Why Internet Marketing is Bullshit

hey what's up dr. bin Adkins here and Ihave a rant of sorts today isn't thatexcitingso a couple of things that really bug meabout internet marketing let me just goahead and be the first person to say itis if there haven't been a few people tosay this already but internet marketingis bullshit complete utter bullshitpardon my language if that's offensiveto you but that's the truth here's thething I have seen so many people overthe years who call themselves internetmarketers and I proudly call myselfinternet marketer because I'm an actualinternet marketer but let me explain toyou what I mean by really bullshit in itmarketers most people get into thisbusiness thinking I'm gonna have onegood lunch I'm going to have one goodmoneymaker one good idea and I will beset for lifeand any good smart business owneractually knows that is a giant load ofcrap okayreal businesses are not made overnightthat it doesn't matter if you have abrick-and-mortar business it doesn'tmatter if you have an internet businessreal businesses do not happen overnightso if you are looking to invest a fewdays or a few weeks or maybe of just acouple months and that's all you cangive to whatever it is that you'retrying to build then you are going to besorely disappointed with internetmarketing unfortunately that's whatpeople sell internet marketing s as aquick fix to all your life's problemsit's not that it's freedom if you do itthe right way but it's not that sohere's what internet marketing actuallyis if you are willing to invest monthsand years into something that you werebuilding and every little win that youget actually stacks in towards buildingsomething real and you can have whateveryou want you could have freedom you cannot have to go to work like I don't haveto I don't have to go to work anymore Idon'thave to punch a clock I don't haveanybody that is waiting for me in anoffice and it's a good thing butinternet marketing is not what you werebeing sold it's hard work it's gettingup every day and putting in time puttingin effort putting in the work but here'sthe crazy thing it's worth it internetmarketing is total BS because mostpeople don't have a real business behindthe marketing the real key is do youhave a business at all that internetstuff strengthens and if you do theworld is your oyster but I'm gonna tellyou something you're going to have toinvest some time so anybody tells youthat you can be rich in a month that's aload of crap that's lottery winnersyou're gonna end up like most of theseNFL players out there who something likeeighty percent after they retire gobankrupt that's what's coming if that'swhat you happen to get lucky with withinternet marketing or you know maybe youdon't get lucky and you never makeanything but if you actually buildsomething and you use the Internet topush it forward and you're buildingsomething that you're going to investyour time and money and hard frickinwork in for the next oh I don't knowfive ten years then you were going tohave everything that you wanted and yourwildest dreams will come truebut you have to have a business for themarketing to go into otherwise internetmarketing is absolute bullshit so thenext time you're out there and someone'stelling you about the latest thing thelatest whiz bang the latest program Ijust ask you to weigh it like this arethey telling you you can get richovernight are they telling you they havea system something that they puttogether for you that's yeah it's greatit's a method it works it's you know aproven business system but it's gonnatake some work it's gonna take monthsit's gonna take years if that's whatthey're telling you probably realbecause that's what it really is ifyou're willing to invest that and you'rewilling to put in the time and theeffort then you can have whatever youwant if not then this is just a hobbyand let's just you know go get a jobbecause that's all you want you want ajob at a hobby so dr. Bennett khun'shere hope you enjoyed my rants the wholepoint of this is isdon't look at internet marketing assomething that it's not it's running abusiness the internet marketing sidebehind it is getting traffic to a realbusiness you don't have a real businessbehind it then you just got a hobby andyou're not gonna have anything real allright hope you're having a good day I'mwearing a pink shirt so you know thismust have been serious I'll talk withyou soon


Shuttle – XPC Cube SH370R8 Barebone Desktop – Black

Regular Price: 559.99
Sale Price: 559.99
Manufacturer: Shuttle
Model number: SH370R8
Shuttle XPC Cube SH370R8 Barebone Desktop: Craft a well-balanced PC in a compact workspace with this Shuttle barebone small-size computer. The LGA 1151v2 socket supports up to an eight-core Intel processor to quickly run applications, while the four RAM slots hold up to 64GB of DDR4 memory for prompt multitasking. This Shuttle barebone small-size computer has DisplayPort and HDMI inputs, accommodating a dual-display configuration.

Internet Marketing Articles – Learn Process Used By Experienced Marketers, Never Before Shared Free

By Dan Iverson | Submitted On February 10, 2008

Expert Author Dan Iverson

The truth is the market for people looking for ways to make money online continues to grow at a rapid pace every day, as does the competition. As a person starts to gain some experience of the techniques used to market online, they soon start to hear about and try Internet article marketing. The reason this is so predictable, is because this continues to be one of the most effective ways to market your product or service on the Internet. I think there can be more benefits to article marketing then I read in the hundreds of article that I have read to date.

