Shuttle – XPC Slim XH270 Barebone Desktop – Black

Regular Price: 314.99
Sale Price: 314.99
Manufacturer: Shuttle
Model number: XH270
Shuttle XPC Slim XH270 Barebone Desktop: Control multiple IoT devices from one central computer with this Shuttle XPC slim XH270 mini PC. An integrated Intel H270 chipset plus support for Intel 6th and 7th Gen Core processors and Optane technology offer extensive customization options. Expansion slots let this Shuttle XPC slim XH270 mini PC use multiple HDDs for extra storage.

How To Build An Ecommerce Website | 7 Steps To Build Your Online Store

hey guys how's it going John Santos andwelcome to this channel where we helpentrepreneurs start and grow theirbusiness ASAP now in today's video whatI'm going to cover is the seven easysteps you can follow so you can launchyour online store ASAP so stick aroundso I've been getting a lot of questionsand I think there's a little bit ofconfusion as to like the process toactually launching an online store soI've launched multiple other videoscovering websites your different optionsand if you guys want to link to any ofthose just click the description downbelow and you guys will see an expandedlist of the videos that I have availableon there but I wanted to create thisvideo for everybody out there that stillmight have a little bit of questions asfar as like okay what does a websiteactually do or like what steps do I needto take to collect payments you know solike all the basics that you may bewondering if you're wanting to launch astore like next week you know so I'mgoing to cover those really quickly thatway you guys have a really good overviewas to what's involved with the websitewhat comes with it what do you maybeneed to go and outsource all your basicquestions will be answered right in thisvideo so with that being said let's jumpright into it so the first step you needto take is choose your platform you'regoing to need to decide what platformyou want to launch your website on nowthere is free platform such as BigCartel Etsy and all these other ones butif you truly want to establish a brandand have full control over it you'regoing to need to choose a platform tohost your website and to also provideyou with the tools that you need tolaunch your online store so with thatbeing said I'm an advocate for Bluehostand I'm also an advocate for Shopify nowI'm a little torn apart and you guysknow that I talked about what willbenefit you so Bluehostis a low-cost way to getting startedthat means that if your budget is lowBluehost is going to be the way to gobecause what they have is a package thatallows you to pay for once a year andyou're able to host your website and youhave a full control over it nowShopify's for all those that are reallywilling to take this seriously invest alittle bit of money to get enhancedtools and easier workflow either wayboth of those platforms are really wellsome people love to use a Bluehost andWordPress other people prefer Shopifyit's really up to you but ultimately ifyou want to move on to a platform it'sit's really going to be between thosetwo the internet has voted and those arethe top two dogs that are really killingthe game right now and offeringentrepreneurs all the tools that you'llneed so choosing your platform is afirst step that's like choosing the homeso now you need to choose the name ofthe home you need to choose the name ofyour website Bluehost offers the abilityto buy a domain name on there as welland so does Shopify so once you choose amein name whether it's WWE Bronco calmor WMI brain calm whatever W name youwant to choose you need to choose it andthen you can associate it with theplatform that you choose that one youhave the links so you can create themarketing materials you can establishyour social media sites and everythingwill be good to go for you to launch sonow that you have your platform and youhave your dome name the third thingyou're going to need to do is choose thetheme of your store now don't go outthere and spend thousands of dollars forsomebody to design a website for youthere's so many people out thereoffering those services that a couplethousand dollars to start off is not thebest investment especially if you'rejust getting started and you're notreally sure what you want there's freethemes available both on Bluehost and onShopifythat allows you to get started quicklyand easily that way you're not investingany more money than then the photographythe products and the time that it takesto create a very good looking websitealright so you're going to need tochoose the theme now there is otheroutside platforms that offer themes tobuy and that's a great option foranybody that wants something above andbeyond the free stuff that's alsoavailable through the Shopify website orit's also available on Envatowhich has thousands of themes for you tochoose from so you can literally scrollthrough it and find something you'regoing to love and it's going torepresent what you're selling so themescan range anywhere from a couple dollarsto a couple hundred but if you go to thefree route you can literally start awebsite for less than fifty bucks you'llhave full control of it and you'll beready to go and start selling now thefourth step you're going to need to dois edit your theme now most themes areplug and play that means that youliterally upload your photos yourdescriptions you choose your fontsupload your product and you're good togo but if you want any kind of colorcontrols or any kind of special uniqueofferings there's a marketplace for