The Benefits Of Internet Marketing

By Trevor Taylor | Submitted On February 25, 2008

Expert Author Trevor Taylor

Whilst it is fair to say that Internet marketing has certainly had an effect on offline trading figures, the comparisons are not directly proportionate for the simple reason that the Internet has opened up huge new markets which were not feasible before this ‘information superhighway’ was born. The interactive nature of Internet marketing, and the low costs involved in distributing information and media to a global audience, makes a very attractive platform for any business model, regardless of size. Latest figures from credit card companies report a 15 billion dollar turnover from Internet sales in the last year, and rising rapidly. So it is not surprising that budgets for Internet marketing are taking a bigger slice of the advertising cake and the numbers of individuals earning their living directly from Internet marketing are ballooning off the scale.

Internet marketing draws together all the creative and technical aspects of the Internet, which include design, development, advertising and sales, and the techniques used in Internet marketing include search engine marketing, email marketing, affiliate marketing, online advertising and more recently, social media marketing methods as employed in blog marketing, and viral marketing.

Internet marketing is the process of building, growing and promoting a business individual or organization through any online activity including websites, blog sites, article marketing, press releases, online market research, email marketing, and online advertising. In order to fully comprehend the huge benefits offered by the Internet marketing process, it is difficult not to draw comparisons with offline marketing methods, but it has to be remembered that one is not a replacement for the other. Internet marketing and offline marketing will both have an important part to play in the future of any business, assuming it is not purely Internet based. Let us now look at the benefits that Internet marketing has to offer..

Low Cost

Since the Internet can be regarded as a ‘free for all’ activity center where information is shared freely with all interested parties, the cost involved in the overall Internet marketing strategy is relatively low. Apart from the obvious expenditure incurred in operating a web site, a large proportion of the budgets set aside for Internet marketing will typically be swallowed up by services and resources offering expertise in the various marketing techniques that fall under the Internet marketing umbrella. For example, Search Engine Optimization plays an important role in the positioning of a web site in search engine rankings and the larger organizations will often employ the services of a search engine optimization company to carry out this duty. Equally there are Internet Advertising Agencies available to handle all aspects of online advertising. Smaller companies or sole traders may carry out their own search engine optimization and advertising campaigns and would need only a few hundred dollars budget for marketing software tools. Either way, the overall cost of Internet marketing is much lower than the cost of a similar offline campaign.

Work From Any Location

All activities that fall under the Internet marketing banner can easily be organized from a laptop computer. Most communications are made using online contact forms, email or instant messenger, and payments for items such as web site hosting, internet marketing software tools and resource fees can all be paid online using a credit card. Web site design and management is also another area of Internet marketing easily managed from a laptop computer. The versatility of the ‘laptop’ means that these duties can be carried out from any location and therefore those involved in the Internet marketing fraternity can easily work from a simple home office, or even when away from home. Commuting is totally unnecessary.

The Level Playing Field

Unlike offline commerce, the use of Internet marketing techniques now make it possible for an individual or sole trader to compete with the larger organizations in his online business. It’s true that a larger company whose name was on everyone’s lips would have a head start in the marketing of their web site, and a larger presence in the search engine pages, beyond that the doors are opened and it’s quite common to see a smaller commercial outfit riding higher than their much larger competition in search engine results. Yes the online advertising budgets would be much bigger for the national companies, but there are many Internet marketing techniques and resources available to the solo marketers that would help them to stay in touch. There are literally hundreds of new Internet millionaires developed on a daily basis.

There are also many niche areas with good benefits derived from Internet marketing, but generally the process is attractive all round as a method of promoting any business, recreational or personal projects across the Internet. Internet Marketing is where the future lies for businesses large and small. The Internet has arrived and no-one can deny it!

Trevor Taylor

Trevor Taylor writes of his experiences in the Internet Marketing arenas.

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Top 7 eCommerce Niches in eCommerce + Top eCommerce Platforms

here Bates Greg router here with StephenWest welcome back and I want to startoff this video by saying thank you weappreciate you I am a big big bigrespecter of time and I value your timeand I value my time frankly so the factthat you're still here you're takingyour valuable time to watch these videosis very important to us and we want tomake sure we provide lots of value foryou so I hope you're taking notes andyou're writing this stuff down because Iknow we're covering a lot of stuff for alot of people and the first thing wewant to do is wouldn't recap a littlebit about video 1 and you were talkingabout what video 1 was all about it wasa kind of a good explanation so one ofmy favorite sayings you're right thankyou is your why is more important in thehouse you've got a big white at a driveryou'll find house and we've reallytalked about why you should be crazy tonot consider getting an e-commerce sonow we'd like shift to talk more abouthow once you've come to grips with thefact of why you need to do it we'll talkmore on how we would recommend you doe-commerce and you know what we coveredin video 1 if you haven't seen video 1you're gonna have to go watch it it's onthis page it's on the side of this pagesomewhere just stop here go watch video1 because what we covered was is we wentover how big ecommerce has grown what'sgoing on in the e-commerce business howit's just skyrocketing worldwide peopleare buying for their mobile phones arecomfortable buying things online wetalked about drop shipping and how dropshipping has literally changed thelandscape of e-commerce forever and itmakes the barrier of entry so low thatanybody and everybody can get into itand they are 18 year-olds 14 year-oldsactually you know whatI would never case they should we knowsome 18 year olds that are making sixfigures of not six figures would be fivefigures a month with their e-commercebusiness going to high school cominghome and doing the e-commerce businessbecause they're learning the ropes andthey're wicked smart this stuff theypick it up so fast so that's what wecovered we talked about that we talkedabout what was possible and now someguys out there in their first years havejust made crushing seven-figure numbersin their first year and there's just noother industry that I've ever beenexposed to and I'm a former investmentbanker I've raised hundreds of millionsof dollars I've taken hundreds ofcompanies public and I've never seenanything like this that's so easy andwhen I mean easy it's like it's easy inthat if you take the steps you get theproper training and coachingyou can do it itthere's no easy button you just wave amagic wand and get-rich-quick butliterally it's not that difficult notthat hard and all of the barriers ofentry have been taken out of theequation especially as we share with youwhat's going on today with whatplatforms and then going into the nextvideo we talked about how you drive thetraffic in the marketing we're going toshare with you some insights and somesecrets that we've learned from sevenfigure earners like this guy that arereally going to help accelerate yourgrowth in your path to success rightthen that's everything about starting abusiness is accelerating your growth andeliminating mistakes that's why peoplehave coaches we were talking aboutcoaches and you know training and howimportant that is now you said somethingearlier that I thought was really reallygood you remember we said in the firstvideo no not well whatever was it couldhave been yesterday it could have been amonth ago that's so I know you alreadysaid them but almost first the fact thatwe want you to watch this video but notuntil you've watched the first video soif you've already watched the firstvideo keep listening but if you haven'tPaul's and go I think there's a linkover here to go back and watch videowell my very important it's on this sidewe have people that make the web pagesso they click it so stopped go box videoone then come back and watch video twobecause we cover a lot of that stuff nowback to what you were saying what wereyou saying what I was saying is in thelast inning as we talked about we'regonna help you pick a niche you haveyour chance you blew it so we're goingwe're going right onto picket a netriches are in the niches the riches areup to seven hottest ecommerce nichesthere is on the internet proven billionsof dollars in each niche and this iswhat you want to consider as youconsider your e-commerce business andyour e-commerce niche why you want to dothis so I'm gonna throw this first oneoff to you because you're in this nicheyeah but the first one is so what'sinteresting before I'll tell them whatit is and makes it come to kind of whetyour appetite for so if you look at thebaby boomers the largest segment ofpopulation in the history of the greatsin the United States of America theyhave driven industries right when theywere babies and needed food Gerber wasborn and when they needed to go toschool education blew up and when theyneeded their first houses real estateblew them so baby boomers are liking toa garden hose and a basketball if youcan get in front of that trendthat basketball if you get behind ityou're always behind it so right nowbaby boomers have have worked reallyhard and they're they've they'veaccumulated some wealth and they reallycare about something they can enjoy allthe time and their time is valuable sowhat would you get the man that haseverything as the question because histime is valuable if you're giving giftsthen it takes time to enjoy what's thething you can always enjoy 24 hours aday 7 days a week how you look and howyou feel your health your wellness yourfitness and your skin care how you lookand that's why our niche number one ishealth fitness and skin care becauseeverybody cares how to look how to feelall the time it's a very competitiveniche but if you can kind of carve youryour little niche within a niche orwhatever that is with lots of money Imean one of the guys it's our chieftechnical officer the last company hewas working with they were doing 3million a month in skincare alone juststaggering numbers and these kids wereall under the age of 30 so it's justamazing to me so it's an amazingindustry amazing sector hot niche alwayswill be never will go away number onenumber two which is kind of surprisingis clothing and apparel and clothing andapparel is is is you wouldn't thinkpeople are gonna buy clothes online andbuy a pair of online but they are anduse them who started that on yeah so Ilove it when people tell you what youcan't do they told the founder of Zapposif I'm saying that lookyou'll never sell shoes on the Internetwomen want to go into store what youwant to touch them they want to feedthem if they don't like it more to sendthem back he said I'll take thosebarriers of entry away I'll let themship it to him for free let him try themgonna wear them they don't like Imention back to me to free and they saidhe'd never sell shoes online he onlysold a billion worth of shoes online andthen sold the business to Amazon Amazonnow so Zappos so will people men andwomen buy clothing and shoes and apparelonline absolutely no no you think aboutthat man and again that was the firstInternet company they were the first oneto break a billion dollars in sales in asome period of time and now it's ane-commerce company they sell everythingunder the Sun it's just amazing but it'sproof that clothing and apparel is beingbottom line it's one of the trendingthings being bought online and withinthat I want to make a point thatgrandmotherare a hot niche in the clothing andapparel buying stuff for theirgranddaughters their grandkids theirsons their daughters they got moneythey're on their iPads they're surfingthe internet they got all kinds of timeand they love to shop online they don'tlike to go we hit the malls and get inout of cars and you know my mom is 83years old and she would just soon shoponline anywhere elsefaith is another big market I love thefaith-based market because again you getthat emotion of their faith and theirthere emptying the uniqueness ofclothing and apparel online and thenthey get another one's pets pets arejust huge so within that clothingapparel and again I have never bought mypet my dog apparel or clothing but theysell this stuff all the time clotheshats and uniforms and and now they gotthese cool little designs where it lookslike a cartoon character walking downthe street is just hilarious so clothingand apparel artists hot sector and nowlet's talk about personalization yeahand that's a great segue from what wejust told my so and my father's time Ithink about a generation they woreclothing to not be naked it wellclothing to be functional he worked forliving so it was to protect you and andit was functional now people are lookingat clothing to make a statement and tellyou who they are I mean they're trulypeople are making political statementsor grandma's want you to know they'repassionate about their grandkids andwhat their grandkids do I'm a softballgrandma I'm a baseball grandma I'm asoccer grandma or they want to expresstheir faith or their belief in theSecond Amendment or some politicalstatement or how passionate or mindedpets and it's one thing to wear a sloganthat everybody else is wearing thatleads us to the next thing or to then tocommunicate to who you are and apersonal level so that is thepersonalization of these problems welland again and part of it's because ofthe advent of direct print-on-demandlike if you've heard maybe you hear thatterm print-on-demandand then we have 3d printers and we haveyou know that print physical stuff rightand we have these print on demand so youcan print one shirt at a time you canprint one coffee mug at a time you canyou can print a towels blankets duvetyou can print on demand all this stuffand it can be personalized with yourname with your favorite team with yourkids pictures so the wholeprint-on-demand is again that's reallyblowing up the personalization that'shotbecause we're out you can't go toWalmart and get a personalizedyou know with my name on a t-shirt orsomething this is funny that I justthought about you remember if you wenton vacation with your parents and youwanted like a little memento a souvenirand you wanted to get the keychain fromthe Grand Canyon and names on them andyou had to rifle through and try to findyours and maybe it won't spell justright or whatever now you know how toworry about using it online typing yourname exactly you want it spelled on okaygoofy and name your mom or the head KPyou can put in your name exactly I don'twant it spelled or your nickname or yourpeasant leave you ever had that problemGreg and Steve Steven you know you havea cellar with no pickles people in themokay so number four so the it againthink about with your niche that you'regonna start how do you combinepersonalization of clothingpersonalization health of fitness and soagain we were creative around the boxthinkers and our communities like thateveryone our community's doing Alvah boxthings and being on the leading edge ofcreating new products new strategies newtactics that again accelerate our growthaccelerator income so number four on thelist is handmade items so there's thee-commerce website that called Etsyyou've probably heard of it that theyhave proven that work at home moms workat home grandmas and people that aresitting there making things and creatingthings and in generating sales andrevenues and someone only make it 200 amonth some are making two thousand amonth so we're making twenty thousandmonths right but the point is is you canbe that creative artesian and you cancreate your quilted stuff and you cancreate your little party gifts and allthese different things and you canactually sell it to hot matches provenbillions of dollars have been done Etsyhas explodednow this one's dear to your heart youtell me a funny story about your dogthis morning Oh daddy number five iswhat wright-patt products yeah cuz Imean people love their pets I don'tpersonally he's an idiot but I'm anexceptionyou know there's bad pets like there'sbad people and there should be a prisonsystem for pets and mine wouldn't be thefirst one ever people are passionateabout their pets and just absolutely areand so anything that improves the lifeand the well-being of their pet orimproves that relationship people aregonna buy just just today here in theoffice people are running around goingcuckoo for cocoa puffs over some coolnew pet products ya know that's rightwith that baby is just the topeverything because that onebut it was funny because he was tellingme a story about his dog and the powerof his daughter and his wife they'rekeeping the dog he wants give it but youknow you have those talk but petproducts are hot they're always gonna behot there's 200 million pets out therein United States everywhere they lovePat's it's great stuff and number six iskind of dear to my heart the number sixniche is is what we call fan basedproducts rightand so fan based parks is obvious whenyou think about NFL teams hockey teamsbaseball teams you know that that upperechelon that we we fill stadiums wassick 50 60 70 thousand people whybecause they're passionate about that sofans when you can do a fan based productthat's pretty cool and I want to kind oftake that down a whole nother notchbecause I want to talk about justdifferent hobbies and things like thatso I'm a hang glider pilot and one thesedays I hope to show you one of my hanggliding videos because I literally haverun off a mountain thermal up long at18,000 feet and my landing zone was at10,000 feet so I've been know as sexy itwas 8,000 feet so I was 10,000 feetabove the ground and a hang glider andthat's what I've been doing for over 30years but I bring that up because that'sa fan based product hang glider pilotsare passionate right we're passionateand if I want to get a cool hang glidingshirt or a nightlight for my kidthat's a hang glider flying or somecanvas wall art or something that's allBrent where do I go there is nowhereright so I'm gonna start a store for forcoming into Christmas season in 2018around pilots in flying because pilotsare passion weather hang glider pilotsare or paraglider pilots are they flyCessnas or whatever and that's a nichethat's a fan base product that I can tieinto that emotion of their hobby andthey're gonna want to bike me I canbuild a brand I can build it up and Ican sell that business so I just lovethat whole idea of fan base products atnumber seven is something that's alwayschanging it's always there and it'salways profitable now we may have someyounger people on the on watching thisthat don't remember the pet rock andsome of you remember the pet rockthere's always gonna be new pet rockspet rocks coming to go trans fans youremember to spenders you know that youknow kids if they had one spender twohad 20 spenders there was no spinner inmy house one day and there were 20spenders in my house like literally thenext day and you know when a market issaturatedwhen you don't have to go to specializedwebsite to get a spinner you walk into7-eleven and get a pack of smokes alottery ticket and a spinner that's whatthat's how I do it market was saturatedwhen it was in every 7-eleven noliterally on the first video we talkedto you about one of the guys that's inmy office and he chases trends actuallyanother friend of mine had a companycalled chasing trends and I only did waschase trends final was trending gomarket it and sell it and go market itsell it and they're literally crushingit making three to five thousand dollarsprofit profit per day unheard of it justdoesn't make sense but they're doing itI've seen it I know it and because wehave our fulfillment center we see theorders we know what these people do noone can baloney what kind of stuffthey're doing because we fulfill forthese people we sell we deliver thet-shirts we deliver that kind of stuffand so we're doing for you we're gonnabe able to supply you with the bestproducts and the best services and theright niches so again to recap theseseven niches you've got health andfitness clothing and apparelpersonalization handmade pet productsfan base products and then trends andfads and think about that now you canstart an e-commerce business outside ofthese seven but we're just sharing withyou is your decision-making processmoves forward and you're trying to makethe decisions we wanted to consider ifyou can fit within one of these it'sgoing to be a little easier becausethese are proven and both of us comefrom the school of success leaves tracksand what I mean by that is there's otherpeople that have forged the way for usthey've made the mistakes they'vetripped and farm they bloodied theirnosethey've got beaten up and then I'm oneof those guys right and we want you guysto we want you guys to avoid thosethings as best we can so with that beingsaid let's move into the rest of today'svideo and today's video is going okaywhat platform should I use and why andwe want to be real objective we want toshare with you what platforms there areand why we think you should use them andso we have a little screenshot here of anumber of different platforms shopShopify t-rex Amazon magenta WooCommercethat are there literally are hundredsand hundreds of choices to choose frombut I can tell you servicing over athousand ecommerce marketers doing dropshipping for them doing fulfillment forthem them using our software perco I cantell you that there's only three thatall of the power sellers use it when Isay power sellers I mean that that's myterm in my phrase for seven figureearners and again seven figures meanthey're making a million dollars or morea year and then let me clarify that cuzI hate it when people do this I don'tmean making a man I mean generating amillion so he's doing one hundred fiftythousand a month or a hundred thousanddollars a month that's 1.2 million ayear he's a power seller he's he's doingseven figures a year but he's notnetting seven figures a year me say hewas doing thirty thirty-five fortypercent twenty five to thirty fivepercent so I'm not one of those guyslike the flippantly throw out numbersright but here let me re-emphasize thisevery power seller I know uses one ofthese three platforms Shopify t-rex orAmazon and you know what real honestly alot of them use all three there'sreasons to use all three so here's we'regonna we're gonna roll through this sowe're going to start with Shopify andthe pros and cons of Shopify Shopify isa Canadian company they're a publiccompany I think I saw the other daythere were three point nine billiondollars and I believe they have overthree hundred and twenty thousandcustomers 195,000 active customers Idon't know if those numbers are accurateI heard them on the internet but youknow how that goes right you can believeanything you said in earnest right maybeAl Gore sent that he'll set a SanAntonio okay so here's the pros Shopifyis a great platform because they havegreat features and the reason they havegreat features is they have a they havea developer of people that develop theseapps and I have all these little apps oradd-ons that add on the Shopify er thatyou include in a shop flight and itgives you all kinds of just just everyfeature Under the Sun that you can thinkof they have great support they're ahosted solution being you have to worryabout hosting and that kind of stuffthey have lots of themes so you have agreat design they're good for searchengine optimization they're good forimporting things from China which wedon't do I don't do a lot of that andthat you know we're about USA and and injob shipping from USA but I recognizeit's about turning dollars over making aprofit so a lot of people do stuff fromChina and they have some good apps fordoing that and good things for doingthat and if you have a large collectionof thousands of products they have somereally cool tools and tagging system soyou can create these pages for thousandsof products and it's good for that solet's talk about the cons you want to gothrough the consyeah so we talked about how many appsarethe problem is everything's a la carteevery you know you ordered a steak andnow you gotta order two potatoesseparate and appease separate and thetea and everything is separate soeverything you can get the functionalityfeatures you need you just got to payfor them so everything is an upsell it'svery hard to move to another platformonce you kind of get in you're in it'shard to just that's not easily to moveyou can get premium themes that convertbetter they look better they look moreprofessionalthey just cost money once again setuptakes a long timeI mean it's powerful but with powercomes some responsibility and andthere's no one-click upsells unless youpay for and what i'ma say by that is oneof the biggest things you can do to beable to monetize your list and you're inrecoup your investment on youradvertising budget is to be able to doupsells and dime sales if you do thatprior to the purchase you can scare themoff so to be able to do what I call postpurchase one-click upsells it's hard todo on Shopify it's not set up to do itand it's expensive to do it and there'sno long-form product pages that fitsvery cookie cutter with a theme you getand there's no marketing trainingincluded you can get all the trainingyou want to hiring the experts butthere's no marketing training includedin Shopify and I want to make a couplepoints because we got some things inthere that are cons and some of you guysthat don't know this language don't listterminology you might not even recognizewhat he just said because you don't comefrom this world I come from the internetmarketing world I started marketing onthe Internet in 1997 I've invested incompanies I've bought and sold companiesand I'm in this community of people thatare really good at driving traffic andconverting traffic and turning trafficinto money and there's a couple thingsthat he mentioned one-click upsells canincrease your revenues by 25% long-formsales pages can increase sales andconversions two to three hundred fourhundred percent sometimes even ten timesso these are the things that you have toget the training on you have to haveaccess to with your ecommerce store tohave an advantage over your competitionand crush with your competition andagain there's no marketing trainingincluded with Shopify and again go andtalk to about talked about taking dozensand hours to set up it takes dozens andmaybe hundreds of hours to set up sothat's Shopify and againjust emphasizing on that coaching andtraining here's a couple screenshotsthat I took from a Skype chat that wehave and these are people that aregetting training from one of theseven-figure power sellers in ourcommunity and it says they finish theday with sixteen thousand and twodollars of income in one day and nowthey're off to bed may final in a fewhours and there was another one where itsays they had fifteen thousand fivehundred fifty eight dollars in sales inone day so again with the right coachingand the right training these is this isagain this is what's possible do thesekind of numbers in one day and thenyou're always looking for thattwenty-five to thirty five forty percentprofit margins on your gross sales sonow let's jump in to the other bigbehemoth out there and everyone's heardof Amazon but it's got it set its prosand cons so let's go through Amazonright here so we got the pros I'm goingto talk about the pros and let you dothe epic on so okay so the pros are it'sa very high traffic channel righteveryone knows Amazon they got their owntraffic they got all that kind of stuffthat's a buyers market place they havehundreds of millions of credit cards onfile most of the people have prime it'sjust who then there's the trust issuetrust Trust trust people trust Amazontrust Amazon Prime Prime members getfree shipping they offer they offerwhat's called fulfillment by amazonwhere Amazon actually does fulfillmentfor these these sellers but you alsohave to understand that there aresellers all over the globe that sell onAmazon this isn't all of their productsso if you're not real familiar withAmazon you might think it's just allAmazon products Amazon does have theirown products but there are sellers allover the world that use the Amazonplatform to sell their stuff so let'stalk about the cons so yeah there'salways gone so there-there are fees thatyes they handle things for you if you'redoing fulfillment buy them they gonnacharge you for that but even if you justuse them as a platform to sell on and doto fulfillment yourself there's still atremendous amount of fees and becauseAmazon is so customer centric makeanybody can refund because headlinesabout that recently they are so Procustomer that it can be anti sellerbecause they can just refund any timeyou want to for a little no reason youhave limited control Amazon has thecontrol they controlled a customer andcontrol the website you really don'tcontrol a lot of what happens you got amanaged inventory whether Georgethere's you don't get a customer datathey're quick to tell you it's theircustomer so you don't get to you don'tget to email you don't get to creditcard you don't get to do one-clickupsells you don't get to do retargetingand remarketing what would talk to I'lltalk about what that means later if youdon't know they there's reports thatthey can just once you get up and goingthey can take your product take yourbusiness they don't need you anymore tofigure out what your source what yoursupply is you've done well they saidthank you very much I'll see you later Imean so it's possible they can chew youup and spit you out I want to tell onequick story because that's the reason Iput this in here is that we were at anevent I met this lady that was doing 40$50,000 a month with a skin care productthat she did and she had formulated thisproduct and she was doing good andgrowing and one day her site was goneher product was gone it wasn't theresorry we're not listening anymore theyliterally just took her off and she saidI found the exact product with the exactformulation under a different name rantunder Amazon yeah say valley shut herdown they went and found the sameformulation because it was on herpackaging and they did it they just andI'm like reallyI like was blown away with that evenhappened yeah and so Amazon has becomesuccessful because they built this giantmarketplace where everybody knows theycan come and trust the product and trustthe price that they're going to get agood price so because it's all pricedriven there's a race to the bottom andso when you start out with good marginsdon't expect to stay with good marginsand once you become successful All Eyeznot just of your buyers but of yourcompetitors see you and it coming foryou and eventually that competition anybeginning is a good thing but in the enddrives down to the least commondenominator and the low margin guys aregoing to run you out the other thing isyou got to be approved you got to beapproved in all sorts of categories youcan't just throw up a t-shirt you got toget approved and clothing and apparelapproved to sell a t-shirt so you don'thave that problem on some of these otherchannels and they compete with you Imean all the time amazed at theliberties that give themselves and theirproduct is just like mine because itmeans you're if I heard a home courtadvantage it's their home court youdon't have a court and again nomarketing training included you figureit out you got to get into those innercircles with the other successfulsellers and pay-to-playor you just going to get crushedand just be wondering always wonderingwhat happened look there's three type ofpeople in this world if folks that makestuff happen why stuff happen and wonderwhat happened you don't want to be oneof those people that wonder whathappened when when this comes rainingdown upon you when you're trying to besuccessful on Amazon and with Amazonthere's no marketing training includedthat's really key so I went these guysthat believes in coaching that believesin trainers I mean every great athleteevery great Olympianevery great person ever has always had ateam of coaches masterminds they'reinvolved with and they don't do that sowe're big on that kind of stuff allright so the next one we want to talkabout is t-rex and t-rex is our platformit's a platform that we purchased andbought now we're running we spent monthsand enhancing it and we're talking aboutthe pros and cons just like we did theother two of t-rex and in the next videowe're going to show you some featuresthat it has that no one else has no oneelse can compete with but let's startwith t-rex is a wordpress-basedsolution and what's really cool aboutthat and the fact that WordPress is thesolution that it's built on is thereliterally are millions of developersaround the globe that work on WordPressand development WordPress so when youwant to get something enhancedgraphically technologically it's reallyeasy to find people to do that for youso that's a really cool feature what'sgoing on with t-rex and then numberthree is personalization we have abuilt-in personalization engine so youcan program the platform to allowcustomers to come to your ecommercestore type in their name type in theirage take a survey do an opt-in form andwe'll take that data and put it on anitem personalized no one else does thatwe've been doing it for years we've gotit wired we have the backendprint-on-demand and fulfillment set upyou never touch it it goes out it'samazing and we're gonna be demoing thisin the next video and I promise you yourjaw will drop and you will go WOWbecause everybody does I've seen ithappen thousands of times next we haveis begin because of our internetmarketing background we have built afunnel builder into the software alongwith one-click upsells and it's actuallyincluded in the software there's noupsell for this it's actually includedin our platform and you get that as partof our deal and inShopify there is something that did comeout with an app that does one-clickupsells they charge an additional 300 amonth for that one click up so app andit took me 20 minutes to build a funnelin their app and took me less than aminute and a half and to build it intier X so again I'm trying to beobjective but because we're businessmanand we want you to succeed we have doneeverything we can to help you increaseyour conversions help you increase thethings are gonna make you more moneymoving past one-click upsells we have awhole bunch of other apps and add-onsthat do all kinds of cool stuff but I'mgonna show you that here in a second butwhat I want to point out is there's noapps there's no add-on fees there's noadditional fees like he was talkingabout a la carte with Shopify I actuallyadded it up and if you went to Shopifyand you bought every app for Shopifythat we have included with t-rex wouldbe approximately $600 a month ofadditional fees for those hours ok soand one of those things is my favoriteones I highlight a couple is a surveyand opt-in builder everybody who's ininternet marketing recognizes that themoney is in the list the money is in thecustomer base the money is in servingthose people and email is still thatform the cheapest form of communicationand advertising and marketing to yourcustomer base so we we help you you knowthrough surveys and opt-in forms createa list that you can continue to marketto what's most importantly about it whatmakes it unique and really stands asapart from everybody is it integratesdirectly with a us a base dropship orprint X Inc and your orders come intothe system magically they get sent toprint X print X gets them they startgoing they start fulfilling on themmaking them print on demanding them anddo whatever they need to do and shippingit out they send you a bill so youcollect the money first you never touchanything you never see anything and everdo you think through automation it sendsit to Randy and Randy does hisfulfillment for you and again we'regonna cover this in detail and show youa little bit more about how this worksand exactly what that is in the nextvideo and number 8 is long-form salespages going back to what you weretalking about Amazon and Shopify someproducts do need more space to sell thevalue of the product and you're reallylimited you're locked in a box on whatyou can dowith these other platforms with t-rexbecause it's WordPress base you cancreate long-form sales pages withmultiple videos with multiple pictureswith multiple descriptions with multiplecustomer test points with multiplereviews and we have seen that helpsincrease sales by two three four andpercent and again in the next video inour training I'm going to show you thesepages I'm going to show you exactly whywe're going to point out some templatesthat we have and why they increase salestwo to three hundred percent and lastbut not least one of the biggest prosthat we have is we believe you'resitting here and you're thinking and Ido want a solution to my future I dowant happiness I do want financialfreedom I do want something I can buildand sell in the future that does notcome without training and coaching andmentoring and we have made that a stapleof what we do every Tuesday and everyThursday we have a 10:00 a.m. Pacifictime coaching and mentoring and trainingask the expert webinar they rave aboutit everyone talks about it we havemultiple testimonies people saying howgreat our training is and what we do andwow I've never seen a company that goesso far and gives you that much supportbut here's the thingbecause we have our software program butbecause we own print X again I want tore-emphasize if you're not successfulwith your e-commerce business we're notsuccessful we have a vested interest inyou being successful so we're going theextra mile to Train coach and mentor youso with that Steven is actually leavingand I should say leaving but you takeyour Amazon business and we met and yousaw t-rex and you like drop themicrophone and said I man I'm coming atI'm all in with you guys because herecognizes that he has to be able tocontrol his destiny SPL control hisfuture and by having another platformthat he can work on start building on hecan do this but again I'm gonna throwthe cons over to you right so we weretalking off-camera how conveniently Gregtook all the positive stuff the pros andgives me two cons and yes I'm herebecause I'm all-in with t-rex because ofhow I resonate with the team and havinglook if I had to do all over again I'dstart on t-rex but I didn't know aboutt-rex's and and started on Amazonthere's been Betty buddy good to me butI still want to do all that I can for myfamily in my future and deep ranks iswhere it's at so commentby marketing training you heard me makesome analogies earlier about in thefirst video about dentist and brainsurgeons and you expect them to havetraining you don't expect the guyworking on your body to not have hadsome formal training on the same herewhen is your marketing training in whenis your Venice training in so if youhave a lawyer oh you have an accountantwell you having a doctor you expectedthem to have some formalized trainingbut you also expect them to never stoplearning because my accountant who doesmy taxes tax laws change every year lawschange every year medical interventionsand processes and procedures andprescription medication changescontinuously so whoever stops learningon this journey to being all that theycan be that being said I'll go into thecons and it's a little bit restockingtoday we wanted to see obviously we'rehere to talk about t-rex the cons arecons but I've got kind of an aside tohave econ so the first one is it's notreally designed for thousands ofproducts but I Got News for you it'd behard for you to get a thousand productson Amazon or Shopify whatever so it wasreally designed to not be a mega storeyeah but if you think about it justbuilding and they will come as I'm gonnahappen anyway you don't need to have athousand products on a store and hopesomebody finds your store they're notwhat you want to do is derive targetedtraffic to a specific offer and meettheir needs with a specific offer andthen upsell down sell and then start tocommunicate and resonate and drop in andget a message to that audience and thengetting them back to your store andmaybe expand your store so you don'thave to start with a thousand productssecond thing is there's no developercommunity like there is a Shopify butbecause it's wordpress brace you don'tneed a developer community so back tothe positive of WordPress I'll say thisabout that in this country in the UnitedStates of America English is our firstlanguage and when you go to high schoolunless you're taking college prep a lotof times when a foreign language or asecond language is optional that's notthe case in other countries othercountries you will learn English as asecond language because english is thelanguage of money i said that to saythis as much as english is the languageof money WordPress is the language ofthe internet if you want to use theInternet to make money you need to knowand useWordPress it's just that simple you cantake my word for it it's that big it'sthat big it is it is the vast majorityof the Internet is built on WordPressit's kinda like trying to use theinternet and not use Google it's unheardof it currently does not integrateseamlessly with China but neither doesAmazon or Shopify but we can teach youagain through the marketing trainingsimple techniques if you're sourcingfrom China or anything overseas it's notall made in China there are believe itor not some things that are better offbeing sourced from other countries otherthan China but a vast majority of someof the things you're sourcing be inChina we will teach you through thetraining on how to connect your teawrexback-office see fairly seamlessly withChina and the last thing is it can ittakes time again we started out sayingthis is no get-rich-quick this is notjust show up and get a check you have towork nobody said life is gonna be easybut it's gonna be worth it and so it'sgonna take time to set up that's whyit's important to get to training so wecan give you the niches give you a headstart because you where do you startwhere you begin and give you a headstart and know what to start with andget a little bit of success and buildwith that so you don't need thousands ofproducts and you don't need to spenddays months years building a giant storestart with a simple product a simplefunnel and then build from there andcompound over time no it really doestake things and again you're the thetraining included I you know I listen toyou and I just make I just want to bepoint after plane explain you want acommunity and you want people around youthat can help you accelerate your growthand eliminate mistakes and that's whatour community does and we're on theleading edge of that and like I said wehave dozens and dozens I don't know ifwe have a hundred yet but we have dozensand dozens of seven figure earners andwe learn from them we talk to them I getwisdom from them that I can share withyou and every us in our community thatyou can't get anywhere else it's justit's just amazing and so at a risk ofrunning on and we can we can satisfymetate a PI over community even and whatI do so Amazon is a big beast and mysuccess of selling on Amazon in a timethat would take me to get to a humanbeing and know who to askwithin Amazon answer my question I cango to that community that I already wasa part of when Amazon get my answer wayfast on a can Amazon so a lot of timesthey help I need to get about Amazondoes it come fromit comes from that community that Ibecame a part of that they can answer myquestion instantly so we have that justlike in Team X yeah so again let's justkind of recap and we wanted to fill up achart on the screen here to kind of showyou you know with the good old graphic agraphical interface you know the prosand cons and how we compare you know wehave the fulfillment account managementwith t-rex it ties right into thesoftware you can see when your ordersare shipped your tracking numbers wehave a custom sales notifier we havebuilt-in exit popup managers you can putit on your domain without any type ofmasking that kind of stuffwe have our funnel builder with ourone-click upsells we have you canpreview and see your customized productswe have the personalization engine youhave your one-click upsells your downcells we have email integration so youcan make sure you do your your emailintegrations and notifications go outand Carla battlements go out marketinggoes out we have all kinds of trainingvideos and how-to guides on everysection and it's just the survey builderthe opt-in builder it's just amazing butagain I think we're the biggest benefitswe offer is that weekly training andthen one less company I want to sayabout that whole of that last con ifthere was an opportunity for you to havea store that didn't take you hundreds ofhours to build because let us thinkabout this now I've been taught for youto have a successful e-commerce storeyou should have at least a hundredproducts give people some choice and weteach you to market to one product at atime that's a whole nother strategywe're gonna talk about that in the nextvideo but let's talk about if you have astore with a couple hundred products howmuch time does it take you to take thepictures or get the pictures get thedescription get the prices put them uponline put them in the storeit doesn't matter if it's teawrexdoesn't matter if it's Amazon doesn'tmatter shop it doesn't matter whatplatform it is that can take hundreds ofhours well we're going to share with youon the next video how we can eliminatethat we can put you in a niche we cangive you hundreds of products you won'thave to spend any time setting them upany time taking photos any time doingeating that kind of stuff and so in thenext video we want to make sure thatyou're there to see that so aninteresting comment when we're goingover talk about success stories is in mystore you say it takes a hundredproducts to make a winning store do youknow how many products it took me to getto sixfigures a month and seven figures a yearon Amazon you want to guess how manythree one one product did it one problemone now that everyone's a homerun but soye but we followed a script we knew whatwe were doing so not everyone's gonna belike that but again if you how many ofthem would it take for you to changeyour future for you and your family andcreate generation of wealth wouldn'ttake many of those yeah okay so let'swrap up this video and just to recap wetalked about the platform's hopefullyyou enjoyed that content it helps you inyour decision making process of whatplatform you feels best for you wetalked about the seven hottest nicheshopefully we got your mind going you'regetting all thinking about how you cancombine this nature what's your passionabout because part of what's cool aboute-commerce is we need to be passionateabout it we don't need to do somethingthat's fun and you like but in the nextvideo what we're gonna dive into iswe're gonna share with you some of thetop marketing strategies that the sevenfigure earners including him have sharedwith me and us and we're gonna sharethose with you and when you couldincorporate these things it really willincrease your sales and conversions upto five six hundred seven or percent andit literally is a difference betweenmaking money and going broke and andagain re-emphasize this isn't aget-rich-quick scheme this is work butwe're committed to your success ine-commerce that's what this is all aboutis training you give me informationintroducing you to who we are what we'reabout talking real candidly here notscripted and just throwing things offabout the five steps to a seven-figureyour e-commerce business so we're gonnacover Facebook marketing strategies I'mgonna share with you the number onemistake that everybody who's losingmoney does and I'm going to share withyou with that we're going to talk to youabout one of the top list building andengaging strategies you can do to engageyour audience and build a list and we'regoing to talk to you about an old-schoolform that's going to crease your salesby 2 to 300 percent and I'm going toshow you liveone-click upsells now that's going tocrease yourselves by 25% and then afterthat we're gonna roll that in and we'regoing to demonstrate to you and show yout-rex and when I show you t-rex we'regoing to show you and show off ourpersonalization features we're gonnashow off our one-click upsells we'regoing to show all this stuff to you liveso you can see exactly how easy it isthat you literally could train yourtwelve-year-old to create a funnel foryou and we're gonna show you how you canhave a storefront up and running withhundreds of products in these nichesthat we've talked about and you don'thave to spend hundreds of hours dozensof hours tens of hours setting it up soif you if you want to really have abusiness you want a group of people theteam of people thousands people join agroup in a community where you want tobe successful e-commerce and build areal business we hope that you'llconsider it continue watching thesevideos we hope that you will share thisvideo and again if you're missing thesevideos come back to this page bookmarkthis page right now come back to thispage they're all gonna be here and wewant you to share this with your friendsshare this on social media and mostimportantly if you're confused onanything if we didn't do a good job ofcommunicating what should they docomment below copy because there's aplace to do that right down right downright so so hee haw hee haw so go aheadand leave your comments below we want tomake sure we answer all those questionsand we will be on there will be lookingthose comments my team myself him wewill actually answer your comments wewant you to know we're serious abouthelping you get into this the end of thespace and being successful so we'll seeyou on video 3 and again I always haveto say this do what I do wake up everyday with an attitude of gratitude tellsomebody you love them and you'll have abetter day


Rocket Japanese: Earn Top Dollar Selling A Product That People Love!

Product Name: Rocket Japanese: Earn Top Dollar Selling A Product That People Love!

Description: Earn Up To 70% Commissions With Rocket Japanese. We Have Been In The Language Learning Business For 15 Years, So We Can Help You. Feel Good About Selling A High Quality Product That Actually Works! This Is Proven By Our Very Low Refund Rate. Apply Now!

Ecommerce Website Design Company

By Nalini Tomar | Submitted On April 26, 2017

Expert Author Nalini Tomar

For every business owner, understanding the business aesthetics is crucial. The need multiplies manifold if you happen to be into online business wherein your online presence means everything since you are an online platform for buyers and sellers to connect. A shopping website designing is not an easy task that can be achieved just like that. Although it is much more tricky and cumbersome than how it seems. When you run such as website, your day-to-day tasks include selling products, filling orders, receiving payments and last but not the least – satisfying the customers.

Yes, the website design truly matters a lot. It has to be developed in such a way that is user friendly and gives ease of access to one and all. Whether the website would excel or fall depends on the viability of the design considering the level of different categories of customers to whom the business would be catering to. Moreover we cannot assume that the potential customers will find you themselves rather you need to be prominently seen online to attract more and more traffic on your website. For any viewer to stay and proceed with making a purchase on your website, it is necessary that the design is perfect in every way.

Choosing a professional Ecommerce Website Design company with expertise and robust standing in the market gives you the required boost and a robust foundation to begin with. They are the ones who are expert enough to develop a multifaceted promotional strategy to outgrow your competitors by alluring more and more customers towards your website. The steps are many but the ladder to success has to be a complex one else the fruits fetched won’t be cherished.

Few of the many services that fall in the purview of such designing companies are content development, structuring the pages, designing the internal as well as external pages, overall navigation provisions, credibility factor considering both company as well as customers and so on. How would you feel if your home or workplace is a mess? Do you think it would be a welcoming atmosphere for your prospective customers? Would you prefer too much cluttered stuff or limited organized stuff to be chosen from or looked upon?

The answer definitely would be an organized place (irrespective of the fact whether it is real or virtual) wherein the structure itself becomes the guiding force behind boosting your sales. The website should be such that it tempts the customers to go ahead and buy what is required in addition to what they feel are good buys for them. Any company offering website designing services is aptly experienced and knowledgeable to be able to comprehend with your needs along with the current market scenario.

I am Nalini Tomar, Specialist in web Design and development. I seek information about the latest technologies available in the market and provide necessary updates about the same. If you want to get more information about Ecommerce Website Design you can follow me and read the articles on related topics.

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Top 10! Amazing Tools From 2019 | Cool Products DIY

#banggood #tools #diy #TopProducts #toptools
Here is a list of 10 essential tools to have in a workshop. It is not a video sponsored by banggood so they are products purchased by me on the site where I found them at a lower price. The links are referral so thanks to your purchases the channel will earn a few cents.

★ N° 1 DANIU 25 in 1 Multi-purpose Precision Screwdriver:
– Banggood:
– Aliexpress:

★ N° 2 DANIU Electrical Cutting Plier Wire Cable Cutter:
– Banggood:
– Aliexpress:

★ N° 3 Drillpro 290mm Flexible Shaft Bit Screwdriver Drill Bit:
– Banggood:
– Aliexpress:

★ N° 4 Paron® JX-1301 Multifunctional Wire Strippers:
– Banggood:
– Aliexpress:

★ N° 5 180 Degree Stainless Steel Protractor:
– Banggood:
– Aliexpress:

★ N° 6 DANIU 150mm Stainless Steel LCD Screen Display Digital Caliper:
– Banggood:
– Aliexpress:

★ N° 7 3Pcs MB102 Test Developer DIY 830:
– Banggood:
– Aliexpress: (1PZ)

★ N° 8 5 in 1 RAB Holder Breadboard ABS Base:
– Banggood:
– Aliexpress:

★ N° 9 DANIU Heavy Duty Soldering Solder Iron Tip Cleaner:
– Banggood:

★ N° 10 DANIU 34x23cm Heat Resistant Silicone Pad:
– Banggood:
– Aliexpress:
– (Migliore)

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Background music:
I Saw A Ghost Last Night by Leonell Cassio
Creative Commons — Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported — CC BY-SA 3.0
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Track: Barren Gates – Devil [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.
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Song: Oshóva – Moody Swing (Vlog No Copyright Music)
Music provided by Vlog No Copyright Music.
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Track: PatrickReza – Choices [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.
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Song: Peyruis – Relax (Vlog No Copyright Music)
Music provided by Vlog No Copyright Music.
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Virtual Trip by Niwel
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Adventures by A Himitsu
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0
Music released by Argofox
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Top 5 Skin Care Products To Bring When Traveling

By Elizabeth Simpson | Submitted On February 22, 2011

Don’t get too excited about the prospect of traveling to a foreign place. With all the excitement, you might forget to bring your skin care arsenal. I am sure you wouldn’t want to go home with a badly-burned skin and newly-acquired wrinkles and fine lines.

When traveling, make sure you bring the following skin care products:

1. Sun screen

Whether you are traveling to a tropical country or you are going to a cold country, it is imperative that you travel with your sun screen. The sun emits UVA and UVB rays everywhere. Although more UV rays are emitted in tropical countries, you can still become vulnerable to sun damage if you are in a cold country.

Choose sun screen products with wide-range ingredients. They should be able to protect you from the damaging effects of UVA and UVB rays. Many sun screen brands are only loaded with UVB rays. They do not provide enough sun protection.

2. Moisturizer

Keeping your skin properly hydrated is one way of thwarting the aging process. Dry skin tends to happen when traveling. You would want to avoid this by using a proper moisturizing product.

It should contain ingredients that can correct and hydrate. Look for CynergyTK, Phytessence Wakame and Nano Lipobelle HEQ10. CynergyTK is an ingredient that has been extracted from the wool of sheep. This contains keratin so it can help improve the production of collagen in the dermis. It can maintain the firmness of your skin. Phytessence Wakame is a type of Japanese sea kelp that can help prevent the sudden loss of hyaluronic acid. This acid is needed to properly moisturize collagen fibers and cartilages. Nano Lipobelle HEQ10 is your protection against harmful free ranging radicals. Free radicals damage cells. This antioxidant can penetrate deep into the seven layers of your skin to get rid of harmful free radicals.

3. Exfoliating scrub

Cellular turnover can cause the accumulation of dead skin cells in the pores of your skin. Sloughing off dead skin cells is imperative. This can help make your skin softer and smoother.

4. Antioxidants

Grape seed extract is an ideal kind of antioxidant. It helps prevent the deterioration of collagen fibers. It also works in fighting harmful free radicals in the body.

5. Eye cream

Do not neglect the eye area. Using eye creams will help protect the skin around the eyes from its impending deterioration. Make sure it contains helpful ingredients like Eyeliss. This ingredient is a good source of natural peptides that can help plump up weak skin cells and can thicken up skin layers.

And now I would like to invite you to visit to find out which are the anti aging products you should use in order to achieve clearer and radiant looking skin.

Article Source:


Keyword Researcher – SEO Software / Finds Long Tail Keywords

Product Name: Keyword Researcher – SEO Software / Finds Long Tail Keywords

Description: A Software Application That Helps You Discover Long Tail Keywords. Organize Your Keywords. Import Csv Files From The Google Keyword Tool. Write Web Content. And, Plan A Web-content Strategy For Your Website. Watch Our Video Now!