One of the main points of Internet article marketing that I think is over looked is what you learn by going through the process of writing articles. If you think about it, if you are taking the time to do the research to learn about a topic, you are probably learning something new about it as well. Already, you have benefited from the process of writing articles in a way that is seldom talked about. If you just write one article, then this benefit seems minimal, but there is a way that you can really compound this benefit.

Everything you do on the Internet you should be looking for ways to compound our efforts, or your benefits. One of the best ways to do this when writing articles for marketing on the Internet is to write as many articles on a single topic as possible. You are already thinking about it, you have done some research about it, so you take advantage of your current focus, and instead of writing one article, you write 5 or 10 or more. It turns out that this can still have even more benefit than this.

If you use this process several times, you can compound this effect even further. As explained above, the key to maximizing your efforts is to do the research, and then write several articles based on what you have learned so you get the greatest benefit from your. Now, Let say you go through this process again to get some fresh information on the same topic, so you can write 5 more articles. Now you have learned more than the average person on the topic and you are almost an expert.

If you were to do this 3, 4 or even 5 times, you would have 25 articles, written very quickly, and not only that, but you have also moved yourself in to the category of expert on the topic. And, you have enough written material to easily create an information product. You could either use this to sell and make money, or you could use it as a giveaway gaining the viral effect of having it being downloaded and distributed for free all over the world as the word of its information and value spread.

Now you see how simple it is to compound your efforts while developing content for Internet article marketing. In the article, you have learned the secrets used by experience Internet marketers for years. The difference between get tens and hundreds of viewers for your efforts and thousand and tens of thousands is learning to compound your efforts and results.

What if Dan Iverson could show you how to write about any topic on earth and make money? He’ll teach you how to better understand human nature as it relates to e-commerce; how people, from their perspective, come to make a purchase on the Internet. I am talking about learning how you can pick a topic of interest, write about it, and with the right tools and a little research find connections between your readers and real products and services, of which you can become an affiliate and make money. Here is the best part. I will teach you all of this absolutely free. That’s right, click on this link and you’ll get the full Affiliate Masters Course Free [http://aggressiveinternetmarketing.net/free-tool.html]. This is no joke, I promise once you start to read this course, you will see and learn the logical system of affiliate and information marketing. It will open your eyes to the greatest and most versatile opportunity in known history: the Internet. Even if you have a website, you can use these techniques. [http://aggressiveinternetmarketing.net/free-tool.html]

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Dan_Iverson/146624


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Is THIS the BEST ECOM TIP For your store?

what's up everybody its Lucas herewrapping up my first week at gorgeous inNew York City filming the vlog introshere in the bathroom because thelighting is beautiful check it out Iguess we can even do it like thatgoodnight but wanted to share I'm gonnabreak it down into two videos the firstvideo is gonna be about sharingecommerce tips for you that wasn'tmostly filmed at commerce next the nextvideo is going to be who has the best tosweat so I'm going to in this firstvideo a lovely film at Humber snackswent around asking people for their beste-commerce tips it's all about the pixelspend where you have a pixel I'm Dannytang of the founder and CEO of box oohwe're the only Japanese subscriptionactually the only subscription I know ofin the world that partners directlythese 100 plus year old family snackmaker businesses and our keys throughoutJapan to source their amazing artisticalfamily recipe products from Japan to thewhole worldmy big tip for getting prepared for theholidays or during the holiday ecommerceboom for Black Friday to Januarywhatever is to definitely step upwhether it be using real freelancerswe're using gorgeous plus like a simplerintegration where you can get likefreelance data a I enabled the customersupport help but most importantly is ifyou're gonna have delays we've had thatlast year where just like we got aton of new orders coming up me a greatproblem to have but um definitelyproactively message that to yourcustomers to let them know that there'sgoing to be a delay they are generallyvery understanding the worst thing youdo is just like try and wait it out andpassively react to their complaints theyget real bad and they will blast you allover social media and review sites soproactively message people who aregenerally very understanding you they'retransparent with them especially ifyou're SMB they understandhey it's his math mercy here in Cleowe're an email marketing company anautomation platform for e-commercebrands not works over 19,000 bankcustomers and a quick email marketingtip we find that exclaim yo if you havemore data you can do better segmentationand with better segmentation you cansend to less users than to batching lastand reduce unsubscribe by upwards of 50%having a clearer more healthy list andhaving sustainable hello I'm Liana Iwork for Birchbox Birchbox is asubscription Beauty service you're ableto buy a box sample some products andthen if you like them you can buy thefull size personally for my customerservice team I think the best advicethat we've ever gotten is share yourcustomer feedback whether it's feedbackfrom one person or 100 people everyquote counts hi my name is Greta I'm thesenior manager of the customerexperience team at bauble bar it's afast fashion jewelry e-commerce companyand ran the earrings right now so Iwould say that one thing if you areleading or managing a customer supportteam is to have transparency with yourcustomer no matter how big or small thecompany is the customers will alwaysappreciate the transparency no matterhow sticky the situation is that you'rehelping them with it really does go along way and honesty and transparency ofthe customer knows that you're just areal person to another real persontrying to help them especially duringthe crazy hectic holiday[Music]you[Music]