thatthat allows you to outsource for thesepeople to make those custom changes toyou Shopify has it available and so doesBluehost and there's a community ofpeople that will literally do the littlechanges that you're going to needwithout charging you an arm and a legbut for the most part guys every themethat you start with should be enough foryou to get started with so don'tnecessarily think of customizedevery little thing at this moment reallytake the time to photograph though tocreate the visuals that you're going toneed to create the graphics that you'regoing to need and with that in mind youmight consider looking into fiber fiberwe'll give you some freelancers for aslow as five bucks or upwork which allowsyou to outsource some design work sothen that way you're able to communicatewith a freelancer that'll create thefront imagery very important that youcreate a really good aestheticallypleasing website especially if you'rejust starting out take some time into iteither do it yourself or outsource or tosomebody that's goodask for outside opinion too because youmight think it looks pretty good but assoon as you get it to somebody that hasa good design knowledge design eyethey're going to say dude what are youdoing you know so like don't alwaysovertake that process because at the endof the day that website theme and how itlooks and how you present it is going tobe your store and if you want to makemoney it needs to look good alright guysso that's going to be the fourth stepfor you guys to take is to edit yourtheme so the fifth thing you're going toneed to decide on is a pricing andpayments so luckily for you you don'thave to manually process any of thetransactions yourself like when somebodygoes on the internet and wants to buysomething they're not buying it from youlike you're not processing the paymentthere's a third party involved whetherit's PayPal whether it's striped whetherit's Shopify whether it's Amazon there'sa lot of plugins that come in to whenyou're creating your site so there'sgoing to be payment plugins that youchoose so that's the third party thatcollects the payments so don't thinkthat you have to oversee the process andinvoice customers for their orders orwhatever that is like the website itselfcomes with its built in system orplugins that allow you to do all thatso that way the buyer and you are bothprotected you know that you're gettingfunds the buyer knows that he's notgetting scammed by somebody so in thisstep you're going to need to set theprice points for your products you'regoing to need to set how much inventoryis available for those products andyou're going to need a connector paymentsystem to it that way it's a seamlesscheckout and everybody can go onto yoursite see how much it costs by it you getthe money in your bank so now the sixthstep that you're going to need to takeis figure out your shipping if you wantyour website to automatically calculatethe shipping cause it does cost a littlebit more if you want it to automate theprocess but if you're just starting outI recommend that you head over to USPScomm thats USPS comm and they have flatrate boxes so if you're selling a pairif you're selling anything that's asmaller size go on to the USPS commwebsite and figure out what dimensionwill fit your product nicely becausethey have flat rate boxes and what thatmeans is they can go across the countryand across the world for a set price sofigure out what that set prices for yourproducts and then add that as part ofthe cost to your checkout option so thenthat way you're collecting for shippingas soon as the payments come in you canprint off your label ship the box andyou're good to goone thing I would say is don't go crazywith the shipping cost and try to makemore money on the shipping cost likeit's always better to pretty much eatthe shipping cost that way somebodychecks out your product and they get towear it they get to use it because I'veseen so many times guys the websitesthat are pretty much like they'll chargeyou $25 for shipping and as I do it isjust going across the country you knowyour shipping costs probably eight ornine you know and they want to makeextra money on it it doesn't make anysense don't do it get it as low as youcan get it because that's the way you'regoing to get customers you know ifyou're selling a shirt for twenty fiveand now you have fifteen or twentydollars on shipping they're not going tobuy it you know you're just starting offso try to do is minimum as you can stillcover your cost oh so USPS comm is agood option for you to do a flat rateshipping but still consider UPS andFedEx when it comes to bulk items whenit comes to bigger boxes that you mayneed to ship out that USPS doesn't havegood pricing on cool so now you haveyour shipping you have your payments youhave everything decided and now what doyou got to do the seventh step is tosell and start getting paid so whatyou're going to need to do is you haveto set up your bank account whateverbank account you decide on will be yourbusiness account you connect it to yourwebsite that way payments can go and bedeposited into your bank account andthen you can go and use that money tobuy more inventory for your marketingdollars and continue growing yourbusiness more importantly guys whenyou're ready to have this websitelaunched and already selling productsyou need to focus on the cells focus ongetting traffic to it focus on peoplegoing to it clicking on it figuring outwhy people aren't checking out you knowso like it's always going to be aconstant work