hello this is Chris Blair even thoughI'm an American I've been living inJapan for the last 20 plus years so Isound to be really cool to do anintroduction video from my speciallaunch top hat challenge from a shrinehere in Japan check it out it's just sobeautiful this areais it there's also the bigger buildingover here okaynow enough mr. panner let's talk aboutwhat the top hot challenge is and whatit can do for you okayso you've probably heard about thee-commerce boom and you've probablyheard about Shopify okay now what isShopify Shopify is a platform thatallows you to build your own selfbranded website ecomp store they've goteverything covered they got the hostingthey've got the security got the paymentprocessing they got the apps you willneed everything you need to build aonline ecomp store quickly come toShopify and since shop way has launchedit's become very popular people likemyself that other people have builttheir own source and have becomesuccessful and I've built a full-timeliving working online selling goodsright and there's many ways fill and getgood but the way that I love andrecommend is a thing calledprint-on-demand or P o deed what isprint-on-demand well there's a lot ofsuppliers out there in the marketplacethat will allow you for that ball inthis course we'll talk about hatsbeanies and caps but there's other stufflike t-shirts there's necklaces and youcan literally take your design fileconnect it with their system throughShopify through an application right andwhat will happen is when a customer buysfrom your site the data for that orderautomatically goes to the supplier withthe print-on-demand company they printyour product they send back the trackingall automated send it to your customerand they ship it directly customer soyou never carry any stock at all it's anthe fulfillment process is all automatedplus it's one by one by one so you don'thave any upfront cost for you know inthe traditional sales world you had tobuy a hundred two hundred three hundredthousand yearsyou don't through that so you carry nostock the film it's been automated andthere's no upfront cost except for yourdesignit's a beautiful business model okay andin that business model I became a masterat selling hats caps and beings and Ibelieve that this is the next big thingyou've probably heard or maybe didn'thear about the big t-shirt boom therewas a few who were really sellingt-shirts well the next big thing forEECOM especially on Facebook and othersocial media platforms is hat caps andbeanies and I haven't mastered a formulathat I've created to make this processeasy to make sales and build a storeselling hats caps and beanies easy nowwho is this for this is not for a seasonif you're if you're having big big salesright this is not course for you ifyou've been involved in this for a whilethis is not the course you who is thisfor this is for total beginners and I'mgonna walk you from step to step through21 videos on how you can get your storeup and running and making sales plus aplaybook so it has the PDF playbook andit has the videos right that walks youstep by step by step so this is greatfor newbie but it's also great for thoseof you out there who've been in thisgame for a while we have not had successor not have Six Senses maybe you made acouple days of good sales but you've notbeen able to you know do week in andweek out well this course is for you sogo ahead and check out the sales pageread it and yeah jump in we'll see youon the inside
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down below and subscribe to our channel.
Top 10 Best LUSH Products Of All Time + DEMOS!
hey everyone it's Jacqueline so today isa very exciting day I'm going to befilming my top 10 favorite lush productsof all time now you guys know me I'm alush addict this was very hard for me todo but I made some selections I madesome cuts there will still be somehonorable mentions but this is it theseare my top 10 at favorite products ofall time number one we got to start offwith a bath bomb this is a Twilight bathbomb this is probably where the firstbath bombs that I ever tried from lushand it's still one of my favorites it'ssuch a classic you can't go wrong withit one it makes your bath really prettyand it looks really beautiful and likepurples and blues and pinks and likethis silver luster so it's a veryinstagram-worthy bath bomb because Iknow that's a concern for some of youguys myself included let's be real butit also smells absolutely delicious it'slike an Aladdin door very calming kindof bedtime smell it's not like asickeningly floral old grandmalavender kind of smell it's definitelymore on the sweet side there's like talkI like a vanilla kind of fragrance inthere too so it's just so nice I think alot of people would like this fragranceand makes your bath super soft and likebeautiful and well you just can't gowrong with a good Twilight this one isthe winner it takes the cake I will saythough an honorable mention was Dragon'segg bath balm I kind of had a hard timepicking between the two because that oneis also a really good one but Twilightis the bath bomb it's the one next up tothe second item oh and by the way theseare in like a particular order like oneit's not my favorite or anything likethat these are just like the 10 that'sbest favorite products of all timeanyway so this one here is the yuzu andcocoa bubble bar or bubble room sobasically what it is it's you Kremlinunder the bath it makes bubbles in yourwater the bubble room so are a bit moremoisturizing they have like a coconutoil jam in the middle and they kind oflook like a little macaroon they'resuper cute so it makes your bath extrahydrating and like extra velvety whenyou get in it's absolutely amazing thefragrance of this one though is just mmmprobably my favorite fragrance of blushlike from lush of all time they also dothis in like a shower gel the use whenCoco fragrance basically smells like aman drink kind of orange oh sorry Ithought it was miss knees there I'msorry I'm super congested it's just beenit's been a busy month I kind of gotsickanyways the smelting a man during kindof orange but with like a cocoa butterlike kind of decadent kind of qualitythere's almost like a chocolaty richnessto it and there's obviously tons ofcoconut from all the coconut oil insideso it's a super luxurious but still verysweet and dessert light kind offragrance it's absolutely beautiful andit makes your bath stove bubbly and justabsolutely amazing especially for thedryer months so definitely recommendthis it's very uplifting very citrusybut also very warming at the same timenext up I have a hunk of soap here now Ijust love a good lush so there'ssomething about the idea of it beingsold in bulk and like the big chunks ofit in the store I just think looks sorustic and fun and I just I love me agood lush soap so the honorable mentionsare honey I washed the kids that was thefirst time I ever tried figs and leavesis amazing there's so many good ones butmy favorite so it's all Tana of soapit's so so creamy you guys are gonnaquickly learn that I love very luxuriousvery hydrating moisturizing pamperingkind of products and this soap isdefinitely no exceptionit's literally like velvety when youtouch it oh it feels absolutely amazingI remember for awhile it's actuallyusing this to kind of like shave my legswith because it left such a richmoisturizing layer on my skin butbasically the fragrance of this it'svery light it's not too overwhelming butthere's like dried currants inside andcranberries salt anna's apricots i thinkthese are like nuts of some sort what isthat actually i don't know what this isbut there's all these like little likethings on the top of it so it gives youa little bit of a scrub as well but it'svery gentle this is just kind of likewhat i imagine if you went to thebougie-ass most fancy hotel like in theworld this is a soap that they would youknow having a little soap dish okay nextup I have a body care product now thisis a very interesting concept to me andI was always very interested in thesewhen I first got into lush because thiswas the first company that ever createda solid body lotion now if you have notheard of their massage bars you aremissing out so basically what it is it'sa solid block of like moisturizingingredients like cocoa butter coconutoil and as soon as you kind of activateit and warm it up into your hands itstarts to meltand you can put it all over your bodyand use it like a solid lotion it'sabsolutely incredibleit's literally melting in my hands likeright now this one here though okayactually I need to put this down theheat from the lights in the room isliterally turning this into like an oilcan you see that glisten off my handanyways this one here is called Tenderis the night it's so beautiful I'mpretty sure lush describes it more onthe floral side because there is jasmineinside I'm pretty sure that's the floralnote in this one but again it's verysweet it's got that vanilla kind ofrichness I just think this mostabsolutely delicious mix on your bodyand I'm pretty sure this massage barspecifically has a differentmoisturizing ingredientmaybe it's like more