Intro to Squarespace Ecommerce: Setting Up Shop

hey guys in today's video I wanted togive you an introduction to Squarespaceecommerce Squarespace allows you toeasily set up your own online store andsale not just physical products but alldifferent types of products as well soin this video I'm going to give you anoverview of what you can do as well asshare some tips and show you somespecial features if we haven't met yethi i'm louise of soul open air sidekickcalm and put out new videos every singleweek all about making the tech in youronline business easier so if you have anonline business or you're hoping tolaunch one definitely hit subscribe andhit that little bell icon too so you getnotified every time I post a new videoso let's start with the differentproducts that you can sell inSquarespace you can sell physicalproducts so this is anything that needsto be shipped out to the customer youcan also sell digital products so thisis how you would sell something like ane-book and then if you are a freelanceror service based business you canactually accept payments for yourservices as well and if you're on theSquarespace advanced commerce plan youcan sell gift cards so speaking of whichlet's talk about the Squarespace pricingplans and which one you need to be on inorder to sell products in order to sellproducts you do need to be on thebusiness plan so this is $18 per monthif you're paying annually or $26month-to-month what's great about thisplan is that you can sell unlimitedproducts the only thing is there is athree percent transaction fee so it'slikely that you are going to want toupgrade to one of the online store plansotherwise known as the commerce plans sowith this one you have the basic andadvanced again you can sell unlimitedproducts but now there are notransaction fees one of the main reasonsthat you might want to upgrade to theadvance plan is because then you getaccess to subscriptions or payment plansI'll leave a link for this pricing pagedown below so that you can go and checkout all of the features so you might bewonderingtemplate you need to be on in order tosell products what I love aboutSquarespace is you can sell products onany of the templates so if you alreadyhave a Squarespace website you are goodto go and you can add products to yoursite if you are just getting started Irecommend that you use one of thetemplates in the brine family becausethese are the most flexible and have afew more features that are great forcommerce so after you've picked yourpricing plan and your template it's timeto add products to your store so how doyou do that in Squarespace you're goingto click on pages and then scroll downto the not linked section I'm going toclick on the plus sign and selectproducts so here you can just title thisproducts and this is where you will putall of your products on your site nowwhen you just click right here you willsee your different options for addingthe different types of products then toadd your product you just need to clickhere and then choose which type ofproduct you want to add to your storewhen you do that you're going to clickon it and then enter all of your productinformation here I also want to mentionthat there is a fifth type of productthat you can add to Squarespace and thatis your online course so if you do wantto sell an online course withSquarespace that is definitely possibleand I'll leave a link to this video inthe description below so a few morethings that I want to mentionSquarespace hooks up with a stripe andPayPal so you can accept all differenttypes of credit cards as well as PayPaland for those of you with physicalproducts it has an integration withshipstationso that you can easily and quickly printyour shipping labels so let me show youquickly how to add a product so I'm justgoing to click here to add my firstproduct and let's say that I'm doing aphysical product I'm going to click onthat and then here is where I wouldupload my product images so let's saythat I'm going to sell my launch guideand ship it to you guys so I'm gonnatype in the title over here and then I'mgoing to add my price so I'm going toclick on that you'll see pricing justclick on this and here is where youwould enter your price another reason Ilove Squarespace is because of how easythey make putting something on sale butfor now I'm just going to show you thisand here is where you would add your SKUthe stock the weight in your dimensionsso for now I'm just going to click onstock and change that to unlimitedalright so back to our item we would putour product description here whoops Ican spell okay and then we have a fewother tabs you have additional info ifyou want to add more information on yourproducts you can absolutely do that youcan add videos any type of content belowthe main product image then we haveforum if you need to collect moreinformation from someone at checkout andthen we have options so here you need toadd your product URL so I'm going to addlaunch guide and if you want you canchange the language on the buttons butI'm happy with the default then I needto upload my thumbnail image awesome andthe final tab is social in this tab youcan automatically share your productsthat you add to your store on socialmedia all right so I'm going to clickSave and publish and show you what thiswill look like on your website so if Igo over here as you can see we now haveour product ready for sale and if Iclick on this this is what my mainproduct page is going to look like so itlooks pretty awesomeand as with Squarespace you cancustomize this page a ton so if I gointo design and then site Styles youwill see all these different customeroptions for your products page so forexample if I wanted to change theposition of this image I couldabsolutely do that then you can alsocustomize the fonts and the colors foryour brand as well as choose what youwant to display so for example if Ididn't want to show those share buttonsI could simply turn those off okay greatso another thing I absolutely love aboutSquarespace is that you can add yourproduct to whatever page that you wantso for example let's say you want towrite a blog post and share your mostrecent product you can absolutely dothatso on any page or blog you can add alink for someone to purchase yourproduct let me show you an example onthis test page here so with my insertpoint I can click on that scroll downand add a product block if I click onthat I just need to type in the title ofmy product and it will bring it up forme great okay and so as you can see Ican add this anywhere on my site and Ican choose to show the description aswell as a button awesome so I'm going tochange this to center alignment and youcan also enable quick view which I'mgoing to talk about in a second so letme click apply and show you I'm gonnamake this a bit smaller so you can seeit okay awesomeso yet you can add this product blockhere anywhere that you would like onyour site which makes it really easy forpeople to purchase so now I want to goover a few special features that I loveso the first is that quick view so letme show you what happens when you enablethat if I click on this and then clickapply and then save as you can see whenI hover over my image I'm now going toget this quick View button and ifsomeone were to click on that it's goingto bring up more information about theproduct in this nice pop-up window sothis is especially convenient if youhave multiple products then people don'tneed to actually leave the product pageto view more information on your productso that's the first feature that I lovethe second is the image zoom so if Iclick on this you can determine thatwhen people hover on your image it'sgoing to zoom in so this is really greatif you have a physical product and youneed to show more details so my thirdfavorite feature is the Express Checkoutso at the moment if somebody were toclick Add to Cart this is simply goingto add a number to the cart here andsomeone would need to click on that andthen see their cart page before theycheck out so if you want you can bypassthis step if you go into commerce andthen checkout scroll down and enableExpress Checkout okay so I'm going toclick Save on that remove this item frommy cart and go back to my product pageso now someone is going to see adifferent button and if they click on itthey are going to be instantly led tothe checkout page instead so as you cansee there is tons that you can do withSquarespace commerce if you want tolearn more about how to do this I teachit inside my course website that Wow'swhere I share with you all the differentvariations that you could possibly needin terms of setting up your online storeso click the link below this video andyou'll see a link to the blog post thataccompanies this video in that you'llsee an option to sign up for a freetrial of my online course any importantlinks for you to check out as well as a10% discount code for Squarespacealright guys that's it for mySquarespace ecommerce overview I hopethat you found it helpful if you haveany questions at all just leave thosefor me in thebelow and don't forget to check thedescription because I've left a 10%discount code for Youth Day thank you somuch for watching this video and I'llsee you in the next oneyou