but you're constantlyworking to make it better so I hopethese steps help paint a clearer picturewhat it takes to launch a website I knowsometimes it can be overwhelming andthere's a lot of information outthere and sometimes it doesn't getconnected so I hope that these sevensteps allows you to take a look at itstep back have a breather and be able torealize that okay I can do this you knowand always use the links in mydescription in my videos I reallyappreciate that if you're already goingto buy any of these website services oranything I recommend use my links downbelow because there is a small creditthat they give to me that helps mecontinue producing more videos and helpsme sharing my knowledge so I reallyappreciate that guys it doesn't cost youanything extra it's the same price thatjust gave me a little small Commissionon it I just want to make sure that youguys are going to know that and if youcan do me that favorI always appreciate it if you have anyquestions comment down below or hit meup on Instagram snapchat and let's getto going let me know what you got inmind and I'll continue answering be onthe lookout for new videos once a weektrying to lunch on every Friday but Imay even lunch from Friday and Sunday sojust be on the lookout I'm organizingthe whole entire channel double you guysget some better content and continue togrow your businessI guess stay in touch and let's talksoon bye


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Shuttle – XPC Cube SZ270R6 Barebone Desktop – Black

Regular Price: 469.99
Sale Price: 469.99
Manufacturer: Shuttle
Model number: SZ270R6
Shuttle XPC Cube SZ270R6 Barebone Desktop: Construct a high-performance system with this Shuttle Cube PC. The 3.5-inch bays hold multiple hard drives, and the four DDR4 SDRAM slots support up to 64GB for fast browsing and gaming. This Shuttle Cube PC has an Intel Z270 chipset, supporting Kaby Lake processors, and the two PCI-e slots power graphics cards, SSDs or network cards.

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Regular Price: 1199.99
Sale Price: 1199.99
Manufacturer: ASUS
Model number: ZN242GDT-08
Work and play harder with this Asus Zen all-in-one computer. Its 12GB of RAM and hexa-core Intel Core processor keep up with intense multitasking, and its NVIDIA GeForce GTX graphics card produces stunning, dynamic visuals. This Asus Zen all-in-one computer has 1TB hard-disk and 128GB solid-state drives for ample storage, and its 23.8-inch Full HD touch display provides smooth navigation.

eCommerce Marketing Strategies – 12 Killer Tips

hey in this video I'm going to teach youe commerce marketing strategies 12killer tips[Music]hey it's Ted McGrath and right now I'mgoing to jump into e-commerce marketingstrategies 12 killer tips and right hereis my free gift on how to sell productsonline you might be wondering what isecommerce it's electronic commerce howto sell online so if you've ever wantedto sell products programs and servicesonline and make money while you sleep24/7 365 even when you're on vacationwell I found that was providing me thegreatest freedom my life is actuallyselling things online I know it's kindof a weird concept we're used toface-to-face you got to talk to peopleyou make the sale but today mosteverything's online so you should getonline in your business even if you'rebrand new so I'm going to get into the12 killer tips right now and I'm goingto show you how I've made millions ofdollars with these 12 tips but before Ido this I'm gonna show you a simplestrategy because if I just go into the12 tips it's gonna be a whole bunch ofmumbo-jumbo that I'm thrown at you andyou're like Ted what does all this stuffmean what's the context of how I canapply this in my life because it'sconfusing right I mean you get onlineyou're like what do I do I could do thisI could do that or you just look andyou're like the whole damn thinks you'reusing I mean look the heck I'm doing youthrow up your hands and you never do itbut you should do it and that's what Iwant you to do so I'm gonna share withyou right nowa simple strategy of what's called amarketing funnel now the reason it'scalled a funnel you'll find out in justa moment but if you look right hereyou're gonna see that there's this is apage we call this an opt-in page now anopt-in page is something very simple onthis page you'll see there's a free giftthis free gift says something like getthe online presentation swipe file hereso clearly I'm giving away a free gifton this page and to get the free giftyou would have to enter your emailaddress so you opt-in to get the freegift with your email so I give away thisgift why because I want to give value tothe customer now when I give away thefree gift in exchange for the value ofthe gift that I'm giving to my potentialcustomer they're giving me an emailaddress why do I want email addressesreally simple because I want toget my message and serve people with allthe products programs and services thatI have so this first page is the firstpage of a marketing funnel wheresomebody comes and gets a gift and givesyou their email and exchange for itpretty simple rightyou've seen this before you've gottentwo websites you've subscribed tonewsletters you've done this before soyou know how it works so you got thefirst page well on the second page yousee here after somebody enters in theirname and email and they grab the freegift well they're gonna splash throughto something called a sales page now onthis page right here you see thatthere's an offer I'm selling a productnow why