Hotel Internet Marketing

By Preeti Sharma | Submitted On May 29, 2007

Expert Author Preeti Sharma

The concept of Hotel Internet Marketing came with the awareness of Internet among the hoteliers. The time they realized that they could also get more bookings online, they started creating websites for their hotels and many of them also started the reservation booking system online for more convenience to the customers.

The Hotels have now started creating their own websites to let their customers reach them and make bookings online. From Marketing to HTML’s was a long way for these hoteliers, but this revolution has changed the meaning of Hospitality industry. These few actions have changed the traditional way of booking rooms and knowing/comparing different Rooms & Rates offered by different hoteliers.

A Hotel now has the advantage of making their pictures available for the visitors to get a feel of the look of the hotel inside out. The visitor can view the hotel through pictures and Virtual tours.

Now Hotels can have their own website where they can easily tell about the Rooms and Rates, the features, the amenities/ facilities they provide, the virtual tours and of course online Reservation/ booking facility.

Gatesix Inc. understands the need of a hotelier. They have a specialized team to guide you through the process and they are available online 24/7. They have come up with their sub-division called Gatesix Hospitality, which is focused towards the Hospitality industry. They have a large number of hotel owners and a clientèle of branded and independent hotels owners.

I am an Internet Marketing expert. Working on this article for Gatesix Hospitality, a sub-division of Gatesix Inc. who are the providers of complete Web Development strategy. You can contact them at Gatesix Hospitality []

A visitor can view the list of Amenities and features available in a hotel and also they can compare the rooms and rates of all the hotels available in the same locality mainly through and

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Winning eCom Product Alert (Dropship This Immediately – 2019)

