Houston Internet Marketing Agency – TopSpot Internet Marketing

[Music]the most important group of people thatyou should pay attention tounfortunately are the ones you neverhear from is it because of your onlinepresence how do you really know if yourwebsite is working for you is yourcurrent digital team prioritizing theright strategies to grow your businesswhen searching online for your productsand services do you show up does yourcompetition[Music]we started top spot with the idea thatpretty simple just helping a company geton Google was how it started that wasthe question was asked is how do we geton Google and we quickly figured outthat a lot of companies didn't haveanybody who was helping with theirdigital marketing customer service issuper important to us the top spotbecause that's the heart of our businessis to come alongside your organizationand to figure out what is it that makesyour organization run and how can we bea seamless part of that where we addvalue and make you successful in thatlong haul we would not be who we aretoday unless we are amazing at customerservice making sure they trust usthey're educated they understand what weare doing for them and how we're helpingtheir business we're learning at everyopportunity whether it's a success or achallenge we're always looking back andreflecting and saying what can we dobetter and how can we build on thesuccess or do something a little bitdifferently when it comes to challengesand keep growing things for our clientswe pride ourselves on being able to lookat and analyze a program and reallyunderstand what the clients goals arebusiness is the ultimate sporting arenaand it takes a great team to becompetitive and to differentiateyourself in a crowded marketplacethere's a lot of companies you can builda website for someone and there's a lotof companies who will manage a paidsearch program or even do search engineoptimization we have to be different wewant to go beyond thinking just buildinga website we want to talk with customersabout how their digital strategy alignswith their business strategy analyticsis at the heart of what we do loopanalytics is a form analytics platformthat shows real-time what users aretyping into your forms and generatingleads for your business it allows you tosee the quality of the lead that'scoming through your website instead ofjust a number it allows us to retargetyour dollars and focus on those areasthat are going to drive the mostconversions or form submissions for yourbusiness so why choose tops one I'm thefirst to say that we're not necessarilythe right fit for everyone out there butfor the companies that we we do identifyand we seem to be aligned with the typesof questions that they're asking and thethings that we can offer them I thinkwe're a great fit because of the reasonsof really going beyond[Music]you


HP – 23.8″ Touch-Screen All-In-One – Intel Core i3 – 8GB Memory – 256GB Solid State Drive – HP Finish In Jet Black

Regular Price: 739.99
Sale Price: 554.99
Manufacturer: HP
Model number: 24-F0024
Enjoy a sleek, professional workstation with this HP all-in-one computer. The Intel Core i3 processor, 8GB of RAM and 256GB SSD deliver smooth performance and short start-up times, while the integrated microphone and HD camera offer clear broadcast options for video calls. This HP all-in-one computer has Windows 10 Home installed to ensure compatibility with essential applications.

Ecommerce and Planned Obsolescence

By Scott Lindsay | Submitted On August 27, 2007

Expert Author Scott Lindsay

Have you ever heard of the term ‘planned obsolescence’? Prior to 1920 products were made that often stood the test of time. They were sturdy, often hand machined and were ultimately the best in long-term value.

The problem was the lack of return customers. You see, you could have all the satisfied customers in the world, but if you could not get them to return as customers the longevity of your business remained in doubt.

In the 1920’s and 1930’s businesses began adopting the process of planned obsolescence. What this ultimately meant to consumers was that the products they bought would not last as long because parts were intentionally designed to wear out.

Essentially a company would determine how long they wanted to advertise the life of the product (i.e. a washing machine for ten years) and then purchase products as cheaply as possible to reach or slightly exceed that ‘life expectancy’ of the product.

By reducing the time between replacement of products the companies actually began to see an increase in long-term repeat sales. America became used to the need for replacement. In fact, carried to its modern extreme we would almost be disappointed if we couldn’t replace common items periodically.

In the world of ecommerce the functionality of planned obsolescence could be an important component in determining what type of products you will carry. For instance if you develop a business around a highly desired product that has an extended life expectancy you would need many more customers long-term than if you chose a product that is highly desired and is often replaced by existing customers.

For instance electronic devices may have the ability to last longer than they are typically used, but most consumers will replace them when the next generation of the device is unveiled. In this case planned obsolesce is made possible due to consumer demand for increased functionality.

A business developed around candles is an example of the need for a higher volume of customers. Unless a customer lights a candle each night the need for additional candles is diminished no matter how beautiful or well scented the candles might be. In this case an emphasis on candles as gifts may allow existing customers to become repeat customers.

