The Basic Theories of Internet Marketing

By Edeh Chijioke | Submitted On January 02, 2007

Expert Author Edeh Chijioke

Life is been governed by laws, principles, or theories. It follows that every business you do in life must be done in accordance with such relevant, established, and natural laws if you sincerely want to succeed.

In internet marketing, just like any other business, theories abound. The first theory in this context is called the theory of speed. This theory states that you must consider how fast your product or service is produced or delivered in comparison to your competitors’. This theory is very significant in the management of software development. Software programs are often expected to run fast.

As a matter of fact, if the delivery of your goods and services is faster than your competitors’ own in the same niche people will prefer your products and services to your competitors’. So you must, as a matter of necessity, consider the theory of speed when you are involving yourself in any area of internet marketing.

The second theory is known as the theory of cost. Dear Mr. Internet Marketer, the cost-effectiveness of a product or service you render is a very important determining factor in the school of internet marketing. Believe me, people like cheap products no matter how they pretend. So you must try as much as possible to make your goods and services to be “cheaper” than your rivals’ own. I advise you to check out the price of your competitors’ products and services in order to maintain a reasonable price. Strive as much as possible to ensure that you have a better price.

Thirdly, there is the theory of quality. Are you thinking of delivering inferior products to your customer? Then you should as well be thinking of becoming a failure in your chosen niche. If you ask me, your failure rate is 99.9 per cent; it then means that you are most likely to fail for just selling inferior products or rendering inferior services. Your products and services should be of very high quality if you really expect to make very high amount of money – you can only reap what you sow. Only thieves or criminals are known for taking what they do not deserve. Let me warn you before you lose out, even the poorest of all men like high quality goods and services – poverty notwithstanding.

Edeh Chijioke is a Research Reporter, Publisher, and Ghostwriter on Several Issues of Human Life, Society, and Career; especially Internet Marketing Related Matters such as SEO, Viral Marketing, Adsense, and so on. For Details Visit [] Now.

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Interviewing One Of My 6 Figure Ecom Students | HOW HE DID IT

What’s up guys in this video I interviewed one of my top Ecom Degree students Khalil Haze. Khalil has only been dropshipping for a little over a year and has already hit the 6 figure mark.It was a bumpy journey for Khalil but he pushed through and he is now killing it. I ask him a lot of key questions and this video is filled with gold nuggets. I know its long af but trust me watching the whole thing is worth it.

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Mobile App Vs Website for ECommerce

By Cris Styris | Submitted On September 17, 2016

Nobody can ignore the importance of mobile platform, especially e commerce businesses who are witnessing an influx in customer visits to their site from a mobile platform. As per a study done in 2015, 85% consumers prefer mobile apps over websites and 41% smartphone owners had made at least one purchase from their smartphone. Further, the worldwide market share of mobile commerce is expected to touch 70% by 2017 and by 2020 it is expected that the revenue generated by mobile commerce will be around $ 284 billion.

However, that does not mean that the web platform can be entirely neglected in favour of the mobile platform, or having a web application will mean that you will tap a greater market share. As much as people prefer the mobile platform for ecommerce shopping, studies have also shown that of the 8.52% desktop users that add to cart, 2.78% make an actual purchase. On the other hand, on mobile platform the add to cart rate is 4.7% and conversion rate is 80%.

1. Responsive, mobile or both?

It has become imperative for all websites and web applications to be responsive or adaptive as they can be accessed from a desktop, tablet or smartphone, and business owners have to work with this assumption while embarking on going live with their solution. Also, Google marks down the page ranking of web solutions that are not adaptive to the varying screen size. The user experience and interface presentation varies for desktop and mobile platforms. Hence, the treatment of the web solution will vary based on the device it is likely to be accessed on. If half of the daily traffic to the website is accessing it from a mobile device, then the business is likely to lose a large chunk of customers. A Google survey of smartphone users in the USA revealed that over 65% preferred using a mobile website over mobile application for online shopping. Also, conversions have improved significantly for leading ecommerce businesses since adopting responsive websites since it offer better customer experience. Also, 40% web users abandon a website if it takes more than 3 seconds to load. Responsiveness trims the web interface to ensure that the website is not heavy and loads quickly.

2. Need for a mobile application

Established ecommerce businesses have a mobile application handy along with a responsive website for their business. Quite a few businesses have tried adopting mobile application alone instead of launching a website. Based on the type of product or service being offered, very few have succeeded, though even they did at the cost of losing a greater market share. As per a study by VisionMobile, over 55% mobile apps earn less than $500/ month. Another Gartner report suggests that 25% app users use it only once and about 80-90% of apps are eventually deleted.

Despite these demotivating figures, a mobile application makes sense and is even preferred in many scenarios by online shoppers because it is convenient, fast and easier to browse. Also, it is easier to push personalised notifications on new offers and the customer can also respond faster.

3. More on Mobile Technology and its advantage over website

On a mobile app, the user is always logged in, so shopping cart can be accessed faster and it is more secure to save credit card details. Further, in case of using net banking and other modes of payment where one time passwords are required, these get auto-filled, speeding the payment process. Device technologies also make a lot of difference in enhancing the shopping experience for the users. Some instances,

  • Mobile camera – the front mobile camera can be used by the buyer to load their image and check the outfit or accessory on themselves. The camera can also be used as a barcode scanner for making payments or finding products online
  • iBeacon – iBeacon sends real-time alerts to app user when they pass the shop and inform them of any new offer or which aisle they can find some specific product on.
  • iNFC – NFC can be used to make one-tap payment
  • GPS – the GPS and map can be used to locate stores, centres and even track real-time location of the package to be delivered.

