7-Figures on Autopilot: How I Run Multiple eCom Stores Working 20 min/day

hey guys Jared here and today I havesomething really cool to share with youI'm gonna show you how you can automateyour business so you don't have to spendmore than 20 minutes a day on it nowbefore I jump into specifics I want toshare a little story with you when Ifirst got started with dropshipping Iwas actually really lucky because I hadto drive from California to Florida infive days which means I'd have spentabout 10 to 18 hours on the road and nowyou can imagine what the new businessand getting orders coming in every day Iwas like how can I handle this right badcustomer service order fulfillment I'druin my facebook ad I had littleproblems here and there I had talked tomy supplier and I thought it would bereally overwhelming to be honest withyou so I had to drive 10 to 18 hours aday for five days straight and I reallydidn't know what to do so the firstthing I did was I went off work and Ifound a virtual assistant and Ibasically just took all my customersupport emails I forwarded them to herand you know there's only so manydifferent communications you could haveas a customer so she made a database ofall my answers and started answeringcustomers with the same answers as methe next thing I did was I found someoneto run my facebook ads and for that Iactually need to just give him rules Ibasically said you know if the cost peracquisition is lower than $5 you knowduplicate your ads or if it's over $10kill the ads and basically I gave him aset of rules to use now for me thisfreed up about 4 or 5 hours a day that Iwas actually putting into the businessand with all that extra time and while Iwas driving it gave me a chance toreally clear my mind you know when youdrive and you get an autopilot with me Iwas totally on autopilotmy business was running itself so duringthat timeframe my store went from doing$2,000 a day the second day we did about7,000 the third day to about 14,000fourth day about 35,000 by the fifth daythe store did $50,000 in sales now Idon't think I would have ever gottenthere and I not automated my businessbecause I would have been thinking aboutthings I would've been focusing myenergy and my thoughts into the Facebookad managerto answering customers and I would betoo tired to think about creative waysto grow the business so automating yourbusiness is not just important so youhave more time to go play golf or go onvacation although of course that's whateveryone wants out of e-commercebusiness it's also really importantbecause you get to free up that reallycreative energy that you have inside ofyou that you can use to actually growyour business so let me give you somepractical tips on whether you couldautomate your business and actuallyspend twenty minutes or less per dayrunning it so the first thing as Imentioned before is virtual assistantsnow there's a lot of different placesthat you can get virtual systems you'regonna up work on freelance or on Fiverrthey're all over the place and a lot ofthe times people make the mistakes ofjust getting the cheapest ones possiblevirtual assistants range from fourdollars an hour to 20 dollars an hourand you think about itsometimes someone who's four dollars anhour and it takes three hours to do atask that would take someone else onehour who maybe charges $10 an hour youwould save money if you got the personwho did it in one out aside from justthat you mitigate your refunds andcharge backs by having a really goodcustomer support and really goodmoderation so I'd actually rather spenda little bit more money on reallytalented virtual assistants then justget the cheapest virtual assistants Ican because I know what actually savesme time saves me money and it saves methe headache of having poor customersupportso cheaper is not always betterthat's number one so virtual assistantscan do order fulfillment for you theycan process refunds and they can meanthey can maintain supplier relationshipsfor you during the whole process nowwhen I say that can free up if you'redoing a thousand orders a day that couldtakealone going in and processing all theorders making sure that you're payingfor the right orders making surecustomers getting refunds on time if youguys are big drop shippers you know alot of people order products inimmediately email you and ask for arefund or two weeks later they'll hityou up but you have to go search and seeif it got delivered yet and it's a wholeheadache nobody wants to do that sovirtual assistants will do all this foryou actually a giant tip I want to sharewith you for those of you who alreadyhave your own virtual assistants isbeing proactive with your customersupport what do I mean by proactiveI mean don't wait for customers to cometo you to complain before you reach outto them what I'm saying is a littletrick that we use and this is somethingthat I haven't shared yet is right whena customer orders from our website if weknow that it's getting shipped fromChina we ship some things from the USbut if it's getting ship from China weknow it's gonna take 10 to 15 days toget to the customer will automaticallyemail them and we'll say hey thank youso much for your order just letting meknow that we're shipping this fromoverseas and it may take 10 to 15 daysto get to you and to be honest with youthe majority people don't care they sayoh thank you for letting me know asopposed for them waiting you know twoweeks and being where's that order andgetting mad and then going to go out ofmy way to reach out to this company andask them where my order is that getspeople angry but if you're proactive andyou send them an email right away whenthey order from you they actually reallyappreciate it and that's somethingthat'll help your business a lotanother thing that your virtualassistant can do is cig matter at yourpage your social media posts yourfacebook Messenger account your livechat and your email now not all virtualassistants are created equal over thelast three years we've built a lot ofstandard operating procedures for ourassistants so they know exactly what todo and when to do it if you guys aren'treally experienced virtual assistantsthere's a service called eek on virtualassistants comm where you can gettrained highly sought after virtualassistants that'll automate yourbusiness for you nextyou want to figure out how to automateyour ads because a lot of people spendall day in their ads and you know withthe right help and the right softwareand the right tools you really don'tspend much time at all but you can'tstart by automating your ads it'sactually really important that you runyour own ads first and I recommend youdo this for at least two to three monthsbecause it's important to understand thefundamentals and what to look for andthen create rules and processes that youcan then catch off to humans or tosoftware's what do I mean by that wellfirst of all you need to be familiarwith what's going on if you don't knowwhat aspect of your businessyou need to be an expert in every sectorof it before you start hiring otherpeople so for me when I was moving fromCalifornia to Florida and I had to drivefor five days I had rules set in placeand then basically if this then that wasso one of my rules was and don't takethis specifically because it varies onevery product one of my rules was if ourcost per acquisition was under fivedollars we would duplicate or add fivetimes food over ten dollars we wouldkill the ad and it allowed us toduplicate and scale really quickly and Iactually hired someone to do this for mewho I paid $25 an hour and he washands-on all day and should be honestwith you at the end of the day I was andthen a pain and released $50 an hourbecause he made us so much money now ifyou don't want to hire a human there aresoftware and tools out there and thereare also rules you can use withinFacebook now rules are cool becausethey're free and if you're not doingmuch volume they're pretty good but thebenefit of using certain software isover search just Facebook rules are thatthe rules only update about every 30minutes you can actually miss out onthings if you're waiting now one of thesoftware is that we like to use it'scalled reveal BOTS I'll actually leave alink underneath this video for you tocheck it out review mine is actuallyreally good because they have such goodcustomer support and there's so manydifferent automation options and itupdates every five to ten minutes soyou're not missing out on things of yourCPAs are rising or you know if you'resetting rules it's getting cut orthings are getting duplicated but thingsare getting scaled right away you canalso set your ads to turn back on thenext day is what's happening to waituntil midnight and then turn your ads onmanually you can do a lot of stuff toreview about again I'll post a linkbelow for you to check out so anotherbig factor especially for dropshippingis testing products as you guys all knowif you're watching my videos as part ofmy program you want to be testing atleast ten products before you find awinning product for us we like to betesting at least ten products a weeksometimes twenty depends on our mood butI always recommend testing a lot ofdifferent products now that could betedious especially if you don't planahead so what I like to do is everySunday make the list of ten to twentyproducts that we want to test for theweek so we'll go through our spy toolswe'll figure out what products we wantto test and then we'll put them in aspreadsheet and then that spreadsheetwill of our margins will have all of ourbreakeven row eyes now that's soimportant if you don't know when youbreak even on a product you're not goingto know one to kill ads or scale ads soevery one of these products in thespreadsheet we have what return onadspend we need to break even on thatproduct so if it's one point five weknow that if it's one point two we knowwe could spend more money you know ifit's 2.0 we know it's gonna be kind ofhard to make money with it so everyproduct these have your breakeven row asother than that we like to havesuppliers and a bunch of information aswell but it's important to have anorganized spreadsheet that you'replanning every Sunday so that when youwake up the next day or you're you knowyou don't have to use your brain tothink of all that stuff cuz I'll that'lldeplete your energy for the day everyonehas a limited amount of energy they putinto what they're doing so planningahead on a Sunday putting everything aspreadsheet is a game-changer now fivenew products there's a lot of differentways you can go about it you know youguys can go like people's Facebook adsgo to pages there's a lot of spy toolswe have our own product called ehproduct finder calm I'll link below thisvideo we're basically a syndicate of allthe other spy tools out there we havescores rating scores power scores forthe product videos you can use toadvertisewith descriptions targeting details andthere's about 1300 winning products inthere right now where we're adding about1 to 2 per day and you can get startedfor only $7 a month so you guys want tocheck that outeach product finder comm you could takethose products you can plant them forthe week you can get your spreadsheetgoing and then you don't have to thinkabout where you're testing you just putyour rules in place and you go now thelast piece of the puzzle for automatingyour business is your bookkeeping if youdon't know how you're doing how are yougonna scale or how you're gonna grow ifyou don't know if you're profiting ornot it's can actually tell us a lot ofdifferent thoughts and anxieties insideyou so you need to know how your booksare doing we use a service called benchCo which are the link below for 20% offbasically you get paired with adedicated bookkeeper anytime you needyou can log in and talk to yourbookkeepers and then you know tax iskind of get confusing by the end of theyear you get a financial summary thatyou can just hand off to your accountantthey can file your taxes for you sosometimes bookkeeping can be a pain inthe neck if you're just getting startedyou can have your virtual assistant doyour bookkeeping for you and yourspreadsheets but if your business isgrowing bigger and you need a dedicatedbookkeeper and you don't know how tohire we recommend bench comm againthere's a 20% discount in thedescription below so anyway guys I hopethat helped I've used these exact sametactics to take a store that is a fiftythousand dollars a day and only spendabout 20 minutes per day on it and thesetactics we've used for the last threeyears it's something that when we put anew store together we know exactly whatprocedures to put in place so we don'thave to spend our valuable time andenergy doing the legwork and we canactually use our creative energy and ourbrainpower and how to scale and grow ourbusiness so I hope you guys enjoyed ifyou do please comment below answering asmany questions as I could and if you gotvalueI just asked me to share with a friendor two and I hope you subscribe to mychannel guys thank you very much


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The Top Ecommerce Ways to Follow Up with Clients

By Judy Cullins | Submitted On September 24, 2004

Expert Author Judy Cullins

Did you know that 80% of all sales are made after the 5th contact?

The biggest mistake we make is not following up with our clients regularly. We not only lose the chance to offer other services and products, we lose the chance for satisfied clients’ referrals.

Building your practice needs consistent bi-monthly follow-ups.

If you think this takes too much time, follow my lead and delegate some of it where you will spend only 6-8 hours a week. Remember, only marketing and promotion builds income and business, the rest are expenses.

Here’s the top ten ways:

6. Follow up in two steps.

In the first ecommerce follow up, give a free report adding your sparkling signature file as a soft sales piece. In a week, follow this up with your offer. Refer to the report, and then make your one irresistible offer. If I sent a report on what web sites need before contacting a web master, I follow it up with the three-session “telecoaching” program on writing a web site with marketing pizzazz.

One personal coach offered an excerpt from her new book the first time, and followed up with a discount offer for the book.

7. Motivate yourself and your staff with a poster of each month’s follow up promotions.

It’s great to see your follow up progress. Your promotions can be small or large. You know your’ re going to attract new clients because you put out messages that keep you in your audience’s minds.

With the help of your assistant, in just two hours, you can send out PR to local papers on a seminar, update email addresses, send an article to the top ten, finish an interview and send to no spam ezines, email your new content to your Web master, and send out new proposals for talks to different organizations.

When you notice these 10-20 actions you take each month, you’ll also notice new clients coming each month.

8. Offer teleclasses to attract past, present and new clients.

A good first teleclass can be a question and answer call. Once you survey your groups and discover the top 4-8 questions they want answered, include this information in your teleclass sales letter. Two schools of thought on this–a free 1-hour or a small charge for the first. Without some risk such as $15-$20, you may only attract lookie loos.

Be sure to give clear information on the where, when, and how to register. Offer 800 and Web site registration. Include a mini sales letter– a paragraph with benefits on your topic, your audience, and then add testimonials from satisfied attendees, as well as the list of sample questions you can answer. While topics are interesting, it’s the benefits you write that attract people to the call.

9. Make only one offer per follow up contact.

Each time you send out a free tip or report, place a “special offer” at the bottom of the email before your signature file. The common mistake is to offer too many choices. Make it easy for your contact to “buy.”

For one follow up, offer a free or discounted eBook or report at your Web site. When they visit, they will see all you have to offer. For another, offer your ezine. For another, offer a discount on your introductory coaching session. Always include a time limit for your offers.

10. Make your follow up offer enticing.

The biggest mistake coaches and other small business people make is to just list the offer in the subject line. One creativity coach sends me a notice of his upcoming talks and seminars. His subject line says, “Upcoming Seminars by Joe.” Does that move you to open the email? Since less than 50% of your lists will open the email, put a big benefit in the subject line with your name near it. “Double your Clients in 5 Months” That perks up my interest, does it yours?

Follow up means giving to your potential clients. When you give, many will give back. They will pass your freebie on to their associates and friends and even keep the information in a file.

Don’t think you are bothering your contacts. If they don’t want your news, they can opt-out. Thank you’s and free gifts keep your name in front of your buyers. It tells them you appreciate them and let’s them know what new things you can offer them. Follow up is good business.

Part one of this article is available at www.bookcoaching.com/freearticles/article-129.shtml [http://www.bookcoaching.com/freearticles/article-129.shtml].

Book and Internet Marketing Coach Judy Cullins helps businesses build clients and sell books. Author of “How to Write your Book Fast” and “The Fast and Cheap Way to Explode Targeted Web Traffic,” Judy offers free eBook “Book Writing and Marketing Tips” with monthly ezines at [http://www.bookcoaching.com]

[email protected]

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Judy_Cullins/436


How To Make An Online eCommerce Store Website With WordPress (NEW 2019)

