A Realistic Approach to Internet Marketing

By Alden Smith | Submitted On February 04, 2009

Expert Author Alden Smith

The best advice these days is to learn ways make money online. Unless you are living in an ice cave in the Antarctic, you know that we are currently in very tough economic times. People are becoming frantic because the bills are coming due and there is not enough money to pay them. Many have lost jobs. Foreclosures are at an all-time high. So what is one to do when they need to find a way to make money?

There is a real downside to making money online. If you have ever been around Internet marketing, you know that there are a lot of savvy people out there trying to take your money. These so-called gurus have been around for a long time. They have learned every trick of the trade, and can afford to hire the best copy writers in the world to produce their ad copy for them. It is little wonder that we see instant millionaires on the Internet.

Even though running an Internet marketing business on the Web is one of the easiest ways there is to make money, it doesn’t mean that it doesn’t require preparation and a lot of hard work on your part. The very best thing about Internet marketing is that you are able to make money online without a great deal of cash up front.

What you do need, however, is the ability and determination to put in a lot of hard work, do a lot of research, and be a realistic about your approach to Internet marketing.

There are very many ways to make money online. To see results, you must first determine what you will target, how you will make your income, and how you’ll set it up. This may sound like a given, but everyone has heard the old phrase “fail to plan, plan to fail.” This is probably truer in Internet marketing than in any other arena.

By far, the easiest way to make money online is through affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing truly levels the playing field and the Internet marketing business. It can be done with little or no capital outlay; there isn’t any need for a website of your own. All it takes is hard work and determination to succeed.

Many people give up on the idea of making money online. The reason they do so is because they are inundated with so much data that they have no idea of which way to turn. It is not uncommon for anyone that has expressed a desire to learn about Internet marketing to receive 30 to 50 e-mails a day promoting the next best thing since sliced bread. Because we are excited to begin an Internet marketing venture, we have a tendency to look at everything that comes our way. This is probably the biggest mistake to any new Internet marketer can make.

My best advice to you is to promptly unsubscribe from the tremendous amount of promotional e-mails that you get every day. Don’t make the mistake of getting out your credit card every time something new crosses your desk. Before you know it, you’ll be buried in credit card debt and will not have made a single dime online.

One of the best ways to learn about Internet marketing and specifically affiliate marketing is to go to the forums and see what other people are saying. You will find that there are many free resources to use, there is a lot of help available, and you can learn the simple process of affiliate marketing very quickly.

The reason 99% of the new Internet marketers fail is because they do not follow through. Almost every wannabe Internet marketer has a hard drive clogged with everything under the sun. Chances are good that they have read the first few chapters, and immediately run out and tried to implement what little they have learned. All they are doing is setting themselves up to fail.

Don’t make the mistakes that 99% of new Internet marketers have made. Do your own due diligence, and save yourself both time and money.

You can find important information on online Internet marketing and some very good resources at this site: [http://www.squidoo.com/wealthyaffiliateschool]

Alden Smith is a freelance writer and affiliate marketer that learns affiliate marketing the right way.

To learn more about affiliate marketing, visit his site at [http://www.squidoo.com/wealthyaffiliateschool]

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Alden_Smith/10806