just look at these two products howamazing they are and and just look atthis one yet alone this is incredible[Music]what is up dan Pham welcome back toanother amazing video now really quicklybefore I dive into this one a lot ofpeople are gonna be asking me why am Igiving too specific products one of themmore than the other but why am I givingtoo specific products that I wouldsuggest for you to sell well here's thething I'm currently working on twodifferent one product stores andbuilding out their own little microbrands so I don't necessarily have timeto work on one of these and the otherreason is because I have this one ofthese products in a slightly differentvariation so I personally am also goinginto this so without any further ado Iwant to dive into my computer right nowand I want to show you exactly whatthese products are and you know how totap into them more than anything I wantto show you how you can go in and targetwith Facebook Ads as well so let's getright into it so the first product and Iordered samples of both of these thefirst product and these products come inreally nice packaging the first one is ais more self a wrinkle remover slashfacelift type of tool and again thepackaging is exceptionally nice and thisis the tool right here now let meactually just show you this inside of mycomputer really quickly and why this isimportant so right over here I found thesame exact tools whether it's on Sephoraagain my new face right over here newface they are a one product store Ithink I'm not too sure exactly ifthey're one product or multiple productsbut again this is one of their productsand it's selling for 249 dollars rightover here on Sephora its selling rightover here for 349 dollars so thisparticular product this one right overherehas a pretty decent margin what can youpick it up for exactly well you can getit for roughly right over here 18.8 e 5cents so the margins on this areexceptional and when you're going outthere and trying to compete with otherpeople and other sellers you're actuallygoing to be able to have incrediblemargins on here and price it at a pricethat is extremely reasonable foreverybody to get so this is the productright over here and again you can justrun a search for this as well you coulddo wrinkle remover device I'll put alink in the description down below aswell for this particular product butthis is one that I highly suggestnow why do I suggest this productbecause it plays into the vanity marketand if you know me I really like to goout there and play into the vanitymarkets because it's a lot it's reallyeasy to sell in the vanity Marcus youknow like teeth whitening any type oflook enhancer which again this fallsunder a look enhancer wrinkle removeracne that's why the me the blackheadremover did really well for us andproducts that solve particular problemsone product that is still till this dayjust so amazing for us is the carscratch remover and that one is justgeneric targeting everybody who has acar essentially scratches it one time oranother and we make sales on that butagain I like to plan to the vanitymarkets because it's very easy to sellsuper super easy to sell in the vanitymarket so how exactly what I go outthere and target for this particularproduct well here's the thing you can goahead and look for brands that offersimilar type of products in this soSephora clearly is selling thisparticular product and as you can seethis 2527 loves so that just tells methat people are really interested inthis particular product if they give ita heart on the sephora website which isvery interesting as well I used to foraa lot when I come to look at you knowwhether it's makeup or you know likeacne whatever it is those type ofproducts that play and the vanity marketSephora will probably have it and I takea look at how many loves and how manyreviews are on this particular productsfor is a great source to cross-referenceso what you can go ahead and do is youcan actually go into Facebook and thisis a targeting for the next product Iwant to talk about but you can go intoFacebook and let's just see if we canjust take a look at new face again Idon't really think new face will be inhere but it doesn't really hurt to tryso new face yeah new face isn't gonna bein there we can search wrinkle removerand wrinkle remover and we can take alook at different brands so a Lancomeagain again I'm gonna pronounce thatwrong but we have Sephora let's justtake a look official new face so newface seems to be the actual like thatone product store that reallycentralizes on this particular productso let's just see if we can find otherbrandremover yeah it sounds uh horrible so Iwill take a look at other brands butmore than anything I can go out thereand just vaguely target Sephora I cantarget Lancome so right over hereLancome USA smooth fine lines andwrinkles this is one that I would highlysuggest for this particular market andwhen you actually go in and starttargeting this if I go to suggestionsobviously we have Maybelline Sephoraagain Sephora is obviously gonna bethereChanel doesn't have anything to do theselike handbags and high-end designer maccosmetics and but let's just take a lookat Maybelline and then see what othersuggestions we get L'Oreal MAC CosmeticsRevlon covergirlso again L'Oreal would make the mostsense the audience is really big what Iwould suggest is just Target Lancome Idon't really know if I'm pronouncingthat right like I said before but 16million people and for the record I'monly targeting women here now you couldtarget all the audiences rather big whenyou target all so again I like to startoff with women and see if I can branchout but as a matter of fact somethingthat I will say is that I notice a lotof purchases will actually come from menin the cosmetic marketplace therethey're more than willing to go outthere and try different things women arewilling to try different things at acheaper cost if the quality is stillhigh they're willing to go out there andspend their money and see if the qualitycan match for the price for a cheaperprice right so rather than paying $100for a palette in Sephora they're willingto pay you $30 for the same palette withcolors just to see and if they hit itright then they'll keep ordering fromyou but if they don't hit it right thosewho go back to purchase the hundredaller palette so again if you can if youcan kind of hit that market that wouldbe great but let's talk about the secondproduct so this one's actually reallycool it's it's high cool skincare devicenow the packaging yet again is prettydecent and let me just show you thisproduct right over here really reallycool product okay the colors are alsoreally good let me just get you theprice the price for this one is $24 and81 cents now this does one of two thingsall right so what does this do exactlylet me read to you exactly what it doesso it does skin waning and moisturizingand thengoes ahead and removes wrinkles anotherwrinkle remover now why am i focusing ona wrinkle remover is because firstthings first the store that I'm creatingor the brand that I'm creating is gonnabe centralized around wrinkle removal sothat's gonna be a huge pivotal point forme but the other thing is that a lot ofthese products have different lights nowwith these products that have differentlights each light does somethingdifferent for your face and I'm reallygonna go out there and target the andthey're technically all vanity at thatpoint but I'm gonna really target theones that are pressing and ones thatpeople are willing to pay a lot of moneyfor for example getting rid of wrinklesthe other way except using the tool likethis one or other tools is to go to adoctor like a plastic surgeon to getyour wrinkles removed so if you want tomoisturize your face you know you can doyou can go to your local pharmacy andget a face moisturizer that doesn'tnecessarily work as well as wrinkleremover even though they can do the sameexact thing that can you know moisturizeyour face or give your face moreessential oils and you can also go aheadand remove your wrinkles but your theangle you want to tank is take aswrinkle removal because the only otherpossible thing that they can do toremove their wrinkles is going to adoctor and here's the thing it's a lotcheaper to buy this than going to adoctor but it's a lot cheaper to get amoisturizer than it is to buy thisalright so again I don't want tonecessarily sell the feature that it canmoisturize your skinI would rather sell the feature that itcan go ahead and remove your wrinkles sothat's what I rather focus on and againback to the ads I would only focus forthis particular tool I would only focuson Lancome okay so I know I'm definitelychopping that up over here but thatwould be a phenomenal phenomenalstarting point to target with thisparticular product and the other productthat I just showed you as well so what Iwould also recommend is you ordering asample for yourself so you can go aheadand get some content created or sendthis to an influencer order like five orten units and send this to an influencerin the US or Australia or whatever sendsto an influencer and attach a note to itand say hey we would love for you tomake content for us thank you so muchfor making content obviously if you'resending it to them they're probablyalready agreedmaking contact so you want to go aheadand try to broker a deal for them tomake content using this tagging you andyour brand on Instagramthat'll be extremely extremely usefulthen you can take the same exact contentthat they produce and run it asadvertisements pretty dang simple whatwe're doing here if you still havetrouble with going out there andlearning how to create a one productstore I suggest watching this videoright over here it'll help you out a lotin regards to creating a one productstore so Dan family notification squadmake sure you subscribe withnotifications and I will see youtomorrowyou