In this extended video tutorial we are going
to build this beautiful stunning e-commercewebsite and working to go through this step
by step let me show you around the site firstso here is the homepage and you can see it's
simple and it is elegant we have this beautifulcategories here to categorize your products
right here and also showcase your productsthis is what your shop pages going to look
like there is a grid here to show the variousproducts that you sell and there's interactive
features in this shop grid we also have filteringoptions here on the left that you can also
have if you wanted this is what a productpages going to look like it prominently shows
the images that you have of your product andwhen a visitor hovers over the image is going
to show the different portions of it likethat and then here is a variable product and
I'm in a show you how to create variable productson this website that's a product with different
colors in different sizes so your customerscan go here and choose what they want and
then added to the cart and you know it's nicewe have this really nice shopping cart icon
in the header so if someone adds a productto the shopping cart it's going to be there
in the header they can move their cursor overit and see everything in the shopping cart
jumped to the cart or just go straight tochecking out here is what the shopping carts
gonna look like this platforms been exceptcoupons and here is where people can filter
the different products that they've addedto the cart here is the check out and this
is the most simple yet elegant checkout screenI've ever seen on a website organa talk about
taxes and shipping and all of that with thise-commerce website it's a full e-commerce
tutorial is probably why the video so longand then right here is the best part of all
your gonna learn how to use a page builderto make it a point and click is simple to
change anything you want with the websitenow here is why you want to invest your time
in watching this tutorial in the first placeI don't just show you how to make what I made
I show you how to make anything that you wantto make and that's what you're going to get
out of investing your time watching this videoI'm going to show you to how to make the website
that you you want to make I'm going to showyou how to have the e-commerce store that
you want to have I meant to give you all thetools the knowledge in the training in this
extended video so that you can build anythingyou want not just what you're seeing right
here really use something called WordPresswhich is free to be using a WordPress theme
name*and that's also free and this page builderthat makes it point-and-click easy that's
named Elementor that is also free and thenwere going to use WooCommerce to power this
e-commerce platform and that is free as wellso all the tools that you see me using throughout
this video they're not going to cost you anythingand the reason I chose tools that were not
at a cost you anything is because I wantedto make it as easy as possible for you to
get an e-commerce store up and running ifyou don't know me my name is Adam and I'm
from WPCrafter.com where I make a WordPresstutorial videos for non-techies if your new
year consider clicking on the subscribe buttonand if you don't want to miss a thing click
on the notification bill and you too willlet you know when I have new videos hey I
look forward to spending this time with youshowing you how to build this website showing
you how to build a site for you a platformfor you where you can sell your products let's
just go ahead and jump right on into the tutoriallet's take a moment to go over everything
that you can expect to learn in this tutorialvideo now I am going to preface and just say
right up front obviously you could tell thisis going to be a long video and what you're
gonna notice is that my talking pace the pacethat I speak is perfect for increasing your
playback speed so one of the nice things aboutyou too if you're watching this on YouTube
right now you can increase the playback speedif you like however I I speak at this pace
on purpose because some people prefer it tobe slow and methodical but you can be speeded
up if you like so I know when I watch my ownvideos back I watch it at 1.25 pace and many
people that are subscribers to the channelwill watch my videos back at a 2.0 pesos eventually
you can get through the material twice asfast so here is what to expect in this tutorial
video first work anew set up a domain nameand order a web hosting accounts then were
going to install an SSL certificate this iscrucial if you already have a web hosting
you must have an SSL certificate were goingto go through what that is essentially if
you don't have it you are not going to beable to accept payments on your website and
that's crucial for an e-commerce based websiteit's something you have to have some hosts
give it to you for free some web hosts charge$99 per domain per year for it so when we
talk about domain names and hosting and allthat kind of stuff I'm the new show you some
Webhost that are not going to hose you interms of the cost of an SSL certificate but
this is one of those things you want to getset up right from the beginning and working
to do it in this tutorial next were goingto go over briefly how to create a logo or
some resources to have a logo created choosinga color palette choosing a font pair these
are all important things if you want to personalizeyour website and actually build a brand these
three parts are very crucial then you're gonnalearn about WordPress this is going to be
the platform that we use for this e-commercewebsite it's the foundation and the really
use something called Elementor which is thewhat you see is what you get page builder
so that we can build beautiful pages in thebeauty of how this tutorial is going to go
is I'm going to teach you in such a way thatyou can use what you learn to build anything
that you want to build for yourself so you'renot going to be limited to just what were
building in this video it reminds me of thatvery famous parable if you feed a man he'll
eat for a day but if you teach them how tofish he can feed himself for a lifetime and
I'm sure I just butchered it but you get thepoint I want to teach you how to build websites
not just give one to you I want to teach youhow to do it using Elementor neuronal learn
that in this tutorial then you're gonna learnWooCommerce WooCommerce is what your web store
your E store your e-commerce platform is goingto be based on in urinal learn about WooCommerce
in this video then to wrap the video up yourgonna learn about search engine optimization
is knocking to be in depth an in-depth tutorialI do have separate in-depth tutorials on search
engine optimization but it's going to be enoughto get you started and then working to do
two crucial things I'm in a show you how tobackup your website it is crucial that you
have regular backups for your website wereto cover that and then security is also crucial
you have to have security on your websiteespecially because it's going to be an e-commerce
website so if you stick with me in this tutorialto the very end I promise you that I will
have taken every minute of your time and considerationand will not waste any of it I want you to
have all the tools that you need to be successfuland have the outcome that you're watching
this tutorial for and that is to build a fulle-commerce website so at this part of the
tutorial working to talk about website hostingnow even if you're familiar with website hosting
if you already have a website or you had awebsite in the past I don't want you to fast-forward
through this section because it's going tobe worth your time to listen to this part
of it to the tutorial about WordPress webhosting and because most importantly it's
the most important decision for any websiteif you choose the wrong Webhost you are in
for a world of hurt and that's why it's soimportant to make the right decision with
the web hosting company that you choose andprimarily you're going to want to avoid certain
companies and you basically want to avoidE IG and Go Daddy companies EIG stands for
endurance International group and they owntheir a web hosting conglomerate some of the
web hosting companies on the list them outhere just they to name a few that they own
they are really bad web hosts and the scarypart is you actually hear a lot of people
suggesting these web hosts and it's probablybecause they don't realize it or they're being
paid a lot of money to suggest these Webhostand it actually saddens me because I know
people that go there have bad experiencesand the people that have use these services
and said they had a great experience thenI asked the next question what are you monitoring
the uptime are you checking the speed of yourWebhost and if you're not monitoring uptime
and if you're not checking the speed of yourwebsite you really don't know if your host
is any good so some of these companies areHostgator I'm sure you've heard of Hostgator
Bluehost and host monster and there's a wholelist of these CIG owned companies and you
really want to avoid them if at all possiblethey're known for gobbling up web hosting
companies laying off the support staff andthen consolidating everything and then it
all goes downhill from there and also go daddyyou you I know a lot of people get their domain
names at Go Daddy and they're fine for thatI personally prefer a different company however
their web hosting is bad it is extremely extremelybad in their servers are overloaded and what
that means is they have so many customerson a single Web server that it makes all of
the websites is slower so that is what happenswith Go Daddy now if you have used either
of these and you feel like you had a goodexperience I'm happy for you but I would question
if you are monitoring the uptime of the websitesand if you're checking the website speed so
these are just the and you know just kindof the ones you want to avoid now one of the
biggest criteria in the web hosting companythat you choose is they must support WordPress
now when I say that I'm not saying that youare allowed to use WordPress or it says WordPress
someplace on their website what I'm referringto is if you are in a situation with your
WordPress website and you need help that youcan go to their support and they're not going
to say sorry that your your deal that's notus you're going to have to figure that out
on your own that is what I mean by they mustsupport WordPress their support staff must
know how to support and be willing to supportyou with your WordPress-based websites you'd
be surprised most hosts are not going to helpsupport your WordPress based website now a
web hosting company is not liable for thingsthat you do to massively break things so for
example if you set your WordPress passwordto the word password and then someone hacked
into your account destroys your website that'snot going to be their responsibility that
will be your responsibility but if you needhelp save your having some kind of a problem
with the plug-in that you installed you shouldbe able to go to your web hosting company
and they'll manually go in there and removethat plug in or you're having some kind of
line of code that pops up and you don't knowwhat that is or you're having trouble installing
something in you can go to them that's whatI'm talking about is they must support WordPress
and this is why I don't recommend going withtiny little mom-and-pop neighborhood web hosting
companies and that's because they don't havethe support staff to be able to invest the
time in giving you proper support and theytypically don't have a proper infrastructure
to keep your website secure to keep your websitesoptimized and next requirement is they must
offer free SSL certificates I said in thetutorial overview your and learn how to do
and install in SSL certificate on your websiteand here's the thing if your web hosting company
does not provide them for free you're probablyget a pay anywhere between 30 and $100 per
year per website for an SSL certificate '96just you know money that you don't have to
spend if you choose the right web hostingcompany so that kind of piggybacks back to
avoid DIG and Go Daddy companies while thosecompanies yearning to be paying for SSL certificates
and is going to get really expensive reallyquick so it's better to choose a web hosting
company that is been to give you a free SSLcertificate because you have to have an SSL
certificate you just have to these days ifyou don't have an SSL certificate on your
website and someone uses the Google Chromeweb browser and they visit your website it
will say in the top bar you put the websiteaddress it will specifically Satan not secure
and you don't want someone visiting your websiteusing that browser which is the most popular
web browser inhabits a not secure that's juststuff that you don't need next thing I want
to talk about is shared hosting versus managedhosting versus a VPS now these are phrases
that just get thrown out there and there'sa whole bunch of other phrases cloud hosting
managed hosting optimize hosting all thesedifferent phrases now I wish there was like
some standardization with it however Juergenhave web hosts that throw out all kinds of
fancy phrases so sometimes it might be hardto know what your purchasing so let me just
try to sum it up in a nutshell your sharedhosting is your hosting account to be on a
server with other people who have their webhosting accounts on the server and you guys
all share resources that's why it's calledshared hosting now good Webhost don't pack
as many customers on a single server becauseif they do that it's going to affect everyone
so that your shared hosting so you are vulnerableif some other web hosting account on the same
server starts to have problems it can causeproblems for other people however a good Webhost
will be monitoring everything on the serverand they will stop problems before they happen
then you have this next level called managedhosting and this is a different hosting environment
that is more optimized for WordPress and sometimesthey'll also bundle in additional services
like backups staging servers things like thatautomatic updates of your plug-ins and WordPress
and that's can be your managed web hostingit's gonna cost more money but for a lot of
people the performance gain will probablywould be worth it and also the managed environment
of making sure everything's updated that mightbe worth it as well next is a VPS which stands
for virtual private server you don't hearit referred to is that these days you more
herein referred to as a cloud hosting or somethingalong those lines else some web hosting providers
use that cloud word the wrong way but it'scloud web hosting a lot of times your cloud
web hosting it's going to be completely unmanagedyou're completely on your own you need to
have a PhD in something called Lennix in orderto be able to make everything happen it's
not that it's impossible to not that there'snot tools out there to make it easier to manage
your going to have higher performance butif you are new to web hosts you do not want
a VPS right now that will be something whenyour website starts to get a ton of traffic
and you need dedicated resources you needultrahigh performance and you have someone
there to take care of it for you now I havea special website set up called order new
hosting.com and I want you to visit orderednew hosting.com and that is where I put together
a list of Webhost that meet this criteriaand are also very reputable companies and
almost universally regarded as the best webhosting companies that there are there going
to provide support for WordPress users areto provide free SSL certificates are not going
to overload their servers and lasts whichimport which is important you can start out
at the shared level of hosting you're justgetting started out it's less expensive and
there's an upgrade path you can go from sharedto manage to VPS as your needs change so here's
what order new hosting looks like I've gotthese recommendations right here my top recommendation
is InMotion hosting now what's nice aboutwhat I've set up on this page for you is I
have a series of training courses now theseare paid training courses here some on various
page builders here some on some of the commonthings are and want to do with your website
and here's my higher end courses right hereI have a special package is where if you order
from the host that I recommend and then sendme a copy of your receipt I'll actually give
you free access to these courses so that youhave all the tools that you need in order
to be successful with your WordPress basewebsite so with InMotion hosting you can see
right here is the biggest offer you're goingto get a page builder course in these three
other courses all in all it's worth almost$500 I'm also recommending A2Hosting and Siteground
and they're all going to be on this page andover time I'll probably expand on these recommended
hosts as time goes on so this page might looka little different when you come to it so
let's take a look at these web hosting companiesin order a web hosting account the first one
was working look at right now is a Sitegroundno on Siteground's website we can scroll down
and you can see right here they have a webhosting and I'm in a go ahead and click on
where it says learn more and let's take alook at their plans right now so they have
to replant startup grow big go geek in theyall have different prices and they all have
different things included now Siteground isan excellent Webhost it also is the only one
that I recommend that has metered hostingand what metered hosting means is it's going
to be limited to the amount of visitors permonth depending on the plan that you go with
so that this plan right here for 395 per monthis going to only be good for 10,000 visits
monthly so for me I would definitely needthis plan right here which is for 100,000
visits per month she would be able to comehere and decide which one would fit for you
but you have to keep in mind that it's meteredweb hosting that isn't so bad depending on
how much traffic you anticipate getting onyour website and that's how they can make
sure that their service is high-performancebut it is definitely something to consider
next we have A2Hosting right here and theyhave several different plans for you to choose
from now the higher priced plans you're typicallygoing to want those types of plans for e-commerce
websites or maybe a learning management websitenot your just basic brochure website but your
site that you're going to expect multiplepeople to be on and doing different things
and staying on your website other than justreading so you can choose one of these packages
right here what is nice about the turbo packageis right here it says the turbo package is
going to be faster and a lot of that is becauseit includes a plug-in for WordPress that's
going to make it run faster and then righthere you can see they also have a managed
web hosting plan right here and this is goingthere to give you a little bit more service
with your website for you next is a web hostingcompany that work and actually set up in this
tutorial video and that is InMotion hostingI have lined up a 50% to 57% discount on these
web hosting plans down here and this is alsothe web hosting company where I'm going to
be giving you the biggest or largest bonusright here of free courses so here we are
and they have these three plans and you couldsee that the lowest you can get this launch
plan for his 295 now when you hover over theorder button it reveals how much it costs
and so forth what if you only wanted to getservice for one year it's going to be $4.49
times 12 if you wanted it for two years orthree years you can just as easily do the
math you would just select the one that youwanted so the launch plan is going to be good
for one website actually here let me scrolldown okay see I get some information wrong
sometimes okay so right here it says on thelaunch plan you can host two websites on the
power plant six websites and on the pro planyou can host on limited websites okay so these
are the three plans that you can choose fromnow they also do some really nice things if
you have a website someplace else though migratedfor you they also have all US-based support
which is very nice they also have somethingvery interesting so if you're on this page
and you go to web hosting you can click reappearancesWordPress hosting now this is something that
they just launched I want to see me like middleof 2017 so these are fairly new offerings
for them so this is WordPress optimize thespecific hosting your WordPress-based website
is going to run faster on this WordPress optimizehosting and you can see the various plans
that they have available here these plansalso are metered however it says suitable
it's not a hard Requirement so they're knockingto be tracking how much traffic you get and
telling you you have to upgrade and so eachof these plans you could see some of the differences
they're not what I like about InMotion hostingand all of these hosts is you can start small
and work your way up so for this video thistutorial I'm in a go ahead and start small
because I know I can work myself work my wayup as soon as I start getting traction so
I can start on the launch plan and then workmy way up to the power plan and then the pro
plan or just go straight for the man is WordPresshosting everybody's different so if you're
not price-sensitive you might want to startout with some of the manage WordPress hosting
options right here if you're not price-sensitivebut if you want to just start someplace so first thing is working to choose a data
center so if you are in Europe or Asia you'dprobably want to choose Washington and if
year in the United States or Central or SouthAmerica you might want to choose Los Angeles
honestly it doesn't really matter as muchas it would have maybe 10 years ago however
if you're really concerned about this andsome people are you might want to check out
A2Hosting which is the second hose that Iwas talking about however you're going to
most likely be perfectly fine with Washingtonor Los Angeles right here mine is currently
in the Los Angeles data center next you havethe option of paying for a dedicated IP address
this isn't so needed these days you can getit if you want if you're going to have a website
where you want a high-end paid SSL certificatethat there are certain certificates like for
example you can see right now with InMotionhosting on their website you see right where
the URL is it says InMotion hosting like thatthat's usually an indication of a more premium
SSL certificate that usually over $100 usuallyaround $300 per year it's called an EV certificate
and you would need a dedicated IP addressfor that so if you're not a bank then you
probably don't need a dedicated IP addressso will leave that at no thank you and then
right here words as content management systemauto installer let's go ahead and choose WordPress
and so what this means is after you orderit's automatically going to install WordPress
for you it's just one less step that you'regoing to have to do let's go ahead and click
on continue now is where you would eitherorder a new domain name or you would connect
in a domain name that you already have someplaceelse so if you've already registered a domain
name someplace else like maybe a Go Daddyor another popular one is called name cheap
you would just go ahead and click right herewhere it says I already own this domain and
you would enter your domain name and thenclick on continue what ends up happening is
you order the hosting account and then thereis some instructions on how to point your
domain name from wherever it is to your newweb hosting account or you can just check
right here and purchase a new domain now withInMotion hosting these are the only extensions
that they support.com.net.org.biz.info .usso if you're in the UK and you wanted.edu
or you want one that's not on this list Irecommend going to name Chiba.com to register
your domain name that being said I recommendif at all possible to go with a.com domain
name I I I I know nowadays there's.IL-1.coand all these things and I think nothing will
ever be as good is a.com domain name go aheadand enter a domain name now now after you
enter it it's good to see if it's availableand if it is it will let you proceed if it's
not available it will let you know that sothat you can choose a different domain name
so I've gone ahead and enter to show the demoone I know that that's available and the actual
domain name I'm going to use for this tutorialis to show the demo so then I want to go ahead
and click on search and it's going to checkthe availability and this is when it lets
me know that it's available and then all Ihave to do is click on add to cart right here
and you could see right here it added thedomain name and the domain name is actually
going to be free of charge it's normally $15per year but it's going to give it to you
for free but it also added domain privacyand it's up to you whether you want domain
name privacy or not so essentially wheneveryou register a domain name you have to have
a valid name address and email address contactinformation tied to that domain name and its
public anyone can go and see that informationor you can get domain privacy and it's kind
of like your info is just unlisted and there'sthis domain privacy companies information
there instead now you're totally you not totallyprivate I mean it's it's private from public
eyes however if there's a legal situationor anything like that it is very easy and
possible to send some important documentsto the domain privacy company and they will
immediately give up your information so it'smore just to protect you from the casual person
so if you do want that you can just clickon continue if you don't you can just click
on the X right here in it will remove thatand take your balance down to whatever it
is now let's click on continue and in thisstep because I removed the domain privacy
it's just asking me one more time that's okaypersistence is actually a good thing I'll
go ahead and click on continue and now it'sgoing to take me to the billing section and
so what you want to do is enter in your emailaddress here so I've gone ahead and entered
an email address I'm in a click on continueand it will take me off to the next step okay
so this is the step where Juergen enter inall your billing information now there's one
important part to this and that's right herewhere it says referred by and it's is optional
I'm asking you if you would enter WP now typicallywhen you order you it will automatically know
that you came through from my websites andwhen you do get your receipt you can send
it to me and I'll get you those access tothose courses that I promised you however
sometimes it's just safer to put WP in hereas well that way they'll be written information
there so they know that you came from my websiteyou'll just go ahead and fill this out and
scroll down now right here is the option tochoose your payment method and you can put
in a credit card or a debit card now there'sone glaring thing missing and that is that
they don't have a PayPal option so if youronly way to pay for this web hosting account
is via PayPal it's actually okay you can pickup the phone and call them or you can contact
their life support so they have live chaton the website you can say hey I want to order
new web hosting account but I can only paythrough PayPal and they will set you up now
when you do it on the phone or you do it thatway just let them know that they have to put
the order with WP and you'll be fine so thenonce you enter all your information click
on review my order then you can complete theorder and you're going to get two emails from
InMotion hosting and let me go through thosenow okay so the first email you're going to
get is your receipt and this is what it lookslike I blurted out my information I hope you
don't mind now this is what I need you toforward to me offers at WP I need you to forward
this to me if you would like access to thatbonus package of courses just go ahead and
send this off to me than what I do is I takeit I verify that you did purchase it through
the link on my website and then I'll be ableto go ahead and send you access to the courses
so this is the first email that you're goingto get and then you're going to also get a
second email here is that second email righthere now I will tell you that sometimes when
you order a new web hosting account the webhosting provider will want to call you before
they create the account and verify that youactually did place this order that happens
and so that might happen when you order anew hosting account if not your many get that
receipt that I just showed you and you'regoing to get this welcome email right here
now this welcome email has some importantinformation in it first it's going to give
you your login ID which is really just theemail address you used when you set up your
account but then you need to click this buttonthat says to get started set your password
here you need to click on that and what it'sgoing to do is it's gonna take you over to
InMotion hosting's website and its can allowyou to create a password then once you've
created the password now you have your loginand your password and you're going to be able
to login so I'm in a go ahead and log intomy account right now and here I am logged
in now don't get rid of that email that youjust got from InMotion that had the link to
create your password because when you scrolldown on that email it's can actually have
your WordPress login information okay so nowthat you are logged in to your web hosting
account let me just let you know if you'reusing a different Webhost a lot of times they're
going to kind of look similar and I'll getinto that in a moments you could still follow
along now first thing we want to do when wefirst log in as we wanted go ahead and write
off the bad turn on that SSL certificate soI need you to click on manage free basic SSL
certificate you click on this right here andthen what were going to do we just have to
wait a sec it's just analyzing your web hostingaccount to take a look at all the domain names
on it and then after a moment it's gonna showyour screens and look like this here on the
right you see it lists out the domain nameI'm just gonna read this one important bit
right here it's as if your new domain is lessthan four hours old or you have not pointed
your existing domains DNS to the account wecan't issue a free certificate so just keep
in mind if it's a brand-new domain name youmight need four hours to wait before this
can be issued all we need to do to turn onSSL is to click right here it's is off and
I'm to do that and it's going to turn on andthat's all there is to it now an SSL certificate
for free will be issued to you and you'llbe able to use that to start using your website
in a secure environment okay so let me goback to him and to go back to bed here now
that we did that in that was actually so easyit's more complicated with other web hosts
now what I want to do show you where the mainmeat and potatoes of this control panel is
going to be and it's good to be right hereand it's gonna say cPanel now this is an industry
standard thing cPanel or Control Panel soeven though this is what InMotion's looks
like you're going to have the same thing withSiteground the same thing with A2Hosting the
same thing with most of these shared web hostingproviders they're all using the cPanel with
InMotion if you chose the managed hostingit's the same thing it's going to be in this
thing called cPanel now there's a couple thingsI want to do before we log into WordPress
for the first time in the first thing I wantto do is modify the WordPress site so that
it knows we only want to use a HTTP SVS acell certificate for the website some to scroll
down here and click right there where it saysWordPress and it's gonna pull this up right
here now when you scroll down your gonna seea list of all the WordPress installations
that you have here is the one that was automaticallycreated when we signed up for our web hosting
account if you look at the URL right thereit shows a HTTP not HTTPS and we just want
to change that and it's actually really easyto do all we need do is click on this little
edit details icon right here so let's do thatnow and then it's gonna pull up this screen
right here and the second option is URL andwe can actually change this so I can click
here and put an S like this and oops not asa you wanted to be corrected so now it's HT
and this is exactly what we wanted so nowwe can scroll down to the bottom of this page
and save our details just click on the BigBlue button save installation details like
this and now it says the installation detailswere edited successfully that's perfect so
now let's click back your word says cPaneland networking to do two more things in cPanel
first I want you to just double check nowif you're not using emotion in you using a
different hosting account you're going towant to do this as well I want you to scroll
down to where it says PHP configuration andclick on this now with InMotion hosting they
started by default which is a good thing puttingyou on this thing called PHP seven now if
you have an old web hosting account someplacechances are you're on an older PHP version
and what you're gonna want to do is changethis drop down to PHP seven and as time goes
by you might want to put it at PHP 7.1 or7.2 but it's safe to leave in on PHP seven
essentially this setting is going to makeyour website run a whole heck of a lot faster
however a lot of old web hosting companiesthey put you on this old 5.6 version and the
reason they do that is for greater compatibilityand less headaches for them if you run into
a problem however that is a very old versionand if you just switch it to version 7 your
websites cannot load a lot quicker okay sonow that we verified that were on PHP version
7 let's go ahead and click on home and that'sgonna take us to the home of the cPanel now
if you're looking for something in cPanelyou can just go ahead and enter it right here
and it will pull it right up and this is prettyuniversal so what we want to do now is want
to create an email account that were goingto use later on the website so let's go ahead
and click on email accounts now this controlpanel like I said cPanel is industry-standard
if there is ever something that you wantedto learn how to do you can do a search for
for example how to create an email addressin cPanel and if you entered in that search
you will find instructions on how to do itso just know that cPanel is what you have
it's what most web hosting accounts are basedon and there's lots of resources out there
available to you soon I will get to go aheadand create an email address and this is good
to be an email address that working to configureinside of WordPress so when WordPress is sending
out any important emails this is the accountthat it's going to use so on my website I
just use [email protected] so you can makeyour this email address is whatever you want
to get as many email addresses as you wantactually something to go ahead and enter is
to start filling this out okay so I've goneahead and I'm going to create the email address
[email protected] I popped in a passwordand here's the quote or you can make it unlimited
or leave it at that it's not going to be reallysomething where I'm leaving a lot of email
addresses there to go ahead and click on thecreate account right here and it is going
to what minority made my email address sohere you can see a list of my email addresses
and it's just this one right here and whatwe can do if we want these settings for configuring
this email account in an email program ormaybe something on your smart phone or or
maybe a program you might have on your computerjust click right here it says set up mail
client like this and then we just choose whichprogram were going to use or what I prefers
I just like to scroll down here and just grabthe settings right here in working to use
these settings later on so I suggest you justmake a note of it so you already know the
username it's gonna be your email addressyou created the password and then here is
the incoming server in any kind of port informationin the outgoing server and the port information
for that working to take this informationlater working to plug this into our website
so uses this email address when it sends outboundemails so now we can just scroll up and click
back onto cPanel and this is really whereyou're gonna configure everything related
to your web hosting account is here in cPanelyou're mostly never to use it though you just
maybe create a new email account or somethinglike that there's really not a ton that you're
going to do in here so now let's log in toWordPress for the first time now remember
I said to hold onto that email that you weresent by InMotion to create your password I
want you to pull it up right now and I'm ina pull mine up so now I've just scroll down
a little bit and what this does is it saysright here login to the administrative dashboard
and this is actually for your WordPress websiteyou can go ahead and click on the link that
is there which is admin using your domainand it lists your email username and password
you can use your email and this auto generatedpassword this is your WordPress login don't
worry about your password I know it lookscrazy work minutes change that password here
in a moment but this is going to be your logininformation so I'm in a go ahead and open
up this domain name right here and start thelogin process know what you're going to do
is your and a copy it into your clipboardand then you're going to go ahead and paste
it in right here now the only difference isyou see how it says HTTP will we want to change
that and make it a HTTP so just go ahead andenter an S right there and then hit on enter
and it's going to take you straight to thelogin page so now you can enter in your email
address that you used to create your hostingaccount and working a piece then that crazy
password okay there's minds all just go aheadand click on log in and it will take me right
on and so now I am logged into WordPress forthe first time I just wanted to just stop
for a moment and congratulate you you aredoing fantastic so far you've accomplished
so much you made a wise web hosting decisionyou set up hosting the domain name and you
set up an SSL certificate not something thata lot of people have a trouble with but you've
already gone ahead and done that and you haveinstalled the WordPress and you are ready
for action great job so now let's take a deeper look at what WordPress
is so that when you're going into WordPresswant to go in a moment during a feel more
confident your to feel more comfortable inthis new tool that you're using so first of
all I guess what most people describe WordPressis is a content management system so essentially
just means it's a program that gets run ona server in the cloud that allows you to add
content to it that you can then display ona website address is a content management
system and with WordPress working to be creatingpages these are standard pages of content
like a contact page of services page that'skind of content that stays the same and then
we also can create something called postsor better known as blog posts and this would
be more information that is aligned with thedates so for a business this could be may
be news or updates or some new informationlike that but WordPress is not limited to
that you can also have other types of contentso in an e-commerce scenario you would have
products if you're using WordPress for a learningmanagement system you might have courses and
lessons so even though out-of-the-box WordPresssupports pages and posts you can create any