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Pulp Fiction’s Secret Internet Marketing Lesson

By Ben Settle | Submitted On November 21, 2008

Expert Author Ben Settle

Ever see the movie “Pulp Fiction”?

If not, it’s one of the single most bizarre movies ever created. My favorite part is called “The Bonnie Situation.” Not only because it’s funny (in a disturbing sort of way)…

… But because there’s a HUGE Internet marketing lesson in it.

Here’s what I mean:

The “Bonnie Situation” is the movie’s 3rd “act” where two of the main characters (played by John Travolta and Samuel Jackson – hit men for an L.A. gangster) accidentally kill a man in their car by shooting his head off – splattering his brains and blood and face all over the windows and seats.

(I told you it was a bizarre movie…)

Obviously, they can’t drive around in broad daylight like that. And so they pull into a nearby friend’s garage. Naturally, this friend (whose name is Jimmy) ain’t too happy.

For one thing, it’s only seven in the morning, and Jimmy’s still in his robe.

But even worse is, Jimmy’s wife, Bonnie, is coming home in an hour and a half from her job at the hospital. And Jimmy makes it crystal clear if she finds a dead body in the garage, he’s going to get divorced.

No marriage counseling. No trial separation. He’s gonna get divorced.

Which gives them less than 90 minutes to clean the car (and themselves), dispose of the body, and get out before Bonnie arrives.

An impossible situation?

That’s what they thought.

Until they call their boss – Marsellus Wallace – and beg for help. Nine minutes later a short man in a tuxedo named “Winston Wolf” shows up. And Winston Wolf’s one and ONLY job (as far as we know)… is to solve problems. In fact, “The Wolf” has a reputation for pulling off near-miraculous feats for getting Marsellus’s goons out of impossible situations.

