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Can eCommerce Development Companies Help To Make An Online Store? Secrets For Mobile User Experience

By William Hills | Submitted On December 02, 2015

It has become mandatory for web design companies and developers to create and adopt a mobile-friendly design while creating websites which would help them cater the needs of mobile audience too along with desktop users. However a responsive layout is not enough for catering the mobile user requirements, the site should be comprised of an attractive user interface along with an impressive content. User experience in the mobile site matters a lot in attracting mobile customers towards the online stores.

It relies more on the mindset of the mobile users. Developers and web designers will have to understand the user’s mindset and then optimize the website to provide the most pleasant experience for them. Even clients are nowadays considering the mobile UX optimization as a key criterion to test your efficiency if you are a developer or web designer.

Let’s take a close look at some of the top solutions to improve mobile user experience in your online store.

A smooth and visible customer journey within the site

Ensure the customers have a very smooth and simple experience whenever they land on your online store. Things they might be looking for should be visible clearly instead of including the information within any drop-down menus that might lead to confusion and unnecessary time consumption as far as the customers are concerned. A user-friendly experience with everything available within their fingertips can obviously attract more customers towards your online store for making future purchases if any. Sufficient space has to be provided within the call to action buttons, otherwise users may click on some other option instead of the desired one and land to another page that might not be relevant for them. The content should be easy to read and easy to click within the screen size of the mobile device.

Other things to consider include,

  • Consider including icon based menus that are vertically placed so as to avoid longer scrolling that might irritate the customers.
  • Include stacked tabs with headings which would expand whenever a user clicks on it. It also makes the web page look more structured and neat.

Useful tools to analyze user experience in Mobile Site

Provide an experience that is pleasant instead of experiences that are not satisfactory for your clients and customers. Therefore, it is desirable to analyze your mobile site and fix any user experience issues so as to avoid any future issues.

Below are some of the tools that will help improve mobile user experience for the clients.

Page Speed Insights Tool – This tool from Google allows developers to get a closer insight so as to deliver enhanced mobile user experience for the customers. The main objective of this tool is to improve the speed of the web page and thereby offer a seamless browsing experience for the users.

User Experience Beta – This is another tool which is available within the results page of Page Speed Insights that provide you guidelines to fix any user experience issues.

Seek Feedback from your Customers

Customer feedback is very important in understanding the customer experience for your mobile site and fixing those issues right on time. This can be done by including a ‘Leave Feedback’ page wherein customers can express their opinions and feedbacks about the website experience they had on your online store. Another way is to sort the list of customers who repeatedly visits your website and make purchases. Once the list is ready, you can email them asking for valuable feedbacks if any that might help you improve the user experience in the mobile site.

William Hills is a professional and expert content writer. He writes professional blogs and a variety of quality articles. If you are looking for Virginia based web design company, you are at the right place. For eCommerce, dynamic, responsive, mobile app development services contact Janbask Digital Design.

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Best Ecommerce and Crowdfunding Fulfillment Companies