type of content in WordPress it is extremelyextremely powerful now the structure of a
WordPress-based website and any website atthe very top of the webpage you have what's
called a header and at the very bottom youhave a footer in these two areas are typically
identical on every single page or post ortype of content that you're on or pager on
on a particular website the header stays thesame the footer stays the same what's in between
is all the only thing that is different frompage to page so what is the anatomy of a header
you might have a logo and you might have amenu and so in a word press we create menus
and we can add a logo to the header we createthese headers and the same goes for footer
at the footer that's the bottom of your webpageyou can put all different types of information
in there may be a mini contact form or a listof popular pieces of content on your website
however you want to use it next on the anatomyof a WordPress-based website as you have a
content area and that's everything prettymuch either below the header and above the
footer just kind of like a sandwich it's kindof the meat right there in the middle but
then on some pages or post on your websiteyou might want to have a sidebar that might
have additional information may be other linksmay be another menu and that might stay the
same typically for a page the entire contentarea of the entire area underneath the header
and above the footer is just to be or yourcontent edge to edge top to bottom typically
on a blog post you'll see a sidebar but youcan have the sidebar on all types of different
content in WordPress now what people talkmost about with regards to WordPress or WordPress
themes and WordPress plug-ins so essentiallya WordPress theme is can it kinda be the framework
of how your website will look on the frontend of it so not the back and were your creating
stuff but on the front and it's going to haveall the styles and the layout and stuff like
that in it that's your theme and there's thousandsof themes to choose from there some you want
there some you definitely don't want in thesame goes for plug-ins what that is is it's
a little thing you can add in this can addsome kind of feature functionality perfect
example is by default WordPress doesn't doe-commerce by default WordPress doesn't do
an online course or learning management systemso what you do is you install a plug-in to
add those features so for e-commerce you youadd WooCommerce for a learning management
system you can add learn '96 or LifterLMSand there is an entire ecosystem of of companies
building themes that you can buy and P incompanies of building plug-ins that you can
buy if you want to create a landing page there'sa plug in for that if you want to turn your
website into a membership website there'sa plug-in for that if you want to add online
booking to your website there is a plug-infor that and that is why WordPress is so powerful
is because of this plug in system where youcan easily add new features to your website
so let's go ahead and jump into a fresh installationor this fresh installation of WordPress that
we have right here now this is fresh and untouchedand there's a list of things I like to do
when I first install WordPress but right whenyou login to WordPress for the first time
it takes you straight to the dashboard, toshow you something real neat here that actually
a lot of experienced users and WordPress don'teven know in the first thing is where it says
screen options right here so on the dashboardwe see all these bits of information here
and you might not care about any of this informationyou might want to disappear well on all these
different menu options here on the left thattake you to different parts of WordPress you
have this screen options here to show youreal quick what options it's giving us for
the dashboard when I click on screen optionsit reveals this panel and I can enable or
disable any of these if I don't want to seehim again so for example this big welcome
or about this at a glance so I can go righthere to where it says at a glance I can click
on the checkbox bam it disappeared I wantto back I can click on that now the screen
options are all throughout WordPress and it'sone of those things that you might want to
be aware of so here's all of our menu optionsand this is going to kinda tie into the presentation
that I just gave her I talked about a contentmanagement system so right here is for creating
those blog posts right here is for your mediaif you want to upload an image or something
like that it's going to be right here it saysmedia and here's where I can create a new
page now also with posts you can allow peopleto leave comments are called blog comments
and they're all going to be right here andthen this tab right here that's his appearance
this is where were going to be able to choosea theme and then were going to be able to
kind of start putting the pieces togetherof creating a menu adding what's called widgets
widgets are if you wanted that thing I wastalking about a sidebar you add these things
called widgets to the sidebar and also toyour footer and then here's our menus customize
and that's were we to go in and customizeour theme and then we have our plug-ins which
I talked about you can install of see a listof installed plug-ins or add a new plug-in
right from within the interface now to usethe backend of WordPress you have a user account
in working to go inherent set up our passwordand things like that you can also have multiple
users and there's different types of rolesthat you can assign to these users that limit
what they can do when they log into WordPressnext we have some general tools you're really
knocking to be in here that much is it justworks importing data or exporting data and
then we have the settings panel right herein this we are going to go through right now
we have general settings writing reading discussionmedia and permit links so we actually need
to go and tweak some of the settings thatI like to tweak when I first log into WordPress
now what happens is when you add plug-insto your website these plug-ins may add menu
items here so these menu items will be onevery WordPress based websites but some of
them you're to see additional listings hereadditional menu items and that's because when
you add a plug-in it adds a new feature init might add a menu item here so with the
e-commerce example it will add a productsmenu item for the learning management system
example I will add maybe something that'shis courses or lessons or the name of the
plug-in so this is going to look at differentdepending on what you have on your website
now let me at last explain what these reddots are so you have a red dot here next the
plug-ins in it has a one right here next toupdates and then even up here in these are
indicators that there's something on yourwebsite that needs an update and you're going
to get three types of updates with WordPressand it's very important that you stay on top
of your WordPress base website and make surethat these things are always up-to-date you're
going to have WordPress itself have updatesyou're going to have your theme have an update
and you're going to have plug-ins have anupdate now in this case you can visually tell
we have an update it says one here it saysone here but we can see right here it's an
update to use this plug in in this are justsome default things that are installed when
you first install WordPress let me show youhow to do an update in the organist are cleaning
out WordPress and were going to reset thepassword so you can click here or here to
get to the same place it's gonna take youto the update so I'm just gonna go ahead and
click on updates and this is gonna list allof your plug-ins or themes that need updates
so right here in a list a with there's a WordPressupdate right here in the list are your plug-in
updates and right here your theme updatesso I can click on this checkbox and then I
can click on update plug-ins that's one wayto do it the other way is to click into plug-ins
directly and you can see a list of all yourplug-ins and this will let you know this needs
to be updated and there's an easy button righthere I can click on I just did and it's going
to go ahead and update that plug in for meis very important to stay on top of updates
they can either add new features and functionalityto your website or they can also be adding
security patches and updates to your websiteso it's very important to stay up-to-date
so now let's go through the steps I like tofollow when I first install WordPress and
at first when you click on posts and pagesright when you install WordPress it's going
to have some information in there that youmay not want so I don't want this default
post I can hover over it click on trash andwhat that's gonna do is it's going to put
it in something called the trashcan and youcan see right here trash has one so then I
click on trash and then I click this buttonhere that's his empty trash and it's as simple
as that the same thing for pages on the clickon pages it's going to have this sample page
of the click on trash and then I'm in a clickright here it says trash and then a minute
click on empty trash a click on comments butthere isn't going to be any and that's because
comments are linked to posts there was a commentin there but since I deleted the post it also
deleted the comments the next thing I liketo do is go to settings and then click on
general and this is where working to set somegeneral settings for our website the first
thing I like to set is my site title so bydefault typically when you do a fresh installation
of WordPress just to see my blog and thisis where you want to maybe say something about
what the website is about and maybe slip insome keyword phrases that someone might search
into Google in order to find your websiteyou might want to put that information right
there for the tagline I usually actually takethat out but you can have it if you want but
what's really important is for the email addressthat this is a current email address that
you're going to receive the emails this isthe email address that WordPress is going
to use to notify you of updates and and anyadministrative purpose next I need you to
go where it says time zone and we want toput your proper time zone in here and that's
because of WordPress emails you and there'sa timestamp you want that timestamp to actually
makes sense because it's your time zone sowhen you click on this you can set it based
off UTC or if you scroll up your to startseeing a list of city names broken up by country
so I would choose Los Angeles and here's AlanI don't see Los Angeles that's because I'm
not in America the section for America soI need to just keep scrolling up until I find
Los Angeles and there is Los Angeles you onlyhave to do this once and then I want to scroll
down here and click on save changes the nextthing I like to do in this is incredibly important
click on where it says permit links this isa very very important this is how the links
to the various pages on your website are goingto look you get to choose how they're going
to look and there is a way of doing it thateveryone just needs to do and that is the
click right here where it says post name sothis is what your link is going to look like
it's going to be the name of your websiteand the title of whatever piece of content
this is a much better link to give out toreference to have shown Google than something
like you know your domain name a bunch ofnumbers tied to a date and then a piece of
information like the title of your contentso just leave that on post name scroll down
go ahead and click on save changes now let'stake a look at your user account so hover
over to users you can go straight to youraccount by clicking on your profile or you
can click on all users and you can see a listof users so here is the user that was automatically
created when I installed this WordPress basedwebsite so I'm in a go ahead and click on
that now I want to scroll down and show yousome information right here this is where
you're going to change your password changeyour email address and also change or configure
how your username will be shown on the frontend so there's different pieces of content
where it might show the author that wouldbe like if you're writing a blog post and
it shows the author so by default it's setto show this and I probably don't want to
show this so this is where output what I wantto show this is typically what I enter Adam
at WP next to Wertz's display name publiclyasked this is where you and I want to change
it to what you just entered in and it alsodoesn't hurt to put your first name and last
name in there next the scroll all the waydown and then right here is where you can
change your password so what you'll do isclick on generate password now WordPress by
default wants you to be very secure in thatis an insane looking password you don't have
to use that you can enter in a different passwordright now and then click on update profile
so I'm going to do that because I don't likethe auto generated password I wanted to be
password that I'll know hey word of cautiondo not use an easy to guess password it is
a bad idea so to go ahead and enter my passwordokay so I've gone ahead and updated my password
now some other things you can do if you wantedto change the color scheme back here I like
leaving it the way that it is so all my websiteslook the same but if you wanted at your website
you can go ahead and choose a different colorscheme if that's something that interested
you now your username is not something thatWordPress in the user interface here lets
you change if you want to change your usernameyou can do that there is a plug-in that allows
you to do it called username changer in thispart of the tutorial you're going to see how
to install plug-ins so that would be somethingyou would just search for an ad if you wanted
to change your username or you can just belike me and use your email address as your
username when you're logging in you typicallydon't want certain easy to guess username
needs to be user names like admin or administratoror the domain name or something like that
you want to avoid that so now let's take alook at themes so I'll go to appearance and
I'll click on themes and this shows you alist of themes now these are the three themes
that are installed by default depending onyour Webhost it might not have all three let
me show you how to delete a theme you obviouslyonly need the theme that you are using so
first let me show you how to delete a themeyou can just click on where it says theme
details click on delete and essentially andthen click on okay essentially this is less
files that are going to be on your web hostingaccount so like once again click on delete
confirm and it will be gone now let me showyou how to add a new theme so what you can
do is click this button here that says addnew and it's immediately going to take you
over to the WordPress theme repository butI like to just call the WordPress theme directory
now these aren't all the only themes availablefor WordPress these are all free themes that
you can download directly in WordPress butyou can also go and purchase WordPress themes
anywhere on the Internet and they usuallygive you a file now in those situations you
would just click on upload theme and thenchoose that file and that's how you would
install your theme now let me tell you thatthere are tens of thousands of WordPress themes
there are a large amount of outdated themesand there's a lot of just crummy WordPress
themes also there is this sort appear popularlatest and and favorites so I click on popular
that usually will your where you're goingto start now just because a theme is here
in the popular and might be on the top 10or something like that that does not necessarily
mean it's a great theme either that can meanthat they have a great marketing team that's
out there spending tens of thousands of dollarsper month so that people will know about the
theme and install it it does not is just becauseyou're in this popular list it's not an indicator
that the team is actually any good and ifyou wanted to install a theme all you would
have to do is click on what you can hoverover it and click on install and then it will
go ahead and install that WordPress themefor you and now when I click back on themes
you can see I just installed this WordPresstheme the same is pretty much for plug-ins
if I click on plug-ins organ to see a listof my plug-ins now these are installed by
default some host do some host don't thisis how you delete plug-ins I can click on
delete and then confirm it and now that plug-inis gone I can activate a plug and just click
on activate and then you can see the colorof it's going to change to that blue and that's
how you know this is an activated plug-inbut then if I don't want it I can click on
deactivates and then I can click on deleteand confirm and now that plug-in is gone now
if I want to add a new plug-in I can clickon add new and it's the same thing that went
with themes there are free plug-ins that arelisted right here but there's also ones outside
of here that you could purchase and then uploadand the same goes when I described with themes
that just because you're in this featuredlist that doesn't mean it's any good just
because it's in the popular list that doesnot mean it's any good typically with plug-ins
you're going to do searches here and clickright here and you're going to do a search
for your plug-ins or categories typicallyyou're gonna want to get recommended plug-ins
and I recommend I have a whole series of plug-insthat I recommend for all different things
that you would need but one thing to pointout is what you see right here is not necessarily
the best so the same goes with themes if Isee a plug and I like I can click on install
now it's going to download that instant thatplug into my WordPress website I can click
on activate if I want I don't want to I canclick back to installed plug-ins and then
I can delete that plug-in if I want to inthis case I definitely do nonetheless thing
I want to talk about is most of the appearanceside of your website that is going to be dependent
upon your theme is going to be in this itemhere called the customizer it's a different
interface in WordPress that you're going tobe using in order to access all of the options
that your theme may give you so I click oncustomize like this it's gonna take me into
this thing called the customizer so you canhear me reference the customizer often and
here's all these thiols settings that arerelated to your theme your colors your fonts
putting in a logo all the various optionsof how things look and what's also nice is
you have these controls right here to seehow your website looks on a tablet and to
see how your website looks on a mobile deviceand it just shrinks it like that and this
is how it looks on a tablet and back to thedesktop like this this is also an alternative
location where you can create menus if youwanted to and then when you've made any changes
you can click on the publish button and thatmakes your changes now live so to get out
of the customizer you would just click onthis X right here you're back into WordPress
one thing that's interesting with WordPress'sthere's always more than one way to do the
same thing so you saw you could create a menuin the customizer but you can also create
a menu right here underneath the parents clickon menus and here's our interface to create
a new menu in this right here is the defaultmenu that is created with when I installed
the WordPress user menu items here's a listof the various menus it's real simple you
create a menu you put your items in the menuand then you sign the menu to a location she
can assign it to the top the header area intoa footer it all depends on the options that
your theme gives you you can rearrange thingsjust like this you can stack one menu item
underneath another menu item I can see whatI wanted to add if I wanted to add this homepage
I can click that click on add to menu andnow I've added that I can reorder it it's
really flexible this menu structure and thelast important thing to take a look at is
this thing called widgets and what widgetsare is when I was explaining WordPress has
these things called sidebars well this iswhere you would you would add content to those
sidebars and also when I said WordPress hasfooters this is where you can add content
to those footers. To do it through these thingscalled widgets so here are the widget areas
so we have the sidebar we have the footerand lawn in front foot or two now these are
different based upon your theme so this isyour entire footer is split into two sections
for the one in foot or two and these are widgetsthese are all just there by default and what
you can do is you can click on any widgetlike this and you can delete it if you want
by clicking that and now my widget is goneI want to add a new widget here's my widget
options right here if I wanted to add a navigationmenu I can just drag and drop that right there
and then choose my menu and then click onsave and I've added content to the footer
and the same goes for all of these widgetsplug-ins will add widget options and also
themes will add additional widget optionsin widget locations so just think of widgets
is how you add content to other areas thatthe theme controls in the header may be the
sidebar or the footer it just depends on yourtheme so the last thing to do is to go right
here and click on visit site and working tobe able to see what this WordPress based website
looks like right now this is just runningthe default theme and it set up the default
way just like this now I'm not a big fan ofthis theme so that is basically what WordPress
is it's a content management system whereyou create pages posts and other types of
content you have the header the footer andmenus that your Dean controls and those usually
stay the same on every page the of the contentarea which changes from page to page and you
have a sidebar and what dictates the styleis your WordPress theme and there's free ones
and paid ones and to add features to yourwebsite you would add plug-ins so now is where
the fun begins were going to go ahead andinstall theme and working to install the plug-ins
that were going to use some to go ahead andclick on appearance to choose themes and then
right here I'm in a click on add new and thenI'm going to click on my actually we don't
need to click on popular'85 Do a search forit enter Astra AST RA and it's going to pull
it up right here don't worry if the thumbnailimage looks different when you're doing it
it's because they updated from time to timeto go ahead and click on install and then
after that I'm in a go ahead and click onthe activate option here it is click on activates
and now we have our first theme installedand activated tough that's actually interesting
that the thumbnail already changed that'shilarious now we it's a good idea to always
keep a separate theme so you'll have anotherone in case your troubleshooting a problem
you can always switch to it so we don't needthree themes here to go ahead and delete this
2016 theme and I showed you how to do thatin the prior portion of this video so now
that is done let's go ahead and click on theplug-ins and we should have the list of plug-ins
all deleted the default ones that came withthis let's go ahead and click on add new now
these are in no particular order so firstlet's type in Astra Sites here it is let's
go ahead and click on install now and is justgonna take a moment to download and on this
one working to go ahead and actually activatedright now not to do that for all of the plug-ins
we install Sonoma to go to add new again andthis time I'm going to put in a plug-in named
really simple SSL now what this plug-in doesand you can see it's on a ton of websites
with this plug-in does is it will make surewhen someone goes to our website that they
are pushed to the SSL version of it so thoughgo to if they enter in a HTTP and then the
website this will make sure they actuallyget redirected to the HT to the secure version
of your website someone go ahead and clickon install now I'm not going to activate that
one just yet now the next plug in that I wantto install is named iThemes Security here
it is this is a plug and that's going to keepyour website safe from any kind of hacker
that might try to break into it is going toprotect the login form it's gonna do all kinds
of great security related things so my clickon install now and this is another one were
not going to activate it just yet next weregoing to add up drafts and that CUP DRA FTS
and this is going to be our backup plug-inand what this does it's so awesome when it
makes a backup you can have it send it todropbox or someone off site location and that's
what I love about it I use it with dropboxyou get a free dropbox account and when it
makes its backup it'll be right there in yourdropbox and then you have the extra added
protection if your dropbox pushes files toyour computer now you have a backup of your
website and all these different locationsso I'm in a go ahead and click on install
now and this is another one that were goingto go through setting up later in the tutorial
okay now working to install a plug-in namedYoast well I think it's actually called WordPress
SCO but he used to be named Yoast and if youenter in Yoast it'll pull right up why OAS
T now this is an SCO search engine optimizationplug-in it's really one of those essential
plug-ins to have on your website and it makesit your website fully optimized for search
engine ranking obviously you have to go inand do a bunch of things but this allows you
to actually do it working a touch on thattowards the end of this tutorial go ahead
and click on install now next were going toput in that email sending plug-in so do a
search for SMTP so when you enter in SMTPwere going to go with this one right here
WP email SMTP GiveWP form so go ahead andclick on install now for this one and now
let's go ahead and take a look at our listof installed plug-ins and you can see everything
that we've done so far so we have asked forstarter sites and that's active we want that
working to do the security later the backuplater the SMTP for sending emails later and
will do Yoast our SCO plug-in later what Iwant to do now though is click on activate
for really simple SSL were to go ahead andactivate this and what this is going to do
is fully enable your website to force everyoneonto the SSL certificate for encryption Mrs.
essential for any kind of e-commerce or justany kind of website you have to be on the
SSL certificate these days or like I saidearlier you see were to secure if you don't
have an SSL certificate Google skin essaynot secure in that's not what you want with
your website so go ahead and click right herewhere it says go ahead to activate SSL will
give it a moment to do its thing now whenyou do that the next thing you click on you're
going to have to re-login so if I click ondashboard it's going to make me or force me
to re-login which is okay it's only the firsttime you activate that plug-in and pretty
much once it's activated on your website you'renot to touch it again so right now why don't
you log back in to your website a camel togo ahead and click on login it's going to
put me right back inside and I am all goodyou should see this message that says SSL
activated and that's can let you know thatyou are good to go and get rid of this message
you don't have to see it anymore by clickingon the X right here off to the right and you
are all set so now is where all the fun beginsjust a moment ago we installed and activated
a plug in that name*starter sites and we alsoinstalled and activated the Astra Theme remember
this thumbnail may change now you're goingto see an option underneath appearance that
says Astra Sites and let's go ahead and clickon it now from time to time Astro will move
things around so maybe this might be consolidatedinto here or something so if you notice something
isn't aware I'm showing you in this videoif you just the thumb around a little bit
I'm sure you'll be able to find it but righthere were looking for Astra Sites now first
thing is were being prompted to make a choiceand it says select groups select your favorite
page builder now for this tutorial workingto be using this page builder named Elementor
so I'm going to want you to click right thereon Elementor now what you're looking at is
a beautiful beautiful thing you're lookingat a list of fully designed websites that
you can restore by clicking one button thatis not crazy will actually think is more like
three button clicks but you know that's ajust a technicality so we can scroll down
while there sort options right here and thenyou could search is not enough for you to
really need to search but we can scroll downand see all of these amazing designs that
we can easily restore and it's all free it'sall that's all just available for free now
some of them are going to have this agencytag on the top right those are templates that
are not so the theme that were using is namedAstra and they have a pro version and they
also have what's that what they call an agencyversion that has all of these really high-end
designs that you can restore the one clickbut they're super generous the the Themis
free Astra starter sites is free and it'senough to get up and running so you can scroll
down now technically what were doing in thisvideo with WooCommerce and e-commerce it can
actually be added to any of these designsso like I was saying at the very beginning
of the video if you don't like the designthat I'm using I'm going to actually teach
you how to build an e-commerce website outof any of these designs and then I'm been
also teach you how to make any of these designsyour own so you're to be able to have full
power and control to do anything that youwant so these two right here are e-commerce
specific and therefore the agency licenseholders there are all have some information
in a moment about it here's a agency versionhere and it has some more design to it but
these are really e-commerce related righthere and you can see there's a wide variety
of templates here in their all top-notch soif you like the way maybe have a garden store
and you like the way this looks well you caneasily follow along in the entire tutorial
and choose this instead of the one that weregoing to choose the same thing goes for this
really simple pet services one I really likethat it's a really good template and easy
to work with and see you have this wide varietyhere I love it here's a great one if you're
gonna sell some beauty supplies so WooCommercein the e-commerce platforms can work with
any of these and that's just one of thingsI love about this but I'm to go ahead with
this one right here the brand store becauseit's very much e-commerce related so any of
these you can go ahead and click on this detailsand preview button and what's gonna do this
going to show us what the websites can looklike in the right we can decide if we want
it or not and then when we have made our decisionwe can go ahead and move forward so right
now it today restoring this is the two buttonsthat I need to click I need to click on install
plug-ins and this is Bennett's restart andinstall all the required plug-ins which is
essentially Elementor in the e-commerce platformand then after that I will click another button
to restore all of the content it's good todo everything it's gonna make our menu for
us it's it's gonna do so much for us all theheavy lifting it's going to do now I do think
they're going to add an update so there'san additional step where you can just choose
specifically what you want it to restore soif you are going through this process and
there's an X extra step I'm sure to be self-explanatoryhow to move through that so I would go ahead
and click on install plug-ins in its canoeinstall whatever plug-ins are required now
this is real simple just Elementor which isgoing to be our page builder were to learn
about that in a moment and WooCommerce whichis the e-commerce platform some of the various
templates are going to be maybe an additionalplug-in or so maybe a contact form or something
like that it might add to it now it's importantto note that these website designs are all
like really practical in ready to go now likewith this you just change that image you can
just change maybe this bit of text right hereI mean this thing is ready to go okay so now
it's installed those plug-ins all I have todo is click on import this site so click on
that and it's given me this morning technicallyyou don't want to restore this site to an
already existing live site it could causesome issues now we haven't this is all brand-new
and fresh WordPress installations were notand have any problems so remember I was just
a moment ago telling you there might be anextra step added to this restoration process
it's to make it so you could technically addsome of this to an existing website but for
us we don't need to pay attention to thatjust go ahead and click on okay it's going
to go ahead as can a greater pages is goingto create our menus is going to create all
the styles it's going to configure everythingbut don't worry because I'm going to actually
show you how to change everything and I'min a show you how to make this exactly how
you wanted to look but it is extremely powerfulout-of-the-box and you can see it has a really
nice shopping cart in the header mean thisis just it's just a beautiful beautiful web
design and it's just another moment away forit to be ready okay now it says done view
site so when I click on this button it's canopen up a new tab and it's gonna take me to
the front end of the website and you couldsee your website is already looking good all
we really need to do is customize this a bitdidn't change or put our products in ourselves
and change some of these images in the backgroundand put these different links to the different
categories of products were adding and youare going to be off to the races it already
put together our menu when I scroll to thevery bottom it put our footer together just
like this I mean this is amazing how easyit was to get to this point and you have multiple
different pages right here so there's an aboutus page I can click on right here and we have
this beautiful about us page and you're gonnalearn how to fully customize every aspect
of this website right now but before we dothat let's go ahead and let me walk you through
choosing a color palette choosing a font pairand then creating a logo right so first were
going to figure out what colors that you wantfor your website now typically you're gonna
want to or three colors so your first coloryou're going to want identify is going to
be your primary color and this is the colorthat's going to be predominantly used on your
website and this would probably be used maybe60% of the time or 70% of the time on your
website and the second color is going to beyour accent color so sometimes you might want
the the color of a headline to be a differentcolor and so this could be your accent color
and there's various times you might want touse an accent color and it would be just different
than your primary color and then as an optionyou could also choose 1/3 color which I like
to call your pop color and this would be thecolor that is going to be different than your
primary and your accent and it's good to bea color that would would attract someone's
eyes to and you would probably use this onwhere you want their eyes to go so typically
like a button right so you would make yourbutton this color because you want people's
eyes to gravitate over to that button so theyknow where they need to go next so here is
a website called colors and that spelled COOL ORS.co and you can go here and they've got
a lot of great color pallets so if I clickon explore it will show you a variety of color
pallets now the way colors are interpretedin WordPress or pretty much anything that
is design oriented is with the hex code soevery single color has a unique hex code and
this is the code you would copy in your ina pasted in certain locations in WordPress
and that's how it's gonna know the exact colorthat you want to use is it with these of various
hex codes while look at this like every colorseems to have that that yellow on it that's
interesting look at that I wonder what's goingon there so for example I can go ahead and
click on save this color palette right hereand I would go ahead I would click on view
and you would see the colors right now, goahead and click on okay this is new let me
get rid of that okay here we go so here isthe colors in that color palette you see how
you have this #and then in these six charactersthat is going to be your hex code and it's
can be numbers and letters and so if I usethis code right here in WordPress in certain
locations it's going to show this exact colorand so what we need to do is get these various
hex codes actually like this color combinationthis right here with this but if you use this
color as your primary color this as maybeyour accent color and then this is your pop
color and be really interesting color paletteso what you would do then is you just copy
these hex codes into your clipboard and willbe using those momentarily now there are more
websites than just the colors in order tofind color pallets you can go to Google and
do a search for color pallets and you candefinitely see the many different websites
for that another tool that I use I'm usingGoogle Chrome and I recommend using Google
Chrome if you're doing any kind of websitestuff because there's a couple needed tools
and in the first one I want to introduce youto is a right here it is called color Zillah
now if you go to Google and do a search forcolor Zillah the first result will be this
right here and what chrome does is it allowsyou to add these things called extensions
that allows your browser to do more stuffso you would go ahead and click the button
right here and it will add this to your webbrowser and this is what you'll see it's right
here it's kinda hard to to maybe see if Ihover over to Cisco or zealous when I click
on it and it allows me to identify any coloron a particular page so for example let me
go back to that color palette right here soobviously I know the color pallets are but
say you're on a website you really like aparticular color or shade of a color and you
thought maybe I want to use a very similarcolor so you would take color Zillah you would
click right there choose pick color from pageand now you have this black box that showed
up and you can hover over different colorson that page and you'll see in that black
box it will identify what the hex code isand so all you would have to do so say like
this little blue right here I can hover overit there I have the blue if I click on my
mouse now it copies the hex code in to theclipboard of your computer and you can paste
that into a notepad so this is how you cango to a website that you like and you might
like the color scheme that they've chosenand you can use a similar color scheme or
test out a similar color scheme so I wantyou to go ahead and pick out a primary color
and an accent color and gives in considerationof the pop color that you may want to use
now since you're new to web building you mightwant to just stick with the default colors
that we restored you might want to just useblack or something like that and then later
on is your thinking about doing more withyour website then you can start playing around
with these of various colors but it's theprocess of choosing different colors is what
will really make your website unique to youand your brand next we need to look for fonts
and so here's a great website I like it'scalled font peridot CO I love this site so