And needless to say, they were extremely happy to see The Wolf at that exact time and place in their lives.

Which brings us to the movie’s hidden Internet marketing lesson:

If you want to be a top Internet marketer – your one and only job is to be the “Winston Wolf” of your niche.

The guy (or gal) who solves problems.


It’s not dazzling people with fancy benefits and claims. It’s not capturing email addresses and phone numbers. It’s not even necessarily selling anything.

Yes, those things are important – and must happen.

But they will happen much faster, easier and more naturally…if you focus FIRST on your market’s most urgent problem(s).

Frankly, if you adopt this mindset – of being the #1 problem solver – I can virtually guarantee your response will be FAR higher.

Even if you don’t have the strongest sales pitch or product. And even if you’re just starting out, with no experience.

Anyway, here’s the bottom line:

Be the “Winston Wolf” of your niche and you almost can’t lose. Even if you aren’t the “best” Internet marketer on the block.

For more Internet marketing tips like this, go to:

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SIMO LIFE: Ecom Local Maroc – التجارة الالكترونية في المغرب

التجارة الالكترونية في المغرب، او الايكوم لوكال، و هو بيع المنتجات عبر الانترنت داخل المغرب فقط، بالاعتماد على اشهارات فيسبوك ادس لجلب الزبائن. سيمو لايف في هذا الفيديو سيشاركنا معلومات حول التجارة الالكترونية في المغرب مع ذكره لمتوسط راس المال للبدء.

E-Commerce Local or Ecom local maroc, mean selling products online in morocco, only, using facebook ads for advertising to reach new customers, simo life in this video will share with us new informations about ecommerce maroc, and what is the best budget to start.

للتواصل او الاستفسار : [email protected]
المرجوا الاشتراك في القناة
حسابنا على البايبال لدعم القناة :
صفحتنا على الانستقرام :

سيمو لايف – ها كفاش تعرف بلي راك حقود و ها علاش مادرتي والو في حياتك
SIMO LIFE 2018 :

سيمو لايف: واش الى ركزت على قرايتي غانضيع فرصة الربح من الانترنت ؟
Simo Life : Make money online 2018

نصائح من القلب من سيمو لايف ادا اردت تحقيق الارباح SIMO LIFE

سيمو لايف: شباب مغاربة عمرهم 15 سنة يحققون الملايين.. ما سرهم ؟

سيمو لايف: ها علاش خاصك تكون واعر Simo Life


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Strategic Internet Marketing

By Prasanth S | Submitted On February 11, 2006

The most profound effect of communication revolution that the world saw in the last decade was that it made distances shrunk exponentially, continents became accessible in the matter of seconds, and the presumed response time in every facet dipped, making even few minutes lagged on any interaction a major delay. This is the change the World Wide Web has inculcated in the world of communication, something that was never witnessed or anticipated before. Now internet is synonymous with communication and a web face is an inevitability for most businesses across the globe. But the scope of internet has extended much beyond to encompass virtually every aspect of business from advertising to market research, talent hunt and internet marketing. Here we talk about the latter of the ones mentioned, the internet marketing.

Whichever be the business, in order to market a product, one need to have some sort of interaction with a customer and the success of the entire ordeal depends on how well the marketing person could convince the customer. Generally, the marketing guy manages it through a personal meeting or a phone call. Internet marketing does exactly this – marketing – but the medium here is the internet or the World Wide Web. And in this globalised world, not giving priority to internet marketing means you are putting your business at a great disadvantage. Conversely, having a strategic internet marketing plan in place is crucial for any business to compete with its rivals in terms of visibility, market penetration and yes, in amassing a solid customer base.

Strategic internet marketing ponders over the planning and execution of an internet marketing campaign in order to maximize the ROI and is the biggest of the challenges in the whole marketing ordeal. It answers questions pertaining to budget allocation, most effective methods to reach to the customers online and in laying down a comprehensive online marketing plan based on the analysis of the current online environment, competitors and the industry and its market trends.

A well managed and closely managed set of five factors that generally works for every type internet marketing can be briefed as seen below,

* Search Engine Optimization

* E-mail Marketing

* Pay-Per-Click Marketing (PPC)

* Managed Support

Before seeing each of these aspects in detail, let me make clear the difference between Marketing Strategy and Marketing Tactic. A marketing strategy lays down the general approaches a business firm would take to reach to its objectives in hand. On the other hand, a marketing tactic refers to the actions the firm should take in order to bring the marketing strategies to take effect. Offering an email newsletter and submitting /listing the site to targeted search engines and directories come under the latter category.

