How to Maintain an eCommerce Website

By Emmett Brosnan | Submitted On March 12, 2018

Expert Author Emmett Brosnan

Setting up an eCommerce website isn’t the end of the work that needs to go into it. To ensure that it remains optimised and performs highly, effective maintenance is essential. A website should be considered an ongoing project, especially in the highly competitive and fast paced eCommerce industry.

Understanding the ongoing requirements that a website needs is crucial for growing your business and customer base. We’ve identified the six key areas that you should be considering regularly to ensure you get maximum value from it.

Monitoring customer journey

Understanding how your customers move through and interact with your website should be considered essential. It can help you understand where you’re losing customers in the sales funnel to devise improved strategies. It can also identify where your efforts can be focused in terms of product development and marketing, allowing you to yield better results.

Seek feedback

Do you currently seek feedback from your customers? Trends and technology change rapidly, feedback helps you assess where you need to make changes across your website to reflect this. Request feedback on various aspects of your businesses to inform how your website looks and operates. Listening to your customers can help take your business to the next level by helping you provide solutions.

Keep security up to date

Security is a huge issue within the eCommerce market and security updates should be performed as part of your routine tasks. Ensuring that you stay on top of security challenges not only improves your business in terms of reducing risks, it can give consumers the confidence to make a purchase by offering safe payment options.

Ensure you have a SSL

As part of your security updates, make sure that you have a valid SSL certificate. It’s the standard technology for encrypting data and should be considered a fundamental part of your eCommerce maintenance procedures.

Monitor your website speed and accessibility

Consumers today expect speed. If your website takes too long to load, they’ll simply head somewhere else. Poor speeds can be caused by several different web design aspects. If your website is taking longer than a few seconds to load, it’s to look at the reasons behind it, such as images that are not optimised, inefficient sever hardware, or code. Make checking your speeds one of your regular activities.

Use Google Analytics

Google’s algorithms are continuously being developed and how you perform on these indicators has a direct impact on your business and website traffic. Staying up to date with the latest SEO trends and investing time and resources into implementing them across your site is a critical eCommerce maintenance step.

For further information please contact Paramount

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Top 12 Best WooCommerce Plugins For WordPress 2019 – Must Have WooCommerce Plugins!