essentially with your WordPress-based websiteyou're going to be able to customize the fonts
now the way this works is you'll typicallyhave a two or three it's kinda similar to
the colors right you're typically in 1/2 twoor three different fonts so you can have one
font that will usually be for your headlineand you might also in use that same font for
your menu and then you're going to have abody font so that's the body of the website
you can have a different font for that youhave the same font to the same font family
that's fine but you typically have the theopportunity to have two different fonts there
and then sometimes you might want I've actuallydon't have it I'm going to quote a phrase
for it yet but that said third Fontan on timeswhen you're on a website you see a certain
section of it where it might be cursive orsomething that would be a starkly different
font and I can be your third font I guessI I coined the term pop color maybe that's
your pop thought as well so what I like aboutthis website is it shows you all these different
font combinations that work well togetherthat are immediately to be available in your
WordPress site and it's just a matter of choosingit from a drop down so when I scroll down
this is what each one will typically say don'tsay the name of one font and the name of another
font so the headline here is cabin and thebody text right here is old standard TT so
you'll just want to find a font combo thatyou like and then remember the name or maybe
write it down in a notepad because will beconfiguring WordPress with that so here's
another fun combo and you can just scrolldown this is a really classic one Joseph and
Sands that's the headline now you don't haveto go with how they are pairing it you can
feel like one headline in one body font thataren't necessarily paired here that's fine
this just gives you an opportunity to seewhat they look like Montserrat this used to
be very popular but it's lost its popularityright now it's really popular it will Meriwether
is a very popular and that's for the textright here that actually looks good I might
change my font my website to that anothervery popular one is this Playfair display
let me show you if I can find that here asa headline let's see I'm just scrolling down
so you get the point you can come here andsee what you like and the different things
with the different fonts how they look togetherI'm not seeing Playfair maybe if I just did
a search on the page but you get the pointwant to come to a site like this and go ahead
and pick out a pair of fonts that you reallylike now let me show you another way of identifying
fonts that you like and that is that it'ssimilar with the colors there is another Google
Chrome extension called what font ice to saywhat the font I don't know why I was say that
but it's just called what font and you cango to Google and search for what font and
it will take you here and you can add thisto chrome and it adds this little font option
right here so if I go back to this page Ican click on that and what it does is now
when I move my mouse cursor over any fontit tells me what it is so it says right here
this is Montserrat and when you click on itit shows you the name of the font if it's
bolder normal and then it's going to tellyou the size I don't know why it's not showing
me the size right there so let's scroll downthis one showing the size so I can click right
here and I can see it's the average font that'sthe name of the font and I can see the size
and this is helpful when you're on the variouswebsites and you think man I really like that
font or that font combination will you canuse this web browser extension what font and
Cohen NC with the names of these fonts areso that you can test them out on your website
so you definitely gonna want to choose a fontI think choosing a color combination and a
fun combination that's unique to you and yourbrand are the two biggest things you can do
to really make your website your own and reallymake it stand out so your assignment right
now so go pick out some colors into go pickout some fun pears now the best thing is none
of these are set in stone so when you're settingthem up on your website if you change your
mind later it's going to be super easy tochange later as well I know for me I'm in
the process of changing some of the fontson my websites but it's pretty fun and it's
very powerful to be able to very easily changethese fonts and I'll be showing you that here
in a moment okay now it's time to talk aboutgetting a logo for your website now a logo
is not a requirement but it's certainly somethingthat is going to make your website and your
brand more memorable now I went to Googleand I did a search for free logo and I spent
some time going through some of these websitesand actually a lot of them are really bad
they're either not really free or their verylow quality now I did find one that is interesting
and I do want to talk about it and it's canvas.comyou probably already heard of camber some
go ahead and open this in a new tab in butbefore I go into cans I'm going to go ahead
and show you some paid options for gettinga logo now one of the places that a lot of
people go to I actually don't like the servicepersonally but I do know a lot of people that
have have gone there for logo designs is 99designs in the way this works is you're not
hiring a designer to design your logo directlyyou're actually starting something called
a logo design competition where you say here'sthe requirements of my logo arms clicking
on pricing right now here's their requirementsof my logo and if you are interested in making
this logo go ahead and make a design submityour design and out of everyone that comes
up with the design I'm gonna choose a winnerand I'm gonna pay that winter 299 for this
plan for 99 for this plan so essentially thehigher you guarantee you're going to pay the
more people that are going to be interestedin taking a risk of their time in coming up
with the design and submitting it and youwork back and forth with them to get it perfect
for you so they essentially have these threepackages here you have the 299 and they're
saying you can expect to get 30 designs andeach planet goes back like that they do have
this money back guarantee I would read upon it before if you're interested in this
I don't really think it's quite so simpleto get your money back from one of the services
I haven't personally used 99 designs and I'veseen people get seen plenty people had come
up some really does this lousy web designsusing 99 designs but it's so worth a shot
that interests you another marketplace fordesign work is a fiver now fiber is also very
risky there things you could do to minimizeyour risk essentially if you're not familiar
with fiber it started out as a website wherepeople could say I will do this for five dollars
now it's grown way past that since then forsure and it's a marketplace for now people
can charge what they want to charge even thoughit still called the fiber so when you go to
fiber and that's with two RRs F IV ERM anda link to it in the video description box
into a search here for logo design think Iscroll down the it should give me an option
up here it is a logo design so or you couldjust search for logo design actually like
this they recently added this where you canthinking try to find the right designers that
you might be interested in so it's kind ofreduced logo design into three different choices
so first you would choose one of these soif you wanted a kind of a flat design you'd
click on here then you choose what you wantto pay or what your budget is the 5 to 25
to 3200 or greater and so this is going tothis is going to filter out the designers
that don't offer design work in that pricerange and you can start seeing some of the
designers here so let's choose the $3200 andthen the last one is the speed at which you
wanted so if you need it fast in up to threedays go ahead and click on here and so it's
gonna show you all these logo designers thatare in meeting these requirements that you
just set up so you can click on any one ofthese I'll just go ahead and click on this
one I'm not endorsing this person I've neverseen it before I'm given the pop up to join
I don't want to join let me get away okaythere you go so typically right here the logo
designers can show you some of their worknow you have to be careful when you're looking
at someone's work because there's no proofthat it's someone's work right they could
be putting any logos here and you wouldn'teven know now once you start getting here
you see how this pop-up came it's like someone'sreview and how long off how long ago it was
reviewed six days ago this is when you actuallyget to see their real work so if I scrolled
across and I saw what they're actually creatingfor people then you can decide if this is
a designer that you want so far I'm not reallyimpressed with this designer now let's scroll
down so typically all of these fiber sellersare going to have multiple packages and they
tell you what you get in each package andeach package is going to have a different
price and all have a break down a lot of timesit involves the source file you're gonna want
this thing called the source file and so withmost designers the first and cheapest package
will not get you that source file but themiddle or the most expensive package will
typically the difference between the middleand the most expensive package people are
typically going to have this social mediakit which I don't think is really that necessary
these days and especially a stationary designthat's not really that necessary here's another
big differentiator in people's different packagesis how many design concepts give you 12 and
four and here is the delivery time you wantto pay attention to that and what you want
to do is you want to go with a designer thatis going to say something like this hundred
percent satisfaction guarantee so essentiallywhat there that means is one of two things
either one they're going to stick with youin with all the back-and-forth communication
in order to make sure they make the designfor you that you want or it could mean that
if you're just not happy though go ahead andkick you out a refund so I do like it when
people have some kind of a satisfaction guaranteethat they'll offer you a refund if they are
not who they say they are now here is thebiggest problem that I have experienced with
five or yeah you can get some some designskicked out but what these people are not is
there not like branding people so they'renot sitting there because they're just grinding
through these designs right there not sittingthere thinking okay let me get an understanding
of the brand let me get an understanding ofthe business let me get an understanding of
who they are and what they are doing thisis something that that you don't usually get
in one of these fiber gigs are just takinga word in the name or word and what you say
the description of the business is in therejust trying to crank out a design as fast
as possible that's not to say you can getsome really nice design work done on fiber
I'm just saying that that has been my personalexperience and lastly for designer you can
see right here how many orders they have intheir cubes so this designer right here has
17 orders ahead of you so this just givesyou an idea of their workload and how long
you can expect to wait for your work to bedone but for me I'll tell you you can probably
get some good results just make sure you knowthe package you're getting and go with people
that have good ratings a lot of ratings haverecent work that you kind of like their design
style people that will stand by their workand offer you a refund if you're not happy
and also communication is pretty importantas well you want someone that will understand
you and understand your business so that isfiver let me go back to canvas now Kent is
a web based service for making different graphicsand designs and I was actually surprised when
I went to canvas and I saw that they alsohave logos there and I thought well it's been
a great way to get an inexpensive logo nowthere's pros and cons with it so for free
you can use any of these logo designs letme see if I can scroll down if this is the
page that actually had him so look at someof these logo designs and use these as a starting
point and I'm like man this a lot of theseare nicer than what is just saw on fiber right
timing these are great knees would be kindof like starting points and they've got a
lot of them these are just a few of them they'vegot tons and tons of these logos that are
starting points the only thing is it whenyou want to export that logo if you're not
on a paid can for plan you don't get the high-resolutionlogo that you may want and you also more importantly
don't get a transparent version they wantyou to get this thing called Canon of a pro
which actually is kind of worth it it's Ithink like 10 bucks per month let me see if
there's a link down here for X I'm not seeingit I think it's $10 per month and they will
let you have the first month of for free sotechnically you can go in and start designing
the logo if you like it and then maybe signup for the Pro and then you can cancel it
before you have to pay for it that's a thoughtso let me just log in here with my account
it's free to create an account let me login with my account and go ahead and show you
this logo thing okay so I'm logged into myaccount and you can see I was already playing
around with some of these logos here so whenI first login I see this year it's as created
design and these are the different thingsthat you can design and I'm a go ahead and
click on the logo right here and it's canopen me up in a new tab just doing this to
show you some of the designs so you can seeright off the bat that some of these designs
here there are actually very nice I mean youcan get something that works just perfectly
for what you're trying to do and it's veryinexpensive it's free or if you wanted that
transparent version you can go ahead and payyour sign-up will soothe the cost is here
in a moment so I'm in a scroll down and let'sjust choose is something real quick you can
also do a search so I'm just going to do ascroll like this and see what I can see to
see something that fits the space now it'salso important to note with logos if it's
going to be a wide logo you you typicallydon't want really tall logos you want a more
wide logo something like this right here it'scan usually fit better in a website header
then something really tall like this let'sat another thing you definitely want to keep
an eye out for alright so so far I haven'tseen something I like Texas right here is
pretty cool we probably would want to changethat image right there this is actually really
cool right here as well I like the topographythis is nice it's the go ahead and choose
one here and get started with it so okay,choose a basic one and it's this one right
here I go ahead and click on it and then whatit does is it places it right in here and
then you can literally change this to whateveryou wanted so I can click right here on the
letter let me highlight it and change it toa see their ego and then right here I can
highlight this and type crafter just likethat so if I want him to do that I could and
then for this I can go click on it and thenoff to the right I can kinda tighten that
in a little bit or let's see maybe I needto just move it over there you go it's moved
and then I can change this text to whatevertagline I may want and then for the color
I think I can just go ahead and click thisbox and you can see here's the color and if
I click on that I can choose a different colorand then that's kind of like my green and
you can see I almost already have a reallynice looking the logo here so probably one
of things I should do is come out with somekind of a longer tutorial video on using canvas
up now we have this design you can see howquick it was to make them get rid of this
Realty group I'm in a highlighted and let'ssee how minute click on it and then here's
a little trashcan on the top right and thereago I got a nice looking logo I'm happy with
it so now what you would do is you go aheadand click on download and when you change
this is the option you want this transparentbackground and you you can get it and this
is what I was saying that you need the paidversion in order to get that some to go ahead
and click on this and learn more and see okayso here it is it says right here you would
need to sign up for the Pro version of Campobut look at this you get a 30 day free trial
so you could literally come in here make abeautiful logo and then you know decide to
keep it or not keep it you don't end up payinganything summit click on that okay so here
we go this is the pricing that I wanted tosee so I guess you need a credit card but
you'll have to remember to cancel it but Ibet you don't have to call you can cancel
it in the web-based interface she could literallygo here sign up for the monthly 1295 and then
you know cancel it if you don't see yourselfcontinuing using it you could still have your
logo with the transparent background and iteven says right here that they will remind
you three days before your trial ends so thisis something to think about if you want logo
and you definitely need a transparent backgroundfor it would be to go here some skin to go
ahead and download it right now it pops thisup but there are so many beautiful logo templates
in here I think the logos templates and hereare better than the actual logos that we saw
moment ago on fiber and what it does is allyour designs it saves them all and you can
at any time go and change them or reuse themor do whatever you want okay it downloaded
I'm closing this but you can do this justbe fun and I like looking in your just for
logo inspiration I mean you can get excellentlogo for a restaurant for any kind of a local
business for religious organization and youcan come in here and they probably got a template
that's almost a perfect starting point forjust about anything I mean these are really
nice designs and they've really nailed itand so that's why when I went here and I searched
for free logo and I came across can file whichI've used before I was really impressed that
they do logos now on probably most peopleare unaware of that so anyways take some time
and figure out what you can do with the logowhether you have a designer you already have
a logo where they're going to go the inexpensiveroute and use canvas or just hire someone
on five or you definitely gonna want to goahead and have a logo created and a lot of
times the color scheme that you you are designercomes up within the logo would be the colors
you use on your website or vice versa if you'reusing canvas on your own and you have already
choosing some colors for your color paletteyou might want to use those in your logo so
this is all I have for you on creating a logookay so now we are back into the WordPress
administration area right here in now you'veprobably learned more than you thought you
were to learn about logos and colors and topographyand all of that and so now we can actually
take what information and training you justgot and actually start applying it to this
website design so earlier in the tutorialI mentioned that you have this thing called
a WordPress theme and we happen to be usingthe Astra Theme and the vast majority of the
settings for the Astra Theme or anything forthat matter with WordPress is going to be
found in the customizer so what you can dois go to appearance and then there's a customize
option right here that will jump us straighton into the customizer however if you are
also on the front end of the website and youhave this administration bar appear you'll
notice that there is a customize option hereas well so why don't you go ahead and click
on that and it will take us right on intothe customizer so this is where working to
have the theme settings remember the themeis what we used to control the header and
the footer in the menus to put our logo andchoose our colors all of those global things
that have to deal with our website there canbe done right here in the customizer some
to walk you through them right now so thefirst tab right here is going to be for site
identity and this is typically going to beyour logo so when we click on it we see here
we get to logo options one is the normal logosize and then there's something called a retina
logo and that would be exactly doubled thesize of that normal logo and what that's gonna
do is if someone is on your website and thereon maybe an Apple device or a laptop or a
computer that has a 4K screen much higherresolution it instead of showing this logo
it'll be a little on the blurry side becausethe resolution so good it will instead show
this one right here so I can tell you rightnow on my computer I have a 4K screen it's
actually showing this logo but shrunk downto that size so it looks sharp and crisp Syrian
want to put your logo in here for these twovarious sizes and it's actually quite simple
to change the logo I can go ahead and clickon remove and it removes the logo and then
I will click on a select logo and then allI need to do is just drag and drop a new logo
file across so I have a file right here onmy computer just can use this up for demonstration
purposes you said just drag and drop it acrossand then I'm a go ahead and click on the select
right here now what happens is it in WordPresstakes you to this crop image screen don't
look at this and think that you actually haveto change the size of your logo because you
don't you can click on a skip cropping andthen it's going to go ahead and put that in
there now the reason why were not seen thelogo right here and that's because eyes like
I said a moment ago this is being displayedon my computer screen because I have a 4K
screen but if I was to remove this then itwould go ahead and show this logo right there
in one of the things I love about this AstraTheme is we can control the size of the logo
right here so if we had it and we wanted itto be larger we can just make it wider like
this or if it was showing to widen we uploadeda logo that's too large we can just adjust
the size here just like that and you alsohave control over it for mobile devices so
when you click on this you can have a mobilespecific setting for tablets and for mobile
devices now what you're also able to do isif you wanted to set your site title right
here you can check on this box and it willactually show the site title right there now
this doesn't actually look that good but thatis why we have this in-line logo and site
title option so fight check this box it'sgoing to move the title just off to the side
like that we could do the same thing if weentered a tagline typically though when you
have a logo you would just not show any kindof text here it would be just the logo but
if you wanted to have kind of an icon typeof logo like I have on my website which just
the sea these settings work fantastic forthat summer to go ahead and disable that right
there also right here you can set what's calleda Favor con so that's the little icons that
will show up in someone's browser might beup here or to be on the tabs that are just
above this you can upload an image for thator choose the same one so I'm go ahead and
reset the logo back to what it was okay nowwe are back to how it was okay so let's go
back and here we are now let's take a lookat some of the layout options and right here
we have our container and this is kind ofa complicated concept to explain this is how
wide your website will look on computer monitorssee you can have it fixed so this you can
go ahead and start with the launch plan Iwill say if you get this Pro plan it does
come with additional resources for your webhosting account but for this tutorial working
to choose the launch plan summary to go hereto order now and I'm in a go ahead and choose
the three year option that's going to getme the largest discount let's go ahead and
click on that and then it's can open up ina new tab and it's gonna take me straight
to their shopping cart okay and through thischeckout process there might be some options
or encouragement to upgrade to one of theother plans you can choose that if you want
or just click on no thanks so let's go throughthe order process really quick Template is
using a 1200 pixels wide so if you wantedto squeeze more in there for wider monitors
you can adjust this setting and you know whatI'll probably have to have a more specific
video on containers that all link down belowso that you can understand the difference
but there is a box to layout and so essentiallyyour container is what's going to be underneath
the header and above the footer how much spaceis used here and how it's used so right now
we have its full width from edge to edge butwe have other options we can have it be boxed
so the content is kind of restrained and soyou have some of those options there and you
can choose this option based upon differenttypes of content that you have so you might
want to look a little different for a blogpost and you most certainly will okay so let
me go back now here's an interesting optionand I love that this is here click on primary
header and so this is your header and thetheme has several header styles for you to
choose from now right now are using the mosttypical logo on the left menu on the right
but you can click this option right here whichI think would be very fitting for an e-commerce
website this puts the logo on the top in themenu just below it I really like that a lot
and if you're in a country where your websitesin your writing is right to left you might
like this layout works right to left to goback to right here ask them and leave it right
here I kind of like this for an e-commercewebsite not just pay attention the fact that
it does take up more height but it looks reallyclean it looks really good now right here
we have that shopping cart in the header thislittle icon right here for the shopping cart
to talk more about that in a little bit youdon't have to have that if you don't want
it that we can change this from from the shoppingcart icon to nothing and this will actually
just remove that shopping cart I icon nowI really like the shopping cart icon someone
to put that back in there like that a lotand you also have some options of how this
will look on a mobile device so let's go backand you also have layout options for blog
posts you have layout options for the sidebarthe footer let's take a look at the footer
so when I scroll all the way down we havethat footer down here and we have these four
columns so if I click on the footer widgetsright here it's good to show the layout so
if I didn't actually want this at all I canjust click on disable and watch what happens
that whole footer area proof it completelydisappears and were just left with this little
bit here for our copyright although I thinkin this site it's good to actually have it
so check that and get our footer back nowright here is the footer bar and that's this
area right here now you can choose this layoutthere's a couple layouts we can get rid of
entirely we can have it where there's informationon top of each other or it's on side-by-side
so right here you can have it be anythinghere and anything here on the rights right
now it sets a custom text but you have optionsof having a special dedicated menu down here
that's really nice if you have a privacy policyor disclaimers or things of that nature maybe
even a site map and you might want to havea special menu for the footer and you can
assign it but right now it's just that thecustom text and you can change the text to
whatever you want if you don't want to saythis you can just highlight it and check make
it say whatever you would like it to say andthat's can it be our footer bar okay so let's
back up again now you hear words is WooCommercethese are the layouts for the page with all
of our products and the layout for the individualproducts working to take a look at that when
we get to that point in the tutorial somethingto go ahead and back up now here is where
we can set colors and background colors sewingclick into their and let's first click into
base colors so we have our main theme colorright here and if you want to change any of
these colors you just click on select colorin this is where you would put that hex code
in that we talked about when we were in thetutorial and talking about choosing a color
palette so I could go ahead and choose anycolor and you'll see a change right away so
if I wanted to make it say this green justso it's a very noticeable color you can see
right there it started to change green andwhen I hover over these you see a changing
as well and other spots you will see how thiscolor choice carries into lots of different
aspects automatically for you in the themeso you can see this sale badge right here
it's pulling actually from that color so there'sa lot of things that are going to just pull
from this primary theme color and this iswhy the Astra Theme is so easy to get up and
start using is because it kind of configuresitself with minimal information from you some
to go ahead and put that back on the defaultcolor which I think might've been this black
or something along those lines which is fineprobably this one right here so this right
here is our text color so we can change thatlet me reset that we have our link hover color
and then we have our predominant backgroundcolor so you can just come here and pop your
colors in very easily summon to go back andfor our footer widgets we have the colors
there as well so when I scroll down we canhave control over the colors here and we have
the same color options and this is the backgroundcolor that you see in the same goes for right
underneath that this footer bar you can changethe color of the background and the colors
that you see there in case you have full controlbut you have really good control over the
colors that are used in the theme now let'stake a look at the topography options right
here in this are going to be where you'regonna put your fonts and we saw the video
about choosing a font pair so right here whichis base topography you can set your main font
family that you chose and there's all thesedifferent options here but I I hope that you
took the time that see a font pairing thatyou really want and you really like and here's
the weight and the style of the font whichis capitalized under case or lowercase you
can also use the font size right here youhave all these options now here is for the
actual headlines and you have full controlover the font of the headlines that are used
throughout your website some to go back let'stake a look at the content options now this
is going to give you control over the fontsize of the various headings that you may
use in your website design and what is reallynice if you have these mobile device specific
options right here that makes it so easy tomake sure your website looks good on all devices
some to go back now you also have controlover the sizes of fonts used for blog posts
and you also have it for single posts or pagesso you have all these controls but is not
an overwhelming amount of controls it's justenough to get you where you want to go now
we also have a default button styling so wecan click here and so we can check choose
the text color the color of the text whenthe mouse cursor is hovered over a button
and then we can choose the button backgroundcolor and then the background color when you're
hovering over a button you can also aroundyour buttons a bit so you can set a border
radius on my site I like to set this to fiveso it's just a little rounded right here it's
real sharp edge so this is going to roundedjust a little bit were actually skin around
it is much as you want you can make it appealsshaped or anything like that and right here
we can choose the padding of your button andI haven't talked about padding yet but I'm
in a talk about that soon that is spacingon the inside so there's two things called
margin and padding margin is spacing on theoutside padding is spacing on the inside so
the distance between these two buttons ismargin but the inside distance between the
lettering and the edge of the button thatis your padding bottom to talk about that
a whole lot more later on in this tutorialand that is your buttons now here is where
we can control our menu so right here we haveour menu I can click here on menus now this
website has some menus already created andyou can see where they are assigned so this
area right here is called the primary menuand when I look at these list of menus you
can create new menus I see right here themain menu is the name of this menu and it's
assigned to the primary menu so if I clickin it right here I can see all of my menu
options and exactly how they're ordered andI can see these are sub menu items of this
category and these are submenu items righthere you can easily rearrange anything so
if I wanted the about us page 2 show in adifferent location in the menu I can just
drag and drop it up and that's going to moveit right next to where it says home you see
how easy it is to put your menu together letme go back I really liked where that was this right here is to show a list of those
Gorgon and talk more about that later in thetutorials I just wanted to show you the menu
right here and if you scroll down this ishow you assign the menu to a location so you
can see right here is an option to assigna menu also to the footer so if I was to create
a new page for this website I would probablymaybe want to add that to be something that's
available in the menu some to go back nowthese menus are used in a sidebar on the shop
page and will take a look at those later onI just wanted to show you how to control and
set up and make this menu be exactly whatyou wanted to be okay so now I want to take
a look at well widgets were not really usingmuch right now this are the in footer area
of the website so when I scroll down we havefooter widget 123 and four actually there's
are menus I was saying these might be sidebarson the product or shop pages there actually
down here so I have a quick link menu a forher in a for him menu and that's being assigned
to these widget areas so widget area one isa navigation menu named quick links now you
can add additional widgets to to this areayou could just click) you see a list of widgets
I can click on one and easily add it or Ican also remove a widget if I didn't like
this I can do this arrow and click on removeand it will delete that widget so these are
our widget areas and this is what makes upthis footer now if I wanted to change any
of the options that are in this menu I willgo to the V menu which was in the settings
that we just saw so this was the for her menuI could go back I can go back to menus I can
click on it for her and then here it is soI just wanted to change the ordering I could
go like that in your Missy jeans was justmove up to the top and so that's how we can
get the footer to look exactly how you wantit to look okay so let's go ahead and back
up now lastly there are some WooCommerce thisis going to be the e-commerce platform there
are some specific settings that we can goahead and put in here however working to come
back into the customizer after we've gonethrough the part of this tutorial where were
learning everything about the e-commerce websiteand lastly in the customizer is this is called
additional CSS this is where you can put little/stylingsnippets of code now in this tutorial were
not really dealing with any code which isreally nice but from time to time you might
need to add a little bit of custom CSS I haveadvanced tutorials on that your doctor need
that for most of what you're going to do withthis WordPress based website but this is where
you would add that if you were ever askedto do it now all we need to do is click on
publish in any changes we've made have nowbeen published to the live site so the main
change we made was this right here so letme click on the X get out of there and then
I'll go to the front end of the website andshow you that there is our new header style
so I just don't want you to be intimidatedwith all of the different options because
if you've noticed Astra is a very simple towork with it's very smart in how the options
are you pick a color and its use in variouslocations throughout the site the same goes
for fonts and it gives you exactly what youneed to get the job done however there's also
a pro version of Astro that were going togo and take a look at now okay some of the
Astor website and you can get there by visitingWPCrafter.com/Astra AST RA it will take you
straight over here also have a link in thevideo description box and let's just take
a look around at this this Pro version andkind of what you get with it so let's first
take a look at the pricing and this is byno means saying you absolutely have to get
this now because you don't have to get thisnow but it's nice to know that this is a developer
for you when you're ready for it if you'dlike to do more with your website if you want
to support the developers this is somethingthat is definitely available for you so first
let's take a look at pricing and then I wentto show you around the Pro version and just
full disclosure I am using the Astra Themeon my website and I'm using the professional
version some go ahead and click on pricingso you can see the Astra Theme what were going
through in this video tutorial is completelyfree completely free of charge I've never
come across such a high quality theme andit also happens to be free and as you've noticed
so far there's been no purchase required foranything now they also have the professional
version and it is $59 it can be used on unlimitedwebsites you get support and updates for a
year and then if you want support and updatesafter the first year you can renew and it's
a 20% off discount here's a short list ofsome of the things that you're going to get
actually when I click on see all featuresyour ego some it's gonna run through these
and then I'm going to try to shoot at my bestactually show them to you soon get a transparent
header to show you that sticky header that'swhen you scroll down the header will kind
of stick to the top you can get dynamic pageheaders that something I really need to demonstrate
to you it's very powerful you get more coloroptions which is nice you have more topography
options as well you can do something calledcustom layouts I'd have to demonstrate that
on a different video I love custom layoutsthis is one of those teachers that really
sets Astra Pro far and above every other themethat I've come across as his custom layouts
you can have additional footer layouts sowe just looked at the footer and we saw that
there was no footer or the four widgets whereyou can have more layout options the scroll
to top link that is what you can see righthere this little purple thing right there
and you get more options for your headersyou can build more complex layouts you can
white label it that's usually for someonethat's developing websites for someone and
you don't want them to know you're using theAstra Theme get additional blog layouts site
layouts and here's the big one you get WooCommerceextra WooCommerce stuff and I'm in a mostly
demonstrate that in this video additionalheader designs spacing controls this is amazing
I'm using this right now and this is a veryvery helpful and the mega menu has not come
out just yet so these are what you get withthe Pro version seeing it on a list like that
isn't as good as actually seeing it in actionso here is a site built with Astra and Astra
Pro and I'm in a show you some of the probablyjust the WooCommerce related features and
I think when you see it you might understandwhy this is such a great value but like I