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How to Set Up An Online Ecommerce Business in 5 Simple Steps

in this video I'm gonna show you how tostart an online business in five stepsit's me really simple so let me show youwhat the five steps are right now sostep number one get a domain name steptwo pick a shopping cart and we're gonnain the rest this video we're gonna goover all these in details I'm gonnacompare a bunch of different shoppingcarts show you which one I think is bestfor you as well as other ones that mightbe a good option number three set upyour store so you've got to set up yourstore even if you get the shopping cartyou still have to do some minor setupwork I'll talk about that later in thisvideo number fourSEO and keyword research very importanta lot of people skip this step and theyregret it later on so we'll talk aboutthat later and number five get trafficto your store so after you have anonline store and online business that'snot enough you need to get traffic toyour website and I'll give you tendifferent ways to get traffic to yourwebsite some of the best ways in myopinion out there for an online businessso bonus at the end of this video we'regonna talk about some of the legalthings DBA SSL LLC S corp all thedifferent stuff yeah n do a briefoverview of all of that but let's getstarted right now with number one get adomain name very important a lot ofpeople want to skip this step they wantto save the twelve dollars a year notget a domain name not a smart decisionyou want to get a good domain name sowhat is a good domain name well it needsto be easy to spell for one if it's hardto spell people are gonna forget itthey're not gonna know how to spell itso you might say okay my company is XYZwhateverdot-com but if people aren't sure thespelling of it they're gonna make amistake and they're just gonna give upso on top of that it needs to be easy toremember like any business name itshould also be easy to remember that'snot enough though it needs to include akeyword now if you're new to onlinebusiness online marketing you might notknow what that means let me quicklyexplain it so let's say you have a storeand you're selling peanut butter youabsolutely love peanut butter so youdecide to sell it onlineso a really good domain name would bepeanut butter calm now it's probablytaken or probably really expensive andunless you're a big company you probablycan't afford peanut butter calm so agood example might be peanut butterlovers calm so Google knows that thiswebsite ispeanut-butter people know that thiswebsite is about peanut butter and evenmore so they know it's for peanut butterlovers and if they love peanut butterwell they're gonna want to buy peanutbutter online obviously so that's agreat domain name because it helpsGoogle know what your website's about italso helps people know what your websiteis aboutdon't make your domain name don't makeyour URL super long if it's too longpeople aren't can be able to spell itit's gonna they're gonna forget it it'salso really bad for ranking high up onGoogle search results because Googleknows if you have a really long domainname you're probably not that serious sonumber two picking a shopping cart sothis is also very important a lot ofpeople get hung up on this but it's notthat complicated it's very easy I have alot of videos comparing differentshopping carts and explaining which oneis best but let me give you the shortversion right here so there are hostedand self hosted shopping carts so whatdoes that mean a hosted shopping cart iswhere that company that you pay does allthe technical work for you they havecomputers that are doing all the hostingnow self-hosted means that either youhave to host it yourself on your owncomputer or you have to pay a differentcompany on top of that to host yourwebsite just trust me on thisget a hosted shopping cart it takes awayso much of the headache unless you're anextremely technical person and you likewaking up at 3 a.m. to diagnose why yourserver is having an issue want to get ahosted shopping car you don't don't wantto take care of that work yourself sowhat are some examples of self hostedshopping carts Shopify and big commerceare two of them now these two are bothreally good but trust me on this Shopifyis much much better why is it better ithas better templates it's got betterdesign overall it's easier and it's moreuser friendlyyou can also bigcommerce as sellinglimits if you sell too much they'llactually charge you more money whichthat is no fun so don't go with bigcommerce definitely go with Shopifyif you're between these two now for 99%of the people watching this videoShopify is gonna be the answer but I dowant make you aware of one other optionif you are on that 1% WooCommerce couldbe good if you are more of a technicalperson if you know how to this is aself-hosted shopping cart and if youknow how to run shopping carts you'repretty technical you may want tolook on the into this you save a littlebit of money it's not even that muchmoney cuz you still have to pay forhosting or pay for a computer to host ityourself which is a nightmare don't dothat so I would HIGHLY once againrecommend going with Shopify there aresome use cases where WooCommerce doesmake sense I do have videos comparingthose two but as a bonus no matter whichone of these shopping carts you pick ifyou use my link which you can get uphere or down below in the show notes usemy link to sign up with Shopify andBigCommerce you get a free 14-day trialand I will give you a free 30-minuteconsultation with WooCommerce you'llneed to buy hosting from Bluehostor some other site like that if you useBluehost and you use my link up here ordown the shownotesI'll give you a free 30-minuteone-on-one consulting session as well soany three of these use my links up hereor down in the show notes I will giveyou a free one-on-one consulting sessionno strings attached to help you get setup as a thank you because I get a smallkickback when people use my link so as athank you I'd like to help you out andgive you 30 minutes of my time so let'sget back to the rest of the video hereso Shopify as I said is literally thewinner trust me on this or watch myother longer review videos where we goin-depth number 3 SEO and keywordresearch so to be honest I think thisshould probably be done earlier in onthe process but it's a little bit it'slike any kind of research before youstart any business you're gonna want todo some