more more morebutter it's how can you say that I don'tknow but it has something different thatmakes it melts a bit easier so this onemelts like very very quickly sometimes Ifind if I'm gonna get a little carriedaway I can fly through one of these barsand like four or five uses which theynormally should last longer than thatbut I'm a little excessive and I usethem a lot so forgive me okay this listwould not be complete if I did not putthis product in it and this is againanother very near and dear to my heartkind of products one of the first lushproducts I tried and fell in love withand I've used it for literally sevenyears maybe now I was like 11 or 12 whenI first tried it out so yeah probably 7years and this is ocean salt it's a faceand body scrub and it's absolutelyincredibleit's a beautiful exfoliant for your skinand it makes your skin literally likelook more even and it brightens it upit's refreshing and like if you go intothe store and just try it on one of yourhands compare your hands to one anotherlike it literally you can see thedifference right away just after washingit and using it it's so so beautiful sowhen you first buy it if you buy theoriginal formula but do be aware thereare two different formulas there's theself preserving formula which is thegentler less vigorous better suited forsensitive skin formula and then there'sthe original formula which is normallywhat I go for which is what I have hereand this one has bigger chunks of seasalt there's less moisturizing buttersinside but I just find that this is abit more effective and my skin canhandle itanyway so just make sure you know thedifference between the two and get whichone suits your skinI like to use this on my face and mybody normally I only use this on my facelike once a week maximum I don't want tolike really overdo it because it can bepretty intense I mean there's like vodkainside and lime juice so it can kind ofburn I've heard some people find thatit's a little too intense for their skinbut don't do it if you have any likeopen acne or any open cuts on your skinobviously it's gonna sting there's tonsof sea salt in it too but yeah in thesummer I'm like a hot day when like Ijust really want to scrub away like thedebris and like gross this and sunscreenall that brine it's the most refreshingcleansing thing oh I absolutely love itanyways this whole video is gonnaquickly become a video all about oceansalt because I could talk about thisstuff for literally ten minutes straightbut when you first buy it it's actuallylike a bright blue on the top and youcan see all the like big chunks of seasalts we actually do is take a popsiclestick or your finger I normally do she'smy finger cuz I'm lazy and mix it alltogether so that way it like evenlydistributes the sea salt throughout theentire pot but yeah this stuff is justmagical and incredible and if you love agood exfoliant even if not on your facejust for your body this thing willliterally change your lives and I don'tsay that often with products but thisthing this will change your lifeoh my lights turned off behind me that'sweirdthose off the entire time oops anywaysback to the products next up I have aperfume here now I find out perfumesfrom lush don't get enough love on theinternet like I never hear anyone talkabout their fragrances but they have anamazing range of unique and differentperfumes and fragrances this one here isvanilla II this is the most basic like Ifeel like everyone would love it whodoesn't like vanilla but this justreminds me of like literally being 12years old but in a good way like youknow how specific fragrance can reallyjust like transport you back to acertain memory like this reminds me Iwas shopping at lush it's like my secondtime in lush store I think I was in likeChicago or something and or maybe I wasin Washington I can't remember anywaysit reminds me of like that specificmoment my mom was there helping me pickup all these soaps and I had like SnowFairy and rock star like all of theselike sugary 12-year old kind ofand says and this was the perfume that Igot I would wear all the time anywayslong story short this fragrance justreminds me of you know being younger andwhen I was in my prime so I really justwear this to remind me at that time inmy life anyway smells so good and thisjust kind of smells like what lush is tome next up on my listI got Buffy the body butter here nowBuffy is again one of those like kind ofSecrets at last look if you don't knowwhat body butters are you've never triedBuffy you really don't know what you'remissing out on but once you try this ohgirlyou're gonna be hooked they're so sogood so basically what you do with thisyou use it in the shower I'm actuallyholding this again cuz it won't melt ifI hold it in my hand but you use it inthe shower when your skin is wet and youkind of just like scrub your body withit and it kind of leaves like amoisturizing layer of oil so it's kindof like the last thing that I do in theshower I definitely would not do it likebefore shaving your legs or anythinglike that but it has such a vigorousscrubbing it there's ground Azuki beansthere's ground almonds there's whatother scrubby things are in this there'sground rice in it it's like basically ablock of cocoa butter with a littlescrubby exfoliant bits in it and it justleaves your skin it's so ridiculouslysoft like if you do this with like theback of your thighs oh that is like thespot anyways it's absolutely amazingthey have a couple of other differenttypes of body butters they do thescrubby body butter which is a new onewe're just slowly replacing this one butthere is always a special spot for Buffylike you can't replace Buffy it's aclassic I actually still love this oneit was called aqua Morales and it waslike basically it looked the exact samebut it was more Brown but it smelt likepotato chips but in like a really goodway but they discontinued it and I likeI'm so annoyed because that was like thebest one everanyway it's back to Buffy Buffy is greatthe only downside of this is it mildlysmells like salami which is really weirdcuz it's a vegan product and there's noreason why it should smell like salamibut some matches smell more like salamithan others and I don't know whyfortunately it doesn't leave your bodysmelling like that but I swear like thefirst whiff it smells like I'm at likemy Italian cousin's weddingor something but bumpy is one of thosethings that no matter like what itsmells like I would still use it becauseit's such an effective product and I useit for how it works on my skin versushow it smells but um anyways I could seethose people being off-put by thefragrance of that maybe that's just me Idon't know I still love Buffy thoughnext up you guys know I had to includeone of these I love a good face maskactually speaking up I haven't done aface mask with Jack episode in a while Ishould bring those back anyways this isa cup of coffee face mask again this wasa really hard decision because there'slike three face maps that I love fromlush cup of coffeeI love mask and Magnum in tea especiallywhen I was more acne prone but I loveoat effects the fresh face mask as wellthat one's so goodsmells like cookie dough I'm like wellit's it's banana bread and cookie doughfor your face but anyways back to cup ofcoffee cup of coffee is incredible it'sgot tons of caffeine tons of groundcoffee beans so it really is affectabout waking your skin up and just kindof like rejuvenating your skin but sincethere is exfoliant like little coffeegrounds inside that it really scrubsaway any dead skin and kind of makesyour skin have a glow and just makesyour skin look so healthy when you'redone I don't know personally I try tostay away from coffee because me andcaffeine is just too much oh no dropthis on the ground got this everywherewhat was I sayinganyways I don't drink coffee but I lovethe smell of it and this just smellslike you walk into some cool hipstercoffee shop and everyone's ordering soylattes and this is the aroma in the airthis is what the air smells like in thatcool coffee shop it's amazingnext up I have a haircare product herenow lush haircare was something that Iwas so so into for like a good year ortwo and I think I've tried pretty muchevery haircare product they do and it'sjust it's great I love lush hair care soagain this was kind of hard for me topick but this is the big shampoo bigshampoo the reason I pick this isbecause obviously AIbut it's also a very unique product toLush it's basically like a sea saltshampoo there's huge chunks of sea saltand it's very different from any othershampoo I tried so it's like a thickblog first of all it's in a pot so youhave to scoop it out but it's amazingit's very clarifying on the scalp so ifyou have any like product build-up oryou just feel like you need to you knowreally give your hair deep clean it's soeffective it feels incredible on yourscalp but it's also great because of seasalt and what else in the seaweed lemonit's all really great to promote volumeyou guys know I have very flat hair ifyou could not tell like literally zerovolume in this hair so I will basicallydo anything to kind of promote more