Importance of Strategic Internet Marketing

By Tejas Solapurkar | Submitted On December 28, 2015

Expert Author Tejas Solapurkar

It is very important for an internet business to develop its Internet marketing strategy. Unlike traditional marketing techniques, it is not easy for an internet business to develop a strategy, as the market is volatile and many top level executives have failed here without predisposed goals and objectives.

For years, many businesses have used the internet to market their products and services to reach their target customers.

• The internet has become the leading arena for shopping and purchases with the younger generation. People, who wish to make their purchases in retail stores, look into the internet for collecting product related information before making their shopping.

Therefore it is important for businesses, be it small and medium sized or a large enterprise to develop their online web portal and market their products through the online media as well, to reach a wider target audience.

If the business and product impresses people, they are automatically propagated to thousands of consumers, via social media which is a powerful tool than grapevine and word of mouth communication.

• Businesses can target their customers in a much better way through the internet. There are proved track records to monitor an record customer activity with the website, his searches, purchases etc., This analysis of the website traffic would enable the company to progress in the direction, their customers prefer.

This in turn enhances the services of the company and builds good brand reputation and brand loyalty. This information on customer preferences also enables the company to concentrate on better marketing techniques and strategies to flourish better in their business. This also promotes impulse buying. Consumer looking for a specific product is able to make the purchase from the comfort of his home within few key strokes. Also he is able to apply additional codes and coupons to avail discounts with the product.

All these happen through quick streamlined process motivating people to visit the website again and again for making more purchases. But care needs to be exerted while implementing the ‘buy now pay later’ strategy as it may leave the company with heavy debts.

• Internet marketing also enables companies to reduce inventory cost. There is no need for them to stock a huge number of stocks as that of retail shops to yield customer’s attention.

E-commerce websites merely carry the product description and pictures and order for real stocks only when a customer places an order. This enables business to save time and space.

Websites also can keep track of history of purchases made by other customers thereby increasing their review and customer rating, which has the potential to attract other customers. If products can be sent in the digital form, they can save a lot so shipping expenses. Money is also saved from paying customer support representatives, as all products related information is available on the product’s websites.

No doubt, it helps businesses to save a lot of overhead expenses while they still offer excellent service to their clients. Thus, it creates a global presence to the business and gives them an opportunity for worldwide marketing. Irrespective of the physical locations, businesses can propagate their business all through the world.

To satiate knowledge, insights and Internet Marketing Strategies to increase business presence with abilities that are capable to help any idea to meet reality, kindly visit [].

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Local vs. eCommerce | eCom is much harder!

