Ecom Entrepreneur Review – Best Types of E-commerce Business – Youtube

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4th Generation of eCommerce

By Dante Aguilar | Submitted On December 29, 2009

Hello my dear fellow,

Have you ever wondered about how eCommerce has been growing so fast in the last 15 years? Have you ever thought about what was the first step of eCommerce? What’s new? And how can you as a consumer, earn money without actually have stock to sell? I will show you the way since the 1st to the 4th generation of eCommerce of how it become a successful tool for merchants and what’s our role as consumers.

1st eCommerce generation; it was year 1995, when a new concept to sell online start to be a trend, B2C (business to consumer) is the first step of the eCommerce drive by; the simple idea of many companies to increase their sales just by going online. The problem they faced was all about how can people notice my web-store and buy from me? suddenly millions of links comes out, what kind of marketing strategy was the most successful one for a user to find a link in the middle of millions on internet.

2nd generation: year 1997; eBay evolve from the B2C to the B2B concept (sell and buy between companies), they create as well the how to sell online with the less amount of effort? Selling from one consumer to another one (C2C). eBay create the superstore model; some of the challenge they face even until today is the difficulty for consumers to find the product they want; as soon as you upload a product to sell, 5 min later another dozens of sellers upload more product so your product won’t be shown anymore after 5 min in the first page, the buyer will have many more options before yours.

3rd generation: year 2001; Yahoo continue with the B2C and C2C model but they create the super mall model, a big market place to find anything you want; from the big brands until the weirdest things ever seen before. They allow to merchants, not only the opportunity to sell something but also to own a web store, they developed tools for merchants to easily sell online and make their product a bit more attractive for buyers. The faced challenges for merchants were about how to sell more. Merchants can’t sell more than what they have… then how to start to sell if I don’t have anything to sell.

4th Generation: year 2009; was born with the new and latest generation of eCommerce, sell more and earn more money; they allow by the first time the B2B2C2C (business to business to consumer to consumer) concept; is the cross-selling concept, persons can actually sell without any stock at home by “cross-selling” products from big brands and normal sellers, merchants will ship the product from the original place in case you sell something. offer you the biggest market place where big brands and small sellers share their products, They work with the super mall model and provide you of a web-store and an extensive category of tools for you, Now if your product is cross-sold then your product will be show in hundreds of web-stores.

That is the new generation of eCommerce, that is how many people around the world is getting an income to solve their money problems, you just need a computer and a internet connections and your role is simple as sell and earns money. Simple enough don’t you think?

Dante Aguilar

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How to Start an eCommerce Business