would I do this well somebody'salready in action so they've decided togive me their email address on the firstpage which is called the opt-in page andthey've decided to take me up on thefree gift that I'm giving them in thisparticular case the free gift wasteaching them how to do onlinepresentations so like I want this freegift they gave me their email theysplash you do a sales page and I saysomething like now that you have thisfree gift well I have something elsethat I'd like to offer you that canserve you even more so consider this andI sell them something now typically I'llsell somebody something for like thirtyseven dollars or forty seven dollars andthat's what a sales page is it's used tosell something now on this sales pageyou'll see that there's a video thereand I'm gonna talk about videos in justa moment there's a video right there andon that video is me selling somethingI'm selling a product now depending onwhat you sell you could sell hardproducts which are products like makeupor you could sell products like dog toysor you can sell anything you want onlinereally or you could sell what's calleddigital products now digital productsare often how to products informationproducts that teach somebody a certainskill set such as I teach entrepreneurslike you you know twelve killer tips ononline marketing right I'm teaching youinformation right now and essentiallythis is free information but I couldpackage it into a product and I couldsay hey here's three modules or threehours of content buy this content buythis digital product that's going toshow you how to do XYZ makes sense sothat's very popular today they're peoplewho sell digital products which is howinformation products make sense andreally those people are doing that areteaching somebody a skill set that theyknow I could teach somebody how to playtennis I can teach somebody how to growa businessI need somebody how to sing I can teachsomebody how to paint a picture there'sso many how-to products that you couldinvent so if you're thinking of goingonline I think one of the easiest waysis not even to sell a hard product likeyou know something that you have to shipto somebody why not just sell theminformation you create it you put it upthere you sell it over and over and overagain so this second page is a salespage you see now after that page whensomebody buys the first thing you'veprobably heard of this before it's alsocalled an upsell page so once they buyone thing you then upsell them to thenext offer this is called an upsell pageso they might buy something for thirtyseven dollars and they're all excitedand what do we know about people who arein action they take more action alrighttry getting the person to take actionwho's not taking action it's kind ofhard right the first action to getsomebody to take it that's the hardestpart once they're in action and theykeep taking action so why not whilethey're hot in an action upsell them toanother product that's gonna serve themand help them right now why would thismake sense because there's somebody'sBrian like a hard product on like ashake and they buy like a month's supplywell why not sell them like a yearsupply where they get shipped it everymonth that would be serving the customerby giving them more right if I'm sellingsomebody how-to information product onhow to grow their business and I'mteaching them something on how to begreat at sales and they're like oh Ibought this product for $37 and then I'mlike well if you're if now that you gotmy product in sales you should probablylearn how to market too because if youmarket you'll make more sales so getthis product – pretty simple rightthat's called an upsell pager upsellingfrom one product to the next prettysimple right so that is what a marketingfunnel looks like it's kind of like whenyou pour water you know into a funnelkind of funnels down like you're kind offunnel II somebody's kind of sidewaysyou're sideways you're following themand they come in they email then theyfollow down into the sales page by thefirst offer then they follow down thenext page by the upsell offer if they'reyou're funneling them through you seethat's what it is okay so I just sharedwith you some of the twelve killer tipsbecause I gave you this sequence of whata funnel looks like but let me jump inandwith the first thing that you probablyshould know about online marketing asidefrom what I just gave you and that isadvertising right so I think aneffective way to get this funnel then Ijust lay it out for you do you actuallyget people to see it like if nobodycomes to this actual marketing funnel ifnobody sees your free gift if you don'thave eyeballs looking at it guess whatyou don't make any sales and you don'tget any customers and you work so hardto build this thing and put it up or geta product ready and then nobody's buyinganything so you can't play the wholegame of let me pray for customers likepeople often do or they start a businessor like let me pray and this thing willwork or almost like they write a bookand they're like if I write a book Imean the most famous author in the worldand nobody ever reads the book becausethey don't have marketing right so justthis marketing funnel that you'rebuilding right if you don't haveeyeballs coming in traffic guess whatnobody will buy your products so let'stalk a little bit about advertising andwhat platforms you could use my firstkiller tip is pick one pick one platformso for example when I first started andI got in the game I chose Facebook nowI'm one of these people who started