research and then SEO is veryimportant when you're actually settingup the site itself so before you set upyour sites you at this point hopefullyalready have your shopping cart butbefore you set up the site you want tostart thinking about SEO and thinkingabout keyword research so what iskeyword research well let's start offwith what is SEO first SEO is searchengine optimizationsounds fancy all it really means istrying to rank higher up in Google youwant your product to rank number one inGoogle now depending on what you'retrying to rank number one in Google forthat may or may not be possible ifyou're trying to rank for somethingreally broad if you're trying to rankfor something like shorts in Google asnumber one you really have no chance butwhat you could do is try to rank forhighways blue dance shorts so if you'retrying to raise rank forI always blew Dan short you have a mucheasier time because there's lesscompetition there's less heavy hittersin there so that's what search engineoptimization in a nutshell is now thereis two types of SEO there is on-page andoff-page SEO now on page SEO iseverything you do to your website tomake it so that Google can more easilyread it and is more likely to rank ithigh up in the search results so this isthings like we'll talk about in just asecond but off page SEO on the flip sideart is basically trying to get links toyour website so let's go and let's talkabout on-page SEO really quick andeverything you need to do early on andin a different video I'll talk aboutsome off page SEO but once again it'sbasically just trying to get people tolink to your website Google is a bit ofa popularity contest and the more linksyou have coming in the more votes yourwebsite has and the higher ups gonna beso on-page SEO which is the first thingand as a side note I have all of theseavailable in a checklist for free getthe e-commerce success pack I have achecklist with all this information anda lot more information on how to set upyour online stores so first off thefirst thing is using keywords that'spart of on-page SEO so if your keywordis peanut butter you want to make surethat it's in your product title you wantto make sure it's in your productdescription you want to make sure it'severywhereyou then want to take those keywords andput them in your header tags those arethe big text you usually see indifferent sections of content withinwebsites and this lets Google know thatthis page is really about this one topica lot of times the title of a page willbe an h1 tagso the next thing we're going to talkabout is meta title and meta descriptionso meta title meta description is verysimply what you see when you search forsomething in Google so this is anexample of a meta title and this is themeta description and you can enter thisinformation if you're using Shopify forinstance it's very easy to do you cansay hey this is what I want the metatitle to be and this is what I want themeta description to be and there's twocomponents here not only should itcontain keywords that you're trying torank for but it should be something thatencourages people to click on it becauseGoogle also sees if people areconstantly clicking on your searchresult it knows that it's very relevantto what people are searching and it'shigher it'll-it'll rank it higher andhigher up so think about this is a freeadverttreat it with the same care as if youwere spending hundreds of dollars withit you want to make sure that it looksis friendly to people as it possibly canso they will click on it the next thingwe're going to talk about is image SEOso your website's probably gonna have alot of images specifically of productsyou want to make sure that the alt textand the final name both of these containthe keywords you're trying to rank forso if you were to show a jar of peanutbutter for instance you'd want it to becalled peanut butter jpg and you'd wantto set the alt image to jar of peanutbutter very easy to do but a lot ofpeople overlook this and I've actuallyhad a lot of images ranked number 1 inGoogle because I follow these goodpractices and then on top of that whatthat does is lets know Google know themthat page is about whatever keyword I'mtrying to do and it's more likely torank it in the organic search resultslast thing we'll talk about is thewebsite structure so the way youstructure your website is very importantfor instance let's say you had thewebsite peanut butter lovers calm thenyou might want your product to be peanutbutter lovers calm slash jar F peanutbutter very simple for Google to realizewhat this is about Google knows thatit's about this page is a jar of peanutbutter so when someone searches for jarof peanut butter it's much more likelyto put this page high up in the searchresults next up number 4 set up yourstore and I know I'm talking about a lothere I know there's a lot of informationonce again you can get all of it in thechecklist totally for free so setting upyour store is very important but thetruth is it's really easy all you reallyhave to do is add a product especiallyif you're using Shopify even withWooCommerce all you have to do is add aproduct and it's pretty much ready to gopeople can buy from you now you're gonnahave a pretty ugly store if all you dois add a product so some other things tothink about is your obviously yourproduct page but then your homepage thishome page is probably going to be thenumber one page people go to so you wantto do a lot of things here one of thethings is you want to make it friendlyand welcoming but also make it easy forpeople to go to the home page to aproduct page because the less clicks ittakes for someone to buy the more likelythey are to purchase if you make it verycomplicated for people and you make themclick all around theand you make it takes them ten stepsjust to get to checkoutthey're gonna get bored they're gonnalose track on how to do it you want toyou want to make people think as littleas possible this is why candy is at thecheckout aisle nobody goes to the storevery few people go to the store to buycandy but when it's there it's so easywhy not you want to make your websitefollow that same mentality you wantpeople to come and be like wow that wasso easy I didn't have to even thinkthat's why amazon has one-clickpurchases because it knows when theymake it easy for people to buy they'regonna buy more things so product pagehomepage the next thing is yournavigation this needs to follow the sameprinciple you need