Dell – Inspiron 21.5″ Touch-Screen All-In-One – AMD A6-Series – 4GB Memory – 1TB Hard Drive – Black

Regular Price: 489.99
Sale Price: 489.99
Manufacturer: Dell
Model number: I3275-A356BLK-PUS
Delight in dynamic entertainment and connectivity with this Dell Inspiron desktop computer. A 21.5-inch Full HD display lets you enjoy immersive gaming and video watching experiences, while a 7th generation AMD processor combines with 4GB of RAM to run apps and programs seamlessly. This Dell Inspiron desktop computer features Bluetooth and Wi-Fi technology for wireless connectivity and a 1TB HDD for data storage.

Ofpad – Awaken The Genius Within (75% Commission) – New

Product Name: Ofpad – Awaken The Genius Within (75% Commission) – New

Description: Affiliate Resources – Https:// 75% Commissions Video Sales Letter Copy Written For High Conversions By Copywriter Of Top IM Products


hey everyone okay so today I'm going tobe sharing with you my top five productsfrom the ordinary and the ordinary hasliterally taken the world by stormso before we get on with the productslet me just really quickly say to youthat the products sell out very veryquickly then they get restocked and thenthey sell it very quickly again pleasedon't be kicking off to the vendorsbecause it's not their fault that theproducts are not in stock they areconstantly battling with stock issues soplease bear that in mindnow all the links for US UK and Europeare in the description bar below now onemore thing before we get on I recentlyread a review from a company that Ireally respect and the main issue theyhad with the ordinary was that they weresaying that it takes more than oneingredient in order to build a skincareroutine and they're absolutely right thebit that they miss was the whole pointof the ordering is that you build yourown skincare routine whether it's twoproducts three products five productsand that's what they miss when reviewingthese products is that if you were touse three products at night and three inthe morning as an exampleyou would still not be spending the sameamount on a single high-end product yetyou would be getting six times theamount of volume so for one reallyhigh-end product at 30 mils you couldget six ordinary products and you wouldhave I don't know 30 60 you would get ahuge hundred and 20 mils of product itthat's what kind of earned me about theyou know it takes more than one skincareingredient of course it does that's thepoint of the ordinary huh let's make astar these are my top five products sothe first one is the Alpha let me startagain the alpha lipoic acid 5% now thisis my favorite of all of the productrange is also the most problematic ifyou have very sensitive skin thisproduct is not for you you can use thisamaximum of two to three times a week oron the side of caution with two this isthe only product that I have used whereyou will wake up instantly with betterbrighter skin it is phenomenal but youcan't use it every dayyou just can't it's too potent okay solet's talk about the next onenow I'm still sticking with is a leakacid at 10%now as a leak acid has brighteningeffects on the skin but research hasshown that it acts like a retinoid and abenzoyl peroxide product so meaning itexfoliates it disinfects the skin and itteaches the skin cells to behave youngerso basically they're not getting caughtthe pore lining is not getting cloggedso for those of you with problematicskin is a leak acid is the answer or oneof the answers this is my holy grail ofeye cream the caffeine solution 5% thisis very very strong for an eye cream soyou need to bear that in mindcouple of drops morning and night youwill see an immediate difference in yourIRA you get 30 mils of product for aneye product most eye products 10 15 milsif you're lucky and this is strong andagain you're talking about building aroutine for those of you who want a veryspecific routines for acne aging sundamage rosacea I will get them for youin another video and I will put downevery single product for every singleskin category moving on again for agingskin for acne prone skin for sun damagedskin retinol advanced 2% this is the onethat will everybody needs a retinol itis the one product that has been shownto work to reduce wrinkles to reducebreakouts this is the product you needif you want younger looking skin freshlooking skin brighter looking skin ifyou have sun damage acne age spotsthat's the product and finally we'regoing to be talking about the highspreadability fluid primer this is theprime that i tend to prefer they havethe other primer which isbut this is my preference again thirtyknows all of these products are 30 milsthis works great as your primer I tendto use it just on the t-zone but if I'mgoing to use mineral makeup all over theface because it just adds for a nicerbase and that is it that's my top fiveproducts remember in a video coming outI will be sharing with you all of theroutines for like I said acne skincaresun damage aging skin sensitive skin youname it I've got routines view thanks somuchinformation all down there on theseproducts see you soon bye bye


4 Internet Marketing Twitter Don’ts

By Alan King | Submitted On March 25, 2009

Twitter is the latest big deal on the Web. Everybody’s talking about it. And you can be sure that there are 1,000 wannabe gurus who want to tell you how to use Twitter for Internet marketing.

