TOP Products To WATCH In September (Shopify Product Research 2019/2020)

Here’s some of the hottest trending products in September 2019 to Dropship on Shopify! Instagram: @BOWLES

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TOP Products To WATCH In September (Shopify Product Research 2019/2020)

If you have struggled to get sales on Shopify, it could very well be because you did not have a winning product.

In this video I share 3 winning products that are trending right now in September 2019 that you can Dropshipping from AliExpress and sell on your Shopify store.

I also show you exactly how you can find dozens more winning products just like it through my product research strategy. Theres a few main things I look for when doing my research, and finding some sort of Catalyst is a MUST.

You want to see orders trending upwards, or see the product being a best seller on Amazon, finding an ad with tons of engagement…. you want something that shows clear signs of momentum.

I hope this helped, leave a LIKE if you enjoyed!

*Disclaimer* I am not in any way a certified financial advisor, nor do I pretend to be one. Any information or advice I give you on any social media platform is simply my opinion based my own own experience and research. There is no guarantee on anything due to the fact that there are many variables that play a factor in your success. Do your own research, do the work and take everything as an opinion.


SEO Techniques and Predictions for Internet Marketing in 2018

By Michael Dawson | Submitted On February 08, 2018

When it comes to search engine optimization you have to stay up to date with the latest trends and algorithms to ensure you achieve success, so where do you start. 2018 is another year of internet marketers focusing on SEO. Here are a few SEO techniques that you can use to push your business forward this year.

With affordable web development, you can ensure your website meets all the requirements of the top search engines, such as fast to load pages and easy navigation. These are important factors to take into consideration when it comes to your web development and ensure you speak to your developer to ensure that they understand your goals and what you want to achieve, creating a website relevant to your industry that will appeal to potential clients on a daily basis.

From here you need to start focusing on voice search. More and more people are relying on their smart phones and tablets than ever before to carry out searches for products and services that they need. With technology constantly evolving, we have “Siri” and other voice search options on the smart phones that enable clients to carry out online searches without having to touch the keypad. The problem is we don’t speak as we write, so the keywords you are currently using may not reach your voice search clients.

Focus heaving on voice search this coming year and amend some keywords to ensure you reach this audience. The statistics show that twenty five percent of all US Google Users will rely on voice search in the coming twelve months. This includes a percentage of your own target audience.

Another thing you will find this coming year is that Google is going to remain the top search engine around the world. While they hold onto the number one position, you want to ensure you tick all the boxes in terms of what they expect from companies operating online. This includes providing informative content, offers fast page load speeds, easy online navigation and white hat techniques being used that reduces the risk of you being penalised in the long run.

Social media is an absolute must to any company that wishes to succeed in 2018. In addition to having excellent and affordable web development and keeping your website updated and easy to use and navigate, you also want to ensure you have social media accounts to help you reach your audience with confidence. The majority of people these days has at least one social media account and the trend for social media is going to see it continue to grow and boom in the coming years, something every company wants to be a part of.

It is essential that with the year ahead you ensure all the content you publish online is relevant and quality content. The quality of your content, the relevance and the information you provide is all relevant to your ongoing online success. Web development and social media are just small parts of what is really involved and you want to ensure you add value to your clients experience when it comes to visiting their website, your blog or even your social media pages.

Mobile marketing is going to continue to grow in the year ahead, so it’s definitely worthwhile ensuring that you direct some of your online marketing towards this niche market. Make your website mobile friendly and ensure you cater to your mobile clients moving forward.

Finally, don’t forget to concentrate on your local audience and incorporate local SEO into your campaign.

Cartoozo is a multiple award-winning internet marketing agency with over ten years’ experience in the online marketing environment. This company has an active customer base of over three hundred with their customers being based around the world. This company helps their customers achieve online success with a host of packages designed to meet their customers’ needs and budgets. Cartoozo offer a host of expert services ranging from web design to search engine optimization and copy writing to pay per click advertising, just to name a few. They have a team of experienced and dedicated technicians and the entire team focus on customer satisfaction at all times. To find out more, visit

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Easyvideosuite – The #1 Video Marketing Platform For Marketers

Product Name: Easyvideosuite – The #1 Video Marketing Platform For Marketers

Description: The #1 Video Marketing Software On CB.. Over $1mill Paid To Affiliates! Skyrocket List Building & Sales With Videos! – Up To 7%+ Fe Conversion & 70%+ Oto! – Up To $197+ Per Sale! Pro Written Sales Video, Approx 2% Refund Rate!