bodyI mean obviously it's not doing wondersbecause my hair is still flat but itjust gives limp hair a little moresomething I mean I guess what we'retalking about hair care some otherhonorable mentionsI love curly wurly especially if youhave more dry hair it's absolutelyamazingI love juicy if your hair is that moreoily I was using that for a while R&B isan amazing leave-in product there's justso many good hair care productsI'm with the hair care though I woulddefinitely encourage you to shop buy afact versus fragrance I mean yes ofcourse with less you want to pick thingsthat look pretty and smell good butespecially when it comes to hair careyou really want to shop by what yourhair needs so for me I've got very nonvoluminous fine hair so big as a greatshampoo for me but if you have more oilyhair you have more like of a dry scalpthere's literally like a product foreverything yeah that was a big tangentabout hair care but lush hair care isfantastic okay moving on is this thelast product already we're already onthe last product okay if you guys knowme this video this would not be a Jaclynlush video without talking about thisproduct this actually might take thecake for the ultimate like what myfavorite lush product of all time haveyou guys guessed already comment downbelow pause this video and comment downbelow if you know what this is I'm sureyou guys won't go okay anyways itscelestial celestial is amoisturizer it's very near and dear tomy heart this is the only thing thatdoesn't break my skin out and makes myskin feel good and healthy and thismoisturizer it's just so good it's greatfor sensitive skin it's super simple andingredients it's literally like vanillaalmonds almond milk cocoa butter duborchid extract and like a few otherthings it's super basic and it justmakes my skin have such a gorgeous gloweven if I don't wear makeup it justmakes my skin look good I mean what canI say as much as I love lush and I lovemakeup and all things like that I loveskin care like ten times more so this isjust like the best of both worlds it islash it is skin care it is the ultimateoh it's so good my favorite thing tooisn't you guys like tweet me no I'mdropping everything today my favoritething ever though is when you guys liketweet me and you guys say that you'vetried up celestial or some of my productrecommendations and you guys say thatyou love them it's like the best feelingin the worldbut yeah that is it those are my top 10favorite lush products I know I kind ofcheated and said some more but it's hardokay it's hard to pick your top 10 Ifeel like I believe in so many thingsout anyways I hope you guys enjoyed thisvideo please let me know down in thecomments what your favorite lushproducts are or which products you wantme to talk about or try out or anythinglike thatanyways make sure you guys subscribe ifyou're not subscribed already I'll seeyou guys very soon bye[Music]
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(Dropshipping winning products 2019) In this video I'm going to show you21 winning dropshipping products that you can sell right now in your Shopify dropshipping store to make a lot of money in2019 2020 and beyond and absolutely crush it. These are untapped products. Nobody is talking about themWe found them through our methods and you're going to absolutely love them. Let's find outHey, what is up, it's Rafael here and in this videoI'm going to show you a list of 21 winning products how we found them and how you can target them onFacebook as well and what to do to sell them and profit from those productsBut before we start if you're looking to build a successfulProfitable and consistent drop shipping business talk to somebody101 that can help you talk to an expert for 45 minutes to an hourYou have that opportunity right now by clicking the first link in the descriptionIt'll take you to a page where you can schedule a call with me or somebody on my team will talk about your strugglesWhat you've been doing wrong what you can doRight and the exact strategy that you need to make a lot of money with your businessSchedule a call right there go and watch another webinar don't want another course to talk to somebody what I want to know exactlywhat to do to be profitableconsistent andscalable and lasting if you want aModule that I created for my mentoring program on how to go from 0 to more than three thousand dollars per day or more onFacebook ads for dropshipping make sure to comment secretsComments secrets down below subscribe hit that notification bell and I'll pick onePerson for every video to give out that exclusive module comment secrets subscribe hit thatNotification about click that first link in the description to schedule your free one-on-one call nowLet's get on to this beautiful list right here top 21 products to drop sure right nowWe'll be going through them one by one and sure how we found themWhat is a place look at?example for each out of you one of them and how to target them and how toEssentially sell them and what you can do to get the most profit out of these products the first one tactical full-figureTactical gloves how we found I'll show you the video right here. And this particular one is very interestingI think this could be just like the indestructible shoes that I mentioned a while back in April before they becameMassive and if we look at indestructible shoes calmThis is the brand that was able to turn and before watch this videoI want to show you the example here indestructible shoes was able to turn shoes that are waterproof breathableNon-breakable into a massive brand making one seven hundred thousand dollars per monthThe same thing could happen with these tactical deluxe in the circle gloves if you look at the video right hereYou basically the the gloves can't breakYou can't break your hand while doing crazy things or just doing whatever you want. You can use your touchscreen with it as welljust like this andYeah, right here. It's the same thing as the indestructible shoes. Like you can't break them. You can't burn themYou can't destroy thembut now it's a glove so I think it's a big big opportunity to build a brand out ofTactical gloves to make millions of dollars just like indestructible shoes is the same exact thingThis video has been running for about a month now634 thousand views which is pretty nice and it's scaling slowly slowly last time. I checked they sound like 400,000 views. So they'reScaling it up just like in the structural shoes. What's doing five six months ago now it's glovesSo you want to go ahead and be first in that trend the engagement is pretty tight hereIt's a pretty big on that size. You can definitely go ahead and sell this particular productBut I recommend for targeting is tactical brands. Anything has to do with indestructibletactical gear or military gear hunting construction and outdoor sportsone big big interest for indestructible shoesWas people that work in construction one of my students made more than ten thousand dollarsSelling these shoes back in April by targeting people that worked in constructionHad a construction company or were interested in construction and home construction in generalSo it's gonna be a huge huge one the second one that I want to show you this smart comb soap dispenserWe're gonna pull it up and you probably know if you travel if you go to places that arePublic and big like malls and so onThey always have these smart dispensers where you put your hand and it pulls up the the soapThese are for home soap dispensersSo they're taking that technology and basically selling it at home and you can easilydropship this from Aliexpress is not some patented think so you can basically see the video here andIt's a simple product in about a week. It has four hundred and thirty fourThousand views in a week in one simple week half a million views. Absolutely insaneIt's scaling up really hard the engagement over hereIt's good. If we look at the store over here selling at household touchless soap dispenser. It's called fresh piss calmYou can see the reviews on the bottom and the whole page basically showing you these little giftsWhat it's it's solving a problem where people are basically having a mess on their soaps as wellIt's really good for people to have childrenSo if you want to target parents and just people that have a family in general, it's a great product. It's antibacterialSo it helps in keeping your hands cleanerInstead of like pushing on that thing every single time and if you want to target this particular product you can do parentsWhich I think it's gonna be a big onethat is why it's so scalable because something that parents worry abouteverybody that has a family in some way it worries about that orIt's just easier and more convenient and you can use it in that way as well as home brands homeimprovement grants like Home Depot Lowe's all these brands are really good for that and soap brands people that are interested in soap andInteresting so friends on FacebookIt's gonna be a very target at one that you can sell this product to maybe they have a lot of soaps there are soapEnthusiasts, they buy all these