It’s likely that these “gurus” just ripped their advice off from some list. Those lists are easy to find. They don’t require any special knowledge. What DOES require a little thought–and a little bit of experience–is knowing how you SHOULDN’T use Twitter for Internet marketing. Here are 4 things you should avoid.

1. Don’t Twitter every little event in your life. Why not? For one thing, everybody does it. You’re not going to stand out in the crowd if you do what everyone else does. Except maybe, just maybe, everybody wants to hear about how cute your cat is, and how drunk you got on the weekend, and how you just lost two pounds. Think again–nobody cares.

On a slightly less cynical note, you have to realize that if you tweet every little thing in your life, people are going to stop noticing you after a while. People are selfish. That’s no crime–it’s just the way we’re built. If you constantly tweet about yourself, people will stop paying attention pretty darn quick. Save your personal tweets for a group of people that already know you, and are genuinely interested in what you’re doing all day.

2. Don’t just tweet affiliate links. If you’re in the pet niche, tweet about new ASPCA news, or a new brand of organic cat food (that you’ve got an affiliate link for), or the latest findings in how our favorite furry friends see colors.

These things are interesting to people in the pet niche. Guess what? Plain products aren’t. If you just go around tweeting affiliate links to every pet product you can think of, you’re not going to make any sales.

Give people a reason to follow you by being interesting. Tweet about that new ASPCA news and that scientific finding, and then tweet about the new product. If you constantly Twitter nothing but product links, people will just take you for a spammer. And that’s exactly what you’ll be.

With Twitter, as with other forms of marketing, you’ll only make money if you provide something people want. And yes, people really do want those new products. They just don’t want to be bashed over the head with them.

3. Don’t use a product image for your profile picture. Let’s put aside for a minute the fact that this is in extremely bad taste. This is actually a step worse than micro-blogging only about new products. It’s one thing to post spam. It’s another thing to actually BE spam. Please avoid this at all costs. It’s a cardinal sin of Internet marketing [] here just like it is everywhere else.

4. Don’t curse. Yes, we’re all adults and we can handle four-letter “potty words” without running and telling our mommies. But each micro-blog post you make is going to be only a few words. It’s neither classy nor mature to make 10% of those ten words a curse word. Some Internet marketers seem to think this makes them look cool. It doesn’t. Don’t do it.

Allan King’s friend Paul T. Power was a frustrated (and broke) Internet marketer until he sat down and learned how to use -systems- to create passive streams of income. He likes to help others do the same.

Visit Internet Marketing Members [] to learn how you can make money online as well.

Article Source:


HP – 23.8″ Touch-Screen All-In-One – AMD A6-Series – 4GB Memory – 1TB Hard Drive – HP Finish In Snow White

Regular Price: 609.99
Sale Price: 609.99
Manufacturer: HP
Model number: 24-F0030
Keep up with work or study on this HP all-in-one desktop. The integrated touchscreen makes it simple to control, or you have the option of using a mouse and keyboard, and an AMD A6 processor combines with 4GB of RAM to provide reliable power and effortless multitasking. This HP all-in-one desktop has a 1TB hard drive for plenty of storage.

