dollars bottomthere should be a coupon so can buy itaround eight or nine dollars to you'regoing to be needed in a hosting plan I'mgoing to show you how to get thathosting plan for very very cheap threeyou're gonna need which will be needingWordPress website we'll be installing afree wordpress website and four we aregoing to be needing a software a pluginthat we're going to be using to designour sales funnel so without wasting timelet's get started alright so first ofall let's get our domain name now youcan see this link right here this linkwill take you to a website where you canget your domain name you can see it'sHTTP HTTP for two to four slash bi t dotNY slash namecheap or one this is 0-1 not all zeroone all right once you copy this linklet's paste it so via whatsapp a justthink like this you click enter allright so it's gonna take you to thiswebsite named cheap website now if youuse darlingtrust me I'm going to be getting alittle commission from Namecheap for forrecommending this to you alright so it'sjust a little fee I'm going to begetting for every purchase that you makeon this side so I just wanna tell youthat this name chip is what I have beenusing all my all my life in the withwebsite design did this time at the samething and I trust them so much and Ilove them because of the because ofbecause of they are the support systemit is extremely fastif either will chat with you 101 and getyour problem solved that is a great dealfor me so once you get to this side andthe first thing I said is you get ourdomain name you head over to thissection or simply just type the domainname you want to register so let me justthink about it domain name let's say youwant to create domain name I your storename is a do a store and just save thiswith my hair right now at calm so justwrite it your new your domain name.comthat's net so something that you clicksearch wait for it to load so it's goingto tell you if your domain name isavailable or not if it's not availableyou're going to look for another namebut if it's available we'll just goahead to register it now this domainname it's available but it's onlypremium side you bite around $4,000we're not going for that so they justget something that is let's say I'm justusing something from my head you haveyour own business name or somethingalright so because his name is availablewhat is this dad to store something soyou have your own business name or youhave your needy name of the store youwant to accrete if you don't know how tocome up with a business they just simplysuch business name maybe generator orsomethingI use this a lot when I when I'mconfused of getting a business name formy for my new business you can usesomething like I said this businessengineer talking like that so they justopen those two there when you come overto this side you just type the keywordlet's say locates this part of the nameor your business so just click generatesit's going to give you suggestions existthree to six little latest word is abranded name a popular Nina just choosesomething just go through this so onceyou click generate this goes there issome names for you some names ideaslet's just look it again don't know whatI'm doing this ball just want to showyou guys somethingalright so let's go right here you cansee cuz some of these names are paid apremium but I'm just showing you thisjust to get an idea of names that youcan use it I'll just go to the site andtry to walk or something if you areshort of ideas so why here you can'tlocate name and isolated and okay storeonce you click on it to tell you if it'savailable or not alrightjust an idea Cassie locate access commis available career sites but if youwant to recite Dominion don't read sitehere and just copy its out here copiedI'll come over to Namecheap and place ithere to see if it's available you cansee the name is available so I'm notsaying she user name you get here likethat well didn't fit whatever you aredoing why not so so we can see that thisname is available right now sowe'll go ahead and buy the retail priceis ten point nine into Allah but theyare giving a discount inside Maroney fora long time so we are buying eight pointeight it's just like I said earlier soif you calculate that now if you areusing assess Bank Visa Cardthe very charging you three hundredaccess this is naira per dollar so youcalculate that by eight points it's it'syou are paying 3215 era all right sothat's what you're gonna pay here so howdo you buy this domain name you simplyadd theto cut sileo's our delta cards now ithas we added to your cuts that we addedto your cart so what we're going to donext is to buy a hosting plan so justclick on shared hosting click on sharedhosting now I want to choose a hostingplan we are going to be hosting ourdomain name all rightthe hosting plan we are going to behosting our domain name now if you'rejust starting out now this is yearly sodon't choose per month if you'rechoosing primal damage I gotta be payingthis money every month I wouldn't advisethat versus you just choose daily so youpay it once for a year once a year sonow that you are starting you're goingto be paying fifteen point four four butlater on in the year going to be payingaround thirty points it the last alrightso this one is if you want to host threewebsites once you buy this plan is tella plan you can host three websites thatis let's say this locate X as calm locusadded and just three different websitessure that's what I'm trying to explainto you what this one if you buy thisplan I'm gonna be hosting unlimitedwebsite discipline I'm using currentlybecause I have a lot of sites to designto to host and I have a lot of differentbusinesses okay so both get started nowjust click on get started on this planso this 15.4 for let's cut please havemore history now three thousand to fiftyso fifteen points point four four timesthree six sixthat's five currency so literally amojit mo charity in total so now that wewill click on select plan and theyactually knows which domain name we wantto use now the first one said I won'tuse domain in my cuts which is theoption we're going to choose becauseremember we added that domain to ourcuts and this one said I want to get afree dot website domain know the sourceI wanted purchase and you do me that isif you want to purchase a new domain wasjust leave everything like this rememberwe added a Dementor cut so just clickhere now as gooddomain domain our cut which is thelocate access cone which we choose choseearlier so just click on it and it'sgoing to go to be added zooms we addedadded to your cut so just click continuenow what I'm showing you right now ishow to buy a domain name and how to hostthe domain name all right so decided topackage our show and two things I'mshowing you right now so if you comeover here let me just explain thisbriefly the first one is a domainregistration which we chose one year nowif you want to go for two or three yearsyou can go depress you just increase ifyou can place this on auto renew which Ikind of advice if you are if you wantthis if you want this name for a verylong time there are you buy more thanone year or you placed on auto renew sothat when this name expires which is thetime you're buying next year by Italiabind is that the next time next year isjust to charge you this $10 without youwithout you having to come over to thiswebsite to buy or to pay all right sothe next one is ruse guard is free justleave it like thatthis one is premium DNS just don't leaveit on check don't pay the $4 under oneEstela updates$15 this is D this is the hostingremember we chose to Stella plan right15-point for $4 now nothing now I'd likeyou to buy his social security numberall rightthe ss+ SSL sorry not social securitynumbers very positive SSL is like asecurities to secure site for you tohave this secure body I would like it tobuy just to the point it's a dollar peryear so just add it to your cuts and theprice is going to increase the tightest28.3 eight dollars all right so let'scalculate how much this reward in IRAlike I said if you are using assess BankVisa Cardthey're gonna be paying 366 so if youare using DC back MasterCard thing isthree three six seven thousand fastbanker things around 365 all right solet's calculate that so in total you arepaying ten thousandother than 87 there are less than tenfive alright so that was gonna be painso if you are good with us just click onfam order now they ask you to eithersign up sign up as Restylane newaccounts or you login if you havefollowing me this is your first timethis is the ocean you're gonna treesyou're going to create an account so youchoose a username a password for youwrite your first name your real namefirst name your email address ourmission you log into your email addresssomewhere then you click create anaccount once you click create an accountit's going to take you to the next pageso let me just log in since I have anaccount here alreadyalright so um so let me just log in sothis is we're gonna take you once yousign up alright this is where you'regonna take it to once you sign up nowwhen it brings you yet the next thing isasking you is to make payments nowbecause to go over to your purchase themainly why yeh everything make sure it'sexactly the way you want it to be rightdeposited the positive SSL your hostingplan the total is twenty eight pointthree eight dollars alright so how doyou want to pay our advice you to payusing PayPal accounts alright so if youdon't have a PayPal account check thelink below I put in a link on how youcan create a PayPal account alright it'svery easy to create a background justcheck the link below on the descriptionsection or any disclosure to get a linkon how to create your own PayPal accountalright so once you do that this is youraddress on your name your email addressor your phone numbernow you agree to the terms and conditionand you click checkout with PayPal why Iadvise you to pay using PayPal becausewhen you're creating your PayPal accountyou're going to inside your or Europeyour