This article is not designed to encourage you to pursue one type of product over another, but to draw your attention to the dynamics involved in consumer purchasing patterns of certain items. It is also designed to demonstrate that the longevity of the item’s usefulness has a bearing on how you should ultimately market the product.

Scott Lindsay is a web developer and entrepreneur. He is the founder of HighPowerSites and many other web projects.

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Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Scott_Lindsay/16336


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خطة النجاح في التجارة الإلكترونية ecom local في المغرب و الإمارات وباقي العالم:id yahia mohamed

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وجميع الحقوق محفوظة © 2019


Dell – Inspiron 23.8″ Touch-Screen All-In-One – Intel Core i5 – 8GB Memory – 1TB Hard Drive – Black

Regular Price: 899.99
Sale Price: 899.99
Manufacturer: Dell
Model number: I54594020SLV
Dell Inspiron All-in-One Computer: With its 23.8″ multitouch screen, this all-in-one computer makes it easy to watch your favorite DVDs, navigate the Web and swipe through available programs. You can house plenty of important documents, photos and music on the generous 1TB hard drive and connect to your HDTV via the HDMI output.

Internet Marketing Services to Help Your Business Acquire an Edge in Competition

By Sanjay Patwal | Submitted On February 28, 2011

Expert Author Sanjay Patwal

Internet has made the whole world get transformed into a one big global family. Acting as the common connecting platform, World Wide Web has emerged as a god sent boon for many. Especially giving buyers and sellers ample opportunities to connect directly, internet has surely offered all involved a win-win situation.

Currently Online marketing offered by a plethora of marketing firms out there is evolving into an extensive blend of components and tools that any firm can use in enhancing sales. The decision to entail Internet marketing services in your marketing strategy is something that depends entirely on the company’s individual verdict. But, as a rule of thumb internet marketing has emerged as inevitable, that must be included in the marketing mix of every firm in order to enjoy recognition and profound online presence on web.

Internet marketing services:- the role they play in your firm’s success Whether your business is online, partially online or even offline, online marketing can redefine many vital aspects for your business. There are various objectives that internet marketing service providers can help your firm in accomplishing. Some of the most vital objectives such service providers help in fulfilling entail:

  • Apt communication of the firm’s message about their products and services among prospective customers situated all over.
  • This assists in conducting a better research and thus helping in implementing strategies that can actually appear result generating in the long run.
  • Advertising and marketing now seem simpler to achieve even when the same are being conducted in the global market.
  • Selling goods and services over the web turns simpler and easier for vendors.
  • Locating firms that can offer you ideal products and services just the way you anticipate with internet marketing seems a task too easy to accomplish.

Components internet marketing involves:- Internet marketing is a very vast term. Appearing easy in the first look, but when it comes to practical application internet marketing entails a number of components. Online marketing companies equipped with pros can offer these major components which include:

  • Website development: Describes an online identity which is most visible for any business on the web.
  • Social media marketing: Social media platforms have surfaced as the most vital platform to conduct business and play an indispensable role in the same. These include platforms like Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook and also the social bookmarking ones.
  • Banner advertising: Free placement of ads on websites that appear imperative for conducting online marketing business in current scenario.
  • Blog Marketing: This depicts an ideal platform to express opinions and collect views from prospect customers and thus improvise on the marketing strategies used.
  • Search Engine Optimization: Offering ideally by SEO service providers this is like a lifeline for any firm to not just succeed but survive on the World Wide Web.

Internet has given businesses of every size and almost every field the power to prosper in a profound manner. Offering reasonably cost solutions and strategies now get ready to enjoy better web presence that can help you trade without causing hindrances even those that emerge due to geographical differences.

Thus, online marketing appears to be a lifeline for the sustenance and not just success of any business that must not be overlooked in any occurrence.

3BInfotech – an Internet Marketing Company [http://www.3binfotech.com/] offering Internet Marketing Services like Pay Per Click, Web Designing and Seo Services [http://www.3binfotech.com/] in India.