Lenovo – IdeaCentre 520 23.8″ Touch-Screen All-In-One – AMD Ryzen 3-Series – 8GB Memory – 256GB Solid State Drive – Black

Regular Price: 679.99
Sale Price: 645.99
Manufacturer: Lenovo
Model number: F0DN005UUS
Enjoy powerful computing with this Lenovo all-in-one computer. The quad-core AMD Ryzen processor and 8 GB of RAM supply efficient power for apps and games, while the 256GB solid-state drive provides speedy storage. This Lenovo all-in-one computer has a crisp 23.8-inch display with speakers, camera and microphone for a complete audiovisual experience.

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Benefits Of Having An eCommerce Restaurant

By Abhay Dugad | Submitted On November 12, 2014

Expert Author Abhay Dugad

Many chain restaurants like Dominos, KFC and McDonalds had adapted to this new trend of ordering food and have been aggressively pushing it. Even local restaurants are jumping the gun to adapt to this latest trend of serving online, and why not? There are so many benefits of having an eCommerce restaurant. We can discuss some of the advantages, so that you are able to make a speedy decision to move to this modern way of serving online orders.

The Convenience Factor

People have already shown their inclination to the convenience of online shopping, this has now even extended to ordering food. Everyone wants to order for food with the least possible hassle, and online ordering of food is so convenient, that all the visitor has to do is visit your website and an order can be placed at a click of a button.

Moreover online ordering can also help in increasing sales, by tapping on impulsive orders. Senior VP Marketing Jubilant FoodWorks, has said ” Sheer convenience is driving online ordering numbers”

Expanding Customer Base With Least Investment.

There is nothing better than a pick-up/delivery order in the restaurant industry.Food is sold at the same price, plus you can even add a delivery charge, and you need not spend your time, resources and staff in waiting on them, serving them, or cleaning up after them. Also in case of the restaurant being occupied, you don’t need to turn away customers, or ask them to wait. With the minimalist investment, you can expand your customer base without making any heavy investment.Notwithstanding for major chains the online ordering reduces their dependence and investment in call centers, as the orders are directly routed to the relevant outlet from the website. As per a leading consulting firm, “Online ordering can bring down cost by up to 40-50 %”

Increase In The Amount Of Online Order

Generally while ordering food online, customers generally tend to order more. In the comfort of their homes, they are unable to resist certain food items. Moreover, many accompaniments are suggested while a customer is in the process of ordering, thus tempting the customer further.

Build A Customer Base

Once the customer places an order, their information is saved in the database. This information can be later used to promote any festival offers, and schemes.

Instant Customer Feedback

Once the customer base has been set up, the customer, while in the process of ordering, would gladly fill up the feedback form too. This enables restaurants to handle their deficiencies in any particular area.

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Profit Rich Trades Membership

Product Name: Profit Rich Trades Membership

Description: Instant Unlimited Access To The Member’s Area, Hot Stocks List, Daily Market Barometer, Profit Rich Trading Eclass, Options Accelerator Training, Free Advanced Trading Bonus Training, Email Support, 30 Day Satisfaction Guarantee.

Lenovo – IdeaCentre 730S 23.8″ Touch-Screen All-In-One – Intel Core i7 – 8GB Memory – 256GB Solid State Drive – Iron Gray

Regular Price: 1049.99
Sale Price: 1049.99
Manufacturer: Lenovo
Model number: F0DY001XUS
Perform everyday computing tasks by voice via Microsoft Cortana with this Lenovo IdeaCentre all-in-one desktop. The 256GB solid-state drive provides high-performance storage, while the quad-core Intel Core i7 processor and 8GB of RAM let you run multiple applications smoothly. Browse efficiently with the 23.5-inch Full HD touch screen display of this Lenovo IdeaCentre all-in-one desktop.