card on your PayPal accounts whichyou know which you can I use to makepayments alright so the next step isvery easy once you sign log into PayPalI'm going to be blowing someyeah so you just log into PayPal andthey're gonna ask you if you really wantto make the payment now so just watchher and see how it's gonna beso right now PayPal is asking you do youwant to make payment now like I saidonce you are creating your PayPalaccounts it's going to ask you to addyour card now this is my duty backMasterCard if I pay with this card I'mgoing to be paying 3.3 367 area Padulabut I'm pay with my assets Bank Visacard I'm going to be paying 366 nanaPadula so in your case just choosewhatever card you want to choose you canmake this your preferred or you leave itunchecked then you click continue if Iclick this continue this thing is nameis going to be it was we purchased likeI wouldn't purchase this name now onceyou purchase the name it's gonna takeyou they're gonna send you an email likethis all right like I see then Ipurchased a lab plan which is 29.9 $4then now it has increased to 28 allright so I'm gonna take you to this isyour receipts it's gonna be like thisyear order received your domain name thename you bought everything this is notreally necessary that's why I also showyou what you bought now the next one isvery very important wait for this emailthis immediate verification it isrequired for you to verify your emailall right so just scroll down click on alink like thischeck your inbox I'm gonna see it soonce you click on a link like this justclick on it it's going to open anothertab and verify your emailthe third email is very very importantnow this one this is where the walkwe're going to walk from saying yoyou're welcome guide for your domainname is going to be a hook like that sonow these are the packages all rightit's going to show you your main domainyou need many just bought the dates yourbuying needs your server hostname allright what we need here is our cPanelwhich means control panel access this iswhere we're going to be walking from nowif you are buying this from like if thisis your first time obviously as you arewatching this video make sure you justclick on any of the link here sosecretly if you want to log into yourcPanel you click e you go to your domainname comm / cPanel but right now we canalso use just click on this to log in toyour cPanel now we have successfullymake purchase for a domain name and ourhosting now we're trying to log in toour hosting cPanel and install WordPressI'm very fast because I want you guys Idon't want this video to be too long andI want you guys to get something out ofthis video so as I click on this linkyou can see it's oximetry log into myown cPanel I already have my logindetails here because I have my websitealready so once you're not giddy that iscorrect which of course this is yourthis is your password this is yourdefault password so what you do you copyit this is your username so you copyyour username copy a password and youjust log in like so once your log in isgonna take you to a page just like thisnow this is your control panel dashboardso what we are going to do it the firstthing I advise you to do is to changethis password to something you're goingto remember the first in our advice sonow let's look for where we can seesettings and change our password rightso you can see on that preference rightpassword and securities click on it nowyou can see just pasting the oldpassword which is this password rightjust copy this password and paste theold password here now writing your newpassword all right make sure is verystrong hey I'm trying for you to be verystrong but let me read you can see me amissionary possibly very strong butthat's too longalright just make sure is very strongso you can write the same password therethen once you are happy with thispassword make sure it's correct and besure you don't forget this password thenyou click Change Password all right soonce you do without let's go back to ourdashboard now we've changed our passwordno more this but username stays the samebut the password have changed membersave it somewhere so we see it's rightyou can always go back to it and reverseit so now we have our hosting and adomain name alright so now we want toinstall WordPress now this is justsimple this is how to create a websitebasically what people think is very verydifficult but I'm just let's justcontinue on our own project how tocreate a one page account for it now youhead over to this session cause soft aclose up and Stella you're gonna seewhat WordPress in here like so click onit click on this WordPress and wait forit to loadyeah you're gonna bring it to adashboard like this you click on installnow now this is where you're going toinstall WordPress since you bought whereis this taking me back so let's click oninstall now now since you bought that'sa positive SSLmake sure you choose I like choosingHTTPS for a data column four slash fourslash W dot your domain name now you cansee all my domain names right but yoursjust don't be one name just one nameokay but I have several domain names soas far as many like this so just leavethis blank leave this as it is that isthe latest version of WordPress which iswhich is gonna be installed for you nowput this HTTP the reader without yourdomain name your site name you can add Ichange it to the name of a businessanymore website or you can leave itbecause you can still change it laterdescription also you can leave itbecause you can see change it later oryou change it now now user name how youcan log into your website this is whereyou choose which is a username and apassword alright so basically manybelieve it doesn't mean I also leave itas admin password I can use the samepassword or get another strong password- idea just leave this as it is for nowbecause you have secrets and email likeI mean at your website calm so let'scontinue leave this like so everythingleave it like sodon't touch anything then you click oninstall once you click on install listento me carefully please was it click oninstall and also install anything herebecause of course I already have awordpress website only on this websiteand I have WordPress website on everywebsite here so once you click oninstall sometimes sometimes wheninstalling you see something coming uplike this when installing it will notit's not finished – just stop somewhereat the middle just redose reinstall itagain just click on install the games assimple as that there's no side effectsnobody so if it's installing and in workout click on install again now once youare done with that congratulations younow have your WordPress websites ok solet me show you how you can log in toyour web server sighs so you just clickyour name WP dash admin that is how tolog in to your website now you wait forit to load like this once it loadsyou're going to write remember we chosewe left it as admin as our username andyour password so this is how you aregoing to login to your website so in mycase I would just type in my usernamewhich is add me and my password isalready set and I will just click onlogin so once you click on this it'sgoing to take you straight to yourwebsite all right going to get to thedashboard of your websitei just opened some of the product outsold some of the moms to selling themlike this one up to selling it so i justwant to show you how I create a pagelike this a very simple page like thislet me just cruel true it's a very verysimple page how I get image is how I'mable to create something like this I'mgonna show you how you can create yourslike this how to design a simple bannerlike this when you click on this link isgonna take them to the order form butlet's go back up there so you see howcan I was a sir if you're buying to Park17,000 if you are buying one pack or oneone of these its 11,500 I'm gonna do avideo and show you how you can importthese things from China for very cheapand sell them off here in Nigeria but Ijust continue with this video how tocreate something like this this is wherethis is the order form where they canfill in the form to please the audiencea mail phone number how many Parker / 1or 2 parks I divided pain how do youwant to pay choose how you want to makepayment easy cash or mobile transferthis is not really necessary butsometimes I like to add it now will yoube a believer picker because we aredoing pay on delivery so I need to askthis question and muzzling will say yesI'm gonna be available so what they aredone they click on order like I justwanna show them some other images nowthis is the concept I use for this oneit's a very similar concept to this onewhen I'm selling the I'm Cicilline flextip right so just 6 5 how to buy pay ondeliveryputting your focus I think I've removedmy form here just putting my phonenumber now very similar also to this oneI'm sure you home-brewed I'm sellingright this is this is selling right nowyou sell me right now so so I'll showyou how to get reviews like this alsogets all these reviews people have usedit product before you can see thereviews right hereokay so I'm gonna show you how to designa site like this okay so let's go to thenext one this one if you want to sellsupplements alright this is how you candesign a sales funnel or a sales pagefor supplements okay I don't know I'llshow you guys these things but this ishow I design my sales page all rightlots of design how to put a guarantee of90 days because if they take this photofor 90 days they should see results okayso this is how I design it I might notbe able to show you how to designsomething like this because it takes alot of time well you can just head overto youtube and download how to designbanners once you learn Photoshop in amonth you'll be able to design somethinglike this it's kind of layout to addimage to this image you're right I alsodesigned something like this yes veryeasy how to add this couple of this justwhat videos on YouTube are designed bynow how to add images and products onPhotoshop I use Photoshop