$1,000,000 STORE REVEAL | How This Ecom Store Makes $1M Per Month

if you're interested in seeing theinside of a seven-figure per monthecommerce drop shipping business today'svideo is going to absolutely blow yourmind yo what's going on Empire builderswelcome back to another episode I'mreally excited about today's episodebecause we're gonna be going through andchecking out some businesses thatthey're doing seven plus figures permonth in their e-commerce dropshippingbusinesses I'm really excited to get itI show you guys what these businessesare and what how they are actuallyselling and creating those kind ofmassive numbers and their businesses butbefore we get started make sure ifyou're the winner we're gonna put thewinner here from last video you win yourone-on-one coaching session with me somake sure you reach out to Peter atecommerce Empire builders calm so we canschedule that on the time that'sconvenient for me and you and also fortoday's video we'll be giving awayanother one-on-one coaching session allyou have to do is drop a comment ontoday's video make sure you subscribe tothe channel and the comment can beanything you learned about e-commerceone thing you want to learn or you couldjust say hi okay you just drop a commentdown below on today's video but withoutfurther further ado let's get started somy favorite place to go find goodselling really good selling productsthat are doing seven some even eightfigures per month in their e-commercestores is Clickbank right Clickbank is agreat place to go find places to to topromote products and your to yourcurrent customers or even findinspiration for something that you mightwant to sell right so here when you loginto your Clickbank account you'll seeall these different sorts of categorieshere now again if you are havingecommerce business right now and youhave a big email list or a customer listor whatever I highly recommend you comehere check out something that fits yourneeds and sell that to your customerlist guys because that you makeCommission and referrals off of thatsome of them even on a reoccurring basisnow for me I'm launching a supplementvery very soon so I want to go look atsome of the top supplement businessesthat are performing really well here onClickbank and see how they're doing it Iwant to see their messaging I wanna seewhat their funnels are doing and seewhat I can learn from them okay so let'sget right into the different kind ofcategory so I want to see what makessense so we see green products oursupplements gonna be completely organicso that might make sense let's see whatelse we've got health and fitness healthand fitness probably makes a little bitmore sense since we're launching atropic and a dietary supplement but youcan see here there's tons of differentcategories for you to go throughnutrition all that dietary supplementjust makes the most sense now we did itorganifi is right here we did a funnelhack on organifi here on this channelbefore I highly recommend go check itout I just searched organifi funnel hypeorganifi on this channel this is a greatfunnel great product to promote ifyou're in the health niche guys checkout this funnel right here you makemassive amounts of commissions andyou're also uh some of them you're evengetting on a reoccurring basis so greatgreat product to promote if you're inthe health and fitness niche okay sowe're not gonna follow a funnel hog thenbut I want to go and see something thathas a lot of gravity so the gravity isroughly how much they're selling hereevery single day now I don't knowexactly this I've been out of theaffiliate game for a while I don't thinkthis means 69 units a day it's justbasically like the volume that's pushingI forget how it's calculated butbasically if that number is high itusually means it's really good so here'sone bio optimizers let's open a few guysand see which one we're gonna go throughso we only have one time to go throughone I'll probably end up going throughall of them Bo but you could see here'sa good selling one tumeric buy onebottle get a third bottle free get threebottles free that's a good onebuy one bottle get three bottles freethat's that's a good headline that's agood hook really interesting oneketogenic accelerator crushing a let'sjust let's just hope we're just gonnaopen up a few guys and we're gonna seewhich one which we're gonna see whichone makes most sense for us so let's seelet's see let's see this one um biooptimizers bio up that's a weird namecrank your muscle gains to new heightsby flooding your muscles with maximumamino acids without increasing yourprotein intake by a single gram alrightcool so this is basically their salespage looks like it's more for you knowbodybuilders here whatever this productis good headline right here that made mesaw you've all been sold a 10 pound jugof the protein we've all been sold a 10pound jug of the protein line that is sogood if I'm selling it oh man that's sogood if I sound like a protein orsomething like that that's reallypowerful this is why I love goingthrough this guys I encourage you guysto do same like get obsessed with thisstuff like justsee what's working for these people sothis is just a long-form sales page I'mnot really feeling this one though Idon't know about you guys but I'm notreally fit oh look they got Stefan righthere they got a bunch of guys on here sothey got a bunch of people on here okayCaleb Jennings I know this guy uh okayso I'm curious let's see where's theirorder page Testament there's no orderbutton guys there's literally no orderbutton on this order wait so they have aguarantee for your order but they don'teven let me buy it so I don't know ifthis is pre-release or what what'shappening here I'm not sure so we're notgoing to worry about that we're gonnaclose that thing out so we're gonna goto two turmeric turmeric I always have atough time I really am interested aboutthis one by one turmeric and buy onebottle basically get three bottles for avery interesting headline love thisclick to unmute video this isinteresting so basically just gettingyou to click cuz autoplay note no longerworks in Chrome nice overlay image rightthere great imagery love that love thatimagery benefits uh helps increase a/cthis is what you want guys real quicklike a lot