Searching For Ecom Suppliers In China (Real Life Edition)

all right you guys ensuring productquality is absolutely essentialwe're on Aliexpress right now and I'vetalked about a few things and you can gothrough look at the reviews that'simportant make sure other people havehad a good experience because first comeI mean first of all your customers ifthey get a bad product you're gonna getrefunds you're gonna get customercomplaints which it's very annoying todeal with that customer service even ifyou have a VA so going through thisstuff that's great you can look at allthis feedback but how can you really besure can you order the product that'lltake about two months you know if theyhave a packet two three four or fiveweeks that's a long time and as Abdulpointed out you can just order on Amazonright pan out show Abdul Abdul set inAmazon right you can find most productson Amazon two days shipping but I'm likewhat's faster what's faster than twodays shipping oh my goshlet's go to kayak flight to China 18hours you know I I dropped out of highschool hours is is less than two days solet's just go to China test his productquality what do you think I'm doingthat's a move bro let's do it let's doit I would I think that's the only way[Music]six figures a month water wait is therea 1%is there uh it's not commercial it's aprivate line oh my bad my bad[Music]see see I cannot see all this paranoia[Music]but I slept through most of it so we'retwo guys we made it to the guangzhouchina i think major keys to bringsomething on foods I really don't knowwhat to expectyeah we're Smee out here as I saidtesting product quality and see what ispowder Ollie don't even know how did shedrag me out look okay you're gonna thankme later once you find the hottestproduct you see there's a ton of streetthat's half it's like a 100x amplifiedversion of Hollywood Boulevard wherethere's people sound stuff in thestreets tell me you're not gonna find atleast one product that nobody else isselling it's like a propand former relationship with thesupplier that's so much I really don'tknow what we're doing here I honestlydon't even know where China is on themap but it is you show him this it'slike smog yeah I thought it was a foggyday apparently we need this oh we'restill in the airport been here for likean hour trying to struggle actually butseriously struggling to get into thecountry these 24 hour visa things arelike super skeptical or whatever sowe'll see where this goes but you guysare gonna enjoy this videoit was over if they're struggling withthe ATM I put my camera every numberfive number 10can money babies not that's not what theguy was saying but I don't stack star MByen look all I've never hired is thatvending machine over there that has acold water did not take credit cards Iknow every season[Music][Music]oh hey there buddyatchoothat's[Music]we're rollin bro you guys as we wait forthis food place to open cuz it's like 9a.m. right now in China we left LAX atmidnight like 12:30 or whatever barelymade the flight by the way got to Chinaafter a 14 or 15 hour flight at 5 a.m.China time so I don't exactly know howthe time zones work but I wanted topoint out this is extremely extremelypeople very peaceful vibe here so I wantto point that out it's very relaxedpeople seem to move I don't wanna saythat it moved quick but not in a hurryit's very efficient yet calm nobodyseems tense that's what I want to say soI don't know let go measure out thesekids whatever but this is it's kind oflike a tropical the next destinations inthe truck but I can't tell you guys youguys gonna see the videos and whatnotbut this right here definitely on itsown vibe let's go grab someI can handle of you know small talk inyour eyes oneit feels just right I'm gonna baby wecan make a knife out of every littlething you like but that's just bad[Music]Bonnie's a guitarby[Music]wait achoo achoo the way thatyou know who's dangerous back in Caliwhen I was in the kitchen with how wewhip it up in here wait on Richards thatso that's a bowl of spices over therethat's tomato on the right and then wegot spices on the left let's do this[Music][Music]double double no tomatoes keep it cleanand fake hose it for psychedelicmama I can say come eat Scholes watch amovie maybe break down right when it'sover smoking kids so we say[Music]the Canon 1dx mark – what the x2 sentmen she said the next mark tumors biggerflicksthis is what everything has been shot onup to this point the battery died wecame here had to go like four differentspots to get a battery and now they'recharging both foot ports so we just gota battery of tripods some other stuffthis is everything while the beautifulcontents coming from while we're hereelectronics that can sell really well atshop 1 so we're gonna do we're gonnacheck out a few these lenses somedifferent products show them around alittle pan there's a ton of differentelectronic tools and stores Societybasically I'm going to bethat I know stuff like phone casescharges whatevertesting the quality and seeing who cangive you the best deals for shop fun nowwe got to figure out they supply if theycan do all that stuff and actually keepup with that demand or whatever biggestproblem we have is this guy doesn'tspeak a lick of English look and try touse like Google like what does this meanto Mandarin and all this I don't reallyknow how this is gonna go but we'regonna do our best to find some goodproducts oh and by the way one thing Ido want to mention out here you guys seeall this stuff like street vendors allthese little I don't even know you canfind a lot of products that maybe didn'tthink about it they never come acrossbecause they haven't been blown up onthe Internetalmost like I say don't bring a newproduct to the market this is where youcould potentially find 100 foot so Ilike to normally pick you back up it'salready moving but this should be a goodopportunity to find something that hasthat sort ofyeah so let's get on with this theiPhone 10 charging he calls us a case ithas even