Iwas a speaker you know I was on stagespeaking first I was a coach and then Iwas on silver so as an insurancesalesman actually then I was a coach andthen I became a speaker I was like Ishould speak from the stage so I gotreally good speaking from the stage Igot a front of audience five six naturepeople I would get up there and I wouldsell and everybody would run into theback of the room and I would make awhole lot of money and it was a lot offun and I would tell my stories and itwas great right so I had eyeballswatching me from the stage and peoplesee me all the time well just like I hadI bawled offline I wanted to geteyeballs online because I was like howmany seminars can I actually speak atlike I could only do so many five to sixhundred person and seminars right and Ican only be on the road so much and theend of the day it's kind of old and I'llburn out and then I'll get old and I'llbe old and burnt out it won't be verymuch fun so I decided I was gonna learnmark and you know I was like okay whatdo you need to know about marketing Ididn't know much but I decided you knowwhat I'm gonna advertise I'm gonna learnby doing so I decided I was gonnaadvertise so today I'm on facebook I'mon YouTube on my Instagram but I startedwith the one to begin with so if youpick all these platforms every platformsa little bit different so he starts bygoing on I'm gonna be on all theplatformsall over social media I think it's alittle bit too much so if I'm you I'mgonna pick one platform to start on Iwould pick Facebook to start somethingbecause I know the most about that rightnow and that's the most profitable forus and then I would look at a verysimple decision on advertising how muchmoney do I want to put in and how muchmoney do I want to get out in a verysimple math formula such as I'd like toput a dollar in and get $2 out or I'dlike to put a dollar in and get $4 outI'd like to put a dollar in and get $3out how much money do you want to getout for every dollar that you spend nowinitially when you advertise and getready for this you need something that'scalled a testing budget right you needto be willing to test a certain amountper day it could be $50 per day it couldbe $200 per day but you need to bewilling to test a little bit andinitially out of the gates you mightlose a little bit of money for example Ijust launched a funnel for my one-manplay not only am i a marketer not onlyentrepreneur but I'm also an actor so Ihave this one-man play in my life storyit's called good enough right so when Ilaunched the funnel initially I put inabout $500 so far and I made $150 backokay so in particular I'd like thatfunnel to be profitable but it's notright nowso in the launching phase of it I'mtesting to see what works so that I canget it profitable you see so when you doadvertise you have to have a little bitof a threshold to where you're like Igot have some patience here I'd bewilling to invest some money and thenwhen you're willing to invest some moneyyou can go after that goal of $1 in and$2 back I recommend starting out justlook to double your money put in $1 get2 bucks out last month I put in lastweek I put in $1 made $3 to 60 cents outon my advertising okay I like to go for$4 and above but it was a decent week soI'd recommend that you figure out whatyour target is when you start andunderstand that you have to test whenyou begin make sense so that's the firstthing I look at this set then I'mgetting into the second killer ship nowgiving you a lot of information alreadybut how many of you the second killertip okay so the second killer tip is youwant to capture email addresses nowhere's the reason the funnel that I justshowed you over here right we run adto that I create a Facebook ad I saysomething in the ad about the free giftthat I'm giving away so I say in the adI might say something like this I've gotthis opportunity that I'm really excitedabout that really helped me change mylife and serve millions of people acrossthe globe with my message my projectprograms and services and it's theopportunity to create videos today andyou can grab this free template downbelow by just clicking the link thatwould be like an ad on Facebook and I'dsay I'll tell you why you want to clickthe link down below and grab the freegift because when I first started outand I tell them a story and then I tellthem to click the link again so in an adwhen I create an ad I'm giving away thisfree gift in the ad and they have to goclick on the link in the ad to go getthe free gift now when they click on thelink in the ad as you see an ad righthere right they'll then go to the firstpage on the funnel if you remember thatthing that I showed you earlier on theythink of the water funnel right anotherthing I showed you that first page whereyou give away free gift well that'swhere people are gonna go from your adright and the purpose of that page is tocapture email addresses what's thepurpose of the page taps your emailaddresses why because most entrepreneurswant to grow a list because when yougrow an email list guess what you havepeople that you can market to over andover and over and over again you cansend them great content you can sendthem special offers you can sellproducts to them it's a great game youshould play it grow an email list that'sthe second killer tip the third tip thatI want to give you right now is allabout the free gift okay so you'relooking at this page right now it's thefirst part of the funnel right rememberthey click the ad here the ad then takesthem to go get the free gift so the