hey guys welcome to today's video sosubscriber and the follower on instagramwho has been requesting a certain topicto be covered and i think it's a reallygood topic to cover so in today's videoi'm going to be explaining thedifference between the e-commerce nicheand local business speech likebrick-and-mortar actual businesses asopposed to e-comm which is you knowselling a product online not having aphysical location and just thedifference between those two regardingsocial media marketing whether it be youknow Facebook ads Instagram ads ormanagement so that's what I'm going tocover today but it's kind of cold andwindy out here so I'm gonna go ahead andgo inside the clubhouse so we can startthe video in there so yeah before westart this video if you guys haven'talready make sure that you aresubscribed and you turn on thenotifications that way every single timeI post you guys will be the first onesto know and I also post a lot onInstagram stories too and you know so goahead and turn the post notifications onover there I don't want you guys missinganythingespecially now that like I said I have avideo video editor who's gonna beediting all my videos shoutout savayou're awesome and so yeah the theprocess is gonna be a lot more smoothernow I'm gonna have a lot more contentfor you guys so that's the goal so goahead and subscribe turn on then postnotifications that way you guys don'tmiss any videos alright so this is theclubhouse where we're working at today Igotta go in this way oh this is thelobby[Music]Antarian oh look at that working guyhe's acting like you don't see you guyswell he doesn't cuz it's a camera butanyway this is the workplace for two dayjust chillin had some Starbucks gonnaget some work done had a couple meetingsalready todaybut yeah like I said we're gonna goahead well I'm gonna go ahead and filmthe video and there's no one in hereright now so I had the whole place tomyself which is pretty cool except Caseybut he has air pods in so he can't hearme right now so yeah we're not worriedabout that let me just find a reallycool place to set up that's gonna workgoodokay guys so let's just go ahead andjump into today's video like I saidwe're gonna be covering why ecommerce isso much harder than local businesseswhen it comes to social media marketingwhen you have a social media marketingagency and you know you're looking forclients when it comes to EECOM I thinkyou guys need to understand you know thedifference between ecommerce and localbusinesses cuz I know you know some ofyou might not understand it or not mightnot know what it is so ecommerce isselling products onlineyou know without like a physical storelike a brick-and-mortar store or like alocation local business could be like agym a spa a dentist you know lawyeraccountant whatever whatever it is it'sa local business they're not sellingproducts on lines so I have a littlenotepad here where I went ahead andwrote down some crucial things that Iwant to cover just so I don't forgetanything so the first thing that I wantto talk about is with econ brands you'redriving traffic to the website and youknow it's not just if you're not justdriving traffic to a website and callingitthe traffic that you're driving to thatwebsite or landing page or whatever itis it has to be quality traffic thatconverts into a sale you know so I meanyou're instantly trying to get a saleit's not like a long term process oranything like that it's you know oncethey land on the website you have somuch time to either convert them to asale before they leave so just that'slike the biggest thing compared to alocal business with a you know with aecon brand your results for that clientare solely based on the amount of salesthat you get for that brand like youknow there's other things that go intoit like you know cost-per-click thingslike that cause purchase but I mean yeahthe biggest thing is you're getting themrevenue right then and there so you'reactually bringing that business revenueinstantly it's instant are a way thatyou're providing them with a localbusiness it's not as hard because I meanyou are bringing the business leads andthen it's the businesses job to convertthose leads into sales or members orwhatever it is so yeah so it's thebusinesses job to convert those leads tosales so it it really depends on theirsales team if they're confident in theirsales team if the sales team is goodthen that's when they're gonna startseeing results but your job is you knowyour service is selling the localbusiness leads hey I can provide you Xamount of leads every single month youknow hot targeted leads for that localarea because again you know you're justfocused on that local area whether it bea mile radius a 10-mile radius whateverit is that's what you're focused on soanother thing is with e-commerce so youhave to convert them right away there'sno like enticing offer like let's Li useit an example as a gym membership a gymthere you know what the gym you could doso many different enticing offers youcan do a 7-day free pass to the gymwhich is super enticing people who lovethat people will snatch that upinstantly with econ it's you know you'resaying give me your money right now youknow here's something heremy product buy it you're not giving theman enticing offer like a gym or adentist a free teeth whitening free 7day we packs to our gym whatever it isthere's no enticing offer when it comesto EECOM yeah there could be like youknow up cells across cells there couldbe like discount codes things like thatbut you guys get the point it's not asenticing as a 7 day free trial to youknow the hottest new local gym orwhatever whatever it is it okay so thesecond thing that is super importantwhen it comes to the difference betweenEECOM and a local business is withe-commerce you're dealing with a huge adspend okay so not not necessarily hugein my case we're dealing with a huge adspend by the budget but you know you canhave a smaller Econ brands that you'reworking with with a lower budget howeverit's still a higher budget compared to alocal business so what I mean by that iswith a local business you can easily getaway with a $500 per month ad spendbudget for Facebook ads not includingyour service fee of courseI'm talking just ad spin so with a localbusiness with $500 you can get themleads quality leads that convert intosales whether you know customermembership whatever it is so yeah I need$500 a month and you can still generatethat business revenue it's a it's ano-brainerhowever with EECOM you're dealing with amuch larger ads been compared to a localbusiness so with e-commerce I mean youknow it's pushing it if you're doing 50dollars a day so I mean 1,500 a month onad spend 2,000 a month on ad spend even3,000 a month on ad spend is pushing ityou know you're gonna with e-commerceyou're gonna be wanting to test so manydifferent interests so many differentaudiences it's just it's just endlessand especially in the first you knowmonth or two you're supposed to be doinga lot of testing and even if the brandis a developed brand likelarge clients that we work with ourfirst our first step going into a newclient is always to test even if theyhave a seasoned pixel and the reason isbecause you know something that theymight have not thought of or somethingthat they tried before and then just putit on the back burner because it didn'twork at that time it's not you know it'snot a guarantee that it's not gonna worknow so with e-commerce there's just waymore testing than there is with thelocal business with a local business youknow you just you're just setting radiuswhether it be one my own 10 miles aroundthat business and you're just targetingthat local audience you know it's not aworldwide audience like for e-commerceso that's that's a huge thing becauseyou know you're gonna be dealing with alarger ad spend budget and with a largerad spend budget comes a lot more work alot more stress and especially whenyou're starting to scale those ads yeahjust so much more stress cuz with alocal business you don't really you'renot gonna really scale like you wouldwith econ because like I said econ meit's worldwide you're selling a physicalproduct where you know it's it's adirect sale so as soon as they go ontothe website your goal is to convert theminto a customer with a local businessyour goal is just to get them into thebusiness provide that business with alead and then it's the businesses job toclose that lead so a completelydifferent ballgameso with e-commerce and larger ad spendbudgets you're not only testing moreaudiences and interests you're testinglike more strategies as well as far asthe Facebook ads go so for instance likeright now and in this month we arefocusing on DPS for one of our clientsso at the same time as we're scaling onad spendwe're also I guess you could call itscaling on strategy so we're putting inmore complex strategies so Facebook adswith EECOM and way more complex thanFacebook ads with local businesses sothat's something to keep in mind as wellwhether you'rebe doing the Facebook ads or you havesomeone on your team who's gonna bedoing the Facebook ads whoever it is youguys need to know these you know thecomplex strategies and you guys need tohave a scaling method you guys need toknow more about Facebook ads than youwould if you were doing a local businessokay so another very important thingnumber three is you guys are gonna bedoing a lot more testing when it comesto ad creatives and ad copy with EECOMthan you would with a local business sofor example a local business I could I'mjust gonna spit something out there youcould have you know a picture of the gymor it's not like someone working out inthe gym something like thatput it up there you could have the adcopy and you could literally leave thatfor like three months you know I'm I'mjust kind of like generalizing andmaking it a little bit more simpler thanit is but I'm just trying to explain thedifference between EECOM and localbusiness so like I was saying literallyyou know you can have have the image ofthe gym and have a good ad copy and thenthat could literally run for threemonths before you even