protected nice protection broits voyage just buy this one confusednice for how much they want like threehundred bars I'd love to good here nowthere we go yeah we just we got them tothrow in a free tripod with the camerapretty tripod first ones that see orsome phone cases this one Allredfashioned case trying to see all this alot of the stuff is off-brand Chinesestuff it's 69 qui I believe is how yousay it which is like I don't even knowthat's like a few dollars four or fivedollars got a lot of different chargedyour stuff and your phone cases can doreally well stuff like this the basicones I think they're kind of faded offon Shopify it's more selective coolprints on-demand stuff that works likestuff fit I mean the fake Gucci andsupreme that can work really well justbe careful because you can definitelyget sued for all that you definitelyjust like the boring stuff is it'sharder to markets you want some sort ofdesign like a dog case that was thefirst case that is really well for mebecause that dog case in itself I canmarket to the dog niche whereas like aplain cool red one you know who are yougonna market it I've had one of thesethese you can probably get for like fouror five bucks sell them for $15.99that's actually there's little ones likethat where it has a phone clip on it andthis look these are actually I'd mindkind of broke off some of these you wantto test the quality these are prettygood yes this stuff like this this issmall so you compared to my hand herethis would be actually don't know ifthis would work like a g7 X but you canset little cameras on these this Ibelieve yeah this issee this adjustable this probably costyou six bucks on Aliexpress you can sellit for twenty twenty-five see this righthere where it's expendable or whateveryou want to call it this is for a fauxlook this one even goes out toand this looks into your phone the oldones action this one use theadapter plug into your phone you pressthis button down here it'll take youfive six bucks on Aliexpress you canprobably sell this for like 30 40 bucksor is anybody yet 10 15 20 30 40 bucksyou could sell it for 30 bucks obviouslyone of the biggest things way of findingproducts you're gonna want to think okaywhat kind of margin can you make on thisbut also you're gonna play with theprice one I like to start lowyou know I'd sell this for $15.99 forcoffee under six seven bucks and if it'sworking on the race of rice and we'regonna do is keep raising the price untilit doesn't start converting as well thenyou kind of find the sweet spot sothat'swhat could potentially sell also beingable to test the body because I got oneof these a bigger one on Amazon yeah seethese pop right now but you can put itback in so mine it was actually possiblehe was loaded just like you'd move it alittle like this oh oh just break oh soterrible boy you want to be testing thisstuff that's why we're in China you guyssee this brother quality let's go seewhat kind of deals you don't go upstairsthere's a lot of products upstairs let'sgothe real beats yes you might get suitedto sell theseAmazon eBay dropped by any of that stuffguys we're gonna go bird-watching let'stest it out what if I set it down itonly works up its its own oh you gottayou gotta hold it up you put it in itsfins the scoop is this it's just a newshot set by changing product it could bethat's the problem isn't subscribe tothis reform make sensefind the flood this to be I've neverseen 35 that's about five dollars fivedollars that's a lot of money bro butnot pick I'm building should you guyshave a lot of these can you get a lot ofthe kids to see how much image right nowAlex press you can look at their totalorders how many quantitythis is even fitting your phone[Music]okay okay now that's cool that'sactually sick I can't hit my home buttoncuz I'll be chopped off but that'sactually cool five pieces you'll give mediscounta discount of $4 85 cents$2.95 we're negotiating here about 50that kind of deal to the unitthey had at the beach yes ago she ations10 o'clock for us to not a dollar eightywe progressed from five dollars andfifty cents two dollarswell we got about fifty all right we'regonna pick it up thank youappreciate ita black one do many other colors yeahI'll do bluelaser pointers see this guy's it's greenand I'm gonna draw shop cut symbol s[Music]is a scam that's kind of sick theyup-sell you so hard over here hi youguystime to continue on with the journeyyeah up so upset upset upset[Music]look you're not gonna get the deal giveme a lot of shop hours for me as a wholesellers supplier we're in a wholesalemarketplace you're not gonna do it ifyou're not blond my cameraman Phil soone thing I learned is after learningjust enough Mandarinto talk to them and negotiate to themthey get a little bit intimidated theyknow that you know China and they knowthat they can just mess with you likeany other foreigner so I Hayden was ableto get the other one for what 95 mine Ithink we can get it for no I think Ithink I can get it that one for 50 butthat guy was a dick so good dick you'renot gonna get my business let's see ifwe can get this one for 9.50 who's gotthe the best ones herewell they had a lot more stuff you lookall this stuff you guys could sellChargers power banks cases do whilecharging cases sell you or now prettymuch all right 90 quiet right he wasoffering 90 I know I know he wasliterally asking me to make an offer soI could have made an offer for cheaperno the other one was 135 he'd originallysaid 150 and I said no then he droppedit to 90 so he almost caught his pricein half and how what did he start withhe started 152 lo Julian assaultedokay so she's trying to tell me rightnow that this one has doubled the amountof power that that one has that was5,000 how's it going I don't speak anybit of that language seems simple underwater now what you're going to gothrough the pimp I pick up you goyeah she's telling me that this brandright here is a very well entrustedChinese brandthis is why it's cost more than theother ones I'm so confused