to make it as easy aspossible for people to get to checkoutso that means as few clicks as possibleif they have to click on a category pagethen they have to select something elsethen they have to select something elseand then something else they're gonnaget lost they're gonna forget how to doit drop-down menus work very well forthis there's a lot of other differentways but count count how many clicksdoes it take for you to get to checkoutit sounds like an old Tootsie RollTootsie Pop commercial but seriously howmany checks how much typing how muchinteraction does it need and see if youcan lower that next thing is about Uspage and all those other pages you wantto make your about Us page be reallyfriendly if they're buying from youthey're not buying from this giantcompany they're buying from anindividual and you want them to knowthat people especially right now aremuch more willing to buy from otherhumans for whatever reason and I thinkit's really beautiful people aren't asinterested in buying from giantcorporations because they know they wantto support someone else they want tosupport someone's dream they want tosupport those small businesses so on theabout Us page this is your chance toshine don't try to hide don't try to actlike you're this giant company whenyou're not tell people hey I'm Travis Istarted this company and this is whathappened this is why it's such a greatcompany this is all this my all my heartis in this company let them know on yourabout Us page and you want to do that onall your pages so the next thing we'lltalk about this will be the last majorbullet point we talked about so ifyou're losing me here don't worry thevideo is almost overnumber five drive traffic number one aswe talked about one of the best ways inthe freeway and one of thethree ways to drive traffic is SEOsearch engine optimization ranking highup on Google I have a ton of videos onall these topics on my youtube channelso make sure you subscribe you can go tomy youtube channel and search aroundyou'll find videos on all these topicsbut SEO is the number one way in myopinion to drive traffic because it'sfree and you everyone should do itnumber two content marketing it goesalong with SEO if you have articles ifyou have different images or whatever onyour website that people want thatpeople are interested in then Googlewill rank that article higher up somaybe you have an article the five bestpeanut butters for all peanut butterlovers then when someone types in toGoogle best peanut butter in the worldyour article comes up and then asthey're scrolling around your websitethey realize wow not only does this agreat article about the best peanutbutters in the world this guy sells thebest peanut butters in the world Ishould buy from him so that's a greatway to get free traffic as well anotherthing is just general PR reaching out tonewspapers reaching out to blogsreaching out to different mediamagazines all that kind of stuff andtelling them hey I've got this greatwebsite this is what makes me specialand I have a video on this as well onhow to pitch newspapers and magazinesthis isn't always easy but it could leadto some big results so next up socialmedia once again another free option foryou we're gonna get into some of thepaid options later which I think areactually much more powerful than a lotof the free options but if you're juststarting out you may want to start withthe free often so social media veryimportant and these are things likeInstagram I think right now Instagramand Pinterest are the two strongestsocial media platforms other than maybeYouTube as well as you know you'rewatching this video YouTube's greatbecause you can create a really goodconnection Instagram is good because youcan amass a huge following very easilyjust taking good product shots and thenPinterest is good because it has linksthey can click to your website so ifyou're gonna do Pinterest just a quicktip you want to do something that'snative to the Pinterest platform so ifyou had the website peanut butter loverscom you'd want to have differentarticles about different peanut buttersor different Pinterest pins aboutdifferent peanut butters and recipes forpeanut butter and things like that andthen you could drive traffic toa Content piece on your website and thenlet them know that they can buy thesupplies from you or whatever you sellon your website so once again I have alot of videos on this stuff so I'm notgoing to talk too much about thatnumber five AdWords and this starts toget really powerful like that withAdWords you can start getting trafficqualified traffic to your website andthe quick version on how AdWords worksis basically you say anytime someonesearches for peanut butter I want toshow an ad to them and I'm willing topay a dollar a click now I wouldn't dothat specifically because peanut butteris such a broad term so many people aredoing it a better option might be buynatural organic peanut butter becauseyou know that you have the best naturalorganic peanut butter so when someonesees an ad for that they're more likelyto buy from you so once again I have avideo on this this is a very detailedtopic it's much more technical than alot of the other things but it's veryrewarding if you do it correctly a lotof my sales come from AdWords next up isGoogle Shopping slash platic listing adsthis is my favorite one for really easyresults I highly recommend everybody dothis that's selling something you canset it and forget it in a lot of waysyou do want to add negative keywords andI do have videos talking about what thatis basically you want to tell Googlewhen not to show your ad but naturallywhat it does is it'll look at yourwebsite and it'll automatically pickwhat when to show your ad so you'regonna have to tell Google when not toshow your ad so technical topic anothervideo will go into depth about thatnumber seven paid social media so thisis Facebook ads this is InstagramInstagram ads Pinterest ads I think eventwitter has ads but I don't recommendthat as much Facebook ads is verypopular right now I even have a coursefor a beginner's guide to Facebook adsso if that's something you're interestedin check out my youtube channel I've gota ton of videos on Facebook ads or youcan check out the course I'll put thelink down below in the show notesnumber eight retargeting and display adsprobably not well the retargeting partis very powerful but display ads aren'tand you can retarget using adwords usingdisplay google