to design ormake comment designs so I'm able to showyou that in this video so just this ishow I designed this is a concept of thisvery one now this one being grootsyou can get this product in China spreadout ourself or beard so get oil so thisis also another concept we have thisbanner I have this banner here and Idesigned this on Photoshop harder designis for the very simple I have this guygeneral this image on Google I write mytext here and I just have this image ofthe product here that's very simple so Ihave this if you are buying one but torebindto bow to say buying three bottlesdifferent prices okay so something likethis right so very simple sales thingyou want pieces for this is our salewithout having an e-commerce store soonce I click here it's gonna take themto an order page where they can place anorder like really can't have a formbecause in this one I don't have a formlike like in this one where I have hadnot put the form on this page I put theform on another page so the same thingwith this one I just changed it but Ican see thisbhana okay slowly now ready so very samething with this one which one guy isfacing here I thought with this imageonline and I just blend it and add mytextalright so I'm gonna show you how todesign this alright so but I'm gonna usethis egg root page as an example verysimilar to these very similar to thisalso I'm going to be giving out thissome of my templates this is a templateI'll show you how to install thetemplates I'm going to be giving out thetemplate to some people just click thelink in the description and if you can'tsee the link a description pleasedownload if you cannot still I was gonnahave to be fast maybe hundred or twohundred but I'll watch this videomaybe later and I kind of move it orsomething I don't know yet but let'sjust continue now showed you the kind ofpage you want to design I'm going to beusing this as an example I'm going toshow you how to install the template I'mgoing to show you how to add thesethings see how I'm able to add them oneafter the other so let's continue now todo this go to be using a plug-in calledinstant Buddha insta Buda instant Buddhawhere is it this is it so it's a veryold plugin I think it was me 2013 or2012 but still usable you can see thepigeon I'm able to design with it manypeople cannot use it like this becauseit's kind of outdated there's so manynew things I would like to have that Icannot do it I'm also using elements orbut not I cannot show you element orright now because I'm not as good onelemental as I am with instant Buddha sothis is instant Buddha I think it's soldfor around where the price can come overto the website to read more these around90 something tool out there about yeahso we bought the own limited yourlimited key don't let me take you so Ican give you out and give out thisplugin for free so yeah watching thisvideo I'm going to be giving out thisplugin for 100% free just click the linkin the description again to downloadinstant build a plug-in let me show youhow to install instant Buddha becausethis does the next step here after afterwe have an autobody domain installWordPress and bought the main boughthosting install WordPress next thing todo is to install in stamp do the plug-inlet me show you how to do that quicklynow to historian stamp with that we'llgo over to file manager so head over tothis file section click on file manageris going to open another tab like justwait for it to load okay so when itloads like so I can Snowden right nowdon't know widen my network is kind ofslow now come on come on come on come oncome on okay so in your case you willhave all the sides here because I havemy own side so your case you just seeyour own sides here I would like you tolocate the public HTML consider publicjust click on it once public HTML aswhat you will look at in your ownsection now once you click on publicHTML click on WordPress content WPcontent double click on it double clicknow click on plugins plugins rightdouble-click this plugins section thisis where our advise you to install theinstability I already have it table letme show you how to install it so toinstall instabuildermake sure you go over to the commondescription of this video and downloadit first after downloading just hideaway click on upload now once you clickon upload the click select File then youselect the file where you kept its letme see if I can see catch me I saved inStampeder quickly so it's good to belike this on a zip folder just click onthe zip folder and install it you'regoing to wait for it for kind of longtime depending on your internet becausethat 7 megabytes is gonna take a whilefor it to install so just wait for it toinstall and one is what once it's doneyou can now click ongo back alright so once it's doneinstalling just click on go back so onceyou go back like so once you go backyou're gonna say instant Buddha thatmeans thought it said I can't understandwhat I'm trying to say Oh God so I'lljust pause this video and come back whenit does upload so now I will show youhow to extract the zip file so that youunderstand so it's time Buddha wastaking too much time so I had to stop itand install another plug-in zip filejust watch it also I'll show you how youcan extract it alright so this side isgoing to load my internet is not veryfast this night so let me just install avery light plugin I'll show you how toextract a zip file let's go let's gookay so it's hundred percent right solet's assume this is instant Buddha solet's go back to my system it also wouldclick on go back so after installing itthe zip folder is going to appear overhere Internet is messing up now okay soif it's finished loading like so and youare not seeing in Stampede I just clickon reloadso was it click reload are going to seeso we are assuming that this one we justinstall right now because it's Z for theresume it is insta as you don't haveinstability this is Stabila so how toinstruct this five yet so just rightclick you right click click on s tracksdon't touch anything just click extractand leave it at scissors click closealright so this is how to extract yourinstant Buddha in this session so let merepeat what I said and then you click onpublic HTML right you go to WordPressWordPress contentgo to plug in double click then you comeover you upload instant Buddha if youdidn't show up you click reload for youto show once once once it shows likethis you right click extract nuestroextract all right and you close ok sothis is how to extract instant Buddhaso don't something else so let's go backnow we've installed instant Buddha onour website alrightoh if yeah movie story started ourwebsite how do we activate it right sonow let's go over to our website so letme just choose the website to go over tonow so this is the website I'm I'mworking on so once you restored in StampBuddha where you can find instantlythere is a plug-in section so let'sclick on plug-in your site will not haveall these things so just ignore all thisthing so you click on plug-in and you'regood to see you can see we install ahijacker in the place of instant breederalright so in your case is going to beinstall so just click on activate onceyou click activate you're going toactivate your instant builder that's allthat's that that's what you need to haveinstant Buddha on your website so onceyou have it on your website what youclick activate is going to appear somered yet down here alright look at thehijacker let me also uninstall itbecause I don't need hijacker right nowon my site so I'm going to have instantbill arrived so click on instant Bidayuhin your case is going to be very emptyin order to be seen 18 pages totalvisits because I'm running at oneadvance to this page that's why you areseeing all this enough credit it's indifferent pages and over 10,000 visitsall right the past few days that's whyyou're always going to be blank now howto create a new page right there are twoways of cutting a new page is that yougo to this page menu and click on addnew page but what I prefer you do isjust click on addPJ was a click on add new page you cansee different templates so you canchoose whatever you want to do you caneither preview them so I'd like to rightclick to preview to see how it templatelooks like it's just a drag-and-dropbutton now this is how it looks likeyour logo you want to replace this withyour logo then you're go to replace yourown headline then replace these withyour own text and click and replacesyour own button alright so what this isnot the kind of page once design sodifferent pages for different reasons ifyou want to do an opt-in page if youknow what opt-in page means justsomething like this so different pagemost of them are very beautiful to useso you cannot choose any of them todesign your own websites alright so letme just open this also so you understandwhat kind of sales in you can see ifwhat does any page like this where youhave a grabbing title and you have yourvideo or image yet then you have anotherdescription so I use this kind oftemplate it's kind of templates in lotsto design my one page or website alrightI used a lot but in this case we'regoing to design something like thisremember so we're not working with thisone so what I'm gonna do for you I'mgoing to give you this template I'mgoing to give you this template it's foryou to just use something like this butyou're going to change this of courseand also changes to your own productyou're going to change it to your owntext if you want to be bought in a go tochange it because if you don't change itI have my links on them you're going tobe sending me series of orders alrightso please change it let me show you howyou're gonna do that so if I send youall you download the templates justclick on imports or you going to producethe file where you saved it so I think Ihave different files that can give usso I've lots of pages yeah for hairgrowth Ike many pages are a variety ofdesigning lots of pages so let me justchoose one of them let me just say thisa hair growth SS all right so this ishow you're going to do it remember justchoose the templates after you'vedownloaded it then you click open thisis a template see I'm giving it to youso I click import or see importanttemplate it's going to open exactly whatI have here right so you can see exactlywhat I haveso you're gonna have exactly what I havebut now in this case your own product isdifferentalright it's very different this is abanner you're going to remove it andinstall your old partner so I advice youto learn how to design your own bannerand remove this so I will show you howto do this in a bit I think this videois getting too long so what I would doI'm gonna stop here in this video andthe next video I'm going to show you howto edit out to remove out to add becauseI was gonna take another time andcontinue on this video so just check thenext video or if you're not subscribedbe sure you subscribe so that you getthis way when I upload new video becauseI will be uploading different valuablecontent so I'm going to edit this pageI'll show you what to do in the nextvideo