have to touch itwith econ it's a little bit differentwe're testing more creatives more adcopy literally you know we could havelike over a hundred different ad setswith you know different targeting thingslike that with just you know one adaccount so it can definitely getcomplicated especially when you knowyou're scaling at the same time so yeahyou're just gonna need more creativesyou're going to need more ad copy andand you know I'm assuming that you guyswould be you know the content will beprovided by the brand if that's how itis in my case with all of my clientsthey provide the ad creativeso with EECOM like I said we'recontinuously checking the ads like 24/7someone's always looking at the admonitoring it scaling it cutting itkilling it you know whatever it is we'realways looking at the ad for econ with alocal business literally you can put itup there and it could run for two threemonths and still work perfectly finestill bringing leads so it's not as it'snot as complex of you know work for theFacebook ad as it is econ so definitelykeep that in mind you have to test waymore creatives way more ad copy when itcomes to econ okay so number fouranother important thing when it comes tothe difference between ecommerce and alocal business is that with e-commerceit's it's not as enticing of an offer asa local business I kind of covered thisa little bit but like I said you knowwith a local business if it's a Jim do a7-day free trial if it's a dentist thatyour client is do a free teeth whiteningI mean that stuff is so enticing likeyou know if you saw a Facebook ad and itsaid free teeth whitening and it waslike a mile away from you I mean whywouldn't you put your information inthere and go get your pearly whites youknow to me a free seven-day gymmembership and it's like the new hottestgym in your city why wouldn't you justput your information in there go to thegym check it out you know it's it's freeit's an enticing offer people love thosetype of offers with econ there's likethere's there's not an enticing offer tosay the least it's not an enticing offeryou're you're literally telling them toget their credit card information puttheir information and buy the productright then in there you're not you knowtaking them down a little funnot having them go put their informationin you know you know and then the nextstep would be to call or to show upget your free pass your free teethwhitening and then try to upsell themthere it's it's more of like a processwhere as econ you're looking for thatdirect sale so that's you know I can'tstress that enough it's not it's not anenticing offer yeah you can have youknow a discount code or like a littlespinny wheel wheel people spend a wheeland they get like a free product or likeupsell cross-sell things like that yeahit's not an enticing offer I mean youguys get the point especially if you'rewatching this video I'm guessing you youalready have a little bit of informationand knowledge about EECOM as opposed tolocal businesses so yeah econ just it'snot an enticing offer like a localbusiness ok so number 5 is it's a lot alot harder to price your service fee fora econ brand than it is a local businessespecially if you're like a beginner andsocial media marketing and you're juststarting your agency it can be a lotharder to price it you come with clientthan it is a local business and let metell you why so with the local businessI suggest using like LTV as kind of likea staple of figuring out your servicefee because what I like to do is youknow my my feet is its value priced Idon't my pricing isn't based on justlike I don't have a cookie cutter pricethat I charge for every single client ifI had a client who you know was astart-up and I had a client who was amulti-million dollar companyit's not fair to charge the startup thesame as the multi-million dollar companyvice versa it's just not how it worksespecially for e-commerce so like I wassaying with the local businesses it's alot easier to price it because you canliterally price it based on LTV so ifyou're not familiar with LTV let me justgo ahead and get my calculator out andshow you guys what I meanokay so I'm gonna use a gem for anexample so let's say I'm in LA so I meanthe prices of gym memberships here theycan go literally all the way up to likefive hundred dollars a month but let'sjust say a hundred dollars a month for amembership at a gym okay so this is howmuch the the new member is going to payevery single month to that gym now theaverage person stays at a gym let's say12 months so this is the lifetime valueof that one customer to that gymokay so lifetime value of that customerfor 12 months they're gonna be payingthe gym a hundred dollars every singlemonth that's just one person so let'ssay you know let's be realistic here wedon't wanna you always want to underpromise and over deliver okay so let'sjust say during that month you can getthat that gym ten new members so we'regonna times this by ten so this is thetotal LTV for those new members thatyou're bringing in during that month andremember this is gonna be a new tenmembers every single month for as longas you are with that client so thisbecomes you know your total LTV nowwe're gonna divide this by two and thereason is because you know I always wantto get my clients over 2 times ROIthat's when it starts to get reallyworth worth their investment so dividetwelve thousand five two you get sixthousand so this should be your oopssorryslack notification so this should beyour service fee plus ad spend sorrysomeone's blowing me up and slackokay let me just put this in so like Isaid you just literally pulled out yourcalculator in front of the potentialclient the business owner of that gymand you justified your service fee thereso getting to times ROI so I mean it'sliterally like a no-brainer okay andlast but not least another importantthing that I decided was super importantto cover in this video is with you knowwith e-commerce in my experience the theFacebook ads are gonna flunk you ate alot more than a local business so econit's gonna function with your euro adsand your CPP you know day today it'sgonna fluctuate with the local businesslike I said you could have an ad up fortwo three months and continue to drivein really good leads with e-comm not somuch it's gonna fluctuate a lot morethat's where you know that a lot morework comes into play a lot more stressespecially when you're scaling so that'sjust something to keep in mind as wellyou know one day one day the ad couldsuck the next day it could be like crazyresults and then it can just fluctuatelike that you know day in day out andI'm not saying like every single dayit's gonna fluctuate if you have yourads good yeah you can have a steady asteady month but I'm just saying it'sgonna fluctuate more so than a localbusiness like what I'm saying is there'smore consistency with a local businessas opposed to ecommerce so that'ssomething to keep in mind too like youknow if you can handle that like theemotions that come with it because Imean us we take our we take our workvery seriouslyyou know we build really good workingrelationships with all of our clients tothe point like where it's fun like youknow we communicate on slack everysingle day we have fun with it we haveour meetings via zoom or Skype so yeah Imean we have we set our our personalexpectations really high we're reallytough on ourselves so it can be a lotmore stressfuldepressing if something's not goingright like howwanted to see yeah that's just somethingto keep in mind as well especially youknow depending on the type of person youare whether you know personal businesswhatever it is just something to keep inmind it's gonna function a lot so beprepared so yeah those are the mainthings as you know like I said the maindifferences between EECOM and a localbusiness and why ecommerce is such aharder niche compared to a localbusiness those are the best you know thebest topics that I wanted to discuss inthis video of course there's you knowlittle things here and there however Ijust wanted to focus on the main ones soif you know if you guys have any otherquestions you know whether it'ssomething that I didn't cover in thevideo or maybe something that you want alittle bit more elaboration on just goahead comment down below and I'll behappy to answer you okay guys this isCasey this is my fiancee slash businesspartner and I just want to ask you aquick little question since you're aexpert at drinking Dr Pepper tell thepeople what in your opinion your expertopinion what's the main differencebetween ecommerce and a local businessas far as social media marketing goeswell the main difference is probablythat EECOM you have to drive resultsright away like results in the both havedrivers always put the results in youhave to get a sale right that's thebiggest difference with local businessas my probably told you just have to geta lead and in the business does the restsame for you come here the business hasto have a good web page and have a goodproduct in everything but you still haveto bring the traffic that is there toready to buy todaythat's the biggest difference and Ithink it's harder but you know both isgreat and do you think hmmm so yeah guysthat is a Casey's little take on EECOMcompared to local business which I didcover by the way so yeah and then like Isaid we're just gonna finish up becauseit's kind of getting a little bit darkoutside it's a five o'clock on the dotso we're just gonna finish up some workand we're actually building out our teamright now a littlebigger so our team is growing we'resuper excited about that which means youknow if your team is growing that meansthat you're doing some sorry if yourteam is growing that means you're doingsomething right in your business yourbusiness is growing your team is growingeverything's just looking up from herewe're super happy to have like thesesystems in place and start going out ourteam our clients all that good stuff soyeah we're super excited about thatand I think we are Casey who's hiringsomeone right now so yeah pretty coolguys and like I said I will see you inthe next video