adwords or you canretarget using facebook ads and this issome of the best money you can spendbecause it's people that have alreadybeen to your website and then you reachget them you show them banner adseverywhere they go and this is why whenyou go to a website and you go to yourFacebook or you go surfing around theinternet it seems like they know whatyou've been doing it seems like theseads are following you they are the it'speople like me and people like soon tobe you that are paying for these becausethey know once someone's been to yourwebsite once it's worth a lot of moneyto get them there again and they're morelikely to click on an ad so retargetingvery powerful 9 paying for placements alot of blogs especially will allow youto pay a little bit of money to get anadvertisement they're probably not myfavorite way of making money but I doknow some people that just are making akilling using this and last but notleast number 10 influencer marketing andthis is really hot right now I know alot of people's first especially oneperson that built an entire seven-figurebusiness just around influencermarketing this is the digital age peopleare looking up to celebrities people arelooking up to Instagram models andinfluencers and all that kind of stuffand if you can give them a product maybeeven pay them to post about your productyou're going to get sales now there'sgood ways to do it and there's bad waysto do that once again this is foranother video as I said I have videosabout all this stuff so make sure yousubscribe to my youtube channel now as Ipromised I quickly want to go over someof the legal stuff and now this is justin the United States and this is justfrom my experience I'm not a lawyer Idon't play one on the youtubes so don'tget mad at me if I say something wrongbut this is what I've been told to do inmy experience number one I recommend ifyou're just starting out just getting aDBA you can get it for 99 bucks on LegalZoom you can do it even cheaper if youdo more of the work yourself but for mymoney $99 on Legal Zoom is the way to doit now if you sell a product that peopleare going to eat or it's a high-riskitem something that you're likely to getsued you might want to look at an LLC ora LLC that's taxed as an S corp which iswhat I personally chose and there's sometax benefits there I can do anothervideo about that but for 99 percent ofthe people out there a DBA is probablyenough the benefit of an LLC is it's aseparate entity so if someone were toget sick from your product or getinjured from your product they can't sueyou they can only sue the entityif need be the entity can go out ofbusiness there's also some other taxbenefits to it but for most peoplegetting start with the DBA is more thanenough next you want to get an EINnumber and this is basically just fortax purposes I'm actually not a hugeexpert on that I just know it'ssomething you need to do and it's freeto get so in the checklist I haveactually they can get up here I havelinks to all this stuff specifically thewebsite where you can get your EIN forfree the next thing is a business bankaccount I personally have been usingu.s. bank I don't necessarily highlyrecommend them but they were the bestoption when I did my research I couldalways do more research maybe there's abetter option out there and if you knowof one leaving in the comments but USbank did not charge anything for theirbusiness bank account which I reallyliked so that's really important and assoon as possible you want to startseparating your transact what you'remaking as far as money and what thecompany is making as far as money whatyou're spending as far as money and whatthe company is spending is part of USmoney and the next tip I have for you isgetting a business credit card this isgonna if you get a business bank accountand a business credit card it's gonnasave you so much hassle when it comestime for taxes and accounting and tryingto figure out well what's a businesstransaction and what's not and not onlythat when you get a business credit cardthere's a – a lot of beautiful creditcards out there that'll literally payyou to get their credit card I have alink up here for my current businesscard that I'm using the current one thatI'm using when I when I got it if Ispent four thousand dollars which I waseasily able to do within the first threemonths I believe I made I got fiftythousand points which was equivalent ofsix hundred twenty-five dollars soliterally just for running my business Imade six hundred twenty-five dollars nowyou can make a whole career basicallyout of they call it point hacking ortravel hacking and I've turned a bunchof credit cards so I'll get a new creditcard every few months and I obviously Ipay them all off don't ever go into debtover something like thisbut I'll spend four to five thousanddollars on a credit card I'll get allthe points and then I'll get a newcredit card and I travel for free I goto all kinds of fun places and it's allbecause of three miles and three pointsI get from credit cards so I have a linkup here and down below with my currentpersonal and business credit cards thatI'm usingrecommend getting in on that so that isit for all of the things that you needto know on how to start an onlinebusiness I highly recommend gettingstarted today if you have an idea go buya domain name if you have a domain namego get Shopify or some other website ifyou have the website set it up startselling things if it's already set upstart getting more traffic to itwhatever the next step is for you getstarted today and if you enjoyed thisvideo make sure you hit that subscribebutton down below it's really importantto me it lets me know that you enjoythis video plus you're gonna get a lotmore videos just like this one on top ofthat if you want to get the online storesuccess pack which has 50 or moremarketing ideas for you a checklist forstarting your business and a bunch ofother really cool things a pack on howto hire a virtual assistant literallythe best thing I've ever done for mybusiness for my life was highly hiring avirtual assistant which you can get inthe Philippines for $350 a month that's$2 an hour basically for work andthey're very appreciative about it soyou can get the online store successpack up here if you have any questionsabout any of this stuff please leave itdown below and I want to thank you againfor watching this video I and I wish yougood luck on your journey of startingyour online business