so what are the best boo commerceplug-ins for WordPress and that's aquestion everyone asked me here on myYouTube channel and I went on a journeyyou know I looked for some of the bestplugins and I came across 10 to 12plugins that I think are essential foryour WooCommerce websites now if you arenew here go ahead and click on thatsubscribe button also there's a littlebuild next to it you click on that billit'll notify you and upload a new videonow it's just going to dive into thisnow first before we talk about it thisis the Fontan theme it's an amazing newcommerce team if you're not using it Ihave a full tutorial on in thedescription below I'll talk more aboutit at the end but it's really goodalright so first let's talk aboutbeating now what is picketing sopicketing is a plug-in that basicallyallows the little you know those littlesales notifications in case someonebought this some about that and I'm sureyou have seen a lot of websites that usethis feature so right here you can seethat it has that little somebody boughtthis and somebody bought that and itkind of tells your visitors to gopurchase it now the great part aboutthis plug-in is that it's free it's easyto use and you can actually set up likelike I guess you just say fake ones tokind of encourage a new product so youknow people are when they see a productthat everyone's buying it oh my god ohgo buy it too so it's more of like asocial psychology plug-in it's veryinteresting and I highly recommend toget it I have a full tutorial on it inthe description below so big it seeingis a great plugin now these don't comein any order so I'm just kind of justcoming across the plugins that I foundwere really helpfulnext is after ship and I do have as atoilet after ship after ship is verypopular on Shopify and it's kind ofmaking its way to little commercebasically what it does is that you caninput tracking information on productsso your customers can actually track theproducts instead of them contacting youlet's be honest you don't want yourcustomers to contact you you just wantto give them their products take themoney and get out right so by having thetracking information they won't need tohave the need to contact you so it's agreat way to kind of reassure yourcustomers that your products theirproducts are on their way so after shipit is a great plugin it's free they dohave our free trial you guys canactually download it in the descriptionbelow I do have a tutorial on it as wellso they do have a free version righthere of course you can add like you knowlike it depends on how big you are youknow if you're if you're doing thirtynine hundred products a month well it'sabout a hundred thirteen dollars andthat's not a lot of money you knowthirty nine hundred products for ahundred dollars it's not a lot so besure toafter ship it is a great plugin forWordPress or mu commerce and a bigpopular one is the WooCommerce Productadd-ons have you ever wanted to addsomething extra to your products likegift wrapping or engravement or a logoor anything like that the WooCommerceProduct add-ons does that feature sowhat it does is basically says ok thisproduct right here is $70 but if youwant it to be elegantly gift-wrapped youyou'll be charged another $10 and thegreat part is that it syncs with throughcommerce and it'll update the prices soyou can be sure that it's charging tocorrect them out so here I just added ashoe you know I just put like a 70 bucksand you know a gift-wrapping 15 nowthere are so many different versions youcan have checkboxes you can have wherethey fill in like engraving a logo it'ssuper easy to use I have a full tutorialon this one as well in description belowso next is the WooCommerce dynamicpricing plug-in now people have asked methis on my channel and they reallyweren't sure where to go now I do haveit on this one as well I'm just kind ofreminding people but it is you know oneof the best plugins basically what itdoes is let's say somebody have yourheard that thing from like JC Penney'sor like the mall where they say you buytwo you get one free or you buy one andget 50% off or you buy this and you getthat that is exactly what theWooCommerce dynamic pricing plug-in doesso if you want to add some sort offunctionality of discount or some sortof buy-one-get-one-free kind of thingthis plug-in is how you do it I know alot of people ask me about that so theWooCommerce dynamic pricing plug-in willhelp you with this feature so next isthe who commerce multi step checkoutwizard now I like this plug-in becauseit's clean now by default WooCommerceit's not the cleanest I'm gonna be veryhonest with you the checkout process canbe a little messy but with this righthere it makes it like super userfriendly and it integrates with yourtheme and WooCommerce so here you cansee login coupon shipping done andpeople like that you know even ChaseBank has done something similar to thiswhenever you go to the Chase Bank on theATMs they have like a three-step processbecause psychologically people know likehow how much they have to do because youknow you go to those websites in itmakes you go to this and then that andthen that and you don't know like whereyou're going you just quit here it'slike you're going to go to these foursteps so it's very helpful and it's apsychological advantage for you becausethat's like kind of telling them likeyou only going here that's it you knowso it helps customers as wellnext is the super socializer plugin thisis a free plugin now what this does isthat it enables login through socialmedia websites and I have actually usedthis plug-in I have a tutorial on it andI use it on my website so basically whatit does is lets say someone wants tologin with Twitterlet's say well someone wants to loginwith Facebook it enables that on yourwebsite in fact I'll give you a quickexample of it I'll go ahead and log outright here and I'm just gonna give you aquick example because I have it withFacebook on my website now right hereyou can see I have it but I also have iton my my website so I don't want peopleto like just use this I want it to beuser friendly so right here click onsign up and all day to do is click onthis right here and you can also changethe icon you can change whatever youwant so if someone clicks on login withsocial ID they can log in with their viaFacebook instead of doing all this andget confirming everything it can take along time so I highly recommends to getthe super civilizer don't get don't getnext in okay some of you who arewatching this might use next end and Ifeel the developers have abandoned theirplugin you know they didn't update itfor like two years and then theyrecently came back and I'm like no no nono no you messed up you know you have acompany that does that I wouldn'trecommend it so if you're using next endswitch is super socializer it's easierit's free and it's just it's you canchange a lot so I think this plug-in ismuch better than next end so next isthose you don't know next in is it'salso a it's a it's like a social medialogin but it's just not it's not as goodit's honestly this this one's betterjust get this one look at the reviewslook at the reviews proof very goodreviews and it's DDR compliance you knowI don't have another video on that one Idisagree with GDR compliancy you knowtalk about more thymoma in a futurevideonext is the email customizer forWooCommerce now I don't recommend theone from WooCommerce because I've usedit and it's crap like basically you canedit like very few things and I'm likewhat the hell and it's like 80 bucks orsomething so when you get it all you canhe was like changed a few sections andit's very limited now the emailcustomizer from WooCommerce on envatomarket from this author CX themes allowsyou to customize a little bit more sohere you can kind of get an example youcan