Top eCommerce Platforms

what are some of the top ecommerceplatforms there are a number ofexcellent ecommerce platforms thatprovide you with a comprehensive set oftools that assist you in building yoursite of course different platforms havestrengths and weaknesses depending onwhat you're trying to do however thereare certain features to look for in alle-commerce platforms ease of use andcustomization make sure it's a platformthat you're comfortable using every daytester programs daily features likeproduct updating customer serviceperformance analysis and promotiongeneration SEO functionality how welldoes the program handle search engineoptimization you can sell the finestproducts in the world but if peoplecan't find them how are you going tomake sales marketing tools promotionscoupons and newsletters are all veryuseful tools to look for conversiontools look for tools like productreviews social network sharing one pagecheckout and product recommendationsprice don't rush to the cheapestsoftware since it is often true that youget what you pay for but also watch outfor extravagant payment schemes thatdon't guarantee you successbe wary of transaction fees because theycan add up fast technology do they haveup-to-date server technology thatperforms otherwise you're risking slowerresponse timesspotty operation and possibly securitybreaches feature availability does ithave a good selection of features forthe subscription price make sure theyaren't demanding more money for featuresthat should be basic company outlook nowyou are renting this online space somake sure the long-term prospects of thecompany that you choose are profitablehere are some of the top ecommerceplatforms number one is big commerceit's easy to set up and it gets yourstore up and running as soon as possiblethey have substantial customizationoptions it's easy to navigate they havethe best SEO configurations of all majorplatforms they offer a lot of solidfeatures for a fair payment scheme theircustomer support is excellent you'reable to ship worldwide the only thing isthe basic templates are pretty plain andit takes more than a beginner'sknowledge to get some customized layoutsgoing but for taking care of all of yourshopping cart needs and building agood-looking high-functioning onlinestore it doesn't get much better thanbig Commerce number two is MagentoMagento keeps developers and designis in mind it has a high degree ofcustomizability but beginners might getlost you can download the communityversion for free but it has very limitedsupport if you want more help or moreconvenient features you have to payfifteen thousand dollars a year for theEnterprise Edition number three isShopify Shopify is famous for being oneof the easiest to use it's super simpleto build a great looking website thatlooks excellent across all devices butwith simplicity comes lack ofcustomization you have to learn wholenew language called liquid to customizebeyond the templates and it can getexpensive you have to pay a two percentfee of all revenue unless you pay for ahigher to your service but if you'relooking to quickly build a simple storewith little technical knowledge Shopifyis a great program some runners-upinclude Volusion 3d cart Zen cart andnot commerce so in conclusion if you area hands-on person try out all theseplatforms to see which one fits yourpurposes but if you want to cut to thechase and get your shop up and runningyou won't be disappointed with bigcommerce



hey everyone okay so today I'm going tobe sharing with you my top five productsfrom the ordinary and the ordinary hasliterally taken the world by stormso before we get on with the productslet me just really quickly say to youthat the products sell out very veryquickly then they get restocked and thenthey sell it very quickly again pleasedon't be kicking off to the vendorsbecause it's not their fault that theproducts are not in stock they areconstantly battling with stock issues soplease bear that in mindnow all the links for US UK and Europeare in the description bar below now onemore thing before we get on I recentlyread a review from a company that Ireally respect and the main issue theyhad with the ordinary was that they weresaying that it takes more than oneingredient in order to build a skincareroutine and they're absolutely right thebit that they miss was the whole pointof the ordering is that you build yourown skincare routine whether it's twoproducts three products five productsand that's what they miss when reviewingthese products is that if you were touse three products at night and three inthe morning as an exampleyou would still not be spending the sameamount on a single high-end product yetyou would be getting six times theamount of volume so for one reallyhigh-end product at 30 mils you couldget six ordinary products and you wouldhave I don't know 30 60 you would get ahuge hundred and 20 mils of product itthat's what kind of earned me about theyou know it takes more than one skincareingredient of course it does that's thepoint of the ordinary huh let's make astar these are my top five products sothe first one is the Alpha let me startagain the alpha lipoic acid 5% now thisis my favorite of all of the productrange is also the most problematic ifyou have very sensitive skin thisproduct is not for you you can use thisamaximum of two to three times a week oron the side of caution with two this isthe only product that I have used whereyou will wake up instantly with betterbrighter skin it is phenomenal but youcan't use it every dayyou just can't it's too potent okay solet's talk about the next onenow I'm still sticking with is a leakacid at 10%now as a leak acid has brighteningeffects on the skin but research hasshown that it acts like a retinoid and abenzoyl peroxide product so meaning itexfoliates it disinfects the skin and itteaches the skin cells to behave youngerso basically they're not getting caughtthe pore lining is not getting cloggedso for those of you with problematicskin is a leak acid is the answer or oneof the answers this is my holy grail ofeye cream the caffeine solution 5% thisis very very strong for an eye cream soyou need to bear that in mindcouple of drops morning and night youwill see an immediate difference in yourIRA you get 30 mils of product for aneye product most eye products 10 15 milsif you're lucky and this is strong andagain you're talking about building aroutine for those of you who want a veryspecific routines for acne aging sundamage rosacea I will get them for youin another video and I will put downevery single product for every singleskin category moving on again for agingskin for acne prone skin for sun damagedskin retinol advanced 2% this is the onethat will everybody needs a retinol itis the one product that has been shownto work to reduce wrinkles to reducebreakouts this is the product you needif you want younger looking skin freshlooking skin brighter looking skin ifyou have sun damage acne age spotsthat's the product and finally we'regoing to be talking about the highspreadability fluid primer this is theprime that i tend to prefer they havethe other primer which isbut this is my preference again thirtyknows all of these products are 30 milsthis works great as your primer I tendto use it just on the t-zone but if I'mgoing to use mineral makeup all over theface because it just adds for a nicerbase and that is it that's my top fiveproducts remember in a video coming outI will be sharing with you all of theroutines for like I said acne skincaresun damage aging skin sensitive skin youname it I've got routines view thanks somuchinformation all down there on theseproducts see you soon bye bye


$1,000,000 STORE REVEAL | How This Ecom Store Makes $1M Per Month