said you don't have to jump into this rightnow it can be when you're ready so first you
can see the beautiful transparent header sothere is no color background here just blends
in with the image that's there and then hereis that sticky header you see him scrolling
down and it's sticking there to the top sothat is some of the pro features let's take
a look at the e-commerce Summit click on shopright here and so here's one of the features
that I like you can have this filter optionso if you're in have lots of different products
and you might want to provide filtering optionsif you click on this watch what happens you
get this nice slide out option here side paneland there's a filter and you can put anything
you want in this slide out option I reallylike that a lot now you can still have filter
options without Astro probes it would be ona sidebar that's always there taking up space
so this way you're able to actually show moreproducts and then just show those options
when someone actually needs to see them nowthere's another really nice feature on these
products when you hover over it that has somethingcalled quick view so I can click on a quick
view like this and then here is the productand now I can just go straight to adding it
to the cart and check out so when I clickon add to cart I can click on view cart but
the point is it makes it easier for someoneto actually get to the point of clicking on
the buy button I really like that quick viewfeature just like that and then do an add
to cart speaking of add to cart look at thisyou have a more customized add to cart options
here so you can change the cart icon and yousee were also showing the amount of the products
or the amount of money that is required forthe cart so let's go ahead and take a look
at a product page right here and scroll downand you can see this is one have the gallery
no I don't think it does let me go to productthat does have the gallery in its okay here
you go see get this really nice gallery withthe multiple pictures that you can have here
on the side that's another really nice featurelet's take a look at the shopping cart so
if I go here and I click on view cart thisarea right here which is one of those page
headers that I showed you and all of thesevarious pages are using the single page headers
right here where you can do some really nicethings and set the background image now when
you click on check out it's probably not gonnawork on the demo right here because it's not
a live chat shopping cart when you click onthat it also has the option of having a distraction
free check out that's where when someone'sat the checkout page it removes the menu items
and just take your logo and puts it rightthere in the middle so someone could stay
focused on checking out and that's a veryunique feature that will certainly pay off
in the higher conversions people actuallycompleting their check out and there's also
an option to have a multi step check out thatis very good as well so can break out what
you require are the steps required to actuallycheck out the putting their contact information
in and then completing the actual purchaseso those are just some of the highlights of
what comes with Astra Pro you also get supportsyou get direct support you can submit tickets
and they will respond to you but what you'realso doing is you're supporting the developer
that has made this free theme and you're alsogetting something in return so I can't recommend
Astra Pro enough I use it and I trust themwith my website which is extremely important
to me the amount of traffic that hits my websiteand so anyways if you want to check out Astrid's
WPCrafter.com/Astra I just wanted to showyou what it can do when you're ready to get
it if you're ready to give it get it it'sright here it's ready for you it's easy to
add to your website when you're ready to domore with it so now it's time to learn how
to use the page builder Elementor all rightnow it is time to learn how to use Elementor
and working to start off from scratch andat the end of this section of the two oriole
you're going to have a vast understandingof what a page builder is and how to use it
to build what you want to build so first let'sjust figure out and talk about what Elementor
is so technically it's a page builder forWordPress page builder means it's a tool that's
can allow you to easily through an interfacebuild out the page of your website for each
individual page and the reason we use Elementor'sbecause there's really no easier way to build
webpages because there is no coding requirednow prior to tools like Elementor if you wanted
to build a website you had to know how towrite all different types of code and that
just was a unique skill set that only certainpeople had so you would have to go out and
hire someone to build a website for you witha tool like Elementor you don't have to know
any code there is no coding required to builda webpage now there are some best practices
near learn all that in this video and someconcepts you can learn all of that but the
point is you don't need to have an educationin coding you don't have to have any experience
in coding you don't even really have to bea technical person in order to build a website
that you're going to be thrilled to have sothere's this transition from manually coding
out websites to using tools like Elementoron top of WordPress to build amazing websites
people don't really and code anymore they'renow using tools like Elementor now Elementor
is going to be used to create the contentthat's going to be below the header of your
website and above the footer of your websitethat is called your container area of a any
webpage and you're going to use Elementorfor that part of your website let's talk about
something called the page structure so righthere you see an image of what my website looks
like in working to go through in this tutorialhow this is done and the page structure that
goes into building something like this solet's talk about what Elementor does essentially
is going to allow you to create separate containerson a page now just think of it like a container
that might be in your house you have thiscontainer and you can put things in that container
and you can have different container stylesyou can actually put some items in a container
and then take that container and then putit in a another container so when were looking
at your page and the page structure it's issimply just a series of containers now the
phrase that you're in hear me say over andover again in the terminology that Elementor
uses they're called sections so you have thesesection containers now your section container
can have a unique background to it may bean image or video or maybe an image in kind
of a color that kinda blends over it calledthe gradient maybe just a solid color these
are called backgrounds that you can add tothis section container and then this is section
containers can I have different spacing calledmargins in padding and urinate hear me talk
about that a lot margin is the space outsideof the container padding is the space inside
of the container it's very simple if you justthink of it on those terms margin is the outside
space padding is the inside space a big partof web design is spacing everything that you
have on your webpage margin and padding you'regoing to come to understand that very good
now your section can have columns in it andso can it be one call number to call him or
three columns you can to have any number ofcolumns inside the section container however
column is kind of a container in its own andit can have its own unique background and
it can have its own unique margins and padding'sso if you had a section container and it had
a solid black background and then you hadto call them containers in there in that column
one you wanted it to be a green backgroundin the second column you wanted it to be a
purple background columns can have their ownbackgrounds margin and padding the spacing
then there's the items that you put into thesecontainers and those I refer to as modules
or elements or widgets you're gonna reallyhear those three terms used interchangeably
so if I say you're to put this module in thiselement in or this widget in your inherent
those three phrases that are typically referringto these things called modules so there's
like a headline module there is a text boxmodule there's an image module there is a
video module there's all these different thingsthere modules elements widgets use all those
words interchangeably when were looking atElementor so now let's go back and look at
my website that my webpage again that I showedyou a moment ago let's take a look at it again
but keeping this concept in mind of containerssections columns modules and all of that so
here is the first part of my website in thisright here is what it's the header now Elementor
right now is not used to create headers ofcourse in the future and there can open up
that functionality but today your header isbest created with your theme remember how
I said earlier in this part of the tutorialthat Elementor you use it for the container
and that's all the content underneath yourheader and above your foot or so this right
here is my header and it's done with my themelet's look the next part this is a container
it's its own separate container and you cansee the the sum of the properties of this
section container are it has a white backgroundit's a kind of a basic container now when
you look at this container how many columnsdoes it look like it has in it and has to
write on the right side you see a pictureof me on the left side you see some text and
some icons those are separate column containersnow let's figure out what modules are actually
in these column containers on the right youhave an image and it's just an image of me
on the left you have some text and some iconsso you can start to look at this page of mine
and start identifying the separate sectionsand what is going into building this page
so let's take a look at the next one and thisis a separate section and it has a green background
and the element that I have in here rememberI say modules elements widgets on menus all
three phrases they all mean the same thingall I have is a headline in there let's look
at the next one this is a separate sectionin this one actually has a contains my social
media icons one container the section onecolumn and it has the social media icons in
it and the last part from the screenshot isthis section as well and it has three columns
here and you can see some differences eachcolumn part of it is an image some text and
it has a white background you see that therethere is this white background and so this
is another section on my website so let'stake these concepts for a moment will get
out of the presentation and will actuallystart working with Elementor right now and
I think all of this is just gonna start comingtogether and make complete and total sense
so here I have just a demo website that alreadyhas some Elementor pages built with it so
when you first install Elementor it's goingto and activated its can add some options
right here in option panel so this is theback and the setting options for Elementor
and obviously when were inside of the pagethere's different settings there so these
are more administrative some of the go aheadand click right here and you have these options
you have a library so I'm in a show you ina moment how you are able to save these section
containers and you can save them here ourentire pages that you built you can save them
into this library and it will make it veryeasy to reuse it on other parts of your website
you can also export and import section templatesor full-page templates but this will go ahead
here and take a look at the settings panelnow right here is the options of the areas
of WordPress were were able to have Elementorwork in that is by default pages and posts
right here the more you at your website andit creates different content types there might
be additional options here now here are somerestrictions on user roles this goes into
the WordPress and the user account systemif you just have one log into your website
then you don't need to bother with this settingright here but if you have a website with
multiple different user types logging in youhave some control over who can use Elementor
on your website next right here is to disabledefault colors and fonts so if you enable
this colors will be pulled from your WordPresstheme and if you disabled this the cut the
fonts will be pulled from your WordPress themenow you can do that some people really prefer
to do that and there are some reasons whythat is actually helpful thing it makes it
easier if you want to change colors in thefuture or if you want to change fonts in the
future I will say though that even on my websitethat I'm extensively using Elementor on I
don't have these checked but this are somepeople's preferences okay so then we have
these tabs appear still in the settings optionlet's go ahead and click on style and see
some of the style options so here we can setour generic font I never use that option right
there here is the content with and it saidto 1200 so this was going to be how wide the
content area is on your website this wouldgo in line with your team in your themes setting
this is interesting I would recommend leavingthis and this is going to be the spacing between
widgets so we talked about containers andthey have these widgets elements modules in
it this is how much spacing will be betweenthem you could set this to zero if you wanted
to manually enter that in or just leave ithere at 20 now the next two options really
have to do with your theme in integratingthis with your theme most people will not
need to change anything here but if you'reusing a theme with Elementor that doesn't
support Elementor you might need to set theseso that you can get it to work properly and
here you have an option if you're going touse certain images where you want someone
to click on it and have that image pop upyou can see that in a portfolio type of page
or some kind of a photo collage or photo showcasewhere you might want images were you click
on it for to open up in a pop up let's takea look at some of our advanced settings are
right here now or you're pretty much not canever need to go to these settings but right
here you leave the CSS print med method toexternal file now this is something that's
good to know it's his switch editor loadermethod some web hosts may have trouble loading
Elementor in that case you can come in hereand enable this option right here I haven't
been in a situation where I have needed toenable it but this option is here for a reason
and it's good just to know that it is thereif you're having trouble getting into the
Elementor editor so now it's go ahead andclick on tools and working to see some tools
here that is good to be aware of so firstthis one right here regenerate files this
is if you're looking at the front end of yourwebsite you just created a page with Elementor
in your something's just not looking rightyou can come in here and just as a troubleshooting
measure measure click right here it says generateregenerated files now Elementor has a template
library and it will automatically sync butthere's also this manual option to click on
this button to initiate a sink so what happensis they will release new templates for free
and also in the Pro version in this libraryand you might want to or maybe you're in a
situation where something new is not showingand you can force it to sink Nexus click on
replace URL this is very useful if you arebuilding a website and at some point you need
to migrated to a different domain name orif you started using your website without
using an SSL certificate and then you wantedto switch to using an SSL certificate this
will update the URL for you just put the oldone put the new one and then click on replace
URL whatever you do make sure you have a backupbefore you do it because it's not so easy
to switch back if there's a problem next isa version control now what happens with WordPress
plug-ins like Elementor is from time to timewell with Elementor it's pretty regularly
they release updates and so though push outa new version if you happen to have any problems
with a new version that is released you cancome here click this button and it will just
revert you back to the prior version and thisis good to know if you're ever in a pinch
and you're wondering if an update caused theproblem for you right here and I probably
wouldn't recommend this depending on yourskill level but you this might be good if
you have a testing set up but this will enablebeta releases to be is delivered to you as
an update so you can leave it on disablednow for me I like it enabled because I want
to test future versions obviously for whatI do it's a good idea for me but it might
not be a good idea for you next is one ofmy favorite features of Elementor I surprise
they kinda bury it in here this maintenancemode right here now this is really cool so
if you're building a website you want to havea under construction or a maintenance mode
type of notification up and people won't beable to see your website while Elementor makes
it super easy to do this so right here youcan choose where you wanted to be coming soon
maintenance and then you can choose who canaccess it so if it's log then that means you
can access it when you actually log into yourwebsite and then right here you can choose
a template and so that would be in the mylibrary so essentially you could go to the
library create a new page save it and thenit would appear in this list here this is
how you can put your website in maintenancemode so no one can see what you're doing that
all they'll see is that page that you createor you select right here and also there is
some Elementor templates for a coming soonpage I really love this feature right here
it's one of my favorite things with Elementorand it's very unique so it last is the system
info right here and this is just some statsfrom your web hosting environment so if you're
having a problem element and you reach outto Elementor for support they might ask you
for this system info in here it is right thereso here's a version of this report that is
very easy to copy and paste and send to themso these are the back end settings for Elementor
let's go ahead and now take a look at theElementor interface so what we can do me click
on pages first so here are some existing pageson this website I put this together just because
I thought it would be perfect for kind ofgetting an idea of how Elementor works and
this is a perfect website page to do thatwith so here are some existing pages but if
you wanted to start fresh you would just clickon add new you would give your page and name
and then click on publish and then right hereyou'll be able to click on edit with Elementor
and it will take you right on into the pagebuilding experience but what working to do
is working to look at an existing page andjust cannot deconstruct how it was built and
start applying these concepts of containerscalled sections and they have unique properties
like background colors videos and in and whatyou can place inside of them someone click
on this page right here and since it's alreadybeen set up with Elementor announces edit
with Elementor a minute click on this andit's can open up the loader and just in the
second or two it's going to take me righton in okay so right here is the header and
remember the header is not built with yourpage billers not built with Elementor it's
actually from your theme so I can actuallyedit anything in the header but everything
underneath the header which is starts righthere and everything above the footer so when
I scroll down this is the footer I can't editanything in here but I can edit from here
on so that is the container area of the websitewhere we can have sections and columns and
can drag and drop these elements before Ideconstruct everything here on the right let's
take a look at some of the settings and optionswe have available to us in the editing experience
so right here were looking at a list of theelements that we can drag and drop in here
and you can scroll down now if you have anyat Elementor add-on packages it may add additional
elements of you have Elementor Pro X can addsome additional elements and settings you
can always get to this part of the interfaceby clicking on this keypad dial looking thing
right here this box it'll always take youback here and to make it easy to find different
widgets that you want you can just enter itin in the search box here because you're going
to find that there's certain ones that youjust tend to use all the time now this global
tab right here when I click on it this isa feature that is in Elementor Pro word allows
you to save something say for example thisI can just save this and use it on other parts
of the website let me go back to elementsso now let's click on the hamburger icon this
is called the hamburger icon go ahead andclick on that and this is gonna take us to
the Elementor settings that we have when werein the editing experience so the first three
options are really convenience features solet's first click on default colors this is
going to allow you to choose a default colorsthat are going to be used by default when
you drag and a module or element in here sothere certain ones where it might have a headline
and it's automatically going to pull thisprimary color in or secondary any texts it'll
pull this color and your accent color so youcan actually set these to your color palette
quite easily so if I click right here wherethe blue is I can go ahead and paste in a
color code and then save it and now what willhappen is anything sent to the primary color
will be all linked to this color and you canchange it at a later point to this is actually
very useful to come in here and set your colorpalette up someone said they recommend or
suggest but you're probably just going towant to use your color palette I'll show you
what I mean with that actually right now solet me go ahead and click on the dial pad
right here and I'm in a drag-and-drop a headingin let's say right there and what color is
it using that primary color right there inthe same thing goes for other widgets that
we have here I know for example the icon boxI believe is the same thing a put that underneath
my heading and you see it has that primarycolor so if I go back I'll click on the hamburger
icon click back on default colors now I'mclicking on my primary color and say I wanted
to make that white you see how that worksand this is your primary color some just clear
that out let me go back to the default onelike that here's a reset option she'll want
to go ahead and set those and then click onthe apply button right here so no to go back
by clicking on the hamburger icon and thesame applies the fonts so only click on here
we can set our primary headline secondaryheadline body text font and are accent text
so on any of these you can click on it andit will reveal the options and you can choose
your font through this long list right hereand you can choose the thickness or better
known as the weight and you can do that forall of these four fonts and it's the same
concept this is the heading font right hereif I changed this right here it would change
it right there this is smart because if youhave everything linked to these default settings
here if you ever change your mind you caneasily go here and change color or you can
go here and change a font that's what's verynice about this so to go back and click on
the hamburger icon now the color picker issimilar so any element that has a color to
it you get to choose your color and there'ssome default color options that are shown
in these are those default colors so for examplehere's this green let me click on it and I'm
in a choose just change it to some kind ofgoal like that okay so now it was green and
now it is purple now let me show you how that'suse them to click on apply and now I'm going
to click on this headline right here and thecolor option for this is underneath this style
option right here some click on that here'sthe text color and so here's a color picker
watch what happens when I click on it we havethe color palette and you see that last color
there it is it was that purple that I selectedso let me get back to that, click on the hamburger
icon click on color panel and color pickerand there it is so you can have your colors
in here and it's just gonna make it so muchmore convenient when you're changing colors
on your website so when I go back you seethese are to be your default colors but these
are to be the colors that are available inthe color picker now here we have just some
settings specific to this page now here wehave some settings that we already saw when
we were in the back end of Elementor but they'realso available here so right here on global
settings remember the style the font the spacingthe widget space and all of that and right
here is another option that we saw for theimage of light box we can choose different
colors for that let me go back there and thenthis and you concede with this icon this when
you actually click it it will take you backinto the back end of WordPress into those
Elementor settings and of course here is theoption to exit altogether from the page building
interface okay so let's click on the numberpad here and were back to our elements and
let's look at these options that we have downhere so right here we can go and see the settings
that are specific to just this page so let'sgo ahead and click on that and right here
is the title of the page and right here Iis the is the template now there something
that Elementor has for creating landing pagesis called Elementor canvas and when you put
a page in Elementor canvas mode it completelyremoves all of the theme generated elements
such as your header and footer so you seeI have the header and down below I have the
footer if I click on Elementor canvasser tosee them completely vanished and all I'm left
with is my page and I scroll down you cansee that footer is no longer there so that
is Elementor canvas it's actually fantasticfor creating landing pages where you want
to eliminate all any distracting elementslike a nap and menu navigation so that's where
that comes in handy and also you can havethe status or access to the status of this
page or post and this one is published butI can put it in draft mode if I wanted private
and I don't wanted to be available publiclyyet and then we have this delete button here
I'm glad that it lights up and read becauseif I was the click on this it's going to delete
all the content on this page so it's sortof a reset button okay so click on the number
okay so click on the dial pad here get backto my elements next we have the responsive
mode options this is gotta be one of my favoritefeatures with Elementor this is obviously
what it's gonna look like on a desktop butif I click right here I can see what it will
look like on a tablet and I can start changingthings so if I wanted to make this font smaller
I can click on it and I can change it justthe four people that are viewing it on this
device and there's lots of controls throughoutElementor like this so we see right here we
have this alignment option this is mobilespecific so I can make it have a different
alignment for tablet or for a mobile deviceso now let's see with the mobile preview looks
like and there it is so there's things memberis talking about spacing there's margin and
padding margin is the space outside of yourcontainer padding is the space inside the
container or you're going to be able to tweakthose based upon the device so that you can
make sure you get pixel perfect website designsfor all device types, to go back into my desktop
view now and let's shrink that next we haveour history in this is a fabulous feature
with Elementor is it retains a history ofseveral things so every time you click on
this update button it's going to save thatas a revision and also when you're making
changes alive in the page it's gonna saveeach one of those and it's going to allow
you to just do a quick undo or a quick rollbackfrom just what you change so let's go ahead
and click on that and take a look so we havethe actions and the revisions remember the
revision is each time you click on the updatebutton now when I go here you can see I have
two different revisions right here I can actuallyclick on a different revision and it will
go back to how this looked at that time andthen you can jump forward you can also delete
revisions there is an exit there to deleterevisions let's go back to actions so these
are actions that have happened since I lastsaved so I can go back on these as well and
you saw what I added was this icon box andI added this headline but if I wanted to go
back say to when I just added the headlineI can click right here and what happened was
is a got rid of the icon box and I can goback even more now was really nice about Elementor
is there are keyboard shortcuts just likewhen you're in your word processor or email
program or anywhere on your computer Elementoralso has keyboard shortcuts so you don't have
to go into here each time so I can even goback to when my editing started by clicking
right here and now I am all back to normalnow the next icon here is the I and this is
really just the preview button another's twoways to preview it you can click on this it's
gonna get you completely out of the Elementorinterface and open it in a new tab when we
do that now so it opened up a new tab andit's going to show me this page in preview
mode and I'm completely out of the Elementoreditor however there's another way that you
can do it and that's what clicking right herethis little tab when I click on it it makes
the Elementor interface disappear and I'min it and the previews type of mode as well
I guess the pre-purest way of previewing itwould be to click on the eye however you be
in there's also a keyboard shortcut to makethis show or hide as well that is available
in Elementor I hope you're seeing how amazingElementor is in full-featured this page builder
is and it's amazing that it is free and thenlastly we have this update button here and
this is going to save all the changes thatyou've made when it's green like this that
means there are changes that are availablethat haven't been saved but when I click on
it you're gonna see that it's not green anymoreand that's because I now have an up-to-date
save which is really just backing up on thesevarious actions that I did in this part of
the video okay someone click on the dial padagain so now let's start talking about and
kinda deconstructing this page here so whenI start hovering over items like this you
see everything kind of light up in differentboxes so when you see this blue right here
this means that you're at the section containerlevel now if I click right here watch what
happens it pulls up the section settings righthere now get to these in a moment let's look
at these other icons and what they do thisoption will duplicate an entire section this
right here will give you the option of addinga section a above this section right here
I can save a section to the Elementor libraryto use it over again and then right here I
can remove a section entirely so when I'min a do is click on the plus right here and
add a section and there it just reveals andI want to click right here where it says add
new section the first thing it asks me iswhat is the structure and so this would be
just one column or two column with three columnsand so on and so forth now you can adjust
the amount of space that each column is soif you wanted to if you started was say this
kind of a layout you wanted maybe the middleyou change your mind you wanted the middle
column to be larger to go to this it's reallyeasy to manually do that now show you how
so what I'll do is actually here here I'lljust go ahead and start with a two column
layout and so now we have this section righthere we have a column right here and we have
a column right here now before I get intomaking this section how we might want it I
want to show you what happens I want to showyou how to access the column settings you
know when I'm hovering over this column wehave this little option panel right here and
when I click on that it's now going to bein the column settings you see how it's his
edit column we have a similar layout styleand advance options there so I'm in the column
settings but if I click right here on theblue I'm in the section settings so columns
and sections have separate settings and wehave this menu option right here so right
here I can click on this to duplicate a columnI can click on this to add a column and I
can click on this to remove a column let'sjust see how easy that is so her want to duplicate
a call my click here and now we have threecolumns if I want to delete a column I can
just click on the X and now I'm back to twocolumns let's do that one more time there
is now I have three now I can also resizemy column CC that I can just click on the
edge and adjust the size now there's a moreprecise way in the column settings I just
wanted to show you the column container itselfin case'85 Go ahead and get rid of that I'll
click on X now what I want to do before welook at the settings for sections and columns
I'm just drag-and-drop a headline in heresome and a click on the dial pad here's my
heading to drag and drop it right there andthere it is and so we have nothing here and
we have the heading here so let's take a lookat the settings for a section so remember
your section column settings are to be verysimilar I just click here announces edit section
so first thing is our layout options and thenwe'll have our style options that's gonna
be the color of the background or an imageor video in the advanced options that's gonna
be where these this margin and padding optionsare going to be in some other options so we
have first some options here of the placementof the content so essentially what this option
means is the contents not going to be fromedge to edge that means the module the background
will be edge to edge but the actual contentwon't be edge to edge it'll stay within the
same frame as your webpage okay next we havethe columns gap so right now that's the gap
between these two columns I can get rid ofit or go through any of these settings if
I wanted to automatically add a gap betweenthese columns I considered default height
for the section so right now it's just thisthe default is the amount of space it needs
to hold its contents but I can do a fit thescreen so that means this section will take
up the height of the entire screen or I cango to a minimum height and then I have this
slider right here so if I wanted it to bea minimum of this height I can do that if
I want to exit let's do something like thatin this it has a mobile option as well so
on different devices I can have it be a differentminimum height then we have the content position
this is where the content will be positionedin the entire section so right now it is set
to middle but I can go to bottom and you cansee the content went to the bottom I could
go to the top like that or I can leave itin the middle and that's how you would space
your content scoops that was actually thecolumn position I'm sorry the same concept
flows into content position as well okay andyou can change your structure if you wanted
to after the fact that we have our style optionsright here and so we have our background this
is the first thing we can choose we can adda border we can have a shape divider which
is really cool and we could set some defaulttopography options for this section so if
I wanted everything in this section to havethe font to be white I can send it here in
one location so let's go ahead and add a backgroundso right here I can choose from classic this
is just get a big color here is a gradientso this is a blending of colors and I can
choose a background video and now when yousee these hover options like this you can
see this in various locations this would changethe settings beneath it when the mouse cursor
is hovering over that area it's a very neatfeature so let's go ahead and put a color
in and I can show you how that works I'm ina click right here and then here's a color
picker I can click right here and I can justchoose the color of my choice you see that
was the same color as the font let's put somethingdifferent there we go and I have a color in
their and that's simple so I could also putan image in soap I clicked on that I click
on media library these are just some existingpictures that are on this website right here
how about this dog right here let's see clickon insert media and there is our image now
what happens with images if you haven't madeit the size you want there is this position
option so I think I'm in a go center bottomto get the dog in there there we go how about
center rights actually know about middle centerthere we go now we have the dog and there
she was have to just pay attention to thesize of the images that you upload and how
it may fit now we have other options for howa an image will display in the background
we can try playing around with the size tosee if we can get that looking any better
so here's the defaults here's the auto settingis not making a change here's the cover setting
and that actually makes a really big changeand it looks a lot more like the image here
in the picture I actually come like the waythat looks now a lot of times when you use
an image or video and you try to put texton top it's a little hard to see the text
that's what you might want to put a backgroundoverlay this would be overlaying a color or
gradient over the image so many click on thatand I'm in a choose a color overlay so I can
click right here and let me go ahead and choosea dark color and you see how it starting to
make it easier to read the text when I dothat and I can adjust this to adjust the transparency
or how strong that color comes across andnow it's making it a lot easier to read the
text and this is pretty much the same settingsare going to get or a column that's probably
not gonna look good in this section I'm creatingright now but we also have these shaped dividers
and you could put them on the top of the sectionor on the bottom of the section and it will
add a shape so let's try to add a shape tothe top why not so here is a list of them
and I'll just show you one or two and you'llget the point I've made videos on this before
there is a shape divider right there and youhave all these controls to change how it looks
and you can change the height of it if youjust wanted it to be subtle you can do all
sorts of things with this you can flip ityou can change this color right there there's
so much control you have over this typicallyyou see people use it on the bottom and it
looks good when the section on the bottomhas a solid color so here's mountains on the
bottom like that you can play around withit but you can see how this is a very powerful
design tool when you come into the settingshere and less I said about the topography
this is your fonts you can set it so you canhave a setting that will be applied to all
the text that might be in a particular sectionso for example heading color so if I wanted
to change all the headings colors I can justgo in here and set it for the entire section
and click right here in this case I mightgo with the white font and there it is so
you can see that you can set topography optionsfor an entire container section if that is
what you like and that is our style optionsand you can have a lot of these style options
are most of them in the column setting sonumb to go ahead and click on advanced and
this is where we have margin and padding somargin is your space outside of the container