things for soap or some fancy soap this spencer's now they have a smart home soap dispenserI think it's gonna be a great product to sell the third product that I want to show you is the splitflexibility helper right hereWe're gonna look at the video and this is one product that we sold a lot of money twenty thousand dollars back inFebruary and January and now it's making a massive comeback in about three weeksIt has three hundred and sixty nine thousand viewsYou can see the video right here basically helps you make better splits. The engagement is low, which it could beIt's either a watch page or they're running a lot of video view ads for this particular product, but it's still runningIt's cildren pretty well, and it was a product that they're well for usSo if somebody's reviving it and it's running it again, that could be that it's gonna be a massive one againAnd it's also a good Christmas gift for anybody that's interested in yogaMaybe doing the splits maybe sports as well any combat sports this super importantI'm a judo back in the day and it was super important to be flexible as a great product to give for Christmas forNow, it's Cyber Monday. It's gonna be hugeSo, I think it's a great product for you to sell if you want to target for itYou can do yoga people interested in pole dancing gymnastics, and also people interested in combat sports jiu-jitsuJudo MMA all of that. It's a great product to sell for themAnd it's also a great product to gift to those people for the fourth product right here the home faucetBooster shower this one you've probably seen it because it comes from sleek's which is a brand that absolutely blew up with a tileDispenser that little tiled product that you put your towels in your homeThis one absolutely crushed it for them the towel dispenserAnd now they're testing this one massively sends a Monday so week ago or less than a week ago. They've had183 thousand views I'm gonna play the video again, just so you see itThis little foam faucet dispenser and you can basically clean your wholesink very easily and clean your dishes very easily and you can swap it in very easily and change theSpeed and the force on itYeah, I think it's gonna be a solid product this particular brand created a whole page for itSo a whole simplified page if you look at it right herehome faucet booster shower if we look at it down here andIt's not a simple product page is actually a one product landing page. So they're putting a lot of effort into itThey created its own landing page created a home video and they're known for already having scaleThe product has $100,000 level now they're coming with this one and they're testing this one thoroughlyIt's gonna be a huge product as well. They're testing it they believe in it. It could be a huge product just like the tiledispenser for targetingWhat I would do is people that you're sending shower or showers when I was selling that head showerThat is for actual shower for you showering and it's motor head that you can change the speed direction all of it from itWe are targeting people interested in shower and showers and it was doing really well home improvement brands Home Depot Lowe'sAnything that has to do with home improvement could be big for it as well as pitch and brands quits nardAnything that has to do with more to Stuart or any kitchen grants kitchen appliance brand. It's gonna be huge for this productIt's more for people that cook at home all the time, and they need that extra helping hand to clean their dishesIt's gonna be absolutelyMassive the next product personalized moon lamp and this one is a little bit more known but it's picking up againAnd it's a moon lamp just like this oneThat you can basically put your own picture into it and then it creates a moon lab for youIt's a personalized moon left in the past videoI was talking about personalized products and how they're gonna be the new trendA lot of people are selling products just like this oneThis one is an opportunity to sell an already famous and popular product as a customized oneSo it's pretty solid and down in the bottom in about three months2.7 million views with really nice engagement. It could be a product that you can sell as wellAnd like I said, it's personalizedSo it has that extra edge over just whatever product you're selling out there that it's very saturatedThis one is personalized. It gives you that extra edgeLike I was talking about my personalized product video if you want to check out that video click the link descriptionIt's gonna take you to that video and you can watch it now for targeting this one in particularI would do Christmas gifts moon lamps which is sort of an easy one and then dating and relationship anybody that's interested inDating or relationships probably has a date people that are married is also really good oneyou can put that it's veryRomantic, and now it's Christmas and it's gonna be a great gift to give to people that are married that are in a relationshipSo it's gonna be huge and people interested in Christmas gifts anything towards this time of the yearIt's gonna be huge for Christmas because people are actively gifting products people actively giving things away for ChristmasIt's a good time to sell any type of product now for the next one rechargeable and portable lightI'm going to show you this one right here. I'm gonna pull it up and this one in particular youProbably haven't seen this one. It's kind of a funny oneAnd we'll see the video right hereThis is elastic throwable and touchable it'sIt's kind of cool it's pretty cool and in about a month it has a 1 million viewsSo it's scaling up pretty hard. The engagement is really good and it's a good product just as a giftLike I said now it's gonna be cyber. Monday Christmas coming up. It's gonna be a massive oneSo it's not really a product that solves a problem that solves is massive thing that everybody struggles with noIt's more of a product that is just a coolGift and a lot of products that will grow and will scale during this time of the year are going to be just cool giftsAnd gold products to give to people during ChristmasIf you want to target this particular product, you can do camping and outdoor which will be gooda lot of people interested in camping or going outdoorEspecially now that it's not going to be as much Sun as much heat as beforeThey're going to want the source of light all the timeAnd this is a cool one that you can take wherever you want as well as people interested in lighting lightsSelfie lights all of those types of Lights. It's gonna be a good product to sell before we go on with the amazing productsI want to congratulate this particular student the first week of October. They won two point five thousand dollars in this monthShe's gonna make one twelve thousand dollarsAbsolutely crushing it with her storeIf you want to know the strategy that her and many otherStudents learn make sure to schedule a free one on one call with the first link in the descriptionGo ahead and schedule a talk to somebody me or somebody in my team101 so that you can actually express your concerns about drop shipping and how to scale your businessprofitablyconsistently andScale it up to the level that you want to scale up schedule free call first thing in the description and I'll see you thenfor the next product on my list multi-function andScissor cable cutter I'll show you this one right here will see the ad and you probably send this one is from gadget calfWho's known for selling a bunch of gadgets for a lot of money one hundred thousand a monthConsistently and this one in particular is a new one in about a monthIt has about two hundred thousand views, so it's not huge but it could be huge coming in the next couple of monthsSo you can see the product here and a basically we can cut anyWire any type of cable that you give it?Right therePretty cool product good as a gift and if you want to target itYou can do Home Depot home improvement metal brands people interested in home decorMetal brands because this is one thing that it could be used for is DIY home decorHome improvement making sure your home is ready for winter as well. So it could be a good one to target for that nowI'm gonna go to the next one peekaboo teddy bear whichIt's a it's an interesting one that we found and I'm gonna show you right hereit's more as a gift for parents and you'll see right here and peekaboo andIt drops itAnd it goes upThen it goes down peekabooIt's a pretty cool product. It's not a problem-solverIt's not a big oneBut it is a product that is going to be great for Christmas and Cyber Monday for gifting for parents specially parents that have childrenOr as a gift from parents to their childrenSo anybody that's parent anybody that knows a parent is going to be a great one or anybody that has a babyIt's really going to be a great product in about a week. They have two hundred and eleven thousand viewsSo they're scaling quite quite fast and the engagement on this is pretty goodLet's go backif you want to target this particular product and always the brands that do really well for us forFor toys or Hasbro