add your social media icon to thetop you can add a logo to auto receiveyou can make it look really clean so Irecommend this one over the one for mucommerce because I personally use theone from WooCommerce and it is reallynot that good and it's very limited andI don't even know why they offer it Iwhen I bought it I felt like I gotscammed I was like I can only changethese things and this cost me like 50bucks this one right here is muchcheaper and you can customize a lot morenext is the book lis plugin now theseguys these guys I gotta be I gotta handit to them but I got a kind of like youhate them they actually upped theirprice recently after I was promotingthem a lot so I guess they're getting alot of sales and they should because itis the best booking plug-in for commercenow right here you can see they have20,000 sales with over four point sixout of five positive reviews now I likethe book II plugin because it's justsuper clean and it beats WooCommercethis booking plugin by far I've used thethe WooCommerce booking and it's justnot friendly so here is an example ofwhat you'll see so again it's very userfriendly service time details paymentand done and I've actually happened totour on this one as well in thedescription below but this company willgive you a demonstration of it andthey'll also let you back login on theback end to kind of give you a previewof it and I can vouch for them becausetheir support is better than WooCommerceI don't want to sound like a antiWooCommerce person but I've I haveproducts that I purchase fromWooCommerce and when you submit a ticketgood luck it's like three days threedays four days maybe so I feel thesupport from WooCommerce is dangerouslylacking but book Lee is really reallygood so it's very simple very userfriendly it is $89 it is a bit moreexpensive but I like it because it workseven better on mobile devices so I'veused it on mobile and it's like thesimplicity of it it's like bam bam bamdone I'm like dude this is easyso easy and it's very clean and it'ssuper responsive so you know try it foryourself you know just check it out Ihave a toe on ityou guys can purchase it as well there'sa link below they also have extensionsfor it is too they have like 30extensions for this thing so like here'sthe demo you can see the demo rightthere you see it how like howuser-friendly it is on the mobile devicethey have done a really good job withthat like that next and then there yougo so it makes it really easy to book onthe phonedon't use WooCommerce bookings just donot use it as much as I as much as Ihave a tutorial on blue commercebookings but I don't recommend itbecause book Lee is much better andpeople I don't want people to have uglywebsites you know it's is commercebookings very uglyso checkout book Lee next is WooCommercetable rate shipping plugin and I have atotal on this one this one can be alittle bit more complicated but forthose of you who want to basically setcertain prices for shipping base offweights or prices or something else theWooCommerce and we're shipping pluginwill help you drastically so this is anexample I have right here so for exampleanything between the price of 0 to 100is gonna cost $10 anything between theprice of 0 to or $100 to $200 is gonnacost $30 and then here if you purchasemore than $200 your shipping is free sowith that you can kind of you know mixand match especially if you're sellinghard big stuff like refrigerators orcouches you're gonna need I mean youmight not want to use this because youcan kind of have like I don't know Idon't know what refrigerator companiesdo or book or bed companies do but thisright here you can do it by weight aswell so depending on how much it weighsyou can kind of fix that and configureit so the WooCommerce say we're shippingplugin is very good I do have a tutorialon that in the description below or youcan also go ahead and purchase it frommu commerce as wellnext is Luo Commerce and Facebook sothis will basically take all of yourproducts from your mu commerce websitesand it will it'll put them all on yourFacebook fan page so by doing thatpeople can actually click on like buynow and then go directly and check outon your website it's a great plugin it'sfree and there's no reason why youshouldn't have it especially if you'rerunning an e-commerce website everyoneloves free you know you gotget free stuff you and it's free you gotto get it you know so I checked this oneoutnow the next one I will have a tutorialon this in the description below this ishow to set up a drop shipping websitenow if you ever want to set it up a dropshipping website with WordPress andyou've heard that word before dropshipping what the hell is drop shippingwell drop shipping basically takesproducts from Aliexpress like this righthere and it imports them directly ontoyour WordPress websites if someonepurchases that product you then go aheadand buy it here and then Aliexpress willship it to them for free so not for freethere's a small fee but you alreadyinclude that in the cost so for exampleright here the plug-in is around I thinkthe plugins $89 its $89 you can use iton multiple domains however when you useit on one domain you have to notify themand they'll actually switch the licenseto another one and just take like a daybut if you're running like multiple dropshipping websites you need this pluginso for example right here I have anextension and what I can do is I'm gonnago ahead and say alright I'm gonna goahead and search some of these productsright here now right here it's saying doyou want to go ahead and import all ofthese products and in fact I can evenimport it to a specific category on mywebsite so I'm gonna go ahead and checksome of these out and say you know Iwant this one I want that oneand then I can kind of browse around andeverything that I click on it's going tobe uploaded in fact the reason why I'llExpress is better is because you canactually hide the product without a packyou can remove the images from thedescription because they send you likeall this manufacturer information thatyour customers don't need to see you canalso remove the text so all I reallywant is just like you know I just wantthe products I don't want any of the thetechnical stuff that include so here Iput like dog collars now I'm gonna havea tutorial and drop shipping so ifyou're new to drop shipping make sure tosubscribe it because I'm gonna have afull tutorial on it as well so againhere are some of the products that youcan just go ahead and import again youcan import all 42 products or you can goahead and select each and every one Iwill say the extension for at leastpress is a little buggy sometimessometimes you might want to close yourbrowser and then open it back up butit's the best auto importer forAliexpress in fact if you are running ane-commerce websites experiment you knowgo tryAlley Express you know the alleydropshipping plugin makes it really easymy website right here girls calm I'mgonna give you guys a quick examplegirls calm is a drop shipping websitesnow most people don't give anyinformation on drop shipping websitesit's like taboo you do not do that but Ireally don't care too much so forexample right here oh that's a littleI'll talk about that one at the end sohere I have like t-shirts and everythingand all these products right here areimported from Aliexpress so all I woulddo is just click on import and import ithereI sell for 16 I buy it over there for 4and then they ship it so I made a twelvedollar profit so it's a very simpleplugin and it's great so I highlyrecommend it it also imports theproducts images as well so that isAliexpress I'll have a tutorial now inthe description below be sure to checkit out it's gonna be very big it's gonnabe really big I'm not gonna leaveanything out it's gonna cover everythingfrom