so if I increase it on the top it's gonnapush the container down because it's space
on the outside now padding is space on theinside so it will stretch the inside let me
give you an example of this actually let meget rid of the sheet divider really quick
so that was down here under shaped dividersit was the bottom shaped divider I'll switch
that to none and then I will go back in hereall right so for margin and padding you can
click on click or leave this click this willlink the same values together so for padding
if I start increasing it like this you noticehow they all increase okay that's when they're
all locked together and you can unlock itif you wanted to just by clicking right here
so I'm in a go ahead and I'll leave the marginlocked okay and see what happens when I increase
it you can see what's happening it's the spaceoutside of your container so when I increase
that it add space above and below that ismargin patting is different so with padding
it is the space inside so as I increase thisit's adding space right here and if I increase
this it's can add space on the bottom andthat is what padding is and you can also control
left and right patting if I wanted to increaseit actually this would be the left padding
watch what happens when I do this it pushesthat text inside like that so spacing is a
big part of web design and it's importantto understand how to use margin in patting
margin is the space outside padding is thespace inside and for these two controls there
is a mobile options right here so you canset it on a per device basis and you're definitely
going to want to do that so me a lot thisback up and then delete it out here some entrance
animation options some technical I optionshere with CSS responsive options this is really
really neat so you have visibility optionsso what this means is if I only wanted this
container to show on a desktop and not ona tablet or mobile I can just click here and
click here and now this will only show ona desktop I use this a lot I'll create a section
just for my desktop and then I'll create onejust for mobile devices and so that's how
you would go ahead and do that and then thisright here is just an advanced feature in
Elementor Pro's actually very good featureI happen to use it a lot cane that's add custom
CSS here's a little on the technical sideso that is the section container and here
is the same thing I'll just quickly jump throughit the same thing for columns now columns
right here you can set the column with rememberI was here adjusting it you see how the numbers
going up and down when I do that you havefull control over that number just by manually
entering something in here is our same stylingoptions right here and here's our same spacing
of margins and padding's and that's the sameoptions we found inside of the section so
we've covered a ton already we talked aboutsections in columns and elements and here
are elements and you just literally drag anddrop them in each element is going to have
its own setting panel as well so right herethis is the heading elements and when I click
on it right here there are options for thecontent that's in it the style and advanced
so you're already familiar with style in advancenow these options are to change based upon
the module that you're working with othersalso some stuff I wanted to show you here
when you're hovering over a module you seethat blue pencil in the top right when I hover
over that this gives me options to deletethis module or widget right here I can also
duplicate it and right here I can edit whichreally just brings up the settings so I wanted
to duplicate this I can just click like thatand then I can just drag and drop actually
let him go like this drag and drop that rightthere was a very easy to do now one of the
nice things about Elementor is it has somethingcalled in the line editing so what that means
is for the vast majority of text you havetwo options of modifying the text so right
here when I click on this you can see righthere I can edit the text I can go right here
and edit it and it add it at and it gets addedhere in real time but you also have in-line
editing so I can click right here and I canstart typing directly here and when I click
like that I have I can highlight somethingI have options I can bold I can underline
and I can italicize so if I wanted to boldthat out I can go like that and now that is
bold and you can see it changes what is herethis is known as in-line editing and it's
one of the great features of Elementor soyou have two ways of doing it so this headline
has these options I can make it a hyperlinkif I wanted I could just pop something in
there I can change the size of the text righthere I can set the alignment so if I wanted
to write a line I could do that and you havemobile options for that and then in the style
tab we can have unique topography optionshere we can have unique color and if I click
right here it's his topography have optionsand another thing right here is take shadow
which is really advanced and really cool wecan actually place a shadow underneath it
so it's easier to read and just by actuallyclicking on that it actually added a shadow
and there's a subtle difference between thetwo you can do some really neat things with
this text shadow option what's nice is youknow in here and play around with the settings
and everything and you can if you don't likeand you change your mind you can just click
this right here and it puts it back to defaultalso with elements we have the style of our
spacing or margin and padding just beforeit's in those same options here so some of
the most commonly used elements are goingto be image so you could just drag and drop
that there and then right here you can clickon delete and then click here again and choose
an image click on insert media and there weput a picture in that was very easy and you
have your alignment and all of that anothercommonly used elements going to be the text
editor this is just to be normal paragraphsof text you can see that right there so for
this we have the same in-line editing we haveour content box here and we have a style tab
right here and I can change the text colorto what I want to if I wanted to make it white
there is my text color and you're alreadyfamiliar with a lot of these options already
and then let's go back here we have an optionto add a video a very common element you're
going to use is to add a button here let meclean this up a little bit and will take a
look at the button this is probably one ofthe most powerful modules that you have so
this is how your button starts and you canchoose different styles right here you can
change your text I think this also has in-lineediting yes so I can start changing the text
right there popular Lincoln you can set youralignment you can set a default size so if
you wanted it large now we can adjust what'sit called what's this called hears it margin
or padding it is going to be padding's organto change that in a moment you can also toss
an icon in there if you wanted so let's justthrow something in knowledge jump into style
and guess what we see here padding so it'sall locked right now so if I start increasing
get it just removed all of the padding andnow there's just one little pixel of padding
so you can go here and maybe set it to 10and then unlock it and then maybe add some
more to the right and the left of the buttonto make it just gonna look a little better
so let's try to make it 2525 so there yougo I usually like my buns to be a little wider
maybe like that and see how it's adding someadditional padding to the side there it is
okay let's make these the same and you cantotally have control of the button you can
control the topography right there buttonis something where you're going to maybe want
something different for the hover so you canhave control over the text and the background
on the normal state and then the hover stateso for hover I'm going to make the text why
it's and then I'm going to make the backgroundsomething like this purple so now watch what
happens I hover and the button changes justlike that there's also some animations if
you wanted it to do something when someonehovers there it is you see how that changed
so you have full control here it's just gettingcomfortable with these style options here's
our border radius I told you I usually liketo have five there is some there by default
so here it is let me go to five I think itmight've been five by default there it is
and we can also do some box shadow this putsa little shadow underneath the elements and
it can elicit off the page and so that isthe button you're going to use the button
a lot there's dividers and spacers you canhave Google maps your to use image boxes icon
boxes photo galleries lists counters progressbars I don't really use progress bars that
much myself but that your progress bar rightthere here's the counter I don't usually use
counters that much either but there is a counterand you have full control over the style as
soon as you start getting comfortable withit we have tabs toggles there's all these
options here's just a matter of jumping inand getting comfortable with it here's the
testimonial this is a fabulous element thatis available to you and so let me just go
ahead and click right here the X and get ridof it so you can see we just have a big section
here with the headline right here we havea section in and has this color in the back
by click here this is just the heading thisright here is just the text editor this right
here is just the button there are three columnsin here this is just a column with an image
and here's a column with an image that's allthat there is and here's another section and
this time there's an image in the backgroundand there's a headline and here is a another
section it's one big section and then thispart right here has these three columns in
it to kind of showcase the services but ifI click right here this right here is just
the image module in this right here is justthe title and that's all there is image and
title and is just repeating like that andso that's why wanted to show off this element
was because it's arming this pages becauseit's very nice and simple and you can see
easily how this is created so anyways thisis the Elementor interface you can just go
ahead and click on updates and then you canclick the hamburger icon and then you can
click on exit the dashboard now it's importantto note that Elementor is growing and they
make changes from time to time so you mightjump in there when you're watching the video
and maybe a button moves or an option movedbut it's usually pretty easy to go ahead and
figure it out just in the situation if thatdoes happen to you so now let's talk about
something else okay now there's Elementorbut there's also Elementor Pro Elementor Pro
is $50 for a single site license $99 for athree site license and its hundred and $99
for an unlimited license I have an unlimitedlicense I actually bought it the first day
it was available for sale and what it is isan add-on package for Elementor so it doesn't
replace Elementor it just works hand in handwith Elementor if you're interested in checking
that out just visit WPCrafter.com/Elementorand I'll have a link down below but let's
take a look at why you might want to considerElementor Pro and just for disclosure purposes
I use Elementor Pro on my website WPCrafter.com.comso your 1st'b0 to get some professional module
some Pro modules and there's a whole listof them on the Elementor website when you
visit WPCrafter.com/Elementor but some ofthe highlights are this amazing forms of modules
you can create beautiful forms opt in formsforms with lots of questions it's extremely
powerful and integrates with different autoresponderservices it's pretty pretty impressive when
you take a look at it it's very impressiveyou have this post grid module that's actually
what I was using on my homepage where yousee the list of different blog posts in pieces
the content that's the post grid so it's abeautiful way of displaying all the blog posts
that you might have on your website anotherpopular module is the slider module slider
is what you'd sit can see sometimes on variouswebsites you go to write on the homepage right
underneath the header and they'll be somecontent and then it will slide away in some
more content will show that's a slider anothervery popular module and I think is one of
the most powerful that they offer is a pricingtable option and you can create some beautiful
pricing tables with the Elementor Pro moduleso there's obviously a lot more to Elementor
Pro there's a ton of extra modules that areextremely powerful now the reason I pointed
out these these fours because these four aretypically separate things you would have to
pay maybe 50 bucks each for I know there'smany forms plug-ins that are hundred dollars
or $200 a year there's PostScript plug-inslider plug-ins pricing table plug-ins and
you get this all with Elementor Pro and that'sjust some of what you get another thing that's
really neat is you get to have global sectionsand elements and so what this means is if
you want to create a section and have it showon say all across your website there's two
ways you can do that you can save it and manuallyrestore it on all those pages but the problem
is what happens if you want to change somethingyou have to manually jump to all those places
where you put it and change it now if youhave a global section you could have one that
is applied across your website so when youwant to make a change you just have to change
it in one location I extensively use thisglobal section and global element feature
of Elementor Pro it's very powerful next youhave this spot to put in custom CSS this is
a little on the technical side I can tellyou I use this all the time and I do have
a video out on adding custom CSS to Elementorwho and I actually forgot to show you this
was their template system I'm in a have tojump back in there actually one when I do
that right now because this is actually importantwhen we jump back into Elementor here '96
I can't believe I forgot to show you templatesokay so here when you first create a page
and jump into Elementor you can have thisad template option so when you click on it
it's gonna show you their template libraryany of these templates that have this Pro
badge on it are only available in the professionalversion of Elementor so there's plenty of
templates here that are available that arein the free version as well so all you have
to do is click on it and then click on insertand it literally downloads it from the cloud
and puts it right inside of your website youcan see some of these pro templates there
very beautifully designed their perfect sourcefor inspiration and they also serve as a great
learning tool on using Elementor this is reallyneat with the shape dividers I always like
how they do that so you can literally restoreone of these templates and see how they did
it and that's a good way of learning thatwhen I scroll up there's also filtering options
here so you can mark your favorites and youcan also see what's most popular and what's
trending and you can see what's new and Iwill say they are consistently adding new
templates to this template library so thatis the templates and so you get those Pro
templates with Elementor Pro and next is somefeatures that are just about to come out and
that is Elementor being able to create theheader and the footer of your website so you
wouldn't have to be limited to whatever yourtheme offered you you be able to do it in
Elementor Pro and you will also be able tomake stylish blog posts or content layouts
with it that is a little on the technicalside as soon as they launch this on and have
a ton of content out on it it should be outin the first 1:45 thousand 18 now if you did
want to get Elementor Pro you can easily addit later on at any point but I have a training
course called Elementor essentials it takesyou much deeper in training on how to get
the most out of Elementor and design beautifulwebsites with it I normally sell this course
for hundred and $99 however when you visitthat link WPCrafter.com/Elementor could take
you to a page on my website where I'm to showyou how if you were interested in purchasing
Elementor and you did it through the linkon that page how you can get this course for
free so instead of paying $199 for accessto this training course will actually enroll
you for free you can follow all the instructionsthat you see [email protected]/Elementor
so that is it for this Elementor tutorialokay so now that you know pretty much what
there is to know about Elementor let's nowtry to apply that to this website template
that were working on it right here so youcan see this is a section right here there's
two columns but this column right here it'sempty and here is the calm and we have these
two buttons and we have this information rightthere and then here is very interesting grid
so we have one column or we have a sectionhere with two columns and we have section
here are two columns but the what we did iswe manipulated the spacing of the columns
and the size so that it would create thisgrid like you see and then down here we just
have the four columns that are automaticallypulling information and from our store and
then we also can let's take an example ofthe about us page and you're going to be able
to see here how it was completely built withElementor as well so we have this big page
title here we have this column here this isactually jump into editing this with Elementor
so we can dissect it I probably should'vestarted with the homepage that's okay we can
always back backtrack to that so alright soright here's our section you can see it and
if I clicked right here we have our titlewe can change the text here we can change
the text there okay and if I wanted to seemy section settings I can click on that I
can go to style and I can see were you we'vegot that cream color that were seeing we can
literally just go ahead and click here andwe can change this color to a different one
if that's what we actually wanted we can dothat I'm honestly not to say this actually
here let's put in the practice this historyso I can go back to editing started there
we go is not good okay and so here is a sectionand we have two columns right here this one
is using the let's see if I click here thisit has an image carousel actually and this
is how it's rotating the images and so thatis the module there here's a column this column
has a different background color it has thiscolor there and we just have these bits of
text right there in the same goes for herehere's that tab module so if I click on it
this is what a tabs module looks like so here'sthe first tab second tab and so on if you
click on it it will show the contents of thistab just like that and you can click on it
again to collapse it and you could do thesame thing right there to see it you can rearrange
these tabs all that you wanted or you canjust get rid of it altogether if it's not
your thing you can also change the positioningit is horizontal but you can change that to
vertical and then here you would have fullcontrol over the style and how that looks
and the same thing right here we've got thissection with this image in the background
and then right here we have a column in thiscolumn has this background color but it's
slightly see-through let's see how they dothat when I go into my column settings and
that's going to be the style and right hereis the color but this knob right here is the
transparency of itself I go and put this upyou won't be able to see through it all but
as I go down you're gonna see that you'renow able to see through it to careful with
it because you want the text to still be readableand there we go that is how that is done let
me actually jump out of here and I'm in ago to the homepage so I'm looking to save
any of that when I click on pages and I'min a go to my homepage in them to click on
edit with Elementor it's in a pop up and let'ssee how the home pages and it's all pretty
simple with that knowledge we've got thiscontainer right here this section container
here's a calm and here's an empty column andthen underneath that we have four columns
and that's how they're doing the button hereand the button there and right here we have
a headline as well when I click on it thereis our title in this right here is I think
it's a called the divider there it is so thedivider is an option that was right here and
that's just to put lines to divide variousthings you can change some things about that
if you wanted here is that part where I saidwe have two columns here and we have two columns
here and they each have this interesting spacingthat just alternates perfectly to make it
look like a grid and then this is a backgroundimage in the column so if I go right here
and I click on our column settings and thenI click on style you can see it is a background
image for the column and then right here wehave a title and then right here we have a
button say you wanted the button to be offon the right to you can just click on it and
then put a right alignment the middle alignmentor left alignment and if you wanted to change
the link to have a go to a specific part ofyour website you would click on it and right
here it says link you would just drop yourlink in it's that simple and there it is and
it's the same thing right there and here wehave a title as well so this right here is
how this website is assembled and let's goahead and jump out of here by clicking the
hamburger icon and then click on exit thedashboard and then let's click on leave and
that's pretty much it to making this templatelook how you wanted to look or if you chose
a different one remember the beginning I saidyou could choose any of them if you chose
a different one you now have full controlover making it look how you wanted to look
or creating something entirely new now thatyou have this knowledge of Elementor how there's
sections in containers and and you just canvisit any website now and look at it and understand
how the structure is so that you can replicatedor be inspired or know how to make the website
look the way that you wanted to look and that'swhy I wanted to teach you or take the time
to teach you Elementor first and then youcan look at the website and start dissecting
it in making this look exactly how you wantedanother were done with the Elementor side
of things we really need to start diggingin to the e-commerce features I know this
video is kind of long but it's okay becausethere's hyperlinks down below you can jump
to different parts you can pause and finishit up tomorrow so what were to do now is jump
into the e-commerce features of this websiteso let's take a deep dive into WordPress e-commerce
and talk about is using WooCommerce whichis a plug-in for WordPress that will turn
your WordPress website into a full-featurede-commerce website now here's the thing that
I want you to know upfront is that it's goingto be easier than you think for some reason
WooCommerce initially just comes across asvery overwhelming having an e-commerce store
can come across is very overwhelming and alot to take in but I want you to know that
when you start digging into it it's goingto be a lot easier than you think to get up
and running so here's what essentially ane-commerce website in these e-commerce features
really do you're going to list products andthere's different types of products were to
go through that and then you display thoseproducts on the front end of your website
next you sell those products and then fulfillthe orders and that is all there really is
to an e-commerce web store and that's prettymuch what were going to cover right now so
let's go ahead and take a look at the differenttypes of products that you can have on your
e-commerce website so you can have a physicalproduct obviously that's something that you
physically ship then you can also have a virtualproduct and what that is is a product where
you're not necessarily delivering a downloador something like that there's nothing being
shipped this would be kind of say an appointmentif someone wanted to schedule an appointment
with you and you sold it an appointment thatwould be a virtual product and then we have
downloadable products and this is where aftersomeone completes their purchase they will
be given a link where they can download ina secure area the file or whatever you are
offering them as a download now let's lookat the four different ways of actually setting
up these products in WooCommerce so thereis the simple product and this is just a standalone
product that you sell then you have the optionof having a group to product so this could
be kind of a product bundle so if you havetwo or three items you can bundle them together
as a group to product and sell that then there'salso an external product this is where you're
not actually fulfilling the order maybe it'san affiliate link to Amazon or something like
that this would be a perfect usage of an externalproduct and then you have what's very common
is a variable product this is where you'llhave a product and there's multiple variations
of variation could be different sizes smallmedium large variation can be different colors
it can be whatever the if it's an electronicsafe in their storage it could be 32 GB or
64 GB so this is a very common it's calleda variable product and this is where someone
will land on the one product page and thenthey will choose the variation that they want
to inure to be able to set up whatever variablesfor product that you need to do you don't
have to create them all as separate simpleproducts then once you have all your products
set up in your website then what were goingto do is control what's called the product
category and this is also called your shoppage so this will be the page on your website
that you are displaying to all of these productsin a grid maybe there's filters were people
can filter it by price and they can just clickon the product that they're interested in
and for each product that you have in yourstore you can set the visibility options you
have full control over the visibility if youwant that product to show in the shop page
and that's how basic having an e-commercewebsite is now what can be a little overwhelming
because it's different for everybody in differentsituations is two things the first one is
taxation and how do you tax products now theissue with taxation is it's different depending
on your country or your state or your locationit's going to be different so Juergen actually
have to find out how taxation needs to workbut there are several different types of taxation
have full control over it in WooCommerce soone of the main options is origin-based taxation
that is can it be the taxes are based uponwhere your shipping the products from or where
the product is being sold from this is originbased taxation this is actually how Amazon
you use to tax Amazon.com in the United Statesthey used to do it origin base so if you are
not in the state where Amazon was you werenot having to pay sales taxes and that went
on for a long time until laws were changedthe other way of taxation is shipping based
now the challenge was shipping base that meansI'm going to charge taxes based upon where
the product is being shipped to that can actuallyget very complicated to manage because there
are so many different locations they all havedifferent tax rates it's actually kind of
complicated this is where some of the challengescome into play with having an e-commerce store
in this is managing and dealing with the taxationand other our services that will automatically
manage all those tax rates for you so it makessure that you're charging the correct tax
rate however Juergen have to do a little bitof the heavy lifting to find out how you're
supposed to charge taxes based upon whereyou are and then there are what's called tax
classes these are categories you could putproducts into so there's standard and that's
typically what you're gonna leave for mostyour products but then there's a reduced tax
class in a zero tax class now I I think thisword classes is quite confusing we are going
to see it in taxation were also gonna seeit in shipping these tax classes wanted you
just think instead of classes think of categoriesso a product can be standard taxation reduced
taxation or zero taxation and these are thingsthat you actually set up on each product so
working to take a look at taxation in WooCommerceand I'm also going to give you some resources
to make sure you have that all dialed in nextthe big thing that can be a little complicated
happens to be shipping and that is basicallyhow are you going to charge the right amount
for shipping depending on how your choosingto ship so you can maybe just include free
shipping and this actually wouldn't be overwhelmingat all if you included free shipping or maybe
you would have flat rate shipping and thenthis is very easy or if you want to charge
accurate shipping based upon what Juergenactually have to pay for the shipping and
then pass that off to the purchaser of theproducts you're going to need to learn about
table rate shipping and this is the same thingwhere you create complex rules to make sure
you're charging the right amount everywhereyou would ship to based upon the carrier that
you're using for shipping and then like wehad tax classes there's also shipping classes
or categories so you can charge differentshipping on different products and then so
what you would do is you would create theseshipping I like the word categories I don't
like the word classes so you can create theseshipping categories and so maybe a category
is free shipping may be another one is flatrate shipping and so you can create these
and assign these just like with the taxationyou can assign it on a product byproduct basis
so obviously if you want to make this wholeprocess easier you will maybe just to flat
rate shipping or maybe just include shippinginto the cost of sending the product or selling
the product free shipping that's an easy wayto do it but WooCommerce is designed to meet
any e-commerce web stores needs but I don'twant you to get overwhelmed by the taxation
in the shipping I know it can seem overwhelmingbut what's most important is that you get
started building your website filling outthe products and getting it all set up and
then you sort through that you will sort throughthat and figure that out don't let that be
a roadblock for you but you are going to haveto spend some time figuring out your situation
it's impossible to cover all the situationshere in a tutorial video so let's go ahead
and jump back into our websites and we willstart digging into WooCommerce so for something
to go through the settings of WooCommerceand then I'm going to go ahead and take a
look at the products and then will set theway that the look on the front end of your
website so when you install and activate WooCommerceor can have these two options here there are
these two menu items you can have WooCommerceitself this is where you find your orders
you can create coupons. She reports your settingsare in a be there and then right here is your
products and this is where your basicallyand load up and categorize all your products
and that's pretty much all there is to itso let's go ahead and on WooCommerce go ahead
and click on settings and will walk throughsome of the settings in WooCommerce now each
of the settings panels are going to be inthese tabs and when you're in a tab like for
instance if I click on products you're goingto have a sub menu items right here this might
not be so obvious slits click back on generaland start going through the settings and start
talking about them so this a general tab iswhere working to set up information about
your store this is were going to put the addressof your store you can load in your state or
country and you're going to go down here andyou're going to set where you actually sell
to see you can limit your store to only sellingto your country or certain countries and then
right here is we where you can enable taxationand tax calculations and then what's very
important is the set your currency optionsso I'm go ahead and start filling this out
for me right now okay so I filled out my addressI limited it to just selling in the United
states and also shipping only to the UnitedStates and I change the currency I said it
to the US dollar I'll go ahead and click onsave changes and now let's go ahead and click
on the products tab and take a look at someof the options that we have here so this is
that tab where we have the multiple sub- optionsright here I just want to point that out so
you don't miss those are right so here weare so this is where you're going to tell
WooCommerce which page on your website isgoing to be that shop page where you list
all of your products out then we have someoptions here when someone clicks the add to
cart button and we can choose to if someoneclicks on it to immediately take them into
the shopping cart if you wanted to do thathere you can set in some measurements for
your products and then here you can decidewhether or not you want to enable reviews
on your products and product ratings let'sgo back up here and then click on inventory
now with WooCommerce you can actually haveit manage the stock of your products and so
here's the option in order to enable stockmanagement and then here is where you can
decide how it will manage and hold the variousproducts how it's going to notify you if you're
low on stock on particular products and thenhow to define if you're low or not on stock
of certain products as you have these thresholdsthat you can said here and these notifications
and then you can decide how to deal with aproduct that is out of stock you can just
decide to hide it if you want from the catalogand then right here you can choose how and
even if you want to display that quantityso this is probably not good if you have large
numbers of quantity in stock but it is verygood when you're running low to induce scarcity
in whoever's shopping on your sites you canchoose the never show or you can have it show
just when it's a low quantity or you can haveit always show I cannot like this showing
only when it's in low quantity myself butthat's can it be completely up to you now
here is the options for downloadable productsso if you don't have any downloadable products
that your offering on your shop and that thisoption will not be for you now here are the
options there is the file download methodI would just go ahead and leave that as is
but then the access restrictions are quiteinteresting you might want to check here were
downloads require a login so someone actuallyhas to be logged into your website in order
to actually do the download this would probablyprevent people from sharing a download link
if you required that someone be logged intothe website in order to start the download
and then right here is an option for you todecide when you want to grant someone access
to a download by default with WooCommercewhen someone places an order it goes into
processing and then you would manually goin there and complete an order now there is
a little add-on extension that can automatethat for downloadable products but right here
with this box checked it will grant downloadaccess when it hits processing and that way
the person that purchases the download doesn'thave to wait for you to come along and mark
their order complete now let's take a lookat the shipping tab so right here we have
the various shipping options which is shippingzones shipping options shipping classes now
a shipping zone is actually perfectly explainedright here it's a geographical region where
a certain set of shipping methods and ratesapply so the way we actually see this in normal
life is when someone puts in the shippingaddress there's only certain options that
are available to them so you can have a localzone so if someone's in a particular area
near you you can have a local pickup optionavailable for them it's based upon their address
and another example is if you wanted a forexample a zone just for an entire country
you can do that and charge a flat rate shippingto that group when you're shipping to that
location and then another example would beto have a entire zone for a continent like
Europe and charge a flat rate shipping sothese are your shipping zones based upon where
your shipping next let's take a look at theshipping options that are available to us
so right here by default this is enabled toenable the shipping calculator on the cart
page and then here's an option if you wantedto hide the shipping costs until an address
is entered so if that shipping cost is goingto change based upon where someone is you'll
probably want this enabled and then here areoptions of what you can allow someone to enter
for a shipping location so you can force itto be someone's billing address or a shipping
address or have them not have an option soyou see this a lot I do whenever I order anything
where I enter in my billing address and thenit pre-fills that out to be the shipping address
and I then would have to if I wanted it shippedto a different location I would just go ahead
and change the address in there but thereis this also security management is your right
hereto for shipping to the customer billingaddress this would probably reduce any type
of fraud if you're selling high value itemsbecause typically when fraud occurs someone
makes a payment was someone else's paymentmethod and there's a billing address but then
they'll ship it someplace else where theycan get access to whatever was purchased now
let's take a look at shipping classes nowshipping classes is an interesting concept
so essentially this is a way for you to groupdifferent products into categories for the
purpose of changing how you charge for shippingso say you had a flat rate shipping of $10
but on certain products you may want to chargean extra two dollars or something along those
lines were you would create a shipping classand we would set it up so that any product
that's in that shipping class will be chargeda flat rate plus this extra amount so in this
interface right here is not where we actuallyset up that information this is just where
we actually create the class and then wereto go into a different screen where we go
ahead and put in what that surcharge is someto go ahead right now and add a few shipping
classes okay so I've gone ahead and filledit out I put large shoebox and if you don't
put anything here for the slug it's just goingto use an auto generated based upon what you
named the class and then I have my descriptionhere something to go ahead and click on save
as shipping classes and now I've gone aheadand created my first shipping class so now
I'm in a go back to shipping zones and I'mgoing to set up a shipping zone of four flat
rate shipping all you do is click on add ashipping zone and then fill this out so I've
entered US domestic for the zone name andfor the region I've chose the United states
and right here in the click on add a shippingmethod and so these are the options that we
get which is flat rate free shipping or localpickup and what I want is flat rate and then
would go ahead and click on add shipping methodlike this and it's going to go ahead and add
it so now I have my flat rate set up and nowI need to just put some information in there
about the charges so I click on edits andI get this pop-up right here in first I will
choose if the shipping cost is actually taxablethis is another situation where you have to
see what the laws are in your area then weenter in the cost of the shipping so for Mama
to put 995 and then right here we see theshipping class costs and so right here is
that shipping class that we created largeissue boxes so what I can do is use one of
