The Basic Theories of Internet Marketing

By Edeh Chijioke | Submitted On January 02, 2007

Expert Author Edeh Chijioke

Life is been governed by laws, principles, or theories. It follows that every business you do in life must be done in accordance with such relevant, established, and natural laws if you sincerely want to succeed.

In internet marketing, just like any other business, theories abound. The first theory in this context is called the theory of speed. This theory states that you must consider how fast your product or service is produced or delivered in comparison to your competitors’. This theory is very significant in the management of software development. Software programs are often expected to run fast.

As a matter of fact, if the delivery of your goods and services is faster than your competitors’ own in the same niche people will prefer your products and services to your competitors’. So you must, as a matter of necessity, consider the theory of speed when you are involving yourself in any area of internet marketing.

The second theory is known as the theory of cost. Dear Mr. Internet Marketer, the cost-effectiveness of a product or service you render is a very important determining factor in the school of internet marketing. Believe me, people like cheap products no matter how they pretend. So you must try as much as possible to make your goods and services to be “cheaper” than your rivals’ own. I advise you to check out the price of your competitors’ products and services in order to maintain a reasonable price. Strive as much as possible to ensure that you have a better price.

Thirdly, there is the theory of quality. Are you thinking of delivering inferior products to your customer? Then you should as well be thinking of becoming a failure in your chosen niche. If you ask me, your failure rate is 99.9 per cent; it then means that you are most likely to fail for just selling inferior products or rendering inferior services. Your products and services should be of very high quality if you really expect to make very high amount of money – you can only reap what you sow. Only thieves or criminals are known for taking what they do not deserve. Let me warn you before you lose out, even the poorest of all men like high quality goods and services – poverty notwithstanding.

Edeh Chijioke is a Research Reporter, Publisher, and Ghostwriter on Several Issues of Human Life, Society, and Career; especially Internet Marketing Related Matters such as SEO, Viral Marketing, Adsense, and so on. For Details Visit [] Now.

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