finding the right fulfillment center tosupport your e-commerce startup orcrowdfunding campaign can give you aninvaluable partner your trustyfulfillment center can be there for youduring a crucial time for you and yourcustomers shipping time the issue isthat not all of them in centers arecreated equal some are new andunreliable with lost and stolenshipments and unexpected fees to helpstart your search for the perfectfulfillment center I've compiled a lista few companies that are known foroffering a more personal service havecompetitive features and mostly getpositive reviews the first one isfulfill rights who is also the sponsorof today's YouTube video the full rideis an e-commerce fulfillment companybased out of New Jersey that has beenrunning since 2009 this company takes asmaller more hands-on approach than someof the bigger fulfillment centers aroundthe filling right has an average fourpoint nine out of five stars on Googlewith 10 reviews so far one happycustomer Renata Patel commented theseguys are amazing they handled ourKickstarter campaign with ease and evenafter we came off the Kickstartercampaign and began selling on our ownonline store they continued to providean easing service without any issues forus or our customers whenever we hadissues crop up with shipping providersthey were more than happy to help andJoe was always quick to answer emailsand calls phenomenal third party forthem in company don't think twice justtrust these guys with your fulfillmentneeds so how does the throw at work youmight be wondering it's pretty easythe fill writes order fulfillmentsoftware integrates with your ecommerceprovider and gives you access toreal-time order and inventory updatesyou send your inventory to theirwarehouse to be packaged to yourspecifications including customizedlogos and branding and then shipped outworldwide using the carrier of yourchoice don't worry if you aren't surewhich carrier is best for you the teamthere is very knowledgeable and healthmany crowdfunders and entrepreneurs findsolutions that work for them which isnot necessarily always fulfill right dueto the variety of services that forthose right offers exact pricing is notalways listed on their website but youcan always request a quote you got togive them some information about yourbusiness like your current shopping cartsolutions storage space you need monthlyorder volume number of unique productSKU that you have oruse and whether or not you choose toship internationally as full disclosurefulfill light has sponsored some of ourpodcasts in the past but the reason Iwork with them is because we respecttheir company values and dedication toservice number two racket tune and superlogistics formerly web gistic s– rackettune super logistics is a leader ine-commerce fulfillment that acquired webmystics in 2013 racket Doon offerscloud-based ecommerce fulfillmentpromoting high accuracy at an affordablecost they do this by running a networkof seven fulfillment centers and fiveshipping ports where you get completecontrol over your inventory and personalcustomer service they come pretty highlyrecommended on the internet but they dohave a few negative reviews CB shirtsadmits in a Shopify review they knowseveral people who have been happy usingour SL but for that second time theywere actually disappointed with theirservice at this point I'm not sure howour business gets out of this mess thatwe're in because of our SL I've beenoperating ecommerce storage for wellover 15 years so this isn't my veryfirst experience with a fulfillmentcenter but I've never experienced alevel of service so incredibly egregiouswith absolutely no explanation and noremedy or compensation for theircomplete failure to hinder any aspect ofour warehousing fulfillment within anyreasonable level of service that commentwas left in October of 2015 as the mostrecent negative review I could find onthe other hand a satisfied user themedevelop left a long review on Shopify onApril 5th of 2016 this is a shortversion even working with racket tuneand super logistics for three amazingmonths is probably the single mostreliable node in our business flow ifyou need a bulletproof fulfillmentpartner to automatically ship yourorders quickly and correctly RSL is thebest choice you can make when you have alarge business like RSL there are boundto be a few hiccups which could help toexplain the discrepancy b/c with some ofthese reviewsRSL still doesn't have too many negativeviews and most customers seem to have apretty good experience with them numberthree e fulfillment service the team ata fulfillment services was launched in2001 prides themselves on being a simpleand straightforward fulfillment centerthoes helped ecommerce owners startupsand crowdfunding campaigns they have anA+ rating with the Better BusinessBureau and promises their customersaffordable prices friendly terms andaward-winning customer service thefulfillment service offers its clients alist of advantages that many otherfilamentdon't offer for example no setup feesintegration fees long-term contracts andorder quantities and more as for howwell they do in reviews evilman servicecurrently has four out of five stars onYelp with seven reviews one happycustomer david be shared I almost feellike I owned the company and everyonethere works for me no better feelingthan that or something you could findanywhere else in this industry orotherwise all my questions or concernsare pretty much answered immediatelyrespectfully and with precisionthey even cater to some special requeststhat I needed to have done you aremissing out big time if you don't usethem my business already has tripledsince I started using them to handle allof my needs this company also doesn'thave too many negative reviews most ofthe negative feedback on their Yelp pagecomes from almost five years ago I chosethese three fulfillment centers tofeature because they all stand out asbeing accurate affordable and havingbetter customer service than thecompetition these film incentives go theextra mile to handle special requestsfrom the customers and even have logoand branding options that largerfilament comforts don't always offerthis is a great starting point if youare doing a startup or an e-commerceonline business if you are doing acrowdfunding campaign I also have avideo out there going through some ofthe major fulfillment companies in theKickstarter IndieGoGo and crowdfundingindustry if you're looking to do acrowdfunding campaign I can highlyrecommend any more fulfill right theseguys are awesome they do a killer jobthey're also the sponsor of today'svideo and I think you'd like them a lotso if you're interested in crowdfundinggo and check out that other video tolearn more about some of the otherfulfillment companies in this industrythank you so much for tuning into thisyoutube video my name is salvadorBrigman you can leave any comments downbelow if you have any questions and iwill see you next time


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Four Useful Ecommerce Web Design Tips

By Hossein Mehrizy | Submitted On June 22, 2013

Expert Author Hossein Mehrizy

Ecommerce web design involves exchange of business related information through both an Electronic Data Interchange and other internet based technologies. A unique aspect of this kind of exchange of business information is that everything is done without needing to use any paper. Of late, Ecommerce has become a vital part of modern internet usage. This particular type of commerce allows you to do business over the internet with the help of a computer that is linked to other computers. When all these computers are linked together a network is created.