hey everyone I'm Jamie Davidson with amzinsiders a little bit about ourselvesmyself and my two fellow co-foundersJason and Brad we combine to sell overseventy five million dollars on Amazonjust last year and this year we're onpace to sell over 100 million dollarsall via selling on Amazon and a questionwe get very frequently is how do youeven get started in e-commerce all rightwe have so many friends family peopleall over the globe asking us how do youeven get underway what are the firststeps oh you know frankly the mostsimple step would be would be to getmentorship for someone who can actuallyshow you everything right you thinkabout anything how do how if you want tolearn how to do something find someonewho can just teach you at all from A toZ and you can certainly do that and Ireally encourage you at the end of thisvideo we have a free workshop that's ata link below here that you can check itout and I go through everything from Ato Z how we we help people and that inthat area but before we even get to thatis you know in terms of how to getstarted with with e-commerce the firstthing really is you're educatingyourself because you know most the firstthing I do is kind of understand whatthis is is it right for you is justsomething you can do is it something youwant to do is it something that you knowyou think you could have some fun withbecause you know when you get into a anykind of business it's got to besomething that's sustainable you don'twant to get into it for you know a monthand then say yeah I don't even like thisand drop out but you know now we're alittle biased because we absolutely lovee-commerce we think it's awesome it'sbeen life-changing for us and we thinkyou know again there continues to bemassive massive opportunity in in thespace you know in particular when wetalk about e-commercewe always think you know Amazon we wereAmazon Amazon Amazon even though weactually have like a 10 million we havea 10 million dollar plus business onthese other platforms but Amazon is somuch bigger because by far it's the mostpowerful platform there there arecertainly other platforms out there youcan look at and there may be some reasonif you only wanted to sell you know on awebsite for example it's just so muchmore difficult because you have to drivetraffic Amazon has all the traffic rightwhen you want to go buy something you goto Amazon right so if you're gonna sella product where you want to sell it youwant toon Amazon all right so it's just so mucheasier so much more lucrative in termsof the potential for sales andeverything else but you know you'vereally got to do some homework you knowinitially to get a sense of where youhave it you know one thing I would sayif you're gonna sell on Amazon is ifyou're gonna launch any business youknow this day and age the beauty of itit does not require nearly as muchcapital as it used to so you know 20years ago if you want to start abusiness and there's so many you lookedat all the opportunities to say you wantto start you know start a car wash youwant to start an oil change you want tostart you know a franchise and all thoseopportunities exist today as well – anyof those opportunity may be a net youknow maybe a tutoring business whateverit is most those business probably gonnarequire 50 100 200 thousand dollars toinvest to get started right and so ifyou're thinking about getting into ane-commerce business it does not requirethat much money but if you can't investany money into your own learning or intoyour business self then it's probablynot you know you should probably shouldnot be looking at trying to start abusiness really any business rightbecause it's it's not a lot of money toget going but you have to do typicallyhave probably you know three thousand tofive thousand dollars to torealistically get under way with abusiness you know which really isn't alot of money but and part of that moneyyou know I would encourage you to investin and someone you trust and can rely onto actually show you the ropes so youdon't make $10,000 mistakes or you cando things that you know make you tenthousand fifty thousand a hundredthousand dollars right so you know bothyou need money to launch your businessto promote your business and you alsoneed you know some portion of money toinvest in yourself to train yourself andteach yourself how to actually best goabout it so that's why I say upfront interms of you know how to get started alot of it is educating yourself rightunderstanding it and again there's tonsof free resources here your our YouTubechannel here we've got tons ofinformation on it so we teach you kindof A to Z so many different thingsthere's a we have a Facebook group youknow our amz insiders we've got largecommunities so there's lots of placesyou can learn from for free to getstarted with and just kind of understandis this something you want to do youknow in general I would say if if someis you know motivated to do well topotentially create financialindependence to have control of buildingsomething of your own have the controlof actually picking something maybe thatyou have a passion about or you haveinterested in or you have some insightin a certain category that you know thatthe general population does not it givesyou a little bit of an edge all thosethings and you're again willing to putsome time in you can absolutely you knowbe successful in e-commerce but you havethose things if you don't if you don'thave any interest to like put any timeinto it you have absolutely no moneywhatsoever then I would say ecommerce isyou know ecommerce are really any kindof entrepreneurial endeavors probablynot the thing for you you shouldprobably you know go back and just kindof keep working the job try to save upand then get to that point where you cando it but but truly you know ecommerceto get started is really hard I mean wehave a separate YouTube video literallyon how to set up an Amazon account I gostep by step on how to actually set itup so if you want to get going yourAmazon account is only $40 a month youcan literally set up a seller's accountfor a professional sellers account for$40 a month and actually begin sellingon Amazon and begin learning right awaybut again to me the most important stepthe first thing to do is to reallyeducate yourself and learn the you knowthe basics learn about the opportunity Ican tell you definitely the opportunityis absolutely there it's still a longways to go as I've said before that youknow we're very much still in the veryearly stages of e-commerce there's goingto be huge growth and if you can educateyourself and take the right steps andyou know you're motivated to buildsomething of your of your own you canabsolutely absolutely be successful withit and you know in that case then Iwould definitely encourage you reallyjust to make sure you take action andtake kind of those first steps oflearning and taking and you know thoseinitial steps of getting underway tosell on e-commerce and again we stronglyrecommend that first platform beingbeing Amazon for for numerous reasons soif you're interested in selling onAmazon or an e-commerce in generalreally encourage you click the linkbelow check out our free workshop allabout selling on Amazon where we showexactly our exactprocess how we built a 75 million dollarbusiness on Amazon and more importantlythe exact techniques and steps that youcan use to get under way with your veryown e-commerce business and Amazonbusiness and if you've already have someexperience or how you can take yourbusiness to the next level and reallyreally grow and have a successfule-commerce business of your ownso if you like this video be sure togive us a thumbs up and I reallyencourage you to subscribe to ourchannel here because every week we comeout with brand new content all aboutinsights and tips and how you can besuccessful with Amazon showing you theexact techniques and topics that we useto grow our business to 75 million nowpaste over a hundred million and we'dlove to hear from you be sure to commentbelow with any questions you have aboutthe e-commerce space any insights thatyou have as well – again we love we lovethe feedback and we'd love to hear anyquestions you have[Music]you


Benefits of Ecommerce Web Development

By Alan L Smith | Submitted On April 28, 2012

Whether it’s a small company or any big organization, everyone wants to grow their business in all possible ways and ecommerce web development helps them to get closer with their potential clients or consumers through internet. Today, ecommerce applications and solutions are becoming a vital organ for every business or organizations to realize their online presence, also helps one to endorse their services and products all around the globe with ease.