Internet Marketing For Online Business

By Jo Anne G Te | Submitted On March 24, 2008

Internet marketing for online business is marketing through the use of internet. Every business has a marketing strategy. But one of the best way to promote your business is to promote it online. Why promote it online? Because there’s a lot of buyers who uses internet.Why not use internet marketing for your business? After all a lot of people uses the internet, but you have to promote your site and it of course it should be very attractive! Also, you need to plan your site content. This is extremely difficult thing to do especially to the beginners.

The most important thing is to plan your keyword search. Optimize your site for your top keywords. You have to show the search engine spiders what your site is all about. If possible, include the top keywords where they’ll be noticed most. You just need to use marketing strategy in your business.

In online business you need to have an online advertising an activity that promotes a company online and this includes a blog sites, a website, online marketing research, email marketing, advertising and a website. These things that have been mentioned is appropriate for the promotion of one’s business.

Since you have a lot of competitors in this line of business, you have to be extra creative in promoting your business. If you can, try to offer your future customer something different, the one that your competitors doesn’t have.

The majority of your first time visitors to a website do not buy, keep in mind that at least they have visited your site and if ever they decide to buy they have to option of your website.

Internet marketing online and how it can help you with your business. Online marketing is the easiest and fastest way of promoting your business.

Article Source:


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Top eCommerce Platforms Australia: Top 3

hey what's going on everyone its Louishere from Weber Oh calm delay you and inthis video I'm just going to be givingyou a quick rundown on the bestecommerce providers for Australianslet's get started so quickly before Iget stuck into this video honestly youknow that I'll put links and discountsdown below in the video description andalso if you're watching this on theactual website then you can see somelinks and discounts further down belowin the article itself let's get startedso kicking off in my number one positiondefinitely had to be Shopify accom whichI guess comes as no surprise if you'relooking to get started with ane-commerce website so I decided tochoose Shopify as they actually are oneof the easiest and simplest platforms touse to get started with an online storeand especially for Australians as welland there's also many other users thatcan back up these claims as Shopify hasfacilitated and over 100 billion dollarsof sales through their merchants thathave been using the platform since 2004and as for the user base there'smillions of online stores that currentlyuse Shopify so it's a tried and testedmethod for those that are looking to getstarted with creating an e-commercestore so as far as creating ane-commerce store on Shopifyit really is as easy as it gets you canessentially have an online store up andrunning in pretty much two hours to oneday depending on their complexity andthe amount of products that you do haveso as for the type of online stores youactually can make and there's prettymuch no limitation as to the scores thatyou can pretty much create while Shopifydoes provide many many free templatesthat you can use there's also hundredsof other premium templates that you candownload and there's also endlesscustomization methods and options thatyou can kind of play around with to makethis store your own as well so whetheryou're selling digital products physicalproducts or maybe even an online courseShopify is able to facilitatepretty much any of those uses that youwant to use it for so as for the paymentoptions of Shopify pretty much if youcan think of it they can facilitate itso this includes of course PayPal Applepay pretty much all the major creditcards and even Bitcoin and the otherkind of cryptocurrency like a theory andripple so pretty much you can take anyonline payments no matter which way yourcustomers want to pay and recentlythey've also integrated after pay forlay-by options if you have largerticketed prices or you just want to givethat functionality to customers if theydo want to do the labor like option aswell as for the pricing of using Shopifythey have multiple pricing structuresdepending on the type of store that youwant to createso the Shopify Lite plan for example isnine dollars American per month and thisallows you to integrate a shop with yoursocial media platforms such as InstagramFacebook or YouTube so this is more of asupplementary store maybe if you'reselling merchandise or a digital productand you're pretty much just drivingtraffic from those social media networksand a step up from that there's otherShopify plans for more premium andlarger based stores and they start from$29 American per month so pretty muchwhen it comes to creating an onlinestore in Australia Shaun fight is thego-to destination it's super simple touse affordable and it's been tried andtested by thousands and even millions ofother customers that are actually makingmoney off this platform as well so ifyou're looking to get started withShopify I've got links down below in thedescription and also within the articleand they also do have a 14-day freetrial so you can pretty much sign upwith no conditions of having to use theplatform long term and just see whetheror not it's the right platform for yournew online website moving on to my nextpick is Wix calm so if you're everwatching YouTube I'm sure you've seentheir ads come to the front of almostpretty much every video you watch butfortunately they are able to back thisup it's actually a really useful andfunctional platform and especially forAustralians as well so as for thepricing of their e-commerce plan whichis actually different from thewebsite plan it does start from 38American dollars per month so it's moreon their pricey aside other thingsbefore what you do get it really kind ofis worth it so one of the majoradvantages to using Wix is that youactually have to pay no transaction feesor any sales through the service so thisis a massive advantage especially ifyou're going to be doing large amountsof sales maybe thousands of dollars perday or even week and those smallpercentage points can actually add upover the long term if you're going to bebuying the store on a yearly basis so ifyou're looking to save a bit of moneybut invest a bit more upfront then youare actually going to save you knowquite a lot of money over the long termand also if the woops ecommerce platformyou do get access to hundreds of theirfree templates that are included withtheir plans and these templates arereally beautiful you can pretty muchcreate any online store whether that'sfor merchandise candles pet suppliespretty much any type of product that youcan imagine or even digital productthere is a theme that accommodates thatneed and also like Shopify other websitebuilders you can design and customize itto your own liking so if for some reasonyou create a really niche specificecommerce store you can always changethe theme and the template to yourliking and your design needs as well soif you're looking for a no Commissionstructured ecommerce platform then Wixis a really really good place to startso last but not least on my list isanother ecommerce platform by the nameof Weebly so Weebly is better known fortheir drag-and-drop website builders butthey also do have a really goodecommerce platform for their users aswell and from my own experience it'sactually gotten better in the pastcouple of years as Weebly was actuallypurchased by Square which is the onlineand physical payment merchants sothey're pretty much integrated squarewith Weebly seamlessly so if you run aphysical store and you're looking tocreate a presence online for your brandthen using Weebly is actually a reallyoption as it integrates seamlessly withsquare if you're using that for youractual physical business and also forthe e-commerce platform you do getaccess to all of their templates you getunlimited bandwidth free domains andfree SSL Certificates as well andthere's also an unlimited amount ofproducts that you can list so as for thepricing of their plan it's actuallyrelatively affordable and starts from$14 American per month which is thecheapest one on this list but yeah theirtemplates are maybe a bit clunky asopposed to Shopify and also works butyou know for the price you do pay it ispretty value packed so hopefully thisvideo has helped you to better get ahandle on the kind of e-commerceplatforms that are available toAustralians and pretty much any of theseis a good signing point if you'relooking to create an online store foryour products so hopefully this videohas helped you and as always thanks forwatching I'll see you all in the nextone