Now back to internet marketing strategy and its intricacies. The penetration your site could bring about in the customer population depends upon the visibility your site has in the internet. That is, if somebody searches for the site through a search engine, where it gets listed in the search results – on the first 10 or 20 or on the last page? Search Engine Optimization addresses this problem exactly. It is an analytic means by which the factors that eventually results in a better list ranking in search results are studied and found out, and the site is then modified or redesigned accordingly. Keyword analysis, dynamic optimization and tactical link exchange program are some aspects worked out in Search Engine Optimization.

Email marketing – as the term suggests – reach out to the customers through emails. This strategy helps to build a list of opt-in customers and prospects, which can be put into use further in ongoing marketing campaigns by means of direct emails, weekly specials, seasonal discounts, and newsletters, to name a few.

If you are ready to shell out some ready money, then Pay-Per-Click Marketing (PPC) is an effective option. In this method, the money-per-click inspires the search engines to list your name in a most visible format always. There are exclusive pay-per-click search engines like Overture, and, which return the results of a search depending on how much the advertiser bid for the ad placement.

The most important of all these are the extent of services you – as a business – offer to the customers. The final result of all the online and offline marketing efforts are graded on such a backdrop and hence it goes without saying that the managed support or continued service is that what cements confidence in the customer’s mind. And as long as customers have a larger part to play in the success/failure of a business, one cannot disappoint them, and that is exactly what every marketing strategy should look forward to.

Prasanth S
Freelance Writer
[email protected]

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Business Name: Choosing a Name for Your Dropshipping Store