4. Mobile and web strategy

Whether the business launches a mobile application immediately or not, it is essential to have a fully functioning mobile strategy. Whether it is a responsive design or mobile application, there must be a clarity in goals while designing the solution so that the user experience is enriched by the shopping experience.

A new business can opt for web development services in India or any of the leading web service providing countries in favour of mobile app development solutions in the initial days of their ecommerce solution launch. A responsive website or web application will be meaningful investment for the long term and will also give the customer a sense of permanency about the business. Extending the service with a mobile application thereafter will ensure greater number of downloads and establish brand loyalty, which is a fickle currency in times of such tough competition.

I am Cris, A great artist, Love to develop mobile apps. I am working with Solution Analysts as Mobile App Developer and have expertise in developing iBeacon, iOS Swift, Android, ionic, PhoneGap mobile apps. Solution Analysts- A premier Mobile App Development Company in India, delivering Hybrid & Native mobile app development solutions and Mobile App Development Services across the globe since 2011.

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कितनी बड़ी है E-Commerce Industry | Case Study | Dr Vivek Bindra

In this video Dr Vivek Bindra talks about the E-Commerce Industry. He share in detail How Big is the E-Commerce Industry, why you should use the E-Commerce Industry and how can you use the E-Commerce Industry.
Watch the video till the end to know about all the details of E-Commerce Industry and how you can expand your business with the help of E-Commerce industry.

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When Internet Marketing Promotions Can Suffer If You Use Audio, Video Or Long Sales Letters

By Michael Senoff | Submitted On July 25, 2006

Expert Author Michael Senoff

I make almost all my money on the Internet using audio, and am a huge advocate of using audio on websites — whether for selling or educational purposes — because I have seen the huge jump in response and profits that result.

Not only do people get exposed to your message on a whole different level than using just text, but you bond with people in ways you can’t get anyway else.

In fact, sometimes when people listen to all the interviews I have done and actually talk to me on the phone, they tell me they feel like they’re talking to a “celebrity.” When in truth, I am far from it.

That’s the kind of raw power using audio on your site gives you.

However, with that said, there are times when having audio on your site will not work. Or at least, depending on audio to the extent I use it will not work.

Such as if you are selling something where there just isn’t that much to talk about. Like, for example, if you sell parts to electronic manufacturers or something like that.

True, you can probably find some ways to make a talk out of it. But really, if someone is at your site because they want “part # 138e7e8e” or something like that, they don’t want a pitch or to hear a 45-minute talk on the subject. They just want the part.

In fact, in cases like that, trying to enhance everything with audio, video or a long sales pitch can actually work against you.

So be careful with how and what you use all the new technology for.

Video and audio are both exciting mediums. But they can work against you in some cases if you aren’t careful.

Michael Senoff is a sought-after Internet marketer, interviewer and business coach with more than 50,000 students on four continents. For a limited time he is giving away free over 120 hours of in-depth audio interviews with some of the richest and most successful marketers, copywriters and business experts in the world at his famous website

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How Ecom Express Delivers e-Commerce Shipments

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“Fail-Proof” Your Internet Marketing Business With This Simple Secret 90% Of Businesses Ignore

By Michael Senoff | Submitted On July 25, 2006

Expert Author Michael Senoff

If you want to know a sure-fire, almost 100% fool proof secret that will keep your Internet marketing business alive and thriving for years into the future, then this article will show you how.

It’s a simple secret, but a secret most people never understand. And yet, if you know and understand it, you almost can’t fail.

Anyway, here is the “secret:

Success and failure, for the most part, all boils down to selling people what they want and not what they need.

For example, let’s take a multi-millionaire who loves making money and has more money than he could ever possibly spend in ten lifetimes.

He may not need more money, but he wants it. And so, he will be open to ways to multiply his fortune.

On the other hand, let’s say this guy really needs a prostate examination, but is in denial there anything wrong with him.

And doesn’t want to hear about the subject.

Well guess what?

You could show him all the data on his family history with prostate cancer, on people his age and other relevant data that proves beyond a shadow of a doubt he really needs to have his prostate looked at, and it won’t matter to him one bit.

Sure, he needs it.

But he doesn’t want it.

And so, that offer for a free prostate exam or bottle of pills won’t mean jack squat to him. Even though he may need it, and even though he can easily afford it.

The point?

People don’t necessarily always buy what they need. But they will always buy the things they want.

And so, when you’re selling online (or offline) as long as you focus on what your customers wants — and not what they need — you’re going to be in business for a long time.

Like I said, it’s not a complicated secret at all.

And yet, look around you and you will see 90% of Internet marketers doing the exact opposite.

Michael Senoff is a sought-after Internet marketer, interviewer and business coach with more than 50,000 students on four continents. He is also an expert on showing people how to create their own high ticket information products from scratch using just your telephone. For a 100% FREE REPORT that reveals how you can take your own ordinary book, e-book or even a concept and turn it into a information product you can sell for up to $3,900 or more go to:

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