these formulas so when you hover your mouseover the? Right here is the option so I can
put Brad I can put say I wanted to chargean extra two dollars per shoebox or shoe order
that someone places on top of the flat rateI can put to then the*which is multiplication
and then in bracket QT why that's for quantityso this is what it would look like and there
it is so when I put a product in this categorylarge shoebox so for each shoe sale it's going
to charge the flat rate +2 dollars just onthose items someone to go ahead and click
on save changes and now we've gone ahead andcreated this flat rate shipping option right
here and this is where you'd also want toadd in a free shipping option if you wanted
to do that now I'm going to link to this articleon the WooCommerce website right here specifically
on table rate shipping so that you can readthrough it if you wanted to create some more
complex rules for shipping your products eitheraround your country or around the world there's
an article here that walks you through it'sa tutorial article that walks you through
table rate shipping this would probably bea good topic for a dedicated video table rate
shipping but this is a great tutorial righthere on that okay so that's good to be shipping
go ahead and jump on over to our check outright here so we have these options right
here as well underneath checkout so the firstoption right here is how you do you want to
handle coupons so you can not take couponsat all if you didn't want to and just unchecked
this right here and how you want to applythose coupons if you want to calculate multiple
coupons and then right here is the checkoutprocess now this is one item where I don't
think WooCommerce should have enabled by defaultbut they do and that's this enable guests
check out so when you uncheck this box thismeans that someone has to create an account
on your website in order to make an orderthis is what I definitely think you should
have off but it's up to you based upon whatyou're selling and how you're selling it right
here is for secure checkout we don't haveto deal with that if you have an SSL certificate
you should have your entire website on SSLthere was a time where it wasn't as much of
a requirement but you did need it when someonewas actually checking out however nowadays
you need to have an SSL certificate acrossyour entire website now here's where you tell
WooCommerce which pages on your WordPresswebsite are your your shopping cart and your
checkout page and if you wanted an optionalterms and condition page right here these
checkout endpoints you're gonna want to leavethose alone those are just some different
slugs that's pretty technical and there'sreally no reason to modify those now right
here's where were going to list the orderof our payment gateways and this is if you
were offering more than one ways to pay nowit's up to you how many ways you want offer
to pay I do think a good rule of thumb forconvenience is to offer both PayPal and a
striped stripe is an extension that you canadd to WooCommerce and it's very easy to integrate
in you could take a direct credit card transactionson your website and also PayPal now what that
does is it gives your customers an optionso some people they preferred not to use PayPal
and then there's some people that prefer touse PayPal I know for me I like PayPal because
I find it convenient now the actual optionsfor these different methods and how to enable
them on your website or not is going to beat the top and that was what we saw it right
here these are worry to see links for eachof these payment methods this might be a good
point in the tutorial to go and add the stripepayment gateway by going to plug-ins add new
and I'm in a go ahead and open this up inthe new tab and then right here we can just
do a search for the word stripe when you enterin stripe it's going to be the first option
right here this used to cost money but thenat some point WooCommerce made it free which
is actually good that they did that then justgo ahead and click on install and the Marina
go ahead and activate it let's click on activateright now and now it's activated so when I
go back here and I go ahead and do a refreshorganist see stripe is an option there you
have it you have all the various stripes andwhen I scroll down here they all are so what
we can do if you wanted to do the PayPal andstripe we can go like that and then right
here it says credit card is striped we cango ahead and put that at the top and now what
were going to do let me actually save my changesthen were going to go and take a look at those
options and enable them so let's go aheadand first click on PayPal because it's right
here and what you want to do is just clickright here to enable PayPal to begin with
now these are some options of how this paymentscan appear now right here for PayPal email
you'd want to enter in your PayPal email addressthis is not my PayPal email address just make
sure you enter the correct PayPal email addressand you always always always want to test
the actual payment to a couple test paymentsto make sure you're actually getting the money
and then right here you put your receiveremail you're going to want to get this PayPal
identity token when you hover over the? Ittells you exactly how to get this identity
token so that you can pop it in here and thenright here we have some options of the info
that will get pushed to PayPal the shippingwere the billing address and then we scroll
down here this is what you're going to needto do to get Juergen have to get this API
credentials from PayPal that when you hoverover here it gives you information but here's
a link that will get you all the informationyou need in order to get those API credentials
now I know very old PayPal accounts you anyold PayPal account actually had access to
these API credentials but I think if you'reto go create a PayPal account today it actually
needs to be a business PayPal account in orderto get these API credentials so let me go
ahead and click on save changes and Alicetake a look at stripe okay so this is where
you can enable stripe by just checking rightthere and you can enter in the title how it's
can appear when someone goes to check outwith stripe and then there's it's actually
so simple was striped when you log in to getthe information you need here so first you'd
want your test key and secret key you putthat in there and this allows you to run tests
on your payment gateway just make sure whenyou're running tests and you verify they work
that you disabled this test mode because peoplehave gone live with their e-commerce site
and they forgot to take it out of test modeand let's just say it's quite a disaster here's
some additional information on how it's goingto look on your website here's an interesting
option when you enable this it wouldn't beyour standard check out for putting in your
credit card it will actually be in littlepop up that stripe generates to collect the
credit card information the nice thing wasstripe and also PayPal wins with PayPal PayPal
source the payment details and this is youno credit cards or things of that nature same
as stripe of someone purchases with stripesthat information the credit card and all that
information you're not actually storing iton your website you really don't have a liability
there and then right here you have some additionaloptions for how stripe will look on your website
it is so easy to get stripe working with yourwebsite so that's good to be our check out
and payment option let's go ahead and clickon accounts so this is where you're going
to tell WooCommerce which page on your websiteis the account page for your customers so
when your customers login to your websiteor they can click on my account and what happens
is they'll have to log in they could see someinformation like recent orders and things
of that nature and so this is going to tellWooCommerce which page on your WordPress website
is for that you can obviously click righthere and change it to a different page if
you didn't wanted to be this one and so thesenext options are to be about how these accounts
get created so right here this checkbox istelling WooCommerce to create the account
when someone checks out you can also haveopen registrations on your my account page
I would recommend that because it could attractspammers just automated bots creating accounts
and then right here is some more options regardinglog log and then here's what happens and how
an account is actually created with this checkboxyou're telling WooCommerce to automatically
generate a username from the customer emailI definitely recommend that and is probably
good idea to let your customers generate theirown passwords or if you wanted to check this
box were WooCommerce will generate that passwordfor them here some more account endpoints
you can just leave those as they are that'swhat I recommend and click on save now accounts
what you notice it doesn't have any sub optionswhich is nice now is you want to add a new
menu item you can just click this plus andhere's a list of pages we have created and
we can also see a list of posts specific productsor when you categorize your products you can
show the different categories which is whatwe are showing here this is the category genes
so all of your products if you put it in thecategory genes Look at emails that WooCommerce
is going to send various emails for variousthings new order counsel order failed order
there's all of these different emails thatget sent out now you can customize these but
before we do that let's scroll down and lookat some of the actual bigger options so here
we go email sender option so this is gonnabe the from name of the from email address
so you might want to put your store name hereand your stores email address here or the
one that you want people to be able to respondto and then right here you can add a URL to
an image and this would actually show in theheader of these emails that go out and then
right here you can put some text in that willbe in the footer of the email that goes out
right here you can change the colors to yourbrand's colors so you would want to probably
for the base color not have it be the WooCommercepurple whatever your brands colors is and
then here's the background color the backgroundof the body where the text is and then the
color of the actual text so this would probablybe the main color that you're tweaking it
right here and then you want to save thoseoptions so on these emails right here while
obviously on these first three want to makesure it has the right email address that you
want so these are to be notifications to thestore owner these emails here are going to
be going out to the customer so on any ofthese you can go ahead and click on configure
and it's can it bring you to those optionsso you can enable or disable if you don't
want to be notified of new orders you don'thave to you can uncheck this make sure your
email is there or wherever you want thesenotifications to go and this is what the subject
lines going to be it's automatically gonnapull information in from the actual order
and then here is the email type it's goingto be an HTML-based email and that's required
for to look good if you wanted to change anythingand I probably don't recommend doing that
but if you did you would go ahead and clickon view template to look good I would recommend
leaving this on HTML but you could changeit to plan text if you want but you want to
leave that on HTML and there is like a templatefile with all kinds of code that you're not
going to want to edit but if you did needto there some instructions here of how you
can overwrite its even if you click on viewtemplate that's just not can think much sense
the most people anyway so let me click onhere to get out of this email and get back
to our screen sure you want to go in thereand make sure you have your recipients in
their right customer these are obviously emailsthat are going to go out to the customer the
shouldn't require much tweaking at all andthen there some technical things here with
the API you'll just leave these default butwe have these options right here now let's
take a look at some of the products and that'sreally where you're going to spend your time
doing most of your set up work is adding productsto WooCommerce so, go ahead and click on all
products here the website that were workingwith has some in here so we can kind of get
an idea of how these products were added sothat we can get comfortable adding them ourselves
so first let's take a look at this producton the front end of the website and click
on view and open this up in a new tab righthere and so here's how our product looks now
were no set up products and get that processdown in the morning to go in in and when to
show you how to change the way this actuallylooks on the front end so here's our product
image here is our title here is our descriptionbit of text this is saying it's out of stock
but we can change that very easy here's theSKU number you don't actually have to show
that if you don't use excuse here's the categoryof the product and then here is a different
picture of it right here that someone canclick on everything pretty much happens with Wu creating
products and it's going to be all mainly inthis box right here so here's where we see
our different product types simple groupedexternal or affiliate and variable so when
I click on simple then we get our optionshere for a virtual product or a downloadable
product now when you click on these thesetabbed options here they can tend to change
so if I click on a downloadable right hereyou notice how we have new options here and
this is actually just pointing to those downloadablefiles and setting some limits and some expirations
on it and so we can uncheck that and thenvirtual it tightens this up a bit and removes
some options which was mainly the shippingoption and then we have our simple product
so right here we can enter in a price anda sales price if we wanted and you can even
schedule a sale on a particular product someto go ahead and enter some values I've entered
in 3999 and 2999 so it will be on sale andthen you can click on the inventory tab and
this is where you can put a SKU number inif you wanted to and you can set the stock
status now right here is if you wanted toenable stock management on this particular
product in the right here you have some failsafesif you have a particular product or you don't
want to allow someone to order more than onethis right here is the option for you usually
want that with digital downloads I don't wantsomeone to accidentally purchase to when they
would only need one and then they would haveto come back to you and ask you for a refund
that's when I've use this right here the mostthen we can go ahead and click on shipping
right here and this is where we can put insome criteria for the product like a weight
and dimensions and also choose a shippingclass not we saw earlier when I created the
shipping class large shoebox and that wouldadd two dollars to the shipping cost and that's
what I've gone ahead and selected it righthere now you can also link this product or
you can link products together as up cellsand cross cells so what happens is an upsell
is when someone's checking out in there inthe shopping cart though be presented with
up sales are going to be shown to someonewhen they're actually on the product page
so someone's looking at one product and you'reshowing another product which would be an
upsell the intention is for them to purchaseand upsell instead of the product that there
on that's what the upsell is now across cellis product that would go along with the product
so for cross sell you these only show whensomeone is actually in the shopping cart and
they've already taken a product they and theyput it in their cart then it's going to display
these cross cells so crossbills are good formaybe having a product to be shown to a customer
that they may need in their not thinking aboutit you see this a lot of times in electronics
so for example I was purchasing a particularwhat's called a capture card but what do I
need with that will I need the correct cablesto go along with the capture card so when
I'm checking out that would be good to showme the various cables that I may need so I
can click a button and easily add that tothe cart so I can click in here and do a search
for a another product that's already in mye-commerce store and I can add it as an upsell
or a cross sell next we have product attributesin this is part of the product variations
so an example of an attribute would be sizesmall medium large or an example would be
color in the various colors of your productsyou can go ahead right here in add a new custom
attribute or in the drop-down we already haveone available and it's right here name to
size so when that's clicked on you can clickon add and then it's can add the size right
here and I can just go ahead and put my valuein there now lastly we have the advance option
right here and this is where you can put somenotes in that you might want along with the
purchase and you can enable or disable reviewson this particular product and last we had
that little bit of text that is actually goingto show near the price so I'm going to change
this text so it's pretty obvious how's thatnear the price and then here's where you'd
see any reviews people left right here's whereyou can add the main product image but then
you can add additional images in a productgallery if you had more than one here you
could easily reorder them okay and as I scrollup you can add a category and start categorizing
your product now here's something that iskind of important and that is catalog visibility
so let me just click on edit so we can lookat the options so by default it saying to
show this on the shot page with all the otheravailable products and of someone searching
show this as a result right here if you chooseshop only it just won't be in the search results
and then if you check right here it won'tbe in the shop but it can be searched and
then right here you can hide it all togetherso this would be an idea if you were having
a cross sale and you don't want someone buyingthat cross sell product directly because maybe
you're discounting a little bit so that exampleof a cable normally the cables $50 but in
the cart your offering it for say 25 we youcan hide it someone can just buy that alone
actually have to buy it as a cross sell andthis is when you can go ahead and hide that
if you want so go ahead and click on okaylet's click on update and see how the product
looks in the morning to jump back in and takea look at the other product types someone
ago here and now we have that price that weput in and remember I put that text at the
bottom near the price just to show you thatthat is where that text goes and then right
here we have the original price and look atthis we have our add to cart button we also
have a cell badge right here and we didn'tactually change anything down here so now
let's go ahead and go in and take a look atthe other product options let's scroll down
here so that was simple products and thenwe have a group to products in this is the
product type or you're taking several productsand kind of bundling get together as a single
package that someone can purchase a bundleand so what you would do here is you well
here's the stock status if you wanted to makethis available at all but then you really
need to go here to link to products in herewere it says grouped products this is where
you would search and add the products thatare going to be part of this single bundle
and if you have any questions about thesejust hover your mouse over the question and
you can see right here it says this is goingto be the list of products that are part of
the bundle you can assign attributes to thiswe already explained that and we already explained
the advanced options here for grouped productsnext is the external or affiliate product
and this is where the button doesn't actuallyput them through the shopping cart it actually
would take them to an external product URLand you can even customize the button text
this is ideal if you have a store and youwant to maybe refer people out to Amazon or
something like that for products that youknow your customers want but you're not going
to carry you might as well send them to Amazonand get an affiliate commission I've been
seeing this a lot because I've been on severalwebsites about live streaming so there's these
sites and they have a store but all of theproducts actually go to other places where
they earn an affiliate commission which istotally fine so this is how you would use
WooCommerce in an affiliate situation youcan have the products listed but then right
here you would go ahead and just link on outso right here you can do that askew to it
I don't know why you'd want to do that youcan link up sells to it and that's probably
good idea you can assign attributes and westill have those advance options last is what
most East commerce stores that are going tobe and may be in the clothing business or
or any type of product where there's can belots of variations it's going to be the variable
product right here and so this is when youwant one single product listing it for different
variations so someone would come here andget the different colors in the different
size options versus having 20 different productoptions in the store you can just have the
one products and these different variationsfor it so a lot of these options are to be
the same ones we saw in the simple productwhere he saw SKUs stock management and they
sold individually we also had those shippingoptions in the simple product we also had
linked products for up cells and cross cellsand we also had attributes so when you want
to have these variations you need to firstdefine what they are an attribute is color
in size those are perfect examples of it soon this we really have color and I can click
right here and add size just like this andclick add so now we have two attributes in
here I wanted to add a new one I could clickon add and it's going to create 1/3 attribute
where I would have to define what it is Iguess I'm out of ideas but right here I would
name what the variations going to be and Ican go ahead and start putting some values
in I'm going to actually remove that let'sgo ahead and do that and let's look at our
size and color so right here let's put somevalues in so size can be a number or can be
small medium large so right here we have someof them we have large we have medium we have
extra-large we have small is small and thereI guess we don't have small villages go ahead
and add an S for that the way we would dothat is we would click on add new and this
is just going to add a new value and thisis just going to add a new value here some
to go ahead and enter as for small click onokay and it's going to go ahead and add small
right here for me and there it is so if wewanted to use this for variations we want
to check this box right here and then I'min a go ahead and click on save attributes
so now we have four variations for size let'sgo ahead and check are color variations that
we may want for this product and so we havepurple and red you saw how to add new ones
right here and we have the option right hereused for variations so now we have these two
attributes color and size and we have thedifferent options afford now what we need
to do is actually create the variations nowwhen we click on variations and go to created
essentially what this is going allows to dois it's going to have kind of mini simple
products in here for each of these variationsso this is what were going to do and I'll
show you what I'm talking about a medicalright here to create variations from all attributes,
click on go I'm in a click on okay and it'sgoing to go ahead and create them all so for
each small size it's going to create a purpleand whatever the color other color was variation
in its can do that for each of the sizes andso it's saying right here there's eight variations
added when we click on okay and it's goingto show eight variations here so we have each
size and purple each size in red and it justcreated that for us now we can go ahead and
take a look at one of these so each one isgoing to have these options to remove it or
you can click here and guess what you canput the picture there and so this is how with
the e-commerce site you can have differentpictures that are therefore the variation
so someone picks the purple one versus thered one you see it change colors so right
here you can have unique images for each oneof the variations you can have a unique SKU
for the variations and these are all the settingsthat were already familiar with that we saw
in the simple product so each variation canhave its own price its own stock status and
its own shipping class but right here it saidas the same as parent so what I'm in a go
ahead and do right now is him to go aheadand fill out all of these variations with
a price case so I've gone ahead and addeda price to each one of these I'm in a go ahead
and click on the save changes and we justcreated eight variations of this product pretty
insane right some to go ahead and click onupdates and now working to take a look at
the product on the front end and working tosee those variation options so here are the
two attributes color and size and when I clickon the drop-down for color we have the different
options and on size we have our differentoptions here I probably should've put them
in order small medium large XL that's an easyfix and right here it shows you the price
range deep based upon the price I just putin all those variations and it doesn't allow
someone to even added to the cart yet becausethey haven't made their choice so right here
let's go for purple and then right here let'sgo for small and what you see is now it's
displaying the actual price and I can addedto cart and check this out I actually made
a different price for red so when you choosered and now increase the price the 3999 and
that's as simple as it is to create thesevariable products to have one product listed
here and have these different variations nowif I would've put a different image and for
the red and for the purple the image would'vejust immediately changed and the buyer would've
been able to see what they're actually gettingI just didn't take that extra step but like
I said it's super easy to do when you're inthe variable settings for each one of these
variations you can go ahead and put the imagein for it so let's just check that out again
and go right here and put a different imageand that's really all there is to the products
so now I'm in a show you some of the differentstyling options that are available in this
theme for WooCommerce so let me go ahead andgo back to the front end and I'm going to
go to the shop page so many click on storeand let's take a look at this and see what
options that we have available for us so wehave this this is a sidebar and we have these
widgets that we can put in and we can alsocontrol how this store layout here looks so
when I click on customize and let's take alook at the options that we have available
to us alright so first I want to go to layoutand then a minute click on WooCommerce and
this is the shop pages on the click on shopand it's showing us some options here so the
first option is how many columns so it's currentlyset to three but if you wanted you can reduce
it down to two products per column and youcan also set this on a per device basis in
case let's put that back up to three actuallyyou can decide how many products you want
per page right now it's set to 12 and youcan also decide what you want to have happen
when the mouse cursor hovers over the productyou can have it swap images or you can have
no hover style next we get to see and choosewhat we want the product structure to be so
right now it's the title then it's categoryits price and its ratings so right here this
product has all four items title categoryprice and ratings if I didn't want one of
these here all I would have to do is clickon the little eyes so if I didn't want category
I can click right here in your to see thecategory just disappears and you have all
these options here and you can even reorderthem as something different makes sense if
you wanted and add to cart button right hereunderneath the product you can do it that
way as well I personally don't think it looksgood unless you make sure every product has
all four pieces of information something uncheckedthat just like that next we have a content
with option for this page right here so nowlet's go back and I want to take a look at
this right here this sidebar and number andlook at the individual product number and
look at the card page some to go back andthat's gonna be a sidebar and that's found
under widgets and here are the different widgetareas and this is the WooCommerce sidebar
so when I click on it and scroll up here'sthe product search if I didn't want this I
can click on remove and it will be gone hereis a list of categories if I didn't want this
I can click on remove and it will be gonesame thing goes for the filter so I wanted
the filter at the top I could probably golike that and if I wanted the attribute filter
I can go like that and now I moved the filtersup to the top like that you see how easy that
was you can have this look however you wantedto look if I felt like there is just too much
information and I wanted to get rid of categoriesI can go like this and I could easily go right
here and then remove that and it just disappearsthese are the widgets on the shop homepage
here all right so now that that's done let'sgo ahead and look at the product page in the
options we have available there I'm to jumpback into layout WooCommerce an hour to look
at the single product option now this is thefree version of Astra it has limited options
available for the single product if you didhave Astra Pro there'd be a lot more options
available here but essentially it's can allowsto disable the breadcrumbs this right here
is the breadcrumbs so they could see homecategory in the name of the product but if
you didn't want that just check this box andit will just quickly disappear and push all
of the content up so that's up to you if that'ssomething that you would want so next to go
ahead and click on add to cart so next let'stake a look at our cart page options right
here and what we do is we have the optionto enable the showing of up sales or not this
is completely up to you whether you want upsells the show or you want those up cells
to be hidden now like I said if you had thePro version of Astro you get a lot more cart
options and check out options however whatwe have and what's been given to us is very
beautiful to begin with so let's go back andI just want to just remind you how to enable
or disable this shopping cart in the headerthat's an option underneath layouts right
here underneath the primary header right hereand it's custom menu item it said to WooCommerce
if I didn't want that I would set it to noneand then I don't have the shopping cart but
if I would like that shopping cart I justgo right here and I choose WooCommerce and
I have my shopping cart back lastly I wantto show you the settings for these buttons
right here so if I go back and I go back againthere's this option for buttons and here are
all the attributes to the button I've gotmy button color I've got my hover color I've
got my text color I got my radius I got thesizing in the padding and all of that so if
I like to have maybe a rounded button I canincrease this from 0 to 5 take a look at the
add to cart button and see what happens asI'm upping this you see house becoming more
and more pills shaped that is the button radiusso there's 20 it actually looks pretty good
at 20 just like that you wanted to changethe color of the background of the button
you can go here I can do something crazy likea red just make sure you stay on brand but
you have full control over that right herethis will probably be impossible to read the
add to cart but you can put your colorcoderight here and have full control over the
color of that add to cart button he saw howeasy that was and you also have control over
how it looks when you hover that's the hoverbackground color so I wanted to do this purple
I could do that this is crazy I don't recommendit but watch what happens now when I hover
it changes color like that CFO control theseare all the controls that you need for WooCommerce
to get started so now let's go ahead and takea look a quick look at coupons and then were
in a test the checkout process some to getout here and I can actually save any of these
changes I don't want to save this abominationof a button and then I want to go into the
back end of WooCommerce anime to go aheadand take a look at coupons right here alright
so here is a default coupon that we have inhere there several different options for coupons
so let's just go ahead and look at the anatomyof this one so when you first get in there
you give it the coupon code just pop thatin right here and then for general you can
choose the type of discount whether it's apercentage or it's a fixed amount out of the
cart or a fixed amount off of a specific productyou have full control over discounts and how
it all works and then you would enter in thatamount right here here's an option for shipping
and you can set an expiration on your couponright here we have some usage restrictions
we can set restrictions on a minimum spenda maximum spend individual use are just so
many options there are obvious right hereyou can have this coupon only work for particular
specific products now if you have a lot ofproducts but you only want to couple for it
to not apply you would just exclude thosebut if you had a lot of pride but you only
wanted it on one or two of them than you wouldadded specifically here to the products you
can also discount entire product categoriesand exclude those categories as well and this
is actually an additional way of protectingyour coupon from not being shared out on the
Internet you can restricted to just peopleestates a loyalty discount and so you can
restricted to just people that have purchasedfrom you in the past and you have their email
address now right here you can set usage limitsunlimited or you can limit their redemptions
of its you can limit how many items it couldbe applied on and you can limit uses per user
so you can create a series of coupons if youwant for your website next week quickly let's
take a look at reports so you can run reportsis actually pretty good the reports that it
gives you and the information that it givesyou basically just can be based upon your
orders now that brings us to what happenswhen someone actually buys something you're
going to have the order listed here as pendingand then you just process the order whether
it's shipping or fulfilling and then you willmark the order complete it's actually very
simple and there's options to mark a completedorder refunded it's really simple to manage
all of your orders here in the orders tabnow let's jump into the front end of the website
just test this checkout process on the goahead and click on store and then let's go
ahead and say click on this blue windbreakerjacket like this here it is I'm in a go ahead
I'll leave just the one I'll click on addto cart like that and we get this notice that
it has been added to the cart I can clickthis to view the cart but it's also now I'm
getting this notification here in the carticon and it shows me my products it shows
me the quantity the subtotal it gives me anoption to jump to the cart or jump to the
checkout so let's take a look at what thecart looks like by clicking on view cart so
this is where someone can remove items fromthe cart or increase the quantity decrease
the quantity enter a coupon code your customerswill do it all in the cart screen and you
can see that this is beautiful it is simpleit is elegant it is perfect and right here
is the cart totals you can see the flat ratethat was actually applied and right here is
the actual total then let's click on proceedto checkout and it's gonna take you to this
beautiful simple focused checkout page righthere it's also giving them another option
to enter in a coupon code and then they wouldjust go ahead and enter in their billing date
details right there and their address andtheir you know the option for shipping the
products to the billing address for the shippingaddress right here is a recap of what they're
ordering and then right here since I didn'tactually put the stripe information in it's
not offering a stripe but if I had we wouldhave PayPal or stripe as an option and then
once you click here it's going to take himstraight to PayPal to complete the order and
so that's pretty much all there is to havingWooCommerce on your website I know it seems
overwhelming at first but it's actually notthat complicated once you get through wrapping
your mind around taxation and wrapping yourmind around it shipping some of put links
to a couple articles on WooCommerce's websitethey all have these great videos on it so
here is setting up taxes in WooCommerce righthere is table rate shipping and then right
here is going to be the flat rate shippingright here and there it's very well documented
WooCommerce has fabulous documentation I'lljust put a link as well to the documentation
site and so you're deftly gonna want to checkout where you live in the different sales
tax regulations and you're also going to wantto come up with a plan based on what you're
selling of how you want to charge for shippingso that right there is your fast pass to WooCommerce
so I know we've covered so much already inthis video in there are a few things left
mainly those plug-ins that I asked you toinstall that we didn't get around to activating
yet and that's iThemes Security that's updraftsWP mail SMTP and Yoast SCO in the video description
of this video I'm going to go ahead and putlinks to separate videos that I already have
on these plug-ins I could add the contentin this video but this videos long enough
already having to squeeze in Elementor traininghosting SSL Elementor WooCommerce all of that
this has been a massive undertaking make thismaking this tutorial and if you made it this
far I want to congratulate you and thank youand also let you know that I am genuinely
here for you to answer any questions and helpyou with any additional help that you might
need with this here on the channel I havea regular AMA's that stands for ask me anything
where you can actually ask me alive on videoalso if you leave comments down in the the
video comment section I will do my best toreply to those and I also have a blog post
on this entire video over on my website atWP crafters so if anything ever changes I'll
be able to updated their in written form justfor you so if you found this video valuable
and anyway I'd like to ask you right now togive it a like her a thumbs up and then if
you could share this video with anyone thatyou think might benefit from it make sure
to hit subscribe if you enjoy the contentthat I create and hit the bell notification
if you want to be updated of future videosthat I have that might update you on the current
events related to this website that you justbuilt hey I am so proud of you for making
it this far I want to thank you for believingin me supporting and me and investing your
time into me in this video and I hope to seeyou and the next video and when you scroll
down here is a description and you can seewere showing additional information and reviews
in these tabs like this so let's go aheadand now click on edit product so we can see
what this looks like in WordPress so thisa first bit of paragraph text is actually
what showed underneath the product image butright here is where