freegift is some type of giveaway somethingyou want to give to people now I'm inmore of the how-to space I sellinformation products okay so in sellinginformation products I want to givepeople information that's valuable noweven if you're selling hard products youprobably want to give people informationthat's valuable as well right because ifyou give so many information about yourproduct and you educate them guess whatthey're more likely to buy from youbecause they trust you so the free giftthat I'm giving away would be somethinglike I told you before theultimate online presentation swipe fileit shows people how to create onlinepresentations so I would create a giftthat gives people value now in my spacein my industry teaching somebody how tocreate online presentations is supervaluable so I want to give that to themfor free cuz they're probably wonderingwhere should I start I'm like you shouldprobably learn how to create apresentation get the free gift righthere on how to create onlinepresentations pretty simple right wellyou should create your own free giftright so that gives you some ideas ofwhat to think about of things you cangive away for free that earn the trustof your customer alright so that's thethird killer ship the fourth tip I wantto talk to you right about right now isdigital products so going back to thefunnel you remember the funnel righthere you have the opt-in page whichgives away the free gift and then oncethey download the free gift they splashyou over to what the sales page so thissales page right here what is the salespage for to sell something to get abuyer now digital products that youcould create that you would sell wouldbe how-to information products so thisis a simple how-to product that showssomebody how to do something thedifference between that this digitalproduct and the free gift is the digitalproduct might be videos right and itmight be like hours of content like athree-step formula showing them how todo something and how to produce a resultin their life their business or any areaof their life that they think would bevaluable and of course you'd betargeting customers that want your stuffmakes sense so that tip right there thetip right there is about creatingproducts that your customer actuallywants okay so that's the fourth tip Iwant to give you the fifth tip isupsells so again let's go back to themarketing funnel you have the free giftright that's the free gift that you'rethinking about creating right nowsomething free of value if you give awaythey download that they go to the salespage you're gonna sell some type ofproducts some of you will sell how-toinformation products some of you willsell hard products it doesn't matterso what you want but once they buy onething upsell them into the next thingall right this is when you do an upselllike this a lot of times peoplewhat's the purpose of an upsell whywould you do that well number one one ofthe purposes of the upsell is to addmore value to your customer the customeris not going to get all the answers tothe things they're looking for they'renot gonna get everything they want justhad a one product most likely if theybought one product from you you shouldhave a second product to sell them so onan upsell page it's selling them thesecond product and the cool thing aboutthe page you can see right here is forthem to buy all they have to do is clickit once so they've already put in thecredit card information on the priorpage so when they get to this page theyjust click and it's called an upsell andthey automatically get billed and youjust sold them another product you justmade some more revenue and remember thefirst killer tip I give you onadvertising put a dollar in try and maketwo dollars back right away well if youcontinue to make more sales and youupsell them on this page well guess whathappens you make more money when youmake more money you can advertise morewhen you advertise more you reach morepeople you change more people's livesokay pretty simple right so the sixthtip is sales videos now you've probablyseen these before when you go to a pageright so right on this page right hereyou see there's a sales video there's avideo right up top it's called a salesvideo what's the purpose of a salesvideo well you see on the page you havea video and then you have text below itso a lot of times you'll see pages thatjust have text and they're trying tosell people on a product just by what'scalled text right it's called copy butwe found that when you add text and thenyou add a video we saw that ourconversions doubled so having a salesvideo and knowing how to communicate andsell your product through video is superpowerful what people gets to see yourface they get to know I can trust youand some people don't like to read andscan things and get to the price andsome people like to watch a video andthey like to actually communicate withsomebody so creating a good sales videois gonna be super important to yoursuccess as well and you know thesevideos when you're selling a product for$37 they can be three minutes long threeto five minutes remember you're notselling them something for a hundredthousand dollars you're selling themsomething for thirty seven bucks orninety seven bucks or what have you okayso sales videos is the six killer tipthe seventh killer tip that I want togive you on how to sell products onlineis free consultationnow many of you watching right now areselling services right or you're sellinghigher-end products or you're sellingmaybe coaching to people or consultingso