How to Promote an eCommerce Website

By Emmett Brosnan | Submitted On March 12, 2018

Expert Author Emmett Brosnan

You’ve got an incredible eCommerce website selling products that you know there’s a market for but if your website isn’t gaining the traffic it deserves, some promotion might be needed. Getting people to visit your website is a huge task but there are some steps that you can take to deliver a boost.

If you’re ready to see your traffic grow, we’ve got six areas that you need to start or take steps to improve.


A blog is an effective way to improve your firm’s SEO, pushing it up those all-important search engine rankings to grow your organic traffic. Ideally, you should be posting fresh, original blog content several times a week. It’s a way to provide your customers with informative, entertaining content that places you in an authoritative position.

Social media

Get people to head to your website by establishing an eCommerce social media strategy. It enables you to build up a relationship with leads before they even visit your website and stay in the minds of your existing customers. Posting a mixture of curated, interesting posts and promotional content can have a big impact on your website’s traffic.


Pay-per-click is an effective way to promote your website to the intended market when they’re making related searches. From Google AdWords to Bing Ads, you can create a segmented target group to match your ideal customer persona, paying a fee when people click through to your website. PPC puts you right at the top of search engine results, boosting awareness in an instant.

Word of mouth

With so much focus on digital, it can be easy to forget how important the role of word of mouth still is. Excellent eCommerce customer care and service, can get your customers talking about you. Consumers still highly value reviews that they know they can trust and recommendations from friends, it’s an invaluable marketing tool. Having an accessible, customer friendly website, procedures designed to boost customer service, and products that live up to expectations all play a role in this area.