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Sanjay_Patwal/839297


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hey what's up guys Anton here fromdropship lifestyle and we just foundthat we won best e-commerce course thankyou to Shopify to the judges to ouramazing community and yeah all of youwatching so thanks guys[Music]so for anyone who hasn't seen thisarticle yet let me just show you quicklyI have it up here on our screen andthey're calling it the – Sept 2017Awards but literally Shopify just postedthis yesterday so they're justannouncing the winner is now and ofcourse it was yesterday but as you couldsee here they actually released awardsfor all different types of categoriesthese are all the judges but what's coolis most of them are for things like bestproduct page best home page bestcollection but as you could see there'sone category for best e-commerce coursethis is the first time Shopify has everdone that and as you can see right heredropship lifestyle is the winner so thisis a quote from Ezra he was one of thejudges that chose us but thank you tohim and again thank you to everyone thatwas part of this what was cool aboutthis is it's not something that weactually were able to like talk to ourcommunity about and send out an emailand ask people to vote because it wasvoted by I was voted on by people atShopify I should say so again justwanted to say thank you for myself andfrom the team not just to everyone herebut to all of our coaches and to you forwatching this and to everyone who's beenpart of dropship lifestyle since 2013which is when I first launched thisthing which is absolutely crazy a fewmore things that I'll just mention inthis video like how this is actuallygonna benefit you if you are a part ofdropship lifestyle well first thing isobviously bragging rights right this isofficial now Shopify said it we're thebest e-commerce course you're now partof the official best e-commerce coursethere is in addition to that guys thereare some really cool benefits that comewith this that I would I guess considerlike connections and networkingopportunities and already since we heardthat we were probably going to win thisI started speaking to all of these othere-commerce experts and a lot of them noware going to be coming here to ouroffice in Austin Texas and filmingdifferent training modules with me sowhat's cool about that is if you'realready part of dropship lifestyleyou're gonna benefit from all theadditional training that weand of course as always no additionalcost to you we've been updating thissince 2013I'll keep updating it every single yearand again now there's a lot of othere-commerce leaders that want to be partof the best e-commerce course out thereso look for that in the members arealook for updates via email if you arealready a member now what are some otherbenefits that you could possibly get outof this you know some of them I'm notgonna talk about too much because I'llkeep them private you'll see in futurevideos but a big one is if you are goingto Shopify unite which is their annualconference in Canada this year I thinkit's the first or second week of Maypart of what we get for winning beste-commerce course is getting to go thereaccept the award on stage and you knowbe part of that conference which ispretty cool we'd like a trophy there butyou know what we're gonna do becauseagain will now be representing our brandthere is host to meet up as well so ifyou are watching this you're part ofdropship lifestyle and you're going tounite look out for details for adropship lifestyle hosted party which ofcourse you are invited to and I guessone more way that you could benefit fromthis right now is by actually going tothis page which I'll link below again tothe Shopify Award winners page and goand take a look at everyone that wonthere are the rewards because let meshow you what the categories were I'llget all the way to the top I'll find iteventually but the other awards againwere for like different designs rightthere's ones for best apps there's onefor best copywriting for best abandonedcart recovery so go check these all outtoo because you could probably get a lotof takeaways from them to implement onyour own store which is pretty cool youcould see the best of the best here andI was close it was saying that guys thisis a short video this week just wantedto get it up there to make this officialannouncement it definitely got me veryexcited along with the whole team andthe whole community so kind of gave uslike a big a big push to not just keepgoing but keep going with even bettercontent even more you know regularlyreleased content the YouTube channel ofcourse will keep growing how if you'rewatching this there so definitely hitsubscribe if you're not subscribed yetand if you're not part of dropshiplifestyle I mean literally what do youhave to wait for like this has beengoing now for five years we have over8,000 students from over 25 countriesliterally have success stories from allaround the world and now it is officialwe are the best e-commerce course asvotedShopify so thanks again guys for beingpart of it thanks for watching thisvideo and I will see you in the next onebut[Music]


ASUS – Vivo AiO 23.8″ Touch-Screen All-In-One – Intel Core i5 – 8GB Memory – 1TB HDD + 128GB SSD – Black

Regular Price: 899.99
Sale Price: 899.99
Manufacturer: ASUS
Model number: V241FADS501T
Work and play in one place with this ASUS Vivo touchscreen PC. The vibrant 23.8-inch Full HD LED display with 88 percent screen-to-body ratio delivers sharp edge-to-edge crisp, visuals, while the 8th Gen Core i5 processor and 8GB of RAM easily handle challenging tasks. This ASUS Vivo touchscreen PC boasts a 1TB hard drive for ample file storage.