beginning to scratch I'm also goingto show you how to market it properlyand I've seen a lot of people use likeGoogle AdWords I'm like don't useAdWords for dropshipping it is you'regonna lose money that way but people outthere just don't know so I'll let youknow about it in the future I should beup in maybe a month or two so next iswill call more subscriptions now I dorecommend WooCommerce subscriptionsbecause it's very simple so right hereyou can see you can make a subscriptionservice for any product you want you canhave a variable product such as likelike a tier kind of membership or youcan just have like a simple subscriptionmembership so the basically if you wantto run like a subscription service forsomething like you know bronze silverand gold and maybe it's like a nutritionplan or something through Commercesubscription plugins really good in factit integrates with stripe now and that'sa big win because now it doesn't justintegrate with paypal integrates withstripe and stripe is way better thanPayPal so I recommend the WooCommercebecause your plugin it's really reallygood next is the MailChimp forWooCommerce and this is the last onebesides my other two secret oneso you guys need this it's really youneed this sorry I got a something guysso you need this so MailChimp herbalcommerce it basically it allows you tosend follow-up emailsallows people to click a little checkboxand subscribe to your website and youcan collect information when they buy aproduct so the process is very automatedso if you don't have it you need it andif you don't use MailChimp get mail acheck it's very good so if you weredoing email marketing I recommendgetting MailChimp it is the best emailcapture it's a reminder it doeseverything so it's really good it alsoadvertises on Facebook and it's it'sdoing so much more now it's it's crazyyou know that the technology have gottento MailChimp from when I first use itlike three years ago was nowhere nearsuper it's today like today it's it'sreally really good so those were myplugins now I'm gonna introduce you allto have two more these are just optionalones this right here is the WP opt-inswheel and as you guys saw before thisbasically captures emails and I showedyou all the the little wheel right therewhen you went to that website girls calmand basically what it does is that itgenerates coupon codes it generates allsorts of stuff and it's very friendly soright here you can see they have somewheels right here and I recommend to getit because this will actually Autogenerate coupon codes on your websitethrough commerce and it'll give them tothose clients and it'll actuallyrestrict them for a few hours so thosecoupon codes are only for that personand it basically tells you here whoactually converted with the plug-in soit's very good because it tells youwho's converting you know and then onceyou get the email let's say this guyconverted you can go ahead and send theman email later and everyone loves to winprizes and you can input discounts youcan input free shipping you can inputanything that you want on your store soif you want to offer them a buy two getone free if you want to offer a 10%discount a 30% discount and you canactually even set up the percentages sofor example let's say you have a 50%discount you can put like a 5% chancecustomers will actually hit that so it'sa very complex plugin but it's verysimple at the same time because it'svery simple to useand there it is let's go ahead and trythis I'm gonna try this right now let'ssee what I went here try my luck alrightit's going see what I win hereokay I got a 10% discount you know soand those are actually real statisticsyou can actually really set thepercentage so it's it's it's like thereal thing I really felt like when I sawthe plug in like oh I'm not gonna makepeople lose all the time it's you canreally set percentages and let them doit so it's really cool and lastly ismember press now I'm sure some of youwant to run membership websites do notget WooCommerce memberships it is likeit's it's it's not good because thereason why is you have to actually buythe Google commerce subscriptions andintegrate them both together so mucommerce memberships it doesn'tbasically add a subscription service sohow do you have to add that well theymake you buy the other one too theyshould have just added both of thosetogether such as WooCommerce membershipsand mu commerce subscriptions memberpress does the same thing so rememberpress will actually put them bothtogether and it has a lot of otherfeatures you can use it on multiplewebsites it works with like stripePayPal authorize Nets it has a lot ofadd-ons for it and if you want to run amembership website I highly recommend toget this one now I know these aren'tlike specific lu commerce but we're onthe same principle here you know theyintegrate with WooCommerce they makemoney you take money you know that'sbasically what business is andeverything so get this one as a 14 daymoney back guarantee I've used theseplugins for a while you know I ispecialize mostly e-commerce I'm sureyou've seen my channel and WooCommercememberships is just it's not they needto include subscriptions in it so untilthey do that I'm not gonna recommend itand I will recommend a member pressbecause they include both of them so letme know what you think of my list was mylist good did you like it did you thinkthese are helpful let me know in thecomments belowI think that's these plugins right hereare basically everything that you neednow if you basically wants to do thingslike product customization and you'rekind of asking me you know should I usea plugin for this or for that use flatsup with flotsam you could decorate theproduct page you can decorate theaccount page in fact I'm gonna go overhere and go to actually let's go to mycar oh no this is good right here sothis right here is a checkout and here Iadded this in so you can customizeeverything you can customize the productimages you can add CSS to them andthing is that you don't need to enterthem manually it already has likeoptions for it so the theme is justincredible and people ask me all thetime you know do you prefer DVR elementor for e-commerce I said none of themflotsam is way betterjust for example right here I'll go tomy sign up just for this is my signuppage this is my login page I'm alreadyadvertising stuff right here so I had aslider my account page they can go to myfacebook group and join it right herethey can look at their orders theirdownloads all this stuff right here andright here we have social icon it's justit's user friendly like it's amazing somake sure to check out my tutorial theflotsam theme it is the best-sellingWooCommerce theme on the markets and itis for a reason if you go to a bottlemarket its number one for gook Commerceand I've used a few and it's you get somuch you get like this right here islike a style so there's like six orseven different styles you can use forproducts also it comes with like 500different templates and layouts for youso you'll never have to design anythingfrom scratch they give you a it's calledthe flotsam studio and they give youlike like 600 templates so you neverneed to like design anything fromscratch like this right here is atemplates this right here is a templatebut when you see that you don't reallyknow that this right here is also atemplate as well so I hope you allenjoyed my list of these plugins andagain if you are interested in making ane-commerce website with flotsam I highlyrecommend itjust do the conversion and switchbecause I've used a lot of WordPressthemes and flotsam I came out to me asthe best the best WooCommerce the amountthere on the market so make sure tosubscribe make sure to like a make sureto tell your mother about this video andI will see you all in the next video