wait why doesthat go in there I'm so calm why wouldit be able to oh that's how you chargeit you can turn it you can charge itwith the landing cable so you plug thepower bank into the wall that is smartso it's not a different charging portthat's that's a good one Wow whoa byeokay so charge your phone and then youcharge yes the charger for the batterypack is a lightning cable yeah that isgood that's good so Android and iPhoneso that right there could be a winningproduct that's a good product that'sactually a good one I've never seen thatbefore I've actually never seen them payattention this stuff so what about[Music]lyosha war come onsometimes you got to start walking awayand no cover I just told her that theguy next door said why and she's tryingto telephone 400 so she's gonna have todo less that's how it worksback to you the ocean 575 now from 100okayso progress how many times will thischarge your phone this is the sameamount of power as this one's so um howmany times I charge my phone three timesI think your phone's 2,800 I'm prettysure it is pretty don't quote me on itbut I'm pretty sure your phone's socharge my phone Li three timesshe wanted to charge me like threehundred five years how much did you giveher for a favor US dollar Tomneighbors in Concordokay guys you just don't even thinkabout how much soap or it's too high buthe wants it possible type whele 100hundred what about how many for ahundred about 165 I drop the twin manliterally like negotiated in fractionsof a cent another spot let's try anotherspot see what we get yeah let's see whatthe guy next door will do alright we areon level 3 of this wholesale marketwe're on a feud for missions identifyhot products but now I need a power bankfor this next flying district travelingbecauseit's kind of annoying not having one ofmy laptop always died so let's even getsomeone down what's the lowest we got it- 75 75 75 okay so 75 is the lowestwe've got where you see who can do itcheaper Neal for a 10,000 ma thisuniversal converter for all of ourtravel needs that we might Universalconverter that's actually it could be agood product to drop should be to shutthe target travelers that's one of thosethings there might be more limitedaudience with depending on the targetshe can do this okaydude it's less than any other place andI kind of like her she's fully chargedit comes to the charger too as joinedthey point out real estate we're on theoh there's another floor third floor outof four on this Lake wholesale market Iguarantee you the less people come uphere so they get less offers lots moremotivatedgot a good deal here man I be done he'slooking at this Europe we might needthatit feels very flimsyit feels flimsy he said that's not agood feel we going to Europe we're gonnaactually I'm gonna scratch all that outwe I can't tell them where we're goingbut I mean they kind of nosed a year wedon't know where we're going exact Imight come in handy so I think thatconcludes this beautiful trip at thiswhat even is this honestly I have noidea some sort of wholesale market justmessing around looking at a lot ofdifferent products stock pool a coupleof cool things you guys already saw thelittle fan I'd never seen anything likethat how do we get down out of here hopethrough the light tunnel whoo but yeahhopefully it was an interesting videofor you guys just jumped out to China todo this and uh got a few ideas for a fewproducts I saw obviously I can't putthem all in camera one of which I amplanning on actually testing out becauseI found it on how they express but Idon't understand this language at allthankfully my buddy Julian speaks alittle bit of it just a little bit wasslightly successful with the negotiationbut other than that we're gonna go findthe boys dip out of here China's beenfun I don't know if I can stay here Ireally don't the food was all right it'sjust a big culture shock but it was funfun fact that Range Rover right therelet's see if there's any other nice carsyou see that Range Rover which isseventy grand or so in the US that'sabout two hundred thousand dollars hereMaserati that's 60 grand there 180thousand everything's like two to fourtimes as expensive so Julian X used tolive here for six months or eight monthsin China if you see how someone in aFerrari quarter-million off Fri that'slike almost a million dollars yeah it'sa luxury attack hereanything luxury Louis Vuitton cars suchas sonic sports cars everything's likedouble triple the price yeah we we sawsome Gucci bags and stuff literally like$1,400it's like 800 over Udall the MCM bagsliterally everything yeah that's crazyso he pointed out that's why when you goto Beverly Hills like Rodeo Drivethere's a lot of you know the Asiandemographic inside of the store becauseyeah I love all the agents over in RodeoDrive and Louboutin so our goods are theones that are buying all the bagsthey're usually buying them not forthemselves but to ship to relatives overhere in China because they can sell themfor a profit over here yeah it's crazyhow things work all that luxury tagstuff so we're gonna see what otherstuff we can the crazy thing too is whenyou buy adidas or Nike that are madehere but designed in California and theysent them to America and then importthem back into China and to have aluxury tax on a product that they makein their own countryall right we were actually going back upreal quick because I need another 1/3g7x battery but anyways if you guys didenjoy the video I would appreciate it alot if you drop a like down below andalso comment if you want me to goanywhere else I think there's otherparts of China I'm in gangs ow I believeit's called right now there's any otherparts of China or other countries Stateswhatever would it be some fun creativevideos to make drop it in the commentsdown belowalways interested in traveling to thatstuff and if you did enjoy the video ofcourse drop that like but hit done icingand subscribe button for thisever-growing family I appreciate youguys I don't see it's more on the nextvideo