The nice thing about conducting commerce via the internet is that it allows you to do shop online and you can also download as well as sell software online. The best part about Ecommerce is that it allows you to do business on a global level. This concept involves doing business quickly and with greater efficiency. Today, businesses are run online and it is also no longer necessary to have a brick and mortar store to do business.

Here are a few useful Ecommerce web design tips that you will do well to follow.

Pay attention to customers

The first important aspect of such design requires you to pay special attention to your customers. Customers who visit your website will want to find what they are looking for without too much fuss or bother. One design tip that can help your business succeed is that of highlighting a few of your products with a basic flash introduction. In addition, you should also do your best to make your special products stand out.

Focus on usability

Secondly, focus mainly on usability. A good Ecommerce web design is one that makes it easy for customers to move from one product to another. It is therefore necessary for you to make sure that the customer has an option of adding and deleting items easily, and furthermore, you also need to make their shopping experience easy and more user-friendly.


Thirdly, you have to take full advantage of cross-selling. This will help you increase the average sale per customer/visitor. You should do your best to offer products that complement each other. You should try to cross sell products by suggesting complementary items but without disrupting the shopping experience.

Provide more options to your customer

Fourthly, you should allow guests to checkout items without making them first sign in to their account. The more options you give to your customer the more likely it is that they will buy from you. Finally, you should make your website secure and safe. Good Ecommerce web design requires use of the right Secure Sockets Layer or SSL for greater website security.

I hope this article has helped you understand a little bit about ecommerce web design. Luckily, you can appeal to us anytime, as we offer Ecommerce web design. Visit us today!

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Top Hat Challenge Review Bonus – The Fastest Way to Get an eCom Store Started in 7 Days or Less

hello this is Chris Blair even thoughI'm an American I've been living inJapan for the last 20 plus years so Isound to be really cool to do anintroduction video from my speciallaunch top hat challenge from a shrinehere in Japan check it out it's just sobeautiful this areais it there's also the bigger buildingover here okaynow enough mr. panner let's talk aboutwhat the top hot challenge is and whatit can do for you okayso you've probably heard about thee-commerce boom and you've probablyheard about Shopify okay now what isShopify Shopify is a platform thatallows you to build your own selfbranded website ecomp store they've goteverything covered they got the hostingthey've got the security got the paymentprocessing they got the apps you willneed everything you need to build aonline ecomp store quickly come toShopify and since shop way has launchedit's become very popular people likemyself that other people have builttheir own source and have becomesuccessful and I've built a full-timeliving working online selling goodsright and there's many ways fill and getgood but the way that I love andrecommend is a thing calledprint-on-demand or P o deed what isprint-on-demand well there's a lot ofsuppliers out there in the marketplacethat will allow you for that ball inthis course we'll talk about hatsbeanies and caps but there's other stufflike t-shirts there's necklaces and youcan literally take your design fileconnect it with their system throughShopify through an application right andwhat will happen is when a customer buysfrom your site the data for that orderautomatically goes to the supplier withthe print-on-demand company they printyour product they send back the trackingall automated send it to your customerand they ship it directly customer soyou never carry any stock at all it's anthe fulfillment process is all automatedplus it's one by one by one so you don'thave any upfront cost for you know inthe traditional sales world you had tobuy a hundred two hundred three hundredthousand yearsyou don't through that so you carry nostock the film it's been automated andthere's no upfront cost except for yourdesignit's a beautiful business model okay andin that business model I became a masterat selling hats caps and beings and Ibelieve that this is the next big thingyou've probably heard or maybe didn'thear about the big t-shirt boom therewas a few who were really sellingt-shirts well the next big thing forEECOM especially on Facebook and othersocial media platforms is hat caps andbeanies and I haven't mastered a formulathat I've created to make this processeasy to make sales and build a storeselling hats caps and beanies easy nowwho is this for this is not for a seasonif you're if you're having big big salesright this is not course for you ifyou've been involved in this for a whilethis is not the course you who is thisfor this is for total beginners and I'mgonna walk you from step to step through21 videos on how you can get your storeup and running and making sales plus aplaybook so it has the PDF playbook andit has the videos right that walks youstep by step by step so this is greatfor newbie but it's also great for thoseof you out there who've been in thisgame for a while we have not had successor not have Six Senses maybe you made acouple days of good sales but you've notbeen able to you know do week in andweek out well this course is for you sogo ahead and check out the sales pageread it and yeah jump in we'll see youon the inside