Coming up with a great business name can be
extremely difficult.You have to take into account the products
you sell, your audience, and your plans forthe future — and that’s if you manage
to find a name that’s even available.Plus, it can be a nightmare to change your
name later down the line.So, you need to get it right first time.Hey guys, it’s Jessica with Oberlo.Today we’re sharing 8 ways to choose the
perfect name for your dropshipping store,and 3 mistakes to avoid.Business Name Option #1: Use your Own Name
Many iconic brands have been built using thefounder’s name.Some people choose to use their full name,
like Calvin Klein and Daniel Wellington.But most founders use only their last name,
like Burberry and Disney.Some founders adapt their name slightly, like
Adi Dassler — the founder of AdidasIf you’re co-founding a business with others,
you might want to group your names together.Warner Brothers did this, founded by brother
Harry, Jack, Sam, and Albert Warner.Before you use your own name for your business,
however, think about the implications.As the founder, do you plan on being the public
face of the company, like Vaynermedia’sGary Vaynerchuk?Or would you prefer to be more personally
anonymous?Also, bear in mind that a business named after
you may be more difficult to sell, shouldyou wish to do so down the line.Business Name Option #2: Name Your Business
After the Problem You Solve, or the DesireYou Fulfill.This is a great way to draw attention to the
benefits of your products.For example, the company ‘Fat Blaster’
is named after the problem they solve.Immediately, you know that this business helps
people to lose weight.On the other hand, you could name your business
after the desire your product fulfils, like,the dating site, — whose customers
are likely searching for chemistry with aspecial someone.Bottom line?Every business either solves a problem, or
fulfills a desire.Which does yours do?And, how you can you incorporate the benefit
you provide into your business name?Business Name Option #3: Use Alliteration
This is a simple and effective way to comeup with a catchy business name.Many businesses have used this technique,
like Fitness First, Paramount Pictures, AmericanAirways, and Weight Watchers.To use alliteration, first, take the industry
you’re in, or the core thing that you provide— like, ‘fitness.’Then, add another word beginning with the
same sound, and which adds meaning.In this case, putting fitness ‘first.’Is there a way you can incorporate alliteration
into your business name?Business Name Option #4: Use a Normal Word
This is hard to do well.Not only do you have to find a word that’s
free to use…You also have to work hard to ‘own’ that
word in the mind of your target customers.Another thing to bear in mind, is that a single
word can be incredibly difficult to trademark.That said, using a single-word business name
can be a powerful way to establish your brand.Take business names like Target, Alphabet,
Gap, Apple, Pandora, and Yelp.When I say the word ‘Amazon’, chances
are, you don’t think about the world’slargest river, but the online store.Although some of these are just random words,
others have thought behind them.Amazon’s founder, Jeff Bezos, cleverly relates
the world’s largest river, with what hehoped would become the world’s largest store,
selling the most products in the world.But, if you can’t find a normal word that
works, you can always try…Business Name Option #5: Put a Twist on a
Normal WordNow it’s time to get really creative.If you struggle to find a single word that
represents your business, and is not alreadyin use, try changing the word slightly.Businesses that did this well include Fiverr,
spelled with two ‘R’s…Toggl with the ‘E’ dropped from the end
of the word…Xero, spelt with an ‘X’ instead of a ‘Z’…… and ‘Digg’ spelt with two ‘G’s.On the plus-side, you’re more likely to
find an available domain name using this tactic.But, on the down-side, there’s a chance
people might spell your name wrong, or havetrouble finding you online.Business Name Option #6: Mash Two Words Together.This is a popular way of naming a business.Simply take two words that represent your
business, and combine them to create a newword.A good example is ‘Netflix.’‘Flick’ is slang for ‘movie,’ and
‘Net’ is short for ‘Internet’.Flicks on the net.Netflix.What’s more, Netflix also put a twist on
the spelling of ‘flicks’, changing itfrom ‘F-L-I-C-K-S,’ to ‘F-L-I-X.’Another example is Microsoft, whose name is
made from the words ‘microcomputer’ and‘software.’Or Groupon, which is made from the words ‘group’
and ‘coupon.’Or, take the business name Walmart.Founder Sam Walton, took the first part of
his last name ‘Wal’ and combined it withmart.List out a few words that represent your business,
and see if you can combine any of them ina unique way!Business Name Option #7: Use an Acronym
Many business’ choose to shorten a lengthyname into just the beginning letter of each
word.For example, IKEA created a new word from
an acronym derived from the founder's initialsand hometown.When the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation
wanted to expand internationally, they shortenedtheir name to HSBC.Kentucky Fried Chicken became KFC, and the
fashion brand ASOS originally stood for ‘AsSeen on Screen.’But, acronyms are often difficult to remember,
and they can be difficult for SEOSo, if you decide to use an acronym, try to
make it short and sweet like KFC, or soundlike it’s its own word, like IKEA.Lastly…Business Name Option #8: Use a Business Name
GeneratorIf you’re still struggling to come up with
a great business name, check out Shopify BusinessName Generator.There’s a link to it in the description
below.In this example, I typed in the word ‘yoga’
to generate business name ideas for a yogadropshipping store!This is a great way to find inspiration and
spark ideas — you might just find the perfectbusiness name in minutes!Okay, that brings us to the end of our 8 ways
you can choose your business name!But before we end, let’s touch on 3 common
mistakes to avoid when choosing your name.Mistake #1: Not Doing Your Research
Entrepreneur and author of ‘#GirlBoss’Sophia Amoruso, didn’t do her due diligence
before starting her clothing line called ‘NastyGal.’And, here’s the kicker…After launching her ecommerce store, she found
out that was a porn site…Eventually she managed to buy the domain for
thousands of dollars.The moral of the story?Always do your research.Is there anyone else out there using the name
you’re considering?Are the domains and social network handles
available?Will you run into any legal issues?Also, check if your name means something different
in another language.There was a brand of toilet paper from Sweden
called Krapp – spelt K, R, A, P, P…Mistake #2: Not Being Culturally Sensitive
Ask yourself: Would my business name offendanyone?Avoid names that could be interpreted as mocking
someone’s race, ethnicity, sexuality, physicalabilities, and so on.It’s a good business practice, and it’s
just plain respectful.Mistake #3: Using More Than Two Words
Long names are hard to remember, and theyaren’t as catchy as short ones.In addition, many social media sites restrict
the character count of usernames — for example,Twitter only allows usernames of up to 15
characters.Keep your name to one or two words.If you scroll through the list of Fortune
500 Companies, you’ll see that most companiesstick to this rule.And, if you’re struggling to get your message
across in just one or two words, that’swhat taglines are for!Okay, that brings us to the end of this video!Remember, as Gary Vaynerchuk said, “Business
names are made.”So, whatever name you choose, it’s what
your name comes to represent that really matters.You may not come up with the perfect business
name on the first try, but that’s ok.Get creative and brainstorm as many options
as possible!Do you have any tips on choosing a business
name?Let us know in the comments section — we
read them all!Thanks for watching, and if you enjoyed this
video, hit the subscribe button and turn onthe notifications bell for more videos on
how to grow your dropshipping business!And until next time, learn often, market better,
and sell more.