In the bid to promote your website to new leads, don’t forget about re-engaging with past customers. A newsletter is the perfect way to forge further contact and promote your latest online offering to those that have made a purchase in the past. It’s an important segment to focus on and can deliver a high return on investment, as you know these individuals are already interested in your products.

Offline marketing

The different stands of your marketing campaigns should all complement each other. That means your offline activities, such as magazine editorials, leaflet distribution, and exhibition attendances should direct leads to your website. Make sure your branding is clear, with a strong call to action that will get potential customers heading to your website for more information.

For more information please contact Paramount

Article Source:


How to track Ecom Express courier | जानिये कहाँ तक पंहुचा आपका सामान | Hindi | 2018 || by OTG

In this video, it is explained that How to track Ecom Express courier. By tracking, you can check where your courier or shipment reached. Step by step process is shown in this video with a Live Demo in Hindi.

इस विडियो में आपको बताया गया है कि कैसे आप खुद ही Ecom Express courier कंपनी से भेजे गए सामान को ऑनलाइन ट्रैक कर सकते हैं और जान सकते हैं कि आपका सामान कहां तक पहुंचा I स्टेप बय स्टेप प्रोसेस इस विडियो में दिखाई अथवा समझाई गयी है वो भी एक लाइव डेमो के साथ हिंदी में I

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ECommerce: The Importance of SEO in 2019

By Emmett Brosnan | Submitted On July 11, 2019

Expert Author Emmett Brosnan

The most important function of SEO is to improve the visibility of your website. Your website must be detectable when someone searches for your company, product or service to gain traction.

This visibility is gained by SEO (search engine optimisation) or SEM (search engine marketing).

To run a successful online business your SEO must be perfect to enable your potential customers to find and buy from you.

There are several things you can do to your website to optimise the visibility on search engines.

The main things are:

  1. Strong Content
  2. Ease of Navigation
  3. Speed
  4. Mobile Optimisation
  5. Blog posts
  6. Social Media
  7. Site Errors

As well as improving your SEO the things above can also build your brand awareness, improve your relationship with prospects and position yourself as a trustworthy expert in your field.

If we look at the above in more detail:

Strong Content

Keywords are a major focus for search engines to pick up on content in websites. Focus on these keywords such as in your blog posts, your web title and within the body of text ranks more highly than no repetition.

Although the content is also required to be engaging to your customers to ensure they stay on the page and don’t just jump around the site.

Ease of Navigation

When designing a website, it must be easy for your users to navigate. For example, the ideal amount of clicks a user should make to get to a certain page should be 3 or fewer, enabling your prospects to find exactly what they require in as few steps as possible.

If you do have a site which consists of thousands of pages this may be impossible to do, however, you can have cross links between pages rather than just having content hierarchies.


Research shows the longer it takes to open a web page the less likely a potential customer is to return to that page. Time is important to your buyers, the less time they spend waiting for a page to load the better.

Having a web page which loads within 2 seconds will enable the prospective buyer to stay on that page longer and also come back to that page in the future increasing your SEO.

Mobile Optimisation

All websites should now have mobile optimisation as a standard as over 52% of websites are now viewed on mobile devices and this is rapidly increasing year on year.

If your website is not mobile optimised, this is something to amend as there is a high chance visitors to your website are leaving as they are unable to view it on the device they are using.

Blog Posts

Blogs help your website to rank highly within SEO. A blog shows your expertise in your field so you can establish yourself as a go to person or business.

Your blog can answer questions your customers may have about your products and services and can be linked to the relevant pages too.

Social Media

Social Media supports your SEO ranking through your content promotion. Social Media is a great way to share your blog posts, offers, pages, updates etc.

Social Media may not directly affect your SEO however any promotion you do of material will definitely indirectly improve your rankings by increasing the volume of customers accessing your site.

Engagement can be high through Social Media, any posts you share can be shared between others and create a rapid increase in people accessing your website.

Site Errors

Site errors and broken pages / links can impact your SEO as these areas are then not viewed by Google. For example, if there is a link to or from your website which is inaccurate then you’re not receiving the views you should be.

There are many free auditing checks that companies offer so you can see where the errors are occurring on your website and you’re then able to rectify any issues.

If you require help with the above then please contact Paramount – the eCommerce experts

Article Source:


Digital Marketing for Beginners: 7 Strategies That Work

SEO, social media marketing, email marketing,
PPC advertising.Where do you start and how do you use these
to get more traffic to your website?If you're a beginner to digital marketing
and you want to cut through the noise,then keep watching because I'm going
to show you how all of these workbased on a decade of experience rather than just theory.Stay tuned.[music]What's up marketers, Sam Oh here with Ahrefs,
the SEO tool that helps you grow your search traffic,research your competitors and dominate your niche.Today, I'm going to share 7 digital marketing
strategies that I have personally usedand gotten results with.And if there's only one thing that you take away
from this video, it's to not try all of these at once.Instead, pick one of these strategies, experiment
and master the channel before moving on to the next.Let's get to it.So before we dig into these strategies, you
need to make sure that you're adopting today'smindset of the consumer.Today, we live in a “content first” world.People are looking for information before they buy.So you need to really put yourself in the
buyer's shoes rather than allowing yourselfto get blinded by how great you think your
products and services are.The mentality you need to adopt is to help
people rather than trying to cold sell them.When you help people solve problems through
free and valuable content that is relevantto your business, you reach larger audiences
and build trust.The best part is that you get the opportunity
to show people how your products and servicescan help them solve their problems and fulfill
their desires and needs.Alright, so the first internet marketing strategy
is blogging with SEO in mind.Now, blogging isn't writing about what you
did today or even something more noblelike an epiphany you had.That's a diary.But don't get me wrong.This kind of content can work well if you
have an existing and loyal audience.But for most of us that just want to get more
traffic, leads, and sales we need to intentionallytarget problems that your target audience
wants to solve.In the world of blogging, this whole process can be summed up as a technique called keyword research.Let me show you two clear-cut examples on
how keyword research works.In the first example, let's say you sell physical
products like computer parts and accessories.What do you think future customers might be
searching for in Google?Probably questions like:Why is my computer so slow?How to build a computer?How to speed up a computer?These are all very real problems and people
are looking for solutions.In fact, Ahrefs' Keywords Explorer tells us
that these exact search queries get tens ofthousands of searches each month.Now, the best part about these specific queries
is that you can help people solve their problems,while integrating products from your store
in the content.”Why is my computer so slow” could come down
to a hard drive, CPU, or ram problem.So help your readers diagnose the problem
and offer product solutions within your post.”How to build a computer” would be a super
easy plug for any computer components.They're already showing intent to build,so it's unlikely that they've already purchased
parts and peripherals.Alright, second example.Let's say you're a real estate agent and you're
compensated when someone buys,sells, or rents a property.Now, the thing that most agents do is boast
about how many homes they've soldor how they won an award that you nor I
have never heard of.My point is that the average buyer or seller doesn't care.And to prove my point, no one is searching
for things like:which realtor won the most awards in New York?But again, potential customers are looking
for solutions to their problems.Problems like:How to invest in real estate?How to buy a house?What credit score is needed to buy a house?And again, these all have the potential to
attract a massive audience.By ranking in Google for something like “how
to invest in real estate,”you're now attracting potential buyers with deep pockets and they likely have intent to buy.Content on “how to buy a house” would likely
require the work of an agent at some point,which could be you.”What credit score is needed to buy a house”
is a great way to show that your knowledgeand intentions go beyond making a sale.The best thing about blogging for SEO is that
once you rank, you'll be getting free, consistentand passive traffic from Google.If you're new to SEO, I highly recommend watching
our SEO for beginners video,which will give you a nice overview of what SEO is,
how it works, and how you can get it to work for you.I'll also link up some additional resources
on doing keyword research that grows trafficand revenue, as well as a video on how to write
a blog post with SEO in mind.For now, let's move on to the second strategy,
which is to invest in video content,specifically on YouTube.YouTube is the second most visited search
engine in existence.To top that off, video carousels nearly doubled
in 2017 in Google's search results.Video isn't just the future.It's the present.And the same principle of helping potential
customers works for video too.When people go to video search engines like YouTube,they're looking to find answers to their questions.For example, if you bought a so-called “new”
iPhone X on eBay, you might search for”iPhone X unboxing” and see if all of the contents
are in the box.And according to Ahrefs' Keywords Explorer,
108,000 searches are happening eachmonth globally on YouTube alone for this keyword.In fact, this video that you're watching right now
was chosen because I can see that people arespecifically looking for digital marketing
tutorials for beginners.To come up with topic ideas that people are
searching for in your niche,head over to Ahrefs' Keyword Explorer, switch the search engine to YouTubeand search for a broad keyword in your niche.Let's use “makeup” as an example.Now, “makeup” as a standalone keyword isn't a problem.So let's go to the Questions report,where you can see popular questions people are searching for on your topic.And right away, you'll see great topic ideas
like “how to clean makeup brushes”and how to cover acne with makeup.Now, when you're creating these videos, try
and keep the fluff out and pack in as muchnecessary value as possible.Doing this has helped us grow our YouTube
views to over 150,000 views per monthand best of all, since all of our videos show
how our SEO tools can help,it's led to thousands of new paying leads and customers,specifically mentioning that they found us through YouTube.Most of our video growth was done through
YouTube SEO, so I'll leave links to a tutorialto help you rank your videos and get more views.Next up is social media marketing.Rather than covering every social media network,
I want to pass on a couple of important tipsthat will help you grow your social channels.The first is to focus on just one social media
channel when you're just starting out.It takes time to build a following.But numbers aren't everything.What you want is a loyal following.When you dip your toes into every possible
social media network out there,your attention gets divided and the results get diluted.So which social media marketing channel do
you choose?That leads us into the second tip,which is to go where your target audience is
and cater to the platform.If you have to choose just one social network,it's not about choosing the one with the
most active users.It's all about understanding the audience
that's there and if you can serve the reasonfor them being there.You really need to think about why someone
is logging into the specific social media network.For example, people usually go to YouTube
to learn how to do something, or to be entertained.But Facebook is different. Think about it.Have you ever logged onto Facebook, hoping
that you would see an unboxing tutorial?Or better yet, have you ever opened your Facebook
app hoping you would find a limited time offerthat's 97% off, only for the next 37 minutes?Probably not.People don't check Facebook with credit card in hand.People like and share things that are helpful,
interesting, shocking or funny.So if you are going to try and bring people
into your world, present your message asa story, video, or something else that will