what we do with every buyer that weget right so remember when this funnelpeople buy something on the sales pageonce they buy something we know they'requalified so when we see somebody whobought something we're like oh somebodyspent money with us we should get themon a phone call so what do we do weoffer up a phone consultation to peoplenow depending on what you're selling youhave to kind of word it for yourindustry different industries havedifferent things you know if you'reselling a home you know maybe you wantto give somebody like some tips onqualifying for a mortgage or somethingand you give them a free consult on howto qualify best if you're sellingfinancial products you might give them afree consult and a free financial planif you're selling like we sell businessconsulting and things like that we givethem free consultations on theirbusiness and their marketing so theybook a call when we get on the freeconsultation so why is a freeconsultation powerful pretty simple whenyou get on the phone and you communicatewith people they're more likely to buysomething that's more expensive right sothey'll make a bigger decision becausethey're talking to somebody and ifyou're on the phone and you're a goodsalespersonwhile we sell programs that are twothousand dollars eighty five hundreddollars thirty thousand dollar programsa hundred thousand dollar programs yeswe've sold these over the phone beforeso being on the phone don't think thattoday because the internet is here youshould sell everything just simplythrough a sales video if you get on thephone you can sell a lot more and make alot more revenue so I highly recommendthat for you do free consoles that'snumber seven number eight emailfollow-up the once somebody's on yourlist right they decide to opt in forthat free gift that you gave away youcapture their email now they're on youremail listwell it'll be kind of a shame if youjust sat there and you're like hey I'mnot going to send them anything else Igot their email address but I'm notgoing to market to them of course youwant to market it to them now the momentthey opt-in and they give you theiremail address then just seeing thatfirst sales page is not enough what wedo in our business is we send them backto that sales pagedifferent times we send them back wesent him back we send him back bysending them back to that sales pagethree times we found that we doubled ourconversions think about it if youdownloaded a free gift and then you sawan offer for 37 dollars right here andthen you're like no I don't want itright now or the cat came in and peed onyour pillow or something like that andyou're kind of like oh my god the catjust peed on my pillow and you run outthe door and you forget about buying myproduct I want to make sure that afteryou've cleaned it up at the pet piss Isend you some more emails and I'm likehey hey while you were cleaning up yourcat piss like you missed out on thisspecial offer so you should go back andget the special offer so whateverhappened the kids came in somethinghappened right the TV blew up whateverpeople get distracted for all kinds ofreasons so email follow-up is a reallyeffective way to send people back tothat offer that they didn't say yes tonow in marketing the more you get infront of people the more familiar theyget the more they're gonna buy okay sodon't just think that one time somebodyseen something is gonna make thedifference most of the time it's notokay so then the next thing is adcreation so creating an ad let me justgive you a tip on creating an ad youknow a lot of times people go well Idon't know how to create ads forFacebook I took a course true story Iwent to of course 50 markers were in theroom everybody in the room had amarketing agency except two of us sothey're 48 people there with margon adagencies two of us didn't have an agencymeaning we weren't like runningadvertising for other people and stuffwhich is there to market our ownproducts so sit in the room and thefirst two days they spent time on likewhat's your hook what's your hook what'syour hook and I was like so I'm sittingthere on my hook hook hook hook okaylike I do this for a living I talked topeople for a livinglet me just talk to them and just tellthem something I think would interestthem and creating an ad for me as simpleas that like I literally pick up thephone I have an idea an iPhone and I goI think about the thing that I'moffering like let's say that I was doingan ad for this right now on 12 killertips on how to sell products online I'dbe like hey it's Ted McGrath and youknow I want to talk to you about rightnow about the business of sellingproducts online I know it can beconfusing a lot of times but I'vemanaged to find a way to make it simplewhen I first started it was reallyfrustrating because I shot videos justlike this and put them up and nobodybought but I realized that I figured outa simple formula for how to create adsand simple formula on how to makemoney online so you should get my freegift right now on how to sell productsonline and I've got this ad creationformula to show you how to advertiseright here so you should grab it rightnow so I would do a simple ad like thatand I just pick up and I literally talkto people so the key to creating an adis think about the simple thing you wantto say if I want to teach you how tosell products online I'm gonna tell youthat so that's it that's what you do inan ad like if I'm if I want to say heyI'm gonna teach you how to sell productsonline I'm gonna go hey right now I'mgonna I want to talk to