of like a lot of you need tothink you need to know all thenitty-gritty details about your businessknow the less you know the betterbecause people only care about theresult that your products gonna get themso you can see here helps increaseenergy improves focus and mood helpswith stiffness and discomfort boostsquality of clothes sleep supportshealthier memory right it's very likelike a three-year-old can understand itright but but if you start going intoall the nitty-gritty nitty grittydetails of all the you know details upyou're gonna lose people now that's notto say that you can't go in and tellthat but really on the first page peopleland on be quick explain what thebenefit what's that result that yourcustomers gonna get from using thisproduct okay this is cool oh I love thisimage I love this image right so oh manI'm totally taking this image you cansee here it's saying two capsulesone-time daily with meals so easy soeasy it usually a lot of times likepeople have like a whole paragraphwritten about how to take it right likeso so simple love this love this verynice page very nice page buy one getthree freelike that offer so let's keep scrollingdown so it looks like we can order thisthere is I've seen a bunch of CTAs andthey have some stuff here alright coolso let's let's keep going because thisis a good one this is a contender for usto go through real quick ketogenicaccelerator ketogenic accelerator willbe your number one fat riding supplementguaranteed no exercise required that'sinteresting that's interesting okay Idon't know how they're getting away withthat one I don't think it of runningpaid ads to this because I don'tFacebook would definitely not allow thisone I that is quite the headline guys noexercise required with a little starhere I'm not even going to go into thisand try to figure it outso god there's another decent sales pagesuper hokey right there very hook verystock images I'm not a fan of thesestock like images I prefer to use my owninfluencers take my own take my ownimages so okay so look oh this is smartso here's a very powerful right theresaying here dr. Oz's your body burns fatinstead of carbs or fuel often leadingto rapid substantial weight loss rightbut they're utilizing something that dr.oz said about keto okay they don'tactually have dr. oz talking about theketo this Kido accelerator product rightso you sometimes in the beginning guysyou have to be resourceful before youget like big influencers promoting yourproduct for you sometimes you just haveto be really resourceful like therebeing right there just taking what acredible source is already saying andplugging it into their sales funnelright I love this a lot of love love litlove this it's definitely great hatthough just so you know so I'm notencouraging any of you to do it but yousometimes you got to be resourceful inthe beginning when you don't have a lotof resources okay so try it for freeokay so this must be a free plusshipping offer man I want to click thata CTA button man maybe this will savethis one for another one let's oh andlook an exit pop nice exit pot wait letme send you a keto kickstart guy forfree fantastic love this before theyleave let's grab that email let's grabthat email so we can follow up with thatperson in dr. need them further and getthem to buy our ketogenic acceleratoryou knowHill here or whatever this is love thatso this is a contender I'm like oh andexit pops again nice nice they must havecustom coded that so let's go to here tojoin dragon what is this alright this isthis this isn't getting my attention soI'm not worthy stay mentally chargefaster cleaner thinking and calm focusenergy feel energized motivated Anilairfield muqaam powerful nootropicsbioactive antioxidants might this one itsounds similar to what I'm doing but Idon't know it's kind of all over todaystay mentally charged vesser clearthinking and calm focus energy not a fanof this page I know we're dodging anootropic but they look like they havesome other things that are going on likethat turmeric in herebut I don't know guys like this I reallylike one of these two pages to go withthis one is definitely a contender toojust because I'm curious to say see whatthey're selling on their back end let'ssee what their their nutrition labels sowe are different we're a lot differentactually and then boom they have theirthere by now but bottle one six or threebottles fantastic alright let's let's Ithink okay let's cut to the chase guys Ithink we're gonna do this one because Ireally like this one that's doing a buyone get three bottles free let's watchthe quick little sales video herehopefully you guys get the audio goingthrough here nice hook the right foodsbecause you understand the dangers ofinhalation and what it is doing to yourbody I'm Cody Bramblett so we're gonnapause that there you go guys havefinished watching that but you could seethe introduction they were he was alikening a story that's alreadyhappening in the customers mind right doyou ever feel like this do you know thisfeeling and then BOOM introduction tohim right instant we're building thatrapport making the customer feel likeyou actually really understand them okayvery very powerful if you do any sort ofBSL like that okay now we're not gonnawatch this whole thing's we don't havetime but let's get into buying thisthing let's go it says buy one get threefree I don't know what I'm gonna do withall this I'm have to share it with youguys so you can see your 100 day moneyback guarantee very high credibilitynice money back guarantee 100% secureorder processingfast Priority Mail shipping fantasticlove this little image here we're gonnamake sure we'll grab that as well lovethis little one bottle three free heretotal charge right $49 right shippinghandling roughly 995 bring our total to58 and 90 95 together trust badges hereagain do you see how simple this orderform page one thing I think they'remissing here one big thing if I decideto leave this website right now guysthey will never be able to contact meagain and that's what besides if they'redoing any sort of Facebook remarketingand it doesn't look like they do becausemy pixel oh look what happened I justwanted to go check out the pixel andlook what happenedwait don't go get your get up to $10 offyour shipping save even more click thered button below to save up to anadditional 10 perfect right let's savesome money guys have boom you could seethat and it redirects us immediately andnow we don't have to pay for shippingnice exit pop right there but I waslooking on the way I discovered as I wasgoing to the pixel hopper to see theirpixels and saw it doesn't look like thepixels insult here so we're gonna blurall this out here and then we'll showyou the next page after I put in my mybilling and shipping information so sook guys so we got all that informationin here now we're gonna click pay nowand we're going to see what upsell theytake us to so let's see let's see whathappens I'd see what our upsell is mymistake is your free gift what is thiswhat is this I think this page mighthave been deleted or never appeared oryou got the wrong link no worries I gotan awesome opportunity and I apologizehead below and get a free bottle ofturmeric some free gifts or just a bunchof free stuff my apologies click on thelink this is interestingso they're promoting this and gettingsales on this what ok so let's say I'mgonna check and I'll follow up in thecomments of this video to see if we ifwe got charged for this ok since paidyou wanted it broken ok so there mustthere must be updating something hereso let's go claim our free one and seesee what's going on okayboom okay now we're at this page okay sowe're gonna we're getting this is likefunnel inception guys I'm kind of gladthis happened cuz this is the kind ofstuff you always it's interesting to seewhat's going on like this becausethey're obviously driving traffic tothat main offering and they're drivingpeople here but I'm curious to see ifthey build me because that'd be reallyweird if they do so try our productsample package for free shippinghandling $9.99 fantastic most popularright by one Get two Free oh I love thislittle nice little slider here fantasticyou know edits it right hereautomatically fantastic it's a verysimilar page to what they had beforeexcept it looks like this you know theyhave their the little logo right hereagain your local doesn't really matterguys nobody really cares about your logopeople care about the resultsnice customer service phone number hereif you don't have a phone number put anemail or something like that you couldput 100% money-back guaranteeyou know nice 100 180 day bulletproofmoney-back guarantee fantastic let'sread this real quick after you order anyof our products today if you are notcompletely satisfied simply contactmissing next half a year and send itback in condition in any condition and Iwill see that you get a completelyrefund okay so this is very common inthe supplement space hey just send usthe bottle back you'll get a ruralrefund okay fantastic okay interestingcontact information senior militarydiscount interesting look at this I likethis so senior military discount I am atleast sixty years of age or a familymember has served in the military so letme say five dollars from total purchaseprice wow this is awesome I guaranteethose so many people probably abuse thisfor the wrong reasons because peoplelove this I wonder if we can I want todo this ah really nice it looks likeit's somehow integrated with an orderbump not a hundred percent sure but ifyou guys are seeing this even on for thefree plus shipping it's lowering it to$4.99 fantastic absolutely love thatokay so let's uh let's put in all of ourinformation again we're gonna blur allthis stuff out again and then it willcut back to you guys as soon as we clickyes so guys we're about to submit our orhere and I just wanted to talk aboutthis real quick because it looks likethey're doing more like a you know freeplus shipping model to get one unit realquick for $9.99 unfortunately I'm notgonna be able to start my business likethat because that does take some moreinvestment so the way after I was kindof typing in on my billing andinformation here I thought you knowthat's how they must have started thatwas the original funnel that theyprobably had where they were justcharging the full price for the bottlesand then as they grew in scale they wereable to move into a free plus shippingoffer right if I could do frequent ofshipping right out of the gate I wouldit just is it's much more it's more costintensive especially when you have tostart creating sample packs but theirfunnel is probably very nice throughthis a free plus shipping offer you cansee how they have an agree to terms andconditions here and then we're gonnasubmit our order and let's see yeahlet's see where it takes us hopefully wedon't go to a broken page again guys sowe click Submit order boom congrats onyour order you now quality for to thisone-time upgrade let's see I want tothank you for investing yourself andgrabbing a bottle of this amazingsupplement because it's gonna changeyour life fast and I want to help you byinvesting in you so you can get more ofa sunbaes and stuff in it for anincredibly discounted price watch me doher special absolutely and free gifts soif you scroll below you guys see all thefree gifts you're gonna get nutritionprograms diet programs ways to changeyour life that are simple and easy plusan opportunity to get turmeric at anincredibly discounted pricewhy because you just started take thefirst step and invest yourself today soI want invest in you cool okay so upsellnumber one congratulation I want toshare with you how to continue yoursuccess after your free bottle ofturmeric turmeric runs out stay healthystay healthy and trim I'm not reallysure if that means haha here are yourtwo instant bonuses I have for you bonusnumber one get your $180 discount getyour $180 discount towards your add-onorder to make right now saving $108 ofregular price right nice high perceivedvalue right thereanchor immediately right a lot of youguys like if you have something that'smore expensive right show the price thatyou're the value first so I havesomething to anchor to so now I 180 isin my head right 180 isin my head now so I can now if they'recharging whatever for it and it's lessthan 180 I'm gonna bail okay I'm gettinga good deal right now it's anchored inmy head I have no idea how much thiscost yet okaybonus number two priority free upgradepriority mail so