The Rich Jerk Review: New Agressive and Effective Internet Marketing Methods for All

By Jean-Philippe Schoeffel | Submitted On August 23, 2005

The Rich Jerk “Making Money on the internet is Easy” e-book Review

1)The value proposition

The Rich Jerk claims:

* To reveal the unorthodox marketing methods that brought him million dollars each year

* That most of his techniques have never been seen

* That he is better than you because he’s richer!

2)The Rich Jerk e-book description

* 40 pages

* 8 chapters covering the topic “Make Money on the internet”

* Filled with The Rich Jerk personal experiences, tips and tricks to cover the “is Easy” topic

* Written in a direct and clear style to go straight to the point

* For 97$

* 45 days money back guarantee (the Rich Jerk offers 200% refunds under conditions)

3)The perceived value

i-Overall opinion

An outstanding ressource that covers in a synthetic style the essence of Internet Marketing Methods, targeted to exploit the present opportunities of Internet in a profitable way

The Rich Jerk value proposition is definitely delivered, although the style and humour can be disturbing for some. Just follow The Rich Jerk link to read its astonishing sales copy

This is the first time I left an e-book with such a positive feeling and motivation to try some really new and effective marketing methods.

This was such a good surprise that I decided to start this page to review and finally promote the book

ii- Specific comments ont The Rich Jerk e-book

Everyone reading those lines know that to develop an internet business you need:

* An idea, a targeted and profitable niche, a business model

* A performing and optimized website matching your goals and your business model

* Targeted traffic

* Relationship management

Most of the “how-to make money online” either cover highly specific topic (google AdWords for example), either cover all the topic broadly.

Finally you end up these e-books (or audio tapes…)with a “So what???” in mind

The Rich Jerk method is about this “So what” as it tells the reader in a direct (autocratic) way what to do exactly to reach the sky.

Of course if you’re not a newbie to internet marketing you know (or just have ideas) some of the methods described in this e-book.

The power and the value of this book comes from:

* The concrete description of the most relevant methods : how it should be used to get the most of it

* Useful tips and tricks for each of these methods and strategies…some are really worth 10 times the price of the book

* The overall organisation of the book which proves to what extent The Rich Jerk masters the subject and has just picked up the most relevant tools with the best examples and applications

The main drawbacks are:

* The apparent “Big Head” of the Rich Jerk

* The chapter concerning online ventures (small one indeed) a little bit off topic

4) Bottom line for The Rich Jerk “Making Money on the internet is Easy”

* If you’re a newbie to internet marketing, the reading of this book may be a bit hard…but it could be your first (raw) diamond

* If you’re “familiar” with the basics of internet marketing, then I’m sure that The Rich Jerk e-book will give a tremendous boost in your internet business

You can read the complete review here :

Jean-Philippe Schoeffel is a strategy and marketing consultant for 10 years. He worked for offline and online companies, from major european to small business. He has also developped review sites, just like this new one: []

Article Source:
