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Hello, dear friends!Now you will see another selection of cool
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below the video.Subscribe on my channel and click on the bell.Let's go!All links to the products in the description
below the video.Subscribe on my channel and click onthe bell.Push like.So today we had a selection of cool products
from AliExpress, Gearbest and Banggood sites.Links to all goods I
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in the future there will be a lot of coolproducts.Bye!Bye!


Select The Best Internet Marketing Consultant For Your Business

By Hilton Pagley | Submitted On March 22, 2011

Expert Author Hilton Pagley

Selecting an internet marketing consultant for the success of your business seems to be a quite confusing strategy. A series of questions cloud the mind making the simple decision all the way more difficult. Is the company genuine, does it offer guaranteed services, are they experienced, what is their success rate, and so on. Well, the answer to these questions lies in the paragraphs below. Find your solutions and boost the success of your business with the help of a genuinely experienced internet marketing consultant firm.

Internet is the answer to all kinds of questions today and it particularly falls true for the internet marketing industry. It plays host to thousands of online marketing consultation firms, each promising to give your new business venture an edge over your competitors. However, the best internet marketing consultant firm proves its own worth with its business success, colossal client list and impressive marketing strategies. Simply creating a billboard with a list of your services or designing a smart print ad does not fetch you your business dreams. You need the best marketing company, especially if you wish to fulfill your business dream.

The best internet marketing consultant firm provides a series of basic marketing strategies along with a few original customized tricks that target your business success. They help you design effective and equally efficient strategies that easily take you through the online marketing world, without tasting defeat at any point. May it be simply promoting your company products and services or competing with the colossal market, a good internet marketing firm provides you every marketing solution you require. They value your business dream, the importance of your success and hard-earned money, and hence plan strategies ensuring that your dollars don’t go in waste. A good marketing firm helps a business owner not just plan successful strategies but also helps them rectify their mistakes, hence strengthening the client-user bond.

Business analysis, project planning, niche research, strategizing the development phase, SEO strategies, managing and pursuing the marketing strategies, etc. are all part of a successful online marketing consultancy. You should select a company that offers you a to z services like web designing, SEO services, web page ranking analytics, new e-commerce solutions, sponsored listing and also web hosting services. Apart from these services, the company should be supported by a team of experienced professionals to help you face all types of marketing tricks without the slightest problems.

So, design, develop and see your company achieve your business dreams under the guidance of the best internet marketing consultant firm.

The success of any business greatly depends on its services and its marketing strategies. Hence, it gets extremely important to select a well experienced and successful internet marketing consultant [] firm that guarantees your business success. Select the best firm and reap the business benefits.

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Internet Marketing in 2019 | Internet Marketing Tutorial For Beginners

introduction internet marketing can meana lot of things for some internetmarketing is practically synonymous withaffiliate marketing this is the processthe selling products made by otherpeople in order to earn commission butinternet marketing can be more than thattoo of course in a marketing can meanbuilding a website or a blog building amassive audience for that platform andthen making money from adverts GoogleAdsense for instance or selling your ownproducts internet marketing might meanselling a digital product such as ane-book or an online course internetmarketing might mean selling somethingphysical internet marketing may meanpromoting a website as the end in itselfsimply building a channel so that youcan spread the word about somethingthat's important to you or so that youcan try to promote yourself to grow yourown career I recently spoke to a groupof creative writers and explained tothem how learning the basics ofmarketing on the web could allow them topromote themselves and find publishersand of course internet marketing mightmean marketing an existing business inorder to gain more customers and makemore sales any small business should beinterested in marketing themselvesonline the fact of the matter isinternet marketing means getting theword out on the web and it meanscreating brilliant content and if youcan do either or both of those thingsthen you can make the web work for youonce you do that then pretty muchanything is possibleliterally we'll see you later in thistraining how the ability to work onlinecan allow pretty much any of yourwildest dreams and plans to come truewhether that means earning a passiveincome and traveling the world orwhether it means growing a massivebusiness or working on projects that youwere truly passionate about and gettingpaid for it the only problem is thatvery few people have any idea what makesa web tick people tell me they want tostart their own business selling craftsor they tell me that they want to startblogging for fun but they have zero cluewhat that entails what is SEO what ismarketing if you were sitting theresmugly thinking that you already knowthe basics of internet marketing thentime for a reality check because even ifyou know the basics of internetmarketing there's a good chance that youdon't have all of the advanced skillsyou need to really make any project intoa sixin this training then I'm going to startby outlining those basics I'm going toteach you internet marketing 101 forthose of you with no prior experiencethis is what makes the web tick this isyour bread and butter but from there I'mthen going to dive into the much moreadvanced stuff that many internetmarketing gurus in reality have no ideaabout whatsoever you will learn skillshere that will put you head andshoulders above the competition you willlearn tools that will make you immenselyemployable to the point that you arenever without work and you'll be able toturn any idea or concept into a realitywhat makes a web go around when I tellpeople that our work online the reactionI very often get is bafflement countlesspeople have admitted to me at one pointor another that they have no idea what Ido for a living in fact my grandma oncemade me promise to her that whatever Idid was not illegal when I leftUniversity and started working formyself everyone expected me to fail theyall asked when are you going to get aproper job a little offensive sure butit's understandable after all it's notat all obvious from an outsider'sperspective how money gets made on theweb how can you earn money online whilesitting at home how do websites earnmoney even if no products actuallychange hands this is the part some ofyou will already know but it bearsrepeating for those that don'tessentially then money is made onlinethanks to views the more people view awebsite or an article the moreopportunity there is to make money andthis is possible partly thanks toadvertising and partly thanks to salesif you have a website that is gettingseveral hundred thousand views per daythen you all have the option of placingGoogle ads on itthese are adverts that are automaticallygenerated by Google's partners and whichyou will then place on your website eachtime the ad is clicked Google earnedsome money and abortion that revenue issplit with you well this might soundstrange the reality is that those peopleare likely going to ahead to that otherwebsite and then spend more money forinstance if an insurance companiespaying for clicks on your websitechances are that the visitors it gainsfrom this will buy at least someinsurance and thus to earn more moneythan they spend in the long term anddon't get it twistedyou'll only earn a few cents per clickin most cases so you really needhundreds of thousands of views for awebsite to be profitable through thisprocess alone if you are stillstruggling to get your head around thisthen the best comparison to make is withfree papers and magazines that you mighthave seen being handed outside yourlocal train station those free magazinescost money to print and they're beinggiven away but the customer in this caseis not theperson reading the magazine the customeris the advertiserand the magazine has valued to theadvertiser because it has such a wideexposure the more eyeballs that see thatpaper or magazine the more theadvertiser can potentially stand areearned by placing their adverts therethis is how a website works – betterthan Google Adsense but don't rely onGoogle ads to make money from a websitebecause that puts you right at thebottom of the food chainremember the advertisers are onlywilling to pay for clicks because theyhave more effective means of monetizingthose visitors they're making more pervisitor than they are paying Google andthey're only getting a small amount ofthat so right now you're really notearning huge amounts of cash comparedwith what you could be earning soanother way you might monetize yourwebsite is by selling something for manybusinesses this is already built in asit were if your website exists tosupport an existing pizzeria hairdressermassage salon or anything else then youare ultimately going to be earning moneyfrom the visitors by promoting yourbrand and encouraging people to visityour store in person you can also set upa product or service after the fact inthis case your website might promoteyour SEO services more on that at amoment it might promote your digitalebook that you were selling it mightpromote an online course or it mighteven promote a physical product this wayyou are now keeping 100% of the profitsure you might have some overhead withprinting costs and delivery but you aresharing your cash with anyone elseand finally you might be able to sellthe service for instance if you are agood writer then you can simply create awebsite get lots of people to look at itand then promote your writing service atX amount for 100 wordslikewise for web design photographyvideo editing proofreading the optionsare endless and this is just another wayyou can get pretty much any job you likeby having the skill and knowing how tonavigate the web and then there'saffiliate marketing affiliate marketingmeans that you were selling productsother than your ownthese products are things that anothercreator is built often things likeebooks which are offering Commission yousign up and are given a link called anaffiliate URLyou then promote this link and anyonewho clicks on it will be taken to theproduct page via another website thatintermediary website will leave a cookieon the user's computer before sendingthem on allowing the store to recognizethat you sent them now if they buy theproduct you get a fraction of thepurchase this is often much higher thanthe amount of money you would get froman advert and can range from a fewpercent in the case of Amazon productsto a whopping 50 70 or even ninetypercent why would a creator be willingto give away so much of their incomewe'll look at it this way they arealready selling the product themselvesany sales you make will not take awayfrom those sales therefore anyadditional sales that their affiliatespartners make will simply mean moreincome for them the more generous theyare with their Commission the moreaffiliate marketers they will be able toattract and eventually this can lead tothem having a legion of marketers allpromoting products in their behalf andin some cases these marketers might nothelp them to make sales but they'llstill be giving them free exposure andimproving their brand awareness etc sothe sellers have a lot to gain this wayand so do you through all these systemsthen a lot of money is to be madethrough internet marketing if you can doall that then you can stand to earn alot of money for yourself by promotingproducts services and affiliate dealsbut at the same time you'll also behighly valuable to businesses that needsomeone to run their marketing campaignsand help them reach a wide audience butgood internet marketing means not onlygetting as many viewers on your websiteas possible but also making sure thatthose viewers are truly engaged and thatthey're fans of what you do it's onething to be able to reach your audienceit's a different thing to be able topersuade themhow to do it internet marketing okay sonow you know why internet marketing is abig deal and how it can help you to makemoney find a job or live your dreams sonow it's time you learn the fundamentalsof how to actually get involved and tothat end the first thing you shouldprobably learn is SEO search engineoptimization SEO is search engineoptimizationthis means optimizing a website anarticle or both for the search enginesthe fact of the matter is that Googlepretty much runs a web if someone wantsto find information if someone wantsentertainment but someone wants anythingon the web they will probably start bychecking Google then they do a searchfor that thing they want let's say theywant to buy hat they'll probably searchfor buy hats online if you were at thetop of those results then you'll makelots of sales if you aren't then youprobably won't fuss what Google saysgoes thus Google is king and thus theworld needs SEO this is how you go aboutbuilding content and designing a page insuch a way that it will be guaranteed toshow up at the top of a specific searchand this means by dint affine thekeyword or phrase that you want this isthe phrase that you think people weresurged when they're looking for contentor information like yours once you'veidentified that you can then begin touse that key phrase in your content theway Google works is by using programscalled BOTS or spiders these trawl theweb and automatically index pages in amassive database for Google then whensomeone searches for something Googlechecks the database and looks for themost relevant content it used to be thatthe easiest way to come across asrelevant for Google's sake was it simplylace your content with as manyrepetitions of the key phrase aspossible this way Google spiders couldsee that the content you wrote and thething the person searched were relatedand this way you would show up at thetop of the searches once upon a timethis was all it took and once upon atime this was incredibly easy and themore times you repeated the phrase thebetter your chances of appearthe top would be the only problem wasthat this made the web incredibly easyto manipulate and it led to people ofusing the system and putting out lowquality content this led to websiteswriting things like welcome to the bestmy hats online shop where you can buyhats online buy hats online for your mommy hats online for your dad google stampfilled this kind of behavior by usingalgorithm updates that would penalizeabuses of the system and that wouldfavor good quality contentnow Google recommends that you onlyinclude keywords using a 1 to 2% densitythat means that for every 100 words onlyone of them should be a keyword likewiseGoogle also wants to see you using LSIlatent semantic indexing that means thatyou should write posting content withsynonyms related language and naturallanguage around the subject google alsolikes to seem longer content eighthundred to eighteen hundred words andlikes to see new when relevant contentand it likes to see websites that arebeing updated and well maintained googlealso now looks at bounce rates meaningthat it can tell how long someone hasbeen on a web page and if they tend toleave after the first couple of secondsthen that website isn't going to performwell in searches using all these newermethods google can now favour contentthat is genuinely high quality and thatanswers the users questions in Google'scase the customer is a user and that'swho Google wants to please so while youshould write with SEO in mind you shouldalso make sure that your content isgreat quality for the user more on thisin a moment other things you can do foryour SEO including adding keywords inkey places such as the opening paragraphin the title such as the file names thenames of your images for example and themeta descriptions and other tagsthe other big cornerstone of good SEO isgetting links on other websites Googleviews links on other sites as beingreferrals and so if you can get a linkfrom a top web site then we'll do anawful lot to build trust and authorityin Google's eyes got a link from the BBCthen anything you post subsequently willmuch more easily get to the top ofGoogle that said smaller links elsewhereare also useful and note that links arehow the spiders find your content in thefirst placeGoogle again doesn't want you tomanipulate the search engines or to tryand trick them and someone wants to seea links profile that's natural andorganic as though everyone and ones justdecided to share your content because itwas so brilliant and you had nothing todo with it this means you should have avaried range of links in terms of thequality and even the wording using linksthat are on relevant sites is a goodidea for reaching the right SERPsindustry lingo for search engine resultpages and for reaching the rightaudience however avoid trying to pay forlinks because this can get your sitebadly penalized or even dn decks byGoogle all of this is going to help yoursite to get seen and if you postregularly and keep looking for populartopics then you should gradually beginto grow an audience in theory moremarketing strategies s MO and more wellthis is a decent strategy though it isalso very slow and certainly notguaranteed it is not therefore itrecommended that most businesses andbrands rely solely on searches for theirtraffic instead it is also a good ideato be more proactive in your promotionalactivities but getting out there andreaching out to your audience forinstance you can do this with PPC thisis pay-per-click advertising which is aform of paid marketing where you onlyget charged when someone clicks on thead we won't be going into great depth onthat here but suffice to say that thisis worth looking into and a skill thatyou should add to your bowl morefundamental is SM all or social mediaoptimization in other words you need toget out there onto Facebook Twitter andInstagram along with the others likeGoogle Plus and Pinterest and you needto start marketing yourself that meansyou need to post regular content andbuild a following invite people tofollow you and ask them to share andlike your posts so that their networksee them too you can also seek outforums social media communitiessubredditsand more places where people mightappreciate your contentand we're your target audience is likelyto be spending its time there are manymore tricks you can use to get the wordout about a brand or website – one ofthe most powerful and effective issomething called influencer marketingthis means that you look for someone inthe web who is an influencer someone whohas a large following already and whocan help you reach that large audienceyou then message them and find some kindof trade that you can do for example youcan let them pull something to youraudience in exchange for posting totheir audience that way you will bothgain some of each other subscribersthere's much more to internet marketingbuilding a mailing list of your top fansit's a very good idea for instance as isguest posting and writing blog posts forother sites at the end of the day itcomes down to strategy you want to gainthe attention of real followers and atthe same time you want to encourageGoogle to pick up your content and addit to its indexthe power of grade content would allthis should really teach you though isthat the Internet is practically builton content and in particular it is builton written content that's because aperson who uses Google is usuallylooking for information or entertainmentand mostly this is delivered through thewritten word filling your site with lotsof content means that it will have ahigher chance of including those crucialkeywords that Google is looking for andat the same time filling your site withcontent will give you something you canshare on social media and that willentice people to visit your site morethan anything though adding lots ofgreat content to your website over timeis all about building long-term fans andfollowers think about the sites that yougo to regularly and why you go therechances are that you go to them becauseyou have learned that they create thekind of content that you enjoy readingand not only does this mean you keepcoming back continuously creating moreopportunities for the site order and theadvertisers to try to sell to you but italso means you will probably come totrust the content creator you love readso many posts by them on the subjectmatter that they are an expert in thatyou'll have learned that you can rely ontheir knowledge and then guess who yougo to when you want more information Ienjoy using my camera for a bit ofamateur photography every now and thenand so on my spare time i watch a guy onyoutube and read his blog where heshares lots of tips and how to takebetter photos the posts are reallyfascinating because they show how theright change of angle lighting orequipment can really transform a Floridawhat is something much more dynamic andmuch more engaging so guess where I wentwhen I needed new photography from mywebsite I went to the guy who wasexpertise I've been reading about on aweekly basis this is the true power ofwhat is known is content marketing itfacilitates other forms of marketing yesbut more important than that is that itallows you to build more trust andauthority in your niche and to build alegion of truly loyal and engagedfollowers and that's why the mostimportant skill you will learn to workwell online is writing how to write forthe web good writing can be explainedfairly simply a good writing means thatyou are communicating efficientlywriting like anything else has a purposewhether that is to teachentertain or inform at any rate there isa crux that you need to convey and thisis the purpose of what you've written avery straightforward way to judge apiece of writing then is the simply askhow well it performs that job efficientwriting means that your visitors willneed to invest less time into readingbut will still get the most informationand value possible this is why it is amistake to use flowery or flamboyantlanguage most of the time this isparticularly true when writing forbusiness where the temptation might beto use jargon or big clever terms I onceworked with a company that was trying tosell an e POS system but rather thanfocusing on conveying what that was orwhy it was useful for small businessesall the brand wanted to do was show offwith words like cloud enabled synergyand strategy this was meaningless itwasted the visitors time and a man mostpeople would leave without reading morelet alone buying on the other hand ifyou can quickly and effectivelycommunicate what it is you want to saythen you will find that people stickaround and that very often they areeager to buy from you this is also truewith writing design to be informative orentertaining especially in an age wheneveryone is in a rush and fee peoplehave time to stick around long enough toread a whole passage of text this isalso why it is a good idea to use theright structure and layout for yourcontent specifically you need to breakit up with lots of images you need touse lots of different paragraphs and youneed clear and bold headers make yourcontent skimmable so does that mean yourcontent is going to be forever light andfluffy or that it will simply befunctional and personality 'less Nofirstly you can use your broadervocabulary but only where it serves apurpose this should a provide someadditional detail or subtext or subtlyalter the tone of what you're saying orbe allow you to say more with fewerwordswhat's more and sentence you certainlycan be very deep and well researchedwith what you're saying and with whatyou're writing in fact this isincredibly important if you want yourcontent to do well the best kind ofcontent is content at Google callsresource posts resource posts are highlycomprehensive and detailed discussionsa certain topic these posts have a lotof value because they provide a sourcewhere an audience can learn all aboutone topic these are highly shareable onsocial media because they let someoneteach another person by sharing a singlelink and if they also do very well interms of SEO because a long in-depth1800 where post will have a lot ofnatural keywords and longtail keywordsstrange phrases that occasionally gettyped into Google but which aren'treally worth ranking for specificallymaking sure that your content has valueis very important in general in factthis is the only way that you can dothis another way that you can make sureyour content is valuable is to give itsomething that is unique to give it aUSP the biggest mistake I see witharticles and blog posts online is torepeat a subject matter that has beendone a thousand times before well addingnothing new to the tablethese include posts like how to get absor top SEO mistakes this is derivativeand dull instead you should postsomething that is new and that is uniquethis should be something that peoplewon't have seen before and that willreally stand out to them for instancehow about a post that combines twounusual niches a poll said uncovers someinteresting brand new scientificresearch that's relevant to your nicheor a post that looks back in time tosome old forgotten technique yourcontent should have an emotional hookand it should offer something that youraudience won't find elsewhere and won'thave been read a thousand times beforeone more massive tip write in anarrative format wherever possible thatmeans you should be aiming at readcontent that is phrased in a way that isnaturally like a story think aboutsomething personal you can say about thematter or just try to give it abeginning a middle and an endstories work wonders because the humanbrain has naturally evolved to enjoystories we've been listening to storiesfor thousands of years and we can't helpbut to put ourselves in the story andthereby relate and emote this makes itvery hard to stop listening to a storybefore the end and it makes it very easyfor us to get caught up in a narrativeand stirred by itstories hold attention but they werealso highly persuasive speaking of whichthe power of persuasive writingif there's one kind of writing youshould try to hone it is persuasivewriting if you find yourself being hiredby brands online then there is a goodchance a lot of them will want you towrite sales pitches for them at the sametime knowing how to write persuasivelywill also allow you to sell your owngoods and your own services when Istarted working online I ran a smallwriting businessI only ever posted a couple of ads MattI got enough business from those to keepme going for years why because the adwas so well written the key is tounderstand the value proposition morefundamentally still the key is torecognize that people place orders basedon their emotions and not based on logicin other words someone will buy from youbecause they feel emotionally compelledto do so and they didn't have time tothink themselves out of it so you needto make sure that your pitch issomething that can get people to imaginewhat life would be like after they'vehired youthat means painting an image it willhave an emotional response in theexample of selling writing you mighttalk about how you can help someone toturn the brand they created intosomething that is as well-respected as atop brands on the web they can hiresomeone who would charge very little butwill make their site look amateurish orthey can hire you and they can enjoyachieving their business goals likewiseif you are selling a fitness productthen the dream or the value propositionis to have abs to feel confident andsexy and to meet members of the oppositesex that's why a great pitch might talkabout how you went from being out ofshape to being a physical specimen veryhappy now with your beautiful wife orhusband just easy motion motivatesthough it is also emotion that will putpeople off by buying in some cases morespecifically people tend to get put offby risk and worry humans are actuallymore motivated by risk than they are byreward which is to say they normallyplay it safe that's why you need to doeverything possible to ease theirconcerns that means offering money-backguarantees it means offering socialproof testimonials and it means offeringevidence and proof that might mean yourportfolio of work or it might meanshowing how your promise is differentfrom othersfinally you then cement the deal bygetting the reader or listener to actquickly people are more likely to act onemotion when they act quickly soul ifyou can work them into a fever pitch bysaying you have limited stock or byintroducing a limited time offer thenthis will result in more salesBrandin done right if he learned rightin this way so that you were offeringreal value with a unique selling pointin angle and with a dream and a visionthen you will stand out from the crowdand 99% of the other brands online whyis that because 99% of brands onlinejust don't care I've worked with a wholelot of them and so often I see the samething time and again a client comesalong to order some work and they showme their website their website doesn'thave a brand the name of their websiteis the keyword get great ABS calm theydon't believe me when I tell them aboutthe 1% LSI the keyword density and theorganic looking links rather they justwant that keyword repeated as often aspossible they ask for generic titles fortheir content best diet for abs tops itup exercises how to lose belly fat theyclearly don't know about the nichethey're in they don't care and theydon't have anything new to say and as aresult they feel they're signed withtired generic and derivative contentthat is stuffed with keywords and alltied together when an uninspiring brandmost of them don't even have a logo andthe ones that do either made itthemselves an MS paint or they paid thelowest amount possible to get somethingreally cliche like a light bulb or globewith an arrow moving around it then theytell people to follow them in facebookwhere they post repeatedly about checkout my new ebook here they have nothinginteresting or new to say they've donetheir research they know the keywordsand they know that this is a good nicheto be in but they don't understand theknees they have no heart and soul theyare destined for failure worst of allthey have no skill now take a look atthe sites you already read on a dailybasis take a look at your favorite blogsand vlogswhat do they like chances are that theyhave a clear mission statement and brandthey aren't for everyone but they have alegion of loyal fans they have a coollogo and that logo instantlycommunicates what their brand is allabout and who should listen they postcontent that is interesting and uniquethey have a completely different take onthe subject and they're right about thehighly advanced aspects that most blogssimply don't know about orthey might rain about cardioacceleration for 30% faster fat loss orthey might write about the role ofdopamine and encouraging snackingbehavior in other words these posts areinteresting and unique and they havepersonality the written by the brandorder themselves in a way that ispassionate and interesting itsstorytelling the site is beautiful andwell put together and there's video andthere's interactive elements and theimages are crisp and high definition inshort it has high production values andit looks like something that has hadtime money and love spent on it if youwant to succeed online really succeedthen that's what you need to build we'vealready seen how you can get more inline with this philosophy by writingbetter content now it's time to thinkabout the rest the site the graphicdesign the video and more and in doingso you're also going to make yourselfinvaluable to employers and unstoppableas a brand of your ownbuilding a website whether you want tobe an affiliate marketer whether youwant to promote your Main Street storeonline or whether you want to promoteyourself and become a professionalsinger you will at some point need tobuild a website and at this Junction youhave a few options the worst option isthat you pay someone thousands ofdollars to make it for you that's theright idea in terms of investing timeand making the effort but it's the wrongidea because it means that you'respending thousands when actually this issomething you can do for yourself veryeasily and completely for free if youwant a website then you can have onebuilt in a day that is just asprofessional as the top sites in theworldhere's how it works building a websitein a day number one find hosting yourfirst step is to find hosting a webhosting means that you are finding spaceon a server a server meanwhile is alarge and very fast computer that staysconstantly connected to the web and thatlives in a big server room somewherewhere it is looked after by a whole lotof people this server has space onunlike any other computer and you wereeffectively buying some of that space sothat your files can be uploaded and takeadvantage of that constant connection tothe web simple there are lots ofdifferent providers and packages but Irecommend checking out something likeblue holes here you should be able tofind hosting including a domain name theaddress that someone types in to findyour files for around 10 dollars permonth or even a little less choose themost basic package for now you canalways scale up if need be and choose aURL that will be memorable and that tiesin with your brand avoid that practiceof making your URL your keyword this issomething that Google itself has said itdoesn't like to see and it certainlydoesn't inspire much confidence in usersnumber two install WordPress the nextthing you're going to do is to installWordPress a WordPress is a CMS whichstands for content management systemthis is a tool that you can use toupload new polls to your website to editexisting posts and to change the designlayout and more this means that youdon't need to do any coding at all butthe best part is that it is completelyfree actually that's not the best partthe best part is that it is highlyprofessional far from being a websitebuilder this is the tool that is used tobuild a quarter of the websites on thenetand that includes some of the biggestbrands out there like BBC America ForbesHuffington Post Mashable you name itthere's simply no need to pay for alimiting service like Wix what's more isthat WordPress will allow you to benefitfrom the huge community of developersmeaning you can download additionalfeatures and design elements for Freightit completely changed the look layoutand functionality with just a click andas though all this wasn't enough you caneven install WordPress itself with asingle click using the majority ofhosting providers there's simply noreason not to use WordPress most thetools you'll encounter and want to usefrom e-commerce tools to SEOoptimization to widgets will be designedfor WordPress and not only that butseeing as WordPress powers some of thebiggest sites on the Internet you knowthat it is least possible to achieve thesuccess with WordPress you know thatit's SEO friendly for instance and thatmeans that you can just concentrate oncreating fantastic content and not worryabout the rest number 3add a new theme the next thing youshould do in fact is to head over to asite called theme forest or one like ithere you can browse a large selection ofprofessional and modern looking themesand then download them to installWordPress actually has a built-in themestore and you can check there for a widerange of different free themes problemis you tend to run into these freeoptions to fair bid while browsing theweb and they understandably aren't quiteas slick as many of the pain ones that'swhy my advice is generally to pay andget something slightly more professionaland slightly more polished once you findthe one you like it's simply a matter ofdownloading it and then uploading thezip file to WordPress number fourcustomizationit's similarly easy to add plugins whichare small apps that run on your websiteeither behind the scenes or front andcenter these can include things likesocial media buttons to integrate yourSML or they can include securityfeatures install a few of these and thenfind at a customization tools in the WPlogin in order to set up how you wantthe site to look the name that copyrightnotice and the rest that's really allyou need to do to make an amazingwebsite and then it's a matter of addinga stellar logocreating logos and more graphic designusing your new web design skills you cannow build a site for yourself or forclients but the other part of web designis the design bit and in fact this isanother highly in-demand skill that itreally pays to learn you can learn webdesign then you can create graphics thatwill help you sell products and you canprovide another incredible service go onto sites like Fiverr upwork people perhouretc and you can expect to make a lot ofmoney selling these skills you'll neverstruggle for work if you can do this andoffer web design and rating services andworking on your own logo is a greatplace to flex your muscle and learn theropes good logo design the key to goodlogo design will be to know your brandand what you want to communicate thecore part of any brand should be themission statement this is a statement ofintent about what your brand aims tooffer and achieve and how it hopes to doit it's not just about what you sell butrather it's about that extra attentionto detail and what sets you apart afitness site is one thing but is this afitness site about healthy living andgood times or is this a fitness andherbal pumping iron I'm pushing harderis it a fitness site that's about bodyweight fitness and cool stunts Appleisn't just a brand that makes computersit's a brand that challenges norms andcreates stunning products for artisticindividuals that want to expressthemselves and that's what makes peopleexcited about Apple watch simon Sinekstead talk on the Golden Circle considerthis required watching for allbusinesses in fact you want to be morethan just a company you want to be amovement something people can get behindbecause this will make them want to readyour content follow you on social mediaand buy your products all the more andthe job of your logo is to communicatethis perfectly you could do this bythinking up related imagery why notcreate a mood board a selection ofdifferent images that inspire you or isthat a related to the message you wantto put across then try combining thoseimages in different and unique ways tosee if you can come up with somethingunique that way avoid cliche and try tobe objective by surveying people to seeif theand expresses your business correctlythen go to work making the logo thetools the tool you're going to use tocreate your logo is Adobe Illustratorthis is not negotiable the reason youneed Adobe Illustrator is because thisis the industry standard for designersAdobe Illustrator allows you to createvector files and what these are ourfiles at work based on instructionsabout geometry angles and distancesvector files tell the computer where todraw lines what angles those linesshould point in and how long they shouldbe this means that you can zoom in atall the ratios and angles remain thesame there will be no loss of quality italso means that the image can be editedat any time by dragging the individuallines cutting bits off etc the oppositeis a raster file a jpg or PNG if someonehires you to make them a logo when youmake it in Photoshop and give them aJPEG or PNG file then they will likelylaugh in your face using illustrator isnot terribly easy but if you follow someYouTube tutorials you should be able tograsp the basics the key is tounderstand that those lines or watermaking up all your images these can bedrawn individually and are called pathsyou can then add nodes onto those linescalled anchor points and drag thosearound to lengthen or alter the angle bydrawing multiple paths and having themintersect you can then select them atthe same time and choose to join thoselines now they become the outline of ashape and you can fill it or drag itaround as a single element more usefulis a shape tool this lets you drawsquares polygons eclipses and more fromscratch this becomes even more powerfulif you use it in conjunction with a freedraw tool and with a Pathfinder windowthe Pathfinder allows you to do thingslike combine two separate shapes into asingle one to cut off divide sections ofa shape and more you can also transformyour shapes using the transform optionfrom the top menu as you might in anyother draw tool combine these featurestogether with a little extra watchingand you can start to create some rathercomplex shapeswhat's handy is that any wonky lineswill get smoothed out for you and you'llsee guidelines as you drag things tohelp you find center pointsor to lineup elements that are oppositeeach other on the screen createsomething unique this way and then Chuis a great font from a site like fontsquirrel and you have your logo it willlook much more professional thananything you would make with any othertool tip note that one of the best waysto ensure your logo design is good is tofollow the KISS rule keep it simplestupid simple design is generally betterthan busy design in fact and when comingup with elements for your website tryingto keep in mind one more mantracommunicate don't decorate this meansthat you shouldn't add floweryflourishes just for the sake of itany additional dialog or graphicalelement should be there for a purposewhether that is to lead the eye throughthe UX or whether it is to point issomething else importanthagh Rafi an underrated web skill ouraim here is to turn you into the webequivalent of a triple threat inHollywood a triple threat is someone whocan dance sing and act already you knowthe basics of marketing you can writeyou can design and you can buildwebsites that little bit of extraknowledge puts you head and shouldersabove all those webmasters and marketersthat just spam the web with derivativecontent the next thing to look intolearning then is photography photographyis another skill that could help toelevate a brand to the next level onlineand this is in a lot of demand amongpublishers that's because photographycan be used to accompany a blog post tomake it look more engaging andinteresting and it can also be used inorder to promote a product and make itlook like something that people will beeager to buy Photography can really helpto sell the dream as we discussed andthis is particularly powerful when useon social accounts such as Instagramwhere it can help you make a massiveimpact by promoting a certain lifestyleand dream learn photography and you'velearned just one more skill that 99% ofpeople who try to make a name forthemselves online don't know and thatmakes you even more employable and givesyou even more of an edge over thecompetitionthe laws of great photography so whatdoes it take to make incrediblephotographs first of all having a greatcamera can of course make a bigdifferencewell you shouldn't make the mistake ofbelieving that your success entirelycomes down to having the right camerathis will indeed make a big differenceyou don't need to spend a fortune a goodplace to start is by getting amirrorless camera that will give youmanual controls regarding focus apertureetc the Lumix g7 is a fantastic startingcamera and especially if you combine itwith an extra lens such as the F 1.7 25millimeter this won't set you back morethan a few hundred dollars but theresults will be photos that look likethey were taken by a professionalphotographer and video that has analmost movie-like quality that said ifyou were forced to make do with a cameraphone it's still possible to take greatphotos just spend some time thinkingabout each shot rather than simplypointing your camera directly atwhatever is the subject matter andhaving it the center of the frame tryingto be more original and creative in yourphotos and ask yourself what isstory you're trying to tell what do youwant to convey through your images whatemotion are you trying to evoke howcould this shot be made more interestinga good starting point is to consider notjust the foreground but also the middleground and the background this can helpyou to create a sense of depth and whendone well this should lead the eyedeeper into the picture and create moreof a sense of 3d this is also better forportraying scale scale is something elsethat is important by the way photos ofmountains and view is often like dullbecause they don't convey the height orthe depth and that means that they can'tportray what it really feels like to bethere to solve this problem look foradditional elements that you can includesuch as pebbles and rocks in theforeground or of course a personlikewise you can use things in theforeground to frame something in a moreinteresting manner leaves around theedge of your photo can help to framewhatever is happening in the middleground and provide that depth as well asthe feeling that you are peeking out atthe action that is going on in thesesituations think about the focus to doyou want to open up the aperture andfocus on the foreground that way you canblur out the background and really makethe subject to focus or do you want tofocus on the background more and blurout the foreground thereby making surethat the foreground while decorativeisn't distracting or perhaps theforeground in the background arethematically linked that might mean apair of shoe is throwing off on thefloor while someone runs off into thesea in the background this works wellbecause it tells his story rather thansimply showing a static and dull imageupward angles tend to make somethinglook bigger and thus more importantdownward angles can meanwhile have theopposite effect as you would probablyexpect think as well about the way youset up the shot in terms of the lightingyou'd be surprised how few people evenconsider lighting but this is a veryimportant factor make sure that thelight isn't behind the subject ideallyyou want a soft light that will hit thesubject side on creating shadows anddepths through what is known asRembrandt lighting or how about usingbrighter light in order to create starkcontrast that might mean having shaftsof light coming in through the blindsfor example and creating a sense of timeagain it's all about the story you wantto tell and your photos should informthat storyfinally consider the background and yourpresentation if you're taking a photo ofyourself working on the computer todemonstrate the laptop lifestyle thenthat can be a really great way to subtlypromote a product that teaches people towork online but this will only workeffectively as long as the backgroundisn't filled with piles of ironing andwashing remember every item tells astory so think about the story you wantto tell and set the scene accordinglyand spend some time reading you need tolearn about the exposure triangle andmore in order to become a truly greatphotographervideo everything that photos can bringto your channel video can help to bringyour channel even more a video isfirstly highly impactful when someonesees your video they will be instantlyenraptured and have the urge to watchthrough to the endwe are psychologically programmed torespond to people talking on screen andto listen and we find it hard to lookaway the fact that you can end music usegesticulations and facial expressionsall of this really adds to your abilityto persuade and convince and this meansyou can use video to much moreeffectively sell a product or an idea atthe same time Hill Vidya was alsofantastic for elevating the status ofyour brand even more simply put creatingvideos requires skill and this issomething that not everyone has any ideahow it accomplished you'll probably needa fairly decent camera and you need goodsoftware like Final Cut Pro or AdobePremiere and the knowledge of how to useit so if you land on a website and thefirst thing you see is a glossy videowith fantastic production quality agreat voiceover brilliant cameraworkwhat do you think you think that it mustbe made by a business that knows how tomake fantastic products and that reallycares to invest time money and effortinto what it does and for these reasonsyou are much more likely to trust or tobuy finally video lets you take part inYouTube and vlogging and that opens uphuge doors a ton of brands have beenlong unsuccessful through other attemptsof marketing find that they areeventually successful when they startpromoting themselves in YouTube not onlybecause of all the advantages in termsof engagement and persuasion but alsobecause of the advantages in terms ofreach and competition did you know thatYouTube is a second largest searchengine in the world behind Google so howyou made great video filming for filmingthere are a few things to consider andlearn firstly all of the tips regardinglighting and Composition that we coveredin the last post are still very truehere another tip is to learn to use apanning head this is a device that youattach to your tripod in camera and thatwill then allow you to slowly pan acrossdifferent elements this is ideal forshowcasing products but do beof using the same shot over and overagain if that is a risk you are runninginto then try using pens that go up anddown or try assuming into the shotgradually in order to help with lightingit can be a good idea to purchase asoftbox or similar option for creatinglight artificially having more than onelight source is also preferable so ifyou can purchase two then that's evenbetter in a moment we will talk aboutediting and you'll see that you needspecific shots for this to work properlya big tip then is to give yourself somekind of storyboard or otherwise justhave a strong idea of what you want yourvideo to look like before you begin toknow what needs to be covered collectb-roll if appropriate this is footagethat you can play while you talk aboutother things it should be relevant andit should fit for a range of differentsections this will not only help to keepyour video dynamic and moving but itwill also be incredibly useful when youneed to cover up mistakes don't forgetthe importance of sound don't rely onthe mic built into your camera or thiswill severely undermine theprofessionalism of the rest of theproduct to get round this problemcheaply just buy yourself a cheap lapelmic and plug it into your smartphone youcan then set that to record and tuck itaway in your pocket while you deliverthe audio finally set up the grid onyour camera if possible and trying tomake sure that when you talk on camerayour head and your eyes are in the topthird of the screen editing here iswhere the real magic happensthe first job in editing is to make surethat everything runs together smoothlyand that you've taken all your footageand remove the stutters and stars itshould all run smoothly if you want tohide your mistakes and make your contentflow like one long video then you canuse b-roll over the portions you've hadto cut otherwise you will jump from oneposition to another quickly this canalso be done through dramatic effectsall and is called the jump cut you canuse this for humor or for intentionalbrevity and punchiness put more in andthat way it will look intentional andyou can get away with more otherwise youcan also try setting up more than oneangle on the same shot and cuttingbetween these as you talk to hideconstant edits but when cutting betweenshots of any nature remember again thestorytelling aspect your aim is to avoidjarring the user by jumping randomlyfrom one shot to another when cuttingwithin the same scene a technique oftenused is to cut on action that means youcut during a movement and you continuethe same movement in the next shot thisdisguises the Edit and makes a footageflow more easily you can like when he'strying to link shots based on thesubject matter or you can link shotsbased on where the user is looking usethese strategies and look into otherslike L cuts to take your video game up alevel then make sure to add a littlebackground music you can outsource thison a site like Fiverr and add your logoand some bottom thirds and a good openerand you'll live something that looksimmensely professional and can reallybuild trust and authority a quick tipfor those that are trying to buildmomentum on their own YouTube channel isto not make your videos too long thiswhole process can take a lot of time andif you want to make consistent uploadsthen you should make your workload anybigger than it has to bedeveloping your skills further of courseif you really want to enhance yourskillset then it will pay it also learnAfter Effects this is the tool that canbe used in conjunction with premiere inorder to accomplish all kinds of awesomethings from retro eighties intros toincredible video openers this will raiseyour game to the point where you'recreating inspiring and completelyoriginal work that many creators willboggle at and this just goes to showthat the more skills you choose to addyour repertoire the more you will growand the more opportunities will comeyour way so what else can you learn wellI would highly recommend that you learnto program learn to program and you canrest assured that you will never bewithout work learning to program givesyou the ability to build apps and tocreate far more complex websites morethan that though it gives you an area ofexpertise that is in very high demandand that a lot of people know nothingaboutI was recently approached by a companyto write content at $2 per word and theproject was several thousand words longthat's right they were offeringthousands of dollars for a couple ofarticles this is a difference that comesfrom knowing any subject matter well andthere are so many jobs for quarters onthe web that it's unreal if you learnJava or Python then people will comehammering on your door and even if youdon't choose to take them up on theiroffer creating an app and selling it onmobile is a fantastic form of a digitalproduct this goal is for whatever yourarea of expertise is develop it and turnit into something that you're really atop-level expert in one run a fitnesswebsite then go and get that personaltraining degree it's expensive but thequalification will make a hugedifference to who listens to you and whohires you likewise pretty much any skillyou have can be incredibly useful onlinenot so high to writing or designed butgreat at music for instance there is ahuge demand for music that people canput on their YouTube videos or they canuse to market in other ways this is agig you can sell very effectively onFiverr that can also be the nature ofyour content wanna be a famous rock starthen set up a website and a vlog put outyour music and get noticed andeventually you might get contactedand while you're at it you could alsoturn that photography skill intosomething you sell stock imagery sellsfor a lot on the web other amazingskills to learn are 3d CAD designmanufacturing the list goes on so don'tjust write content and call yourself amarketer learn these skills and becomeabsolutely unstoppable then the web isyours


10 Top Male Enhancement Products

By Kelly Purden | Submitted On October 29, 2008

Sexual pleasure is one of the most primal needs of man, male or female. And in most societies, a man’s ability to perform the sexual act is something that is expected. This is the reason why the inability to perform the sexual act used to be a matter that is kept hidden. While it is still treated with some degree of discretion, the want or need for better sexual performance is now an accepted subject of discussions medical or otherwise. When it comes to enhancing one’s manhood, there are a lot of options that is available. A closer look at 10 top male enhancement products would show that improving sexual performance has much to do with blood circulation. Thousands of products advertising increased sexual performance, including 10 top male enhancement products, claim to enhance penile size, girth, and performance.

Here’s a rundown on the 10 top male enhancement products available in the market today. These products may be available in online stores, retail stores, pharmacies, medical facilities.

1. Synthetic Pills are often phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors. They work by stopping the chemicals responsible for breaking down the chemical that allows the penis to reach and maintain an erection. The three most popular, and most definite part of the 10 top male enhancement pills, are Viagra, Levitra, and Cialis. Side effects on these pills include hypertension, kidney damage, headaches, blurred vision, and angina among others.

2. Herbal Pills are considered to be the safer alternative to synthetic drugs. These are taken orally in recommended dosages. Gingko biloba and Asian ginseng are a couple of the most common herbal ingredients for male enhancement.

3. Supplements like vitamin C, E, and B complex are essential nutrients for penile functioning. These along with other minerals as zinc and L-arginine boost sexual performance through increased blood circulation in the penis.

4. Extenders are devices that are worn on the penis to stimulate tissue production in response to pressure. A longitudinal force is applied by the device on the penis causing it to adapt and increase in length and girth.

5. Creams and oils are applied to the penis in a massaging technique to improve sexual functioning and achieve a harder and longer erection. This topical medication stimulates blood flow to the penile area.

6. Implants are surgically inserted into the sides of the penis to allow it to achieve erections anytime and for any desired period of time. The implant is an inflatable device made of semi-rigid silicone or polyurethane rods that can be controlled as needed.

7. Pellet suppositories containing alprostadil or prostaglandin E1 can be inserted in the urethra for successful erections. This method takes anywhere from 15 to 30 minutes to take effect with the erection lasting for about 30 to 60 minutes.

8. Pumps make use of a hollow tube that is placed over the penis. With the tube in place, the pump sucks out the air causing a vacuum that pulls blood into the penis. When penile erection is achieved, a tension ring is set at the base of the penis to maintain the erection until after sexual intercourse.

9. Patches enhance sexual performance through active ingredients that are transported into the bloodstream transdermally. These male enhancement patches are applied to the body where the active ingredients can be absorbed through the skin. Patches, like pills, increase blood flow to the penis.

10. Injectibles are usually medications that are injected directly into the corpora cavemosa to make the penis erect. One or a combination of drugs such as papaverine hydrochloride, phenotolamine, and prostaglandin E1 are preferred. This procedure can be painful and can cause penile scarring.

Whichever of these 10 top male enhancement products you choose, remember to consult with your physician to discuss your options. With the right guidance on which of these 10 top male enhancement products will work best for you, a pleasurable sex life is not impossible.

Want to learn how to get rid of your small penis problems today for free? We teach you how to become bigger and have better sex TODAY with the 10 top male enhancement [] products! Learn what millions of males have already learned at [].

Article Source:


How To Manage $25,000/Day In AdSpend | eCommerce

This is how I manage over $25,000 a day in adspend for my eCommerce businesses, sometimes even double… Instagram @BOWLES

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How To Manage $25,000/Day In AdSpend | eCommerce

Today I share with you how on average, I spend nearly a million dollars a month on marketing efforts for my eCommerce brands, some of which are Dropshipping!

The majority of this spending is through Facebook Ads, and the second highest are influencers, primarily Instagram Influencers.

The goal is always to spend more money to make more once you have a proven system that works so that you can continue scaling your sales and revenue!

I also touch on the direct management side of things, how it does get stressful and some tactics I use to stay on top of things, look over the data and make as few mistakes as possible.

Drop a LIKE if you enjoyed the video!

*Disclaimer* I am not in any way a certified financial advisor, nor do I pretend to be one. Any information or advice I give you on any social media platform is simply my opinion based my own own experience and research. There is no guarantee on anything due to the fact that there are many variables that play a factor in your success. Do your own research, do the work and take everything as an opinion.


Start Your Home-Based Online Business With These eCommerce Platforms

By Rob Stephen | Submitted On April 23, 2018

Expert Author Rob Stephen

Starting an online venture these days is super easy. There are many inexpensive or free open source platforms for eCommerce store development.And, with the right development team, you are just one step away from getting your own website. Starting a home-based shop to trade your handicraft items, or other locally sourced products is a great idea as a startup. Starting an online business is trouble-free with ample of flexible open source and inexpensive eCommerce platforms available. The only secret of success is not to stop halfway but go on expanding product categories and store’s features to convert from a small startup to a leading online business.

While we know that for any individual who is not much aware of the functioning of the eCommerce world and how things go live overnight, selecting a platform rightly to set their own online shop is a backbreaking job. So, here’s a list of most powerful and easy-to-use platforms which can help owners to successfully transform their startup idea into a vibrant reality.

#1 Magento

Acclaimed as the leading and fastest evolving platform, Magento is the benchmark platform. It supports all trades and can accommodate up to 500,000 products and 80,000 orders an hour. With a number of advanced features, easy integration, SEO oriented and versatile content management, it stands to the best solution available within the budget.

Further, it is modular and customisable, means you can gradually expand your store and add new features over time.

#2 OpenCart

If there is one simple platform for startups, then it is OpenCart! This is the reason it is exceptionally popular amongst small retailers or the home-based ventures. Easy backend functionality, extensive feature plugins, unlimited products capacity and less server load are few of the perks bestowed by OpenCart.

#3 Shopify

It comes as a befitting platform for eCommerce stores that simultaneously wants focus on mobile shopping and also social shopping. Easy integrations, lightning-fast loading speed, versatile payment gateway integrations, SEO features, direct social selling are the key features Shopify offers.

#4 WooCommerce

Those who are at ease with WordPress, then WooCommerce is the right platform for them. Based on the WordPress, it is easy to install and start and hence developers will charge you less. Further, there’s a large number of additional plugins or templates and themes of WooCommerce, which will help owners to deck up their stores as per the business category.

#5 ZenCart

The whole reason for putting ZenCart in this list is its user-friendly approach and easy store management. It bears a set of far-reaching tools that offer full-scale customisation options to the owners. Moreover, it focuses on the store security features to safe keep all customers and products information.

For a household person who is new to the eCommerce world with zero technical knowledge, selecting a platform that serves their business interests fully is tough. So, the wisest decision lies in choosing the one that offers best user-experience and inherent SEO features that will help the store outshine on the Google results.

Rob Stephen is one of professed Magento developers in Melbourne, who works at PHPProgrammers, a pioneered company for eCommerce solutions development. It houses a pool of talented eCommerce experts, not only in Magento but other platforms like WooCommerce, Shopify and ZenCart. Follow the Facebook page to have more insights on our services, markets we cover and solutions we offer.

Article Source:


Letters From A Small Island Newsletter

Product Name: Letters From A Small Island Newsletter

Description: Monthly Newsletter With Tips, Tricks And Tactics About Being An Entrepreneur, Internet Marketing And Living On A Tropical Island On The Proceeds!