Developing the Best Internet Marketing Strategy

By Theresa Cahill | Submitted On October 28, 2006

Expert Author Theresa Cahill

After spending the past decade talking with individuals wishing to promote their products and web sites online one theme appears to repeat itself and may be at the root of the marketer’s problem.

Wikipedia states that:

“Real-life marketing primarily revolves around the application of a great deal of common-sense; dealing with a limited number of factors, in an environment of imperfect information and limited resources complicated by uncertainty and tight timescales. Use of classical marketing techniques, in these circumstances, is inevitably partial and uneven.”

The average advertiser often perceives himself or herself as a full-fledged “marketer.” This, too often, is far from reality. As the quote above shows there is an abundance of misinformation and limited, trustworthy resources on which one begins to build a marketing base. Choose the wrong ones and you are running around in circles, with little to show for your efforts.

Developing the best internet marketing strategy can be difficult. It must encompass a wide variety of services, methods, and techniques to even begin to show results. Often, the web site owner chooses one particular method, applies himself or herself to that task for a short period of time and then puts it on the back burner. They find that either the technique they decided upon was too hard to implement or too time consuming to pursue.

Then it’s off to find the next “biggest and best” idea.

The lack of follow through compounded with life pressures forces many to give up effectively working their online marketing strategy. Reviewing their plan of action, often it is discovered that there really is no method – just a hit and miss approach to try to gain web site recognition from a virtual world full of competitors.

Cost effective internet marketing and a solid online marketing strategy are key elements to your online business success. Following the latest and greatest fad becomes an all-consuming monster because reality tells us that there just isn’t enough time in the day to work a fully developed online marketing strategy… not if you are going it alone. To further hinder one’s efforts, many try to discover the “secret” from one online source or another. This, too, came chew up time and money without shedding any real light on effective marketing.

Individuals, small businesses, and large corporations running successful endeavors online have one thing in common – a solid marketing strategy and effective ways to implement their plans.

Remember, there is a good reason sayings like “Rome wasn’t built in a day!” remain true even to today. Haphazard marketing brings haphazard (and frustrating) results.

Theresa Cahill has over two decades of online and offline marketing experience and puts that experience to use assisting business, home business, and store front owners in promoting their websites. You are invited to learn more about ezine advertising and encouraged to participate on the My Wizard Ads blog for even more information.

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Theresa_Cahill/18763


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6 Different Models Of Internet Marketing

By Amuro Wesley | Submitted On March 14, 2017

Expert Author Amuro Wesley

In my last three articles, I talked about my ups and downs in affiliate marketing, the two sides of that business model and why giving value to people is more important than anything else – including self-belief in your business success. Here, I am going to explain the 6 different models of internet marketing which is quite general by its definition.

1. Affiliate Marketing

The first model is by far the most basic and yet essential for all newbies to get started. That is by promoting other people’s products and services – be it digital or physical – and get paid in return. There are many ways you can go about doing so but that is another topic I will cover for the day.

2. E-Commerce

The second model is e-commerce.

While it may seem similar to promoting physical products as affiliate at first glance, it is not.

What this essentially means is that instead of having a physical store which can cost you tens of thousands in rent, staff and inventory costs, you can have a virtual one in the form of an e-commerce website instead.

In contrary to the traditional model, you do not need to have huge inventory at home.

You just need to have good connections of reliable suppliers who are willing to deliver the products for you to your customers while making sure they are in great condition and exactly what your customers required upon placing orders.

The only con is that building an e-commerce store is very challenging. Especially for a beginner who does not know anything about web design.

Even if you hired a freelancer, you may have to pay hundreds and even thousands of dollars because of the perceived value as in your store can earn you much more than what you invest initially in the long run though you do not get to make that money immediately.

3. Local Business Consulting

If you are already proficient in building websites and getting them ranked on top of Google, you can be a local business consultant to offline business owners whether they are running companies, cafes or shops.

If you are able to get customers throughout other online strategies as well, that will be even better.

However, I do not recommend this to newbies as most business owners are very selective in who to hire the same way as who they should employ in job interviews.

4. Freelancing

You can also do freelance work for internet marketers if you are good in building websites, writing content like articles, blog posts, e-books and short reports, designing banners, e-covers and graphics.

But do not expect to get high pay unless you are an experience programmer and software developer.

You may head down to sites like Elance, Fiverr and Guru to offer your services.

5. Mobile Apps

This is another profession you may consider if you like to learn and earn from designing mobile apps for people.

Given the fact that iPhones are very popular these days and people tend to surf web through those to laptops and desktops, this is another model you should consider.

6. Creating And Selling Your Own Information Products

I did cover this topic briefly in my article on the Two Sides Of Affiliate Marketing Coin.

What this means is you write your e-books and design your own video tutorials teaching people on how to do certain things based on your expertise and experience.

It does not have to be just internet marketing.

It can be other things like smart business investing, wise financial management, personal development and health-related topics.

Or even hobbies based on your personal passion as well as that of others.

Coming from Southeast Asian country of Singapore, Amuro Wesley has been running his own online business for 7 years now promoting other people’s products as well as his own.

For more information and tips about internet marketing, check out his blog and course.

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Amuro_Wesley/2395518


Wix Vs Shopify Vs WooCommerce: Top eCommerce Platforms In 2019

If you’re in a hurry and want to get the
top e-commerce platform to start an onlinestore, just skip to the end of the video.If you want to see the full comparison for
Wix, Shopify, and WooCommerce, check the timestampsin the description to move through the guide.I’ve analyzed every important aspect for
each e-commerce platform…From pricing tables, features, design, ease-of-use,
to hosting issues and more.In the end, I hope this guide will help you
get started with e-commerce and picking betweenWix, Shopify, and WooCommerce.#WIX – MAIN FEATURESWix has a wide selection of professionally
designed templates.Drag-and-drop built-in store builder which
you can easily use.Photo galleries for showcasing your products
and so on.It is optimized for mobile use, global shipping,
and tax management,and it has a secured shopping cart.You can also use the easy tracking system
for every order.Using Wix you get 100 fully customizable templates
filtered by categories and tons of additionalweb apps and services.And one of the most important things, I guess,
you have the hosting service included.#WIX – PROS & CONS (display a checklist of
pros and cons)#PROSLike I said earlier, Wix comes with tons of
templates filtered in many categories so thisis a big advantage.No matter the purpose of your store, you will
surely find a template that will fit yourwebsite.This platform offers free hosting and the
freedom to make your store look exactly theway you have imagined it.Besides that, Wix helps you by providing video
tutorials on how to use the platform.It has integrated Wix HTML5 editor for customizing
every page and a drag-and-drop builder.#CONSHaving almost everything customizable can
be a little bit confusing because you haveto literally create the site by yourself and
choose from lots of options (adding a template,text, pictures, buttons, menus etc.)The product attributes are limited to show
only sizes and colors, so this means you havetwo options, end of stroy.People who want a functional website that
they can build on their own, and who alsoneed an e-commerce component to go alongside
it, will choose Wix for sure.All you have to do is sign up, choose a category
of your design, and then pick a template.Wix directs you through all the offerings
and options.Overall, this is what every non-technical
user needs!Every customization and change are a piece
of cake.You can choose this alternative e-commerce
tool if you’re very new to the topic.#SHOPIFY – MAIN FEATURESShopify gives you more than 100 professional
themes, which is really awesome.The stores you build with this platform are
mobile-friendly and you can edit HTML andCSS directly.Cool right?You can hook up your own domain name and you
get a usable website builder.As a content marketing feature, you get a
full blogging platform with Shopisle whichis a big advantage.The platform is marketing and SEO optimized
and it has social media integration, productreviews, discounts etc.They also give you unlimited bandwidth and
site analytics.#SHOPIFY – PROS & CONS (display a checklist
of pros and cons)#PROSShopify offers free hosting.That means you won’t have to do anything
else other than getting an account and thencreating your products right away.Comes with many SEO options and social links
which will help you with your product andwebsite promotion.The admin area interface looks modern and
user-friendly.It can be pretty intuitive for every user.#CONSShopify doesn’t offer more than their three
default product attributes.Every product in the store is defined by its
size, color, and material.Three attributes right?Ok, you can add lots of options for each of
these parameters, but you can’t create newones.#PREFERRED USER GROUPThis tool is a good alternative for both beginners
to e-commerce and professionals.Beginners will appreciate the friendly design
that takes you by the hand through the wholeprocess of building a great-looking store.While professional users can take advantage
of the multitude of options and settings thatShopify has to offer.#EASE OF USEShopify offers a simplified way of launching
an online store that’s doable for everyone.All you have to do is create an account, select
a free theme, easily customize the design,and that’s it.Simply follow what’s going on in the left-hand
side menu, add products and their details,and select your preferred options.Making a store operational is really straightforward.Shopify does a lot better job in this department
vs Magento or any other tool.#WOOCOMMERCE – MAIN FEATURESFirst of all WooCommerce is bundled with payment
gateways like PayPal, Stripe, Cash on Deliveryand so on.It has options to offer free shipping or flat
rate shipping and you can set a lot of moreother custom options.Reporting on incoming sales, reviews, inventory
levels, and general store performance arehuge advantages if you love to grow your e-commerce
business based on exact data.WooCommerce allows you to configure tax settings
with tax classes and local tax rates.Creating marketing campaigns (discount options,
usage limits, product/user restrictions, etc.)is not a problem with this platform.WooCommerce is built as a WordPress plugin
and it is available from the wp-admin of yoursite.WOOCOMMERCE – PROS & CONS#PROSThe platform comes with user reviews and ratings
by default.Clients can easily vote every product by adding
ratings to their comments.It comes with nicely organized reports.They are carefully filtered in specific categories:
sales by date, by product, by category, couponsby date etc.One of the most important things here, I guess,
it's a free plugin!All you have to do is to download it and start
adding products right from your WordPressdashboard.#CONSEven though WordPress is free, it doesn’t
come with free hosting.So you will need to pay for it separately.You need to take care of the setup on your
own – which involves downloading and theninstalling the plugin on your WordPress site.If you don’t have a WordPress site, that’s
even more work.Want to see a video on how to make an online
store step by step?Check out the recommended video above or find
the link to that video in the descriptionbox below.#PREFERRED USER GROUPPeople who can benefit from this plugin the
most are those who work with the WordPressplatform.If you already own a WordPress website, have
your own hosting, and everything is goingwell, you have to only install WooCommerce
and that’s it.If not, you have to create a new site from
scratch.#EASE OF USEThis plugin is pretty straightforward alternative
once you install it on your WordPress site.You can customize everything from within your
dashboard, test it and change all the optionsuntil you’re satisfied with the result.As long as you know a little bit about WordPress,
it shouldn’t be a problem.Overall, WooCommerce makes WordPress people’s
lives easier when they need an e-commercestore installed.The plugin itself works smoothly, provides
helpful features and is user-friendly.Vs Shopify or other tools on this list, WooCommerce
seems like a nice alternative.#PRICE COMPARISON – WIX vs SHOPIFY vs WOOEven though WooCommerce is a free plugin,
you still need to pay for the hosting service,which you can buy starting at $3 a month,
sometimes even less.With Wix, on the other hand, you can start
for free but on a wix.com subdomain with limitedfeatures and no online store feature.The premium plans on Wix starts at $4/ month
and you can get the best out of it for almost$25.Remember that the online store feature is
active starting with the $16 / month plan.Shopify is a dedicated e-commerce platform
you can get starting at $29 a month but ifyou want to build a huge e-commerce business
you need to pay $299.#THE WINNER?WordPress lovers would say that it’s easier
to use WooCommerce because all you have todo is install the free plugin and all is set
and done.But a normal user would have many steps to
go through in order to create an online storefrom the ground up.They’d need to get a hosting account, install
WordPress, and only then install WooCommerce.However, if you already have a WordPress site,
WooCommerce is a great solution.For me, after all the experiments with each
platform on this list, I would also considerWix.But let me know in the comment, what would
you try, Wix, Shopify or WooCommerce?Also, check out other WordPress tutorials
and reviews on our channel, and if you arenew here subscribe to get all the videos we
publish weekly.See you in the next one.