about how tosell products online and then I mighttell you a story when I first starteddoing this XYZ happen why because whenyou tell a story about your own problemthey're like yeah I've had that problemdo so most of my ads are just tellingwhat I want to tell them to tell them aquick story and make a simple call toaction pretty simple right so adcreation doesn't have to be that hardjust remember it's communication saywhat you want to say tell them a quickstory gimmick call to action all rightthe next killer tip that I want to giveyou is I want to help you a little bitwith the message of the ad okay so youmight be going ahead how do I say what Iwant to say so here's how you enhancethe message so if I was gonna say I wantto I'm gonna show you how to sellproducts onlineall right I'm telling you what I'm gonnatell you there but how do we enhancethat so a message should be somethinglike this I help people do this so theycan have or become that so I'm helpingyou do something so I'm like helping yousell products online so I'm like how tosell products online so you can have orbecome this so you enhance the messageby telling them when they take theaction they're going to have somethingso uh if you if you learn how to sellproducts online you're going to get andnever-ending stream of customers in yourbusiness and then you're gonna have morefreedom because you're not gonna be outthere selling and then your business isgonna blow up and you're gonna livehappily ever afteryou see so I'm adding to the message notjust by telling them what it is I'mtelling thethe benefits and the outcome of whatthey're gonna have and that's what makesa message more powerful so that tip ison messaging and messaging is all abouttelling them what they're gonna havewhen they take the action make sense thenext tip that I want to share with youis the hook alright so how do you hookthem in well I kind of just gave you theidea on this the way you hook them in issimple tell them a story right if I'mtelling you about something and I go I'mgonna teach you how to sell productsonline right now so you can have anunbelievable business and have anever-ending stream of customers andhave the ultimate freedom that you'veever desired right and you're like ohhow do I get that how do I get that it'sstill not real but then if I go to youknow when I first started out I bombedonline I picked up an iPhone and nobodybought but then I learned a methodologythat I'm teaching you right now I pickup that iPhone and I tried it and Ishared that message and I hooked peoplea little bit with a story and all of asudden people started to resonate and gowow this guy's like he's kind ofspeaking my language he had that problemtoo and a real human being went throughthis a real human being did this so theway you make a message real is you tellthe human story pretty simple if I justtell you tell you tell you tell youinformation you're trying to kind ofdiscern like how does this relate tolife if I tell you just a story you seehow it relates to life and when you seehow it relates to somebody else's lifeyou go all that could relate to my lifeand it becomes real so stories are thehook to make the message real to thecustomer stories are the hook to makethe message real remember that and thefinal killer tip that I want to give youI know you view a lot of informationyou're digesting it right now if youjust took one of these and implementedthese so you probably have success okayso the final thing is make a call toaction right all great marketing has acall to action if you're doing an ad thecall to action is go get my free gift ifyou're selling a product a call toaction is go click the button down belowand grab the product now all greatmarketers make calls to action it'sreally that simple my recommendation ifyou're selling something online in asales video is to make three calls toaction 3 one if you tell them the firstcall to action they're looking over theshoulder to see if you're talking totheir dad or their sister their brotherthey don't even know you're talkingthe second call to action are like is hetalking to me and you're like the onewatching the video they don't eventalking to me and then the third one isby the time you give them third call toaction it's like hitting him over thehead of the sledgehammer like oh he istalking to me I'm ready to take actionall right so three calls to actionpeople will know you're actuallycommunicating to them that's the name ofthe game I hope this serves you it's 12killer tips I hope I didn't kill youwith all the information that I gave youon this but there are killer tips and Iknow you're gonna love them so at theend of the day if you want to sellproducts online you better know thesekiller tips so 12 killer tips I justgave you right now if you want morekiller videos that are kind of friendlyand kind of nice then subscribe to mychannel and I'll be nice to you okay andalso speaking of nice you should like mychannel down below because if you likeit that means you like me and you likemy videos and it helps me and gets mymessage out to the world and then I'dlike to help you for liking me so if youreally like me then leave a comment downbelow ask a question and I will respondto that question and right here is myfree gift get the free gift this is deepdive training on this it's going to giveyou a step-by-step blueprint on how tosell those products I gave you some goodinformation now get the best informationright here I'll see you soon[Music]you


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