There are countless ecommerce websites and applications are created everyday to fulfill different requirements of business, but to survive in such a highly competitive environment one should come up with immense and impulsive ecommerce web design. Increased business revenue and sells, these two are signs of a well designed and user friendly ecommerce website. Ecommerce Web applications are booming due to its tremendous flexibility and due to its agile and easy to customize nature. In this article we are going to see some crucial benefits of ecommerce web development.

Advantages of Ecommerce development:

• Helps businesses to reach through their target audience beyond the boundaries! This is first major benefit of Ecommerce development. It allows any organizations located at any place to reach through their consumers spread all around the globe with ease.

• Makes your services or products available to potential users 24×7/365 days. It helps you to be in touch with your consumers all time, also the users can get your services anytime they wish.

• E-Commerce Applications are SEO friendly! SEO has become immortal in this neck to neck competition of internet marketing. Ecommerce website development provide great exposure to your business through its SEO friendliness and makes it more visible in different search engines, which will increase chances of your products or services to be noticed by every potential user.

• It helps business, users/clients as well as society.

• Helps to get effective marketing at affordable rates which reduces overall budget that one may spend for publicity and advertisement.

• It allows customization with ease. One can easily change or modify the contents with very less efforts.

• Highly scalable and secure process to expand your business online.

• Helps to boost up the business revenues. It is user friendly and thus allows more users or potential buyers for your website, which in turn increase sales volume.

• High performance with fewer attempts.

• Ease of managing the in and outs of your business! One can easily track the overall sales reports as well as user interest through it.

So, above we see how ecommerce web development can be beneficial to businesses or organization to get quality performance.

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-Ole Henriksen Banana Bright Eye Crème ($38.00)
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-Urban Decay The Velvetizer Translucent Mix-In Medium ($34.00)
-Fenty Beauty Pro Filter Soft Matte Longwear Foundation ($35.00)
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-Becca Shimmering Skin Perfector Pressed Highlighters ($38.00)
-Anastasia Beverly Hills Eyeshadow Palettes ($42.00)
-Buxom Full-On Lip Polish ($21.00)
-Briogeo Don’t Despair, Repair! Deep Conditioning Hair Mask ($36.00)
-IGK First Class Charcoal Detox Dry Shampoo ($27.00)

-elf Oil Control Face Primer
-Fenty Pro Filt’r 140 Foundation
-Flower Beauty Light Illusion Foundation in L1
-Too Faced Born This Way Concealer in Almond
-Flower Beauty Light Illusion Powder in Porcelain
-theBalm Take Home the Bronze in Oliver
-Flower Beauty Luminous Bronzer in Heatwave
-Becca Shimmering Skin Perfector in Opal
-Tarte Clay Play Eyeshadow Palette
-No mascara because I’m wearing lash extensions
-ABH Brow Wiz in Dark Brown
-ColourPop Brow Boss Gel in Dark Brown
-Urban Decay Brow Blade in Dark Drapes
-ColourPop Lip Liner in Oh Snap
-Fenty Gloss Bomb in Fenty Glow

This video is not sponsored. Affiliate links are used for product links or otherwise designated by an asterisk.

Email for business inquires: [email protected]


The Future of eCommerce Business in Sri Lanka

By Qunson Marynathan | Submitted On October 15, 2015

Expert Author Qunson Marynathan

eCommerce is not new to the world but it is relatively new to Sri Lanka. There have been the global players of the eCommerce market who have been serving the needs of a few Sri Lankan people, but that was not enough. The need of the people, the vacuum existed in the market and some skilled businessmen made it possible for the eCommerce business to emerge in the country. The local players are still at their beginning stage.

Considering the world market for eCommerce , the Sri Lankan market is pretty small. This is one of the major facts that are in favor of the local players. If it were something like the Indian market with several millions of customers for eCommerce , the local players would have been taken away by the international players. However, the fact is that the Sri Lankan eCommerce market is still considered by many international players.

It is well recognized by the Sri Lankan companies that the future of Sri Lankan eCommerce business is very positive and hopeful. Some people at the higher management levels from these companies think that it is only a tip of the iceberg now. There is much to be experienced in the future.

It is quite true that the market has not been reached by the local players. In fact not even five percent of the market has been reached by all local players combined. Within the reached market, around ten percent is covered by the international players. What this means is that although the international companies are not giving considerable effort to keep targeting the Sri Lankan market, they still have an impact on it. One reason for this trend might be the spreading of Sri Lankans who live all around the world. These people have a worldwide presence so that makes them to order products through internationally known eCommerce businesses to be sent to their friends and family back in Sri Lanka. This in turn gives exposure to the locally residing people who then start continuing.