How To Build A Brand Online for Ecommerce Businesses in 2018

well hey there what's up it's Scott and in
today's brand building tip I'm gonnashare with you three pillars to build
your brand so this way here you candominate your market your niche or your
niche and I'm gonna show you on thewhiteboard here exactly how everything
fits together we're gonna cover thesethree but then I'm going to show you how
they work together to really round outyour foundation in your brand now if
you're just starting this is definitelysomething you want to pay attention to
if this is something that you havealready currently running right now you
might have one or two of these we needto make sure we have all of these so
it's feeding your business all the timealright so if you're interested stick
around cuz that's what we're gonna becovering here on the whiteboard all
right so now before I do jump into thesethree pillars I just want to let you
guys know this is exactly what I've doneover and over again and so many
successful businesses if you really lookat their business have these three core
pillars the other thing I want to sharewith you and I'm going to share this at
the end of this training is really howwe were able to do this in under 12
months and a new brand brand new juststarted and we were able to get 30,000
unique visitors to our blog our websiteevery single month from using this right
here and it's just building we've had afew months that we've touched 80,000
depending on the times of year butconsistently 30,000 unique visitors
basically traffic coming to our platformour own platform in our business now if
you're starting from scratch this isdefinitely for you if you're building a
business right now and you're in the thebuilding a business stage this is
definitely definitely for you all rightso let's just dig in I think every
business needs to have this and that isa home okay
they need a home to call their own okayand what I mean by that is you need a
place that you can have people come andfind your stuff and you control the
traffic or as far as the experiencealright let's just call this home base
all right now what do I mean by homebase well let's go over here and write a
blog now a blog could just be anextension of your website so I'm just
gonna write website alright so we haveboth of those things are technically the
same thing homelet's call that our home base from now
on okay our home base is where we canbring people over and we can then
control the experience we also get a lotof benefits from having our own home
base when we're posting things I'm goingto share with you in here how we can
post things and get traffic over to ourhome base happening automatically which
is pretty pretty awesome all right sothat's what we need to understand okay
a home base now it doesn't have to befancy to begin with it can be just a
basic blog that you are going to beposting information or reposting
information or repurposing which I'llshare with you here in a second and how
we're gonna do thatall right and that's really really
powerful the second part of this is andI think right from the beginning
everyone needs one of these is an emaillist all right now our email lists dead
no they're not alright right now we'restill getting about an eighteen to a
twenty two percent open rate which isstill really really high in the industry
some of them get as high as twenty-fiveso email list is still really really
strong and I'm gonna share with you whythis is so powerful because we can use
this email list to do more than justsend emails all right one thing that we
can do is we can take this email listand we can upload it into Facebook now
and we can start targeting people thatare like our email list so we've already
got these people to raise their handokay and then we are able to now
retarget those people or find morepeople like them all right really really
powerful now this channel right herethat you're on this is what we will be
doing especially on these Wednesdayepisodes all right I'm gonna be digging
into more of this here and this hereonce we get to it but right now I'm
giving you kind of like the over theoverview of everything that we're going
to be covering but this is like theoverview that the 10,000 foot view and
then we'll put everything together allright but you need to have these
components in place in order to do whatwe're gonna be learning here and what
we're gonna be doing moving forward allright
so email list that's really really bigso the third thing moving on is
something that you can do one or you cando two or you can do three or more but
we're going to start with one and inthis example we need to think about
external traffic where are we going toget people to
notice us and then we will bring themback to our home base we will get them
on our email list and then we can eitherdirect these people over to more of our
content or we can post or we can post upon our home base and get them there I'll
show you a diagram here in a second howthat can all work all right but what I
want you to start thinking of right nowis where is your market hanging out is
it YouTube okay maybe they're on YouTubea lot of people are on YouTube looking
for things probably pertaining to yourbrand or your market how to stuff if you
have a product that lends itself tohow-to okay like how to catch more bass
in a pond YouTube's probably a greatplace and you can get great ideas by
just going to YouTube going in thesearch bar and typing in how to catch
more bass and then let it fill in andI've already done this it said in a pond
in a lake in Coldwater right so allthose things could be future content for
you but you need to know if that's wherethey are hanging out now we started on
Facebook I'm just gonna put FB to makeit easier right
we started on Facebook for a couple ofdifferent reasons our market was there
and my partner in this new brand isactually pretty good on Facebook so why
not go there so we did some facebooklives we posted some content on our
fanpage we had stuff starting to getshared we were able to test content
ideas and all of that stuff but both ofthese are basically the same thing we're
posting content and we're getting aresponse or we're getting traffic from
these platforms and then once we havethese outside channels we can then start
to direct them to other placesespecially our home base and our email
list all right so let me let me drawsomething out for you here and I'll show
you exactly how we can tie this alltogether all right so with the magic of
editing I went ahead and I paused and Icame back and I drew this out for you
it's not the best drawing in the worldbut you'll get the idea I wanted to do
this this way I'm not wasting your timedrawing so this is one pillar that we're
talking about right here this is yourhome base all right this is the blog the
website this is where we get to controlthe full experience all right that's one
thing that we want in place now this isan example that if we're using YouTube
alright tooeducate people but then also get traffic
from YouTube because we're posting thesehow-to videos we're going to get traffic
naturally right and you're going tostart to build up that you know that
subscriber base and you're also going tostart getting organic traffic and this
is a piece of content that will beevergreen meaning you create it once it
could get you traffic for years alrightand then what we're gonna do is we're
gonna embed that video okay yet there'sa little embed code in YouTube and again
I'll do more of this stuff as far aslike how to dive into just YouTube or
how to dive into just the blog or how todive in just the email I'll do that in
these upcoming videos in this brandbuilding series all right so YouTube we
embed it here okay inside of our blockalright now by doing that we're getting
a couple of benefits here number onewe're getting a link that is being
pointed over here the other thing we'redoing is we're giving that that embed
okay inside of here so this way here theuser stays inside of our home base right
if I directed him over to YouTube whichI would sometimes I would take my email
list and let them know I have a newYouTube video that'll actually spike the
algorithm just like if you're selling onAmazon or if you're doing any type of
push on a platform you might want to dothat for that reason but in this case
and in this example we're just going tosay we embed the video there so now we
have a video that resides over here allby itself we embed it here and then we
take our other pillar okay is and thisis our email list and we let them know
that we just posted something on ourblog or our website right so now we
drive traffic over hereokay which gives these people the
opportunity to share this post alrightwhich might bring more people over to
our to our blog post okay to get moretraffic and also maybe buy something and
maybe email or opt-in and get on ouremail list alright because on here we
can create content okay which educatesthem but also it can introduce them to a
product okay it can also get their emailright we can also drop a Facebook pixel
on that so that we can start building acustom audience inside of Facebook again
a little bit more advanced butthese are the things we can do when we
own our own home base okay and we get tocreate that experience the email list is
another part of the equation right thisis another pillar so we have these and
this would probably the order number onenumber two and number three now it
doesn't have to be YouTube this the samething can work for Facebook okay
same exact thing it can work forInstagram okay same thing now we can't
you can embed video over here you can dothat if you want to but the cool thing
with Facebook which you might want to dois you might want to do maybe a
highlight of a piece of content and thendirect people over to that piece of
content all rightor here's another thing you can do maybe
you take your email list and you letthem know about something that you did
overhear on Facebook but then that'sgonna drive people back over to your
home base okay but you see these are thethree pillars that you can use to build
your brand and once you start to do thisyou're building more momentum you're
really starting to grease the wheels andover time this can really get you a lot
further than your competition becauseit's giving you all of this leverage now
in the beginning I talked about how Iwas going to share how we recently did
something similar to this and how wewere able to get 30,000 unique visitors
every single month and growing and we'veactually touched upwards of 80,000 in a
couple of months of unique visitors toour home base and how we did that I'll
show you that right now all right sowith the magic of editing here we go
this is all drawn out so I'm going to gothrough this and explain exactly how
everything tied together you can noticehere we have a pillar we have a pillar
and we have a pillar okay we have homebase one email list – and this here is
an external platform that we're goingover to that platform knowing that our
audience is there and we're puttingstuff in front of them that will then
bring them over to our email list okayone way that we did it right from the
beginning is the contest all right weran a contest getting people to raise
their hand that are in our marketplaceand then getting them on an email list
and once we got them on an email list wecan then start educating them
seeing what they like what they don'tlike we're driving those people over to
our blog we're also driving people overto our Facebook page ok and our group
and the reason why we're doing both ofthese is because when we have an email
list we can let people know that we justposted something valuable and then if
they share it it's going to get freetraffic back to our email list back to
our blog our home base our other piecesof content our stores and now if we have
a product to release whether that'sdigital whether that's physical it
doesn't matter we can let our list knowwhat we're up to and what we're going to
do all rightand so all of this stuff works really
well together so we did Facebook livesok so we got to see what the audience
liked what they didn't like we gotquestions and comments and all of that
stuff we did just general posts that wethought that they would like and again
some of this research was by going onYouTube even though we weren't on
YouTube and seeing what they want how towrite so we just used YouTube as a way
for them or us to get intelligence onthe marketplace the other thing we did
is we we started paying attention toother groups on Facebook that were in
our market and listening to theconversations there which by the way
another tip is to pay attention to whatproducts they wish they had or products
that were better in the marketplace andthat's a great way for you to find
products that you could sell to thatmarket but that's a side note all right
and then surveys work really good againwhat's your three favorite things about
this get that conversation started andthen you can start to follow up with
content all right and then the contestthat's something we do pretty much all
the timewe'll take breaks here and there but we
generally have a contest going on every30 to 60 days it's a great way to keep
building that email list and gettingpeople to raise their hand all right
so that that is it right there there'syour three pillars all right so if I was
to start all over again today this iswhat I'm starting with home base
starting to build an email list and I'mpicking a channel that I'm going to go
out there and get attention and get themto raise their hands so this way I can
continue to build that email list thenthere's a whole bunch of stuff we can do
with that email list as far as marketingto them and delivering content but then
also what we can do to leverage thatemail list on places like Facebook and
creating custom audiences all that stuffone other side note and this is
a big one if you have this platform hereyour own platform your own home base
what you want to do is you want to add aFacebook pixel on day one by adding this
pixel you're able to from day one evenif you're not collecting an email list
you're able to start building a customaudience inside of your market because
anyone that lands here is probablyinterested in what you have to offer or
to talk about and then you can startbuilding that custom audience and when
you are ready to spend money on ads youcan then use that custom audience to
either target those people or targetpeople that look like those people
here's what I want you to do I want thislittle question of the day have you
started this yet and if you have let meknow how it's going or maybe you've
started just one of these or two ofthese let me know what are you going to
be doing in your business right nowafter what I just shared with you put it
in the comments down below I'd love tohear about it alright now the other
thing is subscribe to this channelalright because we're gonna be doing
more stuff like this every singleWednesday I am going to deliver this
type of training on this channel but youmust subscribe to be notified and then
the last thing I'm gonna go ahead andinclude a couple of additional trainings
on this page go ahead and click one thatyou want to watch next and this way here
you can continue to get this type ofeducation to build your brand alright
take care and as always take actionwe'll see