likely stand out from the endless feedof vacation vanity shots.Pinterest on the other hand is primarily a
social search enginewhere people can control what they want to search for.The primary intent of users on this platform
is to get inspired, learn things, and plan to do things.So create content that caters to their intent
for being there.So if this is your audience, take advantage
of a less competitive landscape from bothan ads and organic perspective.Speaking of ads, that's the next digital marketing
strategy on the list for today.When it comes to paid advertising, please do not
throw your money blind into an ad networkbecause you read that it was good.What works for one person won't necessarily
work for the next person.Instead, think about the ABCs of paid advertising.A is for audience, B is for budgetand C is for commerciality.We've already covered the audience part.You want to engage on social networks where
your target audience hangs out.Budget is the next one.Bloomberg reported that Google and Facebook
own a combined 58% of the $111 billion dollar market.Now, the way ads work are usually based on auctions.The more advertisers there are, the more expensive
it gets for you and I.So let's say you're in the ultra competitive
industry of conference calling.If we search for that keyword in Keywords
Explorer with Google set as the search engine,you'll see that the cost per click from Google Ads is $20!If you have an ad budget of let's say $1,000
per month, then you'd only be able to get50 clicks before your budget was depleted.Instead, you can do two things:The first option is to look for keywords that
have a lower cost per click.Just go to the Phrase match report to see
all keywords in our keyword database thatcontain your target keyword.Next, set a filter to only show keywords that
have a maximum cost per clickof something lower like $5.From here, you can filter through the list
and see if there are some more lucrative opportunitiesrather than spending $20 per click.This one for a “conference call app” might
be a good one since it's a quarter of the price.Another benefit is that the reason behind
the searcher's query is more clear.Someone searching for this is clearly looking
for an app that does conference calls,whereas someone searching for just “conference
call” could be looking for many different things.The second thing you can do is experiment
with less popular ad platformswhere your target audience might be.Finally is commerciality.Now, all major ad platforms are able to bring
ROI for their advertisers.Otherwise, they wouldn't exist.But you have to find a way to bridge the gap
between the intent of the platformand how you monetize your products.And the solution is going to be content.For example, let's say you sell boutique furniture
and think that Pinterest will be a good platformto run some ads.In my opinion, it wouldn't be a good idea
to advertise a bunch of links to high-endfurniture like couches and dining tables.Instead, blog posts could work really well
here since people log on to Pinterest mainlyto get inspired, and learn new things.Here's what that bridge might look like.Pinterest ads would be the discovery tool.You pay them money and they'll show your pin.The bridge would then be a helpful blog post
on let's say, “11 Interior Design Tips ForYour Living Room That Won't Break the Bank.”And within that content, you could showcase your products where it supports the tip you're speaking of.Nail the ABCs of paid ads, and increase your
chances of actually converting your hard earneddollars into ROI.Next up is one of my favorites and that's podcasts.Now, there are two ways to look at podcasts.First is to create your own and the second
is to be interviewed on someone else's podcast.Creating your own podcast can be great for
brand and building an audience.But if you're just starting out, it can take
quite a bit of time to get any sort of traction.Getting interviewed on podcasts is a different story.Podcasters are always looking for interesting
people to interview.Even if you don't have a ton of experience
in the online world, your offline experiencesand expertise could be a great way to land
yourself a position on a popular podcast.Now, if you don't know which podcasts you
should approach, an easy way to find opportunitiesis to look at your favorite podcasts and find
someone in your industry that has been interviewed.Looking at the podcast page for Entrepreneur
on Fire, you'll see this episode with Jim Kwik.Now, if we click through to the interview,
you'll notice two things.The first is that the guest's name is in the title.This is very common for podcast interviews.Second is the link on the page.The host will almost always link to the guest's
home page in the show notes.Knowing this, we can use a tool like Ahrefs'
Site Explorer to find all podcasts they'vebeen interviewed on.So I'll enter in and I'll also
set the search mode to a URL search so wecan find pages that are linking specifically
to the homepage.Once the overview page loads, go to the backlinks
report, which will show you all of the pagesthat are linking to this URL.Finally, let's use the Include search and
type in Jim Kwik.And to keep our results super relevant, I'm
going to set the filter to search for hisname only in the titles of the referring pages.And we now have around 120 podcasts we can
pitch to get interviewed.So filter through relevant podcasts, and pitch
the host as to why they should interview youand the value you can give to their audience.Next on the list is email marketing.If you've ever looked into email marketing,then you've probably heard people claiming
that “email is king.”But I promise you that once you get into it,
you'll quickly discover that it's not as turnkeyas online gurus make it sound.And don't get me wrong.Email marketing is great.But first, you need traffic to get email subscribers.It also requires opt-in forms to turn a visitor
into a subscriber.In my opinion, email is a great long play
to build connection with your audience andand even sell high ticket items.So my tip for you on email marketing is quite simple:First, focus on building your email list from day one.It's important and you might as well collect
emails from interested people from the start,even if it's not a substantial list.But be realistic with your goals and as you build
your audience, put more time into your emaillist and see how it can serve your business.The final strategy is to use forums and
community boards.Community forums like Quora, Reddit, and Facebook
are great promotion channels.But before you go off and start posting links
to your product pages,there are a few things you need to understand.And these are all based around the unspoken
rules of spam.First: don't promote your products or services
pages within these groups.The intent of users on these platforms is to learn.Not to be sold to directly.Instead, think of these networks as a place
to share your expertise,build relationships and help others.Second: use links to your content sparingly.If you're constantly posting links to your
blog and have justified in your head thatthat this is non-promotional, then you're most
likely wrong.Links can be more appropriate based on the
network you're posting on.For example, Quora generally has longer answers,and linking to your content where it supports your point is a good idea.Facebook groups on the other hand are a different
story.Let's say you're a real estate agent and you
join a “first time homebuyers” group on Facebook.If someone asks a question like:
“I'm looking to buy my first home and waswondering if I can even get a mortgage?”Now, if every agent on that group posts links to their website,can you see how spammy that could get?Instead, it would make sense to post a link
to someone else's affordability calculatorsor offer introductions to b-lenders.The point is that helping first will go a
lot farther than self-promotional contentthat can taint your reputation.Now, I'd love to hear from you.Which digital marketing strategy do you think
is most effective in online marketing?Let me know in the comments and if you enjoyed
this video, then make sure to like, shareand subscribe for more actionable SEO and
marketing tutorials.So keep grinding away, focus on one marketing
channel before trying the next,and I'll see you in the next tutorial.