Digital Marketing Trends for 2019 Online Domination

what digital marketing trends will helpyour business grow most in 2019 I've gotthe list and we're starting right now ifyou want to transform your website intoa customer or lead generation machineI'll show you all my best tips tacticsand secrets to get there fastlet's dive in hey there I'm WestMcDowell web strategist for the deep endand if you're not subscribed to thechannel yet you're not gonna want tomiss out so click on the subscribebutton and the little bell icon next toit so you never miss another video youneed to succeed online we do two a weekhere and you're gonna want to see all ofthemhow will digital marketing help yourbusiness grow in 2019 I want to tell youall about what's working for businesseslike yours right now and how to get morecustomers so you can build the businessyou want so first up I'm gonna startwith something very controversial andthat is the decline of facebook ads andthe rise of YouTube ads now am I sayingthat Facebook ads are going away anytimesoon absolutely not what I'm saying isthey're getting more and more expensiveand it's getting harder for smallerbusinesses to compete so a lot of thesesmall businesses are going towardYouTube which is a great opportunitybecause it actually gives you a betterchance of your ad being both seen andheard because most Facebook ads startwith the sound turned off and mostpeople never turn that sound on andwithin YouTube if you can get people topay attention within that first fiveseconds where they can't skip they'remuch more likely to watch much more ofyour ad than they would on Facebookbecause think about it people are onYouTube to watch videos and people areon Facebook more to just kind ofmindlessly scroll past their feeds I'vegotten people to watch a four minutevideo for about two cents of view andthe cool thing about how YouTube chargesfor your ads is if they watch anythingless than 30 seconds you're not chargedat all on Facebook however you're likelyto pay much more their ads are just moreexpensive and the way they count of viewis if they watch it for three secondsand not only that but thanks that wholeCambridge analytic Emes that happenedearlier this year they've taken away alot of the more powerful targetingoptions that we used to be able to useto get in front of our clients butYouTube ads actually come with onereally cool targeting feature you knowGoogle owns YouTube so you can actuallytarget people who have been activelyresearching things related to what youoffer and for anyone out there whothinks that sounds creepy in any way Ijust want to make it clear that in thecase of Facebook or YouTube they're notactually giving you the information ofthese people that are doing thesesearches all they're doing is puttingyour ad in front of people who they knowfit that criteria and with YouTube adsyou can still target things like agegender geography you know State Cityeven zip codes and if you want to knowmore about how much you can expect topay for YouTube advertising and all thecool targeting options you have I did avideo about this and you can get thatright up here alright next up we havecontent clusters so if you want yourwebsite to do better in Google searchesin 2019 this is a trend you'lldefinitely want to start exploring soGoogle's been moving further and furthertoward rewarding sites that they thinkcover a particular topic the best socreate a cluster of pages that talkabout different specific areas aroundyour niche and link them all to eachother I'll explain that so what is theoverall topic your brand is all aboutconstruction Italian food now imagineyou have a really strong pillar piece ofcontent all about that topic it could beyour home page if it's really in-depthor it could be a really comprehensivearticle about your overall topic that'syour pillar content now imagine you havemultiple cluster pages that go intospecific details on different aspectssurrounding that topic if you're aconstruction company maybe you have oneabout bathroom remodels maybe you haveone about kitchen remodels you'd get asmany of those cluster pages as possibleand they would all link back to yourpillar page and your pillar page wouldlink back out to the clusters this waywhen one page performs well the entirecluster system gets a boost as welltopic clusters basically signal toGoogle that you're a true expert in yourtopic and you're much more likely to geta top spot because of italright next we have messagesimplification so I want you to thinkabout your website and any marketingefforts you you're currently doing arethese three things immediately clearwhen people see it what you offer how ithelps your customers and what they haveto do to take the next step forwardhaving a simple message has alwaysworked best but it's becoming a muchmore emerging trend because businessesare becoming much more savvy to thatfact and small businesses are finallyfinding all that information onlineexactly how to distill all thatinformation down to the most importantparts so if your website is a confusingwarehouse of information or it goes intoall these details about how you foundedyour company in 1850 you're definitelygonna need to refocus that messagingdown on to exactly what matters and onlywhat your customers need to know inorder to make a decision and take thatnext step once they start hearing orreading any kind of information thatdoesn't help them with the problemthey're experiencing right now and howyou can help them you've already lostthem and I've actually made a videoabout easy website copy tweaks you canmake to really connect with yourcustomers and you can get that right uphere okay our next trend is live chatand chat BOTS so this has been on therise for the past few years but it's onthis list because most small businessesare just now starting to take advantageof this trend thanks to so many free andaffordable plans available online nowthese bots can do anything ranging fromanswering fa Q's to schedulingappointments to making recommendationsbut for most small businesses out therethe best use of a chat bot is thissimply use the chat bot to greetvisitors and ask them how you can helpyou can either build in pre-programmedresponses to those frequently askedquestions or you can direct people todifferent areas of the site based onwhat they ask or what I would recommendis having a real human member of yourteam take over the conversation sobasically you're using automation to getthat ball rolling but then you're givingthe human touch to anyone who actuallyasks a questionappreciate the authenticity and they'remuch more likely to engage with you andyour business using a chat feature thanany other method especially in thoseearly research stages for a really easytutorial on how to get one of you set upon your website for free go ahead andclick this video right up here alrightmoving right along our next trend isvoice search so I don't know if you knowthis but 20% of all mobile searches aredone using people's voices and with moreand more people getting used to thattechnology and especially with all thosenew smart speakers we have like Alexa orGoogle home that number is only risingevery year but I bet your competition isnot taking advantage of this yet so Ireally think 2019 is your year to get infront of the ball and really dominate inthose voice searches this can be forpeople who are actively ready to buyseries show dentists near me or for amore content-based question that you canuse to get more customers for instanceif you're a plumber Alexa how do I fix aleaky faucet then it shows them a videoof you showing them how to fix it and alot of them will probably just say youknow screw it this guy looks like heknows what he's doing I'm just gonnahire him so how do you optimize yoursite for voice search anyway you knowthere's a lot of things you can do youcan actually work things out askquestions that people might ask maybe inan FAQ section for instance and thenthoroughly answer it or probably thebest thing to do if you want to show upin those near me searches is really justmake sure your Google my businessprofile is filled out as completely andcorrectly as possible that way Googleknows exactly where you are and then ifanyone is near you searching you'regonna be the one that shows up for themand if you want to know how to fill thatout properly the right way the firsttime I've got a video on that just clickright up here to access that so you canget going pretty quickly all right butnow I want to hear from you and I wantto know which of these trends do you seeas your biggest opportunity for digitalmarketing in 2019 I want to know allabout itso just go ahead and leave that or anyquestions you have in the comments belowI will read through everything and I'llanswer any questions I possibly can andif you're not subscribed to channel yetyou're not gonna want to miss out we dotwo videos a weekjust click the circle icon right downhere and if you haven't accessed my freemini-course yet how to guarantee websiteROI you're not gonna want to miss thatyou can get that by clicking this boxright over hereall right I'm West McDowell for the deepend and I'll see you in our next video


Coaching Business In A Box

Product Name: Coaching Business In A Box

Description: Earn A Massive 50% Very High Conversion Due To The Popularity Of This Niche Everything You Need To Set Up A Life Coaching Business. Includes 101 Life Coaching Tools, Coaching Processes And Internet Marketing Strategies. Plus Some A Free Gift!!

The Top 3 Self Defense Products For Women

By Dorian Milon | Submitted On February 14, 2010

Expert Author Dorian Milon

Pepper spray

Many women who are interested in a self defense product that is non-violent and easy to use opt for pepper spray. Pepper spray is packaged as an aerosol and in order to use it you simply spray it directly into the eyes of an assailant just as you would a can of hair spray or mosquito repellent. Because of the extreme heat of the Chile pepper ingredient, someone who is sprayed with pepper spray will experience a burning sensation while also nauseous and temporary inability to see. While your attacker is incapacitated, you will have enough time to get to safety and summon help.

Pepper spray is the perfect option for you if you are looking for a self defense product that you can throw in your purse or fit in a jacket pocket. And if style is your priority, you will be happy to know that some companies design their self defense sprays to look like cell phones, makeup compacts, and contemporary jewelry.


The Kubotan self defense key chain has skyrocketed in popularity as more and more female celebrities are spotted and photographed sporting the mini defense weapon. A Kubotan is barely longer than your keys but it essentially functions as a tiny nightstick and has the power to increase the force of a blow or apply extreme pressure to the vulnerable areas of an attacker’s body.

A Kubotan is not only popular because it is the self defense choice of the stars, but also because it is easy to transport and impossible to forget. Grab your keys and you instantly enhance your personal security. You can use your Kubotan to strike an attacker with your keys or ram into the small of an assailant’s back. Many women who are looking for maximal security choose to carry both a Kubotan and pepper spray.

Stun gun

A stun gun is a device that delivers an electrical jolt when applied directly to an individual. If you apply a stun gun to a surprise attacker for at least 3-5 seconds, he will temporarily lose muscle function and be unable to move. Use this time to run away and seek assistance.

Stun guns, like pepper spray, are frequently made to look like common objects and not self defense products. Just be careful not to get confused if you choose a stun gun or a pepper spray model to look like your favorite lipstick or your well worn cell phone!

Tough Puppy Technology is a self defense company that is dedicated in helping people all over the United States by providing affordable self defense weapons and security products. Visit our website for more self defense products at []

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