if you're interested in seeing theinside of a seven-figure per monthecommerce drop shipping business today'svideo is going to absolutely blow yourmind yo what's going on Empire builderswelcome back to another episode I'mreally excited about today's episodebecause we're gonna be going through andchecking out some businesses thatthey're doing seven plus figures permonth in their e-commerce dropshippingbusinesses I'm really excited to get itI show you guys what these businessesare and what how they are actuallyselling and creating those kind ofmassive numbers and their businesses butbefore we get started make sure ifyou're the winner we're gonna put thewinner here from last video you win yourone-on-one coaching session with me somake sure you reach out to Peter atecommerce Empire builders calm so we canschedule that on the time that'sconvenient for me and you and also fortoday's video we'll be giving awayanother one-on-one coaching session allyou have to do is drop a comment ontoday's video make sure you subscribe tothe channel and the comment can beanything you learned about e-commerceone thing you want to learn or you couldjust say hi okay you just drop a commentdown below on today's video but withoutfurther further ado let's get started somy favorite place to go find goodselling really good selling productsthat are doing seven some even eightfigures per month in their e-commercestores is Clickbank right Clickbank is agreat place to go find places to to topromote products and your to yourcurrent customers or even findinspiration for something that you mightwant to sell right so here when you loginto your Clickbank account you'll seeall these different sorts of categorieshere now again if you are havingecommerce business right now and youhave a big email list or a customer listor whatever I highly recommend you comehere check out something that fits yourneeds and sell that to your customerlist guys because that you makeCommission and referrals off of thatsome of them even on a reoccurring basisnow for me I'm launching a supplementvery very soon so I want to go look atsome of the top supplement businessesthat are performing really well here onClickbank and see how they're doing it Iwant to see their messaging I wanna seewhat their funnels are doing and seewhat I can learn from them okay so let'sget right into the different kind ofcategory so I want to see what makessense so we see green products oursupplements gonna be completely organicso that might make sense let's see whatelse we've got health and fitness healthand fitness probably makes a little bitmore sense since we're launching atropic and a dietary supplement but youcan see here there's tons of differentcategories for you to go throughnutrition all that dietary supplementjust makes the most sense now we did itorganifi is right here we did a funnelhack on organifi here on this channelbefore I highly recommend go check itout I just searched organifi funnel hypeorganifi on this channel this is a greatfunnel great product to promote ifyou're in the health niche guys checkout this funnel right here you makemassive amounts of commissions andyou're also uh some of them you're evengetting on a reoccurring basis so greatgreat product to promote if you're inthe health and fitness niche okay sowe're not gonna follow a funnel hog thenbut I want to go and see something thathas a lot of gravity so the gravity isroughly how much they're selling hereevery single day now I don't knowexactly this I've been out of theaffiliate game for a while I don't thinkthis means 69 units a day it's justbasically like the volume that's pushingI forget how it's calculated butbasically if that number is high itusually means it's really good so here'sone bio optimizers let's open a few guysand see which one we're gonna go throughso we only have one time to go throughone I'll probably end up going throughall of them Bo but you could see here'sa good selling one tumeric buy onebottle get a third bottle free get threebottles free that's a good onebuy one bottle get three bottles freethat's that's a good headline that's agood hook really interesting oneketogenic accelerator crushing a let'sjust let's just hope we're just gonnaopen up a few guys and we're gonna seewhich one which we're gonna see whichone makes most sense for us so let's seelet's see let's see this one um biooptimizers bio up that's a weird namecrank your muscle gains to new heightsby flooding your muscles with maximumamino acids without increasing yourprotein intake by a single gram alrightcool so this is basically their salespage looks like it's more for you knowbodybuilders here whatever this productis good headline right here that made mesaw you've all been sold a 10 pound jugof the protein we've all been sold a 10pound jug of the protein line that is sogood if I'm selling it oh man that's sogood if I sound like a protein orsomething like that that's reallypowerful this is why I love goingthrough this guys I encourage you guysto do same like get obsessed with thisstuff like justsee what's working for these people sothis is just a long-form sales page I'mnot really feeling this one though Idon't know about you guys but I'm notreally fit oh look they got Stefan righthere they got a bunch of guys on here sothey got a bunch of people on here okayCaleb Jennings I know this guy uh okayso I'm curious let's see where's theirorder page Testament there's no orderbutton guys there's literally no orderbutton on this order wait so they have aguarantee for your order but they don'teven let me buy it so I don't know ifthis is pre-release or what what'shappening here I'm not sure so we're notgoing to worry about that we're gonnaclose that thing out so we're gonna goto two turmeric turmeric I always have atough time I really am interested aboutthis one by one turmeric and buy onebottle basically get three bottles for avery interesting headline love thisclick to unmute video this isinteresting so basically just gettingyou to click cuz autoplay note no longerworks in Chrome nice overlay image rightthere great imagery love that love thatimagery benefits uh helps increase a/cthis is what you want guys real quicklike a lot of like a lot of you need tothink you need to know all thenitty-gritty details about your businessknow the less you know the betterbecause people only care about theresult that your products gonna get themso you can see here helps increaseenergy improves focus and mood helpswith stiffness and discomfort boostsquality of clothes sleep supportshealthier memory right it's very likelike a three-year-old can understand itright but but if you start going intoall the nitty-gritty nitty grittydetails of all the you know details upyou're gonna lose people now that's notto say that you can't go in and tellthat but really on the first page peopleland on be quick explain what thebenefit what's that result that yourcustomers gonna get from using thisproduct okay this is cool oh I love thisimage I love this image right so oh manI'm totally taking this image you cansee here it's saying two capsulesone-time daily with meals so easy soeasy it usually a lot of times likepeople have like a whole paragraphwritten about how to take it right likeso so simple love this love this verynice page very nice page buy one getthree freelike that offer so let's keep scrollingdown so it looks like we can order thisthere is I've seen a bunch of CTAs andthey have some stuff here alright coolso let's let's keep going because thisis a good one this is a contender for usto go through real quick ketogenicaccelerator ketogenic accelerator willbe your number one fat riding supplementguaranteed no exercise required that'sinteresting that's interesting okay Idon't know how they're getting away withthat one I don't think it of runningpaid ads to this because I don'tFacebook would definitely not allow thisone I that is quite the headline guys noexercise required with a little starhere I'm not even going to go into thisand try to figure it outso god there's another decent sales pagesuper hokey right there very hook verystock images I'm not a fan of thesestock like images I prefer to use my owninfluencers take my own take my ownimages so okay so look oh this is smartso here's a very powerful right theresaying here dr. Oz's your body burns fatinstead of carbs or fuel often leadingto rapid substantial weight loss rightbut they're utilizing something that dr.oz said about keto okay they don'tactually have dr. oz talking about theketo this Kido accelerator product rightso you sometimes in the beginning guysyou have to be resourceful before youget like big influencers promoting yourproduct for you sometimes you just haveto be really resourceful like therebeing right there just taking what acredible source is already saying andplugging it into their sales funnelright I love this a lot of love love litlove this it's definitely great hatthough just so you know so I'm notencouraging any of you to do it but yousometimes you got to be resourceful inthe beginning when you don't have a lotof resources okay so try it for freeokay so this must be a free plusshipping offer man I want to click thata CTA button man maybe this will savethis one for another one let's oh andlook an exit pop nice exit pot wait letme send you a keto kickstart guy forfree fantastic love this before theyleave let's grab that email let's grabthat email so we can follow up with thatperson in dr. need them further and getthem to buy our ketogenic acceleratoryou knowHill here or whatever this is love thatso this is a contender I'm like oh andexit pops again nice nice they must havecustom coded that so let's go to here tojoin dragon what is this alright this isthis this isn't getting my attention soI'm not worthy stay mentally chargefaster cleaner thinking and calm focusenergy feel energized motivated Anilairfield muqaam powerful nootropicsbioactive antioxidants might this one itsounds similar to what I'm doing but Idon't know it's kind of all over todaystay mentally charged vesser clearthinking and calm focus energy not a fanof this page I know we're dodging anootropic but they look like they havesome other things that are going on likethat turmeric in herebut I don't know guys like this I reallylike one of these two pages to go withthis one is definitely a contender toojust because I'm curious to say see whatthey're selling on their back end let'ssee what their their nutrition labels sowe are different we're a lot differentactually and then boom they have theirthere by now but bottle one six or threebottles fantastic alright let's let's Ithink okay let's cut to the chase guys Ithink we're gonna do this one because Ireally like this one that's doing a buyone get three bottles free let's watchthe quick little sales video herehopefully you guys get the audio goingthrough here nice hook the right foodsbecause you understand the dangers ofinhalation and what it is doing to yourbody I'm Cody Bramblett so we're gonnapause that there you go guys havefinished watching that but you could seethe introduction they were he was alikening a story that's alreadyhappening in the customers mind right doyou ever feel like this do you know thisfeeling and then BOOM introduction tohim right instant