Shuttle – XPC Slim XH110 Barebone Desktop

Regular Price: 254.99
Sale Price: 254.99
Manufacturer: Shuttle
Model number: XH110
Shuttle XPC Slim XH110 Barebone Desktop: Develop a customer-friendly multimedia system with this Shuttle XPC Slim mini barebone PC. HDMI and DisplayPort outputs enable dual-display connections for kiosk and digital signage applications, and the drive bays provide optical disk and storage drive options for versatility. This Shuttle XPC Slim mini barebone PC supports 6th Gen Intel processors and up to 32GB of RAM for customizable performance.

SEO Internet Marketing Secrets Revealed

By Matthew T McCray | Submitted On December 13, 2012

Expert Author Matthew T McCray

Internet Marketing Secrets have been around for a very long time, well almost since the internet. These secrets continue to evolve and change with the internet and better technology. If you are in a business that uses the internet for marketing it is advised to stay up to date on these secrets.

The internet was created back in the 1950’s but not really brought to the public until the 1980’s and then in the 1990’s is became a much more drastic part of culture and commerce. Marketers have been studying all different aspects of the internet and attempting to master it for profit.

Google has made one of the largest impacts on the internet since it was created and have provided marketers with a database of the internet to be able to run searches on any topic imaginable. Google is the number one visited site in the world. This is based on Alexas ranking and reporting. Alexa is a private company who ranks websites based on the number of times they are visited and how many links that each site has pointing to it. Alexa ranks Facebook as number two and YouTube as number three. Yahoo is still hanging on in position four.

Internet marketers take this information and learn how to get in front of the most people who would like to buy their product and then get ranked on these sites by using a wide variety of strategies. These strategies are called Search Engine Optimization or SEO for short. Another form of being visible on these top Alexa ranked sites is by paying for advertisements to show up. These advertisements are done as text ads displayed on the side or paid area of search engine searches, sometimes they are also done as videos or picture display ads too.

The SEO part is where a lot of the secrets are kept. An internet marketer looking for secrets will study SEO and understand how the search engines rank which will help that marketer be placed at the top of the searches, for free.

SEO is an ever changing project as the search engines are always changing their algorithms trying to not just have the best marketers appear at the top of the searches but the best site for the consumer based on what the consumer or web surfer is searching for. Just because a marketer is good at SEO tactics does not mean they have the best product or the information that is being searched on.

Get good, no great at SEO and you will get your websites ranked in the tops of the search engines which should help to bring your company more business.

Read more about this on our blog [http://www.twoguysyoushouldknow.com]

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Matthew_T_McCray/1467350


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Ecom 2019 | Unleash your ecommerce empire

wait a minute is this thing even on ohcool okay hey guys this is Seth can eatand I have something for you unleashyour e-commerce empire and just one dimeto come 2019 in beautiful Los AngelesMarch 8 to 10 you're going to get insaneworld-class ecommerce training you willlearn how massive brands who startedwith a single sale built theire-commerce empire crush it on Amazonwith Amazon's exclusive qa4 brandregistry okay one more time for thepeople in the back Amazon is going to bethere this is the event look I know whatit feels like to be stuck in thatnine-to-five death by paycheck slavery Iwas there I started with just one dimein debt stressed in my marriage but Ichose to take that step this is theevent to start it all that's a con 20nights to take a tiny dream and let itgrow into something huge


Shuttle – XPC Slim XH310R Barebone Desktop – Black

Regular Price: 354.99
Sale Price: 354.99
Manufacturer: Shuttle
Model number: XH310R
Shuttle XPC Slim XH310 Barebone Desktop: Customize your enterprise technology with this Shuttle XPC slim mini barebone PC. Flexible storage options support solid-state, hard-disk and optical-disc drive installations, and the HDMI, DisplayPort and VGA outputs enable a dual-display system. This Shuttle XPC slim mini barebone PC accommodates up to 32GB of DDR4 RAM for easy memory expansion.