fisher-priceTorture us Babies R Us. You can also target parents parents is a huge one. It's a demographic on FacebookYou want to go ahead and target it and also people that know parentsSo in your ad copy you can write no appearance that needs this or no apparent that love saysBe careful with how you word it on Facebook faceIt doesn't like when you want to tag people down in the postBut you can do and add just like that one and promote the product in that waySo let's take care of those two. We did those and now let's go to mini USBportable juicer and let's go to this particular one andFor the next couple of videos. I don't want to keep you here for two hoursSo I'm going to show you the the product and then the video and then you can test it for yourselfYou'll see the video right hereandIt's a mini portable juicer or blenderBasically, and it's a different type of blenders already a portable blender like blend jet this one in particular also acts as a juicerWhich gives it that extra?touch for people that want to give it as a gift or want to buy it for taking their food or theirTake it basically a mini meal to work taking a mini meal to camp picnics or camping with their familyIt's gonna be a great product in about three weeks. It has 20,000 views. So it's not a huge massive productI saw it on my Facebook feedI thought it was a good one share with you and it could be a good one for you to scaleLater onif you want to target it target people interested in juicers anything anyinterested in quiz nerd Fitness interest people that can take that to the gym or after the gym andOrganic foods, that would be a good one people enter center organic foods or anything biologicalIt's a huge one for blenders for juicers. They take those fruits. They make a smoothie. That's a food on the goIt's a great product to sell for them and it's a good problem solver that they can take wherever they wantNow the next one let's cross that one out easy small chopper right here. We're gonna look at that productand let's pull up the face cap right here and you can see that thumbnail is isQuite funny there and for the particular video right hereIt's basically a product where you put whatever foods or whatever vegetables and fruits you want pull the string and it chops them all upChoppers and anything that has to do with food preparationAlways has been massive on Facebookand this one is a version that is smaller andReally cool that you can just pull lever and it chops up your food for you in about a monthThey've done a 1.3 million viewsSo it is going up in views and they're scaling it quite a lot with good engagement if you want to watch that againYou can basically just pull the lever and it'll chop the foods for youIf you want to target this one, you can do cooking people interested generally in cooking Food Network chopperChoppers and any food appliance brands anything that has to do with Martha Stewart any brands that are for cooking for food?It's gonna be a perfect fit for that the cooking channel any channels any magazines any media for cooking or food?The next one easy toothpaste dispenser. I'm gonna pull it up right hereAnd let's see the video and this one in particularActually, we found it by a company that was targeting my girlfriend on in UkraineSo her account is from Ukraine and that company was Ukrainian and they were targeting Ukrainiansso he found this product through there and then I looked at is this product selling in the US as well andYes, it is selling in the US as well this particular one last Tuesdayit has 3000 views which isn't much but it could be a scalable product moving forward and you basically put yourJuice face there and you just pull it together to faceSo it doesn't happen that many views that much engagement, but it could be a huge one that you can scaleIt's a good gift. It's also cheap. So it's not a big decisionIt's an impulse buy and you can target people interested in toothpasteFamily parents and people interested in bathroom appliance brands for product number twelve the aquarium algaeController and this was a funny one the last year 2018 when I was doing done-for-youServices for e-commerce. I was doing ads for people one person had an aquarium brand came to meIt was like hey, I need somebody to do my Facebook adsI need somebody the scale of my store and we were super successful in the Australian market. We scaled up to$15,000 a month selling aquarium equipment and aquarium ecology and this particular product is a great oneYou can put it and it controls your Oggy completely and it's a yeah, it basically removes stubborn algaeWhich is something that people that have home aquariums and have aquariums anywhere or restaurants have aquariums big deal a lot within about two weeks at635,000 beach but is pretty insane for this particular product?Anybody that owns an aquarium or is thinking of owning an aquarium this product applies to them?So let's look at the page right here. Amazing LolaIt's a particular page that is making a lot of moneyAnd this one in particular is sold for it's not letting me go back on itBut this one you can see the product basically helps you remove algae from your aquarium and fix the aquarium upRight there. It's a great productIt's not super super highly scalableBut it is something that solves a massive problem for people interested in aquariums ecologyaquatic life anything to do with aquatic life fishes TurtlesYeah, whatever they have on the aquarium. It's gonna apply to themSo the next one this dental plaque remover and deep cleaner. Let's look at the video right here andI'm going through this as fast as I can. I don't want to wait two hours here on the videoBut this one in particular you've probably seen itIt is a little bit scaled up about three weeks at half a million viewsAnd you can basically remove the plaque from your teeth and remove any stains that you haveDisclaimer be very careful with this you could harm yourself with this product or somebody couldPotentially harm themselves with this product and you can then have the fault on it. They can sue you or anythingIt's not as dangerous as other products that I've seen running as well, but be very careful with itIt is growing. It is scaling up just be extremely carefulIt is a product that could harm people if you want to target it, you can go ahead and target people interested in dentistWhich is something huge if they are a dentist or they're released interested in dentistsThen they could have some connection to a dentist or know it get dentistThen they can refer this product to them people interested in teeth whitening and dental cleaning that they can do it themselvesAt home the next product that we have here is a 3d solar system crystal ball. This one is an interesting oneIt's similar to the periodic table that absolutely crushed me 1/2 a million dollars, but little elements inside of itThis one looks quite similarIt's a different audiencebut it's sort of a similar kind of product and it'sAmazing for Christmas as a Christmas gift in two monthsIt has 16 million viewsSo it's scaled up massively and it still has potential to scale even more some people when that periodic table came outThey thought oh, this is a cool product. They started promoting. It made more in ten thousand dollars with itThis could be a solid ten thousand dollar product or more right here. It's absolutely beautiful and it looks amazingIt's a good Christmas gift nice engagementAnd if you look at the top and the comment here four months for my birthday to go so it's a good birthday giftIt's a good Christmas gift and it's a good gift in general for anybodyIf you want to target this oneyou can go how to target the solar system the cosmos series which isSeries for people interested in astronomy in solar systems and anything it's a good series to target and also people just in generalInterested in astronomy and just the planets or the universe in any sort of wayIt's a great gift to give the next oneThis is the bathroom water stopper, which you've probably seen before it is a really good product and I'll show you exactly what it doesand it basically stops water from coming from yourshowerAnd you'll see the video hereAnd it stops any water from coming from the showerIt's a niceProblem-solving product in about two weeks and it hasn't been running that much has almost a million views in about a week and the engagementIs pretty good. I think this product is going to scale massivelyIt applies to pretty much anybody that has a bathroom and a showerso basically scalable to as much people as you can as you remain profitable and it is a good product just in general toEither buy for yourself with gift to somebody that has that problem of water coming from the showerWe have that problem all the time staying in Airbnb in different apartmentsSo it is a good product to buy and also it's a good scalable productIf you want to target it, you can do Beth and beyond people interested in bathroom home decor brands and people interested in. MrClean or any type of the bathroom brand any type of home improvement brandIt's going to be a massive one for that the next one turn your pet into royaltyCustomized canvas, I mean, oh that's not the one I'm going to show you this one right here and this one in particularI don't have a Facebook ad for it. But I have the store that's selling it and they're basically turning their dogs into a customizedreally really cool royaltypicture just like this one right here and they could turn your pet into a king or aPrincess or whatever that is and these are not that expensive at 45 euro. We found it here in FranceSo they're targeting unsaturated markets a lot. France Germany Spain. They're hitting those markets really well in the US as wellIt's working so it doesn't matter in which niche sorry in which country which market you're competing inIt is a good product to sell there and these customizable productsI have one of my students who's doing really really well with customized dog productsIt's a huge niche that's gonna keep growing and growingIt's a massive niche for you to get into if you want to target it pet ownersPet food brands and pad toys any sort of thing that falls under that umbrellaespecially pet food brands people interested in pet foodThey know that they they at least could have a pet or they know somebody that has a petSo especially if dog food brands are gonna be huge to target for this one this second one miniSecurity camera security cameras on Facebook, although they sometimes get disapproved or banned. They are hugeThey scale up like crazy in this oneShow you right here thisIs a little little camera that's barely noticeable and it's motion activated. So when if somebody moves around it it can start recordingThere's a lot of security cameras on Facebook that I've done it massivelyThey've killed up to more than a million dollars on Facebook againSometimes you will get your assets approved just because Facebook doesn't like this type of productBut this one in particular is scaling up pretty well in about a month three hundred forty sixThousand views and really good engagement here and it could be a product that skills up really? Well. Somebody knows how to target itWell, you can create your own one product landing page port and then sell it has the newMassive security camera that everybody should have in their home and sell it pretty well through thatDo you want to target it you can target people interested in security security cameras and securityGrants just like adat and other brands that handle security in homes and officesFor more products go baby. Now for the next product is mad Koga Lu which is a huge one right hereI'm going to show you the video and it's basically a glue that you can put on anythingPaste it to anything and it'll work like thatI don't think it works as well as they put it in the video so disclaimer if it doesn't work as well then asThe zombie will totally let it's the magic glue. They're putting it to me that way in about three months fifty-one thousand viewsSo it's not that skilled up, but it could be a product. If you're a beginner. You don't know what to sellThis is something that solves a problem that helps a lot of people and it's highly scalable so it could be really good for youYeah, like I said the video puts it as the next magical glue. Although it could have those effects and help people do thatI don't think it's gonna be as good as they put in the videoIf you want to target it, you can do people interested in glue or gluebrands and then scotch tapeit's gotta be a few to one people interested in this are usuallyfixing up things in the home or fixing things in the office at school and so on and then people interested in Home Depot andHome improvement brands and home improvement retail stores. It's gonna be a good one the next one smart mini cameras. LaterI'm gonna pull up the ad right here and show you which one I meanThis is a little slider to take better photos better videosYou can also put your phone but the iPhone Pro and put out from a living Pro coming out nowThis could be a good product to sell as a bundle- Pro 11 case and then camera slider so you can take beautiful videos and be the best person taking Instagram videos out thereAnd you can also just sell it to people interested in camerasor they have a camera and they can takereally nice videos by sliding they can along it beats that thing of people having to move theirTripod and having two women over their camera of some sort of way of their filmArtists or there's somebody that makes films or videos quite consistently a bloggerThis could be a huge product in about two weeksIt has a hundred fifty nine thousand views from make my life better, which is quite a bigShot drop it drop shipping store. And this one is really really cool to sell as wellIf you want to target it people interested in camera brands tonightConcannon if they know the brandThey probably have a camera or they're at least interested in that space and also people interested in tripodsWhich is something that solves that problem with tripods not being able to move and also people are interested in bloggingfilming filmography anything of that sort the last two ones educationalMagnetic board for kids. I'll pull it up hereAnd I'll show you exactly what I meanAny sort of kids toys kids education toys all that will be massive during cyber monday leading up to ChristmasIt's gonna be a great gift for 2020 and this one in particular. It's a magnetic puzzle board andYou can see how it works. Basically they put the little pieces into thethe boardIt's very interactive the kid can learnbuilding out the the actual puzzle and it's a good product to sell and sorry for pulling that out andin about three weeks it has125,000 wheels so it's not a massive massive video, but it's doing quite well and the engagement is a little bit lowThey might might be doing some video meal adsBut this one is a really cool product. If you want to target it you can do parentsLike I said before Hasbro toy brands, like I mentioned you can do fisher-priceparents Toys R Us Babies R Us and also people interested inEducation and kids education t-shirts anybody that's in the education space for kidsIt's gonna be a massive one. The last one ultrasonic portable cleaning gadget right hereIf we pull it upThis one in particular is not one that you can dropship right nowBut it's one that you can dropship very soon. It made about three million dollars fromIndieGoGo which is a crowdfunding campaign and it basically helps you clean upThe entire sink and it helps you clean up the home very easily just like I'll show you in the video right herecleans at a microscopic levelAnd then it can also work for clothing and clean your clothes very easilyRight there in about five months. It has half a million views or almost600,000 views with a really good engagement. Like I said, it's an IndieGoGo productIt's called Sonic soap and it's probably going to be available in drop shipping from and Aliexpress supplierBut from an agent very very soonSo I did a lot of money and four million on IndieGoGo, which is pretty insane a lot of money in JapanSo Japan is very close to China. What I'm thinking is that a Chinese supplier is going to build this product outAnd also you can dropship it later onIt's gonna be a good opportunity for you. If you want to targeted Bed Bath & Beyond cleaning brands dishwashing brand and that isThe full list of amazing products if you want to know another 10Extra products that you can sell right now in the rest of 2019leading up to 102020 and absolutely crush products at top products best products that you can sell right now check out the video right thereCheck out that video right thereClick that subscribe if that notification about schedule a free one on one call with the first link in the descriptionWe can absolutely crush it together with me or my team scheduler call right now
Internet Marketing & SEO हिन्दी में | Vinod Chaudhary
Internet marketing and SEO, search engine optimisation, has been explained by Mr Vinod Chaudhary, MD of Incite Software Pvt Ltd, Noida, UP, Delhi NCR.
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Interviewing One Of My 6 Figure Ecom Students | HOW HE DID IT
What’s up guys in this video I interviewed one of my top Ecom Degree students Khalil Haze. Khalil has only been dropshipping for a little over a year and has already hit the 6 figure mark.It was a bumpy journey for Khalil but he pushed through and he is now killing it. I ask him a lot of key questions and this video is filled with gold nuggets. I know its long af but trust me watching the whole thing is worth it.
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कितनी बड़ी है E-Commerce Industry | Case Study | Dr Vivek Bindra
In this video Dr Vivek Bindra talks about the E-Commerce Industry. He share in detail How Big is the E-Commerce Industry, why you should use the E-Commerce Industry and how can you use the E-Commerce Industry.
Watch the video till the end to know about all the details of E-Commerce Industry and how you can expand your business with the help of E-Commerce industry.
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Why Are So Many Of The World's Top eCommerce Marketers Using This Tool?
hey guys how's it going so before wedive into the the ad strategy and how toscale and optimize and tests and all thegood stuffyou know before we do any of that what'sreally important is to actually havethings to sell and so when I did myfirst course come on huggyyou know I did my first course I focusedon all the advanced strategies rightthat was a bulk of the course in thetraining program and I realized I got alot of feedback from people saying wellthis is great Mac so I'm just gettingstarted or I used to do paid traffic foran agency now I'm looking to my ownthing and I don't know what to sell Idon't have a client and that's fineright we are all getting started atdifferent times in our careers so I wantto make sure we had a module beforediving into all the strategies and scaleand all that good stuff that we're gonnaget to where I really covered how tomake money online right like where can imonetize my skills as a media buyer soobviously I can do it working for anagency I can do it working influencermarketing shop but I can also do it asan affiliate marketer I can do with myown e-commerce store I can do it runningfunnels there's a lot of things that Ican do if I have the skills as a as aFlorence marketer that were going totalk about in this course and by thetime you're done with this you're goingto be a rock star I'm especially come tothe trainings right so today what I wantto show you is a really cool tool andthis is not just for people that are newthis is people if you're in the EECOMspace in the print-on-demanddropshipping space and you're lookingfor new product ideas if you're lookingto competitive research this is a reallycool tool so I'm going to be showing alot of cool tools in this module that weuse that we love as platforms to selland make money and build funnels andalso as platforms to do research andmake our jobs easier so at plex it'sbeen around for a while in the affiliatemarketing world they've a lot of cooltools for native and other otherchannels but this is their newest one adplexi e-commerce and it's pretty coolit's pretty powerful so basically whatthis lets me do as somebody that hasecommerce stores that's either lookingto do competitive research or lookingfor things to add to my store lookingfor things to market I can come in hereand see what's really trending rightwhat products what stores what apps aredoing the best right now and so they'vethree product three categories fineproducts fine storespopularand down here they give you a list we'llstart with find products so here's alist from the last 30 days ofessentially the top products theproducts that have the most kind ofstrength that they ring so they calltheir product trends score basicallylooking at the more popular is within aspecific date range and so the biggerthe score the more out Stein's it isfrom kind of average product so you lookthis is like a two point four thousandand you're gonna on here you see a lotof products in the hundred and stuff sothese products up here are really reallypopular right now so we have thisorthopedic bunion corrector 2.0 thispremium anti-theft laptop backpackbackpack this two XL professional woodburning set waterproof soldier wireconnectors best garlic presses so wehave a variety of products down hereheritage Pyrrhic display and so as amarketer I'm gonna be looking and sayinghey do any of these products fit myexisting store in terms of the thememaybe I'm selling things for seniorcitizens hey this might be interestingpeople with foot problems maybe I'm likea gadget II type store I'm looking tosell tech products this is interestingto me they've got like a women's fashionapparel style website with store thislooks interesting me over here right soI have kind of a range of products fordifferent categories so then over herewhat I can do is I can change the viewwindow from today yesterday all timeto see when this was promoted within Ican rank by the product strength so if Iwant to eliminate you know certainscores I can change that I can changethe date of when a product was added toa store so if I want to make sure thisis a relatively new product I can dothat as wellso I can do hey let's do the last 30days instead of the last you know 14 soyou see some things change up here sothis floating pet fur catcher this lookspretty interesting I had this kind ofboxing thing down here I have thesehigh-waisted snapper shorts I've thispredator motorcycle helmet which isreally badass and I'm gonna dive intothat predator helm in a second so that'sreally cool and then down here I canchoose category so let's say I'm in theautomotiveI can look at at products in theautomotive space let's say in you knowor will care I don't know if that's asnows on here or don't care I can dothat and break it down I can make sureit's just products that have taste m'godcopy because I'm gonna see theirFacebook and ads are running too if Iwant to see all products I can do allbut for this example I want to seeproducts that are also advertising onFacebook that I can actually see whatthey're advertising how they'readvertising I can break down whofulfills their product so if it's Amazonif it's big by custom cat guten printfull titi launch top dog all thesedifferent viral style I can see whofills it and then I can also if I have acompetitor in the space or if there'slike a big player in the space that Iknow is killing it I can actually droptheir store here and just look at theirstore and what they're selling right sosuper useful for competitive researchlet me go over here to this predatorhelmet I'm gonna click into it okay sohere's what's gonna show me it's gonnashow me historical price change itchanges so if I really want to follow aspecific product I can enablenotifications and it'll tell me when theprice changes so that way I know hey ifI'm selling the same product I know whatthe competitors of the space are doingprice-wise and I know if they're tryingto undercut me price I can see how it'strending strength wise so is it losingsteam is a gain momentum that's a greatindicator for me I can see what otherproducts this store selling so again ifit's a similar type of store I can seewhat are their kind of cross sells whereI'll stay selling in that store I cansee what the current price is theoriginal price this name of the storewhen the product was added the link toit and how to fulfilled so this isfilled manually this is interested me sothey listed the original price is $350and they dropped it on thirty sevendollars so to me that says the read thetrying to liquidate it it's not sellingor they have some ulterior motive thereor it's like really crappy quality andthey just set the price really highinitially to establish as a premiumoption and then get people in so therecould be a variety of reasons whythey're doing that and then I can comein and look at the Facebook ads runningso they're running just one ad right nowwe'll look at some stores where it showsa lot of ads running so I can see okaythey're using a lot of emojicheck out a predator helmet only 16Styles left to choose from shockedworldwide fast delivery get your own soto me this sounds like you know they'reprobably not based in United States likethe English is kind of weird it's reallygeneric copy its to me it doesn't reallymatch like the style of the productright because this is like a badassmotorcycle helmet right and this is kindof using hearts and like heart emojis Isee a disconnect there like the video[Music]okay so what does it say to me right soif I saw like if I saw this productright and I'm in a similar space let'ssay I'm selling motorcycle products or Ihave a similar demographic customer Ithink this is a really cool product it'sa very unique it's very novel you knowthe predator movie just met a littlewhile ago but what this is showing me soif they're making it workthen there's huge opportunity becausethe ad is garbagethe pricing strategies all over theplace I can actually go look at theproduct okay so it's not even availableso they might have sold out of it orthey might have used the wrong linkthereand so this is also another feature Ican come in and see like about theactual store so how many productsthey've launched in a certain timeperiod the apps they're using theircheapest products number of productsmost expensive product average Christ'slast product added one that was Sonythis looks like a like not a seriousstore there they're obviously not evenaround anymore so a bad example wellit's not a terrible exam because I can'tlook at it but I'll show you another onewe can look at but let's say this was astore that was still in business rightand I think this is a cool product andlet's say it was fulfilled by a bear lowere pronoun you know drop shipper thatI can actually work with this is manualso I can't do anything I would see thisas a big opportunity right because thisis novel it's unique it is trendy it'sgot a high product strength score andthere's a lot of opportunity because ifthis business is making it work theirads garbage right like that was aterrible ad it was the music choices offit was one long video just showing theon the ground the copy was totally wrongfor the demographic I would have createda really good square foot about fivevideo that had quick quick cuts likespliced in images of ArnoldSchwarzenegger fighting the predator andthen showed some dude in like all blackleather with his badass Harley likeputting it on or sports bike just likeflying down the road doing tricks andstuff like I would make it superhigh-energy I've its place in actionscenes in the predator and and likerelate it to the movie I would put likeArnold Schwarzenegger his name in thereI would do some fun stuff and a copy tomake it entertaining engaging andrelatable and show that it you actuallyknow what the predator movies aboutright so that's just me what I would dothere so let's go back and let's see ifthere's an actual one of these thatactually has a store that's alive rightso that if you happen to pick they're abad example so this is good productstrength this is film manually to let mesee their stores aroundokay so they actually do have a store soI can actually now come and look at theproduct page right so I can see theexact product page you're using I cansee their store I can see hey they havereviews up here they have certain appsare using this is the imagery they'reusing this is the kind of side copythey're using the theme they're using Ican see a lot of things they're using weleoI can also obviously seat this has moreanswers those five ads running so I cancome in here and look at the differentads they're running