we're building thatrapport making the customer feel likeyou actually really understand them okayvery very powerful if you do any sort ofBSL like that okay now we're not gonnawatch this whole thing's we don't havetime but let's get into buying thisthing let's go it says buy one get threefree I don't know what I'm gonna do withall this I'm have to share it with youguys so you can see your 100 day moneyback guarantee very high credibilitynice money back guarantee 100% secureorder processingfast Priority Mail shipping fantasticlove this little image here we're gonnamake sure we'll grab that as well lovethis little one bottle three free heretotal charge right $49 right shippinghandling roughly 995 bring our total to58 and 90 95 together trust badges hereagain do you see how simple this orderform page one thing I think they'remissing here one big thing if I decideto leave this website right now guysthey will never be able to contact meagain and that's what besides if they'redoing any sort of Facebook remarketingand it doesn't look like they do becausemy pixel oh look what happened I justwanted to go check out the pixel andlook what happenedwait don't go get your get up to $10 offyour shipping save even more click thered button below to save up to anadditional 10 perfect right let's savesome money guys have boom you could seethat and it redirects us immediately andnow we don't have to pay for shippingnice exit pop right there but I waslooking on the way I discovered as I wasgoing to the pixel hopper to see theirpixels and saw it doesn't look like thepixels insult here so we're gonna blurall this out here and then we'll showyou the next page after I put in my mybilling and shipping information so sook guys so we got all that informationin here now we're gonna click pay nowand we're going to see what upsell theytake us to so let's see let's see whathappens I'd see what our upsell is mymistake is your free gift what is thiswhat is this I think this page mighthave been deleted or never appeared oryou got the wrong link no worries I gotan awesome opportunity and I apologizehead below and get a free bottle ofturmeric some free gifts or just a bunchof free stuff my apologies click on thelink this is interestingso they're promoting this and gettingsales on this what ok so let's say I'mgonna check and I'll follow up in thecomments of this video to see if we ifwe got charged for this ok since paidyou wanted it broken ok so there mustthere must be updating something hereso let's go claim our free one and seesee what's going on okayboom okay now we're at this page okay sowe're gonna we're getting this is likefunnel inception guys I'm kind of gladthis happened cuz this is the kind ofstuff you always it's interesting to seewhat's going on like this becausethey're obviously driving traffic tothat main offering and they're drivingpeople here but I'm curious to see ifthey build me because that'd be reallyweird if they do so try our productsample package for free shippinghandling $9.99 fantastic most popularright by one Get two Free oh I love thislittle nice little slider here fantasticyou know edits it right hereautomatically fantastic it's a verysimilar page to what they had beforeexcept it looks like this you know theyhave their the little logo right hereagain your local doesn't really matterguys nobody really cares about your logopeople care about the resultsnice customer service phone number hereif you don't have a phone number put anemail or something like that you couldput 100% money-back guaranteeyou know nice 100 180 day bulletproofmoney-back guarantee fantastic let'sread this real quick after you order anyof our products today if you are notcompletely satisfied simply contactmissing next half a year and send itback in condition in any condition and Iwill see that you get a completelyrefund okay so this is very common inthe supplement space hey just send usthe bottle back you'll get a ruralrefund okay fantastic okay interestingcontact information senior militarydiscount interesting look at this I likethis so senior military discount I am atleast sixty years of age or a familymember has served in the military so letme say five dollars from total purchaseprice wow this is awesome I guaranteethose so many people probably abuse thisfor the wrong reasons because peoplelove this I wonder if we can I want todo this ah really nice it looks likeit's somehow integrated with an orderbump not a hundred percent sure but ifyou guys are seeing this even on for thefree plus shipping it's lowering it to$4.99 fantastic absolutely love thatokay so let's uh let's put in all of ourinformation again we're gonna blur allthis stuff out again and then it willcut back to you guys as soon as we clickyes so guys we're about to submit our orhere and I just wanted to talk aboutthis real quick because it looks likethey're doing more like a you know freeplus shipping model to get one unit realquick for $9.99 unfortunately I'm notgonna be able to start my business likethat because that does take some moreinvestment so the way after I was kindof typing in on my billing andinformation here I thought you knowthat's how they must have started thatwas the original funnel that theyprobably had where they were justcharging the full price for the bottlesand then as they grew in scale they wereable to move into a free plus shippingoffer right if I could do frequent ofshipping right out of the gate I wouldit just is it's much more it's more costintensive especially when you have tostart creating sample packs but theirfunnel is probably very nice throughthis a free plus shipping offer you cansee how they have an agree to terms andconditions here and then we're gonnasubmit our order and let's see yeahlet's see where it takes us hopefully wedon't go to a broken page again guys sowe click Submit order boom congrats onyour order you now quality for to thisone-time upgrade let's see I want tothank you for investing yourself andgrabbing a bottle of this amazingsupplement because it's gonna changeyour life fast and I want to help you byinvesting in you so you can get more ofa sunbaes and stuff in it for anincredibly discounted price watch me doher special absolutely and free gifts soif you scroll below you guys see all thefree gifts you're gonna get nutritionprograms diet programs ways to changeyour life that are simple and easy plusan opportunity to get turmeric at anincredibly discounted pricewhy because you just started take thefirst step and invest yourself today soI want invest in you cool okay so upsellnumber one congratulation I want toshare with you how to continue yoursuccess after your free bottle ofturmeric turmeric runs out stay healthystay healthy and trim I'm not reallysure if that means haha here are yourtwo instant bonuses I have for you bonusnumber one get your $180 discount getyour $180 discount towards your add-onorder to make right now saving $108 ofregular price right nice high perceivedvalue right thereanchor immediately right a lot of youguys like if you have something that'smore expensive right show the price thatyou're the value first so I havesomething to anchor to so now I 180 isin my head right 180 isin my head now so I can now if they'recharging whatever for it and it's lessthan 180 I'm gonna bail okay I'm gettinga good deal right now it's anchored inmy head I have no idea how much thiscost yet okaybonus number two priority free upgradepriority mail so let's see plus a bunchof different bonuses see this is anoffer guys write an e-book the fatburning first step I said the daily fatburn program from for a lean and healthylife ebook burn and break your PlateaueBook not just a diet and uu ebook rightthis is an office so you guys need to doif you really want to make a lot ofmoney these people are obviouslycrushing it right guarantee they'redoing high high high very high if notseven figures or more per month in theirbusiness okay so by now you're probablywondering how can you claim your hundredeighty dollar discount shipping upgradeand for e-books right great headlineright because this to me when I'mscrolling down really mostly people arejust reading this right they're readingjust like the bolded part right they seeall the bonuses oh nice headline overhow do I get it right read it or youcould read the copy for more like thethe logical reasons or I'd find out muchtoo much emotion in there and if you'restill in the fence know that your offercomes with a nice six month money-backguarantee tons of credibility righttheretons of emotion and credibility rightthere making me feel safe to say yes tothis okay I'm boom add six bottles toorder just $19.99 each right just $19.99each so for a limited time get $100discount on a six month supply with biopre and regular price $49.99 each todayat $19 each right great anchor rightthere that's like a ridiculous they mustbe getting this really cheap so youcould see here today just 114 today just140 so $19 you get six bottles at $19.99each plus there's all these otherdifferent bonuses if you click yes booma adds it to your order you can seehere's the offer stack right this is theoffer stack right here what everythingthey're going to be getting nice trustseal right there 100% guarantee toplaces where you can click to buy okay Istill don't see a place to say no to Ilove this little bar right here that'shanging out at the bottom so I cananytime I see it any time I'm I stoppedat a point I'm like I you know I want tobuy I could just add it to my orderright then in there you only see thisoffer once fantastic again very similarno thanks I want to reject your 180 giftand and the upgraded shipping right andlet's just keep going through salespitch so that's it so they make youbasically scroll all the way down whichis very common to say no thanks so we'rejust gonna click no thanks and see ifthey give us a down sell on this boomlet's see what he sayslast chance to save 195 now before rightnow your budget too much money too manyballs whatever is I want to give anopportunity to get turmeric at adiscount because I believe in its powerso much so I'm gonna do even further isdiscounted even deeper yes I must begoing crazy because I want you he mustbe going crazy guys so now he's givingus at $15 seats before we can processyour discount you must read you below donot hit the back button watch this videofor special upgrade you can see againit's same offer same offer same exactthing now it's 90 dollars roughly comingout to whatever that $15 is plus you getall of the whole entire offer again sameexact page layout nice two hundred andfour dollar discount or whatever it is anice little sliding bar here at thebottom so you can click Add to order atany time repeating the offer a lot againkeeping the page exactly the same thebase of the only thing that's differentis he's just trying to get us to come inat that specific price so we're justgonna say no thanks again right here manhe's really going at it guys look atthis 1150 per bottle now the down southto the down some more so I have twoopportunities below for you to do evenmore turmeric man you gonna be showeredin turmeric guys absolutely showeredoverall better health so so probablyeggs and the same it I've I've neverseen a down south to the down so I'venever seen that beforethis might be this actually might be upcell number two guys right now I'mthinking about it cuz he's not saying ohthat the previous page is not mentioningthe previous page so this might be likeif we tookso number one which was at $19 each thenext page you might have this been thisone okay we don't know we'd have tofunnel hack it againbut men so now he's giving you twooptions right limited time get 225discount oh and so this is I believe I'mcorrect here so it went from up sonumber one to this no because it's adifferent offer now right it comes withdifferent things a cookbook threeawesome ebooks here to the four of threee-books that you'll be getting so it's adifferent offer right it's a differentoffer on this patients probably wentorder form upsell one down sell onupsell number one and then it went tothis upsell number two page where yousee regardless if you take upsell one ortwo or not okay so six bottle package ofthree Patil package I don't usually likedoing giving two options like this butit's something that I'm gonna I'm gonnathink about it's obviously I've seenthis kind of stuff done before and itworks in some niches so somethingdefinitely that to split test later ondown the line so you're getting you knowthree bottles thirty-nine bucks sixbottles 69 bucksagain nice scrolling here nice offer onthe upsell you always got to have offerseverywhere right you'll also receiveokay now they're repeating this offerplus these two things I don't believethey were there so you're just repeatingthe offer showing hey you're gettingfree shipping you're getting all ofthese discounts right you know all youhave to do is pay $39.99 basically forit for this package or the six bottleversion basically coming out to 1150 perbottle so again just repeating the offerthrough it adding as a lot ofcredibility emotion and a little bit oflogic thrown in there but we're justgonna say no and we're still see isthere anything else there's nothingthere's another one this is one of thelongest results okay so he's now sellingcomplementary products is what Irecommend Academy students do sell thesame thing as much as you can then oncethey get further into back into thefunnel sell the complementary product soyou could see here he's sellingbasically very similar landing page Ican go through all the details but he'sjust selling a complementary producthere as well right he's showing how heythis is such a great complementaryproduct to what you already havealright to help you get that result thatyou want alright showing a lot of thelodgeshowing the detail labels showing youhow often you should take it you knowone time daily with meals – soft gelsall the stuff similar to previous pagesand similar similar offer right he'sshown I think here he actually gave usthis if we said yes the previous offerbut he's just repeating it again rightincreasing that perceived value on thepage as much as he can so let's justscroll down to the bottom and click noso we can get out of this funnel man wegot to get out of this funnel oh and lowkey I like this he added a whole bunchof q and a's q and a's here for thepeople that are more logic based thatwant to know the nitty-gritty details sowe'll just click no thank youwait one more it's so much this might bethe longest video on the channel guysright this is we're trying to I'm tryingto get out of this okay so you're justbasically giving us a discount on theomega-3 again three bottles six bottlepackage basically exactly the same asthat one upsell page that we sawrepeating the offer repeating thediscounts showing credibility showinglogic emotion guarantees all of thosethings one thing that I think he'smissing in this entire funnel that Ihaven't seen guys I'm gonna go off thisfunnel for a second is he is missingadding in a testimonials like more realtestimonies like showing other peoplehaving success with this product that'sone thing I would always I wouldrecommend him do here I reject wantresults faster let's see what else isprobably complimentary product numbertwo yeahprobiotic but it's very similar to whatorganifi does probiotic we're not goingto go through so funnel exact same offerall of that stuff and he's probablygonna down sell us one more page hereafter we click no we are filling yourorder now and want to save you even moreright man how much are you selling meCody let's see it's probably just adiscount on the probiotic it'sincrediblesometimes probiotic is not right for youbut you know I use this product so muchso again same page is giving you abetter discount you know some of youmight you might be thinking well this istoo much feel like this is justexcruciating ly painful like I can'teven watch this is so true shootingpeople guys it's not what you like whatyou think in here that matters it's whatthe data tells you okayif he's crushing it doing it this waythen that's something to understandthat's something to model okay so don'talways let the data tell you where tolook or where to make changes or doanything in your business guys all righttoo many of you guys are go my customersare not like that you're too emotionalall right you're too emotional alwayslet the data tell you where to makechanges in your business okay we'regonna reject Cody's offer and hopefullyCody just lets us free Cody oh my goshguys this is this is just too much whatare we at we're at 30 minutes for thisvideo it's too much at this point Ithink I think this should have been twoThank You page so it's a nootropic ofsome sort I'm just gonna say no guys I'mjust trying to get I'm just trying toget out of this I'm trying to get out ofthis all right let me get out I'll tryto say no thanks come on Codyleave me be please all right Cody I'mleaving I understand you have a lot ofproducts I know you're crushing andyou're making a lot of money but oh mygosh guys we made it we survived wesurvived the funnel okay oh my goodnessokay thank goodness alright guys so thefunnel definitely could have not usedthose last two pages final thoughts twobiggest things I'd suggest obviouslyCody this business is doing really wellalready okay a couple suggestions Iwould have if you're trying to findinspiration here is one grabbing theemail address on that sales page okaybefore they can get to the order formokayI would offer also I didn't really see acontinuity page on this funnel hopefullyI'm not hitting it put on somecontinuity page so those would be my twobiggest suggestions and I'm removingthose last two you know upselling downso we're he's selling the new troe but Ithink it's just a little too muchmy funnels I like to sell more of thesame thing forfirst two pages and then doingcontinuity and then also selling tocomplementary products okay this was avery long funnel as I was saying a fewof the things that final things that Iwould change on this product would begetting an email address opt-in or sumsway to contact me if I had left the pageright because all of you didn't have anyopt-in on that on that first page I lovethe exit pop that ketogenic acceleratorwas doing to grab that email addressgiving me a free ebook really creatingthat goodwill I love that idea I'llprobably do the same exact thing for mysupplement second thing was I didn't seeany continuity on any of these pagescontinuity is key especially withsupplements so I put some sort ofcontinuity plan in this and thirdly Iwould remove those last twocomplementary products that he had thereI just think it was a little too muchoverkill but again it's something tolearn from let the data tell you butguys that is it for today's video if youenjoyed this a lone funnel I would loveto hear your thoughts drop a commentdown below guys you also be entered into win a one on one coaching sessionwith me for 30 minutes we could talkabout your new e-commerce business oryour existing business I'm gonna doeverything in my power to help you growand scale it and if you enjoyed thevideo obviously smash that like buttonsmash the subscribe button and turn outa little notification bell so you'renotified when we release new contenthere on the e-commerce Empire buildersChannel and check out all the resourcesdown in the description of this videoguys they'll be a link there and you canattend the sales funnel master classwhere I show you how to build these kindof funnels for your ecommercedropshipping businesses using these kindof funnels is what allowed me to quit myjob allowed me to actually pay myselffor my business and I want you to learnfrom my mistakes again all thoseresources and free funnel templates andall this good stuff will be in theresource a link down below in thedescription of this videobut guys have a fantastic rest of yourday and remember your empire starts now[Music]


(6) Ecommerce Course Bangla – What you need before starting your E-commerce business?

Abner ecommerce business tea should havegot a cool way janeshia provision hobbyshe initially me a economy at masadaKabul were there not not initially theVerde so number one among shopsimportant product of a serviceJake una business app nakuru go toJamaica no ethnic Boucher kkona kkonaproduct bus service silver table amachete kneecaps good to obey theproduct bus service near could be shakethe pot – bull guna makes lecture aunappreciated product make this Toritopossible both number to Facebook pagethey say m1 Cunha manage new gerrainternet before Cory Auto Show Facebookaccount me or top-right would take anyFacebook account a say among show byFacebook by work or a Facebook a motherK shoe you could a BSA among thebusiness shampoo Shari tokura feller upnew up ecommerce business gay eightyfacebook business page air map to meDarwin published on pro sorry tokurafelt apartment about fruit or profitCorina Department Akane I mean Facebookpage new titles ball guna a Facebookpage a reporter Sean 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Best Ecommerce and Crowdfunding Fulfillment Companies

finding the right fulfillment center tosupport your e-commerce startup orcrowdfunding campaign can give you aninvaluable partner your trustyfulfillment center can be there for youduring a crucial time for you and yourcustomers shipping time the issue isthat not all of them in centers arecreated equal some are new andunreliable with lost and stolenshipments and unexpected fees to helpstart your search for the perfectfulfillment center I've compiled a lista few companies that are known foroffering a more personal service havecompetitive features and mostly getpositive reviews the first one isfulfill rights who is also the sponsorof today's YouTube video the full rideis an e-commerce fulfillment companybased out of New Jersey that has beenrunning since 2009 this company takes asmaller more hands-on approach than someof the bigger fulfillment centers aroundthe filling right has an average fourpoint nine out of five stars on Googlewith 10 reviews so far one happycustomer Renata Patel commented theseguys are amazing they handled ourKickstarter campaign with ease and evenafter we came off the Kickstartercampaign and began selling on our ownonline store they continued to providean easing service without any issues forus or our customers whenever we hadissues crop up with shipping providersthey were more than happy to help andJoe was always quick to answer emailsand calls phenomenal third party forthem in company don't think twice justtrust these guys with your fulfillmentneeds so how does the throw at work youmight be wondering it's pretty easythe fill writes order fulfillmentsoftware integrates with your ecommerceprovider and gives you access toreal-time order and inventory updatesyou send your inventory to theirwarehouse to be packaged to yourspecifications including customizedlogos and branding and then shipped outworldwide using the carrier of yourchoice don't worry if you aren't surewhich carrier is best for you the teamthere is very knowledgeable and healthmany crowdfunders and entrepreneurs findsolutions that work for them which isnot necessarily always fulfill right dueto the variety of services that forthose right offers exact pricing is notalways listed on their website but youcan always request a quote you got togive them some information about yourbusiness like your current shopping cartsolutions storage space you need monthlyorder volume number of unique productSKU that you have oruse and whether or not you choose toship internationally as full disclosurefulfill light has sponsored some of ourpodcasts in the past but the reason Iwork with them is because we respecttheir company values and dedication toservice number two racket tune and superlogistics formerly web gistic s– rackettune super logistics is a leader ine-commerce fulfillment that acquired webmystics in 2013 racket Doon offerscloud-based ecommerce fulfillmentpromoting high accuracy at an affordablecost they do this by running a networkof seven fulfillment centers and fiveshipping ports where you get completecontrol over your inventory and personalcustomer service they come pretty highlyrecommended on the internet but they dohave a few negative reviews CB shirtsadmits in a Shopify review they knowseveral people who have been happy usingour SL but for that second time theywere actually disappointed with theirservice at this point I'm not sure howour business gets out of this mess thatwe're in because of our SL I've beenoperating ecommerce storage for wellover 15 years so this isn't my veryfirst experience with a fulfillmentcenter but I've never experienced alevel of service so incredibly egregiouswith absolutely no explanation and noremedy or compensation for theircomplete failure to hinder any aspect ofour warehousing fulfillment within anyreasonable level of service that commentwas left in October of 2015 as the mostrecent negative review I could find onthe other hand a satisfied user themedevelop left a long review on Shopify onApril 5th of 2016 this is a shortversion even working with racket tuneand super logistics for three amazingmonths is probably the single mostreliable node in our business flow ifyou need a bulletproof fulfillmentpartner to automatically ship yourorders quickly and correctly RSL is thebest choice you can make when you have alarge business like RSL there are boundto be a few hiccups which could help toexplain the discrepancy b/c with some ofthese reviewsRSL still doesn't have too many negativeviews and most customers seem to have apretty good experience with them numberthree e fulfillment service the team ata fulfillment services was launched in2001 prides themselves on being a simpleand straightforward fulfillment centerthoes helped ecommerce owners startupsand crowdfunding campaigns they have anA+ rating with the Better BusinessBureau and promises their customersaffordable prices friendly terms andaward-winning customer service thefulfillment service offers its clients alist of advantages that many otherfilamentdon't offer for example no setup feesintegration fees long-term contracts andorder quantities and more as for howwell they do in reviews evilman servicecurrently has four out of five stars onYelp with seven reviews one happycustomer david be shared I almost feellike I owned the company and everyonethere works for me no better feelingthan that or something you could findanywhere else in this industry orotherwise all my questions or concernsare pretty much answered immediatelyrespectfully and with precisionthey even cater to some special requeststhat I needed to have done you aremissing out big time if you don't usethem my business already has tripledsince I started using them to handle allof my needs this company also doesn'thave too many negative reviews most ofthe negative feedback on their Yelp pagecomes from almost five years ago I chosethese three fulfillment centers tofeature because they all stand out asbeing accurate affordable and havingbetter customer service than thecompetition these film incentives go theextra mile to handle special requestsfrom the customers and even have logoand branding options that largerfilament comforts don't always offerthis is a great starting point if youare doing a startup or an e-commerceonline business if you are doing acrowdfunding campaign I also have avideo out there going through some ofthe major fulfillment companies in theKickstarter IndieGoGo and crowdfundingindustry if you're looking to do acrowdfunding campaign I can highlyrecommend any more fulfill right theseguys are awesome they do a killer jobthey're also the sponsor of today'svideo and I think you'd like them a lotso if you're interested in crowdfundinggo and check out that other video tolearn more about some of the otherfulfillment companies in this industrythank you so much for tuning into thisyoutube video my name is salvadorBrigman you can leave any comments downbelow if you have any questions and iwill see you next time