Sri Lanka is one of the developing countries in Asia. Especially the post conflict conditions have favored businesses to hype in an exponential rate of growth. If you had visited Sri Lanka within the past two years, you could have witnessed new building projects everywhere; specially in the capital city, Colombo.

People are moving from a third world status to a more advanced status. The lifestyles of people are changing dramatically. For a country that was affected by internal conflicts for over half a century, the literacy rate is surprisingly high at 92 percent. This is another important factor that makes eCommerce more than possible. These people are moving towards a more technologically advanced lifestyle. Also the global impact of technology has made it possible for people to carry the entire internet literally in their hands. People can just place an order online from their phone while they are travelling. Someone might not be wealthy enough to own a car in this country but they still place an order while travelling in a public transportation bus.

One of the other major reasons why eCommerce is going to skyrocket in Sri Lanka in the coming years is that the businesses of the country which have developed enough to contribute new products to the local market. There have been many restrictions in the last decade for imports. Now that the country has come out of the internal mess, the international businesses are more than welcome there. There have been many foreign business vendors who have placed their products in the market with quite a few successful business stories.

Sri Lanka does not have a greying population unlike most developed countries. This is another opportunity for the nation to adapt to new trends. It is relatively hard for elderly people to adapt to new trends. Youngsters are instinctively inclined towards adapting to new trends. Since the Sri Lankan population consists a larger proportion of youngsters, it is clearly visible that their fashion would change towards an eCommerce market than a traditional shopping place. This is already happening in the country, but not the eCommerce is not perfect yet.

The market has not been reached in full because most of the internal players are beginners and have no sufficient funds to meet a bigger portion of the market. Apart from the financial concerns, the local eCommerce businesses do not have enough experience to learn from and then adapt to new tactics. Despite lack of adaptation from the local eCommerce businesses, the customers do change their service providers. This is one of the indications that not all the customers are satisfied with just one such service provider. It is common for almost all Sri Lankan eCommerce businesses because they are indigenous and have no place to build a business model based upon. They cannot simply copy the international businesses and their business models because the conditions on the ground are not similar to what existed while the international players started their businesses.

It is a unique field where the first ones to enter the right position will harvest more than half of the potential eCommerce market in Sri Lanka. There will be not much competition between the first ranking service provider and the second ranking services provider. This is because of the smaller population of the country and the trust is mostly built by word of mouth in the culture. Once the first ranking service provider reaches the first rank; the people will spread the word.

It is a peak time now in Sri Lanka than ever before. As mentioned, the market was very open and was very much unattended in the past. Now the local players are starting to attend the market. In the process, the people are experiencing first hand and first time experience. This is very important that the service providers must retain their reputation. If a customer comes to an eCommerce business for the first time, and the first experience is not satisfactory then it is more likely that the customer will not turn to that particular provider again. So, the real competition between the local players now is not to build up their sale volumes, but to build up their reputation by fulfilling every single order to the highest of expectations from the customers.

Once the customer base is built, the sale volume will automatically take over. If the customer base is destroyed, then the effects will be long term. A not so satisfied customer will always be spreading the negative thoughts. We humans have a tendency to listen and to be worried about negative things. This will lead potential customers to turn away from the service providers.

The exponential growth of the eCommerce business will be there for a time until when there is nobody left who has never heard about eCommerce business. There are enough people in Sri Lanka that have no idea of what an eCommerce business is. It is these people who are the potential customers for the exponential growth. Once these people are all reached, the exponential growth will cease. Given the media, the campaigns run by the local eCommerce businesses and the population of Sri Lanka, this would continue up to the first quarter of 2017. That is the possible timeline when the exponential growth will cease.

After that time, it would be impossible to change the ratings of the service providers. Whoever leads at the time when the exponential growth ceases will remain the market leader. The reason is because even if the second leading provider made enough efforts, there will be no fresh customer base to support the growth. There would still be growth, but not an exponential one. It is now, that everyone in the eCommerce business should build up their reputation so that they become the leaders in two years and then remain so for almost ever.

If you are someone residing out side Sri Lanka and wanted to send some gift to your friends and family living in Sri Lanka, then it would be the right choice to order your gift online with some of the leading Sri Lankan eCommerce businesses. The Sri Lankan eCommerce business market is growing very fast as the people are moving into it every single day. There are all kinds of offers and discounts by almost all eCommerce businesses. You can find some of the interesting offers at

Also you can read the blog article at

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