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Why Magento Is the Right ECommerce Platform for ECommerce Startups

By Rob Stephen | Submitted On July 26, 2019

Expert Author Rob Stephen

While billions of eCommerce sales are generated worldwide, it is giving a strong push to the retailers and startups to sell their things online with an impressive store. However, developing their store with just any platform is the biggest mistake they can make. There are plenty of platforms like WooCommerce, Shopify, Magento or BigCommerce. So, if you are one of them and wiling to start your online business putting all your money, decide the platform first with great care.

Magento is presently the most promising platform for startups and there are a number of reasons behind that. It is not just affordable and easy-to-use but is also enriched with lot of powerful features that can help your business maximise sales in every way. Have a read to know how Magento can power your startup business with great opportunities.

Open-source and flexible

Available in two versions, namely Magento Community and Magento Enterprise, the platform is completely free for you. Depending on your business requirements, you can choose any of the versions and then rest is on the Magento developers. You need a team of expert developers who can adapt the platform and tailor the code to build your store just the way you want.

Cost-effective development process

With no major expenses in buying the licenses, you can easily have a user-friendly Magento store at the most reasonable rate. You just have to pay for the development of the store and its integration with other technologies to the expert team.

Makes online presence powerful

Creating an online store will not make any sense if it’s not visible enough in the search results. Your store will have more market outreach when it is optimised for search engines and rank higher. Magento takes care of the SEO aspect too. It has advanced toolkit and extensions for SEO that helps in making store’s URL, content, title, descriptions, meta tags and everything else friendly for search engines.

Easy third-party integration

Third-party integration has never been as easy as it with Magento platform. From integrating the store with Google Analytics for analysing website traffic to payment gateways like PayPal, Amazon Pay or Google Pay, developers can do everything with Magento.

Most advanced security

Any website built with Magento is perhaps the most secure. It releases security patches from time to time that enhances the protection level of eCommerce solutions. Apart from that, Magento provides users with the best authorisation practices like CAPTCHA equipped logins, prevention of MYSQL injections, encrypted connections, use of SFTP(Secured File Transfer Protocol) and so forth. In short, Magento will completely make your site PCI compliant, assuring that your customers’ data are safely stored.

Great library of resources

Magento is powered with a vast library of extensions that helps developers to customise the store by adding diverse functionalities to the store. It is the best perk you can get using Magento as you can enhance your store sometime in future integrating the features like Social login, cart recovery mail, coupon and slider, banner slider, and many more.

These reasons say why your eCommerce startup can achieve great results with Magento. Besides making your eCommerce store diverse, secure and user-friendly, it also boosts the site’s SEO. Being a startup, your website will get proper visibility on the search engine before you start making any efforts for marketing. And above all, Magento is cost-effective and is hence suitable for your pocket too!

Rob Stephen is a skilful Magento developer in Sydney at GetAProgrammer, an industry-leading Magento development company which has delivered 150+ engaging eCommerce solutions for businesses worldwide. Serving as team lead at the company for 6 years, he has earned rich expertise and in-depth experience in Magento development and knows how to use every aspect of the platform to build tailor-made solutions. You can follow more of his writeup in the company’s LinkedIn page.

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