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Top Ecommerce Platforms for Success of Online Stores

By Gaurav Jain | Submitted On April 07, 2018

Expert Author Gaurav Jain

With the help of ecommerce platform providers, it has become easy to build an online store. However, to grab the attention of customers and convince them to buy from your online store needs more efforts.

In spite of the neck to neck competition in the ecommerce industry, you may have noticed that some online stores manage to gain the attention of customers. How do these online stores manage to choose the top ecommerce platforms which would help them in effectively selling the wide category of products? What are the tips that help the ecommerce platforms to being the favorite choice of the online store owners?

Let’s take a look at the 4 helpful tips which can help in achieving success.

Eye catching ecommerce website templates- It’s not just the variety of products that attract the customers but also the attractive website. Beautiful design themes should be a part of your website as it is necessary for creating an engaging site. Also providing facility to optimize themes across various devices and providing convenient ways for shopping can be a cherry on the cake. This can be achieved by implementing the UI/ UX techniques which help in building up an engaging website.

Make your brand mobile ready- Top ecommerce platforms ensure that the power of mobile commerce is utilized in a smart way. In an era where mobile phones have become a necessity for almost every one of us, creating mobile friendly website can’t be missed at all. The online websites need to be easily accessible from all the basic to high-level mobile devices. Store owners can leverage the latest technology to build a quick loading site and provide the best shopping experience to the customers on their mobile phones.

Utilizing the power of social media- Visiting various social media sites is a part of the daily routine of almost each and every customer. Apart from being connected to friends and family, people use social media to look for various products that they need. Top ecommerce platforms provide the facility of integration with various social media channels and carefully analyze the visitors and followers which is itself a good marketing strategy. Depending on the preference of your customers, you can arrange various contests and offer discounts to encourage the customers to buy from your store..

Offering a personalized touch with the marketing deals- One of the best ways to create a reputation for your online store is by engaging the customers with multiple channels and offering them a personalized touch. Keeping the customers updated regarding the new product launches, offers, deals etc using the browser and PUSH notifications, SMS, emails can help in better sales. It becomes easy to pull the customers back to your site using these effective marketing tools.

There are several top ecommerce platforms on the market that provides various features that can help you create an online store. Analysing the requirements and target of your online business is the first step to do before choosing a suitable platform.

You can pick Store Hippo ecommerce platform which provides features to apply all the listed tips. With Store Hippo you can design various templates, create mobile ready sites, integrate various social media channels etc and take your business to a new level of success.

Gaurav Jain is an ecommerce marketing strategist with 5+ years of experience. He writes extensively about the latest ecommerce trends and encourages people to take up the new ways to make their online business a better one. His articles regarding top ecommerce platforms come from the rich experience of strategizing and handling online business across industry verticals.

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How to Do SEO: Ecommerce for Beginners