5 Reasons To Rewrite Manufacturer Descriptions And Ecommerce Content

By Matt Jackson | Submitted On February 26, 2017

Expert Author Matt Jackson

One of the most common pitfalls that we see with ecommerce websites is that of republishing manufacturer descriptions. It’s an understandable mistake. Copying and pasting a few hundred descriptions is certainly quicker than rewriting them. Some sites even use RSS or product feeds to populate their site, which further cuts down the time it takes to produce and publish content.

However, Google and your visitors won’t appreciate the lack of effort. What’s more, your business and your website performance will suffer. Your branding will also endure a negative impact. Below are five reasons to rewrite your ecommerce content, or have somebody rewrite it for you.

1 – Google Duplicate Content

Google hates duplicate content, and with years of practice they are very good at recognising the site where content was originally published. By using manufacturer content, it means that you run the risk of your page not even being displayed in search results. Instead, it could find itself consigned to the omitted results section of search engine result pages. Even if your page does display in results, it will be much harder to rank it above the original content than if you had rewritten it.

2 – We’ve Seen It All Before

The visitors to your site will also disapprove of your lack of effort. Modern consumers are well educated. They know to shop around, and they know to look at several sites that offer the products they search for. As such, they will recognise when you have simply republished existing content. They will get a line or two into the product description, recognise it, and consign it to the back of their memory. They certainly won’t remember your brand in a positive light.

3 – Keyword Targeting

Rewriting content also means that you can use different or additional keywords to the original piece. Bear in mind that dozens or hundreds of pages could have the same content, this means that they are also targeting the same keyword. They have the same content as you, which means that you will gain no on-page benefit. Writing your own descriptions means that you can use targeted phrases from your keyword research, and you can benefit from natural, long tail keywords.

4 – Narrative Voice

There are many elements to brand recognition. As well as the design of your site, the consistent use of your logo, company name, and other elements, even the narrative voice that you use on every page of your website is a consideration. By using duplicate content, you surrender the right to include your own narrative voice. Rewrite the content, add your own Calls To Action, and use your own voice to help promote the products that you are selling.

5 – Expanded Descriptions

Manufacturers know that their content is going to be used by a host of sites. As well as ensuring that their own content is indexed first, many will only put together a few lines. By writing your own content, you can greatly increase the amount of content you have. You can expand on ideas, you can include frequently asked questions, you can link to relevant guides on your site. In fact, by writing your own content, you have total editorial freedom to do as you want.

Original ecommerce content will yield better results than duplicate content. Ensure that it is high quality, try to include rich media such as images or videos, and create better content than your competitors (which includes manufacturers at this point). You will yield greater results.

Matt Jackson provides ecommerce writing [] services, including the writing or rewriting of production descriptions. Improve your search rankings and your website performance today with high quality and unique content.

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