let's see plus a bunchof different bonuses see this is anoffer guys write an e-book the fatburning first step I said the daily fatburn program from for a lean and healthylife ebook burn and break your PlateaueBook not just a diet and uu ebook rightthis is an office so you guys need to doif you really want to make a lot ofmoney these people are obviouslycrushing it right guarantee they'redoing high high high very high if notseven figures or more per month in theirbusiness okay so by now you're probablywondering how can you claim your hundredeighty dollar discount shipping upgradeand for e-books right great headlineright because this to me when I'mscrolling down really mostly people arejust reading this right they're readingjust like the bolded part right they seeall the bonuses oh nice headline overhow do I get it right read it or youcould read the copy for more like thethe logical reasons or I'd find out muchtoo much emotion in there and if you'restill in the fence know that your offercomes with a nice six month money-backguarantee tons of credibility righttheretons of emotion and credibility rightthere making me feel safe to say yes tothis okay I'm boom add six bottles toorder just $19.99 each right just $19.99each so for a limited time get $100discount on a six month supply with biopre and regular price $49.99 each todayat $19 each right great anchor rightthere that's like a ridiculous they mustbe getting this really cheap so youcould see here today just 114 today just140 so $19 you get six bottles at $19.99each plus there's all these otherdifferent bonuses if you click yes booma adds it to your order you can seehere's the offer stack right this is theoffer stack right here what everythingthey're going to be getting nice trustseal right there 100% guarantee toplaces where you can click to buy okay Istill don't see a place to say no to Ilove this little bar right here that'shanging out at the bottom so I cananytime I see it any time I'm I stoppedat a point I'm like I you know I want tobuy I could just add it to my orderright then in there you only see thisoffer once fantastic again very similarno thanks I want to reject your 180 giftand and the upgraded shipping right andlet's just keep going through salespitch so that's it so they make youbasically scroll all the way down whichis very common to say no thanks so we'rejust gonna click no thanks and see ifthey give us a down sell on this boomlet's see what he sayslast chance to save 195 now before rightnow your budget too much money too manyballs whatever is I want to give anopportunity to get turmeric at adiscount because I believe in its powerso much so I'm gonna do even further isdiscounted even deeper yes I must begoing crazy because I want you he mustbe going crazy guys so now he's givingus at $15 seats before we can processyour discount you must read you below donot hit the back button watch this videofor special upgrade you can see againit's same offer same offer same exactthing now it's 90 dollars roughly comingout to whatever that $15 is plus you getall of the whole entire offer again sameexact page layout nice two hundred andfour dollar discount or whatever it is anice little sliding bar here at thebottom so you can click Add to order atany time repeating the offer a lot againkeeping the page exactly the same thebase of the only thing that's differentis he's just trying to get us to come inat that specific price so we're justgonna say no thanks again right here manhe's really going at it guys look atthis 1150 per bottle now the down southto the down some more so I have twoopportunities below for you to do evenmore turmeric man you gonna be showeredin turmeric guys absolutely showeredoverall better health so so probablyeggs and the same it I've I've neverseen a down south to the down so I'venever seen that beforethis might be this actually might be upcell number two guys right now I'mthinking about it cuz he's not saying ohthat the previous page is not mentioningthe previous page so this might be likeif we tookso number one which was at $19 each thenext page you might have this been thisone okay we don't know we'd have tofunnel hack it againbut men so now he's giving you twooptions right limited time get 225discount oh and so this is I believe I'mcorrect here so it went from up sonumber one to this no because it's adifferent offer now right it comes withdifferent things a cookbook threeawesome ebooks here to the four of threee-books that you'll be getting so it's adifferent offer right it's a differentoffer on this patients probably wentorder form upsell one down sell onupsell number one and then it went tothis upsell number two page where yousee regardless if you take upsell one ortwo or not okay so six bottle package ofthree Patil package I don't usually likedoing giving two options like this butit's something that I'm gonna I'm gonnathink about it's obviously I've seenthis kind of stuff done before and itworks in some niches so somethingdefinitely that to split test later ondown the line so you're getting you knowthree bottles thirty-nine bucks sixbottles 69 bucksagain nice scrolling here nice offer onthe upsell you always got to have offerseverywhere right you'll also receiveokay now they're repeating this offerplus these two things I don't believethey were there so you're just repeatingthe offer showing hey you're gettingfree shipping you're getting all ofthese discounts right you know all youhave to do is pay $39.99 basically forit for this package or the six bottleversion basically coming out to 1150 perbottle so again just repeating the offerthrough it adding as a lot ofcredibility emotion and a little bit oflogic thrown in there but we're justgonna say no and we're still see isthere anything else there's nothingthere's another one this is one of thelongest results okay so he's now sellingcomplementary products is what Irecommend Academy students do sell thesame thing as much as you can then oncethey get further into back into thefunnel sell the complementary product soyou could see here he's sellingbasically very similar landing page Ican go through all the details but he'sjust selling a complementary producthere as well right he's showing how heythis is such a great complementaryproduct