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The Importance of Having a Privacy Policy

By Darin M Klemchuk | Submitted On March 10, 2015

Expert Author Darin M Klemchuk

A privacy policy, also known as an information management policy, is an agreement between a website operator and a website user that determines how the operator intends to use, collect, store, share, and protect the data that the user shares through interactions with the website. Even a little more than a decade ago, some commercial websites did not have privacy policies, but now, virtually all websites have one. These policies, which should be separate from the website’s terms of use agreement, are a necessity for several different reasons.

The Policy Can Foster Transparency and Trust between Operators and Users

In connection with privacy policies, website users usually want to know two things: what information the website collects and how that information is used. Best business practices dictate that website operators let users know the answers to those two questions and let them know how to control that use.

Some websites inform users that they simply collect information for their own use, and other websites disclose that they provide that information to third parties under certain circumstances. eBay’s privacy policy, for instance, tells users that it does not “disclose your personal information to third parties for their marketing and advertising purposes” without the user’s explicit consent. The policy says eBay may share personal information to third parties when it is necessary to prevent fraud or use the eBay website’s core functions. The extended version of eBay’s reader-friendly policy could be improved by specifically informing users at what points of service the information is collected and how it is shared at each point.

A website should also update users whenever the privacy policy changes. It should let the users know when the new policy will go into effect, and it may allow users to agree to the changes, explicitly through a dialogue box or implicitly through continued use of the website.

The Policy Can Help Shield You from Legal Liability

Although there is no general federal law outlining privacy policy requirements for websites that collect information from adults, several state laws and minor-specific federal laws exist. For instance, the California Online Privacy Protection Act of 2003 (OPPA) requires that website privacy policies must contain certain information, including: “personally identifying information collected, the categories of parties with whom this personally identifying information may be shared, and the process for notifying users of material changes to the applicable privacy policy.” The Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) requires operators to maintain a privacy policy if the website is directed to children under the age of 13 or knowingly collects information from children under the age of 13.

Read for more for additional information regarding privacy policies, terms of use agreements, internet business, and eCommerce.

Darin M. Klemchuk is an intellectual property (IP) trial lawyer located in Dallas, Texas with significant experience enforcing patent, trademark, copyright, and trade secret rights. He is a founding partner of Klemchuk LLP. He was selected to be included in the Internet Lawyer Leadership Summit, a group of lawyers in the US focused on Internet law issues. He also practices commercial litigation and business law, social media law, and ecommerce and IP licensing.

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Top eCommerce Trends

Online shopping becomes more and more advanced
every year and sellers have to keep up withthe latest trends in the industry to continually
stay on top and provide the best experiencefor buyers.Let’ see what trends we see coming in 2018.In order to get a reliable website to handle
your ecommerce business, check the solutionsoffered by you can find beautifully crafted, highly
performing website templates for various typesof online shops at a reasonable price.The first trend we’re having a look at is
Chatbots.It’s not that common yet, but the companies
that use chatbots for marketing, customerservice, and sales are way ahead their competitors
in terms of how they handle their sellingroutine.Secondly, mobile purchasing has been becoming
a solid trend for quite a while now, meaningthat sellers have to be sure they provide
an opportunity for buyers to make a purchaseon their website from their smartphones, by
making the sites responsive and fast loading.The next trend is Machine learning, which
seems to be the future of the whole Internet.Using AI and algorithms lets your website
adapt to every buyer learning their tastes,preferences and needs, by analysing their
searches, visited items and previous purchases.Have you ever seen an expensive item in a
store and wanted to find it online?Here is why Image search is a great ecommerce
trend to follow since it will provide morepossibilities for buyers and give you an advantage
over your competitors.Continuing with visuals, High-Quality Product
Videos is the feature that can help you gainmore visibility on social media.Plus, they will give your buyers a more clear
understanding of what is so good about theproducts and lead them to purchasing it.Getting back to perfecting the buying experience,
let’s talk about delivery and shipping speed.Sometimes you need something urgently or you
just want to get the things you buy faster.That’s way the sellers that offer Same-Day
or Next-Day Delivery will always win customers’loyalty.These were some of the many tendencies progressing
in ecommerce in 2018.Stay tuned for more info and don’t forget
to check for thehottest news, creative collections and inspirational
showcases.Take care!