search engine optimization is somethingevery online entrepreneur should bedoing the better you are at it the morepotential customers you can attract toyour store sound goodgreat because today we're going tointroduce you to the art of searchengine optimization hi everyone its markfrom ovolo welcome to our beginnersguide to search engine optimization thisis a huge topic we could speak for daysabout itbut don't worry this video will sum upall of the basics in just a few minuteswe're going to cover the essentials soif you haven't done search engineoptimization before but you want to getstarted then this video is here to helpand so are all of the videos on theovolo youtube channel we produce all ofour videos to help ecommerce storeowners improve their businesses and toget sales so click Subscribe to hearfrom us more oftenwe're always posting new content to helpyou succeed by the end of this video youwill know what some of the technicalterminology means you are know exactlywhat search engine optimization is andwhy it's so important for e-commercebusiness owners then we'll see howsearch engine optimization works we alsohave a quick SEO checklist for you youcan use it right after this video tohelp you get started with search engineoptimization tactics and to finish wewill point you in the right direction ifyou want to take your understanding ofsearch engine optimization to the nextlevel so that's it just a couple ofpoints to cover so let's get startedwith the most pressing question whatexactly is search engine optimizationhere is a short definition search engineoptimization is the process ofmaximizing the number of organicvisitors to a website this is done byensuring a website appears high on thelist of results generated by a searchengine if any of that definition soundsalien to you and take a look at thishere we are using a search engine tocheck for information about dropshippingGoogle is a search engine so as being soeasy ahoo there are loads more when youuse a search engine to look forsomething you end up seeing a searchresults page we all know what they looklike and here's the results page for oursearchOh below wants to be the first thingthat people see when they search onlinefor information on dropshipping to dothat Pablo has to use search engineoptimization techniques and with- which is why we are almost at the topof this search results page here but whydoes being at the top matter let's thinkabout it and look at these stats thesenumbers show the click-through rate foreach position on Google's page oneranking we can expect user behavior tobe similar across search engines the topposition has a click-through rate ofjust one-fifth of the percentage of webbrowsers who click on a link in a searchresults page second and third place havea share of around 13% each positionsfour to ten are Albany 10% so why doesbeing top matter because generally thehigher up in the rankings you are themore traffic you can expect the samelogic applies to your online store thehigher you are on the search resultspages the more people you'll be able toattract to your store and the morepeople you get into your store thehigher your chances are of making salesbut here is something to rememberstudies suggest that up to 95 percent ofall traffic online comes from page oneof search engines that leads the rest ofthe internet from page two onwardsscrapping for five percent of trafficthat's a pretty tight squeeze so thetake-home here is to optimize to getyour website on page one of searchengine results pages are we clear on whysearch engines are so important foronline businesses good because now we'regoing to look at how search engineoptimization works search engines rankweb pages according to a complexalgorithm that takes into accounthundreds of factors search engines donot reveal what all of these factors arebut through research and observationsearch engine marketers have worked outthat it all boils down to how relevantand how engaging a web page is the morerelevant and engage in a website is thehigher it will appear in search enginerankings the factors you just saw onthat slide are vital for enhancingrelevance and engagement when youoptimize these factors your websiteclimbs up the search rankings we areonly talking about one of these factorstoday you'll discover the rest of themas you move further along your journeyof understanding search engineoptimization we're going to touch onkeywords because keywords are one of themain elements of search engineoptimization keywords are the words andphrases in your website's content thatmake it possible for people to find youvia search engines they enhance yourrelevance so to get youkeyword strategy right you need to knowhow people are looking for the productthat your website offers that way youmake it easy for them to find you onlineby running a successful keyword strategyyou will rank higher in the searchresults than your competitors findingthe right keywords is a delicate processinvolving both trial and error but thebasics are easy to grasp use the GoogleAds keyword planner with this free toolyou can find keywords for your onlinebusiness simply enter a term which isrelevant to your online store let's sayyou sell oil diffusers simply type oildiffusers into the ideas feature of thekeyword planner like we have here in aflash the planner will give you a bunchof relevant keywords that people arelooking for online pick the ones thatare relevant to your business and theproducts and services you sell and thenbegin writing optimized content forthose keywords search engines willrecognize that your website has contentthat people are searching for in termthe search engine will see that yoursite is relevant to web users andremember relevance is one of the mostimportant factors for search enginerankings the ideas keyword planner isgreat for helping you appear to a wideraudience for example you may be sellingoil diffusers but tons of people aresearching for essential oil diffuseralthough it's essentially a synonym foroil diffuser it's one that gets loadsmore searches than oil diffuser all youneed to do then is use this keyword inyour content alright that's enough onkeywords for now you will learn plentymore about them and how to write keywordoptimized text when you take your nextsteps in learning about search engineoptimization but if you just can't waitto get started with optimization you'lllove the checklist we have prepared foryou if you're completely new to searchengine optimization then don't worrythis checklist is simple enough forbeginners to follow there will be morework to do down the road but you can getstarted by covering these four basics ofsearch engine optimization fore-commerce business owners start bywriting title tags for your store it'seasy to see title tags when you hoveryour mouse over a tab you see words likeinbox over lo Facebook they are quicksigns that help you keep track of whereyou are online search engine resultsrecognize and also show these title tagsyou can see where they are with thisimage potential customers will use paytitles who decide how relevant yourstory is in a search results page so youshould ensure that all of your store'spages have relevant and concise titletags if you own a Shopify store then youcan quickly write title tags for each ofyour pages that includes product pagescollections pages blog posts FAQ andmore when it comes to writing title tagskeep them between 50 to 60 characters asthat's the optimal length and mostsearch engines won't show anythinglonger than that make sure to includeyour store name and incorporate thekeyword that you want to rank for toimprove meta descriptions title tags arenot the only things that search engineresults pages show they also containmeta descriptions that is a text youprobably notice a little lower downbeneath where the title takes are as wecan see here search engines do not usemeta descriptions when ranking yourstore but they still matter even ifGoogle doesn't care much about thembecause guess who does care yourcustomers people read meta descriptionsand they use them to help them decidewhich page to click on here are threekey parts to a good Meta Description 1make sure your meta descriptions areengaging relevant and enticing enough toget people to click through to yourstore use a clear call-to-action likeshop now to entice them to includekeywords Google doesn't rate your metadescriptions but users will look forthem to determine whether your page isrelevant to their search Google rewardsthis relevance by bolding words in yourmeta descriptions that match what theuser searched for that is a very strongvisual cue that can help lead to clicksand 3 keep meta descriptions under 160characters google cuts off descriptionsthat go over this amount it just lookssloppy if you go over and it's lesscompelling for potential customers youcan write and edit your metadescriptions for your store by going tothe settings section of your Shopifyadmin page portal let's get back to oure-commerce SEO checklist with pointnumber 3 optimize alt text and filenames so what is alt text alt text is ashort text description attached to animage that goes with a visual on awebsite these always matter for yoursearch engine optimization the coresearch engines cannot see images the wayhumans can so search engines rely on thealt text for an idea of whatpictures content is about your ecommercestore will likely have lots of imagesthat help sell your products rightdescriptive alt text that include keywords for all of your visuals and yourpages will gain a higher visibilitylet's say you run a store selling beachgames and are uploading a suitableproduct image something like a childplaying in the sand with one of yourproducts you can upload the imagewithout the text but you miss anopportunity to improve the optimizationof your page writing something is simpleas child is a little better but it's notgreat child on beach is much moredescriptive but it's not enough the bestwould be something like child onvacation playing beach frisbee gamehere's a pro tip whenever you decide onfor an images alt to text use that sametext to name the image file when youupload images to your storeavoid using typical file names I knowit's easy to write the file name withthings like a bunch of random lettersand numbers but you should know thatGoogle uses the images file names tolearn more about the image and todetermine whether it's worth showing insearch results so in this case use afile name like boy on vacation playingbeach frisbee game and help Google findyour store quicker for relevant keywordsand remember use hyphens in between eachword in your file name Google is notthat good of a reader without thehyphens it would just see one longincomprehensible word like this pointfour on our checklist will help you playby the rules because search engines areworse than your fifth grade math teacherwhen it comes to punishing cheating andwhat's the first rule in class it's nocopy if you copy large chunks ofkeyword-optimized text from someoneelse's page the search engine will findout about it and when it does it willpunish you by moving your store'swebsite lower down the rankings so whilewriting your own title tags metadescriptions and alt texts may be a lotof work it's worth it especially if youwant search engines to show your websiteto the maximum amount of potentialcustomers all right by now you shouldhave an understanding of the basics ofsearch engine optimization the basicsare great and we all have to startsomewhere but once you're comfortable atthis stage and have some keywords andyou've ticked off items from ourchecklist we recommend you do somefurther reading the first link in thedescription below is to a blog post itwill help you through some more advancedsteps in search engine optimization andwhenready get off YouTube and go anddownload our free ebook 50 ways to getsales with dropshipping chapter 27 isall about search engine optimization andit will raise your search engineoptimization game just follow the linkto the e-book chapter belowhave you already search engine optimizeyour store what's working what's bombinglet us know we answer every commentthank you for watching until next timelearn often market better and sell more