to what you already havealright to help you get that result thatyou want alright showing a lot of thelodgeshowing the detail labels showing youhow often you should take it you knowone time daily with meals – soft gelsall the stuff similar to previous pagesand similar similar offer right he'sshown I think here he actually gave usthis if we said yes the previous offerbut he's just repeating it again rightincreasing that perceived value on thepage as much as he can so let's justscroll down to the bottom and click noso we can get out of this funnel man wegot to get out of this funnel oh and lowkey I like this he added a whole bunchof q and a's q and a's here for thepeople that are more logic based thatwant to know the nitty-gritty details sowe'll just click no thank youwait one more it's so much this might bethe longest video on the channel guysright this is we're trying to I'm tryingto get out of this okay so you're justbasically giving us a discount on theomega-3 again three bottles six bottlepackage basically exactly the same asthat one upsell page that we sawrepeating the offer repeating thediscounts showing credibility showinglogic emotion guarantees all of thosethings one thing that I think he'smissing in this entire funnel that Ihaven't seen guys I'm gonna go off thisfunnel for a second is he is missingadding in a testimonials like more realtestimonies like showing other peoplehaving success with this product that'sone thing I would always I wouldrecommend him do here I reject wantresults faster let's see what else isprobably complimentary product numbertwo yeahprobiotic but it's very similar to whatorganifi does probiotic we're not goingto go through so funnel exact same offerall of that stuff and he's probablygonna down sell us one more page hereafter we click no we are filling yourorder now and want to save you even moreright man how much are you selling meCody let's see it's probably just adiscount on the probiotic it'sincrediblesometimes probiotic is not right for youbut you know I use this product so muchso again same page is giving you abetter discount you know some of youmight you might be thinking well this istoo much feel like this is justexcruciating ly painful like I can'teven watch this is so true shootingpeople guys it's not what you like whatyou think in here that matters it's whatthe data tells you okayif he's crushing it doing it this waythen that's something to understandthat's something to model okay so don'talways let the data tell you where tolook or where to make changes or doanything in your business guys all righttoo many of you guys are go my customersare not like that you're too emotionalall right you're too emotional alwayslet the data tell you where to makechanges in your business okay we'regonna reject Cody's offer and hopefullyCody just lets us free Cody oh my goshguys this is this is just too much whatare we at we're at 30 minutes for thisvideo it's too much at this point Ithink I think this should have been twoThank You page so it's a nootropic ofsome sort I'm just gonna say no guys I'mjust trying to get I'm just trying toget out of this I'm trying to get out ofthis all right let me get out I'll tryto say no thanks come on Codyleave me be please all right Cody I'mleaving I understand you have a lot ofproducts I know you're crushing andyou're making a lot of money but oh mygosh guys we made it we survived wesurvived the funnel okay oh my goodnessokay thank goodness alright guys so thefunnel definitely could have not usedthose last two pages final thoughts twobiggest things I'd suggest obviouslyCody this business is doing really wellalready okay a couple suggestions Iwould have if you're trying to findinspiration here is one grabbing theemail address on that sales page okaybefore they can get to the order formokayI would offer also I didn't really see acontinuity page on this funnel hopefullyI'm not hitting it put on somecontinuity page so those would be my twobiggest suggestions and I'm removingthose last two you know upselling downso we're he's selling the new troe but Ithink it's just a little too muchmy funnels I like to sell more of thesame thing forfirst two pages and then doingcontinuity and then also selling tocomplementary products okay this was avery long funnel as I was saying a fewof the things that final things that Iwould change on this product would begetting an email address opt-in or sumsway to contact me if I had left the pageright because all of you didn't have anyopt-in on that on that first page I lovethe exit pop that ketogenic acceleratorwas doing to grab that email addressgiving me a free ebook really creatingthat goodwill I love that idea I'llprobably do the same exact thing for mysupplement second thing was I didn't seeany continuity on any of these pagescontinuity is key especially withsupplements so I put some sort ofcontinuity plan in this and thirdly Iwould remove those last twocomplementary products that he had thereI just think it was a little too muchoverkill but again it's something tolearn from let the data tell you butguys that is it for today's video if youenjoyed this a lone funnel I would loveto hear your thoughts drop a commentdown below guys you also be entered into win a one on one coaching sessionwith me for 30 minutes we could talkabout your new e-commerce business oryour existing business I'm gonna doeverything in my power to help you growand scale it and if you enjoyed thevideo obviously smash that like buttonsmash the subscribe button and turn outa little notification bell so you'renotified when we release new contenthere on the e-commerce Empire buildersChannel and check out all the resourcesdown in the description of this videoguys they'll be a link there and you canattend the sales funnel master classwhere I show you how to build these kindof funnels for your ecommercedropshipping businesses using these kindof funnels is what allowed me to quit myjob allowed me to actually pay myselffor my business and I want you to learnfrom my mistakes again all thoseresources and free funnel templates andall this good stuff will be in theresource a link down below in thedescription of this videobut guys have a fantastic rest of yourday and remember your empire starts now[Music]