so let's post Museupand actually saw us on Facebook so thisis actually interesting sent ninemillion views I saw this or totallyindependent of this I think this isreally solid video write this total outsort of predator this is a quick 30second video it's got quick cut that'sgot text it's doing a lot of thingsright for this the emojis work becauseit's like pet owners they're used tocute little things this actually workscollect all pet fur hair and Lincoln wonwash reusable recommended to buy two ormore for this washer skinny someinstructions remove now for free so if Ihave a pet store right if I'm selling topet lovers pet parents whatever it isthis would be a great possible productad because it's got a good product scorethey these there's a lot of views rightand so me like coming in I don't agreethat you know there's a first moveradvantage I think first movers usuallylose in the long run first moversusually come in to things blind they'reinnovators right which is great but theymake all the mistakes because they don'tknow what's ahead of them I think it'sthe people that come in second thirdafter the first mover that do it waybetter then end up winning so you lookat any you can look at dozens as does anexample so you look at Facebook rightyet MySpace and Friendster coming insocial networking world first where arethey nowright Facebook came in and just totallydestroyed them you can look at thatacross the board with whether it's videogame consoles whether it's onlinewebsites media companies you look ateverything we're doing now all these bigbrands like Dollar Shave Club Casperthat are coming into old markets they'renot the first movers but they're comingin and doing it way way better so to meI look at this they okay this the storesalready paid to get ten million peopleto view this video they've already donemy job of building brand awarenessproduct awareness for this product Icould come in and with some differentunique angles and grab that audienceshare because people are already lookingfor it they already know about it rightso there's some opportunities there Ithink there's some confusion in thelanguage here like removed now to methat doesn't say click here that's veryconfusing like I know they mean removebut it's like does this mean to removethis for my feed it's it can beconfusing people especially oldercustomersI think the copy itself is emojis butit's relatively boring right recommendit to buy two or more four 7ky likenobody wants there like the details ofhow much to use for their washingmachine nobody even knows what theirwasher sizes right so I think what theycould be doing if I was coming in sayingokay this is a pretty good product it'sgot a good product score clearly peoplelike it there's already a lot ofmomentum on Facebook for it let me comein and let's see you some really cuteanimals and go the the animal directionright so they're going the aftermathlet's go prefer getting on you right sothey're looking at what happens onceit's in the washer let's take somereally cute animals and gets a reallycute kind of viral 15-second videos thatshow like a guy just getting swarmed bypuppies right and then it shows afterhim just covered in fur so I thinkthere's a much better angle to have morefunhumor engagement than technical so sothat's like the products right seeincoming I can do this all day long Ican look at every type of product forevery type of industry I can look bystore right so my buddy Josh who hassnow teeth whitening let me see if itjust comes up like this teeth I thinkit's try snowthere we go so I can come inokay let me try with all timethat's probably why because it's theproducts weren't had in the last 30 daysokay so now this is a specific storethis is my buddy Josh's store andthey're always on I'm pulling Josh'sstore up it's because they have such atremendous lead with this product thatnobody's gonna beat with them right likeanybody here I'd recommend like don'ttry to compete with Josh you're gonnalose I've seen a lot of people that evenapproached us it's like hey you wannarun our teeth whitening offer it's likeno I we don't you don't have the pocketsright now to compete yes such anadvantage he's invested heavily and bigbig influencers he has deals with allhis Nordstrom's it's he's done anincredible job and I'm probably later inthe course I'll talk about what he'sdoing and some of the stuff you canlearn from him but anyway that's why I'mpulling this up because I'm not afraidhe's not afraid to show his productsright so I can come in and let's saythis is your top competitor right I cansee exactly what products save in thestore which of those products arekilling it which ones have the mostmomentum so I can see clearly hey thishas got a crazy product trend score13,000 ones really came before we're inthe hundreds of low thousands and it wasworth of top so this is his at home kitit's two hundred five dollars it's beenon the store for three years now he hassome newer stuff this is added threemonths ago this is a pre sell for hisnew wireless teeth whitening kit I havethis like little mobile one I have therefills I have this new XO liter addedtwo months ago and clear with himlooking at this and saying okay it's onegot a twenty so this is a new productcategory for them they may haven'tfigured it out yet so I'm not gonna tryto get into this air or maybe it showsthat's an opportunity for me rightbecause me going head-on with thisprobably is gonna be challenging but ifI see the direction they're starting togo and I see they're not really doingwell with it yet maybe I can beat themto that and dominate that side of thebusiness so this really just gives you alot of ideas of where should i neva getproduct wise marketing wise with mystore with my affiliate iPhone runningaffiliate traffic for products it alsogive me ideas for app for copy fortargeting for all kinds of things solet's click into the top productso this is what's going to look like fora like a really popular product on themarket for a few years you're gonna seea lot more data here so I can see allthe price change historically I can seewhen they're making price changes whatthose changes are right so I can I canreally see trends it's like okay they'reyou know they're going deep discountsgoing into the holidays that makes senseto me they're doing some some you know4th of July sales looks like so a lot ofstuff going on I can see when theproduct strength spiked right so whenare things most popular so this isinteresting it was actually in June thatthey really started crushing it likeproduct strength wise it was a big popthere so I might want to go back andlook at their Facebook page you look attheir emails look at look at a lot ofthings that happened during that timeperiod to what was going on there I cansee the other products I got down hereand then finally we can look at theirads as well so again I can see a lot oftheir ads and you can already do this ontheir Facebook page by going in phoneads but this is just an easy way to geteverything all in one let's see what therunning plus here I can see theengagement so on in phone ads you can'tsee the actual engagement on the ad youcan just see the ad itself so here I cansay I'm ready to use the video has likescomments shares all that good stuff so Iget a little more insight there than Ido on in phone ads okay like I said wehad the fine stores which is again justlike buying products same filter samesearches but now it's based on the storelevel not the product level I can lookat stores with specific keywordsspecific products based on the number ofproducts the average price point thecheapest price and this is helpful ifI'm in a specific industry right solet's say I'm in theI wanted they'd store it by like shrimpit might be political yeah so let's saygearing up to do another we're doing abig thing in the Trump for 2020 we didit for 2016 and we're thinking about letme just go political actually maybe alittle broader there we gopolitical go last 60 days and this isgonna give me some insight into whatsome stores are doing in the politicalspace right now it's like in view youknow how many they've had products atall time promoted in the last 60 days ifI won't open this stuff I can go alltime but again 60 days I want to see thestores are actually making momentum andactually doing things if it's all timeit could be stores are out of businessright it's like I'm down here to see okAmerican pride tea this looksinteresting it's got a relatively highscore it's got a wide variety of 5,000products American pride tea let's seethere's any others that look promisingthis one looks promising because it'sgot stuff out in the last two days it'sgot some super high ticket stuffthese are flags so American flags thisis a mug company starting on six 1776 sothis is a you know American patriotismstore this might be interesting becauseit's got you know six days ago althoughthe scores low so it's probably notcrushing it so let's go up to this oneAmerican pride tea this looks to be themost promising right nowokay so again this will show me the holeall their categories so what are theyselling what types of products so I knowthey're selling you know coin noncurrency coins which we're gonna doTrump coins this is interesting to methey're doing garden plaques they gotrings they got challenge coins baseballcaps hoodiesthey got basically everything I can seetheir average price one of the productwhat currency they're using productslaunched by day so I can see like let'slook at the last you know three monthssix months okay so I can see hey they ifthey launched the product back inNovember they didn't watch anything yetI can see what apps they're runningright now I can see the top products andthe store so they got these blankets andthen I can obviously go look at thesestore itself and it's down four mainit's just doesn't doesn't want to workwith us today but I can also then seemost promoted products so which otherproducts are getting you know the mostspend behind them so I see hey thesethese blankets are doing really wellthese military stuffs doing very verywell so this gives me some ideas of ofwhat to do for our store when we launchit right so there you go so you can doproducts stores you can also do apps adplexi for e-commerce this is a greatplace to start if you're looking to getinto the affiliate marketing space theEECOM space and trying to figure outwhat products to launch what store tolaunch or if you have a store and you'relooking at how to expand doing somecompetitive research great app to lookat there'll be a link below for you tocheck it out as well thanks