Reveal Your Natural Beauty With Top Beauty Products

By Stephanie Hu | Submitted On August 26, 2014

Expert Author Stephanie Hu

Women the world over knows that beautiful skin is a great asset. Even if heredity hasn’t given you the kind of skin you’d like, quality beauty products can work at giving your skin a smooth, fresh look. Thanks to scientists putting their knowledge to work in beauty research, there are products to suit all kinds of skin, hair, lips, complexion, your feet as well as for your personal hygiene. Beauty is not static, it needs constant care, and the question is, what beauty products would you reach for first if you had to present your best image?

Some of the Top Beauty Care Products

OLAY – Created by chemist, Graham Wulff for his wife Dinah, the instantly recognizable fragrance and pale pink shade of Oil of Olay Beauty Fluid has been making women look and feel beautiful since the 1950s. In 1985, Procter & Gamble gained the Olay brand and today all products are safety- and quality tested. From their dermatologist formulated Pro-X skin care products to their Regenerist skincare to their Total Effects, Fresh Effects, Complete, Classics and Body range collection of products, Olay’s cleansers, anti-aging products, moisturizisers and body treatments are an essential part of a woman’s grooming.

L’OREAL – Every woman concerned about beauty and style appreciates the cosmetics, skincare products, hair color and self tan products which L’Oreal offers. For more than a century, the multi-award winning company has been providing men and women with safe beauty products and their research and innovation allows them to continuously bring out products which are fresh, new and original. Their skincare products are rigorously tested with leading scientists, whether its their Youthcode for up to 35 year olds, their Revitalift for up to 45 year olds, their Age Perfect for up to 55 year olds and their Age Re-perfect for those over the age of 55.