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Becoming a Successful Internet Marketing Company Affiliate

By Christopher J Enders | Submitted On January 02, 2006

Expert Author Christopher J Enders

Participating in affiliate programs as an internet marketing

company affiliate is a viable way to make money on the internet

without having your own products and services for sale. In

essence, as an internet marketing company affiliate, you market

other companies’ products and services for a fee.

Generally affiliate programs are either one-tier or two-tier

programs which means if you participate in a one-tier program,

you get paid for referrals that you send to the company for which

you are an internet marketing company affiliate. If you

participate in a two-tier program, you also get paid for

referring other affiliates to the program.

In most affiliate programs, an internet marketing company

affiliate gets paid either a percentage of sales that result from

their referrals, or a flat fee per lead or click-through that

result from their internet marketing efforts.

The defective line of thinking that leads an internet marketing

company affiliate to failure and disappointment is the thought

that being an internet marketing company affiliate is an easy,

get-rich-quick business opportunity. Unsuccessful internet

marketing company affiliates are those who don’t realize that in

order to make money with affiliate programs you have to actively

market them.

The error that is common to a new internet marketing company

affiliate is that they launch a website to display links, or even

pages, for the purpose of promoting various affiliate programs

for which they are an internet marketing company affiliate for,

but they don’t actively market their website or their affiliate

products. As a result, their website doesn’t generate any revenue

or generates very little revenue.

To be a successful internet marketing company affiliate you

absolutely have to market your affiliate products and services.

You can actually make loads of money as an internet marketing

company affiliate, but affiliate marketing is not a get-rich-

quick scheme. It is a business opportunity that must be taken

seriously and it does require work, some internet marketing

knowledge, and some funding for launching an aggressive internet

marketing campaign.

Because you don’t have to put out money for product development

or inventory, starting an internet business as an internet

marketing company affiliate may not require as much of an

investment as other types of internet businesses, but assuming

that it is a zero-investment venture is flawed thinking.

For most programs, as an internet marketing company affiliate you

have to have a website through which you market your affiliate

programs because some affiliate programs view your website as

part of their approval process and some only allow you to use

affiliate links to them on a website. In addition to the

investment involved with website development an internet

marketing company affiliate also needs funding for internet

marketing of the affiliate programs.

Common internet marketing methods used by an internet marketing

company affiliate to promote affiliate programs include search

engine marketing, email marketing, linking campaigns,

distribution of expert articles, viral marketing, and

participation in online newsgroups and forums.

Purchasing advertising through pay-per-click search engines,

ezines, directories and so forth is also a method of internet

marketing that is conducive to promoting affiliate products and

services as an internet marketing company affiliate.

One thing is for certain. In order to make serious money as an

internet marketing company affiliate, you simply have to market

the products and services of your affiliate programs.

Some website operators join affiliate programs and become an

internet marketing company affiliates for the purpose of

supplementing their income a little while providing their website

visitors with easy access to products and services that may be

beneficial to them. For them, actively marketing affiliate

programs may not be a necessity because the affiliate programs

are not their primary source of income.

However, if you desire to be an internet marketing company

affiliate who generates revenue solely from affiliate programs,

you must be an active internet marketer.

Copyright Christopher J. Enders. Are you at the end of your rope, fed up and confused by all the scrambled internet marketing advice you’re getting? Whether you are new to internet marketing, or a website owner who wants to make more money from your website, learn the proven strategies that will sky-rocket your internet business at []

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