NEUTROGENA – This American brand of skin, hair care and cosmetics was founded in 1930 by Emanuel Stolaroff. Today the company offers a broad range of beauty products, from their cleaners, body and bath products to cosmetics, anti-wrinkle and anti-acne products, hair products and their men’s skin care range. Renowned for their water-soluble cleansers, retinol, AHAs and sunscreen products, their Healthy Skin lineup offers moisturizers with glycolic acid.

ESTEE LAUDER – with its headquarters in New York, this manufacturer of skincare, makeup and hair care products started in 1946. The company has more than 25 brands such as Aramis, Bobbi Brown and Clinique, and they have confidence in the safety of all the ingredients and formulas of their products which set the right pH balance for skin and hair. It was Estee Lauder who started the very popular idea of giving a free gift with a purchase.

AVON – a leading global beauty product company and one of the world’s largest direct sellers. Avon’s beauty products include their quality, scientifically proven color cosmetics which provide superior performance, from the lipsticks to the foundations, powders and lip products; all designed to make women look and feel their best. Their fantastic ANEW skincare brand with transformative, anti-aging technology helps women to look much younger. This range has different lines to target a particular age group.

The Trade Secret for Beautiful Skin and Hair

Research on the Internet will help you to select the best beauty products to encourage each man and woman to make their own beauty routine the most pleasurable. These products have all been developed to take just a few minutes each day to apply, but which will affect your looks for a lifetime.

Come to my blog: [] and find more tips for being beautiful and healthy.

Article Source:


97% Of You Will Ignore This 2019 Internet Marketing Strategy – Closed Door Mastermind

So it's interesting cause
I do get this comment,people saying that “Oh you know,””like, Dan Lok came out of nowhere”.I was doing an interview with Mark Joyner.Mark Joyner, he was, people
don't know Mark Joyner,but he was like the godfather
of internet marketing.He was the first, he came up
with the book, the term E-book.He was the guy who came up with it.He started the first tracking pixel,like tracking software online, right?The first E-book publishing
company online, ever.We would talk, you listen to it,Dan Lok's show, after a
few weeks I release it,we just talking about old story,and then Mark and I would
talk and we just laugh,cause a lot of these guys come
and go, come and go, right?And I said oh you're still around,and then he was like he's
around but he's saying,”Dan, but you are like on
a whole different level”.He's just talking about that.Why I share that with you
is what I'm saying is,you cannot rely on one platform.The way I always see it,
because I've seen this,I'm way more conservative, meaningI have something that
works, my mind is already,it's gonna stop working any time.That's why I build the second thing.Most people don't think that far, right?Most if they have, “Oh I have,””I have a program that is selling well”,I already think that's gonna be obsolete,I need something else, right?And then I have something else,I have something else that supports it.So I don't think about
this, I think about this.Remember, see what
teach us the bi-pyramid?The three percent?You only sell to the three percent,which is the most expensive
sale that you can get.Because those are the
ready-to-go buyers, right?Those are the most expensive.All the money is not made there,the money is in the middle part, right?So you need to nurture.I believe, at this point,
the best is YouTube, period.Because YouTube does all
the pre-selling for you.I don't like the Facebook free,for people who are not your students yet,because it gives them access too easily.When they get access too
easily, there's no value.Cause you're already
in the Facebook group.And they can engage, they can not engage,but I much prefer if they are
actually already students.I understand the theory of the Facebookwhere you nurture that relationship.But I would rather
nurture that relationshipnot with the one thousand,
I want to nurture relationswith two billion people,
that's on YouTube.I'm not interested in just
nurturing one thousand.And I want to nurture
relationship in a way,at their own terms, not at mine.Meaning that they can consume
the content when they want,where they want, on
whatever device they want,however they want it.And I want that.I don't want it to be,
oh you on Facebook group,you know I'm talking about?Yeah, it's very linear, right?And I don't want it, nowadays
I don't want to do somethingjust to sell something or
it has no residual value.I need to do one thing,and it can do this much stuff, right?Like I need to be answering
questions, I'm filming,I'm creating content, I'm doing YouTube,I'm doing Instagram.I want one move has ten effects,versus I do ten moves only
got fucking one effect.That doesn't make sense.So, that's what I would say.So I'm saying focus on also YouTube,as you delivering content,everything I've shared with you
in the last two days, right?What to do, how to do it, all of that.And then anyone that join your webinar,give them the YouTube video,
build the relationship there.Build your email list.And then for you as career
change, career shift,there are a lot of key words
you could target, right?So, goes back to the consumption theory :That's my theory, right?So ten K, they need ten hours.That's, that's, that'sNow a webinar counts,
if it's like one hour,ninety minute that's cool.But you need them to consume your content,and that's something you need
to talk to your influencer,I'm teaching you,how you communicate
with influencer, right?


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